HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • r I INGIJEWOODCITY COUNCIL , ,,, ENGLtWOOD, AIIAPABOE COUNTY, COLORADO u I, n t lleplarS...lo, Jll8< 15, 19911 I. Call to Order The rtgUlar meeting of the Englewood City Council "115 c:,!Jed to order by Mayor Burns at 7:49 p.,n 2. Invocation Tix, invocation was given by C011ncil Mcwber Nabhol,_ 3. Piede• of Alltglaace n,e Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Burns. 4. IIDII Call Present Absent: Co110cil Memben Nabholz. Oapp. Habenicbl Waggoner. Burns Council Members Garrett. Bradshaw A r.uorum was proscol 5. Minutes Al so p"CSCnt: City Manager Sears City Auorney Brotzman City Clerk Ellis Director Esterly, Public Works (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED. AN.D IT WAS SF,CONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF IBE REGULAR MEETING C,F JUNE I, 1998. Ayes : Council Members Nobholz, ltabenicht. Waggoner. Clapp, Burns Navs : None Ab~ent : Council Members Gamtl Bradshaw Motion carried. 6. Scheduled Visitors (a) Mr. George Allen. 2799 Soutl1 D0"11ing Street an Englewood Historical Society Board Member. gave each Council member an Englewood Depot static decal Mayor Bums recognized that George Allen and his wife Pcrkic Allen arc our J 998 E11glcwood Ci tizens of the Year. So. he said. it is a double pleasuro to have him here tonigl11. Mr. Allen said he thought he was coming over here to make an impassioned plc.1. l~l get !.Omc suppon fv, our HistoricoJ Society. He advised tl,at while he"~' preparing tl,at spcecl~ h" recei ved a leucr from the City Attorney's office stating they l,ad already approved e\'ery1hin g tl1cy were looking for . Mr. Allen stated it was cenainly a shot in the ann for the Hi storicaJ Society, io get some heavy weight support. He noted they have had a ve,y difficull lime trying to misc money, because they are just a small board ,.;th no financial strcngLi . They were handicapped tr) ing 10 misc funds and so was the contractor they hired to Enaftwood City c......, June 15,19911 Puae 2 raise money. He stated tllis is a new life for IMm and l..,. _ prilly 111re lltey can cany lite ball now. Mr. Allen sald he wanlcd ro .._. Giuncit on bellllr aft11e 1Rlsliolic;il Soclely/ He colnmenlcd Iha~ when he gol lhal lctter, ii was ooe oltloc biggesl shots he's had in the arm in qullC awhile. Mr. Allen polnlcd oul Iha! many people haw: 'IIO'tcd on lb.is thing for yc,111, lang lOil hard and laerificcd and U1ey have collect cd thlngi 10 go into iL Now, • aid. ii looks like ii is going IO worlc . So lhcy are very proud and he said llt:y wan led 10 lhank Cowlcil , r.-the bollom of their llrarts; mr their inlerest in this program. He lhankcd Ann Nabholz ond nolcd Iha• would guess she has worked harder lhan anyone . He olT<red lo answer an:· questions from Council. Council Member (.Japp -llhc appociates all the ""rt Ibey have done ccnccrning lite museum and for lite City of Englewood tow.ad tha1 project. She opined ii is somcllting lite communily is going 10 L'< very proud of and something Iha will be around for many years 10 come for our children 10 enjoy. Mr. Allen advised that dley ,iwalize lltis Uting. now that they have that cxua lund. being woll lanwcapcd. with a nice parking lot. II will b: something tha1 lite people of fnglcwood "ill be proud af He jokingly said that lite only thing be Im 10 be careful aboul. when we get lite museum. is that W.! "' II probably hang a tag on him with a price. Mayor Bums said Iha lie lllillks the City Council is very pleased and tl1e Hous ing A, .1ority ., very pleased and we have dcvdopcd a •in win situation here for everybod y. He stated we arc l0vk.ing forn11nl 10 lite completion oflhal museum ad r<ally making a very nice amenity for that ncigl1borhood and for all tl,c ci1izens of Engle-.ood. ~ cbildren and CYOrybody else will visit iL he said Mr. Allen said he w.antcd C,:,uncil 10 know lhal they will still be h.1nging in tl1crc and fighting like the dickens 10 get thi~ Mayor Bums noted it was a pleasure 10 ha\'C members of the Historia1I Socic1y here . 7. Non-scbedule,l Yditon TI1crc were no non-schcdw:d \is-i1ors. S. Comm,n,icamm;. Prod>1Dations .. , Ap,oiat-s (a) A ICllcr fRn Jill Gilbcn indicating her rosignation from 1hc Cle.lie Green and Proud Commission was considered. COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED , TO ACCEPT, WITH REGRET, TIIE RESIGNATION OF JILL GILBERT FROM TIIE CLEAN, GREEN AND PROUD COMMISSION. Ayes: Nays: Abscnl: Motion carried Council Members Nabhol z. Habcnichl. Waggoner. Clapp, Bums None Council Members Gamtt. Bradshaw (b) A letter from Nancy Hughes indicating her resignation from the Clean. Green nnd Proud Co mmission was cx,n51dercd COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECO NDED , TO ACCEPT, WITH REGRET, THE RESIGNATION OF NANCY H\;GHtS FROM THE CLEAN, GREEN AND PROUD COMMISSIO~ Ai·es: Council Members Nabholz. Habenichl. Waggo ner. Clapp , Bums Nays: None • • • • • • Enalewood City C1111ncll J1111115, 1998 ••sc J Absent: Motion carried . Council Mcmbcn Garnt~ Bradshaw Mayor Bums Slaled they wanted to rocognizc all Uie good work the Clean. Green_. P..i Commission doc$. He said it talces a lot of time and dedication and they under5tand if. from time to lime. peq,le can 't find the time to sm,c any more, but they very much apprcclalC their oenice. 9. Public HHring No public hearing was scheduled before Council. JO . Conleal Ageada (a) Approval ofOnlinanccs on First Reading MAYOR BURNS REMOVED 10 (a) (II) FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. COUNCO.. MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND ITWAS SECONDED, TO APPIIOVI:. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10 (a) 0) ON FIRST RIADING. (i) COUNCIL BILL NO. 31 , INlllODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AlJTHORJZING AN INTERGOVERNMEITT AL AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO THE ENlEU'RJSE ZONE MAI\KETING <:ONTRACT. BETWEEN lHE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL AFFAIRS , ECONO',!JC DEVELOPMF.l',TCOMMISSION ("E .D.C.") AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . Vote results: Motion carried . Ayes: Nays : Absent: Council Mcmbc" Nabholz. Hal cnicht. Waggooa. Clar p. Bums None Council Mcmbc" Gam:1~ Bra, .shaw (ii) Mayor Bums advised that he had talked "'i1h City Manager Sears. this afternoon , and he has talked 10 other staff members, clarifying just how much ,s £<XIII ao thisamtrnct. He explained that this is the one where we traded the major renovation of the Broadwa:. S inccrsection. for the other pn,jcct we had in the ISTEA list , which was 10 widen BroacJ,.-ay . He c:om::>CIIICd thal his memory was 11.iat this also included some work on the Broadway bridge. which the -indicacs is true. He noted you can't quite tell that from the project funding provisions . but he und<nlams we hav1: some funhcr clarifo:ation on what is going 10 be done with the bridge , as "''Cll as the street.. Director Esterly e-:olaincd thal the original projccl. thal was 10 deal "'ith the mte rcmng,c. largely involved the lengthening of the bridge. so the ope ning for 28S was increased from four lanes co su: la!lcs. And tha.t. he noted. was ~j.,laccd with a different project that we had requested dunng Ute ISTEA pocess .. b11t it MIS nol succcssfJI. .. thnt would widen Broodway from 285 ... basicall y from where t.lus Olbe:r project. invoh ing U1c bridge was. all 1he way up to Yale . In U1c swap out of the projcc1. the Denver~ Council of Governments all '>wcd us to increase the scope of the project we were ask.Jog for on E~'3), that did get int o some improvements on tl1c bridge . It doesn't do anything to impact 2SS al au. bol ii d01'S allow us 10 pul in the pavcmcnl 10 widen U1e bridge enough so that we will have two tum lanes. Ulllli:ad of the, one central tum lane , ba ck to back . And ii will also work on improving all of the traffic Slpah at those two ~ ltyC•KII ..... 5..,,. .... , 11,n u > 11 > lo nou 1 r:J13 8~ I, Io• ul l. ,y,.•f ~ ~ He explained there arc IM!ral n:alOIII for lhaL One they are old and two, the buried cables •-ill tbc ground have been a problem . Wilh each and cveiy knock down. U,c <J blcs gel a lilllo bil _. "'UJ time we have to splice lhcm back logcthcr again. So. he no1ed. U,cy arc prclly bcal up and -ligarals do get beat up quilc a bil and wc wi ll have It> do a li1Ue bil more coordination 10 gel ..-waDa back into that area Director Esterly advised that lhc olhcr improvements lhcy would be doing, -illjal:I W a lialc bil. is they WGuld be dolng away wilh lhe lidcwalk lhal goca undcmcalh the bridge. n. --i be rq,la0:d with two sidewalks going CUI to west. II the ground, going up and oi•cr and cnming Broadway al grndc. Beyond thal be said. tbc p,aject is largely the widcnin& of Broadway 10 allow ,naaJ things to happen on Broadway. We could put in landscape mediarts in lhc addi1ional space tluu is aclled. We will also have dcdicaled left lum pockets for both nonh bound and south bowid traffic. He m:mnwncd that lhe additional bencfil to thal will be that lhe wandering movemcni of 1he lanes ... as you gel 10 ,omc of the left lwns ovcrto the curb line and lhcn back ... will be done away wilh and the through lanes w· he suaight and continuous. So you will know where to go even when you Coln't sec the lines in the rain ad lhe snow . It will also have lhe side benefi1 of r<Storing some or 1hc on-Slrecl parlung on Broadway. al ...eat locations. So Iha~ he said. is largely whal U1e projccl involves . ~f:il!,•or Bwns asked wh:11 impact it would have on lhc 3300 and 34Cl0 blocks or Soulh Broadway . He af<ued lhal some or lhe busineos people in concerned abou1 lhe improvemeui. Ibey have alrady made dla,: and the ligbling siandards. trees . signage and so fonh . Dircclor Eslcrly said he wasn'I sun: he could <b ilw by tie numbers! He said if they an, talking about Uic ma be1wccn Floyd. the Pamway and ill that ara.. .. wbcn: it is already widcncd ... thal's actually optional whether or not we want ID 'l'idcnlhat out.a foal or ra1>. Mr. Esterly ad,iscd that thal delail hasn 'I been decided yel, thal is really a de1:til that would be wcd;cd out during the design process and that ""'1ld include lhosc businesses. • Th.:s amtrac:t., Mayor Bums said, is for design. not for constru ction . Director Esterly staled this contract is re. dcsip-the way the budget iJ being scheduled in lhc ISTEA progmmming right now. ~,ere 'l·ou ld be • a :-car hiaus in lhcn:. when wc WO<lldo 'I be tining ani1hing in 1999 and then wc are funded again in 2000 fmr Qlll5IJUCtlon. But , he adviiCd. a.s many of Council know. the Presidcn1 , jusl in U1e last couple or days. h.zs si gned the new JSTEA legislation that co,·ers the time period we are in now. That puts more money im1:, the program and we arc not quite sure what that impact uill be . Dircc 1or Este rly said, to directl y aDSa1Cr lus question. this project right now is just for design. Ccmncil Member Waggoner asked. even during lhe des ign process , ir lhere is lh c pabli c in\'Ol\'cmcnl tl•ll is ooll'l!lal u;lh a highway proje ct. Director Esterly said yes, bui lhis is n liulc bil different than ltighway pa:,ects we have done in the past. He explained llmt in the I~ couple or yea rs the cities in the metro area waded out a deal \\ith llte Department of Transportation 10 allow local govcmments to mana ge their own 6:derally funded projects. This is the first one we arc involved witl1 and basically. he noted . when he says we~ allowed to manage it. we arc going to manage it by hiring a c:onsulta.nt to do the \\Ork. Pan or tliat pc,cea •1lllid include a signilicanl involvemenl by the public and by businesses in Ute area. Mr. ESlerly adliscd lhal pan or lhc complicaled nalW'C or Ute project is probably why COOT backed out or wan ling 10 daip tills project lhcmsclvcs . He staled Otey pushed very hard to gel us to le, Utcm design Otis project and l!!""1 Ibey 1''Cnl oo a toor of Ute site and Otey 1alkcd abou1 Uie problems, block by block and b'1.liness by business. and lhcy ha\'e chosen nol to pursue designing 1his project. Camel Member Waggoner said. his poi1\l being. that tl1 ey arc not going to be out in ll1c cold. they arc gi:mg tD know whal is going on. because here is going to be some publi c process. Director Esterly advised tile v.ilcJle purpose of wh ere we arc righl n ,w is to proceed and gel n project where !Ju:rc is a co nsensus bu.ili around jt. tliat has tJ1e endorsement 01 the City and the endorsement or the folks "ho arc out tl1erc. T1he fimJ approvaJ comes throJg.h when ,,.,e agree to build tl1e project and \lie come up "ith our m,11ch thc.n . Ci:amc:d Member Habenicht noted tl"1.1t he indica1ctl t.:11! elin11n.11ion or the sidewalk W1dcr tl1c bndgc on 28S as pan oithc progrant She asJ.:.:xl what kind or impacL ir any, tl1at will have . Basically , Director Esterly • .JL"'iscd.. there is one si dewall\ on tl1c southcm side. Wldemcnth .here, and i: is tlic handrail that is always • • • tn1l•wood Clly Council Jun, 15, 1991 Pap$ gett ing hit, the )ll,,(lnil illal is falling do\ 'II aad ........ _,_.,....Sand IUlllld with COOT an U181 all the Omo. Pli,1, with the bbd populalion ti III u ... ..., die....._ ii is a colleclioa point Car bird remains. It ia acnwly a pretty DUii' liglt...,,_ h lho,c, Ho..__. .. ..,._ tiam of the ymr ... with dust and siulf .•. 11\,t it ii not a"">' hP!!' ,y plKc ID -lie. ,._ tlion an peop le. oo the IIOllhan side. who wiU 50111Ctlmc, U, to """"""" dowl.• ...,.... J -• _ _,. a lllalC Coot curb in that ara. So. ho soid , they wouldn't have tl1c oppoitwuty 1,, d,, 11111 ••• ,.. ...,... ,oplace 1h11 with 11''0 pedestrian ways 1h11 would be on top ... lhal would take you u1, to Broadway Md Ila take you back do\\n the other side, if you wanted to walk through then. Kind or ti" IIOCliaa lbat • -. right up apinsl the wall would be I ike lhcscjerscy barrias out in the _ccnleroi Santa Fe. Ho ....i...,, wwld kind oCba,-c a half ..aion like that up against the wall so lhcrc wouldn 't be any borizmul sadara ID pd,or the bird mess U\31 is Lbcrc now ... or just din and sond wid those types of things. He adviood it is the type of thing that you could go through and sp,ay it with water very quickly and ii IMIUldllecfall. Council Member Habenicht asked if ii will change the lane sm:. Director Ester1i· siated it "ill cr'C3le a tinlc bit of change in d,c laoc si 1.C. bt :t It only happem 011 the -,It side. wbae "" would bt: 1:il<ing die sidewalk out. He explained that \\ith the center c.olwnns Iha a-e in lhcrc. the whole wider-pass would not bene fi t from that increase in width. Mayor Bums commcnted that he mentioned then: lllight be -additional funding or increased funding or faster funding. He staled he is cspccially intcrcsud iftbq-aR p g ID widen the bridge oo the top. and work on that bridge. if lhcrc is some extra money or graac -available lo enhance and bcaatify that bridge with something like you h.1vc al Speer Boula'ar.l ..t Bl'Oa<l1nly. Something that is rcolly kind or special , when: those 62,000 cars that pass under lhcrc. O\,:ry clay. might be induced 10 come up and - what is going on on Broadwny. Well. Dincctor Estaiy Slid. IR 'Mlald p,css he would not waru 10 give die contingen cy of die project aw,.y al this point So. he said. DO. 1krc has not been any specific money programmed for those types r,f amenities and they may oc --be available in lhe budget He said he would guess we would n't bow until the budget was complcred. The way the wording is wriucn. he noted. there might be so me opi;,,nwu1 y for tliat On the ocher hand. .., have been out lhcn: talking "id, u,e Parks Dcpanmenl abo ut rest oring some of tl1e gardening ia Iha ... -bas gone by lhc wnysidc o,·er the ycars and they have looked at how we might n:ston: some ofthal ..t lc:wc pla ces for that The traffi c signals d1emsclvcs would be somewhat of an enlwx:cmcnL He MViral they ha\-c bad other discussions with the Downtown Development Authorily about making Oiat am .-yway with v:arious monolithic type stru ctures. but U1ey haven't ever done anything 1'i th that ~ Bums opined that ii is a go lden opponunity Jo do thaL Director Esterly staled there is DO .-,:i6c IIIOII<)' funded an there. but it is somcahing that could be incorporated and maybe f'undal DDmdc Ibis project . He commented that ,r we wind up running under budget . ii could be inci dental 10 the pn,;ca. What arc the odds that the project is goin g 10 run under budget. he said . he doesn 't know Mayor Bums said he thinks ii is the opponuni~ to ha\'C it• a.goal anyway and perhaps the ft.J.ruling wouJd come from one source or another. Bui , he poin1ed ou t. lfyou doa't plan for it as ~ou arc doing I.his, it is not going to happen. He said he thinks it is an admiablc pl IO ha\·e and sec if we c.a n ·, do tJ1a 1. Unfortunately. Direct or Ester ly sa id. the stmctw-c 1LSdf docs DOl change very much. A lot of th e work would be in narrowin g up the sidcwn" ,. to create additional blocs. and striping ii appropriru cl y. TI1c cross secti on is just abo ut there right now. He commented they may DOlJcc that cars park on lhc bridge ... lhey 'J SC the surplu s store for exa mp le . TI1erc 1s no rcstnction on piart;:1ng on lhe bndge So 1he lanes arc basicall y Lhcre . but some p.1rki11g restrictions may be ~ Council Member Nabholz commented th.11 it siys a su pplcmcanJ a ppropn alion of S66,000 \\111 be required to fund this design phase ofU,is project and that 539.000 ,..,..budgeted III die 1998 l'ublic lmpro,·em cnl Fund. Sh e nskcd when: th e $66 .000 -.ill co me from. if it would be from tl,e General Fund . Dll'CC IOr ES1erl y advised tha t tJ,e stra igh t forward answer 1s it "ould b: comi ng out of the PIF In lhc fi ye yc.1 r plJn, he st,ucd. it is covered :v 1d bud ge 1cd . He s.i id tl1e original cor'0Cp(.. that they thought tl1cy \\ ere gett ing inio lll&ltweN City Countil .lntlS,1'91 , ... , II.II h) LJoo'ff J..1nl t1 I ,1 mul hem, i,s 1h11 we would bo dalglling th11 projecl .-ij two yeor period . The $39,000 -the 1991 iDllallnd oa that. desip and tltcn they elfflllon the dalgn goin1 hno 1999 ad the lddlUonal money ror thal pojecl would go inUJ place al dial lime. 11111 would have actually boon aipiftcantly mon, money than thls, be aid, bocausc we....., dcliplng a more e,q,cnslvo pn,jecl ;,,bollcally """"1ltlldina Uie intcrcllaal", So, D~ Eslerly DOied, ir you look 11 lhc five year plu. this is lcll tbao the tolll U.wu in die llve yar plan . If you just look 11 thls yeor, it looks shon. Council Member Clapp said she wanlal 10 make sure she undmtands Ibis. She SIited wltal be is saying is thal tllc whole ..-mt is in lhc Public Improvement Fund ... we arc just takini; it out in• lump sum. instead or in incrcmcnts. Director Eslcdy llllcd we an, taking it out mrtier lhan we hid originally pirumcd ... ycs . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVJ:D, AND IT WAS SECOND!D, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10 (11) (ii) ON FIRST READING. COUNCIL BILL NO. 32 , INlllODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INJ'ERGOVERNMENT AL CONTRACT BETWEEN 1liE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CDOl) AND THE CITY OF l!NGU!WOOD. COLORADO WHICH PERTAINS TO THE DESIGN OF 1llE PROJECT TO WIDEN AND CREATE MEDIANS ON BROADWAY BETWEEN U.S. 285 ANDY ALE A VENUE IN THE CITY 011 l!NGLEWOOD . Voce......_, Ayes : Nays : Absent: Motion ...nicd. Council Mcrnbcrs Nabholz, Habcnichl. Waggoner. Clapp. Bums None Cooncil Members Gamt~ Bmdshnw (b) Approval or Onli= on Scoond Rending COUNClL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (b) (I) ud (H) ON SECOND READING. (i) ORDINANCE NO . 38. SERJES OF 1998 (COUNC IL BILL NO. 27, !Nl1lODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE RENEWAL OF AN AGREEMEITT WITH THE COLORADO HUMANE SOCIETY AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE LEASE OF THE ENGLEWOOD ANIMAL SHELTER. (ii) ORDINANCE NO . 39, SERJES OF I 998 (COUNC IL BILL NO . 28. lml\ODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TITLE 15. OFTHE ENGLEWOOD MUNI CIPAL CODE I 9R5 AND ENACTING A NEW TITLE 15 ENTITLED "NU ISANCE ABATEMENT." Vole results: Motion carried . (c) Ayes : Nays: Absent Council Members Nabh ol1 .. Habcm ch 1. Waggoner. Clapp. Bu ms None Ccunc,I Members Gam:tL Bradshaw Resolutions and Motions • • • • • • Enslewood City cou,;c ll June IS, 19911 ,.,. 7 l1)1tuu , 7 l hf'klTr"JI l'tP(,'l J i,nut ,:, 'I 11,ero were no addltion■I resolutions or!IIOliam IUlnnilted for :ippn,val. (See Agenda llem 11 • R<1111lar Apda.) II. lleplarAll- (a) Approval ofOrdinana:s oa,Finl Reading ,hen, "~re no addit: ,nal ilemS submillcd li1upprovll on fim reading. (See Agenda 11cm 10 • Consent Agenda.) (b) Approval of Ordimoas •l~ Reading TIICre were no additional items submitled fill'_,,..t on second reading. (Sec Agenda Item IO• Consent Agenda.) (c) Rcsoluliolll and Mocical (i) Cowlcil .........,..,__,.ndalion to waive a lien, by motion. upon compliance with the Junc 9, 1998 Wic1-llar. Mayor Bums Slid he unde.-lds this invol\'cs th e Honon propeny . City Attorney Bnn--11h11 was com:ct. He advin lhll whal happened. in this ca.!C, is that the Honon property went i.alo -.,., and an independent buyer came in and purchased the property. They really dida't do all of their~ he said. and the City's demolition lien and the Housing Alllhontys mollgage ore both ia pllOllil)· to thiJ; penon doing the projccl. He e.<plaiDed that what tl1cy fowld is I.bat they canllOI compleie die ...,a. which is I wplex. with tllC City's lien in pince. When this was in the process offorcclosun:. be.au:L6e City anticipated taking this property. 1!icn l! would simply remove its own lien and we would '-'t 01'""1 the property at that j.<>iot and tlicn put a Projeet Bwld house tl1ere . Mr. Brotzman staled that !!be q,ution is. do they want to waive tl1c lien for this independent pony that is goin, co put a dupla lberc. He noted this previously came Ill Co uncil in a fonn tlmt proposed anytl1ing from, single family 6'dling up to a four-pie,. Council's response at that time was they weren't going to r<SJ)'lml to the geacral cmnmen ts. that they wanted a more specific plan. Also, he noted. Council V.'IS opposed LO a four-pk,< illl 6is loc::ltion. thus they now have a proposal to waive the lien if the)• put this proposed dt;ple.x in pl-. Council Member Clapp said she wanled so ask--..aayor Bums a qucsu on as. she opined. he was the most qualified 10 answer it. having been on the Haasing Authority for 25 years. She said ii was her understandin g that once we scrape a prupcrcy.:. ad pul a Project Build hom e on it. our chances or recovering some.: of tJ1c m.itial cost fo r I.he SDg,c arc greater th.w if we just handed it over to somebod v else to deve lop it. She asked if that is right. In m!bcr words. she said. 1f we put a Project Build home on tJtis "'C coul d recou p some of our initiaJ COSI from~ scrape . She asked 1f th.at is correct. Mayor Bums sta ted that is what we normall y do with Project Build. lie pointed out th.11 we alrc.idy have a rehab loan on this propcny. He advised that Debbie Mcdloc:11.. Oiair or the Ho usini Autl1 ority. \\~S pre.<enl Ma) or Bums noted that one of tl1c concerns. tlmt he tbougiia the Hou sing Authority lmd and he ccnainl y had. was tliat tl1r.y get paid back on that loan . Bccwsc. llcsaid. :is they ma y reca ll they got some rather sc,cre critici sm from some State politicians on tltis projccl. iia,,.;,,g that we would never get paid back on tltis loan and it was all a waste . He s:lid he thinks we an be paid back . 111c otl1cr co ncern he has had. and the Ci ty has h.id . is that the structure they actually "-antc&!l llD put on I.lie site vinua lly had no setback and just the design or it was a concem BuL he said. he thoug!::: :the question she "as aslcing was if we put a ProJect Build house on iL could we recoup the lien and thepu:, of the sale . Council Member Clapp ad,sscd she was hoping we could break even or not go into t:fbe bole too far . Ma yor Bums said tl1 c:y would love 10 do that. Mayo r BL ms asked 1f ~-1s. Medlock rcmembl!-n'O. from their last mcc tm & the di sc ussion about \~ hcth cr 1t was ncces-11)' to wa i\'c 1his li en in order IO ~•c lhc currcnl proposal go tl1rough . Housing Authr,ri~ Chair Enalewood City Coun~!! Juae IS, 1998 , .... ue Debbie Medlock advised 1hey Lilked abo•JI whctl1cr or 1101 thc Cily mlglll be more "illing ID -thc ll.:n if ii wu a Prnjoct Build typo of ,owe. w.left we could blaak cwn. She lla!.ld they doa 't -.-ii they ac1unlly get some plan scenario, They rJso talked aboot if they would be willing 10 maybe...,. !be Ilea and even re-look at !heir lo.ins ifil was for Habitat...n Habitat housc ... would lhcy be mon:.....,, 10 do some things along !hose lin<s . Ms . Medlock stated they won'I know break C\'CM 11111il -.-c .._about building ... whal we are going 10 put on lhc structure . There was a 101 of concern about thc boaR ibcy ,.,.,., designing ... It was really close to propeny lines . Ma)'Or Bums Slated they were obviously !tying to maximize out lhc value of wbal !hey wen: ..--s m then: 10 try 10 recoup, because they made the mistake of not really ,-cvtc .. ing tl,c title and r-calizag .w many liens were on lhc property whcr, tl1cy bough! it. So lhcy were lr)ing 10 push lhc projca oaa (or more value and we were lrying to push ii bac k in 10 have more rcuoaable limits. Ms. Medlock advised thal their concern was tha1 it wouldn't look well in the neia)iborhood. er-..i they heard. ii was huge . Council Member Clapp asked if ii was her opinion tlial pcrliaps tl1is is a li1tle prcma1= thal we r. ,:aid put some nwnbers togetlicr and look at lhis. Ms. Medlock staled tha1 she hasn't seen tllis last tbiDg L" • bas gone tlirough. She said sbc knows they approacbcd lhc rehab commincc and the las, time thcy bad hcard ... itjust didn~ ICCIII fasiblc. She noted lhcy an: !tying to make the best of what thcy 11on,,e pa:n into . Ms. Medlock said she basn'l l,canl the latest. Mayor Bums commented it may be a liuJe premature, lhat ii ams 10 him It could well be. ua tlocy get some more data on what might be proposed there. He said. if be is not wrong . tllis was pr..,._. a son of an inducement to get this done and be thinks they mighl still be open to that. Bu~ Mayor Buns sad. they would !ikc 10 recoup as much as possible ... bccausc lhc Housing Atahori1y had a loan. and ba:atisl:,a{ the • poli 1:cal si:uation 01 thal time. be would heavily favor 1h11 thal loan be paid off. Council Member Waggoner stated tha1 he tllinks this is signlficanl enough lhat really 1he otbcr o,o Council members shou ld be here for discussion and for a vote on lhis item. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, POSTPONE 1BIS ITEM UNTIL ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE PRESENT AND THEY HA VE HAD A. CIIANCT TO DISCUSS nus, POSSIBLY IN A STUDY SESSION . Ayes : Council Members Nabllolz. Habenicht Waggoner, Clapp. - Nays : None Absent Council Members Gort<t~ Bradshaw Motion canied. 12. General Di1tuHion (a1 Mayo~, Choi ce (1) Mayor Bum s sai d it was 3 pleasure 10 p.1r11cip,1 tc in the bond and ~an imcrvicws again last week . He not ed we hm-c an awful 101 of good pco~•e \\ho volunteer for po5llft!Jm on our boards and commission s. {ii) Mayor Bums reminded Council th,11 they ha ve a breakfast Friday . 11111th Lmlc1.on and Sheridan. oul :u tl1e golf course. 10 discuss land use plannin g. He advis,d thal he 1alkcd 10 lhc: lobyor or L11tlc1on and he thought just the coun ci l people were going to come . He noted tJ1cy have four -=- council people and tl1 ey urc going 10 Ir)' 10 gel all of \hem lhere. • • • • , ....... a.,,~ Ju■e IS. 1,- P11111 , 11 au ) ttlJ 1Jou,r:;f::1Llf 1i1v1• f ,Iii ,nut J' l'I iii) Mayor Bums acmJCd thal lhc fil'SI Toni Talk is Thunday nighl at Cushing Part< and he umted nD)t,o,I)' io come io ~- ("') Mayor Bwns noled that lhc Manufactun:r's Round Tnblc met on U1e 4~ al Daia Woru ... 1 ....-,y dlal bu a buildiu& olf or Windcnncre. He sla1cd ii is a wonderful company tha1 a couple .,r -; s :,a,., Slar1ed aad bought a building down !here and really have quite a booming business. He said G,oy almosl have • comer on lhc nuul<c~ lha1 lhcy make day planners for rcslaurants , They wen, ''CIJ ' Cl■llllplimalWy of !he Ciiy staff in working wilh I hem on lhis facilily, wilhoul prompting. Mayor Bw , stall lie MS vc,y pleased al how well lhc Cily staff worked wilh lhcm, lhrough Ncighhomood ad Business Development ·J Mayor Bums said he lhou&J,t !hey had a good meeting 1onigh1 on Cinderella Ciiy and be is loaing forward lo more. (b) CDunciJ Member's Choice li) Council Member Nabholz : I . She rcmiodcd a-crybody orlhc north Englewood mcc1ing Wednesday niglll in U1c Communiry Room from 7:00 II:> JO:()() p.m. II is in regard lo lhc uuck lraffic and U1c lraffic along DartmouU1. ,. She adri!lld slic "'ill be attending CML next Tuesday through Salurday. so she will be oul of IOWJ1 , J . Sbc ~tiha! the CML Jwic Ncwsleucr says U\lll lhc League is seeking new pictwtS 10 hang in !heir hcadq\m1cls. M,. Nabholz said she wanlcd lo find out if Englewood bas a pictwo hanging on lhc wall al !heir b:adqttartcn and if not we mighl wanl 10 lake a look al it Especially. she said, willt all we ha,-c coming dowm 1hc pike . (ijjJ Council Member Wo e~oncr advised 1ha1 he gol a call from a Floyd Borakovc and he lalkt:d li1t:e 11c had called all or Council or , lot o( them ani"-ay . He said he was just wondering if Gary Scats "'25 ''"'"' 10 get U1em a report on lhe l'.cc probh,m. Ciiy Manago-Sc:IIS said he lhought c,-ery Council m<mber receiv ed a telephone call . He noted we rece ived a call this .-niag and sc,·eral of Council called him. Mr. S= advised lhcy had Uic Code Enforcement pc091l: '" out U1cre and he wasn\ saiisficd wilh !heir response . He slated he 113d Qui , Olson and Byron W,cb 511,:p into ii and lake a look al ii and U,cy went out and me1 wiU1 him early Uus afternoon. aboul I :00. In CSICDtlC. be bas a lrCC limb problem that is really bc1wccn lumsclr and Ute managcmenl company. He is a o::nuer on lhc propclt)· and he didn'I lhink !hey were respon sive enougl1 in 1em1S of doing lhc tree limb raDO\o:aJ ~ir. Scars explained that our role isn 't to go in 1hcrc and do the rcmov-.t l for him. our role is to enforce dim.I. in tcnns of the nuisance ordinance. or whatever. BuL Mr . Scar~ advised. Cluis Olson and Byron W-ds a;p:ccd lO ll"Ork closer with the management company . So . he said. we made contact with U,e managcnxa cmmp3l1} and ii is his undcrsl30ding U.il Utcy will be co ming 10 deal \\i lh Uu s property lo a quicker m:umcr 111,an •i>at he had asked for . (.iii) Council McDlbcr Habeni cht I. She ad\ise3 she "ill be attending a wondcrfuJ 401h anniversary party. of her cous in 's, in Minneapolis DOt 1l'CCk.. So .she won'I be able 10 aucnd a number of mcc1i1, ;s. includ ing DRCOG . She said she knew MaJw Blmns ould ancnd that for her. Mayo r Bums asked if U,at is ne,1 week . Ms. Habenicht advised that IS thcl 'cdocsday . She asked Ll.i1 Uicy ex press her regrets 10 all lhc 0Ll1er 1ncclin gs she will not be able to 3DC1d. like the Tent Talk. breakfast and nortl1 Englewood meeting . She noted that she will al so be aucnding ~ and looking forward 10 it. Eapewood City Council Juae 15, 1998 P119I0 h , I.M\) 11 l bUDw.11,an {'11 1 .~I '>t&IJ (I ');lt,;'f 2. Sbe said she wanted ID stale for the r=nl that lhe rallly ...-,ciata lhe \.,,r1c th.11 Council Member Clapp has done In inVClllpling and taking a i;rat dell ol ..-In protecting our youth in tenns of the lnlemcL She commcnlcd that they talked about ii al ~ Sbldy Smlion tonig),f and she was sort of drawing an analogy and sbc just wan led to swe for !he r=rd 1h11 ia • "IY was It her inlerllon to triviallzt eithl:r her concem or the issue . She opined It ;, an eXll'elllCly important issue. Council Member Habenlchl ~lained thal what she was tryinc to say was that sbc -karing how valid and impo,tanl the issue was, because she was able lo bring it back inlo h,,r own expaioace. .. to an issue whert a lot o( people didn\ ~ her concern , but her concern is sti ll there. 'l113L she said. -the il !i!nl ofber comment and she wanted 10 clarify !hat for her. Mayor Bums advised tha1 he will also be aucnding CML next wee!<. -.be will be appeai,,g on a panel on Friday afternoon . Also, he was sony bul he would not be attending die ..ill Englewood meeting as Council Member Habenicb has asked that he altcnd the DRCOG Boan1Mcc1ing on her behalf. Bui he though I he would lil :c 10 ""' Uoc issues addressed ... some of which ....., raised al the last one he \\'Cnl lo , especially lraffic probicms in the area. He said he looks forward ID lillliing oul what that discussion would entail. 13 . City Manager's a.port (a) Ci1y Manager Scars advised he was also planning oa being 31 CML several days ncxl week . • (b\ :ity Manager Scars noted Mayor Bums had reminded everyone of the t>=k1'a.,t Friday • morning. He staled lhe 1wo topics !hat will be on the agenda Friday moming wiU be an update and review of the plan nith tl1c other council members . He said those are always lDionnativc and secondly there is a consullalll Li1Ue1on has been usi11g along lhe Santa Fe corridor and d>CJ plan 10 ha\'c an updale from dull consul1a111 on what they m doing . So ii should be an infonnali,,. .....,.,_ (c) City Man.1gcr Scars said Ibey h:1ve md a busy time wmh all or the issues related 10 Ille Englewood Center project , U1e Cinderello Ciry project . He advised tlm rae thinks most lhings ... or everything ... secms 10 be on track. The demolition worlc . in lenns olwaddng wiL~ Mrutin and Manin. continues. He said U1ey did ge l• copy of the plan for Staplclon, in l<nll5ofthe demolition. so we arc using some ofth.11 language and some ofthal infonnation 10 put together a proposal or bid on the demolition. Mr. Soars staled U1ey had• very intense meeting las! week \\ilh Peter <:al!horpc and U1e de\·elopmcnt team 10 talk over lhe dcstgn and some of 1he final issues and we focusal oa 1k Sony Theater. He advised thal Sony appears 10 be very Interested in being !here and Ibey talked.-Ilic design in lemu of !he location of Inca S1tCC1 as ii relates 10 thaL He s.1i d thal everybody seemed to be m agrccme nl 1<ith lhe design lhat was submiued . and ogrced 10 by the Council. One of !he issues on Soa)' ,.-as, as yo u co me off !he lranSi1 stop. taking a look al• wall of whal a Sony wou ld look like , or any U.:..,,-would look like . City Ma.Lige: Scars stated Ibey all agreed. including Skip Miller . .,.;lh U)fog 10 do some business in fronl of lhaL so ti,11 the wall is just broken up. so it is not just a straight wall . "That may be a bookshop or it could be some type of coffee shop or wh,itcvcr, 10 just break th.11 wa ll up . Titey fell th.at was 2 very important design and they h.1vc taken that back to Sony for their concurrence 10 move on that Mr Scars adv ised they h.:l\'c drafted. and Dan Brol2lnan has put together. an agreement with Wal-Mart. \lio ba:h, lhe)• ha\·c give n to Wa l-M1rt . The agreement calls out strict design guidelines as pan of the agrccmcm:. 2 J'C\'Crsionary clause. and their support with EDA grant. in tcnns of using some at their tmplo) ~ to mefl EDA gtudclincs. This may mean up to $750,000 or a million dollars to us . He . advised we ha\'Co hard back from th em. however, wi,h U1c EDA granL U,ey hal'e indicated a \\illin :,icss 10 participate on~ level We an ticipal c. he sai d, ge ttin g their word back on Lhc rcrn:tindcr or the agrcc111cn t later thi s~ or the fir st part or ncx1 week . • • • • la&llwood CII)' Council .,_. IS, 1991 haell JI 1111 Cily Mlnlpr Sarsadviledlhll wa also 111ct witbJcan ToWns<ad.flS hei11(11cated1.> lh~ CoµnciJ,. about 11, -mix. Hcllalodwe ..,.~proposal from bor, waju11 ~.,AJOllu~a. ~ ljlidbemot i,ilh bcr, the Wcingarlen people and Skip Miller. Also, be~ Bob Si/lljll(lll 1YiU mcct l"ilh 14<. TQWIISCJld IIJIDDffl)W and micw the apecmcnl He commented we want lo be real cautious about how we con1aet -and pt illfarmllm. Mr. San lllled be woa very lfllPRIIOII willl,the rq,rcscalali,·c flODI Wcinpr.en, tbal be had a very good undcrstJlndiDtJ of the dcmosnpitico of the area '-· Mr. Scars said he wished he waald have come to the IJlblc a little bit cnrlicr, bul he did 1how up last week and our inlcnl ia 10 ~ la cooj•All<lion wilb U-10 provide lhc beat mix on the sire over tliere, Bur we arc still uying to Onolizo Iha'. hcaid, and if the Wal-Man an4 Wcingancn pcopb: can provide much of thntdata ... hc docsn~ "-c.uctly whal we will do. but we need lo make sun, we add value wilh where we go "ilh Ooal Ciry Manager Scots advi:;cd Ibey have inltrvicws sc heduled wi1h seven residential developers on Wednesday of Ibis wcdt to 111k aboul the midcntial compon,;nl and q,cy will be comina back with a recaauucndalioa to COllllcil bescd oo our diSCUS$ions with them. TIiey also 1111d a very tboro,,"' talk, Mr. Scars said, and they will have Iha& for Council on Fri da y, abou1 the p,aza ilSClf and the widlh al ;laz.a. Also. whcthc, or nol the median down the middlo or gn,cn space on cilbcr side of the n,sidcnlial ,. ... the preferred alternative . David Tryba actually had a model lhcrc of both altcmalivcs. Cily Managu Scars said he lhoughl tliey all came lo the conscMUS lhai tlie plaz.a down tlic middle -.Id probably he lhe bcal •ll<mativc and ii was about a 100 foot w .ic scpa11tiOll l.llcrc. ul:aDCil Member Habcnichl med if lhal i, like a big median . Mr. Scars advised it would be a very. very large median. perhaps with SOIIIO war.:r fcalw-cs along the median. lo response 10 Council Member Habenicht City Manager Scars explained that David Tl)'ba was more in &,•or of tJ,c green on both sides and then the street in the middle . Sul, he said. as you take a look at it. "ith the Wal-Mart center, we will have lhc boulevard with trees aligned in the middle . Then you kind of widen lbal ou110 So inlo the plaza by the residential, lhcn you come right back into tl1e one a~rc open space . With the Foley's building al the end. be advised. you can actually take a look al tlial as a tunnel effect 311d it ie,Uy iool's spcaacular. City Manager Scan opined lhat tl10 good tlling i~ with Peter C.illhorpc nnd David Ttyl\l havillg lhc best minds witl·, urbao design in lhc nation, tl1cy really arc ~'lking a look al tllings like lhe li1Ja for the transil Slop and how the light comes in so Iha! it is not dark . So there arc no pockets, from a safety vic"J>Oin~ wbcrc people can fccJ safe coming olT of lha1 as tliey access the plnza and distances ._.. you come down into thal. Mr. Scan felt tl1cy arc really working tlirough a IOI of the specific issues of the project. C"'1llcil Member W3/,/,0l>tt asked abou t lhc latest thinking from RTD on Oic additional parking tlial is going 10 be needed lilerc. City Manager Scars said tlia~ as tliey may have heard. tl1ey did not approve, or we don't know of any applOYal, for the 4 ~illion aciru1ion.,J dollars. A lot of Ilia, mo..,cy was geared toward lbcir p;irlting occd·. based upon their run build oul or their full use. If tliat conics about he adv'scd, 1here LS the pclcntial . do"11 1)lc road, tlsil we may still go back 10 them for that. But he nntcd. ii wasn't absolutely critical up front Pan of tlial was 10 use tliat for shared parking. He ~,i d he tl1oughl tlia1 pan of th.: p:u1ting may be 1ake n O\'Cr by the aJignment or the rc siden1ial buildings next to the pilfkmr deck , and 1hcy arc ulkingQ look at ma.~11ti1ing tlie parking de.ck !,chind tliaL He said i1 IS hi s understanding we fell that \lit: are oby with p;uking for the opening iu th,~ y ..ar 2000 . So, he said. he knows he is noc answering th.11: question .&Swell as he can and Lhcy need lo give a :Xtter cxplan,1tion about ll1.11. Cou ncil Member Waggona advised llutt his concern is ll\at some of 1hc users or light rail would be parking in other areas, L'l.r.t were spccilicall y not designalcd or n0t intended for their use. and whet! er or not \''e might have to restrict our restrictions on so me orthnt parking to co ntrol th.11 us.,gc Ea ..... ood City COIUnci l June 15, 1998 '""" 11 II ti ,n I & ) huo'ff•iljn3 t•'.'J .~I :rnul fl .,,"'I Mayor Bums swcd he agreed wfdl Council Mant,a-....,._,, lhll h i1 imp,ni,.,t to get u much pruldng in then: for RTD as you possibly can. ltyaa c:aa 11...., •-way to f\nl ii. Bean,., he pointed ou~ once you lock it in you aren~ going to ~ Ible ID c:lmF.,. dcsip, very well. City Manager Sean said he would like to lbaol In .. dla Fridly morning 01 Fl CouncU an cxpl1111don. He agn:cd the question is out there and needs lo be ,....__ Council Me1nber Waggoner commenlcd that~ --.r !llllenlcnl in rte rep·,.t from Clllvemwe Iha! says 'lnfonnation received on FannicMac: Amcricat c-unities Fund could provide equity for !he project • He said he was not surc "'1al lhcy _.., lalkinr liloul. Mayor BlllllS said he wondered about that too . City Manager Sean said they went ihroagh a ..-, ms mall the funding soun:es -..e could come up o,ith. We feel like, he no1ed, with our PIF moocy dlll we --.-uy put Into the original calculadons, 1h11 "·• can still utilize that He advised that he knew Marilee !Ima thm, the FnnnicMac up and we had about I S to 20 different sources of funds and they just didR' r..o..;,, on that He asked that they let him get a bencr cxphr.wion about that. Council Member Habenicht said 1""' she had read ia d'>elo<. -"ing about wiU1 tho FT A funding not coming al this panicular roint in time. possibly ....-. -lhe know! that was one or tho considmtions util ized in providing the daycare facility th■l -'d be illdludod. She noted that she has the same concern that she bad when they talJccd about rcslcloalial nl .-llllo: demographics ~ that woo Id be . She felt we were really uying to address and serve a higbr:r ..._ ,-.;ilic with die retail we are looking for . Ms. Habcricht stated diat she just wanted to make: sure~ ... cona:m about how that develops . Council Member Habenicht said she wanted 10 -tl!bat last ""'k she anendcd an exci ting conference called American's for the Arts, it was their scmnd ~-T\\o nalional groups have joined togetl1cr and it took place here in Denver. She advised that she ....,t as a representative of the SCFD . the Sci, ntific and Cultural Facilities District. Also. she noted. -of Ol1f Cultural Arts Conunission members attended and Gary Hultberg from !he stlllhttcndcd. Theft, -,.,_ really exciting thi11gs that really correlated with what we arc doing with Cinderella City . she said.,.... of the talking we have been doing in terms of the civic center and tl1c Museum of Outdoor Ansaad a b<>f thc programs"""' on public art . Ms . Habenicht said she attended one, cspccially. b'allSpol1alinl and inflllStructurc. which talked about public art and it went beyond public art in terms of talking aboathaw to troat spaces for transi t. There was someone from the St. Loui . transit and Portland ... how to deal Wldi public art and how you deal with sp.1ccs in a pedestrian way. That was one of the COIIOCm5 that sbe 1-,. .• had. that our EDDA members "~re concerned about the pedestrian fricn :1y aspect of tha woiln-ay from downtown . One of the things tt.cy had included there "~re places for people to SIO\J Md si._ She said she ""ndcrcd if tlsi: was going to be incorporntcd horc. as she though, that was inte=ing. Counci l Member Habenicht advised that she had heard1some back and fonh ... th.it several of us have a different understanding of some of the things they t11kcd about at Study Session today on what exact ly tllc public an ordin:mct. resolution. wh:lt have y0tJ ... "-mt lll means. wlt:it ii. does and what memo s we are talking about . She opined Lhcrc is a lot of fuzziness anC St"\'Ctal of us have different ideas of what that all me.1J1s and she was hoping they could address that a a Study Sessio n when she is back in town . • • • • lllaleweN City CCN1ncll JHe 15, 1'91 ••ae u City Mlnlger Sean adviocd that he had one lut item on Uic project itself, He said he lrnows Pete ,. Callhorpe bu a groat n:putadon and he n:ally dld odd lo the project. bu t he wasn't sun,, bccawe , tis so involved with so many other projc:cU uound the U. S., wnether or not he was Iha! .. cited abou, lni, or not. Mr. Sean commented that he WCN1ld aay that by the end of !he day Mr. Callhorpe was very excl• .:d about what,,..,., doing here. Wlicn he uted him why, Mr. Callhorpe said It is because many or these l)'pes or pl'ojocu arc geared toward elite typc1 or communities with transit and kind or very high end types of communities and lhls is one of the few , if only , mailUIRanl type or community, transit oriented developments in the nation. And he aays that he lhlnks lhls can be a rul model for other communities who arcn~ jUSI at the very high end, to ~ly embrace some mixed use type of development. So , Mr. Sears said. he is \'Cl)' oriented to lhls and it docs go back 10 the daycare. Because. he commented, he knows he wants 10 try 10 promote , not just the elite people getting on the light rail , but ii is really the working class people, the middle =am people, who feel like they can partic ipate with this too. Thal is why they have some component about daycare in lht'.rc . He opined we arc trying to work with' ·~ but it is kind of both an RID and a focus to make it community wide . He '3id he thought thnl was an inh. -csting comment to pass on. 14 . City Allomey's Report City Attorney Brotzman did not ha ve any mancn; to bring before Council. IS . Adjoummenl