HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes•
I. Call to Order
Replar Sealoe
November 16, 19911
t ~
The regular meeting of lhc Englewood City Council was called to order by ;,, .. ,or Buras II ; J6 p.m.
2. ln\'OCltion
The in\'ocalion was gi\'cn by Council Member Nabholz.
3. PledJt or AllcJiance
n,c Pledge or Allegiance was led by Ma yor Bum~
4. Roll Call
Prcocn l:
Council Members Nabbolz, Clapp. Gasrcu. Badsbaw, Habcuichl.
Waagoncr. Bums
No ne
A quorum v.;as present
S. Minutc1
Also present: Ci1y Manager Scars
Ciry Anomcy Brotzm:in
City Clerlc Ellis
Senior Planner Still
Director Black. Parks and Rccrcatioo
Director Gf) glewicz. Financial Services
Director Esierly, Public Works
Ayes . Council Members Nabhol,, Gam:tl Bradsl,:n.. Habenicht .
Waggoner. Clapp. Bums
Nays : None
Morion carried .
6. Scheduled Visiton
(a) Mayor Bums advised 11,11 Olga Wolosyn . Chair of the Engl~ood Cultural Arts
Commission. would <.ddrcss Counci l concerning the sunscl provision of the CuJraral Arts Commiss1011
Ordinance. whi ch is item 11 (a) (1i) on 1omgh1's agen da .
Ms . Wolosyn , 32 10 South Linco ln . Staled she was here on lxhalf of the CuJl'W3.l Ans Co mmission to
support the removal of the sunset clause from their Co mmission's ordinance. As an Englewood citizen she
has rcaJly been delighted 10 li\'c in a place where pt.-oplc who m.ikc their ltnng. or who arc just interested in
the ans. arc welcomed to partici pate in gove rn.m en:. As a commissioner. along ,;ri1th t'-c other
leslewuod City CCM111cll
lileftabtr 16, 1998
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co,amiuioam oo the oo,ni \flCY ~ye bccJt workir& rdiJjy hard 10 ~Ve this commission a structun: that
wiU cndun: p151 their terms. Obviously, life noted, ifllley didn'I have tiu, suniet ciau,c they would have a
lol mon, confidence Md it would be great to know that what they on: planning lta.s n futun: beyond five
years .
7. NOIHdledulcd Vl,IIOn
1'lterc were no non•schedulcd visitors.
~t Co•111unic11ions, Prodam1tlon1 and Appointmentl
There were no a,mmunications. proclamations or nppointrncnts .
9. Public: Huring
No public hearing""' scheduled before Cou ncil.
(al Approval of Ordinances on Firs, Reading
CONSENT AGENDA ITJ:MS 10 (a) (i), Oil and (ill) ON FrRST READING.
Vote re::..lts:
Ayes : Council Members Nabhol z. Garrell . Bradshaw. Habenicht .
Waggoner. Chipp, Bums
Nays : None
Motio n Clmcd
(b ) Approval ofOrdrnan ccs 0 11 Seco nd Readin g
There were no add it1on.1I items submincd for approval on second rc:lding (Sec Agenda llem 11 • RcguL,r •
Agenda )
En&leWlhid lly Council
Novemhtr 16, l!l'J8
P•R• J
(c) Rcsolulions and Molions
Ill 1) n >U'lflftJ~ul
rll{I I , ,dm,,11.,
t ') 1:'
TI,crc were no addllioMI l'CIC>lutlons or motionl submia<d b" _,,.,al, (S..: Allfllda Item 11 • Regular
11. Rcplar AR"•d•
(a) Approval of Ordinances OIi Finl Radiag
(I) Mayor BUIIIS Slllllli this ilea is I ~on from lhc Dcpal1IDCIII of
Neighborhood and Business Development to adopt I biU iw a onlillonce arthorizing a Righl-<>f-Way Use
Ag...,menl belwccn I.he Ci1y or EnglRood oad Mdrialao. lac.
Council Mombcr Garren advised Mayor Borns he woukl liic ,IO n:cusc himself al Ibis time .
Mayor Bums nsked 1ha1 lhc record show Council Mc-Gianclt is nx:using himself at this time due 10 a
,oufli cl of intercsl bcc:lusc of his employment He noled tb:a Mr. Ganct1 is a staff attorney for TC!.
Senior Planner Slill advised I.hat Ken Fcllmt111. Spec.al ~ was bcrc IO make I presentation and
answer any questions Co11ncil may h3\'C on lhis p,nic,lbr-.
Mr. Fellman staled lha1 lhc ...son I.his bill is bcfon, Council is to addlus an issue and a right-<>f-way 11<e
agreement lha1 lhey arc recommending bclwcen I.he Cny -a company called Mctricom . He poinicd out
1h.11 Jcny Feathers. a rcprcscnlativc ofMclricom. was here., IASIO'CT any questions Council might have
abool his company or o,cir product . Mr. Fellman said he wtmld like 10 bricOy explain what Mctricom docs .
TI1cy provide nirclcss telecommunication services. utilizing a very law power trammittcr. He asked Mr .
Fe.11hcrs 10 hold up the box . The device , he nolcd. is aboul tbc sm: oC a shoebox with a UttJc antennae
coming out TI,cy h.,ng from lhc lops of light poles and~ basically provide a .. ,rcless modem SCr\icc .
They .. ,11 sell you a modem which is ,1:1y thin. about the sm: oi a cdJ phone and you anach it wilh Velcro
on lhe back of your laptop and you have internet access 311d xa:55 10 your loc:,J network at your office or
City Hall . Mr. Fellman staled O,cy are uying to gel I.his scnicc up and IIJlllling in most of I.he major metro
areas around I.he counlry and I.hey arc already up and IUDllDlg. ,.,lh a track m:ord O\'er lhe last couple of
years. in Washington. D.C .. in 1hc bay area. in nonhcm Cali!amia :ind in lhc Scanlc/l'acoma area . There
arc a nwnbcr of cities, includJng the Denver metro area tbal ~ an: working to come on line, as we speak.
He opined that this is a fairly unobtrusive use of the ri~-ay. it is not like cable where we arc diggil,g
in the ground. or gas and electric for that mailer. TI1csc dc\',a:s are hung on light poles . usually Jbout
every mile or so . Sometimes, he said. it "ill be a shone:r disurlcc depending lln the line of sight.
App.vcntly, he nolcd. Ibey do no1 require a 'M>Olc lot oC mam1enana: once 0,cy arc up o,crc. They arc up
I.here for a prclly lnn g period of time and if Ibey do break doa11 ii docsn\ lake 100 long 10 replace 01cm.
Mr. Fellman stated 1h111 he personally has contacted a numbc< of locaJ govcmmenl officials in the bay area
and ScalOe and l,c has found from folks who lawc worked •llh Mctricom I.hat Ibey arc a very responsible
company to work witl, and I.hey ha\'en~ had any problcms. And. he said. lhe folks he talked "'lh ha\'c
appreciated tbc scr\'icc as well . If you lr.ivcl at all . at scme poinl \\'hen they get in most major cities and
you arc sitting in nn airpon with your laptop , it sounds like a n:aJ neat service to ha\'c . Mr. Fellman stated
he wou ld sure use it . He advised tll.11 they ;,ppro.,chcd the Ci . 'of Englewood and asked to enter into a
right~f•way ngrccmcnl whereby they would gel Lhc use of faci lities in 1hc rigtns-of-way. Of course. for all
those poles owned by Public Service. they will have to ,,,ort oul a dc:aJ with Public Scr\'icc . But because
they ~ill be on public property tJ1cy need 10 gel Ciry pcnmsgon. Mr Fellman said th,11 after we staned
negotiating with l11em. on bch,1lf of the City of Englc\lood. because they had approached just abo ut every
other city in 1l1c metro area. the Greater Metro Tclccommumrations Consoniwn. of which Englewood is a
member. asked Mctricom if they would be willing to ncgO(J.llc kind of a model right-of-way agreement that
all of the cities and counties in the metro area could Ulih ze. Mr Fellman stiled that he ts also the le gal
I ■ ........ City Couudl
N••-btr 1', 199N
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I I ,d II),,
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• counocl for thc GMTC and Mctricom agn:cd to work with GMrC on that project and we ended up taking
thc foundation of an agrc:emcnt which "~ had ncgotiarcd when he had hi• Englewood special OOUlllCI hat
on . and used that 10 fashion an agreement for the GMrC . The good news on thc cost of that he advised, ;,
that Mcuicoln 1w agr=l to roimbur■e both the City and the GMJ"C all of thcir COlll. including hi< fca.
in,-olvcd in thc pn,paration of that agn,cmenl. Mr. Fellman said he spoke 10 one of the ir rcpn:scntalive1
earlier today and he hoped to have the check tomorrow or the next day, II which point he will be cutting•
chcclt back 10 the City for the recs that have already ~n paid in preparing this agreement. He advised
that , In addition 10 that. this ag,eemenl luis • provision for each of the individual communities that adopt ii
that may incur costs in dclcnnining their own intcmru rc\icw arid any partkulnr issues lh\!)' need 10
negotiate that mighl be unique to their community . Melricorn has agn,cd to up to a cap of a couple
thousand dollln to roimburoc those fees u weU . So. Mr. Fellman said, he thiDt5 thcy an, being liur ard
reasonable in tbat offer. llaskally, be ldvilld, tltis is a nine year llffl'JDcnl it i.. provisions for five vw
n:ncwaJ terms if both panics ag,ee . It requires Mclricom to pay as a cost of llSin& the right4-way, ~, •. ,,
the poss revenues that it gencralcs within the City. This is not going 10 be a big money maker, he SlalC<l.
He thought Mctricom has said thcy bop, for a W, 10 3% market pcnctralioo. So for 1111yonc ill Englewood
who docs sign up for this program or this service and pays then: bill , Englewood will gel 5% of the
revenues gent12lcd by Metrioom. In that sense. he said. it is analogous to the franchise fee that you roccive
from thc able opcra1or. They also have ngrced to prcn-1de the Ci1y a certain number of half price
subscript.ions 10 the ir basic service. He said he does n't know cx.ictly what that entails. but if tbcy have
specific quesaioas about thc service that is what Mr. Fcntl,crs i., hero 10 ..._ for them. He aid he thinks
thcy have levels of service simiL,r 10 cable. where tlocn: is a basic le\'cl of service and lhCD an expanded
lc.-cl of scr\'icc. For any aclual Cily owned facilities that tl1cy utilize. they an: also going 10 pay an annual
fee ofS60. He said be knows th.it t!,;•i• ,,. a lhni1cd number or liglu poles thll the City docs own,
aldlougt, be i., not SIR whether tllC sialT wnnlS 1hcsc faciliucs on the dcoorative lisht liX1W01 that the Cil],
has and Motricom has agreed that they won~ do that if you don't want that . So, it iljustlnOlbcr small
oompcnsalioa amount if at some poin1 in the fu1urc the City owned any olhcr light poles or if there MS a
waler tower ... something else that tJ,c Cir, owned thal UIC)' wanlcd 10 put one of lhcsc little shoebox
an1cnn.u on. the City would rccci,•c compensation for that. TIICtC arc requirements to relocate tJw:se radio
ck\iocs if the Ci,y is in\'ol,·cd in• public project and needs 10 move some poles. Mctricom has to comply at
their request. It has stanctardJ kinds of franchise provisions . be said. n:qwnng Meuioom to h,1vc U1Sll1BllClC
for thc City. to ropoy any damage tJgt 1hcy cause. 10 coorduuue """ your staJT if tl,cy arc going w be doing any"""' an thc righ,..,f-way that -.-ould need traffic monitoring. blocking off a lane . So it has all of those
kinds of 5"'lldard righl-<>f-way UIC provision s in here Mr Fellman m1cd that tltis "an agrcemcnl thal,
after a number ol negotiating sessions back and forth. he is comfortable with it to lhc point that be would
n:a!Alnl<nd ii 10 aU of tllC GMTC jurisdictions. subjcc1 10 any unique is.sues th.it Englrnood may ha\'e .
Witb tha1-he said. he \\'Ould be glnd to'""'" any questions Council may have and also Mr. Feathers will
M\S"U questions as well .
Counol Member Habenicln s.1id !hat she I.id several qucslions . She asked if other people would be
u11linng thi s scn,cc, 01 hcr than the people who h,·c in Englewood an d subscnbc to 11. ln other words, she
said . 1s tlus 1mport'll11 ton whole network'! Mr . Fellman stated it 1s imponant to a whole network . He
e>-plarncd I.ha! ,r he \\ere driving tluoogl1 Englewood . pulled over rn lhe parking lot of City Hall. wanted to
check m wtth tus office ne1work and he subscribed to ii. it would need to be up m order for tum to use 11.
Council Member H.1bcnicht asked where mosl or the users. most or the customers. arc loc.ucd ... if they say
onl~· a 1% to 3"1. 1narkcI pcnctral io n in the Cit)' or Englewood. Mr. Fellman asked Mr. Feathers to come
forward n.nd address that qucs1ion . Mr. Fellman s.'Ud it is Ins undcrs1anding that when they arc talk mg I¾
to )o/. market share. Lhcy arc talking metro wide , 1h.11 is \\hat they arc hoping for . Council~ .:.mbcr
Habcruchl SilJd what she is getting at is she is wondering if th.is is model for through out the metropolitan
area. if it 1s a fair w.1y to do it m tcnns or subscribers. She noted tl\o'lt It seems to her 1hat other areas 1111gh1
end up ha,i.og less or a line or sight "'"'Cd 10 ha ve these ii Hie uruts in I.heir areas. where a more dense city
would ha,-c 10 ha, e more and more or them . She sud she might X wrong. but her thou ght is that we arc
gell mg less m tcnns of any compcns.111011 for !hat. than Sl~ other al\':LS wluch may 1"1, ca L'lfgcr usage and •
Enalcwood City CCM1n,·il
No,'Cmber 16, 1991
) til l b0Utt·11· J
U'HI •
get a hi&f,er pcn:cniagc, based OIi die fxl .. dley have more customers and fewer units per ,quorc mile, or
wl•td have you. She said she ii I lialc aa:aacd about that . Mr. Fealhen lliJ ilic way the networlt
op:rutcs ii lbat it is line of sight. wborc yea bavc aa external modem that goes into your computer
intcrtcptina with lhcsc pole lop radiol ad p bad! to a building. He noted they have to have roughly frve
to stx per square mile, so what Ibey .-Y ii 6c fnochlsc fee based on lhc number of subscribers. So
U1erctorc, Englewood has lhc same pa&ca1i11 thal a Lakewood or other cities would depending 011 how
many people have billing addrascs in Ila! City, that do subscribe to their network . Council Member
Habenicht said she Wldcrstands that and* is suggesting that ii may not oe fair . Mr. Feathers explained
that the reason lhcY went 10 lhc GMTC -because some cities wanted lo make sun, that everybody gOI
lhc same agreement so lhcY arc olfcring ,,r, aaos:s lhc board. If there is a city thal has 500,000 people lhcY
arc going 10 make more money than wllal EngJc,..ood would at this lc,-cl .
Mr. Fellman said he thought lhc qucslioo •-as. is lhcn: a reason. if you 141cc a city U131 has a more densely
concentrated popula1ion versus a c:ily Lllal ,llight be more spr-c:w:l out. is there any reason to think that there
may be mon: orthesc devices per square lllilc nc<dcd in Englewood than lhcrc would be in Aurom or
Lakewood or anyplace else. Mr. FcahcB said no. lhal right now the nctworlts they have opr"lting arc San
Fmncisco. Scanlc and Washington DC . .-1 rllcy have not run in10 any capacity problems a, lo d.11c with
the initial network. He advised tl,q "ill come back to every d1y if they have to add radios in the fu1urc .
Council Member H.ibcnicht asked if this agrccmcn1 is idcnaical. tJu: S.'lltlc. or close to. what they have in
those other cities. Mr. Feathers said )CS. dul they have one Slllndard agreement that they worked with and
whnl they did, in the 30 jurisdictions lb:) arc doing in the Denver area. was have them lwc:ik it. more or
less, lhc way Ibey wanted it. Ms. Habcnic:lit qucslioned if Uicy could maybe sec some results of how that is
affecting different mwlicipolitics withiD • a,a that aln:ady has this kind or agreement. Mr. Fellman said
yes, but he needs lo know what sbe -i,,, how it is affecting. Ms . Habenicht advised that she is
wondering what kind of return Iha,: is. Lllal she is really conc,rncd about...th.11 it seems like, as she reads
U1C ordinance, that lhcrc arc a lo< of things 11111 "• gu.-unntcc to Mctricom, but a lot of the othcrUtings arc
just sort or open in lhc agrccmcat. they caa be n,nq:Oliatcd over time . She said she is rcally concerned
about what we arc getting oursch·es imo. kmg tcnn. and what kind of cost! ~ill be involved to us and how
our citizens arc going to be scr\'cd. Mr. F-dlman asked ir Lhere wcrr jpCCific issues th.at she has concerns
about U\31 l1e may be able 10 explain. Cooaa1 Member Haben •··. ,;koo. regarding the right 10 dmw
electricity. ifU..y arc going to fD)' ro, d<aricit) !>Ir Fellman .aid no. that they hook onto the light at the
top or the light pole and they arc righ1. lhcrc at lhc souncc or electricity . 11,cir deal wiU, Pnb'. · Service is
tl1ey hook in and tl\Cll tl1ey pay Pubo: Sc:-.-.% for the elccuicit~ 1h.u they use for tl1csc devices . Council
Member Waggoner s:iid lhc::n that showdn'I need to be in our agrcc111cn1. Mr. fi.!,,llhcrs advised that the
reason it is in Englewood's agrc::cmczr1 i:s bccausc.. in some municipaJities. the cities own some of the r.trect
lights or if you condemn them in the fuaurc it is aJn:ad)' in place. He noted they arc working on a separate
agreement with Public Service right no-.v to gp on lhcir structures . plus to pay them the :nnount of
electricity if they draw . He c.xplaioed that -.bat it docs is there is an adap1er thnt goes from this rad1171 to
!hat pho10 ce ll. 1l1cy operate in the public ;pcarum. he said. \,l1ich means they cannot operate more th.1n
one wall of po\,cr So ii is rou ghl~ $10 00 Ji yc:ir per pole that they arc p.1) ing Public Scl"\icc for the
utility .
Coun ci l Member Habenicht said she '-''35 a link amccmed in the tliird whereas lhal muhori1.cs Metricom's
entry to marntain and do all of th.31 . She pomcd 001 thm it docsn'l say an~1hing in tl1ere about coordinating
with our Public Works people or our uaffic people or aI1)1hing like that and she is a lillle concerned about
that. She sa id it seems like i i gi\'CS them bf:mket ilCCCSS . Mr. Fellman asked which page she was looking
at. Council Member Bradshaw ad\'lSCd she •'3.S read.mg on 1hc first page of the ordinance . the tl1ird
whereas . Mayor Bums asked 1ftherc "'-ere provisions in tl1e contr.lct that co,,ers thi s. Mr. Fellman said he
was looking in tJ1e contrac1 . he "-asn, tookm-,g in the ordin..1ncc Council Member Bradshaw advised
Council Member Habenicht tll.11 Sccuon S IA lhc contract speaks lo th..t . Mwor Bums noted the contract
h.1s a lot more provisions tl1.1n the ordi nance docs. Mr. Fellman note I :here :1re extensive requirements in
E•aJewood Chy Countll
No .. mbcr 16, 11198
Iha Clllluacl ror c:oordinaliag wiU1 lhc Cily's staff. for nol having inlctfen,n&, for Inking can: ol pm,w
propcny, as ,..ii as public propcny .
Ccuncil Member Habenicht aaid her concern was lbal in the fucun:, probably when this colDCI back. 1111 if
ii is In Iha ordllllllCC !hat way lbal ii will stnrt 10 become n giver,. Bu~ Mayor Bums pointed oul. it Ida Ille
when,as clau&a, ii is not an opcnllivc clause . 1l1e opcmlivc clause is Section I lbac alllCheito die CNllact
as Exhibil A, whlch is the real apmcnl.
Council Member Waggoner askod why we would wane these on any municipal Cacility, why woula'\ llhe)·
jUII use a Public Service Company's power pole or Mounlain Bell's power pole . Mr. Feathers advisral Chai
this agrocmant is thac they muse be in the public righc-or-way. Mr. Waqooer said he docs DOC duapoc
wilh lbal. Mr. Fcatl1cn advisod Ll\31 iryou have a municipal focilicy, say as of chis building. it woaldaot
rail under lhc dclinilion here. Cowicil Member Waggoner said he did nol thinl\ we w.,uld want .-on
ani· or our IU'CCl light poles. Mr. Fcalhcn said ii is in tl1crc that Ll1ey will not go on S1Rel Ugl,u. ~
added Lliat, that they would not go on traffic signals. Mr. Fellman statod 11\31 was one provision
Englewood's Public Works staff insisted upon ... no traffic con1rol dc,•icrs . So. Mr. Waggoner sail aa)1le
these will be on power poles or telephone poles Ll1en . Mr. Fellman said exactly. Mr. Feathers adlliirld dm
they do have the 1cchnology that ir Lliey cannot go on any specific localion, such as Broadqy, Ihm tllOy
can pro,idc coverage from lhc adjoining street He s.1id ii is 3 mesh network so tbcy do have Oe:xibifiry
moving the radios around. He advised ii is also in Ll1erc Llmt Ll\C Cicy will sign olT on locations poor 10
Council Member Waggoner askod about lhe $60.00 ,r they don't locate on any municipal lacility l\.llr
Feathers advised Ll\31 Ll1cn they would not pay Englewood. they would pay Public Scl\•icc. Mr. WllC!:Oncr
askod why we wouldn, wanl $60 .00 for each loc:uion witllin Eoglc,vood . Mr. Feathers swcd you Cllll't get
double n:o~ in other words Englc,vood can't charge them basically for what you don, o"n, for 1'11111 llublic •
Service owns. Thal is why they arc doing the Franchise rec or tile pcrccnl. lllCn, Council M_..
Waggoner said. we can take that pan out. Mr . Fcat11crs seated tJ1..1t is in there just in case there arc !milities
~\al Englewood owns. some stn:ct lighls 0'11 might be in some or the parking lots . Say you want ""'"""8"
right hen: and to get coverage right hen: tl,e best location would be the strcct ligl1ts in your parl<illg b. Mr.
Waggoner notod that even most or those street Ii gins arc owned by Public Service Company . Mr. l'calbcn;
explained it is just in place just in case . Because in some cities tJ1ey de.ii with, lhcy do own a porticm aftbc
street lights
Council Member Habenicht s.1id she wns nol sure she quile understood . Like a cily. not b3scd so mwch
their population. but their area.. will have the same ratio of units as a sm:11lcr city would have. ~ir fdlman
said per square mile , So. Ms . H.1bcnich1 asked. if we had 6.5 SQUill'C miles , how many units would wic have
in Englewood. Mr. Feathers s.iid rougllly -40, where Dcn\'cr miglll ha\'e 700 . Ms. Habenicht asked al"tbat
was based on the ratio of squnrc miles or an)1hing else . \ifr . Feathers said tJial was on square m.Jlcs. Ms.
Habenicht asked about Li1tlc1on . Mr. Fc.1thers ad\'iscd th.al right now it is mnning a little over SL~ ~
square mile . So, Council Member Brndsh:m snid, ,,c ,~ould h,we JG . Mr. Feathers S.:Ud ~cs. 36 tc :U
Council Member Cl app said she just wruucd to clarify something . She noted we just firushcd a Bn:Da\\-ay
Corridor Study and we plan 10 improve the lighting, clcctcra on Broodway . So, she queruoocd. we couJ d
tell them tlk1t we do not want these on our ne\\ li ghting fixlurcs along our Broadway Corridor. Mr
Feathers advised tJ1.1t has been put in his rcpon . He stated Lhat when he met \\ilh Harold Stitt and Rad
Denning Lhey Iola him tJ1c City would not want 1.hem there , th.1t has aJrcady been identified to lhC1r mctwork
people .
Council Member Waggoner asked where lhal is in clu ded in the agrccmenl . Mr Feathers advised tnllll II is
no t in the agree men!. but the Ci l)' has the right lo sign off on :my loca1ion . He said \\ hat th~ are dctng
right now is trying 10 gel Lh c ai;rce mcnl lhal wc.: can cn1c r inlo thi s Before th e) actuall~ begin the:
conslmction. wh.11 th ey call deploy. next su mm er. they \\ill present a map to the City oflocatfo ns to-;:i gn •
off on . Council Maa(la'lllladlhaw said but by then tbcy will have aJ~1pproved the ordinance . But,
Mr. FCllllcn pointed-• die ordinance gives lhcm tbc ri&Ju to approve their loc:ilions . Council
Member Wqgoncr....,. .,._ tbal ,ru In tbc ordilwlcc.
Council Member Hallmidl llllal that she would like to ,cc a franchise ..,.,.mcnt that would do lhls based
on bow IDIDY Wlils ,-..,. pn square mile in your clll, Boc:iusc, she said, Iha! Is a plccc: or equipment
that people bavc to lol&a. lllcy an: going to Im'< 10 deal wilh the people ccmiing In and oul and
nllinwninB, lhal is ti&-al tcar that we ha\'C In our communily . Some other clty. lhal might have a
lot more wcallb, mialll..,. ap i..ua more people subscribe lo this service, using it while they IN' in our
city and Ibey aie ..-s •.,. ,.a.iaa paid a whole lot ol money on lhls rranchisc business, based on the
number ol Cllllomas. W.. Habaw:hl statal tlw it docs not ,..m cquiiable to her, to a smaller cily . She
said she really 1hinks-.al to ruhink the \\-a)' it is being done lhrou&J,oul the metro area. She said she
thinl<i it makcs scme if-an: JD many units per square miles. why no1 base lhc rranchise based on 1hc
units. not oo lhc...,,_ .. ,itjlasl doesn't seem right to her. Mr. Fcathcruaid there an: 1wo lhlngs ,-;th
that 1ha1 Ibey ha,-c.., way of tlllCicmg. like cellular. He ad,•ised you caMol use this as you arc driving
do,-11 tbc rood. you_.,. llaliooary . Counal Member Habenicht staled \\'C can track how many units
arc ID ourcny, a loc ...,.._._.many eus1omcrs you might have that an: in our ci1y . She said to her
tliat is c:,sy, cu1 and .,_ad it n:a111· makes a difference in tcnns or 1hc kind or impact and cost ii would
tpvc 10 our cily. la-dbow it is going toall'cct our popuL11ion, tl1c acslhetics , thc rigllls-<>f-way . how
much you acccss ...S-.aca:ss. She said ii seems a much fairer way or going about iL Mr. Feathers
advised lhat right -lflq> an: Slnleluring it c:xxtly like all fr:inchise ag,<cmcnlS, whctl1er ii be TCI or
Public Service ... ~ -you have done a franchise agreement wilh In the past, will pay you a
pcrccnlagc oflhc ....,_.._ He nolcd it is not like tllC)' an: paying 10 go on a SIIUC1urc you do nol own,
they an: paying 10 u&ili&:!41U' public service. that is wh.11 they an: uying lo do .
Council Member~ asked if she was to undcrsw>d that they arc the first one in tl1is market. Mr .
Fcathc:rs said lhcy ~_.die acrccmcnt is DOil c."cl1.15ivc. which means lhal you can aucr inlo the wnc
atp'CC1ncn1 "ilh aD)ll& doc. doing the same ICCIU10logy. TI1cn. Ms . Bradshaw noted. we "ill have a bunch
or linlc doodads all -6c ligl,(s in our city She asked if 11,,1 was nglll . , Ir. Fcatl1tr> advised lha1 in
California. in boO Lao Al!ldcs and San lose. lhc police dcpanmcnlS can do,.,,load ',iclurcs or suspcclS,
building dcpart111C111Scado permits on ,ilc, aoomcys can access E-mail in the court house. Schools Iha!
passed 10 ha,e aa:cs1 re 6c illlaDCt because of asbcslos or other problems, can now have lhaL He
ack.oowlcdgcd it is a"""' ,ochoology. bul ii is comiag and !hey arc hoping 10 olTcr it to tl1c Denver area
Council Member H.11Jcudt Sl>led tl1a1 she rcall) feels stronaJy 1l1a1 tlu s is a new lcchnology and it isn'1 likc
all !he other kinds o{ llwlJ!:s and if this is one of the vet)' first 10 come in10 line, tlial she is very concerned
thal ii be much mon: eqwnably suucturcd so lh3t we aren't gelling tJ,c short end or some scick here . Council
Member Bradsha" asked! lh:r what she w.1111cd Ms. Habcniclu said she Lhought she would like 10 have the
franchise WccmtOl IIIDl! !ila.scd: 00 the customers m your city . bu1 the number or u1111s a cit y has Council
Member 81 ,1dsha-.. askctl if sbc \\ould like 10 table tlu s un11I her questi ons could be answered .
Mayor Bums asked Mr iit:.ll.man 1f he h.id a commenl on thh Mr Fellman commented Lhat he mentioned
at the outset that l.h.ts is OClt a moocy maker. He asked tJ1..1t th e; keep in mind a couple of things th.11 arc
happening in the big pcwrc. Nwnbcr one. he said. we ha\'c n S1a1c legislature that has gone to great
lengths over the pa!t aru.plc of )cars to 1:UCc D\\11)' local govenunems ability to regula,c these kinds of
fac1l111cs m tl1c n~f...q,i.11y The only reason tli.u tbcy arc here tonight is that 1hcrc ;s a loophole in
Sen.itc Bill 10. "tudl sa.~,; caucs cannol fr.mch,sc tclccommunic:uions providers \\ho want 10 use lhe right-
of-way ... )OU h3\'C lalL t1b: righr 10 do it. ~tr Fc llnWl st:11cd tliat S1a1utc . \\luch 111 hi s opinion is
unconstllutional . J.Scum::m.J} m co un and It \\tl l be three years before \\C find out But right nay · you can'I
francl11sc 311)1hing OUICi lllwl cable television. 1l1e loophole is in tJ1c definition of telccommwutation
SCr\i ccs . it is ck.fined m lfbc Seate L,w as 311} SCr\'ICC 1ha1 requires federal or st.ate rcguL11ory appn1Val. And .
he noted. as Jert) FiC3lbe:ts mcnu oncd Ilic} Jrc m Ilic public spectrum because they arc transmitting al one
watt or less. so the) dca!tt need LO get federal :approval . So tcchnica.Jly. even though tl1is is. as we kn o· 11. a
Enalcwuod Clly C1111ntll
No,·cmbcr 16, l!IIJH
PINCH ,., .. ,
lclccommunicadon ie :vlce, ii docsnl come "i thin Ille dcfinillon of all lllose...., scnia:s In Sctlllc Bill 10
Iha! we hnvc loSI Ilic righl lo even do something lik his willL So , he Did...,_, is I po,endal proolem , and
he ls1S had u number or discussions will, Il ic Mwtlclpal League abou1 !his. as ID llaw m do you "'11111 IO
push some or lltcSC issues 1111d whal kind or legisla1ivc backlash might 1bCR: be rl any .:ommuni1y docs push
Ilic envelope:. Mr. Fcllfflllfl advi sed lli.11 Iha! Is a concern lhal he has hi die .,....picnm,. He said 1bal a
Mr. Jerry Fcalhcrs 1ncnlloned Ille 11Mdard way 1ha1 l'rnnchisa have pold compa,adon for using lhc public
righH>f-way. whe1hcr ii i1 cable or public service, have von a pm:entage al'the l'O\-enucs generated by
cuSlomcrs In lhe clly . Docs public service have lmnsmission lines in lhc Cily. Ila! run lhraush 1he Cily.
1ha1 end up benefiting people In olllcr places? Sure ll1cy do, he said. Mr. Fdmm SIited thal lhc argumcnls
Co uncil mak r.s arc good argumcalS. He said his reeling is ti.. !his Is • ......,..,.. 'Mil' to do ii and~
may be 01hcr n:ason.1ble ways lo do ii. If we wan I 10 gel 0111 ahead of lhc auwd and kind of say lhis is lhc
new way, 1111d we wanl lo do ii lhis way, even though everybod y else may be doing it same oilier way. there
• s a polenlial Iha! could crcalc a probl em Iha! could end up being lcgistalh-dy mm In a way 1ha1 we might
no1 likc.
Council Member Br:wlsl.iw asked ifhc was saying lnkc ii ,r lca,'C 11. Mr FcllmzD adv151Cd lhat he is DOI
saying l.ikc it or lc.,vc ii. but he is say ing if you do len vc it. d1;11 we want tc dcd r i1diffcrcn1 way, reo,gnizc
tltal !here arc polcnlLil consequences 1h.11 will po1cn1iruly impoct 01hcr municipolmcs in the Slate. Tiie 01her
1hing. he said , irtl1e issue is compensa1ion. 1111d he is sensing !hat is pan of 1he cm,ccm, dtat you sholdd be
compensated fairly for having 10 look al tl1csc dC\i ccs. if you loolc al 5% o£ gn,ss revenues in the COlllcxl of
cable 1clcvislon, or 5% or 3% or gross revenues for Public Service , you art Clllwig about, basically ,
something 1ha1 Is analogous for rent This is tltc rent 0.,1 those companies ,re ~ing for using publi<:
property . When they pul fncililics under ground , they do a far more intrush'C aanity in public SlrcCt!!. than
something like this is. where it talccs 1, minutes 10 put n chcny picker up. aachone of these things and
then the)' arc off 10 1hc next site . 11,crc is m.Un1cnancc 111.11 you ha\'C for your smtr th3l 1s W1dcrground in
lhe Cily and you h.,vc curb culs two weeks after you do a S1rCCt resurfacing. whidl ·a<:11cs a whole lol or
hemlaches and coSls 10 the City and the taxpoyers . TI1ey pay 5% or gross ='C11DCS. Metricon1 has agreed 10
pay 5% of gross revenue.<. which will admiucdl y be much smaller If 1he is'1lc is that you don'I think that
will be enough to compcnsa1c us and we want 10 switch to nn amount per pole. again the standard way that
lhey ha\'c done ii in tltc other cilics where lhc y 1>1''C opcr:ucd . and 11,e odlcrcitits :arnand the country wltcrc
lhey arc working ou1 deals now , is $60.00 per f.1 eili1y th.11 lhcy arc on, per :!Qr. So if you have 30 or 40
poles, $60 .00 per facility , 0.11 is 1101 goin g 10 be a 101 or money either Counci.' Member Habenicht said sh e
is 1101 suggesting tliat Mr. Fcllfflllfl advised thal what he is gelling at is what •~ 1lrC prnbably suggesting
is a far greater number, which is go ing 10 skew their whole method of doing hli5iDess throughout the
counlr)·. He noted ltc did nol lhink Jerry Fc.11hcrs could IIIIS\\U 1h31 question and he cctUinly can't but tl,a1
lhey co"ld both venture a guess 1ha1 the higher ups al Mctricom arc going to "3,c a problcm ... lllcy arc not
ju !.i going to say oh . okay . so its going 10 mean more negot iati ons
Co unc il Member Habc niclu s.1 id she is raising lhc issue bc.c;Jusc she would like to M\c them look a little
bu :u iL lx.:L .111:.C \\C arc so ne w. we arc goi ng so fresh int o this and she drinks ,.."'C as municip.11 offtciafs
reall y ha \'e lo loo k al how !his is go in g lo impa cl our cities. revenues. the "2~ btmncss 1s being do ne. how
we ca n condu cl busin ess O\'Cr !imc and it 1s a whok n< " way c~ doi ng business throu ghout the whole
n.1 1ion . a new techn ology and she th ink s that so me ol .hc qu cs uons that she asked Yo'Ouldn't be the ones th nl
the private SCC 10r wruld ask, Jf co urse , .. , TI1 a1 is 1101 where they arc coming flOITl. But she thought tbc
ques tio ns Cou ncil is :i ski ug arc 1Jncs th.11 n..1lly n.:cd 10 b:-: loo ked :11 :ind ~be th:y have n~ been \'oiccd
stro ngly enough. so she 1s just tryi ng 10 \'01CC th em. 1ha1 is all.
Mr Fellman said th,1 1 he would po inl oul to her as well lh,11 he has spoken 10 ome:r cur es 1hat have h;td
Mc:ricom services for a number of yc.1rs. an d bas,c.tl!y what th e,, h:1 ,c sud is ~Oll no ice them when they
fir st f,O up . but th en aRerwards ... lh cy arc fairl y smnll . yo 11 arc dm1ng. you :ue ~ smmg thc~c sw,ng !II
th em. In a lol ofwny s !hey arc like the antennas on th e si des of buil dings OCM . •.h3, we don't noti ce
anymore . th.11 we need 10 have our ce ll ph ones opc r.111 ona l. So lhcy made the corn.men~ aboul impoct1ng the
way we do busin ess . he s.,id his op ini on. both fr om workin g ,,i 1h these fo lks. a:s ,.'Cl! as fro m doin g some •
~ Cl1y Coulldl
~rl6,1991 .... ., en·:> ,.,
h .t.:'I
r...i:lt 11111 lalkiag co odlor local .,.....,.,..,, ot.c ,~, fjlal !lave worl<cd wilh lhcm for a couple or ycaR, ii
,...,. doesn't lmpoct tho way we do buslneu. ii de>:.: not cn:ale a cost 10 lhc City to have lhcm 111C !heir
facilitJcs on tho ligh1 polaand proYiding this scrvl1.<. Mr. Fellman commented Lluu m11ybc be is miwng
~I and if we want to go bock and look funhcr and if C!)WICil wan IS him or anybody on !heir staff to
pn,oide a report. with names and rdenmc.cs (mm other cornmwlities where Ll1cy have been for a couple or
yc:in. they can do thaL He slid maybe tt .. , •<, ~· <xi Iden 10 get Lluu information . Bui he thought what
ttiir,: •ill find is lhar. it is a \'Cry minimal ':n s;:;t:· LV.J it is not really a cost issue. ii is just a new service and
-. gelling back to tho congressiooal maud;n-. ,,om the 1clccommunications act, lhc whole purpose was
lets get as many new scniccs as we can. as quick as we can and mainiain local aulhorily 10 IIIIIIIIB• public
s11by type issues and rights-of-wa y issues when your Stale Legislalurc lelS you. He noted thal some sillies
i..c-re authority today IO do thal !has, we do.
c-:il Member Waggoacr advised thal he Is having IIOU~~ tblding in hctt ~·licrc specific outborizalion
• .,afic -oval is v,u...i by lhc Cily for locations. In other..,,,,~,.,=~•·, 1or or Publ', ,... ,.i...
waalal approve speci fic locations wha'c tbcse aro lo be instalkd. Mt . J:"rJ,.,;v " ~, scd that 1.l1 ',<".1.1ion 1,
wbdi is u&Jcd "Scope o/ Use Agreement•. lhc last sentence of lhc : ,1l. ,.>;•-":i f!t .. ,., l 4)5 "an} \\ ,rt
pafarmcd. ~t io the rights paDlCd under lids use agrcc1ucn1 J'l. •. a! rt :. Cuy's option. be sui.,;~, to
Ille ICISOnable prior review and appnwal or lbc Cily . • He said he Uua,s :•:i, is cansislcnt wilh whal lhc)·
.,-wking aboul and Ibey can cerlainly add language 10 say "any work. :neluding. but no1 Limi1cd 10. the
,...,.._ of radios or ..ibcr facilities" or somethi11& lik e Lluu 10 ii would \v:. perhaps. clearer and Cowicil
w8111M bow Iba! lhc 1<1ual, physical location or lhcsc d<viccs would be subi oct 10 prior City approval .
~ Member Wagoner SlalCd thal he really believes llw should br. in !here. Council Member
-• said she 11811'cd-Mayor Bums said he lhinks 10 11>0. Mr. Fellman swcd they can ca11inly bavc
dlatl l>dOR it a,,-back to Couacil
-..,r Bo· ,s comlllCDlcd !hat he is impressed with Ll1c fact lhat this is relatively non-invasive and if it ii
na1 :a 1DODe)' issue. really to begin with. maybe I hey could pass ii on firs! rcadin& and have them do some
~ before lbc nc,a nading.
Ml:.. Fc:alhm advised that what they ha\.'c do ne in a couple olhcr cities. and it depends on the burden each
Cll_!, wants. as one Cily wants the Public \'.'orks direcior to appro\'C. Jf they wani 10 dcsigna1c a ccnain
indnidual or just the L1ngu.1ge th.11 the Cily will approve . Either way. he sa id . their lcg.11 department ha.s
bb:sscd those clsm gcs.
M:r Fellman ~,id he kno"' wh.11 Ll1ey ere ge lling at and 1bey c.,n add ,1,,11 kind or langu.,ge before ibi s
C011!1CS back
C=nc,I Member Clapp stated rllc would like 10 hold orr. she would like 10 pull ii and she "uuld like
Cc,uncil Member Habcmcht to look i i over 311d reel comfortable with ii before Lhcy mo ve forward .
Mm~ or Bums asked 1r 1ha 1 was Lh c co n!tC nsm, or Co un c1 l 1l1crc ,\as llll ~1 uon that II w·.is
AG ENDA ITEM 11 (.) (i) • COUNCIL BILL NO. 74, TO DECEMBER 21, 19911.
\ffJtr rcsullJ:
Enalcwood City Council
November 16, 1998
P ■ge 10
Ayes :
Abstain :
Motion carried .
J 11t1 t'f i ) h,m.,....JI• nl
lt''1.'f ,1't '141m ,o f
(' .,
Couneil 1\1....,...,, l'llll>olz, Bradshaw. Habenicht, W1agonor. Clapp,
Coune1' Meml>cr °"""1
IClerts' note: Council Member Gam:n returned 10 lllcm.]
(ii) Director Bladt pn:scntal ~ ra:maendMion from tbt Cul!Urnl Aru ColMtlssion
10 adopt , bill for an ordinance that removes the SIIDScl pmvision from the Culrural Ans Commission
OrdlnAll'.e. He said. adding to the oomments of Olp Wlolosyn. Chalr nrd,e Cukunll An• Commission. the
current ordin.incc has a IUIIIC1 cta119e In ii and 11,e Caalliillion. along wilh 51111". has recommended that dtlt
clause be removed . He opined it would create• pea cm,oort le,-cl for the Comm issioo bcc■u,e lhey aro
'ooking 31 long 1en11 programs , such n, a 2003 cddlnlial 1111d the cul1ur.1I c:omdor coming do~11 :hrough
Englewood. so they are looking at more Lhanjosl ,_°""""ya, project, 00..11 th e,: Mr. BL,ck ,lid he
fe ll this would be rcolly bcncOcial 10 tluu group :md ~ that group a little bit ,
Council Member Clapp staled she wanted 10 matt a c:uomment J 1r Council JiY.:".ssion. She said she noticed
tl,at the Culturol .Ans Commission Is the only one -r., a -and tl\31 it is at five years. Ms . Clapp
advised that she has always feh like we ,hould h;n~ 1em1 limits on all of our a,mmissions and it is IOIIII)'
unfair 10 hm'C tcm, limits on one and not the~ Sllc:,aid her feeling on it is you ,hould do lh,m all or
not do any of them. S•ic said she thought tl,c only acqawa 10 tlial should be our waler bollrd, bcc■we of
the noturt of tlic type ofbusincs, that they deal ,-,111. ~es. Clapp st.11 ·,d she IS roally in favor of putting tenn
lintils on all oftl1e boards. ,-naybe four year tcnns. ,__ cigbl years. jusl like elected ofliclals, Mayor •
Bums pointed 0111 tl,-. his is lbrlhc Commission ind!: ftOI the service of the members . Ms. Clapp s■id
okay, she was sorry. she tl10Ughl ii 1<os the board 11sdf' No. Mayor Bums explained, ii is 10 ellmimte the
Commission all together. thal is what the sw\SCI s.s... ~ Ms. Clapp said. she though1 they tenn limited just
the members ~n 111a1. Mnyor Barns said no. ii is the Collllllli!Sion itself. Ms Clapp said shcapolngiud. but
noted ii doe> bring up an interesting point Director Bbtt. apologi7.ed for that and said he should have
clarified tl,.1.
n,c Clerk was asked 10 read tlic ooi:ncil bill b) utle-
Aves: Council Membcn "'1abhol7-Garrett Br.1dsl1i1w. Habenicht .
Wa ggo ner. Clapp. Burns
Nn)S None
Molt on c.1 rricd .
(b) Appro\'al of Ordin ances on Sco,nd!IRcadm g
(i) Council Bill No S5 . appl'.C'l 'mg the rezo nin g from R·l ·A Single-Famil y
Residence to Planned Unit Devclopmem (PUO) for p:;:1pc n~ loca led :u 3095 So uth Univer sity was
con sidered . •
Eaatewoo,1 City C1111ndl
No,e.ller 16, iM
.... 11
Mayor Bwm poinlcd at Iha! this it lhc IIIOIIUII)' issue .
Cwncil Member Bradsl..-w Slated 1h11 she moved Council Bill No. 55 for discussion pwposcs . She
advised Iba! over this past wcclr.cnd and today she rccci\'cd several phooe calls about this issue .
Unf~y. 5bc said. lhc content of those phone coils did not and could not alTcct her consideration on
this IIIIIICr. SIie thou&ht some of lhc rest or Council 11~s in 1he S3Jtle boot. Ms. Bradshaw noted that even
thoup she spoosorcd this. for lhc purpose of having• publi c hc.'lring. she fell lho1 01c citizens in lhc area
have spoke11 . She thought COWICil beard their commcn1s. She s131cd Ui:11 she feels Chi s PUD is not
consistent with lhc goals. objectives. design guidelines. policies ond ony other ordinruu;e, low or
n:quirancnts of 0,c City of Englewood . She feels Chae lhis parcel of land is loc:llcd in R•l·A. which is Che
hlgbcsl single fumily zoning we have in the Ci1y and Ilic purpose of this zoning is 10 ensure IJ,c rcsidcnlS a
ccrwa quality of life . She Slatcd Chol thi s PUD docs not and will no1 ensure tlioc same quality of life, ralbcr
ii is allowing a for-profit businoss IO locale in an R-1 ·A '1lco . Sho feels ll1is PUD docs not follow
aa:eplable stindan:ls of Che dcvclopmcnl in Che City ond ii i, not a rcosonoblc use of the property . To
rcplaoc a chW'Ch with a funeral home is nol n:.1sonoblc . she scaled She said she believes the ncoplc have
spoken loudly and very clearly on this issue and as tJ1c ir rcprcscnL1li\'c she would vote no on J1is ordinance .
Council Member Nabholz c.aid thm she 100 voices Council Member Braclshaw's commcnu . thal she has
also received nwnerous calls. faxes and E-mail s She s.11d 1h.11 one or Council's go.11s has been 10 prolcct
our residential neighborhoods and ensure quality of life . Ms . N.ibholz stiled that she would also be voting
agai nst this.
Co...,cil Member Waggoner said he also agnxd . He ,coicd Chae he ll1inks "~ need 10 maintain Che quality of
our P.•l•A zoning and he coo will be voting no
Mayor Bums said he would Ii.kc 10 speak 10 llus Chai Ou , is in lus District He noted Council had some
very good prcscniations on this by the mo~uary and also by 1hc cititcns who spoke against it and for it He
commcn lcd that he thoughl the si te plan ""-ould clc.,n up the .1rc:1. ii would make it more ~uracuve. as they
s.,w tha-c was a rather dramatic split bc1wccn tl1c people \\ho li,ed on Dartmouth , wl,o su:mcd to be rather
consiSle.ntly for it and the otl1ers in the neighl>orhood who \\ere ne,•. He s.iid he 1hough1 the people on
Dartmot11h h.a\'C to li\e cfay to d.1) wit h what they sec across the street from them and 50 tie has some
sy mpal.b )' for what they h.1\'e to sec and why they would lik e 10 h.we lhe property improvl-d . Many other
prople s11:ned t11e pcUlion against ii.. He slated he knows people personally who arc both for and against
this measure . BuL he said. he tl1inks ti1c issue is not ho w well 1hc la11dsc.1ping is prcscn1cd or tl1c si1c plan
or "hatcver, but it is the question or whether they wnnt to h,1,c a li censed busir.css emcrprisc in .in R-1-A
distnct and whether that opens tl1e door lo some furth er R-1-A zone brc.,chcs. so to spc.ik . in 1hc ruture
.. -·u. be st.1tcd. is his ma.in concern . Mayo r Bums said he th ought the majority of the people who cont.1ctcd
!um. :ind ,igncd pc1itions. arc against it Even though he co mm ends 1he mortuary for tl1cir presentati on and
their time and effort anJ planning that went into this . th.11 he reel s on b.ilance . representing his
co nstituency, that he will also vote against ii .
Enalewood Clly Council
Nn,·ember IG, 1998
I Hw,, ) { i \ howu 1f·:J1 ~ ,w,,, ~, ,., .... ,., ,t,
,.~ .. 12 I • I
Council Member Habenicht commcnlcd lhll *••planning lo 53)' 10mcthing. but everybody else
mirrored her cornmcnts.10 shcjUS1 wanted to SIJ' llaf she loo wifl be vodng'apinst ii. She ald she
thought the other CQWlCII mCf"bef1 have Jiva -'ly .JC\llld ramns and ~-i•A mUS1 be protected .
Vole rttulll:
Molion dcfcalcd .
Ayes: Noac
Nays: Council ~ Nabhol z. Garrett Bradshaw, Hllbenichl,
(c) Resolutions and Motions
(i) Dircctur Gryglc,,,cz ,.-cd a recommcndnuon from the Dcpartmcnl of
Financial Services 10 adopl a =lution "PP""-C a lllpplemcnw appropriation and rrnnsfer of funds from
the General Fund lo the Englewood Emirommallll foundnlion for Cindere ll a Ciry rcdcvelopmcnl He
:id,i scd thal lhis supplemcnral approprialloa -.Id move S 1,505.000 10 the Capilal Projects Funds for
unnsfers 10 U,e Englewood Enviroomcnlll F-.... for Cinderella Cuy silc prepannion . The reason we
nccdcd &his moved. he said, is so we can Cilia,_ a con1ract ,.;,h Cleveland Wru:king, which is doing a
portion of the demolition that is in the EDA Cam. so they wanted 10 show them lhPi the monies were
avaiLi ble . Mr. Gryglcwicz explained that thcsr arc JXU1 of1he mon ies tha1 will hr reimbursed wiU1 tl1e COP
tlml should close on December 2'1".
Council Member Hab<,nicill asked how lhat ...-,· •ill then be transferred into the General Fund after the
COP . She asked if 1hc COP c:an payback. D.....-Gryglcwicz ad,·iscd lhat the COP will pay back lhc
General Fnnd directl y. Ms. Habenichl asked iiflllal is okay. Mr. Gryglcwicz said right
TI1c re->0l11tfon was assi gned a nwnbcr :ind rc:dt,y title :
AGENDA ITEM 11 (<) (i) • RESOLUTI NO. I02,SERJES OF l'198.
Ayes : (Junci ~ Nabhol z. Garrell. Bradsh.1w. Habcnichl.
V.agi= Clapp. Bums
Nays: None
Motion C3rricd .
(ii) Director Esterly µu:sau .d :i recommendation from 1hc Department of Public
Work s 10 appro\'c. by moti on. authon~tion b the Di rcclor of Public Works lo sign a design con tract wi1h
URS Grcin~r. Inc . for an amount not to c:x.a:::d'S-fin.~ for South Broadwa y Widening and Medians. He
advised 1h;1t Council authonzcd the City to a1pp~ ior Fcdcrnl fonds under the lnrcnnocfal Surface
Tr.111sport.1ti on Act. tli c old JSTEA and Council approved an intcrg o\'c mmcntal agrccmcm with !he
Dcp.1rtmcn1 of Transportation. cc,vt!'ing fin.unoal c:ommiunc.us rcla1cd 10 tl1c desi gn of South Broadway
widening and median s. He stated that the O:n orado Dcpanmcnt ofTransport:uion has agreed to contribute
h.1lf of our local m.1 tch, our 20% ma1ch for lfius projcc1. in ex ch.,n gc for the abandonmeru of Soulh
Bro.1dwa~· as a S1a1c hi ghway . fr om U S ~~ SOUlh of th e Cit~ lim its. He no1cd thm is an i1em that will
co me before Coun cil later this year
E•llewood City Council
No,-.mbcr 16, 1998
Pai, 13
Ma:,or B11n11 said, (Cffrrina to lhe scope of work and dcsian. Jhal he itno'I" Iha! we have bod --.with
neigbborn. ~ and so fonh alon1 lhe lcn!llh ofB,oad,ny lhcre., He ubd ~ Ille -tll.._ as
far u Ibis panicular design copuact. Director Eacrly advised lhal Neighborhood and 8..-
Dcvelopmcnl bas been having oo•aoing mcctlnp wilh lhe communil)' and busf,-~ 1'llr:jl
:<JC pa; ,idpan11 'In Ibis project. He aid !hose types of mcctinp "i ll continue lo occur~ Ill&
des/an proccu LO get !hose inpulS inlo !his pll)jcct . Mayor Bllflll said he lhlnks Iha! is importad, ..._..
we n:ally want pallicipation from !he businesses and ~idcnis along lhis area. He asked 1-II tics.., lbc
Soulh Bq)odway Action Plan . Dircelor Esterly said he wished Art Scibelli was here 10 amwcr 1h11. llol he
nolcd lherc is an up!alC from Mr. Scibelli in !heir Council packclS . He advised Iha! ii lies in by Yinllr al'
lhe fact Iha! tbcrc may be some ilcms, depending 011 budget amo11111s. Iha! lhis project could povido as"""
go up and down Bro, ~way. II also provides an opponuni1y for additional funding 10 be put into Ille ,,..,;.ct
lo address some of1hosc concerns and iflhcre is an advan1aac for !he size of !his project LO pat>aps-.:
!hose unit prices go down a little bi1, !here is an opponunil)' to participa1e in lhat Although. be cxrN 11cd.
lhe ISTEA fwlding is a sci amount and anything !hey go o,·cr, for whal bas already been described ...,
would have to pay for over and above.
Mayor Bums pointed out thnt it is certainly an opportunity to coordin.11c those improvements Coorda,.-·-<t
!hem. Director Esterl y said. and tl1e construction management miglu get paid for and lhings lib:
lhal...lr.lffic control would be paid for ... it wouldn't gel paid for1his project. but another project. Ii: -.S
there are some sa\'ings to do a sing.l e projec t and there arc some savings due to the economics or IQk: ao
lhc project.
Council Member Habenicht asked about a widening pcnnil sometime in the near rutun:, lbr..,.. -or
Broadway, maybe 10 occommodale some angle parking . Dircc1or_ Esterly stated Iha! 1h11 is.,. amally in
lhe plan. that would be a change, if tlicy w.mted to conven to angle parking. it is real easy. He optaiiDcd
!hey lake one of th e tlirough lanes out. If tl1cy "~nl angled parking on bolh sides, they 1111c two dmap
lanes out . He said tllOt is pn:lty much what would have to be done to aa;;;mmodate I.be ooglcd ..,itmg. this
docsn\ \\iden enough to add angled parking as an amenity.
Council Member Bradsl10w sa id this is mainly for medians . Director Esterly stated it is for mcda, llat
also wilh !his widenin g tlicy rccaptun: thc on-str<ct parking tl10t is parallel parking. There an, SO>a:il
locations , up and down Broadway. when: we l,we dedicated left tum lanes and 10 gel !hose we line die
funny little jog. lha 1 you don 't necessarily sec when ii is sno win g. We h.i vc also. at the same tJ.mc. cikcl
out maybe 200 or JOO feet of on -street park ing. parallel parkin g. So. he said. !hat part.ing "i ll be IC$IDl'Cd
10 tl1c businesses .
Council Member Bradshaw asked if !hat "i ll make it more pcde•1rian friendl y. Dircc10r Esterly 311,,t:scd
!here may be features that may be pan 0ftl1e Sou•J1 Broadway Plan tl,11 would make it more pcdcst:nmn
friendl y. They have lalkcd aboul some lhings like bulb-outs and tlun gs like lhat that would rnalce die
distance , a pedestrian would feel unprotccled, a little bil les,.. He said tl1e discussion he ,iust had -
adding the on-st,:et parking ... without the bulb-outs tl1e on-stn:ct parking provides !hat protection. wlil=
the pcdCSL~an can step out 10 the edge of a parked car be fore tl1cy go. as op posed lo \\Wting on tbr. c:rl> and
go . So they can kind of get a •en foot j ump on it on th e one sid e and ii should be !en feet shoner on dlc
01h cr sid e too .
Counci l Member Waggoner :tSkcd if thi s just goes from YaJc 10 Flo)d. Director Esterly adVJ scd t.l:mli 1hal is
co rrect. Mr. Waggoner sa id th en there is nothing i11 the downl own . two blocks of the dom1t o" n or ~
bridge . Mr. Esicrl y c.xpl ai ncd thal we ha\'C 1hc :1bili1y 10 perhaps, agai n, i f there arc so me or lhcsc
enhancement l)'PC thin gs th.11 go O\'Cr into th.11 area we might gel int o that , we might get into a '"C'll marrow
median. so tJu:rc is a physi c.ii barri er. He added that we also l1.1vc a little bit or work go in g on oa tk bridge
O\'C r 28 5. Council Mem ber Wa ggoner as ked if that is includ ed in th is co ntra ct. Dircc1 or Estcrty Slid yes .
No,callff 1'. -
~-, aw. ... lbcy llilkcd aboul dlC bridge before IU)d hi broughl lh!s up IC\/Crnl Umes ... hc uked ir
lhcre i1 any ~ry. a'CII on our own illllialivc. 10 cnhihcc lhol bridgc'wilh SjJCCial 11""1"1-Even like
1hc -on Saollll .,.........,. by 1hc WIier ueaunca1 p~>nl 1hai kind or cnhanccm onl. He llid lie knows
1hclc 11iiap ~ COIi mor, 111111 you think lhcy would, bul ii c1ocm, look like h would . Dlm:tor
~rly aid llidefloM tlols project ihat 1111 ~ an o,\·f,oing discussion wilh lhe Down1own Dcvclopmcn1
Aulhority ..• llow for dicy nnl lo go wilh lhol he docsn, know. Actually, he noled , we kind or.tole 1hosc
lipu and puc -GUI by 1hc waler plan! and then: didn'I seem 10 be any connce1io11 thnt !hey arc lhe
EDDA lights. am thougb thn1 is what they arc ond we Just have 10 stock one style oriighl. EDDf, docs
hn"• •concern.lie said. ...,_t 1h.11 style of liglll indicating !heir arc., is bigger duln ii rc.11iy Is . But !hey
have indicalcd ~ dcsi« IO do something wilh lh.11 area. Mr. Esterly noted lhol in Parks !here has been a lot
of renewal ofplatillp in thal median area just o,..-~ lhe last year, o 101 offlowcr beds have been restored
back in thauraa, ourbadgct has revived quite a bil.
Mayor Bums 0JADlld ll!al the liF,hu an: reasonably anrncti \'c on u,11 bridge on Soulh Windcnncrc and
probably dam re,. people sec it. Diroctor Estcrl; noted the opponurtily is lhcrc and ii is son of an unrclalcd
rcasoo ... and pllRicularly the cros,ings or lhc stream poni on or whal appears 10 be• single bridge ... \\ilh lhc
Highway Dcpa,1lnclll sh-ing Uial whole stretch of roadway back to the City, \\'C will lmvc a lot more to s:,y
about what bappcm to lllat bridge , panicularl y 11,c surface on Bro.1dway.
Mayor Bums SQlcxl he would like 10 conlinuc 10 press thni poinl. because he think s we really have M
opponooi~' ™ff 10 nmc a very altractivc brid ·•. \,hich will heir with l.hc whole Bro.,dway Action Plan
and r'fflC\,U Dlffl:tOf Eslcrty no1cd ii fits in whJ1 the discussions ra~ul cn1ry wnys and stuff. Re.illy, he
5aid. An Scibclli WOllid be in a better posilion to :.tddrcss Lhat w: Jlc di :cussion . because he is not sure how
close the bricfF is lo •ilcre ever their next gateway facili ty is, that !hey might be inlcrcstcd in doing. He
suggcsicd ii miglil 1C1 real rcdundalll ii !hey an: only a bl1>c k """Y·
Mal.ion c:uricd
12. Gau-al DtlDluion
(a) Mayor's Choice
Council Mcmbcr5 Na bholz. Gam:tl. Bm~.:-1w. ~-IJcnichl.
Waggoner . Clo e.,. Bum s
(i) Mai·or Bums said he \\Ouid like 10 tl-1nk Alex Habeni cht for her clfon on lhc
parndc and he anderstood Leigh AM Hoffi1incs dcsm cs a special U1anks for all the work she did. He
advised that he-1''35 tol d by several people Uiat ~15 Hoffiune s did some yeoman's \\Ork on the parad e. so he
really '-''3Jltcd 10 congra tul :Ue her and perhaps lhC) could do so rnclhing to recogni ze her for that.
(u) Mayor Bums advised thal he and Gal) Se;irs ,, ill be going to Waslungton a
week from tocmorro" for a meeting with the fed era l Tran si t Admmi stralion , hopefully ,,11h the assi stant
adminiSlrator of the ~eder.il Highu.1y Admin istr.1 11 011 ,,i1l1 reg.1rd 10 the n:q11CS1 for grant to help us ,,ilh the
fundm g or :i bndgc for the light rail ".t op . He s.1id he thinks ii will be a wonhwhilc 1rip and ii is bein g
sponsored b) DRCOG and it is a co·.1pc1i1ivc cm iroumcnt But. he noted . he c.111 go with two ha1 s. he c;m
go as the Ma~or or Englewood and a.Isa as the ch;ur of 1he Meire Mayor's Caucus So . he said. he thinks
th ey can get Si,."JfT\C mileage ou t or this to !Jclp lhc Ci r~
Enpewood City Council
November 16, 1998
Pace IS
,, ·''"'"'
I •I , 'I
(iii: Mafor Bums said he mcnlioned a couple or ,.,:e1r.s lllflll he would be aola& 10 lhe
Nalional 4"guc of Ci ti.cs c;~nr°"'ncc and he pasS<d out the cstima1e or lhe--. He coauncn1cd 11111 ii 11
considc~ly ICM lhan Aw\iNabholz',, bu1 Iha! is not because he i1 trying to lie tlimpy, lie 11 going r«
rower dn)• and. because he won'I be there as loug. he has lea CllpcRIC. And ..,, lie Cllplalncd, II 11
becau!IC he is nol participating in lhc: workshops. which cost extra. before Ille adtos ..u, ii Is just a
1 .... r 11110W11. So he asked Council ror applO\·al.
Ayes : Counci'. Members Nabhol1. Gam:it Bradslia,,, Habcnlchl.
Waggoner, Clapp. Bums
Nays : None
Molioncarricd .
(iv) Mayor Bums commcnlcd lha1 he noti ced lhat Dr. Joim Simon Wll" recognized as
Super Hero by 1hc Academy of Family Physician's for his long service 10 the medical prorcssional. He
offered Dr. Simon his congrntula1ions.
(v) Mnyor Bums ~,id he also noliccd our Starburst A10wd for the Ci1y or
Englewood for U,c cn::nivc and cllicieni use of loucry funds in rcS1oring lhe rmssilc in Bcllcv,cw Park is in
lhe DRCOG regio nal rcpon which he just received in lhc mail loday. He oll"CRd JemJI Black his
(b) Council Member's 0101cc
(i) Council Mtmber Nnbho,z:
I . She nolcd she was a little lale . but she wa111cd to thank Parks and Rcacation for lhe Halloween
Camival . II was a blast. she said. and she I.id a 101 of good commcnlS on !hat.
2. She U1ankcd Gary Scars for bringing Uic back-up sound sySl cm for !he Historical Society
ll1ursdny night.
3. She s.-ud they h:wc removed temporary pc,wcr from the Depot, so then arc no more lights there.
She suggested to City Manager Scars th.11 we look inlo pulling temporary po,;a;a bad in or J)O\\-'Cr. Also .
she said. m: need 10 somehow poSI Umt tlial ii is Ci1y propcny. She adv.sat Ihm, arc big semi's parlcing
lhc:rc and she has !he names of all of 1hcm. Ms. Nabholz said maybe a snow fialcc. bu1 she didn' know
wha1 "ould work there, bul we really need 10 post
Ci 1y Manager Scai. asked ifUIC)' park righl behind Ute Depot Council Member N:abholz ad\'iscd lhc:y park
everywhere, they arc in then: ,11rcc cec p.
4. She said at tl,c NLC Conferences people request pins from 01hcr C1Ucs She asked ir we have any.
Ci1 y Manager Scars advised Ihm we h.wc a bW1ch and tlacy will h;1,·c those for her nc \'1 Monday night
Council Member Hnbcnicht suggcs lcd Ms . Nabho lz lake along witl1 her at lcw orr '"'OJ>Y of the ex plannlion
of the Englewood Mark ,~hen she hands ou t the pms. because !hey ah,ay:, ask. ~·hat II is. but the~ lo,·e 11 .
Ms . Nabholz s.iid lkll was a good idea and she thanked Ms. Habcni chL
5. She thanked Alex Habcm chl Leigh Ann Homuncs, Sue Bradsha". O Vls Olso n Jnd cvery·body
who was invol • ..:d in the parade . She noted ii is a 101 of work and th~ did a 'a) good job .
(ii) Council Member Bradshaw :
~ Clly Council
Neftaber 16, I 9'11
11111) lit l I
I. Sile advised lhl\~ au ouil:omc of lhc public ~caring U\CY lutd, she would like to hAve the l>ublic
Wort's stall'. or ditccl ljtc City Manaacr to have Uic approprinlc IWT, look at a left tum light for tt. ,,,....1th
,·: Univcnlty . Bccwse, she noted, 1h11 is a dlwter.
2. She llattd that she noliccd a week ago, with the Ice and snow on Wlndenneno, is that thal bridge is
not goon¥ 10 be ~ much loo&cr wllcss we pill some more SlulT down to stop people from sliding on
Windcnnere in the mornings when it is icy . 111:11 was just nn ice unp Ibo Monday morning we l1:1d 1111 the
blaclt ice, she said. it was pretty scory.
In response to C•~· Manoger Sears. Cowicil Member Brndshuw clarified 1ha1 ii 1Vll5 righl by lhe Allen
Treatmenl Plant . just as you 1um off of Na1•ajo and you hil Windem1ere. all tl1e way up 10 Belleview . She
commcnh.-d you could tell when )'OU got to Linlcton because it was clear.
City MattJgcr Sc:u> Slated they "ill wori< on 1h.11.
(iii) Council Member Habenicht:
1. She said she wan1cd 10 thank C\'Cl)'body for all of U,c suppo" on the Englewood Holiday Parade .
It 1'"51 wondclful group of people and. she noted, they had a wonderful 8f0Up of people 10 follow . She
>aid sbc wamcd 10 take 1his opponunity to ag.in thank Austin Gomes and Ann Nabhol z who left the parade
this )'C3l'. but all of the hard work they did prior helped make ii c;1sy as they transitioned 10 new lcadenhip .
She noccd that a lot of 1hc new reoplc involved arc re.illy cxcilcd and looking forward 10 nc.'(t year. so they
arc re.Uy happ) about tlml. The suppon from the City, the suppon from the staff. everybody on the staff,
Leigh Ann HolThincs, of course. Cluis Olson, Safety Services. Bob Spada. the Recreation Dcpanmen1. U,e
Public Works Dcpartmcnl ... C\'Crybody just e1mc to the plate . Ms . Habenicht commented thal she heard
one thing 0131 was especially nice and she just wanted 10 pass 0us on 10 our Safety Services DcpaNmcnL
People said that \\hile Lhcy were waiting for tJ1e parade to start. that we had a number or our officers who
were out tJ1ere sort of working the crowd and they were very positive . Jtjust gave a wrum feeling to
ev~'body about our Safety Services people, so she juSI wanted to give an exun atta I oy 10 them .
Ms. Habenicht s;ud she aJso wanted to tJ1.1nk aJI oflhc sponsors of the Englewood Holiday Parade.
including tJ,c Ci(). tJ1c Herald and so many of the businesses 1l1ey may need to fonn.1l izc 111.11 a l1t1lc bil
later. she said. She ad\'iSCd tJlC)· an: h.1ving their wrap-up mccling ne~t Tucsd.iy .
She saJd she wanted 10 take tJ1is opponunity 10 compliment lhc c."llcndar tJ1is yc.1r. Ms Habenicht
su•cd she tl1inks it is rc:illy better tJ1an last yea, ,1d tl1.1t ne .xl year is gomg to be better than this year and
she is really excited to sec !hat. She said she hopes we gel more people p;uticip.lling in sending pictures in.
M.:lyor Bums s:ud he did receive a co111111e111. one oftiw ,1eighbors said tJ1anks for pulling oul tJ1c sign s
no1ing which streets ,,ere going 10 be closed for the p.U'tldc c.1rl~• enough so tJmt people had sufficient
notice of1haL
~ta, or Bum s sai d he ,,anted ID 111.1ke ouc mor e co 111111en1 :ibou1 1he 111onu,1rv siluation . He advised thal ile
"®Id like the neighbors. if possible. ID ge1 1oge1!1cr and lry 10 pu sh for a cl~111ge in that use . 1f th ey wanl
one. tJ1.at is cons1s1ent with the zoning . He s.iid ii might be a rcsidcn1ial use. ii might he a school ... where
the~ could If), 10 get together and son ofinstn1ct Council on wha1 they would be satisfied "'i th lh ;u wou ld
fl ow through the nei ghborhood if that is possible . Bcc:rnsc . he noted . there need s lo be an improve ment •
there. but wt.: hope they can help arrive al one and bring something back lo us in the fu1urc .
lnal•"'",d Clti· Cll<lnell
N,,vemh<r 16, 1!1911
''''" 17
Council Member Bradshaw advised lhal whal Uttlcaa Im done ";th some chwthes is allowed Cicm 10 :,,
· scd as Cll8ncr schools . Mayor Bums said thal is • idea.
ll. City M•111<r'1 Report
(a) Ci ly ManaF Sean said they~.,... Ibo change or Council member after the 0 1st
or lhe year and he jUS1 wanted to come up witb a a-, tor inlcni~~ and also ror appoinuncnt Because. no
noted , he would imagine we an: going 10 have a_. of applicanlS. He said he was wondering ir ii
would be lhe second mccling in Jam.11,y, the 116. tor&: ai,poinuncnL
Council Member Bradshaw rcu tl,cy nccdcd 10 do ,..,. intaviewing duri11,1 the Sludy Session on January
11 , 1998. Ci1y MaMgcr Scana questioned whct!,cr tky would ha,-c tl.c appoinlincnt on the Is•.
Council Member Garren nolcd U.il as 1he appoilllmml bas 10 be wilhin 30 days lhcy would have 10 make
the appointment by the end of the rncnth .
Council Member Bradshaw agreed stating lhru ffie! D\'e to appoint" ,thin 30 days or they arc in violation
or the Chat1cr .
City Man.,gcr Sc.1rs said that is righl thal we jUSI -IO :i<hatise so he '""''cd to make sure tha1 that was
the schedule.
Council Member Bradsh.1waskcd if that is whaa they dccidal. the I I th and Jglh _ Mayor Bums said that is
whal U1ey were lalking aboul before .
Cily MaMgcr Sc.m stated Ul3l is wha1 u,cy will pro:=d "itll
14 . Cily Attomcy'1 Report
Cily Allomcy Bro11man did not have any manors IO truig before Council.
15 . Adjournment
The aneaing adJOumcd al 8:46 p.m .