HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-17 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORNDO 1u Repalar SeSllon Aprlll7,2000 I. Call lo Order The regular meeting of •.~e Englcwoo~ City Council wos called 10 O<der by Mayor Bums at 7:48 p.m. 2. lnvocallon The invocation was given by Council Member Nabholz . 3. Pied&• of Alle&lance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Bums. 4. Roll Call Present: Absent: A quorum was present. Council Members Nabholz. Gr3Zulis. Garren. Bradshaw Wolosyn. Yurchick. Bums None Also Present: City Manager Scars 5. Mlnulos City Auer ey Brotzman Deputy City Clerk Castle Planner Langon, Community Development Director Ross, Public Works Economic Development Spccialisi Hollingsworth Director Gryglewicz , Administrative Services Assistant City Manager Aahcny (a) COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO Sa '' APPROVE THE MINUTES or THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 3, 2oor. A)'e': Council Members Nabholz. Garrett. Br:uishaw, Wolosyn Yurchick . Grazulis. Bums Nays : None The mo1ion carried . 6. Scheduled Vlsilors. There were no sc heduled vis11ors. 7. Unscheduled Vlsl:ors (.11) Edrui 81:iir. 2981 Slluth Che rokee S1reet. presented some r1ktu res to Council of the propcny adjoining hers . She said she .i lso lives across 1he alley from Counc ii Member Nabholz. Ms . Blair sa id she has owned p1openy in Englewood for thirty-five yc.1rs . this same p.ece of propeny . She sa id she Englewood City Council April 17 . 2000 Pose 2 brought the photos in hopes thot it would help Council underttand the problems there. She said she felt like she was coming out of the closeu because when ahe sent tha pictures , she Jid not, sip1 her name, and :Lnyone who was familiar with her neighbors would know why . The Code Enforcement trucks are visible every day. she said. in ou r streets and alleys . It makes us know lhlt our tax dollars are at work. she said. Ms Blair said she hos heard that there have been many complaints on the propcny next door, 298S South Cherokee Street , and she was sure the Ci ly must haYC a l;irge file. because it has taken a number of )UTS for this propcny to get this bad . She said her fear, :md her husb.ind 's, is that. when and if Code Enforceme nt is ever able 10 enforce this code. there wi ll be an exodus of insects and rodents, reminiscent of an old Hitchcock movie . A few years ago. we installed a privacy fence from our alley to within thirty feet of the front sidewalk, she advised. She said she would like to know, if wo rse comes to worsl. if they could ha ve a fc:nce that would connect 10 that privocy fence o.nd go lo the front sidewalk. We also need to know wha1 is allowed 11.s far 11.s construction materials . Could it be a wooden fence and no1 as tall as the pri\.acy fence that would block the view, she :iskcd. Ms . Blair closed by saying thnt. if you have big,dop, ud you do not like the poopcr scoo ping. she has learned a tip living next door to thi s. What you do is tic a chain or a rope to your dog's col lar . and the ot her end to a tire . As the dog goes up o.nd down in lhc ylltd, barking and hoping fm water all day long. it sort of disintegr::11es the large hunk s and gives a whole new meaning to the word aroma therapy . Mayor Bums said there was a prescnuuion tonight on Code Enforcement, and he encouraged Ms . Blair to talk to those folks. He said he was sure they probably know this propeny . City Manager Sears said Chris Olson was in the back of the room. Ms. Blair said any 1imc he would like to talk with her she would be happy to. Council Member Garrett suggested she talk to the Building Department abou t pcnnit iSJUCS for a fence. Council Member Nabhol• rccogntud 1ha1 it was very difficuh for Ms. Blair 1onight. because it is a hard issue. not only for neighbors and citizens, but also a very difficuh issue for Code Enforcement and the police depanmcnL She felt it was going to take a team and group effon 011 this one . 8. Communications, Prodamatiom and Appointments (a) A len er from Billy Douglas. Jr. indicating his resignation trom the Englewood Planning a.nd Zon ing Commission was consiJered . COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETI MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WITH REGRET THE RESIGNATION OF BILLY DOUGLAS, JR. FROM THE PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION. Mr . Garrett commented that Mr. Douglas has served wonderfully on the Pl11nning and Zoning Commission for several yea.rs . Mr. Douglas also served 11 stm1 as .~hainnan of tho.t commissir a.nd. having served for a time with Mr . Douglas before becoming a council member, Mr . Garrell said he k1tJWS this is a. big loss for 1hc Ci1y. Mayo r Bums ::.aid he has really been imprcs~d with Mr . Douglas a.nd the time and cffon he has put in c,n thi s. Co unci l Member Bradshaw said she hopes he can come back . Vote results : Ayes : Council Members Na.bholz, Ga rrett . Brad shaw, Wolosyn Yurchick, Grazuli s. Bums Nays : None The mou on c:.rrieU. A proc lama1i on declaring Apnl 21. 2000 as Arbor Day was cons ic!e:-cd. • • • • En1lewood City Council April 17. 2000 P110 3 COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED TO DECLARE APRIL 21, 2000 AS ARBOR DAY IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Ayes : r:ouncil Members Nabholz , Garren. Brndshaw, Wolosyn Yurchick, Grazulis, Bums Nays: None The motion cmied. 9. Public Hearing No public hearin g was schedule )C fore Council. 10 . Consent Agenda COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (I) AND (II) ON FIRST READING, 10 (b) (I) AND (II) ON SECOND READING, AND IO (c) (I), (U), (Ill), (Iv) AND (v). (a) Approval of Ord it1M1Ccs on First Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 35. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING "AMENDMENT NO . ONE TO THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FlREFlGHTERS PENSION PLAN (AS AMENDED AND RESTATED EFFECTIVE JANUARY I. 1999)". (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 34. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE RECODIFlCATION OF THE "ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 2000" INCORPORATING THEREIN THE GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO INCLUDING CODES ADOPTED BY REFERENCE; PROVIDING FOR PENAL TIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF SAID CODE AND SETTING FORTH THE PENAL TIES PROVIDED FOR IN SAID CODE ; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DA TE OF SAID CODE . (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Rcar:ling (i) ORDINANCE NO . 29. SERIES OF 2000 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 29 . lNTRODUCEV BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINAN CE AMENDING TITLE J. CHAPTER 4, SECTION 16. SUBSECTION J -A -5. OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNIClPAL CODE 1985 . PERTAINING TO THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD NONEMERGENCY RETIREMENT PLAN DOCUMENT (THE PL.\N). (ii ) ORDINANCE NO . JO. SERIES OF 2000 CCOUNCIL BIL L NO . J I, INTROD UC ED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING "AMEND~lENT NO . ONE TO CITY OF ENGLEWOOD POLICE OFFICERS PENSION PLAN (AS AMENDED AND RESTATED EFFECTIVE JANUARY I. 1999)". (c) Rcso lu1ions and M o1ion.. Enalewood City Council April 17, 2000 111'! v, l f Xl"'J tlJ nq/ I Page 4 (i) RESOI.UTION NO. 41, SERIES OF2000 11 1, 1 • " A RESOLUTION FOR A TRANSFER AND APPROPRIAT10N OF FUNDS FOR THE 1-clcil'ke OF THE ARAPAHOE RENTAL PROPERTY . (ii) PURCHASE OF A FOUR WHEEL DRIVE TRACTOR. FOR USE AT THE GOLF COURSE, FROM TURF AND TRAIL EQUIPMENT COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,495.00. (iii) PURCHASE OF A FAIRWAY MOWER, FOR USE AT THE GOLF COURSE. FROM COLORADO GOLF & TURF IN THE AMO UNT OF $24 .9 87 .00. Vote results : (iv) SEWER TAP AGREEMENT WITH WINDMILL INNS OF AMERICA. (v) AMENDMENT TO THE SEWER TAP AGREEMENT WITii DRURY INN. Ayes: Nays: Council Members Nabholz. Garren. Bradshaw, Wolosyn Yu.rchi ck, Grazulis . Bums None The motion carried. 11 . Regular Acenda (a) Approval of Ordiruinccs on First Reading (i) Planner Ulngon presented a recommendation from ilic Department of Community Development to adopt a bill for an ordinance approving the Planned Unit Development for a Hawthorn Suites Ltd. ho1el at South Pennsyl vania Street and U.S. Highway 285 and to schedule a public hearing for May 15, 2000 to gather pablic input on this iss ue . Ms. L1ngon advised that this would be a three story, fifty -t wo room extended stay hotel, with associated parking to be located at the northeast and nonhwest comers of South Pennsylvania and U.S. 28S. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 7, 2000 , she advised. and there was no public opposi1ion at that meeting. The Planning Commission brought forward 1wo conditions on the applicant First that they supply a parking demand analysis and also that all fences comply wi t.h sight distance triangle requirements. She said those conditions have been Jgrccd to by the applicant ;:,,nd have been addressed in the plan that Council now has . The PUD meets the intent of the PUD ordin:mce, she stated . and is consistent with the 1979 Comprehensive Pl:m . Also. she said, this addresses the need for a hotel within the City . The financial impact to the City , she added, is only positive. because of the generation of use ta:it, !odger's lax and sales tax. For those reasons , s1atf recommends that Council set May 15 . 2(X)() for a public hearing to lake comment on the iss ue s. she advised . Council Member Garren :iskcd if Ms . Langon fell 1hat fifty•t\.\'O parking places were sufficient for the empl oyees as well as guests. Ms . Langon sai d lh;:,,t was the reason for the parking study. The applicant m:iin111.ins, bcc :iusc of lhc c:uendcd s1ay style of lhc hotel. 1h,u fift y-two spaces arc :idcquatc. she said. We also fell from the beginning that fifty -two wo uld be adequate. but we hod not hing to base it on. so we requested the stud y. she said . Cou ncil Member Garren asked how the traffic patterns differ fo r an extended suy hotel, versus a regular hotel. It seems, he sai d. like it would be one car per room irrespcclive of how long they s1ay. Ms. Langon responded thal with the e:<lended s1ay. the concept is 1hnt mos t of their clicn1ele would be people who would be related to SweJ ish Hos pi1al and. perhaps, C1aig Hospi1a l. These would be people who would come to visi1 rel:uives who ofte n co me on the hel irn pter fo r emergency lrcatn.cnt or peopl e 11um ou1 of s101c who would 001 necessarily ha\.'C a car . • • • • Englewood Cil)' Council April 17.2000 Pnge 5 JI Council Member Yun:hick asked If 1htrc would be a rc1tauran11hen:. Ms. Langon soid lhey were aoina 10 serve brc:1kfas1 there in the m::,ming and would not be open 10 the public for that. Council Member \Volosyn s:a id she had II question about procedure . She said Plann ing and Z.onins requested lhc p:irkir.i study . She asked if they saw the parkinti structure again . or was it enough that the parking study happened . Ms. Langon said they requested th:u it just be includco wuh 11':c packet to the City Council. and did not request that it come back to them . Council Member Wolo sy n asked 1f th is is the same block that we gar the lcner from requesting the parking lot , it was the 3400 or 3500 bl<X~ of Sou •h Pcnnsylvani:1. and this is Pennsylvania .and Hampden . City Manager Scars said he thought it was funhcr nonh. Council Member Bradshaw said she thought ii was on 1he soulh side or Hampden . Ms . Wolosyn 1hough1 it was probably different. then. Mayor Burns asked, on Ms . Langon ·s memo 10 the Planning Commi$Sion, on page five, under the Neighborhood Mcc1ing Summary, wh111h11 dace should be on lhe firsc line . Ms . Langon said ii is 1998. This w•s originally submined in Mny, 1998. she adviscu , nnd lhe PUD requires, bcfOIC lhey 3Clunlly submi~ 1h11 lhcy hold 1he nciaJ,borhood mee1ing . The mee1ing was held in July, lhcn lhcy submincd lhcir original plan in Sep1ember of 1998. h has gone through a number or revisions, she said . M•yor Bums recalled on our holel Sludy , and 11lking 10 lhe hospicals before. 1hcy were supportive of a hotc! ... as it has been talked abou1 for fificenor twenty ye.vs in that area ... one that would be right close w the hospii:ds . because they could suppl y maybe 1hiny to forty percent or their occupancy. Ms. Langon said th:u was one or the locations that wu identified in the holcl study . Ma yor Bums asked if an)l~ing was going on at the non.hea.s1 comer or Clarkson and 285 . He asked if this was considered there at all . He rccaJled that , four or five years ago, there was a medical office building ap proved at that comer. which nc\'er got built . He said he was told the financing fell apart on it. Ms. Langon felt that was also identified in the study . She said she thought the re3.SOR this location was picked was because 1he appl icants full y owned the properties involved and there would be no additional properties they would have to acqu ire . Mayor Bwm ns'Kcd if Council had seen this before. Ms. Langon said no . Mayor Bums said it has been talked abou1 for .i long ti me and seems as 1hough ii has been s1udied a lot and revised :1 101. He felt it would be int eresting 10 finally have a horel at that loc:1uon . CouncJI Memt.>u 8radsh.1w felt it had been the intent of the .,,arious Council s thal we help with anything south or Girard and nonh of 285. hecou.sc that is pretty much an area that has dictated the use. which h, hospital. She !aid when she was on Co uncil before. it was 10 stop 1hem from going nonh of Girard , where they v.-cre thrc.atening lO rake houses and :ill kind s of things . c:iusmg quite an uproar. so this is a positive de vel opmen1. she opined . M:iyor Burn ~ sa id the Hnusm g Authority went into that area a few years ago and bought twenty-two units lro m 1hc Swed ish Medic .. ! Foundati on. Co unc il Member Bradsha w ~i ~ ·.,-c need a mot ion. She advised that she would no! be here on May 15th• Mayor Bums s:1d she co ,•.J sllll nuki:: 1he mot io n 10 se t the public heanng . COUNCIL MEMBER lliUDSHA W MO\ ED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA .TEM II (a) (ll-CO1J,;c1L BILL NO. JJON FIRST REA .')IN G,ANDTOSET A PUBUC HEARING FJ(l MAY 1r. 2000 AT 7:30 P.M. TO GATHER ,;;pur ON THIS MATIER. CO UNC IL P,ILL NO. ) J. Ii TROD UCElJ BY CO UN CIL MEMBER BRADS HA IV n I Engle wood City Council April 17, 2000 Page 6 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPR<WING THE PLA:<NED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (P.U.O.) FOR HAWTHORN SUITES , LTD . HOTEL TO BE LOCATED AT SOUTH PENNSYLV;...~IA STREET AND U.S . HIGHWAY 285, IN THE CITY OF ENOLEV,OOD, COLORADO. Vole"5Ults: Aye,: Nays: The moti on earned. Council Members Nabholz, Garren , Bradshaw, Wolosyn Yurchick, Gruutis. Burm None (i i) Di rect o; Ross prcsentctl a m.-o mmcndation from the Department of Pub li c Works to lldopl 3. bill ror an ordinance approving the release of a slope casement on West Yale Avenue. In order 10 construc t West Yale Avenue as pan of Paving District 37 in 1993. he sai d, the Ciry had to acquire 11 slope easc menl. Yale Avc:,ue was going to be higher than the adjace nt properties in the 2100 block of Yale Avcn•te. That meant the City of Englewood had to place fill dirt on private property In order to support the roadway 111 this location . he said . The new owner is interested in devel oping lhis property, llJ1d wJuld like to have the slope easement removed . Condition nwnber three in 1hc 1993 slope casement stared lh:it 1he :asement shall remain in effect until such time as the owner shall fill the adjacent property. Upon complc1ion of 1he slope work , the grnntor shall notify lhe City in writing :ind the City of Englewood. upon their favorable insrcction of the slope work. will relC3SC the e:iscmcnt , he :id vised . Mr . Ross said we have recei ved the written request, we have inspected the propcny. and staff concurs that lhc cusement is no longer needed. and therefore . recommends 10 Council that we adopt this bill to release this~. COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (II) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 36, ON FIRST READING . COUNCIL BILL NO. 36, INTRODUCED BY COU 'CIL MEMBER NABHOLZ A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE RELEASE OF A SLOPE EASEMENT LOCATED ON A PORTION OF THE 2000-2300 BLOCKS OF WEST YALE A VENUE . Mayor Bums nouccd that the len et. in the first sentence . says West College Ave nue . Mr. Ros.s explained that this property goes all the way froni 'ale to College. but the actual casement th.tat~ will be vacating is along Y nle A venue. Vote results: Ayes: Nays: Th~ motion carried . Council Membc~ N:ibholz. Garren. Brad shaw. Wolosyn YurcRicL::. Grazulis. Bums None (i ii ) Eco nomic Devel opment Specia li st Hol lin gswc,rth p:escntcd :i rec ommendati on fr om the Department of Co mmunit y Development to adop1 :i bill for an ordinan ce approving an intergovernmental agreement to estab li sh the Brm1mfields Revoh·mg Loan I~und . He said we v.ould be partici pating wit h four 01hcr munic1pal11u:s in 1hc Denver metro Jrca. Englewood 's pan icipation will 11.llow us to have the bcncfil of !425,000.00 fo r pnv:ite propen1es to borrow for environmental cleanups. with a low interest rate loan format. The State received a grant in 1999 . :incl. as pan ofth:it grant. we were 11.Skcd to panicipate and help with administrati on. he said . Mayor Burns said the memo mentions that we have .lr1 ongo ing agreement wit h EPA in the first Br ownfiel d. He sa id this says ass ist with env ironmental clc3r.up xtivities. He asked if this s1ill is not a cleanup bill. but. rather. a st ud y. Mr . Hollin gswo nh explained that the initial : und was 11 pilot progrllm to do loa ns fo r assessment work and pl:innmg related acti\•ities for en\ironmcn111.I assessments. This fund will • • • • Englewood City Council April 1-. ~000 Page 7 pay for the cleanup of the sites once they ore assessed and characterized . This will actually Implement the cleanup so they can be redeveloped for housing jobs and so fonh. Mayor Bums asked if this relates 10 the S 150,000.00 we supposedly got just recently. Mr. Hollingsworth said he supposed it was kind of its cousin, bul it is indirectly related . h is nor the same , he said, but is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency. The State received 3 grant in the amount of $1 .8 million from 1hc EPA to do these cleanups. An amount of $150,000.00 should be coming forward with funhcr no1ifica1ion from EPA. he said . Mayor Bums clarified that the.I :J different than this . Mr. Hollingswonh agreed. Council Member Grazulis asked if the 5150,000.00 was just for study . Mr . Hollingsworth responded that it was for stud ies nnd environmental :mcssmcnls, funhcr charactcriz:itions. drilli11gs and such . Mayor 8!.lrns said this is another good step in 1he process . Mr. Hollingsworth Jgreed 1h1u ii brings 1hings 1hat much further along towards redevelopment Mayor Bums said he presur.1ed 1his cou ld be used on 1he General Iron Works si t~ if necessary . Mr . Hollingsworth said yes . Council Member Bradshaw 11.Skcd if this WllS split up in the chics llS a first come. first served type thing . Mr. Holli ,,r,,_,,rth said we actually have S450,000 .00 earmarked for Englewood only, and the other partners haw an equal amounl to split up. also earmarked for 1hcir rcspec1ive communities . We have a little amoun1 for adminis1r:11ion mone / 1ha1 wc will receive 115 pan of this, he advised. There is no financial commilmcnt on the City 's pan . and the City is not 115ked to commit anything financially. wc would simply be the be ne ficiary of gra nt proceeds . Mayor Bums commented 1ha1 Mr . Hollingsworth had just said S4S0,000.00, but the memo says S425,000.00. Mr. Hollingsworth apologized . He said it would actually ho S425,000.00. Council Member Grazulis said plus the $25.000.00 administr31ive budget. Mr. Hollingsworth said that is corrccc. COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WA :, . 'ECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (al (Ill) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 32, ON FIRST READING. COUNCIL BILL NO . 32. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSY,; A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ENTITLED ''COLORADO BROWNFIELDS REVOL VJNG LOA:~ FUND MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT' ESTABLISHING THE COLORADO BROIVNHELD'S CLEANUP REVOLVING LOAN FUND BIITWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, TJ-1"£ CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, COMMERCE CITY, THE CITY OF LAKEWOOD AND THE CITY OF LOVELAND , COLORADO . Vole results: Ayes: Council Members Nabh olz. Garrell. Bradshaw , Wolosyn Yurchick. Grazuli s. Burns Nilys : None The mmion carried . (b) Appro val of Ordinances on Se r:i nd Readin g There were no additi onal items submined fo r i1ppro va l on seco nd reading . (Sec Agenda Item JO-Consent Agenda .) (c) Re so luti ons and Mouons (i) Director Ross presen ted a recomme nd:ui on fr om 1he Department of Public Works 10 ad op t a re so lu1i on Julhoriz ing staff to nc go 11 ytc and award a co ntrac1 for the 2CXX> Microsurfacing Englewood City Council April 17, 2000 Page 8 IOO' t I, ,1 Program . S1aff recommends negotialing with and awa.rdin& :i contract to Bituminous Asphalt Sealina Specialists, lncorpcmned in an amount 00110 exceed SJSS,000.00. Mr. Ross advised 1ha1 each year the Streets Maintenance Division reviews the streets in the City of Englewood and evaluates the City 's mainlcnancc cffons and needs . The design life of asphalt road ii 1wenty years and in order to cou thote twent y years, we need to perform resurfacing treatments. periodically, he so.id . Since 1991, the City of Englewood has fowxi microsurfacing to be a cost effective maintenance al1cm:itive t}l.lt. provides nu fil 1ing, leveling of existing p:ivcmcnts, a surface sc:il and a new wearing surface. BASS has satisfactorily panicipatcd in a partnership arrangement with the City for the last nine yc:irs 10 con.moct our microsurfacing program, he said. Masi cities in the Denver metro area either apply slurry seals or chip seals in order to help them in their quest to prolong 1he tire or 1heir streets. Mr. Ross explained th:11 the slurry seal is just a very ttiin application. less than an eighth or :m inch. It wear!i off and docs n01 do much as far as leveling the sueet or raking care or 1he ether problems that exist in the street, he said. It does not prov ide much protection for the amount o( money 1ha1 you have invested in it. Chip seals provide greater protection , he said, but you arc using rock or an aggregate in ordt.. 10 prO\·i de that protection . The bad news there is. when cars drive too rast atier ii has been applied. you have a tendency to kick up those rocks and yo u get a lot of complaints about cracked windshields. he said. Obviously. t-iccausc or that rock, it is a lot more abrasive. so it is a noisier surface . The wheel noise is louder when people dri ve on it . he said, kids do nol like riding their bicycles on it because the scrapes ilfC nastier when 1hcy fall, and we get a lot more citizen complaints if you go with the chip scaling. We believe 1h11t our recommended course of action provides the most value 10 the Ci1y of Englewood, he as.scned, because wc have developed a product that has superior workability to the standards used by other ju1isdictions. We arc using a conuactor who h:i.s a nin:-year track record and a product 1h,11 meets our specifications . Mr. Ross said BASS has a nine-year history of being responsive to, not on ly our needs, but also the needs of our citizens . Microsurfacing has construction ad vantages over slurries. in that it can be used for rut filling and levelin g, :ind microsurfacing is dcfini1cly more customer friendly . It docs nol require the large quantities of loose roc k. he said. and has a very shon set time . so that the roadway c.1n be reopened .,.,;thout long dela ys. Microsurfacing has the capa~ili1 y of being applied in any thickness that we require to take care of problems that we arc cxpc:nencing, he stated . As :i result . we recommend tha1 Cit y Counc il adopt thi s reso lution 10 allow us to enter into a contract for 1hc year 2000 Microswf:icing Program . Mayor Bums asked Mr. Ross if. having recentl y come on board, he has made an independent examination of 1hc history of this contract. Mr. Ross said he h:is not exactly been independent , because he has never seen 1his being applied. He has. however. seen the results out in the field . and there is no arguing with the fact th:it our roads are in terrific shape. Mr . Ross said he has taken the tour where you can see wh.11 Denver has done on their half of II few of those streets, and what we have done. months apart. and see how those ro:ids arc not holding up. They have tried 10 do slurry seals and they have :ried to do chip seals immed iately adjacem to our microsurfacing product, and it is as diffcren1 as nighl and d:iy, he said. It is reall y as tounding that 01hcr jurisdic tions have no: taken notice and co me 10 the conclu sion 1hat ii is wonh that ex.tr:i 1hiny-fi vc cenls a square yard 10 gel this kind of product Mr . Ross felt ii wou ld be nice if wc co uld get them tn step forw:ird :ind go wi1h the microsurfacing. because. ob,..1ous ly, irwc co uld get so me greater vo lume. we co uld get lh e pnce down 10 where it is even more competitive. Mayor Burns asked 1f rhe y ha\·e to rc.1p ply 1heir applica1ions more oflcn. and therefore might eve n be pa~ing w.orc in the long run . Mr . Ro ss s:iid 1h:11 is exactly right M.,yor Burns said one of the issue s that has co me up on thi s be for e has been economic s. and what ot her a11pli ~atio ns cos1. Council Member Nabholz sai d she applauds Dell Montgomery :i nd Wa yn e Oak ley because. for the last SC\'cral yea rs. the y h:ive really tned 10 work with Denver. but th e peop le in Denve r do nm wa n! lo work wnh Engl ewood . ~ts . Nabholz s.:11d she did not sec any s1rects in thi s 1ha1 ac1ua ll y connec t wilh Denver . Mr . R_oss sa id 001 w11h Dem·er. bu1 \.I c do have a poruon or Clark w n tha1 1s m Cherry Hills Vill:ige. and 1hey arc actually going to pay their pro-r:i1a share and take pan in 1hc program this year. Their public • • • Englewood Ci1y Council April 17. 2000 Page 9 1.1L.AO"N:»i JI OlXJ!. 'I" lrtqA. I q works direc1or and Mr. Mon11ome,y have had lunch. and he is dunking. ,lier watching it this year, that he will probably be recommending it to their ci1y cow,cil to do it noxt year in their program. It has takqJ niae ycm, but we might have one disciple, he said. Mnyor Burns said we get a lot of compliments on our streets. Council Member Yurchick aiked if 1his is the only contractor who can do this . He .ukcd if there is anyone loc al who does microsurfac:ing. Mr. Ross soid the City or Thom1on did a microsurfac:in& program. they had three local contractors who stepped forward and said they could do it. The low bidder did their program for them and they have now sworn off microsurfocing for the rest of their careers. They have tried demonstration projects. COOT tried a coup:c. and aflcr preuy dismal rcsuhs , they do not use microsurfacing. and Littleton tried one a few yc.1.n ago. with bad results. The bad news. he said, is that we are about the only one out there that still spec it. The concern is. the local contractors have not dcmor • .smucd the :bility to ,fo it right. Mayor Bums said that has been repeated c3ch time this comes up, and the same scenario plays out. Council Member Gr azu lis asked if we have had them for nine yc.:ars . Council Member Nabholz said yes. COUNCIL MEMBER GRAZULIS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGEND,A ITEM II (c:) (I) -RESOLUTION NO. 42, SERIES or 2000. RESOLUTION NO. 42. SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A NEGOTIATED CONTRACT FOR ENGLEWOOD'S 2000 MICROSURFACING PROGRAM INSTEAD OF THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS UNDER SECTION 116 (b) OF THE HOME RULE CHARTER AND SECTION 4-1-3-1 OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 . Vote results: Ayes : Nays : The motion canied. Council Members Nabholz, Garrett. Bradshaw , Wolosyn Yw-chick. Grazulis, Bwns None (ii) Director Gryglewicz presented a recommend.:11ion from the Department of Administr.:alivc Services to approve a resolution supporting 11,e Englewood Environmental Foundation's contribution of S 150.000.00 for the purchase of the Norwcst Bank riropcny . That is pan of the CityCcntcr Englewood project, he said. Mayor Burns asked if 1his was an issue 1hat Council has previously discussed in Study Session . Mr . Gryg lcwicz said yes. Ma)'Or Burns said Council has exprc.s.scd i1s opinion lhat it is imporlilnt to get control of this propeny for purposes of 1hc Cit}Cen1er redevelopmen1. other uses may not be compatible. plus it creates an income s1rc.:am for future sales taxes for 1he City and this allows the propcny to be incorporated in the general design :ind layout of the project. These seem to be the items ttNU impre&Sed the Council that were wonh 1he expenditure of 1hcsc funds. he said. Council Member Wolosyn 1hankcd Mr . Miller for gening her the informinion she requested . Mayor Burns sa id it s1a1es in the memo the S 150.000 .00 consti 1u1es a reduction of funds thal would have been returned to the City's General Fund from the project. Ci1~ Manager Scars concurred . Cou ncil Mem ber Bradshaw asked if the most we will co ntnbute 1s SI 50.000.00. because if there is any cnvironmcn 1:,1. that is pi cked up by Miller Weingunen . City Managc1 Sears said part of 1he .:agreement Englewood City Council April 17, 2000 Paae 10 =iu j:r1JW ,1"' V r '"1" would be !hot !his t, the maximum amount , ond lhot Miller Welnpnen would be obll111ed 10 demolish the site, talte any environmenlJII responsibility for it, Ind also contribute up 10 $480,000 .0010 make up the differenc e in terms of purchase price . Mr. Scars said it is his understandin1 that . with the approval of Council . we will not deliver the check until we arc cenain or the a.arecment with them in thi s regard. Council Member Bradshaw said she was confused over the second to lhc last Whereas . It says Miller Weingarten will gi ve the propcny to the Englewood Environmental Foundalion, which will be the owner of the property . City Attorney Bmtznum said yes. and then they will leosc it bock from l!EF for seventy-five years. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM II (c) (U) -RESOLUTION NO. 43 , SERIES OF 2000. RESOLUTION NO . 43, SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PURCHASE OF NORWEST BANK PROPERTY FROM NORWEST BY THE ENGLEWOOD ENVIRONMENT AL FOUNDATION FOR THE CITYCENTER ENGLEWOOD . Vote results : Ayes : Nays: The motion carried . Council Members Nabholz. Garrett. Bradshaw. Wolosyn Yurch ick. Grazulis, Bums None (iii) Council Member Garren stated that he would be withdrawing from this item. Assist•rnt City Manager Flahert y presented a rec ommendat io n from the City Manager's Office to continue a. motion approving a temporary agreement with McLeod USA Telec ommun ications Services, Incorporated unlil Council has an opponunity to co nsider an updated rights -o f-way ordinance. At the first City Council mccling of lhis month. we brought forward a moli on to consider approval of a lempcrllf)' agreement with McLcodUSA Telecommunicalions for a right-o f-way usage agreement. At that time, questions wen: raised regarding the routing and McLeod was unable to answer those questions. he said . Although they have met wi th the Public Works Dcpartmen l and discussed routing, they have not co me to a conc!usi on as yet We arc recommending tonight lhat th is motion be again continued until either we have the information from McLeod to bring forward to Council. or 1he uniform ordinance for right-of-way accessibility would come forward in lieu of the temporary, he advised. Ma yor Burns said that is. in essence . wh;u was discussed last time . that lhe y do not have the information . Mr . Flaheny sn id he was hoping 10 bring forward the revi sed ordi nance by the end ofne~t month . It appears that even if McLeod had their routing co mplete today , they would not be staning on their project until early June at tht: very earliest. COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, A~f&J IT WAS SECONDED, TO CONTIN UE A MOTION APPROVING A TEMPORAJ:Y AGREEMENT WITH MUEOD USA TELECOMMUNl ':A TIONS SERVICES, INCORPORATED UNTIL COUNCIL HAS AN OPPORTUNITY T•' ".ONSIDER AN UPDATED RIGHTS-OF-WAY ORDINANCE. Aye,: Nays: Abs1am : The motion ca rried . Counci l Members Nat-11olz. Bradshaw , Wo\osy n Yun:hick . Grazulis. Bums None Counci l Member Ga rrett • • • • • Englewood City Council April 17 , 2000 P•ae 11 12. Gtntral Discussion (•) Mayor 's Choice (i) Mayor Bums advised that , on the 12•, Director Simpson and he appeared at the Southeast Business P:innership luncheon . Mr. Simpson gave 3 prese ntation on our CityCcnter redcvdopmcn1. A lot of lhcse people arc hea vy supporters of the Southeast Corridor who did :i lot work r3 is ing mone y on the bond issues. He fell their eyes were reall y opened when they looked at the prescnl3ti on. Mr. Simpson had slides of the model and of the evolution of the site plan, which the y found very interesting because the y want to do dcvelop .nents around their various stops in that corridor. Mayor Bums th ought the y were a little bit awe st ruck by whilt we arc doing. He fe lt II was a useful presentation and that Mr . Simpson did an excellent job. (ii ) Mayo r Burns said there might be a lour coming through . Brian Vogt of the South Metro Denver Chamber. 1old him last week, on the 2s•. th;.· ::,cy want to come down and have a prescnt.ation in the CityCentcr. This will be :1 fast review with some gues.ls of 1he Southe:lSt and Southwest Corridors. Mayor Bums said he was nol even sure they would h:1ve time to go mto the building . He told them that Mr . Simpson had developed a prese ntation for parking lots when the R:1il -Volution Comminee W:lS here and could not go into the building . We ha ve not heard from them ye1. but the y will ad vise us as to whe1hcr the y want us to give them a few minutes with their group. he said. City Manager Scars s.i id he would check with Mr . Vogt on th:11. (iii ) Ma yor Burns said he attended the DRCOG annual dinner and award prc se nuui on on Frid ay night. Englewood had a table . :md or course the y were honori ng Ladd V<,stry. He received a special individual award . which was terrific for him . Mayor Bums said he had the ability at 1h:u meeting 10 talk 10 scver:al RTD board members about the brid ges. Bob Tonsing advised that they had been out under the Dry Creek bridge that afternoon with Cal MilrSe ll a. They w~rc drillin g holes in some or the bridges 10 test where the steel was in them. He sai d he has asked City M:anagcr Scars lo keep on lop of tha1 10 find ou1 the res ults . He th o\Jghl th~y wo uld have issued a press release by now saying everything was ok:ly. but they arc do ing ;ome more tes ting of that. The y assured us that they m: very excited about the opening and have no intention of delaying anything as far as th e opening of the ligh t rail is conce rned . he said . (iv) Mayor Burns sai d he :1ttended th«: Tri-Cities meeting on Friday . It WI! a good discussio n and a good meeting. especia ll y about 1hc railroad right•of-way. We were talking about how that wo uld be m:1intaincd . he said , especially along the wes t si de . The idea is to find :i perso n who can ma.kc decisions about what 10 do with th :11. bcc:1use the weeds are already accumulating over th ere. List summer they were just a mess. he reca ll ed. and the y wo n't let any jurisdiction between the fence and the track. On the easl si de, by Windermere, RTD has compl etely cleared away any vegcta1ion and now they ha ve gr:1vcl there, he sa id. There is 3 \'Cry strong desire by th e cities 10 iry to do so mething abo ut the weed growth, because it will ot herwise detract from !h e land sca ping we h:1vc done on Santa Fe. (v} Mayor Burns sJi d he was pleased 10 hear fr om Ci l)' Manager Se ars tha t bot h th e po lice and fire servic es arc saymg th e c11y is very quiet The re is not a whole 101 or cri min:11 activitie s or fires goi ng on at 1he moment (v1) Ma yor Burn s comme nded Di rec tor Black and the Parks Dcpanment and also Code Enforcement for 1hc good work th ey :1re doinj!. He opined that a lot of good thin gs are going to happen al the Ci 1yCen 1er when the se programs co me on boa rd. He fell the City was loo king better :1nd there would be more opponunities 10 do more cleanup as we go alo ng . (bl Council Members· Ch01cc Enalewood City Council April 17, 2000 Paa• 12 (i) Council Member Nabholz : ••) L ro I. She ,dviscd 1hat Monday, June 12• is 1he 1en1h annual aolf1ourruimcn1 for lhe Keep Englewood p •• n I • 'I Beauliful Commission. In yea.rs past, Council has approved paying for two foursomes . She ukcd, on be~lf of the commission, that Council apjn approve $800.00 for two foursolTl""..s . She said it was her understanding thal they were having a difficult lime setting players Ibis year. She asked 1h41 we pul lhe word ou1. and advised 1ha1 lhe en1ire proceeds go lo bencfil 1he leaf and lire drop off, Good l'jeighbor Days . Household Haza.rdous Waste Roundup, and it is 11 very wonhy cause. Council Member Bradshaw a,;kcd if there was room in the foursomes . Ms . Nabholz responded affiml3tivcly . Mayor Bums said one of the reasons we arc having trouble is because it is the first day after the move to rhe new Civic Ccmcr . COUNCIL MEMBER N.\BHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE $800.00 FOR TWO FOURSOMES IN THE KEEP ENGLEWOOD BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION GOLF TOURNAMENT. Ayes : Nays: The motion carried. Council Members Nobholz, Garrell. Bradshaw, Wolosyn Yurchick, Grazulis, Burns None 2. Council Member Nabholz thankr.d Code Enforcement and also Director Black nf Parks and Recre:1tion . She 5aid she was reall y exdtcd over the spring and summer activities guide . She said her son is going to uike up golf. and will hoJ:W:foll y he ab le 10 leach his mother how to {'lay. She again said thank you for all lheir hard work. (ii) (u.;,1cil Member Garrett : l . He said he received a call from Council Member Cronenberger in Littleton regard ing Cornerstone Park . She represents the district that is just south of that park , he advised. He said they talked about its history . because he was actually on the Planning and Zoning Commission when the park was developed. One of the concerns they have involves the citizens there . when they sec problem in the park . they call the Litt leton Police Department . who tells them they need 10 call someone else . Ms. Croncnbcrger would like to work with Englewood II) come up with a solution. Maybe we can put out Hyers along that block. so they know if !here is an issue they should c:111 our police department. he suggested , since we monitor the park. He recalled that. in our agreement wilh South Suburban . there was going 10 be a periodi c re vie w of the sa fety service issues. He suggested checking the agreement in that regard . He sai d he wou ld like Dircc1 or Olson to know, and help decide the OCs t way to get it taken care of. City Manager Scars said he wou ld get back to Council. We have met wi1h Dave Lorenz nbout a month ago 10 revie w that internally. he said . We arc still negotiati ng and there is a cost. in lieu of. that we arc still ne go1 ia1ing with them . That is why it has not yet been brought back. he sai d. to sec where 1hey are going 10 go. We h:i.ve done a preny detailed anal ysis. all of the dep:i.nments. in terms of the calls lhat we have had 10 1hat site . He said he wou ld provide 1ha1 to Council. M:i.yor Burns said he h:i.s he:i.rd of ac 11 v1ties in th:i.t p:i.rk ad\•enisc<l on the rad io as bein g in Littleton. , Regarding th e trave l po licy, he sa id he :i.pprecia tc s Coun cil Member Brad shaw taking the time 10 go throuuh this . He sai d. :is he undc rs1 and s it. ii basic:i.lly take s :i. vote of Counci l to justi fy the pamc1pation . So in light of th a1. he rcqu cs1ed appro\·al of Co unci l thi s evening to auend the lCSC Conferenc e in Las Vegas on May 21. 22 :ind 23 . He said he wo uld be going with 1hc Cit y Manager. • • • • • • Enalcwood City Council April 17, 2000 Paac 13 1Ut) I• s·l lnql. ' :.;,'I Ci1y Manaacr Scur1 said it would be in lhc ,ravel budac:. He Slid Sue Bradlhaw is workina on lhe fliahll and it is rcla1ivcly cheap. There will be a rcgistnuion fee for the conference, he said, estimating that ii w,iuld probably be in the neighborhood of S 1.500.00 for the 1hr<e days. He said they have oot yet heard whdl hotel they will be Sltyina al, Council Member Gruulis said she was asked lo aucnd this also, but would ool need any lod1in1 fees, as she has• place 10 stay there. City Manager s..rs said there would be a rc&istration fee. airfare and per diem. City Manager Sears said John Loss w:a.s in the audience . He asked Mr. Loss when he would be able to put 1oge1hcr a schedule of the types of tcrumu we could mccl. He asked if he was looking at scheduling for both Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Lon said he was workina on a schedule risht oow and was hopin110 tum in a report next week. City Manager Sears said we would probably be mee1ing with tenants on both 1ha1 Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Loss said probably Tuesday ond Wednesday, the 23" and 24•. COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS GARRETT AND GRAZULIS TO ATTEND THE ICSC CONFERENCE IN LAS VEGAS, AT A COST OF UP TO $1500.00 EACH. Ayes: Council Members Nabbolz. Bradshaw, Wolosyn Yur Rums Nays: Abstain: The motion carried. No C0c .:mbcrs Garren. Gra.:ulis 3. He advised that they arc putting in 1. lift at the Rccrc:nion Center 10 help those who arc (.hallcnged by the stairs to ao up to the aerobics area and the track. Hopefully, that will be done in the next couple of weeks and will be a great addition 10 the center. (iii) Council Member Bradshaw : I. She said she did not attend the Tri-Cities meeting on Friday. because she knew she would be sculpting ou1 at MOA by Greenwood Athletic Club . What a wonderful lime, she so.id. It was so positive hanging out there with the high school students and their staff. II was a vr.ry enjoyable experience. she said. adding that she ha s alwa ys been very proud of our kids in Englewood. and that just reinforced it. Mayor Bums asked how 1his is going to be displayed . Ms. Bradshaw said it was already up. She said it is chicken wire on wooden suppons. and then \l,'C just slapped three different colors of clay on it and stamped things on it. She said it was very positive :ind cncourag,:d everyone who missed i1 to be sure and do it next time . She said ii is on the far wcs1 end. if anyone would like to see it. 2. She said she would like to encourage Jo hn Loss 10 work with local businesses, like Cornerstone and so me o f those. for inclusion in Ci1yCcntcr. (iv) Council Member Grazulis : I. She so.id ,.he attended a program last week for Career Day nt Cherrclyn ElemenULry, and also at the Flood program . She said when she asked what I.hey would like to sec come into the City. from both schools. they ind icated tha1 the y wanted to see basketball couns on the so uth end of Englewood and a foo1bo ll field . 2. She asked what amenities other areas get when they have the 80110 zip code . She no1cd that they get the Englewood Citizen, ,md she wondered if they have to pay anything into our RecrCAtion Center. City Manager Scnrs said they arc an mcorporated .u-ca and 1he zip code just indicatei. a postal zone. Ms. En11lcwood City Council April 17, 2000 Page 14 Grazulis said they were wondering about the performing and cultural arts things, and what they coul<I do to help . City Manager Scars said there is no taxation. Mayor Bums asked wha1 she meanl by help. Ms. Gruulis said she had gotten a couple or c.ill:;, because they receive the Englewood Citizen, rega.rding some or the performing arts things thllt were in her anicle. They wanlcd to know what they could do to help. or be on boards , things of that nature. Mr . Scars said 1hcy would have 10 disencorporate from Cherry Hills Village, or if they arc unincorporated , they could annex in. Council Member Bradshaw asked if they could do that without even having their boundaries touching 2nglc...,'00d. Mr. Scars said we would have to flagpole or they must be contiguous . J . She snid last week there was a Summit meeting, involving about twenty-five or more people from the City and all walks of life. including Liuleton and some of their aru people. It was really interesting, she said. bcc3use we are all trying 10 work together and see how to go about doing this . Anyone else can be invi1ed when there is ano1her Summit, if you wish to be included. she said . We can lei you know on the da1e. 4. She said the Englewood High School team for the Museum of Outdoor Am was really a kick. She told Mayor Bums she was glad he could nol go because she had 10 take his place, and she really had a grea1 time getting 10 know the staff there at EnglcwOOO and the students. You become very refreshed again Iha! your children arc in good hands when they go to lhal school. Ms . Grazulis fell Englewood did a gre41 job, and when you walk around and take a look. ii is very eclectic. but was so much fun. We had life masks 1hat we had 10 put on there. too . so you had these frccfonn things with masks on it , and it turned out really unique . 5. There is a poster 1hat was put out. she said. and last Thursday was ils debut for the Englewood Hist oricnl Society. She thought there wns one hanging in City Hall. They arc twcmy•five dollars and the money goes directly to the Englewood Hi s1orical Socie1y. Rosemary LaPorta ofLaPortn Gallery has a de.11 on framing. she aUded. (v) Council Member Yurch1d: said, being that it was tax da y. he would like the 990'r from MOA tor 1999. (vi) Council Member Wolosyn : I. She also spoke of the Summit , which was mentioned by Council Member Grazulis. It gathered a bunch of ans educators in the Englewood area to discuss collaborating in the future. she said, and she thanked Direclor Black :md Recreation Services Ma.nilger Hultberg for helping the Cuhural Ans Commission visi[ two art!> cemers in the south, m Pueblo and Colorado Spring s. Also. two performing art.; venue s in the north, Uni on Colony in Greeley and the Lincoln Center in Ft. Collins. The y were really wonderful and generous. she said . 1. She said she was al so supposed to be on the MOA 1eam. but could no1 go 1)n Friday, so her husband 100k her place . Council Member Bradshaw sai d he was awesome . Ms . W11los yn said he is ac1uall y bcuer than she is. She said she was :11 the opening. and felt Sheila Olson did a wonderful job of cunceiving 1hat project. She said she was doubtful wh en she read the propo sal. but fci r 1hat ii re;ill y did work . II was 1he one garnering 1he mo s1 auenti on while she was there. most or the gues ts were ga1hered Jround the Englewood one . Mayor Burns said there was one thing he forg o1 to pm out. It was an agend:i item for DRC OG on Wednesday called lhe Mile Hig h Comp.:ict draft . All the growth legisla1ion died in the Lcgi .;iature th is year and the Metro Mayors· Caucus sug gested to DRCOG. and Bill Vidal re.1lly picked up on thi ~. that lhc ci t...:s • • • • Enalewood City Council April 17, 2000 Paae 15 and counties get togc1hcr and do an intcrgovemmcnl41 agrccmenl under the statute to coordinate their ffons on growth control. All the elements you see here that are on the table for discussion bypass all of that and make an agreement with c.:i.ch other that you will have growth control measures . He said they thin k this is really going to be effective .:1.nd will be up for discussion for the first time on Wednesday ni&ht ll will i'C interesting , he said, 10 sec how this fares . Originally it was to contain only 11 couple of things, but now 1hcr .. · MC a lot of diffcrcru ilcms that could have quire a impact because of the failure of the legislature . Plus. if the,~ is a ballot measure this fall. an initiative . this c:in help . especially if it is not well drawn, he Sbid. Council Member Garrett asked if th is had been run by staff yet 10 get their view . Ma~·or Bums said he had just received it, but was gi ving copies to st.:iff. City Manager Scars said he wou ld pa5s h: out to staff at their mcctinL< in the morning . Council Member Bradshaw fell ii was important. Mayo r Hurns . .aid it was a signifi cant thing for the ci1ics to be doing . 13 . City Manager's Report (a) City Manager Senrs said Council had received the information for next Monday night. It is going to be an open house forum , kind or a new experiment. so we will sec how !hat goes. The address is there and it will be a bar-t,.quc , so we will sec you next Monday night , he said. (b) City Manager Scars sa id he did not put on 1he memo 1he location of the retreat. The location will be the Wastewater Trc.1tmc nt Planl, with rolls and coffee at 8:30 and then we will start at 8:45 , he advised. 14 . City Attorney's Report (a) City Attorney Brotzman said it was nice to be back from Washington. He found that we arc in the same boat with a lot of the cities across the country with the various legal issues . Al lhe various conferences he attended he found we arc looking at very similar issues , such as telecommunications issues. Los Angele s is wo rking on a major project right now, he advised . making all the utilities coordinate . They arc having the Democratic Convention and they wou ld like all their roads 10 look nice for lhal. So we are all in the same boat, :11 1 cities across the United Slates, he said. 15 . Adjournment MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN. The mu::i ng adjourned at 8:47 p.m.