HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-20 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO I. C:1111 !O Order Rqular Session November 20, 2000 The regular meeting of the Englewood City Council was cia:Jed to order by Mayor Bums at 7:47 p.m. 2. lnYo\:atlon The invocation was given by Mayor Bums. 3. Pledge of Allqlaoce The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Burns . 4. Roll Call Present: Absent: A (?U0rum was present. Council Members Gtazulis, Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurchick, Bwns Council Memben Nabbolz, Garren Ma)·or Bums a,hised that Council Member Garren w.,; rnveling. and Council Member Nabbolz ' child was not feeling well . Also Present 5. Minutes City Manager Scars City Anome y Brotzman Deputy City Clerk Castle Communicatiom Specialist Hoffhines, City Manager's Office Director Ross , Public Works Director Gryglewicz, Finance and Admjnistrative Service:s Director Si.rnpsoo, Cornrmmicy Dc'lelopmen1 (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APP,lOVE THE MINUTES OF TH£ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 2000. Ayes : Nays : Absent: The moiion carried . 6. Schedule-1 Visitors Council Members Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurcbick, Grazulis, Bums None Council N .uers Nabholz, Garren EnKlewood Ci1y Council November 20, 2000 ~,ae 2 There were no schedu led \'isitors . 7. Unscheduled Vlsllors {a) Gene Turnbull . 4886 Sou th Gran! Street. spoke rega rding Co uncil dill No . 74. which addresses trash removal. He opined that 1h1s ordinance tnkes away the rights of the citizens of Englewood. It takes away our right of a .:hoicc. he said . Whenever you limit when 1hc out side peopl e can come into Englewood. you also limit when the people in Englewood can do busin ess, he said. He said he has lived in Engle od for rwcnty-somc years , and has heard this discussed for twenty-some years. He said he, like cwryonc else. nc\'cr thouglu he wou ld lose his righ1 to chose an)1hing he wanted, whc11 he wanted. You may sec a 101 of trash trucks m Englewood, he said, and it may be because the people of Englewood arc cxcrcismg their right of choice. He asked Council to stop and take a look at this ordinance before it is passed . He said he has heard talk abour this making it easier for people when they put out the trash. He fell it would be rough :o enforce. Now we arc coming back with an ordinance to make that job C&S1Cr, he said. by taking away the rights of the people. That really does no ~ sound right to me. he said, and he again suggested that Council take a look at the orrlinancc before they pass it He fell that. if the citizens of Englewood were to vote on this ordinance, it would nol pass. There m:i.y have only been a ruckus in the past four to six weeks, but it was because people ne ver rrnlizcd this could happen, he said. Stop aud think about ,...ouncil Bill No . 74, he said, and he funher sugg:sted that Council table it and think about it some more. Mayor Burns asked what right ~r. Turnbull feels the public is losmg . ~r. Tl·7Jlbull said they arc losing the right to choose whom they want 10 do bus mess w11h , and whe n the I want 10 do business . If senior citizens can get a break by doing business with a smaller comp1my. he said. 1md they can only come i11 on Thursday, why should we deprive the senior citizens ofthlt. JJ hL 'rou arc 1akmg away the nght of choice. he asscncd, adding that he did not feel it was right f<'I the elected officials 10 do that. He said he feels very strongly in the right of choice. (b) Clifford Weinberg:r. owner of3333 Suulh Bannock Streel and 333 WeSI Hampden Avenue, said he just sat in on a Srudy Session. w.inted 10 make some comments and was told this was the proper forum. He said he had two comments. one was a rrotocol comment. (n that Study Session. Council was g1vc,1 some information on comments he made regard ing RFQ studies that were being proposed and looked a1 n the Study Session. No one from staff ever contacted him. he said , o;-spoke to him or gave him any answers about the co mments that he made . Thes(' weie rrcscnted directly co Council, he said. and he did not feel that was right. Also. he was 001 advised th.u ln<1e were going to be on the agenda at the Study S('ssio n. He felt that, any time someone ir going to be quoted to Council. they should at least be advised 1hey arc going to be on the agenda. Thr second comment. he said. is relative to the RFQ's, Requests for Qualifications. for some parcels that the City is going to sell. He said he is on three side s of ... :i.c ofth(' parer ls. and he thinks the City should look for some help outside iu c,wn infrastructure, its own staff, 10 sec wha t really would be best to compliment CityCentcr . Not 1ust go ou1 in a broad, market-driven approach. but take a look and see what would be best !Ultcd 10 help the City. he suggcs 1cd. and 10 work with existing devc1opment. Have a nnc approaLh, this is what we wa nt. this is wha 1 we 1hink is best, whether it 1s retail. office. civic use or some combin:nion thereof, and rc:illy take a k·,k and sec where we arc . He expressed conce rn tha1 there 1s ~ fair amount of vacnncies m the rttail centers and on Broadway. and some retail for lease m C1tyCen1er . He said he 1s concerne d 1ha1 there arc a lot ofapnrtments going up , ye t there is plenty of for-sale housing nrou nd . He said he is not really sure what the City 1s going to hcnr. so he wou ld like them 10 be :i:s focused as 1hey can on whnt wou ld be 1hc best . This rmrkct-dnven approach is Just too hazy. he said. and sollll!one from the oumdc should be g;1vmg Council ad vice . 8. Communicalions. Proclamations :md Appointments {a} Council recoguiztd the students whose aJtwork was chosen fnr the 200 1 Englewood Calendar . Mayor Bums sa id there were II number of children and 1heir fanulies here tonight He said we • • Enalewood City Council November 20, 2000 Paa• J arc pleased this evening 10 honor the studen1 artists whose work is feanued in the Enal•wood 200 I Calendar, a celebration of stud:nt art. The City held an an contest that was open tu all students who live and go 10 school in Enalewood. These: are bolh privale and public school•. We received 200 entries , he advised, from students in public , privacc and home schools in Englewood . Thirteen enttics were chosen. one for each month plus the cover. The artwork was chosen by a selection panel made up of City Council members and the Englewood Cultural Ans Commission. The selection panel consisted of Mayor Pro Tem Bev Brad.shaw, City Cow1cil Members Julie Grazulis and Olga Wolosyn. Culnual Arts Commiuion Cha:: Eric Bertolucci , Cultural Arts Commissioners Joel Bumgc, John Ga1cs1 Rosemary La.Porta, Ray Tomuao, and Mary Lynn Baird , who serves as a sch~l liaison to the Cultural ArU Commission. He noted tbal choosingjus! thinccn pieces of art to include i1 : ~e ca lend:u au1 of the many wonderful entrll 'i>IC received was no1 an ea sy task . Tiumks 10 the selection pan el for their efforts, he said . We wHI be re turning the anists' originnl '"ork this evening, as we have had them all maned and framed , he adv i J. The anists will alic recciv~ a gift ccnifica1c 10 Hobby Lobby that the y \'.an use to bu y an supplies. Mayor BW'I'li offered his thanks 10 A & B Custom Framing in Englewood for pro vidi rg a generous discount on the cost of framing . Mayor Bums , with the assistnnce of Communications Specialist Hof'lhincs , presented to each of the following students their framed amvork and the gift ce nifi ca1e, and had his picture taken with e:>.ch : Elimar Machuca 11n exchange student from Venezuela 11nending 11°' grade at EHS , whose anwork .. Faces" ap;,ears on the ..:over of the calendar. Co nnor Po wers . a second grader a. Chr.1les Hay Elementary, whose "African Mask" appcm in January. CrySlal Panon, a senior al Enalewood High School , whose painting, "Look", graces lhe month ofFehruary. Briggs Buckley, a third grader at Cb,r!es Hay Elemenwy, whose "l,~pired Animals" appears in March. Jon Allyn Marine, a senior at Colorado ·s Fi.ne.~t Alternative High School , whose untitled artwork appears in April. Jill Crawford, a fourth grader at Clayton ElementMy, whose "/ill -Brighi and Beautiful" appears in May. Terr:iRosc Puncerelli, a kindcrganncr at All Souls School. TcrraRose's watercolor '(:razy Rainbow" appears in June . Benjamin Kebba . a second grader at Clayton elemcnuu y. whose tom paper co ll a~e entitled "Ben" appears in July. Brendan Sullivan, a senior at Englewood High School. whose oil p~i111ing ·•Rain Fro,z ~" appears in August. Jacob Draper , a third grader .it Clayton Elementary, whose pastel piect' "Yummy Rainbow Trout " adorns the month of September. Nicholas J. Neum.ar.n. a third grader at Charles Hay Elementary, whose: "Nick the King" appears in October. Tyler J. NeumaM. :\ second ,r:ider 3.t Charles Hay Elementary, whose ·•w arm Chi cken on a CcYJ I Back.ground" appear~ m Nove mber . Catherine! ',:I\, 11 sixth grader at Flood Middle School, whose untitled painting appears in Decc nO~c. was unable tc-, a1tend I.he Council meeting . Mayor Bu.ms said the Cuy wculd be sure she gc 1s her anwo;k :-.nd gift ceni1i r.Atc . £nalewood City Council November 20, 2000 Page 4 Mayor Bums said tllis wu really a fun project and this is the second year we have held the contest. He congrarulated all tl1e anists and thnnlccd them •II for comin& so the City could recogniu the ir talents and crcativiry. He said there were plenty of calendars in the back oflhe room nnd invited evcryo to take some home with them. He asked for a round ofapplause for the aruus. Mayor Bums said he would especiall y like to recognize Leiah AM Hoffhines, who r<ally went to bat for this project He said she did a terrific He also thanked the lln teachers from the different schools. (b) A rcsolu1ion . ,11, 1ng Edna Blair to the Englewood Code Enforcement Advisory' Committee was considered . RESOLUTION NO . 90 , SERIES OF 2000 ,1 RESOLUTION APPOINTING EDNA BLAJR TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR ·,;,£ CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. COUNCiL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (b)-RESOLlr:';,<1 NO. 90, SEn"!:S OF 2000 Ayes: CoJnc • Members Bndshaw, Wolosyn, Yu rc bick, ·:•1L:."'-hs, Rums Nays : None Abscr.t Cm.ncil Mcmbcn; Nabholz , Garren The motion carried. (c) A resolution appolllting Marti Olsen 10 the Englewood Code Enforcement Advisory Commincc was considered . RESOLUTION NO . 91 , SERIES Of 2000 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MARTI OLSEN TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR·, HE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHA IV MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (c)-RESOLUTION NO. 91, SERIES OF 2000, Ayes: Council Membcn Br>dshaw, Wolosyn. Yurcbick, Grazulis, Burns Nays : Absent The niotion carried. 9. Public Hearintt None ~,:,unc il Memben Nabholz, Garren No public hearings were ,;chc:dulc:d before Council . 10. Conscn1 Ae;tnda COUNCIL MDIBER BRADSHAW MOVED. AND IT WAS SECO NDED , TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (I) AND (II), 10 (b) (I), AND 10 (c) (I), (•) Appro \'al of Ordinances on Flrst Rc:admg . • • Enalewood City Council November 20, 2000 P ■a• 5 ),1, J,oo-l;,1~ ~.,~,~ ~ o cl (i) COUNCIL BILL NO. 88, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE RENEW AL OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN T't!E CITY vF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AND ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS WHEREBY ENGLEW00a WILL PROVIDE ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS WITH VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. (ii) COUNCIL . BILL NO. 89, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APr .• OVING THE RENEWAL OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BEnVEEN HiE Cl rY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO AND THE CITY OF SHERIDAN. COLORADO WHERf:ilY ENGLEWOOD WILL PROVIDE THE CITY OF SHERIDAN WITH VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. (b} Approval of Ordmances on Second Reading . (i) ORDINANCE NO . 84, SERIES OF 2000 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 87, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT wn H COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY (CSU) FOR THE COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT UN LAND APPLICATION OF SEWAGE BIOSOLIDS ON DRYLAND WHEAT. (c) Resolutions and 1\louons . (i) RESOLUTION NO. 92, SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLl/TION APPROVING AN INCREASE IN BENEFITS FOR THE RETIRED POLICE OFFICERS. Vote resulls: Ayes: Nays: Absent The motion carried . 11. Regular Alfnda Council Mmibe,s Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yun:hick, Grmdis,Bwns Nooe Council Mcmbm Nabholz. Garren (i1) Approval of Ordinances on First Reading There were no additional iterm subnuned for approval on first reading . (See Agenda Item 10 -Consent Agcn<b .l (b) Approval ofOrdiruince s on Second Read111g. (i) Oucc1or Koss discussed the council bill amending the City's Right.s-of-Way ordinance. He aC:nsed that this item was not mcluded on the Coment Agenda because they thought ..:ounc1I Member Gancn would have 10 excuse himself from voting . Since he wu not present this evening. il was not m 1uuc . He reminded Council that the public bearing for trus ordinance was conducted on November 6•, with two telecommunications co mparuc-s expressing concern about the proposed right-of- Enalewood Cil)' Council November 20, 2000 Paa• 6 way ordinance . He said he rell 1h11 our legal counsel, Ken Fellman, did a u,rrifoc job or add=sing lhe issues that were raised. Mr. Ross said he was very pleased with results obtained by trying to work pro- actively with the telecommunications companies, and he expressed conlidence that this ordinance would be the basis for almost every other municipality in the Denver metro area. as they go through their own right· of-way ordinances to bring them up 10 date and try to address some of the issues that the Tclccommunic:ations Act of 1996 has posed for cities . COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (b) (I), COUNCIL BILL NO. 40 , ON SECOND READING . ORDINANCE NO . s;, SERIES OF 2000 (COUNC IL BILL :-10 . 40, INTRC 1JUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN) AN ORDINANCE REPEAUNG TITLE 11 , CHAPTERS 3(A), 3(8), 3(C), nND TmE 12, CHAPTER4; AND CREATING A NEW TITLE 11 , CHAPTER 7, ENTITLED "CITY RIGHTS OF WAY -PERMITS AND REQUIREMENTS", OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE. Vote results : Nays: Absent: The motion carr:,: J. Council Members Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurchiclt, Grazulis, Burns None Cow,cil Members Nabholz. Garren ( i1 , Director Gryglcwicz, Finance and Administrative Scivices, discussed a council bill amending Title 5 Chap1cr 26 of the Englr.wood Municipal Code pcnaining to trash haulers . He advised the ordinanc, would change the trash hauling days, permining pickup on Mondays and Wedn i.:sdays, except . 1r nusscd runs and bad \l ·~athcr . He said there was a request at the last meeting to contacl those haulers who are currently lice nsi:d to check with them about any problems they had . Harold Stitt, of Community Development, checked w1:h tt.c five companies and only Pro Disposal had a problem with it, in that they were not sure how manJ· customers lhe y h.ad in lhc City of Englewood. Other than that. he said. the other haulers support the ordinance and will be able to work with it. Mayor Bums said one reason this was postponed last time was that Council was told there were some senior citizens who were being given a discount Mr. Gryglewicz said that was Quality, and Quality 's response to our inquiry was thu the y strongly support this ordinance. Mayor Bums asked if, to our kno wkdge, any seniors would lose thcir discounts or ability 10 acquire those because ofthis change. Mr . Gryglcw1cz said they should not see any change . Mayor Bums felt that a lot of people thought the y were limiting the number of carriers to two carriers, and a lot of people were confused by that. We arc not doing that at all. he asserted . We arc jus1 trying to limit the number of days to have the carriers on the street. The other reason. he said . was that it was virtually impossible 10 enforce our ordinance regarding when you arc allowed to put trash out, without having ccnain days in which trash coUcction could occur. because Code Enforcement could not tell whether anyone's trash was being put out at the .ight time or no!, he said. There has nol been any intent by Councd to limit the choice by any citizen as to which carrier they wam. he advised, bu1, rather, it was to get more structure m the days for pi ckup. M.iyor Bums sai d he re3ll r ",shed 10 emphasize that, because there has bc:!n a 101 of confus ion about what this ordinance is reall y about. Co unci l Member GriWllis commented lha1 1he phone calls she rccel\·ed reflected a posuive respon5e , and she 1hanked Mr. Sun for con1acung rhe carriers. The ones who wish to p:1,1icipate within Englewood she found r? be very fa\·orable and they like the ordinance . She said she ha~ persorui lly spoken to them. • • Enjilewood City Council November 20, 2000 Page 7 M•yor Bums uked if Pro Disposa l wu still lookin& into whether they can do this. Mr . Gryalewicz n:sponded that they have not detennined that they will not provide service, but they are lookina at !heir options riJht now . They would like to ,ervice the City of Englewood, he 11id, bu~ at the plOICIII time, !hey m not sure how many customers they actually have in the city proper because of the zip code . A lot of 1hiem arc in unincorporated Arapahoe Cowny. Council Member Bradshaw said 1101 or their ::ustomen arc in Centennial now. Mayor Burns felt they would find tha• a lot of thdr customers are simply not affected by this ordinaoce . Mr. Gryglcwicz agreed, adding thal most pt<>plc would not notice any difference . Mayor Bums said , as with any ordinance , Council wt!I watch and sec what happens and whether it is effective or not. He felt it was a consuucrivc change, at lcas1 to tty. Our Code Enforcement Advisory Comminec has wo rk ed for years on rhc question oftrallih pickup and how it should be rl?nc. Judging from our Study Session with them, they woul d like us to go funher, he opined, but this is just• first step in genmg a linle bi1 more organiz.auon in the trash pickup. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 10 (b) (U)-COUNCIL BILL NO. 74 ON SECOND READING . ORDINANCE NO. 86, SERJES OF 2000 (COUNC IL BILL NO . 74 , INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE S, CHAPTER 26, SECTION 4, PERTAINING TO DESIGNATED COLLECTION DAYS . Vole results: Ayes : Nays : Absent The morion carried. CoW1Ci1 Members Bradshaw, Wolosyn. Yurcbick, Grazulis, Bums None Council Members Nabholz, Garren Responding 10 Mayor Bums. Mr. Gryglcwicz said this will be effec1i ve when t1·c haulers renew their licenses at the beginning of 2001, in IanlW)'. 'c) Resolutions and Motions . (i) Director Ross presented il recommendation from the Department of Public Wo rks 10 ad'l pl a reso lu1i on establishing a Rig hts-or-Way Permits Fee Schedule . Council just passed a new ngh1s-ll f-way ordinan ce that repeals the old ordinance , he advised . All the fees we collect for work l:.~ing done in the publi c rights-o f-way were sci in the chapters dull were JU.St repealed . We arc now asking Council to approve the rights --of-way fee resolution. he said . The fees were last revised in 1985 , he advised . :ind they did not come close to recovering our cost of managing our rights..of-way. The fees have been increased and we ha ve inscncd a provision where we c~ charge the ilctual amount of staff lime tha1 is spcnl tc rrocr.ss permits . When we arc working closely with a lclc commun.ication provider that is going all the wty · .. .rough town, we wHI spend tens 10 tiundrcds of hours , trying to come up with an alignment tha1 works for 1hem and for us, he advised. so it will help us greatly 1,, recover some of those costs . The Greater Metro Teleconunur ic ation c--~rirtium has rcconuncnded additic,nal fees and charges , su.::1 as degradation fees ilnd fees that cover the di\,, plion cos! to lhe public for using the rights -of.way. We are not considenng the fees a1 lb.is timr, he said . Key Wesl Communications has taken the City ofDenvtT to coun over some of the fees they ch3·:gc, so we thou . it would be most prudent to wait and sec bow that coun case turns oul, before we proceed with a.ny •O .... ,nonal fees, he said. Enalewood Ciiy Council Novembtr 20, 2000 Paae 8 Cow.,il Member Bradshaw commented that this was long overdue , an,; expressed her •~?rctiation to Mr. Ross for his effons . It is not a moneymaking proposition for the Cir,. by any means, she said. It is JU.St to help us know who is digging up our streets and what condition the ~ have left thC'm in . Council Member Wolosyn asked what "City asphalt patch unit cost" refers 10 . Mr. Ross said the Cl .y crews do the asphalt patching , so that is the unit price that the City charges for that . They go ahead and restore the cut, and then the City crews will do the p:llchmg . The y arc very panic ular about the streets here in the City of Englewood, he commented, and we feel we do a l01 bencr job than if we ha_d a bunch of other o.sptuilt p1uching crews coming in and trying 10 do that work . So 1h1s is the unil. per square foot cost, duat we charge. Co uncil Member Wolosyn asked about 1hc "gravel alley cut fee ." Mr. Ross res ponded that. typica.lly , they will dig a two•foo1 ucnch in an alley, and, after they arc all done. we have 10 go in and regrade that entire alley to get it like it was before. So this recovers a portion of our cost for going back in and making sure the alley drains properly and works properly again. Council Member Yurchick asked if most :,;~ companies arc just passing through. or iftbe 1 are providing the service to Engl r.wood. M sponded that, up until this point in time , our citizens were the customers of the people who have b~ ,ng up our streets . Now we arr seeing a brand new batch of companies that arc, basicall y, just going uuv ugh town and using the rights-of ,w.:ay as a means of getting to their cus1omcrs, but their cwtomers are not our citizens . Council Member Bradshaw ask · • the clerk to assign a number and read the re~•. lution by title . RESOLUTION NO . 93, SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 11, CHAPTER 7, "C ITY RIGHTS OF WAY -PERMITS AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO". COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM II (<) (I) -RESOLUTION :,/0. 93 . SERIES OF 2000. Ayes : Council Members Bradshaw. Wolosyn. Yurchick, Grazulis, Bums Nays: None Absent: Council Members Nabholz. Garrett The motion carried. 12 . General Discussion (a) Mayor"s Choice (1) Mayor Bums advised lb.at, on Friday, the Meiro Mayors' Caucus was held, for • • the firs1 1imc. in our Conununity Room. We had about forty people here , lh:,ween mayors , DRCOG people and CML, discussing 1opics like growth conlrol legislation and what is going 10 happen in the Legislature . There arc coruorti wm of people getting I.Jgether and !he Caucus wants 10 be an active group, he said. The Governor is pu shing for growth conuol legislation and, with the failure of Amend.men! 24 at the polls . it will be back and may indeed be legislation this year. he said . The Caucus wa.nts 10 become active in a variety of are:,s 1ha1 concern 1he metro area, he advised. We talked about air qnality ,.nd, also, our • chairman. Don fJrsons, the Mayor of Northg letm, attended a meeting in Frisc.o :iu water issues in the state, where the water really corms from and where those reservoirs are, and •:-.·h.:.1 the big issues in "''ltcr are . This 1s the fim time 1he Caucus has gotte n involved in that kind of a m•ct il'!1\, so tha1 is another l~c.ue , he Englewood Ciry Council November 20, 2000 Page 9 said . This is a very active group of ma you and ,¼yor Bums fell we would be hurmr, from !hem regularly in 2001. (ii) Mayor Bums complimented Code Enforcement. The rtpOl1 for October lhows the highest ·number of wamin~ or ciuauons ever . He felt they were doing the job Council ulccd them to do , which is to really step up code enforcement. and at the same rime, educate the public about the different requirements in our code. (iii) Regarding a repon from Kate Newman, of the Keep Englewood Beautiful Commi ssi on. concerning the Household Haardous Materials Roundup Report, Mayor Bums s.aid it appeared to be very successful. He said a lot of different components wcr~ picked up on September 9• and 16°. {iv) Mayor Bums said. last weeke nd . he accompanied the lady in his life, Karen Sussman. to Alaska where she was the keynote speaker to the Alaska Municipal League in Juneau . She had convinr.ed them, since he was a mayor, 10 pay his way up there so they could partacr in the presentations . We had two presentations on Monday on team buildlll8 and communiry involvement , he said. Pauletta Puncerclli was good enough to give him some overheads, he said, on all the dilTerent ways that Englewood participates with the public in vario us types of activities . It went over very well. be opined. He said he also took a film of Channel 4 's review. aired a couple of weeks ago . on the CityCeotcr. It was done . unfortunately, during the Monda y rught football game so he wa• not sure how many people saw it. Even if you arc in Juneau, Alaska, he said. yo u can get the crowd cranked up about this development by showing them a little film about it They really got kind of excited about what we arc doing down here, he said.just from that shon piece and the descripti on ofCicyCentcr . We play wcli, wherever we arc, he said. so II was a great experience and Englewood go t a good dc:al of publicity in a far-away plac e. (b) Council Members' Choice (1) Counr.il Member Brat.lshaw : I. She said. regarding the Annual Hous,hold Materials Roundup, five and a half tons ofhllZardous materials were picked up, according to the report. This was a combination Englewood and Littleton program and it was very suc cl.!ssful. 2. She recalled that, a couple of months ago, she asked about parking permits. Director Gryglcwicz ad,iscd that there would be decals for the rear car windows, and they should be available by Wednesday. Those will replace the hanging tags. He said they did no1 realize ii would W:e so lontc and it is actually the numbering of the decals that is delaying it. Counc1 l ~ember Bradshaw thanked Mr . Gryglew1cz for bis efforts . 3. Ms . Bradshaw directed the City Anomey to draw up a resoluuon I!> appoin1 John Roberts to the •:ode Enforcement Ad,·isory Comminee. ~L . She said some llung sad is happcnmg m our Sl l le. It 1s 1he erosion oflonery funds for open spo.ce . Originally. when the lonery was created, it was fifty-fifty, with fifty for prizes and fifty for parks and rccrea1ion . She sa id ifwe are lu cky. we \\Ill gel twen ty percent from the Conse rvation Trust Fund 1hat W1? d.cpcnd on for nxmcy for ou tdoor proJects. She felt n would behoo,·e everyone to contact thcU" state leg1s lators and let lhc:m kno\\ wha1 1s go1r.g on . The: compos mon of 1ha~ board h.ls changed considerably in that nmc appointees were from the governor 's offic e. Council ~frmber Grazulis a~.ked where 1bat other thirty percent was going . Ms. Brad.shaw said i1 was going tu other prograr.LS . One ofll 1em is to pay salaries for pC t 1 le in the Division of Wildlife, wtuch should be Englewood City CoW>Cil November 20 , 2000 P11e 10 coming out of the state budget. She said there wa, an editorial in the P011 about that, but it is even more insidious than that. Mr.. Bradshaw said she would try to keep Council apprised of what is going on, but it will take all of us saying that they caMOt do that. This was a promise , and we passed the lottery to put recrntion programs in and we are getting len than half ofwhal we were promised. II is ludicrous that Ibis is being allowed to happen. she ,aid. but when you have an appointed board, whoever is in power appoints and directs where the mone y goes . Mayor Bums asked if she would like the City 10 send a lcncr. Ms. Bradshaw felt a letter would be legal and a good idea 5. She wished everyone a very happy Thanksgiving . (ii) Council Member Grazulis : I. She expressed concern about some properties around town that arc either for sale or abandoned. They include the sporadically open gas station in the 4700 block of South Broadway, wluo', has nol been open for about a month . She said she was concerned with what they plan 10 do with ti,:: property, because there att gas tanks in th,! ground there . Another property , she believed it was 3975 South Broadway, where 1here was formerly a tattoo parlor. It is for sale, she sai d. and the owner nex1 door Wlnled to buy it but is strapped at the moment. ·This is the owner of the March Hare and she does not wish for it to ix, a tattoo parlor. Council Member Bradshaw ,aid. if the property sells. that does not go with ii anyway . Ms. GraziJlis asked if the grandfather law would 'PJ)ly. She felt ii would be a good opportunity 10 do something else with thal property . Ms . Grazulis said lhe old Goodwill building, since Ibe y are moving, will leave another large propeny open on Soulh Broadway. Council Merr;ber Bradshaw said it has alreJd y been sold. Ms. Grazulis ad vised that the Office Depol 101 has been sold. but she did not know what lhe intentions were . but would like to kno w what is going in there. or what their ideas a.re . 2. She sai d there was a hil and run 011 a vehicle JUSt next 10 her car over the week~nd . A note was left on the car from our police deparuncnt stating the y believed 1t was involved in 11 hit and run . That was the only contact made, she said. It was at 3:00 a.m. These people are also victims , because it rendered that car useless. it was owned by someone who needed it 10 go to work . She asked what type of follow -up program there was . because the detective sa id lhere is usually no way to ever find our who did it. She said there were pieces of the other c;ir all over the grou:1d, yo u could tell the color ofit and there was an entire window out of it She asked if th:re could he a follow-up to bod} .:hops for if a car goes in matching some of the damage . Ms . Grazulis said this type of cr ime has happened 10 her before and you feel totally helpless . Of course, he had liability onl y, so 1he c.ar 1s go mg to sit now in their side 101. She felt it was at 4501 South Lincoln . The detective said there was probabl y nothing that would ever be done about it a.nd 1hat lea\'es everyone cold, like no one is even IT)1ng 10 look . There set 13 10 be a lot of sideswipes going on. and people driving off, she said . Mayor Burm s1_id you sometimes get hit when you are just sitting at a stoplight. 3. She tai d she would like to make a comment about the microphone in the second floor Community Room. Last ·1."'hursday. we had a program for 1hc Engl.:wood Histoncal Jlciery, she said. and that microphone \\'iS absolutely hideous . It was in and ouL and it was a paid. professional program. and ii was a good thing sl.e had a loud \'Oice. lfwe caMol flx dus. let's set something new, she said. Tonighc it sounded good she allowed. but that was the fir st time m 11 long rime. • • • EnKlewood City Council November 20, 2000 P1ae II 4. She suages1ed Council miah1 send some1hiog ro Nick Nabholz since he "11111 lcelina badly . Council Member Bradshaw felt• buke1 wo·lld bt 1ppropria1e. City M1n1ger Sears SGid 1hey hive lalrm food previo.,ly, which is really helpful. Ms . Gruulis ,ugesrcd a 1oy of some kind . Mr. Sean said lhe , 1 s&affhas been real good, they gave him 11 street sign with Nabholz on it , and Public Works and Parb and Recreation have given hun things about Englewood and we will continue 10 do that. Ms . Grazulis said that is great and thanked him for that. Mayor Bums said he saw him in the Library last wicck and be looked pretty good . He said he was really sorry 10 hear he wasn 't feeling well again. 5. She told Jnform11ion SpeciaJi,1 Hoflhjoes tha1 she had done very good work on the calendar and ii turned out wonderfully . The tum around time from when we chose !hose and when it acrually came out is astronomical. She felt we need Ms . Hoffhines for all of our things that we need good timing on . 6. Regarding the haurdous materials that were collected, she .iaid she had not iced there was never any pickup for any poisooous marerials. She asked ifwe ever do anything with lhal , as she knows several households just have it sitting in their house because they do no know what to do with it. Direc1or Simpson. Community Dc\'clopmenl. staled thnt we have accepted poisons a couple of rimes in the past. It is nol a lis1cd item. howe ver. that we typically accept Ms . Gra2ulis said, the ne xt time it comes up , she would like to know. (iii) Council Member Yurchick said he enjoyed the un show. bu t was diqppoi.nted because he did not see a representative from MOA here . They told us they were gomg 10 be hc1mly involved with the community, and this is one of Englewood's premier events. He sai:1 be wc.u ld like 10 sec them more involved next year, ma ybe with sponsorship and some prizes . Council Member Bradshaw said she jus1 gave Cynth ia Madden the calendar loday al I :00 p.ru., and she hid not seen it Mayor Bwns said it sounds like they didn 't realize what we were doing. Ms. Bradshaw wd Ms . Madden lo v.:d the calendar, but her first inttod.uction to it was at 1 :00 p.m today, so maybe we 1 :ed to clean up that commurutJ.tion piece . (iv) Council Member Wolosyn: I. She commcmcd on Council Requesl No . 189 regarding noise barrier attenuation criteria, which was initiated some time back by a citizen's inquiry about the City's participating in ~e consuuction of a sound wall on the north side of Highway 285 . The Council request section of the packet states that Director Ross prepared a dnft of a noise attenuation policy that includes a discussion of possible City participation. She Ol ed ifd ds could be put on a Study Session agenda sometime in the future to discuss it in more detail. 2. Following up fron ; a while back . ~s. Wolosyn ad vised that the Cultural Ans Commission had requested funds from the City Anomc y·s budget to help pay for a non-profit counsel 10 help the Culn•,~l An s Convruss10n sci up II board 10 go"em the comrruttcc cxpl onng 1he fea sibility of a cul rural ans center. Al 1he nmc . City Attorney Brotzman fell the cos1 would be W1der S1O.000 .OO . o.nd funher research showed 11 will be approx1m.i1,tely S5,00~.00. she s:ud . After mtcn•ie\\1ng sorre lawyers . sht said the one they chose fell the cost would be between SJ .000 .00 and SS .000 .00 . and she \\'' Ii ask mg for a final appro val of those funds . City Attorne y Brotzman said the attorney chosen \.\'3.5 Gregory Kanan of R0thgerbcr , Johnson and Lyons . Enalewood Ciry Council November 20 , 2000 P,,e 12 COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF 53,000.00 TO $5,000.00 FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY'S BUDGET TO RETAIN AN ARTS COUNSEL TO SET UP A SOIC3 NON-PROtlT TO GOVERN nu: CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE FOR A CULTURAL ARTS CENTER. ' Ay .. : Nays : Absent The motion carried . Cowicil Memben Bn1dslaw, Wolosyn. Yurchick, Gruulis, Bums None Council Membcn Nobholz, Garren 3. Council Member Wolosyn commented 1ha1 she cnJoycd Council Member Garrcn's piece in the Cirizcn. Council Member Bradshaw mentioned they had the final meeting on the artist for the an wall today. She said she is really excited about who it is going to be . It is not the art wall, she corrected, but the parking strucrurc for 1he Alcxan. This is a really well kno...,11 anist and he is awesome, but. until we lei him know, she sa id she could not let Council know. Mayor Bums wished everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. 13 . City Manager's Report (a) City MlllDger Scars thanked Council for lcniug him ancnd the session last week in Emmitsburg. He felt it was a good session and gave him a chance to see bow the county relates to the Ciry of Englewood and the other cities as they put together emcrgcacy plans . He said he was going ID put together a report, along with Chris Olson, Jim Ulrich and Don Schoenbcin. He said ii would be given lo Council and to the newspaper, as he felt it was helpful for networking purposes and some other things . {b) City Manag r Scars said he received a call from Lauri Clapp todny. She is interested in doing an Internet vo tiug prog ra n. He said he asked her to se nd some information about that 10 Council. She has spoken 10 Director Long in the Library about it he said, and he will keep Council informed if lhcre is some legislation next year . He s.iid he has not yet seen anything . and he told Ms . Clapp he would fl'i'~e Council aware of it. (c) City Manager Scars said we were fortunate to have Susan Werntz in 1hc audience tonight. She ts lhc newest st:iff member m the Ci ty Manager's office and he said he was reall y excited 10 have her here . He sa id it is delightful 10 have her ::u the front desk, and she is reall y doing a superb job. Ma yor Bums said he could vouch for that. Susan is most pleasant to work. wi th. he said. (d} City Manager Sears said there would be a Srudy Session next week to talk abou1 a real estate m:iner and a proposed ordinance . Council Member Bradshaw said the y could also be gm to address the goals tha1 Mr. Sears had sent tl' them. The number on e go.11 , she said. is the revitaliza tion of the businesses . • 14 . City Atlorney's Report • • • Enalewood City Council November 20, 2000 Page 13 City Anor.,cy Brotzman did not have any manen to bt i"I befon, COUDCil. 15 . Adjournment. MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN . The meeting IV3S adjourned at 8:42 p.m.