HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Ordinance No. 053• • ORDINANCE NO . 25 SERIFS OF 1996 BY AUTHORITY COUNCll. BILL NO. 58 INTRODUCBD BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DIS'l'Rlcr AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO ENTITLED INTERAOENCY AGREEH ENT CONCERNING DRAINAGEWAY IMPROVEMENTS ON WEST HARVARD GULCH IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, AllAPAHOE COUNTY, AGREEMENT 96-08.09. WHEREAS, West Harvard Gulch flow s through the no1thwest p-,belt aru from south Zuni street to south Pecoa •treet in the City ofEnslew ood and this agreement covers drainageway improvements to West Harvard Gulch; and WHEREAS, the enstinf facility comiata in part of a 66" diameter pipe which currently overflows on the IIUrface and box culvert& at Tejon and Raritan which have experienced over-topping of the roadwayw; and WHEREAS, several pi pe failures were noted in 1991 and the City retained the services of Muller Enyit,eering to do an evaluation during which lleYere deterioration of the p · ·,ert was obRe rved; and WHEREAS, the City applied to the Urban Drainage and Flood Control Diatrict for funds to rehabilitate this sywtem and approval · · -funding for alternative rmalyais and preliminary design ••• given in early 19!1 ,; and WHEREAS, the alternative which hu been chosen is t o remove the pi pe and construct an open channel system; and WHEREAS, U.e City requested Urban Drainage to in crease the capacity of the two box culverts to reduce over•topping of the roadways ; and WHEREAS the total project cost is estimated at $652,825.00 with Englewood's share being $11 6 ,072 or 17 .78% and t'\s agreement is structured to allow the City topsy $50,000 in 1996 and the remairu. :g $66 ,07 2 in 1997 ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: ~-The intergovernmental a greement "lnteragency Agreement Concerning Drai.,ugeway Improve ments On West Harvard Gulch In The City Of Englewood , Arapahoe County -Agr ee ment 96-08 .09", attached hereto as "Exhibit A." is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood City Co unci l. -1- ~-The Mayor ii authorized to execute and the City Clerk to atlet!t and -1 the Intergovernmental Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Englewood, Colorado. Introduced, read in full , and pa-' on lint reading on the 21st dGy of October 1996. Published u a Bill for an Ordinance on the 24th d•yofOctober, 1996. Read by title and pused on final reading on the 4th day of November, 1996 . Published by title u Ordinance No~, Series of 1996, on the 7th day of November, 1996. • I , Loucriahia A. Ellis, Ci-.y Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby • certify that the above and foregoing ill a true C'1J>Y. ll! the Ordinance pa81ed on final ............. ,~~--·--"·~, lb; Loucrisbia A. Ellis • -2- IN11IIIMll!NCY A~ OONCBININO DllAJNAOBWAT·JMPlOYl!MtlHn ON WBl'HAIVAltDOtll:x:H 1NTHB CITY OF IINOLIIWOOD, ALU'AHOB COUlffY '11119 "•-• a d ollle _____ day °'----~ 1996, by ...i -Ille UIBAN DIUINA OI! AND PLOOD COKlltOL DISTIIJCT (hcnl,allcr callod "DISTalCT") and CITY OP BNOLBWOOO (hmlnaller callod "BNOU!WOOD") (and collecllvdy bowa a, Ille "PARTIES") wnNl!SSBlll: Wlll!lll!AS, 11,e 0olondo Oeoenl A-ly lo 1919 and 191l 1118dod )2-1 I· 2l7(1)(C), Colondo RevlllOd SIIIUlts 1973 IO IIUlhorizo DIS'llllCT lo lny up 10 low-teolh (.4) mill roe lllt IIIAl•lelllnee IIMl premvallon or floodway• and floodplain■ wlthlll the DISTRICT; and WHElll!AS, )2-11 ·20l, Colondo RevlllOd Slllma 1973, 11 amenclal 111 1979 Md 1913, lunbtr aulllorha lht DISTIIC1"1 Bmnl of DI-. IO~ a 11)'111:Nllc ud alorm prosram ol .,.._dve main!-fiw IDCh floodwayl and floodpl1ln, •ithla Ille DIS11l1CT; and Wlll!ltl!AS, !ht DIS11llCT"1 Bmnl of DIIOC:lorl, ,-....i to IIICh autlloriulloo, adopted a buqtl lo, 1996 (Resolu11oo No. 49, Striu of 1995) whk:h lacludts fuads for pr.....,tlve --of dTaloa1t Md flood C0011ol lidlklts within Ille DISTRICT; and WHEREAS, the DISTRICT'■ Bmnl of Dlre<lon !\."Ylrwod IIMI authorizod u(>ffldituru 10< the 1996 Maiot<ruioce Wort Proc,u, (Resolutloo ",. 61, Serles ol 1995); and WIIEIIBAS, !ht DIS11l!CT"1 -.S of Dim It, 1 l uthoriztd lht l!lltcull,e Dlr<dor 10 contract lor U-services neceswy 10 lmplane,lt i,· '·)96 MainltrWICt Wort Provram (11:oolutioo No. 61, Series of 1995); and WIIERl!AS, Ille DISTRICT'■ !loud of llmdon ldot>lcd a policy lilat Ids 1u1i1 DISTRICT policy resardi .. Ille maint,unce or draJnacc and flood control facilities wilhln lht DISTRICT (llesolutloo No . 41, Series ol 1971); and WHl!ltl!AS, ENOLEWOOD 1w ■oltly buqtted and 1ppmpri11cd funds roe lht rclnrorced c:oncrele bo1 culvcn lmpmvcmmls and appurtenant ftcllllics . WHEREAS, DISTRICT and ENGLEWOOD have had fln1I dtsl1n ol rthablli111ive dralnaat:way mainlenance and reinforced concrete bo1 culvert lmprovcmcnu prqtared by a consuhanli and WHEREAS, DISTRICT and l!NOLBWOOD datrt 10 COllllruct lht final c1ta11a of rehabllltative drl.l111sewa,y maln1cnance and rdnr.on::ed concrete bo1 culYffl lmprOYemenll on West llarvanl Ouk.• NOW, Till!RBFO:m, in COMidention of lhe 111u1uaJ proml1e1 contained hc:re.ln, the PA .llTIBS aaree II follows : I . SWfl!..Of.llllLillB.liEMl:III This A1reement defole'. the rapon1lbllitlcs and ftnanclal commltmenlJ of ntSTRICi' and ENGLEWOOD with respecl lo conslrucli cn of rthabitil1th-c d\'a!Rl,&eway ,:~ :einforced concrete bo1 culvL 1 improvcmenll on West Harvard Guidi .:.: .::Cftned hcttln. l . SCOPE. OP PROJHCT 96 -08 .09 Thtl pmject shall consist of the ton!tlntcll cn of dral nt11ewa .. lmprovcmen11 lndudin& 1 1routed boulder drop t l/'ucturc , a anu-llned Ofcn cl,1111-.el, a concrete lricldo.....__..._._._Clhllllwllll....,_l'ldlldll, ... ,_.,_ .. .....,_....__ ... _o(lho projecl lilo. 1'111111 ..... .__,._..by a.-.. aocap4lble lO tho PARTIES -a -wltll tllo DISTlt•CT. 3. PURI IC tfflCl.1SITY Th< PA'RTillS -dial • ..,.,,_ autllorhed pun • .-t IO 11111 Aa-t 1R oeceuuy for.,._, oafety. -r.,,,. ---. and Wlltu.of 111 poopto ol tho Stale 111d.,. of ,poc1a• bcrdll 10 tlio lnllabilanll ol lhe Dlsn•CT and tho property -·· ◄. AQOP110N Of Q13$JQN Tho PA'RTillS -11111 lllo llall dale•-"' by a .......... and approved by DISTIUCT-4 BHGLBWOOD, u let -·• Puqnph 2, .. , be used 10 co111truct tllo .___II, Any ........ IO 1M Hnal dcalan U _.., by DISTll•CT 111d ENGLEWOOD wlU reqoloe tho approval or DISTil•CT and ENOLEWODD . s. PROJECT ams AND 6' 1 OC6IlON OP com 96-08 .09 A. Pn,joct _, for Ille purpo,a of .... Al-lhall tu11ill or ond be lhniled 1a; I. ,... ..... -........ ._.,op4.1ooor.,.-.. 11,. 2 . ,..._ of utility r<localloo . 3. A-wr\11<1 1 dlon&e of -k ordcn. and ..-....11 10 ibe COIIIJlidm'I or c:ouullMi CDMl'lcil. 4. c-loa l!n&i-rioc Scmca, Conltnictloe lolp,clloo and Mooitorioa. Nalcrial TalJo&, ConllNCllon Survcylq 111d Coo,nc:ticJO ·-Savlca. S. Coodocmdcs mldually ...-i,tc IO D•STR•CT and BHOLBWOOD . B. The --U10dalOd willl die l'fO]ecl u defned ....... u follows: I. ca..r-1oo Coat -SS0,510 2. Ulilily ltdocatioa • OU !,000 3. COIUlructioll l!ql-1 Servlca, 44.957 _.,.1 ... 1e1ya.1,..,1 .... ·•· 4. ~(10,.oflt<ml,2&3) _.l2.lil TOT AL Pmje<ttd Costa '652.825 C. DIST'RICT and ENOLl!WOOD lhall each contribute tho _ .. ,e or atimatcd pn,jca COIIS u defined hudn. Bued on IOIII projecl cost,. cw, Party shall mn1rib:1tc lhe folkr.riu& amount : DISTRICT ENGLEWOOD TOTAL ~ ~ 12 .22,. 17.78,. 100.001\ S!36,7Sl ....lJAJIU S652,W D. ENGLEWOOO ,area 10 make one ·paymen t or FiRy lbousand Dollars (SS0,000) IO lh< DISTRICT no lalet than thirty (30) consecutive calendar dJiys 11\u dale of 1be cxcculion of 1hi1 A1rccmcn1. ENGLEWOOD •arecs to make one paymcot of Silly Si1 Thousand Sevent y Two Dalian (S66,07l .OO) 10 Ille DISTRICT no IIIU than laauary )I . 199 :. The DISTRICT shall deposit each of these paymenll la the 1pecl1I lnterest -bearin& project account • • • • • a. .. _ _....,...,,,..._.,,m_,....._ .. ,..._ ollffl,lho ______ ,,__........_ __ •••I -_.,,..... ....... IOJ -llloodoa ....... DISftlCT . -. ,,ooloa l!NOUlWOOO ., .... -..... ,_ lo lieu., ..... l<lf Ptdaal,..., __. _ ............ - c-.... hyl>nclapaa ...... ,or ..... .....,_looory_run, u _.,...i by ·11,o DISBICT'a --.I may be ...... -.rd IINOLBWOOD proportlaoalo ...,_ of the pn,jecl -.. 6. MANAOCMBNI OP PIWHCT m.mJ A. Project l\111d1 rcmhtod by l!NOUIWOOD IO DISTRICr, lndodioa loler<sl accrued oo Ille prilldpal l\aoda, -• IO 1h11 Aa,_ •11 be lleld by DISTRICT In I ........ -. Said fund1 wW be Id 111111 1w dill pn,jecl ooly and.,. a,oomllllll "'pay l<lf .....iruclloo ad enal--. Nr\'bo lot 11111~. B. DISTRICT lhall Ollb-paym.11 to Ille COIIII-_,,...., aod encl-rina couohant Ill ll0COlllance widl -pe,foraod. C. On I monthly buu D!_<TRICT mil provide l!NOl..l!WOOD wldl a wrillm icat..-t or-.., ol 11a. f..ods fo,· thil pn,jecl . D. Upon cocnpldloc. ul int pn,jecl 111d In the MIil !Mi pn,jcct funds remain, locllldiq-KallOd .... priadpal luodt, la the projod __,, 111111 lhe,c fundl att not-, obliaatcd or lo be._, -olthoJe PARTIES that cootrilJalod l'ud1 lo the ICCOllnl -ru,d,e their pnlllOrtionalC llwe u CJriah>ally tr:1 forth In 1h11 As-. I!. Aay COOIDIII.-. beyond lbme tr:I forth In -S.C. NII be made In accordance wilh Sedioa I . ol lhil A1rccmcr11, CHANC]BS JN PROIK'.J: CQSI . 7. MANAQBMBNT OP CDNS'J]luc;nQN 96-08 .09 The PARTIES., ... tbal DISTRICT ....,,h Ill C..troctlna Ofllc:er .. his dcsiaoatcd ,_1a11ve •11-f0< and be raporuiblc r .. 11oe .......,...,, ldminlstrallon and eootdination of the con1lructlon and mnstrucdon cn1lneerin1 ,ervlus p<ovldcd lo DISTlllCI". Toe conruucllon enalncerina iervice,, lndudln& project m1n 11cmcnl, coostnacd011 lnspcctkM'i and monhorin&, construction turvcy, IUlerlal lesl inJ, conllnl<lioa relalcd aervlca 1111d Ill 0U1a rtlalcd wori<, ahall be complete In technical 11.1ffw:imcy 111<1 detail t!'l wure tut lhe contf'ld fo.· conslructioo may proceed will, oo -•lal ch..,.. ._. delay,. A. DISTRICT'• Conlnctina Officu or hil ci<J&oaled repmcnlallve ,hall be foe only Individual authorized lo direct or redirect, by c:11111&• onle,(1) amendment(s) •areed to by lhe PARTIES, tlleCONUvdloo 111d en1ln«rin1 consultant approved conlllCt . 8 . ENGLEWOOD shall have acceu to '.he corulrUclhJCI lile for the followin& pulj)OICI: To obxrvc that die -loo uf the pn,jcct 1_,...11 att substantlally ln confonnu'ICC wllh the approved final dcli&n drawincs an d 1pcclfica1ion1. 2. To pamd pate in p~reu roeedn11 u rdated IO the on •aoin& c:on1tructloo ol lllc project aod lhc finll lrupcc1loo of lhe completed project . 3. S ........ s, dlncllool m/ot .,.._. bJ IINOUIWOOD llnclly • .-...... _......, ......... Ullpll_, ..... wrll ... c,r -• illol1 Ill •'!ndod lo .. DlffllCT. BNOLEWOOD ...,._iva IMII 1Gldl1r.tly ..... cltllct wrllteft o, Yllbal, _..1aos, di.....,., or.-IO lhe contractor . C. The DIS"BICT ohlll ldmlalllCr ...t -lhc lollowlna -~IIICllon coatnct lee..: I . Prq,on 1111d coon11 .... the -for canllrlldlon bids. 2. Conduct I lomal p,Hld- 3, Cooducl I lonnal bid ope,1lfta , ◄. c-lud I lonnal ...........---- 5. Review 111d pn,ceul .. of all -Ion bids to determine lhe loww --bid, laclodlr,a I 111d -loo. 6. Awvdollhc-c:oolndafta-mtewandwriuen __.. by l!NOU!WOOD . 7, Prq,ue and ullCUIO lhe COIIShudioll COOll1CI wllh review Md _,_ by BNOLEWOOD , Tht · DlSllllCT allall provide ENGLEWOOD wllll I copy or lhe uci:wed con1t1uetk. con1nct, lochdlq pufonnance and payment bonds lftd certlllcale at IU1nncc, -!M DISTRICT and lhc CXJlllnldOf wllbln Im (10)-calondar .,. Iller 111 uocullon, 9, Prepare putlal and llaol ..,-, illdudlfta lhe quu,llly mcuuranenu necesary to ..... iue ,-yfflCftts to 1hc contr1e1or . 10. Prepare, coonll..,. and 1-all --c:1wtae ond/0< -t orders tollleaJIIJtnlcllonCDllncl. D, The DISTRICT shall CXJordir!ale doe a,unrctioa -email, lldd eonslruction ., ... y •tlas, -!elated .vice, COftllnrdlao obtcnallon llld Inspection, 1111d malalll leSlinl u r,qulred lo COIIIINd lhe pnl!IO...i Oood conlml racillllcs . The DISTlllCT lhlll wure lhtJ the COOJ1111ctlon or 1hc project llllp<t' ......,u Is performed In conformance wilh lhc awrovtd des ign dr.Mt'l&I and specif\c:allons and wlll 1ccuntely record the quantille.s and COIII rclllive thereto. E. The DISTIUC'" shall provide ENGLEWOOD wllh copies or lhe dilly ln,pectl on report on • monlbly bub, P . The DISTRICT lhlll provide BNOLEWOOD wilh copie, or 1he approved panial °' fioal pa yment rtqutll within 1a1 (10) day, after lu approval IOI' payment 0 , The PARTIES 111111 joinlly conduct I ftNI lnspectloo or lhe completed project lmprovcmcnll and concur 011 Ille l00CpWleC or 1he completed project improvemenls . ll , The DISTRICT ah1II rocont and pnpore lhe u.conslJUd<d record d.-win11 and provide one (I) complel= act of mylar mwln11 lo l!NOLEWOOD wll hln nlne1y (90) COOJeCUl!ve calendar days aftc, 1hc ICC<J)lanCe or 1hc project. 8. CIJANQES IN PAO(l!CT COST 96-08 .0!I In 1hc event lhat, In lhc prosecutioll of the wort 1fflder-lhb A1recment, II becomes necessary or 1d"Y i11bl c In the opinion of all PAkTIBS Ii:: chan1c lhe scope or dcl&.il or the work to be rcrformcd unde r the Const ruct ion Con lrac t and/or En1inccrin1 • • • • • • 9. ea..llMl-...i(l),awdlllll ...... onler«....._lo,...-.(1) _ _,,,___ ,....._o,da,(,)0, ....... -<1)_ .. ..,._~, -. ec.,.-ina om-u-..t 1• Secllaa lJ. In lhl_ .. -r<"- onle,(1)'" .-.-(I)...,.. _,la In addllloo IO --- pn,vlou.ely -dcpolllell Md -lllod per Secllon 5, lllclodhoa-lnletal, lhe 1pp<opi•le •'Iara of_. addlllonal CCIII nil be ..,.,,....i lo lhl - metbod ,.. ...n Ille ortalnll ......,, approved by •lwla• ...-(1) or amendmenl(1) IO 1h11 Aaree.-, aod .... addlllooal mania lluil! be depolllod ~ Ilic ._ilve PARTIES lnlO lhe prqjccl -I for lhlt projecl lhlrty ()0) cloys after ol lhe dale ol lhe clwlae onler(1) o, --'"""'1(1). QWNHRSQIP AND MAU(Q!NANCn The PARTIBS -lllll l!NOLl!WOOD wll own aod Nloula 1K -.plcle<l 111d accq,lod l1ood c:onuol lldllt• consllllciCd by virtue of 11111 A1 reemen1. The PARTIES further qree 11111 die DISTIUCT, subject IO lhe avlllllllllty ol fundloa, m1y aui11 ENGLEWOOD with dr>ln11eway mlln lenanco of Ille~ and acccplcd projca lmpr-U. Dnloqcway molnlcnuoe NJ lachide aaivllla ,uct, u keeplna now .,... me and clel, ol debris ind 1111, CUIIUII aod 0001rollloa n■lural arw ■nd weeds la die Jl'lbllc rl~•1-ol-w1y, rcpalriq dlaiaap and flood coo1rol 1tructures such u drop ltNCtures, repair eroded areas ud clc:an ·up measures afie, periods of-, rooorr. 10. Fl OODPI.AJN REQ)J).AJJON ENGLEWOOD 11,ecs 10 "111111• aod control lbe 0oodplalo ol w .. Hamn! Gukh wilhin ENOLl!WOOO In lhe monner pracrlbcd by Ille Nltioaal l'1ood Insurance Pro1ram and pracribed rr1ul11l0iu !hereto u a minlmum . Tbt panics IUldcnlaod aod qree, D'CV<f, 1h11 ENGLl!WOOD c:amt01 obliplc lbdl by coallKI IO exercise Ill policy powm. II ENGLl!WOOD faib 10 rq•lale lhe floodplain ol W"31111Mrd Gulch wllhln ENGLEWOOD la die__, pracribcd by lhe Natlon1I Flood I........., Proaram 1nd prcacribod nauiltlao lhmlO u 1 minimum lhc DISTRICT_, uercbc l11 power& kl do 10 and ENGLEWOOD shall coopcnl< fully. 11 . TERMINATION OP AGREEMENT This A1rccmcnt may be 1ennin11ed upon Thirty (30) day, wrila noda: by cl1hcr puty, bu1 only iC there arc ao C(Nltlaacnt, outsttndlna contracts. tr ~.ere are contin1cat 1 outstandiq coaldell, this Aareemeut may only be te-.mlnaled upon tl\e cancellalion or all conli"lffll, ootUandln1 conlrat.!I , All c.osls rJIDCiated with the cancellation or the contin1en1 contracts shall be ahmd between ENOLBWOOD and DISTRICT, subject lo the muimum amount or each party's contribution as set lorth helcin. 12. L1A111LIIY Each pany hereto shall be rapondble ror any 1Uils, dc.mand&, COlt1 or actions 11 law 11:.suhin& from Its own acts or omlulons to lhc extent provided by llw consislcnt with C.R.S. 24 -10-101 e1.sc1. and may il'llUre aaainlt IIICh poulbilities 11 appropriale . 13. CONTRACTING QFFJCl!RS AND NQUCP.!i 96-08 .0'J A. 111e Conlniclins OlflCCr lor ENGLEWOOD shall be lhe 3◄00 Soulh Ehli Slrccl, Englewood , CO 80110 . B. The Con1ractin1 Officer for the DISTRICT shall be the Executive Director, 2480 West 26th Avenue, Suile 1560, Denver, CO 80211. C. A■J....._,.....,,_..__llilllllolllaM,...,_llt,..._IO .. •'-"''"' ........ ., ... "--.......... ,. wildq, llell ...... ....-,--~, .................................. .. ru:dpl ......... , -lo .. PAmB!l 111 dlellddtam IOI r.nh- 0<111 aic!, -llidfea u .-por1y NY llaeoller or l'nlal dllO IO lime dcll1oa1e by wri4tao oodce lo Ille -pony 11..., when -lly dell....., or mailed, ud wn be -rocelY<d In 1he ca,llu or el1ha lhe day o■ whldl oudl ■ollee ii ldually reeelved by lhe porty to whom II ii add,.ued or lloo !Wnl day allcr oucll oollc:e 11 ,nailed. I ◄. AMCNDMANJJI 11tlJ A1.--III orlh<_..,.... _ byM41- ENOLEWOOD ud DISTIIICT. Aay -• noodlllcllloot to 1h11 AS-I ohall be ltduc:ed 10 writlot and ueeuleel by lhe PAI.TIBS b<telO lo be valid and bhldbla . u . SHYEBABQffl If any eilue or ....,WO. hado -...i lllall be ldJudpl lo be lnalld or unenron:ea1>1e by• COUii or.....,.. J..iodidlon or by opmlloa or any IPIJlleable law, 11d lonlld or ,,...rarctlble cl1111e or pnwlaloo ohall nol •ffoct lhe valldil y of the A1,-1 u a whole ud aD Olhet clauies or pnmalont lhall be st-full l'on:e and eff<d. 16. APPU CAB(,B V,WS 111b A1-mD be-""" by ..t c:o■.:'Ued In ICCOnlance wllh 1he laws or the Slit& or Colondo. 17. ASSJONABilJIY No porty IO du, A1-IMII uolp or lmlm ■ny or Ill ri1h11 or obll11tlon1 --lllepriorwrin<nCOlll<lll ofdlenonanlpln1 porty IO 1h11 Al-· u . BtNDINQ !!PPJ!CT Toe provlalonl or all A ......... •n bind 111d ftll I..,. lo lhe beneftl or lhe PAIi.TIES hue!O aacl IO lhdr mpoctlve suer, ,on aad permitted usl1n1. 19 . ENFORCl!ABU ID The PAll.11ES b<rdo II* aad acbowleda< 111111h11 A1-• ""Y be enrorced in law or In equl1y, by -of apoclllc perrormance or dama1e1, or 1uch other le11I or equllable ldltf U ,aay be available aubjoct IO lhe provldoo1 or lhe IIIIUleJ of lhe Sill< or Culondo . 20. PUBLIC REl,A]]ONS 11 allall bt lht raponliblllly or EIIOU!WOOD IO carry oul any public ,.llllon1 -ram lo lnlonn lht midcnll In Ille project ■rtl II lo the pu._, p<opoaed r,cilitkl and what impacl It may have on them. 21 . NO DJSCRJMINATION JN EMPI OYMIJM[ 96-01 .09 In conneellon with the performanc.e of work under thb A1reenv -· ENG LEWOOD and OlSTRICT •&rec not to rcfu,e lo hire, ( sc.harac, promote or demote, 01 to di.scriminatc In m1ncr1 of compcn11tlon 11ain.1 any pcnon ~hcrwlsc qualified, 10lcly because o( race, creed, color, reli&lon , 1e1 1 ace , n .. 1ion1I orialn or anceslry and further 11rcc 10 lntcrt the forqolna provision In 111 1Ubc:ontrw.c11 hereunder . • • • • 21 . DIM 1\11..._,Aa-... _uollM--. .. ..-. .... llwl ---1111-ollll COOllnlClloa u •-IIIM .. -. 11. APOQPRIAJJONI llllllpdau ol l!NOUIWOOD -an CIMll'•S-1 ...-1 ,.tar _.,,,.nadoo or"'°""_,_, 11tW11 i--by the Clly Couocil ol tloo City al l!ntlewood WIIBRBPORB, tloo ptl1la llereto lltw -1h11 bulnl-1 to be a.-by properly authorlw 1lIftltura u oldie dale Md year...,.. wrillen. (Sl!AL) ATTl!ST: (St!AL) ATTl!ST: ~6-tl 8.0'J URBAN DlAINAOB AND PLOOD cotnltOL DISff!Cf By. _________ _ Title Blrndn 1)jnldgr Dale, ________ _ CITY OP BNOLBWOOD By. _________ _ TI,..._ ________ _ Doto, ________ _ Oita October 21 , 1996 INITIATED BY COUNCIL COlalUNICATlON Agenda !!em 10 aiv STAFF SOURCE I Subject lntergovemmental Agreenl'\nt with Urban Dra inage District fo1 West Ha,vard Gulch construction . Department of Publ ic W0l1<s Char1es Ester1y, Direcior of Public Wor1<s COUNCIL GOAL ANO PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Council's goal is to maintain our storm drainage infrastrurture. The 19\17 portion of thili budget is pre-.;ented in the proposed 1997 stormwater utility buo. ?t. RECOMMENDED ACTlON Stall recommends council approval of a Bill lo, an Ord inance to enter Into an agreement with the Urban Dra ;ni,.g e and Flood Control District. The agreement covers ura inageway improvements to West Ha,va;d Gulch . BACKGOUND , ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDEHTIFIED West Ha,vard l,ulch flows through the Northwest Greenbelt from S. Zuni St to S. Pecos St Th1! existing hcility cons ists of a 66" diameter pipe wi1h ovelflows on the surface . The l<>x culvel1S at Tejon St and Raritan St have expenenced over-topping of the roadways . Severa l pipe lailunes were noted in 1991 . The City retained U1e se,vices of Muller Eng ineering for an evaluation . Severe deterioratio~ of ':he pipe Invert was obse,ved . The City applied to Urban Drainage and Flood Control District fur funds to rehabi litate this system . Urban Dramage approveu funding for altemative ana lysis and preliini nary des ign in ear1y 1994. Several altematives were evaluated . The chosen allemalive is to remove the pipe and construct an open channel system . The Crty requ ested Urban Drainage to incre ase the capacity of the two box culverts to reduce over-topp ing of the roadways . Plans were prepared to min im ize impact to our pall< environment Constructio n Is anticipated to beg in in December , 1996. FINANCIAL IMPACT The total project cost is estimated at $652 ,825. Englewood's sha re is 17.78% or S116 ,072 The agreement is structured to allow Eng lewood to ~ay S50,000 in 1996 and $66,072 in 1997. Adequ ate fund s for our 1996 payment are avail able in tt,., Stormwr:er Util ity Fund . Th a 1997 budget inclu des an app ropnation of $75,000 fo r t~e project. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS 8 111 for an Ord inance • :"'te rgovemmental ag r~ment