HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Ordinance No. 072• ORDINANCE NO. 2) SERIES OF 1996 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 76 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE SALE OF FlVE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 3400, 3'10, 3420, 3424 AND 3428 SOUTH SHERMAN STREET TO THE ENGLEWOOD HOUSING AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the purcliue oftheH propertiao with the puaage of Resolutions No . 85 and No. 86, 1993; and WHEREAS . t!.e Ens!nood City Council autharued the appropriation of the funds for tae pun:haae of diese 5 properties witil the passage of'Resoluticm No . 84, Series ofl993; and WHER'.sAS, an Optiou Agreemeut for the sale of these 5 properties betweeu the City and 1·he Englewocd Houaing Authority wu authorized by the Englewood City Council with the passage .>f Resolution No . 66, Series of 1995; NOW. '1'HEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T"dE CITY OF EJ<GLJ,WOOD , COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS: • ~ The City Council of the City ofEuiJewood, Colorado hen,by apµrovee the sale of • the foll owing five properties to the Englewood HOUSU1i Authority u detailed ou Exhibit A and Exhibit B -Warranty Deeds: l . 3400 South Shr.rman Stttet 2. 3410 South Sherman Street 3. 3420 South Sherman Stn!et 4 . 3424 South Sherman Street 5 . 3428 South Sherman Stn!et Sl:s:tiwl,.2 . The City Manager and the City Clerk are authori.ied to execute the proper form of deed for the conveyance of these properties. Introduced, read :n full, and passed on first reading on the 2nd dsy of December, 1996. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 5th dsy of December, 1996. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 16th day ofDecemoor, 1996 . -!- Publiahod by title u Onlinanco No. Jsl Seriee of 1996, oo the 20th day of December, 1996. ~ ~j!IJ. Louailhia A. Ellia, City Clerk I, Loucriahia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood , Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing ii a true copy of the Ordinance pu,,ed 011 l!.nal readinr and .,.,.._,,,.,,u-••S-••~ !I 1h Loucriahia A. Ellia ·2· • • • • • THIS IS A LEGAl. INSTRUMENT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, LEGAL, TAX OR OTHER COUNSEL SBOUlJ> BB CONSULTED BEPORltstONING. SPBCJAL WARRANTY DBED THIS DEED, lllllde thia __ day of December, 1996 betw""'1 THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, a Home Rule City uiatinJ under ad by virtue of the laws of tha State of Colorado, ,...,air, '!!boae lepl addnu is 3400 South Elati StNet, Englewood, Colorado 80110 and THE ENGLEWOOD HOUSING AUTHORITY, grantee; whoee lepl address is 3460 South Sherman Street, Suite 101, Englewood, Colorado 80110. WITNESSETB. That the grantor, for and in r.oo.aiderauon of the sum of NINETY THOUSAND DOLLAIIS ($ 90,000.00), the receipt and sufficiency of wh,;ch is hereby aclcnowledged, hu granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these present. doe, grant, bargain, sell, amvey and confirm, unto the grantee, ita ~rs and usigns forever, all the real property together with improveruents, if any, si~ate, lying and being in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, described u follows: Lots 1 thru 8, Inclus:ive, Block 7, PREMIER ADDmON TO ENGLEWOOD , County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado also know as: 3400, 3410, 3420, & 3424 Soutr Jherman Street Englewood, Colorado 80110 TOGETHER, with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongine, or in anywise appertaining, :md the revenion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, isaues and profit. thereof; and all the estate, right, title interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grant'lr, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained and premises, with the hereditaments and appartenances. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the said p,eoises above bargained and described, with the appunenances, unto the grantee, its successors ar,d assigns forever . And the grantor for itself, its successors and assigns, does covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the grantee, its succesaon and usigns, thst at the time of the enseafog and delivery of these presents, it is well seized of the premises above conveyed., bas gvod , sure, perfect, a bsolute and indefeasible estate oi inheritance, in law, in fee s:imple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to g,·ant, bargain, sell and conve y the same in manner and fo rm aforesaid, and that the same an , free and clear from all fo rmer and other grants, bargains, sales , liens, taz:es , assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature so ever, except: Those items of record and those specifically withheld below . SPECIAL DEED RESTRICTIONS. This property shall be used solely for residential purposes. Any other use of th,, property shall cause the property to revert to the City of Englewood upon notification and payment of $90 ,000.00 . REVERSION FOR LACK OF DEVELOPMENT. If construction of a building has not begun within three yelll'S of the signing of this Deed , the property shall revert to the City of Englewood upon notification and payment of $90,000 .00 . Tho ,nmtor shall cd will WARRANT AND 1'01.UND DDEND the obno • barpinecl Pfflllliau in tho quiet and poaceablo poueuion ol'tba ,nntoo, ita..........,, ud usicu, against all and ffff7 pa-, or penOIUI 1awfwly claim.inJ or to claim the whole or any part thereof. IN WITNESS WBEJIBOP, '11,e llllid grantar hu c:auad ita name to be hemmto aubocrib< d by Do111lu A. ~ u City Manager al the City or Enalowood. Colando and ita seal to be heroW1to allmd, attmted by ita C!ty Clerk, the day and :,ear dnt abon written. CITY OF ENGLEWOOD By ____________ _ Douglu A. Clark, City Manager ATTEST Louc:rishia A. Ellia, City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF Al\APAHOE ) The foregoing inetrumeul wu acknowledged before me thia __ day of ------~ 1996 by Douglu A. Clark, u City Manager of the City of Eng!ewood, Colorado. My C"J'~i ssion expire ■: Witnese my hand and official seal. Nolal7 Public Address : • • • • • THIS IS A LEGAL nffiTRUMBNT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, LEGAL, TAX OR 0'11iER COUNSEL SHOULD BE CP~TED BEFORE SIGNING. SPECIAL WAIUlANTY DUD 1BlS DEED, made this __ day of Dec.amber, !996 between THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, a Home Rule City uiatinr Wider and bi• virtue of the !awe of the State of Colorado, cra,ntor, '!hoae lagal addr.a ii :UO0 South Elat! StlMt, En,)ewood, Colorado 80110 and THE ENGLEWOOD HOUSING AUTHORITY, crnntee; whoee leiral addresa is 3460 South Sherman Street, Suite 101, Eq!ewood, Colorado 8Cll0. WITNESSETB, That the grantor, fur and in conaideration of the sum of TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE h"1JNDRED DOLLARS ($22,500 .00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, haa granted, bargained, aold and CODveyed , and by t.'iese presents does cra,nt, bargain, aell, convey and confirm, unto the crantee, ita succesaon and assigns fo rever, 1111 the real property together with improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, described u fullowa : Lota 9 and 10, Inclusive, Block 7, PREMIER ADDITION TO ENGLEWOOD, Co unty of Arapahoe, State of Colorado also know as: 3428 South Sherman Street Eqlewood, Colorado 80110 TvGETHER, with all and singular the hereditamenta and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainden, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained and premiMs, with it :e liereditaments and appurtenances. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the said pn!mises above bargained llld described. with the appurtenances, unto the grantee, its successors and assigns forever . And the grantor for itself, its successors and as signs , does covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the grantee, its sucC1!sson and 1158igns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents. it is well seized of the premises above conveyed, baa good . Sl.lft, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to gr,0 1, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other granta, bargains, sales, liens, tues, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or natutt so ever, e.cept: Those items of record and those specifically withheld below . SPECIAL DEED RESTRICTIONS. This property shall be used solely fo r residential purposes. Azly other use of the property shall cause the property to revert to the City of Englewood upon notification and payment of $22 ,500.00 . REVERSION FOR LACK OF DEVELIJPMENT. If constrnction of a building has not begun -.;thin three years of the signing of this Deed , the property shall revert to the City of Englewood u pon notification and payment of $22,500.00 . ·!'he snu,tor lhalJ and will WARllANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above barpined pnmiaet in Iha quiet Uld PM<Mbl• ~an af tbe l"llllff, ita au.._. and U.ilJII, -,.inlt all and every penon or J)el'IIODJ lawfully cl.aimini or to cl.aim Ibo whole or any part tbenof. IN Wl1mSS WJIEREOP, The aaid crantor hu callled ill name to be hereunto 1111,..,,;J,ed by Dou,lu A. Clark. u City Manapr of \he City of En,lewoocl, Colorado and ill seal to be hereunto affized, •ttosted by ita City Clerk, the day and year firat above written . ATT EST Loucruhia A. Ellis , City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) ... COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE J CITY OF ENGLEWOOD By_--::---::--~:::-~:::---:-::----- Douclu A. Clark, City Manager The foreeoinc instrument wu acknowledged before me this _ day of =--...,....--,--c:-,,----,--1996 by Douclu A. Cl.ark, u City M:i.na,er of the Ci ty of Englewood, Colorado . My com.mis sion expires : Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public Address : • • • • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date Agenda Item Subject December 2, 1996 Sale of 5 Sherman 11 a i Properties to EHA Initiated By Staff Source City Attorney Daniel Brotzman, City _ Attorney COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION The Englewood City Council authorized the purchase of five properties on South Shannan Street with the passage of Resolutions No. 85 and No . 86, Seriei: of 1993, by the City . The City Council also authorized the appropriation of funds for thei;e purchases with the passage Resolut ion No. 84, Series of 199~. The City Council authoriz9d an Option Agreement for the sale of ti ese 5 South Shannan Street properties to the Engelwood Housing Authority with passag6 Resol ,,n No. 66, Series of 1995 . On Novembe1 · 1s, 1996 the City Council passed a Mot ion authori:.. 19 the Englewood Housing Auth.onty to e:cercise its option for the purchase of the se fi ve South Shannan Street properties . RECc~·~,r. '!OED ACTION The pa s~~g.i of C.B. 76, approvin!l the sale of five (.;ity of Engle woC':! properties located at 3400, 3410, 3420 , 3424 and 3428 South Shannan Street to the E::nglewood Housing Authority . FIN ANC IAL IMPACT The Englewood Housing Authority shall pay the City of Englewood $112,500 .00 . J..IST OF ATTACHMENTS Bill for an Ordinance Two Warranty Deeds