HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Ordinance No. 054• ORDINANCE NO .'t/;- SERIES OF 1996 BY AUTHO ,RITY OOUNC,'Il. BILL NO. 59 INTRODUCED BY COUNCU. MF.MllER HATHAWAY AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ~lE URBAN D,RAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO ENTITLED AGREEMENT REGARDING FUNDING O.' CITY OF ENGLEWOOD CJTY-V.'IDE OUTFALL SYSTEMS PLANNING, ARAPAHOE COUNTY • AGREEMENT 96-08.06. WHEREAS, in 1971 , a otarm drainage plan was implemmted to ~e feasible methods to accomplilh ortorm drainage protection; and WHEREAS, with the ,'ODStruction of otorm drainage 1ystema recommended through that study, major flooding in Englewood baa been aip,ificantb reduced; WHEREAS, in 1995, the City applied to the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District for funds to develop a atorm drainag,, outfall aystem Muter .Plan for smaller tributaries; and WHEREAS, the Urban Dr■u.age and Flood Control District approved matching funds for this planning project; ,:,d WHEREAS, this agreemf!!lt ill needed in order to determine th, protection for Pmall tributaries; rarOood NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS : lil:!:tism..1 . The intergovernmental agreement "Agreement Regarding Funding Of City Of Englewood City-Wide Outfall Systems Planning • Agreement 96-08 .06," attached hereto as "Exhibit A." is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood City Council. Slll:tilm.2 . The Mayor is authorized to execute and the City Clerk to atust and aeal the Intergovernmental Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Englewood , Colorado. Introduced, read in full , a·Jd passed oe firat reading on the 21 st day of October 1996. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 24th day of October, 1996. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 4th day of November. 1996. -1- Publiahed by title Ill! Ordinance No!!/:, Series of 1996, on the 7th day of November, 1996. [L~A < ThomuJ'~J I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hen,by certify that the above and fonigoing is a true copY_of the Ordinance paued on final ...... "" ,. ...... "' .. ,. u .,.,,_ ·-;;;;:;dw_tr 11t,. Loucrishia A. Ellis -2 - •· • • • • AORl!IIMalT UOAIDINO PUNl>lNO OP arr mo IHOUIWOOD arr-WIDII IIVll'AUJ IYl11IMI Pl.ANNINO 11..-No. 96-0l .06 TRIS AOIU!l!MBNT, .-tllb ____ doJ °'------~ 1996, by and.,.._ Ille UllBAN DllAINAOB AND PLOOD cotmtOL DlSTlllCT (l,enlaaller cal led "Dl5TlllCT") and crrY OP ENOLBWOOD (lla<lnafla called "l!NOU!WOOD"); WITNESSB111 mAT: WHl!IIBAS, DlSTlllCT la I pa1lcJ -I pnvlaully odop4ed (Rnolutloa No. I ◄, Sulcs or 1970), upm,od an i-t to will public bodlcl which hive hffllofooe ..-..t floodplain _..,. _,...,; .... WHl!lll!AS, DISTlllCT ... p,<vloesly ellll>lllhod • Wort P"'lram for 1996 (Rcsolutlon No . r,o , Sules ol 1995) which Includes muter pl1Mln1; end Wlll!lll!AS , DISTlllCT ad ENOLEWOOD dctlre to ffll'I• m, malnm 10 render cmain tochnlcal Ind prolasiaoal advice Ind 10 compile lnfomsallon, ...i-, lludf end lo ,_mead deslan -ID ouch d11j1>11e problems which are In 1he bat 1-o( Involved putlcl ; and WHl!ltBAS , DIS11l1CT 1111d ENGLEWOOD desire to acquire mepplna -ID conduct Ille "'li-i"I lludiea. NOW, 111l!ltl!l'Olll!, lo caasldmilon or ihe mutual proml,.. conialned herein, the Parties berelo ..... u follows : I.ABE& 2. 96 -0l.06 DISTRICT shall enpce m 1incer and obt&Jn mapplna II needed 10 perform or eupply necessary rrervicel IA connection with end 'CS!""'ina lhe pl1Mln1 or I aoon draloqe outltll ,ykm for ihe am u ahowo on 1he 111ached uhlbli map doted September, 1996. $COPE OF PROJECT The purpose or 1he project Ii lo develop 111orm draln11e 001f1ll 1yllem muler plan lncludina hJdrolocic lnl0<mallon; ihe locailon1, 1ll1nmen11 end 1itin1 or storm ,ewers, channels , detention/retention pondJ i and other racllillcs and appurtenances needed to provide emcient outr,11 :.ystcm storm dralnaae wi1hln AREA . The propo,ed ..... t ~,all Include, but not be llmlled lo compilation of ed11in1 data includina mappina pro"idcd by ENGLEWOOD, ncc:em.ry rte.Id WOfk , development and consistent evalualion or all reasonable allemases 10 that the. most leasible outlall ,y11em can be determined Ind juSllfied. Conlideratloo shall be civcn 10 costs, caill in& and pror,oscd drainaac sys1cm1, known drainaae or flood problems, waler qualily cnhanccmenl, slrum sllblllty and ri1h1 -or-w1y rcstriclions . Conc:q,cual allcmalc plant will be developed and prepared such that comparison with other allemalcs can be made . Drainaae system plannlna will be done In two phase, by the enalneer enaaaed by DISTRICT, culmlnatlnc In an 01.Mall 1ystcms ma st er plan report . During the first phase , the cn&lneer shall perform all studle, and data 111herin& needed to prqare an informal altcm11h-e report containing brier project description , ttudy history , schematics or allcmat ives developed, their costs and a discussion of the pros and cons or each allcmatc . A sinclc allcmatc will be selected by DISTRICT and ENGLEWOOD aOcr the review and evaluation or the final alternative repon . ,. ) °""'~---.............................. ........, ..... ro,111e.....,--.-••-1a111e11oo1-p1oa,_i. 3. PUB[ IC HPCBWIY ENGLEWOOD lad DISTRICT 11'"" 11111 the-'< IO be perfonnod .,...-11a !his A1n:emen1 ll accaary ro, the lltahh1 afdy, comron, CG11vmieoc:e, and ,._~,_ of oil Ibo ........ of lhe Sia, lad la of porllcular bcadll IO Ille lnhablllnll of the DISTRICT Md ENOUIWOOD and IO lhclr property lllenla. 4. PBWBCI COSTS BNOLBWOOD lad DISTRICT 11'"" IUI for the purpooeo of lllla A,.-ncnl projcc, _, sbail COIUIII of, and be 11•,;ocd IO, the .,...., plMaiq, c:ompllallon of lnformalion, and rdlled aervk:es and OIXlll"lmcies mulually q,-blc lo BNOLBWOOD lad DISTRICT. Project_, ore allmalcd nol be u-i SI00,000.00. 5. All OCAIJON OF COSTS AND FINANC!AL OOUMIJMHNJS Of ~ DISTRICT and ENOLBWOOD lboll mch a,olribule towudl the project COSI dellned under Puq1opll 4, lhe followia1 perccalqet and ---llllOUOII for lhe pn,jec:I: ........... Mulraura ___am_ Cllllllilllllka DISTRICT 50.00!1 $ 50,000 ENOLBWOOD .l!I.IM __ami TOTAL 100.00!1 SI00,000 Paymall by DISnlCT of Sl0,000 and by ENOLEWOOD of $50,000 shall be made IO UISTRICT wilhin ~5 calmdar dayt oiler fwl caec:ulioo of 1h11 A1recmcnt. The poymenlS by DISTRICT 111d ENOLBWOOD lo DISTRICT lholl be held by DISTRICT 10 pay for lhe lncn:mcnlS of lhe projec:I u aulhoriml by DISTRICT 1ficr coordination with and concunmc:e of ENGLEWOOD Ind u defined herein . DISTRICT shall provide a periodic acc:ountlnc of projce1 fundJ. All funds shall be held In e.n interest -bcarin& accounl and all interest earned by lhh acoounl shall be credited 10 said account. All such interest may be used lo defray project COSIS. In the evcnl lhat upon completion of the projec:I, Ihm are monies remainln1 which are not commilled, obli111cd 1 or disbwwd, each Pu1y ahall receive a share of audl monies, which sham shall be computed u W<fe lhe oriainol thares a,olributed by each Pally. 6. PROJECT MAPPING ENGLEWOOD will provide all available city -wide mapping lo lhe mutually tclected en1lncerina nrm In Auto-Cad Venlon 12 (Version 13 Uavallable wt useable by engineer). The selected engineer 'Aili be required to provide field verification or the key component, or 1he drainage 1ys 1cm lo an c1lcnl project fonds permit and mutually detcnnined as needed by both Part\es to this A1rumcnl . 7. PLANNING COlflBACT 96-01 .06 Upon eiecutlon of this A1recmen1 , DISTRICT and ENGLEWOOD &hall sel ect an eneinecr mu1ually agreeable to all parties. DISTRICT, with the approval or ENGLEWOOD , shall conlracl with sdccted enalnecr and shall supervise IJ ; coordinate the 11udy for lhe development or alternates and of prc.Jiminuy de.slan . • • • • • ..,-ror .. ,-.,.-..i(l)_lll _t,yDIIBICl'■ .. -,,_ 11ooa ._,.... _ _.... _......,, _ ...... ,.,t1111lolloo_ol,__...i.,,_,.._........._l)k ......... _,, ............... _,. .. _ol_,,.. __ _ clluca will nn1lll.__.wklillll'lrtla10tl,l1~, oodtWr_.. C<10C1U100CO rocehed ---oruy <MIii• onion ........... No dlln&t11111ft bo lpp«Md 11111 locnue lbe COIII beyood 1M l'undl anllll>lo la 11,e project rund unlell and -.. addlll-t rllftdl needed .. commllled by DISTltlCT IOd BNOLBWOOD by oa amendmenl lo d,11 Aareemenl. I . MfflUSffBD BJ!POBTS DISTRICT will pn..tdo 10 BNOU!WOOu one copy of,._ dnft lllenlod" evalua1lon rq,ort, nvo copies of Ibo ftnal lllfflllllvo nlllllllon rq,on, one copy of a c1nn ..,,ro11 ,yttem1 pi....,. rq,on oad ,.,. c:op1 .. of lhe n .. 1 au1ro11 ,,_. plannlna report. 9. ~ Thia Aarwnr:nl moy be -upon thlr1y (30) day, wrllleft IIOlic:e by 111y po11y 10 1h11 Aa......,,,. bit GIiiy If dlen, are no con1lnaen1, outlllndi"I -ndl. U lhere are cont ln&ml, -.. contradl, 1h11 AS-,.., only be lallllnated upon Ibo ..-iao of Ill conllnaent, -· conllaclS. AU 00111 UIOdattd wllh lhe cancdlalioa of Ibo contln&C!11 contndl lhall be lhared bct- ENGLBWOOD and DISTRICT lo lhe llfflC rotlon(1) u wae lhdr conlribulion1 and subjecl to the mulatUII unounl o( eacl1 Parly 11 contriblltion u Id forUi herein . 10. RFSPONSJBUIDES OF ENQ1.EWOOD ENGLEWOOD 11recs 10 dai&natc and 1i:11l1n a project rtprCJrnlltive ID ICt on bdlllf of ENGLEWOOD la Ill 111111er1 1 tl1ttd to the lludlel undcr1akCft panuant 10 this 11rccment. This repae11latlve shah coordlnale all ftllP11ln1 and plannlna rela1td luue, bclweea DISTRICT and ENGLBWOOD, lhall r!,end all -rm meelin gs, and shall be ...,asible for provldin& all anllable pn,jea rdased file lnfonnallon to the consullut upon r,quest by DISTRICT. Said...,.-.. will have the au1hority ror all -vall, authorizations, notice, or aincum.:eo required under lh i1 og,_ wi th the t1ceptloo of lhe authority to exllCllle this Aareement or any amendmmts 0< addenda to 1h11 Aareerna,t unlw ,podf,cally aulhoriud to do ,o by l!NOLEWOOD . ENGLEWOOD aa,_ 10 review all draft repor11 oad to provide <1>ffl_, within 21 calendar days afta Ilic drafl rq,ons have been provldtd by DIS'TlllCT or~~ project engineer to ENGLEWOOD . Also , ENGLEWOOD aarea lo evalualc the allcmal l\lCS praentcd In lhc allcmalive report , lo telcd an altemalive and nollfy DISTRICT or lhcir dedsi · ~J) within 60 calendar days after the final allernAll\lc ev1luatlon report Is pov\dod lo ENGLEWOOD by DISTRICT. 11 . lf.llilliSJDH mes OE mmncr 96-01 .06 Not with standing any of the provblons or the Aarecment , the Bucull\le Dfrecto, or lhe DISTRICT, oner coonfu,atlon wil h ENGLEWOOD, ,hall be the ooly individual authori zed to direct or redirect the effort runded under this Agreement . DISTRI CT may appoint a Project Director who ,hall re presen t the Executiv e Dire.clor in mailers rcl11cd k> the work under thll A,111'!:'.menl. In the event 1h11 ·,he Eiea•tivc Director b nol available, a duly authorized ~-non 1hall be appointed by DISTRICT to assume all o( the respon,lbililics or lhc Bucutl\lC Direelor pertalnlns 101Wa~ DISTIICT.WIII .................. - BNOUl'MlOOilo..,.._loo ......... ~ .. ..._,....... ..... by DIJnlCT_.!or-,..all--llNOUIWOllD-IO complc:le .. ..,.._.,. __ , __ 12. TBRM Pl' Dffl c\OIJ!IIN§NT The Lena oldie A■ree-111111--fiaol ..-~ 111 po,tla and "1111 lcmliolalc -·,.... an.r lho lloal _ .,._.,. nport 11 -..., lo DISTRICT by tho coruuhanl hind .. !Illa pnied -tho provblaa of Pmarapll 7 berdn or II termlnaled .tier ..tor the provl,iona ol .....,raph 9. 13. AMf.NDMBNTS Thi, A ......... ,-.. all or tho -.. ,Old -by uul - ENOU!WOOD and Dl~TIUCT . Ar,y .,.._, or inodifK:11lon 1 lo 1h11 Aa.....-111111 be reduced In wrltlna and aecw,d by tho parUca beftlo bo valid and blndlas . 14. SBYMc\BIYIX II any -or provlllon hada <OOCl.!r,ed 111111 be adjq<d lo be _,Id or unenron:able by a -or compd<r~ Jarbdicll, or by open,tloo ol •y applicable law, ouch mvalld or ,-fon:ablc a._ or p,ovialoa lllall noc arr.ct die validity or tho Apeer .... 1 u a whole and all other c:11.Ultl or provlaloo1 -bo &IYal 1\111 forceandelfecl . 15 . APPUC«\81.ll LAWS Thia Aa,_ -11 be aovtmed by and oonJlnoed Ill acconlance wkll the law, of the Stale of Cdondo . 16. ASSJONc\BlUTY No po,ty to 1h11 4,-1 shall mil• or 1nn1ror any of IIJ rl1hl1 cw obll111lon1 hemmclcr -the prior wrlllen COMCnl of lht -••Ina par1J 10 lhh A&rocmenl. 17 . BJNDJNO EFFECT The Provisions or this A&,..m<nl allall bind and shall In= lo the baltllt or the pa"ies her<lo and 10 lhelr rupectlve suettuon and pcnnilted wlaas. 18 . ENFORCEAQJJJH The part ies bcmo qrte and acknowkd1e lhll thh A1reemcnt may be en for ced In law or in eq uity, by decree or specific performance or dama1cs, or such other le11I or ar~;table: relief u may be available subject to the provlsiona or lbe llw1 or the State of Colondo. 19. NP.l)iSCRJMJNAIJON JN EMPJDYMENI In connection with the performance or work under lhis Aarecment . DiSTRICT and ENGLEWOOD .,,.. noc to refuae to hire, dlacharJe , promote or dtmole, or 10 disc ri minate in mailers or con:pena•loa •&•inst any J!C11011 otherwlle qualified , 10lelv bocalllt or race, color, rdlaloo , ational ori&in, ■ender, qe, lllilltary 1ta1u1, 1e1ual orientation , marilll 1t1tu11 OJ phy 1k:al or menial dlab11lty and further 11ree lo lnllCll lbt forqoina provi~on In all 1Ubcontract1 bcrcundef . 20 . APPRPPBJc\IJONS 96-0l.06 Notwithstandin& an y ot her trrm , condit ion , or provi si on herein, esch and every obli&ali on of ENG LEWOOD lnd/(M' DISTRICT staled in lhl1 A&reemcnl h 1ubj cct 10 the req ui remcn l or a prio r 1pprop rl 1tlon or fund1 lhcrc fo r by lhc City Cou ncil or ENGLEWOOD and/or Board or Di rec:10 11 or DISTI<.ICT . • • • • • • 21 . tKa'IJPIQUfflWEECAIB 1111......., ................. -., .. -.......... allhb"-, .......... allOl'°" ........ '°--• -llo •ri<lly ......i to l!NOU!WOOD • Ille DIS'l'AICT, •....,._lo thl1 Aa-IMII ,, .... -ony -dalOI or rialil .,_ by •Y- °' third -oo -,.,,__ It 11 the uprw-al IINOU!WOOD one! the DISRICT ... •Y -cw porty ...,_ tlllo l!NOlJIWOO:, or tllo rurrucr......_......., .. -,...,11111 Aa•----.. 1io .. -..--,.,. WHl!Rl!l'OIB, .. pu1lcl......, _...,. W1 lnllnl-to be-by property ,uthoriied ........ u o( ... -.. ,.., -wriltefl . (Sl!AL) ATTEST : (Sl!AL) ATTEST: APPROVBD : 96-0l .06 URBAN DRAINAOB AND FLOOD COlffltOL lllS'nJCT By, _________ _ 1ltll Baroetln Dlrp;p Dole, _________ _ crt'Y OP BNOLBWOOD ly, ________ _ n~--------- Dote~-------- ...... ........ 1' City ol Englewood EXHIBIT "A" ENGLEWOOD CITY-WIDE OUTFAt.L SYSTEMS PLAHHING AREA ltPTBlllllt, IIN • • Date October 21, 1996 INr,'lA TED BY Department of Public Works COUNCIL CO..UNICATION Agenda 11am 10 aii SubjlC'; Ordinance for Intergovernmental Agreemenl with the Urban Dra;n age and Flood Control District I STAFF SOURCE Charles Eaterly , Director of Public V..:,rlcs CC 1UNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION City Council approved Ord in ance No . 62, Series of 1995 approving the 1996 budget Funds for this project are allocated in the Storm Sewer Fund. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff seeks Council approval of an ord inance to enter into an agreement with the Urban Drain~ and Flood Control District to reta in th e services of an engineer to study and make recommendations to reduce flood ing on the smaller tributaries of ma;-:,r drainageways in Englewood . • BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED • In 1971 , a storm drainage plan was implemented to determ ine feasible methods to accomplish storm drainage protection . With the constuction of storm dra inage systems reco mmended through that study , major flooding in Englewood has been significantly reduced . Staff recommends a stu,ly to determine the need for flood protection for small tributaries . FINANCIAL IMPACT The City budgeted $50,000 in the 1996 Storm Sewer Fund for this project, wh ich will be matched by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control D,stnct LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Bill for an Ordinance lnr ergovemmental Agreement