HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-03-19 (Regular) Meeting Minutes-. • • INGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO Reaalar Seulaa March 19, 1001 I. Call 100rder The regular meeting of die Englewood City CoWlC il was called 10 order by Mayor Bwns al 7:46 p.m. 2. lnvo<allon The invocation was given by Council Member Nabholz . The Pledge of AUepance was led by Ma yor Bums . 4. Roll Call Present: Absent: A quorum was present Council Membcn Nabholz. Bradshaw , Wolosyn, Yurchick. Bums Council Members Gruzulis , Garrett Also present: City Manager Sean City Anorr.ey Brottman Deputy City Clerk Casile 5. Mlnules Recreation Services Maoager Huhberi Recreation Program Administnuor Rulon Dittelor Olson. Safety Services AssisllDI City Manager Flaherty Dittetor Simpson, Community Development Dircelor Black. Parks and Recreation (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO .~PROVE THE Mf;~UTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~IEETING OF M~CH 5. 1001. Ayu: Nays: Abstain: Absent: TI.c 111Vtif'ln carried . 6. S<htduled Vlsllors Council Membcn Nabho lz. Wolosyn . Yurthick. Bums None Co une1I Meml;er Brads haw CoWlCi l Membcn Grazulis. Garrett {a) Members of the Englewood Parks and Rccreauon OC'f>an:ment 's Youth Ad vi sory Counci l were present to introduce themselves to Council and p1ovide an update: on th:ir activities. Recreatioo Services Manager Hultberg said he was glad to be here tonight with the Advisory Council, and he said he Enalewood Ciiy Couacil Man:h 19, 2001 Paa• 2 could not be more pleoscd with how well they are doing under Jeni Rulon's leadership . He introduced Ms . Rulon a11d asked her 10 come fotward to introduce lhc Youth Advisory Councli ~rs. Re, ceation Prognm Administralor Rulon thanked Council for allowing them to come this evening . She advised that the Youth Council consists of fifteen members and they normally meel on Thursday. so since tonight is Monday. there were a 101 of membus whr ~re unable 10 be here . She said most of 1hc members 11ttend schools throughout Englewood, so the y have mput from mos1 Englewood schools. which 1s mcc . Ms. Rulon introduced the members who where present and Mayor Bums prcscn1cd a City of Englewood pin to each. The members prescn! were Angel11 Ah•::irado. Keira Armstrong , Nick Nabholz, Jacob Barnes and Nathan Gentry. Pat Mumy. Youth Coordinator for Pirks iilnd Rec~tion, was also present. Nathan Gentry g3,·e Council an overview of wh.:u the Youth Advisory CoW1cil has done so far . He lldvised that their mission s1.a1ement is 10 help create a bener community, especially for the youth. by planning quality activities. \'Olunteering, being respo:1Sible and having fun. In past events, we have helped al the Halloween Cami\'al. be said. by •~lling concessions and helping to run the games. With the: Rec Zone. we '.elp plan events and volunteer, and we did the: Malucci Media Drive:, whcr,. we: collected videos and money for Children's Hospital. lb<. older members went oo a retreat with other youth councils from around the state, he said. Also , we band out flyers for the youth activities at our school, and we shopped ror the prizes for the egg even!. ln the furure , we are going 10 help plan. shop and work for egg events. we are going 10 help with the: ska1eN>ard park re.-opening, and. hopefully, help design the new youth room al the Recreation Center . Mayor Bwns said ~Ir-Genuy did a good job, and asked for a row1d of applause . Mayor Bums thanked all of them for their dedicated work, and all the kids who could not be here tonight as well. 'i ou do wonderful work for us and we could not Jo our job v.ithoul nll your help, he said. He dumkcd Dircc1or Black and his department (b) Arlene Rapa!, Executive Director of\'oung Voices ofColorndo. wns present to publicly thank Englewood's American Legion Post ~o. 27 for the1r finar.cLII contnbuuon. She c:xplamed that Young Voices of Colorado is a rommunity children's choU', serving the south metro Dem·cr area . Our organization currenliy serves 150 childrerL between the ages of se,•en and fifteen. she said . Unfonuna1e ly, we ore presently m rehearsal. so the children ore singing their linle hc:i.rts out a1 a different location and were not ab le: to join us this evening. 11unug.b our organizatiorL we prov ide benefits to the chi ldren of our Cl :nmunity in musical artistry and technical excellence. We also provide direct benefits. such as confidence , teamwork. commwtity awareness and discipline . It is largely because of what we provide to the children or the community that we were ,·cry l•.1.cky recipients of a generous grant from American Legion Post No . 27 , which is rig.ht here in Englewood . They were \'CfY genl,;f0US to provide us with SS ,000.00 so that we m:iy continue with the work that we do with the chi ldren or our community. Knowing tluat the City of Englewood also values ans and culture, I thought you might join me in ,hanking them for their dedication to the children and all they ba\'c done for us . There :u-c members oftht. American Legion with us tonight. she said. Mayor Bums asked them to come forward 3Dd ino-oduce themselves . Marie Smo lski said she has bc:tn 11 resident of Englewood for a long time 11nd was a U.S. Army nurse in World War II . Also present was far) Reimers, who said he does no1 live in E1.giewood, bul is very close. o,·er in Harvey Park . He said he is the Finance Offict"r for the Amcncnn Legion Post here in Englewood . Lyle Carter said be lives in Deo\'er and is a Korean Wu ,·e1cran . Mayor Bums said he would like 10 recognize that Mrs . Earl Reimers . who 1s sining m the nudience . was his secretary about ten years ago . and he was delighted to see them both. He said this is a wonderful donation and asked for a round of applause . • • • • • Englewood Cily Council Marth 19, 2001 P•a• 3 7. UDSCheduled v1,11ors There Y.'ere no umchedulcd visiton 8. Communications, Proclamations and AppoJnunents (a) A lener from Johanna Danner indicating her resignation from the Keep EnaJcwood Beautiful Commission was considered. COUNCIL MEMJ;ER NABHOLZ MOVED, A.'ID IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT, WITH REGRET, THE RESIGNATION OF JOHANNA DANNER FROM THE KEEP ENGLEWOOD BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION. Ayes : Nays : Absent: The motion carried . 9. Public Heari111 Council Members Nabholz, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick, Bums None Council Members Grazulis. Gmen No public hearing was scheduled before Council. 10. CoDJ<al Actnda COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDE1>. TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (I) AN'D (U). 10 (b) (I) THROUGH(•,. AND 10 (c) (I) AND (U). (a) Approval ofOrdinanccs ofFint Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO. 14, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FORAN ORD ', '.NCEAUTHORIZING THE LEASE OF A BUILDING LOCATED AT 2901- 2909 SOUTH BROADWAY BY THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO . IS, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHQRJZJ:,;G THE REDEMPTION AND SALE OF A HOUSING REHABILITATION PROP!iRTY LOCATED AT 4630 SOUTH GRANT STREET IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. (b) Approval of Ordirumces on Second Reading (i) ORDINA:-iCE SO . 8. SERIES OF 2001 iCOli:SCIL BILL NO. 4, INTRODUCED BY COL 'NCI L MEMBER BRADSHA IV) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING PLANNED DEVELOPME :S'T AMENDMENT 5 FOR SWED ISH MEDICAL CENTER. (i1) ORDINANCE :,.IQ, 9, SERIES OF 200 1 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 8, INTRODUCED BY CC. UNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) Englewood City Council Man:h 19, 2001 Page 4 AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 113: COMPETITIVE BIDDING, 0~ TIIE ENGLEWOOD HOME RULE CHARTER UNDER WHICH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO JS RAISING THE DOLLAR AMOUNT OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS. (iii) ORDINANCE NO . 10, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNC IL BILL NO . 9, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A CiTY DITCH ENCROACHMENT ~ERMIT AND A GRANT OF CITY DITC:-1 CROSSING LICE NSE TO HCA -Heol1h One LLC , dba SWEDISH MEDICAL CENTER . (iv) ORDINANCE NO . 11, SER!ES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 10, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ENTITLED "FIRST AMENDED INTER GOVERNMENT AL AGREEMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EMERGENCY COMM! 'NICATIONS SERVICE AUTHORITY" BETWEEN BENNETT FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICJ', TOWN OF BOW MAR. BYERS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SOUTH METRO FIRE RESCUE. CITY OF CENTENNIAL, CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE , COLUMBINE VALLEY, CUNNINGHAM FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT , TOWN OF DEER TRAIL. DEER TRAIL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, CITY OF FOXFIELD, CITY OF GLENDALE, CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CITY OF LITTLETON, LITTLETON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PARKER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SABLE-ALTURA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, CITY • OF SHERIDAN. SKYLl!,c FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, STRASBURG FIRE PROTECTION • DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO PERTAINING TO THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY E-91 I EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SERVICE AUTHORITY . (v) ORDINANCE NO. 12, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 11 , INTRODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER NABHOU) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (COOT) AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO ALLOW THE CITY TO BE REIMBURSED FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE ENGLEWOOD TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL SYSTEM FROM FEDERAL FUNDS . (c) Resolu1ions and Motions (i) RESOLUTION NO . 26, SERIES OF 2001 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE DEDICATIO N OF LAND BY THE ENGLEWOOD McLELLAN RESERVOIR FOUNDATION . (ii) PURCHASE OF A KEW VEHICLE FOR THE BUILDI NG AND SAFETY DIVISION THROUGH THE STATE BIO PROCESS AT A TOTAL COST OF $21,092.00 . Vore results : Ayes : Navs : Ab~~nt The motion ca rried . II. Regular Agenda Council MCTTlb(rs Nabholz . Bradsh:l\v, Wolosyn. Yurchick . Bums None Co un ci l Members Graz,1l1s. Gam:n • • • Enalewood Cily Council M,m:h 19, 2001 P•a• S (1) Approval of Ordinances on First Reading I 0 • q There were no additionAI i1cms submitted for approval on first rc:iding . (Sec Agenda hem 10-Consent Agenda.) (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading There were no additional items submitted for :1pprov11I on second reading . (See Agenda hem 10 -Consent Agenda .) (c) Resolutions and Motions There were no addition:il resolutions and motions submitted for approval. (See Agenda hem IO-Consent Agenda.) 12. C.ntnl Dllc:llllion (a) Mayor's Choice (i) Mayor Bums said he had just mwned fro.n the National League of Cities Conference in Washing1on. where they anended a number o( different sessions . He said be attended a workshop on creative lis1cning, which was 1he first ume he had C\'Cf done th3t. and it was \'Cry interesting . We also wcn1 up on the hill lo Rcprcsentauve Tom Tancrcdo ·s office , bur he was on a plane on his way back to Washington from Denver. We had a good discussion \\ith one or hi s chier111des abou1 issues 1ha1 NLC was concerned about and also the Colorado Municipal League. He said they met wjth CML before hand on issues such as takings issues, the budget and local decision-making . They also spoke abou1 working against land-use decision-making where the applicant could go to the federal coun system ins 1ead of the ciry . There are a number of .ssues and he said he has a lot of material he has to assemble and give to Council from this , which he will do the same as he did fro m the Boston session . He said be spent quite a bit of time with City M11114ger Se:irs :md Council Member \\"oloS)11, going out to diuncr almost every night 10 discuss the issues. He felt that. over all. it was a good conference. {ii) Mayor Bums said he :mended the IT retreat al 1he Denver AthJe 1ic Club on Thursday. It was an all day session. with Information Technology Director lnglt, Deloitte and Toucbe and their staff, 10 begin to move our staff, and there were about 100 of them down there, ioto a change where IT is concerned. As you know, Council has given Director Ingle pennission and some money to make the kind of changes necessary. Once again at NLC , e-govenunent was a big topic, and that is essentially what we arc doing, asking what kind of services the City can pro,ide OD lhe Internet. Cities all over the country arc dealing with this right now, he said. ;:md it is a very hot topic . There is a great deal that you can do on the Int ernet, and you just have to decide through this process bow you are going to do it. and the public is going to have some inpul on this . II is qui1e an undertaking. :ind is going to take three or four months . but he felt it would be well worthwhile in the end. ilS we have some excellent people working on it. (iii) Ma yor Bums said there was a mecnng on the 61.h regarding right -of-way weeds on South Santa Fe . He asked what the resull of tha t was . Safety Services Director Olson said he thou gh! there wa.s something in their packet. He stud Code Enforcement Field Supervisor Lynn has met wuh an indiv1dua.l from Burlington-Northern. and they came to some agreement as 10 who 1s responsible . It sounds like Burlington.~onhem llllght get fairl y drastic on this :ind do a burn on the weeds as well llS using chemicals. They don't want !O have to come back and hit them With a wttd-whacker every few weeks , he said, so this may be a fairl y drastic solution . Supervisor Lynn was trying 10 work with all the enti1ies invo(\'ed with this. and as you know. it has been confusing as ro who 1s responsible . The City will rake care oftht-ir pan. be said. and thl! railroad :ind RTD will take care Englewood City Council March 19, 2001 Pagc6 of their's, he said. lust findina someone to 111k 10 was a major accomplishmmt Ho reirented that ho thought there was something in their packer. Council Member Nabholz said there was . City M:.nager Sears said ic may rulvc been in the last packet. Director Olson said they are actively working on it so they will not have a significant problem wi1h it again this ye~. (iv) Mayor Bums ,.id the DRCOG Board meeting is Wcdncsd•y night for this month. We went 10 the Antpahoe Mayors and Managers breakfast on Friday hosted by DRCOG and CML and I have some material 10 copy for Council. he said, about 1he change iu the organization of DRCOG under Bill Vidal. Mr. Vidal has also done something interesting, he added . The staff has a reputation for worlcing very independently down there •nd having dall that sometimes could not be relied upon in the ir modeling, and so fonh . Mayor Bums s•id Mr. Vidal has pulled the stafTrogcrhcr •nd made a tum out of them. He is promoting this synergy between his staff to work 1ogether and 1hey arc staning to model information that can be derived by individual cities with regard 10 their indh·idual da&a bases, and can merge this information . Mayor Bums recoiled tha1 Mr. Vidal hnppcnc:d 10 mention that the previous executive dircc1or, who was there for many }'tan, had a sophistication with co~ten that consisted "f thinking there was a squim:I running around on a n,admill , and tho squirrel had died . Ho said Mr . Vidal is making a lot of changes , and asked a question when we came in. which was "Why do we cxilt?' Without these changes, be feels tbcrc is• real question about what DRCOG should be doing . Mayor Bums said, a linlc fanhcr down the road, be would like to have him come in and explain "l!-.>t be is doins, because: it is pretty dam significant. (b) Council Members ' Choice (i) Council Member Nabholz: I. Sb, said she did not remombc:r how we handled the Englewood Education Foundation Golf Tournament l.ut year, bu1 they arc agam requesting our sponsorship . City Manager Scars said he "ould research that and come back with the information nc:<t time. 2. She said this is Women's History Month , and there was an article in Colorado Women magazine about four Colorado women who made a difference . One of them. she said. was Dana Crawford through Urban Neighborhoods . 3. She said she had to go down to King Soopcn at about 6:00 a.m. and Yankee Peddler is slill 1hcre in the Salvation Anny parking 101 with the ir \'ans. She said she did not know if anything could be done about it or not. The Sah·anon Anny is nut there anymore, although the y still ha\'C the ir trailer for donations . h seems 10 be a real mccung place for them. she said. Safe ty Services Director Olson said he would have it looked 111 again. When we looked at the congregation aspect before , there reall y wasn 't nwch we could do about 1ha1. It 's like anybody congregating at a bus stop or something . As far as the trash. he felt they h.nd already spoken to those follc.s about it. Council Member Nabholz s.1id Salvation Army is out of busines s at that locauon. They closed the doors in December a.nd the building is ncanL Dircc1or Olson said the y would definitel y try 10 find out wha1 is r "';: on . • • • • Englew " d City Council Man:b 1;, 2001 Page 7 Ms . Nabholz said the dof141ion trailer is still there and is maMcd even on the weekends . This is not just six or ei&ht guy, congre111ing there in the mommg, she 3sscncd, it is thirty guys and live or six of the while vans . Director Olson said he recalled Iha~ last time they talked to them, they said they were moving their operation to Denver. Ms . Nabholz said that is what sh.: hid thought, also . Mr. Olson said that bas been se\'cral months, so the y will talk to them again. (ii) Council Member Brudshaw : I. She asked what is going on with the old Salvation Anny Store. Council Member Nabholz responded that it is owned by Salvation Anny and they arc looking 111 possibly putting their social services there, which is not a good use, however, there bas also been some discussion as to maybe a business here in Englewood buying that and turning it into a potential good business for Englewood . 2. She thanked Director Obon for the enforcemc:n1 on Belleview. It is working, and I particularly liked the SCI up you bad with the speed gun and the motorcycle police officer, sh, said, and the gendeman in the squad car just writing ci111ions. That was very expeditious, she added. It improved the driving there for three days. She suggested intemtincnt enforcement on Belleview, so people just don't know when it is going to hoppcn . Director Olson said that is cssrnually how they have h> handle it throughout the City. If it is working, that is great, if you understand that it is intenninent . We will put the speed trailers where we can. but there really is not a good place for them on Belle view. it is 100 dangerous, he said . Council Member Bradshaw said she really appreciated it. 3. She said she has some concerns about code enforcement and she knows we are going to be dealing with that. As a CounciL about three years ago , we said let's get code enforcement going, and now maybe wc have created a beast that bas a life of its own . She said she did appreciate the repon in our packet this week from thr:: Code Enforcement Division . 4. She e)(prcssed concern about the RID maintenance facility moving fanber south and taking mor! of the devclopable land, bccal\Se originally Iha: was not the agreement they bad 11Uced about. It was to be spli1 balf and half and she can still sec it edgin~ closer and closer south. She said she would really like staff to take a look at that. because she feels wc need 10 hold a bard line , since that is our las1 huge developable spot in Englewood and we can not afford to have a l11rge majority of it Ul)( ex.empt. 5. She requested a future Srudy Scss!on where we would have the Colorado Humane Society come and ta lk to us. She feels iris critical. If we don 't do it, somebody else could do it, but we all need 10 work together on it , she said. City ~an.a ge r Scars sa id Assistant City Mana~er Flaherty has been involved with them and he asked him to respond . Mr. Flaherty adv ised that Mary Warren. from the Colorado Humane Sociery, wants 10 addre ss the Tri • Ci nc s meeting on Apnl 6°'. But , he noted, we cenamly co uld :isk her and he felt she would be more dum happy 10 anend a S1ud y Session as well . Ms . Bradshaw said she thought ll would be unpon.ant because. the mo re urban we become . the problem increase s. She feel s it ts a service we can pro vi de . When I "'-as on Council before . she said , we we re 1hc onl y animal shelt er in the whole are a, and that is 1hc same butldmg and the populauon has changed quite a bit En1lewood City Council March 19, 2001 Paae 8 6. She a,ked if Council would like an upd,te on Big Dry Creek. Mayor Bums said sure. and uked if she h11,d one. She said she would get one to them. We arc running into problc~, she said, and you will notice the trail does not go all the way under the railroad. bccawl! we have not been able to contact the right people at the railroad. There is a spur and we have to tear the tracks ou1 and imcn a box that wc have pre-built, then put everything back on top. ft will take five d.!ys, she said. and we have yet to order the box because we are not sure if the y will let us do it anyway, and tha1 is a huge expeMe . (iii) Council Memb·r Yurchick : I. He :isked wh4t 1s ,oing on with the circulator bus and the proce u of looking 111 that Director of Community Development Simpson said he probably did not have a good answer tonight, bu! he would find out. He said he knows we a.re still progressing with the study and 1he work. but did not know where we were with it. He said he wou ld ge1 some informacion on i1. 2. He asked how the ACE program is coming along . Director Simpson said we ha\'e 11pplic:11io115 and are getting ready to send those out. We hope to have some applicatioll5 back by the middle of next month. so Council can stan reviewing some of those . We have had a lot of people showing interest, he said, a preny good range of folks . We have had lots of discussions with the Chamber of Commerce and a varieiy of business folks in 1he community, he said . Mr. Simpson felt Council wo uld be pleased with their selection . He suggested, if they had anyone else who was still interested out there, that they just send them our way. We are compiling the list and will be forwarding ii to Council. he said . (iv) Council Member Wolosyn : I. She said she greatl y enjoyed and appreciated her time in Washington . The thing she apprecia1ed mos1 w .. s something she never even considered., even though it seems so obvious , and that is that it is imponant for people at the local level to go down and knock on those doors ac the federal level. Not every city does th.nt, she said. and when those guys look nt us across the table, they will remember us . She said it is imponant. especially righ1 now, that they don 't divorce thcrmelves from us at the local level. 2. She said when she was in Washington. she attended a session on the right-of-way. She asked if she had heard co rr.-:tly lhnt the case in Denver was scnled . City Anomey Brotzman said that case was tried and Denver Josi . Ms . Wolosyn asked if they would be receiving anything abo ut that. bC'causc she would like to know how that impacts us . Mr. Brotzman said they would have two pieces . One is genetic to all of the cable consonium members . and then Ken Feldman. who is the consonium·s attorne y and the C1ry of Englewood's anomcy . is drafting ch:mges for us currently . ~1ayor Bums said he 1alkcd to Mr. Feldman in Washington about that. and he men1ioncd they had losl that case . We were wait ing to sci our r.ue s un1il trult case was detennined, but he said he did not th ink it would make all that much difference m our ra1e strucrure . ~fa yor Burns said Mr . Feldman said he ,\as going 10 prepare a memo for us on that. 3. She said she toured MSP N. the medical provider on Broadway. She said they had asked her to 1ell people on Slaff and Council 10 come :J.nd 1our it. She said they were working with Business OC\·elopment Specialist Hollingswonh . who was in !here be.autifying that section of Broadwa y. She said she was impressed. as lhcy arc going 10 pu11hc green stuff in there and they are 1hinking of having a bus stop there . Mayor Bums sa id there were a couple of things he forgot to mention . He said he apprecia1ed Ule Code Enforcement list of services thal c:i.:h of the Code Enforcement Officers are doing. He said he was very J II • • Eqlewood City Council March 19, 2001 P11e9 ~ressed with just the public service . So many of them have shoveled sidewalks for seniors who could not do that. and there is j:..st a lot of public service in there that is very impreSSl\'e. Also , he said he should have mentioned 1h411hcy spoke for some lime to Scn111or Allard II his office . Sc11,,11tor Campbell was voting on the floor of the Senate when we were at his otlice, bu1 we saw one ofh1s chiefaidcs and had a good discussion with her, 100. Mayor Bums said we talked about RlD and fuoding for the Southeast Corridor . It might be of interest to you that the Surface Transponation Committee , where you nonnally testify, was nervous about this amngcmeni with Amendment 23 and how we were going to get the money in Denver to do this . He said be called John Caflin from Rm, and he said the Inspector General's office was ordered to do a srudy on a couple of the projects around the country, and they did one on tJ,i,, SulJtheast Corridor and seemed to be quite satisfied that the money is actually going to be tbm. Mayor Bums said one thing be did ask him about \lt'llS parking in our development here and on the nont, side. He allowed thtt we were being over• parked, but that the money for a parking strucn:re would b< in the vote that they plar to have next year in the fal~ which City Manager Scars and I foUl'.J ,o oe a very unsatisfactory IJISwer to cw-parking problem, be said. So Mr. Caflin allowed that we, in:,ecd, should have a brnkfast, perhaps to ir<lude City Manager Sean, Cal Musclla, Mr. Caflin and my.elf, to talk seriously about what we can do r.l>out this parking problem, be said. That parking stru<ture could be two or three years down the ma.I if you ue going to finance it throuah a public vote on the Rm tax. We will have n1.1cb more severe problems . Couocil Member Bradshaw askco if they could schedule it on a Monday , Wednesday or Friday, as she would like 10 ancnd . Mayor Bums said sure , The:• ilJ't just not addressing this and continue to look the other way , he sai d, as flU' as any immediate solutions 10 this problem arc concerned. 13 , Cily Manager's Report (a) City Manager Scars rcponcd that he asked Parks and Recrcauon Director Black 10 talk a little bit about the Sheridan process . He said he knows our staff really worked hard to come together to &o through the PUD process for the pa rk. He ask:d Mr. Black to give a shon update on where we arc with that. Dircc1or Black said they presented 10 the Sheridan City Council last Tuesday evening . He said he has 10 recognize a lot of the City staff. We had three people from Public Works , and representatives from Safety Services. Community Development , in addition to our design consultants, Design Sports . In fact the comment was "Wow, you guys have more staff out there than we have with the City." Mr. Black said he was reall y pleased that staff was available h> answer questions. The y pused the PUD , he advised, on final reading, wuh a condition oo it that we have to provide the restrooms, water and sewer in the first phase . There was some Lonfusion related 10 when we could get on site . Mr. Black said it was their understanding that we could not even do a ground bre3king out there until that was completed . He said he checked Wednesday and that was verified, then on Friday be received a call from Randy Young staling he spoke with the Mayor and with Mr. Waldo, who is the Cowicil Member wh o had a concern about that and they arc going to allow us to do a ground breaking on 1he site before we have the wa1cr and sewer in place . He said he wa., really pleased that it worked out, becau.se ii would have been extremely ditTicult for us . Council Member Bradshaw asked if we should send them a letter saying thank you and verifying that they S11d that. Mr. Bl 11ck said y::s. He added 1h11 he has talked with the Colorado Rockies and they are possibly looking at a ground brcaldng the end of April. The y need to co nfirm with the player :md the rnnnagement slilff that the y will be -1.vail ablc for th.at. but it looks as though it will be the end of April. somewhe re around the 21• . Mayor Bwns 3.Skcd if we would be able 10 come up ,._,;th the funds for that Mr . Blac k said he has done some research and !'i poke with Utilities Director Fonda . and ii looks as thou gh we are goi ng 10 be able 10 En&Jewood City Council March 19, 2001 P•&• 10 work with him and use Lonery money from the Conseivation Trust Fund to CO\'er the entire cost for that We have been building that fund up for something like this and lhis is a perfect fit, he said. With Mr. Fonda's help, we an, going to hAve the funding and will mo"• forward . • 'I Mayor Burns said it was a team effon, and one way or another, we arc going 10 get this done. Mr. Black agreed. That is v.'hat we stressed to Sheridan, he said. This is not a money producer, but rather, it is for the kids and the community, not only in Englewood, bu1 Sheridan, south Denver and Linleton. Mayor Burns thanked Mr. Black and said he h,d done good work . (b) City Manager Sears said there was an :inicle in the Denver Post this weekend aboul where we arc in our case with Thornton . He said he was concerned. and he fell CoW1cil also had some concerns, as did staff. We had a discussion this morning aod we 11Skcd Director F,mda to put together something that we can put out in tem\S of that whole project and where we are with the permit his obviously in litigation righ t now, he said, so there arc crmun 1hings we CllMOI broach. but some infonnation sharing v.-ould be good. Mr. Fonda is going to pull 1hat together and should have ii in a couple of days . (c) City Manager Sem said two days are scheduled al the end of this v.ttk for staff retreat We have a lot of work to do in tcm\S of where our finances are. and a lot of projects going on. S1affis working cxrrcmcly hard. but we need a linle bu more cohcsi\'encss 10 pull our programs together . We will be off•slle this Thursday and Friday and will. in pan, be puning together an agenda for our April 2s• mreat with Council, he said . We will give Council an agenda at the next meeting and get yo ur input as to where we wan1 10 go. One of the things we lalkcd .1bout, he ad\'ised. was gening a van and actually taking a tour of some of the sites, including the Rockies ball field. the sewer expansion. some things that Mr . Olson bad mentioned regarding the forfeiture funds, and a whole range of things throughout the City. Mr. Sears felt at least pan of the day on the 28dri could be spent on a 1our. and said he would come back to Council on that. (d) City Manager Sears said he would follow up, as Mayor Burns mentiooed. with RTll aod give Council a c:all as S!lDn as they can make that happen. He said he was talking to another manager over the weekend about. as Mayor Bums mentioned, the meeting with DRCOG and Bill Vidal. and it was prerty exciting to sec this change of dllcction and re.energizing of DRCOG. One other manager from a northern city mentioned t!iat they were a little bit nervous abou1 DRCOG gcning involved with land use rypes of decisions. While it i.s probably greal to fuutlly have nn energized active DRCOG. the other side ofth.ir is they might be a little bit more involved than smnc mw1icipalities want 1hcm to be. he said. (e) City Man.ager Sears advised th.11 we had a \'Cry good IT meeting . We had many representatives througbou1 the City. both nud•tn.1nagers, dcpanment directors and people who are hands• on, working through the IT changes . Mike Flaheny is doing a good job in working wi1h Director Ingle to head 1ha1 up. We wdl be bringmg that informiltion back to Co uncil Apnl 91ti, he said. We will be u1lking 10 some boards and commissions 10 sec how that should afTcct those programs . He comme nted thar our departments and employees have all changed under Councirs leadership . It was really a mcc da y. and pan of it was saying we need to be ready 10 change for th is c-govemmcnl. and C\'erybody said ··again '!'" Mayor Bums said be was thinking on the way do,m, how they ha\'c changed in rhe last yc3J. so ma ybe they are poised to change some more . City Manager Sears said he thinks they arc. and the resis tance 10 change. when you have such success with a project. is much less than they have found in other communi ties . None ofus know bow this will all come out. but. long term. we have to change our system ar.d we have been looking at a bunch of different ways 10 do work in the organization. It was a nice reward for :1 lot of the hardworlung employees throughout the orgam.z.:uion to say thanks fo r what you ha ve do,1c. now iet's move ahead a..1d go forward . He th.aru.:cd Council for their suppon m doing this . It 1s a massi ve undcn.aking and a very expensive projccl. but it will touch the way this whole organization serves the citizens . • • • l!aalewuod City Council Man:b 19, 2001 Pqe II 14. City Allomoy•, Report (1) Ci1y Atlomey Brottm1111dvised tha1 the valualion bearing resullcd in a S1.853 million valuation for the Zigan proporty. It is the opinion of ou,side counsel, u well u his own. tha1 an U11Jroper valuarion 1ecbnique was used an:I tha1 resulted in lhc property owner rtteiving an unjusl award on the propeny. We m moving forward 10 appeal tha1 resul~ wilh lhe consensus of Council, he said. Mayor Bums Slid Cowicil has indicalcd ilS consensus lhat we appeal this verdict Mr . Brotzman stresr.c:d that this in no wsy affects the timing ofthc: park. We arc the owners oftbc park and the project is goinc forward on schedule . 15 . Adjournment MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN. The meeting was adjourned ii 8:25 p.nt