HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-06 (Regular) Meeting MinutesENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO RflU)ar Selllon March 6, 2000 I. Call lo Onltr The regular ~ing of the Englewood Ci1y Council WlU called 10 order by Mayor Bums at 7:52 p.m. 2. ln,·ocatlon The invocation WilS given by Council Member Nabholz . 3. Plcdat or Allqlance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Burns. 4. RollCaU Present : Absent: A quorum was present. Council Members Nabholz . Grazulis, Bradshaw. Wolosyn, Yu.rcnick , Bums Council Member Garrell Also present Cil)' Manager Scan City Attorney Brotz.m:m Ci1y Clerk Ellis Assistant City Managcr Flahcny Director Simpson, Community Development Ma yor Burm. advised that Council Member Garrett is on his way back from Washington D.C. tvnighl. Mayor Bums said he would like to, once 11,gain. welcome Ann Nilbholz back. He sutcd it is wonderful to sec ~er as she has had quite a siege. He noted she has received a lot of prayen and a lot of good wishes and it is just great to sec her back with us again . Council Member N•bholz thanked Mayor Bums . 5. Minutes (a) COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THF. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETl :iG OF FEBRUARY 22, 2000. Ayes: Nays: Abstain : Absent : Motion c:irri cd . 6. Scheduled Vlslton • There were no scheduled visi 1ors . Council Members Br:idshaw. Wolosyn, Yurchick . Grazulis . Bums None Council Member Nabholz Council Member G:irrctt f!naltwood City Couadl Mardi 6, 2000 Pal02 7. Noa-scbedul<d Vllllton There were no oon•schedulcd visitors , 8. Conununlcalloas, Proclamations and Appointments (a) A lcncr from Ruth Hansen indicat ing her resignation from the Englewood Clean, Green and Proud Commission was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WITH REGRET THE RESIGNATION OF RUTH HANSEN FROM THE ENGLEWOOD CLEAN, GREEN AND PROUD COMMISSION. Ayes: Nays: Absent: Motion carried. 9. Publk Hearing Council Members Nobholz. Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick, Grazuli s, tlums None Council Member Garrett No public he.iring was scheduled before Council. I 0. Consont Agenda (a) Approval of Ordinances on Firsl Reading COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (I) and (U) ON FIRST READING. (i ) COUNCIL BILL NO . 14, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTH ORIZING AN INTER GOVERNMENT AL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ARAPAHOE COUNTY AND THE Cln OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXCHANGI NG GEOGRAPHIC DATA . (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO . 13, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ACCEPTANCE OF TWO EASEMENTS LOCATED AT 4601 SOUTH SANT A FE GRANTED TO THE CITY AS PART OF A MINOR SUBDIVISION BY DUGGAN PROPERTIES L.L.C. Vote suits: Ayes : N•ys : Absen t: Mo1ion carried . Council Members Nnbholz. Brads haw. Wolosyn, Yurchi ck, Grazulis, Burns None Council Me r, ',er Garrett (b) Approval of Ord inances on Sec ond Readin g • • l!qlowoool City Coundl Matth 6, 20GO •1 r J ) 11i'J bt , !Jo.I l'lpJ 'l/t(lt 611 Mil .. ):,Jf'! COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (b) (I), (U), (HI) IIDd (h) ON SECOND READING. (I) ORDINANCE NO. 7, SERIES OF 2000 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 7, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS TITLES OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE OF 1985 RECOGNIZING THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE CITY. (ii) ORDINANCE NO. 8, SERIES OF 2000 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 8, INTRODUrEO BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 7. CHAPTER 6F, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985. WHICH AMENDS THE DEFlNlTION OF GRAFFITI. (iii) ORDINANCE NO . 9, SERIES OF 2000 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 10, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSH AW) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TmE l. CHAPTEJ! 10. OFTHE FNGLEWOOD MUNlCIPAL CODE 1985 , PERTAINING TO THE ENGLEWOOD CODE ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE . (iv) ORDINANCE NO . 10, SERIES OF 2000 (COUNC IL BILL NO . 11, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 , WHICH PERTAINS TO MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES . Votrrnults: Ayes: Nays : Absent: Motion ca rri ed. Council Members !';',:1,h<jjz, 81 udshaw. Wolosyn. Yurchick, Grazu li s, Burns None Council Member Garrett (c) Rcso lu1i ons and Motions COUNCIL MEMBER YURCHICK MOVED, AND IT WAS SEC NDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (c) (I) and (II). (i) PURCHASE OF A TELESQUIRT FIRE TRUCK FROM AMERICAN LAFRANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF S-151 .27 6.00. (ii) PURCHASE OF AW ALL BED SYSTEM FOR THE JEFFERSON FIRE STATION FROM SPACE ADV ANT AGES IN THE AMOUNT OF $26.918 .54. Votensults : Ayes : Nays: Abse nt : Mo ;ion carried . 11. Regular A1r,da Council Members Nabholz. Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurchick. Grazul is, Bums None Council Member Garre tt Eaclewood City Cow,cU Marcb 6, 2000 Pqe4 (a) Approval of Ordinances on Fi11t Rwtina (i) Assistant City Manager Flaherty presented. ·.:co,nmendation from the City Manager 's Office to approve a bill for an ordinance approving an amended qrecment with the Muaewn of Outdoor Arts (MOA). He stated that following the initial approval of the ngrccmcnt with the Museum of Outdoor Ans, the space that David Taylor was considering utilization of, in the Civic Center, wu deemed 10 be inappropri:uc for that use. Followina that decision, he advilCd, the Museum of Outdoor Alu approached the City regarding the use of additional space on the second 0oor cuhural facility and, a.fter a number of meetings we have brouaht back an amendment that we believe addresses Council's concerns. Mr. Flaherty advised that appro,imately 4,000 square feet will remain available for the City to utilize for it's own cultural purposes, the Museum of Outdoor Arts will astumc responsibility for the lobby gallery which will be open to u;e public during their hours of operation, 1he City will h;avc the exclusive rigtu and rc.'iponsi bility for scheduling the City's cuhural space and will have firsl priority for its \151.'. Addilionally, the Museum of Outdoor Arts will h.tve the opponunity to Ulilize up to 90 uses annually. any uses above 90 would be at the City's slandard rental rate for that space. the Ci1y has the righl under the amended agreement 10 utilize, without charge. MOA 's gallery. studio space and conference rooms and non- co mpetition la!lguage was added to the ngrccment and an agrccmenl between the panics to cooperate in the scheduling of evenis and programs for the City's rultural space. He asked if Council had any questions. Mayor Burns said hi: thought that incorpora!c.:s everything they had talked about in Council's considerable discussions with them . Mayor Bums asked if 1hcre were any ques1ions or comments from Council members on the amendment. COUNCIL MEMBER YURCHICK MOVED TO TABJ.£ THIS UNTIL THEY Rr.u,;1vE THE FINANCIAL INFORMATION HE REQUESTED FROM THE MUSEUM OF OUTDOOR ARTS. Mayor Bums said he talked to City Attorney Brotzman a lirJe bit aboul this and he realizes this is kind of a sore point :it this point. but he hates to delay :mything because he thought they needed the go ahead in order to do their tinal pianning and improvements . He staled he understands that 1hc tax informari~•• has to be fonhc oming. ii has 10 be released. He asked Mr. Brotzman if that was right , if he could address that. City Auorncy Bi-otzman advised that the tax infonn.:uion is mandatory. they must rele.ue that information . Council Member Bradshilw pointed out. as il point of order. 1ha1 !here is no discussion on a motion to table . Mayor Burns noted th,ll a motion to 1able is differen1 lhan a motion ID defer. He said that, as he understands il. a motion 10 table means that you ha\'C to \'DIC two-thirds 10 bring it back off the table . City Attorney Brotzman sa id that was correct. In response 10 Mayor Burns. City Anorney Brotzman explained that a different mo1ion would be 10 mo,·e 10 continue until 1hcrc was receipt of 1he tax information . Council Member Yurchick advised he would change his motion 10 "move 10 co ntinue". Mayor Burns asL:ed if th,u would all ow discussion . City Attorne y Brotzman advised there is no discussion on a mC"lion to continue . COUNCIL MEMBER YURCHICK MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO CONTINUE THIS UNTIL THEY RECEIVE THE FINANCIAL INFORMATION HE REQUESTED FROM THE MUSEUM OF OUTDOOR ARTS. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz, Bradshaw. Yurchick. Grazulis Nays: Council Members Wolosyn. Bums • • Enalewocd City Council March 6, 2000 Pa105 Absent : Motion cllrTied. Council Member Garren • Zl)~frJ'•n3 "a,b,n , • 'I Mayor Bums e,i;pl:iincd that the only reason he did rhal was lhAt he understands the fina.nci:i.1 information has to be ronhcoming. He said he undcrsuands Council Member Yurchick's frustration an<l this is not Mr. Lontinc's doing, that is the Board talk.Ing here . He commented that they have always bec r1 very sec.euvc, every lime we have talked 10 them the p:m couple of years . and it is vtry annoying that they are not producing lhis at this point. He said he fully understands Mr. Yurchick 's angst on this and he vorcd no only because he understands Ibis has got to be produced and they have i!(lt to get it out . Mayor Bums uid he !bought he would give Cynthia Madden a call and jusr ralk to her• linle bit about this, because it is not appropriate that they arc withholding this information but he thought he knew whc~ it wu coming from. Assistant Cit y Manager Flahcn y said he would like to add just one thing . He commented that he thought the Mayor had accurately rcHccted what is happening . Mr. F111hcrty advised that Rodney Lontinc told him, ;i_ :m today, that thi s was not his decision , but the Board was sta.1ding by tht requirements of the law that requ ire having: a certain time limita tion on the rcle.uc of information and you have to go 10 their facility to view ii. Mr. Fh,hcrty stated that our attorney, Pc1cr Gu1hric, has requested that they voluntarily release that information 10 us , but ilCCording 10 the leuer. and according to Mr. Lontine. there were some time requirements on when tfuu information is available to the public and )'OU have 10 access it at their offices, which we certainly could do. Mayor Bums asked if Mr . Gu1hric has confirmed thal tha1 is accur111e . Assistanl City Manager Flaherty advised that that is what his letter indicates. he is askinr them to voluntarily release the information we have requested . Mayor Bums asked if he was saying th at i, outside and in addilion to what they would normally have to do. Mr. Flaherty s:aid that there is a 180 day period from the date of publication of their no1ice. rh:n any individual in the public can go to their place of business and view the records and, according 10 Mr. Lontinc , that is what the l::lovd in standing on now. City At~y Brotzman noted there arc seve ral interpretations going on and there is a new set of IRS regulations . that arc not in place yel. Mr. Brotzman point~ out that what the Board hasn 't done is say ''lcll you what. come on down and take II look at our records." We will go down and look .at their records at the location. which , he noted. they have not offered . Mayor Bums llSkcd if they could offer that no w. City Attorney Brotzman said yes . Mayor Bums asked how we arc going 10 get 10 th ;n point . Mr. Brotzman explained that we are ~ing to have this same conversation and obviously the leverage we just av( into is Council will not approve their agreement until they do. He no1ed we hnve continued the agreement until !hey provide that infomu.tion, so we will have a more lengthy di scussi on with them now. Mayor Bums commented lh:u he has no doubt they ilf'e going 10 come around al this point But '1c advised, he did express lo them the uni,..ersa l angst of the Council . reg.ardlcss of how Council wouf,J vc,te, thal they haven 't done this yet. (b) Appro,..:JI of Ordinances on Second Reading There ·~-ere no additional items sub mincd fo r ap pro,al on second reading . {Sec Agenda 11cm IO • Consent Agend3 .) \cJ Resoluti ons ;md Moc ions There ,•.ere no aci.1i:,o,....al rt .so lutio ns or moti ons submitted fo r approval. (Sec Agcnd.i Item 10 -Conscnl Agcn<'a .) t2. GeneraJ Discussion Eqle"ood City Council Morchi,2000 ..... , (a) Mayor's Choice • l.cu,,,..,_l~I\.: rlO' ,i) ,! , .. (i) Mayor Bums congra1ulated Brad Ar.dmon , or the Parks and Recreation llepartmen~ on receiving Ille 1999 Natioool Aq1111ic Safely Award . (ii) Mayor Bums roted Council received a luter obou1 an After Prom Party donatifln . Council Memb,r Bradshaw asked Mayor Bums ii he had ever worke.1 nnc ,r 1ho..,. Mayor Bums Slid be had rot Ms . Bradshaw said he and Koren sl ,uld go, th11 it is lun. She norcd sh• . .rorlted lho,e when she worked 11 the high school and they are grea1 Mayor Burm uked if they arc requesting something right now on that. Council Member Bn,dshow asked ir Council gave them $500.00 las1 year. Mayor B1'.'11S said he though! that was about right. Council Member Grazulis said she would request that again . COUNCIL MEM~ ER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A DONA TIOli OF $500.00 TO THE AFTER PROM PARTY. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Bradshaw, Wolosyn , Yurchick. Grazulis . Bums Nays · None Abseni: Council Member GWTell (iii) Mayor Bums llOltd he had previously discussod wilh Council his difficulties in going to the National League of Cities Conference because of his office situation. Unfortunately, he said . that has not impro ved tcrribl y ... somcwhat ... but it is not finalized , so he is afr:iid he is 001 going to be able lo go. He advised he has 1alked lO Sue Bradshaw abool lhis and she is wriling 10 them requesling that they return the registration fee, as he lhinks we ha ve cause lO do so and he is hoping he can get that back. But. !le s.tid, he wanted lO apologize IOCouncil tha, he won·, be able 10 go . Mayor Bums noted tha1 Council Member Grazulis , City Manager Sears and yo uth member Mike Heberling arc going. (iv) Mayor Bur.is advised that he and Council Members Gra.zulis anJ Wolosyn were al .linglewood High School 1od&y and gave a presenllltion aboul our Ci1y govemmen110 their leadmhip croup who arc the class officers . He commented ~.!-.at they were a very sharp bunch of kids . He said they miked at length about the CityCcntcr project and tJ.'-..:y had a lot of terrific questions, they had a lot of the quest ;"'ns lhat we have asked ourselves in the past couple of years and agonized over about traffic and dcnsit, and rclail tr:-.dc , wh111 the components pans arc and how ii rcla1cs to Broadway. He said they asked some C:(ccllent questi ons , they 11rc really a good group. so that was enj oyable . Mayor Bums advised that Pauletta Punccrclli ga,•c a presentation about the City governme nt, as she usuall y docs , and she did an excellent job. {v) M:iyor Burns said he noticed o.n article in the Post today entitled "Young Poets To Help RTD With It 's Lines ." The y are working with the elementary sc hoo l kids to provide some poetry . The y sa id they ill'e working w11h ne ighborhood schoo ls, which. he said , he would presume arf' Bishop and Maddo x. He asked if anyone would know which sc hoo ls the y arc worki ng with. Council Member Bradshaw said she would think ii \.\'OUld ha ve 10 be Bishop and Madd o:\. Mayor Bums advised that the paper says th~ line is sci to stan o~craling on July 1411\ whi ch is il Friday. after the lunch lime, wilh free rides offered to the public oll wce!~c:xl long . On Jul y 151h, which is a Salurday. the cities of Denver. En &lcwood. Sheridan and Linleton are being invited 10 halt opening panics at their stati ons . So , he said , it loo'-5 like our activit y is on Saturday . Do we know that. he asked . He said • • • • Eapwood City Coundl Mardl6,2000 Pact? that is what the paper says. He osked Director Simpson if he knows about that. Mr. Simpson advised that there is some potential that thoy an, going., be tryin1 to host the VIP lunch .. n ~en, on Frid •,y, July 14•. He adviM-ri he will be meeting with rhc RTD staff tomorrow and wi ll take them Jvcr to the' !i\lic Center building and have them take ii look. Dircclor Simpso~ advised he will be Jetting more det ills 1omorrow. but. potentially we will be seeing it on Friday here . (vi) Mayor Burru said he passed out on article from the paper udklna about Radio Shack going 10 virtual product ordering. He noted that you sec this almost every day, one of these major companies doing website customer contacts . He said he would bet that most of these arc not nles tH orien ted . (vii) Mayor Burns advised that 1hc Rocky Mountai n News hnd 11 rc:nure , on Sunday. in the Wall Street West sec ti on, on what is going up a.nd il pic ture of our development and a nice brie f commentary on that. H~ said he did not have a copy of th at. Council Member ~zulis had a copy, which she hclc' up. (bl Council Member's Choic e (i) Council Memhcr Nubnolz : I. She said it seems so minute to say thank you to tvcryboc'.y. She !hanked our City staff, City employees and the Police and Fire D:panments . She said :.he hu never seen suc h an outpouring or suppon . Ms . Nabholz commented ·.hat it has been a very difficJlt time , but she is really II w11lking miracle and an answer to prayer. She said they told her folks she :,robably wouldn't make ii, so she is very grateful ;md she is looking at life from a very different perspective right now and she WllS so glad to be able to walk back through that door tonight. So, she s,id, she wanted 10 thank cvttyone for everything ... the cords, the suppon, the love, the prayers. 2. She advised that , evidently. Saturday night B & B Conoco stayed open until 2:30 ... thcy normal!·; close about midnight. .. just because the Gothic was so busy and they had people parking over in their pri vate parking . Evidently , she said, the week before. supposedly, our Englewood Police Deportment told them that if they put up privntc parking signs they could come back and cite them. Well, she advised, when he called the police the police said oo we can't because its pri\'ate park ing and he said well you wld me to put the signs up. So, she said. it is a big mess. Ms. Nnbholz sh owed Council a priority mail sticker and advised that a bunch of those slickers were found w;th this guffiti on i1 ... t.agging ... wha.1cver, a.II over his windows and doors Sunday morning when he c,pc11. Jp . Additio nally ii was sprayed on lwo of his gllS tanks . which he had 10 remove. She slated he has had J real problem and they have done his bathroom iru.ide with the graffiti. Ms . Nabholz sai d he tried 10 iive lhc sticker to an Englewood police officer and was told they did oot need it . So. she sai d, she Yt'a.S going to tum it over to see if there is anything we can or can't do. She said she real izes it is almost impossible 10 catch. but she is really concerned. Ms . Nabholz said she needs 10 call Mr . Schalk and sec if his business i!, sta.rting to infiltrate :md hinder other busine sses. She said she received a call from the China House , whic 1.1 used to be the Rockybi lt, as th:y could oot get out their back dour. because there were ve hicles parkd. so close to their bac k doo r and she would think that would be a fire issue. Mayor Bums said he has been Y..'Ondcring how th ings arc going over there . Council Member Nabholz commented tha t she thoug ht it was prcny calm for awhi le until they put up the big yellow tent 11while back and they were camped overnight and that is when they :ibso!utcly dcv11Statcd B & 8 Conoco between the non stop use of his restroom and taking two and three cups underneath one cup of coffee so that two or three of their friends can come back in 3ncf get free refill s . City Manager Scars advised he would give Co uncil a full repon . Eapwood City Council Mardl6,:lono ...... Council Member Nabhol1 said she just secs that one business is star1in110 impact several and maybe we all need IO meet IOgcthcr and figure out what we can do. She noted that that is not what her undentandin, was of the parking uranacmcnts. City Mancgcr Scars advised that we have had a pretty good wonting relationship with Steve Schalk and he has been very ri:sponsivc in our contacts with him. Council Member Nabholz agreed . Mr. Sears stated that he has made a lot of effort on a variety of things. Bu~ he oaid, we k.,.w this type of thing may occur and he thought th,t meeting with B & B Conoco and trying to come up with some solutions is somcthin1 we need to do . City Manager Sears stated thal Council would be given a rcpon. (ii) Council Member Bradshaw : I. She Qid she wanted to report on the Housing Authority meeting last week. Ms . Bradshaw advised that we have 207 applicants on the wait list and of th:u 27 arc homeless. Th:: Housing Authority has a contnlct for purchASC on the Nonrumdy apanment building at 3550 South Pennsylvania and it has been accepted 1md it has 42 units . So the y arc going to buy an ap:utmcnt building and it will not all be low income. HUD has changed all the regul n1ions so 1his is the way Housing authorities can ma.kc money, by buying property and ha ve so muth of il Secti on 8, but not all of ii by any means Md the tenants who arc there will be allowed to stay there, of course . Council Member Bradshaw advised that when she L11ked about ponables, before, the portable certificates and \'OUCher>, that she misspoke. Portable ml"lns that wc can't provide housing for those people and so wc give them a voucher that they take with them to go to another Housing Authority. So that is what the ponables mean. She stated th.it our 10111 for this month, families out, that we couldn't find housing for , was 259 and we did accept 244, so it is almost II wash . She noted she had promised Council sh1.. would keep them .ibrcast of what is going on with the Hous ing Authority and she is trying to do that. Ms . Bradshaw stated she thought they would know about the Nonnandy building in two weeks. She cor.uncnted that it is rully interesting . The Normandy apartmenl build ing is an old building, she said . and it needs 3 lot. it needs some help. 2. She advised that the people at Simon Center arc being moved out one half floor at 111ime, because the y ran into plumbing problems, because the building is ui~ 1Uld they needed to have the plumbing repl:1ced and in the process of dealing with the plumbing they found asbestos. Some of those folks arc l3k.in g advanl3gc of living in a Residence Inn out on Hampden aod 1hat h:.: worked very smooth, which is a credit to Cheryl SL Clair and her staff because they have reall y done a goodjub -.·.-ith ti~L 3. She lrul.nked Nancy Reid fo r helping the Tom King ;md Don Cameron issues. 4. She thanked Rick Kahm for hi :; help with the fence at Amhers1 and Emerson. 5. She reminded everyone tha t there is a Homeless Alliance meeting Tuesday. Mnrch 14111 , from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., al Flood Middle Schcol in the auditorium . 6. She offered a heads-up to the Council members. Ms . Bradshaw noted they had all rcrcivcd a letter fr om Be,..erl y Hors le y about the meeting in May . She said she would be in Europe at that lime so she will not be able to attend, but we need 10 address that and get the staff members there. She really encouraged th:11. • • Enpwood City Coandl M■rcb 6, 2000 ..... , tlJIHIU, 7. She staled her E-mail ii still down , ii is intermi11tn1 a1 best. City Manager Sears said we need 10 follow-up wilh !hat Ms . Bradshaw agreed we reall y need 1,,. because ii is getting 10 be a real problem. 8. She !hanked Council Member Wolosyn for filling in for nor 11 .. ~, Melro Mayon Youlh and Comm iss ion aw.:rds . at rhe read ing . Ms . Bradshaw said she really appreciaL"!d thaL 9. She •dv ised lh•< lhe Soulh Suburban Puks Foundnlion is working al <ryin& IO go under Santa Fe , ins1e•d of crossing 11 Un ion, bcc•use 1ha1 is not ncceptable . So , she said, we arc looking for funding , 11 lhis poin1 , 10 do 1hat Bctause. she opined, ii would be beuer not 10 do anything , than 10 deal wilh 1h11 intcrscc :ion with the trucks and everything , it would be bcncr not to do anything until we can do it right. Mayor Bums agreed . (i ii) Council Member Grazuli ~: I. She said she wanted to talk about their vi sit 10 the High School. Ms. Grazulis noted it was refresh ing and they had m.iny questions that she did not know the answer to .:ind so she d:ferred to Mayor Burns and Council Member Wolosyn . Doe oflhe th ing s they nsked for . and she would like somebody in Parks :md Recrcarion to check it 'JUI , is that they had an issue about bathrooms in all the parks. They s:iid we do not ha ve bathrooms in all the parks anymore . Ms . Urazulis said she was not awarr of that. Mayor Burns sa id he thought some of the tin y ones , the real small parks, don't ha\le a bathroom. Council Member Bradshaw stated they have never had them . In res po nse 10 Council Member N1bholz. Council Member Eradshaw advised that .. mushroom" park has one . She expl ained that "mushroom" park is Roman's P3rk , Mayor Bums noted that p:i.rt of the issue is if the bathrooms are there and the other part is the cond ition they arc in, i( they 3rC there . Ms. Grazulis sa id he was exactly right. Council Member Grazulis said she would just like an update on that, a list. Ms. Grazulis adv ised a student sa id she wanted 11 \V ild Oats or some other hc:i.hhy places in our City Center and a lot of 1hcm agreed wi lh her . She said she thougi ,· Co1,nc il Member Bradsh:i.w should hear th is, Ms . Bradshaw commented that she has said that. Council Member Gra.zulis no ted thal they S3 id there is nothing health y aro und here and if you arc tryin~ to promote healthiness there is nothing here except Fast food and wonderful grusy burgers and stuff. She said she ju st wanted to pul that on the reco rd . Ms. Grazul is said she also had that handout regarding our developer. Ms. Grazuli s advised 1ha1 the y a.sked about getting so me other things in there like that candy factory . They said that would be a wonderful area to M,·c an ice cream store or a cand y fact ory . An ice cream store that does 1hings like Fmell's used 10. with the birthdoys 111\ere you could go and have fun . 2. She advised she had a call from a lady tod ay who wishes to be on the seni or housing committee, as she sa id she can 't find a pl.ace in Englewood .1nd she has to mo ve out. She said she keeps getting these calls and she kno ws we arc go ing to add ress it. Ma yo r Bums opined th3t we arc reaching that point where that market is so ob vious . Ms. Grazuli s noted the lady said she knows ex actly what the criteria would be and so she wishes to be on a seni or housing comm illcc . She said she has her name . 3. She adv ised she has h:i.d two people call regarding the tauoo parl ors. The y Jive in the neigh bo rhoods and they said that in the C\'cn ings they are open quite late . Ms . Grazulis said the y wanted to l!agltwood City Council Martb~,2000 PqelO know their hours of opera1ion. They also said 1h11 a 101 of youlh han& around and they lhouaht lhil ii a curfew issue. Council Member Bradshaw noted !hey are open un1il 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. Council Member Gruulil said !hey are and !he kids !lull are ou1 !here are all smokin& and the cilizen who called her said !hey an: all under age and she asked wha1 !hey were smoking . 4. She offered kudos 10 Rick Kahm for all !he help he gives. She no1ed Iha! every lime !hey set a leuer in their packel !hey are always !hanking him lor pulling people 1oge1her lor mcetinp . MJ. Gruulis said lor all !he work he 1"15 done, she jusl wanled 10 publ ic ly expr,ss her !hanks for having somebody so proficient and so professional in their job. (iv) Council Member Yurchick : I. He thanked City Auomcy Brotzman for his help with his request fo r 1he infonnation . 2. He said he has a request he would like to ha ve staff look into. Mr . Yun::hick advised he was driving up Santa Fe , going north from Union. in the morning and afternoon of February 25* ... and he has seen this before .•. when the landscape maintenance guys arc out they put out cones from Dartmouth to Uni on and create a traffic jam that lasts all day long from Oxford 10 £ ms. He said he just doesn't sec the need for it For four or five guys . he said , he doesn't know why they can't loo k at doin& it maybe after hours in the evening or at another lime rather than all day long in the middle of the day. City Manager Scars said he was not sure that we do that. that it might be the State or a contractor . Cou ncil Member Yurchick stated that Schultz is their name . Mr. Sears said we definitely need to work with them on this . Mr . Yurchick cmphillized that it is a mess . Mr . Sears said he was absolutely right Mayor Burns asked if it interfere s with the HOV lane s. Council Member Yurchick said yes. that they shut down 1he HOV lanes . Mayor Bums no1ed people really like !he HOV lanes and !hey use !hem a lot Council Member Yurchick noted thi s is during 1K>n HOV hours, but it is still two la:,cs and it is literall y bocked up from Evans IO Oxford all day long . City Manager Scars advised that they would fo llow up on tha1. Counci l Member Gflluli s noted that 8c\·crly Bradsha w had nom inated Harold Rust for Citizen of the Year and she agreed with her. Mayor Burns asked how he was doi ng. Council Member Bradshaw ad vised that he is out of the hospital, that he had had bypass surgery the day after we talked about it . She said he is doi ng rc:all y well . Ms . Bradshaw advised she did tell him :ind he was 1hrilled . (v) Council Member Wolosyn ad vised that she had breakfast with the Chamber several weeks ngo and the main topi c of discussion was lhe proposed ordinance regurding sidewalk sa les. She sai d they expre ssed nn interest in seeing that or dinance before the Study Se ssio n. City Manager Sea.rs advised that it is coming up an the next session, March 20111• • • • l!aslowood City Council M■ttb 6, 2000 Pqell I' lho-ot,;•n;J ,Jitlt,dr!J1jil/: t •in'! Council Member Brnchhaw asked that they could get that over to the Chamber. City Manager Sean said they would. . .... Mayor Burns noted that Council hllS :i drnft letter that was given out to Senator Allard •:>n the e-commerce issue . He commentrd that Council Member Garrett isn 't here. but noted he would probably be abstai ning anyway if they voted on this. Mnyo r Bums asked if there was a consensus of Council on sending the letter. Council agreed to send the letter. Mayor Bums opined he thought they should send it us it is just becoming a hotter topic everyday. Council Member Wolosyn said she appreciated 1~-~ time they had to mull it over. 13 . City Manager's Report (a) City Manager Scars said. just for the record . we do h11vc a letter of suppon for the South Phi.Uc River initiative and Council has signed in su ppon of thin letter . (b) City Manager Sears asked lh1t the City Council support• request by the developer for inclusion of Big 5 Sponing Goods in the group that was approved by the Council at an earlier time. MAYOR BURNS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO SUPPORT A REQUFST BY THE DEVELOPER FOR INCLUSION OF BIG 5 SPORTING GOODS IN THE GROUP THAT WAS APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL AT AN EARLIER TIME. Mayor Burns said it seems like it is a preny big operation. Council Member Bradshaw noted thal Council Member Wolosyn had been in their store. Ms. Wolosyn sai d yes. she used to live in California and she bought her first skis there. Ms . Bradshaw asked Ms . Wolosyn if it would meet the needs or our communit y for kids who play soccer and people who want a tenni ! rncke1 and thin gs like that . Ms . Wolosyn said it has been a good ten years, but it is still there and still thriving. Co uncil Member Yurchick asked if it is like Gar1's. Council Member Wolosyn said yes. Vote results: Ayes: Nays: Absent: Motion carried. Council Members Nabholz. Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurchick . Graz ul is, Bwns None Cou ncil Member Garren (c) City Manager Scars noted that staff has been working hard on a number c! different issues. Ri~k Kahm. in particular. and Bob Simp so n have done an ou1standingjob on the devdop ment. he said. The de velo pment is continuing in 3 positive fashion and the new elevato r spire is construl.!ted. The Floyd road base is duwn and. fo r the mos t part . the project just continues to move in a real positive fashion. City Manager Scars advised we arc hoping 10 do a couple of tours for Council and staff the first week of April. He said Calcon Construction has been just great working with us. as we ha ve been running a group over there about every 01her day . Fi nally the y just said the y had to do some finish work . so we arc going lo hol d off for a couple of weeks on 1hat. • Council Member Grazulis advised 1hat 1he Parks and Recreati on Commission would be going on Thursday, And, Council Member Nabholz said , 1he Malley Center Trust Fund Boa rd . l!epweod City Coudl MU<b 6, 2000 Pqol2 City Manager Sears advised 1h11 they are going 10 try ,nd limit that, but we do want to have another open house , especially with the staff the fiBt week of April. Council Member Bradshaw sa.id she thought it was impor.:unt iu lei board .1nd commission members tour it if they want 10. She said at ie,st give them the opponuni1y. u they have been pan of this process too. Mayor Bwns said there was an attempt to go in about ten days ago. The Rail-Volution Conference Committee was in town. they had been in Littleton , and they were constrained on their time and they aoc to the building late and RTD came running up the stairs and said they could not get out of the bus . Mayor Bums commented thtll it was the silliest thing, chat they were out there in the parking area and we grabbed the models, displays and everything .:lse, ran down the stairs and out into the parking lot , set them up on the back of a couple of pick-up ti uck •. and Bob Simpson gave them a terrific presentation as they spilled off the bus for about five or six minutes, it was so ridiculous. This was the group that was going w go into the building to sec where the reception was going to be. because we arc supposed to host their reception in the fall. They never got in the building, they got in the bus and left. Mayor Bw-ns reiterated ti:; : it was the silliest lning he has seen in a long time. He noted he would be seeing Cal Marcella next week and he is goi ng 10 tell him that we do not want that repeated . But , he noted . they actually got a lot out of the presentation and the matcri.ils we gave them. He said ycu could tell they were sharp µcoplc and they were very excited about what we arc doing and the fact that they never got in the building is one of the dumbest things he has seen in a long time. They said they arc co:ning back in lhc next few weeks and Mayor Bums said he is going :o make sure, if they come bad, that that docs not happen aglin. City Manager Scars said it is 11. good sugge stion to invite the board and comrnission members , Council Member Bradshaw said at least offer it to them in their meetings in April or Mo.y. Mr . Scars said April. Ms. Bradshaw noted if they want to come fine and if not that is fine, City Manager Scars commented that it is to a level where he thought it would be really good for them to take a loo k at that. Cour.c:! Member Bradshaw opined that it i: sort of a privilege too, being on a board or commission. City Manager Scars advised the )' will do that. City Manager Scars advised that Mike Flahert y has hi s hand s full, but he has been doing a great job, along with the employees on the Move Committee. He said we have a number of bids for moving and they arc reviewing those bids this week and they will be coming back with a proposal to Council at the next meeting. He said he thought the specs called out a preny good way of analyzing those bids , (d) City Manager Scars stated our Fire Department was helpful 11. week ago with Sheridan with the lhzmat issue . He noted that , ror the most pan, the clean-up was positive, but we arc monitoring that situation . Council Meu~bcr Bradshaw slated that that scares her to death, that whole area right there . She said she has been saying it ag,,i n and again that we need to look at ii . but !hose arc county propcnies . Council Member Grazuli s noted that it goes into the water . Co uncil Member Bradshaw explained th a1 the thing is. if the tires e\'er caught on fire. even though there :ire onl y l0,000 there now, it would cove r the south area with black smoke. Council Member Grazulis commented that a lot of that could be toxic . Counci l Member Grazulis said that when she saw the fire on that morning. because she takes her daughter ·o seminary 111 6:00 a.m .. she walked m:1side and wondered what was on fire. She said she looked towards • • • • l!aalowood City CouncU Mardi 6, 2000 PaplJ the east and she taltes her d,ughter in to the Cherry Hills uu and she thought there was a fire in Cherry Hills. Then she realized it wun't and wondered where it is coming from, so in that hour she drove tr.words where she thought it was coming from. Ms. Orazulis said when she realized it was down there she tl10ugh1 ii was the tires . She noted she has a 72 -Hour kit in her house and if thry woul d have talked about the smoke being 10,ic, she would have pulled her family out of there, taking their 72-Hour kil and just gelling out. That, she said, is why you always have things like that. so you can just move and get out. City Manager Sears advised tha1 they closed the Golf Course down that afternoon, which he thought was a very good idea. Council Member Grazulis said yes. it was a wise idea. Ma)'Or Bums asked if they have cx:1mincd how 1h1u happened and wl,at kind of me35ures they can take in the future to try to avoid that Ci ty Manager Seo.rs advised that they arc in cofltac l with Randy Young. Mr. Scars said he wanted to bring back lo the Council. different alternatives and exactly what the end result of that lire W!lS. City Manager Scars advised tha1 at least it was downstream from us, bu1 we arc still impacted by the quality of that water, with our permit we get from the sewer plant. so we had our wastcWilter people out there resting that It is not on the backbumcr, he said, we will take a look at that Council Member Bradshaw said she really thinks it is critical and it is a regional issue and she knows it is not in Sheridan . but the concern is it is a time bomb just sining there . Council Member Grazulis advised that the High School goes down once a month. on Thursday mornings at 7:00 and they take water readings . She s:aid her dau ghter was supposed to go down that day to take a water reading and she told her she thought she should nOI go that day to do tha1. They thought it would be really interesting , but she told her maybe tomorrow, not today. (c) City Maro1ger Scars advised that we are having lots of problems with PacifiCare an d some of the HMO and PPO issues. We 3J'e reopening and giving employee." the opportunity to go to our PPO from our HMO. He stated the Cit y isn't completely outside of the problems they are having nationally with he.1 1th insurance , but we arc on top of that and trying to wo rk through that issue . 14. City Attorney's Report City Auorney Brotzman did not have any matters to bring before Council. 15. Adjournment !EMBER BRADSHAW MOVED TO ADJOURN . The meeting adj ourned al 8:31 p.m .