HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-02 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • 1. Cell to Order ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGL:EWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO ReplerS<illlloo November z, 1991 'ti } I• .OIi ,,,f I .t ,1 ,u~ , .q The regular meeting or the Englewood City Council was called 10 order by Ma)-or Bmus ar 7:37 p.m. The invoo:ilc ,, was given by Council Membc Nabhol ,_ 3. Pltdflt of Allqlance The Pledge or Allegiance was led by Mayor Bums. •· Roll Cell P=c:nl: Absent: Counci, Mcmbcn Nabholz, Clapp, Gantu. Bladmaw. Hahenichl Waggoner. Bums None A quorum was present S. Minute• Also pn:scnl : City Manager Sc.'lfs City Auorncy Brotzman City Clert El:is Senior Planner Stitt Dircctor Simpson. Neigt,borhood and Business Dndopment Dircctor Gryglowicz. rlllallCial Services (a) COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1998. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Members Nabhol z. Garrctl Bradshaw . Habenicht, Waggoner. Clapp, Bwns Nays : None 6. Scheduled Visitors (a) Mayor Bums suued thal 11,e Clean, Green and Proud Commissica,Kecp Englewood Beautiful were present to honor tl,c Safety-Kleen Corporation. and Englewood rudi&),lcrs Miles Kubly ar.d Mark SI out for their effons toward and support or the annual Household Ha.zardau.s ~1atc:rial Roundup . Dean Huffaker, a member or the Keep Englewood Bc.iuriful Commission. said h: ~ cmc of the people "ho helped organize the Household Ha1..'lfdous Material Rounduµ. He noted this was,~ s:ucccssful tltis icar and tliat he nnderstands this was the sl,tl1 yea r for tlti s program. llus is the rina ycu tha1 Liltlcton has been involved and we have upped our st.1tistics. qui1c a bit because of Lhcir invohc:mau. Mr. Huffaker ad,ised. jUSI to give Council a sense of what lhey were able lo accomplish through tlas C\"Cll l that the y ~CleyCoudl Ntowtalitr2,1998 .... 1 Jlv.., I. colkdal 90 plloni o( ~f~\~ Wloni oClal.:/f point . 390 l!'ll!O/U of mo)'>r oil, 715 gallons of oil- blfal poinl and flammables. 299 pounds < • acids and bases. S pounds of banned pcs1icides. 2,308 pounds of_,, and pnlen c:hcmicala, 10 pounds , r liquld me=,, !"'<I 122 automolivc baucri cs. The 1ow COIi for 6il coll«:tlon wu SlS,300.00, or which $8,621.00 wu defrayed by In-kind donations and volunteer baan. He advised tllll u,c volunaa:,s they would like to ~izc tonight an: the Safety-Kleen Corpanlioa. which hllldlcd the disposal of U,c aubalanc:cs . in addition, he said, they enjoyed thc pon,,cipllioll of the Colondo Dcpanmcn1 of Public Health and Env ironment and Con<avalioa Scrvicca, la<..• . .,..I u the vol-houn of thc Englewood Depanment of Safety Services-Fin, Littleton Oepanma,t of Con.-ily Ocvelopn,cnt , and thc Li Ille Ion Fire Dcpartmc,,L Mr. HufTakcr ai,o recognized the Dq,anrncnt of Public Woru Sc,viccnter pcnonncl who helped them set up and take down after the two wcd:<:nds. Mr. Hull'altcr n,qucsccd that Mayor Bums present a few awards. He recogn ized Mark Stout and Miles KuMy of thc Englewood Safety Services Department . UnfortWUltely. he said. Mil e, Kubl y was out of 1own 111d <X>Uldn, join us. Mayor Bums presented a gift ccrtifoc.11e 10 Mark S10111. Mr. Hulfakc r Jl<t,ised that Mr. Scom and Mr. Kubly are veterans in this effort. that for six or seven years runn ing they have participated in !hi$ project •• hic h ;, longer U1en he personall y knew it c.,i slcd . So, he ~,id . U1ey really apprcciale their ,en-.a:s. Mr. Hulb.\e, r<qucssed that the Safety-Kleen Branch Manager. Tra cy Holle y, join them . He said Uiat Keep Englewood Beaut iful bas prepared a plaque for Safety-Kleen . ~or Bums noted th.11 he st opped by the fir>t wtek of this program and they were rcally do ing yeoman's wad< out there, it,. ... really grcaL Mayor Bums read U1e inscrip«ion on U1e plaque . He prcsenltd it to Tracy Hollcy and offeml thanks. on behalf of 1he City of Englewood . for their efforts and time. Mr. Holl ey • ,_ bun and stal<d they enjoyed i1. lo dosing. Mr. Hu/Taka said. they arc currently working on expanding Ulis scn•icc and hopefull y. n --amsally. Sictting up a permanent program . wil11 pcm1.1nent facili1ics , so that we cm keep hazardous maac:rws out of Ill' emironmcnt and safel y di','lOSC of them . He advi5c:t they wi ll be lookin g at U1e possibility of working v.i th more than jll.!.1 one eo;mty government in order to achiC\·e this . So that. he s.,jd, is •ha they arc looking at in the future and the Keep Englewood Bcau1iful Commission wonld like to tlt:m. everyone who has panicipatcd over the years in making thi s a su ccessful project . 7. Noe-acbcduk11 Viaiton (a) Thomas Lee, a Denver rcsidcnL stated th:11 he li\·es in th e gen eral area of Danmoulh and Ulll'-ersi ()' and he wanted to address traffi c. When you tra ve l cast on Oanm oulh and )'Ou wi sh 10 turn D0m. or left. on Uni\-e.rsity. the traffic is so heavy that usua ll y onl y one c:-i r ca n gel lltrou gh th.it turn an d oft.en umc:s you get the fr.c lin g they arc forced or th ey dri ve throu gh on c:11111 0 11 So . he sai d. IJlC)' h.1vc a land cJ' dan gerous situati on l11erc an d it mi ght be so mething for Cit y pl anning to th mk abo ut Communiutions, Proclamatiom1: and A1,1wintmcr1b There wcrt no communi ca ti ons. proclamatio ns or appointment s. 9 Public Hcari■c (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING TO GATHER CITIZEN INPUT ON THE PROPOSED l'l"£WCOMER MORTIJARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Ayes: Council Mc1nbc rs Na bli olz. Garret I, Brad sh,1\\. H.1bcn ic h1. Waggoner. Clapp. Bums • • • • Enpewood City Countll Nowmber 2, 1998 P1aeJ Nays: None Motion canied and the publlc hearing opened . All icstlmuny was given wldcr oath. Senior Planner Stitt submitted, for the r=nl. Prrof o!'Publicilion of NOlicc of Public Hearing. published in the Englewood Herald on October 9, 1998. He cxplaiaod tllal lhis i:. a Public Hcarina to pthcr inpu1 for a proposed Planned Unit pe.tlopmcnt al the comer of South llain:niry Boulevard ....S cast Dartmooth Avenue. Toe Planned Unit Development ordinance bas,._ specific principals and those i,rncipals arc to be employed when reviewing a planned wlit dcvdopma,t. n.. -. be ~ed. to provide development concepts not othawlsc pcnnitted wlthln conventional zone dillril:ll. encourage Ocxibility, Wlity. quality urnan design and diversity In land planning and dC\-dopme.-. "'5Ulling in conveniCIII and harmonious grouping of uses. structures and common facilities, wried dcsip a!kl site layout and ajll)rOpriatc relationships or spaces to Intended v.a and adjacent properties. provide the opportwlity for unified development control , r a single pzrcel or multiple properties aad ensure consistency with the Comprchcnsi-le Plan of the City of Englewood . This Planned · Dc\-clopmcnt. he soid. was coru.idcn:d by the City Planning and Zoning Commission oo August 4, 1991, The u,nclusion of the Plannillg Cumnl•ssion was to submit to City Council a r=m1ncndarion tar appr<l\'al . The proposal that was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission was for a Plamed Unit Development that would allow for a mortumy to be a pcnnitted use on the property located at doe northwest comer of South University lloulrvard and East Outmouth AVCftl!C. There are aa...U,. two pmcls in this proposal, localing approximately 2.38 acres. The nonhcm pa,a:I is a ,-acant pan:d d about one aac and the SCU1hc:m parccl is slightly over 2.25 aacs. The site is developed with a rtligiom institution and currently is occupied and ti,c property 10 L'ic nonll is vacant and bas been for qui IC a aumbc:, of yc:us. This property is cum:atiy zoned R-1-A which pcnnlts single-family residence. rclfgiaus iisitutians. educatiooal iru.ti1utions in public facilities . The proposal as prcscn~ -d lo the Planning Oxnmissioa -..-as for an addition 10 the south and west sides of the c:-:isting structure, the i111prm•cmcn1 of the parting lcl to the south of the ~rrrnt church structure and construction of a parking lot on the northern side of the c.dsting stJucturc. as well as access to South University from that northern parking lot. Mr. Sutt act.'U<t! that the 5131T. in reviewing 01is proposal . n:cornmcnded approval to the Planning Com ,niwon based oa !bl: similarnc5s or the uses. 010 complelcncss of the application and the compatibility of the proposed use 1'im ~ existing use and the ntitigation of i pacts identified by the applicant in their design process. He -=I that this process bas been going on now for several months and the applicant bas met sc,-cral tim<s wilb rq,rescntatives or the commwuty to address design issues and impact issues. And again. he said. base! on the Planning Commissioo's rteommendatioll the stall'brings forward a n:commcndatioa for "IPJ>f"''al or this Planned Unit Development. Mayor Bums staled 1hat Council first entertained this manc:r a few weeks ago and had voted it down. just on the question or whether it should be a PUD . He c:..:plai."Kd dWi i;Omc of Council Lhoug.ht better of it and felt they should have a public hearin g and allow public in put UIO llus and this is why they arc having this Public Hearing tonight Mayor Bums advised thal th.:y ha\'C acct1 1ulatcd a nwnbcr oflemcrs over the p.1s1 few weeks from citi zens or o,e community and lists of people for and against and they hnc a pctlliOll or 160 s,gnatures or more, asking that Counci l not pcnnit the rezoning of the R-1-A. He sw,:d they "ill all be made part of the publi c record and all or Council has copies of them. Mayor Bums ll0ICd Council will take them under considcrntion . (Clerk's note : A pctil ion rcccived in the City Man.,gcr's Oflja, Oadicr 29. 1998 witi1 160 signatures. a letter from Jam es R. and Virginia L. Beck datt-.:1 Scpcembcr 10. l'»i. a lener from Bob and Lucille McIntyre dated October I. 1998, a letter from Christian E. Milner dated October 21, 1998 and a card from Polly L. Lee received in 01e City Manager's Oflice October 29. 19911 "-ere entc rd into ti1e record.( l:■atewnod City Council No-bcr 1, 19911 , .... Mayor Bwru clarified lhat Council 's normal procedure, when they have ~lie hearinp on U>"i"B iauea ... and this has been true or the Chy for many ycan ... is not 10 vole on the ordinance on lhc night or the public hearing. but 10 vole al the next meeting. And indeed, he said. the City Augmcy has advilcd Council !hat !he ordinance is not before lhern 1011ighl. So. he Sllllcd, Council will Like input al the Pub! c Hcarina and vole on this measure at lhcir next Council meeting in two wcck.s . Jim Zavist. 1900 South Oatbo •. Slrccl. Denver, said he is pas1 president and cwronUy the zoning chair nr the Wes,. Univcnily Communily AssociaUnn. which is a resistcn:d neishborbood organiz.ation in Denver. Their boundaries run l'lom Broadway on lhc west and li,>ivcrsity on the C3SI and from I lS down IO !he Denver city limill on lhe south. So, he pohued out, !heir boundaries do abul lhe proposed PUD . Mt. Zavist advised lhal !hey wcrc only nttnUy Ill.Ide aware oflhis being an issue in En&Jcwood lnd !hey have rcaliy had no colllael wilh either lhc applicanl or E'J1sJcwood Planning and Zonins-He said lhal since they ba,-. !IOI been made aware ofit w11il rcccnU y, they have not been able to take a formal pos\tlon on ii. What they normally do Is pass 0111 flye11 10 any nelgllbon Iha! would be afTCC1cd by any =•ning and ask for input al !heir meeting which they hold on a monthly basis . So. Mr. Zavist advised, they have not wkcn a formal position on !his. but he just wanted lo bring !heir historical viewpoint on issues loo: lhi~ We typically, he said. do !IOI suppon expansion or ccmmcrclal businesses Into residential areas . And on lhc face or ii , he maintained. this looks more like a cotrmcrcial use than a continuation o( an institu1ional or a church use. From v,h;,1 little he knows about lhe pl'0?0531 . he said , 11 seems like the prescnJ zoning is appropriale and going to a PUD would have significant im;,aCIJ on U1e r.:sidential uses in the SW1))Wlding parts of both Englewood and Denver and also ha,-. significant impaCIJ on lhe lrlllllc on SouU1 University. Whiqi is. he IIOlc:d, probably something nobody wanlJ 10 sec in eiU1cr En glewood or Denver. Mayor Bums noted lhat lhc applicant has not signed lhe list 10 speak. bul U,c City Auomcy reminded him thal Harold Stitt , from our stalf. has advised the applicant , their representatives, lh.11 lhcy could make a presemMion. lflhcy wish 10, he s.1id, ii would be appropriale 10 make ii before they have lhe citizens <X'mc • up 10 speak. So if the applicant is prepared 10 come up and make a presentation. he asked that they please a,me up at this time and do so . Lynn Moore, representing lhe Newcomer Monuary, staled 1hn1 she is "i lh Cavis Pannership ArcbilCCIJ anti !hey arc al I 77S Shcr111an Strce1 in Denver. She advised Uta! U1cy arc hero Ibis cvenmg ,.;lh on, purpose and lhal is to request a zooing change from R-1 -A 10 a PUD for U1e parcel of la,.~ J1a1 ll.irold Stiu described . And. she said, she has grnphics 10 belier describe Uc1L II is 10 all,,1. monwiry ,asc, in addition 10 all lhe 0U1er R-1-A uses Iha! arc cum:n1l y allo11cd on U1e site . 1l1ey arc propo ,:ug 10 do lhe renovation, in addition to an existing church on the sire. 10 accommod.11c a iW1cral chapel. •'he stressed there will be no on-site embalming or cremation . Ms. Moore s.1id they wanted 10 make th.11 \.'~~ ~tt :.o r, for the record. It will purely be for fun eral. mcmorialization and other services . TIIC cxii.ting church wi:! ~ a chapel aod they will be adding business functions and ancillary sp.1ccs to tJ1c south l.lld to the west. as Mr. Stitt mentioned. The church use, she said, will remain in 11sc. II will be , shared use, the chapel will be shared by both the church and the funeral proc:cdings. She s1:11 cd 1J1cy arc very compa1iblc in use . tJ1L-y have different ti mes of operation . Most func ; Is occur dunn g the weekday. during :he da y. and mC1st churches either occur in the C\'enings or on the weekends Ms . Moore said she wanted 10 spend a minute l<!lkin g about the mark.cl !·ere, bcc.1use she lhought lhcrc was a lot of misunderstanding. or maybe not e11ough und ersr:mctin g. :iboul what types of operations occur in these faciliues . The Denver marker is sue:, 1h.11 abou1 40% or all , isits. that come 10 a facilil) such as th.is., arc for cremation only . Meaning th.u there is no sen-ice Iha! ac1u.1 ll y occurs herr . People drive 10 Lhc site. make arrangements and then leave . She said th at 30% of vis its arc for arr.mi;emcnts tha' will incu: on-Site visitation. so people will actually come. nl.'lkc arrangements. there will be visitation al th.is facility and some sort of memorial service . 30'/o of lhc visi1s arc just arrangc,ncnts for off-sile services , where people an: going to tia , ca service in .:1 chun:h or some other ~l)C of faci h1y. Wl1a1 Newcomer is pro~.'.ii ng for this fa cility . she mid. is thal the y are estimating aboul 100 visit s for lhe firsl yc.1r And that is inclu si \'c of • • • • £■,&lewood Chy c .... 11 l'l••-ber 2, 19911 l.'ap~ h mltl) -,h f UUf1'~d 'I I! I "11rlff u..- 1 whcthcrlhcrc isjull ~----11011111te1n•,omau1, y,.11111anac1u1Uull 11Cn'icc. And ultimately 200 to 250 acrvic:cs that....,_, al this fac:ijity and that would pl'obably be allar about live r,an. Ms. Moore said that, u dlcy ca-, obc put some pholos up here . Sbc included eomc existing site photos her<. for those famlllarwidt.,. ••· it is localed at the etmcrof Danrnouth and University. It is a current chun:b and the appwaaa: • tlii&ill.Y ~n. Theft lave bcca DO pulilic improvements done in the area , 11ICIUWII DO sidowaJb, DO Clllb ad plier ... until this IUll1J1IC', wbcn lhcrc was a curb and gutter put in by lhe City or Englewood ...... • amlh side of ean-11. which is on the aouth side of tl1e property. Sho r oted lhcrc were phalol al'dlc aisling coadilions aad they could sec that there arc six buses pmt>d om in fronl but p:ncnlly the...,..., ..... DOI ban impn,,'Cd in some yws and ii wu built in tbc mid 50's. Ms. Moore advised that wbal tbcy -propou,w to cly is place an addilior. on the existing c:bun:h. They arc uyina to wori< the dcsip ia cxapllibililv wilb the neighborhood. They had a series of mcctinp with the neighbors .ad 11:cy p.-c tllall -n:ally good i■put. One of lbc suMCstions, sbc said. wn 1h11 imlead or looking for ar. addilioa to die ■-6, wby don't Y"" look to lbc south, bccaulc I.his i1 whao the majority of the IJaffic i1 and ii would.,..,....,_ bave lhc lust aJ1110C1 on the ocighborhood. Ms. Moore stated they took that uodcr adviseme01 and did dD ihal Md it workS\'e,y well for the facility they an: proposing. It """Id be a single SIOI')' addltion Llal -lie into tlic same roof fomi -i archiicctW'al fonn. massing and materials as the cxililing c:llulm So ii ll'OUld be a blond brick color with similar ac:ccnlJ. There would be some rennvatioa 10 thc 'osidc Ml pobai,ly the outsi,· of the churdl. as well. 10 integrate the two. The main site access hasa.:tuall)'llocalllO\-.daln:ady, as pan of theCityofEnglcwood road conlllllClion lbat occurrod this SUIIUJICr, ML -advised that tbcy coordiuatcd with them and located an a111J1 farther to the ,vcst, which wu a>asidmd IO'lle mucl. safer than tho prcviouscnt,y. She pointed nut, OD lwexhibits. lhc primal)· clllcy to the facilil)' • die two lots t'1cy are dc.clopi11&-TI1e main enuy comes into a Jllrlw,g 101 that has 59 J)lltjng ..,.,..._ .,. Ulldicappcd spaces placed up dose 10 the enlJ)'. There i1 scme supplemental porting OD lbc _.lido that would probably be usod GIiiy when then: is a large, service . For the most jllrl. she..,.,._ l!li,;--.ld be mon: than enough parking 10 accommodate what was going to occur on the site. Slic said slac-= 10 point out thal Newcomer felt very strongly about pnwidillfl on- sil e parking so t'1cy w~ be cmg<Sling the 5U<et5 aod having people flow onto the stn:as like they have seen at some other facililil:s • lbc an:a. So t'1cy are proposio5 a total or I 00 parking SJIICd. She pointed out the main c:auy to die !acility. ,.-hich i• obvioll•ly I good solar orie1datio1~ bcctusc it is facing south . She poillle4 out a co,aa1 cllllp off point. They ha,c an aic:loscd prage that has doors on both sides where the)' an: loadillgallall scnica would oa:ur. Thot would feed dim:tly to the inside so there would be no visibility to dlc sa.....iing a,mmunity of any of the loading and unlo.iding that """Id oca,r on the si1c. Ms . Moo1e advi,cd th'.!t ,.._ ol 1k c.shcr fccdbad. ~'icy got from the neighbors. was wanling to ma~e sun: the site was landscaped. <J,.,,mty, sbe said. thar has not happened to the degree that the rest or the neighborhood bas emir. ocd ......,.g over tiic last several years. Pan or the site, partic:ullrly the north end, she said. is not 10 the stadads lbal sbe knows Council and tl1e communily would like to sec . They have agn,cd to dedicate O\-a40%olthe sile le open space ond landscaping . lltis is o very large pou,,i that scr\'cs a few functions . FUSI ad iln:mosl n provides a real signiflCUll buff:r from the people in De1wcr ,,ho li,·cjUSI 10 the north. lDaddiillcm,, il allows. us lo correct some drainage problems that \\'Cf'C brought up in some commwtity 1nocti.np. n»crc is water that is Oow-ing irom a large residential csta1c 'lCross and coming into some properucs alaagdie nont. side . She poi , .ed out an area that would be re-graded and that drainage wou!d he dircacd .Jad. a:DllDDlOda1cd so Lht tc would no longer be drainage newing onto those propcnics. In additioe they are prq,osing a sculpted arth bcnn to serve as a bufTcr between the parking 101 and the building and those raidmlial units. An i:nponant note. slw, said. is pointing out the SU'CCISC3pc improvements that ~d occur ca bo!h East Dartmouth and South University Boulevard. Cum:ntly, there is no curb. gultcr or sidewalk aloq Uni,-crsity . it is just the grass that co••cs out and ends at the strocl They would put in • ddacbcd in foot sidewalk and City and Count)' of Dcn,u standard street trees, that is also in conformance wi~~ wbat diteCity of Englcw00<\ is look ing for . Ms Moore advised tl1a1 the City and County or Denver, from what slle andcrstands. regulates 1hnt ponion of Univmily . ll1cy would also be proposing a similar trcatmcn1 aJoq Dartmouth . :is well :is hrdgc material s tll.11 would help sc reen 1hc E•~'iewood rlty Council Nom11ber 2, 111911 Pace, ..,t<Ina lol f"rom the rosidcntial hom01 ocroa Dar1mouth. os wi:11 uncross Unive11i1y. Sloe saidl,Q,ey bdicw lhal. from a safely standpoln~ c~I, WOt.ld slgnifiCllllly Improve wh:al is lller'e now. Ar .. Planning Commissio, hcnring they heard somebody ,,..,,J up and speak aboul how dangcrou, ii is 10 Jct across Unive11i1y and then find thal Ihm: 11r1 no si dewalks lo walk o\\. So tl 1111 is port olthi1 projea. Ma. Moore said she r.11 ii wu lmponanl 10 go over the process they have had 10 date. in coordiiuting l\ilh the Clly and with 1he communily. btcnusc ii 1115 been very. very e"1ensivc. She no1ed, as llanlM Stilt me111ioned. they 1W1ed last Man:h. they have had numerous mcc1ings wi1h ncigt,borllood glllUll5. with individuals. with the Ory staff, 10 uy lo get a lwldle on what the concerns "~re In the noigllbadlood :ind in the communily and whal the Chy was looking for for this part of the Cily. They had lhree ffla.JOF communily mcetinss. one ocx:urTOCI in January. one was in April and OM was in Jane. The one m January was jU<I an lnlroduction aboul the project and aboul Newcomer coming into the ara, jasl 10 ri..l 0111 and sec whal peoplcfell -thi1 type offacilily . They had a follow-u" meeting in April wben11<y actually had a amcept plan . 10 gel men, specific lnfimnation. Th:11 was •I• :quin:mcnl of the Oly-ol Englewood. beausc 1hey had met with lhe planning staff an<' . d tl,cy wanted 10 proc,,al with the PUD . They "= provided wi1h a mailing list oflhose rcsid , ".ihin SOO rce1 or 1hc Jl'OPCfff :aad 1hc)• mailed a notificllion 10 all or lhose people . plus lhcy expanded ii 10 include some or the Oell\'ft neighborhood 10 the north and lo the COIi . So it was beyond whnl was required b) Englewood. Sh: said they did lhal boc:ausc they undcntll1d 11•1 this is on die border be1wccn Englewood and Dea>...-aid it is impo,_ lillln a a,mmunil)' SUUldpc '·"'• lo make sure lhal whal people would like lo see in Eap:,1110d and Denver is coordinJlal and they can uy to keep everybody os happy a.• r..ssible. So Ibey........,. tba1 this is III Englewood procedure. however. they felt ii wa, imponanl ,, . • IJenver input Then: --i.cr uuting in lWlC. where tloey went over the submittal tli:11 was -1, · r. , ~ 10 go in. 11lcy bat ~cd ,.cvcral amuncnts that had co~ out or the previous inceling: J L11c pl;in Council sees before Clan is a cutmiaation of those mce1ings . Ms. Moon, said she thinks it is impo n,10110 no<e tha1 .,! balll ~-in • April and in June. 11111 had anywhere rrom ten to tlliny people m·,euding. tl"I they did a llrff pi.a II bolh of iJ;osc meetings. In thc April mecling. befon, they hnd a finali,.C<! ,,,e plan. lhe sirnw poll ..._ did people believe 1ha1 this was an acccp1abtc orreasonablc or appropria1e use for this si1e The majorily o( people did reel thal it was. At the lllird community meeting in JWlC . and l~ :i l'iO notified the same groapd"peoplc and expanded a li1tle bu based on inpu1 thal 1hey got from some or oh c neighbors. lhcy had_. .,.w poll 10 ask if poople f:tt ii was an approprfa•e use and. she tl1ou1,h1. nl 1ha1 mcc1ing all but -·pa,plc thoughl tlUII ii was. llocy asked ir tloey fo!: oi'1I. acslhetically. lhi s was a reasonable plan. SOllmg !he use aside. if they foll ii""' compatible rrom ""a<Slhelic stmdpoint an I 11131 was unanimous in SIIRl(lrl of that llicy lhen proceeded "ilh submilling lhe PUD. tlocy n~nl before I, · Planning and Z<>ning c-is:sion on August 4th, Lhcrc was a lot of public comment at th,11 meeting . 1l1e1 made a prt.SCntation and smmmarizcd what they had done in the proposal Council is seeing tlois evening and tlicy did appnn-c it o,, a 6-2 vote . She said dial one of the condi1ions was 11111 Newcomer own lhe properties before that ll'l'""'al becune effective . Ms . Moore advised thal Newcomer currcn1ly has both propcnics muter contract -ik)' arc poiJCd 10 close when ii is finally approved . They had several addi1ional m<<tings fol101>ing the Planning Commission hearing. occausc it wa., obvious tlvll there were several people in the community tmt still did not feel comfonablc or were in opposition to their propos.11. So they got 1ogcther wilh a ,'31'icty of ne ighbors nnd tried 10 gca flyers out. passing out ractual infom1.11ion . She poin1cd ou1 there ,wa:i, a lot of rumors going 1111>tuid. they would get calls asking :ibou1 a crcmnH•f)' Th~• we re not gomg to b-c 1t it has never been IXlr1 ortloe plan. bul !here were ,ever.ii tl1ings ~oi ng aroand nnd tl1ey just wamal OJ !<:I the record straight So 1hcy went ahead :ind issued a Oyer and 11,):-lcd ano1kr mcctin 5 lo make sure ~vcrybody was awnrc of what the facts were . T..cy 11.1,·e in rhe las1 fc,1• weeks mel wl!.11 Dcn\'er City Cow:c.J Member Joyce Foste r. as her district abuts Englewood . She has rcviL wed the proposal. she has parna.p.mcd in some surroundin g neighborhood meetings. from wh,11 she undcrsta.ld5 Ms Moore advised that Ms. NIStcr indicated to them toda y thar she docs not feel thi s is a Den\'cr ·ssuc and she is rcm.-iini.ng neut::d Some of the neighbors gor together and po.sscd around a petition of supp ·>r1. "hich wns provided to Coomcil lasl week . 1l1erc is. she noted. another su pponer who signed !he ~1 i1ion 1oc'1y. so she submitted 1'bmr for the record. as well as upda1cd m.1ps. showing that !t11ppor1 . • • • I• ....... o, Coucll No•~J.IM ..... , , '•11, .,,"'•m,l!fn1 J,,: I ' tlur11vt 1:,1<1 Ms. ~ --s 1h11 ~ were svcral C0111111U11ilX COIICC!"' lhal came OIII of lhose meetings llial she ,....,re,{ ID....._ 011c was cremation and lba111111 come up Ill every lll';!'ling,an1 i1 ,,.ntinues io he a rwnor. SIie lliit*Jua -.led IO llllle, eq,halic:ally. lha1 Ihm will be no CRlllllion ll>oro will bo no embalnw11 al flis &cllily. Allolher conune111 lhat came oul uf every meeting lbal Ibey had waa lbal Ibey baled die_.._ 111d Ibey WIIDl<d lo ia-ifl.hcy an: aoin110 stay !here. She il•d no, no, no ... lhey will be rdoaMI IO anodlcr lOClllon. they will not remain on Ilic s/1e. [,cvcral of lbc pco 11< expressed lhat they are .--nal>k baving words like cn:ma1ion. ruri,ral or monuary on any signagc in Ilic neighborlload. So l'1e signagc lhal is proposed and is pan or 1hc PUD Council has seen. refers 10 lhe facllhy as a fa,ily chapel and~ center. And. she advised. Newcomer i, very contforuble willl INI . Ms . Moon: .-Ill dlcrc have boco a lot of coouucnlS =n1ly lhal ll1is will be a less costly momwy lhan what mosr aflk monuary's arc in the mar\ctplaa: and lllcy m worried aboul lhc low class people coming i1110 lhei• .:a, 3 IIOod ID use llli• facility . As. she said. most people know, Newcomer is a full 5Clvice facility . bul ~·llove cltoscnlD aa:q,I less pr>fil for ii . Tiw:y believe me•a isa iw nwkc1 for people out there IO~ a::ccss IO IWI scnice facililics and not have IO pay lhc higl1 markup Iha! you consistently see in most~ !acilitics. She opined Iha! it is also impon.ant IO no1e 11,at ;0% or all elicnlS th.11 use a mortu21y. live. •'lthin a five mile rad\&IS of that raciJity . 11iat is ever where, ~~tis an acros5 .. thc-board. at any localioc>. Clllio. So, she mainiaincd. lllis facility will serve 1his 11nmw1i1y and 1his neighborhood . Tiic type o(dicars bt they have round t;emc 10 their similar lacilitic!I IJkc lJUs elsewhere. arc clients tl1a1 nol only live iJa dlr:arca. but lhcy m people lha1 arc "~II infonncd about their oplions and llicy arc amscientious .Jllou1 how they spend their money . ll is not she Slated , a cul-rate facility . ii is a racili1y that will oll'cr die amc services al a roduccd ra1e . Ms. Moon: adnlcd that another comment that has come up consi11cnlly . is lhal Ibis facili1y will gcncralt a lot of rmllc: • Gic neighborhood and they \\ill be inconvenienced everyday by funeral processions on Danmaudl -,u,,;.-.rsity, lwO succts lhal arc aln:ady very. very crowded. llii, is an imponant ooc. she said, ~ 11ti1 licility is going 10 have a very minor irnpacl on 1ramc in Ilic an:a . She mainlaincd that 60o/, lo 70'!fo ol dlc visilS will be from people only ns'lking arrangcmcn1S ... lha1 is one or two or IIU'CC C31S ... a r-ilJ aiming lo make arrangcmcnls. 11'11 is 60% to 70'¼ of all 1he users. She staled lll:lt JO% 10 40% of tbc ,,..,. will be for malting anangc1nen1S and holding• service . Sorne or lhcse , bul no1 all \\ill have p,oo::lllioa and these processions will stop traffic ror an avcmge of five 10 1cn minu1cs. Ms . Moore Slalcd lhc) -...as she said. providing a 100 01T-s1rcc1 parking spaces so 11011 JIC) don 'I impact llie s1rcc1S b) parking foe those occ::isions when there arc processions . TIie) believe there will be \'Cl)' minuna.l. and \.'Cl')' infrcqucm. ~ impacts . Another thing th.1t is imponant 10 1101c. is thal fw1craJs 1yp1cally occu bct~cen 10 :00 am. .and! :2"()() p.m. on weekdays . she said. It is a time when a lot of people in the neighbo,hood arc not home. it is ma a weekend or an C\'Cning use. tl1erc arc res1rictions on when you can actually inter somebody ia a ccmdery and so you need to have your funerals and. other services. by a certain 1ime of day . So. she said. ~· consider the impact is going lo be very minim.11. 1l1cy also had a lraffic study lhat was done. lhal Cou=il has. thal indicalcs •tw: same . Ms . Moore~ th.11 another question th.al has consis1ent1y come up is tl\.11 the PUD n1l1 open up this sile for Olbcr ccmmcrcial dcvclopmenl. She stllcd that the only use allowed. oth~r tll.111 wha1 1s currcnlly allowed in me li-l ·A . 1s. and will be. a monuary wi1l1ou1 crcm.111011 or cmbalnung ... no 01hcr use co uld occur. The: qucs:uon came up aboul "hat if somebody bu)S ou1 th e propcny in lhc future and \~ams 10 1um it into a b:aal. oc somet hing else . Ms. Moore sa id. from what she understands. it can'I be douc w11.hout going throagli a lU.O rting process . ll1e only tiling tlial can be done on ii would be whm 1s currcnlly allowed plus the lD0l"t1ary So tl1is will not . she m,1intained. ope n up lhis si te 10 01hcr commercial dc\'elopment without bia\1:11g 11. go through lhc process the~· arc going throug,h rig.ht now. Ms . Mo..,rc s:ud ihc last commcnL and it is prob.1bly the one 1hcy h:l\'c heard more 111.311 anytJung, is that a monuary ill die neighborhood will decrease their propcn y v:1l ucs 111..11 is a big fear of a lot of people . Newcomer. sac said. wanted 10 know if lhat was 1ruc or not. so th e)' hired an independent rcaJ cstalc • consuHant. • is one of tl1e foremost real es1a1e appr.uscr's in Denver, Bowes and Compa.r1~. to do an Enalewood Chy Council November 2, lffl P11t<8 JI) ltoOH'Jl~n i 'I t 1,rt n· ,u.-, independent study to ftnd out what son oflmpocc this lllclllty would have ill !his ~I)'. They 1oqk a look at similar nelghbomoodl throughout thc IIICIIIJpOlltan aiQ. where ym ...,,. 1 raidalilal clcvclopment, willl hom :t tltal arc irnrn,diately next to a functal racm1y and/or a cemetery. She sud lhc:Y compo,od thc 111et priQ:t or Lhosc homes vcmis 01llcr homes, In that wnc commwul)', wtiid1 -.: of like size aod comparable wlue. They lntervh"'-ed horncowne(s who Uvcd next lo thc -.-y, to find OUI how they felt about living next 10 one. They also reocan:llcd cad! mortua,y's number of 1eniccs pc, year and thc specific services they offcted ... meaning did they ofr'er cremation or embalming or o6a-lhiJ'C'. lust 10 get an understanding if this had any Impact on those n:sldenti.11 values. This n,port. w said. was provided to Council last week, but she would just like to rcod a couple of things Crom dm. because she feels it is very penincnl Their conclusions, she noted, a.Iler rcscardling this, was that "all impacu issues have been 111isfactorily addressed by Nc,.~omcr Family Mortuary . To lower thc impact on the ocigllborina propeny , Newcomer has agreed to instnll sidewalks. cwt, and gun ct, install landscapiDg alooa dlc pc~ of the site, direct watct rwHJff from neighboring propenies onto a detention pond• die 18th end of the propcny, provide a drive-through garage for tnnsferring bodies into mortuary, nut of viev.· r,oa, ncigllborina properties .• Ms . Moon: stated that those wen: things tl>at wen: consistcndy ra..nd to degrade the value in other areas. They ha,·e assessed, she said. that there w1ol be no value irnpac1 •tauoc.·cr, on the n:sidcntiaJ properties adjoining the proposed mortuary development. "The development ol the vacant site on University Boulevard, an addition of a mortuary usc to the exisiing d1wdl. will be trading wiccrulin1y now, for certainly concerning the dC\~lopment , USC and maintenantt of the~ Due to tl,c proposed PUD . the long tcnn USC will be known .' Ms . Moore said she just wanted 10 read a couple of quotes from people •ho 1:n-e. next 10 these facilities . Then: arc two people who live immediately next to Chapel Hill Mon~·. wludl is 31 660 I Soutl1 Colorado 8oulC\'11rd . They say they kind or like backing onto a l'IOr<uary, hcc:iusc tbcrc is oo one behind than. "Thcoc people don\ make noise or hurt anybody . we never hear anything. TI>a-e is oo tr.allic problems from the mon""'1' and thc:rc is no value negatives .• She quoted from aoolher..., IIC3r the same • mortuar)• .. ."it is quieter here, peaceful, prctl)'. 'Ve can sec the mortuary buikbg from the bad of our house . including tl1e master bedroom . I am fine ,,,j th it. I don\ mind it at all. lbc momwy has no affect on value .• At Drinkwine Mortuary at 999 West Littl .1r 1 Boulevard. she said. the ncigllbo, said "the monuary propcny is quiet and well kepi. Recently they h.10 . Lvgc funcrnl, with a foe of caB. 11 was only fo r a shon time 1111d ii only happens once in awhile . The mon, ary docs no1 affect my property ,-aluc . Ms. Moore advised lluu that per.son goes on 10 Sil) "!hey "ould ,:,refer that 10 living J1CXI to .a school.· Another one from next tr Drink\\ine says •these people nc\'tr be iher us. they arc quieter lh:z:1 most. Just as soon Ji\'e hen: as~ other block . In the 40 years that I ha-, lived here. I have only scca one body carried in. Occasionally they will have a Lvge funernl "ith a 101 of cars that paric on the st-ce . That docs not happen very often and it is only for a couple of hours . I l"i,·e li\'cd here for ..W yc:zrs a::td I would buy there again ." So. Ms. Moore said. general!) the feedback from the neighbors. 1hat li\'c ncxr to it. lS lha1 lhcy consider tl1em very good neighbors . Ms . Moore advised th.it Bowes al.so checked ,~ uh .1partmen1 0"11ers and asked tf 1.hq charged less rc.nl for those units th.it arc facing a mortumy, than l11cy do for olllcrs ln l11eir complex. The answer was absolu1cl y not . it is tJ1c same rent ~s. Moore stilled lJ1,,i1 Bowes :ind Comp,m) 's conclu s,on. abo ut lhe assessed ••aluc and the impact.5 on U1c adj ,cent area. is th.1t •we have studied !he proposed Ne wco mer Film il~ Mom.ca..;-developm ent al the nrJnhwcst comer of Dartmouth Avenue and Uni,·ersi1 y Boulc\'ard We compa..-ed propcn.i cs next to mortuary's, to similAr properties away from monu.1ry's. and lhc d.1 1:i shO\\S no t;.""'!p.1Cl on value . Homeowners int erviewed would buy lhosc properties ilg.un. Ap.1nmcn ts bang a moniwy do not have IO\\Cr rent tl1,,w any other w,its ll1erc will be no neg.11i,·e 11npac1 on Lhc rc:sadi:::::lual propc:n1cs in the 1ieighbort1ood adJoining !he proposed Newcom er Famil y Monn.if) de,·cl opmcr.J." Ms. Moore stated that Newcomer m.1dc a commilmcnt c:u1 y on . and Lru s is something the) shared "i th the nei ghbors and the Planning Commission. th ar they wnni to be a good nci ghbot. lh~ "ant to be co mpatible • • • • .......... Cl1y C•acll "-llerJ,1991 .. , 1 Ji , fu~,u-,l:.n3 Im ,r. ,r I "'° die area. They believe tha1 they can be, U1ey have done so succcs.sfully in olher pans oruic counll)' ad lky have e,cpras<d an inlCICSI early on in workina wiU1 Uic people IU'i bccomina a pan of lhc -.mly and nae b'ying 10 go ahead and develop SO!OClhin& lhal U1ey jUSI feel is appropriate for ........... she pomled OUI thal a IOI ofli..lC and Cl1CIJY has been pul loward.s coordinallng with ewr)t,ody, Ms. MocR aald, in summary, she just wanled 10 review why they believe ii is a compallblc use and ao ..,...,,..rt' use for lhis site . 11 is low dcnsi1y, ii is consistenl wiU1 U1e dcnsily of 1he neighborhood. The liClle afthe bulldia& will be simllar lo Olhcr buildings in Uic area . n,c use is similar 10 a chu,t;1. ii is quie1. ic ls clean. The site will be upgnldcd and well maintained. Tiicy believe, she said. 1ha1 ii will be a CXllllidcrablc imprO\-cmcnL 1ba'c will be a large amoun1 of landscaped open space. prucrvcd, as a pan of dlis cb'ClopmcnL Safely has alrtady been improved by moving 1he main access off of i:lartmoulh. bu1 lhc iaproYcd strcel froalage, by providing sidewalks. will greatly improve the safely for pcdcsuians and be an -1a the Cil)'. II will have I high qualil)' i""l8e and will conlribulc ,o lhc stab iii I)' of lhe neighborhood l,y diminaling opponunll)' for olhcr, lcs.s desirable. development One oflhc lhings, she nolcd, Lbal they ..,. IO say hen:, Is lllal lhcy really commend lhc Cil)' ofEnglcm>od's planning staff. bccusc, from lhc begimling, lhey have had a very slrong adhcrcncc to mainlllining U1e clmrac1er and in1egri1y of lhc aeipborhood . And staff' adviJcd ihcm 1ha1 ii is mos1 imponan1 wi1h whalever U"-'Y did. that 1hcy ncodcd 10 ...tir sure thal Ibey Iii in, Iha! they looked like U,ey belonged U1erc and ii looked like ii was ao cstabli5bcd faciliry. Ms. Moore commcnled thal staff rccogni= 1ha1 some 01hcr uses could go in lhcrc right now, ,_ C111 wllal Is allowed In lhe R-1-A ... schools. rehab ccnlm. higher densi1y rcsiden1ial could go lhcrc. Sbc Slll<d lha1 stair bas indicaled Iha! they fccJ lhis is an acceplablc use SiafT was ve ry clear in what lhcy •cxp,<11:d and they believe they have responded in what lhey consider 10 be a VCI)' legiumale si1e plan and llll<malivc for the site . She staled U1ey believe ii is compalible witl1 tl1e Ci1y's Comprehensive PL'III. 11 will pnl\ide approximlldy S20.000 10 $301000 in revenue 10 lhc Cily from combined propcr.y and sales iaxcs 011 an annual basis. She said finally, and probably most imponan1ly, is 1ha1 U1is proposal is mongly -,ed by lhosc Englewood rcsidenlS and L1xpayers who own property immcdialely adjaccn110 Uic propos<xt monuary. She S&id Uicy have a map 1ha1 sho11s those people who have signed a pcti1ion in mppon. Council indicaled lhcy had a copy of 1he map . Ms. Moore said 1hey can sec Ui:11 cvel)1hing in lhe blue arc lhe people who have signed lhe pc1 i1ion. U1osc people Uial arc 1110Sl impacled on Dartmoulh. The red is Denver and the blue is Englewood . the 500 fool no1ifica1io11 area . So. she pointed out. they have a real significant amount of support for the project from 1l1c people who believe 1hat they arc the most unpacted . In conclusion. Ms Moore said. they recognize that it is in the best i111crcst of 1.hc conuawtity to provide a facility that is appropriate for both Denver and Englewood res idents. TI1cy have done what ll1ey can to Lr)' 10 receive input and implement feedback from Dcll\cr rcsidcms into the plan . She comme111cd lbat they also recognize lhal ii is. legally, a Cily of Englewood issue and lhey believe 1ha1 tl1c Ci1y of Englewood residents and ta.-q:raycrs should have the grc.1tcr influence on thei r design and CoW1cil's decision. COWJCil ,riU be hearing testimony tonight. she said. from people who arc 1101 from Englewood and ll1c y hope thal Council will listen to their addresses and take those people 1hat arc li\•ing in Englewood and tnxpa)'Crs in Englewood and give them th ei r due co nsideration . Ms Moore said tha i that concludes her prcscntalion. thnt she would hke 10 unrodu ce Ra y Newcomer, who "111 be the owne r of this propo~al facilily and he is goi 11g to sa~ JU St a co upl e of thmgs . AJso, she said. she W11l be available for question s Additionally. she :idvi sc d. the~ 11:1, e ot her people who can respond to spcc1fic questi ons Cou nci l mi g,h have . Ma)or Bums noted rhey do have ,1 fe w questions and Ms . Moore h,1s taken 25 nunules or so h<.r.: and he thought if Mr. Newcomer wants to s.1y a fow things t.hat is fine. bul th ey don't want 10 SlaJt o,·er again with anolha presentation on the same thing. ~an points . EnJlewood City Cn,11cll No•ember 2, 19911 P■Jt 10 bt!\111 t,.c1 :t l 1 I to~ 1:JI 'f 11.ayNewcomer, from Topeka, \'<Jow, staled Lh.11 hc-'.lldanytbina o )"halllarold Stitt or Lynn Moore ha>1: llld -'cmlcally Iha •JI 1h11 project, Ibey'"""""" U ''CIY well. Ile uid ~e would like to emphasl7.e thot ·lie per1onally 11 001 ,mhrtd to cn•crina ~ Colorado on a lol)i tcnn relalioasbip, that he WIJlll t! tn!dn!o p111 ortt,,. l'al>rtc or the ~rtllll 1111111 lmponani to him. He waia to nlAl<e an investment in E1111t,:-,,,.,I. He noted , a., Ml -:■lid, 11111 hls company h.i.s worked with the Cl1y plannci'a and lhc nci~• in dclip1,~ a very-~ and somcdung he thought would be 1nsitivc on that loel11ion at the curr,cr of Danmouth andlJllioalily. He opined ii is with the integrity or the community, ii 111ays wilh the lnte(irity or the communii,, wilftlllhc design , the landscaping and the name i.sue . He said that Is all he had tc say and If Council !rad oa, ,questions he woold be glad 10 answer thcnt Council Member Bradshaw asltcd if the Newcomer Mortuary is a ror profit business. Mr. Newcomer said that is correct . Mayor Bums said he undcntood 500 notices were SCDI-..S,lhcy DOied who had signed In favor. He asked Ms. Moore how many residents, funhcr south ia ... ~ who panicipalcd in thclr public meetings, or others along 0:1:tmouth Cin:le who ~ • lheir public mcaiogs, did not sign in suppon. Ms . Moore said she did not know orr-hand. Sire .,..aaincd that they dida'! send out 500, they sent i1 oot to people wlthln 500 rcet . She said she waffled to clari!"y Jllal f1111 of all :iiC1 she did not know the exact quantity. There "~re a lot or people from Denver wla,amc to the meetings they had. ~ were a lol or people fmm Englewood who didn't c ,me . Then: _ _,. people who '"iJIIO" the project now, who didn' originally suppon the project, she said. as dlq ,.._ conc:cmcd alx-dl what could happen and once they understood the PUD process and what ii woald alllnw they changed uicir minds . Bu~ she said. she doesn, have nn answer as 10 who is In support and •-boiiiln'I. She com111C111ed that she suspects that you prob:lbly have a liSI ol those people . Ms. Moore Slid Illa * ia--s that these wen: people who came to both mcclings and do IIOI suppon it. as "~II ... people •-!lo <lo suppon il Council Member Naoholz asked since this is a pa,tncnllip ,.5th a church and since they are a for profit business. if this w-JUld put them in a tax exempt surus.. Ms. Moore said no . Mayor Bums asked if then: "~cc any other questions of du: IPl'CSClllcrs. ll1Cre were none nnd he thanked them . Ray Berlin. 21J2 East Darnnooth Avenue . said tlia\ ~1>r Sums mentioned that tl1cy had 160 petition signatures and he doesn't know how many of them arc Engtl:.wood residents. bul he has some who arc . He submiltcd thnt petition for 1hc record. He nolcd Council mu.~ or m.l} not have that petitio n. He sa id he would like 10 s.,y, in opcnmg. that we arc a ncighbomcxd.. w«" arc a Denver neighborh ood an d we arc an Englewood neighborl1ood . In the paSI when • contentious ,:IUlalioo came up, cspccialli· \\ith a nursmg home . both neighborhoods were united . He said he doesn 't!. \\lt.'&lll to sec this dc.lcrioratc into a them and us situation. ii is not that al all. Mr. Berlin staled that be fa-·= Ox: proposal and he favors i1 because he feels like it doesn 't intn.dc and he li\'cs pretty appro .'<imatc 10 wb.::rc ii is going 10 be . ln thm relation. it docsn ·1 bother hl1n. although he lives a little fanhcr U>'lll 500 fee, "'"""Y from the project . For what is being proposed and what is being done . he said. thai he bcl~"CS Mr Newcomer is an honorable man and he doesn't think he is nol going 10 do \\ha! he ~}She is g<XDg tlD do. Being a broker. an agent and an invest or, he said. he undcrsrands what real estate 111c..'U1s in rclatioo tui dwtgi ng zonings, we don't want that cit.her . But . he slated. the PUD wr do that and if in the future. bi: .assured Council . if anybody attempts to chan ge that PUD or rn.1ke another commcrc&:1 1 app llcllXKI 1hr would oppose II as strongly as he is SL'lflding here in favor of 1lu s. 1l1ey ca n rely on th,11 . In concl usxm. BlC S,1Jd.. he would like to say that the gc111Jcma11 from Dcm•cr has a very valid pcunt. Titi s panicular comer m::eds a 1um arrow . He noted that every morning when he goes d<m11 there. th ere arc a1 lcasr 10 or a..2 cars l1)fog 10 twn len or right. or south or north on Uni"crsily, an J one day somebody is going 10 bc-l~mdly inJUfCd or killed at that intersection . He staled there is no doubl about it. it is coming and he '-'35 ~ the ga,tlem:u1 brought it up because 11 1s prcvaJent and it is going to happen there . He s.1id he dJca 'tr tthmk II takes ;nuch 10 put a turn arrow there . so if Council doc~ nothing else. please pul a tum arr°"' on duw street • • • • • la&lew...i Clly Council No,_.r 2, 1991 Pitt II l (Ii ) bnuH l!J:11'.il "' t·urlm ,nil' ' • 1 Vi!Jinia Bed<, 2302 East Dlltmouth Avenue, advlsc.:l lhal she and her husb:md have lived for 14 y,;ars ICtoSI tile _, 11om the church. They have waldl<d the properly willl i111erest, they hive been vt,llon at the clu'ch 111d wall:hed thal propeny and the vacant lot. They have been cona:mcd about i~ boc:ausc the churdl is 1101 u ideal place for any oilier church 10 come in and use Iha! ficility should Ille cumnt tenoms not be lble10 be lllere ... flnulcially, if they were not able to rail fllll facility . II has no S~ school rooms, ii • a foyer, chapel, office and a nunery and ii has very lllde else . 11 Is not conducive for rencaJ bi· other dlurcb groups . Ms. Beck stated they have w111ched with concern the poor care of the vacant lot nonh of Ille church, they have been concerned aboul those seven buses out front and the lack of sidewall<. But. she said. Ibey are 9llisfled with this petition . She noted they have come 10 ii gradually, they prefcmd 10 have a nice quiet linle church there, but as they hnve heard lhis proposal and gone 10 these meetings they have come to see Illa! this Is going 10 be an improve,ncn, in their neighborhood . Their view is going 10 be bener, thal comer is going lo be beltcr and the concern nboul 11111lic coming oul... "~II ii will come righl direcdy out 10 lheir stn:el and !heir prnpeny as ii rums . Bu~ the idea lhat funerals will be held between 10:00 and 2:00 means Iha! ii will very seldom impael her life or doe lives of those who live along lhal street . And·so. she said. she and her husband would ravor that propos:el :md welcome CouncWs vote in favor of il. Lou Berlin. 2132 l!aJI Dartrnoulh Avenue. said Uoa1 she really doesn't have much 10 say other lhan she is in favor of it. She advised they have worlced very hard "ith M.-. NC\\~omer nnd his slatr and she thinks ii would be a great Improvement in their neighborl1ood . Dudley Smith, 3224 South Gregg Coun, Denver. od\iscd dial he is doc presidenl of the Cherry Hills Heighb Homeowne(s Association. He said he rcpr,scnls over I 00 households cast of the inlerscetion !hey -addressing !his evening . Mr. Smid, stared Umt, like !he r,r., ge111leman. he loas nor been given the information. nor has lllere been any presen1ation given to either himself, their board or their neighborhood regarding this ,·cniurc thal is on the books . Therefore they were not able to properly address the spec ific issues that have been bro,·gh1 up 1onigh1. Bui , he said, based on U1e very brief information !hot has been preoenlCd lo them al their IIIOSI recent board mce,ing, they do feel strongly amo ng their board members nnd representatives orthc ncig)hiorhood that they arc against haYing any comm ercial venture exist in thi; residential.,.._ Again as ii has been nOlcd. he said. there an, three miles along University d1a1 exist without any commercial venture and they feel that there is no need 10 suddenly create a new precedence to establish this commercial venture here and now. They know the streets arc VCr)' busy and, he said, he personally can't see how a new commercial \COturc of any si7.C can help but increase the lrnffic now in that an:a . Whether you have SOOcars , a "ffl<· a monlh, a year ... he tl1ougl11 any kind ofvenlure would notw:illy increase uaffic now. They have Slavens School. which is just 1·wo blocks e:ist of that area and if}'OU ha,·c traffic flow increasing lhat WflY o; any kind of procession s going by the schoo l in tJ1c middle of the da), that may or may not have impact on the children. but it 1s cc nainly a consideration . Mr. Smitl1 said he docsn'I ha,.: any 01her specifics, he hasn't had time to nc111ally pe1ition his neigl1borhood . he would be happy to. in the next two weeks, just so Council could get a clear picture of how it is seen b~· lhc community al large . Dcn\'cr is maybe the n.licn nci ghbor 10 the cast. but tJ1cy do ha\'c concerns. While be has no objection 10 a new commercial vcn1urc existmg iu Englewood and having your ta.'( dollars inacasc, be \\Ould guess his question would be is this reall y lhc brsl loca tion fur such a vcniure . L:spccially , when you have oppommitics. pcl'Mps. only a few blocks 10 th e west on Broadwa y or on Hampden . II wou lr1 obviously allow for another commercial venture in a mu ch more compa tible setting. He sai d that is aJI he hsd to say . Frank Miner . 3121 South Vine S1rcc1. said th.1 1 they moved into . whal \\:IS th en kn o\\11 as . Hampd en Hills in 1954, so !hey have seen a 101 of dcvclopmcnl takin g place in that area . He s.1 id he th ough t i i would be very inlercsting 10 compare pcti1ions 1h.1 t were signed by Englewood cililcns prot cs1ing against m•h omc day care ccnlcrs, because ii was a business . Many oflhcm were rcsidcm s nho arc on Dartmouth Circle and arc on East Dartmouth Avenue . He ad\'i.SCd he h,15 a copy of such a pclilion. from 1996. with 111111 and he submitted ii for the rcct"rd. He didn'I lm\·c time 10 compare all of the signatures. howev er he has highlighted some oflhcm. 11tis is not n qucslion ofa mon11.1 ry. 1hi s 1s :! !?UCSli:ln of a for profit business in Enalewood Clly COH<II Now,mber 1, 19'1 P ■ae 12 1(_t1 "l h•w N •l•1ni t'~, I 1 ,1hn "' a rcsidcnti:11 neighborhood, this ia a.,..._ oi changing zoning. He said they broughl lheir homes, they moved illlO Englnlood. Ibey wac ...... ns R-1-A ZOruJII and Ibey Wllllsil kepi lhal way , Mr. Miner Slaled cmphalic:ally I.hat they do•-• zoniaa ebanacd, He docs no1 care if iii,• mmuary or a 7- Eloven or ■ T.-01111i011, orw.,_...• aaybc ... hcdocslllll WMll!> IOO lho 1'Jllir,1cha11aed ill l.hal ociaJ,1,orhood. Several yean.,., lie~ r« a company.._ liked bim lo IIIO\'C acn,u lhe COWIIJJI, con,oquenlly they Jll\'C lived io 16 Iii..~ six dilT=nt slll\CS io lhe Uni1ed s1111ea Mr. Miner Slaled ihcy bad 1o make the dccisiae 16 macs oi when: they wanlCd 10 u..._ Twice Ibey cllose Hampden Hills. The) were moved 0111 ofllaapl,,,Hills and then they moved back . When Ibey wen: ill Rockford, lllil1ois, his wife said lo him 1h11 Ibey --IDUI& back lo Oeu\-cr and liked him if he could find a home ill Hampden Hills, IO get iL He DOied * caddn' come here to bdp hill\, an be came and bougl11 lhc home himself. And that, he said, Is lbc kiradrlmci,i,t,orhond lhcy found and lbc kind o(a neighborhood Ibey hope they can continue to live in. Ho aol;al that tliey please llOI clianac lhc zooing ill Englewood ... nol change any R-1-A 20ni11g in En~u aay rcsidcnlial 7.0llin~. He 11alcd ,.,, need every house we can get. Fred Trcmly, 3104 South Vine Coun. hc '1alCd th.1t he and his .. ;re have lived a1 lhisaddrcss for 45 ycan. Mosl of northeast Englewood, il1cludingjhar home , is zoned R-1-A . The land, includillg God's Miracle Churcl~ was zoned R-1 by Ensl<'A'GCld ia 1946 and later this land was desi8Jl"led R-1-A residential. For over 50 yca,s. he poillted out. this lad._ bcea RSidcntial "ith no :wning changes. Then: is an old '8ying that ifil ain, broke, don't fix ii orc:llaap:11. he said. OurCOWICil 1,.. bccnukcd IO vOICon aroque&110 change this residential zone tfl a PUD zamc located on Univcrsi1y Doulcvard. nonh ofDarunouth Avenue . He advised that he and his wife, Rull, T,aaiy. joincd over 160 residents of nonhcast Englewood 10 vote against this zoning change frcm l'CSldcaaJ IO PUD, wlticb would pcnnit a business . He noted thal the pn:vious speaker said thal this would btm\s 520.000 10 $30,000 in revenue to Englewood. Mr. Tromly said he challenged that stalement and he '"oullol likc 10 bear a brcakdo1m of ii. He said he would presume tltis would be in propcny laxes and sales u.-.,. lbut be would like 10 sec a breakdown of 1ha1. J. B. Kauicdy, 3225 South Raa: StncL wkh is thn:c or four blocks away from this immedia te siluation, so he pleads guilty 10 no! being diRaly IIIJllol,·al wilh 1hat aspect. He said be would also plead guilt)' ra no1 !:;cing in lbc real estate business« lllc l"'Jlll(ltion business Mr. Kennedy advi.al thal he i, a "'';ed airline captain for Uni1al Airli""' and bc-=i,'cd a Distinguished flying C'°" from lbc Navy when he was 2 I years old ill co;nbal as a carrier p,ilot. "hen he wound up commanding a fighter squ-Jrcn. He said tlc11 he mentiMS thc;c tltings only to SUg,st that he is somewhat cono:mcd wi1h whal is occurring here ill 1enns of princip,c. l'rinciple, he noted llis 'Wifc sa)s ti.ii is his rruddle name. and maybe ii is. As he understands il he s:iid. and ma)t>c Couacil can con-eel ltim if he is mistaken. lhat lhc principle of zoning is to provide a conununit}· and a city, a lop::al progressive development process. ii was established hctc for sometime, eycn lhough they l13\'C been lDl '11.1c an:a for -l5 years as \\Cl!. Ccruunl)', he sta led , the area has. m racl. appreciated both on the Den\'Cr gdc cf U111vcrsi1y and up and do"'" University. people h:ivc improved it consistently, s.incc they have lived lbe:re JD their p.,nicular pan of Hampden Hills. TI1crc is no excuse for suggesting that the area has been somc:bcw eroded into a potential comm crc iaJ proposition. So if the principle ofwning is al all important, hc said. we hal'e 10 discuss ii [rem tliat aspect. II docsn'I matlcr how nice 1hcsc people arc :Uld he has met Mr. Scwcomer and he is pleased to say he cnjo)'cd knowing t:.im, ~1c ll.:.s met the ntiniSlcr who has pleaded lu.s asc for Lhis particular rezoning 10 stabilize hi s future as a minister in the area . TI1at he stressed.. is mane of Council's concern. as they well know and he would hope that no one here would dare suggest that tfuat lS a fac1or ,, hich should eve r enier Council's decisions regarding 1.onrng He staled it doesn 't mama hem mur.11 lraffi c. or how little . ii doc !:n'I matter how ni ce it will be . lfhc came 10 CoW1cil and s;ud he'had a pr.,pos111on "here he was going to take his backyard and he was going to pr.,misc that he would pun lD parl;.mg for a large number of cars \\ here his ya rd is. he wouJd put up some liglu s. they won't be rcaJ bn g!nt Ju.SI so me liltle hgJus and he was go ing to co nduct a business , because he is gomg 10 make profit at 1l ani::: if on three sides of !us propcn ) :t ~as rcs1dcn11al . they would laugh him out of the Council Chambers. 1k: sawi He s1a1cd emphatically 1ha1 the issue 1s zoning and nothing else . Mr. K:•nncdy advised that. hi: h,1s great respect for the Newcomer organi 1 .. alion, and he is sure the y arc very dedi cat ed. but it is for prove. lf Counc il chooses to make a for profit operation go in the heart • • • • • • ln&lewlll!II Clly Council No-bl!r 2, 1998 Pase tJ of residential zoning. he maintnined , they arc deslroying 1hc \'Cl)' principle of zoning. That is Ille~ On prior occasions, he said. he has never spoken. he has listened , when ii was~ Illar........,,.. could c:;pec:1 lha1 ii mighl be worse somcday ... lhat is on i..uil 10 U1eir inaclliFIICI u Coolnal peaplc• 10 those that rotlow 111cm as Council people. He 5Ullcd thal that son of intimidalilla ii. 10 him. Clllr--, in1Wln1, II 11 all roo-foo as 10 whelhcr lhc roads are niQ:. whether lhc partwi1 ii fn,c. wbcthcr 111cy ,..., SOfflC 11uubs. If lhey wan110 do something for profi1. you cilhcr change your wording for R•l•A ID iadiolc COlnm<rtial, which of cowsc would be ridiculous. lhat applies lo all R-i-A in Englewood ud YOII ........ on lhc face of i~ deny Ibis. You can\ be a linle prcgnanc you can~ say, well , ii isn li1tle .....,._ad6cy are only going 10 operate from 10:00 10 2:00 . If he said it aboul bringing in a shop lad oelliac IIOlllil'I ... bibles on his propcny on thc back ... and. he said. U,ey arc nice people. U,cy wiU aely oomebctwcm 10;()0 and 7·00 bul they are going 10 make money al ii. He stated he gcu a li!Uc 5ICalned and lie ._a...,. peo ple befon: him. you ladies and gentleman arc n:sponsiblc cili7.CRS of Englewood as we woald • - all arc. He poinlcd 0111 lhal Council's decision is 1101 tl,c Plillllling Board's decision. They look• llac 1cc hnical aspect,. Ibey do very, very impollanl mailers . Bui. he said. U,e dcc:isioa to cfwl&c ~ rcsidenti:il to commcrci:il oxists wiU, Council and U1:11 is all they l,wc to decide He said be would be happy to answer any quest ions . John Banclmay amiscd he is U1c pastor of God's Miracle Churclc al 3095 South Uni,-...ity • ..i ae- 1,c speaks in favor of this and he again makes a declaration Uia& he is DOI in panncnhip with Ille~ Family Monuary . Bui. he said. having been a n:sidcnt , 001 owncrwp, bul the rcsidcnl chwdl int llll propeny and renting that propcny for U,c last. litllc over, four years. all kinds o( things la:l\"e come • gone . And Ille issue of the property to the nonh. which was once owned by the chun:h years 3j!O. md • thc thought of the propeny to the nonh having a chapel of it's own on it , he is Ute one who tal<cd,. Mr. Newconter and their group about combining the two propcni es . Because . he said. we -aa opp0111111i1J. as Englewood and lhc residents around tl1en:, to fin.1lly bring some continuily to the properties. No_.._ probably, opposed to the ch11n:h on the corner. he s.1 id. He hol ds fun eral s there . him1Clf. not• mmy •.a funeral chapel would hopcl\lll y, but U1ey uavc wcddlll l!,S. pn blic mectin gs Sunday momiag. Suaday lligtll. Wednesday night and other nights and during the week man)' 11mcs and tJ \C}' have lried 10 impn,.'C ii silllce they have been th ere . witbin the c.ipab ililics of what lh C')' "ere ab le 10 do. He sa id he wanted CculciJ ad tho r,coplc behind him to know that he n:all y bcli C\cs 11,11 tlu , has been presented to us to mal<.e I clcci,.- and the decision is in their hands to make Uic propcn y co mpatible to tlic area. because if he sbouJd lllppm to le.we five years do\111 the road. ifhc should h.1ppcn to sd l his property, it could only be used as a church/funerJI cl-,pel. So . thc co nt inuity of the property would be ,mintnined unless othcrnue ova1D<ral by this Cour,cil. So. he said. he speaks in favor of it and lie apprec iated tl,cir tinte . Dale Duran. J 151 South Corona. advised Uicy 1,we li ved in Englewood fo r over 30 years and he dJd IIIJl know any1hing _about Uus proposal until about five da ys ago. He ca lled Planning and Zo nmg and th<y sad there has bet:n a sign up there. He noted a friend of his li ves about fou r houses down in Denver and be &as never see n th.it sign and he doesn 't know where th ey pul 1hc da.i 1u1 sign. He used 10 work for 3 ~ wh en he was in grad school. and he worked there for abouI Iwo or three years. he said. a.l!d be kno-.s the- ins and ou ts of 1.hc mortua,y business. He too k a g,rnduatc course in cconom1cs and one of the dasscs be had to take was how to lie with statistics and he would ch.1 1 • ~ngc the rcprcscntntivc of Newcomer Mortt:t1n• to provi de him ,,ith the infonnati on that "CWo of !he people 6~ there for cremat ion . As far as be knows. a.c' sai d. th en" arc only lwo or three crcmaloriums in the metropolitan area . Al so. there arc three mortuancs m the En& ,ood area. actually four if you consi der Li11le1on. but Lherc 1s one on Hampden and Marioll and they ha\·e two down on So uth Broa dway and the oth er one on L1111eton Boulevard and you are goi ng 10 ha ve funer,d proccss ic.ns whic heve r way you arc going lo go You have Fo rt Logan Cemetery ci O\\'ll en West Hampd en. )DU have a ce met ery and monuary over on Sy racuse and Hampden and Linlct.on ce::mt11:2y So. he JX>inled out . you arc going lo have process ions 1h.1t go every wli id1 wa y on this tJun g He said be just thmks thi s is luW crous that th ey wa m lo pul a mort ual) over lhcrc on Uni vcrs uy. it is a rcs.dcnual an:~ Let it st;1y residenti al. he sa id . He rcucrm cd tJ1.:11 he l1.;1s wor~ed fo r monuancs . h: made the arran gcmc:ms. he we nt to funeral processio ns and we nt to th e ccme lcl) He did all thal st uff and he kno ws \\ hat t~ Q.l u ,d what th e impnc1 is ln~C1tyc_,;i No, ........ 1,1,- Pa,:el ◄ u ) ,U l l,0011,t::n f J1f VI "11t. •' 11! I 'I l'olcf LadwiJ.1161 Eillr,..,,.. AYCl!UC. said he wan1ed to talk a liMle less about the she, but Just a Huie bit ..e..,. tho -He.....,. the appliaun was very aniculnte nnd vel)I clear in explaining that this site. ID lhoflllun. ---p,IOariolhcrklmlof'busineausc at all. Oiat mlglll be viewed as more Intrusive . Ho appladld dleir ...... poinL He said his concern is about other things and he has a little bit or experialco ill die i.. lie_.. claim 1111)' blowledge orzonlnJ. his concern Is Ir they allow In one PUD in a realdealial -lie .. _,_ lboul the nex1 one. Mt. Lodwlg acknowledged that he may be vel)I happy with this monua,y-. lie li\-a t!ve, six block$ away, bu1 he Is wolTicd that you have one, now you have kifld or brokffl the -m au nice residential neighborhood and the next applicant comes along and says now here is one ... ,......-dlis PUD over here, now I wont one over here. He said thc lawyer in him says. boy you 111111 _,... -dlocriminlltion claims and the next applicant kind of gets the boot strap , you haw kind.,......,. .. -.t. you have lost your no longer totally residential , you have allowed in a linle busilk J OYa' lioR---is Ille next one? Mr. Ludwig said he realizes that is a vel)I, ve,y. dlffi,uh issue for bodl !be ..,._ ad !be Council. The applicant can't sit here and make promises about the future. lie aid. mil lie--Ille Council migl11 suggest that they rc,iew these on a case by case basis . And he agreed widl 11ml. He oaad he is just sa)ing let's not brc.1k the mold or this neighborhood. let's just keep it ,esidmtial, -•~""'"this issue ir,.,, don't allow any PUD use at all and some or the previous spatlu:n ba¥e .,.,._-, doqmml in tl1II respc<t. He noted he 11.,s only li,1'd here about five or six years ..i in....,.,_.., .._. i.a Denver thal ,.. .. you the senior, most longstanding resident. but no( here. He mlall • MIi o(-ill )'CSICrday. BUI, he said. they were •~IJI eloquent and he just wanted 10 add hls cmams, leu ,;,,._...., if raideMial, that is a very precious thing . Nancy ~ ZHOIEMI Cohunbia Place. Denver. pointed out her house on the map . She said she was notified o(the ....-pia .. !ping and in the summer and she ancndc1. She said she believes tliat Ms . Moon, has drawn a .,._.,,. plarl and made an excellent presentation. She said she thought Mr. Newcomer is a very plcasan« ~and• "'IJI successful businessman . After the Plruutlng Commission meeting they • were told lllal ~..,..... docide this question on a certain date, she marked it on her calendar , n,.idy to come and they cleddaf iil tM> weckJ previously . She found this out from the President of the Soutl1em Hills Nt:ighborboad ~ They had their rncrting last \\Uk and she found out again from a Sootheni Hills~ Ms. Flanagan stated she did not see the petition. she has not bcrn mass.igcd , smce she spci'.e apinsl ii at* last meeting. She pointed out th.11 . as several neighbors have said tonight, it is only about zoaing. Sh£said sbe thinks Ms. Moore and Mr Nrn~o mer are nice ;,eople, she thinks they are sua:essfuJ people al* lhints they will have continued SUCCl.'SS whether Council votes this up or down . She opined that the suc:,sgoflhc survival ofr,,ident,11 neighborhoods in Englrn,ioo is the only issue . In the paSI . when they....., appeared before tl1e P~111ung Co mmission . one or the Planning Commissioners said that she unda>lolxl 1hal the only rcoson to w:lllgc Ilic zoning for a neighborhood is if there has been sigmficanl challgc to tk oeaglllra<IK>Od She stated then: 11.'IS not bee significant change to this ncrghborhoocl. ii has Ilea a raidcntiol neighborhood for ~O rears. it lias been a residential neighborhood on all srdcs ror a loag-. lr!>ousc is over JO icars old . they bought it rrom the original owner It is a very solid, emblislldaoigllborlrood. it is not a transient ncighborl1ood by any means. she said. She commented th.al she wtdted she had the re.sources to get some opinions and hire some consultants. bul she docsn11. she cm-ma bonDc.. that l5 her contribution 10 socie1y , 1h.11 is her gif\ ; :, t11c fu1urc . To have a home take care of it. g:iYc ii a:, her lads when she is gone. MaJ..c thc1n responsible citizens. Someone has said thi s evening that this PUO•'lll pl'C\eDI somel11ing worse from going on this comer. She sL1tCU h' will nJso prC\·en1 something bem::r from going on this comer . In lhc p11st wl:en only 1hc sm..,11 one acre parcel was on the tabk.. it was ob. we-U\.-'C to pul in utililics. we h.1\'C lo put in sewage and we have lo pul in waler and ii is gomg to be so expe,:m;nic um no homcO\vncr will be able 10 afford it She said 1fyou look north. if you look south. on Uru\~ it as mik:s and miles of vet)' nice home s and if you look just a Ii Ille further south 10 the Buell ManSIOll ~ ~'OU will sec lh:11 there is nol a business lhcrc . The next business is at Orchani Road. a Ions:,..~ ..,.~ Also . she s.,id she knows rh,11 1r.1ffic ,s not suppose 10 be a consid cmti on. because ii 1s ttncd~ a imma-oCblack and white. rcs1den1t al. for ,rolit business But her neighbor. her across the Sll'CC'l 0t1gb.O.....-. kGlcd her car at Lhc comer or Coh1111b1:1 Pl:1cc at'tout a week and a h,1lf ago and • she can't sec how~ a.ooc.hcr cntmncc close to Columbia Place will be an a~I 10 the neighborhood . • • • ln&iewood Clly CIMlncll November 2, 1!198 , ... ,s Slavcu School la IWO blocu casl In Denver, dlCl'C is SI. Anne's School lhrcc blods DDf1l1. lherc: is Ill elomcnwy achoo! a HIile bil .-, juSI ioudt orDanmoulh. an Englewood~· school. She ~ dlOlc IIC lhin11 CCM1ncil l'Cllly needs 10 consider, will !hi, impn,yc your Ciiy? Shirley Forbes, 2360 East Floyd Avenue, ,aid she has been a native of Col..-all my life and she has seen a IOI of lhings change in lhis Slale . She grew up aiming down 10 lhis an:a boclusc she had rclaliv~ In Ibis 11C1 &Ince she can remember. Ms. Forbes Slalcd 1h11 her fim experience ar baying I hclusc happened 10 be in Englewood 11 2360 Bast Floyd and ii is rcsidenlial. She said st,,: loves ii ad 21t doesn~ Wllll 10 chanl!C lhe neighborhood and she doesn\ lhinlt by doing 1his ii will imprm,: lhc wtiigthwt,aod. M5. Forbes opined that by hiving II toned and keeping II as is is lhc way lhcy need 10 keep it. Benjamin Colkitt said he llvea al 23,0 East Danmoulh which :s 1he soulhcasr a,owr rl Darunoulh and University . He said he also offices in Englewood. so he hopefully will no1 be cliiDmanchised because of his Dcm•:r rcsidenoe. Mr. Colkill advised ho is an attorney. he is in lhe job G( .,.._m. He has watched dtis process and he lhoughl Council h.1d seen a very good example of paid profc:ssiia&lls. spin doctoring a proposition. He opined d,cro Is subsinnlial error on some of 1hc fairness lha1 lhc:rlave lried 10 pc:'SUadc Council on whal has lakcn place in lhls process . Number one . he s.iid. wilh rqom ID nr,;,a:, !hey never received nolicc of lhe earlier m<elings . After d,cy learned ab<xit. and anen<lal a p11115c plaMing meeting, he was visited by one of the la,~crs for thi s situalion. but prior to that lhey bad ra::iriYed nowrincn notice. nor did he lhink did many of his ncigltbon in Soulhcm Hills. So. he said. he is,_,.... o(d,c adcqua1CDess of lhc involvcmen1 of dte public in lhe procas. Secondly. wilh regard 10 die aagllllas lhal lhcY have prcsatlcd as having brou~I inlJ lhe fold so lo speak. widt regard 10 abandonillg Ol:ii' OIJPOSition. He said he would submil 1h11 a lo1 o!ihal is a producl oflhe fear Iha! has been cngcnd<:rall!J!• lhc a,mmcrcial posling of lhc vacant property and jUSI having 10 a,mc back and fonh 10 lhe IDtlClillgs. Alie!. he said. he lhoughl lhe fear is whcdtcr or nol lhc City Council is going 10 pul some life inlo tk ..uns ofR-1 zoning. He opined lhcsc people had cxpec1ations. lhcy an: worried aboul rhosc cx~lleing t'rustrnlcd. but dtcy brought in10 a conccpl 1ha1 lhis is going 10 be a rcsidcnlial neighborhood ad k tboughl .hey wanrcd !hat a>nccpl protccrcd . He said he knows he docs . Mr. Calkin srarcd he is opposed 10 ii and he would p:ss his opposirion is grounded in so,ncdting his dnuglllcr said 10 him . She is IS al he lold her abour lhc proposal ond her reaction. in IS year-old=. was I don'I wanl 10 li\'e nexi to a mortam}. Iha! is nor going to happen IS it? He s.·i~ he lhougill Iha! was a Mlurni response and he lhought dlar•-bcn )OU hear an expert a,me in and say well it ts not going 10 reduce property values. people arc going m llo\'C it. Iha! is an expert witness. lhey have been bough! and paid for by dte people dial pa,d !heir fee and be -ghl !hey had 10 judge Iha! opinion on lhe fdcl lhal ii is;, aommcrciai rransaclion . II is an expen wimcss. Mr. Calkin said Iha! he lures cxpens all dte lime, a, he was SUIC dtc Cily Anomey docs . Iha! if ~oo mop long enough you can gel somebody 10 say whal you wanl lhcm 10 say . He SlalCd he thinks lhal is wlta bas been given 10 lhc Couocil on this issu~:. He said he thinks ii is just a man er of common scn..c:c and he w.ould ask that Council apply !heir a>lllnlCn .""1SC in keeping rhoir neighborhood R-1 -A. Heidi Bartclmay. Pnstor John Bartclm.ay's dnugh1cr. s.1id she Wd 1101 w:i..n1 n 10 a:Jd011 th.ti note. because she h,u seen how hard u,ey h.1Yc worked to make this a very posilivc tlun g for our mmmwury. She said she is very involved in church. in fact she pmctically lives there The gcnllcman "ho JUSl spoke is an attomC) who has a practice in the gray mansion west or the church. she s:ud He walks lhrt:lq:i1 the parking lot every day and she secs him ail die lime . Ms . Baneln.iy said her d.1d has pc""'1all], 'i>(ll;en 10 him and invited him to the meetings. so as far as him not hearing about it . she said sne does mot know how . Ma)bc he misunderstood. she allowed . but, she said. herd.id has p.isscd out ove r 500 fliers.. talkmg to the neighbors. explaining :o them. trying 10 explain thal they think this is the best th~ One of the other neighbors menlioned there isn't really an)1hing more suitable and others l13\C SUlCd -·what's next, a Te:"aco or 7-Elcvcn ." She said there will 1101 be any cremation. \\luch she ,._,ouJd DOC "'&Ill either. but she feels a chapel is very spiritual and very sacred . If you look al all tl1e other proposa!s, lor things like rc1ircmcnt homes . we haven ·1 been supponfre of th al . she sai d. TI1is . she opmcd. L5 ~ng to make the church look just great. ii is going to improve ii. .ind we 1111 gh1 evc u have a SundaJ 5dtooJ room . I teach lhc four 10 seven year olds . so 111:11 will be grc,11. she commc111cd ~-1s. Banctmay saJd ~ bas met Mr. ._..,. .. City Council ""'-berl,1991 .... 16 Ill l -.)r") IJDfiR"'1IJff~-' ~4 I 1 ·fm / Ncwc:o\DU, be~ 1¥'<• 11 dlurcl, many 1i11 ... 10 m<d and u,lk ond discw,, Thil has been a really loa& procauod I c1oa•1 • be is payi111 people 10 \J)' IO make his claim !Ollfld 800d. she -,w_ Sllund her dad have bolh prayed about ii. she said, and d,o lllli!ly [eel, llwl ii is lhc ri&hl dung lo happen, She aid she did noc plan on lalking so she docs nol have a major defense or anything, bul si,, j11>1 did nol wan1 1110 end oa thal 111110. oo lhc bad. bccau,c she feels ii is very good and posilivc for die cnlir< community . Maril)'II CboD&, J05Q South Uoivcnity Boulevard, said MIC is a Denver rcsidcnl and lives dir?ctly acr01,1 lhc ARCt from lhc P'l'l"'"'1 puking lot for Ncwcom:r. She said she warned IO congrntulalc lhc YOWi& lody -pRadcd hot bclc.l""' sllc broughl up a very good pcin1 11111 tbc commercial inlcresu arc right ,_ door in thc bis IIDY house. Also, she said, MIC has walclicd that propcny for ten YCIIII Md wondered why DO oac bought it She said she has also noticed lhal ii has n:ally gone to pot . Ms . Chong said she undc,Sllllds lbal lhc rclSOD that DO one has bough! ii is that ii is not only an ilMl<IISC c,q,ensc. but thclo aso Olhcr dilllcullies in P:llin& g111. sewer and waler due lo the configuration oC the land ilielf. She said it is time we )'Cle IUlistk Fifty years is fUle, ii is goin& Ill cliangc. Why hasn't anyone bough! it io lhc last"" ycan IO pu1 a house on it? It is incvilable 1ha1 ii will go commercial. she said. and slic ccnainly would rad,cr tiy,: acn>SO lhc Slrcct Crow a pL1cc like lh:ll dian a 1-1,1~. en . She said she foughl loolh and nail agaima lhc previous proposal or a nursing home, and MIO docs 001 "~nt o Safeway UICIC. The only disadvaalap 10 lhc pro1 •• ,,,s being developed now is lhal it would lake away the 11eighbor's apple ordlald. ll1fl thal is very .91ifican1, she said. Fram: Hummel, 3070 South Vmc Stn:ct. staled that wheu lie pun:.hascd lhc propcny ln 1969. after be ...... a business in Cilldadla Cily. ii was part of Englewood. Throup no faull of his own. Mr. 8-1 said be ended up ia Denyer. He said be wan1cd 10 stale 1ba1 histo,y. bcca111.: lb< petitioner earlier lhoupt it w,s aocegary lhal Denver imacsti wen: not lo be heard here because ii was an Englewood matter. Wbcn ""buill our house. he said. as a young family wilb four cbildn:n, ii was lhc 1nos1 ideal neighborhood. and it still is. He .aid he noticed in d,c lasl few ycan, the R-1 uming lws e.,pcricnccd sort of a renaissance. WIii we ha\~ ne'.' families moving in. He said he looks to the future . He said there were a 101 of older speakers llcre and he fell sorry thal lhcrc wen: no young people here bcc.1usc the ful!orc docs belon g to lhe younger people. With lhc in1egri1y of zoning we musl keep diem in itund. be said . The older folks are moving out. their ini.:r<SU an: not lhe same. and the inlcgrily of lhe family home onuSI be preserved . He urged Council 10 YO(e no ou Ibis commercial proposal , and preserve lhc ncighborl1ood . He rccogni=I d1:11 Cow,eil has a gn:;11 rcsponsihilil)' and he said he knows 1hey will wcigli Oiis heavil y. Thomas Lee said be has lived at 3020 Sou01 University for more dwn 35 years Jnd he owns lhal property. He said he is sworn. and he has never received a nolir: 10 come 10 any hearing about this property. He said l>c is a I"cnver resident We talked aboul compalibilil)', l,c said, and Ou-cc sides ofUus propcr1y an: l'CSKlcnlial. and it is simply zoning. h is simply lryiog to lake an R-1 piece of propcn : and making ii a commercial property . There will be road cuts . We think who could L'\'Cr <k.."Vclop I.hat i'ropcrty. who though: ~inyofk! would ever come in nt YaJc and University and rn.ikc Cherry Hills Ill \lnc of the loveliest propcrtic:s in the cit}. a gated con unwtity . So there is an opponwuty for that property. It \\1II add traffic. 1berc an: rosari es. and I don 't think anyone would say they wouldn ·1 bury a Catholic , and a lot of times their rosaries arc at 7:30 at night And no one said Lhal. once lhe~· ge1 their nose unde r the tent. that they •NOn·1 expand So ll.csc an: the early projection s. but look how our arc:i has grown. he smd. We arc very much ag;i.nst it ~ $lid. TI1crc arc two schools in fairly close proximity and we just feel , cry strongly that this is DOt die :,ppro;,ria1e acthilJ· dicn:. People buy !heir propcn,cs because of 1hc wiy d,cy arc zoned and lbc price ;, adjusted bccaus.: of the way Lliey are zoned. he said . We accept dial. If I wan1ed 10 do some oommcn:ial acu, ·t)· 1Jn iny strccl it wouldn ·1 happen . 'Ne "'"111 the in:cgrity cf our properties maintafocd. we arc good neighbors of Englewood, and we trust th,11 you wi!I \'tile againsl thi s acti\'ily , he said . 1~,11 Skrivan. 3025 Sou th Downing Street. advised that he is Chmnn.111 of the Board of the Hampden Hills Bapc.151 Church . wluch was there prior to God's W.irac'.: Church . He s1ill attends tJ1c God'4i MirJclc • Cburc;h. He said he is very much m fa\'Or of this. : :~ said he h.,s lhcd 111 Englewood sinct: 1962 and • :njoys the c.t.urch there . Mr. Sk.nvnn saw the Hampden Hills Ba pust Church go down . an d in the end there • • ,.,.. only fiReen membcl!i. He sald he and his wire -U like to KC this p,opooal go lhnlugh Ir 1t,e,,, 11 any way possible, George Moshinaky. 21 I I Eaal Danmouth A--,, lllid 11&,..idencc is in Deaver>,....., there an: only Uute houses on Dal1mculh Avcnue 1h11 belong to Dcma.JIDd the n:st is all l!ngl.,.'OOCI. He lllld he walb 10 work every day and~ on, no sidcwallll. Ht llid lllo -bit by a car on Dori"10Ulh and University jUS1 two wecb ago while ..,.Jag Univcnity. TIie ligK dlac is 100 sbort and )II>'.¢; b m and they look DI the light lnSICad or the pccleslriM. We used 10 have• y..,. community, be lllid, when I moved into my house 14 ycun qo. We have SloveM School . whidl r • full of cbildlon. and lbcn ii \\115 closd ror several YCffl. because our community doesn't havethildrat3a>,-. We bave morulderpeoplc. he said. •ddlng that he supports the mortuary . Peter D. Poppas. 2805 Sooth Yort Slrcct . advised thal he IM:s in Denver. We ha,·e heard a lot or dilfen:nt 11'ings about this property tonight, he said, n:garding ,..bal auay or :Ila)' IOI be d-. We -heard some hurror stories about a Safeway or 1 7-Elcve•. anci 111: all ..acrstaod lh,i \IICl-e piot,ably ,,Ill .....,. be a Safeway or a 7-Elevon or a liqaor-or anyttiing lil<.c lhll. on this property . You all have lhc power 10 dcci,,e Iha~ he said . We arc looking at a fairly benign us, lier< as a mortuary . llic biggest thing 10 look•~ he o1,incd, is vision for this property . Many people 113\-e"""' we onay have sonic1hing wo,sc then: later. but why don 'I we look al what could be ;hen: better. be asked. 50 )'CatS ago, or ho",:vcr long this neighborhood has been lhcn:, this area was planned ror rcsi,:l:ntial, In the nc\\·spapcr this moming then: was an arti cl e n:garding a l950's ncighborl,ood in loud! w16 biaory. which is the Arapahoe Acn:s Subdivision , which isjUS1 on down the Slr1:CI on Danmautll A builclcr, or architctt. bad a vision about 50 yC31S ago to build a liUle COIIUJIU8ity ~-They did tlal. iii is ao iDlcn:sling conununity, and is in the City or Englewood, he said. It 1-aa hid ils ups and downs. .. -neighborhoods do . What )'OU an: seeing today is that 01:nver and ;;ng1ewood arc undergoing a """""""' The rcnaissarice, as Mr. Hwnmel ju.st mentioned. is happening on down Danmoulh . You dnve do,a11 Dartmouth towards e..-ay and yo u will sec several vacant lots . Actually there were probably l"''JCC • many lwo or three year.. ago. he allowed . Mr. Pappas cxpL1incd those vacant 'nrli arc now being bw1l •itl.1 single family residences , which are in- filling our neighborhoods . Why? Bcca lSC people w.mt 10 .,.,.,,. back into the cny . he said. lr,:y don 't want to live in Highlands Ranch anymore. they don 't -..'2IJI a, l..rvc in Awora . they u.'3nl to Ii\~ in the city . llus type or neighborhood is what makes the city grow. wbii:il, brings children b.1ck 10 the CII)' when older people move out . In Denver . Slavens School h.'lSJUSl re-opma:L it W;tS closed fo r many. many years, and it re-opened because children m coming back to these ncagbacdJoods. he said We now have an opportunity "i1 h this property, 001 1 , put a mortuary in. but look 10 the liil:urt lllis property ,sin the c:enler, if you look al your map, it is in Uie oortheast comer then:. surrounded II!' Demer neighborhoods . also thal big yellow square. ~hich is residential neighborhoods in lhe City ofE~'OOO. Titis property now. if ii were sold as one whole piece. could support as 1n.1ny as fi, c or ten single lfamily n:sidonccs , which would be highly desirable and would probably sell immediately . TIIC argw,,,:m,s 0101 Otis propert y couldn '1 be developed in the ~u because of sewer. waler, gas. utilities. those types of z-gwncnu arc gomg by the wayside bcc..1u_cc people arc row moving back to the city . You 'vc g01 a cbaoc:-UJ kcq> this property as it was zoned and a developer may come in and build some houses there and )OU •'OUld h.ivc the opportwtity to make this belier and increase the dc:;irability for lhe people \\ ho 11\c m. lll non and the people who live 1'1 it in 1he future . Carol Mirabi10. 2776 South St. Paul S1rcc1. Demer. Sl3t c.d th.JG.the dcc1S1on before Council is a \ough one because the prcscntalions from botJ1 sides arc very, good. Sir .allowed that she can sec pros and cons 10 each of them . As a resident of Denver. she said. I don·1 dcct ~ou and I don't p.iy taxes in Englewood. but I would like 10 point oul a few things th,11 conrc rri t>C()Ple on bcdi sides of the street She asked Council to keep some oftbe.sc tJ1ing.s in mind during the decision rnaking.;roccss. II is a residential area in both cilics. and many of us have purchased homes in tJU s area spcc,.ficill'., auausc ii is a hamJc1 :.,way from the hustle and bust le of !he conunerciaJ areas . We have l...1d a number (if illf,pacl5 that affect both sid~ of University , sucl1 as the re-opening of the school. Slavens. "hich has i.nc:a:::uiCd tra.ff'\C along Dartmouth. Unj\-crsity Hills Mall has opened on Colorado Boulevard. which has pulli:,d tralT,c on bolh sides . 11,cn: an: hw¥1rcds, lnitlewood Clly Cuuntll No-ber l, 19941 P1se II ~I least twO huDdn,d, aew homes goina in soulh on Universily. across from 1hc Counuy Club and 11 Hatnpdcn and University, she said. spcakina specifically o,: lraffic imrect. The ~lalization oClhc Cinderella City area will be :,oiling rnon, uallic, bcoausc IACro wiU ~ .1 CDler1liNnent and thinp 1J1cn:. U~ivcnity ii llrmdy ove,loecled, she op ined . Wilh 1hc n,>11 U11fflc f ,r lunmls p,,,t,ably bclnJ bcnvcc11 10;()0 a.m. and 4:00 p,m., Mlrabiro asked Council lo k,q, tl-lhin,11 in mind when maklng lheir decision. Thia 11 a rr.sidential area, ahc said. and then: is uolhiug commacial down Univasity fer miles until you pl 10 OrchaRI, 111d 1hcn die 1111 UIO ofrcsidcnlial is a block oonh of Yale. Petsonally. she sa '.d. she would like 10 ICC 1111ay raidcntial and feels lhcre ore o 101 or opponwurics i>r • nice rcsiclell1iol dcve.'opmcn1 10 go inlo 1hal pn,peny in 1bc fulURO. Then: Is already a nice dcvclopmcnl on 1hc cast side orun versity al DanmOUlh. wilh die condos lhal have been pul in lhcre . as well as Chcny Hills Ill. There were no further questions and there was no one else prcscat 10 speak to the issue. COUNCO. MEMBER IIRADSHAW MOVl AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC RI.ARING TO GA TifER CTnZEN ,NPUT ON TIIE PROPOSl!D NEWCOMER MORTUARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, Ayes : Council Members N!l~!~!:. 'Jarrett . Bmdsh.1w. Habenicht. Waggoner . Cl,;,p, Bums Nays : None Molion carried a11d 1hc public hearing closed . Mayor Bwns advised th.1 t lhis item wo1.1ld be voled on III two weeks at the next Council meeting. He lhankcd cvcryon: for t!>cir interest and said lhcy should feel free 10 come back in two weeks when 1bc proposal is ,._ on. 10. (a) Approval or Ordinances on First Reading Then: wen: no addilional ilems submincd for approva l on firsl reading. (Soc Agenda llem 11 -Regular Agenda.) COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (b) (I), (ii) and (iii) ON SECOND READING AND CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (e) (I), (II'. (Hi), (h·), (v) and (vi). (b) Approval or Ord1.nanccs on Seco nd Reading (i) ORJ,INANCE NO . 76. SERJES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 6 1. INTII.ODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGON ER) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVER NMENTAL AGREEM ENT BETWEEN TI-IE Cm' OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO AND THE STATE OF COLORADO . DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL WHT CH ALLOWS THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO PU RCH ASE SOTTW ARE FROM STATE NEGOTIATED SOFTWARE VENDORS . (ii) ORDINANCE NO . 77, s-iuES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 69. INTII.ODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGG<,i,ER) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITil THE AMERJCAN COMMONWEAL TH MANAGEMENT SERVICES . INC. (ACMS) AND THE Clll' OF ENGLEWOOD . • • • • • • (Ill) ORDINAHCE NO 71. SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 71, INTRODUCED BY COUWCIL Ml!MIEll WAOOONER) AN ORDINANCE APPROVlNO AN INlUOOVERNMEl'IT AL AGRl!EMl!m' PERTAlNINO TO A LIBRARY SER VICES AND Tl!CHNOI.OOY ACT (LSTA) GRAm' FROM THE COLORADO STATE LIBRARY AND DEPARTMEl(l'O, EDUCATION . (C) Rao"'"-and Mal.- (i) RESOl.l.mON NO. 96, SERIES OF I 998 A RESOWTION AMENDING THE OTY Of ENGLEWOOD'S ICMA-RC 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION Pl.AN . (li) RESOltmON NO. 97. SERIES OF 1998 A RESOLUTION AMENDING 11".t: an OF ENGLEWOOD'S ICMA -IOI MONEY PURCHASE RETIREMEl'IT PLAN FOR CITY 1rJF ENl."U.WOOD M.S.C. EMPLOYEF.S. (iii) RESOLuTION NO 91. SERIES OF 1998 A RESOLUTION AMENDING 1lfc OTT Of ENGLEWOOD'S ICMA -IOI MONEY PURCHASE RETIREMENT PLAN FOR CITY OF ENIG£WOOD MANAGEMENT STAFF. (iv) RESOllTllON NO 99. SERIES OF 199K A RESOLUTION AIJlllORJZING TiiE OIGI.EWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY TO IMPLEMENT THE ANNUAL "FOOD FOR FINES" PROGRAM FROM NOVEMBER 9. 1998 THROUGH DECEMBER 18, 1998 . (v) CONTRACT WTTH XEROX, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF S-11.619 .00 FOR THE LEASE/PURCHASE OF A WlDE FORMAT COPIER FOR THE PRINT SHOP. (vi) CONTRACT WiTH PERKIN ELMER IN THE AMOUNT OF Sl64,972 .95 FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN INDUCTl''E. Y COUPLED PLASMA MASS SPECTROMETER (lcr'MS) METALS ANALYSIS SYSTEM Vote results: Ayes : COUDCir Members Nabholz. Garrdl Bradshaw. Habenicht. Waggum:,-. Clapp. Bums Nays : None Motion carried. 11 . Rei:ular Agenda (a) Approval of Ordinanaes on !F'lllt Reading (i) Direct or G~gkwu::z present ed a reco mmendation from the Departmenl ol Financial Services 10 adop1 a bill for an ordimBncc: authormng the c.'<ccuuon and d~livcry of ccnificatcs or p.1nicipa1ion in th e pnnc1pal amounl of S2 l .D CI.OCX> for th e purpose of funding redevelopment cffons at the fonncr Cinderella Ci1 y silc . Mr. G~gle\l-1 cz -maled lha1 tJ1is ordmancc approves a lease purchase firu1J1cing in the amount nol 10 cxccccl $22,000 .000 for ~ rcd-t\'Clop menl of t.hc Civic Cen1er and !he surrounding Cindcn:lla City site . En1lewo.>d City Council Novcmll'" 2, 1998 P1aeW 11,c City Clerk wu asked to rtad the council bill by iltlc : COU , ;11, BIU. NO. ?2, lm'RODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAOOONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING A LEASE-PURCHASE FINANCING BY THE CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRA YING THE COSTS OF CONSTRUCTING, RENOVA TING, AND IMPROVING A CIVIC CENTER. ANCILLARY PAF.KING , AND VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS wm11N THE CINDERELLA CITY REDEVELOPMENl', AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING A LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT, AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT. AN AGREEMEh'T TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS AND TO ACQUIRE AND INST ALL EQUIPMENT, AND NECESSARY A~ CONCERNING THE Ell.'ECUTION AND DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION 11" A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOTTO EXCEED $22,000,000; AND PROVIDING 011-IER DETAILS AND APPROVING OTHER DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE LEASE-PURCHASE FINANCING. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (i) -COUNCIL BILL NO . 72 ON FIRST READING. Mayor Bums s.1id he feels we should make some record or the b.1sic nature of a Ccnifica1c of Paruc:rs-,aa. and that Ibis really inl'olvcs the Foley's Building. tl1c City Hall and immediately ICijlcent public"""'-Mr Gryglcwicz udviscd that this will finance impmvc11 1cr,1s to tl1c Civic Ccnlcr. which is now the Folc) 's Building. common areas around tliar. tl1c liard and soft plaza, parting and public ia,provcmcnrs on the - It is really 1wo pieces, he sak . It is the Civic Center. which is the project. and the n:dcvclopmcnt. "hldli arc the rest of the improvements on the site . Council Member Bradshaw :iskod about liability and wl,11 will be usod as collateral . Mr. Griglc"icz responded that the 1rustcc will hold the building and. in th e C\'Cnl of defaull. thal building could be taun and sold. Council Member G.1rrc11 asked if this i\ ii general oblig:uiou oft h" Ci 1y Mr Gryglcw1c-l s.11d 1t 1s no( an, ob liga1 ion of the City. ii is subJCCI 10 an nual appropnauon and 1s 1111he n.1turc of a lease purthasc CounaJ Member Bradshaw :iskcd when II would be paid oil. Tius 1s a I\\Cnt}'•fivc ~r issue, Dirccior Gryglewia said . Mayor Bums st:ued th.11 there arc severa l other doc11111cn1s . some of'" hich arc attached and some aft: ftOt. 10 this ordinance and the record shows that some of I hem . the officia l SL11cmcnt ccn.ificalc of purchwc and the financial guarantee agreement. will be available on the second reading of this ordinance. He asked If that is correct . Mr. Gryglcwicz responded that Lh,11 is true. Some of the infonnauon is 1101: yet availabic. the ccrufica1cs have not ac1u.1lly been marketed. and as soon as they arc. they will be completcd. ~ "1 ll be available for Council's view prior 10 second rc1ding. he s.11d Mayor Bums asked how many service pro, 1dcrs \\C li.:1 ve i11,olvcd in 1!11s kind of :in iss ue . because \i;e ha-l t underwriters. insur.rn ce and bond coun sc · Mr Gryglcw1cz s.1id there 1s also a trustee that will D351c:ilfy guard the ri gh ts of the ce rtificate holders. make p.1yme111s. and so forth . Council Member Bradshaw asked if"e arc amicipaling :t \Cl)' favorable interest rale . Mr. G0glcW1cz Qtd yes. probably under five . Mayor Bums said this is highl y favorable to !h e Cil y of Engle\, ood . Mr Gryglcwicz agreed . Vote results: • • • • llaaiew-,1 Cillo Clolllldl No-lltrl,1'9 Pase 21 I II ) UooN')I Nil .,,1 ,.,yi o.dl Memben Nl!lholz, Gamn, Bradshaw, Habenicht. Wlgoacr. Clapp. Bums --= Nono 4i} Scalor Plama-SM pn,senlCd • re:ommendalion lnun lhc Ocparuncnt or t,coghborbood ■-J .._ 0cvc1.,-io adopl a bill for an ordinance approving lhc Planned Unit Dcvclopmcat for amlewlopaxm • die ran-Cinderella City site, and to set a public hearing on No,'Clllber 23, 19'&. Mt. Slittsaid. .. docliglller side of PUD's. we have a proposal lo set a Public Hcuina for lhc a.-nlll Cily 1'1..-1 Uait DcveloplllCllt Public Hearing for November 23". This i, !he much llllicipatal ..S-■ital Public Hearin& for Council to consider 1cstJmony n:garding this Planned Uni t DcvcloplllCIII for tw~ af Cinden:lla City as a Transit Oriented Development We arc htn: 10 roqucs1 appr0\'lll ,,. llinl radiac or lhc oniiJlana:. he said . The Cily Clerk ,... aibd 10 rad !he council bill by title : COUNCIL BIU. l'iQ. 7S. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A Bll.L FOR AN ORDINANCE. APPROVING 1lfE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PLAN fN FURTHERANCE OF 1lfE REDEVELOPMENT OF CINDERELLA CITY IN TilE AREA BOUNDED BY WEST HAMPDEN A VENUE (U .S. 285) ON 1lfE SOUTH. SOUTH ELA Tl Slll.EET ON TiiE EAST. WEST FLOYD A VENUE ON 1lfE NORTI-1. AND SOUTH SANT A FE DRIVE (U .S. BS) ON l1iE WEST.a.lRRENTL Y ZONED B-1 . BUSINESS DISTRICT TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. COUNCIL ME~ BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE • AGENDA ITEM II (a) (ii) • COUNCIL BILL NO. 75 ON nRST READING. • Mayor Bums asked ML Stitt to comment for lhc public n:cord. on !he process "~ have been through so far wilh lhc Planning Cocamission. We have some extensi,~ materials with n:gard 10 design standards and guidelines. he said. Mr Stin SlalCd thal this h:ls been a very c.xlensive public process. II began se\'eral years ago with a public neighborhood meeting. which is required by the Planned Unit Dc\'elopmcnt ordinanoc . It prog=s::durougb icvcral design studies and ncgo1ialions with U1c va rious principals in this dcvclopmcn1 proposal. Tiic moa n:ccnt activily on this proposed Planned Unit Dc\'c lopmcnl be gan with the Public Hearing bcfan !he Planning Commission in early September. and tl.il was con1inuod for Um:c separate meetings. The 6rst was to consider !he initial Planned Dcvclopmcn1 Distri ct Plru~ a seco nd Public Hearing cootinuana: toamsidu rcsidcnoal informal ion from Forrest Cuy, and a final ins1allmcn1 of the Public Hearing last Tuaday. This was to conclude lhc Public Hearing on the Distri ct Plan which. as Mayor Bums indica&al lays out the framework for development . and ttrc uses pcnnittccs in tbc restrictions and rcgulali011S gow:murc tbmc uses. as Yt-Cll as design guidelines and st.,ndards, which conLrol the style and type of dcvcloix-within the Cinderella City PUD itself. So it has been quite c.,1c11si\'c. he said. Public proc:css has IXClllft:d in a variety of ways over the last seve ral yc.1rs. through the Planning and Zoning Commission. \bau.gh neighborhood ml!Ctings and throug.h input sessions with the conunwli!y by various organi12uons Of all the public participatory processes tha1 I h.wc been involved in . Mr Stitt asscned. lhis has bee.a lhc mos1 inclusive of any m the lasl ten years Council Member Waggomcr staled th.11 there arc some slrtet li gh1 stan dard s 1ha1 arc co, crcd in the proJCCI. He asked if those arc 5DQIIC that arc furnished and mamt aincd by the Public Service Co mpany. Mr . Suu responded that he bcliaa those \1111 be maintained by Public Sen ice If U1cy arc not. U1crc will be a common area maintcaauce.agrccmcnc and that may be an item co\'c rcd under that agreement. he said. Mr . Waggoner asked if thc:sc ~ nol just dccorath'c lighls.. th ey arc streetli ghts thal arc hi gh enou gh 10 prov ide: illumination nccc:ssary ~h Stitt responded lh,11 tll.11 is co rrect they arc street light s . Ealllewood Cily Council NoveMbtr l, lffl PIii' 22 Council Member Brachhaw said 5hc IUII a qUCSlion relathc 10 Al~ ~....,... die trees and 11,e landscaping. She said lhc only reason she is COllQCfflCd ii bccaulc she jllll -· ..,._ a cnbapple u.c, because :~e was tired or malelcnanc:e wilh that . She said she notica1 crib I.reel _, lacmt uces ~ 111d she unde111o.. 1s lhal lrCes ha1 c leaves. bul she was conccmcd !hat lhclc lypCI ol ._ ....., extn dliap that we don't need le -teal wilh. She cxp,csscd concern that wc may be spendine •-.J lol or money by maklns lhc wrong =ices oo IRa. She med how we chose 1hc species 111..... Mr. Stitt replied that they were clioocn by !he an:hill:CI who ect forth lhc dcsip llalldanll. w~ ca --iaftJnnalioa 011 du1, he said. opining thal lhcy wen, probably Slcrilc, non-fruil bearing c:raba!ll'les...., o-.al Member Bradshaw advised that lhcy have had experience wilh lhcm II Ille Gn:e..-..1 Alllilllic C1ob and II has nol been pn:tty . She said she is also concerned about Linden aad Hawlham. jasl-oflhc liner involved . She said she wondcn:d why we didn 11 have more cvcrgrccm , Mr. Still said Ila -a clocision lha1 was made by lhc arthilcct , and wc will gel mon: infonnation for lhc Public Heariolg .. a.. choices or specific species and nn cxplanlllion on how U1osc were sclecu:d aud why U,ey fil in:o dlia~I. Ms. Bradshaw acknowledged that ii might be 100 early 10 queslion thal , bul she.....,. to mau U>Cm aware or lhat issue . Regnrding the sircct lc\'cl ma1crials. Ml. Bra:lsloiw said ii suggcsU lhe flllccll bll llish llasc ofsionc, brick or concrr.lc . She s.1id stone and brick is prol,a bly okay , bul she would be coaccmod about concn:tc. They have U,m al Alameda and Broadwa y. Coundl Member Nobholz Ulllllkcd everyone who has been ill\'Olved wilh lhis forlh:ir hanl work. She said 10 also be ever mindful oflhc Sln:et dcvcl op111C111S that will be twng place. sudt:as Soulh Inca. and that wc need to continue to mai1uai11 a very good rcL11ionship wilh I.hose acighbors and lt:q> lban infonncd so we arc all on the very same Jll&e as to what will be developed . From H:uupdcn 10 lnc:a to Floyd, these stn:ct.s and the accesses arc very important and the imp.act they will l\a\·e. she said. Vole rcsultl: Ayes : Nays : Motion carried . Council Members Nabhol,. GarrdL Bradsba•. Habenic ht , Waggoner. Clapp . Bums None COUNCIL MEMBER NABIIOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO S£T A PUBLIC HEARING ON COUNCIL BILL NO. 75 FOR NOVEMBER 2.1, 1991 AT6:W P.M. Council Member Habenicht questioned having lhc hearing at 6:00 p.m. nith the ccmununi ty being so used to 11.wing these hearings at 7:00 p.m. 1l1is as sud, a cri1ical . cruc ial dC\-clopmc:DI~ 1..-ou.ld no! like to h.1,·c ii cha11engcd, she s.iid. for some minor kind or th in~ !il<c :111 hour . Cou ncil Member Btadshaw pointed out U,m it is going In be poslcd. Mayor Bums agreed. addu is there arc n 101 or pc<>plc ltcrc 1onigh1 who said the y did not get t notice at all of a mccling, of co urse some .... .;,.c Dcn\·cr rcs1dcats. He noccd il will be posted for 6:00 p.m. and th e newspape r will publicize ii. He oskcd if there would be "" Englewood Citiun co ming oul soon . City Manager Scars responded th111 we arc in the final stages and 11. i5 supposed to go out Wcdncsdny . We can put a neilicc in. he said. although he was not SUIC when jc •oaid be sent out. He said he would infonn Co111111 uni catio ns Spcc1nlis1 Hom1i11cs . Council Member Bradshma said s!1e tmderstands Ms . H::ibc11ich1 's concem bul she guessed it \\Ould be up to Counci l. She S:Ud * favors 6-()() p.m .. as long as ii is pos1ed and put in the Ci li zc n. lhat should be plcnl)' or 11011cc Ms Habcnn:b-n said her conce rn 1s that thi s ha s been so co11 1rorersia l for so long . alth ougJ 1 she docs 1101 fee l II 1s conr'°":crsutJ an~ more. that she thinks ii is going 10 be vi:I) posiuvc . 1h;11 she \\OUld hale to sec so meo ne who n 25 llpposcrl make :lI1 issue of ii She said she docs not w.lnl 10 ha ve an~ do ub1 s lhnt we arc kccpmg tlus opca .and pubhc Council Member Garrell poinlcd ou1 tha t tl11 s is :1 spcciaJ 111cc 1111g. 1101 a n:gul:lr ma:ung ~ Ms Habcniclu agreed th.i i 6:00 p.rn . would be okay, then . Vote result!!: • • • • • • .....,._.c111c .... 11 ~2.1991 ,-u Ayes : Nays: Council Mcmbffl Nabholz. GlllT<t ,. Bradshaw, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp, Bums None (bl Apprvval of Ordinances on Second P.~ing ,. (I) Council Bill No . 65, approving an 1grcemen1 wilh lhc Regional Transponarion Dlolrict. tbt Bwlinglon Nonhem and Sanl,i Fe Railway Company, and lhe Union Pacific RJtilroad c_,,. p,vviding for lhe use and rnainlcmncc or Danmoulh Avenue was considered . COONCD. MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (b) 0) • COUNCIL BILL NO. 65 ON SECOND READING. ORDINANCE NO . 79, SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 65, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENJCH'J) A."' ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ENlTil.ED "DARTMOUTH AGREEMENT" PERTAINING TO THE DARTMOUTH A VENUE BRIDGP. BETWEEN THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT (RID), THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANT A FE RAILWAY COMPANY (BNSF), THE UNION PACIFI C RAILROAD COMPANY (UP) AND THE Cm' OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. --= Ayes: Nays: Motioo carried. Council Members Nobholz. GlllT<t~ Bradshaw, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp, Bums None (C) !lcsolutions and Motions (i) Directo r Simpson prcscntCU a recommendatio n from the Depart.men! of Ncghborhood and Business Dcvcl op menl to adopt a resolution supporting the Master Development ~ with Millcr/Wcinea,tcn Development for the fonner Cinderella City properly . Dircc1or Scmpmn said. keeping lhis brief. lhal Council has had n'1ny discussions on these agreements . both the Wal- Mat ad Millcr/Wcingarccn dC'\·clop mcnt agreements . Titc Mill cr/Wcing.,.ncn agreement thal Cou nc il has bdorc them generally discusses major rcsponsibililics ofbolh p,1nics as it relates lo Cind erella Cil)· rtda'Clopmcnl II has details regarding the lease and go darl< provisions . for ,.,am ple . Staff is mxammeoding that CoW1cil ar,provc the resolution thal authorizes the Englewood Environmental F-oundation to enter into a long-term lease of the identified property wilh Miller/Weingarten Dc\'clopmcnt. Rap>oding 10 Counci l Member Bradshaw. Mr. Simpson recognized th.11 then: was a clarification point l'llal.. appara1tly, the graphic docs disp lay, in the Option II :irca ... il is so mewhat confusing, he said. Coa.ocil Member Gam:u said that Phase II was not included in this rcsolu11on . Mr. Simpson concurred th,11 (be Phase II graphic was not to be inclu ded wilh thi s portion. but si mpl y that tJtc op1ions W1dcr th e property ddiruuon sections would be 1hc same . ec.mo.1 Member Habenicht asked Mr Simpson to state th.11 more clc.irl y. Mr. Simpson said. under prq:,c:rty definiL.ion. the blue attachment. which is Phase II . is not to be included under propcny definition. it is only reflective of what Phase II becomes under Pliar.c II Opti on , It is mos tly rcncctivc witJtin the agreement points lh.11 would identify !he option property as 1h.11 arc.1 bc1wccn Ela ti :md Chcro!-:.ec wiLh Ili c specified conditions . Clarifying funhc r, Ms . Habenicht S/lid tlL1I. for 1hc purposes of 1his rc,<ilutio n, lhis peecc of paper that we have now. now h.1s th,1 1 Phase fl. although 11 doc s appear lo be blue . II 1s no longer tnaiewood City CINlncll Nowembcr 2, 1999 P1ae2• 11 -hi.HJ} ,Ii )l•wn'..ll•bl (' t, d1n.,,t1,- ~ blue. Mr. Simpson aid that la coneci. And llill. C-«il Mclllbcr Bradshaw said. was a concern ... right? Council Member Habenicht llaled thal was oac QOIIQlla MayorBumsuked lfit is mainly on the map. Mr. Si..,... llidycs, it's the map . Mayor B1amuald but the deflnltlons an: correct, right? Mr. Simpson aid llwsal definitions, the agreement polnu, .,.. accurate. Council Member Habcnichl said there was anolhcr poillL There is rcfemice number ten on number two , rcfcnlna to a date will, the Museum or Ouldoor Alu. ~ 2"', and there •,. some changes made llicrc . She said she would like to ,cc thal rcllcclcd tlla * dale be changed to November 13•, If that is agi=ble to cve,yooc. Mayor Bumuaid yes, we OR pilaning to give them more time. till the 13~. to respond Ms. Habenicht asked If thal should be formalfy ""ted in a motion . City Attorney Brotzman said he takes it that ii Is a friendly amcaclmcn~ .IO wllidl ~ • "° objcaion. Council Member Bradshaw said it is not on the floor yeL so we can dom:rylliing dial -mm1 to. The 1C1Dlution was amignocl a runbcr and rmd by title: RESOLUTION NO. 100, SERJES OF 1998 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING 11ffi MASTER DEVEU>PMENT AGREEMENT PROPOSED BY 11ffi ENGLEWOOD ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION AND MILLER/WEINGARTEN FOR 11ffi REDEVELOPMENT OF 11ffi CINDERELLA CITY SIIE COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, A.VD IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (c) (i) • RESOLUllON NO. IOI, S ERIES OF 1998 WITH THE STIPULATION THAT THE DF U SHEET INCLUDE THE COIUIECTION OF THE DATES, OF THE COLOR OF THE PHASE 11,AS WE DISCUSSED,ALSOTBATTHEDATE IN ITEM NUMBER 10 UNDER MASTER DEVELOPER OBLIGATIONS a: CHANGED FROM NOVEMBER 2, 1998 TO NOVEMBER 13, 1998. Ayes : Nays: Motion carried. Council Members i'i.ibl10lz. Garrell Bradshaw. Habenicht . Waggoner. ClaPI', Buims None (ii) Director Simpson pn:scnl<d ai i=mmenda1ion from the Department of Neighborhood and Business Development to ad0p1 a "'5&l6i&lioo supponing the Sale or Propcny to Wal• Man as pan of 1hc n:dc\'elopmc.111 of the fonncr C100..4'J:ll'jb Ci cy propcny. Mr. Simpson said.. in a similar cap,1city, this is a \'C,Y imponant clcmcru ,o the full rcd01:dop1ncn1 of 1Ju~ project . S1 arr recommend!.. approval of tfr: rcsolullon, he advised. that approves the ~ au lhorwng the Englewood Environmental foundation to sell the identified propa111 I.) Wal-M an . M:1 yor Bums noted that the tran sauion is between the Eqlc"ood Env1romn cn1al Foundation and Wal- Man. not betwee n th..: City and WaJ-Man. Mr. Sampson ..aid th at is correct The reso lution was assi gned a number and read by utlc: RESOLUTION NO . IOI. SERI ES OF 1998 A RE SOLUTION SUPPO RTIN G THE SALE OF PROPERTY TO IV AL-MART FROM THE ENGLE ,VOOD ENVIRO NMENT AL FO UN DATION FOR TH E CINDERELLA CITY RED EVELOPMENT. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, A.''1> ff WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE .~GEN DA ITEM II (c) (ii)• RESOLUTION NO. Ill.S ERIES OF 1998 WITII A CHANGE IN • • • • • • l■stc,,ood Clly C1111ndl Na-brr 1, 1998 Pa,:el5 I, I SECTION I WHICH SHOULD STATE "UN DER 111£ Gf.NERAL TF.RMS AND CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN THE AGREEMENT ATTACHED HERETO AS E>.:HIBIT A." MOlion carried . Ayes: Collacil Members Nabhab. Garn:!~ Bradlhaw, Habdrlchl, Waagoaa. Clapp. Bums Nays: None 12 . Gneral Diocu"'""' (a) Mayofs ·;:.,;cc (i) Mayor Bums reminded everyone th.it the Holiday Parade is Saturday . He thanked all the people who h,v, been working on ii this year. He d,ankcd, especially. Leigh AM Hoflbincs from the City Mlnl)au's office. flW1)' pcci>le from the City and Council Member Habcnichl for laking a ladcrsh.p role. He ,'1lCOl1ragcd all the Council Members lo be then, for die parade, as ii is :,Jways a good lime and we an: very happy 10 be hlwing a parade again this year. (ii) Ma):ir Bums said he previously commen1cd on an aniele in the newsp.opcr aboul ~ Acres. there W1IS a nice article in lhc Denver Post roday . (iiil Mayor Bums nolcd in the minutes of the last Library Board meeting that we had voted as Com~il to t,o ahcaJ wi1h lhc negotiations on a softw:uc p,ickagc to screen the compu1crs that the adults use . frank.I), the minulcs didn't enlighten him particuL'llly , he said. bul added chat he has been in favor for )()me ti me, if we could get a good softwan: package. ever since tJ\C meeting in Washington a ycru- or more ago. of going ahead \\ilh Lhat. He said be was: in ra\·or or going ahead ,vith those negotiations. even though he said m the time thal he would like 10 sec 1he minutes . (iv) Mayor Bums adVlscd th.11 we arc ancmpling lo line up a mecti:tg in Washing1on D.C. in lhc ooxt couple of weeks. because he h.'ld planned 10 go 10 New York for Thanksgiving, 10 mcc1 will> lhc Assistlnl Administralor of IT A and HWA wilh r<ganl 10 lhc application for the grant for lhc enhanccmtAI of the Cinderella Ci1y ligld n." Slop . We na,y have 10 go on Tuesday rather than Wednesday in order to have the meeting, he sa.id . Council Member Gorrell asked if lhol "ould be lhc week of Thanksgivi,,g . Mayor Bums n,sponded allirmati,'ely. Council Member Bradshaw nolcd dial ii would be 1hc ci.,y after lhc Public Hearing . Mayor BW'DS said wc might be able to get the lwo women who were here in !h ose posi 1ions who loured lhe ligln rail project together a few months ago. and :-.o we arc 1ryin g 10 meet wi1h 1hem together in Washington. as well. (v) Mayor Bums advired th.it he is cn1crt.1ining go ing 10 the National League of Cities Conference for just tl1e mccling portions. not tl1c pre-mcctrn gs or spec ial workshops that cost cxt.r.i money, for just Thursday and Friday and half of Sa1urday . He said he ,-ould bnn g thar up ne,1 lime , adding thal he still uses several Lhings that he .earned at th.11 conference last ye:u . and II really is quite helpful . He sa.id h.is time is more li mited . TI1c registration would be less than half of Council Member Nabholz ' and the other expenses are cons1derably less. loo . he said Ma~or Bums sa id he we nt to some of the other pre-conference sessions la~ yc.1r. too. and found lhcm very helpful. pnn c1p.1lly because Karen Sussman \\as a speaker at the conference . TI1ey do cos! from $75 00 to $150 00 c.1ch. depending on whether you go a half day or rull day . 1l1cy do add expense. b1111hey nrc e.'li'.cellent. he said so he is h.1ppy lha1 Ms. Nabholz is going 10 d1osc. (b) Council Mcmbc~s Choice E■ ..... ood City C11111dl No-ber l, 1991 -u ~~ (i) Caancil,...,,.."11bttolz: II I. She lllankal eo-il, Gary S-S. S.. llndlbaw. Jeneilfllack. ~igh Ann Ho!lhincs, and Cindy Walkins. She said she had surgcry • T..io,, ""erythiog '-1one well, and she appreciates all lhe support and thoup,15 and prayen. 2. She said hats oll'to Coullcil ""-llct Habenicht flM' all the hard work ,n the pamdc. She said she was lookin1 rorwant to thol and sllc also rca,pized DilccllM' Olson 's hard woric. 3. She n:mindcd evc,yonc tbal dion: is a neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, November 4• at Bishop Elementary at 7:00 p.m. 4. She said one of thc !hinp 1h11 got her auenlio■ is Ille way the Oyer went out. she has h3d five phone caJls on a =ii appmcb to---, buildilg and -or the thiap sho learned in Philadelphia was how to get yo,11 coaumawy uniohal anci be pro-actlYC. People firmly believe we .,. putting a community building on the Depot ,.apaty. so evidently,* noted. she bas not done wcll .,.ilh tho1 class 5. She advised tbal fRIID baas• llcllll si,1ce or Ille fence. .. a ciwlm watching U,c process with Cindc:n:lla Ci ty. as well as the shalt eia,,,alia( shc hns been 011 Council. Jhc'd like to say hallelujah 111 lhc progress that we have made as a City a as a group. (ii) Couacil-.,. 11,adshaw: I . She said she has a icadliac oNlplioa at Arnpol,oc and aulllOl make lhc pa,adc on Salurday and she n:grcts Uiat as she enjoys tJac .,.-. She sent kudu, ,o the ooonmiuec . 2. She said she sen-cs on the South Suburban P;utc Foundation. and il is grant time . We need a letter • or suppon r,orn lhc COW10I. if pos5lbllc.. with all of oursignalWeS. It would be nic:e to have ii Uia1 way , or separa te ones. depending oo what ~ •ut IO do . We m:cwcd $44 ,000.00 in grant money last year from lhe Great Outdoor Colorado Trusa a,od Sla:c Trails. shc said lltis portion is for LitUe Ory Cn:ck and how ii goes throuah lhc project. Ms. Brad&llaw soid she U1inu it is important. Co uncil Member Habenicht asked bQ. soon she would need the lcncr. Ms. Bradshaw s.1id she believes ii needs to be in b)' the u•. City~ Sean said we could ha,-e II prcpa,cd for next Monday night Mayor Bums asked if it is Big Dry Cn:dt or Linlc Ory Cn:ck. Ms. Bradshaw said ii is big and lilUe. bul Uus is for Lillie Ory Cn:ck. SIie .-d • sa1·s "in nddition. the City of Englewood has n:qucsted Ute S1n1c Trails GrJnl be subnutlcd for Lilllc: ~ Creek." COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, THAT THEY HAVE A LE'ITER OF SUPPORT PR£PAltE.D FOR ALL OF COUNCIL'S SIGN .UURES AT THEIR NEXT MEETING. Motion carried. A)cs. Ca.mcil Members Nabhol1. Ga=tt Brodshaw. HHbenicht. llo_,-, Clapp. Burns Nays: None J . Ms. Bradsha~ s.ud she tas ID echo that thi s process thm we ha\'e gone through O.is time has bcc11 a lot different th,'Ul her last 1cnwt:. Tble meet.mg aucndanc:c we had this evening was tJ1c meet ing anendancc we had e'\'cry lime we ta lked about ri:devclop mcnt . ;ind 11 has been a rucc process She offered kudos 10 those who ha\'C been on Council fo r J: long 111nc . commcn11ng th.at 1hc~ have done a hell of :tjob. • • • • laalewood Clly C11<1ncll Novcnber l, 19911 ·•~27 Mayor Bums wished Council Member Clapp good luck tomorrow in Ille eloclion . (iii) Council Member Habenicht: I. She said we need a motion 10 indicate lhal. although we nad requested lhc Museum of Clu!!rloo,- Ans ID ro,pond to us by November l"', they wen, unable 10 because of our gcni11111he infonwoa -.o 1llenl a Uttle bil later than we had anlicipaled. dwugh no flull of I heir own . She unclcntood 1hey .. ..,...Ilg a special meeting of tl1cir board 10 comider that letter of imcnl . COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVI: A MOTION THAT WE RECEIVE A LETTER OF INTENT BY NOVEMf,ER 13, 1"911. Aves: Council Members Nabholz. G11rrc11. Bmdsllaw. Habenicht. • Waggoner. n,pp. Rums Nays: None Molioo carried. 2. She invited everyone 10 come 10 1he par.Ide. It is really getting e,citing and gets in yow bioad. She said she and Leigh Ann HolThincs were inviting C\'eryonc lo join lhcm after lhc parade to dar.ac.ajig. 13 . City Manar,<r's Report (a) City Manager Scars reminded Council 1ha1 Sheridan will be lswing a Public Harill&, on November 18Lh, and he will get the infonnalion 10 them. on 1hc PUD propos.11 on Union Aver'IIIC. We arc going~:: st.1ffth.it and continue to moni1or th.11 situ..ition. he s.'lid . (b) City Manager Scars said. as Mayor Bums i1,dic:11cd . we h:ivc been working closr:l} with Rm. ,n particular Director Simpson has been worlting "itl1 Susan Allus and Jerry Neri and !heir stiff to put togc1!lcr the grant. Its now at $2 million lh,11 \\C arc asking for. he itchiscd. and this is the highesl kYcJ or lhe gran1 •ha1 is actu.illy being presented . DR COG is supponing us on tl1c proposal. he added. Neighborhood and Busincs~ Dc..·vdopment Dircc1or Simpson 'ilatcd 1ha1 we arc !tlibmining a proposal for• federal grant to the Federal Highway Adminis1ration. It is a j(1in1 application. we arc taking the lead cm lhat asking for a $2 million grant. he advised . We arc ~oing ir1 witJ1 that as an application with DRCf)G asking for money on the Metro Vision 20/20 Plan. asking for money for some assistance on a shuttle 10 be put imo place along Colorado Boulc\'ard . TI1c Southc.1s1 Mello Transponation Agency is looking for .1. small amowll of money to do a transpon.111011 pL111 for !he southcas1 Denver Tech Center area and. :ipn. ours is re.illy going forward to provide assistance direc1l y for Cinderella City . We have good solid pcbucaJ support from that group. he said. and we hope lo complete the grant. and h,we it out tl1e door. in the mex, couple of weeks . Mayor Bums s.iid we plan to have it sub mHtcd before we plan to travel to Wa.shing1on . Mr. Si•:'l)SQn md it l\a.s to be done by the I sin. so it will alrc.idy be in Washington before you travel then: (c) City Manager Scars s.1id he apprcci:llcs !he suppon ;md the !rust the staff has had durmg this review process . lt has bee n a difficult process. but he s.'Ud he feels we have worked closel~· He smd he can't rccogni1..c each of lhc individuaJ department dircclors. bul II h.1s also been many or the line pcopll: that have really stepped forward to fill in lhc g..1 ps on the demolition and tJ1e planning issues He s.-ud he bas not seen a team work so hard as this group has . Ea.:h one can be supponed for the efforts . 1101 only in tJus project . but ke.cping 1he City gcm1g in so 111.,111,· diffcren1 ways He said he jusl waJllcd 10 s.1y thanks w (he directors for doing such a great job . lnsie-,,1 Oly e-11 No-b<r:Z.1- Paae 21 ll,111 l 111, I), n ,.,1~11 ( I •l r I ,, May, , Bums iaid k would like to cello lilll, bccawc II wc do our meetings , we sec policy aad wc ..,. the big re .oluum.. """ille wort thal hu been done on a day to day basis by Utis stalT, our consultants and whatever Im rEally boen phenomenal . II is rc:illy quilc an achievement to get 10 the point when: we an: tonl&hl and it is i-,, thrilling 10 sec i~ he commented. Cowlcil Mc_. ~ aid 5hc WIiiied ii lo be on the n:cord thal she said a special thank you and exp.......t "IJIIRC,-IO die Safely Services Conununic:ations Divilion. TI,cy were 011 call and ready ID respor.d O\'CI' die ,rmend when 5hc had a couple of concerns. she said. Counccl ~ lmdshaw !banked Cily Manascr Scan and City AIIOITIC) Brot zman for C\'ef)1hing. She also thanked Tom iMuods for his very honest and fair reporting. She ~1 id she re:1Jly apprec iate., that . Co1111Ci1 Mcaicr Nalbllolz ,-uhcd Council Member Clapp good luck. 14 . City -.cy•, RLpon City Attorney B:roDman did not have any matters to bring before Council. TI1 c mcc lin g adjourn ed al 10 :00 p.111. • • •