HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-31 (Special) Meeting Minutes•
&NGLn'OOI q'fY cplJNCII.
5,-111 ....
Mayor Bmu ldviad lbilila ipocial--, afdltllapwuod City Council, llldlt wu ~ IIOliood.
'lbal -11 ii not a replar meetlng llld tllae wOJ be ao public-II dill--,. We are
required by law, be aid. wllCII • bavo a ,poc:ial ..iin&, to hM a wry llllric:tiw, inciae 11!111da. aad
that ii ail WO In alloMd to COlllider, T1lere will be DO camma,11 II die md, cmiy Ille l"M> raaiD"""""' 04
!he agenda will be COlllidcred. The -regular~ will be next Monday, die tint moew,g ill '
Fcbniary, be adviJed.
l. CallteOrw
The special meetlng af die B...,..i City Coallcil -called to order by Mayor Jlurm 117:0$ p.nL
2. imlcalla
The invoc:ali011 wu pa by Mayor Bwna.
3, Jlledaoaf Allqjuce
The Pledge al AUepDce was led by Mayor BWDL
4. lall Call
Present Council Mcmbcn Grmi1i1. Gama, Bllldabew, Wolosyn,
y un:bick, Burm
Ahlcat: CounciI Member Nallbolz
A quonnn was pn,scal
(a) Raolutions
City Altomoy Brulzmall
Deputy City Clerk Castle
11oon1 Directors~ EIJl)ewood Enviroammtal
(i) e:nglc-,d Envinlnr..mlal Foundation Board Director Simpmn pm;coled a
rteonuncndation to adopl a n:solutioa supportiaa the llnal apmncut for Ille cl propclty flom lho
Englewood Envinlammlal FOUDdolion (EEF) to 1'lammell Crow for CityCcntcr EnaJewood, Mr. Simpson
advi5Cd that this n:solution IUpl'OIII a colllrlCI between EEF and Tlammell Crow tbat Mlllld .-11 ill a Ale
of approximately 10.2 aaa of property within lho CityCcalorEnpewood project. This Mlllld provide, at
minimum, four -.d llllill of CODdominium ,tylc, for'-, reoidmlial llllill. n-uaill -.Id be
consuucud with Rllil on die tint Ooor, aad raidenllal allcM. be aid. The Ille contemplala a Ale price
of approximately $5 miJlioo 6'r 1h11 amount of pound. be IUled, and WO bavo beat wan.iDc ""')'
positively and sua:<sslillly with Trammell Crow Raidcalial for the pat lhRc IDOlllhs. Mr. Simpoon said
EEF is asking for UJUDCil'uupport for 1h11 IWlllutioo.
Eaglcw JOd Cit) Coundl
11111111)' 31, 200 ,
Page 2
Mayor Bums said lbe WOf1W11 of lbe raolutlon in Section I supporu lbe ge,,cnl lcrml and condiliml o/
Ille ......-~ and we Wldenlllld lben: are 11111 IIODIO deWls yet ro be ftaallzal. lie askcd II tbat -
mrroct. Mr. Simplon aid it wu COffllCt, in fact, he spoke with Trammell Crow Raidentlal '1 lepl com.i
this afternoon. He said he undcrsfands we are worting on just a a,uple o/ very insignificant time 1-.
rdatal IO IUbmlllal of 101110 design docwnenll, olberwile it 'Wlluld bave bcen signed. lie advised 11111 S-
McFaddcn, who is lbe local managiDg ponner, wu not Ible ro get lbe slgnaaun,s in place beamle or bll
pending marriage this week. lie will he badt this comina Monday and lbe mntract will be signed. Mr.
Simpson advised, 111d we will he moviq fOIWllll We bM mrutained very good progte11 on this, be
motinued. This project has bcen on a very fut tnock and bu maCe significant prog,ca .
Council Member Br..Jsbaw asked bow long ii bas 1akcn IO get le this point Mr. Simpson sald they ltal1ed
work with Trammell Crow mid-November and warted very quickly throup the holiday ICISOn and,
barring a marriage, he felt we woold have been there.
Mayor Bums said they talked a little bit on lbunday about design and that iJ all being telescoped intG a
much shorter perioc! oftime, too .
Director Simpson said that Trammell Crow, even tbougb they arc not Wld<r a,ntnM:t, bu been progrcaina
on their design cloculMm. 1booe design documelllS include site plans and interior designs ror the
buildings, he said. Forlbe most part, what Council can cxpoct by, probably, lbe first put ofMa!th, will he
a a,mplete submittal package for design review for the City Council. 1bal will include a site plan,
landscape malcrials. mlor selection, and all clcvalions of all lbe structures, he advised. Genaally, what we
are talking abou~ is about 450 unit.uotal . They will be leased c,A II ll'l"Oximatcly SI.OB or SI.lo per
square foot, which will r<SU!t in a vcry atll'aClivc unit. The tcnm11 profile will be very positive, he said, and
Ille materials are going le be very ainsistcn~ with lbe rat of lbe p,oject. The scale of the buildinp will be
throe Slcry on lbe CISI pared, lbe pared 1h11 is generally east of Inca. The pan:el west of Inca loob le be
throe and four Slcries. One of lbe issues we have been struggling with is trying le get a signiflCIIII leYcJ of
enclosure on that large public open IJIII"' 1h11 we have been a,IISlnlding, and the four stories is rcalJy
going le help achieve thal, he advised. A,, we did with the Wal-Mart design review process, we are doing a
similar process on this project. This is actually in excess of a filly miWon dollar residential project, he
advised, and it is significant in and of illdf. outside this project. and so, we rea.iy u;.'1 le do a vcry good
job. Mr. Simpson said, because of that, these drawings will be revieMd, not only by :ntcmal staff, but they
will be sent oul le David Tr)ba's office for review, and also to an independent urban designer, Ron Straka,
who bas been worlting with us throup this entire project. Mr. Simpson opined that we will end up with a
design that r<llecu a lot of ,fill'erenl _,,aches and id,~• 1h11 will incorporate a real positive, IIIIJaetive
nature to lbe project when ,1 is complete. He said he is , 'Cr/ ainfident thal, if we were able to achieve it
with Wal-~ he is ccr1I in we will have an llllJaetive project with Trammell Crow. We shoold sec thal
either the fir>I or scmnd w.,ck In Marth, he added.
Council Mcmb<r Garrctt ~ about lbe anticipated closing date. Mr. Simpson responded thal Tnmmell
Crow Residential bas indicated I hey woold be willing to close between seven and ten days after design
review approval . Mr. Garrett sa id lben Ne arc tallring about four months from start to finish . Mr. Simpson
said that is airrcct .
1ile resoluti on wu assigned a number and mid by title :
Bn......,..S City Council
lllllllr)' 31, 2000
Ayes :
Nays :
The modon c:uriod.
Council Members GamU. Bradshaw, Wolosyn. YW'Cbick, Grazulis,
Council Member Nahbolz
(il) Boud Dila:lor Simpoon prcsc11tcd a m:ollllllClldalion from the l!nglewood
Enviroamcnlll Foundation to adopl a resolution supponing a modllk:ation to the Master Development
Agn,oment for CityC-l!llglcwood. Mr. Sialpal adviled tbol the ,-llllion ,upporll U ameadmeat to
tho agrccmeat belM,en EEF and Miller Weinprlm. wllo ii tbo rmil 111d -dowlopcr on the
CityCcmcr l!nglewood projecl. The original agrocmall bolds that Miller Weiaprten ii to puvidc 10 tho
City, by February I, I lill oflipod ...... tlW •ugreeable lo tho aty, IIMiller Weiq,11a, ii nouble IO
~ that deldline, the development~,__ to bo modillal, be adviled. We bm: received a loau
from Mlllcr Weinpnen Indicating, bued on a 00Uple of cWl'eralt opliou lhll may be considered ben: tbh:
evening, thal that panicular time fr.ame may DOI be possible. Wbal is pnlpOl<d is also includod in the lea,.r
from Miller Weinpnen to the City, which Mr. Simpoon aid be -.Id like to read into the m:onl. The
propoal thal ii being ........... for camidenliaa .... this raoluliaa ii -'ally baled Oil the
following : "Miller Weinplen 111d the aty wOllld tab thirty dlya to determine ii Border's ii I viable
opcioa IIDd ii ii ii determiaod to bo a viable optiall, Miller Welapnea ~ haw the ript to claae 11111!'
time up to DiDety days fn,a, that point 111d tm1 ripl ~ ~ 11 the end of tho DiDety day period. II
it WIS determined II the end o{tbe thiny day period that Bonlcr'I WIS DOI I viable option, Miller
Weinpnen -.Id pursue the "nolHIOlder'I" direction and bm: the rigbt to cJooe for DiDety days and tbal
right~ tamimc II the end oft.bat period. If it wu ddermiDod prior lo the end of the thirty day period
that the~ CX>-lallllC)' was not lYlilable, the election to go the "DOD•Bonler 'I" route could bo made
or ii the aty wanted to immediately go the "non-Border's" l'OUle, theCily-.ld have the option to.,
diffl:t." Ml . Simpson aid thiJ propoa1 a,mca forward u a rault oC continued neg, tiatiOIII by Miller
Weingarten and the City to 1oolt II a teaant mix that includes Border'L City Council his provided .,me
din:c:tion to Miller Weinprteo to tho dl'ect of saying Border's ii a dcsiled tenant and Border's has
indicated throup numerous iatenc:6oos that they haw c:ertaiD co-lelllllC)' requir=c,,11 to be Ible to locate
in the CityCcmcr project. That iabmllion ii still DOI available to EEF II thiJ time, he aid. The DOD·
Border's tenant mix obviously does DOI include Border's, but includes other tenants that we have talked
-over the pist CXJUple o{ molllhl. Mr. Simpoon llla,sted that tho questions IOffllding the le-mix
for some oC theg; options might beaer be din,cted to Miller Weingutm. lie adlised tbol Skip Miller was
present to answer queslions. EEF's m:ommended action, based on tbis resolution, be advised, WIS that the
'"90lution be adopled that suppor1I a modifk:atioll of the development agreement between Engl.wood
Environmental Foundation and Miller Weioga,teo Ralty. B-i on Council's diftction here tonight, EEF
will take -riale action, be said, and he~ appn,cialion for Cooncil's dira:tioo.
Mayor Bums asked about a .-lion 011 the tenaDt 11111111 report oC January 24• that iMicaled there MS to
be a -g and toor of the site with the Bed, Bath cl Peyood operations depanment today. lie asked If
that took place. Skip Miller ~ 1h11, to the -of hil knowledge, David Lanoo. with Trammell
Crow, MS to pick up the operalioos pcnon, who lives in Deriver, and tour staJ1lng at 3:00 p.m. today. Mr.
Miller aid he asked him to leave any information he migbl r,ceive on his voice mail but there were no
messages left. Mr. Miller said, to the bell of his knowledge, it ""1 been ICbeduled and took place this
afternoon .
Mayor Bums asked, if it did take place, when ......id Mr. Miller expect to bear back. Mr. Miller mid he
WIS hoping to bear this evening, but fdt ce rtain he would bear by tomorrow. He said Mr. I.anon bad
pmmised that. ii he could DOI call by this aftemooa, he would call tomonow morning . Mayor Bums uked
ii he meant that Mr. Lanon would call him with some kind oC response fium Bed, Bath & Beyond. Mr.·
Miller aid Mr. Lonon would call him with the raults of what took place at the tour 10 ""' could get a
reading of what the operatiOIII people from Bed, Bath & Beyond thought of the site. He said if they clearly
were not interested,"~ would mow, and ii they have more irurost, they would tell us bow they plan to
llqlewood Cily Council
1-y JI, 2000
Cowidl Member Bradlhaw uked if the mcotin1 with Old Navy wu llill on ror the s•. Mr. Miller 1111d be
llwlb Ibey haw a dinner mc<lin& n., Ibo.,._ Ma. Bradlhaw uked wben he -.Id kDow hm lbmi. Mr.
Miller ald ~ iJ kind ol the 1U11t 1hlnc. He Nlllly dooo 11111 kllow, but would radwr lllll Council after 11111
occun. boc:IUle it will be towly up to them. but we will be pusbiq for a ,-ay quick ,...._ He felt a lot
of their intaat would be all'ecuid by whit we bear l'rom lied, Bath cl Beyond. and what we cu report to
them~ IOlllllffllW aad tbe .,.,
Coullcil -Bllldlllow ubd if Mr. Miller bad DOI 111111d II the mc<lin& I wodt l&O U.Bonlllr'1
would IXllllider jall CXlt ol thoao. Mr, Miller lllid DO, be bad lllid they told III tbcy Maled bcQ. lie aid be
believes 1h11 ii whal be lllid, aad that ts wbal be bad intaldod to II)', aad apologized if diae --
ll1ilcoauDuni<: He felt tilal wu wily Mayor Bwm bad lllid, n,o or tbrcc wodtl p,momly, lbll we
may baYe III IDIWCr as li00II as tl!cy talk to lied, Bath cl ee,o,,d. because if they .,. a ao, we will .,_ .,.
.,. DOI p,ing that route. Thal bu 1,,,..., coaamm a the llat tbrcc or four wodtl aa to Border's poaltiae, be
Council Member Gom,a aid wben ... --... last NcMmbcr, ..i Ibey ..... workia& Cit 1M
Border'• -ot;-. Mr. Miller bad lllled !bit tbe WI)' Border'• teadl to•· tbinp ii ... Ibey do.
Jcaa oil-, ml tbeo baYe I limly flat Ila a,:lhil1y daya to..,.... a lafc, and ii~ ii llbjoct to
co-ca.,cy, Ila.I Cit that time frame, 'Ml would ha"" bad a llonlcr'I Jeuc .--1mc in mi6-1-y, lie
said. He aaluld wbatd,....i Illa limo line IMI WU di.......t Jut NcMmlkr. Mr. Miller llid ti. wu
wbal Ibey knew II tbe time, but today, 'Ml kDow Ibey doll 'I nonnally do lcacn of 1-. TIiey Ill 10 tllcir
real -00llllllittec for ~ Cit tenDI. ID tbe C1110 ol 0<1r Dillm project. Ibey did a lell,r ol ~ and
we told them, JICl'ID ~ with tbe Cily, 1h11 WC WIJll.<d to do I lcal:r ol~ 1'lloy llid Ibey
would do i~ ad Ibey ac111111y left in tholfony-n,,.c1aya from tbclcal:rolinlall Ibey would baYealeaoo.
They aid they mode a milllke, be aid, and left lhal in becaUlc of the atbcr C011111C1 11111 'Ml bad with tbem, •
llrl Ibey do 110t oonnalJy do that. Mr. Miller ,aiJ be aad Mr. I..-bod rq,on,d to Council.,.... tbe last
month or so that tbe coaditioD wu 1h11, ,.ii tbcy were co-with the c:o-lCllaey, they _,, 801
going lo !Ike it to the real _.., commiU,,C, and 11111 Ibey do ll0l etc.I with a ICIIIO lllllil they haw real csta1c
commin.. _.i. Mr. Miller allowed 11111 Ibey probably bad misled Cou.Jcil .
Council Member Gomallid, i!we wa.1 tbe aoo-Bordcr'1 track, a IOI oltbc ~ his bcco done"" thoao
-and ii would...,,, that we sbould be Ible to do IOllld.bing in a sixly-day time fr.unc, as OJIII0"'1 to
I ninely-day time frame, for I non-Bordcr 'I aa:k. Mr. Miller said the filrtbcst thing aiClla ii Offia, Depot
and be fell wc woald ha.e 1h11 commi-We baYe a lot ol Olbcr leaoos tbet wen p,iDg V, be wad<illg
on. Whll wc haw really challpd in lllil wbolc thing ts that we aro prcpmd. aad we know we plllbably
will not have aay, or very few, leaoos in place wben we have to make tbe dociJion to acquire, be said. So
the: mcthodology wc are dealing with oow in our .-inp with the Wcinpna, people, which took place
las! week, is WC lmically got tbcm IO IIICIYC I ioag WI)' in lcucaiac their praUjUilit<S, their coaditiaas
preadcnl to closing. That is why wc put the ninCly days in, bccaia wc won 'I haw any lcasa ex,q,t
possibly Ottice Def,ol. so we want to gctu faralaqwilllas many people as possible. lfwc fdl
comfonablc 1h11 we bad the atbcr three -. the rat of it is DOt nearly as imponaal. Goill8 a diffCRDt
rouu:. with the atbcr -lial. WC want lo ""'" ..... that WC have IOIIIC indicalioo from the pad ..... and
the in-lillc _. and SO rorlll, aad 1h11 is why we ~ WC need tbc niDcly days in that case, be said. Mr.
Miller added they \WlUld probably also have the Baily 's leased at that time .
Couocil M£mbcr Gan<u said he lhoulht their comfon level was the other way. That ts the reason he
thought. iftbcy went ina DOn-Bonlcr'a dilection. thoao people have bcco waiting in linclO ,oc if we were
willing lo go. YCIIUS lhc Border 's dilcction. which ts IIIOIO -· Mr. Miller llid that is aa:unt.e lO some
Cldefl~ but he r..:alled wbm Council adlbl IIOIIIC names to the lia. Thal WU the fitst time WC could start
Lalking lo lhme pooplc, he said, bcc:aule there wen, some new namca, so that really WCll'I be I very long
period of time until we haw bad a c:bana: to do lbal. The people we were •iorking with buically were •
Office l)cpot. WC bad aaatbcr ICnaDl that WC diamis,cd • that meeting, ml then WC bad Baily's.
Eqlcwood Cily Council
JIIIIIII)' 31, 2000 ..... ,
John Loa, olMiller we1....,.., Dewlopmcnt, expllm."<l 11111 Ibey bave I le11er of '-llocn Ra. wllich
hu IOme very IIIOIIUl'Cllll, ~ taml, Ute Ille la>! and wllo Ibey want ID mrclade. 'fir !'.:.idlem
tbal Ibey do 1101 have 1'111111 lllat are accepllble and we ,.:1111 h, ao dlil mule of NelQI Ir•~ -die.
01ber lalanlS lined up. and ID, lilenlly, whore Roa ii, la 11 h-lhcy are UllelMld, bul lll'llilw of
gealag 11111 leller illlo an ICC,qlllble rorm. tbere ii a Uale ult al., 11111. Mr. Mille.~, ·don Ille RM
atuallon, compared to Ofllce Depot. Office Depoe la at 1am1 ..._,Ill!~ 1111l:, ., ,.. cu CIIIIIIIDDe
down the road, ...a lhoqb lhcy were mlllllllly exclua•,e 1D the /!order's palb. '!'be RM 111W _. 11111
ICC,qlllble, and &ince Ibey were mulullJy excluave v, tbe llocder'., polh, wo did 11111 coadDue on wtdl 11111
Mayor B111111 said Ibey bad mentioocd tbal they bad 111111llbd ID Roa in IDme lime. lie med if Ibey bad
lllkccl to them illdy at ail Mr. Miller aid :r,.:s, Ibey are in QIIICIII ~'iacuaion ap!n, and dlooe
c:onvenalions have been rovilaUzcd, Ibey undenland what hu been po'OpOIOd and Ille dliecdan • are
Uying 10 go. He said be also roponcd tbal they were a llllle more~ or lea opllmutlc becauoo
lhcy had mode a deal ror Ille REI space on South Colorado Boulevard. They 1.ndlcared that they do not
think that is going to be I problem II this location, be aid, 10 that ii -politlve dlan Ille lasl 1q1011.
Council Member Gana! asked if Ibey wen: close on tbe economic tMIII. Mr. MiJlcr Did they bad 11111
rally sat down and done lhaL Mr. 1-said Ibey aent lhem I three and I ball' pogo lcacr n,apoadiD& 10
tbcirtermsandddlneatingall oftbe pn,blem areas. Wedld tbalac:ouplc ofwoeb aao and •are flirty
close to gelling a rcsponae.
Council Member Gam:11 said, if wo were ID ~ and edClld, we -.Id probably 'WIIII some more
economic teeth in the eJllmSion. That ii one of the things Council ..-ill c:onader u a 1<00IIIIIICDdatlon to
EEF, be said, aome more oc:onomic commitment ror tho extension. lie Slid be just WIIIICd to Id them
knolV that ..-u one of the things Council ..-u comicleriJII.
Council Member WolOS)'D said Ibey had discussed ameodment.s to the resolution. Mr. Gam:tt llid Council
basicaUy would make n:c:ommendationa for further modilicalion.
The resolution ..-u assigned a number and n:ad by tide:
ITEMS (a) (ii)-REWLtmON NO. S, SERIES OJ 2000.
Council Member Gamtt suggosled adding four n:c:ommcndations to the resolution that wo are going to be
submitting 10 EEF. The Ml is that wo r<qucst Ille n:imburscmcnt, or the pun:buc of the usigmna,t of the
documcnlS that would be an additional S3'°,000.00 aalit to the Cily, for that usigmnen~ which is pan
and partd to the S3'°,000.00 that wo did last fall . Secondly, ifwo go a non-Border's din:dion, 11 the
c:ommcncemenl of that time, and wo J-t to discuss that time fiame l!IIIODg Council after lhis, that it be
n:duced to siXI)' days from aindy days. The third n:commendation regarding Ibo option of Pbuc II ii that
Miller Wcingancn will have the ability 10 bid or respond lo pn,posals like ,oy other developer, but then: is
no guarantee or right to Phase II. Lastly, that a release 15 signed by Miller Wcinpncn n:leuing the Cily
from all liability in the event ~ al the end of the period Ibo n:lalionship is ttrminaU:d.
Council Member Bradshaw said the seconder accepts those n:c:ommcndations .
Council Member Gumt Slid lhcy .-i to diacusl wbcn to stall Ille clock. We !lave heard from t.be
developer on Bed. 11ath ,t Beyond that we should maybe have an indication as :arty as tomonow, becaUIC
llqJewood City CouncU
li:!a&y .. ouL Bonier'• la out. Mr. MIiier Iii., dim you couw ., to the ocher lllemallve. Mr. Gamll 111d
be did 11111 know lllbcy abould ,W..-ID Ci1J _,,_ Ir the-llom Bod, Bldt .t Beyond la no. dlen
ft CID 11111 the --8ordcr'I 11111111111M -·
City M1111F Sun 111d Mr. Mlller~ lllve to let III know tomonow wbctbcr or not Ibey 1111 lllll
poccnllal, by live o'clock IODIOmlW nipl.
Mr. Miller said Ibey would give them ID ...... u IOOII u !hey get iL We have our rqularly achedulcd
mocling witb you tomonow and I hope to lllve It whcll we come to that mocling. be Mid.
Mr. Ganett said genallly, ii the-la no, !hey would tdlyou p,elly quickly. It la only lllhey allll
have ID waat lbal Ibey IU,aal lhey WIIII to 111k 111D1C. Mt. Mlllcr llid Ibey could mUy come bid! and
say opalliolll baa a aipillcaDt inllrat and !hey .-i -nal -people to come bid! and look at It
IIIWI-n-could be a ,ayriad olllwlp lllppm. I! the opcnlicm 1UY did 11111 bave any lntaeat in tbe me
11 ull, we could lllve a ddlnite no tomam,w, i. my ..-11 you will have IOIIIClhing in between, be aid.
We will n:port that to you. he 111d, and -..,__,..ke la to work with stalrto come to the ;.nodualoo
U to wbelber it WU viable U wrillcll la tbe ,,.-al~ ornol
Mayor llwnl ukcd Irwe aocd ID oullido dlle no lllat. City M&ap:r Sein said we could~ come to
Council IIOXl Monday night Mr. MIiier 11111d Ille..,-baa• OUllide date. Mayor llwna !'lid Ibey
r<qU<llai thirty days. but ,.. bave 11111 Id dloL Mt. Miller said be WU juat raponding to hia -that
Ibey 1-1 a date. 1bo ..,_ baa 1h11 in I~ and Couacil can cllonp it to wbalCocr Ibey ~ b,,t theR
Is I dale in tbao for that purpose, be aid. Ma. Blllllbaw 11111d the propoal baa it in it. Mt. MlDcr said yea.
in the propoal .
Mayor Bums ukcd lltbcy want to pm a dllrcralt time . Mr. Miller said we could dclCrminc an culler date •
by mutual agrecmenL
Council Member Ganett said t!lis givca Ill the ability OIi I woeltly 111<,la to make that ciclennination, IO be
bad no problem with iL Let's make It thirty days. we 'll make I decision, and ... CID always do It earlier.
Mayor Bums said 1h11 includes any other, Old Navy or lll)'body else.
Council Member Ganett said tbal rally docs DOI change the ru:ommendations !hen, because Chat will Slay
as the proposal is.
Mayor Burns said the r<SOiution bas been moved and ICCOlldod with four additions as rcciled into the
record by Council Manber GamtL
Ayes :
Nays :
The motion carried.
6. Adjourameat
Council Mcmbcn Gama. Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick, Grazulis,
Council Member Nabbolz
MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN. The .-iog adjourned 11 7:35 p.m.