HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Ordinance No. 070• • • ORDINANCE NO . '11)_ SERIES OF 1996 BY AUTHORITY COUNCU. BILL NO . 74 INTRODUCED BY COUNCU. IOMBIR HA.TBAWAY AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SUPPLFMENT NO . 20 TO THE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRJCT CONNECTOR'S AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO INCLUDE ADDmON.:U. i..\ND WITHIN THE DI.STRICT BOUNDARIES . WHEREAS, Valley Sanitation Di&trict desirel to ~• into ita Diatrict an additional area located at West Unitm AVN1ue Wut oltba ~'1al:ta ll!ftr, Enpe,tood, Colorado, and ouch property ill OWDed by Wute Man..-t ,'If Colorado, Inc.; ud WHEREAS, Supplement No. 20 ill for appnllimately 1.1 -wbich ia -dy zoned 1-1 (Licht lnduatriall and uid 101W11 will Nmain tba MIile; and WHEREAS, aaid annention of tbia additional parcel oC land will not ina..,e the tap allocation to the V.Uey Sani tation Duitrict; and WHEREAS it ia ,__,.,. fo,-nid Duitrict to amend ita contract with the City of Englewood to include thin ,,f.dit .anal land within the District; NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCil. OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO , THAT : Siimlm...l. The Acree,nent between the City of Englewood and Valley Sanitation District entitled "Supplement No . 20 ,.., Connector's Agreement" ill hereby approved. A copy of said Agreement ill attached hereto u Ezhibit A. Se!:tiD.D..2 . The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and attest, respectively, the said Agreementfor and on behalf of the City Council and the City of Englewood . Introduced, read in full , and paued on first readinc on the 2nd day of December , 1996. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 5th day of I>r<:ember, 1996. Read by tide and pused on final reading on the 16th day of December , 1996 . -1- Puhlilli..t by title u Ordinance No. 1Q. Seri• of 1996, on the 19th clay of December, 1996. I, Loucriabia A. Ellia, City Clerk of the City of En,lowood, Colorado , hereby certify that the above and foreguiac ii a truo copy of the Ordinance pueecl on final •-""'"°'"""'• ... •-No.,1l){~{IL d' .{{l, l'..oucriabiaA.Ellia -2- • • • SUPPI.EMENT NO. 2 () TO CONNECTOR 'S AGREEMENT Sewer Connet No. THIS AGUEMENT, made 111d l:lllOll:d iDllo by 111d ~ die CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . 1C1ina by and duoup •~· dllly llllllorized Mayar 111d Ciry Oerlt, hniNdlar relined to u City. and VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT, AnJll(,ae C-.,,, Colondo, lmeinaftor nfcm,d to u Dlllnct: WHEREAS . 011 the 15th day of Ncmmbcr, 1984, die Ciry enleffll into a COMCCtOr 's Apeement with tho Diftt CClftClrlUIII the--.. of the Dillrict sewor calllction facilities 10 the Ci1y '1 n,. ... sys-llld WHEREAS. 111d Acr-t provided dw additional ICIVlc:e aras could be included ,.;thin the limns of the Dislnctwidi die wnaen ....-oCthe City ; NOW TIIEREFORE, in ccnsiderllion oC lhe Premila ud of the mlllllal ~ of lhe pames bemo, it is ..,.i u follows : I. The Cily ,lacs hereby COIIICIII ID die inclusion of the addilioaal area described an ~ hae> , \ID Valley Slllitanon Dislritt and ..,._ dw said additianal area may be sen-.d with tbe sew,r facilities of die Du1nct, and that die City will treat the sewqe discharged inlo tho Dis ;-ict 's sanitary-... l)'l1CIII and inlo die City 's trunk line &cm said additional area. all in acc.,rdance with Ibo Cannector 's Agreemem dlllOd Nowmber I~. 1984 between the City and the Disaict. Accordingly , pangrapb I of said Coanoclor 's Apement is hereby a.-11:d to include ti" addilianll ral property described 011 ~ hae>. The owner of said property is W II le M..,.........1 of Colorado, Inc . 2. E'<C<pl for the agreemen1> set fonb in pan.rapi. I b=inabove, each ud every Olhcr provmon of said Coanector's Agreement remains unchlo .lO'I and cantima in filll fan:c and effect and the additional area bercm included shall t.c subject 10 all of the 11:nm and aa,=nenu C0ll1IIDCd in said Connector's Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties""'-bave camed their names and sealJ to be hereunto subscribedandaffixeddus.1.,~dayof Oe 6=(. , 19~ ATTEST: City Clerk ATrEST: r-1Jyt-.11 -.MK'CCalKl nc.c CITY OF ENGLEWOOD By: ____________ _ Mayor VALLEY SANITATION DlSTRlp- txHIBIJONE Approximately I . l,t aaa recemly acquirul nnd Ill be included u pan of the 14.J,t am facility u lollows : A tract of land locaral in tbe ll0llbcut quutcr of tbe IOUlbast quarter of Section & and the west half r,f Sccnon 9, Townlbip 5 Soulh, lw,a,e 68 West of tbe sixlh • principal meridiall. City of~ COllllly of Atapaboc, Swe of Colorado, and bc11111 more panicwarty dcscnbcd u follows : Beginning II a poinl cm the SOlllb ripl-<>f'.way lino of Uaion Awnuc; fl'1lm said point of bcginlung tbe nonbeast comer of the nonhcut quar11r of tbe IOUlhcut quarter of said Section 8 bean N29"34'36"W, a dlsWICO of 40 .30 feet; Thence N64°18'01"E akmgsaid riaht-of-way lino, adimnccof262.95 f..i; Thm~ lcavutg said rigbt-<>f-way line S28"13 '13"E a distancoof9 .14 feet; Thence alons a curve to the right which bu a l1ldius of 102 .84 f=. a delta angle of 41°39'39", a lcrJIII, of 74 .71 f=t and chord bearing S07°23'24"E Co, a distance of73 . 14 feet; Thence S13 °26'26.V a distance of687 .79 feet; Thmcc along a curve to the right wbidt bu a radius of 1262 .40 f=, a dclta angle of 34°5 9'27", a lcngd, of TT0 .95 feet and a cbord bcarina S30"56 '09"W for a distance of759 .03 feet; Thence N89°50'JJ'', a dlstance ~: 68 .00 fcct; Thence N00°08 '37", a distance of695.30 feet ; Thence N89°52 '00 ", a dimnce of 592 .00 feet to a point oo said south nght-<>f- way line of Union Avenue ; Thence N19°52 '00"E, along said ripl-of-way line, a distance of 120 .83 fcct; Thence continuing along said right-of-way line S89"5 I '23 "E, a distance of 364 .18 feet to the point of bqiinnina . The above descnbcd tract contains 624 ,007 square feet or 14.325 ai:rcs more or less . County of Arapahoe. State of Colorado . • • • ft • n • Oat• December 2, 1996 INrllATED BY Utilities Department COUNCIL COMMU Agenda Item 10 a 1 STAFF SOURCE Stewart H. Fonda , Director of Utilities COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS CO UNCIL ACTION None . RECOMMENDED ACTION The Water and Sewer Board , at their November 12, 1996 meeting, recommended Cou ncil approval of a Bill for an Ordinance approving Valley Supplement #20. BACKGROUND, ANALYS IS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED A reque .~l was made by the Valley Sanitation District representing the owner/develope• for inclu:;ion into the Valley Sanitat io n Distri ,:t. Supplement #20 is for an area approxim?.tely 1.1 a~es. The zoning per Arapahoe County is 1-1 . There are no plans for addilional deve lopm ent and no plans for a zoni ng change . Tod owner is Waste Management of Colorado , Inc. The sewer line at 24 00 W. Union Ave . flows into a vault with a li ft station which is located approximately 150' to Ll-\e south of Union Ave. ·,he lift station pumps the sewage flow out to Un ion Ave. where the line ties into an a· gravity sewer which flows to the west beneath Union Ave . FINANCIAL IMPACT None . LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Bill fo r Ordinance Valle y San itation District Supplement #20 .