HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-04-06 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • r..NGLl~••OOD Cl'fr. COUl'!tq. 1 nun ) -0 ) hoott:.il.'lhl 11'1 I ,I) h1ql t ::,.t:: INGU:WOOD, AR, P.WOI: COUNTY, COWR4DO R.tpJarSaaloa April 6, 1998 I . Call lilt Order Tue regular -.ig clll>e Englrwood City Cruncil was called 10 order by Mayor Bums at 7:30 p.m. 2. - The invocalioa -giwn by Council Member Nabholz. 3. Plalp., Aaopulc:e Tue Pledge cl AlqiaKz was led by Mayor Bu.m. Ah5aJt: Council Members Nabholz, Clapp, Gam:n. Bradshaw. HabenichL Waggoner. Bums None A quorum •-as pre5Cll Also prucnt: City Manager Scars City Attorney Brotzman City Clerk Ellis Engineering Manager Kahm Division Chief Vandenncc . Safety Service s Commwtity Coordinator for Long Range Planning ~.011 Neighborhood and Environment T cchnician Langon (a) CO . 'CIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT"ivAf S:C:CONDED, TO APPROVE THE 11111'-uTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MARCIi 16, 1998. Ai-cs: Council Members Nabhol z. G:urctL Br.:dsh.1w. Habc ni ch1 . Waggon er. Clapp. Bums Nays: None Motion c:unal. 6. S<-Y-tSiton (a) Kea Mcl>aniel, rcprc sc ,g lhc El•Mlewood Elks Lodge 2122 . staled he became lhe Past faaltcd Ruler i.... s.-day night On bclci lr of 1hc Elk s Lodge he honored No m,a Wier ns ~,e Englewood Elks Lodge~-Ull:ZCD of lhc Year for 1997, William Naylor as lhe Englewood Elks Lod ge Gen1lcman Citizen of the Year fa, 1997, Fircfiglue r Ron McLam as lhe Englewood Elks Lod ge Fircfigh1er ortlic Year for 1997 and CJniccr ).lichael O'Connor as 1he Englewood Elks Lodge Po lice Officer of the Yea r for 1997 . He prcsclll0d •~citizenship award plaque 10 eac h honoree . Mr. McDanie l no1c:I ii is really rucc to know tbicsc people arc around whe n yo u need them . lnslewood City Council Apr116, 1991 Pap,2 Mr. McDaniel prcscnCed the Elks oliltingurshedlfumanltwa A_.lo Crimo Prevention Officer Nancy Peterson for thc help slic 'giw hir\f.l He Alta! Ml. l'tter4on,_ doe:allll itl,;i,d stuff. Mr. McDanlel thanked Council for the opportunity 101p'-m llac -He opined they arc really deserving or thc r=gnilion. "'I "' II COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SU:ONDED, TO MOVE AGF.!'IDA ITEMS I (b), (c), (d), (e) a ■d (I) PORWAJID. Motion carried . Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, GamlL ..-w, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp, aums N1ys: None {Clerk's nolc : As the proclamations were being signed, Cou·.x:il CXJCWdcred Age,,da ltemJ 8 (g), (It) and (i).f (g) A proclrunation declaring April 17, I 998 os Artlor Day-was con.<idered . COUNCO. MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SICONDED, TO APPROVI: A PROCLAMATION DECLARING APRIL 17, 1991 AS AllaOR MY. Mot.ion carried . Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Gama. Bndsbaw, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None Mayor Bums presented thc proclamat io n to Manager of Open Space Elww: Lee. (h) A proclam,,tion dee la. ing u,c week of April 12 thn,ap 18, 1998 as Englewood Tcleco ,mun.icators Weck was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER HABEN'ICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE WEEK OF APRIL 12 TIDIOUGH 18, 1998 AS ENGLEWOOD TELECOMMUNICATORS Wl:EK. Motion cnnicd . Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Gamm. Bradshaw, Haben icht, Waggon er, Clapp. Bums Nays : None Mayor Bums prcscnlcd th e proclamation to Di\'ision Ch.id Tom Vaadc::nncc. (i) A procla111.11ion declanng the week of Ap ril 19 throu!!ib 25. I 99 8 as National Library Weck was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECO.,,,ED. TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLA RING THE WEEK OF APRIL 19 TBaOUGH 25, 1998 AS NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK. Molion carried. Aye s: Council Members Nabholz. Gam:m.. Bradshaw , Habenicht, Waggoner . Clapp. Bums Nays : None Mayor Bum s prcscnled the proc lam:11ion 10 Library D1rcc1or Hank Lon@; • • • lta ..... ...t ('Uy C01111dl Aprll,,I,,. Pqo3 11 1100 l Y 11 l lxiow, n Jt 1l1 l 1 llm1J I~•, I.( l I I I I I A Pft1C1an11o11 banoriaJCllristlna B' mbcrg on the occaion of bor loo"~- n The City Clerk ..ad the proclam,tion in full . COUNCIL MEMHR BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLMIATION HONORING CHRISTINA BWMBERG ON THE OCCASION OF HER IOOrn BIRTHDAY. Motion carried. Ayes : Cowicil Members Nabhol z, Gamtl Bradshaw. Habenicht W118oncr, Clapp, Bums Nays : None Victim/WilJICSS Saviccs Coordinator Sus.in McDoMcll accepted lhe proclamn1ion on behalf or Ms . Blomberg. (c) A procla1mtion recognizing Ofllcc, Michael O'Connor as lhc Englewood Elks Lodgi, Police Offia:r or the Year for 1997 wncxxwdcrcd. The City Clerk read the proclamation in full . COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION RECOGNJZil'IG OFFICER MICIIAiL O'CONNOR AS THE ENGLEWOOD ELKS LODGE POLICE omCER OF TIIE YEAR FOR 1997. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Garrcu , Bradshaw. Habenicht. Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Nays : None Motion curied. Mayor Bums presented the pre.irunation to Officer Michael O'CoMor. (d) A ..-.x:laa,ation recognizing Firefighter Ron McLain as lhc Englewood Elks Lodge F1rcfigh1cr of the Year for l '197 was considered. The City Clcrlr. ..ad the proclanialioo in full . COUNCIL Ml:MBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION RECOG NIZING FIREFIGH1'£R RON MCLAIN AS THE ENGLEWOOD ELKS LODGE FIREFIGHTER OF THE VEAR FOR 1997. Motion earn ed Ayes : Council Members Nabhol z. Garretl Bradshaw. Hnbenichl Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Nays : None Mayo r Bu.ms presented the proclam:ition to Firefi ghter Ron M1..:Lain . (c) A proc lamati on recogni zing No nna Wier as the Englewood Elks Lod ge Lady Ci 1i 1.cn of the Year for 1997 was consi dl!rcd . The Ci ty Clerk read the procl runa li on in full. laalewood City Coulldl April 6, 1998 ..... t11noo J ,11 boo,r..i l.:,n:it "'1l ,dll11 1.I t. l''f COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVJ:D, Aa rr WAS SJ:CONDED, TO APPROVE A HOCLAMATION UCOGNIZDIG NOIIIIA ... AS 'ID UCUWOOD ELKS LODGE LADY CrnzEN Of fflE YEAJl ,OR 1"7. Ayes: Council._. Nabbolz, Gamlt, Bndshaw, Habenicht. W•-• c:.,p. Bums Nays : None Motion carried. '<k1 11 Shi it {Olf I ., f ),• 1( ' rn,, ,1r, • 1 11. 11 , rr. uut a Mayor Bums prcscnl<d lhc proclamation lo Norma Wier. (0 A proclamation recognizing ,,......., Naylor as the Englewood Elks Lodge Gentleman Citizen of the Year for 1997 was considcr<d. The Cily Cieri< read lhc proclamation in full . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVEA.AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING WILLIAM NAYLOR AS THE ENGLEWOOD ELKS LODGE GENTLEMAN CITIZEN OF TIIE n:.Aa l'OR 1997. Ayes : Council Mc11a,rs Nalmolz. Gam:n. Bradshaw. Habenicht. Waggoner. CJliw'lt. Bwns Nays: None Motion carried . Mayor Bums p,uealal Ille piuclaalioa'IO 'lllllliialJola!lor. 7. No.....-VlolYn (a) SuMy Howland. 28-11 SoUlh Gmmt Slrcct. Slalcd she is a fifteen year Colorndo resident. ha,inc owned homes in Denver. Highlands Raacll, ml. for the 1351 thRc YC3IS. in Englewood . She said she is very p1oud to be a resident of Englewood ud slhc lm·cs her neighborhood . Howc\'cr, sh ' advised. they have a rt~ concern in her ocighborhood and dlc!r-.old like lo ask for Council 's help and bring ii 10 Council's ancntion. It is in the fonn of dcrclia. •,dudes lhat they can 't seem to get any resolution on. Ms. Howland commetUed that !lbc Jma,,11h31 C.-cilJ IMcmbc,· Nabholz Im brought this to Council 's allcntion. She asked for Council's help . She requested 11w db, le11cr &om Sandi Oslema. dated April I. I 998, be presc:nlcd Utis evening. which Council adt.-~ ~• had rccci,'Cd. She advised tha1 Ms . Oslcma co uldn 't attend this evening. but they arc next dQc,:r ucigbbors. Ms. Howtand stated lhcrc is a home across the strccl from them that has been an C)'CSOR: aadl • problem . Aclually . she said . ii bothers her as a homeowner bccousc she believes thal lhc poople lli\!Dlg there may DOI be safe 10 be around. The neighbors have called regularly . And the last time the-.-spoke Mth Code Enforcement she was told they were \'Cry well aware of lhc home . Ms . Howlaad-i she asked them what they -..-ere going 10 do. wha1 they could do aboul lhis. and his words to her ....... --..ell. v· come oul. he starts the car. mo,·cs it arowtd the block. parks ii somewhere els, ... there is DOdiwlg"" can ci.,." Ms. Howland ad,iscd thal she as ked . as neighbors 11, arc concerned aboul !heir ncighbo dtood. whal arc lhcy suppose 10 do . He !hen asked her if she had a nc ,)1borhood walch . She ~'lid U,cy do, und she happens 10 be co<a pl ain. He then suggested tlta t she gel lhc neighborhood 1ogc1hcr and go and tllll. 10 Llus gentleman. Ms. Howl and explained Uc11 when she is oul working in her ya rd she can hear thl5 iJIUm. bJS foul language and anitudr.. She stated she personally docs not feel safe 10 go a nd talk 10 hum She pointed oul thal he carries a gu n and al \\3)'5 ha s hi s gun ?n him when he is out in his front ya rd wodwng 011 his cars. So, Ms. Howland sai.d. they arc reall y asking the Council to follow•up and find out whU[I can be done about this issue. (b) Marie Copher, 2839 South Grnun Strttt. said thal she is very proud to Slale 10 Council tha1 all of her co ntact s witl1 Englewood Pohce. Emglc,-ood Fire . Neighborhood Watch and Counci l members. h.1 ,·c alw:iys been fa\'omblc and pog n."WC She opinOO they need to help Council help Lh cm. • • • • • Enaie,.ood City C1111ndl AprlU, 1991 , • ., 5 l11n11 'f*i) boo !~I .~lh ~ 'I which 11 why they see the rcpacnlllion from their 2800 block on Soulh Grant . Ms. Copher commcnled ihll Ml. Howland~ 11,e iauea Ibo WU going lo lddna. SIie lddod Mn -.Id Wr.c IO 11J ia advance, that anythin3 she 11ys 11 not a criticism. If there 11 anyway she can holp -i... tbao i-• will volw11ccr her IOMCCI also . So, she rcitenllcd, lhcsc arc nol criticiuna. Ms. Copher advised lhlt she spote io die coonlinalor ol Coda Enlim:cmei,t and sbc Ceola they bavc ldeqlllle people 10 lddtCM lloc ;... in EnaJowood. One o( her COtlCOIIII mi&ht be, 1he aid. that Code Enfortmnelll doesn 't bave CIIOUp power. Sho quellioned if Ibey have lldequtttc "°'""r to enfon:e lbao lhinp or if they rct adcqua1e cooperation. Ate lherc enough rules 10 Hive 1/tcm lhe power 10 solve lhcse issues? Ms. Copher conuna,1ed that n finds when she calls she get, a rccorder. She said she knows sometimes that is necessary, but she fell ii was easy enough solved by al least a call bock . When she deals wilh sontCOIIC, sbc noted. she would like IO know wllo is uslgned 10 •ha1 pn,t,lem or who is following up wilh that problem . She asked COIUICil if Code Enfon:emcn1 baa a onc-two-lhroc procedure. Where Ibo rcpon is 1akat and on day r,,o or lhlcc thae is 1 follow-up, ondly four or five there it anolhcr follow-up . Shcaokcd iflboy bavedlis in force now and. if not, could 11 be put iaplace. Mt. CopllcrSllted nwould lik••fff"lrl back ifthae is1iaolutiaad_if there is not I .-lution ... why 1here can'I be, so she could help, perbapl. do1hll. Al 284-1 Soulh Giaia ii.is indeed an issue and, she added, for Neighborhood Walch it is safety iuuc ... lherc is I gentleman 1h11 canir:s a gun. She advised she will do her part in finding oul why he is still allowed 10 have a weapon and ha\-e ii on hit pa1011. He has foul..Janguage and. she opined. he is 11111 of control. Ms. Cophcr Slaled she also quesllons his mental capacily 10 have a small daughler in Ibo bouse. The CXICrior of his home is indescribable, 11111 "'1e dld bring pictures. She said she lhinb it is I fire oodc isiue also. fmm vilioo imide Ibo house. In !he pUI he has also Imel • pn,t,lem wilh aueily 10 animak. Pmbiem 1wo, she said, is 2836 Soulh Sherman. which is lhc rear of her residence. She achised lherc arc as many IO\'Cn 10 nine den:lict vehicles, lioense plates arc. on a regular basis, changed fmm one vehicle lo another. The vehicles often block tl,c alley . He ie1S an inacdibie amount of build in g materials, if inclood he is in a remodeling process, which he does have a pcnni~ she said she thinks Ibero is a little bcl1er way lo go about storing his stuff. Ms. Copher advisod she has notified lhe Englewood Police concerning lhe blockage ofll,e alleyway wilh some of these vehicles. She staled she was lislcniog 10 lhe rcll)Onoe on Ille police scanner and they were unable 10 loc:uc tl,c problem . She maintained Ibey had IO be ia tl,c wrong alley or then: was s serious pcrtepllon problem . She commented she doesn '1 undersaand thal at all. Unfortunalely, she sold, she didn 't !alee o,e time, daleor lhe olf,cer 's numbcr ... so tbal will be an issue next time. if indeed ii haP!"'nS again. Ms . Copher staled her other issue is 4097 Sov:h llaMock, lhe living condition of a lady and two small boys. living in a one bedroom home that she also considr:s a fire haz..ml . She said she docs not believe the children ancnd school and she has addressed tius wilh Englewood Sct.ools anc gol no response. Ir.deed. she nolcd, Ibey have a P3Ckrat problem that goes on day and night . Ms. Copher noted that tius particular hundred block seems 10 have derelict vehicles at all times. She said. if she is correct. an invalid liuns:. in\'alid emission. invalid insumnoe. is the description of derelict vehicles, then there is reason for towing on lhat biodc. She commented lhal she thinks 01csc have been reponcd sever.ti times. She S3id she would like to oomc back to Council !;Orne night and hear wh.1t has been done on the se issues or speak '>'ith Code Enforcement. Ms . Copher said she would like lo end bv ~1ying lhat her primary issue. at 2&+1 Soutl1 Grant, is lhe gw, carrying gentleman and lhe condilion or o,c home . TIIC schoo ling or o,e children at .!097 Sou!11 Bannocl: and an answer as to whether there is a onc -1wo-1hrcc code enforccmcnl si luation where the~ do follow.up., one-two-three. And if indeed t11crc could be so mebody io spe;1k to for M assign.men! of duti cl;j in Code Enforcomenl, iflhcy have tlml ability . CoJnci l Member Bradsl,aw poi 111cd out that Joyce Parsons is in lhc 3ucticn cc and she :1.S kcd Ms . Copher tf •he knows who she is. Ms. Copha said sl~ docs. She commcnlcd lhal a lot of these arc questions and she I ind of gol the can before the hor,c . She explained tl.11 what she is gcning at is. ;; indeed they need help . that she thinks Yt'C need to help th em. Council Member Bradshaw agf'COO. l■ ......... CIIJC-il April 6, ltN , .. , l Jnun ) 1_J( l l1tw1u:,l;t rt t IN'l 010•1I It-1tit«I Maya, Bma•MIOII • ..... ■Olde Eabl:mlcnt Advi--,, Commiu.c abo, 1h11 is !Qling.to •'all alta-,._......... ~ Ml. Copher ...... lhllih1 ... ia_apnll,lcal. 1ett11emi-_,. help. lfllley .ton't,ct lho becking of 1hl people !Illy "'°"., • ..,, -DOI allowod, for IOIIIC -. toifollow-up or they c:an 't follow up, then..,, iu ,-wlly _._., pt tlallldpor ...........ibcltcr why they doa'tbavc aono-two-thn:e policy to f.UO,,-. Conacil Molobcr Nabbolz-. .. aim received lho letlcr tn,,,, Sandi O.ema, dated April I, 1998, and she will giw: ii to 1ho 0., 0ml to pol i■lo the n,oont. But this, she D0ICd, has been an on-going problem fa< scw:ral y,..111 and.,....,.._ a,mplainal about t11i1. She said Ulilt lho 1is al5o willing 10 work with Code 1!rui,m:mesr1 in ..... c■iacitJ. Su~ me llllal. llie lh.Ulks we need to get to the bottom oC thii. and.,..__._..,. -,..,.,_,.,., .. IIOtjull puain& .. ~ air ill a tire and ,.;vine it arowid the blod< 111 it C111 sit in the_.,. iar ~ 72 bows. Ms. Nabholz promised.Ms . Copher they would all wort QlflClllcraadptdlis.....,cacof. Ms. Copher oaid *..,.. lib to g;.. her a vote of conlidalcc Ix-cause she has &tood for us as they all do, as they arc all iro ----arc all cooccmcd. But. sh• co:nmcntcd, they say a pictun: is wonh a .....i _. aad Oam:il _ ,iay wdcollle to the pictures she has. Mayor Bwns advi&ed dlil she could mate -pan or .. na><d i{ .. would lil<c. Ms. Copher said yco IIJld DOied they are DOI labclcd, but she could do that ad -them with Council . Ms. eop.,r llatal...., .. .._ a pm city, but Ibo suggested wo all work together, DOI fight eonon(ISI each -. (c) Lela n,-. 1429 w .. lAkc Cowt, ,wed that she lives in Littlclon, but U'-" bas two elderly IUDII that li¥C atOrdanl l'lace and she bas a couple of concerns for them. because she is a carcgi ,..,. r. them. Oac • 1llillgs dial troubles bet is that they removed the chain from the lobby and put in these very bard --., backs. She pointed out that her BWIU arc 82 and 85 ycani old and they can 't sit ia those chain II> a2it lO be pickal up and taken IO III appoi.ntmenL II is just IOO agonizing for them . Ms. Fryman 5lal<d ia..,, did have chairs that they all "~nt together and bought for tlint purpose , but they said they don 't 1'-ant 6cm sining out o,ere . So they took these nice padded chairs out and put these bencluin. Shcsaiclsllc ....imdifthat a,ukl be resolved in some way . Ms. Fryman 5tllal tho -0IIIICffll is the new parking procedure over there . If you arc not a rosidcot you ha\-c io pp into the ba'diag. prs a parlting pcmu~ bring it back out and pul it on your car and then when yoo come bad<, yw have., pt l.111: pcnnit out of yoor car and take it back. It is a four-Uip thing and, she said. it 11CC111S lik.c tbcR """"1d be a better way IO do thal. She said she doesn 'l know if that would be a visilor's parking lot tar e,pt ,isilors ,-chicles. !hero always seems lo be plenty or parking, not counting the Malley sectioa. Ms. Fryma a,mmcntcd that she thought the visitor's thing would work. witl, tlie residents reali zing they can 't pork l!hcrc. Or. she said. she also wondered. for people who aro d1ere like she is,'"" or t.hrcc times a week.. Uthe, coukJ be given pcrmirs to put up on (heir dashboard whenever they arc there so t.h3l its nOl this in and out.Sand ouL business . And because she docsn ·1 ,vant a ticket every time she goes then:. Mi:. Fryman advl$d thal today she went there and there was no one in the office lo give her a parking pcnnit. She sud! ,oe b:>d to park there and she was in there about nn hour and fifteen minutes IJ)ing to help her aum w.t6 her Mcdtcare health insurance thing. When she came out there was still nobody in the office. So .. me sucsscd. if Ult)· arc still goin g to ha\'C lhis parking thing. then they have to ha\'C somebody on duty aa all times. (d) Millit lilutlcr Slid she resides Bl Orchard Place and Ms . F!)mnn is her niece . She Sllllcd • they have quite a pn,blcm with those benches, diey arc 100 uncomfonable and lhcy would sure like to have someone rcsol\'c ttus situmtion She noted il is hard rn them to si1 t , .... lhat !hey would like 10 have a rcw • • • lapewood Chy Couadl April 6, 1'98 .... , ~ oacc in awlllle, 10 go down and viJit with lhdt frialdl. But lbcy would ..... -~ .. y ill their.-or go in~NIIIIII. Howewr, mtinolad. it iUIOI ohrllyl _,.,...,.-.e an llill pcopla playla1 cards ud thin&I Ulu,'lhat and tho room 11 qaile fllll. Sbe aid lllle llliMI •~ •· prauy nice, but they can It all do thoa lhinp. It'• juu small plaoo. So. Ml. Bader Aid. ...... -IA'ftallO it if CGuncil could do somothiag about this. put dlairs in tbcft and kind al Ir.Ip dlom a Iii-. She mlentlod Ille -.Jd appr<ci110 that vay ash. (c) AnnctlO Carter llaled llbc is a =idcnl at On:lwd Place apart-.•~ HOUling AUlhority t.uilding, 1111d she bu lived lhcr< for a Uale ewer a year. She ......... ,_ aod a quarter years"'° she had cishl IOIICI, one of them being her vision 111d lbe1wa1 ......_ 11c-ies. for awhile. MJ . Caner cmphasiml that she was cxucmcly thankful and polw wbm.., Eqlnood HOUling Alllhority came through for her bt:causc she had no where lo go. So, she r,eitcmled. she .. very thankful . Ma. Caner opined lhat tho Englewood Housing Authority is a gra& orpolzation aad·~ ha\-e done a loL but thn an some pn,blcms. The one problem that the oilier two we,e talking..,._ willl die lrcDcbes, they lriod 10 mate a small improvemcnL One or th< concc:rm was that lhc:y were too low. Ml. <Cata clelaibcd the bencl>cs as ban!111>0d. with slats 'Vith spac,:.s between them. Ibey m deep and r-a 111c ....U that the south bench is on is against p,n of a wall lhal i, out and lbcn the wall is insCI. So, it il.-lar back 1111d they caa't sit up. She pointed out thats lo( or people have beck problems, leg ...,.,.._ad.,.. _ or the bench Ille wall isn 'I even th= II the back. One or the C011CC1111 -Iha& lhc:y IOCn: -iiDoo(. • Ille)' made an IIIClapl lllld they raised them" ,w, pul IOtlldhing,. tho bauma of lhcln a!....S tlraa. Now their feel dangle as a good portion , . ~ .. r<Jidcnts arc fairly sbon., SIie DOied sloe is tala-tma a,me or lhcm even lhaugh sbe ii just rm two. Now that they arc higbcrbcr btcaa'1 lllldkpwadand ii cuts into above Ir 1cncc, Ms. Carter opined lhat ii is just not a ocmfarlable chair for.., pomm al uy physical sbapc . !iheSL~ she secs their point whore they don't want ID soe pooplc "gossiping • llllriaguocial hour • spc~ a lot oC time in the lobby. She noted they said lhal tllat lallby is for when IIIC]I -,.-ailing for rides ID doctor's appointmenu and ,.,ailing to be picked up, If they wen, in wbat Lbcy ..-call !he library. with the comfonable fwnilurc. lhc:y can 't RC when their rid, ocmcs and their ride am't;ml< !be car tl..,., and come and get them without one of those parking passes . So they need 10 be lbcR. Ms. Crum commented lha1 they went to church Sunday and some ''°"' lhcrc for almost an hoar. as;;,ecplc fo rgot about the time change . ii was unocmfon:ibie and evel)'Onc was in agony, So they would !lilu: bcl p in P.elling through 10 Englewood Housing. 1l1ey made that attempt "1th raising the m. bur 11 JS sulJ 001 righL ,, is excruciating for the people wailing tl1en:. so they would like help with lhaL Ms. Caner said h.:r other thing was the parking. that Ml. Fryman was lalking abouL A lim r,f times that office window is down and Ms . F,yman is r<.i iiy afraid of getting a ticket. She r,eit--:illc llffia: window is down and then: im '1 anyone in thc,c where she can gel her parking pus. Ms. Can,:,: ;:,mim,:,i out that M~ Fryman has two aunts lhal she ems for. !lD ir is ""'IIY a concern. She doesn 't want to !I" a 11<:kcl while caring for her aunts. Ms. Carter staled the third thing she has is about tl1e cross in g inrerscction ofB!oad1'-ay :mu! Girard . She noted ttw. as she said, she h.ls heen here a lilllc more than a )'t.a r in this ncighborbood :und.shc is a very good ttdV('lcr. She said that C'\'cn though her sight is gone she is a ve ry good tra\ic\cr~ St::£rrR her time. she ~,id. for "'me = somebod y had the idea of doin g the audibl e chirp when it isa p<dl:s:oaD aossin g. She noted there arc a hu ge amount of residc111s th.it arc hearin g impaired , Ms. Caner sud 1im sbc can hear the chirp and sh:: co unted Jboul two and a half seco nds long. It is a wide in1crscction a=! ff\:ba:l 1( ,~ th e ocdcstri.'l.n cross. she said . tJ.erc i$ turning traffi c fr om two di rectio ns coming from the K.!mg. Soopers goi ng cast and t."cn north. tluu would love 10 run you O\"Cr . And gc ing west and then north..~ .,.,"OUid JUSI love 10 run you 011 er. Also , she advised , people pull up 10 Sl op al a li ght and lhcy Slop on tbc-,.:lulc pedestrian cross ing lines. w!ii ch is impossible and that is cvC r)'\\hcrc . M ... Can.er noted it would bcmic: lf • sign were pul up for this second issue . about them park ing on tltc while iiees. There arc signs. sllrsnid. like they have in some pla ces . thar .say "do not park bc)'ond tl1 is line" or "this crosswalk ." She 51:lll:d !!lilt .Im llCCn told . r,eganlin g UIL twc and a half-scamd pcdestri:m crossing. tlwl as long as ii chirps that IMI% u tlus light that 11:15 this pcmn, lhc symbol . for pcdestriansto cross . She maintained it is only about rwo,.and a half It 11110 ) ~Ii) l,oo l:..1t I "t1{1f ilfhq>- •, l .... .. a. is MIi ~ IOlllldl Ilk• lo hct ear. Ms. caner poinlod GUI ...... iuble bodied, ii isj,111 1w .,. .. _...,.ad .. ii I WI)' WI walJler; Bal. sbc aid, for Mable bodied penon, lllle lipl<d .,.._ 111iiimp111ib1eIO.,tlll11:1111111W lnlcncctlon in !hat IM• and I half lll0llllds and you also have IMI .... nlllc. Wbac.-lad the ... IO""""""" audible chi,p. she aid. whicl, WU maybe, I p,od ld&1, ~il-'t .-p. k ii vay CW1fC1CU1. Then, 11111 lol of senior and bondlcapped cillzcns in lhat ,, ol~ SIie ratcrlled that she is a fast wnlker, but ii is not C110Ul!il lime, dla it is extremely •,.IUfe, 11 ;,di• Ill: nlld itself has a IOI of gullies . She pointed out tllat Council saw her friend Millie BuUor come• .... llida lier walbr and thctt is no way. Shes.id Ms. Buder now has a stwdier W'.Uker and she cu, nod • ;an dllllalplg tmain a little easier thao sbc could before. but then: i• no way someone like her or_,_ c:a pl dlroup lbal inlerl<Ction with 1h11 two and I llalf second pcd<strian crosa. Ms. Caner act&M.....,S 11111 'lroodway is a hwy stroe~ but she fell they sbould be fair IO the pedestrians as well. (I) Mary Siena, J.425 Solllh Shcnnaa Stred, advilOd thal lhe has lived in Englewood since • 1961, .-food • Swcdlsll llolpiUil for 17 yeen, , lte is a member of the Flllemal Onler of Eaglco and has beca •-tbere for about 30 years. She sad slle was the ...,_.,t three yem. Ms. Sierra empllaliml ti.I tbe hos _.., bad the problem or Wlllcbins people suffer the way the senior citiu:ns 11 Ordlanl l'llcc 11ft being tr<atcd. She said ii Is old age, that they can't sit on those benches. Titeir bocb bun, dtlirlepi.tad wlly, dlc asked, do Ibey want IO kick them ootofthc lobby. E""ry place has a lalJl,y. 5k aailtllimd ii is because the m-:n:taries can't ama:nu.ie oa their work. She asked bow many of~ cmld Iii on -bencha lbr aa llour ·or I bllf III hour. She said no1 vc,y many and that sbc can't• .. ...,. cilw:as ca 'l She swcd she bas never llad a,y'J,ll"blem bofon:, she has always helped people. ML Siona advised tbal she helped ailusal ebildn:n, sllc bod a .:lwity for abused ebildn:n, for the ,,__. O..oll!aglosand sbo belped people when tbey necdcd belp. Now, she said, slle is at a loss. She• Illa i.e,migbtoCllcr ligbl eye and slle has60%'oa llleleft. She llOlal lhatby the time she goco io IM,.._.--" bewiB probll,ly say 80o/o, slle doesn't know, but •he ran 't see very weU . Ms. • Sierra -.I dial Iller falllily is 11111 COllling around because of Ille obliptions ofOmwd Place . She said lhey uml to~ all the time, dncchildren ... lwo gi rls and one boy ... and they used IO come all the time, altcnme. One girl and two gnmddaughttr. are comiog over, she said, and that is au. The othas can 't park . can't Jea,,-e lheircarand go in and that's what they arc up against• Ordtanl Place. Ms. Sierra stated it i• a disgraa: a,d, sbc added, she has lived in Englewood since 1964. W Beverly Cummins . 3188 So111h Linco ln Stn:et, said site is lalking for hcn:clf, Vesta Frank and all tl.<sr o<bcr ladies. She noted sh e has been here before . Ms. Cummins staled they have a problem c,·er ~ad~ need Couacil 's help. She said she works for Arapahoe County Homemakers and Utey an, uymg Ll koq, these people in their homes and happy and they an: getting defeated by all Ulis oUtcr garbogc. 91, smd she goes into Am. v. Bradley House. Alison Court Simon Center and Orchard Place. All bul Ottmrd Place have lobbies. have nice chai". couches ... things like tha~ for their people . They an: oOI ~~ io sit on 3 darned old slab. 11,ey arc apprc..iated . Ms. Cummins said that she does not think they an: "f'P"'Clill<d over at On:ltard Place . all they want to du is get •.,d ofU1em. But. she said, as far as the other tbings. lhc o<her ladies have pretty much said e1·cry1hing that she was going to say. E.u:cpt. she asked Council. -.. -ow:1 tbey like for somebody to come in after you finally iot some chairs in U,e lobby and go into yam homes and take away your c:isy chair or your couch and take it out of your house . lllis is their homes. -liousing's. She poinled out U•ll U1cy don ·, live then:. these folks do and they had their chairs pulled OUl from under them and they put tJtjs slab in there for them to sit on and it is not right Ms . Cwnmim -..d the)· need Council's help. th.1t they have helped before and they need CouncU 's help again. Another dag is tbe parking. she said. and it is absolulcly asinine. Ms. Cummins advised tJi.1t she has two hours to go m her people . if that and ~1c ~ill not go in four times for the permit when the) usca to get one for the .. -year. All they had to do was stick it in their back window and park wherever U1erc was parking avalable. She opined that this is just stupid to Utink th.11 people are going to do this . She said Utey also lbonglll dlcy cwld stay in their rooms and have somebody buzz. Ms. Cummins asked how lllllllY b11> • drivers, tlXJ d.,,;,...,._ dilfen:111 people like thal arc going to take time to run in and buzz for U1ese people to come froa lhc siXUI or JCVcnth Ooor. untii they can get down for them . She maintained thnt is ridiculous • t■&lcwood City Couacll April6,1!191 Pose 9 and 'i""!Y~Y ,know, that they dof ;I have Iba! much lime 111d ....a.er• 1""1 u lv>mcmakcn have 1111!1 mutj, lime to aoof,around )"i!li 10111C fooliJh daiaa tlkc this. SIie llil *-■ 1 c.cn koow anything n'oout i~ so sbc ls glad to know abotif, iL »ut she ii 11111 llOI Pl to do iC. ..._ * docs l1CII have lime to mw vound like that . She stated die is that to we care of those people, • play around with lht hooaiog couunillCC, with their pcnnlts and all that p,t,aac. She said thlll is • .i. Ibey an: a for and their lives IIO too short to be moued around wjth like this. 'They 1-1 lbc ~ • c:amp,wlon from everybody . Ml . CummiN opined that if the folks at housing can 't pve wa die c,aimsion. then they a,e in the wrong job. (h) Iuycc Parsons, Code Enfon:anc:nt Fidd Supcn,-. aid s1,e wanted to address the issue of the Grant SUcct addross for a few minstcs. Yes, she advised. Ibey :arc awarc of that problem house and Larry Medina bu been dealing with them for awltile. ThctaJS thal ..:pamd on the s~ 'legal, licensed and operable, she said. She acknowlcd&cd they look 6ndics :ad dlc..., in his drive, ray looks derelict. but they arc licensed and they arc opcnble. Thcrdorc, w sc.d, wllcn he p,r\J on the street, and he docs have five cars , that"~ do not have an ordinance that tdJs peapk bow many cars they can have or can't have. Ms. l'alsons noted he did have one of them that las bad Ila wa and he has bcco ticketed for thaL Regardins the appearance of the house, she aclaiowlcdpd ii i• pa1ia1Jy painlcd ano a is brillian~ but we don 't have design guidelines and we can't 1dl people wlw cola< tlooJ, can pain! lhcirhous.:, lhere is link"~ can do about thaL She noted he docs have a problem ,.;th bis ?-an! and keeping up the appearance or o,e yard and usins the front yard for storage. He has bcco P\'Cl1 -Oil lhat, she 3dvised, and he didn't comply in the period of time, we posted the house for c'.euHipaad he bas five days ID do tha~ othernisc he will get a summons to court for the WlSighOy house. As fir as ii being a fm: hazard. she said. we can 't determine that. because we can 't go inside and make a bousiag impcction unless we arc invuett in . She commented that she doesn't u,ink these people ,.;11 in,itc us in. R::pdiDg the matter or him Clll)ing a &WI. she acknowledged he docs, that he is supposedly a security officer and we undel1tlnd that be shouldn 't be canying a gnn, pointing it at an)i,ody or threateninganyomc when be is no> on duty. But again. she said. that is a police matu:r and ~ ha\'e infonned lbc oei&bl,ors ID call the police clcp3rtmeat when that is happening. because it is not really a code enfortemCDI ~. Ms . P:u>ons advised that 01e house on Sherman Sm:ct has four dadics >diida, they bavc eight all together and they have been given a SUJM10ns to eowt for their dadia vdliclcs. We can't at this time tow vehicles off of private property ,.;,bout the owner's pcnnission. she said. 1llasc that arc on ihc street , Iha> arc dcreli~ arc ticketed, she advised, and can be 1011·ed if they an: oo< ...,_. ,.;thin thr. 72 hows. So, she s.1 id . they have worked on Uial She pointed ouL regard ing Lhc housing insp,·. ,ons. heal ti> :,,,,1 sanitation. tlmt we cannot do that ana •·ortt1.1U y the building dcpartmena docs lhal: fir:sl. un',css we dre invited m. Ms . Parsons advised that 01ey do work with 9uilding to do U\osc inspcaiccs ,..b<f, thcy ai, asked . She saia she was glad to get the pi ct ures , but that 01ey do ha,-. tl,osc pictures and sbe ,.,.., sun: they ,,;u t,,-::. ;,.,:•er touch with the neighbors . She agreed 01at it docsn 't appear they are bang resolved, but tliere are prob, .. ms that arc State laws that we cannot resolve. We have not been able ID td! jJOOplc how many cars O,cy can have, she advised, and. if it is a public street, we can 't tell them they =·1 park on it. We do tell them. she said, thal we can consider it abandoned ir ii isn ·1 dri\'cn or u.scd c,.-crv 7"1 hours. She said she would be willing to answer any other questions CoW1cil ,rug.ht h.'.lvc , • Mayor Bums noted that tJ1c Code Enforcement Task Force should addrtss some of lhcsc is.sues and come back 10 Council with so me more infonnation. He commented that It J~ seems like your hands arc kind of ti ed, that there is a sinmtion there that has been going on for a long w:m: and his question is why can't we do somelhing about thi s. And. Council Member Br.idshaw asked, why does II lswe to get 10 the ?(liru that it is so ho rrib le before so mething is done . She noted Lh,1 1 is a frustr.ll.ion she also secs. as a ~t of the City . l1atewood City Coulldl A1tr1U,1!191 .. , .. 10 utm)(h ll w1I 4 kl'\'I d 1n,1I Pt l1 Ms. Panoos aid 11111 this house 11 alJo • rental propert)' and lhcy arc in lhe ~ of getting in toilcb witll Ole property o.._. '!be tcrWii IJ tclll~ us lha1 he 11 buying 11, bul die County records don't fhow th11. I! he goes to COWi, lbc advised, lhe property owner wlll be lllten Into coun with him and he will be cil<d too. Council Member Bradlbw ~ If Ms. Panons thinks !here is an Inherent danger to lhe cldu:ns In lhat block wjth this plelllan ... or iflhal 11 an Wlflllrqucstlo~ thal lhe 5hou!dn't have asked her right now and that is okay. Ms. ,.,_.., s.tid she doesn't think there i, a rel.I danger to the ciliiens. because none or them will talk to him and it is just u well because he is very angry . She commented that she doesn 't know ifhc Is mentally inc:ompcte"'i but she knows that he bolds down ojob everyday. Ms . Parsons said she knows !here arc lwo brolhcn and their family tha1 Uve in lhe house and lhcy have lived there for ycan. They haven 'I been ~le with her 'or code enforcement She stiled she has been out there herself, bul she would imagine be a,uld be and he should nol be carrying lhe gun around in his ci>1lian clothes. unless he is going lo and Crom work. Then, Council Member Bradshaw said. thal is lhe mancr lhal tl1c rcsidenlS s!,ould call the polia: ... when lhcy see lhal . Ms. Panons said Iha! Is right Ms. Panons stat<d that she beard aboul the animal auclty after the Cact. that we don 'I have anything in our records Iha! we we,c c:allecl when tltete was an animal cruelly problem and we would have handled ii a1 lhal poinl Council Member Bradshaw asked If this property Is one or lhe worst in Englewood. Ms. Parsons said no. Ms. Bradshaw lbanked her for her ell'orlS. • Council Member Bradshaw stated lhat sho is concerned aboul the amounl of complainlS from lhe Housing • Aulhorily property Iha! lhe Council is hearing . She said she really thinks that needs 10 be addressed . Ms . Bradshaw uskcd If lhesc residcnlS have talked 10 lhc council at their building or lhe Housing A111hority stiff. She commented she r<ally chinks lha1 is a crilical mancr lha1 needs 10 be addressed . Mayor Burns agreed He said lhal he can ·1 re.illy speak lo lhis \'Cry much, because he is on lbc Housing Aulhoril)' Board and he has been advised by lhc Ci1y Anomcy lhal he is conlllcted. and anyone on Council would be , a• 'his point He asked if then: was anyone from lhe Housing Aulhoril)' present As Jo Hamil Assisted Housing Manager. was present Mayor Bums asked that she come forward and address lhis. (I) Jo Hami~ Assisted Housing M.,,.,gcr for lhc Housing Authori1y. said she was hen: to just make some poin~ to give Council some infonn.,tion. 8CCJ.usc. to her knowledge. these issues have nol been raised with lhe Board or Commissioners ofthc Housing Authorily. she said. The action of the benches in lhe lobby was taken as the rcsull or an overwhelming request . from lhe majority of lhc n:siden1s in t~c building who wanled to reduce !he socia l ocli vily in O,c lobby arc.,. Because people fell lhcn: wen: people Iha! sat down there a IOI oftime and gossiped . Ms . Hamil no1ed this made lhcm feel uncomfortable and made !heir guests foci uncomfort ab le coming in and out or 1he building . She ad,·iscd 11,11 O,e rcsidcnls do have a nice librasy,just off the lobby . TI1cy just received new furniture in that building , which the resident's council selected . She opined it is a very nice room for 1hc residents and they do ha\'c a W1ndow in there where they can look outside to the main entrance arc., oflhc building 10 \\ail fo r rides and look for prople 1lia1 mighl be picking !hem up. In addilion 10 11,11, she s.iid. for !hose 11,11 don'I know oboul the layout of the Orchard Place building. tJ1crc arc lo1mgcs on each of the noors. where people ca n visit with their friends and relatives. Also , tl1crc is a co 111111w1il)' room just lo lhc south of the library . which is also a\'ailab lc for people lo ,isit. TI1is issue was brought before the resident's council at a meeting in March illld there was a lot of discussion on Lhis , she s.1id . TI1c motion that was made and passed. was that the benches stay in the lobby area. bur Oicrc \\115 no problem \\ith people pulling out a chair into lhe lobby 10 wait for a ride so lhat they could be comfortable . Ms . Hamil advised th:lt was the mouo n th,11 was passed • and staff hos no problem \\ilh lhat. She s.,id 01ey arc n:o ll y jusl crying 10 reduce lhe acunt) m lhal area. Oia1 !hey have had problems \\ilh paramedics trying to gel in and oul or lhe buildin g And they fell !here • • • lalltwood City Council Aprllf, 1999 Pop II )Ill ) fl ) liildff n] MllQI .o h111/ !.I 1:,,1 wu a pn,blClm wilh hlYU111 lol fll 111MI)' -•...._obi~ lo Fl lbnJi,p lbe tabby~ ~ do ~vo 1 buliamoftlcc lben:, lbo.ivilml, wflCIC. if .... • *IO ha~ I c,nll~lial COf!~~I(> the pn,pcrtr muogen, 11 llma, ii ia _,, dilllaoll if 6IR s a "1!, or jlCIMI)' aolag oo iM Ille lobby arco. In addition, Ms . Hamll uid, the wanltd lo poia -IO Council lhol lhcR is ID internal lobby area when: folkl come in 11X1 buz:t people IO get iaM> Ille booiiWil&ad then Lil= ii UOlhcr door lbcre. She noccd Iha! in lhalarca Ibey do hive a morc0llll"'1ablc bmdl lllll -area ii llcaled. so it is IIOl likc people are sitting OIII in the cold there. But tbll is IDlllbcr..,....,. ..,, c:ao wail for rides, wail for someone 10 pick them up or whalcver. She uid Ibey bavc ako told...., no AR llllhappy l"ilh lllis decision, tha1 they would be happy 10 buzz their apa,1mclll if a 1U.i -Or ii a bus comes aoJ is Wliliq for them they would be happy to run across the hall and let them "-".,.... ride ii then:. So, she poilllal ou~ they have tried 10 work witl1 the residclllJ. Apiu. she DOied, • aawlldming ...,.... Ibey ha\'C bad to pulling the benches in th e lobby aroa, which they did as a r-'I al people asking them to do that in the first place. has been very pos itive. Ms . Hamil advised lhat the othr< thin& she lnlllOd 11> addrUI wu the ..,ttlna issu<, thal that was a surprise 10 her tonight as she did nol know lhcR would be compbinlS. Most of the people in the building know that we are working on the parking i5SUC, she said. Whal~· are ll)'ing lo do is make sure that all of the residall& in the building hive I paru.D& ~ .... oitbc ~IS know tbll it is Mon-pg process right II01l'· Siie llaled tb11 when they find Ollf M illrff.,. Cl\'!IIP pning spaces for die raidealS in tl10 building, then they will Uy to look at some al't :<'UIMS for visitor parting and pa,tdna for the housekeepers and aides that come in on a regular basis. Ms . Hamil asked if Council bad any questions. Council Member Waggoncr asked tha1 she expba lhe make-up of lhe resident 's commin cc thnl voted on changing the sealS or keeping the benches . Ms.. Hamil explained that the new C.'<CCUtive dircc1or, Cheryl St Clair, who has been there since July of last year. came ill and slarled having round table discussi ons witl1 residenlS once a month. And !his. she achisal. -Ille n:sult or overwhelming complainlS from Ille peo ple who ean,c co the round table discuss io ns and al5o lbc: c:ompiainlS they recei ved on a daily basis . So , Council Member Waggoner said. the resideaos coaunillCC are residents at On:hanl Pla ce . Ms . Hamil advised that the resident '.s council is made up o£ each pcnon that lives there . She noted th al they did not make Ille decision 10 pul tl1e benches in. bu1 they did cndor5c ii al a meeting on Muth I 2•. Council Member Habenicht said she was not sure obe understood , She asked if all of the residents belong 10 lllis council. Ms . Hamil staled they an: all a aacmbcr. everybody !hat lives there has one vole on tl1e resident's council and they meet once 3 monlh. She said this issue was raised 31 the March mccling and the motion that was finally made, after considerable .:hSCIISUOll, "~' 10 keep the benches in the lobby , b111 allow people 10 pull a chair oul of Ille lib~·. She conumemal that th ere are comfortable chairs in the library, if they are waiting for a ride or if they don ·1 know •llea lbcar ride is going'" show up . Council Member Habcnichl sai d she was just cunoos and asked what the vole was. Ms. Ham,jl said she did not ha\'C that with her, bul thal she thought 33 pcq,lc \\tte there and it was 31 10 2 TI1c minut es just came oul today, she noted , and she hasn ·1 had a chance lo ~ look them over carefully . Bui , she pointed ouL it was a very strong vo rc in fo\·or of keep ing the: benches there. Ms . Hamil sai d tha1 the ot her thing she wanted to .mcnuoo was that lhc:,, ha \'C some written acco lades from peop le that arc very pl c.1sr.d to ha\'C the benches~ She explained that the benches came ou t of Cinderella City and il 101 of people arc vcl) plos.::d 10 113---c a pan of the Ci nde rella Ci 1y history in that buildin g. l■a)cweod City Council April 6, 1991 Pap 12 Council Member Waggoner ukeil trlhoee benches are made such that a bock c..id be pat cm lllaD faidJ easily. Ml . lflmlt noted they are pffllY long, fnm ~to bock, Iha~ anl preny deep. They mipt .. ,...., do 1h11, but, lhe pointed dtil, !here ii. dcrwel !Ml goes thiough ~ and ihe .. not iare trthey-1cfleM: 10 l<llln lhcm in their prtJCOI Slate if they did that. Council Member Habenicht abd II' !hey have over been pnwided with crgonomicl lllidia ar.,,.,...... l'umbhlngs for, especially, the elderly, as so many of the mldenl! are elderly. Ms . Hamlt rapo,,dod. • lier knowledue, lhal has not been done . They 'try 10 give the rtSidcnt's council as much leeway as they ca ill deciding what kinds offtunishings lheyWlftl to have in that building, she noted . She said she WIS..,,,.._ but 1h11 she dld not believe Ill)' ergonomics studies ha\'e been done As there were no other questions from Council, Mayor Bums thanked Ms. Hamil for coming. 8. Communications, Proclamations and Appointment; (a) A letter from Sandi Oslema indicating her resignation from the l!nglewood Public Library Board was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, Al'ID IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEn WR11 REGRff THE 111:SIGNATION OF SANDI OSTEMA FROM THE ENGLEWOOD PUBUC LIDAJIV BOARD. Ayes: Nays : Motion carried . Council Members Na bholz, Garrett, Bnldshaw, Habenichl, Waggoner, CL,pp. Bums None (b) This Agenda Item was moved forward. See page 3. (e) This Agenda Item was movro forward. See page 3. (d) TI1is Agenda Item""' mol'cd forward. See page 3. (e) This Agenda Item was moved forward . Sec pages J and 4. (0 1l1is Agenda 11cm n:i.s 1110,·cd forward . Sec page 4. (g) This proclamalion wns consi dered prc,iously . Sec page 2. (h) TI1is proclamatioo was considered pmiousl y. See page 2. (i) TI1is proclamation ""'considered pmiousl y. Sec page 2. 9. Puhlie Rearing No public he.iring wns scheduled before Council. 10. Conscnl Agenda (a) Approval of Ordinnnccs on First Readin g COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10 (a) (i) ON FIRST READING. • • • • • ~Cllyo-il AprilC, '"' I "UO ,t hoo, t n, ~(IC•J .~ ntll 11 ,x, Pqell WAGOONEll (i) COUNCIL BILL NO. 71 INTRODUCED rv COUNCIL MEM1:1 1 ~R A BILL POR AN ~ANCI! Atm!ORIZlNQ AN INTl!ROOVl!RNM!NT AL AGRl!l!Ml!Nr Bl!T\VEEN'TRPZ O'JUJaADO WATER CONSERVATION BOARD OP THE STATE OP COLORADO AND THE CITY OI' ll!IIIOLEWOOD, COLORADO AIJlllORJZINQ AN l!ASl!Ml!NT FOR'TI!I! CONSTRUcnON CE A CONCRE'IE BICYCLE/PEOESTIUAN PA1l! ALONG 1l!E SOtml PLA TTI! RIVER CHANNELIZATION PROJECT. Vok ....its: Motion c:anied. Ayes:. Council Members Nabbol z. C-.an-ctt. Bradshaw, Haeanlchl , waaaoncr. Clapp. Bums Hayse None (b) Ajlpu,'11 ofOrdlnances on Second Reading MAYOR BUJINS UMOVID AGENDA H'EM 10 (bJ (ii) FROM TIIE CONSENT AGENDA. COUNCIL MDIRltWAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGfflDA ITEM 10 (b) (i) ON SECOND READING . (i) ORDINANCE NO. 21 , SERIES OF 1997/1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 82, INTRODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER WAGGONER) AN ORDINANCI! APPROVING AN AMENDMENT OF 1l!E PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR CORNERSTONE PARIC (SOtml SUBURBAN PARK AND RECREAnm· DISTRICT) AND lmEROOVERNMl!HJ'Al. AGREEMENT FOR 1l!E INCLUSION OF 2 IN,, .INE HOCKEY RINKS. I SK.A TE PARK. 4 INFORMATION KIOSKS , 4 SHELTERS WITIIOUT RESTROOMS AND 107 ADDffiONAL PARKING SPACES . Vote ...... 11r Mction carried. A)cs: Counci l Members Nabhol z, Garret~ Bradshaw, Habenicht , Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays: None (il) Mayor Bums nolcd tlia l Agenda llem 10 (b) (ii) is the Wcs1 Union Avenue !ruck route designation and bl!' H in fa,'Or of the council bill . But.. he said, he would like 10 clarify what it means 10 ha\'C a truck route climanaled and what thal means as far as fu ture traffic is concerned. He asked if th ere was anyone present from l'ul>lic Work s. Ci1y Manager Scars ad,iscd tlial Engineering Manager Ri ck Kahm and Division Chid'Tom Vandennec were present. He comme nted that Tom Vandcnnec might want 10 lalk about cnfortem<Dll actions. Mayor Bums asked Eagonocri.ng Manager KaJun 10 lalk a linlc bil abou l whai ii means 10 designate a !ruck route and then n:mmrc it.. He questioned what that actually means as far as future traffic and ruturc tru ck traffi c is conccmcd. Mr tc.ahm explained th.it under e.~isting ordinances the Traffic Engineer actually has lh c authonly 10 dcsign;ur <nd rou1 cs . Tit:11 is when, lhe authority lies . In this particular instance. he said, lherc w;u a request by Council 10 remo\'e a truck route designation on Union Avenue , between Federal and Clay SUttt Fro m a l<CllauaJ. professional standpoint tl1c Traffic Engineer did nol agree ""'h tlial he 3d\'iscd. and thal is why .-c art passing an ordinance to that affect . The ordinrutcc that is before Counci l this C\·cning. ror second ::ading. sunpl y rcm o"cs 1h.,1 truck route designation from that portion oflhc roadwa~ As written. thi:-ardinancc s1ill lc.1ves the Traffi c Engineer with the di sc retion of de1cm1ining E■llewood City Council Apr116, 19'1 ...... :.) vii) b1101,•,l!(n 1 ltl'\.11,ilUu11i (I•~ ~ what kind d1n..-k ralrielion will be placed on that ...:...way. And. he poinltd-. dlcre area lot of 1 choices. Thal IOCllon could be rcstrielcd and signed u "no uucb. • Thal ~ woald prolu1>it any truck m,a, plllUII throuah 1bau1e1jop oC roodway, includin& pick•l'f' IIIICk&. n.,,. -odlcr ~JPl■lioos. huaid. Wocould putadclipllionof"l)O lnlebavcr 7,?')0 pouad,CIDJIIY....._ • 16-. K.a¥a "°"id that isono "" klndoCfavor, inthal it would allow Pjdt-uplnlcb, but ,-ould 1111c all...,. ...iiicles olf~ IOClion ofroodway. In response to C<HU1Cil Member Bnadww, Mr . Kalun confirmed thM the 7.000 _. wu empty weight. Ms. Brad5haw asked how big that truck would be . Mr. Kahrn advised we have taa:cd to a number of manufactwm and lllid-siud pick•lll' uucb will weigh in the upper 3,000 pound nlJ&C. Full sin: pick-ups "ill run anywhere from 4,000 pounds for a half too pick-up to in the 5,000 pound nngc for a¼ ton. to in c.,ccss of 6,000 pounds for a one ton pick-up. And that. Council Member B,_,., said, is empty weight Mr. Kahm said yes, that is cmply weight So, he commcnlcd , when they sec a 1aoJ;C piclt-up truck. typ' lily ones th.II have dual tires on them. those arc large one Ion and those would l)pic:all:,• have a tare weight up in the 6,300/6, 400 pound range . Mr. Kahm Sl41ed OUII 7 .000 pounds is a CUl-<Jff tlla n:$IIicu pick-ups VCmJ.I larger vehicles . Council Member Bradshaw asked ifOUII is easier 10 enforce . Mr.'Kafuri '~ilm-dial they tl~nk so . He Jud he met ,.;tb the City ~er Scars and Safety Services Dircf!or OUOI) lasl -. .Emilra:ment is au issue. in OUll we don't have scales. Hb poifllCd out that ifwc Slaf\ ~ 11~ip&...rca:1 easily distinguish what that means in tcnns of types of vehicles, cnfol'CCIIM:nt could be a real problem . But. from an cnfofCCIIICnt standpoint it would be real simple for the polic:c, if it is apidt.-aplnld, it is probabl y legal. and if it is larger than a pick-up truck, ii is probably suspca and should be pulled O\"cr. Mayor Bums asked if the rcgistratioo shows what the empty wci&ht of a truclt is.. ML Kahln said he believes it docs, although be has a pick-up lrU<k and be looked al his tonigbt ...r Ille was unable 10 dctr,nninc what lhc number was on there . He nolo.l i.c thought ii said his truck IKip< 4,()(Y,) pounds. Coanci l Member Bradshaw 514ted lh:!t hers doc:sn '1 have ii on there . Mayor Burns commenlcd that there W3S some discussion as 10 whether that "-oufd make ii much easier to enforce, if you cou ld just look at the rcgistrntion and you coul d sec what the weigld is. Bui . Mr. Kahm advised . in talking lo Safely Services . lhal type of vehicle would be the casies1 tl1ing 10 enforce. So, Council Member Nabholz said. ii would be type instead of weight. Mr. lubm 5lalcd •'cl tl1c 7,000 pounds would tell Safety Scl\ices that pick-up 1rucks arc okay and trucks bigger Clan pick-up trucks arc probably in excess of 7,000 pounds . Council Member Habenicht asked what kind of lrucks would be "ishy-washy iAllalD5 of uying 10 decide whether they arc 7,000 pounds or not. Mr . K:tluu said 0131 delivery type trucks. bcrx l}l)C vans might be marginal. For instance . he explained. tJ1c City uses a lot of single axle dwnp trud:s and those ha,·c a tare weight ofaboul IJ.000 pounds . So , he nolcd. lhcrc is a prcuy good range ofvcfudcs. Council Member Bradshaw asked what a Suburban wou ld weigh. M ... Kalun advised that a Suburb.in probably doesn't h.1vc a truck plate on it . Ms . Bradsha,\' s.1id 1hcy wcrcjUSI woadcring what a Suburban would weigh . Mr. Kahm said he \\Ould bet 0131 a Suburoan "cighs 01er 6,000 p<1!lllds. as it is a large vehicle . Bui it would probably be under 7,000 . City Man.1gcr ~ cars noted 1..h.11 Division Chief Vandcm1 ec might want to talk aboa: ho" they arc planning 10 proceed with cnforccmcnl • • • • • • ........ Cliy CCN1ncll A,ril',1991 .... 15 Ii )1111u'l ,i, ) lmo ~:.11:,tt " 'I ,1 1i1qA II 'r,iS.fl C-'1 .....,.Habemclll llllllld ,lhey,luM ,•• a nwnbcr olpiclw'el ~ui,, ~ 1114 Ille uju,d liq),, -,.ofllaa<INl:b-.ldllodilallCIIWIIL Tooffl¥)rilyolllicm.MnKabmld\'illd,,llofl'lt.ibclho\lahl .,._,_,._bid a;-,eo.-iJ ,_...olpk:ture1 oltbo Ylhicle■ !l)e), bad ~ud lllOII of ..,_ vchlclcl -,Id probably be 100 heavy. Mayor Bums commenlell that a lol or those were 14,000, 15,000, 16,000, 11,000. Tbclo arc lhc tJUcks. u he undcnlands i~ or olhcr Cllllomcn or Wutc U I N TIiey arm'tlbcirhCks, be !hey come 10 lhcirtnnsror Cacilily °""' then,. Mr. Kabm said dill i■ 00ffllCI. ~ Bwns ulood wbal kiad or cnfon:cmcaa problem arc we goina io have, .; he noted a l01 of lhc pia,ns lhcy saw wcre or hllp lnlCka. ei.,...,, wbcdcrs. bia dump 1111Cks, obvioully very heavy 1.n1w, -oethaee were mn ~--He said Waste Maaqemcnl C111 Ill; !hem DOI lo come that diffaion. bu1 as Ibey ualed. lhey can't con1rol lhat. Mayor BUllll med what kind or enCon:emcnt problem we llovc if !hat kind or a lnlck is not allowed. Mr . Kahm staled he was not sun: ii was a major problem . He llllllld 'he ■cnt. in Council'• packet, a link-map, which doaignatcl bow they believe Ibey )lave 10 sip dial-in onlcr lo 00IIIIGI IJUcks . Mr. K■bm advised Iha! I( lhey look IO lhc calt 1idc of Iha!, IIC3r s-a Fe, !hey will no1icc a couple orx·s. The signs U1cy arc 1'CCOIIIIII08ding there an, informational signs tbal imonn l.nldu:n coming in that lhc truck route will end al Clay strccl. When they get to Clay Sua:1, lhae is a lign 1bll tells !hem lbe truck rootc coda. He noted lhcic would also be a weight limit 011 thal. that would tcil th.:m no uucks cxa:eding. lets say, 7,000 pounds ,mply. On lhc Federal side or ii. there would be a sign riaJit • )'OU tum .-Union. that would tell them no auckl °""' 7,000 pounds. So, he said. he i1 aa1 sure cnfon:emcnl is a pn,blcm.. Mr. Kaluu -■led that lhc bi.,. problem. be secs. is that we arc going lo lllp IOIIIC poopk He pointed -. it """'1d be a small amibcr, but ir you were in a llaClorillailer ri1, ,1 IICIDi or• larac miler. and you IUllled olr of Sul.a Fe onto Union. lhae arc no other public roads lo tu:,, 01110 IO him around. So oacc you pl ill there. unless yourpoiat oldestination wu in fact one of those ':,llsi-, you arc probably going 10 ba,-c lO go suaighl through to Federal. By the same !Oken, he said. somo.._ who is southbound on Federal in lbe left wm lane. if !hey don 't sec lhal sign in time . lha1 once Uocy malu: that him there is no pince 10 go but suaigh1 throu gh. So. he noted. Uw:re will be a li1Uc bi1 of lhal. Mayo, Burns asked iflha1 was through IO S-Fe. Mr. Kalun said through the restricted arai, U,at there is no way to twn arow1d. Im'ision Chief Vandcrm<c advised that migl~ be one issue. in tcnns of the cnfon:cmcnl. For vehicles 112\-ding west bound from Santa Fe, lhc signs arc going 10 be easil y idcnlilied once U,ey are on lhc roa.i.-ay anti they arc going IO be able to make adjusimcnlS 10 avoid being in violation. Exec~ he nolcd. in lbe case like Mr. KaJun pointed ou~ large units lhal don ·1 have a way or turning around . He said he did not believe tbe problem exists with vehicJcs that arc using lhat u a suaighl through cut-aJf. So he tho"8hl that problem ~ going to be minimii.cd. The n:asonabicncss of lhe enron:cmcn~ or lhc concern he has in thal ~gard. comes from vehicles that cnlcr Union casl bound from Federal . Wilhoul so me kind of advance nming sip. iflbcy ha,-c made the turn and cnlercd into lhal no truck zone. they have no avenue of csc:apc. So if you stop them. and assuming they arc in \'io lation. and an officer conducts a lrnflic stop, in bis opinion the dri,·cr has a valid concc m in saying "hey . I got in here :ind I can 't get out . I can 't be airlifted. ir I go down and tum around. U,c poi111 I would be turT'jng around~ I would be oulSidc the no drive zone." So. he advised. there arc some reasonab leness issues there as far as the enforcement He 5lalCd that certainly from the ir point of view, in tcnn s of selectin g which vehicles arc in violation and which arc= lha1 ani1hing larger than a pick-up tru ck is easy en ough for them 10 identify. If you get into weights, then it is lcind of up in the ai r for them to conduct a traffic stop. as they have to h.1\'C probable cause that a violation has existed . Not a coin toss that i i :ould ha ve existed . Division Chie f Vandcnnce mamtai ncd th.at it has got to be . in terms of enforcement . some clear directi on , or so me dear de fin itio n. of ""hat is and \\hat is not illegal. M.1y or Bums commen1cd that il so unds like he th.inks they ca n handle ii. Counci l Me mber Waggoner commented th.11 when th ey started addressi ng the problem with the concrete trud<s and !he "'eighl s on lhc strccls. U1 ey pu1 a U1ird II heel in back. U1at they could drop and change lhc number of a:dcs on the truck . He Jskcd wha t they arc gum '-to do when they h.we an cmply pick-up truck la ..... ood Clly CCN1acll Aprl16, 1991 Pap 16 tllll welsfu leu lltin Ille 7,000 p/Mladl.111..._, ad lie ii,,...... bl1,.,., llliler. Mr. Klhln 1dvh1eil, • llifflc $iall'llal lnallel 11 -111111 ..,._ lldln u ..._ a pnlblea. He lhought lhi:y could lllffl Gl'Olllld aild add die nec ·illltalol ., .. ....,, ... net.If,-..... IO .. IOChaical . Bu~ be opiDecl, lhall1pglobe1hlirdone111CIIIIIIIII . I "1 Councll'Mcmbcr Bndww ul4 dlll * W a ...... fbr Ille Clly Al!llnley. She mkcd whcte lhc), would pul a limll in tlic council bill . Clly Auomcy 8-advised lhey c:wld pul one in if !hey IWnl IO, bul tllll righl now !hey dou 'I have 10. Tbae are ..-y IWO ....,._ he said. One 11 ooc:e you undcsignaic ii u 1 lruck roulc, tllc Tnlllc Enp,eer ._ aid M l&d ... Ila So be will i-1ip,s that 11J1 no trucks, unless lhey gnoc blm • Mlgbt. Mt. 8-_,. .. Ille Tolftlc Eapoer P'e\iouslY came lo Council and said he -,Jd really Ille Caaacil'1 l.nput ..,.., Wligftl on diot. Tho '!'raffle Engi."cer, rigid now, has lhc power to sign it saying no tnlCk,.,.. .....,._ ..,;p1. So, Council Member Brad!haw 15Ud, -..... * weiglot oldie lnlCb be dcadcd. Council Member GarTett said !hey could make•....,..___ Cily Atlllnley Btotzman advised Council could mate a rccommcndlllian toniglll 10 die Tl'lffic: e:,,z;-r. Council Member Bndww thlMed Mr. Kai-wlris ""rt 0A lh:s. Mayor Bums llid be didn 'l lhlm tboy --'cl p,11 M in Ille ordi-,c, !hat Ibey slaald make a recommendation and he can change 1111! if iii< --'<ing, as be has so• flexibility . Engineering Manager Klh..,. added• in tk _.,. pvc Comcil, tlley sugaled !hat on Tanfonn, Layton, Saraloga, Chenango nl where~-oul 00 Federal, thal Ibey -just pul 11D lruclt signs uplhcn:. Mr. KallmadvilOd 11m lle•7111Tallic l!aginceriag Analy11 Ladd Vostry . dilcusscd lhisat • lcnglh loday. And lhey _...., ii--"""8 IO go .. ;,ha 1,000 pound iesttiction. which permilS pick-ups , !hat we shooJld probably -the ..,,..dmgnation on lhooc-. u •di. u opposed 10 no IJUC;IS . Council Member Brwbha• said yes. -makes sense . Mayor Bums said he W1dmllnds !hat lhc TrallicCode has exceptions for lhings such as moving,..,.., for lhesc folks , and lhe trucks !hat would pick up 11>::ir own ga,t,:,ge and !hose kind of lhings, which arc SCr\i= to !hose people in Iha! aeigllborbood. !Mr. Kahlll said that is righ~ !here i• DDlhing in lhc oniinancc !hat prohibits deliveries, pick-ups, a lawn savic::. from coming lo a poinl of destination. He sutcd ii is Ille lhrough lralf,c that would be~ the law . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGCONIJl MOVD. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 19 ~) (n) Ol'f SIICOl'f& R£ADING. ORDINANCE NO. 22. SERJES OF 1998 (C~IL BILL NO . 12, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER !l!<ADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE REMOVING TIIAT POJtTlON OF UNION A VENUE FR0~1 FEDERAL BOULEVARD TO CLAY STREET FROM THE DESIGNATION OF A TRUC K ROIJfE IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD.COLORADO Vole rtsults: Ayes : Council M,mnbcrs Na bholt.. Garrett. Bmdshaw. Habenicht . Wa ggOO<J!. Capp, Bums Na ys : None Mo1ion carried . (c) Rcsolurions and Mouons • • • • lllalewoad City Couocll April6, 1!1911 .... 1, 11 Uh; ::) J• l11)0W'. K(~•I ~ In # Ml a, COONCIL.1111:MBH N~LZ llMOVED AGllNDA ITIM 10 (c) (I) PROM THE C.ONS&NT AGl!'fDA. il, 'I , 111.<: 1 { I' •'I· llt COUNCIL ~IMBER WAGGONIR,MOVED, AND IT WAS SICONTJID, TO APPROV& CONSENT AGQIDA ITDIS 18 (c) (II) and(III~ JI (ii) •RESOl.lll1ON NO. SO, SERIES OF 1991 A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM nm 1998 BUDGET FOR nm GOLF COURSE PUMP PROJECT. (iii) CONSTRUCTIO!I: CONTRACT WITH COLORADO WAT.ER WEU. PUMP SERVICE AND SUPPLY IN TIIE AMOUNT OF $9-1 ,200 .00, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF GOLF COURSE TRANSFER PUMP PROJECT. Votel'tllllll: Ayes: Council Members Nobholz. Gamt~ Bradshaw, Habcni ch1. Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None " 1 Motion carried. (i) Council Member Nobholz said Iha! she just has a couple of questions on !his. She ad\ised d!ot Ille met wilh Wayne Oakley and Dell Montgo""")l last year, along wilh Deaver City Council Momller Bill Him111c1mann, who borders cur City. And, sbc said. the concern 1h31 was discu.sscd . between lbctwo d,paJ1mcnts ifwc do Tcjon, Yale or pa,1S oCBroadMy. that all'ea Denver, 1h11 wt don't just do the Englewood Side . That wt mokc Dcn\'craw.irc 1ha1 we arc gc1tin1 rady IO do ow- resurfacing and that we wo rk on this as a joint effort . So. she said. sh: just wan1cd to make sure that if we art doing anythin6 close to the Denver border. tliat "~ make sure !hat we coo rdinate wilh tl,em IWII let !hem know. Mayor Bums asked if•l.31 is what we do anyway . Council Member Nabholz said no. that we nc\'c r have before and that's been tl1c big issue . Mr. Kohm advised tliat wt have tried in !he past. !here has been an effort. Ms. Nabholz said that she tl',inks we have opened up negotia tions now. so just so we continue them. Engineering Manager Kahm advised thai the onl y S1rcct that has a joint boundary . th,1 1 he secs on there . is Zuni soutl, or Dartmoulh . He stated tlia1 involves Sheridan and we wi ll be talkins to Sheridan, as"~ would like 10 do the full width of street, but we will work something out. Countil Member (\lrrctt asked. after tl1cy do lhi~ approximately how long it "ill be before !hey redo lha1 succt. Mr. Kahrn advised it varies . But. he noted. for the most pan we started using !his particular product in 1987 nnd be was noticing th.?! this year we arc doing some additional work down on Fox Street that was in !he 1987 program He commented tliat it looks like"~ arc going to get ien years ou1 of residential streets. We have used this microsurfacing on Broadw.iy. carrying 45 ,000 cars a day ard we got about fi, c year, out of ii. Typically, he said, about eight to 1cn years. Council Member Garrett no1ed tlia1 Qumcy was done last yea r, on son or the eastern side of Quincy, and !here is a little strip !hat is proposed. And. he said, one oftl1e departments has now dug up one oflhc :irccts and wt have tllis really bad patch job . He pcin 1ed ou1 tl,11 it seems sill)' to ptJI this down lasi year, only to lcar it up again thi s yea r. Mr. Garrell said th.1 1 al a function he was ancnding. he as ked Mr. Esterly abo ut !his particular projcc1. He stated Mr. Es1crly told him 11,at we don 't keep up \\ilh .. like wls11 Stu Fonda's group is doing. So he didn ·1 even know wha1 was goi11g on on that panicular street. Council Member Garrett commented that it bothered hi m 1h.1t there is no coorcfo1alion between the two dcp.1nments la...,._.CllyC-8 April 6, IM ..... Mr. Xa1ui1 ala!~ ....... a.nc.,i., ..,........, Illy doa'eka/p oip '1'ii11Slli110Cldl'~gruap. Mr . .Jama adYioed ii -Dad< e.aty, becaulc be altcd him why Quincy wu being dug up lilltl helllid he had no idea. Mr. X.. llllill .,_ .. actually. every year • Ibey pul logclbcr Ibis lypO of proglllffl or an owrll)· pn;...., _,. .,...._.,.Udlkla, •to *Miw 11..yini ,olq lo'dowaletiJino ri,p~ an,! lholO lypc of llliap. n.,, allO c:uordinate, ..._ lhls d,.. Ill ymr, send, thiJ list of llricls 10 PublJc &,ma. U.S. WCI! ... _ ... aighl have. DCCd lo cover street, loll}' lo minimize that But he noced, ,1 bappcm. c-:il Mmber Oamtt said .. was fine. He comlnontcd that ho. undel'llands Ibey can': fl"',l!ct 1en ,can-.• il am like they rould for six months. Bui typically, Mr. Kahm advised, or, an au1ua! buia, tl,oy try.to pl lblb lo do undcrgrounding -" ahead of,our programs. Mayo, Burns sa,d be lhoaglll .. -a good point that tl1erc is a real need, obviously , for a 101 of 000,'dina'.ion l.r,_ Utililils..S Pwllc Works. Mr. Kabm .agreed ---.. it is real flUSIJ3ling ID us lo go oul and overlay I --or pul microswfaciDg down ..... ~ -i.ody like Public Service come in and CUI ii lhe next day . Bui Ibey do ii fiom lime to lime. c-il Momba' Brodshaw commcn1cd 1h11 Ibey have done a belier job. COUNCIL MEMBEJI WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITDI It(<) (i), RESOLUTION NO. SI , SERIES Of 1998 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A NEOOTIATED COm-RACT FOR ENGLEWOOD'S 1998 MICROSURFACING PltOOIAM INSTEAD OF 1lffi COMPETl11VE BID PROCESS UNDER SECTION 116 (b) OFTHI! HllME ltULE CHARTER AND SECTION 4-1-3 OP nm ENGLEWOOD MUNIOPAL CODE 1915, Volt .-111: Motion carried. Ayes: Couu ci l Members Nabhol z. Garrett Bradshaw , Habenicht Waggoner, Clapp. Rums Nl)-s: No,,c 11 . Regular Apda (a) ~ olClnimnc:cs on Finl Reading (i) Nctghbo<bood and Emiroruncnt Technician Langon prcscnlcd a rccommcndalion from lht I:"~ of Ncighbomood and Business Dcvelopmcm 10 adopl a bill for an onlinanoc appnn,;ng Lidmrizl l.ocung Amcndmcnl She staled Iha! lhcsc arc proposed amcndmenlS 10 lhe industrial zone district ol '11c Municipal Code, lhal result from Council's rcqucs1 Iha! NcigM,orhood and Business Da·dopment l'C-'\'\ ~ two .spc:cific land use issues in lhc indusrrial zone. Ms . Langon advised th ey an: ~g lhal Colmcil ,cu poi,lic h,anng on lhls issue for May 4, 1998. She askd tl1at Coun cil consider lhc inclusion o( sa:oon 9 oo page 33. Thal is for lhc t."(is1ing uses and. she noted. ii covm !hose uses nol addt""..ssai as a>ndirioaal uses. making c:<istmg uses. non-confomting uses . Ms. Langon explained that section 9 is a dame: dlll 90llld cove r ony C.'tisting uses. 1hat there arc some areas wh ere there arc uses thal would be condiliooal ascs aml olhcr arms where tl1 ey arc no1 oo ndilional uses. So lhi s clause would be for any uses t.hal arc DOC CO\"erai under conditional . ,~ey w"O uld be all '-'lwcd 10 remain :i s non.-confonning uses . Co unci l Member Waggonaa!izd iflhal is unli l !hey se ll Ms. Lango n advised Iha! is com:ct, for nr n- :onforming. • • • • • Enakwood City Council April6, 1991 , ... ,, Council Member Bradshaw asked about whal happea.s, when it is IOld. Ms. Langm Siad illlll if it changes handl dleD dlo• CM,-jn, die• illell'tennimul ia IIO days. Couacil Mmll<r w...,_aed ii,. that is the drop tima, 180 days. Ms. LMgon Slid 1h11 is com:ct. Colll1CII Mcmbei• ll,adshaw swed Llial this_,,. ll!COSlively lillenl 10 her. Ms. 1-alll WM! portlo ... Ml. Bradsh•w said she thinks it I, just this problem she has with indllSlriaJ ~-Sbe acknowledged it is probably just a .,..,.,na1 pett:eplion problem, but iLis 1991. 11,: an:a a!laarat, we an, not a subwban ar<a anymor•. some ol the uses that were pcrmined it, a subwbu -. shcdooa 't mink .,. acceptable in an urban environment She opined that the case with Uruon poinls that OUL !Ms. Langon noted that this is som-'thina they dil<Ulled last week II the Study Session, that for lbelc i-'.Jll'fic:ular uses . this is just a sholt.feffll ,c·. So, Ms. Bradshaw said. this is lib a bad-lid. Ms. l...anp said tbey could use that tenn. Council Member Gama asked if this is being !bed in the Comprdtcmive Zoning ,........_ Ms. l..aagon advised we will be addressing the entire ordinance and tlicre ar< a number of u.ses dtal COlild pnal,ly be eliminated. She noted she had to loc.~ up what bone block was ... things like 11-.-.L Sl-.z said ;hen: an: a number or oth,r ineonsiSlaleies in the ordinance, so it wiU probably be a long range pmjio:l. Cou.ncil Member Bradshaw aska'. how long we arc looking •~ long range. Ms. Langon aanmcnted that Mr. Simpson always tells her to nC\-er give a timefr:une. She Slated they ate going to be IDa1wtg at ii this year as~ u she kmws. But as 10 completion, she said. she does not know. So. Ms. Bradllmr said. it will probabl , be the first of next yr.ar, something like that Ms. Langoo said pn,blbly. Cou.ncil Member Habenicht said she doesn 't so much have a question, as a poi,. of ducll!liimL SIie stated it was her undffltanding that this whole moratorium wu to address the i..,.,. of indUSlrial 2lllling throughout And, she noled. she would giwa she was a little disappointed that it basa't ba:m comprehensive. She said it was her understanding that there was going to be more of a tcmljlrdtensive approach to this. So in one way. she noted, she.,. ... grnlified that it was going to get tiglulc:.llut a1 the same time she was disappoin1ed lhal ii seems to do so little . Council Member Bradshaw asked if they would be better off just lo extend the mo__,,._ Cily Anamcy Brotzman said no. that they ar< probably at the limiu lcgolly. as they have c:ontiaued it_twicc alrady. So, Council Member Bradshaw said. we put this band-aid on for awbile u.ntil we rally lodt ai it Slit stated she doesn 't like that Council Member Na bholz noted that ii was her u.ndersianding. last wock al Stud)· Sesst o1t "'-hen they discussed it, that ii will take time to get what we ,mnt in place. into our indll5lrial mncs. Ms. Nabbolz staled she was aware that this was not exactiy wha1 they wanted. but it is what we need ID any us through in the interim p.rt. That Neighborhood and Business Dc\·clopmcnl would be lo .lang at 51:riaa limitations on th.is . She said her Wldcrstandin g. for lack of a bcncr lc n n. is that it is a band•aid for~ U1IDlaCDl Ms. Nabhol z opined tlial ,. .. need this . Y-;s, Council Member Habe nicht said . th,11 she is not 1nlk111g about what happened last week. Sbc stated she was talking about what h.1ppcncd laSI ye.ir . 5hc sai d she looks 10 Council Member °"'1Jp. bccau.sc she ·emcml,crs sitting wi1h her and talking about this. long before it h.1ppcned. With her and suff and meeting wllh people with aJI over the staff an d rccogni1Jng th,11 this concept of doing the moraromum •-n going 10 be addressing a much more co mprehensive iss ue here . Til.11 is where, she said. she is addttssing her disappointment Nol from last week . She staled she was c,pccting much more m-cr ape, 'Ind ul quite a lon g time wth.n !his stancd. • Cou nci l Member Bradshaw po inlcd oul th.1t Neighborhood and Business De\·clopment bi t. been a liUlc ove rwhelmed . lrnt!,AAl ,11, boow,1,.,,1 Ml'I' I , II l!jl, P L'I Moyor a..ald 11111 --. 11111 he llwa 101111 ollho -Wlnp. He notod !hey bave llad an awtuJ 1ot .. lbar i,111.o and Olly Scant., not been ..... lhll Ion&, COWICll......,lflblalchluldsbe ~we have hada lolorc......._ Also, Ml. i..a,.oa adviaod. it -al I.be Fd>nlaly joinl Council and Pluwns and .lolling Commission meetilll .... lbe dincli\le-lo addreu fhac two .-nJc:ular illSUCS, Council ..,.._ Ballilbaw said thi1 ii like I band-&id and lhe has no problem wilb lbal, but she would like to>..., Pmaial and Zoaillg undcnland ... lhc commented 1h11 ■he wun'I sure how Ibo rest ol CoUDCil re11 ... tbat _ _.ly need to aau a serious look al indultrinl zoning in Englewood. fmm lhc view or 1998. Ms ......... ..._ that. lioa their discu.uiou. she would bcliove 1h11 Plllllling and Zoning wu in asn:e-wiillc oa that. Council _. a..,., said that u Ibey do Iba~ she d1ought a year ago Ibey also discussed looking al types of mes u..., IICl<I to our Mier supply . Ms. Langon Slntcd dial would all be pan of lhe compn,hensi\'c n:wrile. .last lo add .... Couacil Member Habcnichl said. lbal also d~• have changed . Not only has Ibo Chy chang.od irs dlalacter during Ibis lime, but our ICChnologics and our indllllrics have changed. Looking II ii from da poiot olview. 10 lhinkir,g back on lhc issue lhlll d1cy ran across on lbo1 Cedar Mountain issue . Havia/;-....,gladlatooe. Then: area IOI ofdunp. She S1alCd lb8I she was not 1ryiog10 lay blame or anylhing lils.._ lbla she jasl -•cd lo eXJIICS5 her disappoinuncn1. bccalllC ii wu her wodcnlandlnJ 1h11 • Ibey ,.u,: lollll:illg II a much man: oompehcnsi,-e ordinance here. Ms. ~ allcd tbat to addn:sl all of lbooc issues would lake far longer than lhc mora101 iwn lime. lbat was pan rl* reason for just addressing d1csc 1wo key issues . Council_, Waggona asltcd. under lbc haiMdous waste sloragc or processing. if lbcn, was any particular'-that just stopped II condi1ional USC, ralbcr than being prohibilcd. He said be knows lbcn, arc a 10l r:I caK:Cms all over abool ho7.irdous waste s1oragc and pmccssing. Ms. Langon advised lhcr< arc a number a£ Cllllditional uses. conditions dl31 1hc use has 10 mce1 and lhcy have wrillen lhosc in10 1he ordinance. 11.fyou prohibil them. she explained. Lhere m exi s1ing hawdous wns1c companies in town . Then. Mr. llll'.aggoncr said. Ibis applies 10 tl1osc 1lc11 an, alrc.1dy lherc . Ms . Langon said lhai is right Mayor a... _,,._cd lhal a 10l of your bu.sincsscs. your industries, will produce hazardous waste lhat an: poh:ll)r icgitimal<: uses now or would be even non-conforming. bul Ibey can still be in business. Ms . Langm....,. tbat this cove,s just lbc Slorage, if Ibey arc producing a ha7.anlous waste. 1ha1 is another ilem. This is D 6e collection and sto13ge. C0tmcil !-.fcmlbcr Habcnici •I asked what she mront by processing . Council Member Waggoner explained ii is i:o 'lccmog. rd>agging ii and lhcn sending ii out. Ms . L.ingon advised I.hen: is one compMy in Uic City lboi colla:ts.. bul all they t,0 is collecl , bolk it and d1en ship II out . TI1cy don ·1 pmccss, d,ey don ·1 clean . Ibe y cloe'tdoe. lhci· d11n '1 do anything of1ha1 nature . Tiu:y juSI collccl. bulk ond ship. She Slalcd dun these ilCIIIS:arc conti':'lltd Wldcr EPA regulations . Si,. Co.ilC11 .Manbcr Waggoner said. wlt11L tlUs really docs is it clunin:ucs any others that come in and those Lhal arc~ arc grnndfathcrcd in. Ms . Langon advised th.11 is right. that ir there arc others coming in they would be o:voing in and have to qualify und er ,he condi1io11al usc ... public heiring. etc . Counol MtoG bcr Brad.shaw thanked Ms . L1n ~on for answering all of their question s. • • • • Engl, ,ood City Council April 6, 1998 1'111, ) , I boo H~I .~ M• l,,llhV u,,,, Paaell ' I,' I Jr' v' I Vt The City Clerk was asked to raid Council Bill No. 18 by title : , JA./1 I. M COUNCIL BILL NO. 18, INJ'ROOUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBEJl WAGOONl!R ' A BILI. FOR' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TTJl.E 16, CHAPTER 4, B:TX»IS rn AND 14, AND TITLE 16, CHAPTER 8, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL a:XJE I_,, PERTAININOTO l•I LIGI-IT INDUSTRIAL AND 1-2 GENERAL INDUSTllIAL Dl~Cl'S.. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS S&COICDl:D, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I I (a) (i)-COUNCIL BILL NO. II ON nuT IIIAMNG. Motion carried . Ayes: Council Members Nabbolz. Cllma. l!l'adahow, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None COUNCIL ME~lBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT ,i';\S 5£.CO!(HII, TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON COUNCIL BILL NO. 18 FOR MAY 4, 199f,. Motion carried . Ayes: Council Membcn; Nobllol : .1 0-....._, Habonlchl , Waggoner, Clapp, BuiM Nays : None (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading (i) A bill for an ordinance , ,,n sca,nd ~-.zmg t,c oxcc111i011 or ln1crgovcmmenlal Subgnnlcc Agn:cmcnls for tl1c 1998 Arapehoe C-, c.on-.Jty Development Block Grant Program was considered. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SICONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (b) (i)-COUNCIL BILL NO. 15 ON SECONll llfADING. ORDINANCE NO . 23, SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 15. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZI NG TilE EXECUnlON OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL SUBGRAl'ITEE AGREEMENT FOR lllE 19!11 ARAPAHOE COUNn' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM BETWEEN TilE ARAPAHOE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND TilE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Vote results: Ayes: Council Members Nabholz. Ganm. Bndshaw. Habenicht . Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays : None Mo1ion carried . (ii) A bill for an ordinance . on secon d reading.. Jpptlt'P\1ng an lntergovcrnmcn1,1 I Agreement with Arapahoe County accepting reprogramm ed funds under tt.:: Commw,ity Devcl opmcnl Block Grant Program was considered. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS s~,n:D, TO APPROVE Ar.ENDA ITEM 11 (b) (ii)-COUNCIL JIILL NO. 16 ON SECO~l) IIEADING. lalllenM Clly c-11 April', 1"8 P1aell 11 mm)".) rfi"l hooN ,1211 k'1 1 ,41,u;J 1' Ill 'I ORDINANCE NO. 24, SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 16, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER) 11· AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTilORIZING THE EXP.Cl!llON OF AN INTEROOVERNME!-rT AL "SUBGRANTEE AGREEME!-rT FOR 1996 ARAPAHOE COUNTY REAPPROPRJATED COMM1JlNl1'Y Dl!VELOPMENIIBLOCK GRANT FUNDS" PERTAINING TO 1lU! DISABLED ACCESS PROJE<rr BETWEEN 1HE ARAPAHOE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE crrv OP ENGLEWOOD. Vore.....ita: Motion carried . Ayes : Nays : ) I , Oow,cU Mcmbcn Nabholz,1Garrctt, Bnldshaw . Hnbcnicbl. Waggoner, Clapp. Bwns None (iii) A bill for an ordinance, on second reading, authorizing the purthasc of the Gorruc '111caue wu conslden:d. I I COUNCU. MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (b) (liQ-COUNCIL BILL NO. 17, AUTIIORJZING THE PURCHASE OF TIIE GOTHIC THEATER. ORDINANCE NO . 25, SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 17, INTROD UCE D BY COUNCIL MI:MBER NABHOLZ) AN ORDINANCE AUlllORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THE GQTI{IC THEATER PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. Vote.-io: Motion carried. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Oarre1~ Bradshaw, Habenicbl, Clapp, Bums Nays : Council Member Waggoner (c) Rcsolu1ions and Motions Th ere •ac no additional rcsolu1jons or motions submitled for approval . (Sec Agenda Item lO -Consent Agenda.) 12 , General Di1tussion (a) Mayor's Choice (i) Mayor Bums presenled a bill for an ordinance appro1 ·1ng an l111ergovemmenlal Agreement with the Cit~· of Dcn\'cr assigning and transferring 3 portion of Engl ewood 's 1999 allocation of private activity bonds to finance residential housing faciliti es for low-and middle-income persons and families. TIie Ci!)' Clerk was asked lo read Cow1cil Bill No . 19 by title : COUNCIL BILL NO . 19, INTRODUCED BY BRADSHAW • • • • • • lllalewood City Council April6, 19'1 P1ae2J h uo ) {h booff':>1;1 11 4 Rl< I d I 1qi, L.t. ,ui.'I A BILL FOR A/ii WJN~CBl,SSIGNINO ANO ~SFERJUJ'jQ,TO nm qn' AND CPUNTY OF p~ Cot6JW)Q, nm 1m 01YCX"ENOU!W00'1_~OJ,.O!W)d ~=TJON ~o~ 1llE STAT!! CEILING FOR Pll\YATI! ACnVr1YBOl'IDS TO •'-I"~~ RESID • HOUSING FACu..qll!S f~ LQ~-AND Ml!>DLE-JNCOME P£RSONS ANO PI\Mll.lES THE orY AND CERT,\IN OI1iER ClTll!S AND <X>UNTIES D/ 1l!E STATE OF COLORADO; Atn'HORIZING 'nm DELEO"ATION TO nm crr,y AND COUNTY OF DENVEI\. COLORADO OF nm AUTHORITY OF 11ffi CTIY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO Wl'l1{ RESPECT TO rnE ISSUANCE OF SINGLE FAMILY HOME MORTGAOE REVENUE BONDS (THE "BONDS") TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL HOUSING f ACO.ITIES FOil LOW-AND MIDDLE-INCOME PERSONS AND FAMILIES WITiiJN nm CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND CERT AJN OmER CITIES AND COUNTIES IN 11-IE ST A TE OF COLORADO; APPROVINO SOCH BONDS ANO SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE LOAN PROGRAM ; AND AUTIIORlZING THE EXECU1lON AND DELIVERY OF A DELEGATION AGREEMENT AND OTHER DOCUMa'TS IN CONNECTION mEREWJTH . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVt COUNCIL BILL NO. 19. Mayor Burm explained lhal Ibis onlillanae is bciag rouu:d throullh lhc Ciry or Denver for the issuance or bonds for cfficiCIII and COi! avia& mcasurcs and ;....,. the bonds, which then Englewood ciliuns can use for pu,chasing tt:lidcntial facilities ror lo,o·-and midifle.iacomc people. Council Member Waggoucr nOICd this is ao f111t ,.,,ding. Vol• results: Motion carried. Ayes : Nays : Council Mcmba5 Nal>hol7, Gam:t~ Bradshaw, Habcnich~ Waggoner. Clapp. Bums None (ii) Mayor Burns a.hiscd he razivcd a call at home rcgardiog ,Ill animal control issue from Mr. Robert Cassidy. 3196 West Tufts. 1k said it was on the weekend and involved a dog they had seen there before . Mr. Cassidy was Ull4 animal amuol was only on duty on the weekdays and he dido ·1 have anywhere be could call to gci Ibis clouc. l.layor Bums said be advised Mr. Cassidy he \\lluld tum this over to the Ci1y Manager 10 find oul if "-e: D\'C some coverage on weekends and that we would gel back lo him on thal. (b) Council Membc(s Choice (i) Council Meml>cr Nal>l>ol!z: I. She said she finall y had a meeting 1<hcre sb< coold pass out her report. Ms. Nabholz commented Uiat she did Utls special for Council Mcml>cr Wagg,acr. that she kno\\> he hates reports. that this is in co lor and very well docwncntcd. She opined it was one of 1hc most exciting conferences she bas been to and it was also an upda1e on some lcgislalion Uw we. as• City. really need to be made a11.m: or. Council Member Nabholz noted she brought ropics or that l»d<. First and forcmo~ she said , she would like to thank the constiluenl s of Englewood. as wdl as her fcUo "' Council members. fo r allo"ing he r 10 au end . She rci1cra1ed it \li'.15 an exciting co nfe rence She adn scd [\ir. Waggoner that t.hc benefits were in the report. Council Member Waggoner noted he "ould be CWl0ClS as to when "c use o ne of them . Cou nci l Member Nabholz opined Uiat we arc get ling real clas< to us ing SC\'era l of them. l•alewood City Couatll Aprll 6,1998 Paael4 t • Slic ~ 018111 odd bf !he cffi1shc took! oh lciidlhg ,yi\h ~,C<Jiii)nunllla, Ille at IIIOIJlcr lndMdual )Ide cboiell f<II of thc1iuif\~-Tl\at mpn p;nt her a leacr~ they n:ally ..... ii bad been ICripu,,I. 'lie WU I very nice _Afric:in • Ameri~ 1118!1, ~/Y qi/lei. She said OIO)' wen: pal i08Clbcrl0 ~ a110CK 1ia11Y, /ilons with a Manin Luther Klng'pallde, and how'they woWd -1t•o.. when tlic 1theme ot~ panldc was"Wc Arc One ." Co~ll Member Nabhoizcommenled lhal 1r,..a"WI)' iDli:rcatins. quldt thlnkins on your lbcl. 1ype or discussion . Bu~ she said, he droppc,! a note 10 ay lie bad a ~ time ~ that he 11 using ')'hat he learned. J . She said she wanted 10 say thank you to Code Enforccmcn~ even though we have some real problems right now. 4. She stated she would like a status as to how many contacts have been made at 2844 Soud, Oalll. the addtcsscs that were mentioned tonight. The address on Shcnnan, as well as the address oo the 4000 otock or South Bi"""'"k . (ii) Council Member Bradshaw noted in their packet they got the Council information request updalc and what she had asked for ,.,,s swf 10 provide a listing of zoning, land w;c and ownership maps throughout l!nglcwood . She commented she was under the Impression thai DiSlrict I was almost complete as fllr as who owns what properties . She said she realm that some of the d:lta maybe sensitive and things like -but that she thought that was sort of a Council dircctlon, thal we 1Wllt:d ._ information, so staff could have that information. And once it is compiled we just have to keep ii cunai1.. we don 't ha,·c to keep searching records at the County . She asked if she was wrong, if that was a misconception on her prut. • City Manager Scars said that Harold Stitt might be able 10 help with this . Mr. Scars commented !bat dlcy • have had a couple or meetings intcmally on the data. Because of ownership changes it will ha\'C to be constantly updated . bul he knows that we arc in the process of going through and identifying ownership ol all parcels in the City. Community Coordinator for Long Range Planning Harold Stitt odviscd that "~ hal'e that infom1.1tion from the County Assessor and he understood ii is updated Cl'cry three or four months He stated that thc information we get from the County might be a month or so behind. because it 1alu.~ time for them to process the information . But , it is a lot more timel y than infom1.11ion we have rccdved in the past cona,ming property ownership. In there . Council Member Bradshaw s.1id. ii talks about a prolcctcd class of household . She asked wba tbal was . Mr Sti n advised lh:il the re arc some 1ypcs of housing, maybe you arc particularl y in1crcs1ed in Sect ion 8 type housing. thal we may no1 be able 10 di\11lgc or even get the information , on where Scctioo S housing is in the City of Englewood . Council Member Bradshaw advised tl1:11 her concern is that ii seems like for the Section 8 houses. that she is aware of. lhat there man inordin.11c amo un1 of police calls . She s.tid she knows that people h.n'e a difficult time and she realizes that Section 8 people mighr be in very precarious positions. But. she SUlcd. she also thi nks that mnybc the Housing Authority needs 10 sta n paying the City for some of the police prolcction. over and above the norm, that is need ed :-,t those different locations . Mr. Sti lt advised that their concern is th.it there may be some Federal ga1u1cs re gardi ng the pm.1~· or confidcntiali ly of th,11 infomiation . He st.1 1cd that they arc looking into that issue right now. 10 detenniDe what type of infonn.11ion, legally . can be given out in a publi c se lling . Council Member Or 1dshaw s.1id she understands th nt. but she knows that there is one house on Logan that last sununer averaged live ca ll s a wcck ... domest ic \'i olcncc . • • • • lnlllewoool CllyC-- Aprl16, .,,. Paie25 I ,u')tioou ►f ••n l k\'111 1b lt1ql "'" ,,.-1 Mayor a-__.._ .. CilJ Aaan,ey 1111 odvlad him 1h11 bc can addlca Ibis. Fi.'11 of al~ he lllled, •be lloulh18 ........, .... , OW11 my al the Section 8 housing. Tu: 18 one ol the problems Ibey ba"'1 111d ro,y....._ II a■ ....... o1..._,, t11■to...., 10COW111blo aid. be aid; If tbcn: uc !hat IIWllber of pcilice ,,au,_.._._..,.•• 1..., Yioladon I■ lllae .,moi-. eeca-. be lllcl. he lhou&hl die ..._ ,,...... ... .,...,.... aa1I COlllply with Ille laws of the City. Mayor B11n1.1 auuCIIIOd 1h11 pert,ap, dllle'CIIIIM k-ny, if lhae me 1h11 number ol calls, lar 1h11 IO be bloupl back IO lhc H.....,. Aallailp. •-die Housin1 Aalhority would koow If then, have boon lease violalionund Ibey could notify the -Bui. lie poinlOII DUI. the Hwsing Aulharity Is ...Uy kind of a conduil ·in this thing. He 1101cd, lhat lky -■ol dircclly responsible for lhe behavior of the people who live in the unit. bul he has even Ind ......__,, .,._,,,, -to moni1or th.., bo--often. Bca,u,c if lbc landlord lives in Califonia lie a 11111 paying any ancntion. So. he nOICd. there may be some way of mooiloring this beuer so that -"-' ii then: bas been a lease violation. Council Memoa Badobaw llalOll lhat she docsn ·1 want the public 10 know. Thal she just wnnls lha1 as part of the dalabuo.•ir-or .. police .....i. to aca:ss lbal they can SI)' "bey, WC had 40 calls ID this rcsidcncc ia OK,,_~ SIie minlaincd that isexces5ivc . Mr. Still cxplaimd • Ille issue they ha>-c been looking al is ifwe are viewed by oulSide agencies. or tl1c Federal .,...._ _......,_, lraCking lhosc pn,pt.nics dilTcrenUy than we may lracl< any oU,cr ownasbip. tllal 6-ao, be.,.,. Fodcral liability lh<1e. Council Member 9alllil:law asked if we arc tracking the number of police calls to residences, wouldn 't th.1t be all,_ .._ Slill -.I it shouldn'I matter wbcthcr it is Section 8 or not in lhal case. Tuai is lhc answer IO the.,...._ Or. 1',..ayr , Burm__., if the Impact Team has had to target one of these wtits, he thoughl the Housing AuU·"" -._ __ _ Council Member H:aaimichl said she can undmland specific locations of particular kinds of safe houses or ,.omcthing lik :. -. she nolal. part of whal she 010Ugh1 they would be getting with Ibo infon ,,allo■ 1h11 _....,.for.was that they wculd be finding oul exaaly what our statistics uc. She said she woHi~ think tbaf l!bc)• should cenainly be able 10 know how many Scc1ion 8 homes then: arc in our co n•rnunil) and -many group homes there arc, and all of 1ha1. Council Member Bradshaw indicaled thal was avaiblilc. Nl. Habenicht StJtcd that from Council's ,ic..poinL if !hey are looking 10 address some policy -wcli our Fcdcr.lJ govcmmcn1 or .,;th some other govemmcnl agency . I hat tl,ey need 10 know what Iha -is. She said she can understand 1ha1 could be under a conlidenlial responsibili ty mi accDUDlability. but at the same time she thinks there is a I,: r 1 ,f infonnation that they don 't M,·c. Mr. Still advised Lbw, they """'d supply Council with any infonnation they can. Confidcntiali1y may be an issue , but he omai!.. 10 the extent I.hat they have information conce rning tJ1c number of group homes or other activities ..... ~ will ccnamly pro \'idc Council wi th that. along \\ith owncr-Jtip and rcnLtl versus horncov."Dtt mristics. Co uncil Member B-ad\iscd that the)' really wan1cd 10 gel a nun1ber on whal pcrccnla gc of tl,c homes arc O\\nc:r .xcupicd \'Cf'SUS rcnlal and things like th.11. And. Council Member Habenicht said . wh ere they arc in gcnc:al. Vastly different version. Mayor Bums s.1id . And. Ms . Bradshaw s.1id , arc th ey conccntrrucd in oae.arca or 001. if th.it is the case . then we need 10 put incentive pro grams into mmcr occupied . Ma yor Bums adv1sed that you can know the munbcr of Section 8 units, tJuu is not a problem . bu! identifyin g i.ndindwal residences or loc:u.io ns Lhal is maybe so meth ing el se . E ■alewood City Council April6,l9't .... 2, I 1n ') tJi) bu,H-,.,1:.,M.3 ,, 1,,1 lh11/ ;a~., 'I Pclhlpl 11111, Council Member Hibenichl llld. sho milwldenlaa1s • __, ...... CIIDllp about houlin9 i-111d lboul Soctian 8, • it is DOI• iaue lbc bas rally ....... Clldully. BIi her ,, undenlandinl It thal •tho l\lndlJII pn,Yidod for Section I goes IO ........ -. the lllldlonl. wJ,c l:111 !hen oil« a lower !Olll 10 people. So ii ii 1be11efn comiaglO don •It-~ dallm, IDlhe aid, Ibo has a rally had llmc thlnldn1 lluil IOIIICOIIO pU Federal dollan _.ii·--whoa it ii 1 ......... ,. She Silted lhc 11 jull Dyl■a 10 taderaad 11111. If tbol ii the-...__. .. ibialls Caullc:il DOCds to 11111 addnain1, dlroaglr CML 111d tho Nadcal Lape olCilics, if•..-p1 • infonnatioll ad - i~ not only u1 municipality, buuu citizm . She IIIICd sbe would be an:a,,<Jlllended. Mayor Bumi suuesied they mighl be Ible to Fl Information OIi wllo dio .......i_ lbe """""is, but not who Ille tenanl is. There may be a diltinaion there . Council Member Bradshaw and Council Mcmi,cr Nabholz indicoted 1h11 the llndlord is lhc issue . Mr. Slln advioed 1h11 lha1 infonnation is a public record and ii is available .-gh lbc County asacaor's office and we have lh11 lnfonna1ion. So, he stated. ii is simply • ,_ ef p,aiug ii in a form 1h11 would be most meaningful for Council's use. Council Member Bradshaw asked if he knows Whal Council WIIIIS. Mr. 5'ill aid be knows lhc lypC ol information Council wanlS, bu1 what U,cy arc struggling wilh is lbe liorm 10.,.. ii ia III lhot i1 iJ ~gfu.l. He advised they have lhe abili ly to prinl oul liSls of ownership by propcny . • Council Member Bradshaw advised Iha! what she wanlS is. by disuia. ..,_ -ra11al1, how nmiy owner occupied. Mr. Stilt asked iflhal wasjUSI by Council disllicl. And. Ms. B.-..W said. bow many hllfuy ~bow-~ • Mr. Stilt staled lhal lhal signilicanUy simplifies lhc laSk. TI,al is why. Council Member Bratlshlw saicl. lhlt when she got Iha! memo she lhoughl Ibis can 'I be Uiat h.,rd . And actually, personally, Cowicil Member Habcnichl said. she would like 10-it by what used 10 be !heir p,ecinclS befo~ we wcnl inlo all dus other kind cf voling. Bui tha'sall n.-.nadviacd. if it isjUS1 disUiclS lhal is okay IOO. Bui, Council Member Bradshaw poinltd ou~ if= is an inordina1e amoam, oI n:atals in. leis say nonhcast Englewood. in a ccnain area, lhcn lhcy need 10 know tlw. And wi,,,cto ,. .. aeed IO know lhal? Cou ncil Member Hnbenichl said mning issues. as lhcy arc looking at ou,-C._,a,cnsive Plan. Cowicil Member Bradshaw 531d mai·be zoning and noted that that land use may havc dianged. Mayor Bums advised lhal lhc Housing Aulhorily has 1arge1cd different parts o(lhc Ciiy for like lhe ~hab loan program before . And of counc. he poinled 001. !hose arc all o,,o-aer OIXllp<d. Bui. Council Member Bradww noted. lhcy could advertise lhc boad money -target Ul&I one area. Ma yor Bums s:iid sure . Mayor Bums stated there arc some restrictions on how much .argcting you ca do. Bui you can certainly get your information ouL Mr. Stitt advised they coul d put together the infonn.,tion. Council Member Badshaw noted l.h.1t would happen fast Mr. Still s.1id yes . Council Member Bradshaw asked if thcrt was an)1hin g else anybod~· dsc wams. • • • • lqlcwood City Coa1<ll April 6, 1991 P,;p27 h r.ui)') tll') tNJOw,1:rtt Wl'l'I llntJI di !fa;'i Cil)' Manqcr Sein asked Mt. Slill what was the format !hey wero following to pul the information IDgClher. Mr. Slia ~ dial thcy ... re uyinil lo figun, 001 a way, 10 put d,c1lhlilrmall011 on. for im".:r.:e, 1 bloclt by block accounting wlleic ,oil rnlghl hl\'O I IIIIISlical . Pot inslance. of tho l)'pical ~4 !-.ofllCI In a block. 10 arc owner occupied and 14 an, n:nleroccupied. Coon:il Member Bndshaw Slalcd Iha! if lhcy could flag areas like lhal even11111ly, !hat "'Ould help. Mt. Stitt advised 11111 lhey have Iha! inlbnnalion. whal thcy are working on is a way of mapping Iha! information. Giving ii to them by Council district, he said. wilh lhe groa number of lolal number of WlilS. number of owner occupied onlis and number ol ttnlal unilS . lie llated thcy can do thal for Council district!, !hat is fairly simple. When O.,r gel down 10 finer levels. he said, ii becomes a bil more difficull ,.;th the mapping. They aim have lo compate that with the 1.onlrig, because, lbr iMllnee there may be some areas in a dislrict that loou like dlt1c is., inordinale amount of rental properly . But its lilce Kimberly Village. Council Member Bradshaw said. Mt. Slill said lha1 is c:om:ct. So, he stated, lhe zoning bas to be shown lhd they arc working, ttying 10 Ogun, oul a way lo show all thal Information so It is meaningful, not jusa a mass of d.11a on a ,mp. Bui , he s~11ed, lhey can get Council lhe infonnation on the Council district IC\i:I . Cil)' Manager Scars advised tlicy could gel Iha! 10 Council righl a,my . Council Member Bradshaw said Iha! is a good 'place to start and if Council needs more then they can ask for it. She asked iftliat clcorcd ii up. Mt. Still said yes. lhal Iha! help immensely . Council Member Habenicht said she would like to add to that dull she wouldn't wanl just owner occupied and rental. That she would like 10 know single family rental , owner occupied rental and multi family n:ntal, so thC)' can factor thal out. Mr. Still advised lhcy can do dial. Iha! !hey can difTerentiale , as he though! the Counly information is split up, between single f.imily, duple.'<. lhn,e and four unit and theh anything abO\'C that is c:onsideicd multi family . Ms . Hnbcnichl stiled lbal would be wonderful. Mayor Bums thanked Mr. Still (iii) Council Member Clapp said she just wanted to bring ii to Cowicil's anenlion that lhc Library Board has a 101 of vacanci es righl now. And iftl= "~' anything lhcy could do 10 fill those vacancies.. so they could move on \\ilh some or their projects. she thought that would be \'Cry beneficial . Council Member Bradshaw asked if tl1ey c>uldn'I go back and look tlrrough some of those people who applied lhat they didn 't put on the Libr.uy Board . Co uncil Member Waggoner said he lh ought they pul C'\·cl)'body on I committee . Mayor Bum s advised th.i t they have an c~tra vac:mcy on the Hr11si ng A1,1hority too . Maybe . Council Member Habenicht suggcslcd . t.hcy shoul 1J du ::i quickie public.11ion and try to gel some for :he places where we have vacancies . Col!:1ci l Member Garren slated !hat Planning and Zo ning h.1s one 100. ~fayor Bums said he lhought lh.11 na1ybc they should ,sk Sue Bradshaw 10 process lhis and see who they have , who is a,-ail:iblc . He nolcd they usually do !hi s C\'CI')' si:< months. but there arc times in between "'-here they may have to ndvcnisc . Council Member \li~ggoner suggested tl;ey adve nisc for specific boards, !hose Iha! have vacancies . Scvcml Council mcr.~bc rs concurred . 1:■&lewood City Coadl April 6, 1991 ,,..,21 11 um") (I(} hotu1·1lltt JU I ,l,l 11 1/ rr •=•~ l U11 1 Council Member lfabenici. llidMil ....... iJ_..;,,1, ~U,-rill!'O lbcn in,,(cw lhlllR! sulllring dalol -· Council Memlllr en.lollllw _. .. dwib lllal i• h i")» 1a1. Mayor llw1II llllllll 11" ag,eed. (iv) Coacil Mceba w..-, 1. R.eprdiq smo1wig a1111c hicb idlc,ai ..._ Mr. w.__r 'llhiled, lhc same pel'50D Iha! complained lul time. complaiaod apin. ._ 'l'-..JO and a:oo in Ille ~ In raponse 1o Council Member Bndsllaw, Coucil Mcmller w,...... • a is rigbl up by lhe bipi scbool 2. He Slaud be -oul an E...U .. a .-II 110, about Ille lime it took for police lo 11;,;j"Owi :o an incidcal al RollllllS Pin. He aid be .... lllillt loo hu bcanl back about 1111& yot. Ciry Manag,r Scan Aid he -not AR lie ... ~-He advised be 1"'0Uld do a follow-up OD 11w. Council Member Bradshaw no<ed lhal 1111& acti\;,y • been going on then: a long time. Council Mco,!,tz Waggoner said he knows Iha~ but Ibey bappeaal ID occ this '.ll1C going on and they tried to get some police there and it just took too long. Mayor BWIII ICMICd"" gOl lioodbodt in ... . el I lwd .. he has walk.ad through tbcrc. durina lhc election cycle too. He nocod it i• ill Iii& diAlicl • it ms been coming up repllarly. 3. He staled that be lhougbl mmc .-.. lac ll5o ubd for a ~oa lhc r:lilec insurance coverage on health. City Manager Scars said lhal WIS righ~ that dicJ--.od<iJIC 011 lhal Tom Kashisnik is taking 3 look at Iha!, he advised, and be tliought llley would ...-,Illy 1,c bringin& lhal inf,nnation back as l'.e take a look at our budget information. He said he knows 1h11 Fant Gf}'gl.,.icz and Tom Kcr..himik arc taking a look at that. COUDCil Member Waggoner asked iftlial is lor 1k raiRc5, whclhcr the)• a,a wider the regular program. Ciry Manager Scars said lhal is rigbt. Mr. w._ ...itcd iflhcy arc going 10 II)' 10 keep lhcm Wider the regular program. Mr. Scars advised they will do a Wlow-up. ~. Council Member Waggoner nOled lhal..., ...ncd a couple of months ago on tl1e DROP program . a report on Iha!. Ciry 1'1anagcr Sears 5lalcd lhal bc.bl>a~ lha1 as scheduled to come back to tl1c Cow,cil Cow,cil Member Bradshaw noted it says tho meeting DCXt Tuesday . She asked if they arc talking about non-<mcsgency ... just an)tody. Ciry Auomey Brotzman said that is a different program. The DROP program on non~mcrgcncy, Ms . Bradshaw asked. Counci l Member Waggoncr sa.id lhaJ tl1c way he undcrsmnds it is that the DROP program ii diJTcreat. ll would apply to ani body in the City ... Fire. Police. non,:mcrg· ·-.,·. Ciry Attorney Brouman ,aid Ila IS righL But. Council Member Bradshaw nolcd . ~ a,c taJlcmg about t'ial nc:\1 Tuesday. City Attorney Brotzm.111 said no . ~hat he thought lhcy were talk.ing aboul .a d::flcrcn1 program next Tucsda}. He st.1tcd they arc finishing lhc actllarials on the DROP progrJCJ few e-.erybody . Council Member Bradshaw and City Manager Sears indicaled it says DROP City Allona.'") Brotzman said he thought they were going to bnng Police. Fire and non-emergency all at once . Council Member Bradshaw no1ed Mayor Burns does Pe ha: and Fare and she docs non-emerge ncy . • • • • •·· • lt•alflhlod City C1111acll April a, 1"8 Paaen Mayl)< EWlllsaid be lbau&bl ~ l"l'l'JUl&JO,bc IOll"l discussion(~ L'>oOROl' J!OPIID II Ibo~ on Thunday (J!f llui Police and li"in\plWOII board meetings. Cil)I Auor,,ei• l!fllWJllll c,iplajaed ..,_ • tbouaht ,llloy ~ p,hlg IO wait IO pu\ lhan all lOFlhcr. (v) Couocil Member Habcnichl wd shc just wanlt4 I" Stale for tbc rccon1 ., it wDUld bo io ~ 111U1Ula. ~ we did bavc lhn:c young poople who wm ~ by lbc Mdnlpoli• Mayor's and Commlaloncr's Youth Awards Program who wiU be ~piud al tbc nlClru la-d. SIie pointed out thal she thooght then: .. -. just four from each Counl)' and so three of !hem arc from Arajlllboc Counl)' flom our oomioalloas. Two .iom the Allemalive High School and one from Englewood High School . She commenlcd Iha! she 111,J Mayor Burns sat "ith some of those students that wen: being nx:ogniud and they hcanl so many of their •or.cs and they arc really very special and ....Uy appn:cialc those people in the communil)' who nominate and nx:ognil'.C those kids. Mayor BW1Ui circulalcd the pielwcs be brought back Cron. the County Commissioner 's Youth kvd, but be r,Ned, our own kids aR: in there. (vi) Cwncil Member Waggoner asked about the rq>on thal was 10 coo,e back 10 Council on the thtee ordinances for the Englewood Housing Autl1on1y . Cit;y Manager Scar.; advised 1h11 the housing commillcc is still working on th= issues . Council Member Garren Slated tha1 the next meeting is next Monday. 13 . Clly M...._.r', !lcport (a) Cil)' Manager Scars thanked lhe viler and sewer people as last Th\111iday they bad a change ov,z of so,nc of our liocs and we had a prcs5Ulll drop on some of our lines. They &ot it back up aad opcrational .. .il was a full day, in coojunctioa ,.ith the Allen Plan, construction. They worked bald 10 do tllal, be said, and we really had no complaiol3 :.i tcrms of waler problems. Council Member Bllldshaw said that was grcal Mr. Scars poinlcd OUI 0131 Bill McConnick and Dennis StOl>"C did a rcall)' good job on thal. Cily Manascr Scars meruioncd thal Dennis Sto1>-c, on Sunday moraing, also said that tl1e J1W1l was down for a couple of hou,s to do a change over on O,e construction Oien:. And again. he said. there were no odor problems on that one . So they have followed up on 0131. Mayor Bums commented that he thought tl1cy almost an1icipated odor problems on that one. bu1 it dido ·1 bappcn . Cily Manager Scan said Oiat was uue . (b) City Manager Scan said. in tcnns of01e Englewood Center, thalhc n:ally didn 't ha,,: an)1hing to rcpon . He noted that the groups are working :1a,d on tl1e our.ibcrs, they an: working bani on the tenants, they arc working hard taking a look at diJTercnt perspectives . Peter Callhorpc has been out bee and met with the team . He stated OlC)' arc working on a day 10 day basis and he thought the n:viscd plan seems to be coming together. Mr. Scan advised, i1 .s his undemanding, Oiat Skip Miller has SICppcd forward to uy to cost out the pl." so he has an undcntanding of exactly what the C051S an: for doing a plan. We arc in the discussion stage in terms of wil.'.lt our costs may be and what their costs an:. And, he ad\1sed. we arc also doing a follow•up on the Foley's building in 1cnns of some of 1hc issues that were r21SCd at the last Council meeting, in tcrhl.5 of efficiencies between different departments. City Manager Scars said~ has talked 10 Do;,i d M. Griffith and Associates wilh Frank Grnlewicz, about potentially doing some analysis on our different dcpartmcnl5 10 sec h::iw we c.111 inCTC.'lSC efficiency and cffccti\'cncss. as the Foley 's building comes toge th er. And he is going to be giving us a pror,osal to lake 10 the swf and then back to the City Council . It is progressing. he said. and Ilic plan see ms to be gelling into a l11tJc bit more ol .l finaJ position to come bitck to Council for lhcir rc\'icw and deci sion. He asked if Counctl harl any ~,;~lions. I ...... OOIIClty<:-e April',!,,. ,.,.JO ii nu,') ,,n hnoN,ltrt."i ~t.."i'I ,ill1111J •·r' ~ 01,!DCiJ Membor w..,... abd lftliere -m,ythlng new on llfY of the temnt 11ldrye1, irlhcy""' wiJiin& IO lllllle-,1-JICl. CilyManllp:r Sean ..tvilCII ihat Stlp Miller ii meeting wltlithe1 lndMdual --Tlai-d and Marilee Uner arc medinJ ind! biru. Mr. Seals~ tllat'hci Im a moctina with Wal-MM ~ aftcmooa. They did moot with them last week, he aid, and he heart! ii wu a pR11y succealW-.,. ftaal all aides.' He uld he 1W 110( ~ l<llly, whlch tenants, in addition IO dlOIO they bow: .... ..., arwtcd about that Sldp Miller is meeting with. Bui. City Manager Sears DOCed. he docs ic-... is .-mg with IIMnl OChc,s. (\•Jiir'l 'dember Waggiaa--S dlcre is some cona:m about the location of the theater. r· ,JIICil Member B-"81Msed there is a conc:cm about Fox Su.et going straight through again . Chy Manager Scan aid .. bas been raised 10 them and he thought the ream is awan, of the conccms of the propc11y o.,,,.,.., !lira.di and !hey ate ling that information In. Rish! now, he stated. there is a IOI of discussioo aboal illfDslructurc. in terms of roadways and connections . He said he knows that Inca is being discussed. in liaa _•Fox. in terms of connecting lo Danmouth . Bui again. he noted , he docs not know. He pointed oat M•tlia,-. Public Works people, pfaMing people and everybody, kind of sitting down and trying., n.--what makes scruc then:. Council Member W-suggested that "hen they arc looking at that they belier be 131king 10 RTD, too. Because. he noced. lky 1111c some real co nee ms about the bus route off of Dartmouth into the Parle n Ride . City Manager Sears-• Rick Kahm has been talking 10 them prcr\y intently, along with David Tryba. in terms of how Floyd is used for bus lr.lllSportation and then a connection back up 10 Danmouth . There is some discussiaa.CiryManager Sc:lB said, about a smal ler theater in tieu of a Lvser theater over • there . So , he IIOltd, ~ is a lot of internal discussion from the different factions . But. he opined, everybody is stepping forward. ll)ing to work a, the stafTlc"cl. to come together with what is the best project. or maybe one or""' altmiati,-c projects, 10 come back 10 City Council with . Council Member B,_. asked if we arc on time . Council Member Nabholz asked if he said smaller thc.,1,r. Potentially, Cllr!lbiaager Scars said. Mayor Bums asked ifhc was talking about the movie thc:.1crs . Mr. Scan said ,a. Illa,, arc a couple of di'Tcrcnt thealcr companies that they have llllked to and one them promotes a sm:aolcr scn,cn than wha1 was 1alked about Council Member Habcni:k asked if we arc Slill addressing housing . City Manager Sc.m ad\iscd that "~ arc , hcu.sing is a critical p111: of the whole discussion and whether it comes internal , wt-tther ii is more on the oulSidc, ii is~ He said that he knows that Peter Cah l,orpc . in his plan. feels liks 1ha1 is really important. 1bc housing amcs in to pay more mane,• up front. hat the long term return . in tcnns of rctatl sales back lo the City . yea don't hl',c thaL So. there has been a lot ef discussion nboul the types of housing. At this tim<. lo< aoh'i5a!. they ate looking at a high end rental that can be translated over to condominiwns or i--.. He said he kno,-, there was some discussion. whlch he stepped on right away. or came bad:., ii11cnns of. which was gated. because he does nOI •hink a gated community makes scruc. Exactly how the IIDusing would fit into the theater and how it would relate 10 the traffi c that is there . whether or not lolls mi:: IOIISC ... all tl1 ose allem.1tivcs arc being looked al. cspcci ally by Peter Cahh orpc • .a Marilee Ullcr Tbm die cnsa of housing in tcnns of how much that may pull »ray from tlic lollli vro,ict', is looked al Cil!' Mamger Scars commented llial . right now, he kno"~ the numbers arc going tack and fonh bet,..,.,. <I00,000 ml 430.000 square feel of retail . and that is the number they arc tr )i ns 10 keep in there . He s:ud k would just s.1y it is dynamic , but all of those issues arc be ing reviewed ~ to how lhcy c mwort. Council Member Habea:ill ai:h;scd that she h.is ,·isitcd a number of movie theaters in tl1c arc., and she has • 00( been overly impl"CSKd. But recently , she s.11d. they went twice to sec films at the new· Highlands Ranch • • • Enpood City Council Apr116, 1991 Pap JI AMO. She ukod If anyone else hll been out !here. She rocommendcd they Biw it a sba(, Ms. l:labenicht ,wad the WU impreacd. lhat she fblt ,he -II a quality lpllZ. 1 Mayor Burns oomrncntcd that that one has been pven a let of publicity lild hcthmpl--• -one at Wcsuninltcr thal just opened. Mayor Burns said that be Wldcrstands we have not been sb wcd down by the INS raid 011 • .......,.i doing 111c remediation al the Center. Clly Manager Sc-" ,dviso! !hit tltal Is Ii..-.. r a He aid he wished Rick Kahm was here to gi ve a little more or an •~dale. Mr. Scan ,..eel Iba they r-a lilllc more asbestos in the JosHns building than we an•icipaled would be lhcre. He said he lcnowsmcn: is a lot of discuwon going on al the same time about demolition and how the demolition can wm ,rill lbooe individual buildings . Perhaps, he noted, certain buildings can be demolished wi lh the ...... achlally staying inside and olher> have to be lmnSpOncd ouLSidc. He said lhal is ki nd or on going wliilc -Ill> lhlllugh the rcst oflhc project . Mr. Scars noted he oould no1 answer his question totllty tllllijgbl. that be will have 10 gel back to him . Council Member Bradshaw asked if we an: on lime. City Manager Scars advised that be dlloks they are . We are mocting weekly and he knows they ha\'c gone tltrOUgh 15 dill'crcnl plans and all 1k ,-1iciplllls have been working through lhat He said he lhinks Ibey an: pretty much aware of where -cl tbo issues are. Mr. Scars opined that lhings will get more difficult over lhc next 1wo or lhra: wccb • ..., they actually have to say lhat Ibis is the plan or Ibis is lhc plan. Maybe with a couple cl a1-. be DOied, they will a,mc back 10 Council and say Ib is is how much ii is going 10 cost to make 1h11 pl!a """"'-And Ibis is what t!te developer pays and Ibis is whal our obligations are . They had to ll/J tluougtit all this smfT. he maintained. in terms of putting everything 1ogc1hcr and he thought ii would get man: dillialt = the next sc,•cral wo:ks. Bui from all sides, he advised, tl>cy still seem to reel like they an: on IIU aid at least Ibey will have a plan to present to Council on lhc 5•. Rcgardin ~ one other lhing, Mayor Bums noted they talked about RTD . in our apc:rDClll. -10 provide lhe parldng. He opined lhcre are going to be some serious parx ing issues at Oxford. =••-as an article in tl1e paper about ii nx:cntly, he said. and John Claflin from lhe RTD stalTtalkcd about tlt,und said Ibey don 't want 10 overbuild, they wanted to be conservative when Ibey Sl3rt. Bu~ Mayor Be,,,.. commcnled. he can sec pa,ple saying well I can 'l park al Oxford. I ";ll go to Cinderell a City . They ,.e pmg to ,wt loading up the panting facility at Cinderell a Cit y, beca use lhc re is no parking al Oxfo rd. &loyor Bums opined lhcy arc just kidding lhcmscl\'cs and he told them lha1 on tl,e 1our tllC)' had rcccntly. lhat the)' ha \'c gal 10 gel some parking at Oxford . Beca use, he nOl<d, pa,ple are going 10 try 10 pait -anywa)' and we arc going to be citing them and then they arc go in g to go 10 the recreation center and park ia dw lol and walk over. He said he just thinks they arc kiddin g thc mY:lvcs ab•;mt thi s park ing issue. Al MincraJ too. Council Member Bradsh.1w s.1id. they don't have near enou gh. Mayor Bums agreed and aed Jt ,,_,;u probably be a problem al AC C and Evans. Council Mcrnocc Bradshaw staled dial !-.CC IS pg 10 be a bi g problem . City Manager Sears said he lhinks lha1 lhc park ing. wh ich has rea ll y been kind of 1hc pmmry. ini nal focus. seems 10 be coming 1ogcthr.r belier than people lhou glu du1 it would . There appears to be. be noted. adequate parxing for lhc difTcrcnl lypcs of uses, 11011 are on lite site ov er there ri glt l ,.,_.. =: pwu of 1he existing structure. But our feeling, he noted , to a ce rtain extent. is that we may go bad to ilID for additional funding. because of the parking requirement s th.11 arc go ing to be there. To bdp d ose that gap . Mayor Bums said So , Ci ty Manager Scars said. th ey need to ha ve the pl an. lay that out acd then lak e ii back to RTD . Bcc.1usc. Coun cil Member Bmdsh.1w co mm ent ed. this is a good proj ect fo r dlem. Ci ty Mana ger Scars agreed thi !i is a grea t proj~l. M1yo r Bum s nolcd this is a showcase pl"OJCC. !or them. 14 , City At1omcy'1 Report I, I (J ) lmu111,t.;411 f ~µ(I 1t ifl l ,• <-) Cily Altomey an.z-IUQI if llley Wllllod 10 fonnalt,,c I ~ 10 Public Wart;-• lnodt weipu. Council Member lltadsh.w and C01111Cil Meabo, Nabholz Mid 7,000. Mayor a.. ~ wbalao, he JIIII anidod a a>nsensus. Mr. Brotzman aid )'CS. Council Member Habcnich1 .._ii .. ..,..---. Cily Aao,my aid no. u.o-. wulinc. U . Mjooi,--?:d ~U ""-•--••n,. ~ • •