HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-11-05 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • 1nmio J-tff) lK1u,,,l311':i Ut I IJ1 ,-wr ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO Rflular S.Ulon November 5, 2001 I. Coll lo Order The regular metting of 1hc Englewood Ci1y Council was called to (lrdcr by Mayor Bums al 7:43 p.m. Mayor Bums thanked everyone for wailing. 2. Invocallon The invocation was given by Mayor Bums . J, Pltd&• of Allealanct The Pltdge of Allegiance w■s led by Mayor Bums. 4. Roll Call Present: Absent A quorum was present. Council Memben Grazulis, Ganen, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Burns Council Member Nabholz. Yurchick Also present: City Manager Scars City Anomcy Brotzman City Clerk Ellis Ocpu1 y City Clerk White 5. Minutes (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO •~ I APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 2001. Aye,: Noy,: Absent Mo1ion ca rried . Council Members Garrett, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Grazulis. Bu:ns None Council Members Nabholz. Yurchiclc Mayor Bums noted that we have two scheduled visitors tonight who arc here to address Council on the leash law and the number of animals . We have an announcement we would like to make , he said, something we discussed at Snady Session about some additional accomm?dations for folks who like 10 train 1hcir dogs off-leash . I am going to defer to Council Member Doug Ganctt. who has discussed this with the Parks and Recreation Oepar1mcn1. Co uncil Member Garrett said he has had several e-mails and he has talked to a couple of people and one of 1hcir c'.lncems with 1hc legislation , as currently drafted , is !hat dogs wolald have to be on a leash at all times . We have heard from a lot of do g owners who would like to have the ability , al least during some lm ~•ted En&l•wood City Council November 5, 2001 h&•l times. lo have their dog off•lcash for either recreation. training or whatnot . So what we arc proposing is to make a modification to the ordioance this evening that will allow the Parks and Rccn:ulion Commission 10 come up with a pilot program. What we envision. he siid, is that !here will be some lime m the-morning and some time in the evening where you co uld take your dog to 11 park. off-leash, but the y would still have to be under control. Not on the sidewalks, but in the parks . The Parks and Recrc1111 on Commissi on can help define th:u , he said. That is what we will be proposing this evening , later in ll11s sess io n. and we will tum it over 10 Parks imd Recreation Commission 10 help tailor that pilot program. Wt wi11 probably do it for about a year. he said, and sec how it works in uying 10 accommodate everybody's needs. I am also on tht' Parks and Rt'crt'alion Conumssio n, he said, and 1f yo u ha \'c any pnrtic ul ur t:onulh!III S on 1hat, plea!\e feel free 10 c::111 me or e-mail me about you r isijues and I will be glad 10 co nve y !hem ro lhe Comnussion . A:so, you c::1n contact Jerrell Bla ck, 1he Director of Parks and Recreation directl y. We will be glad 10 take your iss ues and concerns under advisement. he said. I kno w some of you arc here 10 lalk abou1 that very tl !~e. Co un cil Member Bradshaw noted 1ha1 that docsn ·1 preclude anyone from speaking . 6. Scheduled Visitors (a) Laurie Rouls10n said, in lieu of Co uncil Member Garren·s comments, I am changing my prcp;ired speech . Thank.you all so much for being sens iti,,e 10 all member ~ of lhe Englewood communi1y. 1 re111l y feel 1h1s la w did n01 address the need s ofal\ people.Just a cenam few . I .i.lso would like for you 10 consider a few things m:iybe yo u ha ven ·1 yet. I am a te ache r al Englewood High School. she said . and in order 10 gradua te , seniors have to show so man y hours of co mmunity service . One of the items that might be considered is having a Career Pathways . in which people who arc in1ercstcd in community affairs can become familiar with how laws become enacted. l know that most of my srudenls arc very interested in the outcome of this ordinance, as they all own pets and they have now become interested in bow ordinances become laws in their ovm cotM1unity . I am really pleased that you have acknowledged how cenain dogs require more exercise than they can get in a backyard. From a teachers perspective , she said, I appreciate yo u promoting the posi1ivcs of the good, well.behaved, responsible pct owners that take the dogs out and let them smell. let them interact with people, let the people socialize and let the dogs socialize . Ms . Roulston state d that this also promotes good, responsible citizenship . I think animlls arc a way we can connect with 1he world we li\'e m, she seid , and studems have definitel y connected wi th this ordinance a·,d I am glad to sec this change . She tha nked Co uncil. Mayor Bums thanked Ms . Roulston . (b) Jane Coleman said lam al so about to 1car up my speech. l apprec iate your consideration of 1hc: ofT-lea sh issue, she said. and I do think Englewood needs a leash I.a w for the sidewalks and 1hc streets or Englc\\ood . I think that is a given. However, many of Englewood's senio r cmzens have dogs . Enslewood is a cotM1unity of senior citizens. I ha\'e some fa cts here that show that people who own dogs have le ss high blood pressure, i1 reduces anxiety and depression and it e"en lt'ads to a faster rec overy from surgery . So owning II dog or a pc11s something tha1 a senior cit izen on a fixed income ca n enjoy and lo ve and it is re~ll y good for everybo~y Being ab le to go off-l eash in a secu r~d area. lik e a park leads 10 soc 1ahza 11on be 1,,e~n se 111or .:i 11 zen s and all ows the ,lo~s 10 socialize It 1s a good 1hing. she sa id .111 s g.ood for the communuy and for everyone . I appl:aud you for listening 10 our needs and feelings . Dogs are no1 only rrum·s bes1 fnend, they arc also woman's bes1 friend . She 1hanked Coun::il . ~1:lyor Bum~ thanke d Ms . Co leman . Unscheduled Visitors (a) Tom Manin advised th.al he li ves next to Jason Park on Prmce1on Pla ce and I am here 10 .1ddrcss the dog issue. I am afraid that if the park becomes an unleashed park. we wa ll ha\'e an eighi.acrc dead zone there . ~obody really uses the park excepl for soccer pfayers and dog walkers, he said. so I • • • Enalewood Clly Council November S, 2001 P11e 3 Jr J ('I) 1muu I n .,, drn o~ i11,•1.'I would be concerned that we would have a very large , unused area in the City . Another co ncern would be that now I ha ve a dog I have 10 exercise . With the proposed law I would ha ve 10 leaYe the City to do that. unless Mr. Garrcn's proposal is approved . I love that iden, he said . The first I heard of it was this evening . Mayor Bums and Council Member Bradshaw noted 1ha1 they had n\so just heard about ii this evening . Mr. Manin said it is a wonderful idea and I trul y appreci:i!c Cou nci l working on that . Council Member Garren noted that he talked 10 Charles White earlier to<by . Mr. Manm advised thal Mr. White is his roommate . Mr . Garren adv ised th at Mr . While helped him wo rk through this this afternoon . Mr . Manin said Mr . While had told him 1ha1 he had talked 10 Mr. GarrC'll toda)'. \,tr, Mn:11n said I do apprec1aw our ,om crsa11ons . Mr. '.¥1artm said he is just concerned as we ha ve 10 leave 1he City to do our shoppmg, because of 1he closing of Cinderella Cuy, we don't have a big rcs1auran1 base in this tow11 and now I have 10 leave the City to walk my dog . Englewood needs 10 be able 10 offer their citizens a lifestyle . He thanked Co uncil. Mayor Bums thanked Mr. Manin. (b) Scon McClurkin, 3270 South Lafayette Strccl, said he is against the leash law . I am one of those few responsible pet owners who walk their dogs without a leash. I allow them to play with other dogs in the parks . We play ball and Frisbee with our animals . On a hot summer day we allow our animals 10 cool themselves m the creeks and ponds of our parks. At no lime have I seen or heard of anyone anackcd by any animal during this time of responsible control of their anima ls . Mr. McClurkin noted that he was present at the last City Council meet ing and he lis1cncd to the post office employees and we heard horror stories of dc-g anacks and dog psyl,;'.bology, th.it they arc very territorial. We beard about dogs almost going through doors and wi ndows of homes . We have dogs jumping over fences and coming around to a:tack postal carriers and I believed them. We understand the postal service can impose penalties such as ,l~nying an entire block. their mail if the carriers feel lluea1cncd . And they can. But have they? 1 don 't KnOW . Mr. McClurk.in pointed out !hat in no instance was there a case of a mail carrier or anybody else being attacked while a dog was being walked or was bcmg allowed to play in a park. So isn 't this the real problem? Dogs at-large with oo visi ble, responsible 0\l.11er in sight. Jsn't 1h1s the real problem'? Don 't we have laws 10 that effect? Why aren·11hosc low s enforred and 1he animal picked up and the 0\l.1ter fined ? If you c3 n'1 enforce 1his minor law and. of course, pardon my lan guage, 1he dog poop la w ... and of course , ~ou ~an ·, enforce i1. ii 1s kind oC sdf-policing ... hlrn arc \\C: going to enforce 1h1s dracoman leash la"? !\·ow I keep my animal in the hou se when 1 am gone . He has a habn of Jumping the fence when I am not there. therefore negating my responsible control of my dog . Fur those of us whose dogs jump over the fence, go 1hrough the fence, arowtd the fence. perhaps with their knowledge or without their knowledge , why isn't that being addrc·ssed'? Are we going to ha ve a law 1ha1 will require barbed wire fencts , certain heights to fences, guard tower~ or spodights? Who knows ? Perhaps in conjunction with the post office 1hat probl em can be solved . To guard dogs going through doors and windows. is the City going to require steel bars on our windows ? I don't bave the answer 10 that. I have one more question and s1atemcn1, be said. When did we, the citizens of Englewood.. all of a sudden become irresponsible? I believe Cherry Hill s has the s.1 me rypc of responsible dog control law . Perhaps lhe y arc more respon si ble than the citize115 of Englewood, he said . I don ·1 kn ow . When did 1hc :once pl of persona l rcspons1b1l11 y end w11h regard 10 dogs al-large. wi1h the . hopeful!~·. enforced laws al rea dy on the books ? I kno w I wi ll probably be al the losing end of thi s debate because we have a lot of emotion here . rather than reason and thinking . So I propose a compronuse. he said . That the respo nsib le. or me spo nstble . dog 0"'11cr !hal walks his dog without a leash. should at least cany the leash \I.1th him al all !Imes, thereb y sausfying all parti es in this d1 sc uss1on . With that , I am gomg to go home and watch the game and walk my dog 1rrespons1b ly through the alleys like I normall y do. he said . so he can see his dog buddies and hopefully, when I walk my dog at night . irresponsibly. I will be able to see the me ss he make s. I do my best That is ano1hcr point I carry bags with me for my dog . ~ly dog is a 1'1 ublc bagger and so meumes he is a tnple bagger . But I do my bes!. We have a lot of apanme nts "·here . liH ,md people ha ve a lot of dogs tha 1 come m and ou t. he said, and when they do n't have a bag I h.i!.n d them a bag . It 1s called sclf-pohcmg There 1s no cause 10 crcale Enclewood City Council November 5, 2001 Page 4 I t (J 1 th ff i •11 1r:o,. 1 din""' r.,:z 'I another ordinan ce for something th:H , hoperully. we already han· on the books . :':io le i us enforce the la•-s we have . If we can't do that. why are we even here'.' He th,mked Co uncil . Mayor Bums !hanked Mr. McClurkin. (c) Diane Theobald, 3860 South Shennan Street said. as with the previous gentleman, I would like to think I am o. very responsible dog owner. I moved b.tck 10 this area five years ago, from Billings. Montana and one of the most exciting things to me at that time was that I could take my dog into the park. In Billings. dogs are not allowed in the parks, period . It is questionable as 10 whcthe~ you can even w<1lk your dog down the sidewalk on the outside edge of the park . So, she said, 10 be able to go in10 the park was a wonderful thing for me . I no longe r had to drive somewhere to exercise my dogs. For me to be able to take my dog 10 a park, off the leash , is a wonderful experience . Ms . Theobald noted that her dog is twelve years old and she doesn '1 run after anybody, chase after anything . In fact she goes out of her way 10 avoid other people and dogs. ii is entenair.ing to walk ht ."and watch her gn off the sidewalk and uound. so that she doesn 't get too close to olher people. I understand tha1 my dog and my sirualion is different from a lot of people. But I would still hope that I would continue to have the option of walking her off the leash. I say this, because, again, I am a responsible dog 01,1,11er, she said. and if I sec other people nearby and I think there might be a problem. or even if I don 't think there is a problem but th ey might be offended by my dog being off the leash. I put my dog on the leash . I don't let her run around and bother other people. I know you can't please everybody at the same time . Bui, unionuna1ely, I work a split shift . I work early in !he morning and in the evenings, three days a week. So I love the idea of being able to take my dog to a park off.leash in the evening . Except, that doesn 't help me three nights a week . because I am al work those three night s. I like having th.-: opportunity to be able to do something like that during the day. because thot is pan of the time I am home . The other thing I am concerned about is the dog limit. The 01her day I saw a yard that had two large greyhounds in !he backyard and , I thought, they have the two-dog limit. But I have 3.lso seen houses where they have three or four smaller dogs . I have to wonder, what is lhc re3.son for limiting pets to rwo? If someone is a responsible pct owner und can take care of their pets. she said, I would sincerely like to sec people be allowed 10 ha \'C thei r own pets. as long as they arc responsible owners and their pets are not bothering others. She thnnktd Council. Mayor Bums thanked Ms . Theobald. (d) Elizabeth Fry, 4327 South Acoma Street, said she was nervous, but she was going to go for it bcc:Jusc she loves her dogs so much. I want to tell Council 1h11t I lovc Englewood. I have lived here for 11 months and the thing I like the most uc the people I have met I walk my dog, everyday, twice a day during r11in, sleet, snow or lmil. I have a Labrador retriever, an old yellow lab , over 15 yea rs old . At the park I have met Tom lnd Jane and so many people. und all ofmy neighbors :ind I caMot believe how friendly, lovin g and caring they are . I walk down !ho: street Wlth 1hn1 dog, :;he said. and a 14-year-old kid will say hello. I have met everyone in my neighborhood in 11 months . I come from :m area where I didn 't meet anyone the entire time I was there . I would like to tell you how much I would appreciate your reconsideration of allowing us 10 allow the dogs to play together. ~1y old dog acrually plays with lh ese other dogs at 1he puk and that is the onl)' time he really does get a chance to be outside . She thanked Council. Mayor Bums th.inked Ms . Fry . lt:I CJrolyn Dcmngton •Ta1e . ~;9g So uth Emerson Stri:et. sa id she apprec 1:ltes 1he adjustment Co un cil sugges ted forthc dogs 1n 1he parks . I think th:n is a grca11d ,·a. Like one of1he previous speakers, I hJ\'C l link co ncern about 001 all owing people to ha• c :~cir dogs off.leash. ma ybe for training or working wnh them m the middle of the day. It might be some,hmg tha1 \\orks bener for so me people wi1h thi:ir • • schedules. rather than onl y early morning or late evi:-ning . She said sh,. had another ques1ion . She Jskcd. if • she understood correc tly , if the number of animals m11into.incd at a household is to be two cats or two dogs or only two. I don'1 1hink I hnve an um erstanding of the number tha1 will be allowed . • • En1lewood Cily Council November 5, 2001 P11e 5 muo) ,11 > w~l:111 i I 0~ ~ lJfhn,uJ;/ ,, !.'¾ City Anomcy Brotzmnn advised thal it is two cats and two dogs , and if you currently have three. you get to keep your lhird until that dog is gone . Ms . D.;,Ting1on-T11tc said then ii is no! three cats and one dog or three dogs and one cat. ii i'i two and two . Mayor Bums said it would be two and two with this ordinance . Ms . Derrington-Tate said s:ie has a concern about that as she has a couple of aging cats and one is 21. Mayor Bums assured her that we will not be looking through her winde,w at her house. Ms . Dc1"Ting1on- Tatc said she didn '1 think so, but that she might get another ctn. so her pets would be adjusted if she were to lose one of her pets . I was just concerned Of course . she said. I don ·1 want an yone looking in my window, bu1 I )1111 Jon 1 \I.Jill tu feel 1ha1 I am bn:akmg 1hc: la" Ma yur Bums stud he can appreclllle tha1. Ms . Derring1on-Ta1e !hanked Council . Mayor Bums 1h:lnked Ms . Derring1on -Ta1e . (I) Lucy Compoz, 4480 South PcMsylvania Sttee~ said she n•eded a clarifica1ion on the barking ordinance because st1e has some concerns . She asked if ii was when one neighbor complains or when 1wo neighbors complain. Ijus1 w11n1ed some clarification of this . Mayor Bums said he understands ii has 10 be 1wo. Ci1y Attorney Brolzman explained th:n . curren1ly .. , •J need two neighbors . two complaining wilnesses . A Code Enforcement Officer canno1 be one of those w1u;csses . Ms. Compoz asked what happens when you have one neighbor who conslllnliy complains . Which, she said. has been happening 10 me for three months . There is construction next door to me , she said, as that neighbor is adding a new le vel 10 his house and !he neighbor to the sou1h of me has complained continually. E\'ery two weeks Code Enforcement is al my house for my dog barking . l tried to explain to !hem aboul the construction. tha1 there are different men coming in every two weeks . Once my dog is comfonable with a worker, he is fine . I go to speak to each company when I gel home from work. she said , and ask how was my dog and they say he was fine . But 1 slill gel Code Enforcemcn1 :11 my door, every two weeks. because the neighbo r ca lls . II is to the po in t ofharassmen;. Council Member Bradshaw said yes ii is . Ms . Compoz noted 1he funny 1hing is thal no w 1ha1 the co ns1ruction is done my neighbor is quiet l tried lo 1ell 1he Code Enforcement officer to lllke 1h1 .. mto considerauon, she said . One officer was \'cry agrcellble with me , the other offi cer was totall y against 1• and she said "that is your responsibility 10 keep this dog quiet ,'' She 1old me the dog was ba·~ing and it sounded like a lonely bark and I'm like , what is a lonely bark ? I went to 11e extremes of going to my \'Cl to address questions 1ha1 the Code Enforcement officer listed as complaiuis. My vet answered all my questions . I have documenlation , she sa id. my dog Margo has a file that is probably thicker than a pediatrician's file on 3 child . It is sad . she said, and it is because of this one ne ig hbor complaining and she has a histo ry of complaints ;reviously. ,, ·~-Compoz staled that her neighbor 1old her. when she fim bough! her home two years ago . .hat ll look her "two years 10 ge1 rid of 1he peo ple who lived in this house before you, but 1 did 11 .·· 11111 . she said. is what I am up againsl. Mayor Bums asked if she wan1ed Council 10 solve 1h1s problem for her. Ms . Co mpo z sa id no . 1ha1 she would JUSI hkc clanfica11on . Cou nci l ~fember Bradshaw and Mayor Bums said ii \\i ll 1ake 1wo. Enalewood Clly Council Non1nber S, 2001 Paae 6 Ms. Compoz asked if the Code Enforcement officers know 1he law . H11t1 ) 111") htu, .11.,.1~11 i on• ., 11dm•J -u-' "•J,',lt'{ Council Member Bradshaw said right now ii only takes one complaint. bu1 we ::i re changing it so it must be two. So . Ms . Compoz said. it will be rwo from this point forward . Ci ty Attorney Brotzrn:rn said :ictuall}' thal is the current practice for the Code E11:cn ,,i.lcnt officers, as well as Court . Council Member Garren explained lhtu she would Le in court if more people had co mplained . Council Member Bradshaw advised that Dave Lynn was here this evening and he is in charge of Code Enforcement. She asked if Mr. Lynn had time 10 speak to Ms. Compoz . Mr. Lynn indicated he would. Council Member Bradshaw thanked Ms . Compoz. Mayor Burns stated she had a very legitimate concern and Council appreciates her difficulty. Ms . Compoz said she is nol going to ;;N ve . She thanked Counci l. Mayor Bums thanked Ms . Compoz . (g) Jim Vite. 4073 South Broadway, said he was just coming up to thank Mr . Garren for making the statement that they will work with us. I have two dogs and I have been going to Jason Park for the last seven years . Sometimes r go in the morning, he said, but most of the time I go in the evening. I met all of my friends. he said, all my neighbors sini .. J in this row behind me, because my dog pla ys with their dogs . I feel we rue all responsible dog owners, and I know that when I go to 1he park, no1 only do I clean up after my own dog , I try and keep lhc park maintained as far as picking up trash and beer bottles as I walk. 1 enjoy thi s park and I enjo y this nghl, he said, and I know my dogs arc hcahhier :ind happier. I know ii is a good healthy atmosphere for my daughter 10 go and play with her do~s. he said, and I have made many fri e11Js !here. I :un also for a leash law . I happen to live on Broadway, he said. and I would hate 10 sec an irresponsible dog owner be able to walk his dog without a k3Sh down Broadway or one of lhc stree ts. But lhe parks see m to bt a little bil different , especially Juson Park as it is enclosed and a lot of people use ii and ii is kind of a social atmosphere. I would like to thank Council. very. \'Cry much, he said. for keeping that right alive for us, because it is something we all enjoy . Mayor Burns thanked Mr. Vite . Mayor Bums noted that Council ha s really heard from a lot of reall y responsi ble pel owners during lhis process . A lot of you have taken the time to come do"11 to City Council and 1alk 10 us about this . This has been very helpful 10 Council. he said. because then ,ve can respond to your neecL . I think you have see n 1ha1 here tonight. But we really appreciate your letters and your e•mails and your input . You ha ve been \'cry good people 10 deal with. in my opinion, and this has been a very constructive process . Mayor Bums stated 1ha1 Council hopes they can meet all of your needs as n.Jch as we possibl y can . 8. Comm\ .1ications. Proclamations and Appointments (a) A proclamation re cogniz mg Co ll een Burke. President or1hc Eng lewood Parad e Association . was considered . Mayor Bums asked the City Cle rk 10 rt'ld the proclam.311on . The proclamation was rc:i.d in 11s entirety . • • • • • • En1J1wood City Council Novembtr S, 2001 P11•7 COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, \,'iD IT WAS SECONDED, TO AP.to,, A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING COLLEEN BURKE, PRESIDENT OF THi tNGU:WOOD PARADE ASSOCIATION. Ayes : Nays : Absent : Motion C3rricd. Council Members Garren, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Gr.t:t.J lis, Burfl'l None Cuuncil Members Nabholz. Yurchick Mayor Bums presented the proclama1ion and roses to Ms . Burke . Mayor Bums, on behalf of Council, expressed their appreciauon to Ms . Bu!i.c and he asked for a round of applause. Mayor Bums noted that everyone who attended the parade on Sarurday knows that it was successful, well organized and well received . If any of you hJvc been involved in a parade before. he said, you know lhat organizing ar1 :vent of th is size is no small fcal. In the pasl three years Ms . Burke has worked with City staff and othc1 ,·ommuniry volunteers 10 coordinate this parade and she has done an outstanding job. We understand th.;:, in Linlcton·s Western Welcome Weck Parade. the chairman get:. to rid: in tt.e p:;,:ade in a fancy convertible with a bouquet of roses . We jwn put Colleen to work and we never let up on her. During our parade, he said, Colleen was out in the trenches ,vith the rest of the volunteers and we arc here to recognize her hard work and congratulate her on the joh she has done. We couldn't come up with a convenib le for you Colleen. he said, b1!t we ba\·c given you the bouquet roses and a gift certificate and i1 is a token of our appreciation for all your terrific cfTons. lbank yt...\ so much, he said. (b) A proclamation honoring community member and City employee Richud L>urton for his dedication to the community of Englewood was considered . Mayor Bums asked the City Clerk to read the proclamation . TilC proclamation was read in its entirety . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, Al'iU IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAJ\IATION HONORING COMMUNITY MEMBER AND CITY EMPLOYEF. RICHARD BURTON FOR HIS DEDICATION TO THE COMMUNITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Ayes : Nays : Absent Moti on carried . Council Members Garrett , Bradshaw, Woln:;yn, Grazulis, Bums None Council Members Nabhol z, Yurchick Mayor Bums presented the proclam:uion to Mr. Bunon . Ma yor Bums , on behalf of Council. said he really wan 1ed 10 thank Mr . Bunon . He noted that Richard has been a trernewfous as set 10 our community and all the progr:um you have heard us talk about. that were included m 1he procl:i.ma11on . We wan t 10 thank him so much for everythmg he has done in this communit y. he said , and I wou ld like e\'eryone to gi\'e him a big round of applause. Mr. Bu11on recognized all the people in th, ,udience who suppon him. He sta h d that it takes all of them working toge ther :ind they are behmd him all 1he way . To the racecar owners . who never say no , my fa1ni ly. my crew, which is my family , be said. they never miss a beat and I want to say thank you . 9. Public Hearing N,, public hearing wa.s scheduled before Co uncil . Consent A&end11 Enal,wood Clly Council Novembtr 5, 2001 o J !11) boo ·1 1 u f IOUt ,i-n(h1l'Jt0I ·,;.1.'I Paa• 8 111, COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE ' J < CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (1), (II), (Ill) and (Iv), 10 (b) (I), (II). (Ill), (Iv) and (v) 'AND 18 (c) (I}, (11), (Ill), (Iv), M, (vi) and (vii). (a) Approval of Ordinances on First Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 65 . INTRODL'CED BY COUNCIL Mn-lBER GARRETT ~ 8i~L FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORJZING THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO TO tNTE R INTO TWO EASEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR WATER PIPELINE EASEMENTS AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF A QUIT CLAIM DEED TERMINATING AN EXISTING EASEMENT LOCATED AT MCI.ELLAN RESERVOIR. (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 71, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORJZING THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO TO ENTER INTO TWO LICENSE AGREEMENTS AND TWO TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEME NTS LOCATED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF SOUTH SANT A FE AND DAD CLARK GULCH IN ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO BETWEEN CENTENNIAL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRJCT AND THE CITY . (iii) COUNCIL BILL NO . 72, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINA NCE APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NO. 151 TO THE SOUTHGATE SANITATION DISTRJCT CONNECTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR THE INCLUSION OF LAND WITHIN THE DISTRJCT BOUNDARJES . (iv) COUNCIL BILL NO. 73, 11' TRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN OllDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONTRACT BETWEEN THE STATE OF COLORADO AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLO RADO. RELATING TO THE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE FUND (LEAF) PROGRAM . (b) Approva! of Ordinances on Second Reading (i) ORDINANCE NO . 61, SERIES OF 2001 \COUNC IL BILL NO. 62. INTROD UCED BY COL'NCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORD INANCE APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT PE RMIT AND INDEMN ITY AGREEMENT PERTAINI NG TO A RETAINI NG WALL IN THE PUBLIC RJGHT-OF-WAY . (ii) ORDINANCE NO . 62, SERJES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 67, INTROD UCED BY CODICIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE FIXf.'\G THE TAX LEVY IN MILLS UPON EACH DOLLAR OF THE ASSESSED VALUA TIO N OF ALL TAXABLE PR OPE RTY WITHIN THE CITY or ENGLEWOOD, COl.O RADO . • • • • • • ED1ltwood City Councll November 5, 200 I P11e9 u ) JI bt1Mnl~11 -I 0' ) ,dm Ill,, I, il 'I (iii) ORDINANCE NO. 63 , SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 68 , INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINA NCE ADOPTING THE 3UDGET OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2002 . (iv) ORDINANCE NO . 64 , SERies OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 69 , INTRODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER GARRETT) AN OP DINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR ALL MUNI CIPAL PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF ENGL WOOD , COLORADO, IN THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANl' .,<Y I, 2002, AND ENDll',G DECEMBER 31, 2002, CONSTITUTING WHAT IS TERMED THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL FUR THE FISCAL YEAR 2002 . (v) ORDINANCE NO. 65 , SERIES OF 2001 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 70, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 2, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CO DE 2000 B\' THE ADDITION OF A NEW CHAPTER 12, ESTABLISHING A TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO . (c) Resolutions and Motions (i) RESOLUTION NO. 77, SERIES OF 2001 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY TO IMPLEMENT THE ANNUAL "FOO D FOR FINES" PROGRAM FROM NOVEMBER 19, 2001 THROUGH DECEMBER 14, 2001. (ii) RESOLUTION NO. 78 , SERIES OF 2001 A RESOLUTION APPROVING COMPENSATION PLANS FOR MANAGERIAL, SUPERVISORY , CONFIDENTIAL AND PART-TIME EMPLOY EES OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE YEAR 2002 . (iii) SEWER TAP AGRE EMENT WITH EXTENDED STAY AMERICAN HOTEL. (iv) FIRE DIVISION . PliRCHASE OF A 1500 .< MERICAN LAFRANCE FIRE ENGINE FOR THE (v) CONTRACT IVITII SLAl ER-PAULL & ASSOCIATES FOR ARCHITEC11JRAL & ENGI NEERING SERVICES RE LATED TO STABILIZATIO N OF THE THOMAS SKERRITT HO USE . (v1) ADDEND UM TO THE CURRE NT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSUL Tr.-lG AGREEMENT WITH DEL OITTE & TOUCHE RELATED TO PROJEC r IBIS . (vii) DECLARE TWO VACANCIES ON THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS . Vole results: Ayes : Co uncil Members Garren, Bradshaw , Wolosyn. (j~~Jl1s, Bums En1lewood City Countll November 5, 2001 Pa1• 10 Nays: Absent : Motion carried. fl'H 11,1 ) l~HJfl'Jl!ftl 1 ~~ il, •Im 1/". Po.:., None Council Members Nobholz, Yurchick (a) Approval of Ordinances on First Reading There wen~ no 11ddi1ional itc-r,-o; submitted for approval on fos t re:iding . (See Agenda 11cm 10 -Consent Agendn .) (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Rending (i) Council Bill No, 36, amending Tille 7, Chaplcr IA of the Englewood Municipal Code pcnaining to dogs and cats was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE COUNCIL BILL N0.36. COL'NCIL BILL NO . ,6, INTRODt:CE D BY COUNCIL MEMBERS YURCHICK/GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER IA. OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 2000, PERTAINING TO DOGS Al'-D CATS . COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO AMEND COUNCIL BILL NO. 36 BY ADDING A NEW PARAGRAPH B, UNDER 7-IA-2 , WHICH STATES THAT PARAGRAPH A SHALL NOT APPLY TO PILOT PARK PROGRAMS AUTHORIZED BY COUNCIL RESOLUTION. Council Member Garren explained that this will allow the Parks and Recreat ion Commission to make a recommendation to Council for the pilot program we discussed earl ier in the meeting toni ght Vote resulls: Ayes : Nays: Absent Motion carried. Council Mem~rs Garren. l\rodshaw. Wolosyn. Grazulis. Bums >lone Council Members Nab holz. Yurchick COUNCfL MEMBER BRADSHAW ~IOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE COUNCIL BILL NO. 36 AS A.MENDED. Muuon earned. Ayes : Nays: Absent: Council Membcn Garren. Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Grazulis , Burns None louncil Mcmbcn Nabholz . Yurch1ck (ii) Council Bill No . 37. o1mtndmg Tille 7, Cha.pier IA of1 he Englewood Municipal Code pe namin g 10 number of animals ma in 1ained at a household or premises was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, A.'iD IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE AGENDA !T l 111 (b) (Ii) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 37 ON SECO~D READING. ORDINANCE NO . 66, SERIES OF 2001 • • • Enalewood City Council November 5, 2001 111. J 1,, h,11,,1:,I n ~ P ■&• 11 IQQ• , 1111.JIQI' . ; ... ,., AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 11\, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 2000 PERTAINING TO THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS MAINTAINED AT A HOUSEHOLD OR PREMISES . Vote results : Morion carried . Ayes : Nays: Absent: Council Members Garren, Bradshaw , Wolosyn, Grazutis, Bums None Council Members Na bholz . Yurcli ick (c) Rcsolulions ilnd ,\fo1ions There were no additional rcsolu1ions or mot ions submitt ed for approval. (See Agenda Item 10. Conse nt Agenda .) 12. Genera l Discussion Mayor Bums noted they had Council Member 's Choices during Study Session . (a) Mayor's Choice (i} Mayo r Bums stated the electi on is tomorrow and we wish th e Counc il c:i.ndidi1tcs well and we wi ll sec the re su lts of that election tomorrow cvcnin 11 (u) Mayor Bums said he had one rhing he wanted to personally note. This is the last meeting where I will ..:hair the regular meeting of City Council, he said , as I am tenn limited . I will be leaving the Council 1wo weeks afte r the election on November 19m. We have a Study Session next wetk on the 131t1 and I hope 10 get thtrc. I am ha\'ing some ~urgery th•i F1 1day and four days later we have a Council meeting. So I am going to try to get there. he said, if I c.11 mal:e it. I hope that this is not my last meeting. but it might be. Mayor Bums said he wanted 10 thank Gary Scars, the staff and the ,:kpanmcnt heads . I will be thanking all cf you more personally la1er. he said. for the rrcmcncfous oppcrtUnit)' l have had to work with you over the pas1 several years. I think, he said. as I look at our Slaff and Gary. 1ha1 yo u ha \'c made i1 really easy for us . You are 1he best peop le 10 work with that I h:wc ever '>cen around in my life ilnJ we have a great synergy going with this Council and with this staff. An awful 101 of things have rul.ppened and changed, I think, for the bcner in Eng lewood in the past couple of years and II has been my pleasure-10 panicipatc in all of that and this Cou ncil has been wo nderful to work with . We don't agree all 1hc time. he said, but we discuss and we respe ct each other and we resolve issues just like we did here tonight with the dog and cat ordinance . We vote together and we w01k together as a unit and I think 1ha1 is vi1ally imponant and 1hat make s my job ca:rn:r as Mayor. For all those reasons . he said. 11 has been my plc3sure to serve 3S Mayor of the City for th e past seven years and it has been my pleasure to scr\'e w11h you and I tha nk you very much . Mayor Burns recc1"cd a round of applaus e. Co uncil Member Wolosyn said if1his is the lasl ume you will be up here. tha1 I cannot lei 11 go w11hou1 saying 1ha1 we all have a lot to hve up 10 with the examp le )'OU have set because I thmk yo u arc a ma yor w11h a lot of d1gnu y and elegance . I ha ve always fell great s111mg up here wnh you. she said. and I thank you for this experi ence . Mayor Bums thanked Ms . Wolos yn and said he apprec13 1es that Cou ncil Membe r Grazulis said she agree s. It ha s b:. :nan incredible experience work mg alongside vo u, she said, because I do remember you coming to a park ?nce ovrr al the sc hool and my husband and I had a disagreement with you and you were so calm, coo l .md collec1cd and I rcme mbcr.:d th.at. So when I came En1lewood City Council November 5, 2001 P11e 12 10 work on Council. she s,id. I juSI had lh< utmos1 respect for lhe wa)' 1h11 you handle younelfwilh everything that is presented 10 you. Ma)'or Bums th,nkcd her . II. Council Member Bradshaw said 1h41 it has been an honor and a privilege wl-,rking wi th you, a: the Housi ng Authority and here on Council :md I have learned a lo t, dumk you. Ma yor Bums thanked her. 1 (b) Counci l ~!ember's Choice Thc:-c were no additiona l Council Member 's Choir.cs. 13 . City Manaecr's Report Ci1y Manager Scars did 001 have any nl3Ucrs to brmg before Council. 14 . Cily Attorney's Report (a) Cit y Anomcy Brotzman pre se nted a request for a motion 10 settle the Amcrica•W:s1 Prinii ng Corporation, Case No . 0ICVl651. for $3,622.50, the full amount owed to the Ciry. COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE TIIE SETTLDIENT OF THE AMERICA-WEST PRINTING CORPORATION, CASE NO. 0ICVl651 , FOR S3 ,6 22.50, TIIE FULL AMOUNT OWED TO TIIE CITY. Ayes : Nays: Absent : Motion carried. Co un ci l Members Garren , Bra dslUlw, Wo losyn. Grazulis . Bums None Council Members Nabholz. Yurchick (b) City Attorney Brotzman staled 10 Mayor Bums thar it has been an honor and a privilege to be sining next to him. Mayor Bums thanked him and said he appreciates that. 15. Adjournment S MOVED TO ADJO URN . The rneeling adjourned at 8:25 p.m. •