HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-08-06 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• h:m:." l ,,r; liuo, 4tn J I 110! .c> 1~u"'uJ ! ,;tc"l ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 1 1 ,,, ENGL!WOOD, AllPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO I II I ,rw, I lll ((IJ' I II It, J 1lH ' l I. Call 10 Order Resular Saslon Au1ust 6, 1001 I ' The regulu meeting oflhe Englewood Ciiy Council was called 10 order by Mayor Bums ot 7:57 p.m. 2. lavoc1don The invocation was given by Council Member Nabholz. 3. Pltd1e of Alleslaace The Pledge of Allegiance was ltd by Mayor Burns . 4. Roll Call Present Absent: A quorum was pr:sent. Council Memben Nabbolz, Gruulis, Ganett, Bradshaw, Wolosy,, Yurchick. Burns None Also ~resent Ciiy Manager Sean 5. Minutes City Attcmey Brotzman Ciiy Clerk Ellis Director Fonda, Utilities Director Long, Library Services Director Ross, Public Works Director Gryglcwicz. Finance and Administrativ..: Services Patrol Operations Divisio n Chief Moore, Safety Services (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVE[I, .1:·m IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1001, Motion c:iri,:d. Ayes: Council Memben Nabbolz, Garrett, Bndshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick. Burns Nays: None Absliin : Counci l Member Grazulis 6. Scheduled Vlsllon (a) Mayor Bums noted that Tim Sullivan. President of the Englewood Employees Ass oc iation. was scheduled t: speak. but he had to cancel as his son is being honored u one of the most valuable players on his T-b.111 team. !qlewood City Council Aupst6,200J P11e 2 COUNCIL MEMBER YURCHICK MOVED, AND IT '/NltS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM II (1)(1) • COUNCIL· BILL NO, .16 AND ,AGENDA ,ITEM II (1) (II)· COUNCIL BILL NO, 37, ON FIRST READING AND TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 4, 2001. Mayor Burr, exolained that they are advancing Items 11 (a) (i) and 11 (a) (ii ) on the Agenda. Council Member Yurch ick explained that Agenda Item 11 (a) (i) is Council Bill No. 36, 1 recommendation from the llcparttnenl of Safety Se rv ices to adopt a bill for an ordirumce appro ving an amendment to Titl e 7. Ch.·?ter I A of •.he Englewood Municipal Code penaining to Animal Control issues aod Agenda ltOJll 11 (1) (ii) is Council .'ill No . 37, 1 recommendat ion from the Department of Safety Services to adopt a bill for an ordinance ~ppro vi ng an amendment to the Englewood Munkip1l Code pe,.lining 10 the number of pets per household allowed in the City of Englewood . 11 (a ) (i) COUN CIL BILL NO. 36 , INTROD UCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER YURCHICK A BlLL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER IA, OF THE ENGLEWOOD ML1<1CIPAL CODE 2000, PERTAINING TO DOGS AND CATS . 11 (a) (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO . 37 , INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER YURCHICK A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER IA , OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 2000, PERTAINING TO THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS MAINTAINED AT A HOUSEHOLD OR PREMISES. Vote results: Mot ion c.:arried . Ayes : Council Memhen Nabholz, Garren, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurcltick. Grazulis, Burns Nays : No ne Council Member Grazulis said she thought Council should explain to the public what the y an doing and why . Council Member Bradshaw noted that some oftbc citizens have come to this meeting to disc uss animals . I happen to be an animal owner, she said, and I also ha,·c some issues with this . Ms. Bradshaw explained that wba1 Council is trying to do is to pass the two council bills on first reading .ind then provide an opportunity for people to speak on the record at a public bearing. She SIited that originally these were not set for • public heating . The reason .,,. moved these two items forward on the Agenda. she Yid, is so you would not have to sit here all night and, secondly, to set the public bearing for September 4•, at wlticb time yo u can-speak to Council , on the record, about the potential pct ordin.aaccs . Ms. Bradshaw pointed out that that docs not preclude anyone from speaking tonight as unscheduled visi1ors . Mayor Bums no1cd that there ii.re two people signed up to speak on this is sue under unscheduled visitors . If anyone else would like to SJ.,Cak on that same subject. under unscheduled visitors , the y can also speak even if they haven ·1 signed up . Every time we meet in regular session. he said, we give everyone an opportuni ty 10 speak on an y is sues under unscheduled visi1ors . 7. Un,chedultd Visitors (a) Cliff Youn g, Vice President of the Englewood Hislorical Society, said that. we , as the board of the Historicill Society, endorse the expenditure of the City and State money to stabilize the Tom Skerrin property . As custodians ofEnglcwooJ history, he said, \Ii 1ie w this as a p;udent and desirable a.:tion. He asked if there were ilny questions. There were none . Ma yor Bums thanked Mr . Young , • • lqltwood City Coundl A ..... I 6, 2001 lhHbir J IJ I iJ:-.1111,l,:tUi fillliot)1 t/ P11eJ 1 .. i;'l (b) Don Doheny, 120 II Wt11 Prinl.--. Avtnut. 111d he wouldjUII 11kt IO IIY somelhing about wbal hlpptned Sanudly ni&ht Au11111 4•, I waa aalttp, 1w uld. I r,ll aalerp on my rttliner while I w•s wa1ebin1 a movie and a knock on my door woke nw up. I MIii 10 Iha ll-on1 door, which is my slDffll door and ii was locked. There were a bunch or tlaahllthll In my fic9 and dwy IIUIOIU1Ced thenuelvos u the Enalewood Police Depattmenl and asked If I would P'-oplfl Ult doo,, I optlltd lht door, came out and I hid probably 1aken one 11ep down, ht 11ld. when I was 111bbld. lhrown down on lhe floor face down, handcuffed. all or my 11111Twa1 llken 0\11 or m)' pock111 and I WII ..,, !old wba1 WU aolna on. I did jokingly 1ell 1ht cops 1h111hty hid die wrooa nwn and for the ftrs1 linw In my lift 1h11 wu very aue. They needed 10 knock nexl door, ht aaid. bccaUII I hive some ,11nwn11 MXI door IO me. After a few minutes I was brough1 up on my reel and pul on !ht grm ou11ide my hoUII . A wilntu, lbal seemed IO be die man whose accus,ulons brought 1he cops to my house, told 1hr cops ii wasn't mr . He knew my face and he knew I lived lhtre and all lhal and II lhal poinl lbc police pl1!Cfflled IO knock .... ~oar . Al Iha! polnl lbe youn1 man came ou1 and he was handcuffed . My purpose hare coni9b111, I doo'I kmw, I Jus1 fell I occded 10 be her,, ht said. and say somelhlng aod the opponunhy arose. I have.., nwlice 1plns1 lhe police departmenl, I underlland die 1icua1ion. Procedutt WII done, yn. I would have liked 10 see procedure done on lhe n,al dude 1h11 was supposed 10 have been dlere ... he didn 'l lfl llvowndown on the Roor. He is lhe cype or elemenl 1ha1 kmws 10 pu1 his hands behind his head . I appre<lale lhal a Seraeanl did come by Iller on aod !alk lo me, he epologized and all lhal and I accepc,d ii and i 111111 do . I had .., problem wilh chat I kmw we have somethina goina on hon, in Englewood. I love Enalewood, he 11id. I have livod here a numb<r or yean and I have never had a problem wi 1h 1he law. You have bad no problem wilh me , you probably don'1 even know who I om and I hope ii IIAys 1h11 way , bul I J1111 fell 1h11 needed ID be brouaJtl up . [ live 1n the solution, he said, I used 10 be the problem. M•yor Bums 1hnked Mr. Doheny for conung. He uked 1h11 Cil)I Manapr Seara look 1n10 1hi1 and see whl happened . Council Member Bradshaw advised Mr . Doherty Chai they were aoin1 IO look lnlo II. (c) Kinlin Grazulis 4489 South Lincoln Slreel. advised 1h11 she wu hell 1bou1 Ille leash law . In some ways I agree and in 01~,. •~ys I doo'I. she 11id. I live ICTOII lilt lllttl !lorn a pa,k aod I would like 10 ttain my dog ofT,lmli ~he showed Council"""" oflhe ribbona she has won. Tht ribbons ue for wlu11 I have been doing wi1h "'' Aog olT-leuh. obec!i<n,:e, she said. Ms . Grazuli1 111d lhal if Council would nol mind she would lib.c tu bring btr dog in ti.,, a 1!emonstntion, M,yor Bums explained 1ha1 Council has scheduled a public beanng durina lhe fine wttk ofS.r11mbtr and 1h11 Council doesn ·1111ually have demonsttarions durin1 lhis pan oflhe mee1in1 and In fact dw dnw 11 limi1ed. rr someone would like 10 do a demonsttalion. he said. we can 11lk 1bou1 havin1 ii 111111 1lnw of lht public hearing . He no1ed 1h11 when you spe,k 1onigh1 it is 1101 pan of I public hearlna on Iha ltub law, II II jus1 an opportunil)I 10 say somclhing. Bue lhe finl meeling in Sep1erober will be an officoal public hearlaa on lhe lnsh law ilself 10 1ha1 would be die 1imc 10 propose something like lhal. Ms . Gruull1 said okay. Mayor Burns thanked her . (d) John Grazulis , 4489 Soulh Lincoln S1rec1, said he ju.st wanced 10 come 1hi1 cvcnina and state a couple of opinions about the proposed legislation . As my daughter so well described, he uid. ffll spends a lot of ume and a lot of effort ttaming her dog as an obedience dog and II 1s also a show do», One of the things we 1ake a lot of pride tn 1s the fact that the dog is able to be trained to do some very, very specific things and 1hose specific things need to be done "'11hout the cncumbr.1nce of a leuh, 111 least while they are being ttained . It is amazing 10 me. he said. !hat some people have spoiled it for everyone by lcttlna their dogs roam or maybe walking down a streel or busy intersection with a dog off II le11Sh . I aaree that thett may be some requiremen1. for the animal 's O'Wf1 pro1ecrion. to be restrained at that point in time . There arc a !or of very irresponsible pel owners, he said. I think we have all seen that. There are 1110 10me very imsponsible paren11 and I chink we have all seen lhal. I amju.s1 con:erned 1ha1 we arc lr)'in1 V legisialC something here Iha! maybe we shouldn'I be legislaling . Maybe ii is okay 10 have an onfuwaee 1h11 En&Jewood Clly Council Au1u11 r, 1001 P11e4 nu ) 1 ) h a,l~n roo: .il 'lUJUl- r ,rr.'I says you need lo have an animal constrained or not put in a position of danger or put anyone else Ul danger. Bur I 1hink the same thing could be 11id of children, he said, and I 1m not so sun, we ...,,. to aot oo chat vory fine line oflogislating behavior. Ono of Ibo lhings I was hoping we could di■c1111, or maybe su-.i lo Ibo Mayor and Counoil Ibis evening, wu 10 be vory, vory careful how we word these kinds oflhinp, bocau■e once we pass losislation ii is very, very hard 10 change it I just wanred 10 take Ibis opponw,ity to suggest that maybe we could reach some son of a compromis e proposal. t think all towns have some sort ofa leash law that says ynu can't be runnin& in traffic wilh your dog, bur I just n:ally lhink we m aoina 1 bi1 overboard when we can't have a dog in a pork 10 have children play wilh tbem ■nd that kind oftltina, Again. Mr. Gruulis said, we have an opponunity at the public heo.ring to have a demonstration ofan obedience dog and I would 1ppn:ci11e tha1 opportunil)' and look forward to pn:sonling our cue I linlo bit funher . Mayor Burns 1b■nkod Mr . Gruulis . (o) Judy W1llaco, 530 Eur Amhonl Avenue, staled she came IOnighl to speak in favor of 1 I01Sh law , 1h11 she und<n11nds lhoro will be a public hearing and she intends to be then:. I undentaod lbe concerns of Mr. Grazuli, and bi., doughier, she s■id. I have had my dog 11t1eked in I puk by dop off leash so ttuu is where my pwion comes from, she said, and l will appreciate the opportunity to come to that hearing. Mayor Bums thanked Ms . Wallace. (I) David AndoBOn, 327 WoSI Princoron Avenue, Slid he cunc 10 the moeting 1onigh110 ult thal Couocil 001 be imposing lows and amendments 10 codes that don 't n:ally nood iL I ■m afraid th■15')ffl0 of this amending that you want to do is not necessary, be said. and I just reaUy, really, wanted to make sure ii is understood lhat ■ lot ofw chink lhings work well the w■y Ibey an: and Ibey don'I n:ally need ID be addressed so stringently. Mayor Bums thanked Mr. Anderson. (g) Sieve Hoeller, 4460 Soulh El ■ti Sttoe~ s111<d bis issue is traffic and he bas lltnc issues. I know we have the trash trucks restricted to two days a week. he said, but the gravel ttucks going from the recycler are consuuuly going up and down Oxford and up and down Broadway . I watched a truck tonight al approxima1ely 3:30 or 4:00 lhis afternoon, he said, and ii belongs lo lbe people thal uo n:novaling Englewood High School , and it is a long semi-tractor trailer and he did 45 miles an hour all the way up Oxford and he ran lbe lighl going o■sl II Oxford and Broadway. Ho wu going so fasl lhrough tha1 intersection that be was getting air underneath 1hc back tires of the trailer it was bouncing so much. That is primarily the issue . We seem to have a lot of1htsc gravel trucks that want to use Oxford and Broadway as their main thoroughfare all the time and they arc just cutting th.rough. Mr. Hoelter opined this is a very big hazard. f think there are more of them then there m trash trucks, he said. and they arc speeding a lot. The other issue is the radar trap that I constand y see . jus1 nonh of Danmouth on Santa Fe , on the west side of the street, on the southbound lane . We don'1 have any schools down there, we don't have any churches down there . No. he said. I didn "t get a ticker recently, but 1hey arc constantly down there. I live closer to Broadway and Tufts and they are constantly ruMing red lights there . When I Wiil5 a kid in this town and got my driver's license at 16 or 17, I could hardly even stan my hot rod in lms town without 1he man busting my chops over it. You go up here now. and on Friday :md Saturday nights people arc going 45 and 55 miles an hour, up and down Broadway. running the ligblS and it is really bad . Mr. Hoelter noted those ar: the three issues that he wanted to bring up . He thanked Council for 1he1r tune . Mayor Bums !hanked Mr. Hoelter. tie agreed that those are imponant issues. We are doing a transpormtion and tra.rtic study at the moment and we also ba\'e more officers on molorc)'clcs, he said. so I think. some of our enforcement Ms acrually gotten a linle bener. Those arc con.sian1 issues in this City, ht said. and I appreciate you bringing them to our anention once again . Mayor Bums advistd the folks interes1ed in the Je115h law that the Public Hearing set for Seplembcr did not have to be legall y set. We arc doing that to give a voice 10 the people who wanl 10 come and speak to this • issue in an official setting. he said, and we appreciate the fact that some of you hl\'e said you would like to come back and speak at lha1 Public Hearing . • Enalewood Clly CoUDdl Au1us16, 2001 P11tS 8. Communludons, Prod1m1don1 ind Appolntmt11l1 il',11uo::> ,11) lmoN bn I JOU~ 11 )t:U~t,/ c)SJJl:.'I (R) A proclamsrion declaring the week of August 19 through 25, 2001 u Health Center Weck V.'U considered . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE WEEK OF AUGUST 19 T!Il\')• '".'H 25, 2001 AS HEALTH CENTER WEEK. Ayes: Nays : Motion carried. Council Membcn Nabholz, Gam:11, Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yun:biclc, Grazulis, Burns None Mayor Burns presented the proclumtion to David S. Myers, Executive Director of Metro Community Provider Network. Mr. My•n explained that MCPN, Metro Connnunity Provider Networlc, started providing services to the City of Enalewood about lhr« or four yean ago. We an: plcucd to conrinu, providing servicn and looking II the expansion of scrvicn for those who hive difficulty accnsing hcalthcatt, be said, and all of our medical services arc offered on I sliding fee discount. We thank you for prcclaiming the -k of Auguat 19'" u Health Center Wcclc, be said. 9. Public Rurtnc No public hearing was scheduled before Council. 10. Constnl Actnda COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (1) (I) THROUGH (Ill), 10 (b) (I) THROUGH (x), AND 10 (c) (I). (a) Approval ofOrdio:u>m on First Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO. 32, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDfNANCE AMENDfNG TfilE 11, CHAPTER I, SECTION I, SUBSECTION B, PARAGRAPH 10.5, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 2000, RELATING TO TRUCK TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES . (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 50, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZfNG AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWFEN THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (COOT) AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD DOCUMENTfNG THE ARRANGEMENT AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND COOT FOR THE 1-25 SOUTHEAST CORRIDOR COLORADO TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CTMS). (iii) COUNCIL BILL NO . 51, INTRO'.'UCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT lnaJewood City Coontll Au11111 6, 1001 P11e6 11 nuo ) fll ) bru1,,1lill i OU d ltU~U/ > •1111:'I A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY (CSU) FOR THE COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJEQ" ON LAND APPLICATION OF SEWAGE BIOSOLIDS ON DRYLAND WHEAT. (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading (i) ORDINANCE NO. 34 , SERIES OF 2001 (COUNClL BILL NO. 33, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ARAPAHOE COU!<TY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BY AND THROUGH THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AND THE CITY OF ENG" '.,W OOD TO CONDUCT A COORDINATED ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 6. 2001. (ii) ORDINANCE NO. 35. SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 38, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) I I ~•I AN ORDINANCE SUBMilTING TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AT THE NEXT SCHEDULED MUNICIPAL ELECTION A BALLOT ISSUE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND THE LEVY OF PROPERTY TAXES TO PAY SUCH BONDS ; SElTING THE ITTLE AND CONTENT OF THE BALLOT FOR THE ELECTION; AND PROVIDING OTHER MA TIERS RELATING THERETO (iii) ORDINANCE NO. 36, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 39, fNTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBEi!. GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE SUBMllTING 10 A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED ELEC'"n '\S OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AT THE NEXT SCHEDULED MUNICIPAL ELECTION A PRuPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE X, PART Ill, SECTION 104 , OF liE ENGLEWOOD HOME RULE CHARTER. (iv) ORDINANCE NO . 37, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 40, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDfNANCE SUBMrITING TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AT THE NEXT SCHEDULED MUNICIPAL ELECTION A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE VI. SECTION 46, OF THE ENG LEWOOD HOME RULE CHARTER . (v) ORDINANCE NO . J8, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 41, fNTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE SUBMITTfNG TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ENGJ EWOOD AT THE NEXT SCHEDULED MUNICIPAL ELECTION A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE VJ. SECTION 47, OF THE ENGLEWOOD HOME RULE CHARTER. (vi) ORDINANCE NO. 39. SERIES OF 2001 (COUNC IL BILL NO. 42 , fNTRODUCED BY COUNCIL ME..\1BER GARRETT) AN ORDfNANCE SUBMITTING TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AT THE NEXT SCHEDULED ~fUNICIPAL ELECTION A PR')POSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE IV . SECTION 34, OF THE ENGLEWOOD HO ME RULE CHARTER. (vii) ORDlNANCE NO. 40 . SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 43 , fNTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) • • • • • Eaalewood City Couocll Aul"II 6, JOOI P1117 fl) l(l(UI )111{ IOUt, !tUJl/f, 8 • 'I AN ORDINANCE SUBMITilNG TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AT THE NEXT SCHEDULED MUNICIPAL ELECTION A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE V. SECTION 41 , OF THE ENGLEWOOD HOME RULE CHARTER. (viii) OkDINANCE NO . 41, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 44, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE SUBMITTING TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AT THE NEXT SCHEDULED MUNICIPAL ELECTION A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE X, PART IV , SECTION 113, OF THE ENGLEWOOD HOME RULE CHARTER. (ill) ORDINANCE NO. 42, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 45, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETI, AN ORDINANCE SUBMITTING TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTERED ELEGJ'ORS OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AT THE NEXT SCHEDULED MUNICIPAL ELECTION A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE X, PART IV, SECTION 116, OF THE ESGLEWOOD HOME RULE CHARTER . (x) ORDINANCE NO . 43, SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 46, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL SUBGRANTEE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ARAPWOE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . ( c) Resolutions and Motions (i) PURCHASE OF ONE RESCUE VEHICLE FOR THE FIRE DIVISION FROM McCOY MILLER IN THE AMOUNT (1~ SC5 ,250 .00. Vote results: l\1otion carried. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz. Gamtt, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurthiclc, Gnzulis, Bums Nays: Nooe 11 . Regular Agenda (a) Approval of Ordinances on Firs1 Reading (i) This ilem was moved forward . See page 2. (iil This item was mo,·ed forward . See page 2. (iii) Director Fonda presented a recommendation from the Utilities Depanmcnt to adopt a bill for an ordinance apr.,ro,ing Revenue Bonds for the Dartmouth Avenue Storm Sewer Project. We have discussed this in Study Session. he said . The bonds, along with Agenda Item 11 (a) (iv) which is an increase in the rates to carry the bonds, will reconstruct the storm sewer on Damnoutb, which is in fairly imrninenl danger of coll•psc . Mr . Fonda slllled that the bond would be in the amount ofSl ,675,000.00 and there would be •bout• $200 ,000 .00 reserve . We will also be doing a lol of paving and odler milling work that is included in the project. he said . Enpewood City ..:ounell Au111116,200I P11e8 t l bnu11~lJ;u J I 10,. I U!'lllr • • I Council Member Bridshaw asked ifwe would be UP8Jlding all the urilltie,, ac we don't have to !Nrtbat back up again. She asked if then, was anything elae we needed to do on that street. Dim:tor Fouda 11id not on Dartmouth . So, Ms. Bradshaw Slid, we don't need to worry about digging that up ■gain. Mr. Fonda said no. Director Fonda asked if1hcrc were :my other questions . Mayor Bums noted Council has discussed this during Study Session in some length . City Manager Sears commented that he thouaht Director Fonda had covered all of the issues, but that be tboug~! it was important to note that the construction is going to be during the evening hours or duriJ'la the night. lJirector Fonda said yes and th.it he thought they wou ld keep one lane open . Ci ty Manager Sears said that we don't anlicip;itc ii affecting an/ of the residential community in that area, because ii is along the commercial route . Council Member Bradshaw said because it is 1400 through the 2400 blocks of West Dartmouth. Council Member Bnidshaw said the other thing is thot this would result in an increase ofS9.g6 per residence per year. Director Fonda ~id yes , that is a little higher than he had ment ioned before, but when all the costs came in and the y were a linle higher, we had to account for the bond reserve . So, Ms . Bradshaw said. it will be around SID.DO per residence per year . Mayor Bums asked how that compares with other communities . Director Fonda advised that they have looked at seven,! of them. In Boulder it is approximarely S60.00 1 year, be said. and in Denver it loob like it is close to S60 .00 1 year for a residence <lith 4,000 squat< fee~ although they have quit,: 1 complicated formula . Aurora appears to be about S72 .GO I year, the City of Golden is S36.00 and Westminster is S 18 .00, so they would be close to us . He pointed out that a lot of communities don 't have them. because they are funded by the General Fund. Mayor Bums commented that it is a pretty good bargain . Council Member Bradshaw asked if Cinderella City had picked up a large chunk of our stonn sewer rrojects . Dircclor Fonda said yes, that as far as he has been able to ascenain there was a quarter of a cent sales tax budgeted for building storm sewers . There were some compromises, he said, but J think they have covered the Cicy for the two.year stomu, although we get flooding when it goes higher than that, during more intense events . But. he noted, the y spread the quaner of a cent and built a very good system. In this case , though. the corrugated metal pipe in some of the areas has deteriorated , although some of it bas held very well . The reason for the deterioration over here is probabl y that the drainage has acid in it from landfill s :md so forth ::irr' i1 eats away at the pipe . so we will be replaci ng it with reinforced concrete . Council Member Nabholz 3.Sked about the lifespan of this concrete . Director Fond;. stated tha 1 he thought the concrete should last a minimum of 50 years . He noted th is could h:ive lasted much longer too, but they hadn "t co unted on the le:ich:ite th:it was coming out of the ground aid getting into th e storm drainage. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW ~IOVED, AND IT WASS ECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (Iii)· CO! 'N CIL BILL NO. 48. COUNC IL BILL NO. 48 . INTRODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER BR.\DS HAIV A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO, ACTING BY AND THROUGH ITS STORM WATER ENTERPRISE, AUTHORIZ IN G THE ISSUA.'ICE OF STORM WATER ENTERPRISE REVENUE BONDS , SERIES 2001. FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR USE IN ITS STORM WATER ENTERPRISE; PRESCRIBING THE • • En1J1wood Clly Coundl Au1u11 6, 2001 P1119 lnnuo ) ti') lioa~ t211 IIJIII () I IIJUI Ul 11,, FORM OF TI!E BONDS : PROVIDING FOR THE PA Y>,jEM[' OF THE BONDS FR,OM THE· 1 OPE RA TIO N OF THE STORM WATER SYSTEM : AND PROVIDING OTHER DETAILS AND J: APPRO VING DOCUMENTS IN CONN E': TIO N WITH THE BONDS . Vote results : Aye s: Council Membe11 Nabholz. Garren, Bradshlw, Wolosyn. Yurthick , Gruulis, Burns Nays : None Motion carried . (i v) Mayor Burns ad,ised 1h11 chis irem is the rare increase Ibey jusl 1>lkcd about Dircc1or Fonda j>rtSCntcd a recommendation from the Uti liti rs Department to adopt a biU for an ordinance approving II rate increase for the Dartmouth A venue Storm ~wcr Project. He advised this 'NOU.ld brio& the rares up 10 $16.66 1 year fora rcsidcnl and lhcre is a number per square fool of impervious area , $0 .00554 per square root per commercial enterprises. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA JTtM 11 (a) (Iv)· COUNCIL BILL NO. 47. COUNCIL BILL NO. 4~. !NTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A RA TE INCREASE TO THE STORMWA TER FUND FOR THE DARTMOU1l! A VENUE STORM SEWER PROJECT. • Vote results : Ayes: Cow,cil Membe11 Nabholz, Garren, Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurchick, Gruulis, Burns Nays : None M\ltion carried . (v) Dirccror Long prcsenled a recommendation from the Library Department to ado pl a bill for an ordinance approvift8 a contrac1 with the Colorado Historical Society for lhc stabilization of the Thomas Skerrin House . He advised 1h11 in 1999 lhc City purchased Che Thomas Skcrriu House and shortl y thereafter it was added to the City 's historic propenics list. He noted that that same year we secured a gran1 for $10,000.00 to do a historic stJ\ICIWe 's assessmcnl. Mr. Long po inted out tbat ooc of the things tha1 was dercnnined was tha1 the property is historically sigoificanl, but the house is not ncccsurily architectwally signifi can1 . The significance is that it belonged to Thomas Skerritt. he said. We also asked for a second grant to stabilize the property to keep it from falling down and to repair the exterior of the property. We have received that grant from the Colorado Historical Society, he said, and the contract befarc Coun cil would authorize us to procttd with lhat. h i response to Council Membe:-Bradshaw, Director Long explained that th e propeny and the house has signific ::mce only in the fact that it belonged to Thonw Skerrin . there is no architectural significance to it There is no one style , he said, there is a combination of styles . Ma yor Bwns noted tha t this ;,. •o fu nhcr st.3bilize lhe property . Direc:1or Long said yes , it is 10 stab ilize it and to remove the lead based paint and :my other exterior hazardous :naterials, 10 replace the porch, to paint 1he exterior, to replace the roof and 10 replace the foundati on. He emphas ized that it docs not addreu any in1erior modi fi cations , tha1 1h:lt is down the road and more mone y will b~ needed . • Ma yor Bums noted that Coun ci l has discussed 1hjs before at Study Session . Eqlewood City Council Aupst 6, 1001 Poet 10 J 'IIUO) COUNCIL MEMBER GRAZULIS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVI AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) M. COUNCIL BILL NO. 52. COUNCIL lllLL l .,~ l i. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GRAZUUS A BILL FOR AN OkDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL GRANT FOR THE STABILIZATION OF THE THOMAS SKERRITT HOUSE BETWEEN THE COLORADO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . Vott rtsulls: Morion carried. Ayes: Council Men~'"' Nabholz. Gar:-;:-t , Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yun •1 :k. 'ir~··:,:.. Burns Nays : No"" (vi) Mayor Burns advi,·,d that this Agenda Item is I recommendation from the Dq>artment of Public Works to adopt a bill for an ordinance approving a vacation of the right-of-way in the 2400 block of South Pecos Street. Council Member Yurchick stated that he woiiJd be abstaining from this as he is personally involved . He noted that this process staned. actually , back in 1988 and \\'Chad two cities splitting the street Englewood was the easy application, he said, Denver had 26 or 27 agencies that we had to go through lo get tha, vac:llcd. Mayor Bums commented that government docs not move with the speed of light. Director Ross advised that the City Co~'J'd l approved a resolution way back on October 6, 1997 to authorize the vac;ation of the Pet"os Street right~f-way. Staff has been working with the applicant to resolve the required conditions and staff believes that the 1997 conditions have been adequately addressed. So. he s;aid, staff reconur.ends that Council approve the resolution 10 vacate the west 30 feet of rigbt~f-way on Pecos Stteet, between Harvard Avenue and Wesley Aven ue . He asked if Council had any questions . Mayor Bums commented that after four years of cfTon they should probably pass this quickly before somebody thinks of another agenc y !hat needs to approve it. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I I (a) (vi). COUNCIL BILL NO, 53. COUNCii. lill ,L NO . 53 , INTRODUCED B\ ::OUNCIL MEMB~R BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED IN THE 2400 BLOCK OF SOUTH PECOS STREET BY THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO , Vote resulls: Ayes : Nays : Abstain : Motion carried . Council Members Nabholz, Gnrren , Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Grazulis. Bums None Counc il Member Yurchic'lc. (b) Approval of Ord inances on Second Reading There were no :id ditiorual items submined for 11pprov1:1I on 5eco1.d rc-ading . (See Agenda Item 10 -Consent Agenda ,) • En1lewood City Council Auawt 6,1001 I Ul}O) l 1i ll f )l"I n j 1r,n! ,,, , •ju/ !l :,,'I Pagt 11 (c) Res J lu!ions and Motions (i) ;1.,..1cr Ornlewicz pres,nced a recommendation from rhe Department of Finance and Administraci,i~ 5<.IV't:es to adopt a resolution 10 transfer and -.,propriate funds for the Centennial Ballparlc Project "",d additional f"'1ds for the Centennial Park property. He noted cbac Couqcil was siven an update on th• progreu of chis project July 16, 200 I. He explained lhac chis ia a reault of that discussion. He stated that the total arr : ..nl being tntn,ferred lo the Public Improvement Fund and approprilled for the project is S899 ,569 ,0I' He advised that $469,000.00 is coming from the CortJC1'Vation Trust Fund and tha t's coming from Fund Balance $200 ,000.00, the Shoreline Stabilization Project S95 ,000 .00, the ICMis and basketball coun renovations and that is $24 ,()()1),00 , Parks lnfrasttuclure Study is S7S ,OOO.OO and the CTF Contingency is S75,000.00, The Oenml Fund is u.nsfmina $476,478 .00 and of that $363,223.00 is being transfmed 10 the PIF for the project iisel :and another SI 13,255.00 is aoing to the Cap'.lal Projects Fund for the acquisition of the propeny for costs 1h11 weren 'I known at the lime it waa acquired, Also, chis appropriates S 10,000.00 from All Souls for •h,ir contribution and SSS,000 ,00 from the Mayne/McCormick Foundation. The Oralabs wdscapc Depc•i• is S2,346 .00. So Iba~ he aaid, is the entire transfer and ~ppropriatiuu for the p:'Ojctts. Council Member B~dshaw·asked ifwe are then done, Diroccor Gryglewicz said yes, but in Phase 2 there will be more . Mayor Bums noted this is Phase 1 and ti!-Ctl some lidditional funds we have added to Phase 1. Director Gryglewicz said yes . :OUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM II (c) (I) -llli~OUJTION NC. 6S, SERIES OF 1001. RESOLUTION NO. 6S, SERIES OF 200 I A RESOLUTION FOR THE APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE CENTENNIAL BALLPARK PROJECT. Vole resulls : Mo1ion c:i.rried . Ayes : Council Members Nabholz, Garren, Bl'IClhlw, Wolosyo, Yun:hick. Grazulis , Bums Nays : None (ii) Director Fonda presented a recommendation from the Utilities Department to approve, by motion, a contract with Lowell Consttuction, lnc ., for the consttucrion of the Dartmouth Avenue Stonn Sewer Rehabilitation Project. iu the amount ofSI.248,058 .00 . He stated they recommend that CoWlcil approve the contract and he would be glad to answer any questions . Ma yor Bums no ted this is the same project the y t3lked about when Director Fonda addressed Council earlier in the meeting . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (<)(II)· A CONTRACT WITH LOWELL CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DARTMOUTH A VENUE STORM SE WF.R REHABILITATION PROJECT, IN THE AMOUNT OF Sl,148,058.00. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz. Garren. Uradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurchick. Grazuli s, Bums Nays : None Motion carried. En1lewood City Council Augu,t. 6, 2001 1m l 11 >Lt ,,, 1J I 1, ,.:, 1111 IJJ 'I •I P ■&• 11 (iii) Director Ross presented a rccommentiarion from the Depan!nmt of Public Works to approve, by motion. a contract with Scott Contracting, Inc ., for Concrete Utility 2001 in the amount ofS2S3,629 .32. He stated that the City adveni1ed for bids ■ad on July 26" we opened those bids. Three bidders competed for this projec:1 and the low oidder was Scott Contncting, Inc. We hive llfMI' worked with this fi r ,. he said, but we called and checked references on Scott Conmcting. Inc. 111d "" received favorable comments and the price they gave us was very favorable indeed, so ifwe enjoy a good working relationship we will cenainly try to add more \l.'Ork 10 this program and take advantage oftbosc low prices . Staff recommends . he said, that City Counci; approve, by motion, the contract, to the low bidder, Scott Contncting, Inc. in the amount ofS2S3 ,629.32. Council Member Grazulis asked what would hoppen ff ii was detcnnincd that they were not acceptable either in their working relationship or their work . I: irector Ross adviseci that at any point in this project if they :1re either not performing or not pcrfonning to our standards we can termina1e the relarioosbip. Council Member Bradshaw asked what we were going to do with the money we saved. Director Ross explained that actually what we do every year is we rate the concrete i:. the City . We are trying to do (ours and threes this year, because there was so much rated four concrete , we were not getting very far into the lhttes. What this will allow us 10 do, be said, is to actually st■n getting to that other concrete in the City that WiS not rated a.s high or is not a.s de teriorated . So it is a very good deal for us . Co uncil Member Yun:hick asked, when they put the bid out , if they identified whit locations they Willi repaired or if they just give 1hem kind of a general area. Directo r Ross advised that we give them quantities and on 1he larger locations we will give lhem :hose loc111 io ns . But they understand that it is scattered throughout the City, he said. end the nice thing about Englewood is that we an, talking seven squ■te miles, so it is really not that "'.luch of a disec:onomy 10 them . Counc il Member Yurchick said he has no1iccd !here has been a lot of work on the comers of the streets for harid icapped r,cccss. He asked if that is a separate tund or if that co mes out of this fund too . Director Ross advised that that is 1t separate fWld , that's pan of our handicapped ramp program where we are trying to meet ADA requirements in the City. He noted that we tty to do about SO ramps a year and slowly work through the City 10 get tho;e up 10 ADA Standards. Council Member Yurchick asked what it costs us to add a handicapped ramp to our inttrsecrions . Di.rector Ross said he thought this last year it was about $800.00 per ramp, so that 's about S2 ,400.00 per intersection. Cou ncil Member Grazulis commented 1hat 1hey are looking real nice with the different colored concrete. Oireclor Ross noted that Den ver slarted this whole effort with the colored nmps. but they :1re just doing it wrong now . They arc o.crually lett ing the contraclor pour the wi ngs , the cross piJl. if there 1s a pan ofa cross pan, in the red color, he opined, and it looks attocious. It is really just a sad commentary, he sa.id, and if yo u do it right it looks pretty good, bu1 they ha >'C go ne 1he \\Ton g way . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHA IV ~IOVEIJ, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (<) (Iii) -A CONTRACT WITH SCOTT CONTRACTING, INC ., FOR CONCRETE UTILITY 2001 IN THE AMOUNT OF 5253.629.32. Motion earned. Ayes : Counci l Members Na bholz. Garrett . Bradshaw. Wolosyn, Yurchiclc, Grazulis. Bums ~ays: None (i\'} Director Ross prcsen1ed a recommc nd.1tion from 1he D~anmcn1 of Public Works to apprO\'C . by motion. ,l contracl ,...i th Scott Contracring, Inc .. for Sidew:tlk Missing Links 2001 i.n • • Eaatewood City Council Au111116, 1001 P11e 1J 11,11110) ,.HJ I c,1H1t"n JOilt ,d 1•1,,.uJ H L, the amount e, SS0,009.28 . He explained that this proaram is where we have identified 16 sidewalk segmen u in the City of Enalewood that are missins from our pedestrian network . We combined the Sidewalk Missing Lir.Ja Proaram with the Concrete Utility to achieve sood prices, he said. and I lhinlt it worked rather well. Scott Contracting came in at $26,000 .00 under our engineer's estimate and. u a resull of this favorable bid. we wiU be lookin8 at doina some additional work. We are lookina at tho aonh side of Belleview between Logan and Broadway, er extending the sidewalk along Windermere to the north of Mansfield, as risht now we are owy goina to Mansfield, or taking a look at maybe extendina it al""I Zuni S1re<t. The other on• we a.re looking at iJ U•ion A venue east of Brent Mayne Field, to see if we cu add some additional concrete sidewalk on the nonb side of Union . So, he said, those are the thinp we a.re looking at, but first we have to Approve this contract. Council Member Bradshaw llSkcd if this woulrf address the concerns of the parents who walk their children up to the bus on Zuni . Diro<tor Ross noted II.ere are three buses that drop off and pick up kids 11 that park and there are no sidewalks adjacent to Zuni , so yes it will address their concems. Council Member Bradshaw said this will take of that and it is a safety issue too . Director Ross said yes and that sidewalk will extend all the way up to the Hish School. Ms. Bradshaw commonled that that will be great. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (c) (Iv)• A CONTRACT WITH SCOTT CONTRACTING, INC,. FOR SIOEW ALK MISSING LINKS 1001 IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,009.18. Motion carried. Ayes: Council Member, Nabholz, Garrett, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchicl., Grazulis , Bums Nays: None (v) Director Black presented a recommendation from the Depa.rtme~: vf P~ks and Recreation to approve, by motion. 1 construction contract with SponsOoe Development of Denver for the Centennial Park expansion/Rockies field comtruction in the amonnt ofSl ,060,058.00. We have talked about this project for months, be said. and this is the second to the last element involved, with the last element being the dedication, which we are planning on having at the end of Octobe r. Brent Mayne will be coming back for that dedication. he said, and I think it is also important to note for the record that since Brcn1 Mayne left the Rockies they ha ve really gone down and that was quoted in th~ Denver Post this weekend . Mr. Black •,tated tha1 stnfT is recommending that Council award, by morion. a contract to SponsOne who will do the development on that park and we will have the first phase completed and then, as previously noted , we will have the dedication at the end of October . Mayor Bums said that. as Mr. Black's memo notes. Sovereign Sports bas split their business into two separate entities , De s1gnOnc and SportsOne . Director Black staled that is correct. Mayor Bwns nored that DesignOnc handle s design or sports fields wi1h the construction by SponsOnc:, 1he same people we have bun working with all along. He uked irthis i.s a negotiated contract. Mr. Black said yes it is and all the elc:mc:nts 1tuu we discussed on July 16111 arc included in this contract Council Member Bradshaw asked ff it addresses all or Sheridan 's concerns. Director Black said yes. He slated 1hcre will be fi :i l restroom facilities opcr.uiorial a1 1hc dedication . Mayor Bums asked ir there were any additional qui:s1ions . There: were: none:. COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, ANO IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (e) (v) -A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH SPORTSONE OEVELOPJ\fENT OF DENVER FOR THE CE~;TENNIAL PARK EXPANSION/ROCKJES FIELD CONSTRUCTION IN TiiE AMOUNT OF SJ,060,058 .00. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz, Garren. Brads haw, Wolosyn, Enalewood City Council Aup116,l001 P110 t ◄ Yurc :I.!""· Gru ··•li•. Bums Nays : No•~ Motion carried. 'hnu,, ) ,11 ) boo,nlan if lOR! ,,1 u ul tf' i::f( Mayor Burns thanlced Director Black for all . ·ru, "'ork on this. I look forward to this very much, he said. Director Black said he thought it wu imponant to take a moment and acknowledse Public Worb, and Rick Kahin and Dave Hender,on in particular, and Dave Lee and Gary Hullbcrs from our stafhs well . But, Public Worb has coordirulted the construction and the contnct, he sai(<, and let me tell yaa I think Sovereign and SportsOne is really lu.-ppy to get this resolved , because Public Works has been pretty ri st,t with those guys on negotiating, so I think they arc rc:ady to get this completed . Mayor Bums noted he signed the contract today for the Brown.fields Loan. which took some time to put that to1;rther to,. I know Darren Hollingsworth was very happy to have that done and I want to tbaok bim for his work on lhat too . Director Black stated there are a lot of people involved in this project and we are excited to g<t it completed and get those fields open for the kids in the community. Mayor Bwns stated that Mr. Hollingsworth advised him that the EPA will be down here sometime in the future to prnent a special award to the City for this project and we are looking forward to that Director Black said that would be great. 12. General Discussion (a) Ma yor's Choice (i) Mayo: Burns noted ho was at Office Depot on Saturday for the ribbon cutting, general celebration and opening , 'foe ;jfficials of Office Depot were th~, one oftbe players from the Avalanche Hockey Team and a lot o ·customers . There was a lot of excitement over there. He pointed out that this is the first r<tail stor< that has opened in the CityCenter Oevelopmon~ ,o it was r landmark for the development and we hope to sec a lot of othen coming along sbonly. They seem to think that they are doing very well over there, in just the short time they have been open. he said. and we welcome them to the City. (ii) Mayor Burns noted that Council had talked about the RID subcommittee meeting that we attended . We had some tough questio ns at that meeting , he said, but I think staff answered them well . Council Member Bradshaw and I spoke. be said, and we got some help from some of the senior staff at RTD too. He advised that this is something we are going to take to the entire board and we really hope to move this along quickly. Council Member Bradshaw advised that the purpose of the meeting wa.s to explain the need for a lisht rail stop at Bate s Avenue to help our development on General Iron Works . Mayw Sums stated that if we don't have a stop, then we don 't hl\'e a develo p1 1ien1. (iii} Mayor Bums advised that h:. and perhaps other members of the Council, will be going down 10 the Legislature on Wednesda y to speak about reapportionment. He noted that Englewood, again. is being carved up 11 linle bit in this process m the proposed division of House and Senate districts . We w~uld like 10 keep Eng le wood in the same district, as much as possible , and not have it represented by van ous members of th e House or the Senate at the same time . He opined that it just takes away from the represenU11ion. • • • • Enalewood Cily Council Au1u116, lOOI P11e IS I 11 ) LOf ll'tf II~ o~ (1 Jrnau/ it' 1rl (iv } Mayor Bums said he had a letter that was sent to Dave Lee from South Suburban Parks and Recreation, Mary Collon, CPRA Awards Cha ir, advising that 1hc nomination fur lhe Englewood Alum Residuals Rec yc ling Project which was sutl,nirt~~. was selected i,~, wi Merofthe CPRA Columbine Maint..:nancc Awa rJ. I am not sure what CPRJ'. ::.• ,.~ fo r, he said. He askcU Jerrell Black. to explain exactly what._:.._ t is. Director Black 4.Jviscd that CPRA stands for the Colo r:1do Parks and Recreation Association . Mayor Burns offtred his congratulations on this award . Director Black thanked Mayor Bums and stated that this was a partners hip between the Utilities Division and the GolfCour~. This is the second Columbine Aw.ud that we have received , he said, and I think it sa )'s ii lot .ibout the staff within 1hc departmen t. Mayor Bums agreed th.at ii docs and that ii also says a lot about Director Black 's leadership . (v) Mayor Bums noted that Council had received, in 1hcir material , a memo about LoJack. a device that is being used to detect stolen cars and there WIS an anicle, in the Denver Post thia morning, about LoJacks. He opined that this is a very good procedure to have and Englewood is adopting it along with other mun ici palities to cry 10 retri eve st<:'len cars and hopefully to cut down on some oftbe theft . City Manager Sears asked Patrol Operatio ns Division Chief Moore to talk about that briefly. He also Wed that Division Chief Moore fill Council in fi n the traffic ,iruation and what happened earlier this afternoon . Di vis ion C'hiefMoore explained that LoJack is a private corrr,Jany and the way they make their money is by selling the transminer units to automobile owners. Those transminer units are installed in the automobiles , he sa :d and where we become invo lved is when we have the tracking units are installed in patrol cars and that will take place this week . On Wednesday we are scheduled to have receiving units installed in two pattol cars at the Scrvicenter and we will also receive training at that time . Five of our officers and one dispatcher will rec'!i vc training. Once they receive training they becom.: trainers themselves and they will train the rest of the individuals who will have a need 10 drive: those cars . It is pretty nc ". he said, and they ,vill receiv e a demonstration. along with the training. He asked if Council had an y questions about it. Council ~ember Yurch..ick asked if that was soictly stolen vehicles or ifwe will all of a sudden get involved wi th repossessed cars , where the fiDllncc company is saying this is our car . Division Chief Moore explained that it is designed to recover stolen ,•chicles only, bur that isn't to say that someone could repon a vehicle as stolen and it nuns out to be a repossession . Th.at will happen with or witho ut 1he LoJack . Division Ct jcfMoorc 11skcd City Manager Scars if he wanted h..im to go into that other issue . Mr. Sean said yes. 1ha1 he would like iO have him speak abou t 11 briefl y as th ey have talked to a coup le of Council Members about Wt a1•d it could be a critical itualion . Division Chief Moore ex plained tha t at 3: 15 1his afternoon an lDdividual walked into the police/fire building ,nd said he Jeliel'cd he had a bomb in his c:,r. Basicall y, his story was that he had found the possible bo mb in his girlfriend's car and lr:ln:ifcrrcd it from her cur to his and then decided to drive it down to the po lice/fire building . ChicfMoorr no1cd that he parked his ca r in the drivewa y of Jefferson station , which wa.s probabl y not a good idea . Based on what he to ld us. and based on th e totality of the circumstances. we decided to call !he Arilpahoc County bomb squad . When they arrived the y c:umincd the parcel , if you v.i ll . that had since been removrd b:, the man . from his C"r. and put on the front lawn of Jefferson Station . The bomb sqund took a )CX,k a1 the device and decided that it was probably an explosive dev ic e. The y used all of their normal precautions and loaded it into the bomb ttuck. What some of you may have seen. he said. was our cs con of the bomb truck down to the Scrviccnter where t~cy went to 1he out~·r reaches there to find 11 relatively safe place 10 explode the item I don't know the result of that, he said. a.s I stand here at thu time . If ii did explode ii wa s no1 a serious explosion . The onJy other comment I Enslewoc<I C1ly Council Auswt 6, 2001 P11e 16 would make about this UI that this panicular ind dcnl does tie in with an ongoina investiiation 1h11 has taken place at a particular add~ss with some partU:uJar individuals. Bccau'\e ii ii an onaoin& U1\'estia.cioa. he said , I caMOI impan any other addilional details. (b) Council Membe~s Choice (i) Cocncil Memb<r Nabholz : I. She gave Ci1y Manager Sears, sheel of paper regarding 1hc duple.cs at 3068 and 3070 Sowh Delaware Street. 2. She stated. regill'ding the house at 41 S West Danmouth, that ii is a mess again. 3. She said 1ha1 Kevin Laprise had contacted her in Ma y as he was wonderin& why he was not in the Concrete Utility Program. I spoke with Ken Ross, she said. and my understanding is that be wa, on the li1t 10 be done in June. Mr. Laprise called me Sunday, sh< said, and lold me ii hu nol been done . Mr. Laprise lold me that when he called the City he wu told that then, wu no money in the Concrete Utility Fund left for this year and be would have to wait Wllil next year. Ms. Nabhol2 advised Director Ross that she would ge1 Mr. Llprisc's phone number to him. (ii) Council Member Garren : I. He advised that he bad rece ived a call regardina some four-way Slop isaucs around Clayton School , which he communicated to Gary Sears . I gucsa there will be some things in the traffic study dealing with four-way stopS surrounding schools, he said. I lold this person they would have a little more detail in the ~xt couple weeks , when we act a preliminary repon. 2. He said I wascomiag olT ofHampdcn to lurD left over the Broadway bridge and I noliced the traffic signal box 1hcre bad graffiti on it, which, I asSl'JDC, is City property. City Manager Sears said stall" will follow up on that. Council Member Garren stated the lights look great. (ili) Council Meir.her Bradshaw : I. She said she received a letter from Rob Schwanz. If you remember, she said. earlier this summer Cheryl St. Clair and I met wi1h Rob Schwanz's brother. who nw Bisben Companies, which is affordable housing and he wants to be on one of our Sep tember Study Session Agend?.·s to present to Council. She asked if Council bas an y intercs l in that. Ma yor Bums asked if that was Rob Sc hwanz or his brother. Ms . Bradshaw said il is the brothc.-r. I will gel back to him and I did reserve th e time , she said, as we fill up fast. She asked if Council was interested in a presentation from this company on affordable housing. Counc il Member Yurchick as ked what be wants 10 tell Council. Mayor Burns thought Council had pre\'iousl y rece ived some material from him Council Member 3radshaw noted she has so me matcrfal. but she wanted to know if Counc il wanted to have a Study Sess ion ou 1his. If so , she sa id. then I think he needs to send material to the City Manager 's Office ahead of time. I guess my concern is that there arc a ~ot of companies doing this out there . Ma yor Bums stated that he would like to k:rccn it through the staff. • • Eqltwood Clly Council AUIUII 6, 2001 P11e 17 ,1JLt• ul JJ1 ! It tUllfU/ • tJv'I Council Mtmbtr Bndshlw commen1ed 1h11 was whit the wu lhinkma , Lei's hive 11atflook 11 i~ she said. City MIDlaer Sean said Margmt McDermott, tl:o head or our Chlmbet, his ialked to mo twice. SIio talked lo me and lo Mayor Bums last Saturday, be aaid, and she and her hutband have an 1tfordlble housina business, but I don't think this is the same company . Council Member Bradshaw uid no, It is oot. Council Member Bradshaw opined that we need to n,spond . City Manager Sean ,.ated we can 11 lout do some stalling with this . Ms . Bndshaw said that would be gn,at or we could ult MJ . Mcl>ennoll ID mob 1 presentation u well and hive the two different groups come in and hive a night or affordable boutin1, City Manager Sears said that Ms. McDermott want~ to sci up a meeting with him. Bob Sbq,soo and tbe staff. So if it is okay with staff, he said, we will contact them and do a pn,liminary screening. Council Membe r Bradshaw asked that he do that and remove it from the Srudy Session Agenda unril we agree. Council Member Wolosyn said she would tell them that this is not really a policy issue, tha1 it is an implementation or a policy 1h11 would be a resource that staff should consider. She stated that wesbould just spell it out. Council Member Bradshaw oottd that ii is the style or this gentleman to bypass protocol. 2. She asked. n,garding National Night Ou~ if Council was supposed to get a schedule from Nancy Peterson. Mayor Burns said he thought they were upsllin. Council Member Bndshaw said she thought it was just his schedule . Ma yor Bur s said he thought he saw the others up thett a!Jo . Several Council Memben indicated that they h·•d not n,ceived their schedules . Mayor Bums said be thought everyone should have received thdr schedule. Division OtiefMoorc said he has not SttD the schedules . Council Member Bradshaw noted it is tomorrow night, so 1 · ..s some concern. City Manager Scars asked to have Ms . Peterson contact each ,,r tht City Council members tomorrow with th :ir sc hedules, perhaps she could e-mail them Division t;hiefMoorc said he would. Mayor Bums noted that we have something like 300 panics now . Council Member Wolosyn n,qucstcd. if the schedules arc e-mailed. that the sche dules he put in the body or lhe .!•mail, because she can't open an attachment from the City. Council Member Bradsh•"' ngn,cd ood asked that they not attach anything to her e-mails . It downloads them and 1hen hides them, she sa id . City Manager Scars assured Council th.111he y would receive their schedules firsl thing in 1be morning . 3. She advised !hat she is concemc.-d about the erosion at Belleview Park from the reccnl storms, panicularly in the area nonh of the train bridge . It looks like the banks arc really eroding, she said. and I don't know what we will have to do there . The only reason I know about that, she said, is that that is where her dog Char lie likes 10 play in the river. So we go down there and I let him jump in the river. It is really getting bad, she said , and it is hazardous . E•&ltwood City Couacll Aua1111 6, 2001 Paat 18 IIJIIIJO ) th ) boo,, 113 11 I 11(1' ,tl In ~11/ ·r •'' Ms . Bnd.,haw commented !hat !hey have done a wonderful job of cleaoio, up all lht porb oiler !hoot storms. I have been very impressed , she said, they do a aood job . Direc:1or Bl ack advised tha1 Iha! has really been difficult fo, 1111T, because, io addition 10 Belleview Park !here have been a number of olhtr ■re11 , because of lhe rain. thal they have hod 10 deal with. He opiatd lha1 thty have done a good job . Council Member Bradshaw noted 1lu11 after lha1 lu1 bad slomt we had, she wu drivins by Ro10lo Park and there were some dad 's rescuing trashcans out of Rotolo Park . h was really neat watch.in& them work together, she said, and !hey were deaning all the debris oul and selling ii up on lop. She Silted lhal we ha \'e some reall y neat neighbors around Rotolo Park that nrc doing a good job for the City. (iv) Council Member Gruulis: I. She po inted out that there is a fee for going Jut of li 11c;i ncss . I received a call from Rosemary LaPona , she said, and Gary Sean did lake care of it and be said all they buically have 10 do is call in and ii will ht liken off. Ma . LaPor11 fell it wu I slap in lite face !hat she had to even go this far with it So, I would like to re-look at whatever ordinar.ce that is, she said, and have it taken off the books . Because 1 don 't think it is a justifiable fee to charge our bus inesses for going out of business, unless we come up with that same problem of why we put it there in th<, lirst place ... which was lite business !hat used 10 10 out of business every month and change the ir name . Council Member Brad.,haw silted that is what lhty did in !ht eighties . Couac:il Member Gnzulis said we can go back and do tbot again if1hat problem exists, but to do that 10 our • olbcr businesses right now, is not needed. Council Member Brachhaw said !hat maybe we need 10 say if they hive been in business for the put so many years. then maybe they don'I need to do that Or maybe some1bing like that. she said. Council Member Grazulis noted that some bwincsses tty it for just a couple of months and to have an additional fee on top of that is like a slap or an insull. Council Member Bradshaw said this was when we had all sons of amusing businesses on Broadway at one lime. Ms . Grazulis silted we still have a few . Ms . Bradshaw said what she mean! wu beyond Iha~ but the y arc now located elsewhere . City Manager Sc ars advised that they could bring this up 11 a Study Session in the ncx.t month or so . 2. She advised that she was contacted by Eagle ~vaste and also another business owner. I hate to ,lwa ys be the one to complain about ROHAC Motors , she said, but they block lht alley several times a day at 3900 South Broadway with their vehicles . So the trash trucks that have to go through there end up having to go down the alley to pick up the truh and 1bcn they have 10 back up 10 get out of the alley. The gu y from Eagle Waste said he has talked to them p:rsonall y, but they ki nd of sneer at him. Ms . Grazulis pointed out that 1he alle y is no1 ROHA C's all ey . Ciry Mana ger Scars noted it is a vio lation of our code for them to do lb.i t. He advised s1afT wi ll do a follow-up. 3. She asked what lime National Night Out would acrually s~n 1omorrow. She was advised that it would stan around 6:00 p.m. 4. She advised she had two call s 1oda y. One from a resident on the 4400 block of South Lincoln on th e cast side and :ilso from a resident of the 4900 bl oc k of South Lincoln. The y want to know the policy • • • • En1lewood City Council Au1u11 6, 2001 Pa1e 19 regarding businesses parking their vehicles in front of midcnti■I homes when they don't hive enouat, room These an, bail damage and car rtp■ir businesses, she 11id, and when they don't hive enough room at their business Ibey park the cm in front of the midcnti■I homes . Now, she noted, they do leave 116:00 p.m, but that meons that 111 day Iona, within the shade of their homes, the residents can't park their cars. They also conduct business by the parked car, such u writing up contracts as to what will be done to the vehicle. Ms. Gnzulis said she: thinks that means they arc cmying on businesses on residential streets. I do., 't know what kind oflaw that is, she said, but I do know that the r,:sideots ore kind of concerned about that. Chy Manager Sears noted this coven a varie1y of issues such as zoning and pennit parking . Council Member Grazulis said we don 't want to go there. One resident spoke to them today and she wi11 find 0t tomorrow if they will continue to park in front of her house. City Manager Sears said rhe best way is for her to contact that business and ask them not to do that. Council Member Grazulis said sht did .isk them so we will see what the result is tomorrow . Council Member Gra21.1lis advised chat the gcnt1err.an in the 4900 block of South Lincoln said that sometimes the vehicles are left for 1wo or three days , bu1 they always move them within 72 houn. Tbcy seem to know about that restticrion, she said . Several vehicles will stay in front of their house, righl up 72 hours, and then they arc moved. 5. She advised that for several weeks there his been a couch in the alley in the 4000 block of South Broadway oo the west side. between A.coma and Broadway . 6. She said she also went to the Office Depot opening and it was r,:ally very nice and the flyover WIS great. I will have to add to my yearly list of gifts received, she said. ~cause we did receive some nice things. 7. She commented that she •:,.as .vu,:-lering about some of the City sidewalks, especially along Broadway, as there i~ ""ill an awful lot of sand from winter. I was wondcrin& about the clean-up procedure for that, she saiu as it JOoks pr,:tty traslly. City Man.ager Scars advised be would get back to her on that. 8. She said she did sv: vive her tn k up in Wyoming and she is a better person for it. CoWlcil Member Bradshaw as~,;j her to tell Colncil what she did as some of them don't know. Counc il Member Grar.llis said she walkiid for 35 mile s alon~ the Oregon Trail completely dressed in pioneer garb. You pushed your handcari with 17 pounds of supplies, you made your meals in Dutch ovens, slept out under the stars at nigbr and got 10 experience everything in Wyoming like the wind. sun and rain. We had to kill a chicken one night for 01ir stew and dress it. The purpose was to teach us to appreciate what the pioneers did for us when they came west, she said, and the fros1b :1e and I ..s of family members that they suffered is just incredible . We were taught the hislory along 1he way and it was quite a ttip . It was five days long . I survi\'ed and I feel like I would Jove 10 do it again. I also did it four years ago. This is one of the hardest dllng I have ever done, she sai1., but it is really worth it. (v) Council Member Yurchick advised that there is an alley that runs cast and west between Tcjon and Raritan. north of Caspian, and when it rains, as it is the only alley that NnS that direction. it rums into a river and washes four to five ln ches of mud down inlo Raritan . I am woridcring if !he Ciry could possibly look at paving or con~rering it, he said, not necessarily as a landowner e>i.pmse, because it is no1 an issue with thern. but it is an issue with the street at the bas~ of that alley. It literally IUms into a four-wheel drive trail after a rainstonn. he said, Ci!)' Manager Scan advised that staff will follow up on that. E•1lewood City Council Au1ust 6, l00I Paa• 20 I ,n U# 'f 'lJO~ .d .u:zt I ~I >J•'I (vi) Council Member Wolosyn said the audience made her think of the sound wall policy. She asked if Council will sec that agaio. I know we had talked about trying 10 do something for that group, she said, and the budget is coming up . Council Member Bradshaw noted lhat the people along the north side ofB i-!levicw also want something done. Director Ross advised thD.t, basically, he just wrapped up the comments that he had been given from both the PlaMing Commission and City Council. I can lei you see wh.Bt the polk , entails , he said, but it really hasn 't changed much other than 11 few additions here ::and there . Basically, Kent Village has provided a formal wrinen request for their sound wall to be included in next year's bl.dget. I went ahead and put a line item in the MYCP as a request for them for that, that Council will be getting to tool 3.t when they approve the budget. So, he noted, we will get our test case coming up , potentially, next year. Council Member Wolosyn thanked Director Ross . City Manager Sears said be would like 10 add 10 Iha~ that the request is for the City lo fund ii al 100%. He cled Director Ross if that was right. Mr . Ross said that is corrcc\, that they would like to sec the City ftmd the entire wall end rhcn pay the City back on a ten-year program That is their request, he said. D . City M a1es's Report (a) City Manager Scars noted that staff had proposed 10 have the budget sessioo on the 6* of October . However, he said, Mayor Bwns has been invited to a ULI Conference and Bob Simpson is also planning to attend that conference . The session goes until Friday night and Mayor Bums had mentioned possibly changing the session to the 29111, which creates some problems for some staff members . Both Sue Eaton and Tamara Wolfe would have a problem in tenns of changiog Iha~ but all the other staff mcmbm would be able 10 do that He asked Mayor Bums iflhe 29• was his preferred lime 10 hold the session. Ma yor Bums said yes and noted that there might be something on the 6111 itself. This is kind of .11n honor for Ile City, he sa id, because I have been invited 10 come to the ULI Conference and they arc going: to pay the tuition. the r.0 1el and S 1,000.00 of expenses . I h,1ve two letters from former Mayor of Indianapolis WiUiam Hudnut, as a Senior Resident Fellow, be said, and he came through here in the spring and we showed him through the CityCenter project and also General Iron Works . He took a lot of pictures and I think we arc going to appea..r ln one of his books . But, he noted, it is quite a generous offer they made to the City and I would like 10 accept ii . Council Member Bradshaw said she has ro problem with the 29111• Couocil Member GlllUlis asked if that is the 29• of September. Mayor Bums said yes. Council agreed to September 29•. Chy Manager Scars said okay, staff will change it to September 2~. (b) City Manager Sc:irs advised that he and Mayor Bums received a number of telephone calls from Peter Ncukirk after he made a presentation 10 the Council about the Southeast Business Partnership . I did tell him, he said, that I would ask the Council if you had a desire. a feeling or a comment about whether or not yo1.1 want to participate with the Southc:ist Busi ness Partnership :ind secondl y if you want to fund it at any level in tenllS oftha1 partnership . Council Member Bradshaw slated that she just docs not think 1h:1t, at 1his lime. we need to be n pany to the Southeast Business Partnership . I really dictn 't understand what th~ir function was , she said . Council Member Grazulis she didn 't either, so she has a proble m with this . • • • Encltwood City Couocll Au1ust 6, 1001 P11.Zt , I ) bHlilf 1f311 ~ 1110! 11.u 1u/, u 1 Council Member Brodshaw commcnicd that she doesn't know what their function is. u opposed lo ochet organization., we belong to. Mayor Ii ro1 explained Iha! ii is a public/priv11e panncrship, which hu evolved over lhe ycan and they have dc,1<, 101 of work promoting the hond issues in lhc southeul corridor, the TREX project One of their obje . \'CS is to provide for some kind of growth ,ontrol, growth management. traffic management or whatever, ~thout any State leai:slation . So, be said. they have a political agenda . He not.M that lbe Legislature will be holding a special session on growth conttol and the Metro Mayor 's Caw;us, whkh we have betn active in. is meeting, virtually as we speak. with the Home Builder's Association. and others, to try to fonnulatc wme legi.slalion that everybody can live with and :also to avoid an initiative that might be on the ballot 11111 would be something you wouldn't want to have . So, he opined. we arc kind ofat cross• purposes a linle bil with what SEBP is doing in lhc gJOWlb conttol area . I believe, he said. Iha! Ibey don 't believe you can conttol gJOWlh, that you just have 10 manage traffic . As Mr. Neukirk said al our breakfu~ and I am sure this is true, tha 1 ;f you are the CEO of a coq,any, and you don't want to grow, then you will not have a job very long. Thal is kind of lhc way lhe busin<ss community looks 11 it. Bu~ he said, I think Ibey wan I 10 pull !he west corridor into :he~ .mombcrsbip, because Ibey don '1 have members from Littleton and Eriglewood, so they can use our m!ml:w-rship u a means of promoting 1hat agenda. They would espec111ly like us on their Excculivc Committee because that puts us in a political position, almost, in regard 10 !heir agenda. So. he said, lhc1~ is some discomfon Iha! we arc not really on the same ttack and that we are beini asked to join so that our endorsement can be used for the best pwposc.) ofSEBP. I know these folks pretty well , he said, I have been to a lot of their meetings, first of all to monito1 what they were doing in the southeasl corridor versus the southwest corridor, because when I started this process John Caldero was still lryina 10 l:ill lhc southwest corridor project through RID, and •lso 10 make ,u,e uo one on the southeast corridor project wu trying to get ahead of the southwest corridor project. We have also talked to them several rimes about the process of getti.nf( a successful southwest corridor project, so we have made friends over there. However, he no1ed, there is some discomfon in being involved. even at the lower level, which is just a membership rather than being on a decision making board, but there ii still some question . He asked if any other members of Council would want to comment on this . Council Member Wolosyn stated that she feels uncomfonable with 1his. I think the citizens in this state want some son of growth legislation and it will happen one way or anothe1 . I don 't foci comfortable giving money to an organization that feels 1he l'ltiy they do, she said . Mayor Bums noted !hat we are also on lhe board of Dl lCOG, and DRCOG and lhe Metto Mayor's Caucus have been working logelhcr for lhc Mile High Compact We have supponed lhc DRC()(j 2020 Plan and they ha\·e also been working at the L<gislature to try 10 wist in fonnulating some legislation. So, he pointed out, we arc very involved in 8 .oing wha t SEBP doesn't want to plan to do . But , he said. I think we can be supponivc of them, as one l>-,jng we pledged to do, when the southwest corridor was built, WB'-to suppo,-: other corridors and their efforts to gel their transpon.ation needs met. Mayor Burns opined that we have fulfilled that promise to them in considerable measure. so it is not that we owe something to SEBP, but I think we can be on friendly tcnns with them and encow.gc them to do what they want to do, but it seems that the consensus of Council is that ha\·ing a ~mbc rsh1p in the organization, at this point , is not something we feel entirely comfon.ablc with . Ma yor Bums asked if an yone else would like to comment. There were none. Mayor Bums said if 1h ,1 is true, that we do feel uncomfonablc with this, then the appropriate lener should be wrinen to them. thanking them for approaching Counci l. but lcn '.ng them know that we have chosen not to jom at this lime . City Manager Scan said he would draft lha1 for the Mayor 's signature . En&lewood City Coundl \upsl 6, 2001 Pap22 I J "I t Council Member Wolosyn said we have had a number of wondertbl en1tttainments °" the plua tliioqho,it lhe sWIIDICT. We bad Saturday aftemoom with Pub and Recrntion, S.turday morninp wilii Parb aad Recreation 's children-oriented programs , which ahe anended, plus MOA 's conc:rt and some1hiaa with tho Colorado Wind Ensemble . Lut week there wu a Cowboy Camp~re. she added . She said she .-.i ,- Calthorpe becaus, she wu trying to pn,tend she wu not a public pmon. Mayor Bums said he came to the concen late because he played golf iu the City league, but City Mam,er Scan laid him that Peler Calthorp,, bad beffl there . Ci1y Manager Scars said Mr. Calthorpe wu in a real hurry ,'.!<I he had tried to get him 10 come over to tall:. He had high praist for where the project is and 1he stick-10-uiveness of the City Council and 1taff10 make this thing dCYclop. Mr. Calthorpe did criticize lhe parkway, he allowed. because he would like to have aeen 1hc green space going down the parkway, but he S&id everything else was right whne it should be. He said we arc about six months away "mm having thi1 w!,ole projecl interface. with the new aputmnm up, aGd •~e commercial mas. Until that happens and people can see how this comes together, we ptobably """'t get the publicity that be thinks we deserve . Mr. Sean added that Mr . Calthorpe was just really ecstatic about what was going on. ~• Wolosyn said she was glad that be walked through on a night when ;~ was so much vitality. She said ir has beffl a real pleasure to watch the piazza emerse u a public plscc for gatherings throughout lhe summer. They all have been successful in one way or another. Mayor llurns thanked Amy Doc, who bas done a wonJerful job of coordinating and helping to put those things together on b,half of the City. She bas very enthusiastically supported these projects, he said . Council Member Wolosyn said lhe M.lSCUIII of Outdoor AIU' entertainment was fiT,t class. She said it made her proud for the Cit),. Ma yo r Bums aveed that it WlS excellent. Mayor Bums siid we have talked about the R.ail -Volulion Conference in San Franc isc o that ~~ : be ~cld the middle of next oonth. Director Simpson is loo,dng into whether, ifl Mtt to attend, :t .. 1U I mie~: •..C able to moderate a panel and acrually participate in the conference. He is supposed to get back to me!• ne time this week 10 see if this could be done, Mayor Bums advised, and the registration deadline is coming up. Counci l Member B1adshaw said she was ttying to sec where it said Englewood residents in the MOA broc hure , and there is not anything in there, and everyone appean to register at the same fee . Council Member Wolosyn felt lhere wu a discount. Council Member Grazul is asked if it was in the brochure . Director t::tack said it is not in the brochure. Since the y staned the j>rogram. they have not put it in lhat brochure, because it goes to a number of oon•residents . The y promote it through the: sch<hlls and through fl yers , but the y do offer those programs 1hat arc strict:y for Englewood kids They have sep.vatc program, set up tha t are free for Englewood kids, and lhc 1eason the y don 't p1.1i it in the bioc hure is the : are promoting their fees for those programs, where the ones for Englewood are free . Council Member Wolosyn asked if there was an overall Englewoud discount. • • Ea&lewood City Couaell Au1iwt 6, 2001 Pase23 Oin,ctor Black said !here is an Englewood discoua1 u well, but Ibey also have lhe free program>, Council Member Bradshaw said i1jus1 wun'I mentioned in lhe brochure, and nol that ii needs IO be, bul she wanted to know if it was still aoing on. Director Black said yes it is . 14. City Attorney's Ripon (a) City Attorney BrolZmln commented on lhe two items that were sci for public bearina on September 4°. He said he lhoughl he bad heard that there would be •.veral proposal, 10 do substantive amendments . Council traditionally does nol have second reading the""" night ofa public hearing. but if cb,nges will be proposed, he asked iflhey would like 10 have secoau reading and make !hose motions 1h11 evening. If they make the 11mcndmcnts, it would become ftnt reading. Council Member Wolosyn clarified that we did pass ii on fim reading t'Jis evening. Mr. Brotzmlll apud. Council Member Ga.nett said if we make substantive amendments , we have to start ap.in. Council M,,mber Bradshaw said that was okay. Mayor Bums said then we should make the arrieadmealS lhe next time. Mr. BrolZmlD sulliesled punina those two itcm.t on the agctda next tiffl'! so it would look like second reading, and 1hcy could make their motions thal evening. Mayor Bums said he felt that was a good rccollll'lCndation. He asked if anyone else disagreed. No one disaerccd . I 5. Adjourn meal The roeetiag ldjouroed 119:20 p.m.