HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-03 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI. Call to Onler JftU :J I INGUWOOD CITY COU!fCL INGLIWOOD, J.-APAIIOI COUNTY, COLO&ADO ........ s.... Jaauy 3, 2000 I• 'I Tho rogullr IDOding of !he F.nglcwood Cily Couacil -c:allol lO anlcr by Mayor B1111111117:31 p.m. 2. 1a.-. 11:c inwcalion wu gi\'al I>)' COUDCil Memllcr Nab~ 3. PledF of AJle&luce Tho Plcdfool AUeallnce-ledt,y Mayor BanlL Prenenl: AbNal: ~"IIIICil Mombt."!I Nabbolz, GtlzuUI, Gaml1, l!ndaw, Yurdllct, am. OJmcil Mmlllcr Wo'?lya Aq,aumwul"-· Allopmcut: CilJMal/:"I I'-!', Cily Allm..y B,uaman CilyClcrkEllia o;,-Black, Pam 111d ReclamGD (a) COIDIOL MIMl&Jl N.\IIBOLZ MOVID,ANII IrWAS SICONDID, TO APPROVE THI MlNlJTIS or TRI IIIGIJLAJl CITY COIDICll. MIITINGOr DICDlllllll 20,lffl. Molioo carried. Aya: Couacil Membcn Nabbolz. Gamu, Bndlbaw, Yllltbick, Gazulil, 3ulll Nays: ~ Amad: Couacil Member Wololyu 6. Sdledalc,I Vloiton = ...,. DO ocbcduled visilOrS. 7. N_..,.udVblton Tbae "'"'""" IIOIHCbalulcd visilOrS. Tberc were no cnmmm,iatiO'IS, pr9CWl1llioas Cl' appointmau. 0 ,, 9. l'HllcBarial No public bariq wu ocheduled before Council . 10. c-tApda (a) Approval of Ordiaanccs on Finl RadiDg Tbero _,, no itcml submlaal ror appn,val .., finl ,.._, (b) APPruval o{OntinaDca on Sec.md RadiDg 1bcre _,, no items IIUbmittod ror appn,val on •amd radiag. (c) Raolutiona and Moliom COUJIICJL MIMBl:R GAlllll:1TMOVID, / ,.ro ff WAS SICONDID, TO AffllOVE CONSENT AGINDA ITIMS 10 (c) (I), (I), (ii)_. (IY). (I) RESOLtmON NO. I, SERll!S OF 2000 A RESOl..lmON DESIGNATING 1llE BULLETIN BOARD IN 1llE LOBBY OF ENGLl!WOOD Cl'IY HALL AS THI! Ol'PICIAL POSTT'.tlO PUCI! 1'0R ALL NOTICES OF 1llE Cl'IY OF l!NGLBWOOD. (ii) RESOLlmON NO. 2, SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLtmON AMl!NDING RESOLtmON NO. 40, Sl!RIES OF 1996, "ESTABLISHING •El! SOIEDULESFOR WATER SERVICE.• (iii) PURCHASE OF PIPE AND PIP!! fTITINGS FOR THI! MCBROOM DITCH. (iv) BID FOR 1llE REHABILITATION OF1llE SHl!RMANELEVA11ID WA11!R STORAGE TANK. v ... ........, Molioo canicd. Ayes : Council Members Na!lllolz, Clamll, Bradshaw, Yun:hic:k, Grazulis, Bwns Nay,: ~ Ahlcnl: Council Manba Woloayn II. lleplarA ...... (a) A~t>ruval oCOrdiaanccs oa Finl RadiDg Thu: """' no il<ml IUbmiaod for approvcl oa finl ~ • • • ~CllyCoadl J~l,2000 l'llle3 111u., 1 ) bonw,1~"11 i llO\,; .t {llU.,.L I I~ Mayer 11mm DOied be ....... advilod that,.. IClllllly do DOI line IIFPOYII "'· ardlaa Gil .and -u,,g. He IIIIOd that tbo ilem lllledoelhe A..,.■ II (b)(i)la...U, andCIIIDI will bo CXlllllden,d Glider 11 (c) (I). Raoluliam DI MoliCIIII. (b) Appnwalol~•5...alladiDI Tberewaemilomalllbmillocllllr.....,...oe..it..tm,. (c) ~Ulloa• &llll Mo1ia111 (I) Di-Blac:lpr-i1,o •••••n,._tbol'llbllllRecnallon ~IDIR"'MI, byU!Olioa, lp,M .. liceMelllrlloJ Scollllof Ammica'I'toapNo. 921olllC Cadmnill PIii< Lib llltcmie llawllngeo.•alloa !fl advilol dlll tllia-poq, llal been llilng Ccnlmnill Lab lllr 1111 or tMiYe ,an-· TIiey • Ibo lab for 1l1inlnc for tbelr a.it i.a.,. for cauocin&, Mr. Blaclt ..... M bawilad1 .......... 'lrilb lli&p,uplw 11111111boralyanDlilbu always boal pooilM:. Wilil thia,..-tbey will .-;de pn,olof lMnm:c and-1"81 proper supcrvisiall will occur. be said. He 11111d .. _...cer1alaly -.,port llfPIIYII of tlliaag - COUJIICD. MDIHR BIWISRAW MOVUI, AND IT WAS RCONDID, TO Affl.OVJ: A HIVATI: UCENSJ: JORBOY SCOUTS OP AIIUJCA TROOP NO. '2 TO USJ: CJ:NTJ:NNIAL PAJIJ( LAD ,OR CANOJ: HANDLING UUCA110N. Motinn caniol. Ayer. Coundl Mambal Nlbllolz, o.mu, llrld,baw, Ywtbick, Onmlil, B- Nays: None Abocnt: Coundl Member Wololyn 12. Casal~ (a) Mayon Clloico (i) Mayor llanu wished OYU)'oat a Happy New Year. (li) Mayor llwu IIOICd Ibey bad .-her tour of tho Civic Celller dlis aftcmoon. He aid it bu moved aloag rllller Dicdy In tho coaple ofMCb lira: be bod boen tberc. He comnicmd that it ii Rllly going to be quite a building DI !bore ii a lot al opal .,,.,. In ii. obviously. Mayor llanu opined that"" ae rally F11i111 ID two dollln for c...y dailar ..,..___,_the buildlnJ-llllmli:md to us In tho Cindordla City ~ So we an, ,.aing a lo: ol'bug fi>r the buck OYCI' then. It ia coming along vo,y Dicdy, be aid, and be thanked mff apln for the pd tour, (iii) Mayor llwu DOIOI Iba&, obYiOUlly, M balhery l'cw, ihny, Y2K pn,blems. He aid be did call tho......,. oe tbe aipi al New v-·• Bw aad it -""IY quiet. !bore were.., real pn,blems. There were a few ftn:worb going off, be aid, and a few pcoplc llrod their guns In tho air eomewt,ae in tho COllllmU!y. Mayor Baral CXIIIIIDOllal lhll M dida't lutYo to be dlaappoillled, u anme of the popen wore, 1h11 we didn't baw iMmeclion ond bnwll in Ibo-.. He aid be WIID 't sure what .... of' tbe pm -laaking f'or, at lCllt in the dailia. Mlycrllarmaidbc _.... .. .....,..... Dem SdloalbcanondSafc:ly Scmca a,:ac,ally. Mayor Bums SIiia! Ibey really did• cxa:llcnt job al prq,orin& for Ibis. He DOied tbal DDC pc,,plc ay, .._ it all needed." He aid be dlinb that the l'act that ID lillle happened lbows that Ibey really did a aood job, ID be Wlllllld ID ...,,ratwatc them CIII that. (b) Council Member's Cboice la ...... Old CII)' Coudl J-ryJ,2000 ••• (I) Ccuncil Member Nabllolz: 1 l oO?W>(sn • ,I. 'O< ·m~ L 'I I. She advilod :Ila! on the 2.,. nfDccembeube hid a young man come to btr door rq,reom,ling tbat be WU wllh l!qlewood High Scbool llld Ibey were ..Ulng ,mpz;.. to earn polnu ID go to Cancan. He hid quile a llo,y, sbe said. lie nn!M cash 111d cash only 111d then be told ber sbe could p0lldale a check. He told ber ho wu Calhy Millcr'unn 111d theoaly Cllby Mllleube knows MJlbfoecuUdlillel Deportment Ml. Nlbbolz uked bim wbcrc his mother wod<J and be llid sbe doesn't 1be is a boiawife. The kid puabed 111111 puabed and pu,bed for money, sbe aid, and be noiled about four alber nolpbon and got the cash for tbcso ~ subocripCions. Sbe swd she po5ldo.l a check to tbc Jo" of 1-,, and immedllldy _.t a ltop p,yme!II m It and c:alled tbe AdmiD Building and ,polie to the lllgb &baol. She WIS adviJed that there It DO lllCb prognm going 0G. Councll Member Nabbolz llid ,_ IID:ed wilb CIIII' TuOy at tbe ~ High School and Ibey baYe.., IUCII prognm. SIie said !be jlllt-our Police DeplnmeDI and Ml}'OIIC to be 1W1R dial Ibey ... dlqlplng tbcso ldds alf, mdenlly by the vu laldl 1111d they boYO the llaJe plutic Deis tllal lbow Ibey earn., 111111)' difl'clmt bon"" polnu. But, sbe nocod, be ii going to be I IUIJlriaed young DD wbm the dlec:k doesn't go tbrougb. Ml. Nabbolz llaled be-IO pushy and It ii just IIOIDCthlng"" ,-i to be 8Wlle of, that Ibey an: dropping tbcso kids off in the neighborhood, and tbey arc pushing for cash. City Manager Scan slllled that is liaud 111d it is illegal. Council Member Nabbolz DCCed be CYe11 signed bi1 name dilfcrmly OD the reccipt and it is called Gt.at Luca Citallalioo lncorpol'llled . Sbe said she wu n:ally concemed. Sbe noted that our Safety Saviccs Dcpartmtnt always warns us about scams and 111111' going on. Ms. Nabholz noted that it was cold and sbe :et him inside because she was in the midl!le o!flxilll dilRT. • But she said, be wan!M cash, and be hid to have lhe cash, because be got cxtta points if be got the cash and tumed lhe cash in. Sbe told him she did DOl have that kind of money OD her and be aid .... could postdale a check. Sbe commcnled that boy, did be bavc a scam. 'Ibis is just for us to be aware of, sbe said, tbat nobody is going to C-= 11 Englewood High Scbool or at the AltcrnalWe High School by selling magazines. City Manager Scan said be would like to make a copy of her n:cdpt. Council Member Nabbolz said sbe brought it ,o be could llllkc copies. Sbe noted be said his name was Mite Miller and be signed it Mite McClintock. 2. Sbewlsbed C\UJ'ODe a Happy New Year and noted sbe thinks it is going to be a woodafuJ, pnllpCfOUI year for all of us. (ii) Council Member Garrett advised we have a new "dip" mxhinc down it lhe Recreatioo Ccnler Iha! showed up II lhe end at tbc year and be wa-1 to thank Jerrel.I Black fo lhat He comrncnted, tongue in cbc<k, tbat lhll is IIIICltber piece of puin Ibey have givon him. Mr. Garmt said lhe other good IICWI is tJiat be was down !here this morning when the gentleman came by and advi90d Iha! we arc going 10 reupholster ,ome of lhe pioctS of macbincs. lie noted, for thole people who don't • •ow up down tbcrc, that we have made a lot of improvements over lhe last two yCIJI, u far as making lhe , anliovascular room look vc,y nice, lhe weight room !ooks very nice and Ibey arc continuing to improve . He said be always likes to compliment tbcm, bcauac Iha! is where a lol of pooplc intcna with lhc Ci!)' of Englewood. Council Member Nabhc , ootod it is a vc,y politivc in1en1ctfon. • • • bsk'no,ICkyC-U JMUlyl,l'tCO Pqe5 Mayor ew,. coai-.1 dlol 11a 'MCkmd.,..,. _ olbil opellliOllaaou Ibo-,., be wlllb.l going down L ,..._ , (iii) C4uncil MemberB......,_ L Sbe ,-i,limln,cl Km Roa 011 hil ....u.ai ·-ID Kinlm Oazulll, ML Bnw' .. DOied .... -., impe,a 'lrith 1111t1111!1b• told Mr. a-penonally, but Ibo ...Uy thi:ib ii la iD,pon1111 to ..u stalf membe,w whoa they ttally do a .,ad job. 2. St.. wilbed ....,,_ a vay Happy New Year and DOlod that Ibo thiDb w• have a darn .,ad Council and Ibo loou forwanl ID woridag with C""'Ybody, 3. Sbo aid sbe wanlCd ID thanli: Stu Foada and bil lllll'for their rapOIIIC ID I -criala the weckclld before Chmtmas. Mo. Bradlbaw explained wc had IIIOlhor rivor ill Eapwood, it,... Wldioc down the east side olbcr Slrcel It wu a bRm:n MIier main and they-out withlll aa hour and find it 4. She saidshc Wlllkxl lO thank the -aew for Ill the gnvel they bm, boon dumpiDg cmllcr street, wblcb .U0..S her ID )ICI up that slope, bul DOW they ,-S ID aJIIIC pick it up. Beaule, sbe laapqly nid, people arc milling their driYeWl)'I, you jult kmd ol slide right oo by. 5. · She thllUII cvayoac for the bilt.bdly <:ako. (iv) Council Member Gmmlis said she Wlllled ID inquire -our llrc truck, She DOlal she bappcncd to ..., it just after it bappwcd and ol coonc bcr heart sank after sbe fouDd .. ii was OUJS, so she stqJpod ID ..., if our guys wm: oby. She said she bas only been bearing sketchy ;Jic:as llincc It , and she Wlllled to know if anybody knows the lllblS al thiL Cily Mamger Sean llllcd that Ibo_. recent 'IIIIIIS la diat it prd,ol,ly wiU be IGlalcd. Anytime ii is owr 50o/~ it is totalal and it looks llke the damage i .,..., 50%. We arc still waiting ID liDd out if ~-. cu, alUIII oo the insunmcc ID provide a l'CICIVC tnid< for us. We 111M: a ......,. tnid< we arc usiJ1s at thla , IIDI iD time. We think, be ll0ICd, that if we nm iDlo a prol,lem, we wiU ~,. able to get another truck u ·ca1 o/ a 108Jl truck and theo have that poid for by the insurance compaay . Mayor Bwns commcntod aboot aU the functioos the truck performed. Cily Manager St.an agreed-the functions aod DOlal that, surprisingly, it IDlqUCd the flame . Cily Manager Scars said that many of yoo know this, b<u wc arc in the process of gelliDg a new truck that looks exactly like the old truck, in Marth oC Ibis year. Cily Mamger Scars stalod the nice thlllg wu that no one was injured. Cily Manager Scars advised Council that they wr.uld n,a,ive a more detailed foUow-up . (v\ Council Member Yurthick wi.,bcd C'icryooc a Hai'P)' New Year. 13. City Mua)IOr'I Report (a) Cily Manager Scars tbaokcd staff, apin, for the Y2K work and said be will ga a note oot to them. He commented that it was very dull • the EOC bctwccn twelve and one, lhcrc was nothillg going on. thank goodness. Mr. Scan rocogni,,:d Ladd VOllf!''s work oo the traffic signals. ..t.<...s that Km Rois had bis crews working and tbM the waler syslCID worltal ...U. l'.e thanked Council fo: their support last yea, in terms of funding. He DOlal the computer systeJDs worked . 1bcrc wm: a ccuple of glitcbcs thM tJJ J boo I •• t ' •'I lliptwfflo C'OIIIIIIIEIJcwdaDI...Slllllw1..-111rm11, butdley_..1111t111p.iidlalilpllll, Bui ovenll it VIII uneveodW ad be 1IUled to., ...... ..... MlyorB111111Mbdm11 lbe-..oIWII-Mlrt. Ht"""""'-lldley_.. lllD ....... wtlh tbdr ooatnct. City Mulga-San aid Yo1. 1h11 be 111111111 lo Rid: ICMII 6-llllln-. 'l11e7 n nll6ddtag with IIIOlbora>lllnlclar. It lllll llll)'bo Colondo 5-a, be-'tan. lbdlellldll..,,_ tobo raolWld OD Wednesday of this W<ICt, be noted, which IIIOIIII Ibey will pn,llal)ly slill plan OD Ibo lint put of nextwedt to~ 11W1tlle00Dllnlctioa, llllldle)' ...,OD ICbadllc. Mr. San"'9illd lllllwe bid to rq,oirtlle rmiDing wall behilld WII-Mmtlllll IO dleJ lllll ._, 111 llave dloN .... llld tlle llal impn,YaDenll approved by tbcir corpon1C ollk:a. That 1111 to blppm before dN./ Cl1I ~ amt work anyway. Aa:onting to Rldt Klbm, be aid, dleJ ""'OD .......... llleJrP"'PM n• ille -llld Ibey pn,llal)ly should be llllling bore llhollly. Mayor llwDI adviJod 1h11 be gdJ I lot of ci-iOIII ... 1h11. U . City Attor.ey'1 ll<pon (a) City Allomoy Bl'Otmllll adviJod dlol hldp Mlllcll did uphold Ille Pllnlling 111d 1.otliq finding 1h11 IIIIOO imlon were DOI compolible with die B-1 dtmict ad did IWlld u, aJII. He lllk<I '"' an, oll'cring to gm up cu COIII if !hoy gm up tbcir ""'"'1 in Ibo IIIIOO CIIO. Council Member Bndsbaw ..,,,,_o,1 1111111111-1 IIDOd jab. IS. Adjloo,_. MJ:MBll:R PIABHOLZ MOVD 10 ADIOURPI. The moetillg adjourned 117:54 p.m. •