HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-04-12 (Special) Meeting MinutesI, Call lo Order INGUWOOD CITY COUNCIL INGLIWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO Special Sealon April 12, 1999 The special ..-Jna of tbc Englewood Ci 'V Council was called 10 order by Mayor Bwns 117;12 p.m. 1. lavoullon The invocation was given by Council Member Nabholz. J. rtedpo(AllepaKe The Pledp of Allegiance was led by Mai 4. Roll Call Present: Abse11t: A quorum was pn:senl Council Members Nabbolz, Grazulis, Gamu, P.r.l<.,;aw, Habenicht , Waggoner, Bums None Also Pr=nt City Manager Scan 5. Public tieariac City Attorney Brorzman Deputy City Cieri< Castle Senior Planner Stitt Thero was no Public Hearing scheduled beforo Council. 6, Rqa11rApd1 (a) Approval ofOnlinances on First Reading (i) A l'CCDIIIIIICJldoo from the Departmcnl ofNeigbbo.1wod and Business Development 10 adopt a biU for an emergency ordinance authorizing the vacation of a right-of-way along the 500-800 blocks of West. Floyd Avenue was considered. Senior Planner Still adviseJ thal the vacation is necessary to implement tbc Englc.,..ood 10.,... center Planned Unit Developmeot A ponioo of the right-of-way that is 10 be vacaled. be Slid, will be included in the land ll'allSIClion for the Wal-Mart developmcn~ and the balaoce of the vacaltd right-of-way will romain as SUCCI, but will be uoder the control of the Englewood EoviroDIDCIIIII FoundatiOG. as will most of the stredS within the dcvelopmclll itself. The ponioo that will be vacated to the Englewood EovirolllllClllal Fouodllion, he advised, will be the south sixty-six feet of the ninety-six feet of right-of-way of West. Floyd Avenue in the 500. 800 blocks of Wes,. Floyd AVC11UC. The r<ISOn for this is to provide for control of the right-of-way by the Foundalion and to provide for ground that will be included in the Wal-Mart translelion. Englewood Cily Council Special Mccling April 12, 1999 Pa1e 2 Mayor Burns said he wxler>tands that, essentially, this 11 put or the right-or-way orFJoyd Avenue, but it l,n'I put oflhc travel ponion that we have now. Mr. SUtl said, recalling the right-of-way for West Floyd Avcnuc, lhal the ninety-six feet includes "'11 westbound Janes. two eastbound iancs, and a median . The vacation will cover the rm.c:ian and 1hr caslbound lanes and a portion or the eastbound lanes will actually be incorporated inlo the WII-Mlrt 1ransaction. / .ually, underneath the eastbound lanes an: the Liltle Dry Creek conduits, so there rally won'I be any dcvelcpmenl, per sc, on top orthal ponion of the right-of-way , he said . The road that will be developed. tbal lhc public will recognize as West Floyd Avenue, will be 011 a portion of what is now the median. and lhc ~ Janes . Mr. Stitt said, according 10 the Planned Unit Dcvclopmcn~ the provision for right-of-way, or -within Uiat area. included a circulation road tha1 would connect Elati, Fox and Galapago with a sixteen looc or twelve root rigl11-of-way that would provide circulation for the neighborhoods. This would not allow trallic 10 flow lhlm, ror instance, Dartmouth south through the neighborhoods into the development across Floyd Avenue . The bllancc of the right-of-way, he explained, what the public would recognize as the traditional right-of-way for w .. Floyd Avenue, would provide access for buses and loading for the Englewood town center de\'clopmenl Mayor Bums asked ifU1ere will be enough rigJ11-of-way there for U1c neighborhood circulation . Mr. Stilt responded allirmalivcly . Council Member Habenicht asked if U1ere will be an adequate buffer so Iha~ ifU1erc nrc exhaust fumes and all that, ii won't affect U1e neighborhood or quality of life of U1e people who live there. Mr. Stitt responded that, the MY the Planned Dcvr.lopmenl was laid ou~ !hr.re ""uld be a wall and landscaping 10 buffer U,e neighborhood to lhc :10l1h. [n fact . we ha\'c been studyi ng that buffer to determine c.'\:actly what b going to be necessary to protect the r.cighborllood from the bus trallic, since the buses arc quite large, and they exhaust up tllfough the roof with an exhaust pipe. A low, four root wall. he Sil.id. would not provide the kind of sound and vision buffer that is necessary, so we arc looking i1110 what will be nccc ·,wy to provide the sound and visual barrier for those neighborhoods . There will be breaks in the buffer, he explained, 10 provide for emergency access . Whal we have proposed now arc bollards tha1 would be al those cross streets that emergency vehicles ""uld be able 10 peneh':ltc, but regular passenger cars would not go through there. We will not have a continuous wall from EL1ti 10 Huron, but there will be a sufficient landscape and physical barrier 10 protect the neighborhoods from the sound of the truck and bus traffic, and a visual barrier as "~II . he said. Council Member Nabholz said she was glad to hear th.1L and th.11 her biggest concern is to be sure we buffer that neighbort1ood lo tlic nonh. She said ii looks like U1cy an: doing what needs 10 be done . Mr. Slitt said lhcy arc Slill working on that. and the final dc.c : ~ for the barrier ni ll probabl y be forthcoming in several weeks . Council Member Nabholz asked that she and the neighborhood t, kepi infonncd . Mr. Still ;aid absolu~ly . Mayor Bums said it SC'lunds like kind of a challenge lu buffer tha noise. Mr. Stitt said the cli.1llcnge is to provide for the pcnc1.rations for emergency vehicles . We have a limited am .unt of space. he explained. and in order to put a high enough bufl'cr, and still pro\'idc space for landscoping , is a real challenge. We have lhc arc:tllccts, and landscape architects, working on how best to accomplish tha1 . he said. and there arc way!> of creating visual and sound barriers that arc not a solid wall, that ,.;u still provide the kind of protection for U,11 neighborhood tha1 they deserve . Council Member Habenicht said that is where her level of discomfon lies in passing this. in case they can not comr; up with something t.'.lilt would adcqualely address tl\.11. Mayor Burns s.1id bul you arc gr,ing tu do that anyway. Whether we vacate sixty-si,i: feet. or wha1C\·cr ii is, for Wal-Mart. you siill h,,vc the sar.1c issue . Mr. Stitt said that is correct. Regardless or how much is wClted. we arc still commined to putting in a buffer for that neighborhood . 1l1c amount of space available for th.11 buffer is really nol a factor or a function or how much we vacate. but how • much ground is necessary 10 pl'O\idc the 1r3VCI ways for the 1n1tk. bus and car trnffic, and pro,ide adequate • 1.ransportation or a circulation route on the nonh side for those neighborhoods . • • Englewood Cily Council Special Meeting April 12, 1999 Page J Council Member Habenicht asked if Iha! is wha1 would be sacrifK:ed if lhcn: is not enough room lo put the ldeq.- klnd or buffer lhat they wanl 10 do. Mr. SU a aid no, lhcy have no in1ention of sacrificing any buffer lpl00, in ract Ibey an: uyi ng 10 gel more space for lhc t.dlllr. he asscncd. and lhe sound barrier in lhnl area. Council Member Bradshaw asked Iha! they never let ii look like lhc ,oond bonier lhal is on lhc WCII lido ol Santa Fe. • -Ir. Sliu said ii will not look like twelve feel of coacretc blocks. He staled lha1 lhcy have some deaip lhcy a,e looking at lhat will provide ror an inlCratlng viaiai barrier, u wcli as a IOWld barri er The hlqbl ol Ibo bonier is still something we arc investigating, be said, aud lhal is a function or lhc l)'pC or lraffic lhat will be 1111 lhat -. Mayor Bums said lherc is a lot or quality in die walls on lbc Wal-Man design. and he felt wc should work oll"lhat good design when wc do this. Mr. Stitt swd our goal is to have something Iha! is a notch belier lhan thal, 10 that if lhcrc is a need ror sound barriers arolllld lbc rest or lhc doV<lopmcn~ "~ have a model 10 look al Council Member W•ggoncr said, ifbc beard right, lhc part wilh lhe boxed conduit 011 i~ and lhc ir.edian , is part of lhc vacation . Mr. Stilt said lhal is correct, the aoulh sixty-six rce1 orthc righl-<ir-way will be vacated to lhc Englewood Envirorunonlal Foundation. CGuacil Member Waggoner ukcd if lhal includes lhc boxed condui ~ and 1hc cxistiDa median , and lhe exisling eastbound !Mes . Mr. Stilt said lhal is coll'OCI . Mr. Wagaoncr asked bow we would get lhc righl to pUI lho lJ'lllk: bock oa Iha! particular portion. Mr. Stilt said we will retain cuon-. for lrnffic and ror Ulilitics in Iha! area . Mayor Bums asked irlhal is where lhc buacs arc going 10 go, noc lhc ncighbomood vehicular trnffic. Mr. Slilt responded Iha! lhe busscs will go lhcrc, aod lhc neighbomood lrallic will be on Ibo actual c.xisting, rcmaining thirty roe1 of righ1-or•way lo lhc north . Council Member Waggoner asked iflhc Traffic Engineer has looked al lhis and sai d Otis will serve lhcarca. Mr. Stitt responded affinnatively. The Deputy City Cieri< read Ute council bill by title : COUNCIL BILL NO . 26, INmODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AITTHORJZING THE VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG THE S()().800 BLOCKS OF WEST FLOYD A VENUE BY TIIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 6 (a) (i) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 26. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. GanctL Bradshaw. Habcnichl, Waggoner, Grazulis. Bums Nays: None The motion carried . (b) Approval orOnlinanccs on Second Reading loerc were no ordinances for appnwal on second reading. (c) Rcso .utiors aod Motions There wcrt no rcsolulions and motions . 7. General Di,cusslon Englewood Ciiy Council SpccialMcctina April 12, 1999 'Page 4 (a) Mayor's Choice (I) Mayor Bw1 , ,said he inquir<d iboul lhe 1999 Cl1i1.ens' Ac:1demy lhat wu aipposed to SWt an Swwday, April I~• wllh som, ! ood cession,;, bul lhty didn't havt enouat, ,..,ponse to hold ll 'Ibey an, going IJ continue ii on to U,c fall , he"""' scd, adding tha1 he spoke .,.;(h Dorolhy Ro,,,ans about lhe ldndofpubliclty and ou"1<:h that might gt! a better mpa nsc 10 lhls. such as The Cnizen, which ii has been in, Ncilf,bomood Walch. and Ten! Talk< MaynrBurns fell ii w:is kind of sad !hat wedidn'I have enough people sip, up. Council Member G11ZUli1 SlliU .;., siw,cd up,. Mr.yo, llums soid we will be lalking wilh Public lnfonnation Officer Punccrc:lli about way1110 get lhc woC.: , ,l because lhcsc arc wry educational s,ssions . (ii) Mayor Bun1S .s id he wcnl lo lhc Metro Mayon' CallCUS on Frid&y and !here wu a very good discussion by Pclcr Ncultirth or It c Southeast Business Partncnhip. II was aboul all of lhc dala Iha! !hey have acquir<d aboul lhc Souu,r,a,t Corridor U al !hey arc working wilh on jobs, 111n5por1ation. l>ousing and so forth. He said he "oold like to get ,omc oflhal to Director Simpson and sec whal kind of similar daL1 lht-y miat,1 have for lhe Southwest Corridor, All !he mayors got i1tterested in whether !hey could replicate lhal kind or study for !heir particular"""'· he said . We also hall Tom Norton !here and Cal Marcella. who arc working very diligently about llying lo cnck the nnl in lhe Southcnsl Conidor on Uic local malrh . FTA is impressed aboul L'ic inct that !hey an, going 10 do lighl rail and highway al lhc same time , he relate;!, which is better Utan doing ii one II • time, but 1h11 is slill a big challenge. 11 will be 1wo years befon: they can stnn construction, he said. and then fiw to seven yea,s or construction. durin g which time !hey an: going 10 have 10 do a lot ortrall'ie managcmenl. All lhc othor corridon.,., of course, interested in getting something for themsel\'CS, so you can just Ste a real tussle goin g on in !he ft.ltW'C, be said. and a 101 or things will fall into place. Mayor Burns said the legislation that U1e Governor has I~ (or lhe bonding is vitally importantlo all ofltlCsc corridors. They all wanl 10 rcr•licatc whal we arc doing and It is very gratifying 10 be in lttis position thal we arc in in lhc Southwest Corridor, :ic opined. because ii is a real c:hallcnge for lhc rest or lhcm, but they arc doing some good work in U1osc areas. (iii) Mayor Burns said Saturday is our annual 1elreat and go.11 setting. for which we nill be gelling a considerable packet or materials Iha! "~rkcd off lhc rotrc.11 Iha! Uic stall'had. (iv) Mayor Bums advised 0,11 tl1e City n:a:ivcd SS million from Rm on the 23~ of Marth when we \lo'COt down 10 lhcir meeting. We got a rounccn to nothing vote, which is the first unanimous vote we have ever obraincd at an Rm Board mccling. tl1011gh one member was ill. he allowed . facn tl1c members who arc not tlirillcd "itl, light rail rcalii.cd we need lhis exlra parking. he S.1id . (b) C,•uncil Members' Choice (i) Council Member Nabholz : I. She said Susan Van Dyke 's father passed •"~Y, so she had requested Umt Executive Assistant Bradshaw check inro whether we should send flowers or a contribution. Ms. Nahholz fell something should be sent to Ms. Van Dyke . 2. She advised that she saw Mik e CofTmnn. our State Treasurer. on the clc\'alor about a week ago . Ht sent kudos to Council for buying the Skcrritt house. 3. She s.1.id Hank Long and Jnfonn.1tion Services arc more lh.1n willing to set up a web site COMection link 10 our City page which would iovolvc the Hisloric.1I Society . We as a Historical Society would provide the information to update iL bt•. she said she need ~ Council 's approval and the Manager 's approval in order for them to move forward with that 4. She said shr. has had seventeen good phonr. calls on tl1e dcpol. She applauded Director Black for all his • hard work. remarking that it is gorgeous O\'Cr there . • Englewood Cily Council Special Meeting April 12, 1999 Page 5 5. Sheadvis<d Iha! she hasn,ceivcd cighl phone calls apillll Sam's Club. 6. Al 2820 Soulh Elati Sll'CCI. she said. lh~ is a leaking fifty gallon drum of whal looks like oil in lhc alley. 7. She said she rode along wilh an officer a couple of weeks ago 111d was very impross,d wtlh our Englewood police dcparuncnl One of her concerns was thal lh~ wen: only two employee procedun: manuals In lhc whole Safety Scrvicca building. This was a very conscientious young man, she said. and be said he lhoullbl it was aboul a seventy page manual and be would apprccialt if thcn: wen: more manuals available. {ii) Council Member Garton : I. He a,mmenlcd lhal lhe lruck traffic on WCSI Union is bctltr, bul fell now lhal lhc wealhcr is hllllinl nice, lhal molon:ycle cnfon:cmcnl might be helpful . The n:pons he is hearing indicalc lhal we an, not being as striCI as maybe we should be inilially . He fell lha1 ifwe cnfon:cd ii wilh Uac first time olfendcrs, lhcy would nol do ii a second time. 2. Al Huron and Belleview, if you an, westbound on Belleview I urning northbound on 10 HUJUA, lhal seems lo be lhc "I'm going 10 marl<el my vehicle" comer, he said. al lhc vacanl lol llld righl on U1c curve. Wilh people barreling down Belleview, lhal is pre(ty dangerous, Mr. Garrell said, and asked lhal ii be checked 10 be sure lhcy an, lhc proper distance from lhc end. l . He said he spoke to a business person in his continuing remodeling saga. He said he had a nice cncounltr wilh a gc..iemen who owns a business hen: in Englewood, who moved from Denver and really enjoys lhc cnviroruncnt we provide lhc busiDCII comnulnity, !)8rticularly lhc law cnfon:cmcni group. He said whenever he ha> had a pn,blcrn , Ibey have come oul to sec what is going on and laking SlalCmcnts. as opposed to the ln:llmcnt he generally got in Denver. Mayor Bums said. along wilh lhal "~ 101 an updalc on lhc Soulh Broadway Action Plan, which he is rcally anxious to sec implemented. (iii) Council Member Bradshaw made lhc point lhal she did nol realize lhat then: Mllltd be a C••mcil Members' Choice this evening, bcc:iuse prior 10 Utis, al a special mcc1ing. all you could discuss was what ,... on lhc agenda. City Attorney Brotzman said you an discuss , bul you can not vote on anything olher than what is on lhc agenda. Ms . Bradshaw said they interpreted it much more slriclly last lime. (iv) Council Membe r Grazulis : I. She said she \\~nl on lhal lour loday and Gary Hullbcrg was lhc driver and lhcy wenl wilh five olhcr people from the Cultural Arts Commission . TI1ey "''Crc viewing possible sites for the ten sculptures from the Museum of Ouldoor Ans. We came up wilh some fascinating idcns, she said. of how 10 distribu1e lhc art . Council MeRlber Habcnichl said she thinks lhosc lcn sculptures arc lhc oocs lhal we have a deal wilh this group that places scu lplun:s for lwo lo lhn:c years, and doesn 't have any connection wilh lhc museum al al l. Ms . Grazulis agreed lhal lha1 was a,rn:c1. 1. Last Friday , she said, she altcodcd lhc Chcrrclyn Elcmcnlaly School can:cr fair . Englewood Chy Council Special Meeting April 12, 1999 Page 6 3. There wu a special officer llligned 10 lalk 10 some of the Sou1h Broadway business people that she had been c:onccmcd about because !hey were nol rcponing llleir incidents. Ms Gnizulis said they am lpellldng to those business people at lcasl wcckly . She said that is very nice and she lhanlted them. (v) Council Member Waggoner said. when we were talking several months ago about the DROP Program. thal we were supposed to have something brought baclt to us by March or April. Council Member Bradshaw said that non-emergency has a meeting tomonrow. City Attorney Brottman said police and lire pension arc this week and next wcclc . Ms. Bradshaw said !hen it is pn,bably closer to May. She said that is the focus of the non-emergency meeting tomorrow . Council Member Waggoner asked if that is going to be retro-active lo the fir,i of the year. Ms . Bradshaw responded affirmatively . (vi) Council Member Habenicht: 1. She said she remembered what Council Member Bradshaw remembered, that we never Wscus.liOd Council Members ' Choice at Special Meetings. Mayor Bums said we have Council M1:mbers' a,oia: at the Study Sessions , and he felt it was a matter of convenience. 2. She meniioned that some of the members of lhc Cultural Ans Commission will be visiting the Library Board meeting. We have a liaison from !he Library Board on the Cultural Ans Commission, she advised, so there is some really good communicalion going on. The Cul1ural Ans Commission had been approached about space within lhc City complex for a gro..p called the Book Arts League Iha! is looking ror spocc, and they do some wonderful things. Ms. Habenicht said. The Cultural Arts Commission really felt that this wu more of a Library klnd of program or use and so we have referred ~Ill to the Libra,y , she said. and they arc going to be making a prcscniation to the Library Board. It really sounds like a wonderful program, she said, and she felt they would be pRtty excited about it. She said she would keep them posted . Mayor Burns advised that Par Croncnbcrgcr, the Mayor of Littleton, wu present, and has been talking to him about making a prc,:cntation about the transit alliance for some time . Our Study Sessions arc so jammed. he said, that we have not been able to worlt her in there. He said he understands she wu invited to come tonight during this meeting and, he acknowledged, this is not pan of the special meeting agenda. He said her presentation would not involve discussion. He asked if everyone was comfonabte with that. City Altomey Brotzman suggested that it might be more comfortable to have the prcscntalion during Study Session after the meeting . Mayor Bums ccncwrcd . Council Member Nabh olz advised that Bishop Elementary School is teaming up witl1 Clean. Green and Proud. and Parlts and Recreation, to clean up around !he Depot on Saturday, as well as Cushing P:,rk. Clean. Green and Proud bu provided them with pla>1ic bags, and Ms . Nabholz said she bought them some rubber gloves. and we will provide them \\ith donuts and drinks . Anyone who can get out there, she said , all11wing that it is butlget :1.mc, it would I,,: good if they c:ould go out and encoura ge those kids . S, City Manager's Report • • • En&lcwood City Council Special Meeting April 12. 1999 Page? (a) City Manager San said wc had a very succaslW ~ Ille 11111 coupl• of dayt. ,,_ lhlnp are helpllll when wc cu get aw.:y and gct a chance to talk and r.et some llliniDg ID tamS of collllllllllicalla tctwoeo dcpanments and how better I> deal with some cili= issues. We got a beltcr uadcrsWldiag ol 51yle awJ bow oac dcp1rtmcnt ~ with another. He said he thought it was VCIY helpllll, although WC wen, doing COllb!lcll • lhc s,mc dmc that we ..-~ then,. But It allowed us lo get away and, as a team. worlt through some Ill the 00llbact ,ssucs that ,...,. coming back to Council nc,rt Moimy nigh~ be said. We fOCIISCd in on Ille top goal ia,,cs so that we can really focus in this week on those. Mr. Scars SWcd that Ille budget information is alnys bclplul ~..i vay positive about whcm we are and whcro wc are going to go, and then wc will focus on some oftbe key 1-and by co be done as close to one o'clock as we can. 9. City Attol'DC)''• Report (a) City Allomcy Brotzman n:qucstcd a motion reganling Ille CIRSA settlement proposal for Ille Littleton/Englewood Wastcwalcr Trcauncnt Plant for th e media failure . He n:qucstcd approval of items I through 4 on Ille alJ"Cmcn~ and modification of ilem 510 indicate payment of reasonable engineering costs and r.nomcy's recs. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE ITEMS I THROUGH 4 OF TifE CIRSA PROPOSAL FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF THE LITTLETON/ENGLEWOOD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MEDIA FAILURE, AND APPROVAL OF ITIM 5 WITII MODffiCATION TO INDICATE PAYMENT OF REASONABLE: ENGINEERING COSTS AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. Ayes : Council Member, Nabholz, Gam:n. Bradshaw. Habcnich~ Waggoner, Grazulis, Bums Nays : None The motion carried . 10. Adjotl,....nt MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. d,u~:J--~ Deputy City Cl