HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-05-21 (Regular) Meeting Minutes., / • ENGLEWOOD CIT.V COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE CliUNTY, COLORADO Reaular Session May 21, 2001 I. Call lo Order The regular meeting of lhe Engle"ood City Council was called 10 order by Mayor Bwns al 7:42 p.m. 2. Invocation The invocation was given by Mayor Burm . 3. Pied&• ol Alleclance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Bums . 4. Roll Call Present: Absent: A quorum was present. Council Membets Gruulis, Gam:n , Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Bums Council Menlhers Nabholz, Yurchick Mayor Bur.is explained lhat Council Menlhers Nabholz and Yurchick were in Las Vegas for lhe shopping center convention. Also pn:sent: City Manager Sears City Attorney Brotzman Deputy City Clerk Casile Di=tor Long. Libnry Services Assistant City Manager Flaherty Director Black, Parks and Recreation Business and Redevelopment Coordinator Johnson 5. Minutes (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, A~D IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 7, 2001 . Ayes: Co uncil Memben Garn:n, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Gnzulis, Burns Nays : None Ab1ent Council Members Nabholz , Yurchick The motion carried 6. Scheduled Visitors There were no sc heduled visitors. 7 . UD1Cbeduled Vililon Enalewood City Council May 21, 2001 rage 2 (a) Bill Mulnix. 3280 South ualapago Sa.et, th1h11.ell everyooo fr., nisina the brick wall on Floyd and putting in Ibo -gates, became It bu·btlped wi~ the noile, He asked for the wall at Galapago and Floyd. Ibo walkway, to be closed up, not lh• gate, just Ibo walkway. It would help with the no ise, he said, and also lhore is a problem with lhe kids bringing skateboards and ridinv them down Galapago. They go lhrou~h the walkway, so Ibero is• problem with pedestrians and someone is aoina to get hurt . Mayor Burns said he spoke with City Manager Sears today about fire emergencies and other emergencies, and how vehicles get ~ugh that wall 10 get to the neighborhood, because someone who lfvn on Huron nsked him how they ·"'111 get emergency vehicles in there. We talked abou t the need for emergency acceu 1and ':ow you have to have it, he said, for emergency vehicles. He asked Mr. Mulnix ifhe was talking about jus1 the walkway. Mr. Mulnix said just the walkway, the gates arc fine there, it is the walkway beside the gate. The other day we were coming down Floyd and all of a sudden there was 3 kid on a skateboard. There is a problem there, he assened. Mayor Burns asked about the other walkways that go through. Mr. Mulnix said that is the only walkway. At Inca is the intemcrion where you have the parking area, the trail and the whole works. He opined that there should be a light at that location, which would help pedc,trians. Mayor Burns said he thought there was a light proposed there. City Manager Scars said Engineering Manager Kahtn bad said the mast anns have been ordered, Counci l Member Bradshaw explained that those are Ibo ar ,,s that hold the light. Mayor Bums said there will~ a light there. Mr. Mulnix said it scenu like something that would help everything. Mayor Bums asked if this is the only walkway in the wall. Mr. Mulnix said yes. Mayor Bums pointed out •.ha~ ,r11,at was closed off, the neighborhood could not willk through that wall at all , they would have to go o.ro\ .. ;,, •.he ends. Mr. Mulnix said yes, they would have to go down to the end. Council Member Bradshaw said they had put in the walkway so neighborhood members could access the light rail. Mayor Bu·.ns added that Ibey could access Wal-Mart and other shopping . Mr. Mulnix said he was just stating his opinion, and he thinks there is a problem there. Also, he continued. once Ilic apartments open up, the visitors there will park on Oalapago and then walk through there . Mayo r Bums said that is not what they planned . and Council just talked about this 31 Study Session. He thanked Mr. Mulnix and said he appreciated his comments . (b) David Peterson, 2980 South Galapago Street, referenced a piece of literature put out by RTD concerning the Sou1hwest Corridor. Down here at the bottom. he said it states "The Englewood Urban Renewal Aulhority is also conducung a separate project adjacent to the Elati maintenance facility that involvci thi: mixed use development of approximately nine acres at the nonhwest comer of Bates Avenue an,J South Elati Street, and south to Dartmouth Avenue." Mr . Peterson said he would like to know what part of that development extends south to Dartmouth Avenue. Mayo, Gums said, .lt ·1is point, none of it. Mr. Peterson asked if this was a misprint. Mayor Bums stated the Winslow propeny is there and that exte nds down to Dartmouth Avenue, but th.Ill is nor actually part of • • • • • ,, t.o. Englewood City Council May21,2001 vH' I M Pnge J q the General Iron Works property. It may be developed by the Winslows at some limo ill tho future , be allowed, but our project, at this point, as we pointed ou '. sc·,eral weeks ago when other folks in the neighborhood came here, docs not extend south 10 Damnouth. Our project is cotuilled oo the Geo,ral Iron Works si1e, at this point, he said, and RTD's mair.tcnancc facility is nonh of it. Our project footprint does not extend beyond the General Iron Works sile. Mr. Pe1erson said that was his understanding from the previous meeting, but this gives a little different impression, he sail referring lo the RTD literature. Mayor Bums asked how old that was . Mr . Peterson said he just received it in the mail this week. Mayor Bums said he did not know why RTD stilted it that way, bcc:iusc we have not changed our footprint since the last rime they were here , so wear-: still on the site with our planning, at this point, he said. City Manager Sears said we have not received that brochure. CoW1cil Member Bradshaw asked if Mr. Peterson had another ooe. Mr. Peterson gave Council bis copy. Mr. Sears said they want to meet with City Council JD the l .. to talk about the maintenance center, prior to a meeting of the neighborhood, where they can acrually have a meeting for the neighborhood on what the maintenance center looks like . We do not know exactly how that works, he said, but staff is worlcing wilh them, and Council has 001 been apprised of what that looks like . City Manager Sears said we will contact RID tomorrow and tell them that, if they are sending this brochure out to the neighbors, they should also send it to City Council. Mr. Peterson asked for clarification about the meeting. City Manager Sears said there is a meeting with City Council on June 1 .. , and it is basically to let Council know about some of the issues related to a neighborhood meeting they are plaMing to have sometime in rtuddle or late June . Mr. Peterson said they actually mention in the brochure the City Council meeting as being this one . Council Member Bradshaw clarified tlut the first meeting to discuss the maintenance facility is June 6•. She said it will be in this building, but not with the Englewood City Council . Also, she said. the brochure says 10 C' itact ~ark Graham at the City of Englewood if you have any questions . Mayor Bums told Mr. Peterson that he apprec iated his bringing the brochure by, because none of them bad seen ic. Cour.cil Member Bradshaw asked Mr . Peterson to keep us posted . 8. Communicalluns. Proclamations :1,nd AppolntmtDts (a.) A proclamation declaring Millon and Bernice Senti as Englewood's Citizens of the Year fo r 2001 was Cl'>DSidered. Mayor Burm said this proclamation was actually preser:ted at the Citizen of the Year Award ceremony, but this is the fonml proclamation . COUJl;CIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLARING MILTON AND BERNICE SENTI AS ENGLEWOOD'S CITIZENS OF THE YEAR FOR 2001. Ayes: Noys: Absent: The motion carried 9. Public Hearing Council Members Garren, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Grazulis , Bums None Council Members Nabholz. Yurch.ick No public hearin g was sche duled before Counci l. EnaJewood City Cowxil May 21, 2001 Page4 COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW REMOVED lnM 10 (c)lv) FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. COUNCIL MEMBER GARR.ETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (I), (II), (Ill~ 10 (b) (I). (U), AND 10 (c) (I), (II), (W), (Iv), (a) Approval of Ordinances on First Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 24. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A .. CITY DITCH LICENSE AGREEMENT' FOR A STORM DRAIN CROSSING STRUCTURE OVER THE CITY OF ENGLEWooD ·s RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE CITY DITCH BETWEEN THE CITY OF LITTLETON, COLORADO AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 25. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT I I A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHOR!Zfl<G A GOOD NEIGHBOR OFFER TO WOLHURST LANDING OWNERS ASSOCIATION HELPP.'-IG FUND CONSTRUCTION OF A CONCRETE SURFACE DRAIN BETWEEN THE CITY DITCH AND THE WOLHURST LANDING TOWNHOMES TO THE WEST . (iii) COUNCIL BILL NO . 28, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BI LL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A VALE GRANT FROM THE VICTIM ASSISTANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF THE 18'" JUDICIAL DISTRICT. (b) Approval ofOrdir,1ncr;s on Second Reading (i) ORDINANCE NO. 23, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 22. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL 1,1 EMBER GA.RRElT) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEE N THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO AND IBE STA TE BOARD OF TiiE GREAT OUTDOORS COLORADO TRUST rtJND PERTAINING TO THE SOUTH PLATTE RIVER/SANT A FE CORRI DOR OPEN SPACE PLAN . (ii) ORDINANCE NO . 24, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 23 , INTRODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE AUTHO RIZING THE DELEGATION TO THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER. COLORADO THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF SINGLE FAMILY HOME MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS (THE "BONDS") TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL HOUSING FACILITIES FOR LOW AND MIDDLE INCOME PERSONS AND FAMILIES WITHIN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AND CERTAIN OTHER CITIES AND COUNTIES IN TiiE STATE OF COLORADO; APPROVING SUCH BONDS AND A SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE LOAN PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE EX"r.uTION AND • En&Jewood City Council May 21, 2001 ,.,. s l vJI DELIVERY OF A DELEGATION AGREEMENT AND OTHER DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH . (c) Resolutions and Motions (i) RF.SOLlITION NO . 43, SERIES OF 2001 A RESOWflON APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 60 FEET WEST OF SO!JTH RAR1T AN STREET, EXTENDING FROM WEST BAKE!l A VENUE TO WEST HARV ARD A VENUE FOR THE MONTCARO SUBDIVISION . (ii) RESOLlITION NO. 44, SERIES OF 2001 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A "LICENSE AGREEMENl"' AND A "GRANT OF CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT' TO WATSON LANE , LLC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATSON LANE ACROSS THE BROWN DITCH . (iii) PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNISHINGS FOR THE LITTLETO N/ENGLEWOOD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT'S SERVICE/SUPPORT FACILITY EXPANSION FROM /ORDY CARTER COMMERCIAL INTERIORS IN THE AMOUNT OF $66 ,223 .20 . (iv) CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR CONCRETE PROGRAM 2001 WITH CONCRETE WORKS OF COLORADO IN THE AMOUNT OF $180,270.00 . Vote results: Ayes : Nays : Absent : The motion carried. Council Members Garren, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Gruulis, Bums None Council Members Nabholz, Yurchick (v) Director Long presented ,. recommendation from the Library Departm,nt to appro ve a contract for the Hi s1oric3I Stmcture Assessment of the Englewood Santa Fe Depot. Council Member Bradshaw asked how that would articulate with Mr . Fullenon 's plans to use the: Depot. Mr. Long said this was requested prior to Mr. Fullerton 's proposal , and this is also now a requirement by the Colorado Historical Society for any additional work that may be done on the Depot, since it is on the State Register, Ms. Bradshaw said oka y, she just needed clarifi calion on that, because she did nol wan1 us doing something twice , financ iall y. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, 1'0 APPROVE A CONTRACT FOR THE msTORICAL STRUCTURE ASSESSMENT OF TIIE ENGLEWOOD SAJ'ff A FE DEPOT WITH SLATER-PAULL & ASSOCIATES, INC. IN TIIE AJ\fOUNT OF 512,000 .00. Ayes : Nays: Absent: The rnotfon ccrricd . II. Regular Agenda Council Members Garren , Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Grazulis, Bums Non e Council Members Nabho lz. Yurchick Englewood City Council May 21, 2001 Page 6 (a) Approval of Ordinances on First Rcadina . (i) Assistant City \lanager Flaherty presenled I recommendation Imm the City Manager's Office to adopt a bill for an ordinl nce approving the Second Amendment to the Subleue and Agreement with the Museum of Outdoor Arts. Mr. Flaherty advised that the Museum of Outdoor Arts would like to request an amendment 10 their sublease with the City. The purpose of the amendment would be to permit the Museum ofOutdoor Ans to setve alcohol and to apply throu&h tbe City'' Liquor Licensing Authority for an Arts License, As it stands now, the muacum has the nbility h> provide liquor smice to ia guests, however, they must be invited guests and they must mon 1tor l JC sure no uninvited auesu m served alcohol. That llllls proven to be difficult for them at some .:!"their openings at which they have invited guests and they also ha\'C in div1dw,,ls who attend. perhaps uninvited. but welcome. The mu.scum has discussed this issue with our locJI :iuthoritics regarding moving forward with an Arts License . He said it wus his understanding that the City's liquor commission hu requested that. if they move forward with the reques1 for the Ans License, the City rrwl state specifically in the contract that they are pcrmini:d to serve alcohol. Mayor Bums asked if there is an .4Jts License exiJring now, as a separate kind. Assistant City Manager Flaherty advucd that it is a category ofliquor license that is available. The MU5CW!l of Outdoor Ans does not have o license at all at this time. and arc basically serving only because they are a private entity and can serve invited guests only, without licensing. Mayor Bums asked if they had gotten Special Events Pemtits . Mr. Flaherty rq,tied that they have requested one Sl,ecial Events Permit for an upcoming event. They would lilce to pursue the Ans License, rather than apply for individual Special Events Permits for each eve nt that they have . Mayor Bums "1id, just to clarify, there is an Ans License already on the books. Mr. Flaherty said yes , ii is a category that exists. Mayor Bums said that is why they c11n simp ly amend !heir agreement and be afforded !he benefit of that. Mr. Flaherty said that is correct. Asking for clarification, Council Member Bradshaw said they want to amend the agreement with us. Mr. Flaherty said yes, they want to amend the agreement with us., and it is basically just a specific, on e sentence change , that allows them to serve alcohol, subject to the appropriate licenses. Mayor Bums asked if you can obtain pcnnission to u.sc this ca tego ry of license in an agreement rather than h.n·ing an ordinance . City Attorney Brotzman advised that our liquor board is ,·cry specific . They do this with all businesses, whether you are 7-Elevc n or Conoco. Our liquor board requires that you have an atTumative statement from the person licensing the propeny that yo u have the right to sell liquor . That is all that is happening, our liquor boa.rd requires that. Before the muscwn goes to our liquor board, we are making sure that we have our ducks in a row, jus1 like J.DY other corporation would. Co uncil Member Bradshaw asked if there arc aay fees associated with MOA 's use of our building, outside of regular hours . Mr. Flaherty said he believes the contract language aJlows them to use the facility during our regular business hours , which arc defined by contract, and allows them to use ii outside our business hours ,,.,;thin reason. There is also the other issue relative 10 which portion of the building 1hey are us ing. They can use their own space, and 1hcy also have the right to use the Community Room and the yeMo-bc-co mpleted cu ltural arts space, up 10 ninety times a year without charge. After the nine1ieth lime, they would pay the existing ra1e, he said . • • • • Ena)ewood Ciiy Cowicil May21,2001 .u , II Pa&• 7 Cowicil Member Bradshaw recalled tba~ a couple of-lo ago, we had an idea lbeel from a committee. She said she did respond to Iha~ bu! she has Somo cone--. DOI about MOA, bu! ouiside people Ulillg dlil faciliiy, and naybe some our citizens can '1 because Oul!ido: people have already scbeduled i~ ad tblt klnd of thing . This is our city's communiry ccnter, she said. It is •nant that we let the citiztns know tluit their needs come first. and if there arc any ..,utsidc activities that cause an extra charge to act the room& back 10 where Ibey were when we leased !hem, !hose activities need to pay for Iba~ she opined. Ms . Bradshllw said our citizens do not need to provide maid service to outside people to use this facility. Mr. Flahertf said, in lmns of MOA, we have had a fairly good working relationship and, although Ibey have scheduled a couple of events outside our regular hours. those have been very few . We have bad conversations with them aboul that , he said. and they are making an cffon to avoid scheduling those events outside of when we ha\'C staff in !he building . There arc a couple of exceptions to 1ha1 , he allowed, but those have been very few . Ms . Bradshaw said that is a huge amount of Spilce, and if you go lo a priv:ite place 10 rent that or try to find any facility like that, it would cost you dearl y. She said she knows they are our tenants, but by lhe ume token, she felt they need 10 respect the building itself. '!I COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (I)-COUNCIL BILL NO. 26. COUNCIL BILL NO. 26, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING 11IE ACCEPTANCE OF A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT AND SUBLEASE BEnVEEN THE MUSEUM OF OUTDOOR ARTS (MOA), THE ENGLEWOOD ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION, INC. (EEF) AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO (CITY). Vote result!: Ayes: Nays: Absent: The motion carried. Cow,cil Members Garten, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Grazulis, Bums None Council Memben Nabholz, Yurchick (ii) Director Black presented a reconwnendalion from !he Departmeot of Pub and Recreation 10 adopt a bill for an ordinance approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with South Suburban Park and Recreation Oi5trict for maintenance of the Big Dry Creek Trail . He advistd that, several weeks ago , Bob Seams , from Urban Edges, attended a work session with Council, and gave them an update on !he Big Dry Creek Tnil, which is moviog forward rapidly now. This agreement would fomtalize !he agreement wilh 1he Cil)' of Englewood and So<tlb Suburban Park and Recreation Disttic~ whereas they would maintain the trail from Windmnere to the Plane River. CuncntJy, he said. 1hc City of Englewood maintains the trail from ProgreM Park to Windermere. Mayor Bums asked about the bridge being consttucted there , and whether they would assume maintenance of that, 100 . Mr. Black said yes. they would take it to the river and across . lbey currently main11in the greenway ttail up 10 the go lf course and lhrough !he golf cow,e, be s,id, as pan of Iba~ als o. COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (U) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 27. COUNCIL BILL NO. 27, INTRODUCED DY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN EnglC11ood City Council May 21, 2001 Page 8 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE BIG ORY CREEK TRAIL BED\.EEN SOUTII SUBURBAN PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . Vote rcsulls: Ayes: Nays: Absent The mo1ion carried . CoW1Cil Members Ga.run. B~dshaw, Wolosyn, Gruulis, Bums None Council Members Nabholz. Yurchick (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Rending . There were no i1.ddi1ional items submitted for approval on second reading. (Sec Agenda Item JO ·-Consent Agenda.) ( c) Resolutions and Motions (i) Business and Redevelopment Coordinator Johnson presented a recommendation from the Departm::nt of Community Development to ar:opc a resolution authorizing an Incentive Payment Agreement with Gan Bros . Spon ing Goods Company for relocation of their corporate headquarters to Englewood. She acknowledged some pcopl: in the audience . Present were David Fricder, the Vice President of Store Planning and Purchasing for Gart Sports Company, and, also, Bill Mueldencr, the Manager of Multi-State Tax Seivices at Deloitte and Toucbc. which is a consulting finn working with Gart Sports in their relocation ~Jans. We would have Bob Simpson here this evening, hut unfortunately he i, away on business, as arc many of the Gut team, she explained. We arc talking tonight about a resolution to establish business redevelopment incentives as a method of offsetting a ponion of what the cost for relocation of this company will be . As a staff. we have been working with Gan for a few weeks and they arc in the midst of negotiations for a fifteen year lease. she said. for the building located at 1050 West Hampden, the fonner Home Base building. We truly appreciate Council's vision and dedication as we have gone through this process , and 10 see what Council has done in the redevelopment ofCityCcnter, the other busincss-supponivc policies and programs currently in pb ;c. All this has come together to make a substantial contribution to Gan's interest in Englewood, she said. If the company decides to move here, we are talking about the redevelopmcnl of a nincty-1\Vo thousand square foot warehouse property, she advised. This would become corporate headquaners for a S 1.1 billion ~ompany. This is a corporate headquarters that would have 265 employees with a potential 10 go up to 420 employres , she advised. For 11 community the size of Englewood, she added, that is huge. We arc tailing S20 million in annual payroll, the initial average wage of over $59,000.00, she said, while the average Colorado wage currently is $34 ,000.00 . These are high-wage employees , with over two-thirds al a professional level. The entire executive staff would be here and, oo ,•ay one. they would be the eight ~est employer in the City of Englewood. If they go through with all their expansion plans. they could easily climb to number six or number five, she said. Th is company is plaMing a S5 ITUl!ion to $8 million invesmrnt in expansion ltJ)d investment, so this is all a pan of Council's continued suppon for the Englewood business cormnunity. With the relocation of this type of company you will increase the daytime demographics and the rnbsequent spending that goes along with that. Ms. John.son said you will also increase business ai both CiryCenter and Broadway. EconolTUc development models, for ex.ample , show that there will probably be three restaurants that will open or expand to meet the potential of the $20 million in annual payroll. We also anticipate over $500,000.00 in ,;a les tax revenue in 1he fifteeh-year lease .just based on the spending from the people in the company . We have had the proposed incentives for economic development re,iewed by suaff, she said. and we hne had an opponunity to work through issues wi1h Gan Company. We arc recommending approval of the resolution before Council 1onight, she said. Thi s is a reba1e oi a ponion of what the company will be p:iying to the City . The City will accrue all the taxes and then remit back to the company in the fo:m of the rebate , she advised. Actual exp11nsion, rather than planned expansion, will detennine the rebate, she said, • so, if yo u look at 1he resolution you will see there are c.1ps ;n place and it is based upon actual amounts. • • Englewood City Council May 21, 2001 Page 9 This is through the life of the bu.,incss , she said . We anricipalc our value: and their in,1cstment in the community, our cost and the benefit to the comrmmity, to result in a bmcfits•to-cost ratio, with benefits, of three to one. We think that is substantial for this city, she said . You will notice we arc looking ll roughly $205,000 .00 in rebate potential. but you arc also looking at a company that is putting in over $260,000.00 in their own cost, plus you arc looking at receiving $686,000 .00 in direc t benefits . Those arc such things as pennit fees, review fees, use tax and so on. as well as property tax, once the initial time frame has gone by, plus the sales tax. This falls within previous Council actions, and thue are also indirect benefits, such u increasing awareness in a positive ptttcplion of Englewood, a higher im:1gc and higher profile to attract other office users. ll.e City has been very fortunate in their efforts for redevelopment, she said, and this is something that will assist General Iron Works, perhaps Elati and perhaps Acoma as they arc worldng to attract thCMe types or users to the city . The suppon staff that will come in will also suppon othc . uses, she said, such as restaurants, office suppl y, attorneys, retail , perhaps :l hotel that would be interested in locating near a corporate headt1uaners of this size . As previously mentioned, it falls within previous (°nunci l actions, such as First Data relocation, and working with the Catalyst Program. which is spurring economic development and growth along the commt:rcial corridors. We are looking at the size of this tyr:: ofa projec t as roughly in the same league as doing fifteen Catalyst Progmm over a course of five years, du.•t is three II year, she said, and the program currenlly is doing eight to fifteen. They are primarily on Broadway, but it is open to Hampden corridors . Ms. Johnson urged suppon or the resolution so that they can move forward on this project, and continue negotiations with the company a.11 they make their relocation plans. Council Member Wolosyn asked what Ms . Johnson meant by "life of the business". Ms . Johnson responded lhat the company is negotiating a fifteen-year lease, so we know they would be here a minimum of fifteen years . They also have some options after duu, but they have alrtady said they do not want to do this every twenty ytars . This is the first time that Gan Spans has ever relocated, and there is a lot of work and cffon going into it. They arc looking forward 10 being able to consolidate their offices , she advised, and arc on a fairly fast time line. If everything goes through as they hope, they stan construction in July and their marketing department would be taking over part of the building in September. They woul~ rlo all their own in-house advertising, so they \\'Ould have a portion of the building set up to do that, she said, and they would be fully moved in by mid-November. That is a really fast time line to get things accomplished . Regarding the Financial Impact Sheet, Council Member Wolosyn asked , where it says ''year two ,o five Gan costs", if that meanr each year or all three years lumped together. Ms . Johnson said it means lumped together. Mayor Bums cor.-imcntcd that he also had wanted to clarify that point. And that is where yo u are getting the $205,000.00 . You are adding the $109 ,000 .00 and the $96 ,000 .00 to gether as potential benefit. It does comport with other benefits we have gi\'cn to First Data, he recalled . Ms . Johnson said we arc looking at their cost 10 the City at being roughl y S296,000 .00 . That is what they arc going 10 pay in permm and review fees , which are the fees tha1 are nol going to be impacted by this . Mayor Burns felt this was obviously quile a boos! to this areo., and we ha ve always had a problem with our demographics around here, ot least thal is what the retailers tell us. Council Member Bradshaw soid thai ;:; what Miller 1ells us . Mayor Bums said yes. we get tired of hearing it. but obviously the impetus and the dynamics arc sure 10 upgrade that. This is the first real dramatic evidence we have seen oftha1 since we have dcnc all the improvements in our project here and Mayor Bums felt it would continue . He said he noticed the Denver Post rcport ;:d there lS a glut of office space now "C ::umulating in the Soulheast Corridor and downtown. Also, our CAFR says , because oflhose pressures, !here may be a better market here , in this area. and this can only help that He said he was very ;,leased that Gan is here and lhat they are making this proposal There was a nice article in the Post on the cu;hteenth. with a pi cture of their CEO, who came here 10 our meeting . Mayor Bums said he ~s very excited aboul this, and he felt we should approve it. Englowood City Council May 21, 2001 Page 10 Council Member l"lolosyn said Ibis is an eumple of where we spend mo.ocy in cities for other ICIIOAI lbao to make money. We are investing in changing the face of the community and making sun, that it is viable in twenty ye&rs. lfwe do lbings like !hi,, the community won't decay, it will grow, we hope, and that iJ more imponant sometimes, she said. Council Member Go.rrcn asked, regarding the status of the negotiations with the cuncn! owner of the property, what the drop-<lead date to make a decision would be. Ms. Johnson asked Mr. Frieder ifto bad an ilJlSWCr for that. She said she knows the property owner is very interested in having them there and is very motivated, but she was not sure iftbcy have a drop-dead date . Mr. Friedcr said not exactly, but their goal is to rc:icb an :igrecment as soon as possible . Mr. Garren said he did not know if they were undrr pressure to NC:ltc the pmnises in some of their satellite offices . Mr. Frieder said the pressures are illlemal and they would like to consolidntc as soon as possible, but the: pressures are not from outside sources. Ms . Johnson said the land 0\\1lC:r is \·cry motivated for them to start construction on July 1111, to try to meet that time line , so there is a lot ofpo1ential there 10 get that accomplished. Council Member Grazulis commcn1ed that she s«s this as a tremendous value to Englewood, and welcomes their thinking of Englewood in this manner. Mayor Bums said be is impressed by the time line , as it is much quicker than }OU would expect. The resolution was assigned a number and rcr.d by title : RESOLUTIO:-1 NO. 45, SERIES OF 2001 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCENTIVE PAYMENT AGREEMENT BElWEEN G,-.U BROS . SPORTING GOODS COMPANY ANu THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR REDEVsLOP:.!ENT AND CONSOLIDA TJON OF THE GART BRO S. SPORTING GOODS COMPAl\'Y CORPORA TE HEADQUARTERS TO BE LOCATED AT 1050 WEST HAMPDEN AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. COUNCIL )IHIBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (c) (I)-RESOLUTION NO. 45, SERIES OF 2001. Ayes : Council Members Garren , Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Grazulis, Bums Nays: None Absent Council Members Nabholz, Yurchid: The motion carried. 12 . General Discussion {a) Mayor's Choice (i) Mayor Burns said Council bas not met formally since he and Council Member Wolosyn wen! to the DRCOG workshop :ind retre:u on the It11• He felt it •vas quite beneficial and would like to have DRCOG come down 10 a Srudy Session and explain where the .!.ittucturing and re-staffing is going. Bill Vicbl, the Execu1 ive Director. is asking thC' board to be much more pro-active in making decisions about the transponation needs of the metro area than they have in the past He felt there woula be so me interesting things happening .,..;th DRCOG in the near future . (ii) Mayor Burns advised that the contractor for the TREX construction would be announced tomorrow, and he would be ancnd.ing with City Manager Scars . We wiU sec what comes of that. he said, aod what the planning is. Sbonl y thereafter there will be more meetings on the Solllheast • • • • • Englewood Cily Council May 21, 2001 Page 11 Corridor as the contraclor is selcclcd and the design phase comes along, so we will know more about bow lhal mighl impaCI us . (iii) Mayor Burns s1a1ed 1h.,1 oo Saiurday morning he appeared•• a Pan-Alian Development Conference in Wcstmimtcr. He said he was 1iskcd sc,•cr,I limes to go to lbi~, and the mayor of Lakewood was t~crc, too . Several of these folks , :as often happens wuh our Englewood addresses in the Southeast Corridor, were fully convinced tha1 the y were m the City of Englewood and that they should make contact with the mayor of Englewood . He said be bid to explain once again where the City of Englewood actually i,, but they were, ocvcnhclcss , interested in our cultural arts and we may &ct some more contacts from this communi:y. (b) Council Members' Choice (i) Council ~1cmber Garren : I. He said that. keeping with pilst tradition, he would like t:, make a motion regarding the Keep Englewood Beautiful Golf Tournament. COUl'iCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, A.'l> IT W,,~ SECONDED, TO SPONSOR, AS A COUNCIL, EIGHT GOLFERS IN THE il:i:EP E:<iGLEWO•)D BEAIJTIFUl , GOLF TOURNAMENT ON JUNE 11, 1001 AT THE E:<iGLEWOOD GOLF COURSE. Ayes : Council Members Garren, )rad.shaw, W..:,losyn, Grazulis, Bwns Nays: Non< Absent: Cow1cii Mcll".bers :Sabholz, Yurchick The mo1ion carried . 2. He said a citizen has contacted him regarding traflk on Oxford . Coincidentally, there was a meeting on Tuesday c,f last week th11.t they :ould attend which deall with some of those traffic LSS;..:s, As we all know, traffic issues arc bad lhrc,uplOut thi: mcttopolitan area anJ wHI continue, he said. We are starting the processes of looking at those wucs through citizen forums this month and next month. (ii) Council Member Bradshaw: I. She advised tha1 lhe MOA exhibi~ Myths and Legends, would be featuring local anist Lynn Flicger Countryman, who grew up in Eng lewood . That will be from th! ZJ" of this month to the 15111 of August, she said . 2. She thanked Open Space Manager Lee for bring so rcspo. jive in clcaninl up the storage area at the Serviccntcr. She said she really appreciated his efforts and his willingnc:u t:, huld the City 10 the same standards that we ask of our citizens . (iii) Council Member Grazu li.s : I. She recommended approval of the renaming oi lhe resource room for th e Englewood Historical Socie1y as 1hc Roy and Ethel Altenbach room They ha\'e been so dcdica1cd and co mmincd 10 Englewood over the years and she fen it was very imponant timt we recognize lhem. COII'.'/CIL MEMBER GRAZULIS MOVED, A>'l> IT WAS SECONDED, 13 RENAME THE r.NGLEWOOD HISTORICAL SOCIETY RESOllKE CENTER ROOM TO THE ETHEL AND ROY ALTENBACH HISTORICAL RESOURCE CE:'<TER ROOM. Mayor B·illllS said we have a renaming po licy, bu1 he felt th is would be a wonderful honor for them and he ,~i~y approves . Enalcwood City Council Moy 21, 2001 Page 12 Vote results: Ayes : Nay,: Absent The morion cat 11cd. Council Members Garren, Bradshaw , Wolosyn, Grmdis, Bums None Council Members Nabholz, Yurthick 2. She said she was responding publicly to 4 resident's c:tll regarding South Washington Street parking concerns again . She said she spoke wi1h Director Ross about it, and some other people. The caller sa id he wunted to rc i1enuc tha1 it is not the students that he 1s dissatisfied with . It is the after school and weekend :tctivitics, which arc every weekend. including Sundays . He wanted Council 10 re\'isit the South Washington parking prob lem to sec if it should be by permit. Mayor Bums asked if she had spoken with Direclor Ross about it. Ms . Grnzulis said she had . She said she wns bringing it forward because the gentlcmiln did not think that people listen to him 1md so she was letting him know that Council is listening and are oware of his concerns . 3. She said she parked in the lot jus1 west of the Malley Cemer the other day and noticed a lot of trash in the bushes and along the gutters . (iv) Council Member Wolosyn: I. She expressed appreciation for being able to go 10 the DRCOG retreat, especially on Wednesday night, when the spent four hours discussing that night's is!i ues. 2. On Sallllday, she said she was fomuule enough 10 have Gary Scars and Gary Hultberg with her for a meeting with lhc SMARTS! group , which is in the devclopmenl s1Ages of the South Me,_.., ARTS Center Initiative . She said, for her, it was a great opportunity, she was glad she got to speak, and also , she fell they ha\'e great arguments for the presence of arts cenlers as regional gathering places and as the final component to make a community. She did not feel , however, that their solution fits as we!! as the one that Englc·,vcxl is plaMing . But it was great, she asscned. She said she was afraid to go and gla,j that she went. 3. She • -!Called that, back when they did the ordinance on the Swedish Hospira! addition, City Manager Sears hac! introduced her to Mary White, and they talked about the hospital and the Ciry. She said she had mentioned the Swedish Task Force, jokingl y, thnt we have this thing lhal she and Council Member Yurchick 'trve on that had r,ever had a mee1ing . She said ~·e should get it goi.ng again and , at the ACE meeting .s couple of weeks ago , K.ilthy Ashenfelter told her Ms. White wanted her to call her, so we arc going to have a meeting . She said we should mett for a preliminary discussion on what it will be and what thi: 1.i.sks will be . She said , besides herself, ii would be Cou 1cil Member Yurchick and, also , City Manager Sears wll l sit in on lhe meeting of May 30111 at 7:30 p.m. Ms . Wolosyn added that the y had not had a chance tn 'Jlk ahuut how successful ACE .. us . She said it was a grcJ.t meeting with new voices and people not rcall ) t 1cwh1g each other, but confirming each other's id eas about the City. She fell it was very enlighleninJ "n: positive . 4. She said that Marilyn Brenengen , of the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce, hnd asked, through Cily Manager Sears . 10 have a meeting of those three major groups , the City, Englewood for Businesses and lhe Chamber. She said that she and Council Member Yurthick felt that ACE had to be a pan of it. jus110 discuss 1he bi g picture of where we are going . That meeting will be on May 31", she advised. al 7:30 p.m • • • • Enalewood City Council May 21, 2001 Page 13 City Manager Sean aaid he thought it wu goq to be in the aftemcon. Ms. Wolosyn aaid yes, he wu corrctt, ii will be in the afternoon. Business and Redevelopment Coordinator Johnson stated that 1he meeting will be on May 31" from 9:00 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. at the golf course . 13. City M1n11er's Report (a) City Manager Sms advised that he had spoken with Open Space Mana ger Lee today . It appears that , even though the stonn wa.s pretty tough last night , we really only lost a linl e bit of vegetation in some of our parks . We had some neighbors who had problenu, so our crews were helping them, he aaid, but we came through a pretty severe storm in a 101 better ~hapc than he though! we would . (b) City Manager Sears said that he went with Chris Olson, Don Schoenbe in and Jim Ulrich 10 Emmittsburg to receive an award last \\'CCk for our training. It was very nice and we are proud to have received it, he said. 14. City Attorney's Report (a) City Attorney Brotzman advised that he would be going on vacation. Nancy Reid will be .aking care of the legislative and administrative manors, he said, and Dugan Comer and Chip Rieb will be taking care of prosecution. Mr . Brotzman said he would be leaving tormrrow and would be gar ! for two weeks. 15. Adjournment MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN, The meeting adjourned at 8:3 0 p.m.