HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12-07 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • 1,10,, I t ) Ii ,t. ,! n,J V.l1 J I 0 ENGLEWOOD cm· COUNCIL IIIGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO Dttea,ber 7, 1998 I , CallblO.. The regular mcetiD& allk EngleM>od City Council wos coiled 10 order by Mayor Bums al 7:42 p,Dl The invocation -giwo l>j' Council Member Nobholz. PlcdtetlAllepaacc n-.e Pledge of AllegrJDOC -l<d by Mayo,· Bums. 4, IIAIIICal Presa,,: Absclll: Council Mcmbcn Nabbolz. Clapp, Ganou . Bradshaw. Habcnichl. Waggoner. Bums None A quorum w-..s prc5<Dl 5, MINI.a Alsc prcsen<: City Manager Sc.,rs Ci1y Attorney Bro<zma., City Clerk Eltis Director G,ygtcwicz. Financial Services Planner Gr311.,,n. Neighborbood :,nd Business Development Dircctor Fonda., Utilities (a) COUNCIL MEMBlf< .i RADSHAW MOVED.AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE TIil: MJllrUTES OF ntE Jt.lGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16. 1!1'>8. Aia; Cou1X ii '\'!embers Nabholz. Ganc11. Brads!mw. Hnbcniehl. Waggoner. CL,pp. Bums ~"' None Motion carried.. (b) COOllCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APl'ROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL M~ETING OF NOVEMBER 23, 1998. A,'CS: Ccancil Mem h> Nabholz. Gatrell. Bradshaw. Habcnich1 . · Waggoner, CL,po, Bums ~-s: None Motion carried. 6. Schcdukd ~....,. (a) ~ Bums ..i,,;,cd 1l.i1 Carolyn Annsirong, Prcsidenl of lile Colorado Parks and Recreation As.~ -.'d p,=nl "1c Prcsidcnl A11~rd 10 Gene Felling, Vice Prcsidenl and General Manager of Unh-...al C......U.. for his suppon of 1he Safe Summer Program . l Enalew,wtd Clly Council December 7, 199H , ••• 2 Ms. Annstrong noted she was Pn:siddnt oritlic Colorado Pw1<s and Recreation -.iioo up onlil about a month ago. She ,ldviscd Ulill tho Colmado P!llu and Rm'ellliau Atm:ial10111, _ _,._ aw.,c:iltion of all 1he parl< and n:cn:olion agencies and ns such U,ey have ru, awar.ls progn,m. SIie .-«i lllll Sheriff Suiiivru, join lier, as he has ployed ru, important port in Uus progrnm. Ms . Annstron, cxploined that each yeor, al an annual conference. lhc Colonodo P:ans aad lucrcation AJsocia1ion rccogni1.cs both pro(cssionnls nnd commwliry members who have fflllle major contributions to pnrk nn d recreation ctliU3C:S. Occ:lsionnlly 3 situation arises where I.he contribution n.:m .... or so varied u,:u ii doesn't fll into the nonnai awards process . in Ulis case, she said. they go ID 1111: President and ask for a President'• Award . This yea, flvc •aencle• nominated Gene Felling aad Ille Saks.a.--Pmgnua for r. President's Award ... five agcl'lcics. She commented tJ1.it is almost unheard of in CPR.A. Since 1993 Univer>al has conlribu1ed over $6-16,000 lo parl< and n:cn::uion agencies for Safe s.m..r Prognuns. n,csc programs have provided youth wiU1 employment training. special events. ram ccnu:r aa."t-ups. in- line hockey rinks. you1h-a1-risk n:cn:olion progmm schola11hipsand many ollacr....,nuailia. Ml. Anns~Jng pointed oul tl'11 u,e Englewood program alone has alrco dy been lhc n:cipent of a Columbine A\\anl from lhe Colorado Parks and Rccrc.11ion Association and a DRCOG Local~ Innovation Aw:ud . Ms . Annstrong snid she asked P:tl Sullivan 10 join us. bcc:iusc without the Shcntrs Oqw1mcnt they couldn't do this progr:im. TI1r Shcrilrs Dep.1nment is hc;ivily in\'ol,·cd 1n the prop:ams ad CVCl)'lhing and his folks i1.1,·e been there 100. Sa. she said. she is plc.1scd. absolu1ely plc::.scd. bo( as Lhc President of CPRA and• n:sidcnl of Englewood. ID join 1he City of Englewood. the City of Clcin,,:r, the Town of Parltcr, the City of Aurora and lhc Foo1hills P:ut :md Rccrc11ion District in honono,. JCnl:' Fcllingwilh IJ1e 1998 Colorado Parks nnd Recreation Associn1io11 Prcs1dc111's Award . Mr. Geac Felling no1cd lhnl Sheri IT Sullivan IS up here al a ,·cry ap propri.icc time. locc:uls.,: he and Sheruf • Sullivan started !his program f0b"hc r :1boul fi"e years ago. PCCIUSC. he said. it wa • panicularly violent summer we h.1d just gone througlt Mr. Felling said he c.1lled Sheriff Sullivan :mdak.cd what he could do, that he was jus1 one person. bul he had sever.ii hw1drcd thousand concert goers om.~ and if we aU band 1ogetl1cr maybe we can rnakc a diffcn:nce He scaicd 1ha1 Sheriff Suluvan was vesJ helpful and very inslrulllcnlal and he called all 1hc police clliefs. 1hc city councils 3Jld the parks aadm:s. Mr. Felling commented that they didn 't w,1111 this money 10 juSI be blcndi:d inlo some gcnt.'r.LI :ICl"\1ccs fund with the State or wh:ucver the ; , ;,1.11iL1tion . TI1ey :1 II came b;ick. he advised. and sli1 lct'!l 30 something with the kids. lets get them off the streets. let's gel them some1hing 10 do ,u nigh:. So th~ ltZlggcd the money onto the exisling programs. IJ1ey kept the yo uth programs :l\'.Jil:1ble . they had free S\\tamung this summer. they lcvr.rnged the program. tlicy sent additional youth 001 into Uic ncigl1bor1Joods 1odb11Cighborhoo:I clean-up. 10 do senior cilittn projcru. So. Mr. Felling cdviscd, the am .y of conccr. gocr> bu:anlc "'1 anny or several hundred youth going out in lhe commWlily doing commuruty proJCClS. He Sl<ll'cd i:ba tJ-.c City of Englewood was gracious enough 10 invi1e !um 10 their project 0\'Cr in tJ;c park wbicrc they painted the barn and the kids,~ .:nt oul :ind did yard work for lhe sc,uor ciuzens m IJ~ Q;:,. He~ Jl "-as a wonderful experience and then IJ1ere was n nice wienie ro.1s1. it was Jusl grc.11 Mr. Fellmg suicd he thinks they ;ue really maJdng n difference oul there with people like Pal SuJ!,v:m and people Ii.kc ~t>UISC:l\'es . Titis award. he said. is not for him . lhis is for lhc kids . 1l1is is for 1hc youth of Denver and w!JIII Eng!cwood's help they can make a difference. Shc;ifT Sullivan srn1ed 1h.11 l:e would like 10 recognize J":rrcll Bl:1ck who worked a ,th them so much on that when they suined in 1111.: sununer of 1994 . ii was ngltt :10cr :1111he shootings. He caou:d I.hat we continue to h.1ve shJOtings :u1d trymg to do 1h111gs fo r kids ;i1111gl11. aud 1~111g 10 do them s.t!:!~·. was a dia.llcnge. 1l1c~ didn 't h1,·e .noney to go to eve~· rccrc.111011 dis1nc1. some we111 10 Foothtlh.. some went 10 Aw-om. the scurh end here. they decided. would hav e 10 come to Engle\\OOO So he ilpproadm Mr. Bluck on n and he ran with i1. He h;1d 10 pul in some gmes :u1d siuff :111d g.11e off p.1n of Ute Rccrciaon Center. had to get some of Chief Moore's people. off-<luly to work there . He ndviscd that nnc of tDie s1anli.ug findings one of • Mr. Black's main1cnancc people m:Jde one S.11urd.1y or Sunday morning. w.a.S la! found a gun in the bushes 01J1s1dc the Rccrc.11io11 Ccn1er. So some kid abandoned his gu.q 10 ,o umd1C and he safe with the rccrcati c n ~,ere IJ1at Mr . 81:ick ;-ind his s1:11Twc rc providing . So a big part is~ the money and .'len • • • IJidL......i Clly C111111<il ..... ,.,, .. ,,, ..... , .J.J 'Jl;,11 ' ,nJni·u H •t1 I .,. ""c:,m:clly spend 1110 be most effective for 1he Snfc Su11u11er Progmm. and he S1a1cd. Mr. Black pla,ad1big_pan in lhoL ~ Bums com,nenled 1hal ~, March, at U,e ORCOG Awards Dinner, Mr. Black and Mr. Felling wore -aid 1bc City o( EnsJewood received an award for Uus same progrnm . So it n,:,lly has been a ~ SU<CCliSflll program and woll RlC<lgnizcd. On behalf of Council , Mayor Bums thanked lhcn, -y for all lhc work and help 1hey have given us . Ms. Aamaon1 ,u11ed lhal on 1bc pon of the Colorodo Paib and Recreation Association. Ul:11 Uus is whal tbcis .an: Ill abouL..giviog kids altcrr s and giving odulls al1em11ivcs. She gave their hcoltfell 1hanlts to G:mcFclling. Pat Sullivan and ' .,ck. Ma)u Bums Slalcd we arc proud of Ms. Annstrong. as a lo yal Engl~wood cauzcn who we know and rcnUy rcspa:t and he offered Council's lh:ulks. 7. .'◄oo-tehedulcd Visilon (a) George Allen sai<' '· ·· was prcsciu 10 ~11k 10 Council about 1he Englewood Hi>1orical 5'.c:,,my . He advised Iha! 1998 ,.,,. : ,,, year for lhe Hi51oricol Society and U1ey arc very happy about U1e -Ibey have made. In lilt ,, '!.illi: ,ng. he soid. Uicy arc goins 10 need a linlc SIDC:l8• space aftu the cuna11 Cily Hall is c:loscd up, u IJlc::, have a lot o, stulf.:orcd on Uic second .1oor hen:. Mr. Allen advis.:d dsc! ~ likc 10 pctitioa Counc:l 10 :\lloc:ue about 600 square feet m U1c nc., building. when they move die Cla)t Hall. so the)' CUI have a place ,,. ~tore :11tirac1s. in\'cn1ory and do a linJc management type work witbldbcir material . He 35kcd tbal Couucil consider 1lus rcqucs1 when 1hcy slart making plans and allocllulg Sp:>CC in thc ocw City Hall . Mayiar Bu.ms "''led tlw Council has a Jcucr from their incoming President rcqucstmg space, but il doesn't say lmM· muc.i1 or for c:t.'lCtly how long. He asked wli:1t 1heir plan is for completing the Depot. Mr. Allen adan:,wlcdgcd thm is a good question He s.1 id he docs not know bu1 they arc optimistic that llUi year they will p some answers to the time ck cnt . As far as space in 1hc new City Hall. he s:lid, he thinks they W-1: oec:d!llbal inranuwn. Bctausc. he poi11,cd oul. the museum is 1101. going to have the space over lhcrc for iL c,pcciall)' if they get the bottom pan of the building rc,ued out. So Ll1cy \\ill need Ibis space anyway . Ml. AJICDI adnscd they will keep COWlCil poslcd wilh how far they arc gelling with it Coumcil Member Habenicht asked if Llic ltis1ory collection 1'1s been coordinaied wilh lhc Englewood Public Ltbouy. At one time the Libr.ll)' had a histo1; librnri :l.n who worked with a lot of the stuff that they have, a lot a6 thc papers. artifaas. part of the collcc1ion. she s.1.id . Sl1c advised that she undersu-nds th:u is son of why lll cunc m togctJ1cr \li th being stored through lhc Library. And she would hope . sh : said. that that coU.'.HDoration might still c.ontinue . ~~ Bu.ms nolcd 1.h,11 tJ1c :,~•:~ they received fro /', Gem.Id Slack. requests office Sp.1CC a.1~ storage space m die .new City Hall unu..l sue,• tune JS the Depot is completed . If tl"i.1t is not cxactJy what Yl 'I' arc ratw:sung. he Jdviscd. then C n1 ncil needs thm III writing from the His1orical Soci c1y. as to ho v much .spa:=J'OU need and 1fyou ncoo it in pcrpctuily, then you need to s.1y that And. he said. cxpla1.1 a little fwthc about how you want 10 lHC it. ~tr '1Jcn noted th.1.1 tl 1q. ongrn..·lly. were .. 1lk111g about more spa ce than lhcy need. About 600 square feet showi.d take care of it He st :ued 1h cy will get 1h:11 lcltcr tv Coun cil and do the: best th~ c.111 to come up ?'U.h ..omc lune clcm e:u.s Coumc l Member Nabhol z s:ud.. on bch .. 1lf of 1hc E11glcwood HISloncal Suci cty . that .ihe mu.st say 1hat they hit"c worked ,cry hard tlus year 10 regroup , rccruil and build 1hc1r mc1r,t,e rship and doing a data base to C2:lilDg membe rs . So they really have worked hmd. Ms Nnblml z opmcd 1.h.1t 600 square feel . for our Hi.sn:lll caJ Soocty at the new City Hall. 1s very no1111n,1l a11d she th ou ght 11 would be ,cry appropnalc to have u m our Civic Cent er. Eaalewood Cliy Council Dtttmber ·,, 1998 P1ae4 f U '() J Ii rJH.11!,lil M l ,Jn :,,II f J'i.'J Mayor Bums s:i id he doc,, not begrudge them u,c sr,oa,. tltll be was jUJt panicubrly interested In the Depot. To soc what they on: doing with Ihm . BuL hc-..S. !hey ~Jly enjoyed working with the HiS1oric:,J Society on that project and lhcy wish them Ibo baa of success with that. Mr. Allen suggc51ed If anyone has onifncts they would liltr.,donalc. thot they get in contact with Dottie Rust , Council McmLcr Clapp noted tlml she hos seen ,amc ,-cry. •ay interesting pieces in the A 4 A hardware S1orc, Once inn while they "i ll bring them out ond shch• Lbl:public. She suggcsced tl1< HiS1oric:tl Society migh1 wan1 to gel wi tl1 1hcm :rnd sec what the y ha\'c :ind tht..:" might be willing to share some of il. She said it was jUS1 a thought. (b ) Kemp Will :ulvisc:<l U1'11 he IS counsel for Mias Mellll Md Iron and with him is Mike Rosen . Al the Study Session . he noted . srnlT reco nu nendcl.1 n:soluuon by the City Council and he would like 10 address tl ia t issue bricn y. He said he dc1ce1cd a Caar ;J11110UIII of concern. on the part of Clly Council. aboul tl1c cWTCnl staius or the project and II is cq U,'.JHy of cc mzcn110 1hcm that Council is co ncerned . They wanted 10 continue 10 work cooperntivel y with the City and die City Council . he said. so he asked them 10 let him step back and apologize if u,crc has been a ~•ioa or some son . He said he wanted 10 give them a little updme from the ln51 time !hey SJIOI<• Mtb Oaancil approximatel y nine months ago or• ye:,r ago. Tltcrc is no rcqulrc,nent. under the cum:n1 lnl. ,.., the General Iron Works propeny be evaluated by anyone . 1k pointed 0111 tlmt u,is is not a bal i;,,qpeny. from an environmental perspective. it is not on any EPA li51 . it is not on nny state list . it hasn'I bem ·• propeny that hos t,,~n regulated . Bu~ he said . "~ all acknowledge thnl it I.is been an ind,•<1rial ""'°""" fo r many ycors Md we e"JICCI that it is not going to be a pure propcny. bcc::l usc of a lo ng indu.si rul usi:.. But 1hc:rc 1s no requirem ent that nn ybody is • rcqu inng th:11 anyt hing be don..: abo111 i1. A1L1s. on thc,r owm 11111 i..11ivc. 1n.11keti11g this property, :1cknowl cd gcd 1h11 cn vimnmcnlnl nsscssmcnl of the ~ was ncccss.,ry rutd they have done th~t o,·cr n long pcnod of time . He adv ised 1h111 since 1991 Hl4.'Y hive been evnlu.1 1ing the conditions of th"! propcny and tak en man y S1cps 10 n:mediatc the pn,pe ny. Ma yo r Bum s nskcd ifltt hadn't told Counc il. at 1he rime. tb tJ t11 mtS done init fa lly beC1usc of a conflict between 1hc seller and the bu yer. :u1d 1hc propcn y ,ras pwd:mcd and there was an issue as to whctltcr the propc n) was dc lh.crcd in the prope r. so n of. condi11on ar1'f here w:i.s a ln wsun and in order tr settle the lawsJit, th ere \~S :1 rcm cd1n1ion done so 1h.11 the J)W'Ch3scn. ,voc.d d feel as though 1hcy go1 the propctty in the proper condit io n. Mr. Will s.i id th.it w:1s co rrect . Th11!. Mayor Bums nolcd . is wh:u initintcd the rcmcdi.11 work . Co uncil Member Bra dsh,1w asked if lh.at was 111 19'-J l. !wtt 1a'ill sia tcd II be gan in th,11 timeframe . M,. Will advised Lhnt earl y in the sp nng Atl as dcodcd lh:ui Jl wo uld be :-i ppropn atc to bnng thi s propert)· under the Yolun truy clean-up pro gram . which is il f:u rt> RC"a p rogrnrn 111 1he Stme of Colorado . So they proceeded with th:ll. He sa id th ey met with the State staff! lirat runs th.i t progrn m an d they su ggested a preliminary opplic.,r ion . TI1cy sub111 it1 cd n prel1 nun::uy ..,Clf ion 10 tJ 1cm . wl11ch in cluded all tl1c :millable studies Utal hnd been done on th e propcny and proposed:. 11C<J!1C of work for a phase 2. TI,cy met with the S1.11e 31 th e prope rty. C\'a luated the scope of work :ind UlC1I zz ppro,cd 1he scope of work . He stated tll.11 Atlas proceeded thi s swnm er. at grc.11 e.xpcnsc. w11h conducu n~ t.hnt ph ase 2 s!udy. Based on tl1 c phase 2 study . he sai d. th ey e,.•:i lual cd th e po1c1111 .1 I of 1hc pr~ :an d su bn1111cd :1 finnl a pplic;1tion th:11 is now under rC\·1ew by the S1a 1e. In bc1wccn 1he prcl im1 rory app:.,011,on and the fin al .t ppli cn 11 on a major C\'Cnt occu rred Atl.ts rccc 1\'cd a wn11 e11 co ntr:i ct on the propcrry. Mr Will s.a 1d lha t \,·nnen co ntr.1ct. which ap pears II will go to clos in g. wns fo r an 111dus1nal use Tha:-corur.1c1 w11h the po 1cn 11al buyer. req uired Stat e a pp rova l und er!!~.: ,,oJu nl ary cl ea n-up prog r.u n fo r th:tt ttS: Bcc1usc Allns recc1\'cd l11e co ntrJ cl for a good. v1nble induslnil l use , th,1 1 he bc lic\'CS 1s of Yill uc 10 ~"tr Ci1 ~ of Engle wood . th ey s1ruc1Urcd tl1 ci r • vo lunlilf".I clc;111 -up :,pplic:111011 pmsu:1111 10 1h,1 1 contract th.11 poml. he s...1 1d. they di d not look nt Lhe fu ll range of lan d uses. bec.,usc they had a fi"cd conlr.\C t for l.iltr propcrT) nn d they \,ere sim ply respo ncting 10 the co n1r.1 crnaJ need ro r a S1n1e np prov:1 1 fo r 1h.11 use He :ip mcd th.1 11h,1t 1s ,,ere th ere wns • • • halowood City Ctijtndl Dffcmbcr 7, 1998 Pace 5 ftJII )rJ1)1J1' N''JI ~•t ., '1 TIJI (I ., m1sco ..... ic:a1ion , He npologl,.cd nnd took n:spo1111bili1y ror 111111. He s1n1cd !hit he is Uoo one 1h11 draftal the deed restriction . When you :tre dealing with nn i11dus111nl """ of the propcny it is n l)'pical cnviro111ncnuiJ 1001 to use 3 deed restriction for the propcn y ns pan of your mi:< of lool s for addreuin1 onvlnllUIICllt:1I conditions at Uoo propel!)'. So in order 10 e1tlWJ1cc 1he likelihood of the State approval of lloc IICfll tllat had allmdy been lakcn and wen: cominuing 10 be 1oke1L AUas is comnuning 10 take additloul t111p1 for n,..c,lialion oC!he propel!)' in their appl icn1io11. In order 10 sccun: Uial Uocy did Uoc Sllllldard Uwis or iacludmg a deed restriction. he snid . Which is 1hc pro1ccme cove ,um1 Uial Council h.u seen and, appltClll'.y, been offended by. Mayor Bums .aid Iha! ii seems 10 him Uia1 what U,cy arc doing U1en: is rcstrictmg the deed so they will oaly have 10 meet a certain level of rcmcdiolion in order tojus1ify 3 con1inucd industrial use . So that they can satisfy a State requin:mcnt for industrial level uses. He asked if U1at v os right Mr. Will advised Uoat they arc n:spondlng 10 • conlraet Iha! they ho,-c. Mnyor Bums said he kn01 , 1l1a1. but U1e n:ason U,cy have a deed rcsuicdon tlw climinlllcs olhcr uses is to confine 1hc1r complWlcc wi1h Slate restrictions 10 a certain level 1111d that ,rould be al lhe industrial le,-cl. Mr. Will SL11ed JI !his lime 1l1a1 is COITCC~ that lhai docsn ·1 mc:ut tbal. someone. iu lhc future. couldn 'I do so111cthmg diCTcrcntl y. Bui. Mayor Bums 5i'.Ud. they had a contmct for industrial use so l1u:y arc restricting th eir com pll :rn ce 10 the 111dustnaJ level, because of that contract. Mr. Will poin&ed out 1h;u ii is industri.1I and com mcn:1al. 1luu 1hey arc not restricting ii just to indusm:il . Mr. Will said he wished the City's SlnfT had picked up the pho ne and cnllcd hil1L because he would have been happy 10 1alk about !his issue 1111d they could ban: avoided 1lus concern . He advised that they doo 'I bavc 10 go that far. of putting a full n:sidcnnnl deed rcs1ric1ion ou 1he property. 1l1a1 he is happy 10 look at something ,.-:ss . A~in. he said. it was n stnnd:u'd technique. I hey were putting it in as a 5laqdard form. bul he is hapP)· ·,, tack awny from that and do somc1hjng thm meets their needs and the Ciry's needs. He said he is sony th ., this became an issue . th,.11 he wish~ it h.1d11 '1. but now that u has. he is willing to set down and find il w.l) 10 rcsol\'c it with 1hc Cit' 's smfT. He noted 1ha1 thi s aftcmoon, after he had a discussion "1th Mr. Sim~ son. he drafted an nlt:mnUvc of wit.it he th mks co mes closer le., wh:u nuglu be acccptabLe to I.he City . bul) !I meets Allas's needs . l11cy w.1111 lhis con1rac11 0 go fo rward. he s.1id. it is a very good one , it meets the ( uy's need s. it meets Atlas's needs. He poimcd out ll1;11 11 1s 1101 a rcsidcnunJ contract the marke1 has r }l said there is a buyer our there vho is willing 10 pay a good pncc fo r this pu~cc of property for a rcsidcritjal use . TI1c bcuer mm'kel is for industri.11 use . He no1cd ii has a mil spur. ii is a very valuable p1cce of propcny. :1s an indu s1ria l piec e of propcny an d th.1 1 is 11s history. Agnin, he said. he apologized for their conccm and he oJTcrcd to answer any qucslions . Mr. \V iii st::u ed he docs no! believe the City needs to go out and spend a fair amount or money perfonning a nsk assessment for this property . They have performed a screening level risk assessment. which is al! that is rcqwrcd by tJ1LS program. 1lus is not a Supcrfund type of program . It is a vo lunt ary program th.it is much more straight forward and simple than a lot of otbcr cnV1ronmental asscssmcnl programs. So their level of asscss111r.111 was done at that level and lhey looked at the full range. as they co mm111cd to . 8111 since 1he1r applic:uion was lin111 ed to industrial and commercial uses . thal is wh,11 th ey pul m the apphc:11ion . Mr Will sa id he \\:IS sorry th ere \\3S that nusundcrstanding . If they had :;c t down . he \\'ilS sure 1hey co uld ha\e .1 voidcd so me of th eir co ncerns. Council Member Nabho lz rcilcmtcd that N(j nh Englewood and Sue Hall have worked \'en· closc lv w11h Allas MeL'.lls. starting in January of la st yc:u, due to the Nonh Englewood Small Arc., pia,'._ \\-h1ch had C\·erybody p.1nickcd in December. We arc now in December a ~ca r later. she s.i id. and tJ1ings ha\'e 5"itchcd once again . Ms . Nabholz said she represen ts tJmt pa.rt of IO\\ll, tlu:u small part. :md she also reprcscnls a larger piece of Englewood as well. 8111. she said. she has 10 vote and protect that neighborhood. and you have hc::1rd it in every mcc1111g th at you we re there . You stood up in the very first meet.mg with scvenry~fi,•c people. she rcCl llcd . .ind stmcd !h;u y~, ,\ould work with the commumty ... look at mh,cd use . Ms. Nabholz s.11d lh,1t she feel~ :;·:::: 11ccds 10 go 1,1. ~s 1101 JU.SI her vo1.:e. but what tJ1osc residents down tJ1cre w;in1. is lo co nunu c to work with .\·au. for ~·au to l1s1en to 1hcm. and don't go mdusui.11. str:ught ind ust rial. l11cy S.'11 with Mr . Ban on. she pc rson.11 1~ did . and she was told not 10 bnng out l11s name . the:, all ofa sudden 111s 1n th e E11i;lc,,oad Ht:r:-ld. so Shl' 1s gctu ng ve:-y nuxed messages, she said I tl•mk I need to m:tkc II ctc.,r 1h.11 no wh ere 111 Eni;le,,o ,,d 1s II accptablc to mi ~ up lhe messages Enalcwood Cily C®ndl Dttrmb<r 7, 1998 P•R• 6 II ) I I J 111111,i '.J tt 1 11 "11d1 nO with us. she Slated . We !ft !lying to-''CIY closely wtlh you and very hl!nl wilh you Md sbo feels llw. once again. the rug is going to be /l'lfl/ld oul. and lltat al:ln111 her. she concluded . Mike Rosen, a principal of Al las Mcmil 11111 Iron. the owner of lh c Qcneral Iron Works propert)I, SI.Med lhal he lhought we were on I.he amc -. :,p,loslzing If tli< Ur,es of communication have dnJpped. He Slid Ms . Hall has been In cottl3<1 willl lkacishborhood , specifically with Mani Kt•charski aboul this. aad that has so~ of been the avenue thal --· One of tlte things lhot we ltc:lrd from a lot of th01e people 11 that meeting was looking for a user oftkpopcny to provide jobs wi1itin tl,c City . When the contract came from Banon. who he bcliC\'CS is a sipufiCllll Englewood employer and a significant Englewood company. we thoughl it was a good rnlx. he said. If those lines of communication dropped. he said, I apologi1.C. What we looked at spccifocally ,.. ii-• good business decision for Atlas Mc141 and Iron. it was a good business decision for Banoa. who .-i to Slily within I.he City, but realized that to stay within the Cily of Englewood they were limiled in t111,1upiom. lltc option reall y was the Oena:iJ Iron Works r.ciliry. So we thought it was a good .arriage. 11,o ,,otu,uary clconup application IOl1 of went along those lines. We 've agreed that the deed rrstrictio11-10 be removed or renegotiated in such a way that it allows for 01her development in the futulC . But !fiac dc\-dopmc111 at th.is point th.it we sec is for B3Iton Brothers to opcrale I.heir business . Now if son.,.,.O,en: ckm11 lite line there arc other op1ions available to them. as tbc future owners. they tc,vc thole options available 10 do ,.-hatC\'Cr they wont to do. ltc said. We can not and would not rcsuicl 1.h,11. nor would the: Banons. :ind I spok~ wi1h tJ1em 1od.1y ... want tJun rcs1ricted. But as far as a business decision. Mr. Rmcn.G.id. Atlas. ru1d ;1Jso :i commwllty decision. like I say. we didn 't lhink we dropped tl1at line of aMBlffllnic:atk:ln ,spccifi c11ly wi1h the neighborhood. we tltooght lha1 this was a good matclL nw is bow we continue to sci: Id. as a good march. a significmt employer with.in the City of Englewood . and turning thal ~ w110 tl1c use tkll max:s sense lh:11 we see at tltis moment. Now, t.cu, fifteen or twenty years down rhe linc:..lllmybc 1hcrc :tre diffcrcnl uses. but as the present owners. J doo 'I think we have a respomibiliry 10 pn2JICCl lhat out. Our rcsp:msibility is 10 say here is somebody that we • believe mak~ sense right now to lhc-Ciry. TI1crc were no funher qucsuons. M.'l,«lr Bums 1hnnkcd 1hcm for the clnnficuion . 8. Communiutio!IS. Proc:.blll:Jdion and A11pointmc:,ts {a) A letter rrom Den., Zochcr in d1e11ing her resi gnation from the Clo!.1.n. Green aad Proud/Keep Englewood Bcau rifuJ C01mmiss 1on wns cousu!cred . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSRAi• MOVED , AND IT WAS SECf N DED, TO ACCEPT TIIE RESIGNATION OF DENA ZOCllllll FROM THE CLEAN, GREE'/ AND PROUD/KEEP ENGLEWOOD BEAUTIFUL COMMISS ION . Mo1ion carried Ayes · 0:iunci l Members Nabl1o lz. Gam:tt. Bradshaw. Habe ni cht. \ti,aggoner. Clapp. Bums Nnys · Nrnnc (b) A lefter from Uommr W:vn:n 111d1c:i11 11g her rcs1g11.11io11 from 1hc Eng lewood Code Enforcement Advisory Co mm11 1ce w.m: con.sukrcd . CO U"ICIL MEMBER NABHOLZ "90VED, AND IT WA S SEr'.lN DED, TO ACCEPT Willi REGRET THE RESIC.NATI ON OIF I LOMAR WARllEN FROM THE ENGLEWOOD CODE ENFORCEMENT ADV ISORY COM! IIITEF.. Mo11on earned . Ayes Nays : Public Hearing C.n uncll Members !\:ilJ ilol z. G:im:11 . 8 rJd SIL1 \\, Habcmchl. \l.1nggoncr. Cl;1pp. Bum:; '-Inn· • • • • !aalewood Clly C011ncll December 7, 19111 Pa&e 7 No public heorina wa, scheduled bcfo~ Counc il. 10. Con,enl A&enda (o) Approval of Ordinances on First Reading COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROV,: CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (u) (I) un~ (Ii) ON FIRST READING. (i) COUNCIL BILL NO. 79, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FC''I. AN ORD INAN CE APPROVING SU PPLEMEr-IT NO . m TO THE SOUll!GATE SANITATION DISTIUCT CONNECTOR'S AG RE EMENT FOR THE INCLUSION OF LAND WJllilN THE DISTIUCT BOUNDARIES . (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO Kll. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 4. CHAPTER 4. SECTIO N 4, SUBSECTIOl'I 2. Of THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW PARAGRAPH D AND THE RELETIERING OF PARAGRAPH() TOE, PERTAINING TO CHARITABLE FUNDRAISING SALES TAX LEVY. Vote results: Ayes: Nays : Mouon c:UTied . Council Members Nabholz. Gnrrclt. Br.1dsh.1w. HabcnichL Waggoner . Clapp. Bum s None (b) Appro\'al of Ordinances on Second Rc:iding COUNC'IL MEMBER WAGGO NER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Ill (b) (i), (ii), (iii) un~ (iv) ON SECOND READING. (i) ORDINANCE NO SJ. SERIES OF 1998 (COUNC IL BILL NO 73 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORIJINANCE NO . 25 , SERIES OF 1995. (ii) ORIJINANCE NO 84 , SER IE S OF 1'!98 (COU NCIL BILL NO 76, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT) AN ORIJINANCE REPEALING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 9, SECTION R, ENG LEWOOD MUNTCIP AI.. CODE 1985, PERTAINING TO THE SUNSET PROVISION FOR 11-!E CULTURAL ARTS COMMlSSION . (i ii) ORIJINANCE NO . 85 . SERIES OF 1998 (COUNCI L BILL NO . 77. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER) AN ORDINA: :CE AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF LOCAL LAW !':!,FORCEMENT BW::K GRANT (LLEBG) FROM THE UNITED STA TE S DEPARTMENT OF i'LI STICE. OFFICE OF JL"STICE PROGRAMS . BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTA NCE l■ ........ Q:,-C..acil l>"'l:tllllNr7,IM I ) ' I) I n:,t, n ~I I ,,.,0 ··-· .i (i v) ORDINANCE NO . 86, SERJES OF 1998 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 73, IN'JlWOllCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER) AN ORDINANOE AtJlllORJZING A SHORT TERM LEASE Willi SATO'S FLOWERS FOR USE OF A l'OR'JlON OE nIE HOME LUMBER PROPERTY AS A SEASONAL NURSERY STOCK BUSINESS. Voce re.lb: Motion earned. Ayco: Council Members Nabhol z. Garret~ Brndsh.1w, Habenicht, Waggoner. Clapp, Burns Nays : None (cl Resolutions and Mocions COUNCILMDOER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AC'DIDA ITEM 10 (c) 0), (i) RESOLUTION NO . 103, SERJES OF 1~98 A RESOL~BY nIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AUTHORJZING THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORAOO TOl'ILE AN APPLICA 'JlON Wmt ARAPAHOE COUNTY FOR A 1999 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TO FUND nIE HOUSING REHAB IT 'TATION PROGRAM. TO ASSIST wmi 1llE FUNDING FOR THE FAMILY SELF SUFFICIENCY PROGRAM AND TO FUND A Cl'JlZEN INJnA TED IMPROVEME NT MINI-GRANT PROGRAM . Vote results: Mot.11.:,n c:.uncd. Ayes: Council Membe rs Nabholz. Garret:, Br.1dsh,1w. H:-ibcnichl Waggoner. Clapp. eums Nay s: None (a) Appl'O\-al of Ordinances on Fu-51 Reading There -..,ere no ~uonal ucms submitted for Jppro\al on firs1 rc:iding. (Sec Agenda Item IO -Consr .. t Agenda ) (b ) "'PP""-al of Ordinances on Second Re.idi ng 'There~~ no ad.:injorol 11cms s11b111111ed for ;ipprova l on secon d rc..1d ing. (See Agend.1 Item 10 -Cu11.sc111 Age nda ) (C) Resolutions and Mo11ons (i) Director GrJ,·glcw ic-.t presente d a rccommcnd.1 1i on from th e Department of Fin.1.r1aal S<n,c:s to adopt J rcsoluuon :lpprovm g :i. supplcme11 1:ll appropriation for Neighbori1cod and Business De\-cl cpment 10 cove r hi &11er-Lh,1n-ai1t1 c1p.11cd cos1s fo r co nsullants in I 99R . Mr . GrygleW1 cz sta ted that lh1s tc;:uc was cov ered at the previous S1ud y Scss iou. Tlus is a supplemental for .SI 50.000 for Neighborhood am:! B :sincss Devel opmen t. 111c resoluuon W.:I!i assJgncd ;1 mun bcr aud rc.1d b~ 111 1c. RESOLlfllON '10 10-I. SERJE.S OF 19'18 • • • • • • Enalcwood Clly Cuuncll December 7, 199N Paa•V A RESOLlfTION FOR THE SUPPLEMENT A'-APPROPlUATION AHO TJINlii;FER o, Fl/l'IQS fROM TIIE 1998 BUDGET TO TilE NEIGHBORHOOD AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (NBD). COUNCIL MEMBER WAC.GONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDO. TO APPROVi AGENDA ITIM 11 (c) (I)· RESOLUTION NO. 10,. SERIES or 19'1. Mayor Bums commenlcd tl111 tllis was discussed 01 soanc lengll1 al tloc Sllldy Scssioa ad indicaled ID the consullanlS and stall' lhnl CoWlCil would lik e lo be informed if then: :ire UICICISICS ID costs. especially on a monthly basis. for our consull:uus. He said he docs not think anyone begrudges lhc wou: and time that has been spcn1 on the Cindmlla Ciiy projccl, which has been moving II a very fast p;ic: in lhc past year, bu~ we don 't like surprises when ii comes 10 budgeling. We undcrllalld wbv lhc 1999 Budget did notha\-c consullanlS funds in it bcc:lusc we thought we'd h,,vc our con1rne1s completed in ~998. bu1 we unden&and they'll be coming b.1ck 10 Council wi1h funhcr cosls in 1hc fut~. he s:auL md ~ju.st \l'alll to be informed . Vole result:,: Ayes : Council Members N:1bholz. Garren . Br.tdsh3w. f-bbcnicht. Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays: None Motion carried . (i1) Plauncr Grnh.1111 presented a rccom1ncod.111on from ltc Dcpilnmcnl of Neigl 1bort1ood Md Business Dcvclop111c11110 o<lopl n n:solution supporung lbc oodcvclopmcn• of the General Iron Works propcny . Council Member Waggoner said he w1dcrsttmds 1here is some ar~1ional infDnD.IUOD l.h:al !ICCds to be gnll:crcd on Lhis par1icular propc.n y and some negotiat,~,s ~:.vccn SlafT and the prop::ny owner. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, Ar, D IT WAS SECONDED.THAT THIS MATTER DE POSTPONED UNTIL THE NEGOTIATIONS ARE FINALIZED . Council Me mber Garrell askL-d ,\hen 1hc co mme,u period is over at 1hc Sci1e for us tor~ any kind of infonn:uion 111 Mr Graham responded thilt his undcrst.mding is lh,11 the rcspo~ froas the he.,Jth depanmenl 10 A1Lis Metal s has 10 be comp lete by December 21 11 Council Member Bradshaw commen t~ th,11 she hales stuff like thjs. Council Member Garren noted we wouldn't have time to ha;·c -.ny action. Mayor Bums asked if staJTrccommcnds i'lpprovi'II of 1l11s rcsolu1ionjuS1 for the ,-aJ ue II nught have at this Lime. He said h~ !indcrslood lh:U is whal we were lalkmg i1bou 1 ill St ud~ Scss1.1Ja. Mr. Graham said yes. even if :m :unc,~.;cd rcslrictiv c CO\'Cn.1111 1s agreed lo. 1l11s sull puls !he Cu~ on rc:::ord regarding land uses and kcepin~ ~ur opuons opcu on land use for 1ha1 propcn) He s.11d he \\Ould i:oco urn ge Co uncil 10 approve 1t for thal rc.1son . One of the reasons is. as he u11d erst:111ds 11. 11':u ~ ou an ·1 adop1 rcstricuve covcnams th.it .ire contrary lo public policy, so II would be uncnforccabie 10 acb:lpi these covenants that run con1r.u-y 10 a rcsolu11on like llu s. Mnyor Bums said he thought counsel for Atl:is mdicatcd 1ha1 th e) 1hough1 tJ~ ::ould nerd th.is so lhat it would not be :is res tri ctive as the ongi nal <lrafl. Council Member Habcnichl asked Co un cil Member Wnggoucr 10 "11hdr.m hlS .:,ouon. because she feels this should be voled on tomglu lllelcw-1 Clly Council -.......c,·,•,1999 ,_.,o COIJJIICIL ME .'IIBER WAGGONER WITIIDREW 111£ MOTION, AND COUNCIL MEMBER l&ADSIIAW '11'1THDREW TH£ SECOND. G:atciJ Mernbcr Bradshaw said she is conccmcd tJ~,t this is the eleventh hour and we arc getting this at lhe • aec:onct. and this is a prcrty import.int issue . She snid she just wishes 1ha1 we woold gel 1ttings in a more lillnc.'y manner where we would """" tl1inl< dme . Mr. Gr.ih:im said we rapond to notice from the hcallh dcpanmcnt that \he item hns been submitlcd for their ic,.ie,, and arc ,ubject ta tlieir time frame, !0 tl,11 this was as !00n as we could get tlie ilem oo the agenda •-their deodline far raponse. Cl:mncil Member Nobholz said she thinks it is very impanant thm we go ahead and mal<e a decision on this .,,.;pas this has been up in the air• long time. 1'Ylie raolution was .:issigncd :1 nwnbcr :u1d re.id by tillc : R£SOLUT1ON NO . 105, SERIES OF 1998 A 11.ESOLUTION SUPPORTING REDEVELOPMENT Or THE GENERAL IRON WORKS PROPERTY BA'SED ON AN ENVIRONMENT AL RISK ASSESSMc,ff FOR A FULL RANGE OF LAND USES TEAT E!./HANCE AND PROTECT THE HEAL TH, SAFETY. AND WELFARE OF ENGLEWOOD crnzENS. COOPICIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MO\, ED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE ACl:NDA ITEM 11 (c) (ii) . RESOLUTION NO. 10~. SERIES OF 1998. C0111DdJ Member Haben icht S:Jid t.h,11 she ngrccs with Council Member Bradshaw, and docs not think that tbc !r'ClSOn th.,11 this is coming to us :u such :m clcv<:nlh hour kind of thing is ;my fn i.!II of the stat[ She said sba:: JU5l wants to make sure th,11 it's on 1hc record . Ayes : Co1111c1l Mc1nbcrs N:ibl1ol z. G:irrctl. Bmdsl 1aw , Habenicht. Waggoner . Clnpp. Bums Nnys : None ~L:l'JOD ClJ'ried . (iii) Director Fond, presented a rec~mmend:ition from the Utilities Ocpartmtnt \O ~ by motion. an agrecmcn1 \\ith S & H Concrete rcg.1rding wati.:r and SC\\CT taps. Mr. Fonda 30:lnDWlc:igc.d that '\is item was discussed at some length at Study Session and the Ulilitics Dcparuncnt bas .no objection to ~tSSing this resolution . ~f:ryor Bums said Council undemnnds. with regard to disL1.1ssion about the di sc h:u ge pennit . that that will come bac:k to them and they will be infonncd as 10 how th.11 progrcs.scs . Mr. Fonda responded affi;rmatn-cl y COUNCIL MEMBER BRAllSRAW MOVED, AND IT WAS: ECONDED, TO APPROVE AN AGil.EL\IENT WITHS & H CONCRETE REGARDING WATER AND SEWER TAPS FOR D0"(A1.D AND JUDITH GILLILAND. Ayes : Nay s· Mer.Jon cmed. Council Members Nnbhol z. Gnrre1 1. Brndsh,1w. Habenicht, W~ggoncr . Cl:ipp . Bums None • • • [11~lcw1H1d City Coundl December 7, 19~N II) :u 1'fr.,I 1 llffl"':; Jtl rl t.'! P•~ II (1) Mayor Bum, cong,arula1ed l.beEag-Flower Shop. He llld be saw in the paper whctc lhey donated 500 camalions to elderly <11111 disliblcd dliur.1. (Ii) Mayor Bums said they 1ncnt.....i before the Lions ' Handyman Prosrun1, when: lhey rteruit volunteers to do home n,pairs ror scniol5. Re-,opu,cd tlut tl1is Is an cxo:llent pro11111111 . (iii) Mayor Bums stated 1h01 he :llldl C-.Cd Member NMiholz have jlllf returned fn,m tl1c National League of Cities Conferonce in KMsas Olly, "bore tl1erc wen, a number of c.,ccllent ·.vorkshops tl1&1 they attended. We were struck. he said. ~ tlle ~iasis on lnlcmet shoppmg. ll1crc were all varieties of Internet t.rnruaetions thnt were discussed. lilldludlng swllng. hiring. pun:lwmg and an Internet economy is rapidly emctging that cities h:we IO k-of. Also. tl1is is the fint conference where dley had youd1 delegates. and tl1cre was qui1e a Cllllflmjson youth . The final general session was conductc.:! by 1he mayor of Kansas City . he rcL11cd. wllh •-I of the youlh voluntecn and aacndces . ii got quite a piny in die press in Knnsas Cil~ 11,11. for 1hc fdl 1tilnc. Olis organi zatior. was emphasizing youlh . Tiiey also emphasized S1n1e . federal rJld loc:il coopcr.wom 1l1llac ,.,.,.. • number of 1 ;gnificam awards lhal were given by NLC th.it he is not sure Englewood is I.Ila, mg11iz:wi1. of. Linlclon W<'r an c.,cdlent award for wh.11 they cll an economic gnrdcnius p,ogrnm . wlocne ihey llclp f.icili1ate their local businesses to use 1hc lntcmct. One big issue, 3Dd cert.,inly 1hc prcsidal .a Jtiis ran.-ub: w.1s very blunt about this. there is a great con1rovcrsy about purch.,sing on the Internet withct1a ~ag s:tlcs tnxes. Some of the cities an: using lhe lntemet and Ll1c GIS system in order lo dcmon.Slrale ta i:x::a.Jsors and developers and business people where land can be had in the c1 1y. where dC\•elopmcru.s cn:i k h:ad. addition.ii business . lf you bui!d ~1 of d1osc dungs. of course. you ~.,veto have lhe infrnSJruaurc. lOic police or.d fire and du, mer and sewer ,wl so fonl1. he said . If lhc')' arc rct.iil cstnblislu :icrus. and Ill<.; arc sellin g rn tlic lutcmcr. and c.,panding lheir facilities beclusc of increased s;llcs. they ,n.,y not be ~tlnl sales t:L'<Cf. on those increased sales. As one gen1JcnQ11 mentioned. arc we encournging the anim.11 !hat! is going to tat us? 'There were three amendments to tfo: bill in Congress. he s;iid . Titcrc W2S a in:c ~"Clr m,,r:uorium on tax on Internet sales. and the three :uncndmcnts c::une from 1he N111 ion.1l Lague<0f Ciues. Hr.d there was a commission appointed 10 study lhis . During 1he in1crint NL C desperatel y Cough• IIO keep this bill from being passed and lhey still 1hiru' tJu:y have :i cr.ick al ii. but ii 1s go mg 10 be ;i ,~ t'I::; assuc for cilies in Ll1.! fu1urc Co unc :I Member Habenicht commcn1cd th.it we c:cnainfy fbzvc been moni1oring tllis from Ll1e City's poinl of view . and she s.1i d she '1~1s c;pokc11 n 1111111bcr of 111nc:5 oni rfh1s ,,h e11 sl1e ,mended NLC and scnrcd on the Ftu r Policy Comm1nce . A1 1.he s.-ime 1i111e. 100, ~he s3ld sha: 1lunls the 01hcr issue th.1l we Ullkcd about i.n 1cm1s of 1clccommm1i c.11ions and the kmds of fraucl ,LSCS cc \\ ha1~·cr kinds of lnws that work around this.. it 's all a p:i.n of Ilic s.11nc dting :ind p:in of the poinl !ha *""'Z trying 10 1n.1ke 1l1e last ti1nc wilJ1 a lot of lhc qucsuons tlutl she IL.1d . was th.i t we :m: rc.1lly lookm g,lll the,,~~· c111cs and cornmwlitics nnd busmcsscs do business and ho,, i i is gomg •o affcc1 all of us m the future m terms of reven ues being able 10 deli\.'cr all of those services . She said she lhmks c;1ch time \\e ~-e o ne of these issues before us. we h.1vc 10 really look at it \'Cry 1.:.1refully wu h the i111p.1 c1 1h.11 II cou ld h:a\.e ::;m,n the rm1d when we re.illy chru1gc 1.he way we do things. She s.iid sh e did her fasl Chn s1111.1s shoppm~ on the l11teme1 nod ii. is prelly interesting. May or Bums said :i lso t:ikings l .. ~1sl:11io11 is an impon:anr $UC 3lld :111~ pree mpt io n issues at the federal IC\·cl . de s.1 id he :Junks th e c111 es feel :ts 1ho11gh :i 101 o(1Dte1r c.::-1s10 11 m:ikm g power is being taken away from them and Ll1crc 1s J grc.11 co 11cc m abou l 1h:11 (lll?l:1o.:.l Mcmocr H:i bcmclu s.iid we ueed to do some stuff (iv ) Ma~ or Dums :i lso report ed of!' rfhc ,1s;1 tllnt City Mnooger Se:irs and he made 10 the Federal Tr.u1 si1 Adm ini .i lrntion on No\'Cmlx:r H .. uu~, n:g:m:J tu ou r gr.in ! app lic.ition for Cinderella City for Lhc bridge and for the bike pn!h :md so fon h Ir \\l-'l?5 t!n cnhgh1cmng vis1l he opined We had a ve ry co rdial. very friendJy visit wi th M.inn Fcm.,ndCJ_ aU L:11s the ass 1S1:u 11 director. and ;tlso Ll1eir planner and one 01hcr woman who met wilh us w:1s on staff W'e-•.wcre 1old t.!L1 1 the 20 mi ll ion doll a, n.1tionwid c fund avn li.iblc fo r 1hcsc ki nds or gr.mis had shru nk to 1 l 'bccusc 8 nullion dollm hnd been carved out i;, the budget process by c.1nn.1rking. :ind ◄ mill io n doll:e ..:r1.· rt w~m 10 NAS A. of all people . and l11cy hnd lc:nalew<lod City C1111ncll Detttalltt 7, IC/'JH P•!!< 12 some son of m101li1c moniloring sys1c111 . Mayor Bum s sard 11.,1 Ci1y Mnnagcr ScM, told him IDday tlm be u,lkcd ,.;01 Rm and OIC)' lllink 0.11 1!1111 8 million dollnrs mny 1101 . in foci. be comin~ out or lhc 20 millioo after all . II may be no addiUon 10 iL he lllid. A110U1er lhing i• Uull Oicrc wen: un C110nnOU1 arnou,. or opplic:ilions for this. hundreds of opplic:llions. for 1hcsc fwlds , TI1cy hod not established bow lhcy wen: going 10 cut down 1.hc list, he said, nnd t.hcy were going 10 have o finaJ lisi. and if you arc selected :is a Rlllllla. :,ou will submil mon: informa1ion for them for Ilic flnQJ compclilion. Mayor Bums said they had never done lhis program befon: and U,ey wen: obviously jusl sort cf wading 01eir way through iL We asked who thcir panel would be and they saij tlwt was not for pu blic disscmi oJ111, \ so it gol very undefined during the discu• sion. l,e said. and we ore hopeful 11,11 we ca n still be c,ie,,,ctiuvc in Oris program. but,,., have no ide:I what kind or polilics i5 going on behind Ore scc11CS. We are still IK'f)Cful we can be compcwi,~ in 11,c progtom, he advised. As we discussed llus. he said. U1c plaJuicr volwuarily, without promplins Cro,a anyone. 1111d we had all of our mops and designs and everything for Cinderella City splCld oul 111 Crun1 of U1cm . and be said. you kl.ow. we hove oskcd cities orowrd U"' COUlllt)' for years to do wbal you an, doing. and you are doing ii. II was obviOtlS from lheir commcms U131 they loved Otis dcvcloplll<IIL They think ii is 1crrific Md thnt 1hcrc is notlii1•g quilt like it i111h:: counlJ)', so we arc hopeful tha,. if it 1.s noa tJ1i, progr:un. it is 01hcrs ... lhcy will~ very supponi\'C or. Obviously ii is their contraa tha.l RTD bu 10 build the ~glu rail and so we arc very hopeful in 01hcr ways ~IOI we con get'°""' additioaal cooper.iliaa and funding Crain that. ho said . because it is vC;ry obvious that the} arc C.\'lrcmcly pleased with this contract. They were very frici.dly , lhcy wen: not defensive 111 nil . he opilicd. as far as our appiicllion for funds,. ... conccmed. there wns no ncgativi1y in th.it mcc1ing al :ill :ind they were cx1rcmcly cordial to us and very friendly. TIIC program i1sclf. he nllowcd. is !IOI very "~II defined al rhis point Mayor Bums aslca1 Ci1y Manager~ ifhc bad any other couunr.111. City Manager Scan said no, ~•t he f'f'~;.1 J!C, 11;•0 a Huie bi1 of discussion abou1 RTD during his report. (v) Mayor !!urns asked iflh, <:nployccs· Chri1t111a.s pany is on U,c 15• or 16". Mr. • Scars said it is on d1e calendar for the I 5•h from 11 :00 ;un. to J :00 p.m . .u ll1c Englewood (joJ! Course. He said bopcfully Council can come to th.11. Council Member Bradshaw +1skcd if they arc invited. to wbicb Mr. Sc:irs rt:SpOndcd "absolulcly." ii is a very i1 1fon11,1I gel logethcr, lie S.Ud. :Miding Lhat we arc not gcUi,nc into bc,arm illld commission. ii is rc:ill y to appreciate the work of the employees. but It is importaut to ba\·c the Council there . (vi) Mayor Bums nO(cd the nnicle by Mark Graham and Bob Simpson in Go\'cmment WCJt Magazine. Buildin g ,1 Trnnsit Village. wuh rcg:11 J 10 our development commenung I.hat ii was nice to sec th.11. (vii) Mayor Bums s.iid he :ig.1in enJoycd the Business o~,clopment NcwsJcucr. They pack an awful lot of infonnauon in it. he i;.ud. and do an e~ccllem job. (bl Council Member's Cho1cc (i) Council Member N:ibholz · I. Si1e thanked Safely Suviccs Dtrector Olso n :md C11y Man.1gcr Sc.vs for 1:ikmg cue of some construction 1his Frid:iy. ru1d ;ilso th e Poli ce Depanmc:111. 2. She th:1nkcd die office of Nc1gl1bo rl1 ood and B11s111ess Oc\clo p1nen1. and all th e 01h1:r cmplo~ccs.. who ha\'e been working so hard on th e Crndcrc lla C1 1y PrOJCC I. II ,,as a linlc to ugh on eve~bcxh ton1~t and we arc getting lhcrc slr,wly bul s·Jrcly , she s.1id. She lhrulkcd Co1JJ1cil Member Br.idslmw for dn\·1ng he r d1stnct \\l1ilc she was gone. 4. She !hanked Council anJ her cons1i111e111 s fo r :-illowing her 10 go to Kans.as City . She said she wr J.Jd have her report. She said she and the Mayor too k diITerenl cl asses so Lhey did 1101 overlap on anythinP._ hcwcver , !hey lxlth did :ippc.1r nt n Browne.fields ouc 1h.1l was very 1111crc sting . She said she • • • f.•~ Clly C•adl Det r.mbor ,, 1991 ro~e tJ I JUI\ ) I.I, 1 f J" focused more on planning. CDlllllDW\iry dcvclr,pmcnt. neighborhood involvement Md youth involvement. Last year was lhc n:al 1-e:u ot'Dl:lming. and , as she lold Mark Gr:il,1m , Otis is her second yC'1J', so Otis Is Ille year we lmplemenl Mayor Bums said 11 was ~g,hal. witl, 4'.000 dciegn1cs . we could always find each other. (ii) ~I Mc,nbcr Gam:11 : I. He said earlier tbcre -• SCI togelher wiu, the Code Enforctmen1 Advisory Comminec, and it 1, 1uming inlo • commincc llmk,fccls Council envisioned when Ibey sci ii up . They arc working very hard and lhc education comminecs""' doing an c,cellcm job. if you gol your water bill . he said. besides being depressed by what ii costs. '/f1l1l al so got a nice nycr. :tS I hey arc sianing Uun process of education , which Ulcy should be commended for_ 2. He said he wanted t01!ring something up th.it he s:iw on 1clcv ision . tl mt ·Nas fascinnting. about roadways. One of the things we have ut Englewood. especi all y as we become more urban in nature. is noise . \\.11al this study sugp:szmd is that c:ir noise is not from engines any more. engines have goltcn pretty quiCL ii is U1c tin,s. They si-ed this rubber compound 1h:ot lhcy pul in10 1he nspiialt, ho said. which really lowered the levels or nois,: jas lfDr cus going back ond fonh . When I lhink of some of U1e roadways where we have noise issues. he said. l!lnion being one nnd Oxford being another. that if we were selective, maybe. bccluse il is a bi1 more c:q>enSii-_;,c, be:::au.sc is crc:ucs a helter qual ity of life for our City . it is something we may be should explore. Mayo r Bums asked if llm ,wa1on the m1crosurfocing or was it a full surface. Mr . Garrett said he actuall y could nol 1cll . But Ulcy were pruning down lhis surface . nlld a guy Ii.ii lives by one of the highways in Brilllin. it is a French producr. :and he said he used 10 be upset woth iruck and lrnvel and now you hardly eve n no tice 1he SU"CCt anymo n::..!bcclusc it cushions 1hc tires City Mana ger s~ said \\1: wtru d.o a fo ll ow-up on 1h;i1. He :tSkcd if Mr. Garreu knows the produ ct r t aJI. Mr. Garrett said 11 is m:1de in fnmncc :ind ba sic:-i ll y it 1s ;us1 n1bbcr pc llc1s rlml they put into the mix . (iii) Cau.mcil ~1crn hcr Br.1dsh,1w · I. She reiler.uc.d what G:orgc -illcn s.1id. th:1 1 she 1hinks it behooves us 10 rese rve some space in City Hall . Six hundred sq U:1 rc rm is noc \~' muc h. she sa id. wh en you loo k ;ir the overnll torn.I . She sai d she would just lik e to rc irer.ue tn.lli 11131 :~ 1r.-,1,on;1111. 2. She .iskcd N'ci ghbcrhlXlld .ind Busi1;css De,..c lopment to have in Council"s hands by Fe bruary 1•. is an open space zoning. She aslb::d ifthal is a doabl e thing. Oirec!or Simpson responded from the auruencc that tl1ey would sure give it a ~-M5. Br:1dsh.1w s.1i d sl1c th ink s fifteen montlts of asking ror it is enough . J . She sai d she would Iii.: to h.'\YC 1he grou p ho me li st however th,11 c.1 11 be do ne. bcc.1usc she asked for tl1..1t. She s.i id sh e is jt:sr fr'!lun g 10 go bnck on wh.11 she ask ed for :1 yc.1r :igo . -4 . She said the So ulh S'ubwban P:lrk Fou111.11io11. at ou r ncx1 mccrin g. would li ke 10 have so meone fr om Neighborhood an d Busuu:.:;s De\ clo pmclll come an d prcsc11 1 th e pl a11 lo the whole Fo un da tion . Sh e asked ifhe kn ew wh o those g11,'!''1i wen:: For th e bi ke pa th folks . sh e s.1id , bcc.1use we wonld lik e 10 see wha t is goin g on. Sile s~u d s!h: 1lunk.'" th,11 would be a prc11y good PR thin g. Wh cu we l1..1 ve a me etin g, she s.1 1d . .is nccdcd ... Dcbor.ih Wc:uns should be c:1ll ing D1rccto r Si mpso n 5. She s.'li d she th.inks we nrc gomi;. tv be i111crv icwin g D1smc 1 Ill ca ndi date s in January, and we also have se ver.ii boa rd and coma mmaon :1 ppai 111111c111 s lo do. She suggcs lcd hav in g a qu estionna ire fe r thr. candi dates . Ms . Br.idsha w SIU! she men tioned it prev iously to Mayo r Bum s and tll C)' thought tlu:y should fly it through th e rest of the Ccwncil Just !,,me bas ic ~11cs1i ons. she s.ii d. so th;it we hav! som e re prese ntative of 11 1.11 pc:non bwforc tltcV wn lk in for the int erv iew Enllfewoo~ Clly Council December 7, 1998 Pu"e 14 Council Members Hnbcnicht and Nabholz fell II wns n good idea . Mayor Bum< a..,.ed. ~ mme basic questions about tlteir knowledge nd :-,n:eption of the Cinderella City proj< .~ or.....,.,. South Broadway Action Plan. improvements 011 :he Water Trcauncm Plan• and code cnforccmcnL Ms . Bradsha." said it would be just a general qucs1 io1mairc on Chy issues. not a 1cs1. Counci Member Garren suggested wording it like do you like the gcncml direction of h,wiug n trnnsit oricmcl development Cowicil Member Habenicht said 51ic doesn't wnlll questions thnt ask do you like or don't yea like. Council Member Bmd,haw said it netds to be open ended. Ms. Habenicht agreed, su11cstin1 ,.udiiog such as what do )OU know about tl1e Soutl1 Broadway Corridor:md wnat direction would you like to,.. ic,11>. She said she prefers those kinds of questions. not asking for n vo1c of npproval or not appro\"al. Council Member Bmdshaw said tl1cy used it for school bo.,rd candidates when she scmd aa6e CEA and Englewood Educntor screening committees. and it really helped. But. she said. I don't"""" lll'lhal is an issue or not. Council Member Habcnicl" said she doesn 't think we should be uying to grade them on "''dla' or not tltcy arc going to vote with us, but it should just be a knowledge b.1sc. or just get an idea of-they appronch issues. Ms. Bradshaw :lddcd th.it it son of serves as a s1tK1y guide for them 10 know what to study bdore they come in for the interview. Ma\-OJ Bums said ir,ve have 1heir answers when we co nduct the interview. that will be wbc:l>w.<e have the rcru" discussio n with them. but we ca n use it as a rnkc-orr point 10 ask quc-.stions at the intc:rvica . Council Member Bradshaw ask~ Coll·•cil Member H;1bc11icl11 if she would help her do that. Ms. Habe:1ich1 responded atlimuuively. Ms . Brndsh.1w suggested t.hat if ;u1 y of the other Cowclmcmbct-> h.'l,·e ques11011s they should get them lo Ms . Habenicht or her. Council Member Waggoner -=I if she was talking about just the candid.11e for District Ill . Ms . Bmdsha,,· responded affinnatively Regarding bo..1rds :md co mm1 ss 1011s, Ms . Brndsh,1w said she is thinking they arc gomg to bav~ so many people 10 interview. that maybe we should just offer to persons already serving on a board oc commission. 1.h..11 .. 1aybc they just submit a lcncr s.,ying that the y would like to con 1111uc. just th.is time oG.Cy She said she personally docs not w.1111 10 look a1 two ni gh 1s or i111 cl"\ 1ew111g. Council Member Hnbenich1 said she think s 11 is impo n:1111 ro have people apply an d h.1 ,·e lhe pmccss gc, as it 1s. She asked if they would be imerviewing w11 h the new council member )Cl M.l~or 8UJ"D$ said yes. we would. Mr . Garrett ,;iid Lbe 18111 is the appoi111111e ·,1 Ms. Habc111ch1 said she would think mall iif shc were a new co unc il member that she would like 1he oppon111111y 10 1111crview people . M.1yor Bums s:ud he thinks that is a good point. but suggest 1ha1 . ralhcr lhan hol\'ing ten minuets for e:1ch intel"\'lew. maybe five for !-omeonc who is asking 10 be re-appointed. He s.1id .. ,; recalls fu)m ~ past that tJ1ey have done some of thnsc rather quickly where we know Ilic person who ,s appl~1ng.. Council Member Brntlsha w said sh e has So'.1 1 throug.h two of tho se processes and reels th.u Jpe::1ple are do in g :i good job and th ey want to re-up :h:11 I hey cou ld JU SI wri te us n lcuer and s.iy 1hey arc um.crested . Ma~or Bum s sa ,d Ms . H:itcm ch1 docs have a poml about the nc,\ co uncil member. He lSk.o!Counc1i for t11 cir 1hougl11 s on 1hn1. Council Member Nabh C'l2 .aid possibly, but she cou ldn 't speak fo r ,1 new co uncil member S-l.!le said she is on bo th sides or th e fence un 1lus one bcc.msc it 1s difficult 10 go through t\\0 nights of inl~'S. bu1 it is aic;o , for someone wh, has been on a board nnd c0111111iss1011 for lwo }C.1rS or four years. 10 amnc b.1ck in wh!n you arc alrc.1dy kna,111 for doing a good lcnn . • • • • • • Enclo-0., Caadl Dece,a!iff 7'. ,;,_,. Pace IS I ,,, I• 1'' .. • r. Mayor Bunw,,ufu:d if it v ,11 lllkc two nigh I~ Cow1cll Member Brndshaw soid we have 28 olready, Executive ,.,,_llallt Sue Bmdshaw rc.;po"lled from Ll1e audience thal Ll1ere are 29 vacancies, so, depending on the -a(pmpc who apply. you cou,,\ l•l\'e 60 npplicanLS. Mayor Bums asked i: the decision could bt ... allcrw KC bow 1naay appliCOl'II we have. Ms. Habenicht said sho u,oughtlhal W11Uld l'O n gond ult.a. ......,Bonsaid we milht have 01 jy one nisht'1 worth of interviews. Old ifwe have two, wo might then,_.. a cli:cision that all those who have asked 10 be re-appointed. we will just go ahead. Ms. Haheaidl llidsbcjust doesn 't wnnt to feel that we are INL'<ing a blanket re-appointment just if you rcapPlv. SM:Slid she docsn 't feel tlllt is the appropria1e U1ing to do. either. Council Member Waggoner said t._ · _.""811tto Fl rid of somebody. Council M..., Br:idiilaw said tbal docsn ·1 mean they would get nppointcd . Mayor Bwns agreed that they ha,-c aa< ,::,:,,;••od people in the past who have asked to be re-appointed . Ms . Bradshaw explained that jusa ~ they •Tile a lcllcr. doesn't 1nc:1n they gc1 :ippointcd . She st:ucd that what she is trying 10 do is.'"""" -flOOlllc tbal we koow. and 1hcn maybe 1hcy could spend more lime with Uic people lhot arc new. Ms. Haier'.4tl a.: Lhaa makes sense. Council Member Bradshaw s.1id. one of our criticisms as a Councti. _, llhe pablic. is that ona: people get on boards nnd commission~ Ll,cy s"1y forever. And. she added. from ~"pop,1121i<>n. then: an: a eenain amount of people who want to be involved. and I undcrsiand tllwt demographic. but I don ·1 want 10 discourage people from applying just because they an: not known enotic:s. Ms. Habcmcm said sbc tltinks she undcrslands now, tlu11 she though! Ms . Bradshaw was suggeS'.i-,g that a leucr was jml! :a ilutCG:latic :ippointmcnt. Ms. Brndsh,1w snid absohncly not Mayor Bums aid he dunks we can also 1:ike a look nt how mnny opplic.mts we aciuaJl y have . We may not r~y ha\~ a.problem here. dcpcnd.ing on how m.1ny npplie1n1s we hnvc . Ms . Bmdanrsaid ii they want an interview. let them. give lhcm an option. Ms. Habenicht and Mayor Burns lho9gtlc-wasa good idea. Council Member Oapp said slk! w-:>1.dd hope Ihm 1he new council 111c111bcr for District III. new or no1 . she would hope 611:thar. particular Wstrid \\'OUld not go wi1hout il voice . Council Member Bradshaw asked her to say it a di5c:::m. way. bcc:n1sc she did nol get it Ms. CL,pp said if you :ippoint someone 10 this Sc:lt prior to the 1111:1'\'lC\"s.. she would hope !hat D1S1rict Ill would have a voice in nil Ll1c sclcct1ons. and no1 be left out of a,:tiling. Ma~ or BW11S s.1ild.. 31 lhc same umc . lets sec ho" 111:\11, appl ic:uus we it .ua ll y gel. Council Member Bradsha,\ said $he docs nol feel 1h.11 you do it good job aner ~011 t:ilk to tlurty peopl e. II gels down 10 just a nwnbers game.. (1\) Cmmctl Member Clitpp 1. Sbe s.md she "°"1ld like to thank the Code Enforce111e111 Ad visory Commiltcc that Co unc il has appomte Shi: said she thmks they have done n real tcmhc job, 1n looking tit all of lh cu work . TI 1cy still ha\'e some wed. abc:xL. bu1 a grcu dc::JI of pro gress h.,s been made on thlll . 2. She: JC'\·1scd tha t Local Government is one of her co m111111ccs . so she will kee p in touch and let Ll1em lcno\\ ~U;UI 1s happcnmg \\1th th.11 She-med for ano 1her appli c.1 11011 10 be f:r-.c d to h~r. fo r llu s Council seal as she has had a a>uplc of rcq1 "9.S. She s::mt1 II LS an c.,etllcnl idea 10 include South Bro;1dw:iy and Cinderell a Ci1 y in the q~cst1ons and finding out the: backg."OWld . 1l1c South Bro:idway Action Pl:111 reall y afTccts District III and c:ime about Enilcwood Ci ly Council Dtccmber 7, 199H , t1) ,, ,J.:zu,f I 11 1 ,,hw,;'>f! Paie 16 because of tJ1c lypcs of uses ond 1hing.s 1ha1 we have 011 lh:11 :uca . She said* rull)· wonts to sec that con1mucd . •1 (v) Council Member Waggoner 5'lld some lime bl<i;.., 1 .. 1 lhmc ordinaaces !hat all'ccted Ilic E11i;Jcwood Housing AU1hori1y Md Cily Mannger Scan wa gaia& IO .... a look a Iha and delcnni.'1< whether lhcy were still necessary. and he did n01 read! COll1iag ID a 6ml decision on lbal. Ciry Manager Scars s.1id we put that in10 tl1c Projccl BUILD discussion of ahich :a committee was fanned with Council Members Clapp Md Garrett He 1hough1 llial commiucc da:ldod lit tlm time 10 put affundl October discussion of lh:11 and he did not lltink he had raised 1l.i1 bock up. Mr. Gom:11 said oae of lhc issues that came up. witJ1 t.hc different activi1ics 1h,11 we ~re doing lt.21 may be outside the Cinderella City proJcct. is lhnl lhe use of the Project BUILD funds may be necessary III Olha arenas. so 111:11 was son of pul on hold. because Ilic decision making proo:ss comes easier 1flhc ~ llolancc is z:ro. as far as Project SUILD . Ml'. Waggoner said 11,cy wen: also discussing where 1hc personnel sholold bclladFted. Right now they arc una::r the m.inagcrs. Mr. Sc.vs s.iid righ1 now they .1rc s1ill under Ncigbborllaod ad Businc:s.s Oc\·clopmcnl. In r.,a~ we have two of !he employees who arc now bade; inlacbe Ciry Hnll from the Housing Au1hori1y . He asked D1rccior Simpson 10 co1111nc111 on where 1ml n: orwbcre we should be moving in rcg.'U'li to those ordirwlCcs . D1rec1 or Si mpson st;ucd 1h.1t we h,1d i1111ially plnccd lhc is.sues or the Housuq .A.uthoriry Agn:cmcnrs on hold for the fall. and thnl \\'DS 31 lhc request or the commillcc. Bccmsc thUJgS b-c remained status quo for the cn11rc yea r on th.It :irc.1. ;111d Project BUILD fonds li;wc been c..xpcndcd sa odaa ".IYS , he C.'Cplamcd. we h,we moved the two employees thal I still h.id under my ;iuthoni~ b3ct ruJ~ phySICllly wittt in the • building. as 1nuch as possible . At lcns1 one or then 1. :u,d we :ire working o the Jl'!COnd one as qwckly as possible . fanct Gnnunett is one employee. she is working on Rch.,b. sadl CODlloumg lhar funcuon. and 1 am loo king 10 c..xp.iud :1ddi1ional runc11011s for her rcl:ucd 10 Housrng. he ad\1.scd Srcvc 01.bum is tl1c second indiv1duaJ and we .ire s11i l tl)•ing 10 dcliuc some or hi s duucs. A lot of lu5 du1ics currcnlly arc rcl.11ed 10 Rehab inspcc1ions. :ind prc\"1011sly. Project BUI LD i11 spcc11ons. soilhcre u some additionaJ dmy rcdefi11111on reqmrcd m th:u :uca :md \\e .ire loo kiug .11 lh,11 M.1yor Bums said he is also projccl m.1n:1gcr ror the 1om1homc dcvclopmcaa. ..-ivcb is under construction. Mr. Simpson s:iid th,11 is correct and he has been 1alk111g wuh the HOUSUJg Authr:m~· Dm.-ctor .ibout how we c.,n contrnct bade 10 ll1c Authori1y and p.1y for some or 1hc 11mc 1.hru m:n' be o,,cndcd from Mr. Ozbum·s rime back 10 1l1c Aull1ority . So \\C arc 1ry111g 10 work 0111 so:oc e& 1haL he S.Ud. We will probably be co ming b:ick lo Cow1cil w111l so me suggcsuo ns 011 how rh.11 works. but be thought they w,mt 10 ge t back H llh ll1c SUDC0lllllllllec lirsl. City Mana ge r Sc.m s.1id pan or 1he rc.1so11 we wcr .:: ilo ldm g off\\ 11h 1Ju.s subct ,mmm ee was that some of ll1c fonding witlun ProJcCt BUILD we \\ere look mg .11 m 1crms or propcny .¥-.Jm5mon. so t!uit is :l little bit un clear. Mr Simpson s.11d from a ma.nagemcm s1.111dpo1111 . ~01;,c of the more 1mmc:cbatc concerns or some unusual and \"Cr)' difficult 111:uL1gcmc111 struc111rcs or l1av111 g employees 1101 rcporun.g 10 the manager t11.11 they .ire responsible to or rcspo11s1blc for . He s.11d h~ reels 1h.1 1 ,1111:111 011 h.,s begun ID ccrrcct i1sclr. and 1t 1s beo.usc he and Ms S1 Cl :ur IL1,·e had on-gorng discussions .ind he reels 1hc:i h.1\e ~me 10 agrcc mcni outside or all these 01her dJsc11ss1011s :md 1h:i1 p.1n1cul.1r 111.11L1gc11 1c111 s1mc1 urc has unpnl'cd.. Mr Scars s:ud \\C ,\1II 1:1kc ;i loo k al that ag:1111 Mr Wa~oncr ~;ud 11 scca::i td .. c \\C should whc:r dro p the issue or bnng II back . Mr. Simpson said w.:: \\ 1ll h,1, c tlL1l d1sc11ss1on for Cou.nctl \"Cl) soo n. and. hopcfol l), we c:111 drop 11. Council Member Br;idsh \ 1l1:111kcd him for h1.s ,on l)!l tJus (v1) Council Member Habc111cl11 • • • • ~wwd Chy Council ...__..7,1998 .... I 1 1, \ th ho1 11'.'I• r l ,i:11 f. 1 '1 She said lhal. driving down Broadwily . she \\115 noLicing lhc windows on some of the' srorc fronts ae.det!nlcd In all difTcrcn1 \\'OYS, and some aren't, you know for lhe holid/ly sc.ison, and she was WCllldaing jf l"'rliaps Council Member Waggoner could suggest 1lia1 tl1e EDDA , for some of 1'1e downtown wlllda,n, might wort wil'1 some oflhc ort 1cache" nt 1'1e high school . She soid she remcmbe,., ycars ago, •-at classes would work in coopcralion witl1 tl1c downtown businesses nnd i;ive some of their windows bads to do wlnter' ICCIICS and lhc like. S11e said she was just tltinking tlt:11 would be• nice 1'1ing to Ir)' to .,.._. bact in10 our community . She =gnizcd lhnl tl1is yc."U' ii is 100 lotc, bul asked him 10 share 1Jta1. Mr Waggo11cr suggested having City Manager Sc.m write• lener lo Han,ld Celva in tliat regard :md ,aggest so metlting like tlial. 2. She s:ud sJ,c has had• request from a cuizen asking if we would look 31 doing vidca speed t:dclJng again. She l'CCUJcd talking abou1 Ihm sis 1110111hs or a year ago. but we son of put it away. Council Member ctapp sugges1cd they w:1i1 011 th:11 and sec wh:11 1hc outcome or this next session is. C-~ Manager suggested Counci l w:iit ror a period of time and then come b.ick . She s.'lid sllC has been driving tlirough the ci1y at nigh, and seeing all 1he bc:tu1ifi1i Christmas ligbr.s. Your work is ait out for you tJ1is yc.1r. she commc1ucd. on doing that contest . Every) ear they just ""''bigger and belier and more bc:>utiful . -' She S:Ud she i.s not sure if anybody else 1101 iccd. but she was really glad therr.; was a little :irticlc in tlri< 1-lcrald aboul Chris Gunn. who is a grndualc of Englewood High School :md pru1ic1p:1t1:d in our Parks aadttecrcwon SummcrTiu:a1cr Program for a m1111bcr ofyc.1rs . He is a very 1alcn1cd yoling ma.n. who has b::::n .q,pc30ng nntionally on Wendy 's commercials and he h.1s :1J so h:id :i role in Homicicic : Life on the Sa:::et.s He wns on Friday nighl :md he 'll be 01111c .-.:1 Frid.1y night. so if you w:1111 to wntr.h :u, Englewood b~ lookmg good, doing good . 5 She s.ijd when we arc talking aboUI the Hi s1o rical Mu.scum h,1\'!ng some presence for storngc in tlDe new City Hnll. a:nainly i1 makes sense. because lh cy ha1c Slor:igc in lltis Ciiy H.ill . She said she lhink.s we need to conlinue that li:&ison. But al the s.1mc 1l111c. ii reminded her of when she was first on Council. wi: bad a half time libr.ui.-u1 who was dcdic:ucd to Englewood his1ory . She said she knows we have been cuming the Library 0\ er tl1c 1:151 lcn lo lwelvc years, th.11 was one :irca where we look some really major cum from a very small department She opined 1h.11 we rc:1lly need to look at perhaps, since we h.1\'C such a strong Englewood H1S1orical Society, wilh their own curator. and building their collection. t..hat we should rave a comp:unblc \\Ork effort going on in our own Englewood Public Library. to have those Library 5'lllD'CCS. because there 15 a linl c difference bc1wcen a library collec1ion and other h.istoric.11 collections. She SMij she feel s the y need to be \\Orkmg togc1hcr and she would like 10 sec us look tow;ud C.'<1>anding that agmn. or recouping th.11 She s:tid. regarding Housing. she jus1 so rt of 1l1rcw tlus idea out 10 City Mnnnger Sears. and he said sfut ought to L1lk to Council about it . .u,d she keeps forgellmg 10 mention ii to :mybody, but when we talked about Housmg ag..1 in. we have a 101 of concerns over what we arc doing in tenns of 1hc housing thal goes mno CU¥Sc.rclla City. :1nd lhc level of housing th.11 we have. We h:t\'C a scmor housing. we are talking about ~le housing. we have lo have :i cornprthcns1\'C approach lo housing throughout the whole City . She $ID.d she was tllinking th.11 maybe. wi1h the So ulh Bro.1dway Pla n. we co uld c.1rmark some oft.he properties thwt arc morel properties . that arc generally 1101 bcmg 1111lizcd so much :1s motels anymor e, but as housing 11.CUl.S. and. mayb e. ifwc ire going 10 be looking for mcderatc :md low income hou si ng , how :ibout in those punces \\hrr~ ,no>= properties could be better 111ilizcd 111 :rn acc:11h.11 co uld Sla nd more 1ramc, to look al dh:!sc ~ \\here \\C do some crc.1u,e kmd of :11To rd :1b lc housing thm gs and really preserve th.it Cinderella C-0 site for lhc more upse:1lc housing 1ha1 we h.1,c bcc11 tnlking :ibo111 She s.1id th:11 was JUSI a 1houg.ht ~~or Bums sai d 1h.111s wh;1 1 Cindcrcl1;1 C1 1y 1s upsca le Englc"'MJd City Council December 7, IIJIJH > , .,,..,f;,n i ~I f l:J m~ (I Page 18 I, I 13. City Maaa11<r'1 Report (a) Chy Manager Sc.m infonncd Council 01:11 he~• walk tl11ough on the Wa1et Trcauncnt Pl ant We haven ·1 roally rni5Cd tli:11 back to the Co,mcll. he sad. but it iJ uwving along in really Sood fuhion. II is probably ia the nci&hborhood of JO¾ 10 -1(1'~ doac. TI,crc wiU be some low Dow over the Chrisunas time 10 rcco...a one pipe and put nnotl,cr pipe 111 ""°' tl,crc, He said he would ae1 Director Fonda 10 give an update on Iha!, but ii n:ally is an e,citing prujca. a IOI of concn:te in the ground right now and lhe plant actw.lly will Slar1 cl•'lllging some of the fillers in dioc ,ic.,1 couple of mo111t.s 10 use some of lhe fillers tl>1 1 ac1u.1lly ha\'e been built So tl1crc may be some 001i0::lible change in our water system as a result of Lhnt. so it is exciting 10 sec that go :ihc:ul ~ith some of t:be other stuff th:u is happening. (b) City Manaacr Scars ad vised tllOI nc.,1 Monday ... i;111. lhcrc is a pretty bi& meeting. David Tryba will be hen: to I.Ilk 10 lhc Council about where we arc nghl! '10w on tbc City Hall. the Folcys building. We will go through it in a li11lc bit finer dc1,ul \\11:11 w1 l 1.1 ppcn and we will relate 10 him aboul t.hc storngc over ll1crc . I lhink they ll.1,·c acco11111cd for 1h.11. he s.-ud and rm sure wc'\'c got the space. but. we need 10 earmark thm 11J1d we w1ll 1,1lk ;1bo111 1h:u In addioon. 1»--c 'II gh·c Council an upd.11c on where we arc. Mr. SC3J'S said he knows: Ill.It Millcr•Wci11ganc11 has been 1aWn~ 10 a number or 1cnan1s lnd he c:<pccts th,11 they will hnve n lisc or sui;gcs1ed 1e11.1111s 1h;11 ti~ h.i,-= been worki11g whh as they finalize lhcir proJccl. He emphasized ag..,in 111.11 we h,1\'c been h.1v111 g \Ct} 1n1-:U'sc mccungs on a daily basis with Saunders. who is tl,e contrnctor for Millcr-Wcing.m cn. and our CCU!Sllltants. Tryba and the various players. to come up with c."actly what 1hc COSI or all the ro.,as arc. NBD . Public Works. Director Black. C\·crybody h:ivc nil been working C.'(lrtmcly h.1rd. he s.1id . We h.we :i grc:i.a XllOmcy here in Mr. Brotzm.111. who docs:1 ·1 get mcn1ion very oncn. he s.1.id. but he is nt these rncctiup w.-i th Mike MHlcr to uy and finalize a lot of the detail. Right now they arc i1110 the level of as pls1I~ tlte gra::,,ni; plans. costing out cvcl)'tlting. and th:&t is prcny exciting. because we :&re ton point or actu.1lly ,a~ be project i1110 :i final state so we can finally get a roundation poured :u1d t..hc constnic1ion moving :abc::ad. •One or 1.he key elemcntli of the plan, be pointed out. is RTD . As the f\1a)or mcmioncd . \\C me1 wi1h Rm ~d. due to 11,c \\Ork of NBD , we ac1uaJly were :ui applicant with DRCOG for S2 1111111011. 10 use those fu nds for enhancements. We met, even lasl Frid.1y , wilh RTD ag;1111. :tbout lhc an1 clc thal was in t.hc: "1llJ>Cr 1111cm1s of tl1c :iddiUonal funding that may be there. or sources of fuuds. being under budge1 and 3hc:m:! of schedule . He s.1.1d tl1,1t Council Member Habenicht advised l1im about a mee1111g l:ist Timrsda) n,p "-ilh RTO . and RTD is somewhat right tipped about tl1osc funds. 11"1· h.we a con I met ... January 1511t M before they act u.1Uy have a final number that Ibey can have in tenns of being under budget II was rccomrnc:mdcd b) Andy Leong, wi1h RID. that we ma.kc coniaci witl1 them to let 1hem know aboul our plans. :Ml' Scm s;1jd he did contact John Claflin tod.1y and we arc going to be mcc1111g on:r lhe ne:-;t couple or dz)'s. 1l1e riming of this is absolutely ~nuaJ. because the project has 10 111clude c.1issous aud founchoocs 10 mcc:t struclurcs. so tl1e contractor. Miller •Wcmg:utcn. is 1101 going lo s1g,i1 the proJec t unul lh~ know 11~1:11 kinds of level s of cos ts there wiU be 10 do tl l.11. Mr . Scars said we will be mL-cllng \\itl11hcnt but he cs 1101 sure we will get 311 answe r. but tJ1e)' will co me back to Council. probab ly nc:,,,1 Mond.1y nig.ht We ,II lnow where we :ire with the grant and also have:, better idea where RTD 1s 0 11 it. so th;u we wtll prob-.ubl~ be pl:mnmg log<' 10 the board after the firs! of1hc ~c:ir w11h some speci fi cs . .1sk111g fo r tho,;c funds 10 be used TI1c kc ~ on tlu s prOJCCt 1s not only the bndge cnh.'Ulccmcnts. but also p:1rk111g :ind so lhC) arc ,cry nware of" hat our needs arc and \\'C arc going to co 111 inuc O\'er the ne.'-1 co upl e of \\eeks 10 re mfo rc::: tbar Th.11. he s.1 1d. 1s rc:i11y one of our biggc!;I focuses . (c) Ci 1y Man.1gcr Sc.1rs s.11 d there was a projecr ll.n -:s 11s on Galapag o l:tst week tlint w:is 3 person building witl1 ou1 a buildi11g pcn1111, or C'-C:iv:i1 111 g. and the\ llwve been s11111 dO\\n lt 1s il gun shop ove r there . and lhcy :ire ,\ork mg \\ll h our B111ld111g Dcpa nme m :o.;.:::: 1hc pcnm1s to proceed . Our su1J sleppcd forward . Poli ce/Fire were thrn:. :ind Publ ic Work s. 10 pro&.::::i the sr rect . so 1h,1 1 1s b.1ck w,dcr con trol (d) Ci 1y M:m.1gc r Sc.,rs s.1 1d 1hcrc 1s a S1.1rburs1 aw.ud Ti mrsd.1y mgl u Counci l Member Bradshaw advised u's :11 !he Golf Course Club Hou se .1 1 r, 00 to -)1,;., m. • • • • • • lnatcwood City C1111r.cll Dciteabu 7, 1'91 P•tc 19 (c) Cily Manager Scan said 10 111nl<c sure 1hcy come 10 Ll,c employee Christmas party oext week. 14. Cit"" Allomey's Report Ci1y Attorney Brcmnan did not have any mailers lo bring bcfon: Council. It Adjounuaenl TI1e mccling adjourned at 8:S2 p.m .