HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-21 (Regular) Meeting MinutesINGLIWOOD Cll'Y COUJIICJL INGLIWOOD, ARAPASOI COUNTY, COLORADO ............. .,..21,!ffl I. Call to Order The regular IIIOOling o(the Eaglewo01I Cily Council WU called to order by Mayor Bums 117:38 p.m. 2 ........... The UMICllion wu given by Mayor Bums. 3. Pled&eol~ The Pledg,: or Allegiance was led by Mayor Bums. 4. IWICIII Ablcal: Council Membcn Grazulls, GlmU, Blldlhaw, Habenlcbl, Wqgoner, Bums Council Member Nabbolz A quorum wu pr.md. Mayor Bums DOied 1h11 Couucil Member Nabholz wu feeling a little bit under lhc weather after lhc Study Scssioa m si>: bu Jl)IIC home. Alm praett: Cily Manager ScllS Ci1y Altomey Bromnan City Clerk Ellis Community Relations Officer Petenoo Dilector Black, Pllrb and Rsrcatlon Dilector Olson, Safety Services Dircclor Gryglcwicz, Fimncial Services DiRctor Simpsoo, Neigbl,othood and Business Development l!aginccring ~ Kahln Chief Building Official Smilh Dilector Ross, Public Worb (a) COUNCIL MEMBIR BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THI, MINUTES OP 1111: REGULAJl MEETING OP JUNE 7, 1999. Motion aniod. Ayes: CounciJ b'embcn Gama, Bnidsbaw, Habcnich~ Waggoner, Grazulis, Bums Nays: None Ableut: Council Member J.Jabbolz 6. SdiNaledVlllton 11:■skwoad City Cou ■cU J■■c ll, 1!199 , ... 2 (a) Community Rcllllom Offlcer H■nc:y Petenoa addreued Council repnllng the 4• al July Family Festlval and Flrewwb. She advi.s we b■vo a ftdl achedul■ ol ffllltl Iii• year and appoximaldy 150 Englewood Neigl,borbood WIICh wlunieen will bo runr.ing the dill'c:m,t events throupout the pub, ComerslOlle, Belleview and l'logroa l'lrb. She nolad Ibo had pollCII to ~ out to Council and special VIP parting permits . The paddn1 i1 aolnl to be In eo._._ 1'111< and as you go In off ofWindamerc, there is the ,... parting for Wlndcm>ero and the VIP poddn1 will bo next to the COIIUDllld post. MJ. Petenon said she would 1101 go lntoaU afthe CVCIIIS, boc:aule Ihm are_, many oftbom, but sbe thought they would have ., wonderful time and she wu hopdW they would bo lllle to allelld, lhat would be nice. Officer Pelcnon lllvilod they slill aeed P.aaJcwood'• doaalion to 1'IY for all tbil 11111 tllerc baa boa, - kind of a soafu . About S5,500 wu aliady authorized and thcR baa boa, an inaeaae in cxpcmes this year and they are looldng for, ~Y, an additional $500 . Sosbe liked !hat Council plcuc oolllider a $6,000 donation tbil •'!af for lhe 4 or July celebntio n. Officer Petenon sa1d they would appn,ciate iL • Officer Pctmon said she wani.d to let Council know about some olhcr Neighborhood Wilch events. On July 14~ they will be haviuga Volunteer AppRciatlon Dhmcr II Jason Park. HComc:il ClllCOllle that day and socializ.e with the volUDICen !hat woold be wonderful, she said Also, oo July 23'" they are going to have a big block party in lhe 3200 block of South O>crobc put oa by Enslcwood Neipborbood Watch in a,opcration with Channel 7, lhe Neighborhood Resource Center of Metropolitan Denver, Colorado Regional Policing Institute and Safeway. It will involve the J 100 through the 3200 blocks of South Gran~ Shmnan, Lincoln, Broadway , Acoma, Bamlock, Cherokee and Delaware . Channel 7 will be broadcasting live from thao for their 5:00 ..,.. broadalll. So they are looldng forward to it Olliccr Peterson stated it will be a larJO rqescntation flom busincsa, raidcntial and aputmcnl ct.~llcrs as ...U as the senior center. All segments of our City will be thcR, a 1h11 paniallar party. She advised it will be held on Friday, July 23,. from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with a live broadcast at 5:00 p.m. So from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 • p.m. there will be live broadcast. Officer Peterson swcd that NaliDMI Ni&ht Out will be held on Tuesday, AIJ8USI J"' and ibc asked, any Council members that would like to ci=llte lhe City, that they let her know. Officer Peterson said 1h11 is jull some nf the larger thinp 1h11 arc coming up and sbe WIDl<d Council to be aware of them . She noted she would like to ""' a lot of their milling faces at lhe 4• of July cvenL The Cow Paddy Bingo will be back, it w111 a bit last year. 'Ibis year, she advised, they will have a strollin g barbershop quartet. they will sttoll throup BcUcview and Comenloac Park. dressed in 19• Century clothing. They will also have the Uve Pyrn Musical and, sbe said sbe has listened to the music and she guaranteed they will have goooc bumps. it is going to be grat. Officer Peterson left some bumper stickal for the Englewood Speed Pledge Program for anyone wbo wani.d them. (b) Lany Warner staltxl he is with lhe Colorado Dcparunent ofTransponaticn and it has hccn three or four yean since he last appcaRd bcfort Council in a Study Session . They had ukal for the swus of the Sanla Fe highway improvements and he provided thaL He said it is good to be back bcfort Council. Mr. Waruer lllalal he baa been in Rcgioa 6 for the last 11 yean, and~ .. has acrvcd as the Region 6 Director for the last 5 years. Ho said he MXllal wilh Council Member Waggoner when be wu a pre- construction engineer in Region 6. Effective July 1 •, he said, he is moving on to a new job assign.meat within the Department ofTransponation and thal is to be the Project Director for the South<ast Corridor Project. Mr. Tom Nonon has appoi.ot,d him to that position and be will be serving in that capacity on a full-time basis so he hopes to spend a little more time, 1101 only with Englewood, but with the other entiti es and counties that arc invol\-cd in that project Mr. Warner Slated that he wantod to apologize for any miscommunicauODI thll U-. project team might have had with the Englewood City Council and Mayor. Part nf his new job rcspont i bililica, as Project Dinctor, will he to try to avoid thole llllK'OllllDWlicauons in • the future. So, he stated, bl! will 1101 take those duties lightly and he told Council he is hert to won: with lqlewood City CCNladl Jucll,lffi PqeJ ahem oa a poactive buiJ on any iJncs they may have cona:rnin& lhc 10111hcast corridor. If COIIIICjJ i. any qucsliom on lhc IOUlhwea conidor Ibey can go to Rm. Hopefully, lhc highway impn,vcmcma, lie Slid, after many, 111111)' years of 11111,Jglin& 011 lhc Santa Fe Corridor, will be done next year. Hopc6illy, he Slid, he loob fol'Wlld to allCuding some type of ccre..,ny when Ibey do a ribbon cullina for lhc Sailla Fe/Belleview intcrchangc. Mr. Warner advised that beginning this~ as put of lhc public involvement process for lhc ~ corridor, we are in lhc environmenlal impact statement process and lhc pn:paration of that document We have some mcmbcn, he advi,ed, of the southeast corridor project team that will be seeking !IOIIIC inpm 011 proposed locations for lhc LRT maintenance facility. Thosc project members will be providin& a lilllc plT~on and will be tbcR to answer questions on lhc site selection process and miuircmcats for an LRT flcility for our soulhcast corridor project. As Y'"' know, he said, the existing LRT fa lity that Rm bas, will need to be, not replaced, bul added on lo, IS far as the capacity, due 10 the additional ligblrail ,'Chicles and mileage for the southwest and southeast corridors. Those project team memben will alao be able 10 provide some informalioo oo the decision process, which will obviously involve the Rm 1111ft'. Mr. Warner said hejUSI WllllCd to mention, that IS the project director he will be working with Rm quite closely, this is a multi-modal project and will continue to be a multi-modal project until it is built, in bis opinion, and he will be worting with Rm very closely in the development or that The LRT facility ii, obviCN1Sly, to serve the LRT portion of the project. He stated be is not here to tell Council be isaa expert un ligbl rail operalions, that he is just here to tell Council he is here to facilitate the process and do whatever he can to liSteD to their cona:ms and by to addRss their cona:ms as best he can. What we have ~ he said, on the LRT is to maybe put together a worting committee of Council and slB1r people liom Englewood and the City and County of Denver to by to work a little mon: closely with some ofth, affected communities on hying to nail down a pn,poscd location for this LRT facility for the southeast corridor. He aid be would hope that is something Council would be willing lo participate in and II least allow staff to pudcipllc ill. So that is solllClbiDg Couocil might want to consider and lhal is somabing that we an: here to offer, he said He olfered to MSWOr any questions Council might have. He said he wanted to inlroducc Ahmad Fazel liom the Regional Tnulll)Ol1Blion District who also bas some commcnu. Mr. Wamcr advised 1h11 he bas some other member., liom the project team available if Council bas some ""'"' specific questions on the project ov=ll or the LllT facility selection . Ahmad Fl1.CI, the Diroctor of Planning and O...lopment for RTD, said be was also pn:scnt to apolotpzc to the Council and lhc Mayor for the misunderstanding we had a few weeks ago about the selection of the site. He said be WllllCd to assure Council that Rm will also do their best, as they go through the proccs1 that bas been established and bear Crom the communities involved befon: that site is finalized. Then: is a m<ding here in lhc Community Room, Wednesday night, June 23~ and Rm stall' will provide answers to any questions they may have. Mr. Faze! advised that Cal M.vcella, thdr General Manager, asked him 10, on bis~-:.aJJ; advise that he bas bad several meetings with the developer that is interested in the lncatioa fr· ""' opcrllion facility that they have in mind right now. He bas told Dana Crawford that he will do his oest, if she comes forward with some development plan at that location, to make sure thal Rm's plans for that site docs not interf'm with btr plans for futun: dcvdopmcnl at that site. So, be said, Mr. Man:dla just wanted him to pass that along to Council tonight that that is going to baJ,pen. We an: here 10 answor any questions, but bcfon: that, he said, be wanted 10 give them a brief update on the southwest corridor. They have scheduled a IOUr of the southwest corridor early nexl moo th and the City Council is invited to attend. It is on a Friday, but be was not sure of the exact date. He stated he would 1,,1 them know. But gene,ally, be advised, they an: making good progress on the southwest corridor, the project is on time and within budget Mr. Faze! swcd be was pleased to say that the RID Board ofDin:ctors bas approved the new name of the Slalioo, it is going be called Englewood Station, 11 they desired. Also, they have approved the additional $3 millioo for the joint development at that location. The amcndmeot to the !GA bas been n:viewcd by RTD and they had • few minor comments and they have sent ii to the City's stalt He sr.;d he was sure that as SOOD IS the Council bean that it will be approved and signed. Mr. Faze! thanked Council for their suppon or the southwest corridor and the City staff for all of their cooperation . He opined we have a very exciting project and ii is going to open on time and ii is going to be exciting for Rm and for the l■akwood City CCNIDCU Jaell, "" .... , City ond tbe region. 'Ibey arc looking forwud IO having tbal kind of c:ooperadoo apin with tbe City Ralf and tbe Oty Council for tbe new and excit!Jlg project 1h11 Is aolng io happen 111d that ii tbe IIIUlbeut conidor. The RTD Boan! ofDirecton took action last month 10 llnlllzc tbe blllot wi,uap tor bolTOl'ling money IO build that project without any additional laX<S and they arc all exciled. He thaibd Council and offered IO ......., any questions. Mayor Bums said he thought they have bad some good communication, that they have 1alkcd IO our stall' about their design wotkshop . Our Ralf anendcd that, oven though they bad short notice, but be thought they bad a lot of coosbuctive communicatloo . lust by tbe very fact of wbal they said IOnigbt. that there may be alternatives for development oftbe General Iroa site that would plcasc tbe Ci ty and tbe citi=s ... llld wc have tallced about for some time, that _.t.i be compatible with their desire IO have their facility . So, Mayor Bums said, it IOCIDS wc have made considcnlble progress with our entitles since the design wonshop and be is pleased IO see that Council Member Habenicht Slated that she and Cuuncil Manber Grazulla bad an opportunity IO attend those worbhops and tbey appr~ tbe open communicallon and she can assure Council that the commllllicalion Is open. Ms . Habenicht said wc appreciate that and it needs IO stay that way. She noted wc hear your commitment wl &ppfflciate iL Council Member Bradshaw stated she appreciates that they came baclt this wcdc and helping alleviate some of their concerns from before. Mr. Fazd sald It was no problem, It was his pleasure. Mayor Bums COllllllCllte.1 that wc have devdopcd a very suong working relationship oo the southwest corridorligllt nil and as be works in his capacity as CllliroCthe Mcuo Mayor's Caucus thlayar, on ,ome of the IIJUlheaslcorridordeveloplllCllts ... that lsacompllc:al,cd. dlllicult situation and the southwest Is 50rt • of the talk ortbe town, so to speak. We arc very exciled about that, be said, and our CltyCenter developmenL He said be knows that people in otbcr cmidan arc lookiJls enviously II Ill for all of these dcvdopments that arc going so well in the southwest corridor. We arc very pleased, Mayor Bums said, IO continue that relationship, we value it very highly and wc wish IO work with them very cloady on thaL Mr. Fazd 51a1e<1 RTD feels the same way and they appreciate aU of the City's supporL He noted the south"ffl corridor project would not have happened without your support and they arc excited about thaL City Manager Sean SlalOd thal from the stall's viewpoint he really does appreciate the work ofR1D's stall' in helping III come IO an agrrement or at least IO continue the proce.,s along. One of the questions wc have, be sald, Is IO ask exaclly wt.at tJicy anticipate achieving or wbal they anticipate going through on Wednesday evening. when several of Council and stall' will not be able IO anend that me,ting. He asked if they could amwcr that relatively, briefly. Mr. Faz.el explained they arc basicaUy going IO povlde answcn IO some of the questions yoc may ha,.. If the City Couacil cannot atteod that meclin& at thal time, they promise that RID swr, in coopention with COOT, will try IO set up another meeting, at Council's convenience, IO try IO come over here and answer their questions. But the Wednesday night meeting is one of the public meetings, but if their scbedule does not allow them to all<Dd, they can set up another meeting. Mayor Bums explained thal thal Is the Colorado MUDicipal League's annual convention this week in Vail and d,at Is why a number of us arc scbeduled to be gone . Council Member Habenicbt stated it was her undc:ntanding that this meeting was going to be laying out the process, not going into specific designs or anything that might be there. She asked if that was true. Mr. Warner said that Is rigbL So, Ms. Habenicht said, there won~ be drawings or anything like tha, they will just be going thrnugh the process of what the next step Is. Mr. W3n1er said basicaUy it will be exactly as she descnocd iL There will be some information on the process we arc in, a little background on the project ... where we arc at in the project and the pub Ii.: involvement process and where we need to go . Bu, • • I• ......... City Coudl Sue 21, 1!199 Pqe5 be swod, it is mostly p,oc:cu oricat<d aad they will by Ul IIIIWot u 111111)' qucsti0111 u they can for the public with the infonna:lon wc bavc. Council Member B!ldsbaw poiJUed out that this is in l<lpODSO lo Council's request that they mccl with 1h11 ncipborhood. Mr. Warner said 1h11 wu right. Ml. Bllldshaw stalCd Ibo lppRQllel that. Council Member Habenicht DOltd they mentioned a meeting with the Denver and Englewood poupo and she asked lfthey bad a dale yet Mr. Warne< said the working commiuee, yes, but they don't bavc a dale yet. He said be wu just asking lf the Council would be supponive of U..t prap,sal. CoUIICil Member Habenicht Slid absolutely, lbat she thinb it is importllll. Council Member Grazu1is agn:ed. Mr. Warner no:al that there arc other pnlllOIIII out Ibero, other ways. Olbet mmllllisml lo by lo deal with ii, but it is ju.<I a prllpOl&I they C1111C up with and lf they bavc IOIDC COIICIIITIIICC they will SCDd Council oomethillg in writing lo Jive them a liltlc more infollllllion on whit they arc proposing and wcy c:a.n get the diaJcctlc IWl<d. Cowic:il Membcr llabcmcht ukcd if this is oomcthiDc dilrc=t lhaD wmt they talked about before Mr. Warner Aid be tbou8'>I 10. Ml. Habenicht Aid she would lib lo know ..,,. about that, but m.tybc this im\ the time. Mr. Wmucr llid okay and DOltd they will follow up with this in writing. He Aid.., just wantal lo mcnlion it u far u this is what they arc thinkinc about, and lib be Aid th':R arc dilf=nt mechanisms lo do ii, but this is what they came up with. (c) Mayor B111111 staled that Les Jcakins, from the Englewood Historical Society, was p,oscnt lo addlas Cowx:il repnling the Euglcwood Depot. He DOied they bavc a lcu.r from Jerry Slack, President of the HililOrical Society, who is also prclOIII this CYClling. City MaJ11F Scan DOltd that Jcm:U Black would speak 1o Council, from the stair ·viewpoint, as be bas been following this. Les Jenkins SIIICd that OD behalf of the Englewood Historical Society be WIDICd lo pn:sca1 the followin~ lcltcr ol req,at lo the City Council He read the following lctla: "Ibis lctlcr is lo ffl!UCSI that WC, the Englewood Hislorical Society, be allowed lo use an existing ......, tap c:redll for the clcpot/muscum. Rather than COIIIICCt lo the old lino localod lo the cut, it is our desire lo tap into the aew lino inslallcd by the Parks and Recreation Dcpartma,I. We bavc di...-1 this with Siu Fooda and Jan-II Black and they are both supponive ol our request We thank you for your lllp!IOI'. Jcny Slack, l'rclidcnl, for the Board of Din:aors." Mr. Jenkins said that Din:aor Bladt is here lo 1111Wot any questions C"'1IICil may bavc. Din:aor Black advised that with the pun:buc ol those pn,paticl over l.bae, there ..... ID existing water tap and the tap is still on the property and what they are requesliag is that they use that tap as a acdit and upgnde the tap, or whatever, and use it lo run water lo the building. We cwrcntly have a scpmle, largc tap that wc put in for the iniption there and we roally don\ have a need for that, so we certainly support the requast that the HisloricaJ Society is brin&ing forward. Council Member Bradshaw awd wbil the coot would be. Din:aor Black said he thought they were looking al ii u gratis. Ml. llradlhaw said okay, she wujust c:hccking. Mayor Buma ukcd if there arc two taps. Director Black advised that with the pwd>asc of the property there wu one waler tap and that is llill lhcre. W'.>m wc wc111 in, be said, oa the Olbet properties and put the inigalion in and the sod, wc pu,chasod a 5Cpll2IC tap just for •l»L So they arc requesting that wc allow them to USC the existing tap that came With the property. Mayor Buma asked what happens lo the old one. Din:aor Black said they will get a credit on 1h11 and they will get another tap coming in off of Galapago for that, so tha! tap they will do away with. J:■&lcwood City C•■cll J ... 21,1'99 '""'' C'.ooncil Member Wagon,r DOCed 1h11 usually they will go in and disconnect Iha! tap at the imi■• He ukal if that was slill the procedure. Director Blad< said yes, Iha! is hls Wldcntanding from Ulilltla this afternoon . Ma, · "''JmS noled Council will take some action on Ibis later in the meeting. Mr. Jcntins thanked Council and said they appn:ciate it 7. No■-,cbeduled Vblton (a) Gary Kozacd<. 1260 West Oxford Avenue, passed out hls letter and some pic:llll'el to Council. He stated it WIS brought to biJ ancntion when be attcmplcd to go have a haircut, somo ...i parking problems and be thought a lot of it has to do with after having a severe accident he is a lot more cognizant of some problems going on. He said he iJ here regarding parking enfon:ement around Swedish Hospital. Whlle be WIS geaillg a haircut acroa from S....Usb Holpital be bad to go a bloclt and a bait away to puk. There ~ scvenl cars puked there and the penon cutting hls hair said the one car bad been there for four hours In the 1, minute parl<ing zone . She bad called the police depar1mcnt at that point in time, or sometime earlier In the morning and bad bad DO ,upome. But the penon next door, 11111 has the store right next to her selling clolhing or whatever, went in and called and the police officer did show up then. Wbeo the police officer 'MIS ~ he said, be wont out to talk to her reganling the problem. She statod that the porting enforeement position bad been ellminalcd as it was no longer CCODOllliclJJy feuible. Mr. Kozacck stated that the comment was alao made that the S....Ush employees we,e g,:tling their puking tickets cancelled or dismissed. He advised thal some of the problems are the two hour parking on both the east and west sides of Pennsylvania, you have two aimtment buildings In the block bctwccn old Hampden and U.S . 2a,, both with limited parking spoces . The church porting lot is on the east side and it has unavailable parking, it is all restricud for DO public and 0W11CRJU1 curb culS throughout the area. speaking of that two block area when: we bad VICll.cd Pennsylvania to go ahead and allow SwediJh toexpond. All of these items are difficult to discuss for the business OWDCtS, bccauac they are restricting their ability to get customers to them . He said this includes the SMdisb parking for their little shop they have ac:n,a the -oa Pennsylvania. Mr. Kozacct said biJ question to Council iJ is Swedish in compllancc with regard to the DIDllber of parking spoces required by our own City ordinances, based on the volume of people using the tbrcc medical office buildings. the hospital, the rdiabilitatioa center :ind :ill or their employees on all shifts . He emphasi,.cd tbal we have allowed them to continue to build and to continue to build and their demands on public parking bas increased. Are they slill meeting it7 He said be lmo1>~ they are leasing property from the Englewood Masonic Te...,le. as be is a member. Bu~ be asked, bow many of the employees are puking down there vcnu.s employees parking "" the street. Whlcb, be said, be will get to a liate bit later, on one of the photographs. He said be knows Council Member Waggoner has recciYed a couple of lettcn from Harold Woods and Jim Zadie and, be undenlandJ, there have been some other lettm. He said be would DOI go into delail on those as they are addresse4 in his letter to Council. The reason be mentioned those two names is to show that the parking problem isnl som ething that bas just started, but lhat it has been there for a long time. He said be has some suggestions be would lilce to throw out to Council . He said bow aboot doubling the fines for the overtime parking in the botpital mnes, that could be an ordinance and they could post a liatc sign under the parking sign stating fines are double. You can even go one step fwthcr, be suggested, and pd them up in the .;pecial pennit mnes around lbe High School and the elementary schools to add more p.fety there . How ohout restricting the times to one bour7 Especially on the real problem strcclS. Every time be bas ever gone to the hospital, unless it was goii,g In be surgery or an emerga,cy room visit where they hrl-e a parking struc-urc over there, if you ar-e going to be there more than an hour yoo should real ly be going to the parking strn:tut-e anyway. So, be stated, hls conccro is lhat we are DOI coforcing that over there and we are allowing • lot of things to take place and a lot of hazards. He said be doesnl !mow bow many tickets wcrc issued when Englewood High School bad a walk through on their graduation, but there were numerous ticltelS cited up at the High School and yet right over here, blocking and obstructing views where there is a lot of foot traffic and stuff, as they will sec in • some of the pbotos, with the sun and stuff and some of them parking clear out to the comer, that does create • • • lllliffood City c .. acu l1111t21,1999 .... , )b.,,.,.,, n3 l ,,.,,m't. I t'l a m,p 1111.md. lie llid be -lllbmiltillg the pbalol to Couocil. They were taken 1111 tine cWl'aal daya, GIiiy 1111m dayL Pielllla OM, !WO and lbroe ... piclln DGO slxMa a lady wearillg I bolpilal 1111111:k, palliq up MXl tofin: bydrut, 'l'CI)' clc• ID I corner, blockiqthefin:ilydnnland to bll--·--- 1 parking ticket and sticks it 1111 her window. Picbn munbcr two show ilcr sticking it OD her willdow and then pocmll across Ibo stroct to go inlo lhe .....,_ room IOClion. ThiJ is directly IC>OII lnJm lhe emcrgcncy room. He polnt<d out tbal, DDO it is olllllucting the view of any can coming by and two It is blocidn&afire byckan'. She appean to bean employee, be said, be dido~"' a name. For•be tbinlpiCIIIR, ·.,. explained, he went to the Olh<r aide ., Ibey coald Cll<fulJy n:ad the license number. lie noted be is DOI a profcaional photographer, but be wanted to at least get a licenae number so tbcre would be a correlation to Ill employoe and Ibey CID IOO lbe bislo,y goiDg OD. He said be took lbe picllllel 1111 throe dilllnnt days and dlffmmt times thraugbout lbe day. PicluRI ~ and fonl1een will show CouDcil lhc obmactloa, DOI only in the am, in lbe m:nlng, but aJ,o lbe wWcle puked clear out by lbe MIOOldlair nmp olllaucll yourvtewdinictly on I.be south lidcoflbe balpital TheR is a lot of foot trallictbll goes ovc:rtolbe -and back and be roalJy li:clJ we bavc a problem, a aeriOUI problem. lie llid be WIDlal to preoe,:l to Council what be bu IOOD and Ibey DOW bavc piclwa ln band. He actually bad'"""' violatiom, but, .. a couple of them I.be SUD glarod it out m be didn~ bring those. Bui, be noted, la throe days, II tine dillmDt times and only taking five ID ten minutcs ... OD die picbn Ibey CID sce lbe time llllDp, 1111 dno dilfonma days, 1h11 tbcre were litlccn violations. If c-ac;i or the police ~ doe, DOI MIil iD bavc. - pmon, be mid be would be more lban happy !o be bind to ao out there for 50% of what the tickm ....id be cbarg,,d and be would mm: more moaey tban be makes now, fi:nm what be bis aecn ln tine dayL He llid be would close with the fact 1h11 lib, Cllldid camaa ayo, you ...., know wbeli or~ bot mmewhert I wiU be out there with a camera and God forbid aomebody gets hurt or killed beca,-of the negligence or Ibo City, by not eofon:lng lhe laws tbll arc then:. We arc a lilllc bit'"""' apt to ao out and write somebody up for a branch banging too low. lie said, for example, bis father wu given a WIIDing bcclulo Ibey took a tape mcasun, and-= a bnmcb and llid it wu one incb 1owor than Oty onllnaace IWed ii sbould be. We arc more COIICallOd al1out l0IIIClhlng like 1h11 -lhc oafi,ty and weU- bci 1g of our citizcm? Mayor &um tbankcd Mr. Kma:d< and -that Ibey r=nlly bad some questions about parldng II Swedish and tb..-y bad a special permit for pooplc who live then:. Council Member Bradshaw said Ibey probably need to revisit that. Mayor Bums said yes, that it is obviously a problem, a continuing problem. Council Member Grazulis advised she used to have to try to park over then: wheo she did her stat runs, especially at I.be 699 building OD East Hampdm, tbol the valet parldng tam all I.be pranilllll ,pols and thcro is vc,y little fo r that particular building ifyCRJ don~"'° valet. Obviously, she said, if you arc doing business Y'"' don'I ""' a valet and., there-DO ptacc to put. So that was just UIIC lncidcn~ she said, she could tell them about that would happen contlnually , day Biler day. Mayor Bums opined that Ibey aim need to know if we arc DOI enforcing it la that aroa or is then: such a thing as a r'1dng enforcement position tbal goe3 to Swedish. City Manager 5cm said be did DOI have the-. but Dim:tor Olsoo was p,=nt. Mr. Kozacdc said there was ooc other thing. In ooc of the fAlOIOgraphs they will sec a car in violati1111 of parking way too close to the curb and la the blckgmund tbac is a police car and be clcarly saw him take a pictun:. He said be stayed thcro for a good fiftcal minutes and thcrc was nothing done about it Mr. K07JIC,k said be knows that the police oflicen have a IOI of other things to do la Ibis City, because Ibey have I IOI of ground to cover, but ~,!= yo., did have a code cofora:ment person or aomcbody going arnund and muking ur.s it Y..:mcd to oc, 101 be,~•, !\lualioo. He said he bas talked to many, many people la Ibo process of coming up with this and tbc'f say tber\, is nobody around to do it. The only way they wiU lidiet is if tbcre arc complaints coming in. WcU, be DO'/<d, businesses get awtully tim1 of spending half of their time caUlng to say somebody clsc is parked bcrt·, somebody else is parked bcrc . lie said be knows one, when he got bis hair cut and he dido~ have bis ca:ncra, there was somebody selling goods to Swcdisb ~ City Co,uldl .r-21, Ifft ... ) • ) boo"'1;1 t! '1 , .. t ,out t 'I HOlpital ..i tbc pl 1h11 cut bis bair can,c in 116:00 &m. and 1h11 whicle -11111 thae whoa lbe QII bis blir II DOOD. 1'1111 -,-lbc fifteen IIUIUIC parl.inl 2lOIIC OD tbe -• lfe ~ ft WU ID employee or IOIDd,ody ..Uina gooda. becaoa Ibey ilad modical pdl hi lbc bodt end oltlleir car. Thal ls whoa lbc police offlc:er ciled 1h11 car al two odw.n II that limo 011CC Ibey llllllly llbowed up. Mayor Bums IDd Council Member Bl'ldlhaw thlDbd Mr. Kmacek. Cily Mamg<r Sean llllcd that Diroclor Olson could aiYe a brief response. Dir<ctorOlaoa llllal 1h11 be appeciala Mr. ICoza='I input The rtlllly is, be said, tut WC do not haw a parlcing mfon:cmcnt ofliou. All al our officers are -dediaded to cade emon:cmcnt and wbon Ibey can work imtdDg inlo tlleir jurildicti011 Ibey will. Mr. Olson llllal thae ii DO doubt that our pimaly patina cnfon:emenl concerm, our primary aroas al c:onoem are S1"0llisll Hao¢1al ..i the High Scbool ...._ So, be said, wc tJy to addraa !boll: and yes it ii mostly nn a c:omplainl buil. Rip! now the rogular, c:omillml enfon:ement of parkinl ii not occurrini PriM lo Mr. ~ speaking toaigl,I. be said, WC hm, altt:ldy put toaetbcr I p,,..al ID l?ellllillllb lbc pmlll8 eoforccmeat offlc:er plllition. U will not be at tbc llJDe level of pay as the code enfoca:ment officers, it will be a difliment lo.a-la-el paying person. Bat it will be a penon woruna llricdy Pn parting issues. So, be noced, we are praocliwly woddnl on this and with Mr. Kozacek'• ~--bcro tonigl,t and hopefully that prnpel this aJaq for Ille budFt proce<:. llut 1'C an, aware of it IDd thae are a lot al imtes up there and we do .....,.uy M'llt by complaint at this point, because .,. just ca:, IIOl Bd out there OD I ,ogular bail and do tbal. Director OIIOa llllal be appn,c:iata Mr. Kmacdt's input IDd advilod Ibey will do what Ibey can DD I complaint bail -bcJrofblly """' ·""" WC will ..... I mon: c:omislmt ~ ol enfon:in1 patting. Council Mcmbe.· Bradshaw suggested 1h11 as tbc police drive by S1"0llisll Ibey can look at what ii gaiag on. Director Olaoo explained 11111 in DIOSI c::IIOI Ibey In: gaiag to otbcr calls and other rapo!UCS, Ill if Ibey get a call up~ Ibey are goina to a specific c:onoem ... usually it ii somdlody parking in somebody's driveway or something like that. lie aid be hales to throw 1h11 out that we don't have the personnel to do that, but"" just doo\ have CDOUab people to just 10 oat al~ drive up and down lilr parlcing type issues at this point Mayor Burns thanked Dircctor Olson for bis input 8. C-.aalcatlou, Pniduoa11uu ud Ap~ (a) A letter from Robert I!. Powell indiClliog his raignatiot1 from the Englewood Downtowo Development Authorily was considertd. COUNCIL MIMBER BIIADSBAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACC&n THI RESIGNATION OF ROBERT L POW!i..i, FROM TIO: INGUWOOD DOWNTOW!'I DEVEWPMUIT AIJ'IBORITY. Motionca'lied. Ayes: Council Membe,s Gar.oa, Bndohaw, Jui>etlicb~ Waggoner, Grazulis, Burns Nays: NDIIC Absent : Council Member Nabbolz 9. Paltllc Btui■g No public '-ing was scheduled before Council. I JiJboo., an.l 0 t!\'J tr,nut 0 -~·q (a) Appn,val of Onlinanccs oa ,1111 Reodlag 'lherc MR DOaddiliooal items IUbtnilled for ljlpOVII CII fint ....... (See Aseoda iltm ll • llqular .. ,enda.) (b) Appn,val of Or 1ilwl= on Second Readin1 COUNCIL MEMBER BRAD'SBAW MOVED, AND IT WAS RCONDED, TO APPROVI CONSENT AGINDA ITEMS 10 (II) (I) ud (II) ON SECOND JllADING. (i) ORDINANCE NO. 32, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCll. BILL NO. 36, IN11l0DUCED nv COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER) AN ORDINANrE AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A $7,500 GRANT FROM 1HE COLORAOO OEPARTMENr OF LOCAL AFFAIRS (DOLA) SUCH FIJNOS WILL BB USED FOR ENTI!RPRISE lCNE MARKETING ANO ADMINISTRATION. (ii) ORDINANCE NO. 33, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCll. BILL NO. 39, IN11U)l)UCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE SUBMITTING TO A VOTI! OF 1HE REGISTl!Rl!D ELECTORS OF 1HE OTY OF ENGLEWOOD AT nil! NEXT SCHEDULED GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION A QUESTION AIJI'HORIZING .. !>DffiONAL CATEGORIBS OF 1HE PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED OCCUPATICl~:;... TAX ON LIQUOR LICENSED BUSINESSBS . Ayer,: Nay s: Absent: Motion c:anied. Council Mcmben Garrett, Bmdlliaw, llabenich~ Waggoner, Grazu1is, Bums None Council McmlJer Nabbolz (c) Rcsolulioas and Molions n-,...., 110 resolllliolll or mctiam submitted for """""'"1 - 1 I. lleplar . .\tmda (a) Ajlproval of OnlillaDces on l'int P.....iina (i) Director Gryglewicz prsm:d a RCX>IIIIIIClldaon liom the Dcpanmcot of Financial Services to appove a bill for an ordinance ldtl]Wllthe City of Englewood Non-Emorg,mcy ~ Plan Documenl. He explained that lbiJ ordinance adopls tbe Noo-Emergency Raircmmt Plan Documelll with challges. The most significant of whid, is the DROP Plan. Ulber than tbal, be ai<\ it is protty much as it wu before it bu just been updalcd ID comply with Stale Slallll<S and Federal guidelines. Mayor Bums asked if •his bas been passed throup 11'.c l'lon-Emagm:y Boud. Director Gryr.owicz said yes, it bas Uitcn abcul a year but Ibey finally got it /enc Council Member Waggoner Slllal lbiJ is c:ie Ibey haw \--en • ailing for for a long lime. The City Ciak road the cwnci1 bill by title : l1111<Woad City Coucll J■■e 21, 1999 I ) II ) """ l:!•ll e (i .,. ,nnt. ••ae •~ COUNCIL BILL NO. 40, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCB M'd!NDINO m'LI! 3, CHAPTER 6, OF 1lll! ENOLl!WOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985, PERTAINING TO 1llE ADOPITON OF AN AMl!NDED CITY OF ENGLEWOOD NONEMERGENCY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN AND TRUST. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONIR MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (I) -COUJIICD. BILL NO, 40. ,a•!f Ayes: Couacil Mcmben Garfflt, Bradlhaw, llabcnich~ WIQllllcr, Clmzulia, Bumi Nays : Nolle Absent: Couacil Member Nabbolz Molioocanied. (Ii) Dim:tor Simpson prm:nted a rocollllllCDdatioo Crom the Depor1ment of Ncigh(,orbood and Business DeYelapmenltoadnpla bill for an anlinanc:e vacaliDg 16 bl of an UDUSed right-of-way for West Jell'enon A\'CIIUC improYcmcnls. He Slaled the applicuU for this rcq,ai an, Ms. Moloer and Ms. Unger who owo property al 3642 So•11 h Cherokee. Tbc n,quest is for a vacation of the nonh 16 feet of the West Jefferson Ave:we belwee, ·•ok ee and Bannock. 'Ibis vacadon was beanlby the Planning and Zoning Commiaion and approv, .n ously for recommendation to the City Couocil, be advitcd, and s1alr requests their .....,..i. Mayor Bwns asked if the paving has boon done on West Jefferson. Diffdor Simpson said !'Cl, Council Member Wagoner said it meotiooed the drainage from the alley running down into there and the construction of a berm, which be assum<s is already In and be would also assume that is oo the property thal iA being VICaled, thal proc,cu the propcny ID the nonb. Dim:tor Simpooo said yes. Mr. Waggoner asked if WC do not maintain owncnbip what will happen ID the berm and the prolec:lioo for the proper!)'. He asked if there is some way wc ,min lhal protcction for the property. Dim:tor Simpmo llid u be uodentmds ii the benn is on the >-..I ponioa and it would go to that propcny . Righ~ Mr. Waggoner said But wba~ he asked, is to keep them from w'O\'iog the berm and elimioaliog a protection and lhct the water thal comes down the alley tbal wc buil, ..,. berm for would be gone and the property would lbcn be lloodcd apio. Engioccring Manager Kahm cxplaiocd that that particular alley was built in this years paving disUi~ that it baso' boon ....S yet Tbc alley design is such that wc have extended a 51"'111 line up the alley bctwcco Bannock and Clicnlkec to the top above the City ditch and wc an, picking up all that storm water al that point and then the alley itself bas a V-sectioo in its design such thal that water no longer jumps and goes onto thal adjacent propcny. So, Council Member Waggoner said, they can go allcad and remove the berm and lli1l be all rigbl. Mr. Kahm said they can remove the berm and alJO as part of the paving disUi~ wc an, also WOltiog with the property owner to compcosalC him. There is a restriction to bis access because of the alley design. ., we an: into him for damages ID tbal garage. Mr. Kabm advised it will all be settled Council Member Bradshaw asked if this is the property on lhc north that has numerous code violations . Dim:tor Simpson said that was correct. Mayor Bums commented that he lmoM exactly where it is . The City Clerk read the council bill by title : COUNCIL BILL NO. 4~, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL Ml!MBER BRADSHAW • • ltaatewoo,I City Couacll .Jue21,1'99 .... 11 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUIHORIZINO TIii! VACATION OP THI! NOll'11116 Pl!BT OP RIGlfl'-OF•WA Y LOCATED ON WBST JEPPl!RSON A Vl!NUI! Bl!TWl!l!N SOl!l'H BANNOCK/SOUlll CHEROKEE ALLEY AND SOUlll Clll!ROKEE STRl!lrl' IIY TIii! CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER BIIADSHAW MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (U) • COUNCIL BILL NO, 41. Council Member Blldshaw pointed out that this will al10 pu1 property back on lhc W< roU1 . · Motion carried. Ayes: Council Members Gam:u, Bndlbaw, Habenlch~ Wagoner, Onzulla, Burm Nays : None Absent Council Member Nabholz (iii) Chief Building Official Smith poselll<d a r=mmeodalion Crom the Dcpo,1mCDI of Safety Services to adopt a bill for an ordimna: per1liamg to Solid Fuel Burning Devices. He explalued that lhc recommendation is to change the =t ontinance that prohibits all solid buming f\lel devices and allow State and EPA approved wood buming stoves to be approved. Council Member Bradshaw asked i! this addresses the illues our mddel1ts raised on the wood bumin& otoves. Mr. Smith said they do and her stove is on the cunent ljllllOYcd list provido:I by the Stale. Ms. Bradshaw said oby, that is what she nceded to cbcct 011. Mr. Smith pointed that In additioa to the IIIO wood stoYa that have been appoved by the State, there are also 37 pellet types that have been appoved by Colorado and EPA. Mayor Bums DOted that this seems to bring us In line with what most other cities have done ... slnc:e we had this at our Study Session a few wms ago. Mr. Smith aid yes. Council Member Bradshaw thanml Mr. Smith for his wort OD this. Tbc City Clerk read the council bill by tiUe : COUNCIL BILL NO. 42, IN11lODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Tm.I! 6, CHAPll!R I, SECTIONS II AND 12, OFTIIE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 198', PERTAINING 'IO WOODS'IOVES. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVEC, AJIIJI ITW.I.S SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (Ii)· COUNCIL BILL NO. 42. Motion carried. Ayes : Council Membm Gam:u, !'r.dshaw, Habenlch~ Wo~. Gnzulls, Bwns Nays: None Absent Council Member Nabbolz (b) Approval o[Ordilwlces OD Second Rtading 1bcre were no additional iL:ms submitted for app,oval 011 socond reading. (See Ascndil, lu,m 10 • Conaeut Agenda) J:qlewood City c ..... u Jaelt,1999 ,..,12 (c) Resolutions and MoliOIIS Then:_,, no 1tSOlutiotll or mou0111 submitted for ll)pfOVal . 12. Geatnl DIIC8llioa (a) Mayofs Choice (i) Mayor Bwns noc.d wc participoled ill the l!ll)lllldbRaki 011 the redoYelopment of thc CityCcnter site OD Thunday and his rendezvous with the blckhoc probably got him more publicily than anything be has dooc since becoming Mayor. He said tbcrc _,, a lot of comments OD that. but lbcy bad a good time . The weather was son of wild for awhile and tbcu it was nice. Mayor Bwns said be thougltl a lot of people took note of thc fact that wc arc beginning to rebuild that development and we arc very much in the ocws because of iL He pointed out lbcrc was an article in the Denver Business Journal , they might have seen, OD the rcdcvclopmcnL (ii) MayorBwnsadvilcd be IIICDded the wt pan, Saturday, of the Summitoa Youth Violcace down at Metro State . He said be talkcd to the Governor, the Allorn<)' Gcocral and Bill Ritter, the DA from Denver after that. He COIDDICIIICd that be got the impr=ioD tbcrc is a real pp ill the knowledge of a lot of 11-folks about what cities arc doing about before and after school prasrams. the Safe Summer Prog,am. He noc.d be talked to Attoruey Gcocral Sala= and be does•~ think be even knew whit that was. He said he is not sure what the couaties arc doing through the parks and rcaalioa dcpanmcnls about before and after school programs. but the municipal involvement in thi.s , .. what we arc already doing .. .is kind of lest oa a lot of 11-peop . Mayor Bwns said be asked Bill Riller what be thougltl the Mayors in the area could do !o h>!!p facilitate what they arc doing and be did DOI have a clue, be was stumped by the queslioa. So, be said , the best thing was what the Attorney General said, that we can let them know what we arc doing already bccau5c lbcy really 1-1 to know a lot more about thaL He opined it was beneficial to be there just to talk to them briefly. They bad the experts. lbcy had ail the folks you have seen before giving some very good COIIIIOCIIU on violence, gun coalnll and so fonh. But, be noted, a lot of :llcse were punitive mcasuros and things like that and cities arc doing a lot of c:oDSlntdive things. COUDrii Member Bradshaw said wc arc doing preventative and that is much more affective , Mt,yor Bums agreed and said wc may be filling some gaps that oobody else ,s already and maybe lbcy aced tr, know that. So be will promote and sec if lbcy can get 50tllC more illformatioa to them about that. They .re suppooc to render a rcpon in the ocxt several weeks, be said, but that is a rcpon and be is Dot surc what is going to happen to the report. They did DOI have nearly the attmdancc they thought they would have. He noc.d the paper said lbcy cxpcaed a couple tbcusand people and be thought thcy had a couple of bUDdrcd. Mayor Bums said tbcrc was some quality discussion, especially by the kids earlier in the day , He was told bccau5c be talked to several people wbo had been tbcrc ail day . Kea Bueche was tbcrc ftom the Municipal League. He opined it was wonbwhile, but what follows is the imponaat thing as far as that is conccrocd. (iii) Mayor Bums distributed a list of his potential expenses for CML Coafcrcuce to Council Council Member Habenicht asked if they could address all of the requests at the same time. Council agn:cd. Discussion ensued regarding the cxpcnscs . ~CllyC-11 ,_21,1"' t b.aftfr,l • I ,J SllllL i e'I PqelJ COUNCIL MIMa&& WAGGONIR MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE S21.00 PLUS WJIAnvKR II.SI IS NDDID TO SEND MAYOR BURNS AND COUNCIL MDIIIIRS GllAZULIS, IIAIIJ:NICBT AND NABROLZ TO TRI OIL CONFIRINCL In rapo1111 to Mayor Bumi, Council Member Waggoner clarillcd thu "w.,._ ello ia needed" refers lo the IIIIIOIIIU lilled cm lhe lndividull ruclllOI. Ayes: Nays: Ablent: Motion carried. Council Memben Gam:tt, Brad.shaw, Habcnich~ Waggoner, Orm,Jls, Bums None Council Member Nabbolz Council Member W11roncr tollll!lalted 1h11 that is a good orpnlzaticm and a good ,_;,,g 10 8lUM. Council Member Bndsbaw Algested. repnllq lhe dlscussion Council just bad on lhe Summit cm Yoolh Violence, thal 111,:y go lhroup, CML and DRCOG and quit roimenting new stulf all the lime. Council agrocd ii wu a good Idea. Ms. llnldlhaw DOied the informalion is out then:. (iv) MAYOR BURJllll MOVED, AND IT WAS SICONDID, TO APPROVE $6,000 FOR TRI IXPINDITURI FOR TRI IULY 4,. CILIBRA110N. • Mayor Bams clarified that Council Is inaaaing their donaticm by $500, from $5,500 lo $6,000. Ayes: Nays : Absent: 11'..:;tioa carried. Council Members Gam:tt, Bndshaw, Habenicb~ Wagoner, Gramlis, Bumi Nolle Ccund1 MemlJcr Nabbolz (b) Council Member's a.rice (i) COUNCIL MDDIIR GARRl1T MOVID, AND IT WAS SICONDID, TO ALLOW TRI INGLIWOOD HISTORICAL SOCllTY TO USI EXISTING WATIR TAP CRIDIT FOR A TAP AT TRI DEPOT, TO TAP INTO TRI NEW LOO INSTALLED BY TRI PARKSANDRICRIA110NDIPARTMINT. Motion carried. Ayes : Council Merubcrs Gam:tt, Bndshaw, Habcnich~ Waggener, Gnzulis, Bams Nays : None Absent: Council Member Nabbolz (ii) Council Member Bndshaw: I. She lhanltal Tom Vandamee for hll rapomc to her question Jut lime. 2. She wanlal 10 give Pmlella PuncereUi a.di! for pulling 1hat off Jut Tlusny. City Manager Sall aid be -,Id pass that Oil, ,be really did. pat job aad worbd VCf'/ bani. Re diadm Ms. Bradshaw for her comment Mayor Bams agreed ibc did a gratjob. lask"ood Clly Coudl Jae 21, lffl Pace 14 (Iii) Coonci1 Member Grazulis: I. Sbe advitod lbe 1111:Dded C.,., Doy II Bilho;> with Couacil Member HabenichL Sbe IIMI it is always rdioshing 10 lilteo to the dlildff:n'1 opiniOIII about wbal ii bapponing in the City and-of Ille things there would like to.,. put in the ... there. They overwhelmingly, alwsys mention a new toy IIOle in the vicinity . Ms. Gmuli11111d if you think about ittberc ii Playnix, but they want sometbinsDCW. They also want to see more skate pa,b ... it comes L) all the time. Mayor Bwus noted be did appoai· • the slolll:i>oard openinF for Soutu Subwban a couple of weeks ago and it was inleresling. He memioaed to OiriJ Olson that SbeT:11 ht Sullivan was tberc to officiate and it was good 10 see him. but it wam\ exactly in his jurisdiction. Mayor Bums said be was woodcring if Englewood police had been invited to lltend that event. Dim:tor OIIOn indicaled they had not. Mayor Bums said be was a lint, rurious and be noted it is th: only facility South Subwban bas that ii out of their district. But the Sheriff made a nice appearance. was very complimemary to all of us, got on the miaophonc aad canied on for '°""' time. 2. She Slated the home site for the Wrb still bu current articles dated from 1998 and she was not sure who was in clwge of iL Ms. Grazulis Slid she looks at it all the time, that she likes to 5IUdy it and there are a lot of. difl"erent aga,cies where their mou current tbinp are 1998. She said she bas the exact listings. but she left the list al bome ... incaae tbey need to know where 10 find these, without looking through everything. City Manager Sean advised that Frank Gryglewicz ii in charge oC tbal, but be would relay that. He ooled that be thought one nftbose wu his 11111 tbey have beea Oil him to update that a liale biL Ms. Gnzulis said the Holiday from 1998 and what the theme was is on tberc and she felt it should be changed. (iv) Coonci1 Member Waggoner noted it was a long time ago, but at one time we had some problems with the conttactors that Public Service Company was hiring to patch streets and we called Public Sen,ce Company in and tbn:atened 10 do away with the benefit tbey get DOW OD street CulJ. He said be tbinb tbey get a street cut p,,mit for a basic fee, where we chqe everybody else $2 .00 a square foal, or it was $2.00, maybe it is $4.00 now. And we do the patebillallld that way it gets done in good time and is a quality placemeut. Mr. Waggoner said it see1111 to him that Public Service .Company is very lax apin, that the conlJaeton tbey hire are absolutely doing a tarible job . The ~hes settle and they look rough for a long time, tbey just don~ take pride in their work. He said be thinks it is time that Public Works gets tog<ther wilh Public Service Com,oany and lhreaten to change ... an< be l<uows he is willing ... 10 change the code to where we do the pal<billg 11Wldves, that way we lalc>•· ..• s dmo right and in good time. H, thought it would be wiae to get boU of them and tcll them the same llling again and get them on the ball. City Manager Sears adviaed we w.ill do that and report back to Coonci1 Member Waggoner"' the MXt meeting. (v) Council Member Habenicht : 1. Sl!e <:lirl ~,. also wanled to complilllCIII everybody who put togelher lhe groundbreaking. It was a lot of fun . 2. Sbe said, to piggy b1Ck oo what Julie Gramlis was saying about visiting wilh lhe lads, that she thought tbey had a lot of fun. tliat tbey wen: sort of like a Sisl<el and Ebert type of team. She noted lhat several kids, indcpeodenUy, diJrerent group1 said they wanled bookstores and she was really tickled tu..., that. They were very excited and positi,-e. She COllllllalled that she had also dooe this for Clayton Elemenwy 111d she must have put aside the mail and she looked at it last night. She bas a list ol thank you letters and tbey are just so fun. She said lhe would share them wilh Couucil. They talk about how much • fun it must be 10 be a politician. • J:apwood Cily Couacll Jue 21, 1!19' Pqel5 u<K J. She said she noticed in the Rocky Mountain News !Oday about the opening of the Cloduc 111d she wondered what the status WIS there. It WIS a very nice article. Mayor Bwns stated there was III article in the Post on SWlday . City Manager Sears advised we have been working extremely bani, Lance Smith and Chris Obon ID particular, to uy to make sun: they open, work with them on the openin& It has worked out rdaliwly ,...u and in Council's packet there WIS information that lilled out a oumber nf things, including the Deplrtmcm ofHealth and water roquirm,enu that arc outside our jurisdiction. Mr. Sears stated that whal we MIiied to do WIS provide them, as early as possible, a list of things that they have to do so we don't act inlo red tagging them the night of the evcnl Tonight is one event that has been postponed to Tbunday, but we an: still not ccr1ain as to whether or nol they will comply tomorrow night, with all the code , when the doors arc open. City Manager Sears advised we have been in .ilmost hourly contact with them and the colllractor to let them mow JJRCisdy what the an:as arc and they are behind. It is putting a lot of pressure on us 111d on them to move ahead, but we arc really trying to aa:onunodale. From a liq,.10r code standpolnl they have to meet cer1ain requiraoents. City Manager Sears asked that Chris Olson update Council with the latest informalioo this evening no where we arc. Director Olson advised be was over there tonight and the only people in the building arc coosttu..1ion worl<cn frantically putting things together. The pony WIS scheduled for tonight and we just waolcd to go over there and make sun: people wcn:n, in the building, but that is IIOl the case. Wort is moving forward frantically and the last word they got tonight WIS that they will be in there all night long, he said. Lance Smith and Ben Greene were over there earlier and they feel that they an: probably about 90% to complctioo on the things we demanded be done. They had their water tcSI, apparently, and Tri-County has given them an okay. Ben Greene will go on in there tomorrow and test the fire a1ann and the monitoring systems, so they are very, very close. Mr. Olson commented that bow they will be able to open tomorrow night be was not sure, because the place is just full nf people working in there and construction equipment and., on. But as City Manager SeaJS indicated, wc will, tomorrow aftanoon ... and Lance Smith conveyed to the supcrvi,or o,,er there ... that after 3:30 p.m. we will DOt be going back there later thal night to do mnn, inspections. That will be the cutoff point and be will have to have thooc requests in by that time, odierwi5c we won, go on bod<. So wc will meet tomorrow and at this point. surprisingly they arc about JO% away from at least being able to open given the criteria that we established for them. What conditioo it will be in at that point be just doesn't know. But, be said, if you drive by there now there arc people scrambling all over thal building and they are close . Council Member Habcnichl nolcd there WIS a lot nf activity over th, weekend. She said she thinks it is important that they open under the codes that we have and at the sai ne time she thinks that wc are being very coopenlive in working together and partnering. So she is hoping they can get all of that done. Director Olson said be would have to say that our people in building and in the Fm: Manhall's Office have really wolkcd with them much more than they usually Jo on most projects. They understand what they have to act done to be in compliance. So, he stated, if this is nol done, just from a life safety standpoint, then we just cannot let them proceed. Hopefully, they will contact us tomorrow by 3:30 p.m. and we will meet to discuss whal our next phase is and go from there. Diroctor Olson advised that wc arc prepared to not allow them to have the event tomorrow night if they arc IIOl in compliance . Hopefully, be said, they will be because we don't want to go thrnugh that scenario. Mayor Bwns noted they have r=ived some good, fioc publicity too and be bopcs that they can open. It will be so much bellcr for their business . l■l,lewood Clly C,-U Juell,1999 ..... , Dittdor OIIOA said that ullimllely they will, Ibey .,. getting therc. He said be just lbiab Ibey .,. a few day> on; IClually , but It is a ""Y complex project, much more than Ibey orip,ally thoupl. Mayor Bums said Council appreciates all his bard work oo this and wortina with than. City IYiaDagcr Scus COll1IDClll<d that k is our obligatioo to work with them, that this is really a nice asset to the commtmily. Butal the same timt , the TCO, the Temporary C<r1il!Clle'lf0ccuponcy, gives 111 some fle.,aoility and we will use that flexil>ili:y to make this happen without putting "' or them Into jeopudy of a life safety issue. Council Member Habenicht said she thillks it is a real fioe line between being supportive of businesses aod construetioo and watching out for the well being of the citizens. She opined that our !talf does a wonderful job. City Manager Sean said he knowa Lance Smith and Chris Olson arc doing a wondcrftll job of working through this. 4. She thanked the City for getting the graffiti cleaned up OD the Masonic Temple, in that area . She nokd she and Council Member Bradshaw have brtX1ght it up and it really looks nice, sbe drove by there. City Manager Sean nokd Ibey worked ""Y elrectively with us to do that ll . City Man11Fr'I Report (a) City Manager Scan noted we have done this in the post, but be wanted to bear if Council bas aoy comments regardiJII the Lions Oub miniahae tnin mainlcnancc CODbacl. They would like us to take over the maintenance of that 111d p,y us on an boorty basis for the mataials thal we provide to everybody else . Council Member Bradshaw and Mayor Bums commented thal that makes sense. So, City Manager Scan said, we arc going to go libead llld do that. Council Member Waggoner said that will be a conlracl, just like with the schools . City Manager Scan said thal is right Council Member Gan.'il.isml ifwe arc prOIJ:CICd OD the liability side. City Attorney Brotzman advised that the City bas an overall ,greemeut with the Lions Club. The agreement currcnlly provides that they will take care of maintenance and yes it does provide for liability protection for us. (b) City Manager Sears said Ibey did have tile Coacret, Utility discussion for the Study Scssioo earlier and be does not know the urgency or gelling inlo this. He knows we arc in concrete construetion season and that this is to aa:ommodale people who want to do other work on their property in addition to conattt. He DOied if Council would like to talk about that this evening we can do that If then: is not any urgency WC can pm this olf IO the next Council Study Session, he said. Council Member Waggoner noted iftbey have started into the prognm already there may indeed be people out there who want to piggy lack on the project in order to get driveway work done or service walk work done . And, be said. it is much easier to get that done at the same time. OOlcrwisc you have to wait until after that is finished and it bas cured and you have to bring somebody else in. Council Member Bradshaw advilod Ibey ran into a little problem in Arapahoe Acres over the handicapped area and Ken koa was kind cuougb to respond, very quickly, within mimics. And Ibey found out that even though it is ADA specs OD that that we still need to notify residents when K is going to 01:cur and there was some stuff that M.. Ross helped troubleshool and she really appRciatod it • • E■;lewood City Coucll J-21,lffl ,..,., Mayor Bwna suggeaed lhey go ialo dllcussion and Director Roa CID Jjw Council tbe bat CM~ recommendation 1h11 docs aot overbwdm tbe City, bul yet aa:ompliabcs tbe purpote of helping die citiuns. DiRCtor Ross explained thal buically lhey wanled IO tailt about two issues. One was IO dqx'8I ....t, CUii and what happens is we 11111 doing tbe work wilh tbe Cmxfflc Utility Pmgram and a porticm of It is in the driveway area and Jl"'Ple aren\ very fond of their Hollywood curbs and they want tbe cwt, cut~ In response IO Milyor Bwns, Mr. Ross C.'Plained lhal a depressed cwt, cu is a tnullitiou wbon: ii comes down and leaves about an inch or zero of a lift. So buically what harAJCDS is instrad of driving.., over a four inc,\ dcplh al cwt, walk they will go ....,. one in ~ or no inch, ii is n lot more g111tlu.il. It dcvala tbe jar you !eel as you an, drmagialoyourdmeway. We Fl illlO tbe situalion where,.. have the Utility Pmgram to rq,lace concrete tbat is in poor condition and we explain Ibis IO tbe people. But we do work with the Jl"'Plc and explain that if ,0% al th.:, driveway is in bid condition we will go ahead aad replace it all and give you the depressod cwt, cut F.--Jy, be atlvisctl, we haw pRlly good Jl"'Pic out In the field and lhey will even take 1h11 IO tbe next slop and they will look al the romainins ponioa and if ii looks like it will go bid in two or throe years, even though it doesn't meet Ibis year's !<St, lhey will still go abeatl and rq,lace it Ho explained thal"" have DOt receival any complaiJD cm i~ 90 we feel that is the way IO continue IO handle that situation, but we WUICd IO nm it by Council aad make sure ii meeta with CGuDcil's approval . Mayor Bumi commentod that if ii im\....., don\ fix it Director Ross explained Iha! onsilc concrete is a little difrcm,t story and we take a bands off apprca:b ID 1h11. We buically give the penon tbe name of our amlllCIOr and phone number and they can coalact them and try to scbodule their work . Typically our concrete conllaCIOI' is a little more expensive than a Jot of the people who do this kind of work. lie noted thal ii seems that cveryt,ody bas a brother-in-law or a uncle, or a friend of a friend who bas a coople of finishing tools anti a pick-up truck and inslcatl going lhrough our contractor. Din:ctor Ross noted that wbat"" haw in tbe economy today is, !bes Jl"'PIC, when lhey an, worting cm this program, their finishing aew is scbcdulal for IM> Olhcr jobs as IOOll as they finish Ibis job. So they an, rcally DOI too approad,able in lllday'a ecoaomy to do thal ldatl ofwort. Bulcally, be lldvilod, 'Ml just f'acililalc them, give them anameantllllllllberofwho to contact and if they have any luck fine, if they don\ they can have a brother-in-law or some ftimtl of• friend. We don\ rcally want IO go any farther, be said. Obviously you get ialo libations wbon: Ibis work is done IO our spocilicllions ... it is well definotl ... you have IO do things exadly i:a:onling to our ,pecificatiom and standards, and -,,ce you deviate anti pt off the public way ... some people like a swirl fillish, some like a broom finisb ... liley have dilr~ideuand dilrercDI expectations and ii is a little difficult for III IO enforce Ibis persons e.pectations and what they want It is better that lhey enforce their expectations and they CDlcr inlO a collllllct with a conlrlClor. Council Member Waggoner said it would sure help ifyoo would givo lbat collllllctor a little nutlgeantl say we ,voultl appreciate it ifyoo would work with these Jl"'Ple. Mr. Roa Slaltd we could cer1ainly do thal. The nudge part is kind of dillicul~ ii is kind of a tough spec to write when you say thou sbal~ becauae when you liWt pulling thole mandalea In there, then unfortunately if they rcally don\ WIIII IO do that they mighl price ii in a way that is DOI vc,y favorable . We can certainly indicate on our specs lbat we will expect the Jl"'Ple who bid oor work IO do this, but i• 7'0n\ be any cheaper, but we CID al least give them a beads up when they bid. PircclDr Ross ulwl Cow.ciI Member Waggooer if he had any ideas as to how we can do this . Mr. Waggou said DO, ·, ,,. it ,eema like it wooltl be easier once the dump truck is 001 there and they have machinerJ 001 there, to g., ahead aotl remove the Olhcr concrete at tbe same time. Director Roa DOied Iha! he used to be in the couniclioa businesa and tbe limes were a lot leaner when he was doing it When we were _.,ached by Jl"'PIC, wbco "" were out in tbe field. we gave them a break, becauae there was DO point in charging this person mobilization foes, when I was llreatly charsins that to la""9NCltyC-U J-21,lffl •·1• Ibo Cily, be 111d. So -are Ibo ldadl altlillp yell CID do ID mp c:mn busy. But ia IDdliy'I 11am dlcy are aoc trylna IO keop their cmw t,,.y, Ibey are jull tryina IO gee dian io Ibo IIClll job. So, Mayor Buma llid, there is .., chang,c r=m.'ll<Dded. Diroclor Russ stat..i there is .., c:banp I OCOIIIIIIOildod Mayor Buma !hanked Director Ran. 14 . City Attoniey'1 Report (a) City Attorney 8111UJtol£ ilN cd Couacil Im in lbcirpockd a a,mplainlfJOm Jcny Nader and l'lmda ee-J tmd be reqllOllel! tMl fl, IJ iUiil Ewns dd'eDd Iii ia this lllllla'. He said be walld lO do one dilclolme. He advilod tbal prior to bri11i iDbaua counael be did """"8"il Jeny Nealer, in._ priVIIC aclio111, be c1oem, cunmdy, but be did provi«my and WIDICd Couacil ID be anre al 111a1. Mr. Brocm. -dial rally bu DOlhiag to do wilh wby 'M: are cbooling llall and E\'1111 to delimd tllia. it is mo"' jail time COIIIWllplioo . Mayor lllllns IIOliod this is a quiet tide lldioa. City ADomey Bu112:man s.-.'.:! thll is oomct. !:.:-•AiplaiDcd !bal this is actually OYcrlhe City dilcb. du is _City ditdl rip• ""' J'/, ~~ ..:.vicmly .,.,, .. "p'lto defend i~ to want to defend il C0UN-.UMJ:MBERBRADSBAWM0VO,ANDITWA:i .'i!'.Cl.'11-:>ID,TOALLOWilALL AND EVANS TO DERND THI QUIET TITLI ACTION FILr.~ BY JERRY NISn.lR AND PAMILA DIVON, Aye,: Nays: Ab<ent: Motion carried. 1,. Adjnnaeat Council Mcmbas Gama, Bradsbl',,, Habenicht. W...-,, CllUulis, Buma None Council Member Nabbolz C0UNCil. MEMBIR BRADSHAW MOVED TO ADJOURN. The meeting adjourned 118:57 p.m. ~~~ti.al ~ • • •