HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-03 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • l 1lt> l~• 11:NGLIWOOD CITY COUNCIL , ENGLIWOOD, ARAPABOI COUNTY, COLORADO llcplarS.... May3,1"9 1. CllltoO .... 1Pf ,lt1,I I " The rqular meelillg al the EnBlcwood City Council WIS calkd II> order by Mayor B11111.1 at 7:31 p.m. Mayor B11111.1 askal thal Ibey oblCl\'c a IIIOIIICllt of silalcc for the SIUdcnts at Columbine High School. 2. lllvocatlaa The invocation WIS given by Council Member Nabbolz. 3. Pied&< of Alqlance The Pledge of Allegiaocc was led by Mayor Bums. 4. Roll Call Absell!: Council Membe111'111>bolz, Grazulis, Gama. llradlbaw, Habcnichl, Waggoner, Bums None A quorum was p,esenl Also present: ActioC City Manager Black City AIIOmey Bn>IZD;an City Clerk Ellis DiRclor Simpson, Neighborhood and Business Development Mayor Bums .ulviJod 1h11 JerreU Bl.ck. our DiRctor of Parks and Rtcreation, is serving as Acting City Manager IDGigbL as City Manager Ga,y Sears is oo vacalioo. lie wdcomed Mr. Block. S. Miauta (a) COUNCIL MEMBER NABBOLZ MOVID, AND lT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES or THE REGULAR Mll'!'ING or APRD.. 19, 1999, Ayes: Council Members Nabholz. Garrett, Bradshaw, Habcnichl. Wagoner, Grazulis, Bums Nays: None Motion carried. 6. Sdieduled Vbiton (a) Mayor Bums staled 1h11 Denver Regional COIIIICil of Governments (DRCOG) Vice Chair Jan Schenck, Mayor of Golden, WIS going lo present a Local Government Innovations Award II> the City of 111 ..... oad City Co,uldl MayJ,1999 Pacel Englewood for its involwment in Golf 4Fun. Mayor Bums noted that the City 'WU also recognized for :t.is at the DRCOG Annual Banquet Mr. Scbcnck Sllled It was bis pleasure to presem this IWlld and offered bis congnmlaliou lo the City or Englewood. He explained that "ilh the lnnovlllons AMnl, the Regional COWlcil honors local 6:,v.,-,uncnts and their employees . Then, is a lol of creativity and productivity going on in local govcmmcnt lo 11CM> the cilium, be said, and Ibey ue proud lo r=gnize it ThiJ year the Council of Governments is joined by B P Amoco. George K. Baum and Company, the Colorado A:)lalt PaYemeru Association, the Coors Brewing Company, Kaufman and Broad of Colorado, Koelbel and Company, MK Centennial Engincaing. Public Service Coffl"""Y or Colorado, Ultramar Diamond Slmwld and United Power Inc., in pr.scntln~ the bmov1tfans Awanls. Mr. Scbcoclc advucd that Englewood took lhiJd place in the cooperative scrvlc, delivery category for its involvcmcot in the Golf 4Fwi Project, which prov;;ies golf practice, instruction ano tournament play for di,ablcd individuals . The City, aloog with AW1l111, Thornton and the Foothills Parks and Rccreatioo Dillric:. bas provided facilities support for the Gotr 4l'un IICIMlics. At the Council of Governments Aruwal Awards Dinner in March. Director of Parks and Rl:mation Jcndl Black was recognized for his ctrons with the pn,jcct. Tonight. be said, be was pleased lo pracnt'• plaque lo Ci~• o; Englewood for this gm,t project and again he offered his conl!llllUlations. He abo congratulated Engle .-.,,d's citizens for allowing the City to afl"Old the lu."<111)' or doing this. Mayor Burns and Acting City Manager Black acccpled the plaque. Mayor Bums commented that this is a wonderful program. He stated there an, some quite severely handicapped people who participate in this and we have an amazing adaplation program so they can play and practice golf. It is really quite an achic-vcmmt he said. and we an, very proud of it Mayor Burns thanked Jan Schcnc:lt for comirg dawn Crom Golden to present this award. Acting City Manager Black introduced our G ,If Manager Bob Spada. He stated that Mr. Spada is in charge or the program and really docs a great job. (b) Mayor Bums noted we have bad I program with civic information and instruction with our middle school students. Recently some ofd,c middle school students participated in a Mock Cowicil Meeting. Several Council members were present that evening. he said, and Ibey enjoyed it very much. One of the things they talked about that night was the grnfliti ordinance and Ibey said Ibey would be back sometime to give their thoughts on this subjccl Ashley Young. 62 East Bates Street said she was from Flood Middle School. Amanda Malcdon, 3050 South Lipan Street , SUia! lhc was also Crom Flood Middle School. She advised this was a follow-up on the graffiti ordinance. Ms. Maledon advised that they pn,poscd. to fight graffiti , that the City should put up a graffiti wall for Irids lo just put stuff on . If you graffiti where you are not suppo,s<d to, you should have to do an extra 24 bouts of community service on top or your fine and your required community service. She commented that most people think all kids an, dcsbuctive and will ruin everything. but she does not think that is right They ask why should their i,arentJ have to poy for what they didn~ do? So, she said, they think that the pcrmn that did the graffiti should pay for what they lli d. Ms. Malcdon stated they also think that you should be at least sixteen years of age to f)OSSCSS any type .,r graffiti material . They reel that most or 1110 Flood Middle School students have enough responsibility after the age of 13 that they can uke care of thernselvcs. and so they propose that cl!il1n:n m·er rho age cf 13 who grnfliti should have to take the n,;ponsibility "' tl1emselvcs or.a not tlv,ir parents . Mayor Burns asked if they bad these suggcstioos wrillcn down . Ms. Malcdon advised they did and she prcsent<d the list lo Council . • • laclewood Cl1y Couacll May J, 1999 .... J {Ii) IJooN l!;n,'f ~<'I l Ill ,.~ Mayor Bums IIOlld Ibey bad a sip also and uked that Ibey lalk IO Council about the lip. Ms. Malcdoa explained tbat the lip Is kind of like an awan:acss J)05l<r tor their school, telling the lllldcnlJ 1101 IO graffiti, thal it ii bad and they should not do iL Mayor Bums thanked them. Council Member Habcnichl asked how they would suggest the poster be utilized. The lllldcnts were ROI sure how it mighl be used. Mayor Bums asked If they post them around the school . Ms. Maledon said they do post it an,und th., school. Mayor Bums asked if they would suggest that oilier schools in the community mighl use the sign. IOo. The students said yes. Mayor Burns tlwuted them for corr,ng and sharing their though IS . He staled they did a good jllb. Council Member Waggoner cosnn<n!Od thal some or their suggcstioas could be given IO the City Attomey 10 prepare something thal co,1 :d be incorporaled inlo oor onlinanct to follow-up on . Mayor Burns not-~ 1ba1 the rur)11,11cy were here they had some of the same suggestions during the discussion :ind he thought they were worth considering. Council Member Nabbolz ootcd there were mcmbcn or the Codc Enfon:cmcnt Advitory Commiu... ia the audiC21Ce rnd they arc on the graffiti subcommi11ee and r <'/ have wortcd with Dan Bromuan. She felt Council ~ lcm~r Waggoucr's sugcslion was r.xcellcnL Council ~ ICl!'l-<r Waggoner said maybe they should pass it through doat comm.~"'- Mayor r .urns thought that. initially, they should pass it through the Code E.Jbrcement Advisory Committee. He noted the Committcc and City Attorney Bromn,.r. will be good sources . Council Member Bradshaw explained 10 Ms. Young and Ms. M,Jcdon, that Council will forward their suggestions to a citi=s poup called the Code Enfon:emcnt Advisory Comrrtitt"1 and then Ibey will recommend things to the City Attorney. Ms. Bradshaw said one or the things she wanted IO COIIIJDClld bolh of the studcnlS on. is their willinllJICSS to talcc responsibility. She noted that was so refreshing to hear tonighL that studcnlS do wanl 10 talcc responsibility and she tlwuted them for !heir efforts. Mayor Burns thanked them for coming. 7. Noa-,cbcdulcd Visitors There were oo non--schcduJcd visito~. 8. Commuaications, Proclamatio,, • and Appointments (a) A proclamation honoring Dori Naurcouus Eoglcwood's Citizen of the Year for 1999 was con.-.idertd . Mayor Bums noted th.1t our celebration for Citizen or the Year is a week from today, 0.1 May 10'". COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION HONORING DORI NAZAllENUS AS ENGLEWOOD'S CITIZEN OF THE YEAR FOR 1999. l ■&lcwood City Coucll M■yJ, 19'9 ui ) 111) ,rr..1fJn Paae ◄ Motion carried. Ayes : Council Membcn Nabholz, Gam:11, Bradahlw, Habenlclll, Waggoner, Orazulls. Bums Nays: None l1 ''I ,t ,di; t •• q Mayor Bums advised that this proclaJ.181ion will be read in its entirety al the celebration next week. 9. hbllc Bearl11 No pub'ti c b:aring was scheduled !:-,fore Council. 10. C,.,_t A ... da CO!TNCJ', MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS l O 1a) (I) ud (II) ON FIRST READING, JO (b) (I), (U) ud (Ill) ON SECOND Rf.ADING AND 10 (c) (I), (II), (Bl) ud (Iv). (a) Approval of Ordinances on Finl Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO. JO, INTRO DUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE Au"THORIZING A GRANT OF A PERMANENT EASEMENT AND TEMJ-ORARY CONS1RUCTION EASEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, • COLORADO AND CENTENNIAL WA'IB. AND SANITATION DISTRICT, FOR THE PURPOSE OF • CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF A PUMP ST A TION. (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 25. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR .QI ORDINANCE AUTHOrJZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD WASTEWATER ENTERPRISE, SOUTH ARAPAHOE SANITATION DISTRICT, ARAPAHCE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , SOUTHG/ITE SANITATION DISTil :CT, AND WASTE MANAGEMENT OF COLORADO, INC. APPROVING THE EXTENSION OF WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AGREEMENT. (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading (i) ORDINA1'1CE NO. 25 . SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCIL BU..L NO. 27, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A GRANT OF TWO ELECTRICAL LINE EASEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO AND PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, LOCATED IN ROMANS PARK . (ii) ORDINANCE NO. 26, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 28, INTRODt,;CED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 4. CHAPTER J, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 13, ENTT11.ED 'HOUSING REHABILITATION FUND .' (iii) ORDINANCE NO . 27, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCIL Bil.L NO. 29, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) • • • lallewood City Caudl MayJ,1999 Pases ) bo<1Hol n1 ~I ,t ••It ~• I AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SUPPLEMl!IIT NO. 143 TOTIIE SOU'IHOATB SANITATION DISTRICT CONNECTOR'S AORl!EMENT FOR TIIE INCLUSION OF LAND Wl1lllN 1111! DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. (c) Resolutions and Motions (i) RESOL\mON NO. ,2, SERIES Of 1999 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INCREASE IN BENEFITS FOR TIIE RETIRED FIREFJOHI'ERS . (ii) RESOL\mON NO. '3, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLUTION FOR A SUPPU!MEl'ITAL APPROPRIATION FROM TIIE 1999 BUDGET FOR TIIE PURCHASE OF TIIE SKERRITI' PROPERTY . (iii) APPROVAL OF A SEWER TAP A1 ; .EEMEl'IT WlTI{ DRURY INNS, INC . (iv) COl'ITRACT WlTI{ MOUNTAIN ST A TES PIPE FOR WATER METERS IN TIIE AMOUNJ' OF $18.,32.24 AND A COl'ITRACT WlTI{ DANA KEPNER FOR YOKES IN TIIE AMOUNT OF $7,696 .00 . Voteraults: Ayes : Nays : Motion carried. 11. Rqular Apda Council Membels Nabholz, Gam:1t, Bradsbaw, Habenicht, Waggoner, Grazulis. Burns None (a) Approval of Ordinances on Finl R<ading There were DO additional ilems submitted for approval on first lading. (See Ase,,da 11cm 10 • Coarcnl Agenda.) (b) Approval ofOnliuan= 011 Sca>od Reading There were DO additional ilcrns submincd for approval on second roading. (Sec Agenda 11cm 10 • Conscnl Agenda.) (c) Rcsolulioas aod Motions Then: were no additional resolutions or motions submiltcd for approval . (Sec Agenda Item 10 • Consen1 Agenda.) 12. GeaenJ DIICUISion (a) Mayor's Choice (i) Mayor Bwnssaid they know lhcEuglcwood Swat Team was out at Columbine High School and ii has been n:pa,tcd in lhc paper lbc activities they conducted out there. They bad medical personnel wilh lhcm, as well as law cnfon:emcnl One of lhc things Ibey did, and Mayor Bwm said, be discussed lhis wilh them, is that they bad lo go inlo lhc building afterward to sec who they c:oo.ld find ali ve l■pewoad City c .. ■cu Mayl, 1"9 Pace6 and !hat was tough. /u he undenWlds i~ they were the only Swat team Iha! bad medical penonncl with them thal wcrc tnined 10 do 1h11. They came L, law and did cauin duties u rcqucsted by the Jelrenon County Sherill's dq,artment. So he thought they did some yooman's service. Mayor Bums Sll1ed he asked that they have a proclamation tonight to honor the students and to recognize this tragedy at Columbine High Sdiool . Mayor Bums felt it was approprille to have the City Cieri< read the proclamation. The City Cieri< read the proclamation in its crurety . MAYOR BURNS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION OFFERING 1BE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD'S HEARTFELT CONDOLENCES TO 1BE FAMILIES OP 1BI VICTIMS OP 1BI COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL TRAGEDY AND SENDING OUR BEST WISHES FOR HEALING, SUPPORT, AND HOPE FOR A FUTURE FREE FROM VIOLENCE AND Hit.TL Motion carried. Ayes : Council Members Nabbolz, Garn:!~ Bradshaw, Haberu ch~ Waggoner, Grazulis, Bums Nays : None Mayor Bums commented thal he was sun: C\'tryone was aware !hat Rachel Scott, step-daughter of I.any Nimmo, a City of Englewood Public Worlcs employee, was one of the victims . He ad\ised there Is a special fund set up for the donalions in the Englewood Municipal Federal Credit Union for that family . Mayor Bums said we arc alrwy hearing of very large medical bills for people who \\UC injur<d as .. ..u . He knows they have to coordinate this, but he ccnainly encouraged people to make donations through the credit union for that family . Mayor Bums said, in that regard, some may be aware and the paper reponed, that the Metro Mayo(s Caucus attempted to have a public forum on Saturday on this matter. CNN was willing to broadc:asl it nationwide and this got moving a little bit faster than .ome of the mayo(s were aware, frankly . On Wednesday, he advised, the Jefferson County Commissionel's med that they postpone this, bccaUle they were too much into the grieving period they felt and it was a little too soon . They really did agree with that. The Metro Mayors feel as though they would like to do this, maybe sometime in the next throe or fours weeks . He noted there will be a steering rommittee meeting Wednesday morning to diSCll5S this further and there is a caucus meeting in the next couple of weeks. Mayor Bums said they would like to do this and they feel that the Metro Mayors, as a group, in a community-wide effott, can bring people together to discuss this further. He opined there have been a lot oh-.ry good discussions on telC\ision &bout this, but he was U:lling Jerrell Black that he hasn't seen anyone yet talk about 1!1e panicipation of the municipalities. The Par1<s and Rtcreation Department's Before and After School Programs, and these types of things. that municipalities have become involved in in the last ten 10 fifteen years tCI ~ •;st kids who arc latchkey kids and parents with two jobs and that son of thing. Mayor Burns opined the,, ,t would be helpful to bring the municipal community into this discussion, becawe he 1iasn, seen this so far He commented 1h11 everybody is trying to do something to try to help the healing process and try to do •,omething that can be carried on . The whole objective of the meeting is 10 not just b,.ve one meeting or one foru •JI, but to carry ou ·:'!ti1h f'unher discussions to try 10 come up with some rra>mmendations lha1 the Metro Mayors might do . t:e offered his apologies to Tom MWlds of the Englewood Herald, because lte knew he wanted to get this ,, the paper last week and then they changed "horses' on him and cancelled 1·he meeting on Saturday Mayor Burns said that was why it happened, that they wanted to be sensiti,·,. to the needs and desires ,,! the people who are really on the frontline , in JdTcnlOn County, on this m>.~er. So that is why it was J:.<lllpOned. • • lapeweod City Caudl M1yl,l"' .... , Mayor &rm advillOd that Rick Culaldo, in Swedish HospillJ, is I padualc of SL Louis rchool, He has been falured on the news, is one of the IIIOII ICVel'dy injURd ldduDd is putlally paralyzed. Mayor BIIIDI said these arc just ....Uy tragic stories . Mayor Bumi staled be appreciala Council's porliciiation in the proclamation and OOlcd that it bu been a tough couple of weeks. (b) Council M.,mbcf, Choice (i) Couacil Member Nabholz: I. She said that her )"3)".tS go to the victim's families, lhc studcnU, the Slaft", our officcn and everyone who bas been involv:d in this tragedy. Ms. Nabholz stated it has impacted cvcryooc and it is lime that we all pulled together. 2. She thanked I.any Medina for bis quick response 10 some code enforcement issues. 3. She thanked Division Chief Moore for his follow-up on employee manuals. 4. She said to clarify, in our group home list, that 400 West Comcll is listed as a group home and that has not been a group home for approximately four years . It is owned by a couple who arc very cautious laadlonls and do background chccb and everything on their tenants. S. She advised that she is lwning in her National League of Cities rcport. She said she WIS sorry it took her awhile. Cou.,ciJ Mcml>ct Nabholz thankal Council and the citizens ofEn&)cwood for allowing her to go and noted it was a very productive and fruitful conference . (ii) COldlcil Member Gam:tt: I. He commented, regarding the improvements on Broadway , that as things Slart going up it is quite exciting to ICC . 2. He said he bas a procr.Alural issue regarding Council's study sessions. He said he is concancd because Ibey have their studJ· sessions sitting at the table and be docs not thiJlk people know it is an open ocssion. Tboy see the do<.r open and somebody tuns out because they think they arc intcrrupling somclhiag. Mr. Gam:u thoogbl it would be appropriate to hive some kind of sign out front saying City CouaciJ Study Scssior, open to the public, so then they know they can walk in and li!len. Mayor Bums said lhat is a good idea (iii) Council Member Bradshaw : I. She thanked Neighborhood and Business Development for their rcpon on the group homn. She said she ....Uy appreciates that information. 2. She noccd she works at Arapahoe Commwlity College and several of their students were all'cctcd by the Cnlumbinc tragedy. Her concern, Ms. Bradshaw said, as a mental health thcrapi!I and a citizen of this community, is that we don'tjust addr= the symptoms, that we look dccpcr and add,= the problems. Bccauoc putting a bandaid on it is just not going to work anymore . 3. She said the other things she would like to bring uµ to Cooncil for their consideration, is th>• when the Alapaboc Acres group was here Cc Wlcil did not do anything about any of that until Council Members' Choice. She said she would like Council to enlcnain the idea that they could change the procedure a1 if Eaajewood City CauKU May 3, 1"9 Papi there arc gn,ups here when they hive different lqislation Illa! •Pl'lies din,ctly to tllem. that they ., ahead and move it forward and vote at that time. lfthal would be okay. Mayor Bums thought Council wu free to do that anytime lhey want to. Council Member Bracbbaw said she did DOI kMw and thought It would be a really good Idea. Council Member Nobholz ap,,cd. (iv) Council Member Gruulis advued that last week she aacndcd a five day environmental camp with forty-one Sinclair students between the ages of twelve and filunecn ud this was just coming off of the Columbine 1111gcdy. She said she lo,·es to do things with youth and it was just another eye opener. When she was there she was the only parent in this group and there were two teacbcn, so she was the designated mother. They had hypothermia and aitiwdc sickncu, they had it Ill. Some or the children told her some stories of their home life and \\'C just need to put our winp out to every child out ther< and try to draw them in and show them we care, even though they may not hive the best home environment Ms. 'jrazuiis noted she docs not know what to do to help, but just to be aware of iL She said she was just a sponge to listen a lot or the time and they just thought she was wonderful for doing that and that was Ill she did. She asked, if you know of any children that look like lhey arc troubled, 1h11 )'OU not judge them by the way they look, just put your wing out a little furtl1er and bring them in, because all they need is a hug and some undenlanding. (v) Council Member Habenicht: I. She said she also wanted to share her ,,ondolcnccs and her deep feelings of pain and som,w. She noted she bas a grand nephew wllo graduated from Columbine High School and a grand niece who attends Ken Caryl Middle School, so they were all very closely sum,unded by this within their own &mily. Ms . • Habenicht commented that she is pleased that our community is both large enough and small enough to • attend to a lot or these concerns. She said 51-, imow1 tbat the,. is a safety committee wbe:e representatives from our City and our schools, both public and parochial acl;d<Jls, within our City, .-regularly to addlcss issues . When she fint heard about this incident she n::cailed seeing in their packet a letter they had received, which was forwarded from Roscoe Davidson. who is the superintendent or Englewood schools . It MS copied to Ill of Council and in it he talked about how much he app,cilled Ille City and schools working togcthcr on safety issues . This memo came in March and it brought with it a number of articles that had bccll llllionllly published in terms or youth violence, violence in schools. Council Member Habcnicl,t acknowledged that at the time she just thought it \\'IS nice. but she \\ent back aft« this incident and dug it out and read those articles . She thought they addrtsscd a lot or the things Council Member Bradshaw was referring to, not dealing symptomatically . but dealing with the bean or the issues . She said she would commend those articles to ail of us . Ms. Habenicht said that she appreciates the fact that our City and schools have been malting this a concern all along. Mayor Bums said he wanted to mention that he and Council Members Bradshaw and Habcnichl wen: at the dinner for the Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioncn Youth A ".ll'ds. He stated lhey really should talk about 1h11, because that was after this incident. He said you talk about some kids with some tough backgrounds that have made rcmarbblc achie\'ements. They were just ln\BZcd. he said. at how they were able to l'CCOvcr from the family situations and abuse and so forth and become leaders in their classes academically. Some were handicapped. one bad had brain surgery for cancer and it just \\ent on and on. They were just., amazing group of kids, he said . Mayor Bums offcr<d special tltanlcs to Council Member Bradshaw as she was on the selection committee . Bu~ he commented, it shows you how kids can persevere under really difficult cir=nstanccs, pull themselves up by their boot.straps and really achieve something. It was really inspirational to sec . 2. Council Member Habcnichl said she thought th~· "~re going to discuss maybe changing the values or the colors on our """ logo. She noted they did not discuss it and so she WOtldcr<d if they just • • lllllewood CkJ Caucll MayJ, 1'99 , .. , mccivod the color l)'llem chart for information or if Ibey were IClullly goin1 to addresa thee colon II some point Bua, Council Mcmhcr Bradshaw DOied, they do not have the colors of wbal 10 cban&e it 10. Director SilllplOII advised that be CID addras that wilh Terry llanlball and wllca be C10111C1 blclt for our final color sda:tion on that logo wc can also discuss if that iJ where the group WIIIIS 10 go. Council Member Habcnichl aid she WIS just curious bcausc she WIS cxpoctlng 10 discuss this. Dinlc:lor Simpmn advilod thal he did not pus thal chart out Acting City Manager Black explained the chart WIS more informational, 1h11 Sue Bradshaw pulled lhc information toactber to show a little hislory uf what is out lhcrc, what is in place now. Council Member Bradshaw noted that lhc difference between lhc gn,cn of tbe benches and chain and the gr<cn in lhc quilt is a value shift. .. somctbing on that onlcr. Mayor Bums COIIIIDCl1lcd that it is a liUJe different subject. but wc have pins and when they go 10 confcrcoc:a andcxcb.,ngc pins. we doll~ bave a pin with Citr ofEnglcwoodO&? it like all of the Olbercitics. Every pin YCMJ get has lhc cities aamc oa it. Mayor Bums wonllcrcd if tbey might sometime dcsip a pin with the City's name on it lhlt they could give away to people where they would remember where it came from. Council Member Bradshaw ooted lhcy used to give tbem away with a card tbal bad lhc mark and the,, Englewood on it. (:ouncil Member Gmzulis aid she waotcd 10 111C11tion that the senior awards ceremony at Englewood High School conflicts with their Council meeting. She felt someone should be lhcrc to n:prcscnt us for our ootstanding seniors and show tbem that wc really appreciate the positive things lhcy do. In response to Council Member Habenicht. Ms. Grnulis advised that the ceremony ~-11 be held May 17. 1999. Ms. Habenicht asked iftbey had time 10 bave a rcsol11tioo or proclamations prq,ared tbal CID be sent from City Council indicating that we arc umbJc 10 attend because of our meeting. Mayo, Bums, Council Member Bradshaw and Council Member Grazulis agr<ed that would be a nice way tc handle it. Mayor Bums noted he""' disappointed too. he was hoping tl,cr could somehow go , but thae is just no way . Acting City Manager l!lack Slated lhcy can cel1ainly have staff represented there and if there is a proclamation they can n,ad the proclamation at that time . J . Ms. Habenicht said she Wllllcd to mal<e sun: it was not lost. coming up with some son ofpropum, which Council Manber Nabholz brought up, about sending youth delegates to the National League of Cities. She slated lhcy occdcd 10 start 1'000l1g 011 that. She suggesled that maybe Ms. Nabbolz would be willing to spearhead that or a couple of the Council members could work together. Council Member Bradshaw stated that she and Council Member Grarulis will do it Council Member Nabholz said tbal would be woodcrful . laate,,ood City c,-,icll May 3, lffl PaaelO Council Member Bradshaw said the ll1ing is 1h11 ,.. have an orx1111111ily to help children with a Washington experience that is mon: 011 their le.a and it is called Close-Up. She commeoted dial Ibo MJUld hope this wouJd not be a duplication ol cffixU. Mayor 8111111 said he did not think IO 111d Council Member Habenicht said no, not at all . Coo::cil Mm1ber Habenicht pointed out thal they have been very supportive of Close-Up and she felt they would "'""t ID continue to do so. Mayor Bums advised thal we also had twn rescue units. a fin: truck and our bike patrol at the memorial service in front of the Mann Thealen for the studenls II Columbine . So, he noled, Englewood Ml very acti\'C, 13 . City Muaaer'• Report Acting City Manager Blad did not h:lve any manen to bring befon: Council . 14. City Anon,ey'1 Report (&) City Attorney Brotzman advised that the qieements for Wal-Man and the flnt amendment to the Miller-Weingarten agreeme• have been ,;gnec1 and .oegotiations an: going .ery weU with Forest City and we should be bringing Council IOllldhing on thal .is well . (b) City Auomey Brotzman advised that Council has a memo in dicir packet n:garding .he Recn:atioo Center gym floon . He requested a motion 10 pursue filing a complaint apinst the conbaclor and bomling company for the gym Doon. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO PURSUE nLING A COMPLAINT AGAINST THE CONTRACl'OR AND BONDING COMPANY FOR THE RECREATION CENTER GYM FLOORS. Motion carried . Ayes: Council Members Nallholz, Gam:tt, B11dshaw, Habenicht, Waggoner, Gnzulis. Bums Nays: None 15. Adjoarament URNS MOVED TO ADJOURN. The meeting adjourned 11 8: 10 p.m. •