HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-17 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • I" ENGU:WOOD CITY COIINCD. ltNGU:WOOD, AJIAPAUOlt COUNl'Y, COLORADO a.iai,s.... May 17, lffl I. Call lo Onlcr The regular .-mg of the EngleMJOCI Cily Council was clllcd ID order by Mayor Bums at 7:40 p.m. Mayor Bums welcomed Cily Manager Scars back m,m bis,......., and lhankcd Actillg Cily Manager Black for doma a greatjob in bis alJscnce. Mayor Bums advisod that Council Member Ganell was out ol ~-addio& that Couacil was on a c:onf'crcnce call with him this c.eniog during Executive ScssioD, "' be has boell pllticipoling ev,:a though bewasnotblR. 2. lal'OCllloa The im'OCllioa was gMD by Council Member Nabholz. 3. Plcdr,e ol Allqjuce The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Bums. 4. RoUCall Present Absent: Council Mcmbcrs Nall!1olz, Gtuuli5, I,r.adshaw, Hal.eaich!, Waggoner, Bwns Council Member Oamu A quonan WIS preseol Also pm,elll: S. Mi .. ta Cily MaMga' Scars Cily Attomcy BIIIIZmall Ci1y CletltEllil Dila:lor Simpson. Ncigllbocbood and Busio,,;s Development Director Gryglcwicz. Fioaacial Savi= Din:ctor Black, Parlts aad Rcaatioo Din:ctor Eaton. Human R<5ourtcs Din:ctor Olson. Safety Savica (a) COUNCU. MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AN11 IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES or m1: REGULA!t MUTING O!' PIA Y 3, 1!199. Motion carried. Ayes: Cowicil Members Nabllolz, Bnldd.aw, HabenichL Waggoner, Gr.w,lis, Bums Nays: None Absent: Garrett 6. Scbeduled VllilDn !■&lewood City c .. ■cll May 17, 1999 Pasel (a) Lany Nisbet , of lhe Englewood Public Schools, said he just wanltd 10 bring COUIICII up 10 dale on whal is bappenln1 In lhc scbool district. He advised lhal the communily passed a $27 mi1Uao bond rd"ercndum 10 support the refurbisrung of lhe scbools and fllrther their progression ln technology. He reported lhal $22 million of those bonds were sold ln January at a very favorable me. We immodiatdy began worlt on ~ng companies lhat could help wilh the project, he said. and 1h11 work, after extensive investigation and inltr,iew pmcesses, has resulted in the selection of Svenlnlp CRSS, a managemenl planning group 1h11 manages construction projects. They are master planners and construction managen for lbc upcoming bond worlt . Mr. Nisbet added lha1 he bas never run inlo a more organized group in bis entire life. We have an oversighl group lhal is repn:sen1ati,-e of the entire communily, which lll<dS once a month, he continued. and rcceivt s w, updale and m-ences what is happening wilh the bond worlt . We also have an oversighl committee with cili= and staff at each site, be advised. who ar:, cwrently, meeting as much as !Wice a w,,,k with archilects 10 dt:\·elop the schematic dra\\ings and move forward wilh the projects. II is most exciting. he said. and the informalioo supplied to Council is a very small piece of lhe oulcomc of a planning session 10 dclcrmine the goals and objectives for the bond worlt . Mr. Nisbet felt Council would find lhern quile comprehensive and logical . Six top goals were identified. be !lllled. The first is qualily over quantily, when possible, construction would be whar we lold the public . We are very serious about keeping lhal COVCIWII with the public, be said. and that is why we have pu1lti--laycred oversight committees represcnlcd by citizens . Other goals arc to produce cost effective 01 ,orations and minimize disruptions lo our educational programs, be said. adding that CRSS believes that it is to our advantage in this community to move forward as rapidly as ~'C can with the planning phase and the developmenl phase . We \\<re originally thinlcing ii "'Ould lake up to three yean to do lhis project, be advised. bul wear: going 10 Uy lo finish ii in a year and a half, so there will be a lot of inlensive worlt going on al each of the sebool si1es. They have begun the plann'og and the schematic process, with the hopes of n:lcasing the worlt for bid by October or November of lhis coming fall, and beginning construction shortly thereafter. Mr. Nisbel slated that Englewood ,.;u probably ft!ter their school calendar for the y<ar 2000-2001, most likely because they want a very long llindow in II>~ summer wr lhis one . We will probably go back 10 whal was a traditional calendar many ye:u,; •go. SWting scbool , in all likelihood, after Labor ;'<·, and ending laler in Jw,e than we have for many years. be said. Thal would give us a full llu-ce-month wi..:I,w for major construction lo lake place. They \\ill begin lhis spring and summer with some cmcrgcocy lypC work, !here are some leaky roofs and some ADA things lhat need to be aa:omplished in some of ow schools 10 aa:ommodale students who will be arri,ing oext year wilh some rather seven: problems. That is where we are, al lhis point, be concluded. He recognized Iba! Council is used 10 n:leasing bids and overseeing some construction things Iha! are going on in the communily, and lhis is only goin• 10 compound lhal worlt , he said. He allowed thal ii will be quile hectic. Mr. Nisbet said be has been appointed by the Board lo be the liaison wilh all the construction \\'Ork. bond work, and work with communily agencies. He said he has alrea<!y been in conlael with Director Black in terms of~= they will coordinate recreation programs. and other dcpal1lncnts in the Cily thal can be helpful and necJ lo be aware of whal is going on as we work around our various siles. He said he could. perhaps. come back on a somewhat n:gular blsis IO upda1e Council . Cily Manager Sc3n asked who lhe contractor will be . Mr. Nisbcl said the contractors have nol been hired yet He repealed Iha. the management team is Svenlnlp CRSS . He said he should ha,·e mentioned lhal lhree archilcctural fi rms \\<rC hired. DLR Group , who will be handling the middle school projects. Also, Dulaney Archilects, and. he uuc rjected. Dan Dulaney lives in EnglC\\'OOd. and has quile a background. ponicularl y. in elemmtary scbool dcvelopmenl. and he will be doing our elementary scbools . The third firm is H & L ArchilCCIW"e. be said. Each of the lhree firms selected,, design the project has a dill"crent package . CRSS lhought it would be helpful , he advised , 10 bn:ak our projects dowo inlo smaller packages, rather than $10 or SI I million packages, do,m inlo SS ••. ~ S6 million packages. They· fee,, with the arnounl of building going on in Colorado, I 'ICy will be ablo IO dmv 10 us some consuucti.on firms lhat are of a size lhal they •ill be comfonable \\ilh the projects and in IWIC with Whal is bappe:oing in the communily. That is why they believe we can compress lhis down inlo a shorter time period and use smaller packages 10 get gcod bids and good conlractors . • • IE■slewood City Cou■cU M■y 17, 1999 PqeJ J ~~~.,.,, Hl ',rt·tdl. i,~r, Mayor Bums commented 1h11 be went lo Ille 6:ir apin Ibis year 11 Cberrclyn. 1111 Sarunlay, for lnelr ICllool. He Slid be wu 11ildng lo Vldde Mohr, Ille prim lp.,I. about whether lhc achoo I populllion wu ,ilillg up. Ms. Moon: Slid she wiahcd ii wu going up. She ...i we sec a lot man: IOddlers around than ia die put few years. SIie added 1h11. a Ibey get Into the syste,ll. she wi~ we could k<:p lhem . Mayor Bums aid lhal iJ Ille age old problem of thc housin& and lhis ~..IS happer . .d ,.e, and ,..,.r in Englewood. As dleoe families grow, Ibey move ou~ and we really hav," challenge ~i•h our Rehab Loan program llldalhcr things lhal are going ID happen an,und lhc Cir,C.nle: projo..-i, te impnM lhe housing stock ia Ille community . He said Ms. Moore fell lhat M swt them au~ bul ihey don 't end hen:, Ibey don'l get lo lhc high school , and lhat has been a long-•tanding proble r.1 . Mr. Nisbet agreed . He said ii has been like lhc provt,i,i•I lot 1.~ing through the snake, ii llaltJ ou1 a pn!11y big bulge, bill as it works ilS way through the snake , it si.'\11.S .;,ming smaller and smaller. One of the !rends we an: sccin& he said, is 1h11 the redevelopmenl of Englewood is alrea.1y slarting to have an impact. Unfortwlalely for us, it is an impact in a little dilferenl din:ction, in lhll land prices ia Englewood are staniag lo go up, in antlcip■tion of quality things happening In this community. The young -families an: having bouble gelling ia ,-. Mr. Nisbet said be beli eves lhal will level ou~ and tal<e can: of iuelf In time, blll be feels we will go through some difficull times in lhc near fulw< with regard lo eNOllment. and thc budget is being built on lhc basis of one hWldred fewer studenlS next fall . Mayor Bu.'11S said one other thing. which is a little bil off lhis subject. Is that h• • e:. <'llo :7! ,,ri,, s Hotm.:s last week and Ibey wer. l8iking ,oc,1 1 lhc beautification project on South BrullM .r,. r.c s ,!~ Ile lalkcd to him aboul Flood Middle School and lhat nonh part up the re, and asked him if lh<.•; ,..,, uy kind of budgetary 1•= for combining with lhc City and its work on Broadway to help be,.utily that comer a IittJc more . • Mr. Nisbet agreed that ii is a lillle Slark. He said they have plans in the bond to replace lhat very stained and brokeo and cr.tddng conaete that holds up the basis of that fence around, who: used to be, playground an:a and lcnnis courts That will be replaced and should make ii look 90mcwhal better, be said. bill llll)'be thcrean: othcrll!ings we could like a look at mulllally, be said. lflhal isa lopic we should pw,uc logetbcr, he Slid he woold be happy to talk lo City Manager Scars. • Mayor Bums Slid Art Scibelli would be happy 10 do that on our NBD staff. as be is doing some gn:a WOik. He said he woold pul in another pitch for some granl money lo n:do the bridge over Hlgbwey 21,, because we have been talking aboul lhal for a couple of years . Mayor Bums opin that it WINld be gr,,al if we could combine our elfons righl thele II lhat locotion •• beautify lhat an:a Mr. Nisbet said he would gel a hold nfMr. Scibelli and begin some conversation about the ~bility that we mighl do somethi ng jointly therT, Mayor Bums congratulated Mr. >/isbet on the project and thanked ~Jm for coming. Mr. Nisbet Slid it wiU keep them prfflJI busy for th< ,,e,rt year and a half. and invilcd Cow,cil 10 call him with any questions Ibey may have . 7. No11-1cbeduled Visitor, (a) James Coleman. 4320 South Pennsyl vania Sl!ec~ said he is a lo .. 3 time citizen of Englewood . He said he would like lo place on the ballo1 of November, 1999, an amendment lo reform the qualifications of City Council Members . In tlic Home Rule Charter, Section 23, ii states "oo person shall be eligible for the office of City ..:ouncilperson unless. al the time of the election, the persoo is a ciliml of thc United Slates, al least twenty-fi ve years of age. and shall ha, .. been for one year immcdiaicly pn:ccding such election, a registcn:d elector of the City .· Mr. Coleman said be proposes 10 lower tho age qualification lo twenty-one. AI; the pop•lation of the City of Englewood grows, the average age of the citizens seems lo drop. He said he feels ii is pertinent lhat younger citizens are property repesented, and ii is also impor1anl lo give every capable candidate the opportunity lo scivc as a City Council Member of lltslewood City Co•ocll May 17, 1999 Pqe4 Eqlewood. if'° desiral. He lhanked Council for their c:onsidcnui011 and offeRd 10 answer Ill)' qUClllloas Council mlpl have. MayorBumslhanked him and said Mr. Coleman 'sroquea ·, ,,, well J)RSCll!ed. He DOied it»uan inleraliag question. Council Member B,:"11baw aid lhe School Boan! lllo\'; '-'Khl<>Cn ·,,.., olds. Mr. Coleman aid ho dill:UStOd ways lo have Ibis questiou oul on lhQ ballot wilh Cily Clerk Elll1, and lowld Iha! eilher COUIICil can approve i~ or he would have ID ge, {Nlt.<gh Signatures to do so. He said be hopes be can gela timely raponse, 10 Iha! be can work on Iha! if ll<'tr .11". Cily Attorney Brotzman said Iha! is true, and ii is just a question of when Council wanlS IO take Iha! up. COUDCil Member ;:,...:,,!,aw said she had no problem wilh i~ and Council Member Nabbolz agreed. Mayor Bums asked if !hey .-.1 lhey did not have I problem doing il Council Membels Naobolz and Blldlllow respondNI Iha! !hey did DOI. Mayor Bums said it would be inlCRSting. He asked if lhe other Cow,cil Members had any lhoughlS o.i il Council Member Wqgoncr said ii was I liale loo quick for him lo decide. Council Member GIIZlllis asked if ii could be considered•• Sludy Stssion. Mayor Bums said be did DOI lcoow whether we have any CIUTOnt polJU)ation figures. We are almoa II lhe time or a new census, be said. Mr. Colcmao said be does DOI h,ve any lllatislics. just general knowledge of people he gmv up wilh, wbo have remained citizens. People be wcnl to Ena)ewood High School wilh 51ill live in lhe area. be said, and actually own homes and are railing !heir limilies al a young age here in Englewood. Mayor Bums asked Mr. Coleman Low old be is. Mr. Coleman r \'!)Onded 1h11 he is =tly IIVODly. Hie said be is I college gnduale of Dean College in Franklin, Massachuse115, he gradw.ted Phi Bela Kappa. whicb is lhe Naliollll Honor Socicly He aid be moved bock ~ bad pwu,,d Ill go Ill Cornell Ucivcnily in August, howc-,cr, be was offmd • pat job wil~ Wells Fargo as a banlcing officer, and Ibey are offering Ill pay forth<. restofbiscducalJOII at lhe Univeni·.y orv,.nver. Council Member Nabholz .mid it wo,~d be good lo look at it quickl y, because it is a big job to get signatura. if Iha! is lhe route he bas lo go. Council Member Bradshaw asked what lhe time lir.c would be . Cily Cieri< Ellis responded Iha! she would like to have lhe ballot question come at lhe firstmc:ting in June. ifwe can. She said sbc bas a schedule on that and could look at it again. CoW1Cil Member Br.ldsbaw asked if it would be wilhin 1h11 time. Ms. Ellis said yes. Ms . Ellis said she did a memo on ~ which she could get 10 Council. as far as lhe actual dala. She said she was thinking ii was lhe fim meeting in June. that she was going to tty to bring lhe lntcrgovemmcnlal Agrecmcnl wilh Arapahoe County at lhal time anyway. Ci1y Manager Scars said we can pn,vidc population information on lhe demographiu of lhe Cily. He asked if lhcrc are any other ilcms. COWICil Member Habenicht .mid she would like 10 know the ages ,n olhcr communities. Mr. Coleman• '" he is familiar with a COIIUDWUty in New Yori< where lhe mayor is nineteen ycan old. Mayor Bums apin lhankcd Mr. Coleman for III c.'U:dlcnt presentation. Mayor Bums said !heir decision must be made by June .,. in onlcr to ~ it 011 lbe ball01. • • • 111.......,. City Council May 17, 1999 u l , , iioo ;I.J "'l VI , .1, Pqe! 8. Communlt1Uon1, Prod .. 1tlou ud Appol■-11 (1) A letter ftom Bllblra Fout lndkalng her resi..,.ilon flom tbc EnaJewood Code Enfon:cment Advisory Boan! was consideral. COUNCil. MIMIER NABBOLZ MOVID, AND IT WAS SICONDID, TO ACCIPT WITH RIGRIT TRI RESIGNATION OF IAJIBARA JOliTAOM 1111 INGLIWOOD CODI INFORCEMENT ADVISORY BOARD. Motion curicd. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz. Bradshaw, Habenich~ Wqgoncr, Clnzulls, Bwns Nays : None Absent : Council Member Garmt (b) A proclamation honoring the Englewood H,~ ~•~-,ol Seniors being r=gnizcd at the Senior Awuds Ccn:mony was considcnod . t:ity Clctlt Elll5 read the proclamation in 11111 . COUNCil. MEMBER BABENICHr MOVID, AND J TWAS ~ICONDID, TO APPROVI A PROCLAMATION HONORING Tlil: El'iGLIWCK'D HIGH SCBOOLSINIORS IIINI; RECOGNIZED AT THE SENIOR AWARDS CERr .\IONY. Motion carried. Ayes : Council McmbcB Nabholz, Bradshaw, Habenich~ Waggoner. Grazulis. Bums Nays : None Absent Cooncil Member Cllrmt 9. hbllc Hearin& No public bearing was scheduled before Council . 10. C.....,t Agenda MAYOR BURNS REMOVED AGENDA ITEMS JO (1) (II) AND JO (1) (Ill) i'ROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. (1) Approval of Ordilw1ccs on Finl Reading COUNCil. MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM IO (1) (ij t'N FIRST READING. (i) COUNCil. BILL NO. 31, INlllODUCED 6 Y COUNCil. MEMBER WAGGONER A Bill. FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMEITTAL AGREEMEl'll' BETWEEN BUCKLEY AIR NATIONAL GUARD AND 11iE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR USE OF BUCKLEY'S FACil.ITIES BY 11iE ENGLEWOOD DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES . Vole,-111: Ayes : Council Members Nabholz, Bradshaw, llabcnich~ Waggoner. GIIZlllis. Bums Nays: None J l~CllyC1111Kll May 17, 1999 ,..., Absent Motion carried. Council Member Gamlt > 1, l l~,1 n ~ 1-\'I-I 'ltd,' -. 1 (ii) Diloctor Simpoon pn,senled a recommeudP!ion ftom the ~ al Neighborhood and Business DeYelopment to adop( a bill for an onlancc amo:ndiDc Title 16 altbe Englewood Municipal Code to include Parb, Remation. and Ope.t Srece Zone Dlllrict Mr. Simpoon asked tbal a Public 1fearina be IOI liJr Junc 7, 1999 to receive public i.,,,imony on tho prop,aed onlinanco. He said he andentaatds 11111 tbe Para and Recreation Commiaion bu submiital I leaer ~ - chanaes and those issues can be consideml at that time . COUNCIL BILL NO . 33, INTRODUC:ED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCF. •.MENDING TITLE 16, CHAPTER 8, AND CHAP1ER 4, WID11llE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 22, ENTITI.ED "PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT." TOTIIE l'NGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985. COUNCU. MIMBER BRADSBA W MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10 (1) (ll) ON FIRST READING, AND TO SET A PUBUC HEARING FOR JUNE 7, 1999 TO CONSIDER PUBLIC TESTIMONY ON THE PROPOSED ORDINANCL COUNCIL MIMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO AMEND COUNCU. BILL NO. 33 BY DELETING THE LAST SENTENCE IN flM-22 D. Council Member Waggoner explained that the sentence says the ~lopment review team sbaU submit a writtm adviso,y repon and r=mmendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission for m-iew and recommendations after a public hearing. Council Member Bradshaw asked if that elimination is the Parlts and Recreation recommendalion. Mr. Waggoner answered affirmatively . Mayor Bwns asked if"" have aln:ady b<en through that. Diroctor Simpson said yes, the pnx:as for this onlinanc:e was that stalf took the original ordinance to the Planning Commission and gal their inp,t. We prepaml an 9rdinance, in dnll fonn, took it to the Park.! and Recreation Commission, rcceiwd their inpu~ and then proceeded through the official process with the Planning Commission. in which they made some amendments to the draft and approved it in this form you see tonigb:. Mayor Bums said, if you have a development review team. as h< undemands i~ normally in the zoning process, the development review team normally does repon. Mr. Simpson said that is a,mct This issue, he feels, is that it must, e-.-en with that repon, go back for a public bearing with the Planning Commission . Council Member Wqgonc, said it was felt by the Parks and Reaution Commission tbal it -.Id add at least another thffl: months to the time line and that they felt it was totally wuieccssary. Parks and Recreatioo is really the one d:at .1ocs most of the work on iL Mayor Bums asked if be was r.oncernal about the public hearing itself, and whether he coold just strike that il:stead of the whole sent enc... Mr. Waggoner said they wanted the whole sentence struck. Diroctor Simpson said the Park.! ,nd R.ecreatinn wanled the entire sentena: stricken ftom this ordinance. Mlyor Bums said it sta1a tbal the development review ttam shall , on a case by case basis, comidet impacts of the proposal , and so fonh. Then it says they shall then submit a written adviso,y repon and recornmeodation. If they don't submit !hat, he asked, what is the result of their analysis? Dirtetor Simpson said, pemaps. a wrinen repon could be prq,aml from that analysis and forward<d to both the Park.! and Recreation Commission and to the Planning Commission. • • l ,iietfoad City CCNKII Mayl7,1''9 Pap,7 Cnuncil Member Bradshaw sald ii is still going to add time, and that wu their COIICffll. Council Member Waggoner sald time in thc seMC of thc hcarifl&. Mayor Bums said he was just speaking &cncrally lhc way that these zoning things do. If you havt development review teams, a review team is wry common f'or a city, and that means your dqlar1mellt heads 110rmally. Director Simpson sald the way a private application comes in ls simply that U comes in, it is reviewed by the dcvclopmcnt review team. which is co mix-( of Public Works, Utilities, Planning, Building, all of those r:roups. Each group chccb and reviews all of thc regulolions of each individual 11m1 to make sun, thrJ things have been addi<sscd. Mayor Bums sald as long as Ibey do that. he is sati,;fied . Council Member Waggoner said that is the aormal prnc:ess anywa y. Council Member Bradshaw sald this is saying that that is thc process, period, wilhol ·. 11r ll.ier !,wing. Mayor Bums said without another rq,on. Dim:tor Simpson sald. with thc elimination ofthc sentence. it saves time in that you don't have to go bad< through the Planning Commission for that public review. A public bearing would rcquin: notil!c:ation, legal nctia, and all that. Mayor Bums said he just wanted to be S\IJ'". the team is able to do its work and is DOI cut off at some point Mr. Simpson said he appreciates that Council Member Bradshaw said she would accept that amendment Vote realta .. Ille amcndmeat: Motion carried. Ayes: Council Members Nabholz, Bradshaw, Habenicb~ Waggoner, Gnmtlis, Bums Nays: None Absent: Counr ~i Member Garrett City Aaomey Brotzman pointed 00: that then: is a typographic:al error on page tbr=. It should read "Parks, Reaeation and Open Space" rathe r tl:an "end Open Spoa,." Mayor Bums added that it is in the title of the paragraph. Vote .-Its oa setting tllc poblic bcari■g ud approval of Cooacil Bill No. 33, u amended: Motion c:anicd. Ayes: Coomcil :';!embers Nabholz, Bradshaw, Haoonicb~ Waggoner, Grazuiis. Bums Nays: None Absent: Council Member Garrett (iil) A recommendation from the Deportment ofFinancial Services to adopt a bill f'or an onlinancc extending the waste tnnsfersun:harg,, waiver until Oca,mbcr 31 , 2001 wasconsidcRd. Council Member Wa(#IICI' said be bad a cllrillcation question . He ooeia:d that Sheridan is pan of lhc group that -.Id have lhc advalage ofbrviag the surtbqc lifted. He asked ifthcR was a reciprocal agrccmcnt in their WIiie tnasfcr ordinaocz that they ha"" passed. Mayor Bums said be would kind of doobt it. If not, Mr. Waggoner said, thcn he was not swe Sheridan should not be a pan of lhiJ one. J~CltyC•lldl May 17, ltff .... Council Member Bradlbaw COIIUll<llllld that ,be WU l4iDl<iDa tbal loO and sbe WU pad ho bcaupt ii up. But. lho said, maybe we could be good neiat,bon awJ ICIM them in there . COll!ICil Member Grazulis noled it bas to Slall ,,,.,..cwhclP.. Council Member Wauoocr said....., thcr,1 ir. iilerc, but let them know UIOI we left them in there, lie thought tlll1 sounded like a good idea. Ms . Biadlhaw said it needs to start somewhere. Council Member Habenicht tbaak<d Council Member Wqgoner for bringin1 that to their attentim. COUNCll. BILL NO. 34, INTRODUCED BY COUNCll. ~!EMBER WAGGONER A Bil.I FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 4, CHAPTER 7, SECTION 11, OFllffi ENGU.:WOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985, PERTAINING 10 THE EXlcNSION OF THE LIMITED W.\IVER OF THE WASTE TRA.'ISFER SURCHARGE. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECOllDED, TO APPROVJ: AGENDA ITEM IO (a) (Iii) ON FIRST READING. Motion carried. Ayes: Council Members Nabbalz. Bnidsbaw, Habeaich~ Waggoner, Grazu1is, Bums Nays : None Absent: Council Member Gumt (b) Approval .fOnlinances on Seco nd Reading COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (b) (I) ud (o) ON SECOND READING, (i) ORDINA ~Ci: NO . 28, SERJESOF 1999 (COUNCll. Bll.L NO. 25, INTII.ODUCED BY COUNCll. MEWlER WAGGONER) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORJZING Al\ !NIERGOVERNMENl'~L AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD WASTEWA'l l!R ENTERPRISE, SO'JrH ARAPAHOE SANITATION DISTRICT, ARAPAHOE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, SOUTHGATE SANITATION DISTRICT, AND WASTE MANAGEMENT OF COLORADO, INC. APPROVING THE EXTENSION OF WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AGREEMENT. (ii) ORDINANCE NO. 29, SERIES o; 1999 (COUNCIL Bll.L NO. 30, INTRODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER WAGGONER) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORJZING A GRANT OF PERMANENT EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY \.i' i:NGLEWOOD, COLORADO AND CENTENNIAL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT, ffiR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF A PUMP STATION. Ayes: Nays: Aboc;: Council Members Nabba1z. Bnwlshaw, Habenich~ Waggoner, Gram1is, Burus Nooe CouncilM<ml>crGarreu • i.......,.c:iyeo..cu May 17, lffl ... , Motion carried. (c) Resolutions and Motions • J MAYOR BURNS REMOVED AGENDA ITEM 10 (c) (Bl) FROM TIU CONSENT AGENDA. COUNCIL MIMBIR WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDtD, TO APPROVI CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS JO (c) (I), (II), and (Iv). (i) RESOLUTION NO. 54, SERIES Of 1991' A Rl!SOLUTION APPROVING AN INCREASE IN BENEPITS FOR THE RETIRED POLICE OFFICERS . (ii) OFFICE SUPPLY CONTRACT wrrn CORPORATE EXPRESS FOR 1999/2000. (iv) REMOVAL OF HANNS KN\JPPERTZ FROM ntE ENGLEWOOD URBAN RENEW AL AUTiiORITY. Vote .-Ill: Motion carried. Ayes: Nays: Ab<ellt : Council Membcn Nabholz, Bradshaw, lla'>enich~ Waggoner, Grazulis. Bums None Council Member Gamn (iii) A recommendation from the Department or Parks and Recreation lo approve, by motion, a conttact for 11, • conslruelion or Clayton Alhletic Fields was considered. Council Member Habenicht asked if this includ<s lhe parking. Diffl:lor Black responded lhal it does. Council Mcmberlfabcnicht asked if it add= adequate pulring for what lhe space will be utilizing. ,,r,_ Black said yes, port of this will be inaeasing current south parting I~ south or the building, adding sp;,. -:s with that. We fed lhal puking will be sullicien~ he said. Ms. Habenicht said it is her undentanding that this field is just 10 be used for youth Pfflllll115. Mr. Bhclt said youth programs, which includ<s Uic high school girls' softball team . Mayor Bums said lhe conlraCI provides for the completion or work sixty days after notification or commencement or work . He asked if that is how long ii would lake . Di=lor Black said yes, our pla., is to swt as soon as school is ou~ because or the noise. Within sixty days, the field should be completed, and possibly ready for play in lhe ra1~ he said. Council Mem:.•r Bra.ishaw said good, nice cooperation. Director Black said yes, it is a great project. Mayor Bums said ii was a good project, and he thanked Director Black. COUNCIL MJ:MBER BRADSBA W MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO "-""ROVE A CONTRACT wmt RMT SPORTS TURF CONTRACTORS IN THE AMOUNT 01" $71,1.'IO, FOR CONSTRUCTION or CLAYTON AmLETIC FIELDS. Ayes: Council Mc~abers Nabholz, BradsMw, Habcnich~ W!!ggvoret, Grazulis, Bums Nays: None Absent: Council Member Garrett JCaatewood C11y C•acll May 17, 1999 Pqe 10 Motioncanied. 11. Replar Apda (a) Approval of Ordiaances on Finl Reading There ""re oo additional ilcms submitted for lppf0\'111 on r11S1 rcadin&, (See A'"nda ltoi:. 1, • a.- Agenda.) (b) Approval or Ordinances on Second Reading There M:re no additional items submitt<d for approval on second reading. (See Agenda Item 10 • Consent Agenda.) (c) Rcaolutions acd Molions (i) Director Eaton presented a rcai;,in,endation from tbc Human Resources Department to approve, by motion. the appoi,._ or a i-1og officer. Mt. Eaton advised !hat tbcrc has been a request fiom a member or tbc Safety Services Dcpartmei t for a hearing. Mayor Burns asked who Council appointed tbc last time. Council Member Waggoner said be did IIOt remember, but asked if tbcrc wcrcn 't five on tbc list before. City Attorney Brotzman said no, tbcrc M:re only three, and Council appoinlcd MacLean and Aisenberg previously . COUNCil. MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPOINT RONALD J. COHEN AS BEARING OFFICER. Motion canied. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Bradshaw, Habenicht Waggoner. Grazulis. Burns Nays : None Absent Council Member Garrell Council Member Habenicht called for a point or order. She asked if Council had. indeed. p,sscd (c) (iv). Mayor Bwns responded affinnalivdy . 12. ~ Diaamloa (a) Mayo~s Choke (i) Mayor Bums said he had noticed quite a bit or graffiti c•, the DOllh wall or I.be Masonic Lodge as he drove by ii tbc otbcr day . (ii) Mayor Bums said he had already mentioned his attendance at tbc aia,.,,.., School fair. (iii) Mayor Burns advised that I.be Cltan. Green and Proud GolrTOU11111111Cl11 1 coming up )lt'IC 14~. and tbcy warn the rcscMtions in pretty quicWy. He reminded Council that.., usually buy a coop le or foursomes for that Council Member Nabholz said Ca..mcil had already a!ll)COVCd two fowtomes. and the request now is who is going to play? • • • • Eaatewood Ci ty c .. acu May 17, 1999 Pase II Council Member Grazulis advised that she must pull her name from i~ IS she might be in Missouri !hat day, heading back ror Council that night Cou nci l Member Bradshaw said she could play, then, n:aliud ii was on a Monday, and 111,i !IO that is Ibo first day or class. Couocil Member Nabholz said she just need.I 10 know who is playing in the Council's two Cotir.omcs. Sbe wd lilc knows or Council Member GarrctL hersctr, City Manager Scars, Mayor Bu'11S, Ci l)' Attomcy Brotzman, and Dilcctor Simpson, although she WIS unsure whether Mr. Simpson WIS pla;ing "1th them or under ~@D's foursom e. She said it is a great toumar,ent and the money goes for some wondo l'ul projects. Mayor Bums said wc arc playing on the Englewood course for the first time in a (cw ycars. Council Member Nabholz said the Commission members have worked very hard and gotten a large sponsorship Crom Craig Hospital . (iv) Mayor Bums said the South Metro Chamber or Commerce is having itJ annual luncheon, and wc do a (air amount of schmoozing over there. George Stcphanopoulos is the guest speak,,, he said, and he Celt they werc getting quite a reaction to thaL It is a little morc expensive than normal, be said, at $40 .00 without the book . Ir you pay SS0 .00, you get his book. which is worth $20.00, he said, so you get a deal. Mayor Bums said he wouldn't mind going because a lot of people go there that wc rclale to and Wk to about our projects. Council Member Habenicht said, in the past, wc have taken a table. City Manager Scars ag,<cd. Ms. Habenic ht said she would like to go. Mayor Bums said he has a reel ing there is going u, be quite a crowd at this. He said it is on the 25• of May, a Tuesday, at ll :JO am. at the Hyatt Regency in the Tech Center. City Manager Scars said he plans to go, also . Council Member Bradshaw said she will be out ortown. Council Member Nabholz said she is not available to go. Mr. Scars suggested doing thrcc (or the luncheon, IS it might be prcny C.'IJ)Cnsive to do the table. He said he would set that up for thrcc. M Mayor Bums said, pursuant to the discussion during the E=11tivc Session, wc arc giving notice that wc arc planning a conrercncc call on Friday at 10:00 am. with C':iy COW1cil . It is rcganling a real estate m.atter. he achiscd, and will be an Executive Session . (vi) Mayor Bums asked if Englci,ood Downtown Development Authority is going to do their concert series this summer. Council Member Waggoner said yes, they j l5t paSSt1 out the schedule 81 the last meeting . He said he did not get a chance to sec iL (b) Council Membe(s Choice (i ) Council Member Nabholz : l. She said she had a call Crom a constituen~ and noticed in her mail box tonight that City Clerk Ellis has ain,ady started working on iL We have a constituent that wants to brin i roosters back into Englewood. She thanked Ms. Ellis for what she is doing with iL and said wc will continue 10 work on it. 2. She advised that she received a FAX from Ron Gold requesting that our gw1 laws be IS strict IS Denver's. She said she would pass that along for the rest or Council 10 take a look at that. J . She rcminded everyone that the Historical Society 's Boxcar Sale is June I,. and 1s•. She said she knows that Friday we have a big function over at CityCenter. but the sale is Crom 9:00 a.m. •o 3:00 p.m. We spent about four hours there today pricing things, site said . Mayor Bums asked her to explain w~ a boxcar sale i~ Ms . Nabhol z said ii is a garage sale ror the Historical Society to help raise funds . Things l ..... ood Clty Cwacll May 17, 1999 .... 12 are swung IO come in and it is lnokincgood. It is goin& IO be a lot offun, she said. and will be belt II Ibo Depot Mayor Bums DOied the Depot is looking better all the time. Council Member Nabholz qrccd 1.11d, she said, bless Parts and Recreation as they have done a wonderful job . (ii) Council Member Bradshaw : I. She said she had some minor zoning infractions. which she passed along IO City Mana&cr Scan. 2. She advised Council Member Waggoner that the Non-..mcrgcncy meeting would be a week from this Thursday to deal ,.;th the DROP Program She said she wanted him to know that that is IIIOVUl8 right alonB, Council Member Waggoner said very good . He asked it it will still be effective January I. Ms. Bradshaw said yes, it \\ill go back. She added that the Boan! bad been having a hard time getting together. 3. She asked if the Council Members had read the Library Board minutes. She said she got confused on the space for the Englewood Historical Society. She said she thought Council said lhcre would always be space for the Englewood Historical Society in the Library . Council Member Grazulis said the spaa, is divided up between the Friends of the Library, who had no space. and the Englewood Historical Society . Council Member Nabholz said the minutes said it would be temporary for the Historical Society. Ms. Grazulis said, looking al the plans. ii is divided in half. Council Member Habenicht said she accompanied the CullUnll Arts Commission to a Library Board • meeting, when the Book Arts League, and other groups. lalked about looking for space in the Library. One oi the things that came up. she said. was that lherc was a n:a1 concern over the space that we had designated for the Histori cal Society to have office space in the Library itself, in the board room aroa. It bad never been communicated to the Council was that the Friends of the Library group was planning to do major programming kinds of things along with that space . There was a n:a1 SCll5C, as the Library Board was talking about i~ cspccially the most newly appointed Library Board member, that they were very concerned about giving spocc lo one group and not the other. Especially, she said, when the one group is out there building rosowccs for the Library, and can 't have any space there, and another group that is a non-profit group, not contributing to ~ would have space. Council Member Bradshaw said Council directed Mr. Long to find ,;paa: for both, and he dido 'L Mayor Bwns and Ms. Habenicht said he did. Ms. Bradshaw said no, he put them both in the same place, and that is not what we asked him to do. Council Member Nabholz agreed . Ms. Habenicht said there was anotl :r meeting the next day, when: she spoke with someone from the Historical Society, and asked if they wen:, indeed, looking at having that space all the time, or if they wen: looking al putting office space in the Depot. They said they wen: looking al pulling office space, and this was Les Jenkins tliat I talked with, he said they wen: n:ally, r~marily, concerned abr,ut their storage space. She said she asked Director Long about the storage space. anca nc !-ail!, no, as !~ Go" he was concerned. the storage space was always being provided. bot not by the Library, but in that extra storage space was where it was being contained. Council Member Bradshaw said he is playing a shell game, because this Council di,--ctcd him to find 700 square feet for the Historical Society in the Library. Council Member Habenicht explained that she was invited to attend the Historical Society meeting, by Les Jenkins. We talked about the concern that was cxprcsscd by the Library Board members, she said, and the Friends of the Library said they did not go and lobby the Council and the Historical S;,cicty did . It was • • • lallcwood City C•ncll May 17, 1999 PaseJJ 1n•1 ) ttr) boo..,,,, r.11 'l ,t"I 1.tl ~,, starling 10 become a debaie, an issue, where il·did nol J-1 IO be. M tbe people IW1ed to talk, 111d lhc people lllked witb Dircaor Loag and witb lhc Hislori<al Society, and witb lbe Lilnl)' Board, then IOOIIICd IO be I rocopilion that ..... CID be aa:ommodaled II space bec9IIICI IIIOltl available. In tams of lhe Hfatorical Society or even lhe Skcrritt House. u all of lhclc things become availJllle, we can look II providing appn,priale space for all or these groups in lbe rigbl place. Another thin& that come out of this WU lhc fact that lhc Historical Society was iDla'csled in radiaa OUI lhe bascmcol or lhe Depot. M WC started IO dllcuss this, ii came oul that Ibey had 2,300 square feel in lhe basemen! or lhc Depot. 1bil Book Arts Lequo aad all of tbe pn,gnms lhat Ibey had, !heir ftw groups. tbe Calliv,aphcn ' Society, lhe Lcucr Press Society, and all lhal, Ibey oced 1600 square feet. The Historical Society, for !heir office space, and wanlin& 10 go throup.h :heir collection and getting lhcir collcclion ready, ii would be much bel1er for lhcm on-sito anyway, would be lhe rost of lhal ,pace. So we haw a .-ing coming up this Wednesday, which will pull togelbcr rcprcsclll>IMS from the Library Board, lhe llillorical Society, from lbe Fricads of lhc J.ibmry, from the Cullunl Ans Commimon and from the Book Ans League. to 111k •bout how this ,pace can be accommodated for everybody so lhal cwrybody is in a win-win silUadon. Council Member Bradshaw said 1J1 minulCS certainly did nol stale Iha~ and lhat is where she got confused. Cow,cil Member Nabholz said she lhinks this meeting is long owrdue, because ii is almost an us-against• lhcmmcnlalily. Council Member Grazulis said ii was becoming a very healed discussion . She said she did atteod lhe last Library meeting, which was on lhe 11 ~. and !here were some oew reOoctions for some space for lhe Friends oflhc Library plus lhc Historical Sociely, which will be prcscnlcd. Council Member Bradshaw said okay, because that is basically whal Ibis Council bad dircded Dilector Loog 10 do at lhc beginning, and lhco it would disappear off of ooe ofTryba 's things and oow ii is back. Mayor Buros said be lhiol<s it kind of ca,ae back in. bur he fell lhat lhe problem was being solved in the best way, which is by womug wilh each other. 4. Council Member Bradshaw spoke oflhe graffiti or c JI~ Norwcst sito oo Hampdeq, by the Rehab Hospilal run by Swedish . She said !hose blue poles ,re lhe sign used 10 be, arc constanlly being painted. Cily Manager Scars asked if this was next lo lhc garden ccnlcr. Ms. Bradsh.,w said no, ii is where lhc driw-io bank was. Council Member Nabbolz said lhc spons medicine centor. Ms. Bradshaw said yes . Mayor Bums asked if somcthiog was happening at the old ganlco ceotor. He said he saw some SIJtct work being ckloc. Mr. Scars said be thinks Ibey sold lhat pan:cl off, as he uodcrslaads i~ from Swedish, but he is DOI sure what kind of use is p,ing up there. He said he lcno1>s, from talking IO Swedish officials, that thay were having lhat go for sale. Mayor Bwns said he would be inlcrcstcd in knowing who! is going on over lhcn:. Council Member Bradshaw said she would like 10 !hank our s1alf for working so well wilh Gucsc and Associates. Cily Manager Scars said ii was a gn:at idea. and we have met wilh lhcm and "<>pefully Ibey will coooect. They cenainly arc a sizeable firm lhal would be an asset. he said. 6. She suggested lhat. at a later dale, Council na:ds 10 review some cf lhe co.,1r.c1s wilh our consullantS lhal we have hired. in Executive Session Wider personnel matter. She said at lhe earliest possible date WC probably oced lo l3kc a look al lhat. (iii) Council Member Gruulis: lllalewood 01)' CCM1ncll M■y 17, 19" ...... "1lbu }im.{ l'l'f?, J•,c(, ti ,., I. She asked when Ille next submissions lo fill commission vacancies -.Id occur. Council Member Nabholz sald June . Council Member Gnzull1 said. besides Code En!orcxmcnt wo an, going lo M hiving an upcoming vacancy in lhe Llbra,y. 2. She sald she attended a computer class this last-" by lhe Cily . She said she did 1101 reaJlzc Ibey existed IDllil they camr. out lo llx her compuler and ii v.u act\ally just IDlplUued, She said .. foun.1 di■! she 'IIU 1101 booked up lo e-mail within lbe City. so she bad no idea !hat all lhese e-m■ill come in Mfy Jay. Council Member Bradshaw asked Council if they h■ve e-msil dim:torie wilh lbeir compulel1. She said she does 1101 have one . Council Member Habenichl said she has 1101 been able lo get inlo lbe Cily ~mail, they llxed ii and lhen ii did not wort . Council Member Grazulls said she has one and lbe dkec:lory comes on the screen. Cily Manager Sears saic: lhen wc have no1 11-.. · 'r followed up. Ms . Habenichl said ii was her faull becau,e she did nol follow-up Ille follow-up . II was~· posed 10 be working and ii wasn 't Mayor Bums said he thinks lhe menu has a HSI Ms. Bradshaw said yes, if you have an IBM. It's 1101 on Ille software for Mac. Cily Mruiager Sears said wc will do some follow-up and send a note out (iv) Council Member Waggoner said h, had a call from Richard Edsall >I 3295 Soulh Franklin. Council Mernber Bradshaw said she did also . M Waggoner gave Mr. l!ds■ll's phone number lo Cily Manager Sears . He said he has lall<ed 10 Assistanl Chief Moore, and he has lllkcd lo Naacy Wilson . Mr. Waggoner said he guessed !hey have given him a bunch of violation nolices, and he says wc are harassing him and spending money fool ishly by having chem out !here all !he lime. and ii iJ unnecessa,y enforcement If wc keep ii up, he is going 10 de-Bruce the de-Brucing, since we hive already spenl so much money . He said he culS grass for someone ,;omewhere else, and wc made her lake her rbubalb planes, lhal were by Ille fence, out or Ille alley. Council Member Bradshaw encouraged Mr. Waggoner 10 go by lhe Edsall pr,perty on Frar,klin and Floyd. Di-or Olson asked ifhe could respond lo lhal He said he gave Mr. Edsall a call lonigbl already. We have deall wilh him before, he advised, and he has come before Ille Code Enfortemenl Advisory Boan! 10 plead his case. He said he thinks they heard him and said lhanlt you. He has also ~n before Ille Judge for issues be has had before, so we declared him a nuisance last year. He said be agrees wilh Council Member Bradshaw. He said he drove by !here lonight and ii is prcny apparenl why they are over !here consisu:nUy. His properly is not compatible II ail with lhe OCher propcnies in lhal area, be advisee!. Mr. Olson said be lold Mr. Edsail lhal he -.Id look II Ille issues, but promised him nothing. He told him he had lo look al both sides of wh.11 was going on avt·r there. and maybe "~ could work on something. 11,!r, Edsall was complaining lhal a fence builder sai~ "oh my God. Englewood", because he wants lo pula fence in, so be aulomalically assumed be cruid nOI pu1 ln a fence lo hide all this stuff. Even with Ille fenC% be is still responsible for what is inside Ille fence, Mr. Olson staled. He said he is dealing with him. but he has a history wilh us. Mr. Edsall has cooa:ms. and we will deal with them as much IS we can, but Ille rcalily is the problems you will see IS you drive by !here are not compatible with ow onlinanc:a. Mr. Olson said be would let Cow,cil know in a follow-up whal is KOing on. (v) Council Member Habenicht: I. She said she finally has her rcpolt from NL C lhal she would lilce lo shaR with Council. • • • • • latlewoad City Couacll May 17, 1999 PqetS 2. She said she had a call loday from a citizen who was a,ncerned aboul lhc DRCOG meelJq o,ming up and some of lhc a,nc:cms abou1 lhc lllnSil venus lhc highway. She lhaR:d lhal, unlell Cowlcl1 •NOUld direct her lo do Olherwue, she would SIJODgly suppo<t lhc actions rJRCOG bu taken in !he .... Which indicales Iha!. while we.,. DOI opposed 10 any highway a,nstruction Iha!. prior ID budgetary a>DCCIDS, miaht have boon dc-,dopcd and PVUI& IIIODC)' bsck , Iha! WC have been a>mmiaed IO lhc llmllil Ms. Habenicht said she would be votini in lhat dircdion. She said she f..,15 ii followa lhrnugb widl our a,mmilmenl ID lhc 0UICr municipalili cs Iha! WC have worked wilh .. WC worked loward lhc development of lhc Soulhwest Corridor. Unless lhetc is any objection. she said. Iha! is lhc way I will pn,c:ecd. May1•r Bums advised lhal lhc paper said DRCOG is beinA asked 10 vote on lhc incroasc in lundin& for lhc highny lanes . He said he talked to lhc director of lhc Colorado Association ofT1111Sil Agencies about Scnalc Bill 40 JDd House Bill 1382, where Tom Nanon of COOT wanted lo be able to 10 aro..nd RTD and act direct fcdaal fundiag. Mayo, Bums said, as he undcnlands, lhcy did DOI quite think Iha! tbroup . The transil aacncics in all dill'c~t parts of lhc SlalC.,. desipled by lhc Governor ID r=ivc funds far lbcir area. The reason why lhcy did !hat. and I discussed Ibis wilh Cal Marsella this morning. he said. is so wc have one proposal from each municipalily, DOI W... or fuur . So when lhcy pwponed lo go around RTD in lhc Soulhcast Corridor lhcy affected every other transit agency in lhc Slalc, he said, and have now managed to alienate all of them . Some ol lhcsc arc just pure power plays. he opined. which, as you may bavc IOCD in lhc paper last week, lhc Federal Transil Admini51111tion came oul and said last week not ID do thal. We ha\'c plenty of n,oocy bad< hen: lhat other people can lake, bul you.,. aoing to have ID work lop:dter and a,opcralc So Iha! is a real problem, he said. as !hen: is a a:rtain amount of power struglc IOUII on lhat is DOI a,ns.,, .ctive for lhc Southeast Corridor or even lhc Metro Arca He said lhc MCIJO Mayors an: going ID lJy ID meet wilh Tom Nanon and wilh lhc Governor in lhc next few weeks and talk tu lhcm about il too . The Mayor> ...amc oul very strongly opposed to lhat and RTD did DOI 5"' it a,ming. They did DOI know lhat lhat was going to be dropl)cd on lhcm. be sail!. It just crcaaed a lot of resentment and a,ntrovcrsy lhat was not ncccssary, he asscncd. But it has affected all lhc other ll..nsit agencies in lhc stale. Council Member Habenicht sa,d she just felt she should let Council know where wc were and where she inlends to go with !ha•. Mayor Bums said be appreciates that. 3. She said !here i• graffiti , also, at what used to be Front lunge Plating on Navajo. It is vacant rigl 'I now. she tboughl l.:•J'"' really need to look at lhaL Ms. Habenicht advised lhcy have lakcn lhc DllllC off. Mayor Bums said it i• jUSl nonh of Tufts en lhc cast side. He suggested lhat Cily Man,•gcr Scars cbcck ID ..., whal is happening with lhat properly. 4. She said the Englewood Postmaster was a,nccmcd about some concrete work on Broadway and Lehigh. She said she would call Cily Manaacr Scars wilh hi " name. S. She said she has had several people approach her about our gun laws in En!:l""'OOd. and that they are not compatible wilh lhc gun laws in Dc11\'cr . They are really concerned about \he fact tltal we allow thr sale of handguns and assault weapons and lhcy do not in Denver. She said there is some real a,nccm lhat lhat is sending lhc wrong message, especiall y in light of lhc youth and having guns. She said sbc echoes whal Council Member Nabholz said and \\OUld lilce to..., us look into lhat and..., where we arc a,mpatiblc and where we are not and what,.,, need to be doing so !hat wc are sending the right message with our ordinances . 1.4.JS• er Bums said he lhinks lhc gun bills in lhc Legislature would have trumped lhal Cily Attorney Bro, ·man agreed. Mayor Bums said lhcy will be baclt next year. Ms . Habenicht said if then is ~ w,, • .:cd to do about lhlll. wc need to l,c responsive . 6. She asked if Council dccicbl about 1oin1 to CML Conference. She said she was inlt:nding to go . c,, t Manager Scars s,jd we have DOI filled anylhing out on lhat yet. but we have I.be brochwes. a:....,._ City Cau■dl May 17, 19'9 P■F 16 Ms. Habealcbl 181d she would like to go. and RCllled tbal Council Member Nabholz WIiiied to IIO, u weU as Mayor Bums, Council Member Gruulls and City M2nlgu Sears. Council Member Bradshaw sold 1h11 she and Council Member 0armt would be making lhcit p,aelllltion to go to Africa on homlng. {NOie : This comment WIS made tongue-lM:heek.) Council Member Gnuulis said tomorrow. she will be attending the m:eption regarding the AVS EHA Partnershlp Home . Mayor Bums suid what a house they built over there. Ms. Gruulis said she has gone by and did not ializl: that was the one : It was. but she is impressed . Council Member Nabbolz sold thank you to Ron Miller and Carol Wilber. They did I prescnllllioa lbunday night on the Skerritt House for the Historicll Society. It WIS exa:lial~ Ille said 111d ve,y well att=lded. She said she ..,.. so proud of them. She hid been in hopes or working with them, but dropped the bali 111d the two or them dld an absolutely ootstandingjob. Ms. Nabholz Slid they hid 11m, and Mr. Miller h■s done such exu:nsive work on this. We an, really bleaed to have those two, she said. Mayor Bums said he wanted the mention thal, at the same time. he was earning bis l'8Y at a six boor Firolightcrs • Pension Board hearing regarding the application or a retired volunteer firefighter for 1 pension, and we arc not through yet Council Member Habenicht said she has not heard this for I long time, but t!lcrc have been a number or groups ,.;thin the community, some or or scrvia: clubs, that would like to have some sort ora welcome to Englewood, lilce you have in small towns. Something al1nlctive. and one of the things we k"'P hearing is that we have this wonderful small town atmosphere. and that is just one or those things that could maybe help state that more clearly. Mayor Bums suggesled that Art Scibelli woc!d be I good penon to lllk. City Manager Sears said !here arc a couple or places on Hompdcn and Broadway whete 1h11 type or sign could be placed. We will investigale that, he said. 13 . City M ■DlFr'I Report (a) City Manager SeSJ, said that Council Member Nsbholz was being too modest . She did a good job the other ni~ too . There were a lot or people here, he said. adding that he was surprised the whole room was filled up. Mayor Bwns said if it wasn't for Council Member Nabholz. we probably woold not be buying the house, either. • (b) City Manager SeSJ, said he woold like to tham Council, he had a great thnt >'ith bis mn, • and it was a good opportunity thal be would not change for the world. ash< n>OVCd to more Y'"'"ff adult times . It was a great tinrc to be off. • • • Easlewoo41CltyCoudl May 17, 1"9 ..•. , (c) City Manager Scan advised thai we an, having some conccms wilh Arapahoe Houoc. They are changing lhings and we an, working wilh them because of weekend types of issues. We have some public meetings coming up and Ibey suggested having a Council liaison. He said that AJsifiWII City Manager Flaherty will be the liaison out of the City Mar.agcr 's office . Mr. Sean aid IL, spolte wilh Council Member GarTctt about this. because he was a former member of the Boa111, although he c,Ut'Clltly is DOI a mcmbe.. Mr. GarTctt said that he woold be willing to be the liaison if Council suggested that. but he also felt lhal bccauso of his blcl<ground. iflhcrc was a feeling that he should n~ lhal woold be fine, too. Mayor Bums and members ofCounc:I expressed approval of Mr. Garmt'sappoinlmcnl to lhe liaison position. (d) City Manager Sears said he anended a CML policy .-Ing last week and it was very informative. He ;aid he has 1he policy statement coming to CounciL "" are copying lhat off. It is lhe normal annual policy statcrT~l but this year in particular the u:gislaturc was difficult Actually, he said, they went into a discussior. about wh.,t was wrong in terms of working wilh lhc local stall , rcpr=ntativcs and senators. It appears, for the most part, lhcir feeling was that lhc senators andrcpr=,tativcs an, talking to lhe citizens. 1h «ally not tallc.ing lo the local elected people. They o.~ going to tr} to make some efl'on to sec, state.. ., how to plug bxk local elected and lhe rcprosentativcs. This is something th.al we might want to think about here, he said. The n,ai focus was on local control and having lhc local entity make lhe decisions lhat you feel is best for your community, and not having !hat second guessed at the State u:gi~ as much as it was lhis last year. Mr. Scar.a said he would give Council the policy statements. because it «ally does reflect lhe Co · -ado Municipal League 's viewpoint on issues such 11> gun controL growth. w1>an n:newal and all lhosc oil, r tilings He said he knows lh is will be a protty big tooic up at lhe CML Confrn:nce thi, summer . Mayor Bums said. when he ancndcd lhc session lhey had for mayors sevcnil weeks ago, SaJT1 Mamet said in twenty years he has never had a loughcr lime wilh lhe Legislature lrying to n:pn:sent murJc;palitics . He said lhen: was very little respect paid to municipalities by a lot of lhe Legislature . 14 . City Attorney'• Report City Anomey Brot.:man cUd not have any manors to bring befon: Council . IS . Adjournment The mceling adjourned at 8:46 p.m.