HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-12-04 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • hm,~u )v11'l J,on,~:,l~r1 ¾ (100! ,I-ut.1nun<I 1.1:.11 'I ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCll, ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO 11,gular Seuion Do<ember 4, 2000 I. Call to Ordrr The regulor meeting of lhe Englewood City Coundl wns culled 10 order by Ma yo r Bums at 7:45 p.m. 2. lnvocaUon The invocation was given by Council Member Nabholz. 3. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor BWllS. 4. Roll CaU Present: Absent: A quorum was present. Council Members Nabbolz, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick, Bums Council Members Grazulis , Ganett Also prosent: City Manager Sears City Attorne y Brotzman City Clerk Ellis 5. Minutes Senior Planner Graham, Community Development Dlfecl or Black. Parks and Recreation (a) COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSIIA W MOVED, AND IT WAS SECO:WED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 2000. Ayes : Nays: Abstain: Absent: Motion carried . Council Mcmhcps Brod.shaw, Wolosyn. Yurchick , Bw:m None Counci l Me1~.he:· ~abholz Council Meml,ers Garrett , Graiulis Cou ncil Member Nabho lz adv ised thut she vo te :I to .ibsulin as she did not anend that meeting. [C lcrk ·s no1c: Agenda hem 8 (.1 ) wa s mov ed forward .] 8. Communications . Proclamations and Appointments (a) A resolution reappointing John Roberts to the Eoglcwo.:xt Code Enforccm:nt Advisory Co mmittee wai con"iidered . TI1 c reso lu1ion was ilSsigned a number and read by tit!c : En&ltlVoud City Council l>e<:omber 4, 2000 P•&• l RESOLUTION NO. 94, SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING JOHN ROBERTS TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY CO MMITTEE FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MO\11:D, AND IT ·..v AS SECONDED, TO REAPPOINT JOHN ROBERTS TO THE ENGLEWOOD CODE ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Ayes: Nays: Absent: Mo1ion ca rried. Council Members N11bholz, Bradshaw , Wolosyn, Yurchick, Bwns None Council Mcmbcn Garren, Gra.zulis As the ccrtitica1cs for the Englewood Code Enforcement Advisory Committee appointees were not ready. Ma yor Bums proceeded wilh Agenda hem 7, No n-s cheduled Visitors , 7. Non-scheduled Visitors (a) Ji11n Tang ad·,iscd tha1 she w.1s here to speak a.bout Falun Gong, which is also known as Falun Dafo. This. she said, is a prac1icc 1hat can benefit 1he whole co mmunit y. She sai~ she wanted 10 show Cou nci l a 1wo minute video1.1pe . Ms . Tang explained tht111h1s is an ancient fonn ora Chinese Qigong practice to improve the body anti mind through gentle exercise: and meditation . The practice invoh•c:s some slow, gentle movements and meditation . It is easy to learn. enjoyable to pra ctice: and free of charge. The nrincipal practice: of Falun Dafa 1s diffcrc:nl from other Qi gong practices in that it goes beyond the pursuit 0 1 hea lth and benefits to the goal of wisdom and enligh1enmen1. At the hcan of the practice is lhc supreme princi pal of the universc: ... truthfulness , benevolence and forbearance. Tiuough a combi.narion of a study of the books and performing the exercises, pnctitioners strive to become bencr people by embodying the princi pal s in everything they do. The video was shown. Ms. Tang said she wunled 10 talk about a surve y that was done in 1998 in Beijing , involving about 12,000 Falun practitioners . It shows that the disease-healing rate is about 99%, the cure rate is about 58%, physical health improvement is about , 1)% and mental health improvement is about 96% She showed Co11ncil two charts , one representing the health cha nge s before practice and one after practic e. Before practi ce abou t 50% of the people had thrc:c kinds of diseases. abou1 23% had two kinds of diseases and about 20% had one kind of disease . Only 6% claim 10 be healthy. After prac1ice, she sa id . the complete re covery ilte for the people wi1h three kin<h of diseases is over 60%, for the peopl e with two kinds of diseases , the he111ing , comp!ete recovery rate is 55%. A.bout 25% of the people claim to have almos1 completely recovered and 15% claimed some recovery. Ms. Tang said the y might have he:ird what happened in China. She expl ained 1ha1 the Chine se government began 1he prosecution of Falun Gong l:ut Jul y and since then millions of practitioners have been takc-n into police custody . Over S0,000 practi1ioners were sen t 10 jail and over 25,000 sent to labor camps without their children . Over 600 were abust"~ in mental hospitals. over 90 practitioners were beaten 10 death while they we re in police custody . Ms . Tang advised that December 11 through December 17 is Falun Oafa ,1,·eek . December 11111 is the l1 mtcd Slates Human Ri~.hts Day, she said, so they arc star:;ng with th.Ill dale and trymg to raise awareness or the basic human ngh1s or the Fdun practice in r~.111a , During the week. she advised, they wi ll have many workshops across Co lorado. 111cludmg Englewood. There will be a workshop 111 1he Englewood Publ ic l1br:1ry on De ce mber I t h rn the evening from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and everyo ne 1s welco me to attend and \e ;,m about 1he benefi ts of Falun Go ng . Ms . Tan g sai d they would like 10 introdu ce the practice to al l of EnblC\I.OOd so the ~\hole conunun11y can benelil from it. tb ) Nicho la s :,,.abhol z. 2990 Sou:h Delaware Stre et. introduced his fnend M:uk Malucc,. To begm w11h, he said , I would like lo say thank yfl u to all of !he City employees wl Q sent cards and gifts 10 me whe n I \\ilS III Cluldren 's Hosp ital. I especially wam 10 1hank Gary Sears, frrrell Black and Sue Bradshaw , who broug l11 me the girts and came to see me He asked 1f he cou lJ approach Cou ncil wi th papers and he asked 1ith~r wou ld watch a sn1.1II portion of Mr . Malucci 's vid,o . Mayor Bums said they sure can . • En1lewood City Council December 4, 2000 Pa1e 3 ,., JI I 11 1 11,<1 'I Mayor Bwus ooted that Nick tlabholz is the son of Council Member Ann Nabholz. He said we all knt.!w Nick and be is a wonderful young man. Ms . Nabholt s.:ud he is my pride and joy. Mr. Nabholz said that when he first we nt (:hildn:n's Hospiu1l he w11S in a lot of pain and couJd not have any medicalion , beca.u s" the y were going ttt do so me tests . My Mom thought it would be a good idea to take me outside for so me fresh 111r. I got ma wheelch.au and went outside. When I got outside there was a Denver fire truck, two police officers on hors es and a police officer with a canine . That is where I met Mark Malucci . I told my Mom during the night that I w:mted to help and that maybt Jerrell Black could help too . When I tnlked to Mr. Black tc said this would be a good project for the Youth Porks and Recreation Commission, which I c.m ludcy enough to serve on. he said . Our Denver Bronco quancrback. Brian Griese, came to sec kids on 1he f1fih floor . I asked him if he would help and he said yes . l hive a hard 1ime getting a hold of Brian Gtir.se. he said, so I a.m going to write him and remind him. Jenny Rulon a1 the Rr!crea1ion Center, is putting .1 flyer togelher and there will be a place at the Recreation Center and Malley Center to drop the srufT. H,; said be would pick n up and take it to Mr. Malucci and even though December 171h is his deadline. Englewood will have until mid January . Mr . Nabholz stated that his goal is $500.00 and 500 videos. I am asking tonigh~ he said. if there is any w,.y that Englewood City Council can help . He thanked Council. Mr. Maiucci advised that they arc trying to get children's videos, audio tapes any type of items like th.it to help children during their stay at Children's Hospital. He e:::plained that the drive staned three years ago nnd. after the first year of the drive . they were able to sci up viewing areas m the chemotherapy treatment areas and dialysis areas for the k.ids . Formerly, he said. kids went in for treatment and they had nothing to do but stare at the wall. ll1cy now have videos 10 watch, which heirs them out and it ha s spread throughout the hospital . Mr. Malucci noted that, earlier this year, be was down at the Hospital for the kick-off drive and it was his plcasw , a meet Nick and Nick bas been his best ally since. Mr. ~.falucci said he really apprecia1es Nick's hel1-•d Council's time: and cons iderati on. Mr. Malucci 's video was sho wn. He thanked Council for taking the time to watch the video. Just today, he sa id, he got a rax from Children's Hosp ital and the re is a seven-page wish list of things tha1 arc needed by the children . They vary from puppets to videos , including storage i1ems for videos . We try 10 help out the Hospital wherever we can, be said, to try to make a difference for the kids as the hospital does nol allocate funds for any of 1hcse it em•,. Mr. Malucci sa id any hdp Cou ncil can offer will be greatl y appreciated by th e kids and the Malu cci Medin Drive . He thanked Council for their time . Mnyor Bums !hanked Mr . M11.lucc1 ;rnd said he thought he was doing wonderful wo,k . He suggested tha1 Co uncil ask sta ff 10 look mlo thi s and sec wha1 we can do . City Manager Scars advised they will try 10 get the information oul to the City employees . Mayor BWTi s commented 1ha1 they ha\'e done such a good job and he asked for a round ofnpplause for Nick Na bholz and Mark Malucci. (c) Steve n Hoeller . -1-160 Sou th Elau. said about five or six weeks ago he ca me down to sec if he could get an amendment 10 the c11.t ordinance concerning free roaming cats . He said he was wondering if Co un cil had had a chance 10 di sc uss i1. as he is just trymg 10 follow-up on it a little bit Mayor Bums s:ud he remembers whe 1 he spoke 10 Counc1 l. bul personally he does not know what is happcmng wi th 1ha1. Counc il Member Bradshaw asked 1fMr. Hoe lter was fanuhar wuh the Code Enforccmenl Committee . Mr . Hoeller said he \l.'11 S. Ms . Bradshaw asked tfhe had talked to tbem Mr . Hoelt er said no , 1hnt when he addressed (·wnc1l no one !old him he )hould talk 10 1hose pc:oplc . Ms. Bradsh.4w s111d 1ha1 was okay, thit !t ha! been hcc1ic for C\'eryo ne. but rh:u is where she would suggest he stan. with 1hc Code Enfor-.:emcnt En1lewood City Council Detember 4, 1000 Pa1c4 ) II.) JbD'tT I ,,,l,1• r ' Advisory Commin« and present lus .:ase to them. She explained that they are an ad\'isory board for Council. Mr. Hoelter asked if they w,rk out all the wording a.,d submit ii to Council. Ms. Bradshaw llid yes, 1ha1 that is where she would stan . She said she did not kr,ow about the rest of Council. Mayor Bums said he thought that was a good idea. Council Member Yurchick advised Mr. Hoeller that the next meeting of the Code Enforcement Advisory Committee was December 20• al 6:30 p.m. Mr . Hoelter said okay. but he kind of wishes he wottld h,vc known that because he would like to get this going before spring whMJ all the cats get outside and he becomes inundated with cats. Council Member Bradshaw apologiztd to Mr. Hoelter . Mayor Bums thanked Mr. Hoelter for his interest. (d) Connie Sanchez stated that she has 73 signatures in support of retaining the existence of the Englewood Downtown Development Authority. She submitted the signatures to City CoW1Cil. Mayor Burns th.inked Ms . Sanchez and advised that the signatwcs would be made a pan of the record of this mee ting . 6. S<heduled Visitors {a) Edna Blaic was present 10 accep her appointment 10 the Englewood Code Enforcement Advisory Committee. Mayor Burns presented Ms . Blair with a certificate and City pin. He stated Council really appreciates her service. her interest lnd her voluntccrism. He asked for a round ofappfause. {b) Mani Olsen w.is schedu led to be present to accept her appointment to the Englewood Code Enforcement Advisory Committee. She was not in attendance . (c) John Robcns was scheduled to be present to accept bis reappointment to the Englewooo Code Enforcemen t Advisory Committee. He was not in attendance . Mayor Bums thanked Ms . Olst:n and Mr . Robcns for their service and noted 1hat even though they weren't hr.re this evening they wou ld be recei vi ng their certificates and pins . 7. Non-<ebedu led Visitors This Agenda Item was moved forward . Sec page 2. 8. Communications. Proclamations and Appointments Thi s Agenda hem was moved forward . Sec page I. 9. Public Hear-ing :,./o pub li c hearin g was sc heduled before Council. I 0. Consent Agenda COUNC IL MEMIIER llRADSHA W MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSlNT AGENDA ITEMS IO (a) (I). 10 (b)(I) and (ii) and 10 (c) (I) and (II), • • • En1lewood Clly Council December 4, 2000 P ■&• S (a) Approval ofOrdirumces on Fim Reading h ,,um > ,11 ) hor 11:ilxn • IIO!lt .i 1 ui~•JJ,(I It nb1 (i) COUNCIL BILL NO. 91, Il.rRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORD!NANCE APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NO . 150 TO THE SOUTHGATE SAN ITATION DISTRICT CONNECTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR THE !NCLUSION OF LAND WITH!N THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. (b) Approva l of Ordinances on Second Reading (i) ORDINANCE NO. 87. SERIES OF 2000 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 88, INTRODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER BRADSHAW) M, ORD!NANCE APPROV!NG THE RENEW AL OF AN !NTF.RGOVERNMENT AL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AND ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS WHEREBY ENGLEWOOD WILL PROVIDE ENGLEWOOD ?UBLIC SCHOOLS WITH VEHICLE MAINTENANCE . (i1) ORD!NANCE NO. 88 , SERIES OF 2000 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 89, INTROD UCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW} AN ORDINANCE APPROV!NG THE RENEW AL OF AN 1NTERG0VERNMENT AL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO AND THL CITY OF SHERIDAN, COLORADO WHERF.BY ENGLEWOOD WILL PROVIDE THE CITY OF SHERIDAN WITH VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. (c) Resolu11ons and Motions (i) RESOLUTION NO . 95, SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AUTHORIZ!NG THE CITY OF ENGLF.WOOD, CO LORADO TO FILE A:-1 APPLI CA TI ON WITH ARAPAHOE COUNTY FOR A 2001 C'JMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT . (ii) AN APPLICATION FOR A GRANT AWARD OF SI0.000.00 FROM THE CO LORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR A HISTORICAL STRUCTURE ASSESSMENT OF THE ENGLEWOOD SANTA FE DEPOT . Vole resulls: Ayes : Nays: Absent: ~fouon earned . Council Members Nabholz, Bradsha w, Wolo syn, Yurcbick, Bums No ne Council Members Garren. G~zulis Council Memb .:r Bradshaw said she wanted to offer kudos 10 Julie Grazulis. Hank Long and Ci ndy Sca n. She s11.id they did a good j,>b . Counctl Member Nabholz agreed lhe y did an excellent job . {Clerk's note : This 1s regarding Agenda Item 10 (c) (11).J II. Regular Agenda Enalewood Clly Council December 4, 2000 P•&• 6 (a) Approval of Ordinances on Finl Reading J I I t ) ff(tt II I"{ O{JIJ' I-1 du 1tf ' r.'I (i) Senior Planner Graham presented a recommendation from the Depnn.\.:nt of Community Development to adopt a bill for an ordinance creating an Urban Renewal Arca. He said he wanted 10 point oul that there arc 1wo parts to the request. He said the request before Council is to aet a public hearing for December 18ffl. I he property owntrs and tenants in the ma have itlttady been notified ofth:it date as required by the Urban Renewal Statulc. The second part of the request is the first reading of the ordinance that would establish the Urban Renewal Arca. Mr. Graham advised that the second part of the request is about the documents that were provided to Council in the folder, which include a condition sur.•cy of north Englewood, a plan to remedy the conditions lhat were found and a letter contactina the County about the expected impacts of providing County services to the area. He explained that these ctocuments arc all required by State Stanue in Ol'der to proceed with creating an Urban Renewal Area. He stated that establishmg the area is necessary in order for Englewood's Urban Renewal Authority to take title to a portion of property south of what we anticipate will be the new RTD maintenance facility . He said he would like Council to notice that each of the documents has been through the Urban Renewal Authority and the PIii.Ming and Zoning Commission for their hearing and they have provided rec ommendations in the form of resolutions. Mr. Graham pointed out that this process really started several yean ago, but most n ·cent ly, when RTD declared their intentions of building 11 maintenance facility on the site, was when we go: involved again . This is the path towards establishing the cleanup of the contaminated soils in the area and ,tis the path towards repairing public improvements and drainage problems. lfwe follow along this path, he said, it will establish a station which would be a cata lyst to redevelopment and provide oppornmities for us 10 get for sale housing in a mixed use, transit-oriented setting . What we arc moving on this evening. he said, is the path that will encourage redevelopment in the General Iron Works area. Mr. Graham said he wou ld like 10 ad\·ise Council that, in a conversation he had with RTD, he learned that RTD has struck a deal with Barton Brothers . He advised they have an agreement on the purchase of the entire site at this point and we arc looking forward to RTD selling a portion of the site back to the Urban Renewal Authority, should Council create the area and give the Authority that oplion. Counci l Mcmbc · Bradshaw asked if this is the last dcvclopable, large parcel in the City of Englewood. Mr. Graham said this is one of the last major de\'clopment parcels . The development that is anticipated in this project, he advised, with the RTD development and the redevelopment parcels. is about 25 acres . That is cnonnous as you know, he ~id, and it is difficult to assemble land, and next to CityCentcr that is the only one we know of. Council Member Nabholz asked that Mr . Graham correct her tf she was wrong, but, as she understands it. thi s wi ll not affecl any houses within lhe area boundaries, because al the present time they are not a conforming use , but if this is i.nstiruted then they will become a conforming use and they will stay right where they are at. She asked if th.at was correct. Mr. Graham explained the existing situation is that there are approximately thirteen single family houses 1hat are non-conforming in the area and, depending on the language in the overlay zone district, which will come before the Planning Commission. probably in Janullf)', anci 10 the Council after that. that ordina.ncc will determine how the houses will be bandied under 1he new zoning . One option is to treat them as non-conforming, another option is to treat them as conforming . Sol can't answer it directly. he said, it is an opnon that the Planning and Zoning Commission will make a recommcnda1ion on. r,.•!a yo r Bums. rcfemng to Res olution :-,,i o. 5 from 1he Urban Renewal Authority, with regard 10 the acqui smon agret nent between EURA and RTD . asked 1f th a1 w.i s going 10 go forward in light of the foci that RTD 1s acquiring tlu s site . He asked 1f thi s has been au1hon zcd and exe cuted and should now bt reformed so meho w lo refl ec t whal RTO ts domg . I am conc erned tha1 we actuall y have a writt en agreement wnh RTD , he said . Mr. Graham ad vised th.at wh.11 we ha ve 1s the draft of an acqu1siuon agreement that ha s been approved by th e Urba n Rene wal Au1h on1 y fo r the Execuu ve Direc tor 10 neg otiate with RTO and brmg it ba ck to the EUR..\ when there 1s a final agreement There 1s a meeung scheduled 10 co ntinue the nego1111u ons on that. bu! ii 1s not m final fonn . He noted it is an agreement in principal to • • • En1l1Wood City Council Dtcemb<r4, 2000 , ••• 7 mil ) Ii >111• ~ I 11 l UCl01 i. 1lm 1,fl k 5ir.'f negotiate on acquisition. But, Mayor Bums said, we arc moving toward an agreement Mr. Graham said yn. Mr. Graham said he did get a question about the exhibits that are referenced in the Englewood lndusaial Conditions Survey. At the public hearing, he said, we iotcnd to make a mon: complcle preaeotation of the, material , as would be appropriate to establish the record. In thal presentation we have three exhibits,10110 •0( them is an aerial photograph. another is a map related to some photographs to show you where they were taken ond the third is the boundary areo . Hopefully, he said. that will answer aoy questions about wh<re the exhibits are. There is a map in the survey, which shows the boundaries for th e area , so that information is in the survey ponion of the doc ument. Mayor Bums said he wo uld enten:ain two motions. One , to establish a publi c hearing on December 181b, and 3nolher to pas s the ordinance on first readin g. COUNC IL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED , TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON COUNCIL BILL NO. 94 FOR DECEMBER 18, 2000 AT 7:30 P .M. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yun:bick, Burm Nays: None Absent Council Members Garrett, Grazuli.s Morion carried . The C11y Clerk was asked to read the council bill by title : COUNC IL BILL NO . 94, INTRODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE TO CONSIDER THE CONDITIONS SURVEY AND THE ENGLEWOOD INDUSTRIAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ORDER TO APPROVE AN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE AREA DESCRIBED THEREIN . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (ll • COUNCIL BILL NO. 94. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yun:biclc, Bums Nays: None Abse nt: Council ~1embers Garren, Gr11ZUlis Motion carried . (b) Appro\'al of Ordinances on Sec ond Reading There we re no additional items submi ned fo r appro va l on seco nd reading . (See Age nda 11cm 10 -Conse nt Agenda .) (c) Resoluuon s :ind Motions (i) Direc1or Bl ack presented a recommendation from the Parks and Re crea tion Depanmcnt 10 appro\'e, by moti on, ll Professional Sen-icC"s Contract with E-21 Engineering, Inc., i, the amo unt ofS559.040.74 for Ce n1enni11I Park Environmental -Voluntary Cleanup Plan tmpleme11tatio11. As part of the cleanup, he said, we had to su bmi t to the State a plan to address environmental iss ues on the site . Mr . Black advised that E-21 was the group we used for that and we were very success ful. We received comp lete approva l of th e plan. he said. so we felt at was import ant that we co ntinu e to use E-2 1 to 110nit')r and imp lement the plan itself. ~1ayo r Bums noted Council discusse d th is at Stud y Sessio n and they .,r~ very ex.ci ted abo ut thi s projec t and getting it stancrl. He said be would like to co~limcnt Jerrell Black his sta ff for reall y moving this Enalowood City CouncU December 4, 2000 P11e8 • ni J bou111ll[n :t: (>Ut I,"'' ll J>II "':it'l along, Mayor Burns said a lot of people have done a lot of work on this. Dir,ctor Black said Mr. Scan had mentioned that earlier and that is correct, there have been a lot of people 11nd Lhy departments involved. 10 it has definitely been a cooperauve effort. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT IN THI: AMOUNT OF 5559,040.74 FOR CENTENNIAL PARK ENVIRONMENTAL· VOLUNTARY CLEANUP PLAN IMPLEMENTATION TO E-21 ENGINEERING, INC . Ayes: Council Memben •., :bholz. BradJhaw, Wolosyn. Yurcbick, Bwns Nays: None Absent Council Members Garren, Grazulis Motion carried. Director Black advised that, as pan of this project, they have committed to the Union Avenue neighborhood 10 keep them updated as to when: we an: in lhe project and the design u,d implementation phase. We have a meeting scheduled. be said. next Wednesday evening, the 13*, at 7:00 p.m., hen: in the Community Room. with that group, just to give them an update on lhe traffic study, the environmental plan and how we arc going to implcmen1 that, traffic, the schedule and all of that. He inviied City Council, ir they arc available, to attend. Mr. Black advised they would give Council an update on the results of that meeting. Mayor Burns thanked Mr. Black. 12 . General Discussion (a) Mayn(s Choice (i) Mayor Bums said he understands we had a great Chrisnnas party on December 2nd • He noted he was unable to attend as he had an emergency i.n his law office and he was closeted in there all day, which he deeply regrets . He said he wanted 10 especially thank Pauletta PuncereUi, our Public Jnform:uion Officer, and Leigh Ann Hoffhines who wo rked on this project and also Council Members Bev Bradshaw, Arm Nabbolz and Olga Wolosyn who were there. He noted there have been some wonderful pictures produced already from this event. He thanked the Engicwood Schools and lbe Band. They really did a very nice job, he said, and he WllDted to thank all of them. He commented that it is the kind of project you could do every year and embellish as you go along. He opined we are going to have some wonderful celebrations in the piazza on a variety of things . (ii) Mayo r Bums asked if Gary Sears would be giving Council an update on our projects . the Trammell Crow Residential project and so forch. Mr. Scars advised he would go through it just a little bit more . (iii) Mayor Burns said he noticed we have selected an artist for the Alexan art piec e on their parking gilf3ge , which is pretty exciting and we will hear more aboul that later on. loo . (b) Council Membe r's Choice (i) Council Member Nabholz said she wanted to say thank you for Saturday. They came 10 enJo y and the y were so impressed 10 see the different generations there . She commcn1ed that as little girls we saw our dads pl:i y baseball there, we swam in the pool and to sec Cinderella City bu ilt and 1hen to see it knoc ked down and to sec thi s back up and 10 see a new generation of kids. that were so excited . and their parent s. wa s dynam11c . The word has spread and she: has had four phon e calls 1alkmg aboul ho w wond erful ii wa s. She noted 1here we re J USI ii few cookie s lett an d oath.m g to drink and Ms . Puncc relli ga l stranded at King Soo pcrs try in g to pi ck up more treats . Ms . l':abholz said they raid ed the • Human Resources refrigerator and got lll ofthc:1r orange juice, so please pass on 10 Hum11n Resources that 1hc citizens reall y enjoyed their orange juice. Ms. Nabholz stated she was very 101pressed and would lik.e 10 • Ea1lewood City Coundl December 4, JOOO P11e9 Ii lfllJI• ) yJi ) t,00111T~11 f unot J. , ,rlm,, ,o OJ 1!!&'1 make this an annual thing and put it into our budjet to purchuc some hot cider, coffee and cookies. It wu woudcrful to sec the re vitalization. she said, and the sound out here with the bands and choir was awesome. Mayor Bums commented tha1 that wu the first time we haven't bcco rained out for l performance. Council Member Nabholz said ii was wonderful and sbe was lhriUed 10 bt: a part of ii . {ii) Council Member Bradshaw s1a1ed II was quiie an honor 10 be !here, ii wu n:aUy nice . She said she remembered wben her Dad was Pmidenl oflhc Jaycees and 1hcy dedicaled lhe pz,bo in 1he old park lhal he had help<d build . She soled ii was really nice 10 s,c lhe families . There wue grandparenl5 !here lha1 had played in the band wilh me, she said, and then lhcre were parents and kids. II wa s just ex ci ting. Good job to staff, she said. Ms . Bradshaw said let 's do UU 11 again. mor~ often. (iii ) Council Member Wolosyn : I. Sh e as ked if lhe January 8° meeting wilh the school dis1ric1 has been finalized . City Manager Scars said he would have to get back to her next week. Council Member Bradshaw noted Ms . Wolosyn would be out of town. Mr. Scars asked Ms . Wolosyn if she was going 10 be back in town for that. Ms . Wolosyn said she could be , bul she would pref,,r no110 be . Council Member Nabholz offered IO do lhal if they needed her to. Mr. Sears said be would do a follow -up , that he was not certain that date will work for them Ms . Wolosyn sa id it would be hcncr for her a linlc later . 2. She s111d she also enjoyed seeing the Plaza in use and she was looking forward to the future . Mayor Bums advised that he would be leaving in the morning for Boston, for the National League of Cities Conference . There arc a couple of items on there of particular importance to Engl.:wood. he said, that be would be attending . One is on bow to develop a water park. and make it profitable. Mayor Bwns said unfortunatel y Co uncil Member Nabbolz can't make it, but he would give a full report to Council when be gel5 back. Ma yo r Bur.JS said he noted, and confirmed, 1hat the y are ac tunll y work ing on th e Bro adwa y bridge and he was delighted to see-that [Clerk's note: This item was listed as 12 (t J (i) on the Agenda .] A bill fo r an ordiru1n ce disso lvi ng the Englewood Oowmown Deve lor.,ment Auth ority was considered . The City Cieri: was ask ed to re ad the co unci l bill by titl e: COUNC IL BI LL NO. 92. INTRODUC ED BY COUNC IL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN OiUlrNA NC E DI SSOLVrNG THE ENG LEWOOD DOW NTOWN DEVELOPME NT AUTH ORITY (EDD.\). COUNCIL MEMBEI'. BR.ADSHA W MOVED, AJI/D IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CO UNCIL BILL NO. 92. Eqlewood City Council December ◄, 1000 PaplO Council Member Bradshaw slated they needed to have some discussion on this . ,., > 111 ,,,."'.11,I:: i h,I, 1,dn•-, 0 ,, i.'l Mayor Bums advised tho.I Council hns discussed this at Study Session and the 4 X 4 has met. which consist, of four momben of tho EDDA board and four members of Council, about the future of EDDA and what EDDA hos been doing . He commented that they might remember a couple of years ago, starting in 1996 and ending in 1998 , that EDDA developed a downtown plan, which was one of tho principal thing, that Colorado law provides for Downtown Devel opment Authorities. He stated the plan has not been brought before the Planning Commission, nor has City Cowtcil been asked to adopt it, which causes us a good d~al of concern. He pointed out that there was a lot of work don: on that plan. Council also looked at their budget 10 sec how they were spending their monies on personnr.1 and projects. We have been concerned as to how much of their funds arc actually going into projcc..15 for the community, he uid. We discussed other ways of improving downtown, such as a business improvement district and using fwub directly from the City's budget for facade improvements , all with the idea of improving the downtown area, perhaps more expeditiously than is being done at this point by EDDA . Our thought, he said, with this ordinance, is to pass it on first reading and hopefull y there will be a scheduled meeting between the four EDDA momben and tho four Council momben before this comes up again. Ho explained that we arc dealing with a short timofiamo, because wo have a mill levy for EDDA that has to be processed this month. He said we wish we had more time for this, but this is Just something that tame up recently and we have had a difficult struggle with tho relationship botwoon EDDA and tho City over tho past several years . The improvements on South Broadway and the paving rcsuJted in some conflic ts this summer and EDDA, by their own sclf--cxprcs.sion. has evolved into an organization that is also a busllless advocacy group and that, in our mind, he said, is not really what the Statutes contemplate . So we arc just taking a look at EDDA to sec whether they can be reformulated. refocused ... whether 1hcrc is a better way of doir.g this . He said we asked th.al an ordinance be draY.'TI up to disso lve EDDA , to be passed on first reading , which would lead to • further disc uss ion and see what t.::,mes of that. Mayor Burns asked if anyone else would like to make any further comments. Council Member Wo\os yn said she wanted to thank Connie Sanchez for the dfo11 that went in10 collecting the signature s on the pcririons . Th.at is what is important to me , shf said, 10 hear from members of that district. She said she would also ask the 4 X 4, or EDDA , to honor those signatures by making a real effon 10 mc.-et between now and Christmas s•J that we can at lellSt talk before we proceed and hopefully resolve a lot of the negati ve issues that have been fl ymg around and see how we ca n loo k at that plan in a positi ve way for everyone . Co unci l Member Yu rc hic k advised that his concern is with the use of funds and the group 's current focus . My vote , he said , isn '1 a refle ction of non•s uppon of the business community; it is a reflection of my conce rn about how taxpayers' dollars arc be ing used and how the organization itself is being used . I encourage the Council, if the EDDA is disso lved, 10 fonn an intcnm group to continue the facade program, he said , He stated that hi s vo te isn'I against the EDDA as much as it is against what he sees as EDDA 's cunent method of operation. Co uncil Member Bradshaw advised that she became co ncerned about this last summer and she asked for information on the budget, 11 S 1.6 mill ion budget, and where ii has gone . She said Council received that informati on from staff and another iteration fro m EDD A. Ms. Bradshaw stated she ha s been on Co uncil for thre e years and has ye l to recei ve minutes from EDDA. like we do from every other board and commission m this Ci ty. That concerned her, she said, and the use of funds . EDDA used tc do mor~ thing s for the co mmuni ty and she unders!ands, phil oso ph ic;i ll y, why they swi tched. but she still thinks tha1 by applying for fund s from the SCFD. and receiving those fund s. It \\J.sn ·t that huge ofa deal 10 do the concen . For the last two years the Ci ty has picked that up . EDDA use d 10 be il pan of the fir ewo rks ... the y aren't 11 pan of the fireworks :mymo re . In a way. she sa id. thdr philosophy has shifted . Instead ofworki,:.<t hand~in•hand • wit h 1he City an .. p.:nncrsh1p . she sec s it as 3 conni ct. ~Is . Bradsha w st.it cd by no means 1s Council Bill No . 92 cast in stone . thnt thi s is 10 bring 11 up fo r disc uss ion. which is why we always hav e two readin gs on • • Eqlewood Clly Couadl Dttt-r 4, 2000 Paae 11 t,1 ruu > I I Lon ~, n 000~ f.1, m nO ti ,:1c 1I things with two weeks in between, so dialogues can take place. I'm saddened. ~be said, at what I have aeen the Downtown Development Authority turn into from ilS inception when I w-.a an Couacil from 19801D 1987. A lot bu haPl'fflCd in those ten years tl11t bu changed, I think, the ~loaaphy 111d to IOllll extml the rnsan that Downrown Development Authorities were formed. She noted abe 1harea lhe c:oncerm of Mayor Bums, Council Member Wolosyn's concerns and Council Member Yurc 'rick's concern!. Council Memb:r Nabholz said her vote reflects that she agrees with Council Member Yurchick. that this is in no way agaiml our busiaesses, this is to force dialogue between EDDA 111d the City Council . She said she also agrees with Council Member Wolosyn. She is very concerned and she wants the 4 X 4 group lO mee~ the four Council members and four EDDA board membm , and she wanlS us to gel away from this "us against them" mentality. I 1011lly support our Englewood businesses, I am concerned with the way the funds are being spent md my vote reflects concern and to force dialogue, sb.c said. 1 I Council Member Yurchick said he wanted to ask a question. He said be understood that EDDA sent out cards asking businesses to show up . He asked if there were any businesses present that came in response to those cards . Mr. Yurchick acknowledged the one lbat was pre1ent. Mayor Burns asked if there were any otLer questions or comments. There were none . Vote results: Ayes : Nays : Absent: Motion carried . Council Members Nabholz. Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick, Burns Noue Council Members Garren, Gra..ulis [Clerk's no1e : This i1em was lisied as 12 (b) (ii) on the Agenda.] A motion to change City Council meeting dates in January 2001 was considered. Mayor Burns noted the first meeting in Jaouary 2001 would be held Monday, January a• and the se<:ond meeting would be held Mo nday, January 22"', being the 2"' and 4• Mondays in the month instead of the I" and 3". COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO CHANGE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATES IN JANUARY 2001 TO JANUARY 8, 2001 AND JANUARY 22, 2001. Ayes: Nays : Absent Mouon camt:d . 13. Cily Man11er's Reporl Council Me 111bers Nabholz, Bradshaw , Wolosyn, Yurchick, Bums None Counc il Members Garren , Grazulis (a) City Manager Sears advised that we are in full swing right no w wilh buih!ing pemtits, negotiations and discussions with Miller We ingarten and Trammell Crow. whic h he thought wa s a good sign . The permit for Office Depot was issued 10 Saunders Construction Company on Friday, December l ". so tht:y should bt: proc et:ding 1n 1he next couple of weeks. The Building Oepanment will meet wi1h Miller Weingarten on Frida y 10 talk to th em about the foundation permit ior the south Parkway building . He said he kn ows that Bob Si n;p son ha s rev ie wed the pl ;ms and we haven 't reall y looked a the construction dra wings, but . :ipparentl y, we arc getting clo se ,o UU.t. he sa id. We l1fC' working wil Trammel Crow , he said, and the y are about forty percent done wirh their underground plumbing on parct, one, which is the cast building, next 10 Wal-Mort where all that work is gomg oo righ1 now . Parcel two, whkh is the wes t Eqltwood City COUDdl Doctmbtr 4, 1000 Pqtll I, ij u•) {JI ) l1on'tf:tfJ:11 i ll(J!, ~ ,,11111:n lf 11 ~•11.'t ptn:el that is vacalll rlaht now, and the parlcina structure, are being reviewed ... it is kind of a re-1ubmi111l that is being reviewed. .. and that sboulcl be coq,lete by December a•. Mr. Sean Aid be wllllCd to thank sUIIT, Lance Smith in particular, lk1I Greene and the Building Depanmont for working throu&h each of the issues . He noted there have bttn some issues, but be is jusl excited that we ue now UD0CI' CODSb'UCtion. Council Member Bradshaw ,sked if Council should form,•:, address what they decidr.d to do for the Chamber of Commerce. Discu.ssion ensued. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, ANli IT w AS SECONDED, Tu ,;oNTRJBUTE 57500.00 TO THE ENGLEWOOD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, PLUS PROVIDE OTHER IN- KJND SERVICES. SUCH AS WAIVING FEES. Aye,: Council Members Nabholz, Bradshaw, Wolo .. y,•, Yun:bick, Bums Nays: None Abs,nt: Council Members Gam:tt, Grazulis Motion carried . 14. City Attorney's Report City Attorney Brotzm:t.o did not have any matters to bring before Council. 15 . Adjournment The meetin~ adjourned at 8:42 p.m • •