HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-01 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • I • J ~•o ~'"""illo1 ~e I , n I. Call to Order ENGLEWOOD ClTV COUNCIL ENGLF.WOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNT\', COLORADO lleptarS<uloa Mardi l, 1'99 t ,., •t Id 'fhe regular moctiJ,g of the E· ,glewood Clly Council was called 10 order by Mayor Bums 11 7:46 p.m. 2. lmlcatloa The invocation was given by Council Member Nabholz. 3. Pled&0 or Alfer,iar.ce The Pledge or Allegiance wos led by Mayor Bums. 4. Roll Call ,·t .nl: Aqoorum"'BSI"'' ,t Council Members Nabholz, Gmuiis, Garren, Bradshaw, llabcnich1, Waggoner, Bums None Jso present City Manager Scars Cily Auomcy Broczman City Clerk Ellis 5. ffl•ta [lircc1or Grv•Jcwic;z, F"inancial Services Dircclor Oli..., Safely Services (a) COt'NCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING or FEBRUARY 16, 1'99. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Garren. Bradshaw, Habenicht, Waggoner, Grazulis. Bums Nays: None Motion carried. 6. Sclledoaled Vbitors There wore no scheduled visi1011. 7. Noa-,cll,dulcd Vlliton ~re were no non-scheduled visilors. "· c ... ■aicatioas, Proclamation, and Appointmtnt.J There were no com.mwtications. procl.lmalions or appointments . 9. lll&kwood City C1N1nci1 Mardi I, 19!►. Pqel No public hearing wu scheduled befo~ Council. 10. Coa...,I Ar,ud1 (a) Approval ofOrdinanccs on Fint Readins COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVf. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (1) (I), (II), (UI), (Iv) and (v) ON nRST READING. (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 8, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NO . 140 TO 1llE SOU'Il!GATE SANIT • JON DISTRICT CONNECTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR lHE INCLUSION OF LAND WJTIIIN 1llE DISTRICT BOUNDARJES . (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO . 9. INTRODU l:ED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NO. 141 TO 1llE SOU'Il!GATE SANITATION DISTRICT CONNECTOR'S AGREEMF.NT FOR T rlE INCLUSION OF LAND WJTIIIN 1llE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES . (iii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 10, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BR.'DSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NO. 142 TOlHE SOtmlGATE SANITATION DISTRICT CONNECTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR lHE INCLUSION OFLAND WJTIIIN TIIE DISTRICT BQ<,'NDARIES . (iv) COUNCIL BILL NO . 11 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE A'.IT,iORIZING SOUTHP/.RK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT TO INSTAll A 12" PVC SANITARY SJiWERLINE IN A 22" STEEL CASING UNDER 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD'S RIGIIT-OF-WA Y F01\ 1llE CITY DITCH. (v) COUNCIL BILL NO . 14, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 12, CHA''TER 2, SECTION 7, PARAGRAPH A, Or 1llE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE. 1985 WHICH PERTAINS TO WASTEWATER LIMITATIONS ON DISCHARGE. Vote rr•lts: Ayes : Council Mcmt,crs Nabholz. Garrell . Bradshaw. Habenicht. Waggoner, Grazulis. Bums Nays : None Motion carried . lb) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading lllalewood City Coulldl M1ftll I, 1"9 ... 3 UO) tti) bonH:11!!.U 1\'<!f t d1ii.ll TbefC ...,,. no itema &ubminod for approval on second reading. (c) P.csolutioni and Moti0115 COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT \\<AS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (c) (I), (II) and (iii~ (i) PURCHASE OF A 314 TON PICKUP TRUCK FROM KING CHAMBERLAIN IN 11iE AMOUNT OF $22,981.00 . (ii) PURCHASE OF AN AIR CONDmONING CONDENSER FOR 11iE LITILETO~!IENGLEWOOD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PROM 11iE TRANE COMPANY IN 11iE AMOUNT OF $12,674 .00. ~ ·~·, (iii) CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Willi FARCON, INC. IN 11iE AMOUITT OF $47 ,390.00 FOR A NEW RESTROOM FACILITY AT BELLEVIEW PARK . VoteraultJ: Motion carried. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz, Garret~ Bradshaw, HabcniclU, Waggoner, Grazu!is. Burns Nays : None 11. Rqular Ai:,,nda (a) Approval ofOnlinanccs on First Reading (i) Director Grygle,.icz presented a recommendation from lhc City Cleric's Office and lhe Election Commission 10 adop( • bill for an ordinJncC ,..pportioning Cil)' Council Districts to comply wilh Cil)' Chancr n:qui,.mcnlS. He said lhis was discussed al Study Session last wcclt. Mayor Burns staled lhat lhc suggested cliange is to move a portion ofCounl)' P..cincl 107, lo Dislrict 2 from District I. The Cil)' Derk ..ad lhc council bill by tiUe : COUNCIL BILL NO. IS, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITT.E I , CHAPTERS , SECTION I, OFlliE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE I98S, RELATING TO REAPPORTIONMENT OF CITY COUNCll. DISTRICTS WllllIN 11iE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSBA W MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (1) (I)-COUNCIL BILL NO. 15. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Members Nabholz, Garret~ Bradshaw, Habcnich~ Waggoner, ( .llllis, Burns Nays: None (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading n,,,. we,. no items submillod for appn11-:1I oo second reading. l■slewood City Coanell Mardi I, 1999 ••• (c) Resolutions and Motions Then: wen: no additional n:solutions or motions submitted for approval . (See Agenda Item 10 • Consent Agenda.) 12 . Gaenl Dl,cuulo■ (a) Mayo(s Choice (i) Mayor Bums staled that Englewood was all over the pn:ss this morning, in the dailies, the Post and the News too. He said then: was a nice article on Transit Oricmcd Devclopmon1 end Englewood prominently mentioned. Mayor Bums Slated he was struck by one comment that said "lhc dilfcn:nce in Engl°"'"""' development is that U,c arc building it• Those an: the exact words the Fcdcral Transit Administtation officials told u., when we wen: in Washington al Thanksgiving, as far as the dilfcn:nl projects around the counlly. that was ,i nually the same thing they said, so he thinks Englewood can be very proud of that Mayor Bums commented that U1e 'article on the development project , so 10 speak . or McClellan Reservoir was pn:lty well done 100. Mayor Bums mentioned the aniclc in the News on the Speed Watch Program and Neighborhood Watch. He Mid that was insbuctionaJ for him and he didn'l realize it was working as well as ii is. Mayor Burns SU.led ii has bad quite an impact and he congratulated Nancy Peterson. Rick Kahm and Ladd Vostry wbo have all participat,'11 in that (ii) Mayor Bums congratulalcd Jon Manning from Englewood High School who woo the 215 poUDd wn:stling championship . He said it's the first time the championship has been won in En glewood since 1973. II was on the front page of the paper. and he thought ii was quite an achievement (iii) Mayor Bums said he had a lcner lo give 10 Council Member Habenicht it 's a copy or a letter to Jerrell Bl ac k which was sent to Ms . Habenicht at his address and he called DRCOG this morrling and told them 10 correct the addresses . Mayor Bums advised the Park and Rccn:ation Depanrncnt has done it again. they arc the Uurd place winner of the Local Government hinovation Awards for DRCOG , which \>ill be awarded al their il11nual dinner later this month. He said it's an award for the Golf for Fun Project. which is for handicappct1 at the Golf Course and it's quite an innovative program that Englewood has been working l>ith for scve:·al years . Council Member Habenicht added that she understands Parlts and Rccn:ation is going lo be taking a table and she also thinks ii would be good if the City would take a table too, both lo cclcbralc the aw-did and n:cognize the n:tin:ment ofBob Farley . She thinks it would be nice ifU1c City was full y n:pn:scnled . Mayor Bums said he thought we had a table last year . City Manager Scars advised we had a iablc last year and we can go ahead and do that this year. Council Member Habenicht commcm cd tha1 last year there was not enough .. , with one !able. (b) Coun cil Mcmbc(s Cho ice (i ) Council Member Nabhol z: I. Council Bill No . 17. approving the pun:hasc of 1hc Sk crriu home. was considered . The City Clerk n:ad the council biU by lillc : • • • bll<Wood City Council Marc• 1, t'.'99 ,11)f ""':.t!. I , .. s <.:OUNCIL BILL NO. 17, INl1lODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ ""I.I d·mM ~'>:! l A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING PURCHASE OF TI!E SKERRITT HOME. COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE COUNCILBO.LNO. 17. Mayor Bums said that Council bad a ditcussion aboul lhe pun:hasc ol lhe Skcrrill home, lhe oldesl home in Englewood. He said lhe home includes four lolJ, il 's on lhe 3500 block on Soulh Bannoclc Slreel and lhcrc wouldn'I be much f111811cial risk in acquiring lhis propcny and il's been looked 1110 somecxtcnl by Public Worts. Engineering. II needs some worlt and ii needs some historical review as lo which portion of Iha! property you 1111)' wanl 10 save. We discussed lhat ii could be moved IO lhe badt portion of lhe IOI. Ira: ,I is lhe oldest houlc in Englewood and Council fell if you con 'I save Iha! bouK ,v bal can you aave in Englewood. Since ii docs have addilional real estale wilh ii. ii could make a nice amcnily for lhe communily in lhc ft11ure and even if ii weren ·1 saved. which we ccnainly in lend 10 do, ii still bas value because oflhe olhcr real e.stale propeny arow,d ii. He opi ned i! would be a reasonable lhing for lhe Cily to do. Council has funds in cilhcr lhe BUILD Program or raervcs 10 do it and Cow,cil fell strongly that we should go ahead wilh iL Council Member Habenicht staled lhal more lhanjust lhe oldest home in Englewood she believes il's lhc first . Ms. Habenicht said she admires Council for taking Iha! step and tor Ms. Nabholz for bringing ii u our atlenlion. because she lhink.s C.W.:il needs 10 be mindful of our trndilions and our past and lhc IRasureS lhat we have and not lose !bcm. Thank you so mnch for bringing ii lo us, she said . Ms. Nabholz thanks Council because lhey 've been very supportive and she appreciates lhat . Voce results : Motion carried. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Ganctl Bradshaw. Habenichl Wa ggoner, Grazu lis, Bums Nays: None 2. She said lhat lhe Historical Soc iety will be meeting March 11• • in Uus communily room. ho"~ver, we ha\~ a Cily Council meeting in lhal room loo . Ms . Nabholz advised lhal she checked wilh Cil)' Manager Sears and she thinks il's possible that we wil! be able IO move 10 lhe Golf Course on lhat Thursday nighl March 11•. iflhat is okay with Cow,cil. Council agreed 10 lhal. 3. She stated she lhoughl it was very nice 10 sec a grea! Newsldu:r in her packet from lhc Chamber She said she's nol seen an)1hing from 0,e Chamber in so long, so she's going 10 call Teri Dion and 1ell her Oiank you . 4. She advised that she also received• leller from Carl Welker tlianking Cow,cil for buying lhe Skerrill house and offers any of his archiled services . S. She stated 0,e Clean. Green and Proud 1oumamen1 is coming up. She said 01:11 two foursomes are needed and lhal would cost $800.00 . The tournament will be held Monday. June 14•, 01 lhc Englewood Golf Course . She said Council has been very good lo approve it before . I ■peweod Clly Cou ■cll Mudil,lffl , ... , 6. Ms. Nlbholz conunenled 1h11 she and Ms. Habenicht. Ms. Gmu1is, !cnoll Blacl., Dew Lee, Om: Hendenan and Rid< Kahm -kl llclwr Cftdt ice m< and Breclcenridp Ice m<. She 6illl Ibey received some very positive information. 7. She swed lhat she will be going to National Lugue of Cities March 4• through Mud! u• and she knows Council Member Brldshlw will keep all the lira bumlns out. 8. She gave a very , very big thank you to the Police Department. She said it was quite ioletestlng since Thunday, but Ibey were very hclpf\11 and very informative and she thanks them all Mayor Bums mentioned that Guy Sears. Bob Simpson and he attended thc Clwnhcr lnslallllioll dlnmr II the Crystal RolC, which was a run time. He said they I''" on a mwder myst<ry and we wen: all bying t> figure out who did who in for what reason. Teri Dion was insullcd as thc new president 1111d he tbinb she'll be excellent to worlc with on the Chamber. (ii) Council Member Gam:tt said several of our Council Mcmben IR ll(ling to Washington D.C. to the National l.ugue of Cities and tl1ere's another)'Jational l.QgucofCitiea evcnl thlt Council Member Bradshaw and he will be comins to Council with a request . It 's the Economic Opporlwlitia Mission to South America, Algentina and Chile, August 14• through August 22". He said they will be putting together their proposal because it would be something that would be bclpl'ul . Mayor Bums said that Mr. Waggoner could make the motion on that Ms . Nabhol7 asked what the cost was and Mr. Garren said it was only $4 ,000.00 to S5 ,000.0ll dollllS each. • He said they woold be coming back for the proposal . (Clerk's note: 'These comments were made ionguc•in-chcck.l (iii) Council Member Bradsh..w : I. She sa,d she "'II be reading for tl1c Metro Mai ors and Corr ·-.;ons Youth Awards on Thursday, Marth 4•. She ,s lookmg forward to that out at tl1e Natural History I . --um . She said she did thc preliminary reading at Arapahoe Ccunty last week . It 's really worth while and she thoroughly enjoys i~ she said, so she looks forward to tloat. 2. She mentio,ed the soodjob in the pn,5.'. Mayor Bums said the Mayor of Littleton commented that Englewoo<l was all over the i;ircss. 3. She stated that she "ill bc at the open hous~ for the Fon Logan Samaritan House Family Emergency Sbclter. Council Member Nabholz said she will be out of10"11 and she t.ianked Ms . Bradshaw for attending . Ms . B,adshaw said she would be tliere earl y &nd si,e didn 't kno,v it.he could Slay for thc whole ceremony . Cour,cil Member Habenicht said that she liked IJlC qU<>te by 1 •ari;a1et Mead on there. Ms. Bradshaw read !he quote: "Never doubl that a small group of I ,lOllghtful , com mined citizens can change thc world. Indeed it 's the only thing that C\'er has." Council Member Bradshaw explained that~• sis an emergency family shelter and she will be L'icre . • l■slewDINII City Couacll M■rcb I, lffl Pqe7 bOQw ••n.'.I I ,1 rl:ncll, H . ..-,'i Mayor Bums sald Iha! 1he Mayon and Commissioners Anpohoe Counry Youlh Awards recq,lioa is Wcdnelday nlpt and he plw lo be lhcr<. (iv) Council Member Grazulis: I. She staled Iha! Ghe 1m1t to lhc Friends or the Library meeting and lhcy have a bake sale going er., April 30• to by 10 misc some more funds for IIJll1C good lhinJ!S . 2. She said. regarding lhc <:ultural Ans finalists. Iha! lhcrc were so many wondcdul lhinJ!S. We like all orlhc four finalists . she advised ... we tried 10 come up wiU1 some extra ideas on how lo try ro rund and pul lhem in diJTercnl parts or lhc new development beca""' each one was so spcclaa~ar and r<prcscnlCd everything Iha! we arc lrying 10 do. She said she was really exc ited about Iha!. 3. She said ii was brought 10 her ancntion lhal a lot of businesses along South Broadway, which she repn:scnls, ha,~ been noticing in L'>c last ten days a larJc number or vandalism's and a IOI or problems 'Nilh break-ins and slabbings. lhinss orlha1 nature. She said she was going 10 gel wilh Chris Olson and sec ifwe car1 'I step up some security or patrol in that area. (v) Council Member Habcniclu : I. She said !hat she 100 enjoyed !he visit 10 lhc skating facilities and she lltlnks ii would be very exciting lo look at some sort or skaiing presence in our new development She lhinks ii would be a real plus and ii would work in wilh all or lhc Olhc-kinds or mixed uses that we have . 2. She said she •vanled 10 rag on wilh what Ms. Grazulis said also , in terms orlhc bcautif\11 art proposals Iha! "~'vc rccci,~. She said she was really in awe orthe quality . Cowicil Member Gmulis commented on lhc diver>ified usc or materials . Ms. Habenicht Slated Uial lhcsc artists arc really allraeled 10 Uris site. She said rrnm what U\cy've heard rrom other people. who have served on Olherlcinds olpubUc art. we've n:ally had a lol or response. more lhan people usually gel. And. Council Member Bradshaw said. ortl,c top quality 100. Council Member Habenicht Slaled !hat ;r,.~ can fi nd ways 10 get othcrlimding for some of thtse other things at the same time because it reall y mirrored what we lalkcd about. tbc eclectic. mixed uss r..,1. She commented Uiat she U1ough1 she and Ms . Grazuli s will bring Uial back 10 Council to look at so.nc rJf those that won 't be chosen . Council Member Bradshaw sured Iha! Council got a copy or Piolk ,r Days or Englewood in lhcir packet. She said ii was reprinted from a 1959 Englewood Herald. Iha! she round lhal copy and Bob Simpson did iL She said she wanted 10 call lo Council's ana,tion sornc or U\c ads. you gel cherry pies for 48 cents. and you can have a T-bonc !leak for $2 .00 ... so lhal was lhcn and lhis is now . She said she thought Council wnuld get a kick our or reading somr orlhc ads and Iha!""' from the Bradshaw archives. Ms. Bradshaw said on U1e memo rrom Susan McDonnell lo Chri s Olson . U•U she wanted 10 give l<udos 10 lhc Englewood Police Depa~mcnl for picking up that lTY. good job guys. 13 . City Muager'1 Report (a) Cily Manager Scan said tl,crc w .. a memo rrorn Rick Kahln in lhc Study Scsslon pack,:: regarding a letter fro rn Paul Tauer for Jlfoposcd changes 10 hrl2ludous materials route. They were buially laalnood Clly Couocll Mll'Ck 1, 1999 , ... t,, .._,,h~ , d,udl r ,.-_.1;'1 askin . ifU,cn, is support in terms of the 22S corridor. He s,:d in their analysis he had Rick Kahm take a look 11 it Md he lalcn\~ Chris Olson is familiar with the iuJC too and could probably answer some questions. Heald Ibey feel like either llltcrtllll>e flam er..-end ia terms of cll'ectiag Lllllaon ..wit.b the C· 470 route or on the l-2S route may impact the City of llnglcwood. At this point in time W< ,ue uiiol, Wiler& the Council would like 10 take a mO<C acti, .. iotc in Aurono's conc:em, 11111 cithcrldtemall>e thst ccU:d come about may also all'cct our neighbor to 1hr, ,outh and 1h11 we probobly, 11 this point ia time, woulo not be involved in this issue . Let the Fc:d-,11: Highway Department make a determination on their own ii , tams ottheir own mcri~ because he cir_,., feel like there 's any position"" can actively ,uppon. He said he just wanted 10 la that out to Cou,icil and if Council feels dilfcn,nUy about that we can c:cnaialy proceed along a dllfcrcnl line . Mayor Bums said that he has roccivcd communications before from Paul Tauer. the Mayor of Aurora on this and he wasn 't sure whether this was otir WUC or not. Council Member Bradshaw opinl'J thai we need to suppon Littleton. because wh.11 affc"'.":S them will dircc:ly affect us . Mayor Bum> said yes, 11111 v,e 'vc t,cld totcthcr VCI)' wdl for the past several years on the things we've been doing together and hl" felt w~ should continue that . (b) City ManagrI Scars said that .... did get the high elevations, the designs from Wal-Mart this afternoon and Bo~ Simpwn did not have a chance 10 Ulke a look at those in detail and they are r,tlll going to have Davi~. Tryba •.ake a look •t tho5e . But they arc here, he Siad, and ready 10 be rcvicw.:d by the City Council with our rccrmmcndations. Mr. Scars advised that the two times to do U,at would be, one, oo March II~. follo.ving thr, identity mccting ... abonl 8:30 p.m. Ulal night, or the next Monday at Study Session . He saiJ there i.s at least one is,ue on the Study Session . He said he recommended, if Council can deal with that .. he knr,M that the late nights arc tough, but he thinks in a Study Session you get a chance to take a look (di~ without the pre= or a Council meeting arerwanl. COUt cit Member F,radshaw said that she would rather sec it on Man:h I I• because she knom that on March is• coundl has two pretty imponant things. She said one is Housing Authority, she thinks it 's impo,tant and O,cy need 10 meet with them . Mayor Bums noted that he understands they have bumped that a o.,ople of times . City Mana,:: Scars said that they would put it on the Agenda for March I 1• after th,; lcntity discussion at S:JO p.m . r,t the Golf Course. (c) City Man.,ger Scars commcmcd that the negotiations and discussions l>ith the developers an, ,:or.tiouing regarding the individulll agreements and we arc still hopeful that by the end oC March 10 hav,: •he agreements signed. He saici they arc costing out each or the specific clements of the design right "°"' and they have done that from a preliminary view poin~ but they 're taking every tree, c,<ry paver, owythiog and coming up wiU1 a ccsl. Tim Leonard. Marilee Utter and Bob Simpson arc aJso rcvi•:wing th·Jt in tcnns of making sure that what they 're reviewing in terms of cost fits the scope amount TI\C)' should have that cost done in the ne~1 week and th:ll "i ll help them in tcnns of finalizing their agreement and making sure that we're to the level of cost that we have put in proforma . Council Member Habenicht wondered if, when he talked about U,c elevation with Wal -Mart , if ..nybody has talked to them about possibly stack ing themselves and U1en they would have higher visibility and they wouldn 't be taking up so much space . Mr. Scars said there is a design clcmcnl that is a higher feature like a clock tower that', basically so that 01c building is brok en up and Oiat's been part of the discussions wiU, them . He said they wanted 10 have a cnlonnadc around ihc front and have some type or attraction that way but Bob Simpson and the an:bitccts both fell U,at having a flat l;uilding "ithou1 havin g some type of higher • clement. the clock tower would not ... and so apparently the design docs have ihai ir. there. He said he • • • Eoslewood Clly Council Mardt I, 1999 Pa&<9 hasn't seen thal, it's not quite as tall as what we had talked to them •bou~ but it's going to be substantial . Again, City Manager Sears said. he hasn't seen this. he talked to Bob Simpson about 15 minutes ago, so he didn\ want to get into any real discussion about that. Ms . Habenicht said she thought if they had two floon they'd have a lot"'°"' pail<ing. (d) City Manager Sears ~,r,gratulated the Council and said that he knew that staff has been working hanl and it's rc:illy nice to sec a lot of real positive publicity about all of the activities that arc going on. We 're a very ~tivc Cit-/. (cl City Manager Sc:ln said we've also received a notice ofa National Awanl for Nancy Peterson, we gave you a copy of this In your box . He said he knew Chris Olson was planning to go out to the rcccplion from the City's side and "1lndcrcd if Mr. Olson wanted to mention anything about that awanl. Chris Olson said he hc3ltl about this award about a month ago and he didn't gc1 the information out to Council earlier because he nccdcd something in writing. it was kind of verbal infonnation to ua from the Region 8 National Highway and Transport.1tion Safety Administratior.. Hes.id they had nominated Ms . Peterson essentially for a personal awanl for public safety . He said she •von the oward, and this Is the Region 8 Awanl . He said it was also his understanding that there \\<Juld pm'Jabl y be awards similar from each of the different regions . He commented she did win the awanl and tl.it she is quite 'hrilled with i~ to say the least The people from Region 8 were quite thrilled with it. and. based on their recommendations, she won the award . Mr. Olson said he has no t seen the documentation. nor has she, on what the award is specifically, but we think it's prob3bly for Neighborhood Watch, Speed Pledge Program and similar type activities. He said it is a personal award. it is not to the City. so he 's going to go out to Seattle when she gets this, which is on M•rch 23~ at the National Convention for Traffic Safety . He said he "1luld be there for just a couple of days. to be at the luncheon to represent the City 30d as her depar!mcnt he/Id. She is quite lhrillcd with this. he said, and it 's really an honor for her and obviou :ily well deserved . He stated Council will get U,e infonnation in their packets 30d then we will go from there . Mayor Bums asked for a round of appl:iusc for Officer Peterson . (I) City Manager Sears opined 0,11 they had a my, very good meeting with tl1c stalf ofRTD last Wednesday. nnd they arc ready 10 m:1ke a r<eomr.icndation back to the RTD Boan!. He said they would like the Mayor and; •;' Council members lo be at their next RTD Board meeting, which he believes is Tuesday, March ,3~. He said it 11ill be at 5:30 p.m .. but they \\ill have a resolution that night at 7:00 p.m. on their agenda. but to address any question~. you would be at the Study Session . Mayor Bums suggested getting the agenda. because they had one proposal down and they were having the Study Session. and then witcnevcr it ended. they would have the meeting. Some of the people who go down there regularly asked that they set a time for tl1e meeting. because they had no idea when they were going to start. He .aid he thought that was an excellent suggeslion. because. he recalled. he went down when they swore in the new officers and got there just as they were '™'-caring in the new chair, and ir was just a guess as to when they were going , , stan . He said he is hoping they "ill have a set time for that and that we can find that out. City Manager Scars statod tliat the rocommendation will probabl y be 11011 tl1e full 2015 parking component would not be bui 1t. which is mainly going to be on tJ1e north side . 11\c south parking structure would be built as a result of their funding . Also , in conjunchon with the federal funding for the bridge, tmt they would contribute toward th.it to have the llridge completed loo . He said those were the things we really 1...:ntercd in on and they ac1u.1lly arc doing some work in 1enns of some piers and some walls on the site right now. They ,re just basically funding that on tl1eir 01\11 as part of the reconstruction project. He thinks their Boan! is going to have to talk to them that night about what tl,c full ,mount is going to need to be. E■pewood City Council Mart• I, lffl PaaelO '.) hoc"' 1111'!1.• ,,.,.,,,. P•~•q Mayor Bwns asked if thi s is within the scope of wort< for lhc project at the pn,acnt time. Mr. San said that is correct. Mayor Bwns said what their Board mcmben were openly talking. whtn we were at the Study Session, - about an additional plan for parking which would include change in the scope of wort< and if pouiblc using some of the savings in the budget. Mr. Scars said both oflbosc will be using savings in !he budge~ both of the expansion, bccauoc wc bad sc many stalls for $2 . 7 mil li on and this will get them lo !he next level , but it won 't get them to the ultimalc build ou~ which would have to be on !he oorth side of !he project, up until !he)' identif,' the need tor that He said their auomcy was at the meeting and S1alled to put together an a_.-..:iich will be the rault of that meeting, which will amend the $2 . 7 million agreement. Pan of !hat will be 10 reserve thal 11011h side, so !hat if we do something wilh senior housing or we do some other l)'pc oi thing. then their.,.. is preserved for full build out of their parking . He suggested that a few of the boanl mcmben may, that night. want to be a little bit more aggressive than even what we 've come up with. He said they still have a concern about the Swedish parking and we have a memo to them that outlines !hat Swedish has full parking for what their needs are out there. City Manager Scars advised !hat their attorney is in the procca of drafting a l'tSOlution supporting this and he feels. wilh that. it will help us finish the agrecmcnll with the dcvclopcn to move this alon~. Mayor Burns noted that this is an imponant component in finishing lhosc agreements. Ms. Habenicht asked if it would be helpfu l, when wc address reserving the parlting in the oorth ua, to indicate that wc would guarantee that we would •!!ow multi-levels of parking . City Manager Scan said absolutely . He said he thinks that ,.;11 be in lhe agreement. they want that as much as we do and multi• level is ~lly the only way that they are going to be able to accomplish that. Mr. Scars said that wc talked 10 them about going up anotl1cr level on lhe soutl1 side. but that ""'1ld influence lhc view of the Foley's building. which is really non-desirable . Mayor Bums asked ifhc meant to a third level. City Manager Scars said exactly . Ms . Brad:.ilaw said if we 're go ing to look al level parlcing. lhc AMC at Alameda and Co lo rado Boule'lard might!-.: l'tvisitodjust to look al thc structure tl1erc. because it worlts pretty efficiently. Ms . Bradshaw wondered if Council emphasized a concern about Oxford. because she is vety conccmcd about that. Mayor Bwns said yes. lhe stalf is very aware tlia~ if you don 't have parlcing at Oxford. you have a real problem . He noted it is a real scope of work change. We arc hoping. he said. 10 work that into the agenda, he added. City Manager Scan said "~ mentioned lhat again . Director Black is religious about bringing that up. and rightfully so. Actually. they share the concern. he said. The problem , to a cenain e:<tcn~ is. when you have shared parlcing. you have lhc bcnclit of~ but you also have the downside . Pan of thc resolution will be that we. lhrough a traffic managcmcru plan. guarantee them so niany spaces on !heir site for their purposes. They have had lhc same problem ,.;lb lhe Alameda center. where tl1 cy reall y aren 't impacted, but the businesses around there arc impacted. Th.11 is because people just park on the ou1Jying lol:i. Council Member Bradshaw said thcrc arc signs all over !hat say "do not parlc here if you are riding the Light Rail." Mr. Scars said Ibey expect"~ ,.;11 end up doing lhe same l)'pC of thing. even wilh locs on Oxford. at the rccrcat.ion building. They say you need 10 do 1ha1. he said. Ms. Bradshaw said the reason she a.sked is that when we built the Recreation Ccntcr, lhcrc \\.. n • understuuling that some of the Meadow Gold property. at tllal lime. would be used for extra parking. That • • l1pewood City Council 11rc• It lffl Paa,, II 1, l t.,.,,.1;:n t•~r ,t cr.•u-.J~ I I~•, just sort of wont by the wayside, and bu ..... , been enforced, Md she said ,he believes "" ba>e I ript IO some oflhlt behiJld the cea1er. She sugges1Cd checking !he an:hives on !hat. l Mayor Bums said he remembers Iha! discussion, bul is not sun: how ii lumcd out. Council Member Bradshaw commented then lhcy IUmcd ii into a pall< for !heir ln>Cks , and that was not the intent for !he north side !here. (g) City Manager Sears said he wiU do some follow-up , because a couple of Council Members expn:sscd concem about !he last Code Enfon:emenl Advisory Committee anoetJiis. He said he will give Council a summary of what happened al !he las! mecling and where wo need lo go wilh thal advisory committee . (h) C!ty Manager Sears advised Council lhal due 10 some addilional reviews, !here arc a couple of candida1es lhaa he is looking al s1rongl y for lhe AssiSlanl City Manager posilion . He said he feels lhcy will be very good candidales, bul "~ arc doing some background, and he will let Council know about !hose candidales al O,c poinl in lime tha1 !hey arc righl lo !he end . We ended !he applicalions for Public Works Director, he conlinued . We received quilc a few, and"~ will be going lhrnugh a review process on Iha! position. (i) City Manager Sears staled thal , at lhc NLC Conference , !here arc a number of meetings Iha! we have been able 10 se, up, and"~ just need 10 come 1ogc1her wilh lhe schedule for !hat He said he is going to review wilh Director Simpson whal is going lo happen with 1h31. We have received some prclimilwy information Iha! !he Federal Transportation Commission, Iha! mcclS periodically in Washingtoo. is interested in meeting in Colorado in May . Mr. Scars said we feel this is a very positive sign, because !his is the primary project Iha! they arc involved 11i1h funding, so"~ may end up, if they do make Iha! decision, with some potenlially n:ally good publicily, nalionally, about the projcc1 across the street . We l'ill lct you know. he said. as a result of our meetings on Monday and Council can come back to thal nc.~ week . 14. City Attorney's R,pon (a) City Allomcy BrolZman rcqucsced Council appoinl anomcys Norm Higley, Phil Figa, Dana Eismeier, and Arthur Mizzi from !he law firm of Bums, Figa and Will , 10 pursue environm.:rllal claims against Cindcrmak and Equilable. Mr. BrolZman said, normally , they just name law fums, raO,er 1han specific allomeys , bul, in this case, one of lhc main partnc,s, Kemp Will , rcprcscnlS General Iron. They ha\"e separated their firm , and Kemp Will cum:nlly does nol gel any informalion on the Cinderella City sile, he advised . l11cy arc two difl"en:nt issues, but since !here is a po1cn1,,1 Oial General Iron mighl have sued us in the past. and~ was lhal polcnlial conllicl , he simply Slopped aside, he said . Norm Higley bas been doing our environmental worlc for the Fom .Jation , he advised , and has been doing a lerrific job . II acrually helped us in a very difTercnl "~Y -Mr. Brolzman staled 0,,1 our environmental consultant and Mr. Higley have been worlcing closely 1ogc1her wilh Public Works on gelling the asbestos case n:ady . When \\'C got to the actual enviroM1Cntal issues for real cstalc closings. he said. the en vi ronmental anomeys, that came in 10 look at all those issues. said it was in great fonn. and it was a lot easier and faster for the Wa.l•Mart environmental auomcy , and for Millcr/Wcingancn's environmental attorney. to actually work through lhal. Mr. BrolZman staled lhal Mr. Higley has done a terrific job and he would like 10 k~p tum on this . The others arc going 10 add more of a litiga1ion side . helping him gel 1h:11 claim filed. Council Member Bradshaw said she felt it was okay as long :is we win . Couucil Member Habenicht asked if this is Mayor Bums' finn . Mayor Burns said no , ii is a completely different Burns. He thanked Ms. Habenicht for clarif)ing 11,11 . ......... CllyC....U Mudl,lffl .. 12 li:,11 l ,_. ) bou111 nl l• ,,I d·n II. II,.,.,, COUNULMIMKR IIWIIIL\W MOVU.AND ff WAS SECONDID, 10 APPOIN'I' ATJ'OIINUS NORM BIGL&Y, PlllL JIGA, DANA IIJ!IM&IU An All'IIIUII IIIZZI noM 1111 LAW PIIIM or IUIINS, ffGA, AND WILL TO PUIISUI INVIJIONMINTAL CLAIMS AGAINST CINDIIIMAK AND IQUffAIIU. Mocioacanicd. A)a: Council Membcn Nabbolz. a.ma. e.....r.w, lfabcnlcbl, w...-. <illzlllis. Bum Nays: None 15. Adi--,,t • • •