HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-02-05 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• f.NGLiWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO February 5, 1001 I. Call to Order The regular mteting of the Englewood Cit y Counci l was called 10 order by Ma yor Bum~ :, 7:35 p.m. 2. lnvocadoa The lD'+'OClltion was given by Mayor Burns . 3. Pled1eorAlle&iUce The Pledge or Allegiance~~ led by Mayor Bums . 4. RollCall Present: Absent A quorum was pros,DL Also i,rtscnt: 5. Minutes Council Members Grazulis, Garntt, Bradshaw, Wolosyn Yurchicl<, Bums Council Member Nabbolz City Manager Sears City Anomey Brotmllll Deputy City Clerk Castle Director Olson, Safety Services :O iv1sion ChicfVandcrmee. Safety Services Offi cer Ta yl or , Safety Services Senior PlaMcr Langon. Community Development Business e.nd Redevelopment Coordm.ator Johnson. Community Development Director Ross , Pubhc Works (a) COUNCIL ~!EMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 2001. Ay.s : Nays: Absent The monon carried . Council Members Gaorett. Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurcbicl<, Gmulis, Bums None Counc il Member Nabholz COl~CIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO ~tO VE ITEMS 8(1) AND 8(1>) FORWARD ON THE AGENDA. EnHl•wood City Council February S, 2001 P•H• 2 Ayes: Nays : Absent: Council Membm Gorrctt, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick, Orazulis , Bums None Council W.embcr Nabholz The motion carried . Counc il Member Bradshaw e;<pJaincd that the Mayors aiid Commissioners Youth Awards presentation was now moved forward so the awards can be given and we can move on to the reception . 8. Communk:alions. Procl11ma1lons u.nd Appointments ta) Council recogmtcd tht: nonunl.'c s for ihe !vfayors and Conuruss1oners Youth Awards . Ma yor Burns s:ud. tonight we are ple ased to be honoring th1ncen young people who have been nominated for the 2000/2001 Mettopoluan Mayors and Co mmissioners Youth Awards . This program recogn izes young pc:ople who have overcome difficult situalions in their lives and have risen to the challenges of adversity . The young people we are honoring this evening have been through hardships most ofus can't c-ven imagine -alcohol and drug abuse battles , abusive: family situations, serious 1uu,mobile accidents, difficuhies in school. gnng affiliations, deaths of friends or family members , trouble wi th police. teen parenthood. incarceration, learning difficulties , physical ailments . and more . We arc honoring these nominees not becaust of 1he hardships the y have faced, but because the y have persevered and have taken co ntrol of 1heir lives, turning 1heir adversity into advantage. They have mad~ a difference in their own livi:s ond the lives of those around them. Their strength and detennination arc an inspiration to us all. Mayor Bums said wt: have been involved in this program now for several years and witnessed some of the most amrzing stories I have ever heard . h is really an honor 10 have all of you here, be said. We will be hononng each Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioners Youth Award nominee with a certificate expressing our admiration and some other items we hope they will ft.id useful. Our Mayor Pro Tem. Bev Bradshaw, will help me hand out the awards . Ms . Bradshaw serves oo th,: Board of Managers for the Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioners Youth Award Program. he advised. After our official recognitio n. we will break for a brief reception to visit with our nominees , l1~ !,aid. (i) Co uncil Member Br.idshaw said our first nominee is Timothy (Mike) Fahey, a st ud ent at Humane x Academy . Mikc ·s nomina1or describes him as a positi ve role model -alwa ys willing 10 gi\'e a helping hand . Mayc,r Bum s pre serited the ce rtificate :ind gifts 10 Mr . Fahe y. and asked for :i round of applause. (1:) So nya M. Finh. :i -:rudent at Colorado 's Finest Altemauve High School. was not present. (i ii) Ms. Bradsha w introduced S1ep hanie Jone s. who attends Co lorad o's Finest Ahernati\'e Hi gh School . Stephanie's nominator describes her as a significant role model for other srudcnts. she said .. He r commitment 10 her edul-arion is revered and appreciated . Ma yo r Bums presented the certificate and gifts to Ms . Jones. and asked for a round of applause. (1v) Ms . Brad.sh.aw said our nexl nomin ·; .. i \ Charles Lohse. a srudr.nl at Humancx Ac:ide m:, According 10 hi s nomina1or . Charlie has totally rur r.:d his life around and has been able to overcome the obstacle s that had stopped him from being su ccrnfu l in the past . Mayor Bums presented the certificate and gifts to Mr. Lohse , 11,nd asked for a round ofllpi1lause . (v) Council Member Bradshaw introduced Christopher Lucas, who also attends • • • Enalcwood City Council February 5, 2001 Paa• J Humancx Academy. Accordin1 IO his DOll1inator, she said , Chris iJ a posirivc role model with an exceptional attitude. He seems to have found his motivation and is setting pos itive goals . Mayor Bums prescntcd the ccnificatc and gifts to Mr. Lucas, and asked for a round of applacx. (vi) Rachel Marrujo was the ne xt nominee introduced by Counc il Member Bradshaw. She iJ a student 11 Colo11do'1 Fi.aeat Altcmauvc Hi&h School and her nominator says abc bas demonstrated a resiliency above the nonn ill spite of many sctbacks life bas dealt her. She iJ very dciennincd and has a stron11 commitment to her family . Mayor Bums presented the cenific:lte and gifts to Ms . Marrujo, and ilSked for a round of applause . (vii) Ms. BraJ.Shaw said our next nominee is Amber M311in. a studen1 at Colorado "s finest Alternative High School. Amber 's nominator is very proud of her, she said. She hu aonc throuab • lot in her youns life , but she has managed to survive and is st"11 c-d uled to graduate in June . Mayor Burns presented the certificate and gifts to Ms . Martin, and asked for a round of applause . (v iii) The next nominee was Chasity Moss. Ms . Bradshaw said she 111Cf195 Colorado 's finest Alternative High School and is described by her nominator as a survivor in the purest sense . In spite of the banhncss ofber life, she always has a smile and a positive outlook. Mayor Bums prcscntcd the ccnific11e and gifts to Ms . Moss . and asked for a round ofapplausc. (ix) Council Member Bradihaw illtroduccd Vicroria L. Mossman, also a studcn! at Colorado 's Finest Alternative High Scbool Her oominator says she is well liked by her peen and highly regarded by the school staff. She is I champion and a survivor. ,. Mayor Bums presented tne ccnificate aod gifts 10 Ms . Mossman. and asked for a round of applause . (x) Aaron Salabok iJ a student al Englewood High School. Ms . Bradshaw said his nominator is p.-oud to have seen Aaron come so far over the pasl year. He bad struggled with schoolwork and other difficult ies. but has completely turned it around this year. Mayor Bums presented 1he certificate and gifts to Mr. Salabak, and asked for a round of applause. (:u) Council Member Bradshaw mtroduccd Douglas Spencer, a student at Hwnaoex Academy. Hi.s nominator is proud ofhim, she sa.id, for the amount of personal growth be bas done ovn the put year and a half. His success has made him an incredible role model for 1bc other stu~nts. Ma yor Burns presented the certificate and gifts to Mr . Spencer, and asked for a round of applause . (xii) Ms . Bradshaw s..id our ne xt nominee is Christopher Townsend, also a student at Humanex. Academy. His nominator says Chris has attack ed his problems head on and is a positi ve role model for hie; fello w students . Mayor Bums presented the cenifica1c and gifis 10 Mr . To~nscnd. and asked for a round ofapplD.UY . (xiii) Cow,cd Member Bradshaw mrroduccd nonune c Ma ry(ManucJ Turner. Mami e attends Hwnancx Academy, and ber nonuna1or sa ys sht de se rve s this award because of the incred ible turnaround sbc has done ,n school. She leads by example and has complete respect from h<r peers 3lld staff. Englewood City Council February 5, 2001 Pa1e 4 Mayor Burns prescnied the cenifica1e and gifts 10 Ms . Turner, and asked for a round or applause . Ma yor Bums 1h;mkcd everyone for joining us 1h1s evening 10 honor 1hesc \'Cr)' special young people . He uked for 1111othcr round of applause . He uked that cvuyone join us next door In the Community Room for cake and a brief reception to visit with our nominees . M•yor Bums thanked the Parks and Recreation Dq,anmont for some of the donations they made, and be especially thanked Leigh AM Hoflhines . who ttally do,s 111 the work on this . She puts these packages together and is dedicated 10 this projccr and docs a terrific job. He asked for a round of appl ause for Ms . Hoflhincs . He thanked everyone for Jo 1mng us dus evemng to honor these very spc c1al yo ung peopl e. He asked lur :mother round of 11pphtusc for 1hc nominees Ma yo r Bums invned everyone 10 join Co uncil in the Commu nity Room for cak e :ind II bm:of rccepuon (b) The meeung recessed at 7:4 5 p.m. for a bne f recepu on. recon ve ning a1 8: 12 p.m wi th six Council Members presenr, Council Member Nabholz was absent. 6. Scheduled Vlsllon (a) Safery Services Director Olson and Division ChiefVandennce presen ted a check from the U.S. Department of Jus1icc representing the City of Englewood 's ponion of forfeited prr,crty co nli sca 1ed dunng thl! mvesugation of drug dealing acuvities . Director Olson said he would like to tallc about how th is whole process occurred. He said he was sure they had probably read about it in th: Englewood Hm.ld . as Tom Munds was down there for the presentation al the District Anomey's office , as was City Manager Sears, Mayor Bums and hims,lf. Dittetor Olson said the person he would like to recognize as well is Officer Brian Taylor, who was not there at that ceremony. Officer Taylor wu assigned to the Drug Enforcement Administration for :ibout cwo and a half years . He was the lead case agent on this encirc case, ht said. It was very complex, very involved, with some fantastic police work. he said. to get to this point. BccJuse of Officer Taylor 's work. along with seven I others , but primaril y Officer Taylor, it really brought this case to the conclusion that it is at today. It is still an open case, ~e said . Di.rector Olson advised that Officer Taylor was able 10 detennine that thert could~ some potentia l evidence up in a storage locker in Ft. Collins . He was only able to determine ii through some pretty good worlc when be wen t up 10 Wash mg1on State, but . surprise, surpnse, when they wen1 to this locke r a M ,pc:ocd it up, instead ~f the marijuaJU1 the y though t 1hcy had. ii turned ou1 to ~ bundles and bundles oft\h'1,:; dollar bills . As it rumed ou t there was cl ose 10 si:"< million dollars . he sa id. and beca use of the amount l'' :,me Officer Taylor spent. nnd our mvo lvc~nl wuh DEA and our suppon m prov idi ng 1hem wuh agems ,11 :r 1he ycm. we go1 about twenty percent of lhat. ChiefVandcrmee has a facsimile of tha1 check, he said, and as you c:m see it is for St .159 .217 .00 . The y can 't write checks for 1hat large ofan amoum of money. he said. so we got two checks that add up 10 1hat amount . We ha ve those m the bank . ond Ch1CI Acco untom Dazz10 go1 them 1ha1 same day . Director Olson asked Officer Ta ylor 10 step forwud . Officer Taylor was given a standing ovo.uon . Ollicc:r Taylor said. before he 1akc:s an y credn for this. 111s 1mportan110 note there were a lot of people involved. no1 onl y from DEA . bu1 :ilso from here . A 101 of the reason that case iook pla ce is because of the faith the C-iry of Englewood and his 1upervisor . Chief Vandenncc . and Director Olson. had in him. He said he could V1"1dl y re membe r the day he was ruMing 1hrough an aupon to catc h a nigh! 10 go to Washington to get this . He ca lled Di visi on ChiefVandcnnce and said here is a co p yo u have no1 seen in qui1c a linle bit of umc , and I'm going 10 Washington if ii is okay with you. To put a 101 of fai th in me to do that. he said, and give me the opportunity to do that, made this check possible and a lot of the other things that happened. • Yes . I am tl1e agent that was involved. but there were a lot of other people lilce Director Olson and Chief Vandcrmce that made ii possible by giving me the opponunities to do wh 11t I did . • • Englewood Cicy Council February S, 2001 Page S Mayor Bums said he dunks Officer Taylor did the work , and it is high time that he was recognized publicly . We are very, very proud of you, he said . Council Member Bradshaw asked if there would be a picture of the check on display. She said she hopes so, with a picture of Officer Taylor. Mayor Bwns asked for another round of applause . 7. U111<beduled Visitors ta) Mayor Bums advised that one person, Gary Kozacck. had signed up to speak. He reminded everyone tha1 these prese ntations arc lintitcd to five nunutcs , and that Mr. Kozacek had dimibu1ed a handoul 10 Council earlier . Gary Kozllcck , 1260 West Oxfo rd Avenue, said he has been a resident of Englewood all of his life . He advised that he would not read all of his notes. My family was here, he said, prior to Englewood acrually becoming a city, and Oxford Avenue, at that time, was a din road . He added that he also has served on the City Council, and will, in fact. relate this evening to ordinances and regulations that he was involved in fomwlating . Mr. Kozacek said be has plowed snow for more than twenty-five years and most of his contracts arc in Englewood. Not that I don 't go elsewhere, he said. but there is too much need here in Englewood . Mr. Kozacek said he wanted to make it clear that be was not he1e for a bitch session, but to brin& Council's attention to a situation that arose with just a small amount of snow, this last snow of five or six inches, compared to back a few years , when we \\TOtc the ordinance , when we had a couple feet of snow . What a mess that was for everyone, be said, especially the City Council, because they beard from everyone . Mr. Kozacek said he received a lot of complaints from the businesses that he pushes snow for . Prim.uily. I push snow on their parking lot , he said . but I will do a gratis pass over on the sidewalks . Snow removal LS a fuMy thing , because it depends a lot on when it !=nows, the time of day, how fast it snows, .and what type of accumulation. A lot of times, if it is snowing d1 •ring the day, there is enough traffic flow that it doesn't rcqui.re plowing . He said he only pushei. snow aft ... : three inches of accumulation, but it becomes a real hazard ifhe goes out after the traffic starts moving . Whe11 thar early morning traffic hits the road, they do not watch for us. and we arc a li11b1li1y out there that can crcale a maJor problem. he said . CoDSC'qunitly, we try to get in there in the middle of the night. and it may still be snowing, so we may not get everything cleared . The complaint that I have from my busmes ses, he said. has 10 do with the Belleview and Hampden co rridor. We have 11 problem with the highway depanmcnt. he assened. There is no set time for them to come through . If it is before I come through, then it is not a problem. he sai1, but after I go through. then they throw all the snow up again. Depending upon their speed. and how far they throw it. and if the temperature drops, ii becomes ice. Mr. Kozacek said he uses a rubbei· blade so he won 't tear up cement work . He said he was asked to go in and chop away some ice at Meineke Muffler, which, as I pass the pi ctures around yo u will sec, was three 10 four inches deep . The problem was, the snow accumulated and froze after he had already mad e a pass, he said. and Me ineke is not the only place . That is what precipitated the conversation with the Code Enforcement Officer, who is mcn1ioned in the memo , but he said he would not name on public record. Mr. Koucek said he may uhima1cly lose that conttac1. but he told the manager he was coming up here to talk to Co uncil about considering a way of working it out He said he put two cones up at the end, when the y called to complain, because ii was ii safery hazard . It closed the sidewalk, bu1 a1 le:m it was a warning . He asked tha1 more time be gi\'en for the snow to Stan to melt doWTL and then they will go back in and clear it. The Code Enforcement Officer went 10 Meineke and kept harping, he said, and demanded that the lot be cleared within five houn . It would have had to be cleared by 3:00 p.m beca use the y ga.,·c him 1he warning at 10:00 a.m.. he advised . Mr. Kozacek said he drove back down after he fimshcd his 1hcrapy and saw that the Kmart had ne ver been cleaned . Al 1he park . down where the old liurg rounds were. there 1s an enure hill that has ne,·er been touched . he said. Maybe th ey have bttn ci 1ed. and m:i ybc the y haven '1. but 1hc Big Kmart 's manager said he has been there for three years and has never personally heard of anyone citing them. Mr. Kozacek said he feels 1hat one of his customers ha.s been targeted . It was the same th ing down here on Hampden . he said. but they told him the y wou ld work with him becausr: he did pan of the parking 101 and the public can wa lk over that and come Englewood City Council February 5, 200 I P■&• 6 back in . I have lclcphonc poles on some of the businesses down here that are right out i.n the middle , be said. and a truck can not push it. What lam aski11g , he said. is to come up with some idea where we can work together . It is not because the businesses ncglecled or refused 10 clean. because we hive nade ar. cffon to clean . There arc others , 115 you can sec by the photographs, o~homeowners who do not clean their sidewalks . and most of those arc dated ycstenlty. We talk aboutthe City 's responsibility, but today I wu in front of Swedish Hospital and a guy who was in his seY<ntics WIS out tlttr< trying to hack the ice away from th e guncrs . Our snow policy sa ys from gutter to gutter, in hospital zones and school zones, he pointed out. I went by Flood Middle School, and there was almost a half a block with a bunch of cm parlccd on it, where the ice was three or four inches deep, in a school zone. (fa law is :a law, then let's enforce it from one cnci to the other. Irthc public itself has to abide, then the City has to abide , or '-''C come up with a compromise because of special circumstances, he said. Th~ law says I C&Mot take snow from a parking lot and put it into th; street. Mr. Kozacek said he has no problem with that, but he did have a problem during this last snow when he saw the Englewood Parks and Recreation Department truck taking snow off their parking lot right acro55 from his house, and pushing it onto Oxford . He allowed that it wa., the middle of the night and he had no camera . Maybe it was an isolated incident. he said. but when my customen call me and st.in yelling , then I ha\'e a problem. He asked Council 10 rum to the last page of his handout He suggested that , ifwe have ice , then maybe they could set some cones designating a hatard, and maybe put some Ice Break in there so maybe it won'I ~ slick. He :tho !Ugges1ed creating an arbitration board . not just for snow removal. because that only happens in one or ~o cases a year. but an arbitration board chat Ce;1.mcil can tweak any w::ay they want. He feh the board should be allowed a little bit of strength in some of their decision malting , not only regarding snow, but also for weeds and things like that It could even go into some of the problems the City is having at Englewood High School . Mr . Kozacek said. if Council would like to cont.act him regarding snow issues, his number is on the handout. Changing the subject slightly, Mr. Koucek cha!lenged the City of Englewood , because he~ 1bou1 the parking problem at Englew01,d High School. to consider cutting out pan of the sidewalk , Taking one length of that sidewalk on the stadium side, moving the fence back. because there are two sidewalks with the fence in the middle. and moving the fence back to make angle parking. You will triple your par1cing ability , he said. and take away some of the stress from the public up there . Mr. Koz.icek said he has the pictures ofthc snow, which have been numbered corresponding , and they also show some of the other propenies . M11,yo r Bums thanked Mr. Kozacek for his comments . There was no one else presen1 who wished to speak . 8. Communications, Proclamations and Appointments This i1em was moved forward on the Agenda . (See page I.) 9. Public Hrarlng There was no public hea.rin g scheduled . 10. Consent Agenda COUNCIL )tEMBER GARRETT MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (1) (I), AND 10 (c) (I) A>'ID (II). (a) Approval of Ordinances on Firs1 Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 3. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT • • Enale..-ood Ciry Council February 5, 2001 Paa• 7 A BILL FOR AN OP.DINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (COOT) AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD PERTAINING TO A GRANT CON11NUING THE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROJECT . (b) Approval of Ordinances on Secor.cl Reading There were no i1enu submitted for approva l on second read ing . (c) Resolutions and Motions (i) AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ENGLEWOOD ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION, INC. FOR THE CITY TO PROVIDE STREET SERVICES WITHIN CITYCENTER ENGLEWOOD . (ii) PURCHASE OF A HALF-TON PICKUP TRUCK THROUGH THE 2001 STA TE OF COLORADO BID CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $21 ,381 .00 . Votcresulh: Ayes: Nays: Absent: The motion carried. 11. Regular Asonda Council Members Garren, Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurchiclc. Grazulis, Burns None Council Member Nabholz (a) Approval of Ordinances on First Reading (i) Senior Planner Langon J>'C"nted a recommendation from the Deputrnonl oi' 1 I Community Development to adopt a bill for an ordinance approving the Swedish Medical Center Planned Development Amendment 5 and n, set a public hearing for March 5. 2001 to gather public input oa this issue . She stated th.at this case was heard by the PlaMing and Zoning Conunission on January 9, 2001 , and they recommended the amendment be forwarded to Council . The Dcpamnent of Community Devclopmen1 req uests that Council set March s• for a public hearing on the subjec t, she said. The amendment is an extension of a prev iously established Planned Oe\'elopment and a number of subsequent amendments . This one centers on the nain entrance of the hospital. she advised. at 501 East Hampden Avenue . SW\.'11ish Medical Center plans to extend that ma out for extension of their surgical and critical care areas . 'There is one outstanding issue , she advised. regarding the Ciry Ditch. The building spans over the ditch, aod there is one structura l support column that encroaches into the ditch. The applicant is ccrrcntly working with the Utilities Department to prepare a ditch crossing. and an encroadunent agreement t'br the span ud for the column , which is anticipated to be ready for the March 5• public hearing . Co uncil Mcmher Garren uked Ms . Langon if she wanted Council lo take action before tliey solve the Ciry Ditch problems . Ms . Langon said the City Anomey ~s office agreed that we can solve that issue at the same time, and. ifwe can ge1 the agreements ready, and through the Water and Sewer Board. they would come forward that same night and pos c;ibly be done as a package . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM ll(aXI) -COUNCIL BILL ~o. 4, AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MARCH 5, 2001 . COUNCIL BILL NO. 4. INTRODlJ CED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW Englewood Cily Council February 5, 2001 Page 8 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT 5 FOR SWEDISH MED ICAL CENTER . Vote resulls : Ayes : Nays : Absent The morion carried. Counci l Members G:utclt. Bradsh11w , \Volosyn. Yurcliick, Grnzulis, Bums None Council Member Nabholz (ii) Business and Rcdevelopmcn1 Coordinator Johnson presented a recommendation from the l)epanrncnt of Community Devc:lopmcnt to adopt a bill for an ordinance approving the formation of the Alliance for Commerce in Englewood . She advised that this bill would create ACE. whkh would be a seven.member advisory board. representing a broad scc1ion oftbe commercial interests in this community, including retail, service and industry. In doing so, this group will !Urengthen the link between the City government and the business community. We have had a lot of great input for th is ordinance, she said. through business leaders m 1he arc:3.. as well as busmess leaders in other communities, abol!,I the tbing.:i that have betn very successfu l for them. We are looltnfl at this group as having an opponunity 10 provide input to the City on things th.It impact them most. suc h as regulntions, taxo.1ion and zonin& issues, she said. She urged Council to pass the bill on firs1 reading . Mayor Bums said there was a presentation at the Study Session a few weeks ago on this. and this is an action taken .-f1er the dissolution of EDDA to broaden the representation and suppon of business in the community . He noticed a couple of typos in the ordinance . The memo refers to tht Alliance for Commerce in Englewood, but several times in the ordinance it has Alliance of Commerce , he said. Ms. Johnson said i i should be: Alliance for Commerce in Englewood, as it LS our pannership for the commercial interest. Mayor Bums said in the third whereas , there appears to be a different typo in the second line. He pom1ed c,ul several areas in the ordinance where Alliance of Commerce appears erroneously . COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED , TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I l(a)(ii) -COUNCIL BILL NO. S. Mayor Burns advised that those corrccrioiu can just be inscned because i i has not yc1 been passed, so they would not be amendments . COUN CIL BILL NO . 5, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYls A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 2, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNIC IPAL CODE 2000 BY TH E ADDITION OF A :-,/EW CHAPTER 11. ESTABLISHING THE ALLIANCE FOR COMMER CE IN ENGLEWOOD tACE) FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. Vote Results: Ayes : Na ys· Absent: r hc mouon camcd. CoWlCtl Members Garren. Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurch.ick. Grazulis. Burns None Council ~frmber ;\abholz Mayor Bums thanked Ms . Johnson for her work on this . Council ~ember Bradshaw thanked her for her llmcly wo rk on 1his. (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading • • Englewood City Council Frbruary l, 2001 hge9 There were no items submitted for approval ,1n second reading. (c) Resolutions and Motions (i) Director Ross presented a rccormx:ndation from the Department o(Public Works to approve, by motion. a conrract for profeuional consulting services for tnnJpOnarioo planlling. He st11ted that staff recommends approving a contracl w;th Cane• lltld Burgess in 311 amount estimated at Sl24,000.00 . The purpose behind the transportation plo.Ming effort in 2001. he C:(plaincd. is to involve citizens ma comprehensive effort to try 10 ascertain what the transportation issues are in the City of Englc,,ood Also. to cmuc a mmsportar ion action plan thut idcnrifies what should be: done . 11 uaffic calnun~ 1oo lbox for the City of Englewood th3t identifies policies and procedures for future requests. and a transpon:uio n phm update for the City of Englewood Comprehensive Plan to set fonh policies 11nd \'ision stntclllC!nls for the near tenn and beyond . Counci l Member Bradshaw asked why a communiry would want a ttansponation plan . She asked when our la.st one w.1s done. Mr . Ross responded that the last planni11i3 effon was done as pan of the Comprehensive Plan . Ms . Bradshaw said 19:· .J . Mr. Ross agreed. Ms. Bradshaw said, at that time, they were proposing the Ithaca couplet, which was going to be one-way going cast, to split Hampden, so it could be a huge majiir thoroughfare , She a.sked ifhe was saying that maybe we need to look at that again, Mr. Ross said exactly, it is a linle dated in a lot of areas, but there W'Cre a lot of good things indicated. such as the need to provide a light rail corridor. and they also identified the need for improvements along Santa Fe. It wu not all stuff that we just put on the shelf and ignored, he said. but it is time to take another look at iL Mayor Bums said, as Mr. Ross mcmioned in SNdy Session, this is the most comprehcnsivt transportation plan that Englewood has ever done. Mr. Ross agreed. Over the years, he said, we have done a few things like taking a look at safety issues for certain corridors , median improvemcn1S along Hampden or Highflay 285 , but we have never done anything as comprehensive as this. ,· Council Member Bradshaw asked if this would tell us if we need four-way stops at schools , Mr. Ross responded affirmatively. Ms . Bradshaw said we do need them. Mr. Ross said that would be determined during this process . Ms . Bradshaw asked if Counci l could override the things in this plan. Mr. Ross said yes . COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED. ANIJ IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE A CONTRACT WITH CARTER AND BL"RGESS FOR PROFESSIO:-IAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNING. Ayes : Nays: Absent: TI1c motion carried . 12 . Gtntral Discussion (a) Ma yo r's Choice Council Mt:mbers Garren, Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurchick, GraZlllis. Bums None Council Member Nabholz (i) Mayor Burns distribulc:d. to Council. memos regarding expected expenses for his and Council Member Wolosyn 's trips 10 the Na 1io nal League of Cities Co nference . Council Member Garren commented that he is a pro ponent of nice litt le 'Mitten rcpons . In order 10 continue his suppon , he St.id he would need a rcpon coming back to Council so he could at least get a flavor of what the y learned that helps the Ciry uf Englewood, if we are spending tax dollars for this . En11lcwood City Council February 5, 2001 Page 10 U{) Mayor Bums said that is absolutely appropriate. He said he his ont 1c 1a r1 bou1 10 submu for the NLC iD December, and he recalled that he passed out qui1c a bit of the material he received at that conference. He repe111cd that Council Member Garren is exactly correct. and he would be happy 10 submit • rcpon. MAYOR BURNS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE F.XPENSES FOR HIS TRIP TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE, MAACH 9 THROUGH 13, 2001. IN THE AMOlr:'IT OF S2.670.00. Council Member Garren said that is an authorization for up to that amount, if I'm not misiaken. Mayor Bums said usually, whenever be does these. they come out 10 several hundred dollars less, because he is usually pretty frugal. bu1 yes, it is up to $2.670.00 . Vole results: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Council Mcmb(rs Garren. Bradsh.tw, Wolosyn, Yurchick. Grazulis. Bums None Council Member Nobholz The motion carried . Council Member Garren observed that that was an odd vo1e . He assumed it would be five ayes and one abs1enrion. Mayor Burns said be did not rnncmbcr if they have abstained from these before . He fell that if you have enough confidence that you should go , you ought to vole for ii . Council Member Wolosyn felt 1ha1 was an honest stance . MAYOR BURNS MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE EXPENSES FOR COUNCIL MEMBER WOI OSYN'S TRIP TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE, MARCH, , IIROUGH 13, 2001, UP TO THE AMOUNT OF SZ,535.0tl. Ayes : Council Members Gancn. Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurcbick, Grazulis. Bums Nays : None Absent: Council Member Nabholz The motion carried (b) Cou~~1I "¥fembers· Choice (i) Council Member Gancn said Mr. Kozacck made 11 great point. He said he gets calls once or twice every winter. It sceau to be the south sidewalks that gel covered up by the shade, and. a1 least in his district. we have talked aboul :hat si~tion. Code Enforccmcnl has been fairly understanding abou1 1hc foci that sometimes th:re is nol r.iuch you ca11 ,~•i when the plows go and just dump it. It freezes before you can get 10 it. He felt that comi,:iss1on and understanding w:i~ the right stan to the process. He said he understands Code Enforcement's need. especially on Belleview where it is a ma ior pedestrian way, but we also have to use a little bn of common sense • .i s long as people arc trying 10 do n r: ght. M.iyor Bum:, said he was lookmg a1 the pi.:tures and fell there were prc•liabl y innumerable places around 1he commu1111 y where you could t:ike those: pi ctures . Council ~embe, Gancn said there arc some shaded areas in lhl' fourth distric1 where there is no w.i y, .ind 1he 1cc build s up in 1he firs1 part of winter and doesn 't melt till the end ofY.1.mcr . h tS dlflicult With the trees shading 11 and also the sidewalk is low. so it becomes .a shec1 of ice . Council Member Grazulis said they have graders that go through on the second or third day afterwards to try to remove it from some of lhosc areas . ilnd of course it docs damage the sidewalk. Mr. Garren said some of the sidewalks sn son of low, so II depends on the: angle . • • • • Enalewood Ciiy Counc:il February 5, 2001 Paae 11 Council Member Yurc~c.k said this Jut oar aeemcd to be """ i,:· tban no11D1I. Mayor Bwns agr,cd. (ii) C.JWl<il M•mber Wo)osyn tban<ed CouJicil for approving the expenses for her first nip. Mayor Bums said he wu really glad Ms. Wolosyn wu g11ing. as it helps to have someone with you on t.'lcse trips . so you can compare no tes and go to different sess ions . 13 . City Manacer's Report (a) City Manager Seus said Director Gryglewicz was not present , bu· t:tJ ':\ ..1 ':o~·. ~ii hJ look at the Revenue Manual, as the Finance Dq>artment did an cxccllcril job on ii. Several •· JU.1r i' Mctnbers voiced their agreement that it was excellent. Ciry Manager s~ars said he would pass 0 11 ,~ 1ht.m Council's comments of s\i _wo rt. We arc trying to look al all of ow fma.nces . he said, and keep then · up 10 date . 14 . City Attorney's Report Ciry Attorney Brotzman had no manm to discuss . I 5. Adjournment MAYOR BURNS MOVED ·m ADJOURN. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m