HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-03-05 (Regular) Meeting MinutesENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCll. lbnuu ) 'ftl } bo,1 :il;i11 IOtJ!. 1dni.TI !. Jt&:'t ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO Resular Smlon March 5, 2001 I. Calllo Order The regular meeting of the Englewood City Council was ca lled to , r.:';, Oy Mayor Bums at 7:41 p.nt 2. Invocation The invocation was given by Council Member Nabholz. 3. Pled1e or Alleslancc Th< Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Bums. 4 . Roll Call Present: Absent: A quorum was present. Also present: 5. Minutes Council 1'.. ·s Nabholz, Grandis, Garren, Wolosyn, Yurchick, Bums Council Member Bradshaw City Manager Sears City Attorne y Brotzman City Clerk Ellis Senior Planner Langon. Community Development Director Fonda, Utilities Director Ross, Public Works Direc 1or Olson, Safet y Se r\'ices (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 2001. Ayes : Nays : Abstain: Absent: Motion carried. 6. Scheduled Visitors Counc;J Members Garrett. Wolos yn. Yurchick, Gruulis, Burns None CouncU Member Nabbolz Council Member Bradshaw (a) Mr. Paul Hendricks, 400 1 South Elati Slrte~ stated tbat he served on the coJ1'J?linee which helped revamp parking ticket laws , as well as alb.er code enforcement laws , about six or seven years ago. I can 't speak for other members of that co mmittee, be said. but l was shocked when it was pointed out to me tbat we left parkioa regulations the same for business. industry and residential areu. He odvised tba1 City staff ex.plained to him that the regul at ions are just uniform across the board. I made a misiakc in not catching Ibis enor. I would like to think I'd ba ve corrected it ifl bad found i~ be said, bw not bein& an expen on those matters, I dW not catch it. Mr. Hendricks opined that it is obviou,ly wrooa to leave puking regulations the same for industry and residential areas . He advised tbat his solution to the problem is tbat En1lewood Clly Couadl March 5, 2001 P11e l industrial mas should be able to convene and set parking weigbu for themselves , hopefully in agreement with the City, but it should be their decision.., ii is their pan of the City. He commeoted that we squeeu lhcm into thal area, we have them zoned for tluu, so these shou ld be their decisions . Mr. Hendricks siz.rcJ thilt bu~incss areas should also have the right to say which vchJcles can park and unload there . I would think that those needs would be diffe rent than lhey arc in residential iarcu. he sa id. Certainly, he said. citizens in residential areas have alrc:tdy exprcs!ioed to this Council , as I read in the paper, their concerns about parking , like around Englewood High School and they have• righ, to do that. I'm bringing forward to you, he said, the conceros of the people in the business and industrial areas of Eoglewood, especially ibe industrial areu in Englewood. I also have a present.arion. he said, on behalf of on.· of those businesses , ii;, which he delineates several different instances. He poin1ed out that this is just the rip of the iceberg, of the dickens this businessman has caught . htcause these laws ar: not right in a business area . He stated they may be fme to be cnfor ed in a residential area, but they do:i 't fit down there . And. he said, they were never caught until now, because you did not have a full•t imr parking person until now. Now you have somebod y down there and her whole job is parking enforcement. I think you have several pcop l~ on that no w. Th:11 c:1me 10 light and II reall y staned to show up as a problem. He nClted tha1 individually 1he concerns don ·, mean much. but 1oge1hcr the y amounl to harassing this persons business . Mr. Hendi,tks said some of the se coocems were that a man named Mr.Chad a 1ruck parked across 1hc strcel ·.vith a U joint out and he said Nancy, the code enforcement person. ca me by and pui a ricket on it and 1he \\Tctker had just left it there . bad just dropped it off for repairs at hi s shop . He said Dave's LTD was parked in the shop for repair and the parking enforcement person broke into the car to find out about 1he license plate and she told Mr. Haruteman 's son that she wanted the key. Mr. HaMeman ·s son told her he would call the customer and she could give him the key . He wasn't going to give her lhc key. Mr. Hendricks saic' that George Yancy has a coocretr sawing business and she put tickets on twf'l trucks because there was no lii:ense . But all he was doing was moving so Cowboy Transit co uld get those big auc ks out. I had my truck parked down there, he said , and she put a ticket on it. She said it was overweight and. Mr. Hendricks stated, it wus not She pul a ticket on Mr. Hanncman's tru ck for a snowplow and Mr. Hanneman said there 11re a lot of snowplows on trucks 311 over Englewood that uen't ticketed. Mr. Hendricks said he wou ld let Mr. HaMeman speak for himself about other things. That is just a slice of Mr. Hi.Meman ·s life. he said, and there are other buslnCssc s here that ha\·e had similar problems . He said be would also caution CoWJCil th.at you give up a certain amount of goodwill in the City when you start really crankine: on the laws and if you want to give up that goodwill for mone y, you will have the mone y, yo ur budget will be a little fatter nnd you 'll have a little fun for a linle while spending it, but you still have thar HI will to deal with. And, he opined. there is some building up out here right now on this issue: alone . Jam :aying that there arc some people who should never have a bureaucratic job, he said, and that's somconc who says "you know this -ys twelve inches away from the curb. your thirteen. barn, you get a ticket. 1\1.r. Hendricks Strtbcd that that kind of person doesn 't de scr\'c a job as a bureaucrat, because the y don 't have any co:nmon sense . I think: you should look real ca refully at that panicular person in code enforcement and parking laws rigt,• now. he said. because I think she is getting real close to 1ha1 if she is not there: already. Mr. Hendricks gave each Co uncil Ylembcr :1 copy of\\ha1 he said . Ma yor Bums said thank you . (b) Jeff Pannier. General Mana gee of the Co untry Buffet Re s1a:.ir:1n1 loc ated in Engle wood at 30 I West Girard. in the Pbar-Mor Plaza . just cast of here , said he would like to stall om torught by thllnk ing the Council members for lending him .a little portion of1heir time . We rcalizc:. he said . that plaMing and developing a community as diverse as 1he one thll1 we also do busine ss m, can be 11 lu.rgc: projcc1 ilnd we are thankful for the opportUnity to ha\'c a little bit of time 10 vo ice our allegiance and suppon for what the community is doing . I would like 1~ i.>cgin by inrroducir,g myself and the company that I manage , he said. so that you arc fal'TUliar with u~ before \\':' rc11lly step up ~nd try to do more things with the communiry. I have been "ith the company 'Or abou! six 1cus and I ha ve been fonun111~ .:=.ough to have worked in Englewood twice now . The first ti1nc was about six years ago . and I can just tell you, as a business person coming into this conununiry six years ago and then coming back again. abt>ut seven months ago, after having managed otbc:r loc:uions in the Denver market. that you guys arc d•Jing a fantastic job. Mr. Pannier stated it is a completel y changed environment, not only economically, but safety wise . He noted the demo&r.1phics are obviowly changiog, there has been a big upswiog and we att very gnttful for tha~ because we cm do what we cao do. but you guys art obviously doing some good things to help us out th~rc:. The company I work for is a buffet style concept. He explained that even though it is a national • • Enatewood City Council Marth 5, 2001 P11eJ company, they encoura ge us , as proprietors, to be very involved in our communities on a local level ud WCe ownership and live in and work in and be a part of the communilics . So we kind of distance ow-selves from the corporate presence and really try to weave ourselves in the fabric of the community. lbat is one of the reasons we art here this cvcmag . Our Englewood location was opened about seven years ago and at that 1imc i1 was dcfinncl y a different business cnv1ronmcn1. Cinderella City was sull up and running and the tr.lffic that came into this area was from a larger part of 1hc metro area . In that seven ye:us since lhen, he said. ( think all of the business people in Englewood ha ve SU1''ivcd a variety of economic conditions , some were fa vorable and some were challenging . But through it illl we hne been one that has con1inu~ to serve the community in Englewood and the surrounding :ireas with dil ige nce. Mr. PaMier advi sed that they work hard to employ citizens , allowing them 10 develop sources of income. which pcnni1s them to be involved with and develop :is tt ta x base in tht community . I thmk we ha ve been successful as an economic force and a revenue generator in the community, he said , and we take pride in the fact thal we were able to anchor even in some of the laugher times . I 1hink that, reall y, our focus has ,JI ways been on our comminnen1 10 enhancing a quality of life for the citizens in the community and the people who pattonizc our rcs1aurants . We really consider them 10 be more than a source of business revenue . We get very involved .vuh our pattons as neighbors and friend s, he s.iid, and for a lot ofus now, wc have even become family and serving them is more than just a business . The company I represent, be said, as I have staled. is very involved in promoting us within the community and they arc interested in having us, not just take from the community, bul to be involved and give back. Ht> stated that they continue to look for ways to promo:c safety, education and family values in and throughout our community. We currently , acti vely, suppon a large variety of programs in Englewood and the surrounding areas . We arc actively involved in school achievement programs and charitable and fund raising events, the Safety Services di :-1sioo and their Neighborhood Watch activities, a lot of the community and social events , local school and spans teams. He noted that with other businesses in the area, they group together and find ways to tack.le this ever- changing environment that we all face every day . I know kind of what you arc thinking about now, be said,~ and that is. is there a point 10 this . And yes. there definitely is . We fttl we have been a lor,g-standing part of Uus co mmuni ty. Ma ybe not as long as some and maybe longer than others . he said. but we definitely ,. want to assure you that we life a bus iness that is here to stay and we wanl 10 be 11 pan of this community in a positive, functioning way . So really, I am not here tonight as much to ask for your assistance , as I am to offer ours as you go into your furure planning and development sessions . ~Ir. Pannier said we would like to be considered as an opportunity or ::i. resource for you, 11.s pl:tMers and dc \"elopcrs , 10 draw upon . Whether it be a community , a social , a civic acti\•it y, an organization . a citizen 's gro up, or a celebra1ory event that you are planning .• Like I said , through the Safety Services divis io n we have bc.:n involved in a lot of the parades and festivities th:lt you offc1-. I think that is one of the big points I would like to make. That we ha ve a lot of resources . We have people , we have labor and we dcftni1cly ha ve food donations and public access . As we approach the future , he sa id, Englewood is obviousl y changing and developing into the future at a rapid pace and we would like to state that we would definitely want to be included and be an active pan of Englcwood"s foture from an offering standpoint. If there is anything we ..:an do in lhc future 10 help you as you plan am:, de velop events and opportunities, we would like to offer ourselves and cnco ura~e you 10 feel free 10 call upon us. We h:i.vc :i very open door po licy in the co mmunit y, he said. \\here any organization or group of people arc always welcome to approach us :i nd :isk for help in anyway that they might need help . Mayor Bums thanked him. 7. Non--scbtduled Vbiton (a) Lind y Hannem.in stated he has been in business in Engle wood for over fifty yean. he was born in this towu and he has had a ..,usincss at this location. 40 30 South Ka lamath, for over thiny-thrce years . This code c:nforcement thin~ has upset me. he said . I just don 't undcrsta n ' how things can go so b.:id sc quick . Now, he noted. cod e enforcl!mcnl is blaming u on the hght rail . l .,JS t believe that this lady is hart,,jsing me , I really do. She 1s giving ...,v cus1omcrs tickets .:ind she was down there one clay with a s1im- j im bre:iiung int.> a car. She sa id II hal' . .:ense on ii :ind. he said . it didn ·1, but if tha1 is a problem. put a ti:kct on it We had to work on the c;11 J tha1 is what wa s left there to be worked on . But she was going to tuwc it haulcJ off. I jus1 do11 ·1 under rnd what is going on anymore . he said . Enalewood City Council March 5, 2001 P11e4 , l 1 (UN Ian 1 1n11 • it ,, 11 ~ ~ Mayor Bums sl\id, J mighr jus1 sa y in p:iss ing , thtt we are re vie wi ng code enforce ment, that the Cily Manaaer is re viewing it at this po int. He explained that the City has been asked by its citizens to enforce codes more saingcndy and there arc a whole varie ty of codes we .1 rc loc;king at here . Code enforcement, he noted , swings like '?. pendulum. If you do too much people get upset and if you do too little th:y don't th ink you arc doing enough . We obviousl y have to ha ve properly tnincd personnel. he sai d. and the City Ma,1agcr is rev iewing th is now to sec whether we art overdo ing it or no1 on sonic of the code enforcement issue s, or if specific employees arc . But , Mayo r Bums ad vised, we wa nt to hear from the public and bus iness people if they think we are doing too much or if some of our emplo yees are be ing overzealous . We appreciate hearing fr om you if you arc having a problem, he sa id. as we would like to know what the problem is, and what you have experienced. so that we can react to it. Mr . Hanneman said he would appreciate it if Council wou ld reall y take a look into it because he can 't understand why a man who has been in busincs~ as long as ht. has , has pa id his taxe s like he has, should ha ve to put up with this kind of stuff. Mayor Bums said Council understands Mr. Hanneman is upse t. But, he said. I for one would like to know what has been happe ning at 1his parti cular bus ine ss, especi all y, and als o whether we arc develop ing a problem here and whether code enforc ement feels it must en force , perhaps more stri ngently. because light rail is staning to ca use a parking problem. Mayor Bums advised that RTD had a repre scnun ive here 111 a breakfast about 1cn days ago and he was sa yi ng the y :ue lak ing an other look at the Ox ford location to try to obtain parking. We have be en pushing them for two or three yea rs 10 get park ing the re . ~ayor Bums said . We told them we didn 't want to be the po licemen to enforce the parkin g problem. as they start to spill over into the neighborhoods and businesses . We have told them that many. many times and we arc reall y urging them to do <omething aboJt that proi>lem as it evolves . \Ve ha ve been monitoring it for some rime . Bui if it then bc:com·s a problem. }\c said, where the code enforcement staff feel they are pushing them bccausc of light rail ,.: would like 10 know if that connec !'ion is be inJ made through 1hc staff. He noted other Council memb!rs could comrnc ut tn this . but he had not heard that before . Mayor Burns said we apprecia1e you c.Jmin ~ here 1onigh110 ,111 11• 10 us . Mi. Hanneman thanked the Ma yor , (b) John Patt i, owner ofBodit l l'y Brown at 3985 South Kalamath, said his nickname is Brown . He ad vised he has also had the sam. p1..,;blem with the Nancy who has bcrn writing the tickets. When I came to the City to get a permit to bui)d a body shop there, he said , the y did not have a problem with what I told them was going to be a body shop repair facility . Ma yor Bums commented that be has a ve ry attractive frontage on his business . Mr. Patti thanked him and noted he has tried to clean it up . He advi5ed lhat he i~ having the same problem as Mr. Hanneman. Mr. Patt i staled that he has had businesses in Eng lewood since 1983 . He said the problem is that it scares his cwtomcrs . He no1ed a guy had stepped out of his car and was coming into the building and she said he was more than tv,:e)vc inches from the urb and she was going to write him up bcfo,,. he can1c in,., gel en estima1c . I'm trying 10 1cll her to le3ve the gu)' alone until he get s in and gets his estimate . he SJt.1. and then the y could move the car. Bur she was goin g. to ticke t him unle ss he mo ve-:t his car. He dec ided not to sta y to ge t an es timat e. Mr. Patt i opined tha1 th.it is MOi ng a linh: bit ove rboard and they do n·1 ha\'C any problems with the oth er 1wo peopl e that come into that nei ghborh ood . The problem I reall y ha v<. here . he sa id . is !hat they keep J laming it on light rail 3nd li ght ra il docs no1 ha\'c a thin g 10 do wi th th is la dy m our nei ghbo rhood . We were ha ving problems with li ght rail cars comin g down in10 our nei gh borhoo d. Hc: said if she ..,as rhcre a1 7:00 in the morning, like I am, she could lell the peopl e they can 't park the re . We have an und crs 1and ing. he said, I just 1ell them "you didn't pa y enough for thi s comer 10 park here ." Ma yo r Bums as ked Mr . Patti how far he is fr om Windermere . Mr . Patt i said he is three blocks over. So , Ma yor BlL'lLS said , ;ou arc havin g parking problems that far 0\'er. ~r. Patt i stated the y arc coming that far over. to Y..alamath . You ha ve Meadow Go ld there and the y donated so much prope rty to build Englewood Recreat ion Center , why don't the )' donate half of that parkin g lot that the )' don 't we:> He commented that 1hey could sell pennils to park in the back of i1 as there is nobody in there , there are no cars there . If they art .. ot go ing 10 use it, you could try to buy it or try 10 buy the old El Sombrero , nobody is using that lot. The y could put a two.car parking l01 over there and sell permits . I mean. he said. there arc plenty of options . but light rail is not our problem. Our problem. he said, is that right now we ha ve one lady th4t • • • Ea ... wood City Council March 5, 2001 •••• 5 , 11 > 1 (l"'l"'a I, II t,t. c l/ " •" lilt<t harusing Lind)·• Auto ani Bodies by Brown. I came down here because I was gemng close to $150.00 a day in tickell from her. You guys did throw away a bw.:h of:hem. be said, because I jusr aot so upset J threw them on the desk and said I can't have any more of this . I don't wa:nt tickets on my customer's cars. when 1hcy bring them in for repairs . He said if you nm away wo1k I am going to be out of business . This really needs to be looked 111, he said, and I think it is one person that needs to be looked at more thAn anyth ing else. And don't blame ii on light rail, because light rail didn't bring this problem on . This lady bas something wrong or ~he just doesn 't like Mr . Hanneman and when ;he comes by his place, she comes by mine. I was here for a yc111 building this place and had miilcrs parked out there with all kiuds oftnsh and they were never dckctcti. Bui when they m cle:in and parked out there they arc dckcled and l just don't understand 1rus. This is somclhma lhat rea lly needs 10 be: really looked al. he said, because I am tired of being harassed with ii and so is Mr. Hanneman . I love the place and I love being 1her'!. Mr. Pan i noted they cleaned up the place quite a bit :ind they would just like 10 be left alone 10 conduct business and make money. Mayor Bums said he understands nod he thanked Mr . Pani . (c) David Hester 5443 South Miller Strcel , linlcton. satd hili interest is very : •If-serving becawe Mr. Hanneman is bis mechanic . Mr. Hanneman has been in Eqlewood for over fifty years and he has been on Kalamath for thirty-three of those yea.rs. Mr. Hester said be would like ,~ .:xplain bis background . He worked for the City of Dallas of twelve years in code enforcement. zoning, building inspection and code enforcement of junk cars and yards, giarb·1ge cans and weeds, so, he said, I am wdl swarc of the code enforcement laws. 111 least with the City of!)allas. He stated that Mr . Hanneman got his 1935 Pierce Arrow running finally and they took it 10 the coocoW<C, en 1><.halfofMS, ,1 Arapahoe College and it won first place for Best of Show in the year 2000. Mr. Hanneman is a very good mechanic , ·1e sai~, so my interest is self-serving bcca\lSe I WllJlt Mr. Hanneman to be happy down there . But every time I go to sec Mr. Hanneman he is talking about the meter maid, that she 's out there md if you arc out 13 inches she is going to give you a ticket. if you have a sno·.vplow ... because there is snow 10 remove from the - sidewalk ... she is going to give you a ticket. Mr. Hester ooted that Mr. Hanneman bad a stroke last year and he is always upset about .!,: meter maid harassing him. Last yc:u, he said. I brnught rr.:, 1938 Packard limo over and Mr Hanneman rushed out and said "make sure you ge1 it twel ve inches from the curb or .1. you 'll get a ticket.'' Well . Mr. Hester said. I doa 't think a 73-ycar-okl man should ha ve to worry about inches from the curb . I think we should enforce the laws of Englewood, he said. and I think it is good that you do it u.. Ionnly, but on Kalamatb.. from what I have heard. the;, z:e unjust. the y arc unfair and the lady seems very tw erzealous from what I can see . I v ould just like to keep Mr. HaMcman in good health so he can do anothe, ten years cfmec,11nics on m:, Pierce Arrow and my Pack:ud. He thanke d Co uncil !Or 1heir time . Ma~·:;1 Bums .J niced him . (d) Gary Kozacck . 12~0 Wc s1 Oxford Avenue . said h~ really did no1 intend 10 speak, but he wanted to offer some clarific:liion. He advised Council that ~r. Hanneman WilS cited regarding a snowplow. Wheo we originally wrote that snowplow law, he said . ir was so yo u would not detach a snowplow and leave it on Lile street . ~r. Kozacek noted the Judge was sittin g in the: audience and he can't rule on it. but Council needs ,,, loo!ic into the law b«ausc it is uoconsritutiona'. Your vehicle is street legli wnh a sno wplow on i,, whcthl..'r it ,s snowing or not, be said . I can go anywhere in the entire United States with 11 snowplvw on my truck. except Englewood. twenty-four boors after it snows. I used mine , before I got hun. in the sumincr.unc , he said. because I use fine grading, l use a rubber blade . I han two jobs that I do that arc din parking 101s. and ar the end of the winter, before :1 gets totall y dry, I need to rake my blade back in and fine gndc that driveway again. But your own law says \hat it is illeg .I and yet you have no signs, in Englewood, stating that. Mr. Kl.lzacek stated that you can restrict a truck weigLt limit , if you put signage on the street, but it is unconstitutional 10 sit there and regulate . Mr . Haruieman was cited for it and charged S35 .00. but it would rul vc c-ost J,im more 10 go to coun, awa y from t:i.s own work. where he would have to close down pan of his shop. to fight it. That is one point. he s:ud, and the second point is in regard to the overweight truck. I was appalled when I hcud thar , be said. because I live right there . We have tr.1ilers parked down thcrt' from Cowboy Transfer. trailers rrxwing semi's. the eighteen wheeler r;pc. which is noduna compared 11 lhe three 100 trUCk that be had there. T:;cLrS i.s much larger and yet he go1 cited for having an overweight truck in a business district. That was what that one was about. He noted Council talk '!. 11bou1 thing, that ha ve l.11ppc~ since the light nil was put in aud you have been talking about S\Jt lb.. He poinced out chat you ht·!t. an entire length of Windermere that does not ba \~ a sidewalk. Earlewood City Council March 5, 2001 Fa1e6 1:11,) ,1, >lmr.,, 1,n i Io·•~ .,. ~,. 1, 1 ,~,~ You talk abou1 safeiy and I have wa1ched people down "1erc. They park along lhai whole west side, alnna the rail, and the) will walk do\\11 th! Sbfft because then. is no sidewalk.. But everywhere else WC requU"e , sidew,,,llc. Now, ~ conunented. you can 11rgue that it is because it is not in the City. Mayor Burm advi,~-d that Council had J session on sidewalks 1on11iht and that very locauon was one of the subJc:tts . Mr. Kozacck thanked 1be Mayor. He noted he has lived at 1260 West Oxford Avenue his entire life and Meadow Gold has one hundred rimes the workforce lhat they had when the Ont day 1he dairy opened. They have been bought out three differen1 times and t~ere have been times that their employee parking lot is minimally parked, bu1 !here ore other rimes when it is full. I know, he said, because I push die snow on lha1 parking lot. I do nol do their sidewalks, bu1 I do their parking lot. But because of their overload, fi-om haviniz a huge employment base now, it has caused an influx of people parking around the business district. I :11ve come to tell you about their labor force, be said. 11Dd the problem that we hid with that neighborhood . Mr. Hanneman happens to be my mechanic a• well, he said. I pulled in over !here, pulled into the driveway of the Meadow Go ld Dairy, where the r"' losed and it is sealed off by semi's, and Mr. HaMeman ran out and infonned me that the Ciry Jmc by and ticket me for parking in there. betausc l wasr~·, an employee or the dairy. Tcchn.ica J Jam, because lam paid to rcmo,.·c rhetr sno w. Mr . Kozacck not~ that just gives you a few highlights of some of the things that I know arc going on. l am sure you will look ;nro it funhcr , he said. but I just wanted to clarify the situation and give you some hard facts. He thanked CJuncil for their time . Mayor Bums thanked him. 8. Communkatlons, Proclamations and Appointments There were no communications, proclamations or appointments . 9. Publlc Hearin& (a) A Public Hearing wns held to gather :1.:,11t l"!.iJUI on Council Bill No . 4, Bpproving the Swedish Medical Center PlaMcd Development Amendment 5. COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARJN1.,. Ayes: Council Memben Nnbholz, Garrett. Wolosyn. Yurchick. Grazulis, Burns Nays: None Absent Council Member Bradshaw Motion carried and the Public Hearing opened . All witnesses were duly sworn . Senior Ph1Mer Langon advised that before Council for considernrion 1cnight is Case No . PD 2001.01, Swedish Medical Center Pl:mncd Development Amendment No . 5. I bavt akeady presented to the City Clerk. she said. the Proofof}'ublkation of the Public Notice of this hearing that appe:ared in !he Englewood Herald on February 9, 2001 ond the Certifies.ion of Posting of the Public Hearing . Ms. Langin stated that Swedish Medical Center PD Amcndme o! 5 proposes an addition of approximately 21. 000 square feet of surgical and critical care suppor : •.emce areas . That is bro~en down into appro:<imately 6,000 square feet of the crit:cal care area that ;, gomg to be developed Within the hospital shell . It is all internal work. she said, with approximately I' ,,000 square feet of surgical area occurring at the main entrance of the: hospital. which is located :it : 01 East Hampden Ave nue:. Ms . Langon advised th:u the Community Oc:vc:lopmc:nt Department recommc:nds that the PlaMcd Development Amc:ndmcnl 5 be approved She slated 1hat the crigina l Swedish Medical Cente r Planned Devclopmcnl was appro,·ed by Cuy Council in 1989 and there have bcc:n a 1otal of four previous amendments . Amendments I, 2. and 3 concerned the: medical office buildings that were added 10 the complex and Amendment 4 , in 1993, was lhc tiuild out of the hospital. The Planned De"elopmcnt Ordinance wu repealed in 1996 with the odoption of the: Planne-d Unit Development Ordinoncc . Ms Langon explained that this repeal did not chan ge the status of ex1s1ing Swedish Medical Center PD and it allowed that any amendments to the existing PD's would be made under the initial approval process . Currently, she said. the property is zoned 8-2, Bwiness Disttict • • • ED1lewood Clly Council March 5, 2001 Pa1• 7 .1nuu l ~Ii > l,uou:.il:rn'.i Joli~,;. ,tn1;ff. ll IJt;"J and R-3, High-Oensiiy Residence Di1ttic~ ii is a combina1ioo wilh !he PD overb y. The Amendmen1 S area ofexpamion is fully within the R·3 area. The intent of the expamion is to dcvciop a larger surgical care 1re1. Currently, Swedish's main surgery department is comprised of nine OR roo1is, their surgical volume and room size caMot accommodate the volume or surgeries. The proposed amendment has beco reviewed by the City's Developmmt Review Team, she said ., which is comprised of seven divisions thac review proposall , Ms. Langon stated that aU identifietl issues and concern., have been resolved to their satisfaction and 011 lhe agenda ionigb1 is lhe one UDrtsolved i,sue tha1 had 10 be •ddrcssed and lha1 was lhe Utiliiy Department's requirement re3arding the City Ditch The surgery are; will project out over the Cily Ditch. she explained and one suppon column for lhat structure will be :ocatcd panially within the City Ditch. Ms. Langon slated that tonight on Council's agenda, is the first rr,ading for an ordinance to grant the City Ditch Cromnw L,cer.se and the Encronchmcnt Agreement 1ha1 wd ! be nece ssary for 1h1s projecl to con1inue . The Pl1Med Dcvelopmen1 Ordinance requires that any developrr.ent be consistent wi1h the Comprehensive Plan and that ii metts the requirements oi the Pia.Med Dcvclopmc111 Ordmnnce \\'ith the use pre viously established in lhc original Planned De,eloprncnt and the subs• quent amendments . S1arfbclleves. she said. that 1he overall development plan for Amendmcnl Sis consi-:nt with the intcn1 of the Comprehcmive Plan and lhc: Planned Developmcn1 ordinance 111d lhcrefore rea.,.unends !hat approval oflhe Swedish Medical Cenler Planned Oevelopmen1 Amendmen1 S proceed . Ms. Langon advised 1h11 she would address any questions Council might have . otbm\ise she would tum it over to representatives from Swedish Medical Cemer and Caner Burgess. Mayor Bums 111ked Council if they bad any questions for Ms. Langon . He noted Council bas reviewed this inaner 11 Study Session. Mary M. White. Presir.fem of Swedish Medical Cente r, SOI Eas1 Hampden Avenue, said she was here ,· toniaht to ask. for Council's consideration of their PD No. S expansion. She offered her thanks to Mayor Bums, Council membcn , City Manager Scars and City Attorney Brotzman. We arc very excited about this . projec1, 1he uid, ii hu been a Iona umc in coming . We have been planning it for a few years now and, she noted, !here arc people in the audience who will be able to offer a bcner explanation of1he documen1s in fronl of Council . She iniroduced Dan Coull, Swedish Medical Cen1er Project Manager, GleM Garland, Engineer from Caner and Burgess , Kari Goerke, Swedish Medical Center Dir!'! :1or of Surgical Services, Larry Snyder, F1cilili11 Director. Dan McCraw, their primary contacl with Bevis Consttuction and Dr. Bruce Baird. Head of South Denver Anesthesia and previous department chair for surgery at Swtdish and curren1l y 1he chairman ofQYllh y Comminee . Dan Coxall. Swed11h Medical Ccn1cr ProJecl Mana&er. said he W:!.j present 10 lts1en 10 commcn1s 01· answer any que1111.>ns 11bou1 IM proJecl . I ha\ c seve ral members of lhe Design and User Team wuh me. he said. Mayor BumJ 11ked Mr. Coull 10 txpllut the timeline for 1he project. Mr. Coxall advised that the project is scheduled 10 11an upon pennn , bu1 we arc hoping it will be 1owards 1he end of Apnl, early May and f'.Je 101al construcllon time 111wo ycan . Mayor Bums asked how they will be h:mdling the traffic around their front cnay dwing the Lunsttuction peri od. ~·h Conull suued thc v hn \e ;:i temporary traffic pl..111 II ey have developed wilh GleM Garland of Caner Burwcu . He proceedco 10 show Council the plan on the document camera. Mr. Coxall explained that their entrance dm•c w,11 ht closed during , appro,cima1ely. the firs1 year of consttuction . We arc hoping 10 open 1he circle dm•e towards 1he end of this year , he said. He pointed oul the temporary entry and egress poin1s for 1hc fro111 cntr:mce . He pointed out 1he palh entrance traffi c will follow , the drop off point and egress point . Mayor Bums uked iflherc v.·ere any quesnons about the traffic panem . There were none . Mr. Coxall continued explainina 1he plan Wlth 1M use of the document camera . He pointed out the construction area and where che cRne, construction a.nd concre1e trucks will come in. He slated the y have developed sign.age plan, to idenll fy now fU ~,:ns for traffic 11nd they will work diligently with Caner Burgess and internal people 1n rry1n110 1dcnufy whar the issues will be during construction . They will !n1lewood City Council M1rcb 5, 2001 Pl1e8 Tl ) ti) 111> ,fi1Jn1 I!{)~ ,. dJ ' ' ~ work with Central Parking, their parking management firm. to identify valet issues, physician ~ricing issues and where we are going to pul cars during 1his period . Their main emphasi s will be to ge l them otT of Hampden Avenue and onto the property without any backup!, if at all possible . Mayor Bums asked how much noise anenuation they need with regard to their patients who arc actually in the rooms above the consD"Uction . Mr . Coxall stl[cd they will ccnainly have some noise associated with the consttlJction. but typicall y, with health co.re, they like to do their construction during the d.1)'1imc hours . The typical construction hours will be 7:00 11.m tfl 3:30 p.m.. he said. Mr. Co,call noted they are aware of the City 's no ise ordinance and they wil! work aro,md that. Most of our patients are awake during the day. he said . so II typicall)· workJ better for us 10 work o·lring normal business hours . Mayor Bums asked if Council had any 01hcr questions 1Qr Mr. Coxall . There were none . He thanked Mr. Cox.all. Dr . Bruce Baird stated he is a physician and he has had the good fortune to be associated with Swcdi! Medical Center, to be a pan of the physician leadership and to work with a large anesthesia group. Ht. said he just wanted 10 express bow excited they are about this new project. They have been looking at i1 for quite awhile, he said, and we certainly need this for several reasons . Dr. Baird stated tha1 the number ooe reason is for patient safcry. The OJ)l!nting rooms we have now a.re too small, he said, they are outdated . With the new technolog y we use a lot more equipment than we use t'l, he said. And as an anesthesiologist, I am really concerned abou1 patient safety. By the time we ge1 all the equipment in 1hc room, and the various technicians . there is very little room left for the patient. This is so mething that needs 10 be done and he opined that Swedish has done it right. ,'\S they are looking at. not just our current needs. but the y a.re looking down the road . Recentl y. he said, a Gallup poll showed that Swedish wa s the number one quality health facilicy in the Dcn\'er metro area and we need 10 mamtam that high quality . It 1s not easy for the medical staff to work in the mids1 of a construction pro1ec1 , he said. bu1 1hey knO\., ll will be shon 1crm. The medical staff realizes that this needs to be done and. beyond the minor inconvenience, 1hey know they will be able to serve their patienis and co mmuni1 y bcncr. He asked if there were any ques uo ns he could answer from a physi c1an 's sta ndpoint In response 10 Council ~ember Garren, Dr. Baird explained the project , basically, Is renovating about half the operating rooms . keeping another half and then adding an additional eight. s.; -NC are going from nine 10 twelve . Five of them arc jUSI 100 sm.:ill. he said, 1hc y wall be ll.UTied into a iifTerent pan of the project. Ma yo r Bwns thanked Dr . Baird . Mayor Bums noted the Planning Commission went over a l01 of i.ss1.ies wuen 1his was before them He asked 1f 1t 1s correct that they will be leasang some park.mg spaces fror.,, the Masomc Lodge for construction workers. Mr. Co,u11l said that is their intent They arc working on negotiating an agreement wi1h the Masonic Lodge to lease about fifty spaces . Mayor Bums commented that. as 1he y know. we have chronic park.m g problems around the hospital we :ire addressmg regularly . ~ir. Coxall stated the y arc very aware . Mayor Bums asked if Council had any other quesuons . There were none . Mayor Burns asked if Swedish had any other prc scnta11ons . They did not. M11.yor Burns asked 11 an yo ne else wished 10 speak . There wa~ no one else present 10 speak . COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT ;\IOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Ayes : Nays : Absent Council Membm N1bholz. G1t1cn . Wolosyn . Yurchtcl<. Grazulis. Bums ~onr Council Membor Br.11!Jhlw • • Enalewood City Council Moreb 5, 2001 P11• 9 Mo1ion cwied and the Public He:mng closed. /IIJ 1, , I ':I I • 11,n;lf I 'I Mayor Bwns thanked everyone for coming and advised that Council would \'Ole on thi s ordioance a! the next meeting . 10 . Consent A&enda ta) Approval of Ordinances on Firs1 R,'11ding COU:-ICIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, M ,D IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE CONSENT AGE:-IDA ITEMS 10 (1) (I), (II) and (Ill), 10 (b) (I) and (II), Al,;D 10 (c) (I ;, (U) and (JU). (1) COUNCIL BILL NO . 8. INTRODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION I 13 : COMPETITIVE BIDDl:SG. OF THE ENGLEWOOD HOME Rl.iLE CHARTER UNDER WHICH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO IS RAISING THE DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CGMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS. (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO . 10. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ENTITLED "FIRST AMENDED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE AUTHORITY" BETWEEN BENNETT FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, TOW N OF BOW MAR, BYERS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SOUTH METRO FIRE RESCUE. CITY OF CENTENNIAL. CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE, COLUMBINE VALLEY, CUNNINGHAM FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT , TOWN OF DEER TRAIL, DEER TRAIL FIRE PROTEcnON DISTRICT, CITY OF FOXFIELD , CITY OF GLENDALE . CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CITY OF LITTLE;ON, LITTLETO N FIRE PROTECTIO N DISTRICT, PARKER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SABLE- ALTURA FIRE PROTEcnON DISTRICT. CITY OF SHERIDAN , SKYLINE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT. STRASBURG FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO PERTAINING TO THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY E-911 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SERVICE AUTHORITY . (nil COUNCIL BILL NO . 12. INTRODL'CED BY COUNCI L ~1EMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDl1'ANCE APPROVING THE PLANNED L'N IT DEVELOP~IENT (PUD) FOR CRAIG HOSPITAL CAMPUS LOCAT ED AT THE INTERSECTION OF SOUTH CLARKSON STRf cT AND EAST GIRARD AVENUE IN THE CITY OF E:SGLEWOOD. CO LORADO . SET A PUBLI C HEARING FOR APRIL 2, 2001 TO GATHER PUBLIC 1:-IP UT ON THIS ISSUE (b) Appro ·al ofOrdimmces on Second Reading (1) ORDl1''ANCE NO . 6, SERIES OF 2001 (COtJ~KlL BILL N0. 6. INTRODl:CED BY COL'NC IL M,\1BER GARRETT) AN ORDIN I.NCE AUTHORIZ:NG A BUSINESS LEASE WITH J & J HENDERSON , n,c . FOR USE OF THE Al<APAHOE RENTAL PROPERn·. (ii) ORDINANCE NO . 7. SERIEC, OF 2001 (COl'NCIL BILL NO . 7, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) Enelewood c ;ty Co,ncll March 5, 1001 1(111 hi) (II) IJUt1tf l:ilu1 100:.. :a r1 11 1'11• IO p :St:'I AN OkOINANC', AU fHOR!ZING A BUSINESS LEASE WITH MELVIN AND SHELLY P.EDORE FOR USE OF THE REAL PROPERi'Y LOCATED AT FLOYD A VENUE TO BE USED A~ CUSTOMF.R PARKING . (c } Resolutions and Motions (i) RESOLUTION N0.15. SERIES OF 2001 A RESOLuTION APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT ONTO THE cm· RIGH r -OF-WAY FOR EXISTING FRONT PARKING SPACES DUE TO AN EXPANS ION OF THE BUSINESS . (ii) PURCHASE , THROUGH THE STATE BID PROCESS, OF A HALF -TON PICKUP TRUCK AT A COST OF 521,092.00 . (iii) PURCHASE, THROUGH THE STATE BID PROCESS, OF A¼ TON PICKUP TRUCK AT A COST OF 523,348.00 . Vote results: Ayes: Nays : Absent Motion rricd . Council Members Nabbolz. Garrett , Wolo,yn, Yurcltick, Graziilis . Bums None Council Member Bradshaw Mayor Bums explained that the Consent Agenda is us ·· · lo expedite Council actions . They arc place,: on the agenda to move routine maners along . He pointed out that Consent Agenda Item 10 (a) (iii) sc1 a., :b li c hearing for April 2, 2001 10 gather public input on an ordinoncc appro..,ing the Craig Hospital Planned Unit Development. 11. Reiul1r Acenda (a) Approval-of Ordinances on First Reading (i) D1re1..:tor Fonda presen1ed a recommendation from the Utilities Department to adopt a bill for an ordinance approving the Grant oflhe City Ditch Crossing License and Encroachment Permit to £wcdish Hospital. He staled that they ha\'e reviewed their request It is a small encroachment , he said, the di1ch is piped in that area and if it needed repai r. we feel. with what they arc constructing, we can do required maintenance or replacement. He said s1aff would recommend that 1hc license be gramed. Mayor Bums asked if Counci l had any ques tions of Director Fonda . lbcre were none . Ma yor Bums commenied that Council ha s been over th is is Study Sessmn. He thanke d Director Fonda . COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, Al~D IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (I) • COUNCIL BILL NO, 9, COUNCIL BILL NO . 9, INTRODU CED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A CITY DITC!-1 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND A GRANT OF CITY DITCH CROSSING LICENSE TO HCA · Health One LLC, dba SWEDISH !IEDICAL CENTER . Vote resulls: Ayes : Council Members Na bholz, Garren. Wolosyn. Yurchi ck, Gnr.dis. • En1lewood Cll y Council March S, 2001 Pac• II Nays: Absent: Motion carried, Bums None Council Member Brodshaw 10) ,ti 'ht.1011~1 nlt ,no ·" ,h , 11 I •t (ii) Direc tor Ross presented a recommendation from the Department of Public Works to adopt a bill for an ordinance auL"iorizing a contract with the Colorado Orpartment of T11115pona1ion 10 provide paniol neimbursen,ent for Englewood's Traffic Signal Uppdc. He ,11 1ed that they are seeking City Council approval of a bill for an ordinance authorizing Englewood to enter into an agrccmcn1 with COOT 10 allow the Ci ty to be reimbursed for improvcmcn1s co Englewood 's Traffic Signal Control Sys1cm from Federal Funds in the amount of S 100,000.00 . He explained chat they had to move ahead wi1h this work. prior 10 this agreement with COOT being finalized. bccau.ie ofY2 K considerations. Thi s work was co mple1 cd fifteen months ago. he said. but because of a lot of hard work by Ladd Vostry the City of Englewood 1s finall y gelling the S100,000.00. So , Director Ross Sil.id. il.S ii manager it is nice when you can c:uc h one of yo ur employees do ing somet hing good and acknowledge them. He asked that Mr. Vostry join him at the podium . Mr . Ross commented that he brought Mr . Vostry here under false pretenses and he will probably never believe him again. He pointed out that this 5100 ,000 .00 we arc going 10 receive from COOT, is really due to the dogged detenninauon of Ladd Vostry . Every time someo ne at COOT would tell him no. be would just not give in. He wou ld filibuster an office until that person su1tendercd and unfortunately for Mr. Vostry that guy would get transferred and he would have to do it 111 over again . So, again , he said. he just wan ted 10 thank Mr Vostry for all his work and perse verance . 1banks to all of that hard work. he said, we now ha ve another 5100,000.00 that we 'll be able to use for transponation improvements in 1he City of Englewood . • ~ayor Bums offered Council ·s appreciation 10 Mr. Vostry and asked for a round of cpplausc . • Director Ross commented that he didn 't know if Council was aware, but Chuck Esterly is now town engineer for the City of Parker and he has it under good authority that Mr. Esterly is looking for a way to steal Mr. Vostry away from us , Based upon what he has b<en able to do for the City of Englewood, he said, I sec why Mr. Esterly feels the way he docs. Council Member Grazulis offered Mr. Vostry congrarulations on his dogged detenninarion . I too know how 1ha1 goes. she said. so Lwill talk to you later about my stop signs . Mayor Bums co mmen1r.d that thi s is another ex.ample o f other communities trying to pirate our good Englewood employees . I 1hmk we should resist them. he said. with all due diligence . He thanked Mr. Ross and Mr . Vostry . COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a)(II) -COUNCIL BILL NO . 11. COUNCIL BILL NO. 11 , INTRODUCED BY COU~CIL MEMBER ~ABHOLZ A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORJZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT A TI O~ ( COOT) AND TIIE cm· OF ENGLEWOOD TO ALLOW THE CITY TO BE REMBURSED FOR IMPROVEME),ITS TO THE ENGLEWOOD TRAFFIC SIG ~A L CO:S'TROL SYST EM FROM FEDERAL FUN DS . Vote results: Ayes : Nays : Absent: Motion carried . Council Members Nabholz, Garrett , Wolosyn, Yurchick, Grazulis , Bwns None Council Mcrr ber Bradslul.w En1lewood Clly Cou udl March 5, 2001 Pa1, 12 (b) Approval ofOrdinanm on Serond Reading 11 ) tLll"ll h \ t ' I, " I ,1 There were no additional items submitted for 11pproval on second reading . (See Agenda. Item 10 -Consent Agenda,) (c) Resolutions and Motions There were no :iddnional resolutions or mouons submmcd for approv:1I. (See Agenda Item 10 -Consent Agenda ,) 12. General O15..:usslon (a) Mayo~s Choi ce (i) Mayor Bums said he would like 10 congratulate Bob Simpso11, the Director of Community Development and lus staff as we have been infonned by letter that the Englewood Civic Center has been selected as the second place winner in the 2001 Local Government IMovations Awards Program category of Metro Vision 2020 by the Dcn\'cr Regional Council ofGovemmcn1s and we will be recognized at their Annual Awards DiMcr on Friday, March 30• at the Denver Center of the Performing Ans. He asked for a round of :applause for Director Simpson and his staff for this award. (ii) Mayor Bums said, regarding his favorite subjec1, the bridge lights over 285, that be noticed they lll'e being connected . It looks like a couple of them may have already been vandalized, be said. but he noticed when the lights come on. on the street that a 101 of them are not lit He asked if that is our responsibility and if we ha\'c a specific systematic maintenance and repair operation for all the lights. Director Ross said no, that actually that is the responsibili ty of Ex.eel Energy and they have been really sD"Uggling . Mayor Bums said he was afraid he was going 10 say 1hat. Director Ross advised that the ones that arc damaged on the bridge were not vandalized . We took those from along Englewood Parkway and UStd those on lhe bridge, he said. and when 1hey 1ransponed them they did damage a few globes . Rick Kahm and his crew have been really trymg to put r.s much pressure on E:tce l l:nergy as they possibly c:m. Unfonunately, he said, Mr. Kahin informed htm lh1s cvenmg that they are gomg through another reorganization so it might ge l worse before it gets bene r. Mayo.-Bums pointed out th.at we 100k over the landscaping on South Santa Fe from COOT and. in fact. Chuck Esterly dreamed that one up when he was here . He asked if there was anywa y we could take o\·er this thing, wi'.h some considcra11on from Excel . He opined th.al this must be a pain 1!1 1hc neck for them. I would j ust be interested in knowing whether there 1s any possib1li1y for the Ci ty to take over that mai.ntenance, he said . Director Ross advised he has read about other cities doing that, we cou ld research it, s« what is invo lved and whc1hcr ii has been done in Co lorado. Mayor Bums conunrn1•d that not only are the : co nstantly reorganizing . but just to get them down here on any regul:u basis . 10 Jo tl.~s in the City of Englewood.. seems to be a dream we have 1hat will never become reality . It 's a ni ce amenity, he said. and it does pain me a bi1 when I drive down there and sec so man y of them 1hat are no1 on . II frankly looks ii linlc sloppy and it looks like we itfe not taking care ofhLlliness . Mayor Bwru commenled th.at we are not responsible for it at the moment, but I am sure the public docsn '1 know that. I would be very interes1cd in knowing whether we could take that ov1.; somehow, be said. Director Ross suggested that another way 10 approach this . as he was sure we are n.,i alone in the problems we face with Excel Energy . is that we should probably be discussing 1his with som t of the other Publi c Works Directors in the metro area and m3 yb~ we need 10 try to beat them up with a r-J ub of all of us. instead of individuall y talking wi 1h the various rcprescntall\'es we deal wuh and le1 them know that this 1sn·1 what we are pa ymg our dollars fnr Mayor Bums llumked D1rcc1or Ross . (1i1) Mayor Bums said we did go to the re ce pu on at th e Red Bird FamlS las1 Frida y and took a tour . The y are the Sm.a l. Busmess of ttl e Yea r Award Wmner from lhc South Me1ro Chamber and the y arc an Englewood busines s. He s1a1cd this was quite an honor for an Englewood business . He noted Red Bird Farms was located in Linlct0n for about .i9 yea rs and we are ve ry apprecia11 ve of the help • • • • • Ea1lewood City Coun<II M1n:b 5, 2001 • ) l..1t)(IN,;(~11 ( I fl ~ I I fl i. '1)1 t{ P11113 they got to locate in the City of Englewood . They have been an enormousl y succmful bwine11 wl tbey ue being recognized for it. Mayor Bums offered Council's apprcci,aion for their hospitalily last Friday. (iv) Mayor Bu rns said he would just like 10 comment on the wonderful Ill display we had in the Library. The school district 's annual an competition was really terrific . Tot kid's rally participated in this . he said. and l nm reall y amazed at the amount of artwork. You had to walk tbrou&h, there for a couple of hour, before you co uld sec it all . It was just terrifi c. he said . (v) Mayor Bums noted trul.t there were some code enforcement issues raised tonight lllld be thought we should really look into it, especially where our businesse s are concerned, to really give somt relief to some of lhese folks and rlecide where our priorities art and what we should be doing about this. We have been asked to enforce codes, he said, and we arc doing it. but maybe we are overdoing it a linle bit. I think some of the issues with regard to indu.strial arens, commercial areas and residential areas should. maybe , be treated a little differently . I am 1ure City Manager Sears will look mlo Iha~ he said. (b) Council Member's Choice (i) Council Member Nabholz !hanked everyo~ for their thoughts and prayers. (ii) Council Member Garren : I. He said he wanted 10 thank 1hr SY.~dish Hospital representatives for staymg for the whole Council meeting. He said ( think this is the firsl lime I have ever seen that happen . 2. He commented that one of the policies m the Srudy Session. generally, is that we don 't solicit comments . What I get concerned aboul , he said. is that we arc not consistent and I think we need 10 discuss our poli cy. Because I am worried, he said, that someone will come and think they will have the opponunity to spcnk at Study Session and then we don'l let them speak. and other time, we son or solicit comments. From my point of vie w, he said. so the citizens know whether the y can or caMot panicipate, we should have some kind of policy to tell them bow that process is done. Council Member Wolosyn said she also needed clarification . I was under the impression that when I invi1c someone, she said, that I can sa y that it is at the discretion or the those at the table. that you may be asked 10 speak.. but in all likelihood you won't I thought it was policy, she said. from my days when I served on a commission. ~fa)'or Bums agreed Council has been a linlc loose with it lately and the Chamber representatives attending tonight's Study Session should probably have been a1 the table, ins1c:1d or in the audicocc . Perhaps. he suggested. staff should call these folks up 10 sit with them irthcy have been actively involved in an item on the agenda . But , he said. I th ink Cou nci l Member Garren makes :i good po in 11h.at we don't want to send a auxed message 10 the public . Council Member Garrttt stressed 1ha1 Council should be co nsisten t. He noted 1r.a1 Counc il docs have a forum in their pub lic session for citizen commen1s . Council Member Wolosyn asked if she wns ,,,, 'lg 10 tell them that the y ma y be asked to speak. but genernlly you arc not at their leisure to speak . ~la yo r Bums s1a1ed 1ha1 11 is 1hc ge neral idea 1hat Srud y Session is a rime for slafT and C<•u,1c il to speak. as we generally don ·1 get enough time with staff. He said he thought torught. as 1herc were some Chamber represcntahves present 1ha1 he thought it wouldn ·1 hun to have them speak. bu1 this ts a good pomt. ~ormally we don 'I have people speak 31 Study Sessions , he said. (iii ) Counc il Member Grazulis noted that Council rcceiv~d, in their packet, an E-mail memo from Tom Evenon ofOmaha. When I fust heard abou11he program, KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE En1lewood City Councll March 5, 2001 P11e 14 'n1) l! Ofl'1Jhtni 00. •,1, U ,r rt 2S<ll, ftom Ken Fellman. I wu very much in ravor or i~ she said, Ms . Gruulis said I want to propose that Council adopt this and I want to go on the official record as s■ying so. I am 101ally in ravor or this, ,be said, for our neighborhoods to adopt the KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 2S®, lnlffic sarety campaign . Mayor Bums said he thought Council should discuss this at Study Session. City Manager Sears advued they can schedule that issue for Srudy Session. (iv) Council Member Wolosyn : 1. She said. referring to the information Director Ross provided in lhe packe t regardin~ 1hc meeting wit h th e people of Ken1 Village , that she nouced Mr. Ro ss suggested all Cit y depanmcms wi th various concerns talk to him . I assume. she said , that later on we will have another Study Sessioa to solicu Council's input on this . She asked him what he sees happening next. Director Ross stated lha1 basically as a staff, the y will try co address some of those 1ssucii a.nd make sure 1ha1 we have 11 consensus or meeting of the minds on issues that affect different departmems . Once we do that, he said. we will bring those recommendations back to City Council. Then we will want to gel back with the Kent Village folks and let them know wha1 dirccticm the policy is· .eaded. Again, he :iaid, ljusl can't emphasis enough that they were very, very pleased with the amount of suppon and that we were there and willing to listen and they were really encouraged by that. Obviousl y, he said. all those compliments were dif<!ctcd at Council because Council gave the direction to do that. Council Member Wolosyn thanked him. 2. She said she would like to draw everyone's attention to the BBC Preliminary Market Arca An.:i.lysis for an Englewood arts center, which is in the packet She advised Council that when Gary Kring presented the check for S7,500.00 matching funds, he did so , wirh this in mind. because we rold him we wanted to do this study . Council Member Wolosyn stared that the Cultural Ans Commission is pleased with the resuhs . 13. Cily Manager's Report (a) City Manager Sc , :s advised Council that 1taff will follow.up on the code enforcement issues. He commented that he knows there was a Code Enforcemen1 Advisory meetin g held and they arc trying to take a look at the spirit of the law versus the \ener of the law and tr)ing to do some adjusting . He stated it is an issue that staff is looking at intently . (b) City Manager Sears st.ued that ·he parking situauon iii becoming very critical in this community. There arc 1200 cars right now for RTD and our parking cen1er here has only 910 spaces . So we reall y do have some major issues, he said. but we o.re reall y trying to take a look .1t education and how we enforce. al the same time domg enforcement through lhc Advisory Commi nee . We will be bringing this issue back 10 th e Council, he said. Mayor Bums asked if there arc any lots around the s1ation down there that could be leased by RTD for additional parking . City Manager Sears a.d\·ised that we haven't checked mto that. Mayor Bums noted that ma ybe there are and maybe there aren't. He pointed out that we have no buffer while we arc making these deci sio ns about a major parking relief measure , but he would like to look into whether there may be some additional space somrplacc down there, even thou gh the y haven't scheduled parking for the stop itself. City Manager Sears sta ted we do re.ally ha\·e to gel their attention. They are very focused on the southeast corridor right now , he said , but our problems and co nce rns grow eve ry day and we need 10 step back in and co ntinue the pressure to allev1ate some of 1bose concerns . Co uncil Member Yurchick as.:t d 1ha1 Dir~tor Olson co rrec 1 him if hc was wrong. but he understood that the Code Enforccmem Advisory Commin« is kind of waiting for direction from Counc il befo ~c they look at that issue. Mr. Olson advised that the request he made, that nigh1 al the mectinr was for tt,c Advisory • • • la&Jewood City Couadl March 5, 2001 PqelS Comminee 10 step back and review the philosophy on cnforcemenl and lhen get together wilh Council 11 1 Study Session. He stated he would like 10 have something come from them fin~ then go to Council and then we'll go from there on that clarification. That, he said, is when: they arc going right now . City Manager Scars stated that they will keep Co uncil informed as he fell this will continue to be an iss~r . (cl City M ■n■&cr Scan advised lhat Rick Kahm his infonned him lhlt the elevator, at the light rail station, should be up and operatio'III by the end of this week. He commented that lhi.s bu been a major concern all the way along . (d) City Manager Scars noted this is a very busy lime and our staff is working extremely hard on all of the consuuction i!.Sues that arc going Ofi and at the same ti ·ae the Police Depamnent bas a whole range of iss ur s that have happened over the last couple of weeks anu the detectives arc very busy. He said he just wan ted IO recognize them and say thanks to the staff we ha\'C working throughout the City. Mayor Bums said absolutely . 14 . City Allorney's Report (a) City Attorne y Brotzman advised that they have completed rhc Zigan valuarion hearing, the C'Jmmi:.sioncrs arc our looking at the property and then the y arc go ing to sit down. deliberate and value the property. As soon as we get a decision on that. he said, I will E•mail Council, and let the media lcnow . IS. Adjournment The meeting adjourned al 8:46 p.m