HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-02-01 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• nuol lfli l bM.-f":>t:;rt'I 1·rv1 ,I ,indi{ • ·~ 'I IHGLEWOOD Cl'IY COUNCll. INGLIWOOD, ARAPABOI COUNTY, COI.DRADO ' lleplarS..... I. C.UmOrder The regular meeting of the Englewood Cily Council 'WU c:aUed to onlorby Mayor Bumut 7:37 p.m. 2. L,..,,ocatloa The invoca•jon 'WU given by Council Member Nabholz. 3. JlledCI' of Allepace 1bc Pledge of Allegiance 'WU led by Mayor Bums. 4. RoUCall Present: Absent: A quorum was ptCSCDl Cooncil Memben Nabholz, Grazulis, Gamtt Bradshaw, Habenlcbt, Waggoner, Bums None Also present: Cily Manager Sears S. Minutes Cily Attorney Bromnan Cily Clerk Ellis Director Fonda. Utilities Director Olson, Safety Senices Acting Dim:tor K2hm, Pllblic Works Director Gryglewicz, F'-,cial Services Director Simpson, Neighborhood and Business Developmenl (a) COUNCll, MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF mE REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 1,,,. Motion carried. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Gam:tt, Bradshaw, Habenicht, Waggoner. Grazulis, Bums Nays: None 6. Scheduled Vi1iton There were no scheduled visitors. 7. Noo-teh<daled Vlliton (a) Director Chris Olsoo said this is about a letter Iha! Cily Council received from the Colorado Department of Public Safely in regard 10 a $26,000 gnnl that EngfeYIOOd is elig,blc to receive. It was directed to Cily Council so that is why be is here, be said, and they arc kind of Wider a time cnmch 111d ladewoodCltyCoucll J•ruryl,lffl Pqo2 be bun\ really had a chance to talk to Gary Sears or Don BIOIZmllL So, he no.eel, L'>ey are net belna praeated in:be normal fabion. Mr. Olam cxplainti.ClllClldaity, that this is aJIIYCllilc Aa:oualabllity lncemlve Block 011111 and it was gi\'OD to EnsJcwood City C .lWICil and a:lminlllcred by the Divillon of Criminal JUllice ~ in eo;on,do . Ln Older to receive it tbele has to be an allocatlon or a Cllh maldJ or !bout Sl,900. He IIMSCld that they just had a meeting today with the District Attorney and many other cities and jurisdictions, throughout the enwe...., havc allo rcccivcd these graius. Aurot! e<ll about $200,000 and Linlcton. maybe, $14,000 or $15,000. The District Attorney has askC<! !hit wc ail rome together, which is ooc of the incentives in this grant. to come together in kiJ!d of a willlcd procram ... to pool all the funds and go ahead with son,c sort or program that will affect and enhance scrviccs tluo:ogbout the entire area. The timchmc that wc have ilCtO is tbat, by Fcbnwy 8~. the Mayor has to lip• intl.'UI to accq,t the funds . We don~ need to describe the project. at this poinL but i, is just to say yes we want the moocy or no "~ don't waol the moocy. Duu:tor Olson advised thaL at this stage. just about naybody is committed to iL 1:, said he has held oil' on committing to iL because he nccdcd to get Councirs input This is a project lhal manJ other areas ha\'e done aL'cady, throughout the COWJUy. Jclfcrson Coualy is doing it right now. Ess.ntially, he advised, this is a juvenile intuc/asscssmcnt center. II is a staud alone center, when: our olliccrs can tcltc ju\'Cniles with delinquency problems ... not nmaways at Ibis poinL but delinquency problems ... when: they can tuc them right to the center and the center stafi' will adminl•cr the holding of these kids, sending them out to the appropriate location for housing aud takin8 care al all tb paperwork . Which right now, our officers ha," to do the papcrl\vrk right hen: at the station. When we get a j=nilc with a delinquency problem. he pointed ouL that juvenile has to be in direct contact with an officer until then: is a disposition. So that mc,ru an officer 1s sitting there with a jll\'cnilc for sometimes up to four houn. By that poi.1L Le said, we ha.,.. to make a dctcnninatioo whether that child is going some .vhcre or going to be released 10 pa.iait or whalevu. TI.is is a pr.Xes .:, he said, that wiU save a tremendous amount of stalling time. He noted he did not have ·Ii Iha infomutioo on lhal for Council, but • if"~ join this proccss, he said he would get that infonnation for Council so they can milly see wllat is going on. Din:c;tor Olson opined 11-.at it is , fantastic idea. it is something lhat we have kind of lallttd about for a long time . We feel , he said, that by pooling the moocy throughout the cntin: 11• Judicial District that we can probabl y come up with cnoogh to operate this kind of thing for at least thn:c years, s,e how it works on a trial basis and then go from there. Din:c;1or Olson said he wasn, sun: how they would go about this. if it would be a n:solution or whatcvcr, but if in some fashion they could authorize the Mayor to sign the intent to accept the money, if that is what Cruncil wisl>es ... tx;,·,sc it is directed to Council ... thcn they would go ahead and take can: of the paperwork and get this sent out. He said he wanted to throw this out now and sec where Council wanted him to go with this. Council Member Habcnic'," asked if they could take this up as a motion under •council Member's Choice" later in the evening. City Attorney Brotzman said )"5. Mayor Bums agn:cd and said that :,c fc!t a motion would be sufficient. Mr. llrotznw, agn:cd. Din:ctor Olson advised that he didn't have copies for C\'eryonc, but he asked if they wanted the information in case they had any questions . Mayor Bums said yes . Din:c;tor Olson rriteratcl. lhat he needed to gtt Llus out to Council today, because of the timcframc .. the February 8~ deadline . 8. Communicali.,ns, Proclam1tion1 and Appointment, Mayor Bums advised that t,,night "~ have the Metropolitan 1,,:ayors and Commissioners Youth Awards presentation. We arc honoring ten very special young women tonight who ha\'C been nominated for the 1999 Mclropoiitan Mayors and Commissior,crs Youtb Awards. This award identifies young people from the ages of 13 to 19, who have shown outstanding achievement in overtoming personal cbaUcuges , cn:ating positive changes in their environment. or who have provided oulJtanding service to themselves. ~cir • i.....,.c11yc.ac11 re11....,1,1"' Pap3 ) Tli) w,• .. 11 I I cmnd 1 i., ~, ludlles and lbelr 01111111111Dil)'. He stated that tbc yoang people we an, lllonolle8 Ibis ffllUIII an, 1111 lludents at En.,.,.'OOCI Schools a.id "~ arc poud to have Ml u members ol-COIIIIIIUDlly. Mayor B11n11 noccd that wc ... aloo honored lo have IOVml OCher people l'nlm the IChools with m. He RCOgniud Amie Gallegos, a counselor at tbc Altcmalive High School, CIIOI Wacker a coumeklr II Englewood High School, Cher Tully, Principal of the Altcmalivc High School 111d IIDlcoc Davidloa, the Superintendent of Schools in Englewood. He asked that they .ii stand to be recognlud. On bchllf of CounciL he welcomed them. Mayor Bwns advised that wc also have two members of the School Board. Gene Turnbull and Kathy Christie. He invited tbcm to come up and help congralulate the nominee.1 . Mayor Bwns c,q,lained that the rcoolutions will be read in full for coeh one and there will be a little r=plion aftawanl. He invited everyone to particiJl"tC. (a) A resolution honoring Hannah Cook as a nominee for the 1999 Meuopolillll Mayors and Commissioners Youth Award, was considered. The resolutio•, '"" read in full, from the second Whereas. RESOLl!TION NO. 6, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLl!TION SUPPORTING THE NOMINATION OF HANNAH COOK FOR THE 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YO\JTH AWARDS . COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I (a) -RESOLUTION NO. 6, SERIES Of 1999. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Members Nabholz, G:irrctt. Bradshaw, Habenicht, Waggoner, Grazulis, Bums Nays : None Mayor Bums congratulalcd Ms Cook and presented her with the !t!Olution, a backpack and other items. (b) A resolution honoring Jennifer Corns as a nominc: for the 1999 Metropolitru> Mayors and Commissioners Youth Awards was considered . The resolution was read in full , from the second Whereas . RESOLl!TION NO . 7, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLl!TION SUPPORTING THE NOMINATION OF JENNIFER CORNS FOR THE 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOlITH AWARDS . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I (b) -RESOLUTION NO, 7, SERIES OF 1999. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Members Nabholz, Gancn. Bradshaw, Habcnich~ Waggoner, Grazulis , Bums Nays : None Mayor Bums congra1ulated Ms Corns and presented her with the resolution, a backpack and other items. lqle,NodCltyC.....U Jeltnary I, lffl , .. J ,ti ) tu v,,i:c11 o I I ( u·11 •l t ,~, I (c) A noot s :ioa IMmorillg Sund! Ford• 1111111W11': !!w the 1999 Meaopolillll! Mayaa ad C, .-runissloDcrs Youda Awards-coasidered. T1'e resollllioa-rad in full, fiam the II000lld Wbcras. RESOLIJnON NO, 8, SElllES OF 1999 A RESOLIJnON SUPl'ORTING 1llE NOMINATION OF SUNDI FORD FOR 1lU! 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOUTH AWARDS. COUNCIL MEMBER WAC.CON.ER MOVED, AND IT WAS SICONDID, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITJ,M I (c) • RESOLUTION NO. I, SERIES OF l"9, Motion CIJTicd. Ayes: Council Members Nlbholz, Glnffl, Bradshaw, rilbenicbl, Waggoner, GMZUbs, Bums Nays : None Mayor Burns congratulated Ms. Ford and prucntcd her wi!h the r<SOlution. a backpack and Olhcr items. (d) A resolution honoring Tiffany Grant as a nominee for the 1999 Metropolitan Mayon and Commissioners Youth Aw..rds was ctasidcn:d. The r<SOlution ,. ... rad in full , from the scccnd Whcroas . RESOLIJnON NO. 9, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLIJnON SUPPORTING 1lfE NOMINATIOIWF TIFFANY GRANT FOR UIF. 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS ~NP COMMISSIOIIERS YOUTH AWARDS. COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA In:M 8 (d) • RESOLUTION NO . 9, SERIES OF 1999. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Members Nabholz, Gam1~ Bradshaw, Habenicht, Waggoner, Grazulis, Burns Nays : None Mayor Bu.'115 r.ingratuliled Ms. Grant and presented her "ith the n:solution, a badtpack and Olhcr items (e) A resolution honoring Brittany Koren as a uomincc for the 1999 Metropolitan Mayors and Commissil\'>ers Youth Awards was co11'..1dcrcd. The resolution W.!! ~ in full, from lhc second Whereas. RESOLIJnON NO . 10. SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLIJnON SUPPORTING 1llE NOMINATION OF BRJTIANY KORELL FOR 11-IE 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOUTH AW ARDS . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDF.D, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 (e) -RESOLUTION NO. 10, SERIES OF 1999. Ayes : Council Memben Nabholz, Gaml~ Bradshaw, Habenichl, Waggoner, Grazulis, Burns Nays : None • • • • lqleno,I Cl1y Cauacll ,...,....,.1,1!199 ... 5 Molloa canied. Mayor Buras conpalulaUd Ms. Korell and praealeil ber wilh Ille iaolulioa, a blcllpec:11 and.,.. ifaal. (f) A raolulioa baaar-a T..,. Maqucz • 1 ....._ for tllo 1999 Mctrcpoli1al Mayon 111d '.:.»nmissioncr. Youth Awards WU considcmi. The resolution was read in 11111, from the second Whaal. RESOLtrnON NO. II, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLtrnON SIJPPORTINOTIIE NOMINATION OF TAUNYA MARQUEZ FOR 1llE 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOU'IH AWARDS. COUNCil. MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND rr WAS RCONDID, TO APPROW AGENDA ITEM I (f)-RESOLUTION NO. II, Sl!IIIES OF I,,,. 1 Motion carried . Ayes : Council Membas Nlla,lz, Gamll, Bradshaw, Habenicht, Waggoner. Gfmllil. Bums Nays : None Mayor Bums congratulaled Ms. Mlrquez and pr<selll<d her ,.;th the resolution. 1 backpack and Giber items . (g) A resolution bonolUIII Nicole MaoR as a nominee for the 1999 Mctlllpolitan Mayors and Commissioner:; Youth Awards was considcrod. The resolution was read in full, from the second Wbcttas. RESOLtrnON NO. 12, SERIES OF I 999 A RESOLtrnON SIJPl'ORTINO 1llE NOMINATIONOFNJCOLEMOOREFOR TIIE 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOOTH AWAPDS . Mayor Bums said that, prior lo passing this resolution, teacbc, Tom Tollingcr-,Jd JiJo, to say a few words about Ms . Moon:. Mr. Tollin&•• advised that he has been a tcadlcr al Englewood High School for 33 years. On the way dowu bcrc, he said. he was just thinking about how maoy students that he bas been in direct contact wilh over those JJ yCBB. It is approximately HOO to 3000111d then hundnds mon: lhat he has had indirocl COtUCt with. Mr. Tollingcr stated that he wanted 10 say to Ms. M~ that he would put her in the top four or five students that he bas ever bad the privilege 10 ~ with over 1h11 JJ year period. He commenlal that one thing in the proclamaUon that was Jell off ... when: it says that "Nicole is a young woman who bas looked beyond her own misfonunc and serves as a positive fora, for herself, her fellow student., and her family" ... that he would add "to thestaff ofEos)ewocd Schools and bim in parncular." He str.....t thatsJ-.c has been a positive example . a blessing and more times than be can say Ood has spoken to bim through her. Mr. Tollingcr stated he is privileged to know this yoo,.g lady and Ood bless he,. COUNC~ MEMBER NABBOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I (g) -RESOLUTION NO. 11, SIIIIIS or 1"9 . Ayes : Council Mcmbcn Nabhol1, Garnt~ Bradsbw, Habenicht, Wagsoocr, Gnzulil, But\,. Nays : None lqiewM Cley CIIUICil ,......,1,1999 .. , Modoa carried. '""") rtOl><lil ,1 c 1..•Qi•~,I o._,u,th t "'I Mayor Bumi COllgntulalcd Ml. MooR aad ..-,cl .... with Ibo~ I bldlplcl< ml Giber i- (h) A resolutioa bolloring Taea Nickoloft' u 1..,.... fOr Ibo 1999 Meln,polillll M.yon 111d Commiaioncn Youth Awards wu considered . The resolutioa MS n:ad in full, from the second Whereu. RESOLllnON NO. 13, SERIES OF 1999 ARESOLllnON SUPPORTING TIIE NOMINATIONOFTERES>. NICII.OLOPF FOR TIIE 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOU'il! AWARDS. COUNCIL MEMBER w,.GGONJ:R MOVED, AND rr WAS S&CONDl:D, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM I (h) -RESOLUTION NO. 13, SERIES or 1"9. Molion carried . Ayo,: Council MembcB Nallllolz, a.ma. Bradshaw, lllbcnichl, Waggoner. Grazulis, Bums Nays : None Mayor Bums congralulaltd Ms. Nickoloff and presenu:d her \\ith the raolution, a badcpack and other items. (i) A resolution booorin11 S1wi.w WiUinglam u a oomince for the 1999 Mctropolilan MayoB and Commissioncn Youth Aw-.rds was considered. The resolution was read in full, fr,m the second Wbc:rcas . RESOLllnON NO. 14, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLllnON SI/PPl"RTING TIIE NOMINATION OF SHAUNA WILLINGHAM FOR TIIE 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOUTH AW ARDS . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 8 0) • RESOLUTION NO. 14, SERIES OF 1999. Ayes: Council McmbcB Nabholz, Gamt~ Bradshaw, Habenicht, -1/agoo,:r, Grazulis, Burns . Nays: None Malion carried. Mayor Bums congratulated Ms. Willingham and presented her with the resolution, a backpaci. and other items. (j) A resolution honoring Shelley Willingham as I oomince for lhc 1999 Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioner,; Youth Awards was considered. The resoluti on was read in full, from the second Whereas. RESOLlITION NO . 15, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLU'JlON SUPPORTING TilE NOMINATION OF SHEU EV Wll.LINGHAM FOR TilE 1999 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOUTH AWARDS . • • ......... Cltyc .... u re11.-...,. 1, 1"' .... , Ji:>, 110J ,ti) h~m•:a~n:f ~I ,I nn11Mi 8 31q J, COUNCIL MIMBIER aRADSIIAW MOVJ:D, AND rr WAS SICONDW!), TO .unoft 14 AGENDA ITDI I (I}· USOLIJ110N NO. 15, SIIIJU or tM. Ayes : Council Memllen Nabllolz, Glm:G, llladmw, Hallealclll. Waggoner, Clrazulis, Bums Nays : None Motioa carried. Mayor Bums CODglllulated Ms. Willingham and prosented her with the IOIDlulioa, a bodqJadl 11111 otller items. Mayor Bwns said, on bchalf orCounci~ be wanted to especially thank Leigh Ann Hoffhines ,,:.o LA""•, dedicated bencJr 10 this program . Mayor Bums asked for another roond or applause ror all or these wonderful .....-. (It) Brief R<cep1ioo Cooncil n:assed at 8:08 p.m. for a brief reception hoooring the 1999 Marq,olilal Mayon and Commissioners Youth Award IIO<Di,-. The meeting reconvened II 8:33 p.m. with all Council m<mbcn pl<ICIII. Mayor Bums thanked everyone w'...i came for the youth awan!s pn:sallalioa. 9. hllllc Barl111 No public bearing wu scheduled her.,. Council. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVEr,, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA rrEMS 10 (a) (l), 10 ~) (i), 10 (c) (i), (a) />. pp,oval ol Onlinanc,..; on Finl Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 4, IN'Jll.ODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A ll[U. FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORJZING AN IN'IERGOVERNMENT AL GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO AND TIIE STATE BOARD OF TIIE GREAT OlJll)()()RS COLORADO ·• RUST FUND PERTAINING TO TilE DEVELOPMENT 0 \ 1llLETIC FIELDS LOCATED AT CLAYTON SCHOOL. (b) Approval orordinanccs on Second 11.,.ding (i) ORDINANCE NO . 6, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 5, iNTROOUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A GRANT OF A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCilON EASEMENT BETWEEN TIIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO AND HIGHLANDS RANCH laslewood e11y c-11 , ..... ,,. ... ,,, .... "• ,1;) l>t...,..f:,ol ~ '\'I I -c,•11•0 'I METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NO.~--FOR 1111! PURPOSE OF INSTAIJ,'.~c;;. Tl'ORM WATER DR>.INAGB FACILITY. •I 'fl (c) ResolllllooMI ..S MoClc,u (i) MCYnON TO APPROVE A $jQQ PAYMENT l J h \(1f 'OLD-HIRE" FIREFIGHTER RETIRED AS OF JANUARY 1, 1999. Vote .-111: MO!ioncani<d. Ayes : Counoil Member$ Nabholz. Garrett. Bradshaw, Habenichl, W1880ner, Grazulis, Bums Nays: None 11. Rqular Ai:<nda (a) Appmval orOnlinances on First Reading (i) Director Fooda pn:scnlcd a recommcnJation fium the Ulllllies Depa tmelll lo odopt a bill for an ordinance granting a pennancnl easement 10 lhe Highl:,nds Ranch Maro District He advised that Ibis is for the permanent ....,mcnl Council pr.aed the temporary..-011 Hnt R!lding at the last meeting and it was passed on second reading al to!'light's meeting. The City Ucrl< read the aJWICil bill by title : COUNCll. Bll.L NO. 6, INI1lODUCED BY com ,cn, MEMBER WAGGONER A Bll.L FOR AN ORDINANCE Atm!ORIZDIG A GRANT OF A PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT BETWEEN 1111! CITY OF EN.::LEWOOD, COLORADO AND lilGHLANDS RANCH METROPOLITAN DI STIUCT NO. J. FO;t TIIE PURPOSE OF INSTAUJNG A STORM WATER DRAINAGE FACll.ITY . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA mM 11 (1) (I)-COUNCIL BILL NO. 6. Council Member Habenicht said she wanted to mention that sotne or Council we"' able to take a tour of the area and bad a real good idea ofwhal it is lhcy are doing and it was very, very helpful. She said she WIIDlcd to thank Gary Sears and Stu Fonda for anangmg thal for us . Mayor Bums agreed it was a very good tour and very informational for Council . He said be appn,ciated it. voce .... iu: Ayes : Cooncil Memben Nabholz. Gamt~ Bradshaw, Hal:enicht. Wauoner, G'UUlis, Bums Na ys: None Motion carried . (b) AP!lro-,-al ofOrdiiWICCS on So:ond Reading • The"' were no additional items submincd for approval on second reading. (See Agenda Item 10 -Consent • Agenda.) (c) Reaolutlons and Motiou, • !.,._.CllyC-U l'elln,vy 1,1'9' .... , l 11 ,,...,.,flJnl I ,1 1,tt1d-,'il, OJ o 1,11 ~ (I) ~~Kala,,_ieduoca I I llaadlt~of PdJllc Works 10 adopt I -,lut.loe IDaeuinc '-la. 'l1lil is I MDllllan, lie 111d, 111-..111,elllr lun<n M,dosl ....... locll'aasllols llroldny, al'. Kala apllinld dill ... a,-.,.-1 .-, iadudina Neipbort,ood and e,__._,..oi-. Sdty ~ ..... _. ..... ..S Pu1111c WOlb fonaed a commilllle lo study_....., policy lllllcoachldod dill a caae ofSU0.00, lorlMlinaup..Slllkillldown..._., _ ............. IDIIB~IIIIIIMled, dlc ....... pollcy does exclade the City ofl!apwood octlvttlea 11111 lhe l!nalc"""" Scbool Diltrict. Rlpt-we llave two bumer locallons 011 Soadl Bl'Oldway, -In Ille downtown :MOO bloclt and a 111w yan ap ft elllbllalled a socond loc:Plion in :he block orKallor ...,,,__ Thole, be ad\'lled, -wood pales 1111111'11.., Jonscr IINCIUnllly IOWld for hanlinl blMen, boll .._, will be repllood when we do the B""""4y lmprowmelll Project tllil comin1 year, The resolution was assiped a manlier IJld rad"' lille: RESOLtmON NO. 16, Sl!IUl!S OF 1999 A RESOLtmON ESi'ABLISIDNG PEES FOR TIIE CITY OF ENGLEWOC.O, COLORADO STREET BANNER POLICY . COUNCll, MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (c) (l) • RESOLUTION NO. 16, SERIES OF 1999, Motion carried Aye s: Council Members Nabholz, Gamt~ Bradshaw, Habenicht, W1110ner, Gn,:ulis, Bums Nay1 : None 12 . Gaera!Durmllol (a) Mayor's OIOlce (i) Mayor Bums commenl<d that it has been mcntioacd that Council took a tour or the area around the oew business part, Shea Homes and also the Waler T1•11tn-Plant. The work that is being done on that is vc,y helplul. he said, and they apin thank Siu Fonda for tbal (ii) Mayor Bums adviml they had I modin1, the annual Rllal or the Mello Mayors Caucus on S.twday and be would copy the agenda for Council, that it -quite ., .,._ The Metro Mayor.: dfac,...i rq!Ollll tnnsp01111ion. grw1h co.-rol and a numbei ol ~jedl. They had thn:e members of the cabinet: Bob Bmoks, Dopartn,mt or Loe>~ Alwn, Tom Norton, Colondo Deparlmeol of Transpor1llion and Micllael Cooke, I>cpa.-a(Rcgulatory Aacnclcs and the Lieut-Gcwmor Joe Roam spoke an the new adminiJllation and the lmdenhlp at the Slate Hoase, which ns ..,y infonnatM. l!lpecially, he said, T~m Nanon went inlo comidnble detail upon what he is doin1 abaat 1lallSpOllllion in 11,,, soulbeast corridor, RTD and so fonh. The next pan of the propam was RTD. Dove Rose, the &nt vicc-<:hair and Mary Blue, Uic second vicc-<:hair, came and tallted about the bonnl r,ladons thal hne been publiciud so mu:h, collal>oration with other aga,cics, the expocted meetin1, soon, with tbc GcMmor and the approach to funding or the soudlcast c:omdor. Whether the Stale match is going 10 be ~ or DOL Thcr, was a motion to pass a raolution supporting all that and Torn Non011 uted 1h11 they ,io1 make it too specific, 10 aivo them all a chance 10 sitd<.>wn and work all oflhis out together. The idea is to by to achieve an end . Ard ol course, Mayor Bums DOied, there are other forces that want the wa1 corridor and they Wlllll tbc air ttain 10 the ai,pon ml ao fonh. This was kind of a llliqae ~I, pn,l,obly the DIOSI :ignillcant &Cri<lt ti pucls lllat be bas seen al tbc Metro Mayors. They got all lhele pla)en together IA one l'iaoe and one top'.c led to another and they would 11ay IIIUld and be pan ol tbc aut dlocualon. After that they bad growth 111111.....,.t and plannin1 activities, that Bill Lamon~ the Pteaidcnt or tbc American ~ .......... City c ..... u J,:IHury I, 199' , .... P11naina Aaocialion Chapcer in Colorado, who,... 11...,....ble for the Responsible Gruwth Act whicb Is bod< bdole die Leal..._ apla. wlllcb ii lcplalioa nadllils plaluliac for municipolilico and CIIUllllca. Ricll McClinlock. ExeculiY'! DiRctar o/COPIRG, ea.id B...twcll, CML llaff aaomey ud Sieve WU- hm the Home Buildcn Almclalion. So they 11111 • lol ol mix in lhc dilcuaion about dial. QullliGIII ..... bow do you implcmall the DRCOG 20201'1111. do you -1 lqilllllon or not 5-ciliel n doae IGA'1 bdwcca csb other, they didnt Rlllly feel lllal you bad IO baw legislation. BW 1-dida' .... with lllll, lbeR ---ap.'ilal duamioll,.....,. fnnk discullion, belwoen all ollllcae panicipMIJ cm dae Ima. Tbcn they bad I IIIDCl at,,,111 implemalliag Mello Vilion and L<ona Sfl>ocl!cr, 6om 1......-, Mayor Jan Scbcndt from Go b ,n, Scott Woodlnl, from DRCOG and Marilee Uuer 1iom CilMIIIUre 1'Cl'C lbeR 111d bad anolher good dilcmsion. Ms. Uacr crpocillly, lalkcd about tho privalc IIOtlor and how they look 11 all U,cac kinds ol rqulalory 1ff1111C111C111 IP.I 1.-ow it all'ccta lhcm. Mayor llwm aid t!ic rqxoscntativcs from the Home Builders Assodatioo wen, very candid about that also. Tbc last dilcussion was on the Regional Hwsing Alliance, with Mayo r Don Par.;ons from Northglenn and Tony Hernandez, who used 10 be the lRJD rcp....-iw In the ..., ii now with Fannie Mae. T)'in1 in transportatioo,jobs, housing ... all in the same discussion and an update on Ille Single-Family Monpgc Revenue Bond Program for the mayors, the CXJOltbook that you ha• e seen befon: and n:ally quite a discussion . It lasted all day. until four o'clock in the afternoon . he said he lllought . as a «suit of that. •hey gal I IOI of pl R..,. together ti.. normally don~ talk to codl other on a n:gular basis and thi1 will be followed ur 1 <c ries of meetings and he though( a lot of oollaboration will occur as a result of this. It was n:ally meeting. he said. probably the most signilicanl one he lllouglu he had attended. He n:itaaled ,, d like lo gel Council copies of the QCllllland if lhcy _would like some back he could 1W 1h11. Council Member Habenicht askC<l if they passed I n:solction. Mayor Bums advised Illa! Ille n:solution is • being distribulcd, because the n:solution n:ad that lllcy 1n11tcd lo n:lain Ille Slale matdl in the soulhcast corridor 311d what Tom Norion is asking is doot tic us down quite that hard because what the GcMroor lhoughl was you oould privatize mon: ofRTD's services and savr ononcy. The paper seems to think that you can~ save that much and the RTD Board members say Iha! you cant save as much as he wanu to. In fact, he said. Mary Blue came in and sat next to him when Tom Nonon was spcal<ing and he said we an: talking about you and she said her cm wen: burning. So they n:ally oomrnunicatcd willl =h other on these subjects and he llloughl they would like to sit down. between RTD, Ills Gowmo~s ufficc and Tom Nonon and n:ally wor~ lllrough a lot of ideas about how they can implenY.nt Ille transportation system. Council Member Habenicht st11 lllat she would n:ally appRC iate thc opponunity 10 see the n:solution bcfon: it is passed . Havint attended some of those me:tings in Ille past. she said, she just ,nnted to make sun: ti.. !he n:solution is seasi uve to the -is of tht people in tl,c west oorridor and thc north an:a, as response .to their suppon over the ycan to us in thc dcwlopment of the soulllwcst oorridor. She said she woalcl like IO fccl oonlidcnl lhat ii is in<.:usivc oC IIJ-1 and oftllOSC thal have supponcd us so sttoogly in the past Mayor Bums oommcnted that he though( it would be pn:tty general , ii may focus mon: on the ""'thalstoorridor, but Ille CRNA SIAff 1dl work willl the wording on it and lhcn send it 10 aU the mayors for oommcnL But thc idea of it was 10 e~e all of these ponicipants to get togetl1er and work for a oommoo solutioo, rathcr lllan lobbying qa,da items back and fonh in Ille pn:ss. He swed it is n:ally very critical that all of these forces work ioge rl .e,, because .... haw serious banSponation poblems in thc metro ara and they an: going IO get worse ifthcy ,;an't find solutions . Ms . Habenicht Slllled he was absolutely right but she n:ally would appn:ciatc seeina ii. because she has been part or doing some of tlic word smithing in some of the previous ones we have done and she son of feels close to thc issue . Mayor Bums Slated he would be happy to show ii to her. Council Member Habenicht said she would appn:ciate ii. (iii) Mayor Burns said he has bc<D privileged 10 lllend several DARE gllduatioos nx:ently at Oayton, Maddox and St . Louis. He noted then: is one at Charles Hay this werlc. They have • been ..,ai 41 fccdback from the pan:uu and the Safety ScMccs Dcpattn,cnt oo that program. He noted it is 1 very popallr program with the pan,nl5 and poniciJaDU and it may be broadened and chanted a lilllc bil Some communities have dropped iL because they don~ think it cndun:s, that some of Ille ;cssoos lcam,d ........... CltyColUldl ,......,.1,1"' ,.II don'lcany Mr. Mayor Bini alYiled 1h11 lbe .... be• lllbd to doa\ apee wilh lhll. ..,.,iaDy Ibo ones thal llM .SIMI ortlnc cbllcna ID dtnilp .. ~ -----aian ill hip DOOi . 'Ibey tbillk ii ii a beDdicial propm or, be opia,d. ~ lib ii obould be iD place II be 1111m ii ii Y"Y~ c:.o.mc;!Momber&ldshnlliollbe,ipeed. Si,ellllldlhellmla--.1lillekaecdl 10 be iD place. Abmluldy, Mayor Bums llid, 1111 lblaa m loo. Mayor Bums llal<d those have been very enjoyable IO go to and a laming e,cperiencc, lo talk IO the i-a,ts and the police officers. II is a seventeen wild< pn,gnm Cor lh<oe llftb plders and, be pointed ou~ that ii quite a prl',i ·m. that is pretty long . (b) Council Member's a.,;.,. (i) Council Mt.mbcr Nabbolz : I. She said she WOJlled lo uy a lhanlt rou 10 the Loucry. A week ago SalURlay she was a. ..lie Recreation Center Saturday L' her son had a baslcelball i;ame and Colorado Lottery provided sheet cakes. The Center was packed with all these basketball games and ii wos ...Uy nice 10 see all those kids and parenu get a piece or that calte. 2. She thanked Siu Fonda a.'ld G-..ry Scan for the tour. 3. She thanked Siu Fonda for UleCking a neia),bo,'s water al 3:45 on a Friday afternoon wbeo ii is kind of difficult to gel help. • 4. She thanked llaN< Long for the Libn,y's ra:ognition oholunlee11 . Ms. Nabholz said she wau little late gciting there. but it was very nice to honor those people who dollate tl\Cir time. • 5. She said the bu bad three phone calls ... and she w.ier..Js Cultural Alla ia on their Sludy Session ro, n•.xt w:ck. The calls are in regard IO the David Taylor Dina: Scudio oomiag In. Some of the 11!:;ig, abe ll&'l hcanl is that ii will be leased ID !hem for SI.Oil per year 11111 that ii will occupy all o(the apac:. Anolher question that was asked was wllal will it give bKt to the EllgJewood cit.-if that is the case. She advised that she heard this al an Historical Society meeting and it was rcviP,ed apin II a Malley Trust and Advisory Board meeting. She staled she just needs clarification. because ,he had no idea how lo rapood to these people and she would n:ally appreciate ii if they oouJd get S0111<' information 11nd be OD the same page with thi ~ Council Member Habenicht said she ""'1ld like IO address that She advised that she r IOU&IU Ma. Nabllolz had some misinformation. Council Member Nabbo.z asked her to ICU them what the c.'lffllCI Information is then. Ms. Habenicht explained that the com:ct information is that the David Taylor Dante :.,udio found 001 that tberc was the possibility of the space being iMilable and they did presenca propoc •I to some of the people in the City and City people suggested that they go through the: concerns Ms Nabbolz bn,ughl up are some >fthc very concerns that the Cultural Arts Commission brought up. So there is visiliDg pgon aboot ;t There 1w ,IOI been any offer that she is awan: of1ha1 has been made 10 anybody. in that sense. II is jUSl likc negotiating with anybody else. C~I Member Nabholz em~nasized that she was totally noore:J by th is, because she had heard nothing abool it She asked if they wi ll let Cow,cil know, next Monday, euctly what has taken place. Council Member Habenicht said absolutel y, that nothing can take place "i thout Council doing it Council Member Nabhol z rei terated that when she was asked these questions she had no clue. as she didn't reali7.c there was anything even being discussed on the C,d 1ural Arts Commisaion in regards lo that. 111 ......... City c .. ..u ,..,.,,.,,. !, 19'9 .... 12 ) !I J 1>4,n.n " f, c d,1 l -, r'I 6. She aid she alM> llteadcd thc Clayll>'J and SI. Louil DARB p-adlalcm. but that 11M will be -le to llllnl dlc one 11 0iarles Hay on t!oe 4•, bccalllo Ille ,.;11 he ltleltdiDg a CML Mlbb<p. 7. She advised thll. her own penonal f..llng in repnl to Code Enforccmcat. is thal they 11>,vo cloaca good job, they mvc im~ but maybe her rccommendalion at this IJOU" ... lfM ,u\ .,.m to Pf'!I Ill this together is to possibly look at privatization of Code Enforcement . (ii) Council Member Garrett: I. He ,ommenled lhal it seems that I\C are 81,lting closer and closer lo going to dirt across the street and he still i~,m\ beard anymore oboul the l\lll'oe. Council Member Bradshaw noccd they are here tr "'1k about it tonight Dir<ctor Simpson odviscd they will lalk about that in a moment. 2. He asked how tl,e motor<)cle police are doing. He said he has seen them doing their batman and robin routine IJ!l and down the stn:cts occa,ionally, but he was just curiou.• ;.s to how they are doing. if it is helping. City Manager Sears asked that Director Olson rosponrl Dircc lor Olson advised that they have =;ved a lot of very positive comments on the motorcycle officers. Citi7.cns arc coming up constantly oud soying it is just great seeing them out there, even if they are just driving up and down the strc.:t. B•• the reality is that are doing a significant amount of enforcement and their pnxhicthil)· is three 10 foor times what a normal offia:rs would be in a similar situation. So they are writing a lot of tickets . Court Administrator Tamara Wolfe, he noted, is well aware of lhal, because thl:9C things are Rowing through Coon protty consistently, but ii has been very positive. They are not oot there all the time as \VClther is obviously a facwr, he pointed out But if the weather is good in the winter they are out on the bikes doing the job . D11 -~o, o ;,on staled they will have 5'.atistics and asked that Council pvc :hem abou! Ihm, months into tho iirogram to gd the SIIIS. Ba•. he said.just from the anealoW llulf be tu heard and plus just thc star, to date, thcre has been a significau, iccrease in what is being put oot there u far as enforcement He st.,,-d they are very pleased with wbcre they are II so far . fl;, said he thought the Slate would be pleased too, because this is a Stale funded program and they will be very hal'I')' with it Council ~1cmhcr Br2dshaw noted she watched them come down Dartmouth and Broadway one ,ti ghl. just by presence and that was imprcs.;i\'c . Director Olsoo nol<d it is towly diffen:nt when you have a motorcycle officer pull. up on yoor W~ where yoo never even saw him or knew he was tberc and all of a sudden there he is. Director Olson said he cm tell Council the report will be posilivc, but reitcr.:,:d it will be about Ihm, DIOllths for a 1nott formalized report, as he is "anting to see that as we!l . He asked if there were any further questions. There \\,:n: nooc . J. He said he ""uld like lo introduce Council Biil No, 7, wltich deals with the tra!Ilc control issues we have with trucks. The City Cleric read the council bill by lill<: COUNCIL BILL NO. 7. 1NTI\OD1JCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT ABILLFORANORDINANCE>.MENDINGTTT1.E II .CHAPTERS I AND IB,OFTHE 1985 ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO OBEDIENCE TO OFFICIAL TRUCK TRAFFIC CONTI\OL DEVICES. • • • ._...,_,. City Council l'ellnary I, 19'9 PqeU COUNCll. MJ:MBER GARRl1TMOVl:D, AND IT WAS SECONDID, TO APPllOVS comccn. BILLNO. 7. Mayor Bums noccd they had a discussion about lllis last week and ii ,ecmcd to be a positive 1blq to do, after considcnble dlSCJSSion by Council. Council Member Bradshaw asked iflhis was on any trudt that Is not on a lrur.k n,ule In lhe Lily. Cily Attorney Brotzman explawd !hat if they arc In violation of truck signs. that is wbal dw: coven. So if you arc 10ing down the street and lherc is a sign !hat says • .., trucks" Ihm you arc in violatlon. Or, Council Member Gamtt said. ifyoo arc a 35,000 pound 1ruck 111d k says limltcd to 7,000. Oby, Ms. Blldlbaw said. that is what she meant. Vole .-IIJ: Motion carried . Ayes : Cooncil Members Nabholz, Gantt~ Bradshaw, Habenicht, Wawner. Grazulis. Burns Nays : None Mayor Burns said he would like to bring the other matter up, that Chris Olson mentioned . This is the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant In the amount ofS26,18S . MAYOR BURNS MOVED, AND ITWAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT TIIE JUVINILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCEN11VE BLOCK GRANT IN nn: AMOUNT OF S26,115 ON BIRALF OF TIIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Motion carried. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Ganttt, Br.~shaw, Habenicht, Wawner, Grazulis, Burns Nays: None (iii) Council Member Bradshaw: I. She advised she is still getting complaints from the residents on Logan, wbue they put the gas line in . She asked if they fixed that. Acting Director Kalun stated they would check on lhal tomo1row. 2. Sbc noted U,0 sc"""" folks must travel Clultson too, because there is a cut on Oarksoa tho! is causing some concern. ~:, l radshaw said she would like to respond to the citizens and asked thal Acting Director Kalun check that aiso. J. She commented. regarding their discussi,,n two \\-eeks ,go with the Miller/We ingarten rcprcscntativc, on the leasing. tbal she just wasn't happ)· with the way that ended and She doesn know if she will be happy with much there. But anyway, she said. she just doesn't lhi,tk he was listening,, what we wanted, he was telling us what he was going 10 do and he really was•' taking any Council lq,ut Council Member Bradshaw said she doesn't know if she was the only one that 1clt that way, but it was basically take it or lea,-. i~ !his is what 1 am going to do. She maintained !hat is certainly not the way to deal with this. Her cona:m is, in their marketing of this project, ihat they arc going out there and saying ... panicularly Greg Moran ... that he is going out there and saying •you don't want to be In Cinderella City, do yoor Thal is her concern. And. she pointed oo~ ifhc comes across to tenants with the attitude he came across to Council with, that is also ,-.ry in.,ppn,prialc. She said she docso1 know what Ibey can do about that, she docsn, know who talks to Mr. Mornn ... probabl y no one . But she would like, number one, for him to liskll to Cooncil and at least acknowledge that he hc:trd what they said And not, she said, throw 111 ......... City CIMlacU , ..... .,.1,tffl '•" I memo down in their face that WU dar.d I half 111111111b earlier, tbc ,ame one they bad in their pKUI befoR. SIie IIIICd Ille Just thinka be could do a bcacr jab. Her pcnoaal aplllion is 1h11 Ibey ~ Ill Ill for the bOII and tbc hiat,est a.crap anmw sales ... the bOII bulUll:a with tbc hipcll IJlllllll avenac sale ml Ille tboupt 1h11 wu whal Council 1011 or concumld on. Ma. llnllllhaw llld thal Ille jUlt aeoiled to reviall thal bccallle it just rally got Wider ber lkin ... how daR be talk Iha! way and be condcscendin& and rude. And, she said, lhc would hope that whoever deals with Mr. Moran would convey that io him. Mayor Burns said he didn' know whether they could get a response lonisht from our CCIIIIUltalu OD Iha! ooe, but be lhoughl Iha! was an impo,11111 point (iv) Council Member Gmulil: I. She !hanked Siu Fonda and Gary Sean for lhe Water Board lour. She said ii was quite informative. 2. She advised then: was a lot or graffiti this last wcek, in the alley ways between Lincoln and Broadway. For th: first time they wen: not hit, she said, bul everyone around lhem was and Iha! is 1101 or businesses. II is in bolh nod and blue, so ii means both or them wen: coming down tbc way and ii was as far as she could sec either way. Ms . Grazulis said she was going to go across Acoma, 10 sec if they bad hit them, but she didn't 3. She asked if Englewood had a fue lrudt in th: parade today , all of the other cities did and.they wen: showing off all or their new fin: bucks. • City Manager Sean advised we actually got a Clll on that and ii was fine lo go ahead and do that, bnl at tbc • last minUle Ibey decided 00110 ask us lo come in. Ile asktd Director Olsoo if that was right Director Olson said he would t,,, llll'P)' lo Lalk aboul that, because ii is a son: point with him. Lost week, approximately Thwtday, we g01 a call from this priV3I< finn that was helping coordinale this parade ... bc thouglll for the Broncos, but be wun'I quite sun:. He advised Ibey asked if they could have a couple, maybe one 10 IWO , or our fin: apparatus in tbc parade. He told them that sounded great , lhal we would be happy lo do that Of course, he noted, be didn't ask how we would be n:imbur>cd for a:1 oftbc fuel and everything, which is another issue. But he said, we agreed lo do Iha! and U,c orxl day, for whatever n:ason, after a meeting some of the honchos had. which included Butch Montoya, who he had tallted 10 about ii. .. and he was kind or swprised. Actually he had sccn him earlier in the morning a...i said •gee, I didn, know we w:n: going lo have a parade for tbc Broncos, Iha! I found thal oul because ", wen: asked to have a couple of our fin: appanlu.• in then:.• Mr. Olson said Mr. Montoya gave him a look like "what an: you tallting about?" and sure enough aboul three hours later we go! a call !hat said we don'I need you anymon:. So, be said, he was upset by that and thought that was an issue between Denver and the suburbs. And at 9:30 last night after the game, be n:cc' ,ed a pager Clll and they said now wr. need your fue bucks and we want to sec if you can put them in. D=10r Olson said he asked when they would need them and was tcld tomorrow morning. He said his decision was then: was no way, lhat they don'I call him al 9:30 on Sunday night before !his when you just lold me, the other day, no . Thal is why we di.1n, have anything in the parade, he said. And he wasn't sure how !he other h,,i jurisdictions did that but :;omchow U1ey had a few apparatus in . He pc,inled out we would have been happy lo do that iftbcy had gone along with the original plan, but they himed us down Friaay . Council Member Grazulis noted lhat they wen: just sh ow<asing Wcstmi!\Stcr, Castlcwocd and all their new nod 1rucks and she just wondered. Dir.:ctorOlson said thal is the n:ason, otherwise we wc>.1ld ha,~ been UICl'C ... but at 9:30 Sunday night, be • "11511'1 goin,g 10 commiL Ms. Grazulis thanked him and said she was just wondering. • • Ea&tew'"" City Couacll J .. n,ary I, 19" .... 15 (V) Council Member Wagoner. 11 lb ""'~•l • f II.rt Ji l •1 1. He ukod if Ibey were aolng 10 do anything with Che Boan! and Commission vacanc1... He nu1od ii indicalel hat chat we review our membenhlp after every new appointment or election. lfwe -d 10 a..~ OD chat he said. he -,Id make a motion chat WO keep Che SIIIIC positloos and let Julie Clnlzuli1 fill in where Lami Clapp was. lfil likes a motion. he said, orwllatcvcril takes . City Attorney en11zr. ... o ,. ! no, just a -or Council. Council agrocd to Che sull(Slion. So, Council Member Gnzulis notod, she is on Che Public Libmy Boanl and School/City. 2. He ukeci where we are on Che For,st City leasing. ifwe have heard anything from Chem at all. City Manager Sears advised Ibey would cover that I-in the meeting. 3, He asked about Che DROP program for Che Englewood Employee Association . II seems like we have been working on Iha! for aboul lwo years now, he said, and it seems like ii is about time Chat we gel off Che dime and get It going. Cooncil Member Brad!haw said Che non-emergency board is working on Chai right now. She askl"'I Rick Kahm. chairman of Che Retirement Board. 10 address Chis issue. Mr. Kalun advised lhat he approached Council al a Study Session several months ago, early in Che fall, and Che din:ction was to go back to Che Board and come back 10 Council wiU1 it. He staled Chai he and Roberta Skrivan are Che members Chat are elected by Che employea, and Ibey felt like more input was noecied from the employees and Che mirees. We delayed our action. he advised, and held a series or meet!ngs in Da:cmbcr. We have been back lo Che Retiremenl Board now and will be coming to Council in a Study !.eosion real soon . Director Gryglcwicz will be scheduling lhal he advised , and we will brini our recommendations back to Council. We think we have a oonscnsus of the employees now and so we really have some good din:ction. Mr. Waggoner asked if we are talking about lhrte weeks or a month. Director Gryglcwicz said it would be more Chan a nN>nlh because Che schedule is fairly full. We are looking at engaging an attorney co update the plans. he said, so we are moving ahead on it We just wan1ed to make sure Chat Che employees were comfortable with what wc poposcd. We originally looked at a five year DROP, he said. and now we are looking al reducing Chai and maybe some additional benefits lo mirees, so ii gives a benefit f?r :urrenl employees and cumnt rctir= as well . Mr. Waggoner asked if \\Ute looking al about a month. Chen. Mr. Gryglcwicz said it ,.;u probably lake another three months 10 get in place, because our attorney is actually working on i' right now. It is moving ahead as quickly as ii can. actually, he said. Mr. Waggoner said it just SC"Cms like an awful long time since we have been working on ii for qu~, awhile. We brought Chis up about a year and a half ago. or lwO years ago, Mr. Kzhm said as soon as lhcrc is an opening al a Study Session wc could gel back to Council and at lca..1 dlscuss where we Chink lhc rmployces a.re and what oor rccommcnd3tioe would be, and get wme addltional direction. Mr. Gryglcwicz advised Chat we did an actuarial study on Chis. which did lake some time, and Che Board does l10I meet very often and Chere is alwa)~ • study presented, and then you have 10 wait in between meetings. so lhat does lake some time . Mr. Waggoner said it seems like even Council was privy 10 Che actuarial study Chai v,115 done a year and a half ago. Mr. Gryglewicz said he dld not Chink ii was quite a year and a half, but ,.,. did come back and we shared with Cooncil th3! it \\115 a fairly expensive program to inltodua: for a five year DROP. And Chai ......... City Cc,ucll Fellnary I, 1999 , .. 1, would DOI pe any new beodlts lo our current Rlirca,., we WCIII bock 111d...,. lo a more COllljllOIIUIUII polltloa oo we could give IOllldhlllg lo both tbc current rotiRCS and tbc CUl10III employt.ci. Mr. w....-said ii lltfflll lik& we llllta! lllkiq llbol;t it a liUJc belo,c Allnn ll:lllllly IWtod 011 It Mr. Gry&Jewlcz aid be tbinb ~ WU II aboul tbc amc lime. Mr. Kahm aid be -loaking al dial Ille Giber day, 1111d we aaually blaus(,I dial bock to Couacil when we bad lbc awnbcn and tbc -for I llve year DROP, and that was eitbcr in ••ally lite August or early Sq,cember. 'J'bm, bu boca _,. time 11111 bu plSIOd, be allowed, and put or that is bccaUR "" fdt wc needed 1o talk to employoos and make '""' wc wen, doin1 somclhing 11111 was in everyone's bat~ Tbeconcan is dial the plan cloean'tbave •- or living beodlt buih inlo i~ and how "" have been handling that ... , tbc years is by doiDt it 011111 ad bot basis as then, is money available in lbc plan. Our concern is that lbc five year DROP is a rally expensive program 111d thal could rally hwt our chaaoos of being able lo do any ad hoc cost of livinc incraa for rairoos, so wc wanb:d to nnke sure ..., wcro finding I balance and wc think we hive a roc:ommeadation lhal lbc cmoloyoos support now. Ccuncil Member Waggoner said lbc ru,: Dcpartmcn~ at the time, was talking abovt going with tbc State plan. He asked if they did that Mr. Gryglcwicz said the police and fu,: aro both looking II C"lllinl the same attorney lhal will update this plan and they aro going to move forward at lbc same time 1h11 non- emc,g,,ncy will , and they will mimlr tbcirs allt:r lbc State plan. Mr. Waggoner ask..t how 111111)' years Aurnrn passed. if it was throe or five . Mr. Gryglewicz said he thinks they aro ll fivc for polia: and firo. Mr. Wauoncr asked if police and fu,: aro going for five years hero, to which Mr. Gryglewicz rospondcd affinnalivdy. City Manager Scars said ..., will do a follow up "ith you. He acknowledged that tbc ncxl couple or meetings aro potty ti~ but wc can shoot for lbc fizR meeting in March to do a follow up. (vi) Council Member Habenicht: I . She U.anlced Council Member Nabholz for bringing up the concern about c,~tural arts, and extended an invitation to visit with Director Blaclt because he could probably state what is happening moro specifically and l<Chnically comet. She said it givos her a (!IQI deal of gratification to know that Ulis is being talked about in lbc community, and that pccplc aro really looking forward h> socing a ::ultural proscncc II tbc Ciadcrclla City site, and that it is going lo happen and that they rcally caro about ii bcins something lhal serves lbc wllole communir •. She said she feds you can rest assured that the Cultwal Arts Commission is rcally very strongly rcllccti11g all of those concerns and is looking for something really positive. Ms. Habenicht said she understands lhal there is going to be a joint SIUdy session, so bopcfully that will be good . It sort of makes me feel good, she add,d, to know that wc an: talking about i~ it is terrific. 2. She thanked Council M,:-,.i,c; !!radshaw for bringing up lbc concerns about the rotail II Ciadcrdla City and marketing that. She s,cid she agree> with Ms . Bradshaw and that she gets a little worried when wc talk about just Wlll.ling to have the highest m"Cnuo produo,r of certain categories. She opined that wc ...Uy need to go beyond lhaL The highest revenue producers probably an: lbc biggest discount houses, and she thinks what wc really want lo soc llv.te is a lot of shopping availability . Ms. Habenicht said she has had a nwnbcr of citizc11S call her. Most roc,nUy Marj ,ne Fitzgmld called and she iadicab:d 11'a1 she would like 10 sce a place whero she can go bur a dress. ail<! that she didn ·1 think that Wal-Mart or Kmart or any uf tho!e pla<es aro the kind of place whcie she can r.o get a dress tc wear lo churdl. Like Lauri Clapp said beforo she left, the kind of place where you can go to buy carocr cloUICS. wbero a carocr womau can do that. We have a lot of wom:n who w ,rk in offices in this an:a and, she said, she wants to make sure that that is put of what you aro saying. • • • • • 111...,._ City CoallCII , .. .....,,,11199 Pqel7 I, o l I') boo~, o3 '•{ I 11 '(1 v,d I ,1 3. Sbe tllncd .....,_ far the q,po,1 oftbo Molropalillll Mayon' and Commllliaen' Yolllb Awards prognm. It has been -and dear ID my bst fiJr a lll!Dber or,-., llhe llld, and It ..uy ii I special prognm. It is 1,ri<jllO and thesc kids are pbenomenal. 4. Sbe aid the memben of the Culhnl Alls Commlaion and the P1anning and Zonillg Comalilolcllt and llaffbave been working with pc<ll'lc from Rm OIi iii II tbe mdon. Council Member Cllamlil allaldod tbe IIIOding where we had I poup mlowing tbe applicallom, lhe llid, the tt.rleen ~ for 11111 the statlon. There wen, (11'01'01l11 IJOIII oot and tbe pmpoal1 1h11 ,..,. ,mt back ID m ,..,. pbcoomcaal, Ille said, and we have oelected llve to bring In IIJr in1CmeW1 and hopd'ally we'll maloe a llnal sdcctlon from 1h11 viewpoint. The lflllity or the III and the anisu, llhe lllled. -pbenomellll. Ml. llabcnicbl said she thought what we,..,. looking for Is tbe thing 1h11 best rdlCCb our c:onummky allll tllll which would be most durable. She added 1h11 it -roally nice having Council Member Gnmlis then,, Ms. Grazulls said !hero was also so many difl'eront things that could be applied tcnvards difl'ereat aras or the new buildings that.,. going up. We just need 10 work on funding and money. Ms. Habcnicl4 suggested that each dcplllmcnl could talce an Ill project. and taking a look at some tllal we had, and maybe incorporating them into their design . Mayor Bums said he thought it was mcntiollcd 61 a rotiromcnl party th.it he attcn.Jcd Friday night at Rm, and they were very exciled about it. Mayor Bums said, speaking or slreel cuts, thcro i.; one that cxtc,.._, ftom Fox almost all the way to Broadway on Kenyon thal was just done prott· ragged. Yoo don 't drive over it. it5 undcmcalh your car, bul it doesn't look like lhe s.-hcst cover. Mr. Kahm said this is on the same schedule as Public Service. They 'll do Logan first, then moving over to Clarkson, because we have a similar siluation on Clarkson, and Kenyon is next on the li51. Mayor Bums asked whal they wcro doing there. Mr. Kahm said Ibey .,. roplacing gas lines, gas mains. throughout the City, and ii is a tough time or year lo patch , but they.,. working on lhosc and they are not allowed 10 open up any additional cuts until they have corrected those. 13. City M ■nlFr'I Report a) City Manager Sears advised that we had a really good day or discussions wilh Rm this morning and Wal-Mart lhis afternoon, and the roview wilh ow ,uomey, Mike Miller, at noon. ropnling an update on the Slatus or the agn,ement5, and many or lhesc issues we can talk about Maril.., Utter had sent one of these 10 us earlier, but City Allomey Brotzman and I both had some concemsabol/t some ofthis. as it is changing on an hourly basis almost as lhe discussions conlinue going on. He apolog iml for banding Ibis out late . He said as a result of our meeting wilh RTD. ifwc can get their board app,oval , stalfis planning to meet wilh lhem on February 16'", which means that we will nol have a Study Session that nigh~ just go into lhe rogular meeting. We will plan lo do about a half hour prcs,ntation that evening on the status of the project wilh them before wc get into some of the hard dollar <OS1S for both the bridge and the parking SlruC1ulO tbll wc have Identified as being nccdcd for the project. We will let Council kMw about that in 1erms or changing lhe Study Session for Iha! evening just as soon as we get some form of confirmation from lhcm . Mayor Bums asked iflhal would l ·a RTD'• Study Session . Mr. Sears said it would be Rm', Study Session at the Rm offia:s . lqlewood Clly COllncll Febnaary I, 1999 Pqell Mr. s.n u11a1 Dircc:lor s...-and Marilee uucr ro go CNC1 lbc 1111111 or the pojcct, addiat that be ubd Barnhart IO come hae tllil evening IO talk about Ille 11111111 ol'tbe Identity. Dim:tor Simpoon said ii ,corned n:aJ appropriate !hat it wu brougbl up about the issue of whero we are on lllllling. He advised that we ba\'C a lot of DN>mentum SW1ing IO happen on thi5 project lie apeed wilh City Mampr S... that the~ day 'MS spent lalking about all tbe issues ISSOCialcd wilh il The good now1 is 1h11 it looks like lhe end is in sisht on "'"' 'the lcpl rtlatcd issues in lhat we are aoin& robe al>lc to OYClllually 111m this °""r ro all lhe dc\'Clope, • , start doins tbeir pan of lhe job. We are n:aJ excited about tbal pan, be added. Mr. Simpson said what i, <''=s Ill to SWI n:aJizins is lhat we ba\'C I Ulllc 1111011111 of time now to start addressing lhe issue of i•· . I\C and name. It is a n:aJ impor1allt pan thal, 11 lcut fo, aomc of 111, bu been able to be delayed and allowed us IO wOllt on ,ome other issues. It is clearly a ve,y imporlanl issue, he said. Whal aunts ro mind is lhal we are lookins to try to clo,e thi5 pojccl Crom a contractual standpoint wilh Millcr/Wcinpru:n. for lhe City and all tbe rest of the playcR, near the end of March or, 11 the \'Cl)' latest, early April . Wl"11 it brinp about is the fact Iha! we rally have to set 1i0111C things in place, nnd lhat is lhc name. What we ba,-c tonight to discuss with Council , and Tcny Barnhart is going lo go D\'Cr it in groat detail o, ho,.-cver inuch detail yoo wanL IS a proposal . We think it is approrriatc lhat Council name the project. and so, as a result of Iha! kind of stan. ,.,. asked him to pul together a proposal for Council 10 discuss tonight Our thought was lhat ·: ls appropriate for Council 10 name this, wc originally bad lalkod about potentially having some participation from the dC\'Clopers . This bas been one of lhosc bard issues Iha!,.,. have struggbl with, and it is not an easy one, because it is one of those intangibles . How do you gel to the name, he asked Then: arc a variety of "~YS. and it is a tough one, but it is an imponant one, and not one to be bikcn lighdy. So, ,.,. n:ally thoughL do wc have Ibo developers helping lo do it? We need 10 consult wilh th= like we do on everything else, bul r-cally it is a • Council issue, and lhat is why Olis proposal is coming hen: 10!1ighl he said . The timing is rc,lly imponant, • and it is drawing near, so wc nccd to address this. As a final preface, wc !hink it is important lhal Cowx:il take a ve,y active role in this process, he said. If this proposal isn 't righl orwc don'• wanl to go this way, or you just want lo come up with a name , we just need to undCl1W1d lhltl. We need to be able IO move on this because wc have had a lot ofpooplc asking what wc an: going to call this, is it Cinderella City, is ii Englewood Town Center, what is it? Whal,.,. an: proposing is lhal February 22"', which is kind or.n open Study Session nigh~ be ,ct aside for about a lwn hour discussioit Mr. Simpson sai~ lhal Tcny Barnhart, the owner and principal of Barnhart Ad\-crtising, is ve,y effective and wonderful 10 worlt with and UDdcrstands municipalities, and ,.,. have bcr.n n:ally trying to help hitn through th is issue. Marilee Uu,r is bcr'C also, he said , so we can n:ally worlt through lhcsc issues and sec if we can ansv.-cr your questions. Mr. Bamhar'i said he would like to lake the,., through this, it is only a Lillle over a page long. We tried to malcc it as brief and to U,c point as we could , h.: said . What we an: proposing hen: is lhal wc move '•rwand with lhc initial marit,ting componcuts of lhe project, ,.;th the date, as Mr. Simpson mentioned earli er, late Mardi or early April . Our fer.l ing is Iha! wc now hav-c a deadline lhat we have 10 rut When Iha! closes, wc i..,-c run out of !'me, so, hopefully, bel\\'CCn now aud then. we have some time lo 1:ct together and develop an image that evc,ybody agn:cs with on Council . lhat is something you an: proud ,,f. A name that goes wilh lhat image, and then the logo. and graphics Iha! have 10 be designed lo n:prcscn1 Iha! image . Finally, he said. wc recommend a graphic standards manual wbcr'C, if you have a printer or any vendor take that logo, lhal Ibey ~-how lo u.<e ii propcily, what color, what size, etc . The first step in the process, he adviscJ, as t,.r. Simpson mentioned ifwc can do this a1 the S1udy Scssiou ofFcbrua.,y 22"', when: wc will come up with lhrcc sccnarios from an image standpoint lhal an: •,cry diJTcn,nt Tho,e scenarios will have names attached with thcnt They will not ncccssarily be narucs we an: r=mmending, but names lhal fit the imagcl)f cach one ofd1csc diffen:n1 approaches. Ou1of lh.0L what wc hope to get from Council, is so me agn:cmcnt on which of th e lhrcc you think is the most appropriate fortJv, project . II is possible Uiat we might take clements of one, and move it over 10 clements of the other. Mr. Barnhart said he dunks thi s is a way to cut ro the quick, and get something on the table, when: u can say lhat is 1101 us, or lhal 's us exactly, and wc can mi x and match , or what ever. We would come ou of lha1 two-hour sessio n, hopefully, wiU1 a clear image of what du s dc\'elopmcnl needs to be and its position in the marltc1pL1c, From Iha~ he • • • lqlrwood City Couacll Pebroary I, 1999 Pace 19 cortinued, we will go bodt 10 the dmring boanls and come up with names dill will ftl lhal imap. If we happen 10 hit k the night lhat we.,. that, Iha! would be grat. but 1 don't 11,1m we will, be 111d. 11ao names will be vo,y much like the gem,: or names 1m1 wc will come up with ror each one at lbelC COIICqlll, but we don 't expect you lo say we love Ibis name, leis go with il We know the pvcn is lhatEnal- probably has lo be in the name somewhere, Englewood blank. blank. or Englewood blank, buL beyond lhat, it is orcn for discussion. We would Ilk• wort with you, no more brainstonning. wc arc beyond the concept stuff, in the sense 1h11 we an: ,_ down lo some rally finite clements lhat IO ~ lbelC thrcc dlll"cn:nl images. That ii lhc way we see il Between,_ and Febnwy 22", we'll ga ready, he aid, and lhis will be a very substantive prcscnlalion. There will be a lot of wort Iha! will go inlo it. and I feel very conlldcm. b2JCd on lhc • Illar we h.we gotten from you so far, lhal we will come out of lhal with some agreement or, lhc dir<Clion. And lhen ii is a msltcr of us going back and then coming baclc 10 you with names and lkn, out oflha~ we'll do logo designs and give you several choices. So lhis really gets us, from a ma,t,-;ng pcnpcctive, fro.n where we an: now, which is a lot or concq,tual discussion and input. to aCIUal !J having a name and a logo and somelhing d•t when we hit lhe latter pan of March, early Apri~ when lhe tlosi.,gs take place, lhat wc arc ready . We can give ii lo lhe media. we cm answer questions, and thcrr IS no confusion at all . It will be done with clarity and with 100% agrccmcnL Mr. Barnhart aUO\\cd that he was not saying that everyone was going to agree with cvcrylhing or each or tliesc three concepts. but lhat ~ consensus would be anivcd •l and that "~ would be proud and happy with the tone and Sl)'lc lhat is put inlo Ibis project . From then on, that is kind or the mold that everything falls into place with for years lo come . We have had discussions with the developers, with Marilee Ullc~s and Bob Simpson's help, be said, and they arc w .. uug and anxious to fold their dcvclopmcnls int•, lhal name and image style. They arc anxious, as well, lo sec the City go ahead and do lhi, naming and imaging, he concluded . Director Simpson invited Co mci ' to ask questions. Council Member Habenicht n:callcd Iha~ when this was discussed previously, Council Member Bradshaw had asked if the developers were going to help pay for Ibis . Director Simpson responded th.it ii was dis.usscd, and Skip Miller indicated that he would be willing lo pay for i~ just as soo n as his contract is signed. We came up with this as a means lo get this moving, he advised, and ii n:ally i, appropriate for Council to name Ibis, since it is your project. and "~ have been the ones that have !.ecn going forward and doing it, and we.,. Slill doing il Mr. Simpson said be thinks it is very appropnP.tc . We will certainly take their issue. and t! ..ir ideas, in,o account to some cxtcn~ bu~ he opined, ifwc wait on Miller/Wcingancn and Fon:sl City,"~ could ho looking at swnmcr. C:mn.:il Member Waggoner said we didn't plan on '-"'3iting for them.just gelling lhcm to pay for i:. Mr. Simpson said we could address lhal in their contracts. Marilee Utter said she secs Ibis as the bare minimum lhat "~ need lo rlo. We have 10 make a decision on the name, we have 10 pick a logo, and lalk about how this devrlopmcnt is going lo be positioned in Ille City and what ii means. We need to coordinate lhat with the developers so that they use it when they go 0111 and spend their hundreds of thousands or dollars a year marketing their respective parts. and so we will do that. But, she said, ii seems that this is a good compromise . It is the goidcn rule, we arc paying, wc get to be in control, we will h,,nd it to them , and lhen they will take it from lhc,-c. by and large . COUNCIL M£1 :BER HABENICHT MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO SUPPORT THIS PROPOSAL. Council Mcmb.:r ~radshaw said someone asked her what C\~r happened to all the nan1cs that the citizens sub milled. She sa id she dian 't know if anyone else had questions about that. but we s.1id please sub mil name.\, and no~ ~c arc still sittiug l1crc with no name . Mayor Bums said they were submitted. and we went through the whole liSL and. to his lcnowledgc , they have not been disregarded . Director Simpson said they have not been disregarded, and lhe important thing is lhat "~ absolutely have lo llll<c into 3CCOunt. nol only those names, but none or lhe efforts that have gone into Ibis issue lo date, which is meeting with Council and staff, is going to go undone . It is all valuable, and was great information gathering. he said. It is a lot of information lint Mr. Barnhart is going lo be able Easlewood Chy C•acll Ftllnary I, 1999 Pap20 ., t~nt I n1u11h".( 11 1:.1-J to ... in Flin&,. paoilionin&-Mr. Simpsoa said be feels lhat bu bccn Ibo suuaJc, bow do )'OU pl"' the inllnplc iauc of what is a._ and what ii aa iJmF, and lhal is DOI euy. Cenainly, evcrytlaiq dial bu ..... inlo this isllll: to dale mould DOI be dilRpnlcd, and we 11c llOI. We have thal, aad ii will be c:onsidcffll. Cowicil Member Wagoner rccallcd lilal, a while hack , we wen: going to llllt to RlD to a bow they felt about calling it IOIIIClhiog like llampdeo SlaliorL He asked what tbcir rc,ponsc was to calling ii Englewood SWlan or somdbiug Ukc thal. Mr. Simplon said ii was kind of mixed. It -that they 1""'e a policy that they like to go by in naming of stalions. He said he was talking with Susan Alla today about this issue, and it is oac of~ thinp that ~y has been asking about this namc. She said 1h11 she would be submitting a letter to the City w ,thin tJ,c next week that will say that if you have a dill'creat aame fr,; the station than wb:!t we an: sdcclin& then you occd lo let us know right away, so thl iauc i;; aJlllUl8 forward. Marilee Utter said they haven 't bccn w:ry cocouraging thus far. and th,s is a big move for them to dlan¥C the name But if that's what we want to do. then w: have to tell them. Mr. Simpson said they would consider iL Mr. Wagoner asked e•;en if it was Englewood SlaliorL Mr. Simpson said be felt even if it was Englewood Station, they would absolutely entertain the idea onJ consider iL and they may do it. He said be didn't think there was any colllll1CIII that they wouldn't. Susan Altes mentioned the issue today so that we could begin lo addn:ss iL City Ma!lllgcr Scars said, as be widcnlood with lhcm originally, to stay consistcnL they wanted to stay with the ,wne, of ,be Sln:clS . Our way of approaching that, through this naming process. by naming that pta,.a Slroct th,\ goes an,und then:. that would acwally be the identified station loc:atiOIL Mr. Scars said ... are a li~le bit open and can take it back to them and say it is DOI Hampden, it n:ally is whatever the name is for that plaza roadway, and that is how we \\en: going to get around iL Their policy is pretty strict lhal they want to call it the name of that lllCCl. "' it is con.<istem throughout the line. Council Mcrnbcr Wagoner said then ,.. call it Englewood Cirtle. Ms. Una sa;d their concern is that they have a lot of dcvclopcrs who wanl the stations named after their various developments. and you ca• ~ ~ the pn:ccdcnt they an: concerned abouL Council Member Habenicht. said she thinks this is a n:ally impo11anl is.sue, and felt we an: pillbably the lint city in the metro •n:a. outsi:lc of Denver, who has had to deal with this issue. She said she thinks that within the CitY and County of Denver it was all Denver, but as light rail is moving out into the inner ring and the suburbs, there is tlv,t identity oocd that is out thert . She said perhaps if we could talk to our n:prescntativcs, she felt they could undclS!llld and recognize that we a,e not just talking about a dcvelopmcn~ :.it 1>c oocd tD maybe offer some of this to our municipalities. Maybe it could even be brought up ;;t the MayoB' Caucus, she suggested, to get some support on that then:. She said she agn,es that they shouldn't have to be at the beck and ""11 of every developer that happens to have pn,pc:rty on one of their stations. but for the.community itsr.lfto have input in something like this is the citizcn•s rig:1t Council Member Garrett ~lid you ha,~ the fundamenta '. issue. when they go southeast. an: lhoy going to have Hampden Station Southeast Linc? Mr. Simpson said 11~ actually have addressed that issue, and that is one of the n:asons we thought that coming up with a unique name hert would help them . He said be thinks they an: willing to consider thaL Council Member Bradshaw said she doesn 't think Council has the expertise to do the logo and all tlus other stuff. Names an: one thing. Mayor Burns said he likes the approach 111th the pos ition'ng al tcmati\'es, ;, helps you get lo a na:nc:. That • is attractive lo me, he said • • la&lewoed City c-11 , .. ....,.1,1999 Pqell Vote,-Jb: Motion carried. Ayes: Cooncil Members Nal,bolz, GIIT<tt, Br.dshaw, Habenlcl!!, Waggoner, Clruulis, Bums Nays : None (b) City Manager S--·aid there wen, a couple of Olhcr issues that wen, broughl up. He asked Ms. Uner to discuss the sta . the Forest City Issue and any Olhcr II•= Ms. Uncr said It is always a challenge on these stau1 ropons to decide how much detail to put into them, because they could be ten pages long, or one page long. She said she would highlight !llmc or the points, and then ti)' to answer the questions :md the comments made cao :·, and any othm Council mlgltt line. Obviously, t1c demolition is going beautilWly, and it is one of ti> Dl:II rnuteting tools"" haw rilbt now. Mayor Bums said there has been a lol of comments on il Ms. Utter said it is unbelievable to occ, ., Iba! is very good news and Mr. Kahm is doin~a grcaljob with it. The Wal-Man design is proceeding, shcaid, and "" .,. talking to them intensely ,and regularly. This is the first building that you arc going to occ. It is a contJOVersial building to begin with, she allowed. It is a challenge from a design standpoint bccaulc it is ""' IWJ blncks long , so cr<ating a visual design that blends in with the rest of the town center is designed on four sides, is complimentary, the new neighborhoods that wc are creating, "'1d the neighborhoods Iba! arc there, is challenging. We arc worlting with them very closely, and thC'J a< going to get back to us. We are proposing and counter proposing designs. Ms. Utter said she w.ints Council to know there is a lot of attcnbon being paid to thal The bridge design is also a very sensitive issue . The bridge is important as a galcw.ly into our project, she stated. On the oth,:rhand, it can 't be the Taj Mahal, as the budget is tied closely to the funding"' ~ct from RID . AJ Mr. Scars mentioned, ""arc right in the throws cf going to them and wc are encouraged, Ill<! the stair is just being spco:tacular to worlt with. so "' arc optimistic. On the other hand, she said, that design is fragile, so that is also, right now, being dc;igned and being looked at and scrutinized very carefully. Ms. Uttt:r said she thinks "' arc actually going to try to cut the budget on that a biL from the number Ccw,cil saw b.,fcrc, which was $2 .9 r jllicn. and that is based on some of the indications we are getting from the RTD stair about the funding, and also from talking with David Tryba about how much you have to spend. What is an appropriate level here, and still get the same effect. He has been very encouraging that 11< can cut tlic budget and still get an adequate bridge . In terms of dc.<lgn issues, she said, that bridge, right now, i, probably tile most interesting one . The panting structure is being designed , which is getting us boner number.:, an1 counting the SjXICCS beucr than we have ever been able to before. Ms Uucr said she think, those arc prooably the most important design issues . Regarding the RTD funding, she n,laied that they are pleased 'l\e might ha,·c a chance to go to the Study Session in February with the RTD Board . That presentation will not be a detailed financial presentation, most likely, it will be much :non, ofan introduction . 1'1,;:y don 't e,·cn know about this project, she said, so"' will try lo do slides and models and explain what t111nsit oriented development means , and get them enthusiastic and proud and feel a sense of owncrwp in tl10 project. Probably in March, the staff will go back to them with a specific funding n,q""51, and hopcfuliy -.e will have that feedback in Marth, which is very important to us . We need 10 lie down this budget, she emphasized. All those design is.. :s should be resolved ifwc have the RTD funding at that point The other good ne-.s, from a financial standpoinl is tltis TEA-21 GranL We were selected to submit a proposa l and that is very, very, very encouraging . Susan Altr,; indicated that we shoul~ hear about that in Man:h . as -.,11 . So, all that leads us up to being able 10 close the r<lntracts, because we really have Ute master plan."' really have the budget, we have all the funding sources in place, and everybody can sign al the end cf March . Probabl y the ,nost dynamic thing that is going on right now, she said, is getting all these crazy documents in place . II is so complicated, because every de,<lopcr has many documents that they have to sign, and then e,<ry document is also att>chcd to other people 's contracts . Wal-Mart wants to sec the Millcr/Weingar1en "-mcnl e,·erybody w.ints 10 !le sure there is going to be Forest City in the middle, and so"' arc now at the stage-.ilcn, all of these developers arc gCl1 ·ng together. Everybody is talking about cvcrybodJ else 's deal , Ql1d they have to agree on the CAM (Common Arca Maintenance), and they have to agree on tllC aoss casement agreements, the shared parting, and so it is pn,ny hairy right now -.ith the docu .. 1cnts. she said. Bul we arc mo,ing forward, and .....,._.CllyCouacll F•naryl,IM .... " Ibis week, in pu1icullr, !here will be ICVCral docwneftU OUL We J101 Ibo Forcsl Cil)' ..,.._ OIi! to !ban Jul Friday, a promised, and Ibey wore dclipled ud are pli11 to oy III sJve III a quid< rmn ot1 lllal. They just pyc her brief -and lhcre dilk1 't IOUDd lilrc lhcre -,Id be Ill)' deal brabrs 111 thn. Thon: mouldn\ llho opined. But thoro.,. alsoalol afOlbor ..,_. that tboy ....t to look 11, lilrc a dovoloplllOIII qn,omonL and IO on, IO WO have a linlo ways to ,.0 with lhom . But that ii '1XMIII Alcwanl oicoly. Millor/Wcinganon, wo have just one or two issues with tbom. They an, anxious to pt tbdt qreemeu1 daac because they blow how impolllDI it ii to evo,ybody dso. Rcpnllna Wal-Man, Ml. Uaer aid llho thinks wo are J11S1 Ibo ~ isluos oa tho docwnads. ~ ii really more llbout tho_,., ript oow !ban aoything dso. So, she said, wo an: n:ally moving forward wdJ with Id. n-documollll. then, we have said loll do,e Man:h 2~. and that ii really what broupt oa this prmwe for Ibo name aad Ibo J)OlitiOIIUl&, because what. logical time IO announce Ibo projocL Whal I pal prm IMIII IO ... all Ibo developers Jlncd up, have Ibo imagos. have Ibo -.-. and IIIIIOUll00 Ibo pn,ject. and ,..,. empt that Wal• Mart idoutil)', lhesaid. We roally want to make this cu idontil)'. in tonns of.ho f ,sing. Forest Cil)' bu biRd a mail lolslng person wbo wu. for a Joag time. with Sullma Hay ... so ho ii well vonal 11111 up to speed in Ibo raaiJ lll8lkot bore. As. rar as Ibo MiUor/Woinprtcn loasio,1, s'.io said, obviously tbal convcnatioa WIS DOI satisfactory. We need to go back to thal, llho opined. and got more comlortablo, have you more c:oauortablo. It would be approprialo to get more regular updat:s fiOJn them on who they are talking to and how It is going. It occurs to mo, she said. that they have no,'. yet showo us who Ibey are talkingaboul in which location . lf1,~ •:ould start so:ing tho layoot or what lallllts they are ;.,ltiJlg !O and including pllasc two. Tho phase two 'J&fOCment lorminalos in Ibo summer or 2000, so they have to be thinking about thaL she said. And. as tboy have said IO us. they are talking to tenants about phase two, tboy are roally looking forward to thal extra SJ11CO. Somehow, we need 10 be cor.sist'111 with wbal we have told them . They pvo us names. and they wore indeed Ibo oa'\JCS t:W they brought t,,, us before. We ii•• lhom approval on oamcs. she m:allcd, and they are acting OD 6,at approval. but that doosn 'I mean that we shoold be uncomfortable. Ms. Uucr suggested that she l.'C allowed to Ll1k to lhom and work up an opportunil)' for Council to visit with them ai;ain. if that is what Council would like to soc . Mayor Bums said ho thinks that is what tboy would like to see. Couacil Member Wa,Uonu asked what Ibo square footage WI Forest Cil)' is still looking al Ms . Uucr responded 1h11 their rocail square footage is 37,000 square feet at Iha poinl Mr. Waggonor asked if that is subject to cbangc. Ms. Utter said ii would be IWOaked a little bit by their ullimale dosign11d tboirdosign will be tweaked a little bit when we have to go through Ibo an:hitcctural appruvaJ pnx:css. !>avid Tryba. right DOW, ii putting togclhcr imagos of Ibo cinema. the rosidootial. UlC Wal-Mart and the Cil)' Hall building. and makin& sure that they are compatible and one imp,"15 anolhor. If we wore to go back to FORSI Cil)' aod say you have got 10 incroaso the size of this conior, it could change the retail by SOO or 1,000 feet Or they might add one more residential u: .~ or dclde one, and that could make a small dill'oionce. We have a minimum in tho contract. she said. because"~ .1on't wanl them to come back to us and say 15,000 feel thai is aU wo can do. Mr. Waggoner said so 37,000 is tho minimum . M~ Utter rospoodcd that it is. Council Member !tlbenicht said lhc stalus rcpon indicates that the cinema design is going ID be dclayrd by Mann because the now technical export is mic,.;ng conformance to now specs. She said she WIS wondering if this might be an appropriate lime ID bring in tho idea of lhoir, perhaps. including in tboir space a performance space th.u could be used for live performance, like our Ol'n Arapahoe Philhannonic and some or these oU,or groups . We have talked about that in the past. and ltjs seems like a good time to bring Iha up. she said. if there is a now technical export on board. Also, she said. she has been hearing scunlobutt around tho commWlily, that she would like ro 11<·,c addressed publicly, that Forest Cil)' has doWlliJ'3dcd the housing component from a more upscale now to a more subwban run of the mill kind of thing. She said she does not think that is tho case, but would like to have that addrosscd, the clw1&CS that have been made and ho, oy n:lato to a transit oricoled dcvolopmonL • • • • • la&lewlOd City COIIKII .... ,.11')'1,lffl Pap23 ,..,,.n3 (1 ind,{ ►t> ,q Ml. Utter aid she hu no ldcl where that came llom. ........ Ibey are dlrilled witb lbil clellp 11111 is m,lvillg. 111cy are 101111 to impoll It to otbor -'<111. lhey 1111 ,o exdled lllout It '111c ldcl tllll :,oo cu i..e a townhouse, instead of jusl I Rat ap■rtmen~ Ra ....ing on -floor, ... tllea haw• ,aacbed prase, is, I thn, terribly upocale, she said, and they do, too, which will emble them to raise their rmts more 1.1-.an they hove pojectcd o, expected to boCor•. Ms. Hlllenic:llt llid somehow U., -.I is g<alng out 111d ia filterillg la, 111d she felt It -~ to ■ddrell; ii publicly. Ms. Utter cad ,• fllru she knowa, 111d in berpenonal opinion, thalj .. &elVOl to impnlYc the pmduct dnimatlcally, •Jlld she Celt Council~ be very proud of that product. ln-attbe teclubcal delays II Mann, she !IW, ft is not ll!R wbll die technlc■I delay it, it has nolldn1 to do witb !Im pn,ject . She caid she 101 the in· 1 u ,--.Ion Ibey ■re briJlging in some new kduiic■I toy th■I they ■re Ullllllin5 in Ill or these cinemas, and ~ ,<. ""' said stop, we are not doing any design Wllil I make sure that it fill in 111d ICU you wllll the specs are. \Ve wii! llkc any opportunity to ,,Ilk to diem llloul lllis pcdomwice sp■ce, she Slid. We hive not beell wildly succe.•rul in the pul. but Iha doesn't mean we will stopllyinJ Council Member Habenlchl 11id she was sure the Cultural Arts Co1mnis,ion or the chair of lhc CullUnl Arts Commission would be happy to meel wilh son"--body !here, :o Lalk about how lhat culhlnl ' :;p■ce caald be coonlinlled to enhance their spoc:e and CJUI' spar.,, Ms. Uller llid she is conlacling the Wal-Mart communily affairs pc,son so Iha! we can stan !hose dialogues with them to undcrstllnd what !heir thoughlJ and inlmtions are for lhe communily and maybe give UM'.m some suge&lions, and we can do !he samelllin& wilh Mann. We will s<t in 1ouch wilh their people so U,,y can start meeting lhc communily and Wldentmd what lhc needs are. So, ,;., said she will do that . Council Member Waggoner 05ltcd ii" lhc Mann 'l1lcller transfer or ownership have any ncptive dlect 011 wllll happens here. Cily Manger Scan said Council Member Nabholz blOUghl Iha! in lonigh~ and :q,parently , a>rJIOralely, lh.,y are being sold. or talcm over by llll0lher company. Thal may have some inRuencc. ll looked like it was a mutual fund group. Council Member Nabholz said she did bring in lhc article, Ciry Manatcr Scan has ii, ard ii looks like it is jusl changing hands, and she could not find anything else on line .:xccpl in lloc New Yolk Post . Ms. Utter said it was not another cinema operator. it was just a financial transaction. They recently rccapilalizod lhcmsclvcs and lllis may Ir. pan oflhal , which we actually saw as extremely positive . In lhe whole transaction ii strenglhcncd !hem considerably. She said she would be real interested in seeing thal and will chcdt inlo il .Council Mr.mber Nnbhol z aikcd Ms. Ullcr if she had said !Ml Wal-Mart would be coming lo stan communications am.,ng !hr communil)' and lhc neighbors. Ms. Uucr said she has lhe name oflhe person who is !heir commUO:ly laaison . Ms. Nabholz asked lhal sloe be kepi informed wllh Iha! and incl u•cd. Council Member Habcnichl said she is also very anxious lo scc what lhc archilcclural design will , because she had 10 admil lhat she had lo hold her brealh lo keep from shrick:ng wilh ho1ror when you said it was going to be two city blocks. She said she had never quite seen lha1 and !hey had boiler look like lhc Taj Mahal, to l'lke up and make Iha! much or an imposition, !hey should look a whole heck or a lot betler lhan Cinderella Cily did . I ha ,e lhcsc hom,n; lhat lhcy migllt,'ust duplicate !hat she said. Ms. Habenicht said she is looking forward 10 seeing lhc archilcctun:, havi ng been lold Iha! she would be pleased . Ms . Uuer said we arc walking very hard and pushing !hem ,·c ,y hard , iflh.u 's any indication. Obviously, it is going to be your dec is ion . la.......,.i Clly C•ncU Febnwy I, 1999 Pqe:U Mr. Wv,ocr IS!'.cd iflllo pada have been wmed ou1. Ml. Uuu 111d pr.a,y--. We .. 11111 nidac Oft.._ fial dip lbr tbc Ulibtla IO Ibid• wbll lcYel ulilllill 1111 u,d M 11,r M In ..... IO i.... llllli. Far enougll thal wo cu giYC !lie lile lO Wal-Marl. Council Member Nabholz said the bod I call from -who WU concoraad dial ... -bwylaa W3lCr 111d .....,. tapl wider lhc Wal-Man pod. She liked if that ii whll the WU talllial lboul when the ,... bolld.na IIN>ul Ulililia. Ml. uncr aid no, it i1 • wllat lcYel ullUliel 1111 la Ellli Slrecl. Wo -to lower the --We haYC lhat ... chaqe. you CID ... ti dllmodcally -. and Ille qualiaD bn ii bow much lilJ do you put in, bccausc it-. money to pul fili, and how blah do you,,,. Ille...., willlaul ~ all tbc wlitiea. She Cllllllllelllcd lhal tbc-. change dnmatically. Ms. Nabllolz 111d., won not bwyillg anythina . Ms. Uncr aid no, we .,. .,..,. IJulyina lll)'lhin1, Council Member Bradshaw asked Mr. Kalun if we n buryina aaytllina. Mr. Kahm said we aro bwyina utilities lhat will n01 be utilized in tbc projoc1. In tbc cue of under tbc Wal-Man pad, tbcR ii an odd sized storm sewer that we will «move because it won 'I be ocedcd, tbcR is a water line that went under tbc Wal- Malt pad that is being abandoocd and Wll<r will be routed a diffcront way and we , , 11 re-roule tho lllllitary line. Tbcre is an overall utility plaa r.nd any utilities that a.. romable with the site coalipnlioa, will be saved and we will save those oosts . Then, will be a IOI of utilities that a.. abandoned, he addod 1111d that ii normal . You save what you can and save those CXJSU. Council Member Wauoncr asked if we a.. 10ng to have to dig up the ramp that used to come up from Joslins underncalh Elati. lie asked ifwc arc going to have to close Elati again. Mr. Kahm said, riabt now, that deck cxtcndcd about to the middle ofElati, and that was the qucslion that Ms . Ull<r WIS addrcallna beforo. Depending on the gJlldcs of existing utilities in Elati, we may lower Elati right lhroup that.,... by • lboula COOi and a hail, because we have to take that dcck out anyway. lfwc can do that without intafcriug with the lllililics in Elati Sm:et, we wiU do that, because thal bclpo the ,radial plan for the whole aitc . Olhcrwilc, we'll leave the Elati pdc where it is, but we will still have to like out lhat piece of deck 1\Dd robuild that piocc of Elati Street 14. C-11y Attorney's Report City Auomcy Bro1zman did not have any matters to bring bcforo Council . 15. Adjoum-■t MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN . The meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m ~;,tJ@l •