HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-04-02 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• I. Call to Order ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO Reaular Sesslo• AprH l, 1001 10 ) tli ) uoow H,vu'.11 l ll ! lilq/ 1 a'~ The regular meeting of lhc Englewood City Council was c1llcd to order by Mayor Bwns at 7:35 p.m. 2. lnvocntton The invocation was given by Council Member Nabho!z. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by M::i.yor Burns . 4. Roll Cull Present: Absent: A quorum was present. Council Memben Nabbolz, Grazulis, Garrett, Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Ynrchick. Bums None Also present: Ciry Manager Senrs 5. Mlnutes City Attorney BrolZl!laD Assis1an1 City Manager Flahe ny City Clerk Ellis Senior PlaMer Langon. Community Development Director Rosa, Public Worb Manager Stowe. Uti lities (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED. AND IT WAS SECO:'iDED. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF '.\IARCH 19, 2001. Ayes : Nays: Abstalll : Motio n carried . 6. Scheduled Visitor, Counci l Mem~rs Na bholz . Bradshaw . Wolo syn . Yurchick . Bums None Counci l Members Garrett. Grazulis (a) Rob Schwartz. Managing Direc1or of the Strategic Resource s Group. achised that he was going 10 be representing an organiz.atio n called Busmesscs for Englewood. as opposed to a downtown group. It will be businesses that are m.tly representative of the entire City, be said. and our goal is to be an ad,·ocacy org2.,,i~uon working co 1:aborative ly with the Chamber. but also 10 be an advocate ror Englewood . Mr . Sc!'lwartz ~id. jusr to acknowledge: Ma)'or Pro Tem Bradshaw 's remaric..s about affordable housing, that they would like to play :1 role. and bring some resources to the Ciry, to focus on that issue and to work with Council. Our goal is 10 make Englewood a dcstinatio'1 pomt fo r businesses. be said, and for individuals throughoul the State, to come here to do business uvt 'D reall y inject some acitement and new re,·enuc into the Ciry. b, lmt spirit. be said. we 101..k forward to working with each of yo1L He thanked Council for their time . Enslewood City Council April 2, 2001 Pase 2 Mayor Bums thanked Mr. Schwartz. (b ) Tim Sull iv an , a City emplo yee, Mimed that be was present on b<half of the emplo yees to thank Council for adopting the resolution that allowed them to have an elcetion to rep lac e AFSCME , as their bargaining unit. with the Englewood Employees Association . So. he S3id. we can now speak for oursel ves on whu we ie,.) are the most important issues and .. .Jw we feel 1hcy should be handled with 1nanngcmcnt. Ronald Co hen, the Hearing Officer Council appointed, was very professional . ~ Ellis and her staff organized the ele ction with the Election Commissi 'ln and it was a very fair , and I think Wlbiased process . We did win the el ection. Out of the 171 el ig1blcemployees , 107 voted . Mr. Sullivan 111tcd we won I 1)4 o 3, which is pretty gL•od . and now we can look forward to working with Sue Eaton and her staff and crealing a little different armosphcre with the employees . I think. for the most pan, he 5aid, that all of the emplo yees who work for the 1:ity of Englewood arc pretty happ y aod we ma y not have been represented with that kind of, voice . Now I think we can develop a rul good relati?Dlbip with Council and with City management, he sai .t, and do what is best for the citizens of Englewood and the employees and b<come good stewards of the funds that are entrusted to us . Mr. Sulli van said we thank you and look forward to working with you . Mayor Burns offertd his appreciation and thanked Mr. Sullivan. 7. Unscheduled Visitors Council Member Bradshaw noted if someone wanted to speak to any item on the Agenda. that this is the time to come forward and address Council. Mayor Bums explained that that includes the Consent Agenda . as many times Council votes on the Consem Agenda as a whole unJess someone wants to pull one of the items. So , he said , he would invite an yone in the audience to spe3k to an item there, too , and if they want to, Council will pull the item for discussion . There we1e no unscheduled \'is i1ors. 8. Communications. Proclamations and Appointments (a) A proclamation declaring the week uf Ap .d IS through 21 , 2001, as the Days of Remembrance for Victims of the Holocaust was consid ered . COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE WEEK OF APRIL 15 THROUGH 21, 2001, AS THE DAYS OF REMEMBRA.'-CE FOR VICTIMS OF THE HOLOCAUST. Ayes : Council Members N1bholz , Garren . Bradshaw . Wolosyn. Yurchick. Grazulis , Bums Nays : None Mot ion carrie d. (b) A proclamat io n declanng April 20 , 2001 as Arbor Da y in the City of Englewood v.a:1 considered . COUNCIL MEMB t.R WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLARING APRIL!~, 2001 AS ARBOR DAY IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Ayes : Council M!mbcrs N.abholz, Garren. Bradshaw , Wolos yn. Yun:hick, Grazulis , Bum! Nays: Nooe Motion carried. ) . • • • Enalewood City Council April 2, 2001 Paa• J I ·muo) ,11) lmu,1~l;n~ I00: t lhrtl '-'l!,ff'j (c) A pnx:lunatioa d,claring Wednesday, May 9, 2001 u Excellence in Govermnoilt Doy was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLARING WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2001 AS EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT DAY. Ayes : Nays: Mouon carried . Council Members Nabholz. Garren, Bradshaw, Wol01yn. Yun:hick. Grazuli,, Bums None (d) A proclamation declaring the week of May 7 through 11, 2001 as Public Service Reco gnition Week was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE WEEK OF MAY 7 THROUGH 11, 1001 AS PUBLIC SERVICE RECOGNITION WEEK. Ayes : Counc il Membm Nabbo lz, Garren, Bradsbaw, Wolosyn. Yun:hi ck, Grazulis, Bwns Nays : None Morion carried. 9. Public Hearin& (a) A Public Hearing was held to gather input on Couocil Bill No . 12, approving !he Craig Hospii,I Planned Unit Development. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Garren, Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurchick, Granllis. Bums Nays: None Mo1ion carried and the Public Hearing opened. All witnesses were duly sworn . Senior Planner Langon advised that before Council tonigh1 for their consideration. is Council Bill No . 12, the Craig Hospital Planned Unit Development. The :ippticant is Craig Hospital, she said, and I have already submined to the Clerk the Proof of Publication of ~orice of Public Heanng. which was published in the Englewood Herald on March 9, 2001 . She advised that the applicant will submit 10 the C1 1y Clerk the cenificate of posting . Ms . Langon stated they have verified that the propcny has been r,"sted appropriatel y. She explained that !he PUD (Planned Unit Developmen1) is II rezoning prrJCess and it is used for a development that may not necessarily acco mmodate what the applicant would like 1:0 do within the existing zo ning regulations . It also a11ows for a unified development control ofan entire siti: a.;1 it establishes the zon ing and sitl' plan criteria specific to that site . The PUD has two pans, she said . The first is a District Pl an and those art the regulat ions that govern the uses in the new zone district that would be created by the PUD. The second part is a Site Plan and that is the general site and development details specific to the pr0Jec1 structures. elevations, parking and landscaping . Ms . Langon noted that the proposed Craig Hospital PUD has been submitted as one document, with both the Disttict Plan and the Site Plan, for concwm,t review, as provided within the PUD Ordinance . The preliminary proposal by Craig was brought 10 us in the fall of 2000 ml on Decermer 6° they conducted their rcquiml prc-submittal neighborhood meeting . Community Dev.lopment r«eivcd the formal application on /aauary 4°; it was reviewed by the Develo pment Review Team and then presc-rucd to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a public hearing on February 6*. At that meeting, she said. the Commission voted S..O to n:cornmend approYII by Council . Cwm,tly, she stated, the site is zoned R-3 High Densiry Residence with a Plamied Development overlay. The PlaMcd Oevelopmeat Ordimnc: was rcpealed in 1996 •~th the adoption of our l'UD, Plaaaed Unit Enpewood City Council April 2, 2001 l"U J IJ ) U• J:._'J1J P11e4 H10 .:-11c1A:. ,.,r,j Devclopmenc Ordinaocc , She advised that. at Community Development's recommendation., Craig Hospital decided to come forward and update into 11 Planned Unn Development. rather 1han jUSt amend the PD thal was existing on 1hc propcny . The proposed PUC site is basically at the intersection of South Emerson. South Cla rkson and Eut Girard . There arc ttu« parcels totaling 4.9 acres . Parcel I currently cqntaim their cast building, the Fricrxbh1p House :ind the two comencd apanmeni butldmgs that 11.rc on Easl Gi,ard. Parcel 2 is the surface park.mg lot nonh of Girard and II fro111s on Cl arkson . Parce l ) 1s 1hc main hospital oo Clark.son . Ms . Langon advised that. because Craig is a na1ionally recognized ncurolog1cal cen1cr that provides treatment and rehab 10 paucn1s with spinal cord and brain 1nJur1es, 1heir purpose and 1heir philosophy is 10 111low family members 10 particira1c in the rehab of patients . They currently use the two aparnncnl buildings , and also rent space from another building, tc house: family members when they arc there assis1ing with the rehab of pa1ients . They Jiso hnc: a need for housin p for rc:ruming patients 1hat are back for rehabililation and re-c:valua1ion . Under their proposal. she: said , the casl and west build ing that is rhe mam hospil.il and the ~as1 building, that in lhe past has been ca lled the lr.mSitional care building, and the nonh parking lol, remain th,. same. She stated the only parcel that will sec de"elopmcnt , under this proposed plan. is on Partel I and that will be lhe demolition of the two existing apamnent buildings and the Friendship House . In their pb1ce , they will construct. on the wcs1 side of South Emerson, a housing facility that will be four stories with 47 accessible units 10 replace the 43 tha1 a.re in the cwrcnl apartment buildings . The housing building will be used for returning patients and family members . Also on 1hat site will be a parking garage, a parking structure, which will be six le\'elS providing 333 spaces . As I mentioned, she said, the neighborhood meeting was conducted in December of last year and only one area resident attended that meeting and that gentlemen. when he was asked ifhe had any past problerm with Craig Hospital or their faciliry, he said no, that he had no issues with the hospital. thal he wasjus1 prcsenl because he was curious. Ms . Langon advised that the Development Review Team reviewed the proposed PUD , those are the seven re\'icwing departments within the Ciry, and all identified issues and concerns were resolved to each dcpanmcnt's satisfaction. She pointed out that the SWTOWlding zoning, for tbt actual site. is R-3 and there 1s a section ofR-1-C. Single Fanuly Residence Distnct. that 1s cast of1he aJley that LS be1wc:c:n Clarkson and Emerson. the area nonh of Gin.rd . The parking standards. according 10 Ciry ordinance. she said. would require 249 parking spaces and they arc providing a 101al of 401 parking spaces . Those arc the: 333 wi thin the garage and 1hen surface parking makes up the dtiTerc:nce . Regarding the proposed landscaping. they arc proposing to pro\ide 33% of the full PUD sue m landscaped area . The underl ying zone district ofR-3, for a non-r<sidenual use, requires only 25 % of the 1otal snc 10 be landscaped . Therefore , she pointed out. thry are exceeding the requirement if they remained under R-3 . They arc also exceeding the quantity rcqu;rcmcnts . She explamcd thal. regardrn~ 1he 1wo proposed buildings . the fanuly housing building is proposed al 64 feel and 1he parking saucrure at 70 feel. The cast and wes t building s. now , with equipment on iop cf the buildings. arc approxnnntc ly 60 feet tall, she sa1d. She staled 1ha1 Community Development feels 1he DlSlnct Plan and thl! 5ne Plan of1hc Craig Hospital PUD pro vide for expansion of the current use:, it is considered compati U\1 ·• ,Ji adjacent uses, it suppons the residential and hospital mi."cd-use of the ocighborbood and it conm ,. ,,.s to the vitality of !bi:: communiry . ll1erefore , she: said, ii is consistent \\ith the intent of1hc ('.J ::"c hensive Plan anc! the PUD Ordinance and Community Development recommends approval of the ( i J1g Hospital PUD . Ms . J ◄,-~gon s1>ted that if Council bod any questions she would be happy to address them Council Member Bradshaw asked what materials would be used. Ms . Langon advised she would leave it to the applican1 10 cover all of that. She said they have 3 very nice prcscntauon . Yls. Br.idsh.i.w s;ud okay and thanked her . Mayor Bums asked 1f Council had any other questions of Ms . Langon . There were none . Dennis O'Malley , President of Craig Hospital . said he would Just like 10 take a few moments. very bnefl y. to give Counci l an overview . No1 so much about me specifics of 1he buildings. he said, although we ha ve: the teams here to respond to any questions of that nawrc. but to tell you Just a little bit about why we arc doing this . I think that is something that is key tn t1us whole dLSCuss1on. he said. As you ma)' know we take patients from lhroughout. not only the Stale of Colorado, but 1hroughou11he Cnncd State s as well . Because ofthal. many of the family members ofpauents, while the y arc a1 Cnug. need housmg.. For over 30 years now, we have been prov1dmg tha1 temporary housmg for family members . He cxplatncd lha1 they discovered. 1 long rime ogo. how critical the invoh•emtnt of family is 10 thC' success of many palicnts' • • ltqlewood City Council Aprill, 2001 Pqe5 ' , I l buo,,1;1~n3 100: r 1i u 1, :,q rehabilitauon. So we try, m every wa y we CWl. to get them involved in that process . Mr. O'Mallcy 11aced that the a\·:i.i111bil ity ofhous ins on campus is their solution 10 that. Si.nee 1h11 is no1 paid tor. in moat instances. by tradi1ional insunncc mechanisms, we provide 30 days of free housing for all out of area families , We do thal lluough "flff care " funds Iha! we have accwnulaled lhrough lhe yean, lluough chariiable conll'ibu1 ions and oul of 1he goodness of !he he ans of many olhers 1h11 have supponed Craig , So we want 10 continue to provide this vital service . Of the apartment units tba1 we have been using, three arc on the c~us. we own two of them and an individual entrepreneur owns one of them We, however, manage all of his propcny for him, he said, and it is used exclusively for our families . Our intent is that we wi ll build ii new facility and then occupy it, so we can then rue the othe r buddings and create the parkmg ramp and londscapcd areas thin we need . Mr. O'Mallcy cxplamed 1ha11he reason 1h1s sequencing is imponao1 is because they need to have housing 1hroughout all of this. We can'1 afford to say we arc go ing 10 Im all oflhe buildings down and be wilhou~ he said, so Iha! wi ll be , son of, !he sequencing oflhings. He noted that the unit, owned by the individua l entrepreneur, will continue 10 be very important to them. Presently , he said, in our peak periods of the year, and that is about six months roughly from May through late fall. we arc frequently placing people off campus, bcC'ausc we don 't have adequate housing on campus . When ii was mentioned by Ms . Langon that there is something on lhe order of 43 units right now, that includes approximately 15 in this building tha1 we manage and the others arc 111 the 1wo buildings we own. He pointed out that they are acrually increasing their capa ci ty. so they lhmk 1hey can handle all of their families needs on campus in the future. Bu, we will still be keeping a local entrepreneur in business. which is impo nan1 10 us as well. Those arc some of 1he co nsiderations we feel arc ve ry imp onan1. he said . The second use for these apartment units has always been. and will conunut 10 be m the nc""' facilu y. 10 accommodate the reNm of Craig pa1icn1s as outpatients for three to four days. to ha ve what we call reevaluations periodically, every couple of years . They will C,Jmc in as outpatients to be seen. given a th:,rough physical exam and check their equipment. All of those thi,;gs will be evaluated to make sure they arc getting along well in life and avoiding the medical complications , which ca n interfere with their independence . So tha1 100 is a very importanl pan of lh• program and lhc building will be used for both of those kinds ofhousi.ng ,just as the apartments were in the past He said, switching gears quickly oow to • parking, that anyone that bas been on or near the campw in the recent past knows that it is getting to be pretty difficult around there. He pointed oul that while we have a very close wo rking relationship with Swedish. we are \'Cry independent of them. We arc a totally separate entity from Swedish . We have, for a long time . leased spaces from them and one of their ramps. Recently, it became necessary for them to ask us to vacate that because of their parking demands . Swedish has created, on the old Englewood G::irdcn Center property. ::i surface lot that the y are now leasing to us in the short term. so we can finish 1he construction of this ramp , at which point in time , 1hey ma y need that parking, as well, for their pwposes . We have tried. in the sizing of this ramp , to accommodate not only our present requirements, bur also anything we might be able 10 anticipate in the foreseeable furure . So we are actually going to be overbuilding a bu for now. he expla ined, because 1his is re::ill y the last developablc land that we own . So we feel we need 10 do tt at this point in lime . From our poinl of \'icw. these are our key considerations 10 this projcc1. In co ncluding, he said. I would like 10 say that in addn ion to bem g, what we believe we are anyway, which is an important business and employer in the Englewood community , it has always been very imponant for us that we feel we arc adding 10 the cn\'ironmen1 m 1he ne1ghborhood in which we reside and we ha \'e tried to do that in our consttuction in rhc past As you know. "hen you travel Cla rk son. we didn't just put a bridge across Clarkson, we tried 10 put a bndge tha1 was classy for 1he C11 y. We decora1e 11 on holid ays and \\.e 1ry 10 make u some 1hmg that adds to the \ 11al11y of rn,s communn y. We hJ\'t' 1ha1 same sp1rtt in approaching this project as well . We want 11 10 be somctlung 1ha1 not JU.SI Craig Hos p1U1,I ca n be proud of. but that Englewood Ciln be proud of. I would jusl like to add 1ha1 our rclauon !hip with the City 1n general 1s very important to us , he said. and through my nearl y 28 yea rs now I am happ y 10 say we have had an excellent working relationship with vi rtuall y all the phas es of both 1he go vernment and depanmenrs w1th.Jn 1hc C11y. So we appreciate that and we pledge to yo u that we will co nunuc 10 try to be good neighbors m 1he Ci 1y of Englewood . Ar 1his point I wou ld conclude my remarks and just be available co yo u for qucsuons . Mr . O'M allc y ad vis ed that there were representatives from their architectural furn. H + L Archi1ccrure. as well as the Phipps Construction superintendent on W project, present to answer any questions Council might have . Also, he said. Lee Means , our engineering director. who will be principally responsible for managing the project for the hospital , was present . So if yo u ha\.'C any questions please feel &.. 10 asr. 1hem. he said. we will be happy 10 answer anythina you migh1 ha\C 10 ask. Eapewood Clly Couadl April 2, 2001 I IIU t1J I 1,llll/''1l~t(i Pqe6 iilO! '11 / , , M•yor Bums said he had ,omcihing he wanted lo uk. He said. u you know,. .• have bad coasllDt code enforcement problems around 1he hospitals with parlting issues . He asked if this will take aome oftbote can off the slrttt. Mr . O'Malley said yes , ac111.1lly w. think ii will take quire a few of the c111 off the sttcei , a, least those immediately around the Craig buildings , which are, principally, our e~Joyees. But I think mos1 of our empl oyees would prefer to park in the ramp . There will a sbon. I 5 fooc , uni.overed walk that they will have to make, but other than that the y can traverse Clarkson and all of rbat without havLD1 ,o go on lhe sttcct. They will go through the bu ildings and across the bridge . ll'e beli"'• the y will pr,fcr that kind of parking, he said. and the street parking will be available for shon-1erm ,·1s11ors on Clarkson Street itself. and perhaps Girard . Mayor Bums asked how thty will acc ommodate the families when the y demo the buildings the y have now and the y are under constru ction . Mr. O'Mallcy s1a1ed that they intend to build the new housing facili ty. occup y ii . and then me the other buildings and build the new parking r1mp :md the landscaped area . Ma yor Bums asked 1f Counc1! had an y other questions of Mr. O'Malle y. There were none . Mayor Bums asked if anyo ne else wanted to speak on behalf of the hospital . Mayor Bums asked if Council had any other ouesrions . Council Member Bradshaw said she had previc,11:d)· asked a question about materials and she still would like to have that question answered. M.uk Williams, wit h H + L Architecture, ad\·iscd that he had a slide that would show the JJ:llposed elevations of the building . He noted Coun:il Member Bnubhaw had specifically requested iDfonNlioa about the materials the y llfC planning to use and the elevation on the screen sbo...,,s the Emcnon Street elevation and the Girard Sttt'Ct elevation. He ad vised that these are the two elevations that are primarily exposed to the neighborhood . The Emrrson Strett elevation shows the family housing buildin&, which is intended to be clad in brick. We intend to use the same color of brick that was used on the other Cnig facilities . he sa id, to tie the building in to lhe others , to create son of a campus feel. While at the same rime, he said. we are using a pitched roof. wtuch none of the othe r buildings hav~. 10 give It more of a residential character, which is what it reall y is . that is what its functi on truly 1s. The in1en11on is that th e puched roo f...,i ll be a s1anding seam metal roo r and 1he wind ows will be aluminum framed . v1S1o n gla ss windows , wnh operable wmd ows in the living units . Ms . Bradshaw thanked tum . Mayor Bums asked if Council had any other que sti ons . There were nor.e . There was no one else prtscnt to speak . COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING . Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Garrett. Bradshaw , Wolosyn, Yurcbiek. Graziliis, Bums Nays : None Motion carried and the Publi c Hearing closed . Mayor Bums thanked evC'l)·one for conun g and arlvised tha t Council wouJd vo te on this ordinance a11he next meetin g, which is Counci l's normal custom. He wished them good luck with their project. 10. Consent Aeenda COUNCll. MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDl"D. TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (1) (I) and (II), JO (b) (I) and (11), 10 (c) (I), (U), (Ill), (Iv) and tv). (a ) Approval of Ordinances on First Readin g • • Eqlewood City Council April?, 2001 11 tlxJ1H•1IJ, ◄ lu • 111q1 P11e7 (i) (OUNCIL BILL NO . 13, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTERS I AND IA. OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 2000 PERTAINING TO TRAFFIC AND PARKING ENFORCEMENT. (ii) COUNCIL Bill . NO . 16, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A "LICENSE AGREEMENT" FOR TELEPHONE, WATER AND ELECTRIC ACROSS THE CITY DITCH TO POAG AND McEWEN LIFESTYLE CENTERS-LITTLETON L.L.C . (b) Approval of Ordinances on S<eond Reading (i) ORDINANCE :-10 13 . SERIES OF 2001 !COUNCIL BILL NO . 14, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) " q AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZr.>G THE LEASE OF A BL'ILDI\G LOC.HED AT 2901-2909 SOL TH BROADWAY BY THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . (ii) ORDINANCE :-10 . 14 , SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 15 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE REDEMmON AND SALE OF A HOUSING REHABILITATION PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4630 SOUTH GRANT STRr.ETIN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. (c) Resolutions and Morions (i) RESOLUTION NO . 27, SERIES OF 2001 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES OF PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES FOR BUSINESS OWNERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THOSE BUSINESSES WITHIN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. (ii) CONTRACT WITT! INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, INC ., IN THE AMOUNT OF Sll.065 .00. FOR SANITARY SEWER PIPELINE NPROVEMENTS (iii) CONTRACT WITH GLACIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC .. IN THE A.MOL"NT OF S44 ,850.00 . FOR \ORTH RESER VOIR DRAIN \IODIFICATIONS . (iv) TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT AGREEME\T BETWEEN Tf'E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND THE E?-IGLEWOOD ENVIRONME?-ITAL FOL "'IDATION (v) PROFESSIO\AL SERVICES CONTRACT AND AN AGREEMENT DEFINING THE SCOPE OF WORK WITH DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE PARTNERS ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROJECT r.> AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 51 7,100 .CO . Vole results: Ayes : Nays : Motion canied . Council Mcmbcn Nabholz , Gamn. Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurcbick. G111ZUlis, Bums None Enalewood Clli· Council April 2, 2001 P11• 8 11. Reaut■r As•nd ■ (a) Approval ofOrdinanm on Firsr Reading There were no addilional items submitted for approval on firsl read ing. (Sec Agenda hem 10. Consent Agenda .) (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading There were no additional items submitted for approval on second reading . tSee Agenda hem 10 -Consem Agenda .) (c) Resolutions and Motions (i) Director Ross presented a rccommcndauon from 1he Depanment of Public Works 10 adopt a resolu1ion authorizing 1hc ncgo1i:11ion and award ofa contract for the City's 2001 Micro- surfacing Program 10 Biruminous Asphalt Sealing Specialists, Inc ., a.le.a., BASS, Inc ., in an amount not to exceed $360,000 .00 . He stated that each year our Streets Maintenance Division reviews 118 miles of meets m 1he City ofEn~lewood and cvalua1cs which streets need maintenance efforts. The design life of an asphalt road is 20 years and in order to coax 20 years out of our road, in Colorado we need to perform resurfacing tteatmcr.ts periodically. He stated that, sU1cc 1991, the City of Englewood has found micro-- swfacing to be a cost effective maintenance alternative that provides rut filling, leveling of existing pavements , a surface seal and a new wearing surface . BASS has satisfactorily participated in a partnership arrangement with the City for the last ten yea.rs to construct our micro•surfacing programs and they have now placed ever two million square yards of our design product on our roads . Mr. Ross stated that we firmly believe the recommended course of action represents superior value to our ci tizens and, therefore, we recommend that City Council adopt this resolution to allow us 10 cn1er im\.l a contract for our 2001 Micro-surfacing Program. If you have any questions I would be happy 10 try 10 answer them. he said. Mayor Burns no1cd that this continues to be a very specialized an almost. He noted th.at, to put down th.is microsurfacing. requ ires special cquipmcn1 and. as we have discussed in the p:m. BASS has the unique ability 10 do this . They have 1he righl equipment 10 do this son of applic:iuon. which. he said, seems 10 have been considerably beneficial to us for the pa st ten )Cars . Director Ro si ,;3.1J yes . 11 has been a grc:it arrangement. Their equipment requires a seamless type of :1pphc3.t1on 1ha1 , ery few conmictors have available in 1he Denver area . He commemccl 1h31 111s going to be rather lllll'rl'it mg. a!, \ht'rry Hills \'ilh:i~e is going to go ahe:id and spec the same 1ype of material that we currently use . bu1 lhc y arc going to go ahcoJ and try to bid i1. so it will be in1crcs11ng 10 sec if an ybod y shows up . h ,,,11 be a good test case for us, he said, 10 find ou1 if there is anybody else out there that c:m do this and !hat will be very helpful. Mayor Bums no1cd tha1 1hcrc ha ve been qucs1 io ns abou1 whether we shoul d bid 1his or 001. because it is so specialized we have had what amounts to II sole source co nrra ct in 1his area. but we seem to have gotten very good results from it Director Ross said that is correct Council Member Wolosyn asked that Otrec1or Ross keep Council posted on what happens with Cherry Hills . Mr . Ross said he would be glad to . He noted tha1 BASS will be biddin g. Director Ross said he talked to the person in charge of that program toda y and found ou t he h1s done some preliminary feelers talk.mg with contr:ictors and everybody he has talked 10 so far has sai d the y don ·1 have the equipment . So they may be doing a sole source without go ing through th.i s process . Counci l Member Yurchick asked how this co mpares. price -w ise. 10 the ahcrn.Ju vcs . He asked if it is comparable . Director Ross advised that il 1s more expensive . I llunk the onJy 01hcr alternative out there that he would even consider. he said, 1s the chip seal and unfonunately the dup seal is so dusry and as cars get on it right after it 1s laid down you get the rocks thrown up . So then, he pointed ou t, yo u have the complaint factor. the kids scrapping their knees on ii , be cause the surface 1s so much rougher and then you have the cracked windshields as a result of the tendency to drive as fast as the y would normally and not allow tha t to set•up . I th ink there :ire some hidden co sts . he said. bu1 I won·1 kid vou. I th ink you could ge t • • • bskwoocl Clly Couadl April 1, 1001 ••1•9 l1JOUll) rt l L111,,,•1l;uJ 1 Ull~ .l lhql tir-,:ii,·t chip seal ror probabl y a SI .3 0 ptr squ:uc y1,1 1J. 1, hen: tht> ,s j01nii tu "·ust us i S 1.80 ur S 1.77 . II ,s murc expensive, but I will compare our roads nnd the quality and the ability we have to vary chc chickness co address our oeeds, whecher ii is filling rues or whether it is improvina che ride ability of our roads, as I jusc don 'c chink this can be beac. I have onl y been wicb cbe Cicy for 21 monclu , he said, buc they have made a tenific believer out of me . Council Member Yu:chick asked if it has a longer lifespan. Director Ross advised that we act about seven years . whereas wi1h a chip product you wo uld probably bf lucky 10 get five , so you do act that extra life . Mayor Bums asked if there were any other questions for Director Ross. There were none . COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (c) (I)· RESOLUTION NO , 18, SERIES OF 1001. RESOLUTION NO. 28, SERIES OF 2001 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A NEGOTIATED CONTRACT FOR E:-IGLEWOOD'S 2001 MICROSURFACING PROGRAM INSTEAD OF THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS UNDER SECTION I 16 (b) OF THE HOME RULE CHARTER AND SECTION 4-1-3-1 OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 2000. Vote results: Motion carried. Ayes: Council Membe rs Nabholz. Garren. Bradshaw. Wolosyn, Yurchick . Gr:Jzulis . Bum s Nays : None (ii) Manager Slowe presented a recommendation from lhe linlc1on/Englcwood Wastewater Supervisory Commincc to approve, by motion. lhe Phase 2 Engineering Contract, with Brown & Caldwell Engineers in cbe amount ofS455 ,980 .00, for expansion ofcbe Linlecon/Englewood Waatewacer Treatment Plant. He explained that !hey arc 11Sking for approval of this engineering contract to proceed w11b design on the pl.an1 expansion and addmonal treatment capacity. About a year and a half ago, be said. we pre se nted to Council , a1 a Jo int mcctmg, lhe possible need to expand I.be capacity of the facility, as well as adding nitrate removal to meet water quality standards in the South Plane River. As a rtfUlt of that presentation we issued a rcqucsl for proposal 10 six cnginctrs to perfonn some work for us . Brown & Ca ldwell was selected to pcrfonn a planning and capacity assessment project. They completed lhat project earlier chis year and, al a Scudy Session, Brown & Caldwell pr<senced cbe rcsulcs ofcbac scudy. He advised cbac Ibey rocommended increasing the plan capacity co approximately 50 million gallons a day from cbe current 36 and to proceed wilh a design on nitrate removal facilities. At the present time, we don't know what the requirements are for those nitrate removal facilities. but we arc proceeding with lhc design and we arc hoping to head off some of the publ icity that has been coming out recently. Ma yo r Burns ~ommentcd lhat he was hopmg Mr . Slo\\e would go m10 1ha1 a bu . Manager Stowe ad\'ised that lhe contract we ha ve tomgh1 1s for $455 ,980.00. He explained 1ha1 there arc actually two phases 10 lhc design proJCCI. Oni: pan ,s the pri:-des1gn. whe re spec ifi c fac1l111es wil l be identified to meet the 50 mgd as well as 1he mtr:Jle removal requi rements . TI.ere 1s another poruon of the projec1. required by the Wa 1cr Qualit y Co nlrol O1ns1on. whi ch is 10 prepare J s11e appli cauon . Mayor Bums asked if Council aad any questions for Mr. Stowe. There were none . Mo.yor Bums said be wanted to stale. for the record, tha1 we a.re properly pemuned at that plant and we have a properl y extended ixmut. Council Mcmbet 81 id.shaw s1a1cd we always have been. Eaal•wood City Council April 2, 2001 L11) t) l1•H' l IOU!: ,. / P11t lO ~I A'I Manaaer Slowe 1111ed we have always been prope rly pennined . He noted lhat lh• comments 1bou1 our pennit beina expired aciuaUy came from an EPA repon. If you rn o EPA's website, he said, you can download 500 paaes ofinfonnation on our facility and pan oflhat report says our pennit expired in 1996. What that EPA report doesn't say is that the State has adminis1r11ti,·ely ex:,.c!ed our pennits , so it is in 11111 force and erfect, He commented that lhe CPA has approved all of those state regulations and the state was simply proceeding the way it is legally supposed to . The &ood news is we have been working very bard on a new permit for th-: pasl ye:ir. for a linle over II yea r. Repons from the wate r qualiry co ntrol division pcrsoMel are 1h11.t it is the worst permit they have ever worked on. me:ming it has been the most complica1ed and must difficult one to work on. Mr . Stowe advised that they issued that permit lut w~ek and we are expecting 10 get the official sig ned cop)' so metime 1his "·eek and that permit wi!I bercm-: effective on May IM. Ma yor Bums sai d that is c1tcellem and he thanked Mr. S10wc . Manager Stowe advised that that pentUt docs have a lot of i1ddi1ional requ iremen ts . There ilre six or seven compliance sc hedules that we will ha ve 10 meet. he said. and the re 1s a s1gniftcan1 ilmoun1 ofmc rea sed monitoring that we will doing over the nc1tl coup le of years . We \\1 11 be providing a repon 10 the Super"isory Committee on what that wo rk is . he said. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECOND[D, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (c) (II)· THE PHASE 2 ENGINEERING CO:0-TRACT, WITH BROWN & CALDWELL ENGINL \, "S IN THE AMOUNT OF 5455,980.00. FOR EXPANSION OF THE LITTLETO:0./ENGLEWvJD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. Motion carried. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Garten. Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick , Grazuiis , Bwns Nays: None (iii) Assistant City Manager Flah erty presented a recommendat io n from the City Manager 's Office to approve, by motion. an agreement for placement of the Museum ofOu1-:'oor Arts · Design and Build sculpture exhibit. He explained that this agieement would pennit the use .1f cenain Ci1y propcnies for their Design and Build competition . He said, if Council wi ll recall, earlier this year the Museum sile represenlillives came to a Srudy Session and talked about the Design and Build competition. He said he understands that some of the Co uncil members are alreldy familiar Y1i1h thi s. having panicipated in previous years . Mr. Flaherty e;.;1lained that the reason we need to do a special agreement is because their cum. i t sub-lea.~e agreement coven only their activities on 1his si 1e. this building. and CityCenter. The Design and Build competillon takes them outside of the CityCenter . Although. he said. I think 1he1e are three on -i,lle, ei th er 1n the building or ou 1side the bu,!Jmy . Exh1 b11 A pro\ ide s informatio n on th e schools 1h.11 were the wi nning ennies . as we ll as the 111 le of 1h('1r \\ ork and 1he loc :mons at ""h1ch they will be placed. He smed 1~1 the agreement wi ll then allow them 1he 1be of Cuy propen y on which the displays arc to be mllde and clarify the liability and 01hcr insurance relined issue s. He asked if there were nny question s. Council Member Yurchick said he had one qucs1ion that he has brought up before. He asked about using the roundabout and puning something in there . Asmtant Ciry Manager Flaheny advised that. initiall y, they ha d a piece that was to go in the roundabou1, but 1hey have decided. for whatever reason. 10 withdraw ii from lhat !icati.:>n . I am no1 sure why, he said, but we have talked rn rhcm abou1 the possibiliry of using that location. in the future. for the display of ei1he:r permanent or cemporary an work and they arc very rei.:.,>tive to that. Mayor Burns noted he understands thal very earl y on there was 3 fount.am planned at that sue. bu1 because of cost that was taken out. But th.:u would be a perfect place for a nice monumental sculpture piece aod ii would be e1tcellent there ifwe could do that someday. he said. As5istant Ciry Manager Flabeny advised that they will cenainly hne 5omc: add iti onal discussions w;th MOA about 1ha1. We are talking to 1hem about additional dis pla ys in 1he building. he said. and we will talk 10 1hcm about tha1 loca11on as we ll. • • • lnaJewood Clly Council April 2. 2001 P ■a• 11 Mayor Burns asked If there were any other qucstioo!. u; ~~. t·l&hcny. There were none . Mayor Bums thanked Assistant City Manager Flaherty . , , )uoo,,·IJ j t tl t lhql 'I I COUNCIL MEMBER GJUZULJS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGE:"IDA ITEM 11 (c) (Ill)· AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND THE MUSEUM OF OUTDOOR ARTS FOR PLACEMENT OF THE MUSEUM ot· OUTDOOR ARTS' DESIGN AJ'\/D BUILD SCl:LPTURE EXHIBIT. Mo1ion carried . Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Gamn, Bradsh ,· , r · ,lo,."• Yurchick . Gnazulis, Bums Nays : None 12. Gr.ueral DiKuulon (a) Mayo(s Choice (i) ~layor Bums said he w,derstands they did have , tour Sa r . of som< of the Fullenon Company projects IJl the Golden Triangle downtown. He asked if Ms . Br \Ould fil.c to comment on that Council Member Bradshaw :ad,·iscd that the tour was for the Review Committee. which was made up of Urban Renewal, citizens, Council Member Yu.rchick and herself. It was an cxccllcot tour, she said. Fullcnon propenies arc located mainly in the Golden Triangle ilOd in the S1. Luke's area . Yo u ha,c heard about the Eas1 Village? Well. they are in that vicinity, she said . and they arc very imp ressi \'C,, .quality . quality con.1truction . So we will just sec . We have anoJler mecung and 1be process 1s nol O\·cr ~et. That was just one step in it. She noted they h:tvc two more meeungs coming up . Council Member Yurctu ck said the only thtng he would like to add was that the one thing tha1 came across and impress ed him was lhe pnde 1hcy have in lhetr product . The y arc really proud of wh11t they bwld and 11 shows . Council Member Bradsha" commented that Mr . Fullenon·s wife conduc1cd the tour, which she lhou&}it was preny classy . M.iyor Bwns staled that was e;(cellcn1 to hear and be was very pleased with that. Mayor Bums commented that he noticed in 1he paper last week. on W front page , that RID is tallcing about a fairly aggre ssive demolition M:hedule . So I asked City Manager Scan to clarify how much of that they plan to demo , whether we arc gomg to split ii half and half. be cause, he said. I don 't think we ila\'C a conlJ:lct wi 1h RTD ye t. He asked if it was true that RID took ticlc of the sue last week. City Anorney Brotzm:in advised that the y ha\'e possession :and the y arc in the nuddle of1he co ndemna1 io n proc:s.s nght now . Mayor Bwns opined that "-''C arc cncrglZmg each other wn h tlus proJcCt and I hope we can keep this synergy going . Co uncil Member Bradshaw s1.a1ed she 1\'as conce rned. last ume. about RTO slid ing limber south 3.Dd apparentl y they have alread y started the process to get the land north of Yale . When we first mcL n seemed like the only land they were acq uiring was in En glewood and she had a rc:al co ncern abou t that .. .\pparenll ) they luvc staned the same process that Ibey have Just completed on the Englewood land onl y thu wne !hey arc go mg north of Yale, su the y are gorng into Den ver. (ii) \layor Bums said he would like to !hank C'\'er)body fo r all of 1he good '-'1Shcs and good word s 11flcr the DRCOG Annual Award Dmner . Friday night . he said. as yo u probabl y know . I was awarded the John V. Cb.rmenscn Memorial Award. He showed everyooe Lbe pl1<1ue , 1bis wu the Englewood City Council April 2. 2001 Paae 12 J rll l,,111-1.11.vn,J l11tt Jhql I •q only .iward of the evening that no one knew about befort. it w•s Ulli) U?:e::. he sai d, so they had a great time at the meeting . Mayor Bums stated, as he did :it the meeting ll,a! :'Jght, that he would like to thank Council. City Manager Scars and all the employees, because he felt that this was renll y an award for the City of Englewood, because of the enormous effort put fonh by the Cit y in the lft-:: several years. To take down a one million square foot shopping center and to redo this building and move the Cily Hall for the: first time in 35 yer.rs and he~in this project. .. it is jusl an enonnous effort by everyone who works for the City, the citizens who have been so patient with w. through :ill of this and the cities in the :iouthwest corridor. Linleton and Sheridan, He noted that Linlcton has workc:.:! with us , hand in glO\'t, for years on the southwes t comdor light r.ul. I also would hkc 10 thank John Parr and Peter K~nney of the Center for Regional Neighborhood Action, he said. who came down , along with Director Bob Simpson, to talk to us about what transit oriented development was abol,I, instead of big box retail and lots of parking. We lilcei that concept quite a bit and wem for ii. I •.vent 10 RTD on Thursday night. he said, and they had a session thal they have periodic.lil y on what they call polic y makers and s1n fT on RTD 's futu ,·c plnns . ~e commented that RTD has been very bold m the pnst few months :i.bou1 bu1ldm~ au! It cir entire sys tem . possibl}' having a new vote ~n the sales tn x increase:. Aurora hls been 1alk1ng about movmg light rail from Parker Road up 101-70 and Arv:.,da ha ., been talking about i1. As Cal \farsella said Thursda y. before southwest was buih, people were ki.,d of iffy abou1 whether this kmd of thing would wo rk and now lhat ii is such a roaring success they are clammin~ to be the nex1 light rail corridor . So it has crealetl a tremendous synergy in the region to gel thn e things done . Incidental!~ they also said 1hat ,uybc one more foll funding gra m agreemen1 111.1gh1 be allowed for Denver . The~ :.J ve rwo . One for southwest. one for the southeast and maybe one m()re is al 1 this region is going to get. So. he said. it really means that we have to have public/private partnership\ an ... certainly an RTD vote. I think, in order to build this system out in any re asonaLle period of time . Hut it really recognizes the things that Englewood has accomplished and the synergy that this has created . There was one very nice thing I found out, he said. I tbougt,c rbat perhaps no one in Englewood had won this before, but that was wrong. Next month we will honor Milt Senti as the Citizen of the Year nnd in 1983 Mr. Senti won the John V. Christensen Memorial Award. They also recognized my work on Housing for so many years, he said. and when I started the Housing Authority work back in the 1970"s, ifmy memory serves me righl. Ytil1 Senti appointed me to the Housmg Authority Board . So there is a great synergy being created . The 1979 Comprehensive Plan. that we are now comprehensively redoing, has all the-elements lrull WI.! have in our proj,:.-cts The inrreascd housing in this area, the increased business development in the area and fixed rail was m ma11 Comp rehensive Plan . Mayor Bums stated that the people who put together that Comprehens ive Plan were very forward thinking and about 20 years later we are finally getting the job done. Milt Senti al·10 worked on that, so ii really creates a great synergy and a great linkage between !hat time and this . So I am going to have a lot of fun ne xt month with Mr. Semi at our session honoring him. he said. because 1here reall y is a link:1ge between 0-•se days and these :1nd it is reall y fun 10 find that out . He thank ed e\"cryo nc "'gain . It was a great pleasure to go there, he sn1d, and I wish more or you could ha ve be en there as II was a 101 of fun . He commented that he was told there were 550 people there . so 11 \\as a gn-:u ume for 1he Ci1y He offered !us thanks, (b) Council Member's Choice (1) Co uncil Member Yurchtck said heJUSt had one question . He asked 1fthere an y :,Jans 10 do anythmg wnh the din m the center of the roundabout. It looks so unfim shed the w:iy it is no w. Ma yo r Bums said he though! 1he repons indica1ed the final landscapmg would be done m the i;pri ngtime. Director Ross said yes, that is co rrect, 1hc final landscaping, the plan11ngs. will be done in the spring. So, he said. that shou ld take ca,e of the din , I would hope . Council Member Yurchick said i1 is spring. Dircclor Ros s ;agreed . that yes i1 is spring . Mayor Bums comment~J that he is asked from time to time about tha1 area across from Phar-Mor and wha1 might happen to !hat. I don 't have ave~· good answer for tnem. he said . but maybe we don 't know yet. • • • Ea&)ewood City Coun<II Aprill, 1001 Pa&• 13 ) .,, l>n1 I 1111 'I' Director Ross said durit is correct, we really don't know . He noted it is pan of the Phase 2 developmeo1 that l5 going to be considered soon. City Manager Se3.rs noted that the only suggesuon. "'e ha,e rece111\y recei\'ed from a 1.11izen. was 10 han: some type of additional parking ;md shuttle for 1he ligh1 nu!. I have msnucted the staff 10 lak e r look at tbal. Council Member Bradshaw stated tha1 she does no1 like Iha! idea a1 all. because she thinks RTD needs to pay for their park.mg . Ci1y Manager Sears said we will wo rk ii oul. ~iayor Bums advised that Cal Marscll;i said Thursday Wght that they don't tu_.,..e any funds for additional p:ukmg nght now, they had proposed to put 11 ma vo1e that they might have, but thal doesn ·1 give us any unmediate ,elid. They are also doing a srudy as to where the folks who park over thcr: come from; with the idea that maybe we can initiate some kind of park.-n-Ridc . Mayor Bums pointed out that 60% of the people who ride this line are new transit riders, which means 1ha1 they did not ride buses So, he said. { lhink we have to kind of reeducate and retrain some of these folks. who are comi ng in here . to take the bus 10 ge1 to the stanon. And. he noted. we.: need to know where I.hey arc commg from lD order to do that. Ht opined we rcal.iy need to , 10 these studies and gel together and think about :;omc strategics about how we can relieve some of the prcss1Jrcs 1,)\'er here. because it will not get bener ;:,,nd as I.h e ,;oui:heast corridor staru. the common unders~nding is, there will be more pressure over here. It is someli'tlng we: really have to work on together. TI,c other thing, Mr. Marsella said very candidly at the meeting. •vas that the other corridors and other RTD board representatives are saying that if you put 500 spaces thc:rc, at $10,000.00 a space, that is SS million and the board members arc saying don't you dare spend that much money on that conidor before we get our corridor . Mayor Burns advised that Mr . Marsella is geni ng a lot of political pressure from the board not to spend a lot more money on lh,s corridor while the ot he rs arc waiting . That. he said. is son ofa fact of life, so we have to deal with those realities anct I think. try 10 work w11h them 10 figure out some ways to constructivel y try 10 rclie\'e that pressure . (ii) Council Member Bradshaw advised 1hat on Saturdny. April 21", in honor of Arbor Da y. there is J ce lebration a1 Comc rs 1onc P:uk . The y are pl::in1ing :too tree s .:md thl')' .Jre calling. 11 200 1 Points of Shade . If you arc interested you need to cont.Jct South Suburb an, she r,aid . (iii) Council Member Garren commcn1cd that Council had talked about at least h.avmg a tnal cushion for our ··rhW"Ch pews·· out here . He asked if anything was done. City Manager Scars ad\'iscd 1h1:n the y haven't followed up on chat but they "Iii. Mr . Garrett stJlcd we need to put some softness into those se.J(S . Council Member Nabholz agreed th-:y .i re hard . Mayor Burns agreed that Council h.3d talked about that . City Manager Sears said yes. Council did gi,·e ins1ruc11 ons 10 look mto tha1. lie advised !hat sta!Two uld look into it 13 . City 1\hnager's Report (a) City Manager Scars said he wl!uld like to respond 10 1hc cor.ccm abou1 the space between Phar-Mor ;:,,nd the City Hall . He no1cd 1ha1 11 1s some1hing we nce rl 10 take a look al , bul he 1hough1 one of the reasons that has not been that high ofa pri ority. 1s 1ha1111s m conJuncuon with the City Hall. We do have the proposals. he said. the RFP's have been scn1 ou1 and the committee will be making a C.:ecmo n on lhc future of City Hall . I thmk . probably, that whatever happens w11h that property will have 10 be in conjunction \\ith that. he said . I think. in Bo b Simpson·s mind . he 1s trying t~ preserve that z.rea. a lin..: bu . for parking that may be associ,ued with 1he Cit y Hall and I know. Mr . Scars said. 1tua1 that 1s included in at least one or 'WO of1he proposals. that there was some type of parking that was going to be put thert. Al [01lewood City Council April 2, 2001 Paee 14 h:uu;, 1 >bu n .. IOOt ,rn, A t least, City Manager Sean said, that is what Mr. Simpson has informed hlm about Thal comminee will be mectir,3 later this month, or the first pan of May, to review those proposals . Ma yor Bums said he wanted to thank Council Member Wolosyn and Council Member Grazulis for being It :be diMer on Friday , ,;gh1. We en;oyed havmg you there very much, he said . Also , he stated. he wanted 10 thank Paulena Puncerelli and Leigh Ann Hoflhines , as they did a 101 of work on that Ci1y Manager Sc:us noted the staff did a really gre at Job . Ma yor Bums thanked City M:mager Sca rs for thinking the whole thing up in the first place. City Manager Sears said he thinks , as Mayor Bums said, that Englewood needs to be recognized for tht work we have done. with Ma yor Bwns leade rship it was rcla1ivcl y eas y to do , ~1a yor Bums commented that there is a fam ous Woody Allen quot e. 1h111 S011~ of life isJUSI sho wi ng up and we showed up a lot in the pas1 several yc:irs . so 1ha 1 says a l01. Council Member WoloS)'D stated that Ma yor Bums gave a very insp iring spee ch. She said she son of applied II to herself and it was nice. ~fayor Bums commented that he tried to push the crowd by saying , "look. now that you know it works. &et ou1 there and go after it. You are all planning like crazy, now is the rime 10 move, don 't be shy, don 't let anybod y tell you you can't do ii, b<causc Ibey always will . Go after it." So , he said. I hope that bad some impac t. 14. City Altorney's Report Ci 1y Anorn ~y Bro 1zm:m did no1 have ,m y nuners 10 bring be fore Co un cil . 15 . Adj ournment The meeting adj ourned ai 8:3 1 p.m •