HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-19 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • I . Call .. Order h J II) h H~l 11 ENGLEWOOD CITV COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COWRADO Oct..., 19, 1998 Ml'I'! t I , 0 ., The ,.gular meeting of lhc Englewood Ci 1y Council was called 10 order by Mayor Bums al 7:57 p.m. I.a,•ocation Tbc in\'ocation "'35 given by Council Member Nabholz. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Bums. 4 Roll Call Present Council Members Nabholz, Clapp, Garren . Brachhaw. Habenicht Waggoner, Bums Absent A quorum was present None AJso present Ci1y Manager Scars Ci ty Attorney Brot zman City Clerk El:is Director Black Open Space Man.1ger Lee Crime Prevention Officer Peterson Engineerin g Specia l Proj cc1 Coo rdinator Henderson ~or Bums thanked C\'Cr)ooc for tbcir pmicncc , as they had a few lhings on their Study Session Agenda that they were unaware of. and ,, lhC) arc nuuung a little bit lalc. He said they appreciate t.!\'Cryonc being here Minulcs {a) COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 'O<l8. Ayes Co uncil Members Nab hol7. G:1rrct1. Br.idsh:m . H:1bcnich1. Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Na}s: None .Mouon c.micd. fb) COUNCIL MEMBER IIABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF OCTOBER 12, 1998 . Ayes : Council Members Na bh oll.. Garrett Bradshaw, Habcmc/11 , Wa ggoner. CL1pp. Bum s E11lewood Clly Council October 19, 19911 P•KC 2 Nays : None ~,.•.1on carried . 6. S<h<duled Vl1Uon (a) Din:c1or Black advised lhal loniglll6ey wanted 10 n:cognizc 1wo very spcc;ial groups . First. he said he w:mlcd 10 n:cognizc the City's Adopl-A-Gankn Vo lunlccrs. They lta\'C worked lhrough 0111 1he Ci1y :u, I we have flower gardens, he said. not1 mly in the parks. bul in other locations through oul the City . Mayor Bo,ns. Oircc1or Black and Open Space Manage' Lo: pr<Senlcd a Ccnifica1e of Appreciation and a photo"• ":i r flower garden to : Bernard E. Stem:tt Sharon Weiss Donna Angel Barbara Manincz M". Jerry Perry Mayor Bums rccogni 1.cd the follo~ing \'ol untCCf'S w •"CR: not present Cheryl Wagner. Cononwood C~ Allanative L.iurcl Warner. Cottonwood Co~ Al-r.'C Chris Carllon. Couom,ood Commu11u;y Alternative Krissy Killmer. Couonwood Com mwmry Alternative Tom Angel AniL, Folk . Developmental ~ Nancy Gundcrlock Pam Allrtd. Ullra Legs Hosie') and l...u>g<ne Outlet Melis:, Bargas Chm-I Brandt Mik~ C:unpbc:11 Sue Clark Lisa Claybur g Ju ne Hm\kms Tricia Langon . Clean. Green and Proud Cnmnussion Linda Murz Randy Penn Suz.'Ulnc Pollard Jane Sc lunackcnbcr g Dircc1or Black 1101cd that he thou gh1 tJus list or\ olu:nt~ demonstralcs the number of volunteers we ha\'C in the oommunity lll.'lt rc:i.lly bri ng something s:pcc:Lal.. Del cay to their department . but to the City as well. He s1a1cd tl1cy arc really appreciated. D1rcctor Black cxp lamed th.al 1hc 01hcr program they w.-imtcd to rccogmz.c to111gh1. was brought 10 1hc1r auentio n by Nancy Peterson . TI1crc was some graffiu ~ <SOOJC of the dramagc areas al Rotolo Park and there was a group m tl"1t commwut) that approochcd Ot5cc:r Pc1crson and they \\Crc referred 10 the Parks an d Rccrc.11ion Dep.1rtmc111 Mr Black ad\·iscd Lhat thl."' llllicd 10 the Parks and Rccrca11on Commiss ion and prcscnlcd a proposal ro pamt a mural up under thctc and ltus wen! on for sc,'Cral weekends . He nou .. -d th al. for those who ha\'cn, seen 1l. it 1s just absolutely ~ • • • • • • Eastewood Chi• Council October 19, 1998 P1,:eJ Mayor flu:1 ,1. ulrcc1or Blnr.k ~nd Open Space Mana&er Loo prcsc111cd a Ccnifica1c of Appreciation and a pholo IO lbc following ponicl"' nu : HylaFcr81JIOII Skye Bower Adam Kacscmachcr Mayor Bums n:cognil.td lhc: following participant; who were not present Trevor K.rcmscr Amy Oakman Bryan Roach Je ... Weber Oircclor Black 51atcd !hat Ms, Ferguson instigated this projccl. Ms. Ferll\lson thanked Jesse Weber, even !hough she wasn'I able 10 be here 1onigh1. She ad,1scd 0,11 Ms . Weber was !heir main arliSI and she helped a 101. Mayor Bum, Slated thal was a grc.11 projcc1 and he !hanked Diree1or Black and everyone who participa1ed . (b) Bill Hayes advised 0111 he was hen: wiO, Janel Johnson and George Hergert and lhat lhcy arc wilh lhe uRouchc branch of Ilic Dcmocra1ic Pany. He noted 0,11 Council has. in fron1 of Oien~ a blue flyer called "Whal You Must Do To Stop Financial Disasier." On lhc firSI page , he c.,plaincd, 01C)' have the LaRouchc collapse function that he developed in 1995 . Mr. Hayes s1a1ed Lh,11 we have come to a boundary layer, Iha! 01is financia l system can go no fartl1er. We h3\'e c111ercd phase lhrcc of Ibis collapse. he mainlaincd and lhc w:ucrshcd poinl was Russin. "'hen Ibey announced bankruplcy on August 17, 1998, From lhat point on. we have entered plUlsc tJtrec and we arc now c:~pcricncing a rc\'Cl!lC leverage process ir worldwide financiaJ issues. as illustrated by the failure of the long 1cnt1 credit management hedge funds . What these hedge fund s do. he explained. is hypo1hcc.1te or collateralize loans or investments :md then in\·cst in dcrivati\·e markets. derivative contracts. if you please . Which is a very risky thing to do, he said. and Y.11at happened is they got caught on the wrong side of the Japanese yen when it rose and they were on lhc wrong side of the gold nwl<ct when it went up last week. Consequently, in some cases, Oic~ loans wen: called and they cooldn't make 01eir oblig.ition.s and lhey 11~nt bankrup1. Mr . Hayes poinlcd out Ou11 this is reverse leverage that is going on worldwide. l.ast Saturday on l11c steps of Lhe Capitol in Washington . D.C .• a LaRouchc organi1 .. 11ion held a rally with a large contingent of civil rights lradcrs speaking al tJut rally in defense of reorgani zing Lhis financial system . Also . he s.1id. tomorrow the organization . worldwide. is having a day of action and that means sc,·eraJ towns and cities in lhc USA. plw severa l in Germany and France . He nolcd lJull worldwide the LaRouchc organi1..ation is having a great impact upon focusing the attention on what this President. Bill Clinton. has to do to restructure Lim firw1cial system . But. he opined. President Climon is not casxible of doing it without some guid.,ncc from outside sources, that he currently doesn't have as hi s advisors . Mr. Hayes said what he would like to do is go Oarough 01e lcllcr, which Council has. entitled • Join tl1c International Day of Action, Mutual Funds Collapse, President Cli111on Must Appoinl LaRouche as Economic Ad,isor." Mr. Hayes read from l11c letter. "As the next U.S. munial funds repons arc published. you will sec that the va lue of your mutual funds holdings will h.1,·c collapsed ca1astrophically . Already between July and AugusL equity mutual fund levels fell by $-l 50 billion, a loss of 15 . 9% of t11e ,·alue of l11c funds ." Panicularly cquily funds , he added and this is reverse-leverage "A l lcasl 45 ntillion American houscholds--$5% of all American family houscholds-Jie involved in the slock market. either l11r0ugh eq uity owne rshi p, lhrough mutual funds . or other means. and arc in the direct line of fire as the fictitious stock market bubble explodes. due to l11e mad orgy of speculation ove r the last severa l yc..1rs. which 1s now entering a process of rn•ersc-le\'erage . As of the bcgiMmg of lhis yea r. 66% of asse ts of s1a1e and local retirement fw1ds were in the stock market , and <>0°/4 of assets of private pension funds . Now millions of Enalewund Ci1y CoH<II 0tloher 19, 1998 Page, .ni, ) ()l) b(1(fff"lbn.l 1111 1\1 1 , du1 , household,, and illllitudoM (pensiOA ......, dlR:II ad hospi181 fundl. school emowmenli and irade unions) nrc receiving lhcir mo111hly and qlllllaty n,po,u in lhc ma.ii showing lo.es wilh moo, lo come, Is tl1c Clinton Administntion prq,arcd IO balkdli1 linanciaJ blowoul? The answer is no. The CUn1on Admlnistnuion, which is lhn:olencd widl a~ er-by the financial lnlerats behind Newt 'Jingrich and KcMclh Starr, is Slill no1 lclling lhc lllllli -the economy. Will Alan G,..,,..,..•, Po:dcral Reserve bail you out, as it bailed 0111 GRcnspan's Fodonl _,..., boil you oul u ii balled out 0rccnspan's cronies at lhc Leng Tenn Capilal Managcmenl balgc """car6a this nlMlh? Tioc answer is no . Greenspan is des;,cratelr lowering interest rates, IO 1J)' ID lllill •-!l!me rnon,o(his onmia 1'llo an, aboul lo go belly up . He is like the character In lhc mOVle Ti-.:. •'ho oricd lhe c:lplain lo sail full-speed ahead into lhe iceberg, and then snuck onto a lifd>oat, but lhcn. oac: afcli away from lhc ship, pulled lhc sea-cocks or the lifeboat . There is only one thing )'OU can doc Insist lhat Presider, Clinton appoint Lyndon l.aRouche as economic advisor. That is why LaRoucbc's acuon p-ogram 10 sol\'c the world financial crisis has been covered in recent weeks in lhc Arab 1.,_,..,..spapc, (Al-Arab). published in Lordon, lhe Russian weekly (Ekonomichcskaya Gazcta), and Ibo Mexican daily (E ,cclsior), and why LaRouche was recently praised by the prominenc Russian cconomisri Dr. ~I Glazyev in nn 1111c:rv1~ in EIR magazine ." So. Mr. Ha\'CS said . we arc faced with a situation o( rcvcrsc~IC\·cragc where we f,1avc to ha•1c someone in tl1 c While House 10 advise the Prcsidcn1. how ..c arc to survi\'c , ifwc arc n01. going to be dcstn,ycd as the 13~. 14• century dart< age . He !laltd tlDI is•·bal •~ arc looking at and ii is clooe. He emphasized we arc looking al a total collapse of civHi~tioa m l!le DC3I tcnn. He opined d1at LaRouche is the only one that knows how to re-Organize this lhing. t,, caliag a new Brctton Woods, like Roose\"lt did in 19«, only with modifications oflhal. Th.'ll he said. is -• to be done. lllal is d,c only way to solve lhis crisis of civilization at th.is point ... is by doing that .. .-cl LaRou-.:hc is the only one thal can do it. Mr. Hayes advised th;· 1omorrow they an: lave dlcir day of actk>n I.ere in to,im and the organi1 .. alion is doin g it country wide and world wide. S.. •--thoy arc asking metnbers oflhc City Council or Engltwood to sign lhc petition they -ii -o( them. to"'""°" lhc President :n calling in Lyndon L-1Rouchc as hi s economic ildvisr.r. Mayor Bums tJ1.1nkcd Mr. Hayes for his pRSCRtation. ~1r. Hayes asked if they could gel a l indic:tDon Mayor Bums c.'<J)lained lh.11 Council docs not vole 21 this point in tl1e ir agend a. Mr. Hayes asked If !Ill:)' could follow-11J1 wilh Council on this issue . Mayor Burns ad\'i SCd th :i l they can follow.-up ho,•-e,,u M' •'OU.Id li ke to. He rointcd out th.ii al this poinl. Council just rccci,·cs prcsc ntalion s 7. Non-Khtduled Visilors (al 0ffic.:r Nancy Pe1 cnoo .,..., tl"1C on August 4. 1998 lhc O ty of Englewood panicipate-:! in lhc 15• Annual National l~i ght Ou t Sloi:a!\iscd she had a tremendous response from ow-Encicwood Neighborhood Watclt wilh 320 blocks pamciparing. which she was extremely proud or. Just a week ago Saturday. she said. she rccct\'cd a lcncr JtJm the NauonaJ T<N11 Walch Associa tio n infonnin g us th.it we arc another n.11ional wiMCf'. So. she poimi:d out. •"'Cha\'"! won two years in a row . Council congra1\jL,1cd Offi cr.r Pci crson Office r Peterson ad\~ tnaa t.ttc,,, also wcnr. on in the lcnr.r 10 1cll us that the largest number ever p.1rticip.11cd this year. 11 "'al .31 I nu Dion people in 9.420 communities from all over SO stales . United S1..11es 1eni1orics and military basr:s. She :Jd\'1scd that there nrc SC'\'ern l calegories and we fil into ca1c gory three and our size doesn 't do us~• fa,·ors he re. Category lhrcc. she poinlcd out , is 30,000 10 100.000 po pul nuon. As we arc just a ha1e°''Cf 30.000. she said. we arc playmg wiU1 U1c bi g boys . But . Officer Pet erso n saia. she was proud to rdlCounol th,11 EnglN·ood finishco 131h in Ihm cat egory and we arc the onl y Colorado cicy 1h.11 finished at • Pacrson Air Force base for the mililaf)' basr. c:ucgol)', • rccc;vcd an honorable m<.'11ti on and our PIIN,c-Sa\i cc Company of Colorado for their efTcrts with the • Nation.11 Night oul . So. she s.1id. she ••SDI proud of that and she wanlcd to let Cotmcil know . Coun ci l offered th eir congratulations anti thanked ()ffJCCr Peterson for her efforts. • • • E ■~l•~:".;I f'lty C1,untll <>m,11..-; f . 199N Pajll! ~ 8. ( .,,lt ,nunlcationa.. Procl1m1tlon1 and Appoiatmentl (a) A leucr flam Matthew Guy indicoling his resignation from lhe WMer and Sewer Saud wa, con.1ldell:J . ('.(JtlJNCIL MltMBER lllAJ;SBAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT THI: '11',il'J NI. T ION OF MATillEW GUY FROM fflE WATER AND SEWER BOARD. (ounc il Member Bradshaw stated Mr. Guy is a good guy. a good person and she hates to sec him go. Mn yor Bums ,g,ccd that it was• real loss . Motion carried . (b) considen:d . Ayes · Council Mcmbcn Nabholz. GarntL Bradshaw, Habenicht , Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Nays : None A proclall.ation declaring the month of November. 1998 as National Hospice Month was COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECO'IDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING fflE MONTI! OF NOVEMBER. 1998 AS NATto,;AL HOSPICE MONm. Ayes : Nays: Motion carried . 9. Public HearinK Council Members Nabhol 1_ Garrett BrJdshaw . Habeni , Waggoner. CIJpp, Bums None No ptibli e hcanng was schedu led before Council. 10. Consent AR••da (nJ Approval of Ordinances on First Readin g C OUNCIL MEMBER HABENlf HT MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (I~ (ii), (Iii) and (Iv) ON FIRST READING. (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 6 1. li'mlODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN 11-IE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO AND TI-IE STATE OF COLORADO. DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL WHICH ALLOWS 11-IE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO PURCHASE SOFTWARE FROM STATE NEGOTIATED SO FTWARE VENDORS . (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO . 69 , li'mlODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER HABENICHT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUlllORJZ ING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE AMERICAN COMMONWEAL TH MANAGEMENT SERVICES. INC. (ACMS) AND TH E CITY OF EN'1LEWOOD . Eastc,,ood Clly Ct11111<il October 19, 1991 t 1u11) ,,, l hut1w •1 :!I HWI I r1 h{J q Paae6 (iii) COIJNCIL BILL NO . 65 , IITTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT ,'l 11111t1.11numrn A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AIJlllORIZING AN llffERGOVERNMENT AL AGREEMENT ENTITI.ED "DARlMOIJTl! AGREEMENT" PERTAINING TO TilE DARTMOUTif A VENUE BRIDGE BETWEEN nlE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT (RTD), THE BURLINGTON NORTlfBRN AND SANTA FElilLWAY COMPANY (BNSP):llll! UNION PAG:IFIC RAILROAD COMPANY (UP) AND~ OfY OF ENGLEWOOD. (!OLORADO. (iv) COUNCIL BILL NO. 71. INTROOUCED BY cou w :1'. MEMBER HABEN IC HT A SILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT PERT f 'NING TO A LIBRARY SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY ACT (LSTA) GRANT FROM TilE COLORADO ST A TE LIBRARY AND DE?ARTMENT OF EDUCATION . Votr. results: Ayes: Nays : Mo1ion carried. c-,ciJ Members Nabholz. f,am:11. Bradshaw. Habenicht Wa&goncr. Clapp. Bums None H Jf I 1)f (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading COUNCIL MEMBER NASIIOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APFROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (I,) 0), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii) and (•·iii) ON SECOND READING. (i) ORDINANCE NO . 68 , SERIES OF 199 8 (COUNC IL BILL NO. 54. INTRODUCED BY COUNCU MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE AME~ING TITLE 12. CHAPTER 2. OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 PERTAINING TO WASTEWATE R lITILITY . (ii ) ORDINANCE NO . 69. SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 60, INTRODUCED BY COl.;Ncn. MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE APPRO\llNG A SETTLEMENT OF AND Al.,THORIZING TI-IE SIGNING OF DOCUMENTS FOR TiiE SETTLEMENT OF GESIN vs. crrv OF ENGLEWOOD ET.AL . (11i) OiIDINA ' /CE NO . 70. SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 62. INTRODUCED BY cm;.. IL ME!.mER BRAD~HA IV) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO A LONG-TERM ECONOMIC DETERIORATION IMPLEMEITTATION GRANT TO DEMOLISH A PORTION OF THE PARJUNG STRUCTURE AT TiiE FORMER CINDERELLA CITY SITE BETWEEN THE CITI' OF ENGLEWOOD . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINIS'ffiATION (EDA). COLORADO ST A TI: HJSTORICAL SOCIETY AIJIJ THE ENGLEWOOD ENVIRONMENT AL FOUNDATIO N (iv) ORDINANCE NO. 71. SERIES OF 199K (COUNC IL BILL NO '•3. INTRODUC ED BY COCNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW ) • • • • • lllai<wood City Council October 19, 1998 Pase 7 AN ORD!)'IANCE AU1l!ORIZ1Nli A GRANT OF WATER LIN!! ~AS':ME,-rf f:IITWEDI DfE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO .\ND DUROMAC PARTNERSHIP FOR THE PURPOSEQ' INSTALLING A WATER MAIN ON A VACA . SITE AT WEST EVANS AND SOVTHRAIUTAN . (v) ORDINANCE NO . 72 . SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO."-. INll\ODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BR.' OSHA W) AN ORDINANCE AU1l!ORIZING A GRANT OF WATER LINE EASEMENT B£TWEDl 1lfE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO AND RALPH VANDER HORST FOR THE Plllll'OSE OF INSTALLING A WATER MAIN ON A VACANT SITE AT WEST ADRIATIC ND SOUTH RARITAN . (vi) ORDINANCE NO. 73, SER:ES OF 1998 (COUNCIL Bli..t. NO. 6'. INll\ODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER W ,GGONER) AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX LEVY IN MILLS UPON EACH DOLLAR Of ntE ASSESSED VALUATION OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, OJLORADO, AND ESTABLISHING A MILL LEVY FOR THE ENGLEW001) DOWNTOWN ~VI' AUTHORITY . (,ii) ORDINANCE NO. 74, SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO. INTitODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER) AN 0RDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET OF THE CJTl' OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999 . !viii) ORDINANCE NO. 7l, SERJES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 6&. INll\:)DUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORJ)INANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR ALL MUNICIPAL PURPOSE S IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWO'JD . COLORADO . IN THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY I. 1999 . AND ENl)r.-lG DECEMBER J I. 1999, CONSTITUTING WHAT IS TERMED THE ANNUAL APPJ,:OPRIA ~-ION BILL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999 Vol~ ~suits: Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Garrett , BradstL1w, Haberucbc.. Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays : None Motion carried . (c) Rcsolu1ions and Motions There wc,c no rcsolulions or 111otions subm1 11r f 1ur appro\'al I 1. Regular Agcndo (a) Approval ofOrdin.m ci.:s c,n F'.:1:1 Reading TI1crc were no addilion,ll i1cms s11bmi11cd ror approval on firs1 reading. (Sec Agcnd.1 l.tcm 10 ~ Consent Agcnd.1.) (b) Appro,•al of Ordinances on Second Reading r..,.. .. OIJ c-11 ~.,..,,. hFI tu,rn, • ,,; ) bot ,, • n"t lt\'1 l 111 lrl)O r ~:VL TI1e1c....,, .Mldiooaal hems S1Jbmidcd for ap:,roval on second ~/ng. (Sec Agenda Ile,~ 10. Consc,ll Apda.) (c) Raolutions and Motions Tiac:rc ~ • rcsohllions or motions submitted for appro\'al. 12. Gcmnl Dir.anion (a) M•ror's Choice (i) Mayor Bums ad•,;...i he and Gary Scars anendcd the Arapahoe Mayo~, and Managa's brat:flsl bst Friday at the airpon. He said he had !hared some handouls from that meeting "ith Council. Tbq' disomcd 1hc compm,ensivc plan for the Counl y for which. he noled. Alex Habenicht scncs on the p>liC) commiltcc and he is the aUcmatc . Mayor Bums suucd he broughi them up,,to;latc on Cindadla Cily. They didn~ 1alk aboul lhe Centrnninl Cily conirovcrsy. becau se. he opined. ii "~sn~ quile appropri:wc a1 die time. (ii) Mayo r Bums staled they had. on th e 14 1h. the homeless sumnti1 in Sheridan. which ..-as..-, well aicndcd by Englewood rcpr.·sniativcs. He said he tl1ough1 ii was especially int=mg. ck dcliniDon of homeless. tha1 he would like 10 sec cireula1cd. perhaps in the paper. He advised dial lic calked to Tom MW>ds a li1tlc bil aboul that Mayo r Burns said he docsn~ thin~ most of us Wldcnzand •1111 bomdcssncss reilly is defined as. tloat it isn'ljust a family wandering in 1he nigh! looking for a place to i\"'C for the e\'cning or a place to ha\'c a roor O\'Cr their head s. It is a much broader, more comprcbcnsn-e dcfuution thnn that He said we had a lot of people over there working on that issue and he was quill: gr,lllficd IO sa, that (iu) Ma: or Bums remioocd everyone of the Colorado Municipal Lca1:11e (CML) open house 11llursd3) from five 10 eight in their new building and everyone is welcome . (iv} Mayor B11ms aot.iscd tlial the District J mcc1111g is Friday evening in Central Cily . for 0.fi. (-.) Mayor Bums opined that it is C.'l(i:iting 10 sec what is h.1ppcning with 1hc Gothic Thealcr and he hopes thal Iha! can be carried forward . lb ) Coanci l Membe(s Choice (1 r Council Member Nabholz : I . She llu.nked the Dcpanmc:11 of Safety Services for a wonderful open house 2. She ..,d she wanlcd 10 th.'lllk Ma yo r Bum~ G.11)• Sc.1rs. Chris Olson. Su~1n McDonnell . Gary Huilbcrg. Shem Chrulcnscn. Joyce Pillsons and Janet Grimmcll for >!lending 1he sun,mil on the homeless and families a& nsk. M.s. Nabholz stated th.it she was prelly discourapcd when she rc.1li1.cd that one of our count} COmm.tliSlOC1C1'S has no idea "hnt homelessness is . he has ne\'er seen it. She s:ud she though! 11ml was qwtc inta"CSllDg. She thanked C\'Ct)onc invol\'ed and nolcd ii was a great turnout from Euglcwood . She s:ud that if she Ins forgonen 10 1hank anyone she n:ally apo logi,.cd and tl1a1 she appn:cia1e, all of Englc,-ood's mppor_ Ms. Nabholz also tl.inkcd Tom Moulds of lhe Englewood Herald . • 3 She ;adnil:d tha1 she rccca ,ed a call from a Ci ndy Bloodnick al 335 4 Sou th Washing101 "1th part.mg problems \llU.h Swedish emp loy ees She siid 1hi s was discussed on August J I " among Coun ci l ;md • she has. cvxkntJ~. tt.l\.cd 10 !h e 1'-iayo r's office and Code Enforccmcnl and was told thal she was her • • • EnglewtMHI City Council October 19, 19~8 Page 9 Council member. Ms. Nabholz said U13! she spoke with Gary Scars on Friday ad one or the things they had dilll:IWed on the 31" or Augwt was the po«cntial ol lookln1 • permit ,_.. aac ror -people . She ,wed UIBI we really nocd lo beef that up and like a look M ii Mayor Bum1 aid he glad Ms. Nabholz bn,usf,1 this.._ bccalle he juSI --l\ls_ moc..ic:ltthe Council n:qucst reap.,nae when lhc called before. Because. he Slid, he lhoughl Ibo ._. • ad she bad called hln, bock and left a measa,c. He stated he would like to sec 10111C fbnher rDllow...,cm 11111. ba:ause there were some alternatives in that n:pon but they need ID be acted upon. ~-She advised that today she aucndcd, at the Rm station at Alarn<du•Bnalway. the dedication of an. The sculpture depk.15 the diversity in our Dcn,·cr metro area . she noted.. 5. COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND l . ,AS SECONDED, TO llA VE HANK LONG GO INTO FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS WITH TIIE AMAZINGSNAltT CARD. Council Member Nabholz said she would appn..-ciate the support of any Counol members in agreement v.iththis. Mayor Bums noted the Sman Card is a filtering S)'SICm for the computers ia * l.ilnry. Council Member Clapp stated that she tllinks it is their duty and obligation to pracea childn:n whc. v.s we can. She said she doesn't look al tllis as a financial burden. She opined lhat if.., >n: going 10 have the Internet in then: we have an obligation to make sun, 1h11 we have a sue c11vi,-L She said she n:ally appreciates stalT support on tl1is and all or those who dropped cvcl)thing last Dccembcrto go all the way 10 Washlngton to sit UU1lugh lhis seminar to find the best sonwan: Iha! we could po,sibl)' find . Ms. Clapp staled trot she is encouraged th.It we have found a company that will wortc with• on an on~going basis 10 belier the aca:ss ID the Internet ID include parents and families and help us come IO some kind of a protection system . as much as can be provided by a municip:ility . Mayor Bums said he 1hougl11 Council h .. 1djust decided at 1hc Study Session to sec the minutes from the meeting and have stalf get back ID Council on this. He noted that he feels -e not doing that and jumping right into this motion . He said he wtderstands what Hank Long bas -and he is"". saying he won't c,·entually vole to have tllis done. but that he thought Council had decided ID look at the minutes first bcfon: they made a dcci.sion . Council Member Habenicht stated tliat was her urtderstanding 100. She advised they had quite a lengthy discussion and they certainly don\ have the benefit or the rationale or the Libr:uy Board. 5hc said she has to agn:c with Lauri Clapp that they don 't want ID put Hank Long in the middle ollr)ing to present their rationale . Ms. Habenicht said she would like to ha\'c tltc bcnclit of rcading t.hClrminules since it was moved. on the Library Board. to suppon the mo1ion that was made . but ii falled &om a second with six membe rs there . Two different motions failed from a second from the Library Board. She pointed out lh.11 the) ha,·c taken a long time lo make this decision and to rush into. without ha,;'UJg the benefit of having ii on the agenda, is not appropriate . Co uncil Member Bradshaw stmcd tlt.11 she fell lhc Council members had the opportwu~· to go to those prcsc111mions if they chose to . She said she knows our department heads work ,ay. \.'Cry hard and she knows they have done an c.xccllenl JOb for the City . And panicularly, she 531d. Hank Long has filled up her E-m,.,il many days , as she was sure he has with !he rest of Council. with inform:11:1on to ki;,cp Council current. Ms . Bradshaw staled that she thinks that if they wail wuil the 1cchnol~ lS pcrfcc1 we won't h,wc an~1hmg done and she just c:.annol sec hiring another adull to O\'Crscc chil.iren wt.en th is software appears In be extremely safe for children . Not that a hacker can't get in there. as Mr. Waggoner said in Study Sessi on . But for children who woulrl accidcntnll)' fall into some oflhcsc r,ta ccson the ln1emct she wou ld ju sl feel a lot belier h,wing lilis software in there . E•alcwood Cily Co11ndl Odel,er 19, 1''8 l'a,:e 10 l ,r l h n] 'I 'I 1 d t U {I' 11 Cou,r.il Member Habcnichl Slid ii is bc:r undonlandin& that tl1ey already havt the Nanny NCI dcdicaled to the c:hildrcn's compulcn, the Guardiancl IOftware. Whal they an, lnikin& about is the lnl.CmCI compu1e11 throughoul nocju>I in lhc children'• section. She said she thinks ii is importanl 10 n,cognizc that ii was lhe LiMay Boutl pug apinsl Sllft's n,commoadalion a long dmc ago , !hat wucsa,,d we do haw lhc Nanny Nd oa tbc cllildla's compu1e11. Council Member Bmdww asked if she meant wider 18 when she wa laJl<illg aboul cllildren. Council Member lllbcnichl said ii was lhe children's S<Ction. M,. Bradshaw said her dcfini1ion of Iha! is a middle school studonl doing a n:pon on slave')'. Council ~ icmbcr Clapp called for lhc motion. Council Member Garrell advised he was going 10 vole in favor or tlus panicular mo1ion because he reels he i1 Ollly VOliag. .II this momcnt. lO enter ncgclllathns. So after they have• chance 10 review lhe minu1rs lhcy can still voce apiml thc oonlrlld or have a belier nnderslandlng. He said he would jus1 like to have 1he process start. Cat,~il Member Nabholz said that is C;(ilctJy wlmt she is asking. Ccuncil Member Garrett said he is looking at it as just 1hc starting point Ayes : Council Membcn Nabholz, Gatml Bradshaw. Clapp Nays : CoWlCil Members Habenicht. Waggoner. Bums MOli<m earned. Mayw Bwns said. to clarify. he is not saying he won't vote for this. he just would like Council to follow what he ll>JUgba lhcy had decided to do earlier Ibis evening. lo looi< 31 lhosc minutes. He lhoughl L< a 00nsc11sr~. tl1ey all lend to fovor going ahead in some fnshion . But. he noted . he would like 10 see lhc nunutcs lirst lust 10 be olf1C1al Mryor Bums said. the motion did pass So Hank Long will go al• ad and negotiale, bul w lhc mcru>tiJ!1c lhcy will gel lhe minulcs . Cit~ ~anagcr Sears said they nill get the minutes and lhcy will be updated on negotiations. (u) Council Member Qradshaw : I. Slo,, saitl she wished GiMy McKibbcn was here. Ms. Brad.'haw no1ed she has been on CouncH a long lime . bsl she was nol on Council in lhc l970's when lhe Cinderella Ci1y mall was buill as Ms. McK.ibbcn rq,-;:,00 in the October 14..,. Denver Post She noted if it is in the paper it doesn't hnve 10 be true. She ad viM:d she was on Council in the 1980's. that she was in co llege when that was built She no1cd it 1s a minor ilSUC . but \\'C need to have accurate rcponing from our people at the Denver Post . She said she thinks that is \'Cl) 11n~rtanL because she has seen what bad rcponm g can do. not just with that issue. but v.i th other!. 2. She co ngi;.tulatcd the Safety Ser\•iccs group and said they pUI on c.xccllcnt excellent demonstrations and she was very impressed wi1h them . !;he offered kudos 10 Chris Olson and his staff and said the)· do nice "ork. 3. She said she hod a Housing Authority qucSlion 10 ask. She said ,he remembered lhcy hod a conson i.un of money for fim lime home buyers . Council Member Brad!,haw asked ff someone want s to pa.rucipa1c if Lhcy should just contacl the Hous ing Authority . Mayor Bu ms said rurc. there are a lot of different programs • • • • • • En1lcwuod Chy Council October 19, 1998 P ■ge 11 (iii) Council Mcn,er a.,,, 11 1Jl1 IIIJI "t I I 1') JI ll I I, She ■lid lhe w■nr.ld to pmonally tdl Gary Scan that he i• doing o good job, tha1 he doesn't bear llull very ollca. She advilod 1h11 lbc nally...,.,.... mt he looked inlO the lnllroc siluation in Englewood, that ii WU long overdue. 2. She tloankcxl other Comc:il medlen farliclpiagto move lhi, fornrud . the ln1cmc1. She said she lhinks il it somc:thiAg 1h11 it is time to moved bllard a (iv) Council Member Haaida aid she jusl wanted 10 point oul , 10 have ii on the rccnrd. tlDI al thc CML Dislrict 3 mcclUJ8 A.ta NiMotz will be 1'1!1%iving her leadership c:cnilicale and she thoughl !hey MR all proud of lhe wort she la...,. to n,c:cive th11:. Council offered Council Member Nabholz amgrmdaliam. 13 City Manai,:r'1 R,port (a) Ci1y Manager Scars said. if It ouikay with Coum ·' • ,cy will pul thc pcnnil issue on a Study Session Agenda. but ii may not be mllil d:lc'~ 911 ~,.,,·~ Session . Council Member Bnodlhaw said that was fine . Mr. Scars said ,_ .,,_., lllocy ca;, get t,acl. 10 h:r and let her know aco •:hris Olson can get mmc: background illfonnaion foe -. (b) Cily Manager Scan adviscd Iha Ille is IIOID8 10 an ln1crna1ional Cily Manager Confcn"1cc ne.,t week . He said he is looking forward to ii. -:loc appm:ia1cs Cily Coun ,1 ollowin& him to ,arnd and he ,.;11 rcpon to them,..,....,. he geu back . Dunng.llbat tiac Jerrell Black ,.;11 be running thc Cily and he adviscd Council to fc-d fn:c to COlllaCI him. (c) Ci1y Manager Scars said he""""'°" to !hank staff and especially Frank Grygle"icz. He advis:d lhcrc ""5 b,,cn a lot of won thal bas -..,. on the Ce nifiC31C of Panicipaion. He opined we arc in good ,hapc on thal and they had I p,od mcmng ag:a,n thos last week wi1h the rq,n:sc:n1ativcs for lhc MBIA (Municipal llond lnmranc:c Associalioa), llilllwas ~cry· impn:aed wilh lhe projccl , David Tryba d:d an e.,ccllcDI job cf n"l-ic-..ing Uia\ he said. and Vdi Mall.ox. of George K . Baum, was thcre, as well as Tom PcllZ. ThcJ• arc r""11)' goins U1rOUgh lhe dcail a, Ille pro_lc,ct and he really believes thal U..t it moving along and Uial lhc projccl iuclf is moving along•~ map.. Cily Manager Scars said he is lookin g forward 10 November 2"' 10 bring back the axrlr.lC5 to lbc: City . Th,rc Im been a lot of ncg01ia1ions and the Co uncil and staff has worked extremel y h.vd om ith.u. He sa id he really believes that we arc making a 101 of progn:ss . Ci1y Manager Scars said lhal one of lhe kc,• pl~= in lams of moving !his alon g, has been RID . He no1cd he taJkcd 10 Jerry Nery a little bit earner 1011J'gla aboul whether or nol he could make some comments abo ut some of the funding . He asked Mr. Ncl') to cmnc up Mr. Scars said he is not swc he 1s ready to do that. bu1 he thought maybe having Mr. Nery tall -. l:IIOc bit about tJtc SialUs of 1hc proJCCI and lus \'iewpoint of where we arc going would be very helpfu l Mr. JcrTy NCI)' said it is always a pl easure to be bdCll"C thJ.S Cou , .. il and 111s aJways good 10 ~c !he progress on this co mdor. He said he Llunks thctt 1S .a 10l lO be swd fur the Council people in J;:1glcwood and the staff. He sla ted he was here . primanh·. lO ~ sure there wcrcn'I any questions on the agreement that 1hcv have for the Danmou1h struct ure 0\ er the ac-oalroad He noccd he did talk to Garv Scars a little b11 . th:-il he 1s not as familiar Y.itl1 the fundin g as oa ~ gra.nLS. bu l he \\ ill take tli.11 back to th~ir Director of Planning i\lld De..-clopmcnt. He said he kn0'4S the! an: ""ort.ing hard on ~he grams with FT A. and the FHWA officials , to work with DR COG to get tl-.JS _p;:illll throug.h. He ad,·iscd th.11 he undersL.1nds !here 1s more and more compc1iuon. that he docsn'I know dlr dd:al ls otth,it but 111ey wi ll do what is best ~s far as uying to help tl,e Ci1y mr~·c 1his along Mr Nery-~~ fee l there is a 101 of progress goin g on over thstewood Cily Counci! hc1ob•r 19, 1991 '•Kt 12 tl1erc, tlial every llme 1hey do lours oflhis tl1 ey nl ways Slop by Cinderclln City ord even !hough ii is being lorn down, ii is a movemenl 10 lhc ru1urc, so tlicy arc loolung forward 10 Iha!. RJgbt now, Mr. Nery said. lhey an: over 50% complete. !hey have one remalnins conlnlCt, sta tloes and pan, 'n rides. which will be soins oul in November. But <YCl)1hins else. Ill !heir funds an: being oblipled. He advised thcy JUSI awarded a conuacl for all tl1e lrnck work . 11,c rnil!lllldt 1ft over 60¥ocomplcle. lh,cy an: rclocnlcd as fasi as 1hcy can and !hey h.1vc a good commiunenl from tlicm 10 work with RTD's conttac1on along tl1e four line oegmcnl~ To dale, he advised. !hey arc on schedule and a little bit Wider budget and lhey hope they can keep 0131 up. Mr. Nery said once !hey get 1hc pm 'n ride and SUlal conlr.lCI done lh,cy \\ill have a bcner asscssmenl of where they arc , funding wise. witl1 tl1c grant We may have 10 wait unul sprinsjusi la make suro lhcrc a,c no major con1r.1;:1 amendon<211S thal would come forth through tlicir conuacts. bul lh,cy feel fairly confidcn1 that they lfC movins alw:ad and progn:ssin:; As they get OIJI oC thc ground 111d llllr1 building tlic SIJUClurcs thcrc is l<as and less polential for conlnl:I amendmcnls of a -Jor Mturc . he said. Bui so far they arc doing real "~II and it loo'ts lik, Englewood is doiag real Mll wilh thcir project He staled they arc looking forward 10 liiis partnership or making sure lhis all works well . He asked if there "uc any qucsiions he could bring back 10 his people . Council Member Habenicht asked ifRTD feels good about ~,c ?Ian tli:11 Englewood has 11111 tl1cn: and panicipating in this plan . Mr . Nery said yes . He noted they have struggled an d gone through lots of dilTcrcnt plans. bul he tl1oughl Ilic oae Englewood has will reall y sci lhc 101,c for their fulun:. He opiDed ii is well thought out and Englewood :,-cnt through muncrous pubiic mc.etings to n\UC swc they had the backing or noc only the businesses bul Ll•c neighborhoods. so he lhougl11 ii would work oul rctl well . You arc Sllllling 10 hear. he noted . from lhc communilics aboul this projccl and ii is getting more and more exposure . Not just ii lhc regional IC\·cl. but C\'Cn at a national IC\-cl . He poinlcd oul th.ii when you have the FHWA Deputy Administra1or and lhc FT A Administra1or coming out hcre ... thcll tl,ey arc aware oClhat in • Washington 3nd th,,1 should get yo u support . Hopcfolly . Mr. Nery said. we can piggyback on that :Ind get some more fu11ds . Council Member Hllbenicht staled we arc really excited about ii an d we have been "1lrkiag wilh RTD for a long lime . worlting through lhc Tri-Cilics and all or 1ha1. She said slic for one wanlcd 10 pcrsc,..Uy 1honk Mr. Nery am; RTD for tl1c ""rk lhal has been done and ii is imponanl !hat tl1is showcase be there. That 1111s dcvclopmenl will be Ilic showcase for light rail dcvclopmcn1 tliroughou1 tl1c mcw"""' and pn,i,abl)' Lh.roughout the natio n. l.lccnusc she thought we were ncxl in line to do so metlung really diff'ercnt and rcall:i, spccmcular. Mr. Nery sai d they arc seeing Englewood rcally pan1cipa1 c in tllis project and hopcfull y when they CO mon. of these corridors they will get this same cooperation . Co uncil Member Habcnich1 Slated sbc feels we really will be the model. Mayor Burrs co mmented that Mr. Nery mentioned that t11e FHWA Deputy Administr.llor was here . He asked 1f t11 c.y have been here or arc they coming. Mr. Nery st11,;d they "'-ere here at the same time the FT A Admini strator was here. they were ~hown the so•Hhcast and srut11wcst comdors . Mayo r Burn.s asked if he could find out who the. FHWA Dr.pul y Admini st r.11or was . Mr . Nery said surc. 111crc were no addi11011.al questions and Ma yor Bums lh ankrd 1\lr. Ncr;, fo r h·-; coopcra ll on. 14 . Ci1y Attorney'! Re1mrt C11 y Auomey Brot zman did 1101 h,1vc an~ 111.1tU"!"' .~ bn ng before Cou nci l. Council Member Nnbhol z advised 1hat al the dcdie11ion al Alameda 311d Bro.1dwny. Peggy Lehmann. the • aide for Co uncil Member Himmelmann. whose d1 stric 1 borders our distnct a1 Yale. came up 10 her and 1old • • • EnJlewOOtl City UOHldl O<tober i,, I,,. Pase 13 her 1hcy an, studying U>alfll'UIIOII down Broadway SOl!th . which includes antique row. She said lhe aide would really like lo get will>mmc of our dcp:rtrncnt heads. or whoever is involved , because they realize the antique row hu dumvamd thM fnglc,,'OOd is doing a South Broadway action plan and lhat would like to be ab le to tic in and .....,lit ""''Y compatible. City Manager Scars said he would give Ms . Lehmann a call and SCI that up . Mayor Bums noted w: ore m!f1l)OSCd 10 star1 some of that strcctscaping on Sou1h Broadway this year. City Manager Scars said be ..,_ilhat the grates and ironworks arc available and they have conlacts willt Ute individual propcny owncn ,..111cy change . He said he didn'I think Uie undcrgrounding or some of U1e landscaping was scheduled umtil the f1111 pan of next year. He said he would get infon11n1io11 on tl1at for Council . He asked if Da,.,. !lcndcrson cou ld answer that. if any or the landscaping or improvements arc 10 lie done later lltis fall on Bn,11,dway . Mr. Henderson sud he did 1"0I bdie>'C they were. He advised thal he thought undcrgrounding. sou1h of 28S . would begin early DCllli faf. Regarding the iron work. he said. he would have to defer to Neighborhood and Busicaa Dovclopmcnl Ma yo r Bums asked aboul rhl:;mt between Mansfield and Tsfts. bcc:,usc he U1osgh1 tlwl was a special r.cclion they were going to jmmpsaart Mr. Henderson said thal area is basically designed . that we arc jusl sclieduiing \\ith Public Scrvm:e Company for the underground and tl1c strcct liglus and lhc li glus at tl1c RTD stops have be en pic::ktd by tk Sooth Broadway merchants group . City Manager Scars advised tl1cy will provide Couucil with an updil1c on that I S . AdjoumMCal ..,a ,.S MOVED TO ADJOURN . The mcc1 ing adjourned at 8:~S p.m .