HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCR. ' I ENGLE\V<'OD, ARAPAHOE COU1'TY, CO..DIL\DO llqular Saalo■ M> llCB 16, 19911 I. Call to Or,ler 11,c regular mcctint oflhcEnglcwood City Council was called toonlerby ~Bums at 7:40 p.m. 2. Invocation Tiic invOC3tion was given by Council Member Na bh olz. 3. Pledge of Allegiance TI,c Pledge of Allcgiru,cc was led by Englewood Boy Scout Troop No. 2S9. 4. Roll Call Present Absent A quorum wns presen t. Council Members Nabb1lz. Cl.pp. Garren. Bradshaw . Habenich1 . Waggoner, Bums None Al so present: Ci ty Manager Scars 5. Minutes City Auomcy Bro1zman Deputy Ci1y Clerk CarJe Director Esterly. Public Works Housing Fin ance Specialist Grimmdt Planning Assistant Denning (a) COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND n-'WAS :;[ct,:-:OED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF lllAltCH 2, 1998. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Garml Br.m11.aw. Habeni cht. Waggoner. Clap p. Bums Na)s : No ne 111e motion carried . 6. Scheduled Vi!litors (a) Jimmy Boully and Brvcc Peer From 1he Englewood Youtb Wrestling Club. addressed Co uncil regarding funding for 1hc;r a.11cnd.,,ncc :u lhc Nmional Youth Wrcstkng Championship Toumamcnl in Reno , Ncvad.1 . Mr . Bo u'ly 1olll Co uncil th:u he 1s nine )'C3l'3 old and in the Lhird grade at Alice Terry Elementary School. tic exp lained tha t he lives \\ilh his dad. has. sister and th eir dog. Honey He s.iid hi s favorite span is wres tl ing and he has been wuh the Englewood Youlh Wrest ling Club ror four years . Mr. Boully s.1id he took first place :ll 1hc distric1 1oumamcn1 Uus ye:u_ and wa,; the stale champion Enal~ City Council Man:h 16, 1998 Pqc2 He said lhal. wilh Ilic hdp of"""~ ~pl~ Ii,. u,J members of C0t,xil, he will, hopefully, do well al '~ ..--[ t'f"j 1 I'" 11,c nallonaJ IOWT11Unent in Reno. e promised lo do his bcsl. Bryce Penn luld Councll 1ha1 he Is cighl ycan old and in Ilic ,ccond gmde al Maddox Elemeniary School. He ~,id he lives with his 1110111 nnd dad , hl5 brother. Hayden, and his 1wo dogs . He explained 1ha1 he has been in lhe Englewood You1h Wrcs1ling Club for 1wo years, along wilh approxi111111dy ,ix!)' oll)er children , nges four Uuough founccn . He said he had 1wcn1y-five wins. 1hrcc losses, and founccn pins 11,ls year, Inking firs1 pince in seven oul of six lllllmamenlS. He said ne took first place at 1he districl 1ouma11•.en1. and founh pince at the sUl!e toumamcna... qualifying for 1hc national toumament in Reno, N1~vada on April ,iih and ,e. Mr. Penn said lhat, in order 10 make this imam come true, he and his family ure asking many Englewood businesses and clubs lo make donations lo help wilh travel and hotel expenses . He nsscncd 1ha1 nn)' donalions lhe Cily can give would be a very big help . He tliankcd Council for gi\'ing lhern bolh 1he time 10 speak abou1 tl1eir Englewood club, ond tlicir goals . 7. Noa-Scheduled Visitors (a) Jim Collins. General Counsel for Sou1h Suburban Parks and Rccn::11,on Dis1ric1. called Council's attention to a lcucr dated March 12. 1998. which wns wri11cn by his office on behalf of the Board of Directors of Soulh Suburban . n,e i5SUC. he ~,id. is over an aJdition that 1ms placed on lhe PUD . which is before Council tonight on second reading . He said the addition calls for the construction of. what they read to say, any traffic improw.mcnts necessary in the vicinity of Cornerstone Park'. as opposed 10 those traffic improvements which would be related to South Suburban ·s use of the park . He asked if Council intends 10 consider the alternative language offered in s..ild letter . Mr . Collins sl..ited thnt Bill Woodcock is here also. n.nd opined that he ·would s.,y . essentially . the s.ime thing . He said he would be pleased 10 discuss lhis wilh Council. Mayor Burns c.~pl:i.incd th.it . nonna t:y. non•schedulcd visirors make a st:11emen1 and then Council mi gln take ii up l:uer . bur there is usualiy no c.-olloquy :,,1 this time . (b) Bill Clayton. 958 81st Camell A\'enue . ild\'iscd 1hal he ;mended the Study Sess ion • • earlier tltis C\·cning, as he understood they were con!iidering re gis1enn g landlords He urged Coun cil 10 be clcir about Lhcir objcctl\'C. because the culpril is nol lhe landlord . lhc own er, or the tenant . The culpnt 1s old housing. he opined . which is 1cnant housing becnusc own ers \\i ll 1101 ll\'c m 11 . II 1s old . small and f100rly insulated . he said. and some of the plumbing was ins1:1 llcd ancr the house was bu 111 . II has bad ~1ring. and a modem family does not want to live in a seven hun dred sq u.irc foot house that is poorl~ built. he said. These houses will be tenant occupied unlil we tear 1hcm down . he advised . Mr Clayton =ailed that he and Roger Kollay helped invent Project BUILD some years ago and he said he feels 1lm1 is really the solution for this problem, bul aHowcd th.it ii is n subj cc l ror another evening . He urged Council 10 consider those types or programs. opining that this is how the nei ghborhoods will be turn ed around. bv replacing this inadcqUJtc housing with housing that families will li,e in . raise a fami ly and beco me stabic citizens . Mr . Clayton st.11cd 1hat landlords arc simply responding 10 ::1·1 opponu111ry. We all ,\ant 111 cc neighborhoods. he asscncd. just as landlords do . It is 1101 lhe landlords who park Jtmk cnrs in 1hcir ~ards , break out their windows .incl have loud panics that lhc poli ce have to respond to . he said . lf\\l.; h:l\c a nicer neighborhood. we can charge more rent , he s1:11 cd. adding that !andl ords like code enforce mem and would like more even code enforcement. Mr. Cl:1)10n suggeslcd 1ha1 . 1f1he) nrc going 10 111spcc1 renrnl property. 1hcy should inspect owner occupied property . He :'ldviscd th:'lt the house next 10 hi s re nt .ii propcny, which has the urinal mounted on the rronr porch . is owner occupied . and that the hou se down the street from him. which has had a Junk car in lhe b.1ck ynrd since 1973. is owner occupied . He st ated that. as a landlord. he has some property he would love to improve. bu1 firsi he needs the ncigl1bc'•ood imp "cd l>y some code enforcement. Mr. Clayton nl so noted 1ha1 landlords arc not hard 10 find . since • they pay water bills nnd taxes He also pointed out th:ll th e 1enan1s know where 10 find lhcm He s.1id he • • • Englewoo(I City Council March I~, IIJ9K Page 3 l,o, • I n I II IA 1 hns worltr.d, and will continue to work. to help .....,c lllmo k.iDdl ol lilmdons. He ur,ed Council to consider ~rojcct BUILD as a solution to this. o&rmc11a wk to Council at length about it at some future time. (cl Roger Koltay, of Highlands lwiclu, aid it is interesting that the people change , but the issues tJuu Councils di50USS do not. He aid lie ..,...lllli• that by now, SC\'eral issues W<ldd ltavc been solved . One is junk cars. he said, rocalling tltal le~ oa that sotne )UIS 118() and UMJught then tltnt 1hcy hnd a solu1ion for them . He said he mirror.s. C\IU)'lhing Mr. Clayton said. wilh n couple of e~cepdons One is on the water bill. 11ia~ 1111 said, i1 wbcft die Oily could find where the owner of the property Is . opi ning that most landlords have the water bi.II• a, c:!bcm. He said lac aJso feels it is a 1cn nnt issue. and a code enforccrncnt issue. not simply landlonll 111111 =aus,ng 1he pl'oblems with properties . It is most likely a minor few who create most of the calls. Ire-· Mr . Koh•• said tl1erc arc also just general eyesores, and presented pictures to Council wbida le aook on his , the meeting 1onlgh1. These ,,re properties that the City has, he slated, some ol__. _.. ocquirc<I uack •'hen he was on Council. He soid he thought at that time that the City had a.,. ..,ilhcnl. but appuatly we still do not. Some of these arc prime properties 11,11 sit in some of 1hc higl,ar v:iilucd an:u in our ory. The City has tnl<CII control of them. he said. allowing 1ha1 1hcrc m.,y be a a:113111 catity of lhc: City th.ii owns these properties {e s.1id he m:,uld like to sec sonic solid program to pl! llrcorpropenies to l1llC 311d back on the 11,< roll s. ,,r. Koltay 1n,called lhnt many 1ncml>crs or Council_....,. when hcbov&IW I f:rc st.itlon. which he sa,d he returned to the tax rolls . costing him a horr::ndous;amouru of money !-tc asked thm 1hc Ci!y"do the s.1mc with iu propenics and also think about the 'liaKISlld 1hcy an: ask.mg 1hc landlords to think about Most landlords try to keep up their propcnics. lac.said! (d) Eugene Nonnan ·nated that he""" i!lorn ,n Englewood about seventy years ago. He said he li\'CS in a vnn. wh.ich is against the la w. but. as 2111 :anist. he is asking fo r anisllc license . He said hi s crentivity is , in some ways. curtailed by the law ~ to livuag in a vaa. Mr. Nonn:tn stated that he docs a lot of his work in the van . He s.iid he wNCS amd meditates in the ,•an. and observes some pretty amnzing things . He said he feels thal. as an anm. bl! should be allowed to do these things . In the ,,ork area of'th~ van, he sold . he comes up wi1h very lJIIUSDUll thiogo, displaying for Council one or hi s projCCl s. He allo"<d that nrtisls arc. in some ways. qyr rc ~,md dilfen:111 . He aid he has a grc.11 deal of knowledge in physics nnd he works on ways of pn:,vu.:ttng energy and diffcrcnl met.hods of night He asked that Council become more obJCC11vc. and ks5 s.JbJcanc. relauvc to his suu:111011 . He sa id 1c 1s somewhere betwe en a rock and a lmrd pl:u:c wu t\ die police. because th~ ha,c to enforce laws rclat 1,c to "ans. He feels lus a ni stic crc:1t 1\'it)' is being liamcd E:t_\ these restri ctio ns. and that his problem is 1ha1 he docs not comm1111i c.1 1e ve ry well wil11 01hc r pcopic. 't'Jte proble m that he wants to so l\'e iOr himself tonight, he s.1i d, is 1ha1 he wanlS to l.JC ab le 10 do .JI ~ u~ thrngs III his \"an. He asked i1ow he can so h e this problem . Mayor Burns replied lhat they would ha\'C to h.n't' tru.:17: infonnrnion from staff. Mr Nonnan asked 1f he coul d co n1 ac 1 1hcm agnin before the poltCC arT$ IP' {o r lning in th e \'an. Mayor Bums said he cou ld come back any 11111c 1hat he would choose. but tkls is.cm. far as they can go 1his evening . (c) Ken KIOC\\er 1ald Council Ll\311: Ile: CJU'llS propcny 1n Engk"ood aud 1s an cmpl o)ec or lhe City or Ent::lcwOOC He said that pan ae1 ua1~ 'lla!i no1h1ng 10 do \\1 th 1hc iss ue . but he sa id he di\ 101 want to mis rc prcsc:nt himself. Mr. Kloewer st;med. th::ut.. m his opinion. this 1s 1101 a landlord 1cnan1 issue Rather, he s.1id. it is a code enforcement issue. :mi. iJf "'-C \\OU Id ha, c -:nhcr more per so nn el 10 de:1I wll h code cnforccmc nl . or actual cnfo rccmenl of the cadl::5.. lllun would dea l with the cnu re problem . Ttus 1s a propcny value issue and we should address it,...., cede enforcement. and no t discmrnna1e agnins1 landlords . He S11id the property that he owns LS m .bemcr' shape th."UI cighry percent or mor.1 or owner o :copi ed propcny . Mr . Klocwcr encouraged Cow,ci 10 look at 1hc code enforce ment. Englewood Chy Council March 16, 199H Page 4 ) ... 8. C•mualcatlon1, Prod1a11U1u and Appulntacall (a) A letter from Kristin S. Cottle indlcoting her resignation from the Englewood Plannia& and Zoning Commission was considered . COUNCIL MEMRER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT THE USIGNA TION OF KRISTIN S. COTTLE FROM THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. Ayes : Nays: lllC molion carried. Council Members Nabholz. Gamtt. Br:ulsha". HabctuchL Waggone r. Clapp. Bums None (b) A letter from Rutl1 Greiner mdicatiug l,cr resignation from the Englewood Public Library Board was con5idcrcd . Council Member Hnbcnicht stated that she served ,.;111 Ms. Grciacr on lbc: Public Library Boan! and she did a fine job . CO ,UNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WITH RECRET THE RESIGNATION OF RUTH GREINER FROM THE ENGLEWOOD PU8UC LIBPARY BOARD. Ayes: Nays : Tiv,; motion carriej , Council Members Nabholz. GarrctL Bmdslw". HabcmchL Waggoner. Clapp. Bums None (c) A letter from Mary Neumann indicnting her resignal.ion from the E, ~c,~ood Water aad Sewer Bo.1rd was considered. COUNCIL MEMBER N,\BIIOLZ MOVED, AND IT VIAS SECONllED, TO ACCEPT WITH RE-::RET THE RESIGNATION OF MARY NEUMANN FROM THE ENGLEWOOD WATER AND SEWER BOARD. Ayes : Nays : l11c n,o:ion carried . l'ubl ic fl cari nJ! Council Members Nab hol1 . Garrett. Bradshaw. Habemcht. Waggoner. Clap~. Burns None (a) COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDEU, TO Ol'CN A PUBLIC HEARING TO GATHER INPUT ON A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE REVISIN G THE TRUCK ROUTE DESIGNATION ON WEST UNION AVENUE. Ayes : Council Members Nab l1 olz. Garrell . Br:1dsh :m . Habeni cht. Waggoner . Clap p, Burns Nays : None The mo1jon carried and lhc public hearing opened All 1estimony was g1\'Cn under oath . • • Di rector of Publ ic Works Est erl y slated tha t Counci l h.,s exp ressed a conci:m 1ha1 the qual11 y of hfc fo r • reside nts on West Union A\'cnu c. between Soulh Clay Strccl and So uth Fcdcr:1 1 Boulc,ard, 1s impacted b) • • • Englewood Cily c..-il March 16. 1991 Page 3 heavy lrUck lrallic ae • IOClioo cf roodway. West Union Avenue rrom Soull1 Federal Bouleyard 10 South &Mia Fe Driw 11M...., iacludcd in Illa dai"'""° truck l'OUle systc1n since prior 10 1968, he adviacd . City c...cu ·s ... lO n:DIMl l'>o lnick route daignalioo on WCII Uqion Avenue from South Clay Suect to Fcdaal a.levud, he swed, Is buod upon crileria Olhcr lhan the technical ualllc ensiJ,eoria/11 7 · -~, The i111Dnl of U,c proposed or~ i5 IO remove the truck route dcsignatio11 floa • sa-i olWCII Union Avenue, the first step having been inken by Council on Febnwy 17. 1991 and die second step i5 this public hearing that we arc having this evening, he said . M,. Esterly submillcd. for• -,1, oolice ofpablication of the public hc.i n ng in the En~lewood Hcr,!1 oe Fcbmary 20. I 991 . Bob Danlico, Rqioeal Manager for Waste Maoagcmcn~ lncorp<.~fl l!'(i. 2400 West Unio~ A,·cnac. reminded Counc:il lilll 11<"11S bcforc llicm on Februar,, 17, 19VR, Mlhen llus matter was firu di,;c:usscd . He said he 11'011id likr. IO ra1er.11e SIIIIIC of the things he said at ll,11 I, ·ic.. "1ld offer some ndditional input 10 Council. He 11·...a Lhal WIiie Mina!ll'm<nl 1w been located 'JI he Union Avenue a,Jarcss siucc 198il 11,c ,aipc of cpcntioc......,.,.. two dislinct areas. he advise.I · · ,. told Council Iha! they base their tmck neet lllcrc, Mli~-10 about 100 rd'uoc vehicles u.s,d 10 r,r,vicc customers in the soullicm pan of the metre area. Tbc cdra' operation there is a tr.msfcr st.i1 ;on and material recovery faoili1y . \ '!H:n Waste MaMgemenl •ad Ibo Cily pcnnillcd that facility back in I ~~5. one of the key considcrn1ions. rclJlivc 10 siting lhll facilitr, _...,..._ be 8SSCrlcd. Union Avenue provided exocllcni access. he said . nu, is one of the key~ -we. io, Ille solid WIISIC rcc)'cling business, have 10 co nsider when we si te rocili1ie5. he ~.tressed. Mr. Oannc.o,said that approximalely 2SO employees arc based L..c rc who arc involved in 1hc c:oUcction operatiom aall a.he uan.5fcr and recovery faciliucs. ns well as the administratioi1 function for the enlirc metro art:a. l:k Sllid be lS nol here 10 oppose ccn:iin restrictions on Union Avenue. having tied 10 b: a good neighbor Mll_,.:ialing Ilic conocms oftbe ~idents, especially tl1osc 011 Union Avenue . In uying IO be a good aeigtllllar, ..clave routed all ofll1c l1Cavy truck trdl!ic from the [ocility eas1 on 10 Sama Fe. he advised. Uc pailllll out. howc\'Cr, that. in coMcction wilh the operation of foe 1ransfcr staliC'I~. hundreds of alS&Oalerl ac tbe facility . Was\C Management car, 1101 control i1s customers. he said. in tenns oft.heir aca:511 •• facility. We have encouraged our heavy 1mck lraffic customers. he said. 10 use San1.1 Fe aod Union A-. Mr. Daraico said he would lik• 10 impress on Council 1h.11 consideration should be gi\'CII I0 tbc _.apria&e wcigl11 limilS, so lioat ::,,nsidcratlon can be: given 10 boll, Ilic residents and Waste MaaagcmealS NSiness conccms . He submi1100 pic:urcs to Council of lhc various lypcs of traffic that frequent tbe.-fdity. He said 1he ltc:Jvy refuse vchicies arc no11ncluded because he assumes everyone knows wba.1 ma::, look hkc. 1hcy nrc the large enclosed \'Chicles th:11 arc cons1ruc1cd 10 h.1111 refuse . Mr. Drunico s;a:ldtllc:sc arc p1c1urcs or typical vcluclcs 1hat use the r.1cll 11y. u11h the gross nc1g.lu ol each \'Chicle lisacd offtDtlhe Stde . Tl:e \'Chicles were ac1u.1lly sc:1lcd ns 1hey ca me throu gh th e facility . There is a wide variety af"\'Chiclcs thal use the fac1lil). he .smd . and expressed concern 1hat . with the kinds or weight limits tlw ma, be considered on Union Avenue. these types or vcluclcs might be excluded . He said these arc not the ~'Y uaffic.. which h..-: bt:lievcs 1s caus ing the problem . He enco11ragcd Co uncil to look somewhere io tbe-JG,000 pound category . Mc said a l)p«al refuse vehicle \\eighs atoul 32 ,000 pounds empty. and loada1 tbey would be significantly ove, the 10.oon pound limit. All ur the refuse collection \'chicles wmfdbe excluded. Mr. Daimco said 1h.:il. irthe linut would be wnlun that range . it would have a 1ok:rable· ta;taet on tJ1e lhird pan y 1raffic. !t would also exc lud e tl1c rccy ~:1n g vcluclcs thal we arc seeing more and DDDK or. as 11~1 of ~he service prov iders arc prov 1d111g curbside rCC)cling. Those trucks weigh about 26..Q(l(t pounds empty . he sunniscd. and. loaded. they would be o,cr 1hc :l OJIOO pound limn as well He added W ..ste M.1nagcmcn1 feels they can work with tlial. h,wrn g lalkcd w11h 111os1 o~ 1hcir commercial c-.JStOcmcr.. wOO fee l they can live wilh a roulc from Sanrn Fe Dnvc 01110 Union A\'cnuc . tr we get the limJl to wll,.:ire II 1s gomg 10 nffcc1 so me of 1l1e 1turd p:1n) traffic , he 111ain1a1ncd. it will clf..:c1 our business dramatJ'::1L.). Tius racili 1y se rves the c111irc so u1 11 metro arcn. nnd ccnainly the ci 1i1.cns or Englewood. he srud. Tic Cuy placed a 1a:, on our focih1~ back in 1986. he said. which bnugs 111 about $300 ,000 in fC'\'CIIUC so WC City. a big pan of wluch is gcncrntcd by tlus !lurd pany tra ffic . In tryin g 10 he a good neighbor. we h:rte 3.lso 'A"Orked "itJ1 tht. Ci1y or Englewood and the Clean . Green an d Proud Englewood Chy Council March 16, 1998 Pase 6 Commisslor., by providlna Ire<, disposal owr the IMI seveml yean r« ...,..,...deallup, he said, 10 the tune or about SI0,000 a year. Mr. Oamko aid he 9-1 Council .....,.iza ._ ,....,. otlhc roallty to rhe City or Englowood . We an: \'elY comfonable when: we an, he said. • ~ _... ol pn,pcny. One of the key concerns ln 'silln& a facility llltc this, he rep,alod. 1,-. ud. if• --to Ille point where it .mets our business. we may haYO to lool< II other allcmatiYOS. cvco dlaocJ, tllal i1 ci:nainly 1101 our preference . Jean Moore. 2850 West Floyd Avenue, Sheridan . told Council that she ■erYOa oa die Sheridan Plannins Commission. She said she has a grc.11 deal of c111pa01y for lhc people up on Lbe end or Union near Federal . She asked Council lo als., be very concerned about where tha1 uuclt l1'2ffic is going 10 go . II is nol going 10 just disappear, she sai d. II ,;,ay go nonh on Sanla Fe . and then waa <on Olcfonl . 10 gel back over in the direction ii 1\11nlcd 10 go. Unfonuna1el y. we have a bridge on 0-. slic u . 1ha1 is llOI in good shape now , and would very rnpidly dclcriorn1e runhcr under hca,1' IJuctr;s;. She asked 1ha1 Council look ar where the lrueks arc goi ng , perhap, asking the people from W-~ ....,, po1h 1he divcncd trucks arc followin g if they needed 10 go W<Sl , bu1 lhcy have 10 ~ Cllt first. fl -1d appear 1hn1 1hcy arc either going up Belleview or Oxford , she said . Ms . Moore said she .....id be happy 10 offe r nny more infonnntion from her sumdpomt. Mary Cassell, 2986 Wost Union Avenue, told Cooncil that she docs ROI k..,. -much more she can submit concerning her problem . She said she 1w submillcd a lwelve page __,,L pictwes. and >1dcos. as well as nttcnding Council ,..,,ions and Study Sesiions. We have .,,....i -c,,nccms 10 ju.u abou1 every Council member, new and old. she said . and we havcjUSI a linlc more to....,i11orugh1. We have signatures supporting the ordinance that wa, passed on finl reading. she........,,._ ,is ,--.:11 as pictures. • many the same as Waste Management had in the brochure they gave 10 Coaaal 1onigl>t. She cxpl'CSScd a:mazemcnl tha1 Waste Managemenl considers I heir 1mcks 1he only 1rucks on lllo'al Uruon. There arc 1rucks of every size, weighl and shape , c:myin~ every kind of cargo . and traodiag this little SUoct mshl and dny, she said . The rush hours, lhrcc limes• Jay. consisl of 1wo 10 t,o,-o a,.h l1alf houn each . and the 1rucks go all ;fay long . WaSle MaMgcmcnl's divcning 1hcir trucks has hclpal bat it Im not solved the problem, she •:aid. Regarding the suupon ""hicks and their customcn Iha!,__ end oC Union also. she sai d. \\'C contmt1 with Was1c Managcmcn110 hnul our lrash . The City also rtqlMftS 1ha1 we contract with a co nlraelor to haul our unsh 11,ereforc. Oic people who use lhe transfer -arc conung from 00\<id< our ci ty to bring their trash . she rMinlained . bJ our house. liucring our yard. ad "'e are brealhtng tbeu tox ins. TI,is doesn ·t seem fnir 1h.11 we should have. in Mldilion 10 all the Olhtr U'UCk.s. added heal1h nsh from the ir customers. she s:1i d. She c~:prcsscd graurudc 10 Council for hstcJUJJg ::and heanng, Mary• Piper. 2929 Wcs1 Uni on Avenu e-lhnakcd Co uncil for listenin g 10 1hca, concerns She said th.11 she wished Mr. Dami co hnd been prcstnl :11 the Stody Sessions. hcclusc this dida "1.tJS1 come up on Fcbnuuy the 171},, it has been ongoing for some time . She said she would like 10 h:l,oe ~ than five minutes becau se she tms so ma ny ;1115\1.'Crs IC' so me of lh c thin gs I hat wcrr brm.~• up here torught She confirmed whnt Ms . Cas..c-c ll s1a1cd . 1hat u,-:y arc ve,y mu ch aw.i re of !he su n , e'h1dcs far Wasae: Management They trnvcl our street s by the hun dreds. she !.a id . lltey come cm·ercd. they a:i uncO\cn:d . they come smn ll and they come big. It is n'>t on ly 1heir truck s. bu1 .1 ll lh c ot hcn: th.11 ae hive 10 deal wi (h. she sa id . She :1Skcd anyone who is nor f;u nili~r wi1!i 'c l)'J>CS of I ru t ::s th.1 1 t~ have lD dcaJ nilh. so rue 1h.11 aren ·1 cvr.n shown in those pic lures. to take a rl,i ,..; down some oflhosc liHle Slrccu. Look m the industn 3.I area and sec the mullitude of vchic!cs p;uked down 1heri:, she said. that somehow go in and out of tha1 arc.J, most ofrhem on a dnil y b.1sis Now we :in\'c the liulc ,,·hitc hu.:.t rdous rnatcn:J!s ,trucks pu ll mg these l111lc white thin gs behind I hem. she said . Ms . Piper s.1id she is not sure wba1 kJnd cl ha1.ardous matcnals tlU::)' have on tht:ir strccl, but would like to know ,,·helhcr they belong lhcre or OOL ;\ c h.3,-e propane truck s and gaso line truck s and that is not very safe. she opined . She stressed th.1 1 ~ .arc conccmcd abou1 lh eir • he.11th. their safel y nnd the ir welfare. She s.1id she n:cogmzcs 1hat l!lc re ::i re 2.50 emp~"CCS :u Wasle Manngcmenl . but W:iste Management is no1 1hc onl~· offcnJc r. she :issc n cd Sile reahzcs 1ha1 e-,e~onc • • • l!-,lowood hyCouncil Man:h 16, IV98 .If J Ii) //'\fl .i Page 7 accdl lO ~ ,oge1hcr. she said. bul Cccls lhai Union has been otcd for many years for Uic bencfi1 of all lhe indU51rial nren . AJ citizens, "~ hose our righ1s. also, she concluded. ·~ q Ray Rouoo. 2916 w .. Unloa Av<noc. said he has only been • midcnl 1bcrc for three years. blll iu lha1 time he has aalicod • growing amounl of uuck lritlllc. h i, nol jusl big trucks , bul a smnll army of smaller YCb1cles and supp>n vchic:Jcs lhal go lhrough !here. he snid . from 1hc mini-pi ch:ps 10 vnns and other wl!icla 1h11 lllflllOll lhe varioul industries Uuu arc localed in Um1 area . !n L'ic lwo or three block lung residential llffll. lherc ._.., • number of children and a school bus Slops in !hat block . Thc,c is a park across 1hc stt<et !lull senior citizens and Olhers like 10 llSC, bu! ac:cess is lough "ith all Ilic lrucks going through lherc. Havy uaffic puts oul a toe of dust and polu1ion, he mid. h is dcsittim<cd as a truck :outo righl now. !xii ii meet! lhc description of a feeder route . he said, nnd fC<dcr routes doo '1 usually c:any ()us much tmffic. Thii; is like an arterial , instead of a f1.-cdcr route , he obscJVCd . Some cf the truck lraffic delow1 U,rough Union bccau.c: U,cy know of this conuoversy, '° they so lluolagh lhc residential a= behind us and some oflhosc people nrc bcg inniug lo be nlTcctcd by hcn,ac, traffic, he satd. Some of Ille people in the apartment complex to the north arc also experiencing heavier traffic . he stated. and that borders 1he park. He said be appreciates !he help C•.xmcil is trying to give them, but now it is staning to allecl everyone in lhe neighborhood, nod we arc going to try 10 solicil 1tacir help . as well . Anythin_~ we cu, get going here, he said, would be much npprccioled . Tbcrc were no Amhcr quest.ions and there wns no one cl!:C prcscnl to spcnk to the issue . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO CLOSt-: THE PU.LIC BEARING . Ayes: Couocil Member$ Nabhol 1 .. G:mcu , lsrndshaw , Habenicht . Waggoner. Clnpp. Bum s Nays : None The motion carried and lbe public hearing cto;cd . IO . Coa_. Agenda a) Approval of Ordinances on Fi .1 Rendin g TI>crc were no ndditi on--1 ,u~m:; subm iucd for appro\'al on fir st rc.1ding. (See Ag enda hem 11 -Rcg ul ;, Agen da.) (b) ApprO \'ill of Ordinances on Secon d Rc.1d1n g COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WA 5 SE CONOED, TO PULL AGENDA ITEMS 10 (bl (i) ANll 10 (b) f!i) FROM THE COliSE1'T AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION. Ayl!S : Council Members Nabhol z. Garr:11 . Bradshaw , Habenicht. W.iggo ncr. C!ilpp . Bums N:i ys · None TilC motion Cll'Ticd . Ma yo r Bums staled that 1hc lcucr Mr . Coll ins referred 10 c:irl1 cr. and wlu ch Co un cil h;1 s co pi es of. pcnams 10 Agcnd.1 11c m 10 (b) (1i), Coun ::il Bill No. 82 . CII)' Mnnagc r Sca rs agreed . as that was al w lu s unde rs tanding . Ma}'Or Bums con1i11ucd 1hm Mr . Co llin s cxpl ;1111cd. in In s previ ous remark s. why lhC) would like 10 inscn this lnr.gua ge \\ilh iCg.i rd 10 th e 1raffic co n1rol 11!1provcmcnt s. wh1 cl1 m,,y be wn rrnntcd d1:c to !h e c(fccls ofSou1h Subur b.111 ·s fa ci li11 cs Englewood Cily Council March 16, 1998 Page M Council Member Br.ulshaw aid she believes 11111 ........ -.Id ao under Section S. Cuy Auomcy Brotzman agreed 1ha1 tloe language could jusl be MIII.-I. Cuuncil Member Gam:n ut<d If this was dillC1IDCIII al Ibo .-lngs wltll Soulll Suburbu. Council Member Bmdshaw n:sponded that this wu jWII blouck up II the Council .-Jng by Mr. Waggoner. Mayor Bums said he has spoken 10 both City Mallltpr Scan 3lld City Allorney Brotzman about this nnd sU\JT fl:els th.it this covers the issue. II Is l'alr. baJuced ad AOC quite as broad as the languago we ~rev!c.,sly lwl. he said . Mayor Bums asted Counal Mrabcr Woggoner i-he felt abou1 it Mr . Wagg, ,ier n:'.ponded tha1 he thinks they bolh IIIY Ille -thing. bul he does nol ha\'c any objections 10 the one ti&at was pitte111ed . Cil)' Attorney Brotzman explained !hat. wilh !his_,, change In the boll. ii will UICI! be rq,ubhsnc:d In full . and then come back again 10 Council for final lading. Council Member Habenicht said that she doeso ·1 l1JldenQad. if Mr. Waggonc, inlroduccd the firs1 ""•,ding, and sees the xcond wording as being the-. -it is a wbslanlive change. Mr. BIO!Znusn responded llull 1hc language under Section S is more ~ng 1h.,n the language that was proposed . (i) ORDINANCE NO. 20 . SERIES Of 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO .14 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHA W) AN ORDINANCE AUlllORJZING AN INTERGO~ENT AL AGREEMF.NT BETWEEN THE SOUTH SUBURBAN PARK AND RECREATION DISTW.ICT AND THE CIT • "'.N GLEWOOD . COLORADO . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED. A.'ID tTWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM ID (b) (I) ON SECOND READING. Ayes : Council Members Nabt>olz. Ganeu . Brarls lu1w. H11be1uch1. Waggoner. Clopp. Bums Nays : None The motion carried . COUNC IL BILL NO 82 . I DUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR CORNERSTONE PARK (SOU1ll SUBURBA N PARK A..-.0 RECREATION DISTRICT) AND INTERGOVENMENTAL AGREEMCNT FOR 1l{E INCUJSIO N OF 2 IN-LINE HOCKEY RINKS. I SKATE PARK.4 JNFORMATION KIOSKS . 4 SHELTERS WITHOUT RESTROOMS AND I07 ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACES . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 10 (b) (ii). COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED . AND tT WAS SECONDED, TO AMEND COUNCIL BILL NO. 82, UNDER SECTION~-BY Sl BSTITUTING THE WORDING AS PRESENTED IN THE LETTER FROM COLLISS A...'D COCKREL DA TED MARCH 12, 1998. Council Member Habcrucht asked 1r1h:11 wordmg lunns (Qunc1I b) bmdmg 1110 1hc op1111on of the Cu~ Traffic Engineer Cit) M:1nagcr Sc.1rs responded ah.at that o so1nc,\1L1l cons1s1cn1 to ,,hat we currcnll~ • • • • • En~ Chy Council Man:h!6,IIWB Pap9 do. Ho laid ii is his undcnt.inding that the Traffic 6ngil)CU is the one who is authorized to make those 1ypc1 of delenninali~ns. If he dooln't do U11t, then U,e Council can override his dc::ision ~ pfOCCe11 ia a way 1h11 they -lid like to do it. Council Member Habenicht said sl,e just wan,ed to be sure they were ""' 1bdicalin1 their ""IJOosibiUty . Mator Bums asked if the opinion of the independent eng inee ring finn is bindir.~. or whether it is just on opinion, or arbitratio n, or just o suggestion . Council Member Habenicht asked who pays for that. Ciiy Allomey Brocznuu, onswercd that we would share the COSI . Council Member Bmdsbaw ask ed if we co uld ask Mr. Cohen. Chy Allomcy Brotzman stoled tlial we would probably want lo clarify the language ounelves as 10 whether ii would be binding or not. Mayor Bums suggested hal'ing it Slotc Iha! the finn s would render M opinion 10 assist the Ci ty and South Suburban in dctcnnining 1hc rc.isonablcocss of the improvements proposed in lhc pro rata share. lc.1 vi ng lh c decision makmg to the t\,o bodies . City Manager Scars said that . generally, the Traffic Engineer 1s go ing to come up with a rcconuncndauon based upon 1he cri1c,ia thal is there . If both cntilics do not agrr wi1h tlmt cri1cna. 1hcn you can always get a second opinion fron, :molhc·, traffi c engineer, bul once th ey arc hired . they arc there to do the analysis and C'01ue up with 3 r:commcnd.1tion for both entities. Cooncil Member Bradshaw suggcst<d leaving ii os is. Mayor Bums agreed. saying that we can get 100 dcfuliliooaJ. llJld ifwc lcovr. ii !he ""Y ii is, it is nOI binding on :my oftltc panics, but does ossi!I us . Vote raulu oa the IUDClldmcnl : Ayes: Nays: The motion caJ"Ticd . Council Members Nabholz. Garre tt . Bradsltaw. Habenicht. Waggoner, Clapp, Burn s None COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND !TWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM NO. JO (bl (ii) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 82, AS AMENDED ON FIRST READING. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Garrett. Bradshaw. Habenicb~ Waggoner, Clapp, Burns . Nays: None The motion carried . (c) Rcwlutions and Motions COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (c) (i) THROUGH (,·i). 'i) PURCHASE OF TWO PICKUP TRUCKS THROUGH THE STA TE OF COLORADO BID PROCESS FROM FOGLE OLDS /GM C IN THE AMOUNT OF S22.5 09.00 EACH . (ii) PURCHASE OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR CENTENN IAL AND BELLEVIEW PARJ<S FROM RECREATION PL US. L m . IN THE AMOUNT OF S36.J88 .00 (iii) PURCHASE OFTWO HOWARD PRICE ROTARY MOWERS FRO~I COLORADO GENERAL EQUIPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF S69,764 ll. (ii') PURCHASE OF A 2.5 YARD DUMP TRULK THROUGH THE ST ,.. TE OF COLORADO BID PROCESS Ff(OM FOGLE OLD SIG MC IN THE AMOUNT OF S25 .860 00 llnglcwood City Council Man:h 16, 1998 Page 10 (v) PURCHASE OF TWO I S•PASSENOER VANS 1'HROUO'. I '1lffi STA TE OF COLOP.ADO BID PROCESS FROM ,FOGLE OLDS/GMC IN THE AMOUNT OF $43,818.00 , (vi) PUROIASE OF A REPLACEMENT FIRE COMMAND CAR THROUGH THE STA TE OF COLORADO BID PROCESS FROM DANIEL MOTuRS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $28,133.00. Vote rc.ulls: Ayes : Nays : The motion carritd. 11 Regular A~cnda Council Members Nabholz. Garrett, Bradshaw. Habcnk hi. llo'aggoncr. Clapp. Bums None (a) Approval of0rdi1mmccs on First Reading (i) HousiJlg F:maocc Sr.ccialist Grimmcu presented a recommendation from t t1c Englewood Housing Authority 10 _,. a bill for an ordi1L1ncc authorizing the execution or Intergovernmental Subgnmtee Agrenucnts for the 1991 Arnp:,hoc County Community Development Bloclc Grant program . Ms. Grimmdl Slated tllat rhe thn:c projects were passed by resol•,tion last fall. She said we have been awarded funds amd we now need to cn1er into an agreement with rlic Counly so tha1 we can ha\'e rhcsc funds available. bopdully, by May 1 • for the projects that have been listed in the communication . Tius will fund appmximatcly S 150,000.00 ror the rehab progn:.,n. S I0,000 .110 ro suppon the Housing Authority's Famil y Sutlicicncy Program. and $50 .000 .00 for our rcplacemc111 housing project , which is an extension of the regular rehab program Council Member Bradsha•-said this.says ii is tc, benefit low and rnodcrntc income families. bul it looks like all or them bcnclil tow income ~ies. Ms. Grimmett said it is HUD's definition, nnd they hn\'e shifted it a lilllc biL In the old days. literally low income used lo mean eighty percent, now they define that as moderate, she C."Jllaincd. CCIWICil Member Bradshaw asked what tire income would be for low and moderate . Ms . Gnmmcn rcspoodah .hat. roughly, for a family of four. Im, income would begin at about s.i2.000 .00 or S-'J.000.00 annual gross income . One hundred percent or median in come . which is now the upper end. is more at $55 .000.00 So eighty pcrccnl of th.11 figun:-.. of an y family size, as defined by HUD , would be eligible. she said. &k. Bradshaw asked tfth..11 would be about $40 .000 .00 for n fomih• of four . Ms . G1imme1t responded tha1 111 lS. roughl y, but i1 1s a linlc bil more 1ha11 fon~. between fony n;1d fony-five, that i:. low income. Ms. Grimmcu corrected her statement. explaining 1hn1 it is a liule bi1 more than s.io,000 .00 ror moderate i..ococx.. low income is li fi~ percent . wluch used 10 be 1cnncd ,·cry low Instead of low/moderate. it used tc oc low/\cr) lo,, Council Member Habenicht said stn: Js ju~ tryin g 10 underst and lhi s She as ked ,r yo u co uld 1:1ke n huge three or four bedroom home in an R-3 zone tlmt allows for mul1iple hou5ing . :rnd turn 1ha1 i nto n four unil home as pan of the units. or arc we talking aboUI actua.J real cstal c units the wa~ we would tlunk of it. Ms . Grimmett 1csponded that a ~e famil y dclinilion could be that example . but typiC'1l1~• 1ha1 is not what we work on . usu.ill y II lS a smgk. fam ily re sidence more 1r,1di11011ally t0ned R-1 or R-2 . R.irel y arc we in something !hat is an R-3. thoc!gh it 1s possible . We h.,,·e worked on so;nc . she s.1id, where an owner might live in one unit. As such. wmh thi s pa rticular fundrn g. she c.~plain cd. the block granl fund s would only be available for th.at unit \\iucb thC) occ upied . and would 1101 be ;n:.dnble to rehnb 1he ren1nl 111111 s • The 01her pool of funding that \\"'C: ~·e rrom !h e bank hne of credn . she co ntinu r.d. would be av:11labl e ;:is a loan 10 them 10 work '>11 lhOSt ~ units. so i i would be a bl end or lhe 1wo nrog ram s Ms H:1ben ic h1 • • • llnslewood Cily Council Man:h I 6. 1998 Pase II said lhal Ibo reuoo she brJU&hl "I' the issue is lha1 she lw had soma conccni, f'!!fll cillzcas.,... liae rcprdin1 Jaraer boolel being ~ivkled jDU> rental units . She oskcd i{ Ms. Grim min is lil)'i.._ allklu&b ii docs allow for that, ii is not wluu we would do . Ms . Grimmcu said the block v,uu PfOIJllll', dara - allow for us 10 do 1ho1. bul the other funding would be 1lu11 we have fron , the bank line of <nOdit 11111 a separate from 1h1 1. We would typical / not subdivide a house , wr. arc II ere 10 rehab It. she said.. IO fi>: the existing units 1.Jull arc already in place , Mayor Bums added that the house is in a a-rtain 1.one district anyway, ns far ns wha l ya<. coukl do •1111 it Council Member Clapp asked if this in ,u:y way affect&. or J-,s anything 10 do wiU1, lhe :iauaJ SllUCIIR and conlnJCIS that wt wen, looking al. She ll&ked if we nre approviog Uia1 program 10 coalillllO r« Ille ""'"year Ulldcr this in any way. J';layor Bums said Uus is completely sepa111c. Ms. Ori...-...:I if they were talking about Project BIJILD. Cnwicil Member Brad•haw said Uicy were 1Alkio1 abclUl die intergovernmental :1grce ments. Ms . Grimmclt s.iid thi s has nothing to do wi1h 1hat, ii is~ separate . The funding 1ha1 we h.ivc recei ved rrom the Block Gm111 Progrnm rc'(t11rcs 1hcsc aruu.1,a.l agreement" in ,1rder 10 retei\'C the funds throug~ Amp.1hoc Count y, she said . so ilus i, more of aa administrnti vc clean-up in order 10 m:eivc the funding to enter inlo lhtie agreements w·ilh AClpa)loc County . Responding to Mayor Bums. Ms . Grimmett confirmed 1ha1 lhesc agreem ent s nrt comrac1u.ill ) t,ct."CCn the City and tl1c County. not the Housing Au1hori1y. The Deputy City Clerk was asked 10 read Council Biil No. 15 by 1i1lc: COUNCIL BILL NO. 15, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGO:-IER A BILL FOR AN ORDI NA NCE APPROVIN G AND AUTHORI ZIN G THE EXEC UTIO OF Ai' INTERGOVERNMENTAL SUBGRANTEE AGREEMENT FOR THE 1998 ARAP AH OE CO U?-F Y COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PRO(;RAM BETWEE N TiiE ~~AHOE t:IO ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER S AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED , TtJ APPROVI: AGENDA ITEM 11 (,) (i)-COUNCIL BILL NO . 15 ON FIRST READING . Ayes : Council Members Nabhol z. Gnrrcu. Bradshaw. Habcntch L Waggoner. Clapp . Bum s N:iys: None The motio n carried. \1i) Planning Assi s1ant Denn ing presc 111ccJ a rccomm cnd.1t1 on from !hr. Ocp&rt mc n1 of Neighborhood and Busrncss Dcvclopmem 10 adopt a !,ill for ;in ordin;in cc appro -..111g "J u Jn1crgovcmmcn1al Agreement with Ar.ip.1hoc Counry acccplmg reprog ram.ncd fu nds m 1hc 3.IIKJ li.!11 of $27,780 .00 und er 1he Co11111111nity Dcvcl opmcn1 Bl oc k Grant prog ram. Mr. Dc 1111111g c ,plamcd 1.bal the fund s were rcq11cs1cd to improve access ibilit y in nonh Englewood by rem ov in g curbs and ot.'lcr t.umcrs TI1esc funds were a one-time offering special not ice or fond iug for a bncks and mo;1ar proJCCl tt:2a "-as to go in 1998, he said . We submillcd an appli cmion for ac1ivi11cs in vo lvin g code enfo rccmc 111 l.tallJJ;Qg. removal of archileclural barri ers for ro~n -;.:n pcdc s1 ri :1 11 r.imp s. home rc furb 1sh111c 111 o; pa.mt aud. fu•up for the elderly. and slrcct tree pl ant ing , Coun ci l Mem be r Brad sha\, asked ifth:y were ~1,·c11 :111) rc;1so 11 ,,hy they requ es ted SI IJ .000 ..and th~ approved bas ic;i ll y fi \'e in1 crscc 1i ons. Mr . Denn ing s.11d 1h c SI IJ,000 00 ,,ere rep rogram funds. thn 1 ,~ere 1akcn bn ck. and we re nol used in olher c111cs El 1i;1blc appl 1ca111 s. und er tl1 csc co ns1dcr.111ons. ""i.::rt no n- E........,_Cll:,,c......,., Man:1116.1 ,.. l'lp:2 1)(11)tJ()I I I 1 'f. prol!u ud 11Na8.e Oilier municipal ities. •They did ,101 explnlh why they ga.e UA only IMllly.ffve perczar orm ...iu,g. be said. but ir,m definitely• bricks an,I mof1lir type of one program. one proj,:ct . We hid a 1-e « dnc -span in CWC:r lo do I tum oround lime wflll l~C application and get ii lu l~ C01111cy. be llill. The Deputy C~Clcrt. was asked 10 rcod Counci l Bill No. 16 by 1i1le: COUNCIL Bn.L NO. 16. INTRODUCa> BY COUNCIL MEMBER W .-.u GONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APl'!tOVINO AND AUTHORIZING 1llE ITXECUT ION OF AN INTI!ROOVERNMF.NTAL "SUBGRANTEE AGREEMENT FOR 1996 ARAPAHOE COUNTY REAPPROPIUA11:D COMMUNITY Dl!Vl!LOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS" PERTAINING TO 11iE DISABlB> ACCESS PROJECT BETWEEN 1llE ARAPAHOE BOARD OF COUNTY COMM!SSJONEJtS AND 11iE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COUNCIL !MUDD WA•GONl'.R MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AG ENDA nt:M 11 (1) (11)-COUNCTL BILL NO. 16 ON FIRST READING . Ayes : Council Member< Nnbhol z. Gnrren . Bmdslc,w. Hnbcni chl. Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays: N- Thc motion arri<d. (b) Aj)prDY.ll of Ord inanas on Second Rend ing There were no addiitional onlin:mccs s.iMn incd for npprovol on second ~~:ng. (Sec Agenda hem Ill \b ) -Co nsent Agenda.) (c) R:snlut ions ond Motions There were ao-3ddilttonaJ resolut io ns or mo1ions su brn iucd for approvn l. (Sec Agencfa Ite m 10 (c) - Conscn l Ag:nda.) 12. GCllttll lliladsion (a) ~byo(s Cho ice I. Mayor Burms sta ted 1ha1 he anenried th e Neig hbo rh ood Wa1rl1 meeting last Wcdn csdny. whi ch was well attended. 'c got some good 1nfonnatio11 from .i latT, S;,fc ty Services and th e Clea n. Green and Proud Commission on r::odc enforcement. he sa id . as well as prcsc nt "tions 0:1 co mmunit y po licin g He said w .. , be and Cn, 1'.tinagcr Sc.irs did a review of variou s things i n the Ci 1y. inclu dir.g Cinderell a Ci1~. Gcncr.u Iron Worts .a1id ou r rece nt bi d on th e Gotluc T11cmer T11e mee ting was li vel y and worthwhil e. he added. 2. Rderring m, earlier comments 3bout the landl ords :rn d th e Proj ect BUILD pro gram . Mayor Burn s OJJmcd that a more u:idul pmgr:i m. \\i tJi rega rd to improvi ng tile hou si ng st ock. is the Re hab Loa n Program Thac h:r,.e been hundreds of rehab lo:ms co ncluded in !he City in 1he p,1s1 twenty ycnrs . he ad \'iscd. and ~ appro.\Jm.1 1ely !we nt) or twenty-five BUILD lmmcs . Th e BUILD prog ram is pop ul :i r and somethrn g 10 su~,t. bu1 the Rehab Loon Program is so met hin g noi to 11': fo rgotten (b) Caumcil Mcmbc(s Choi ce • • • • • lln&IC\\ood Cily Council Man:h 16, 1998 Pnge 13 (i) Council Member Nabhol z: I . COUNCIL l\f£MBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND rT WAS ~lCONDED, TO GIVE S100.00 EACH 1'0 JL'1J)IY B!)ULLY AND BRYCE PENN 10 m:LP OpT ON THElR TRIP. Council Member Wnggoner said he was not sure tllcre were just 1-Gf tlhem. bul , mlher. a whole group. Aller some discussion , ii was deci ded lhcy were jus1 as king for <Xlllllieiutions for 1he l•'O boys. Council Member Habenichl recalled lhal for lhc Close Up Program li!ls Cou nci l con1ribu1cd $50 .00 each . Council Member Bradsh.w com1ncn1ed lhal lhcy h.id lhc copaci iy IO• <Bi se a lot more money than tllosc lilllc kids do. . Vole rcsulls: Ayes : Nays : The motion carried. Council Members Na bholz. Gam:m.. Bradshaw , Habc niclu . Waggoner, Clapp , Burns None 2. Council Member Nnbhol z llc1nked Coun cil for appro,i 11& hcnrlp 10 Washi ngt on. D.C. adding that it was a va!uable learning experience.. She s.1id one of the bcaefil.:, she brought back was on historic prcsc:rv:uion. and there a.re more benefits that are explained in her n:port. She said it was ,-cry c.-.:cumg . nlthough il was not as big as lhc conference in Philadelphia. Theft s:,;a walth ofinfomtation lh.11 is avail nbl ~ on-line and access to dilfcrent ordinances lhat the vanom CllUe5 ha,-c worked on. from telecommunications ordinances: 10 nuisance ordinances. she said Council Member Waggon er askeJ if ii is infonnation 1ha1 we can use Ms Nabholz answered affinn :llively . advising tli.11 it rel at es 10 some of the issues Council 1s ourrcnlly working on 3. The Dcpu1 y Ci 1y Cle rk \las asked 10 read Cou ncil B,11 , ' I~ by 1i1lc : COUNCIL BILL NO 17, INTRODUCED BY COUN CIL M1:.,.5ER NABP.OLZ A BILL FOR AN ORDINANC !'. AIJlllORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THE GOTIIIC THEATER PROPERlY BY THE CIIT OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECO.NDE D, TO APPROVE COUNCIL BILl. NO . 17 ON FIRST READING. Mayor Bums cx:plamcd 1ha1 th ere has been a bid m.idc 011 1hc Golluc.. and 1111!" au thon i.es us to ca~ throu gh beyo nd th:1110 ac1u.1II) pu rcli.1sc the propcn~ Cit~ Altomey B.romn.1 n co ncu rred Voce resuhs : Ayes : Nays: The motion cmri cd . (Ii) Cou ncil Members t-:ab hol 2... Gam:o.. Br.idsh.1 ,,. Habenicht Clapp, Bums Counci l Member Waggoner Co 11nc1 I Member Garrc11 : E.Qglcwood Ciry Council Ma,i;h 16, 1998 Paic:14 I o I. He thanked Parks and Recreation Dlrcc1or Blac~ and his staff !Jecausc you can now lnl<e • shower 11 the Recreation Ccn1cr W1d1 hot nnd cold water, ur•d you can dclcnninc the lcmpcraturc you would like far as long ,,_ you like, 2. COUNCIL MtMBER GARRETT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDtD, TO SUBSTITilTE WEINGARTEN FOR KITCHELL Ayes : Council Mcrnbcrs Nn,hol z. Gnrrclt. Bmdshaw. Habcnlch 1. Waggoner, Clapp , Bums Nays: None Tbc motion carried. (Clerk's noo:: Wcingar.cn will replace Kitchell as the linnncial ann or1hc redevelopment partnership •ith MiUet Dc,·clopmcnl. i (iii) Council Member Brad shnw co mplimented two s1aff members She s.1id 1hc lcucr in the Council packcLS from Commun ic.1 1io11s Specialist Hoffi1incs w:1s c.-.:cc ll cnt and she asked Cit\. M.nagcr Sears 10 pass 1h.11 along to her. She also co 111pli111c111cd Librnr) Si:rv1 ccs Director Long for Im lCSlaCi ty 35 far as soning through the ln1cmc1. She s.1id she rt::ill) appreciate s Iha! and hils senl him a ccr,q,lc of e-mails 10 I hat cffcc1 . also. (iv) Council Member Waggoner : • I. He recalled that . a couple of years ago, the retiree heallh plan was discussed. and the then Cit\' • Manager sent a letter to Administrati\'e Srrviccs asking whal happened 10 the rccom 1 mendntions 1h:u ,~·ere m?dc by the emplo31cc commincc . He said he did not believe we eve r gol an ;111swcr or n finali1.ation or the out come oftJ1c discussion . City Manager Sc.1rs s.1id he will do so me follow up on that ~•Ir Waggoner explained funhcr dmt it was in rega rd to which hc;1lth pl :111 the retirees were suppose d 10 be under, and he recalled that one oflhe suggestions wns th:u th e) be u11d er our regular health insuran ce progra m. 2. Mr. Waggoner stated thaL a couple of mec trn gs ago. he moved to table so me agreements w11h the Housi ng Authority until the City Mnn.,ger could 1ake a look at 1hose nnd co me b.1ck with a reco mmcndatioo as 10 the best way {o r Council to proceed . He aske d Cit y Manager Se.1rs hO\\ his renew ofth.11 was co ming aJon g. Mr . Scars responded that the commillcc met and had a lot of cood di scussion abou t it. in pankulnr Project BUILD . He said that he felt the Housing Authority membe rs. al ong ,,ith the Cny sbff .wd. Council. fell that some of these issues had to be ironed out as 10 what the best use ;:i f ProJect BUILD funds should be and whal lhc policies arc as 10 wh o is eligib le for lhosc funds . Mr . Sc.1rs said lhc:rc 1s nnochcr meetin g set up a \\ttk from iocfay . Cou ncil Member Garren added that 1hcy got half wa y through . They talked :100 111 resident ml issues . he w d. and the nc.~t time th ey \\i ll talk oboul bu si ness issue s Mr Wnggoncr as ked 1r \\e :ire ge llin g close 10 bnngin g th ose bac k. Mi G;1rrc11 re sponded :1ffirmali\'cl~ (\') Co un cil Member Hnbcm chl s:11d she ,,anted to :1dd a co mmen1 :tbo 111 rcnl als She s.1i d she is wond en ng \\hy lh c perception 1s. \\hen someone 1s look 111g for rentnl propc:n y. th ey find that the rents in En glc\\ood arc higher th:111 aur place else . ~cl \\e arc sayi ng 1hat our housing s10ck 1sn·1 so grea t She wond ered . \\hen ,\e arc doing our rcpon 011 1hc a,:ulab1 li.y of housin g. if !here 1s anytlun g lha r ;.o uld be looked ar. • • • Bn&lcwood Ch) Counal MArth 16. 1998 Page 15 Couacil Member lkadllulw ,,._. .._ _..,. jull bigb in Ibo IIIClro.,.., right now. Ms . Hat micht a,recd. adding that, when bcr dafl,lll' llld ,on-in-law wen: looking for n home to n:'n1 In En:Jlcwood . they could ftnd much biger. -iboUlcs in other areas for two third.s the rent . City Manager Sean said lllnl ,cnecu the._.,. for sale maritct hen:, also . The sale \'alucs an: very high compan,d 10 olbcr areas and n:ot is the same-· be said, adding that it is something that we should investigate , 13 . City Man1cer'1 Report (a) City Manager SealS tbaakal Oaucil li>r an cxa:llcnt rct.reat appro.,itnately a week earlier. He said UIC)' bad an opponunil)' IO lalk ilibout U,c budget and the fr.iances. and when: we arc, and to gee a better handle oo ,ome oC!llc capital.....,...., We have a full rcpon to Council on gu.us. he said. and impl'O\ing communications bet~n dqlataoents was discussed . We talked about some cmplo)cc pay issues. also, he said. adding that he apprecialed · ,c opponunity 10 mccl with depan111 cn1 heads and 1h:11 we arc trying 10 improve communications .,duaJ of our employees (b) He said there \li'CfC a coup6e; rA mccungs this morning conccnung fmanc mg of Cinderella Ci1y . We are still trying to •td tlumug.b C'\o'CI)' one of 1hc iss ues. he said. with GIO 's and BID's. and special improvement diSlricls. 111c _,. an: getting closer and cl<»<;r. he opined. and we an: planning on Thwsday 10 give Council a --.iion regarding the Foley 's building . He said Mr. Miller is hen: if Council has any qucslioos-non: •'C llnl at this point. Council Member Bradshaw asked if "'C arc &albag about rcp.1iring the existing pai:.:ing dccl-. Mr. Miller s.1id that is correct. lhcy arc talking aboul rqanng and u1ilizing pan of the c.~isting deck . Ms . Bradshaw asked if that is going 10 be $5 ,000 .00 a parlang ,;pace 10 rep.,ir it. Mr . Miller said that is comet. and U"11 compan:s to $8,000 .00 10 $8 ,500.00 to build 11 """' Ma yo r Burns asked iflhcy h.1 \'C acquired eooup engineering infonnauon 1c. '( ,ow lh e true condition of the <1cck. Mr . Miller referred to the repon he luud g1\en Council He said lh c-. \\O uldn '1 ge l 1hc final nm 11bcrs unlll they dJd more studies. bul \ll'C h.1V-" ha d lhrcc d1rfcrcn1 ou1fi1 s, in coll:ibo r:111 011 ,,tth c:ich other, working on 11. TI1ey ha\'e go ne much fur.J1CT 1h.-1 11 we h:i\e go ne before . a nd hme s1ill to ge t 1hc actual number. he s.ii d, addi ng !hat he. unforrumatel). has not seen 1hosc thin ·,s go down \\h en they s1ud) 11'cm., they see m to go the other way We arc tb.unkmg 1ha1 1s prob.1 bly a 111111 ocr we will be using 1. 11Jc bud gets 1bat we show you . he said. We "ouldn. 1 go an} funhcr wi th it until we decide ,,hcther we a rc go ing to u1ili zc any or it or nol We fee l the 11ubnn.111 on \\C h.1 \ c now 1s close enough fo r budget purposes. he s.1id. Mr . Mill er s.-iid t11 cy arc \\'o·.krng h .. 1rd and mmit..11g fom ;ud and .1 rc \\Jllrng for a dcc 1S1011 on th e Foley 's building . Toda y we s.1w tl·c firs1 mode l built fc11 one of th e al!crna 11,cs a nd we sho uld ha ve th e second al1cm.1ti\'c 101norrow, he a 1mmen1cd. so we an: encouraged (c) Ci ty Managi:r Scars s:ud ~ l md a 111ec11ng \\ll h 1hc s11 bcomm 111cc ;rnd s1aIT rega rdin g th e Go 1l11c tod.1). and ,,c arc Jo,~krn g at fntb.'9 .ior the al 1crnam cs to co me b.1ck 10 Co uncil . II 1s re:111 ~ Co un cil dn\'cn in 1cnns of,,h !rc we "111 go wtdl lh1s . he s..1 1d. but ,,c ,,a111 cd 10 do so me :t11.1lys1s of th e hi stonc prese rvation conc-;pt. the struaura.J an.uJ!-'S:1s of the building and so me olh cr ll ems Mr Sca rs s:ud that he l1,1s rccCi\'cd ;i r:v 111r.1c1 fr om Director Oltmn. 1h .. 11 he \\Cnl .1hc.1d and app roved. 10 :ll lc.1s 1 do so me cl c.111 up on the build ing a nd rake e:trc of lhc rru.wquec We ,,111 do so me painung, he s:11d. bc 1n~ uundful • of the lu s1o ric repe rcuss ions, but we want to dl!:lln u and secure II wuh pl ywood 1h1s \\CC k. Ncx1 week we Englewood Chy Coun ci l Marth 16. 1998 Page 16 arc hoping to ho,• some ideas and altcmalivcs back 10 Council so they cllil give III some dlrecum,. lilt said . •1 Council Member Waggoner oskcd if, at !he retreal . opcr:11ional nudils wcrt discussed. Several i-s ..,, Council apprtl\•cd some mon ey in 1he budget for lhcsc audilS 10 lry ro opcralc rnort effi cie ntly,.,. __ Cily Mnnager Scars ~,id rh cy did 1101 gel rlc,r fur , bur David Griffilh and Associnics was tl,e firm tl\3C was here . Mr. Sears said he met with them about a month after he st:tncd wit h the Ci~. and tllcn is 50CIX money llu11 is oul !here 10 do 11ml. If Council would like us ro rake a look 01 1h01. he offered . ii wouJcl 1:,c something we could do. Mr. Waggoner said. al 1ha1 lime . 1hcy wert going 10 take one or IWD dq,anmcnlS a year and were going to stan wilh !he City Mnnagcr's office. He said !hey were going 10 do - operational audilS and maybe tr:lin some in-house people 10 do !hose . Mr. Scars said he will f-.., oo lhnl. 14 . Cit)' Allorney', Re110rt City Attorney Brot zn1an did not have any mnnc rs 10 bring bcrorc Counci l IS . Adjournment MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN . The mr:cr ing ndjourned n, 9:0H p.m • • •