HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-08-02 (Regular) Meeting MinutesINGL&WOOD CrrY COUJIICll. INGL&WOOD,AJIAPABOI! COUNTY, COWRADO ......... Aqu:Z,lffl 1. Calllt Onler 1bc rqpalar ~ oClheEqlewood City Cowicil wu callcd lo order by Mayor Bw1111t 7:35 p.1'1. 2. lancldoa 1bc iavocatioD wu gi""'1 by Mayor Bums. 3. PleqtrlAllepaKe 1bc Plcqe of. Allclwxz wu kd by Mayor ilw1II. 4. Roll Call l'lacol: AblcDI: Council M,ull>en Gnizulis, Brodsbaw, Habalicbl, Wagaoa,r, Bums Cowicil M,mb,n Nabbolz, Gamu AquorumwupRICIII. ~ 11111m 0Qllllllelllld dial we baYe ODO Cowicil illllllbcr 0111 afloWD 111d OIIO DOI fecliD& m ....0. So, lie IOlrld, we baw: wllal we call a bore quarwa bore 1llil m:aiq 111d lo pm aay of our lllCIIUIU we bave lo >Ille ummausly. 5. Mhulta Abo..-: City Malllpr San CityAIIIIIIIOJ~ City Ciak Ellis Engimaillg Spc:cial Projcdl CoordiDalor Haldcnon, Public Wam Senior Plaancr Still, Nclpl,arbood 111d BusiDl:a o..dopma,t OiJeclar Simpma. Nclpl,arbood 111d BusiD<a ~ (a) COUJIICIL MEMBU WAGGONlll MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THI MINUTl!S or THI Rl!GULAJl MUTING or JULY 1', 1999, Ayes: Council Manb<n illwlshaw, Hab<nichl, Waggoa,r, Gra:zuliJ, Bums Nll)'I: Noa, AbKnl: Council -Nabbolz, Gamtt Moliollcmicd. 6. SckdaledVililon (a) Eagl,wood Parad< Aaocialion Clllir Colle= Burk, wu ix-at lo dilCIISI funding for lhe 1999 Engl,wood Holiday Parado:. Ms. Bwu advuod that m, ii Praid<nl of this yCll's EngJcwood Parado: Allocialion 11111 she ialrodua:d Owca ilca..r and ll0Ced b, ii a>-chairing Ille parade this year. Sh, C0.1111X111Cd 1hal this ii lheit ICCOnd year of. bdpiac with lhe pond,. Ms. Bum aid tbal Council sbould ba-,e rcaiv"'1 a lea.er ill lheir pack,IJ l.apeweed City c ... ..u Allpa:Z, 1999 Pqel from Mazy Dounay, the En&Jcwood Pande AllociatlGn 'l'reuuru, tbankiaa Council for their put ,upport. Ms. Bwtc said thal belldoo the lllw1cwl 111ppon she wou.!d also like to thank the City for allowta, -,al oftheemployocs to be 011 their oommiaocs ... It?b Spada, Leig)I Ann Hoffhines and Paulc111 Puncerelli . She nocccl 1h11 bclidc tbe fact thal Ibey aro Nillly DCII people. Ibey an: saving ihem so mucb limo becawc Ibey know who'■ who IDd bow to set things do... Ml. l!•ltkc said she appn,ciatel that ■nd Ille IDd Mr. Beaver are trying to be raJ conscientiou■ to not lbUJO tneir help, because Ibey know Ibey have anotber job todo. Ms. Bwkc duked Coo.,ici1 Member llahcnicht for her creative talcntJ this year and nocccl ■be came up with tbe theme for th4 JWI pande ... "Evc,ylloia, Old ia New Apia• Ml. Burke explaiaod lbll ii OIIOOmpas■a evcrythillg from the revitalization of Cindcldla City to the OtyCa,ta to tbe raursa,ce of ■wing music IDd bell boaom■ and the Volbwagon bug. She opil>ed thal tbir ia going to boa ...Uy fun theme for doing floats and she i, trying to gel a broader spec:IJWD of the busineue■ involved this year to do floats for us. Ms. Bwkc llllcd Ibey wen, prcsenl to ult Council for their continued mpporl IDd to think diem aplA for DOI allowing this pandc to fade. She said ■be thinks this puade ia a very positive IIIICmCIII for the City, with a IOI of the lilllll'thal'sgoing OD, she feds thal k ■pewvery well for the City. Sbe said Ille aadMr. Beaver .,. going to -1< rally bani to mike this a puade that you can be very proud ol. Sbe COIIIIDeDt<d that she thinks anything that mikes you fed like a kid again ia a raJ good thing. Mr. Beaver C0IIIIMded 1h11 one oi the thia,a be and Ma. Bwkc noticed Wll thal people would know about the puadc. bul it is kind ol like ii happened WI week. So this year Ms. Bwkc bu talked to IOVerll people ■nd Ibey aro trying to gd. out to more businesses that want to be involved. He said that is ooc olthe problems Ibey have bad ill the past, that what Ibey need to do is gel this out to the people ■nd have them put • ii oo their calmdan. They know evcryt,ody ii busy and before Ibey know it tbe time ii put. Hopd\llly, be aid, Ibey cu avoid thal 111d it is amning bow many people Nillly do look forward IO the ponde . II ia 011C of those tbillp thal baa been thac for a loog lime and be felt be lbould Slcp fonvard and do something for bis commulity. He said Ibey an: both sur,prised. ill some way■• bow m• ..... 1,ooplc really WBIII to be involved iD this. So. be DOied, every limo you i-mmcthiDg aepliw Ibey always havc IIOIDd,ody thal ia live, ICII, liftoea time■ OIi the positive side Mr. Beaver 1101.cd dlcy ... trying to"°"' with the busiaca people ..,,._,,, thal be and Ml. Bwkc will walk tbe -prelty IOIID, OD both sidcl, and ask~ J ii for ii, who iaapinsl i~ bow can we nega1, some of the problems. For instance WI year someone was having c:lua, did DOI realize the puade , ... happening SO Ibey bad to work with them. So, be said, they are trying to 111b sure ...,..Jbody is saying the ball pme ii 011 the 6• of November and here ii wbal is going to happen. So bopefulJy Ibey can gel all those things ironed ouL Mayor Bwm asked if they have a budget set for the parade. Ml. Bwkc advised thal WI year tbe puade nn around $4,000 and they aro looking al a liale bit DIOR this year, because Ibey would lilrc to inaa. money for the bands. They would like to poy them to ponicipete. Anotbu thing. she aid. ia that wc baYe , .. 1111 of our bqpipe bands and they would like to bring them badt. Sbe 1101.cd ... did DOI havc IL'Y WI year ard she feel■ 1h11 is a very inlcgnJ port of a patadc. MJ. Bwkc llllcd IIDe would like to be able to oft'er thc same thing thal Olhcr puade■ offer. Mr. Beaver 11Mlcd that be pcnonally talked to a couple band diJeclors andultcd iftbey Wllll.cdatropbyoriftheywantol money ■nd rig)ltaway it was money. ~ be DOied, for some of the smaller bands that would go 10 help pay for IIBnSpOr1alioo or jU51 their outlay costs. The bigger schools already have transportation. but wo are trying to make sun, we can gel 10me smaller schools iD here because thao an: not a whole lot of parndes that bands can march in and that is what mar bing bands an: for, bcsi,Jcs football game, :ml lluff. So insleatl of a trophy we hope to give that money back to them. Mr. Beaver said they found ,u~ when Ibey went to get the llaveling tropby, that it llavciJ right to a closet He said that is okay for that one, but everybody can use money and tbat is the one dill"c:mit dwJc they will do this year. lqlcwood City c-11 Aapll 2, 1999 Pa11tl , ) lu,w,~.,, TIU:,,{ ~ .s: f u,.,u, I) •'I Mayor Bumi 1111111 Mare VIII)' pl...i wo IN llmnl die parade, we did oot WIDl ii lo llop. Wllll die - -CXIIIIUII .. ii ..W be I pell lbillg 10 Jlaw. Mr ...... apeod and DOied that 1hey naliy WUl 10 ad up 1bere am year, lhat ii tbeit goal Mayor aw. llid aboolUldy. Mayor Bwm olfcrod approclalioa, oo bchalf at Cow!dl, for all the work 1hey are doillg oa lhis tarillc pn,joct. Ms. llwb aid DO problem. they low il 7. NOD-Kbeduled Vuiton (a) Mary Benson, 1109 South Cayton, advised that she r=ivod some= infllllllllioo about the ooocme work around the Skcnitt house and she also bad pictures. She offered the piCIURS to Council for their review. She asked if all of Council bas been through the Skcnill bolllo IMIW. Mayor BW111 said that oo they have OOL Ma. Benson COIDIIICDICd lhat ii needs I lol of TI.C and they ..W a that ill the piclllra. but she ii 11111 w:,y iDtaelled ia ii. Sbe aid me does oot lmow wtw Couocira plans are going to be. Mayor BW1ll advised we arc llill devdoping our plam, Council bu 1 '"'1..ed a -bal they also bad the CityCcnlcr CODlraCI oa the 11,mda tooig)it and that ii wbal they arc focusing on, but we arc still IDOYing ahead. Ml. llcoloa a.'lktd about having it oa Ibo Hillorical Rcgi,la. Mayor Burm advised that ii all put of the memo. Ho said lhis is oot lCIUally 1111 the 11,mda tonight. but they bave a memo they got ill tbeit poclrd this week lhat goes into all of lhaL He aa...,.iod that pemaps Ms. Benson c:ouid be pveo I copy of that memo. City :Aanag,or Scan llllal be can pc Ms. II-. a copy of that and DOied 1h11 be did IIIClllioo dial to lier wbco be spoke to ber aver lho ldepboae. Ma. -llid that ii rigbt City Manager Sean oxplailled 11111, basically, be ..W be 1mJ11 Coullcil 10 allow m to move abead wilh IIIWlll a ooDlaCI with the Historical Society to do a gnn1 for ao analysis of the site from a historical penpocliw. He said they arc asking Council 10 allow III to pull together a paot. Thal grant can happen ill a short period of time, ., wc c:ould get that grant ll sty ll Aug,all or September. Mr. Scan advised that 1hey have lllkcd to tbc State Historical Society people and they did foci like this would be ao issue lhat lhey would 11JPP0<1 ID terms at lhc analysis. Any type of work that would come oul of that analysis and any type of funher grant probably would oot happen Ullli! alter April of DCXl year OD that site. Ms. Benson advised that she got information oo grants 100. City Manager Scan noted wc met wilb lhc Colorado Historical Gran! pclSOD. Ms. Benson lllaUd sbc actually talked to him so she knows a little bit about that and be sent ha a packet about grants. City Manager Scan advised lhat under lhc City Manage(s ropon tonight he will be asking CoWlCil to c:omider allowing III to move abad 00 thia. (b) ChriGy Estes advised lhat Ibo is here on behalf of the Retail Council and the Natioaal Council to Prevent Delinquency, oa a graffiti project. She llllal sbc would like to cndonc Council BW No. 24, which is 1111 tbc Consent Agenda toaigbt She sa.id ii is the bW that came out of lhc Code Eofoll%DlCDI Advisory Committ.cc. Again. Ibo said, she would like to thank Committoc for allowing them to participate aod bring !heir input ID lhc table. Ma. Eslcs SlalCd tha1 lhc mailing a,mmwiity I, codoning lhc bill as writtm. Council Member Bradshaw askai Ms. Eslcs if she talked lo lhc Kmart ston, up OD Belleview. Ms. Estes advised that the Kmart rcprcamalive wW spe:ik to Council tonighL Ea&fewood City Coudl Aapul 2, 1999 .... , 1, 11 "'"' ,un.: •Q l ""ll " Lo •q (c) Ricll MerQUio, <lcDeral Slaro Mulpr II lhe Kmlll II Bollcview ud BIIIIIIMy, llicl lie did dlop olf-lcalrl loclay, U hejllll fouad OU1 mai lllil lhe alberdly. Mr. Maalrio .... be-.14 also like Couacil 10 IUppOl1 k U wriu.■, u IO lllll -.ily n,quiriDs 1h11 Ibey lock up lbe ._, piiim. Bccaulc, be ~ !heir Denver IIORI have i.adiclled a loll of uJcs and of coune the lncrwe la CIIIII it""' add II ammdmml IO lbal. Mr. Maalrio ■-nd <:aicil Ibo! Ibey WIii IO be I YCI)' n,opa,ad,le Clllity in the community and Ibey will continue IO moaitar such diinp 111d work wilh lhc Oty II all !lam. Personally, be COIIIDICded, uound bis llore, be does lllll appn,cill.c graffiti anymore tbaa aaybody die docs. He said be has DOied tbal lincc being here for three yean, tbere is a lot IOII 1h11 11 aoilll ,_ -1 llo would be inlerestcd in knowing if there baa been a docreue in the City. Bu~ be stated, II lllil time be would jw:t like IO alJO add bis ,upporl IO thc bill u wrillen. Mayor Buma lbaokal him for~ 8. Commualcallou, Proclam1tloa1 ud Appoiatmeau (a) A proc1amalioo ~g Tuesday, Augusl 3, 1999 u National Night Oul iD thc Qty of Englewood -considered. COIJNCll. MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND ITWAS SECONDED, TO PROCLAlM TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1999 AS NATIONAL NIGHT OUT IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Aya: Couacil Mcmbcn Bndsbaw, Habcoicht. Wa,aoocr, Clramlil. llllrlll Naya: None Absent Council Mcmberl Nabholz, Gama Motioncanicd. Mayor Buma said be ~ like IO IIIOIIUOII tbal Nancy Pctal0II bu daac aa amam,gjob iD 1M City of • En&lcwood wilh thc Neipbolllood Watch Plopam llld Natical Nip! Oul. Some of our nc:i&fll,an IIOWld us have fifteen or twenty partiea OD National Nialt Oul and be asked Ms. Petenon abOUI our count. Oflic:or Polcnon llal<d""' are over 300. Mayor Buma collllDCmd Ibo! Ml. Pete,-bu been rocognizcd llllionally for lhil worlt :llld Ibo is jast a special person in thc Qty ofEnaJewood, Mayor Bums said it is Council's g:,:at pleasure IO pass lhil prnclamation. He noted Ibo already baa Council all lin<d up IO go IO various places IODIOffllW night. On behalf of Counci~ Mayor Bums thanked Nancy Pctcnon for all bu great work and offered congratulalioDL Mayor Bums pn:stnt<d thc proclamation to Crime Prtvcntioo Officer Nancy Pctc1'0n . (b) considered. A ,csolutiOD appointing Christopller Ransick IO the Englewood Public Library Board was The n:solutioo wu assigned a nwnbcr and read by title. RESOLlJl10N NO. 81, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLlJl10N APPOilmNG CIIRIS'!OPHER RANSICK TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD FOR Tll'E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. COIJNCll. MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION N0.11, SERl£S OF 1999, • • Ayes : Council Manben Bradshaw, Habcnich~ \l'auoncr, ~ Bumi Nlyl: Nono Ableol: Council Members Nahholz, GurcU Mn1ion carried. 9. Public Hurla& No public bearing WU ICbcduled before Cowlcil . 10. a..a,1Atmda (1) App'onl of Onlinam:iel OI Finl RadiDg 'lb= were.., additloaal ii.ems submilled for appRMI 1111 lint~ (See Apda llem 11 • Rep1ar Agenda.) (b) AppnMI olOnlinana:I 1111 SecOlld Rading COUNCll. MDllll"..R WAGGONER MOVJ:D, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO Aft'ROVJ: CONSENT AGIN'.•, rrEMS 10 (b) (l) IINI (II) ON SECOND UADING. Mayor Bumi adviaed 11111 Apada item 10 (b) (i) is Council Bill No. 24 , the onii-,,, 1111 p,dllli tbal we wen: just ~ (i) ORDIN.\NCE NO. 43 , SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCil. BILL NO. 24, INTRODUCED BY COUNCil. :,l'lMIIER BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TJ'J'U! 7, OIAPTERS 66 AND 6F AND 'l1TLB 15, OF 1lll! BNGLBWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985, BY REPEALING AND ADDING NEW Si;CTIONS TIIAT ADDRESS POSSESSION AND SALE OF GRAFRTI MATERIALS AS WELL AS PIJIENTAL RESPONSIBilJTY. (ii) ORDINANCE NO . 44, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCil. BILL NO. 43. INTRODUO.!l BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 'l1TLB 11 , CHAP1El I, SECTION IB , OF TilE 198' ENGLBWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO HOV LANE VIOLATIONS . Vote,-JII: Ayes: fowx:il M ·•btn Bradshaw, Habcnich~ Waggooer. Gnmilia, Bums Nays: rlone Aboml: Council -NalJbolz, GurcU Motion earned. (c) Resolutions and Motions COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10 (c) 0). (il CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REGARDING INTER- MODAL PLA.',NING FOR URBAN CENlcRS GRANT FROM TilE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OP ENERGY CONSERVATION . laalewooll CIIJ' Coudl Aqlllt:Z,lffl .... , Vale.-111: l tlD boow>l:;113 \lt1Ql ,.t J,t~uA. t •>:i•q Aycs : Nays: C..,1>1,i l Mt-.J'OO!TI Bradshaw, llabeaichl, w...,._, GauUa, Burm Nolle Absr,t: Cooncil Mcmb011 Nahholz, Gam,tt Motion carried. 11. Rqwar A ... da (a) A()!'roval ol OrdiJwJces on Finl Reading (i) Eaginming Spocial Projecu CoonlinaU>, "=' '"'"''' .,,.,;.,ntod a r=mmcndalion from thc Department o/Public Woiu and thcEagjc,,.,:;.i .t.D'liJ.z'8ltlllal F-..!!,.,, Inc. ID adopt a bill for an ordinance approving thc wcabon of thc Lil1le Dry • :, .... :.selllCIII M thc CityCcmcr nc.dopmtnl. Mr. Headenmadvilod thal Ensu-ial Manap Kalua,.,.,, ca1lcd away thil......,. with a medical CIDCIJIICIICY and be ii bcrc in bis place. lie lllal<d thal stalfil setldrlg Counci1'I IIUJll'Ollafabill for 111 orrlinancc that would vac>tc an uaaeccauy casement cncumberill& th.: City(:ailcr .1tc. lie pused OU1 Exlu'bit A ID this bill, which he natcd -unavailable lul Md< wbell tho Couacil pocbtl -OU1. lie explained it ii the legal dca:riplina ID this vacation. lie natcd tbat iDQ,ided with their pocbtl ii a map and thal mapd<picll thc area aflhil--.,,, af lhil LiUle Dry CIICk _, lbis-- originally reconlcd in 1957 1111 lllroaal> lbe CDllllntcdoa al Cioduclla Cily, iii the mid ulicl, Lillle Dly CIICk.,.. IIIOYOd and 00lllaiDod within• CODCR1.C box culvert. The map UIOWI thc adllll lor:aliaa afLilllc Dry Cn:d: Mblue. So thitCIIICmClllil...-..ry, be said, aad Wal-Martbulal(lllllld ... adiaflot be thiDb it ii a rcquiranellt ol their cloling ... tbat this be wcalCd. Mr. Hcodcnoa -..I lbe- lOalldcd in 1957 ii oo loagcr required and llall' ii setking Council'& approval ID -it The City Clerk wu asked ID ,ad the counc:il bill by title: COUNCIL BIU. NO. 47, L~UCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOP. AN ORDIN/.NCI! Atm«>RIZING TIIE VACATION OF UTl1J! DRY CREEK EASEMENr AT CITYO'Ml'ER ENGLEWOOD. COUNCll, MEMP:;a BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (I)-COUNCll. BILL NO. 47. Ayes: Council McmbeJs Bradshaw, llabcnicb~ Waggoner, GlllZlllis, Bums Nays: NoDc Abaent: eow,,.;J Mcmbcn Nabbolz, Gama Motion carried. (b) App!OV"I oCOrdinances na Secolld Reading There wc,c oo additional item& submittod for applOVII na secoad rading. (See A,...ia Item 10 -Consent Agenda) (c) Resolutions and Motions (i) Senior Plallncr Slitt prescotod a mwnmcadMina from the Englewood Eavironmental Foundation ID adopl a n:solution approving the final plal afthe City(:ailcr Eng!<llM>Od Subdivision. He explained thM this is ·• a,nsidaation of a subdivision for the City(:ailcr Proj<ct and it bas been througb a Public lkaring with Ille Plarulin& Commission. The document that WU lorwanl,d ID Council by thc Planning Commis<lon bu been modified u a result af lwthcr dur:assinal ,rill, Wal-Mall and other a1l'cctcd panics. He banded out copies ID Council of the plat a& 51111' ii mge,ling it be ammded ID r<ficct those changes. The plal itself bas been hi8h(ightod so Council can see exactly what the chanF"-' • J:a ...... ood Clly CouatU Aua,ul l, 199' Pqe7 arc. Mr. Stitt llid he -.Id lib to go th,ougb 1hoot '.,.,the front, lie said, they will D01im....., ii 1111, iD yellow, filing numbetoao. This iJjust to keep Intl .,.,,y f11IV!e clllllplthal may oca,ria 1llil subdlviJion. They m sugesling that filing number oao l>:! added for biJlolical and archival .,..,..., lie said, and they will lmaw euclly -..bal the llnt pl,M loobd like. IA Ille~ ldl band comer, .. dlllo Mq 24 , 1999 h.::.; !,ee_o higbllghl,d. Thal iJ the most rcccnl tide commi '..oeot dale, so the plal N nllec:t di.: tide commitment.,, lhown iD Ille doc:umenl< for ttaosfer of propeny. Mr. Stitt said at the boaom iD the caller, under Certificate of Dedication and Ownership. the wordlna was changed to rcllecl Ille 1111:111111 in the prmom version It iJldical:d public streets . And as you know, he sald, the roads wilhia Ille development will be private and this is just consillcnt willl 1h11. Mr. Stitt said that on Ille .-..11111-of Council iJ llraldy on. Ibey can ncu at the top that ii says filing number one and then, is qu;ie a bit of yellow on this page, bul then: aro acnoally only a few ilanS. He advised that one of the sua,,uon, Ibey received while Ibey were reviewing this plat with the Wal-Mart n:prescnlativcs, was lhal Ille ,..._,..,,ay1, ro, imtance South Inca Street 1111d South Galapago Stn,et and Englewood Pam,,ay, be denoled :■ -TIiis iJ more for the County Assessor, so the A,.....,..can koep ::-.;1 ofthes.: properties, since lb•1· will IIOI be public righlS-of-way. So WC have JabcJ,.d all the individual SCgmcnlS of 'Oldway lnlru. ife sald they will notice lbar in Iha lower left hand side, South Inca Sbeet is indicated u lntt F and it gives ID acreqo_ So all oftlle Sired 1egmcnts ID this plan that m IIOI public righ!Hf-way arc IIOlcd as IJaCIS. Mr. Stitt said lbal Ille next change be wanted to brins to their attention is in block five , which is the center section of lbc plat just IOlllb of Floyd Avenue. ,\ moment IJIO, be IIOled, Council voted to var:ale li1c cascmcot for Little Dry c,..i.: and this plat DOla lhal. In faot ii will be updated M• reOecl the Oldinaor' number for lllll 1IICllioa, ralher lbaL •t.c council bill So this pl,M will rcflecl the .....UOII of that cucmeot. II iJ IIOlcd oa both lol one, block nine, wbich iJ con. '10nly ca1Jcd the Wal-Mart pan:d, and lot two of block five . Alao in the Wal-Mart parcel is I IIOIC for l twally..flve and • half foot wido coaduit eucmcd. He advilo.1 that iJ ID eascmcot that describc1 '"1>erc Ille Liale Dry Creek box conduit is located. Obviously, be poiolcd out, wo !-1 to potect lbal fr,1.,,., maiatcamce that may be DClcd in the l'ubltc. This ...,_ .-... deacriba the locatioo of 11111 casr:meal. The 111111 two iaa dial are depicted oa this plal, thal dilltr ma 11111111111 Planning CommissioG fflCOIDlllaldod and wbal Council received iD lbdr pacltaa, arc lbr widtla of ....iway eaacments. lie said if ycu look II South Galapago SCnlet, immodialdy to the rigbt of the aalllioa of Soatb Galapago Street, ii indicaltl a twalty foot wide roodway and utility euemcut. Whal the Plamlinc Commission bad recolllJIIClldcd was a thirty foot wide eascmcol Mr. Stilt said be also banded out IIIDlO CIOSS acctioos and if they take a look II lbc handout wbae it says view looking oorlb, I typical accti on through the caller lioc of Galapago ... be would bclp explain wby Iba! easement was reduced from thirty feet to twenty fi:et. Coosislaldy through the ocgoliations with Wal-Mart, be said. WC have Cllablisbcd Iba! the Foundation would IOlaio control of the streets, if yoo will , the roadways, from the back of cwb. This view looking north, lhiJ ICClioo lbrougb Galapago, iodicatcs lhal from the ceolerlioc to lbc back of cwb, iJ oioclncn and a half feet and then ycu bavc another six inches for Ille width r.f the cwb for a total oft-,. &,ct. Soeverythioabeyood that ...W be Wld<r lbccomrol , maimcnaoce primarily, of Wal-Man. So. he llatcd. it was IIOI occ:essary to have a thirty foot euomcnt on the east sido of Galapago. So lhiJ IIOlltioa on lbc plat rdlectJ that reduction liom thirty feet to twenty feet. LilrewiJc, be said, if you :um the page to the typical section through Eo .lcwood Pa.rtway, you will notice on lbc plat where the right-of-way, or the eascm,. ,, for roadway is, which is a continuation of Eoglcwood Parkway, has changed liom what ~IC Planning Commission recommended, sixty feet, to a thirty fool ealCIJICnl Again, be advilCd, 1h11 iJ to reOecl lbc IClllal nocdcd space for the laneage that will be propc,oed and actually built througb this portion of the sile. Mr. Stitt said be would like to take a DN>mcot and llep Council through this. He SIited that the easement itself ii thirty feet. consisl<DUy from cast to west. Tbc width of the "'8d wiU vary sligblly, anywhere from twonty•five feet. flow lioc to flow line, or edge of cwb to edge of curb, to twally-llinc feet. Thal variation is due to lbc widening ofEoglcwood Patltway sligbdy II the Elati Street wier.tioa, to provide fot the turning IIIOVCIDCJlts. So. be llatcd. this plat n:llecls a reduction in that mscmcot from sixty feet to thirty feet to accommodate lbc 1"neagc. Mayor Bwos colDIIICDlcd thal it does oot alter the design of the Sired. Mr. Stitt Slat.cd it does 1101. la&lft'ood City Coucil Aapll2, 1999 ..... 11') bOUrt~U I \'I ,t. ltlJlilUI •o:i q Cclmcil,.,,.,._Habeaichlllallld Ille ilatalllllpriscd to recoive lhilll lhe laamuiw., .__ Ibo thought lhcy bid really, lhorouahly, clilcuad Ille impOl1uoe oC havina tllal be• sixty fool wid9 ....- Mr. Slill explained 1h11 lhe cblllp-icmll allllluaac lllo raadway cnJII .UOD lhac, ftoa tine Jaa ID two 1-. '11111 wu doae, pulilllly II lllo ...... alW~ iD lbeir ....,cialiou. M ...... lixty foci ii IOI DOCeaUy lo """°mmoda!C ""° lams. COUDCil Mcmhcr Habonlcbt aid ii wu ber undonludilrc thal lhe rcuon for 1hc liJ.ty fool-, - t11a1 if somclime iD the tuwre there wu a~ to wideD Iha! parkway to make it -~ ~ 1111d 1iD1iiq Ibo CilyCca,!Cr aad tbe Plaza to Ille dowDtowD--. to tbe BIOlldway area. Lbal 1h11 -• -.e,y UllpClllam f..au.. Ml. Habenicht said abe daCI not • wby 1h11 lhould be a pn,blem for !baa, to aep dial sixty £>al wide-. 1M. Couacil Member llndshaw said, lhil ii• utility-ail,... are 1alkiD& aboul hen. Sit,, albd i!lbot wun,bl Mr. Sliltadviledthal itiuCIDIIIIJiDaliolroadwi1V&Ddwlity-1. COUDCil Member llnddiaw ubd if we wooJd ., fnlm tbe thirty rooc wide to oae bundral aad fllly OD tbe ,... side oC Galapap,. Mr. Slitt aid ya ud explained lbot 1h11 is becaule there ii a fifty or lixty fool llDdlclpe median iD Englewood l'am.'l)', -al OalapagD. Cow,c;I Member Br.dsllaw aid abe 'bauclil lhcy......, IDiDI to c:xtaid those liDcs ow:r ID Ellli. Mr. Slill said Iha! it WU his~ lhll during Ille ...,ciatiom wilh Wal-Mart, Ibey ......, ialClaled only ia pn,vidiD& lD caaement for tbe actual -\way illdl. Ccunci1 Member llabeDichl aid she tbought the..,.._ -tbe sixty feel • Mayor Buru ubd whal oualy the lixty focl wu for, wbeD"" oriJiDally bid 1be silCly reoc. Mr. Slilt • llllCd it WII bulld Oil tbe aosa IOClioo dllt -ideDlilicd iD tbe PUD and 1h11 aoa mioa iDcluded line lanes. So by the lime you have an -laDc, a left lane llld a......,. l&Dc, p:111 curb, guUC< ud sidewalk, you IIICIIIIIIIJIWWlllldy sixty reoc. Wbidl, llcaddod, ila typical right-<Jl'-way widlllfor.-althe- iD EDglcwood, dial ii a QIIDIDOD lllllllber for -npl-G•Wly, Mayor llwlll DOUd 1h11 tbe thirty feel obviously pCl dlcm more putiDg. Mr. Slill said 1h11 ii correcl. Mayor BIIIDI noced that Dil<ctor Simpma ii comiD& up lDd maybe be can ldl Council a liuJe bit aboul lhil negotialioD. CouDcil Member llabeDichl aid ii ii la uadenlaDdiog dill we undcntood Iha! Wal-Malt ....-d to llaft 1h11 parking and"" bad no problem willa tbe plll lhe way ii wu aoiaa to be ud Ille roadway llld die way it wu p,iag to be wilh Ille two laia nllallllll the tbree ....... but th 11,.. ~to_,.., Ille silCly foal -SIie aid sbc thouabl 1h11 -very clear, abe Jmows CcunciJ Member Gomll WU WI)' lln>DI aboul thal. Director SimpooD, board ID<lllbor of the Englewood EDviroammtal Foundalioo, advised dllt wllll lhcy lR IOOiDI berc ii the rdlecliDD o( lCIUal raplilaDcaU for roadway, The roadway meets traOic requiRmea&s aad ii ,_. utility "'luiRmcoll. The actual pllysical dcsip al lhil is mainlained c:unm1eot wilh the Englewood Parkway watofOalapago. The-lillcup UWll "'luiledand is neceswy, Okay, Council Member Bradlhaw said, so Ibis docs DOI show the Ina or anything. Mr. Simpson ......i Ibis doCI DOI sllow any or 1h1111:iDd of stuff. What Ibis doCI ii limpl)· sbuw mo~ ol the physical, legal "'lllilemall. He explained thal wllll you have to overlay .., dlis subdiv.aioa pill is the sile pllll 1h11 identifies when tbe u... and sidewalks go. The -and sidewalks will be aoi"I.., either side oC lhil -oo Wal-Mall pn,pcrty. Mr. Simpson advised Ibey will be placed and "'luiffil to be lhn c:ulllislCut wilh the silC pllll :"81 is right DOW bciug revic-1 by Ille~ DfNciglll,orhood ud Businesa Dewlopllllllll. • • J:astcwood City Couacll Aup,12,1!199 Pqd So, Council Member Bndlliaw said, 1h11 doel DOI SOOW landlcapas and k doel DOI sbow lidewalk 1111111111 would ICQ)IIIII for bow -.y flel? D~ Slmpmn lllid pn,bobly UIOlllor llwty. ML llnllllllft .W 11111 would be your ,my feet. Mr. Simpma llid wbll you would ead 11p wilb, to pt a pam,ay --. wkb that.,.. -ot Galapt&O, you would have to iau a hundr<d and fifty f001..-IDII 11111 oampltlely wipa out any pouibilitia, liom Wal-Min's penpa:livc, olllling 11111.,.. for pa,tw,11, They line made it very clear to IWf, that if you nnt that in tbe fulllle you haw fMfrf lbllily to iau that papaty ..,...,. Diffi:IOr Simplon said we have been lryin1 to work throuah this to make """ thcy have adequate propcny to meet their needs and DOI lake loo much and still maintain dcsian u wu defined by Council, and 11111 is what yCN an: piling. Council Mcmhcr BII/Ubaw uk.od if Ibis will alfcc:t dcsi1J1. Dira:lor Simpson advised that Ibis will be everything 1h11 Council 1111 lpllllMd. Council Member w..,.,.. aid be hid a question of Mr. Still. Mr. Waggoner said be thouahl 1h11, during tbe inilial propou1&, °""'-YODC wu conccmod about aallic Oow lllollg tha1 ponion oltbe llrect lllll lbe third Win tbe middle WU ,-dcd fm-tuming IDOYCD >C IIIJ outo(tbe lllVdcd lanes. Mr. Slittaid lhltwu correct, tbere WU C:Onsidcnblc IIDOUIII ol discwsion about ~IC c:Olcicocy of moving IJallic 11C11a EnaJcwood Pultway, bolh -and ....st and also IICCOIIIIIIOdatiDI moveinenl through tbe ia 1dng lal. Bui Wal-Marl, opiJI in their aegocilliom, made ii very clear that Ibey ,_, inleralcd in having aaJy two lanea, to maintain .. much -1or tbeir pa,ting requirement .. poaible. He ldvilod thal thnlup DelOlilllaat 11111 WU r<dll00d from dne lanes to lwll. Council Member w.......,. uk.od if it ii llill the feeling tben that two lanea, evea dloup tbere will be turning IIICMIIICIIII out o(tJx. lanea, lhal 1h11 ii S1iJ1 lldllcical to cany the pr.,.._i blffic ... -. Mr. Still advilod lhat is the c:omidcnlioa tha1 -into this, 1h11 two lanes were ldoquat< to 1111M 1llffic through the ara and allO to provide adequale IUIDing 1DOVC111C1111. Council Member llabcnicht asked how those two 1aMs will connect with the ,epanlcd lanca, the modwl separated lanes and the roadway to the west. Mr. Still advised that Englewood Parl<way, where Englewood Parkway iDlcrsocu with South Ga1apago Street, obviously the -and -bound lanes will be offict m,m tbe alignment throuah the Wal -Mart parcel and his undcrslandine as that there will be controlled intmection stop signs. Council Member Habenicht said that if a car is lcavin1 the Wal-Mart parkina IOI and say they WIIII to 80 throuah and drive down Enalcwood Parkway to act to the cinema for example, that thcy would haw to SIOp, makc I bani rigbl 111111111d 1bclt I hard lcft 11n. ii docs DOI llaow then, is any way they could makc some mn of curvy kind olthiAg. Mr. Sdll....,.. ii will be CUMd. ii will DOI rcqui,c a hard left ...i Ila a hard right to make tbe tnnsi lion flom Enalewood Pultway, in front ol Wal-Mart, to Englewood Pultway, -of Galapqo. Mayor Bums asked if 1h11 is alsu part ol the sitc plan. Mr. Stitt sai-J yes. Council Member Habenicht ._,jd that is oa tbe lilc pl.m so we do 1141 ha>C to worry about thal, we do DOI have to worry about acquiring thal. Mr. Still SlalOd that is C11 ti le lilc plan. Mr. Still suggCl!cd it miaJ,t be helpful if be clarified, I Utile bi~ tbe purpose of this docwncnl This docwncnt is simply to provide for the lcaaJ dcscriptioll of individual pan:cls thal would facm-tnnsfcr or ale of properly. And, be UOlcd, tbe lilc plan isaacporllc documcat that would overlay this. Whal thcy see on Ibis pro~ plat is ao alignmclll of praperlicl and roadways tha1 is c:onsistclll with that silc plan. Council Member Habcnichl asked if Wal-Mart is c:omfor1able with thal site plan. Mr. Stitt said yos. Mayor Bums asked if there any further questions on lhi,. He opined it is protty well undenlood. lqlcwood City Coadl Allp112, 1999 l'lp10 Mayor 13111111ubd Mr. SliU ifbe 111d aay albs il<m& lo paiJl GIii. Mr. Slill llid 1111, 11111 tlliala Ibo ....,.._ ol llall lo briaa Ibo lllbdivilioa mare Ullo coatorm.:o wilb Ibo prapolal, bclll h Wlil-Mart 111d Ibo .... ottbo., pla The raolutioa wa lllisnod • number 111d read by title: RESOL1111ON NO. 82, SEP.JES OF 1999 A RESOLUTION APPROVING TIIE CITYCEN'JER ENGLEWOOD SUBDI' lSIC 'I PLAT. COUNcn. MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND rr WAS SECOND >i:J> rn APPROVE A(;ENDA ITEM 11 (c) (I)· RESOLIJTION NO. 81, SERIES OF 1!1". Aya: Council Mcmben Bndshaw, llabcllicbl, Wa&,,....,, r3nzulis, !:un11 Nap: NOiie _, Council Mcmben Nabbolz, Gama Motion carried. (ii) Bob Si.mploa pRICdOd a ~OD lium Ibo EoaJcwood Envil-1 FOWldlllioa lo_,.. a ...aulion 111FP011iDa Ibo Mula DcvelopmeDI ApOCIDCIII l'ar CityCCDICr Englewood. Thia raolutioa -."1 IUIJPOII 11>c mas1erdiMlopmal 1p0111C111 benlloca MiIJcr w.._... 111d lbc Englewood EnviroDDmllal FOWldalion. He cxplaiDod 11111 tllil dcvdopmcnt ..--for1b CODditians, rcspcwibil•ies """aulborizc:I Miller WciDprtal lo develop lbc luwl llld buiidiap, CHile llld ofr-cile, and all "IP"Dfil,iiilittl uader doc ddinod 1CCpO of wmlt OIi lbc pn,pcrty prcvioully kDowD U CiDderclla City. Ho aid dlll lbc Englewood EaviniDmeDlal FCUDdalioo la supporUJII tllil lpOIIIClll 111d "'!uostiol Cowicil'1 llljlp0lt The raolulioa wa Uliped anumber llldrcad !J!• Utle: RESOLUTION NO. IJ, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOL1Jl1ON SUPPORTING TIIE "MASlER DEVELOPMENr AGREEMEN'r lll.'TWEEN MILLER WF.:tlGARlBI REALlY, LLC .. AND TIIE ENGLEWOOD ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION. COUNCil. MEMBU WAGGONEJI MOVl!II, AND !TWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (c) (II)· IIESOLUTION NO. ll, SERIES OF 1999. Mayor Bwm Slllcd CoaDcil bu dilCWIOd t11i11110mc icnSll>.11 more tblD oae Executiwe Scaioa 111d ii allowl III lo poc:ml witb lhil proja:I. it allows Wal-Mart lo close, hopefully wilhill doc DOXt couple of weeks. ca1aiD!y witlwl dw1y days. Ho IIOlld 1bcR am W1lill pcrfonnanc:: Slandaldl ill dlil ....,..,..i tbll must be met, with Council appoval. And, he said, it allOWI Ill lo move ahead gcnc,ally, with Ibo dcvclopmonl 111d w lhiak lhil la a villl llep tbal C.uncil noedl lo lake 111d ii la l'CCOIIIIIIClld by llall. Mayor Bums opillod that it is l0IDdbiDg we DOCd lo approve this OYCDiDg 111d IIIDVC ahead with lhil proja:I. yet ii proca:ts the City ofEnglewood with regard to these pcrfonnana: standards. voee,-111: Aya: Council Mcmben Bradshaw, llabeDichl, Waggo-, Gnzulia, ilw'DO Mayo: Nono Abscllt: Council Mcmbcn Nlbholz, Garrett Molioa cani<d. 12. c..u.iDi...... • • 111........, Clly Couacll Allp1t2,199t , lit w!Jt:in 111 e• t, v:i 1;. ti •• , Pqell (1) Maya,'1 Clloioe (i) Mayor Bums IIMIOd 1h11 1111 ..... 011 MNlday, wo bad Ille Fr A admiaillnlur Oordoa Lllllon, pelOIII oa Ille llile. He DOICd Ff A bas Ille a>JJlnlct for Ille Uglll Rail ad llo ... ,pau II a IIIIICheaa bolled by Ille Transit Al1lancc dowlllown and be wu ....y enlhusiulic about the pn,joct clffllopam. tile Uglll Rail. Mayor Bwnl llid 1h11 they nolic:ed oacc you gel him lllrUd 1lllillc II I IL,,.._ be will.._ mill blJ plane. boc.lule be Jo.e1 it., mudi. He 111b IDd 111b 111d ... m11 tnlllil. Mayor Burm Slid Ille tind of project WC have, 1'llidl be thought Mr. LinlOD tbillb ii ..... ii tile CO'IDlly riglll DOW and ii bas I Jot of dilferad dcmcnU. He tho.!!ht Mr. LUIIDD wu e,pcdally illlllped ... , ... WC told him llbout all Ille Ill WO .,. goiag to ba\'C in tbc project too. Mayor Burm aid be thought tbll wu lOlliething be bid-bean! olbdbn: ia one oflhele deYdopmenll. Mayor Burm opined that Fr A ii ""Y endlllllaolic. Mayor llw1II DOied we haw ~ n:quoa lilr I pm to tllom, which Mr. LinlOII IIIOlltiooed himelf, bc brau&hi it ap llimlelfllld WO hope it il---rul. Mayor Bumi llid ii Ml I""'}' good wil by bim. lie added that WO haw ICtll him ,mnJ times in WlllhinllOD llld Mr. Llm011 rmwbd Mayor Burm wu II enlhusiaslic about this pn,ject -• he wu tbc ftnl limo he lbowed it to Mr. Llntoa ii 1111 office in Washington. (ii) Mayor Burm co .gnlUlaltd Ille Llttlcton/Englcwood WutcwalCr 1'lallment Plant on their AWlld oll!xtdlencc oa ()p<nlioo and Mlolfemeol from EPA Region 8. 1ben, will boa plaque awudod 111 Ill« limo. (lil) Mayor Burm remindm Mryooe that tomorrow aiglll ii Nalioaal lf,pi Out and Cawlcil bu reccivod t!icir _ __..-i'I& onlas from Nu,:y i'ela-. to BID to thar Vlli0III loclliou lilr 1h11 pn,ject. (iv) Mayor l'nl<'111 ldvilod 1h11 last~ !'.c bclpod to bolt the a..aher of C-lbr Ille new Vderiaary It< '1'1111 Sa\'ice of Color,do, nicll ii at of behind LePeep. Re ..S ii ii.,..,,...,. llclUly. It ii • rdernl IFIICY for pell o{ rll ldodl, it ii oac oldie top oaeo la tbe--, now llld tbeir pl ii to bo Ille bell in Ille -id. And. be ·IIOlod, they are a ""Y highly dMlop,d licillty 1h11 ii w,y, w,y impaliw and ii ii ""Y impreaive to bm, thal IOrt of facility in tbc City ofl!aglewood. (Y) Mayor Bums adviJed 1h11 they :xtendcd congatulatioos, at tbc Tri-Otles moedna 011 Friday, to Jim Woods, the A1sistu>t Ciiy Manag.'T ofUllletoo, as be bas been sdecll,d to be Ille IICW City Mampr l0lllllllmo clurioe this 1110111h. We bad I wry good meeting. bc aid, with tbc Tri-Otics, wc at ol ~ tbem to 111k m11 landscapini;. 'llm:~ II!-. corridor, Ille Llghl Rail Projec:t and allo ilod U1C i.. ...,.uy tllll we ue looking II between Ille lhn,c cities. (b) Council Member', Choice (i) Council Member Bradshaw: I. Sbe conpalUlllod Malley Caur for their oulSlanding Volunteer Recognition Program. She said lhc Uioughl that wa, /Cllly nice. 2. Sbe aid ■be bad I copy of Z News. which iJ from Ille Coio1ado A5iociatioo of Code Enforcement Officials. Tbcy haw a new law, dl'cclivc July 1•. oa Ille proof of in:.= oa am-: >Cbiclca and abandoaod vcblclcs and thin •• 1h11 haw gooo iota dl'c:d. Ml. Blldsbaw said ■be wwld lib to have 111 take a look II i~ bocaule tbe ddlniti011 they have as far as I jllllk vchiclc ii preay inl<r<stiog. AAd, ■be pointed out. all vcbiclcs 011 a property mwt be opcntioaal, otbawix tbc vehicle must be inside an lqlenod City Coudl Allpll 2, lffl Pqell Ollcl-1 building or bobind I solid six foot r...... Sbc nocal tbal ·-lo be I problem, lhal ID -- we-,,, 1o bave way loo many vehicles 1111d lbc tbaupl if we can ~ lbenl off lhal mlp,1 bclp. ACldlclically it is aoiDI lo help, lbc opined, but wbdber ii FIS rid of the issue, lhe does llOI imoo,,. 11111, abo llid, lbe tbauaJ,I lbc wwld pua it aloaa lo the Ci!y Aaomoy lo 11b I k.olt 11, U ................ ilbe ......a tbat publicallaa or DOI. 3. SbcadYi&.111 Ille will DOI be able lo panicii-ID Na1iaoal Ni&bt Ou., because llil lcocbea at die Triad for Anpaboe Community Collcp 1111d bor c1ua ia from 6:00 p.m. lo 8:30 p.m. Ma. IIAdlllaw lllid abo (eels bad about 1h11, bccaulc abo rally bclleYes iD the plllllllll and she ir:nowl it really ii I p,od prop1111 ror our City. •· Sbc OlllllmmlOd tbat we bop a,caina all dlao -pnn She COll1lllallld thal Ille i,. all ror rr.o eataprilo, tbal .... thiDb tbal ii pal. but ii IOODll likc we IIIC gating a pn:poadaam:c olllUOO pa,ton. Ma. Bndlbaw aid lbc -.Id like lo haw lbc City Aao,-ney look iDto what we can ck, about thal Maybe, abe llid, lo,_,,. the Uly oldie people wbo hquoal tbal, ii J)OISiblc. Sbe ..a.ilod Iha die ny she bean about tbClc, oftca tima, is hm bes studenls ll Anpboo Co'1mllllily Collqe. 'Ibey,,, llcy lhcre'I I 11CW ,_ 111d lbc uks I new -what? lbm dley Id! her thcR'I I IICW IIIIOo pulor at,,m Uqunr 8am IMIW, So, lbc aid, J wwldjllll lib lo IIU a look al 1h11, bocame bcnl M Ill llyiq lo iai,o 111c bor u liru bow Eaalcwoad locu lllld IIMn•ccnaiDClllbl~ ... aDi Ille opined --- pa,lon are fine, thal every COIIIIIIWlity -. a couple ••• bul, lbc doOI not lmow tbal we need a prq,ondcnnce "'them. Mayor Bums aid, c:ommcnling OB Iha!, tbal 111c South Broadway UlljllOYcmentl that ...., bopc lo bave ia tbc nat couple ol ycan will raise tbc value ol lbc ...as iD some ollbcsc buildings tbal will haw u dfcct OB Ibis kind ortcaw11 loo. (li) Council Member Wqgooer: I. He aid it -like --, Illa tbal we ba>e, we bring a lot or mud down Lilllc Dry ~.:k, a lot or sill, a lot ot deposltioa. He aid be bowl ii ii wry ~ 1o tbc pumps and tbc Countair. ID die 1111. But Ibis 1111 limo aalNldy _.. lo badlS ID drop Ibo dam or lllrD the filwllaias off; be Sl •id, a, it was just pusbiq out muddy......,. Mr. w....-aid be"-1 scvcnlycanago we ~I maybe pullillg .... 1ypc or iadicatiOB IJIIIU.m tbal -w -maybe, the Sll5pCllded solids and dcllatc tbc darn -lllllically ud lllrD alf lbc pumps ID 1h11 M: 111C IOI ulilizlng that water, al least P>iDc llullup tbc pumps and tcariag up the impcllcn or wbalcver it is lhal ii ID tbcre. He said it sccms likc "" should revisit that issue and "'" if we c:ao come up with ~ ro make that lool< a lilllc '1cUcs during a bca>y rain or heavy nmolr. 2. \. U'IOL MIMIIIR. WACGOnll MOVED, Al/D IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPR.OVE A CONTIUbJ110N or S2,000 TO ASSIST TIii: ENGLE'I\IOOD HOLIDAY PAR.ADE. Council Member Waggoner aid we baYc doac Ibis ill tbc posl 11111 be tbousJ>t it was appopriale that Couocil do it for tbc Parade Association apin. Vole results: Ayes: Council Mcmbcn Bradsbaw, Habcnicb~ Waggoner, Grazulis, Bwus Nays: !',11)!:,i: Absent: Council Mcmbcn Nabholz. Garrett Malioo carried. (iii) Council Member HabcAlcht : • • • laiite,,,IN City Coudl Allp,12, lffl .... IJ b " • "' II I. SIie 111d Ille.....,. ID 1111n w:1h Couacll tbll II die ldDIUX>G moeliq d:iel-o -~ about DRCOO WIIIWICID Clllalliaa noakJdcm tbatla llllls....-by llaffto llqlp(lltbalh- for the Rm and the lllldway, for lhc Soutbclll Conub-. E...,.,.. llid 1bcy WUIIII IO 11111111 ......... Cowlcil'I MIO IWIR, U Ibey wanted In >Ole their Couacil . She DOied it iJ DOC coming up IIDli1 Iller !Ilia ~ ud"" will baw a Cllllple ol.-inp before lbat Ml. llllleaicbtlldviald tbll lbcy ... pn,vldod • rally wonda1ul ~ by Bill Vidal and Ibey a11 u1uoc1 for copicl otit and mojua receiwd.,.. ill the mail. She asked !hat it be a,pi<d and diSlributed to Council, so 1h11 whcll they talk about whal kind ol positioll M miaht want to tab, wo have somc infonaation 2. She said lbc attmdod the Transit Alliance meeting this afternoon and they prcsenl<d a l1idc show 1h11 they baw put fOCtll,rr, tbll they are offering to o,pnizali-, Chambcn. Pro's, 9ervica clubs, aiwx:ill. ifwe would like to-iL She advilal it iJa vc,y, vc,y Dice slide prcscntatioa, it tam about 11111 nr fifteen minlllcs and it does highlight our Cinden:lla City Transit Oricmtd DevclopnienL 13 . City Maaaetr'• 8-{ (a) City~ Scan thanked Maym Bwmand Cowx:i1, 11111, and Mm F1111enJ in pdallar. He said•-ab the woalller a liltlo bit 1oa wca: andbejllll nated to IIY tlmlb lilr all ol the Dice thiap 6am the City ud the IUppOl1. He llalcd ... bavc. gral rtalf and they canieit ...... olfCIClivdy. (b) City~ Scan said then, wu a memo fn,m Hank Long no the Skarittffouoe, in IClml of moving ahead with the pol In do the historical evallwliOll. He said be WU SOIIY apia, II WO bad hoped to ICbcdulc a meeting, to do a wallahrough with the SllariU House. If ii ii okay with Council, they bopo to do thal early II the DCX1 Council meeting. Al the 1tme time, be advised, we would lib ID IIDVI ahead with thiJ grant request. He said be jua wanted feedblct from CouDcil, wbcther it iJ okay to -• abead in thal din:ctiOll. Council Mcmbcs Bradshaw said Ille lhinkl WC aced to. Council Mcmbcr Habcnicbt med if ho-WI >Ole or it_, -canugh. City AIIDnlcy llnllZ,aasaidbcjuot-- Mayor Burn< said be thouaht the memo wu ve,y cxtcnlivc and undmlandablc. He offered app-.cialim In Hank Long. Council Member Waggoner said, as ho WMknlands ii, the lady Iha! keeps appe,ring here ii anxious to buy the propaly. Heuk,d if that,... right. He said be docs not think wc ate inlcn.'1cd in selling iL Council Member Grazulis said 1101 at this wee. Council Member Bradshaw said V. Plllbably aced to send a letlcr out to that clfcct. Mayor BwOI agreed not at this time, bocal1se she doca uq, coming bod< and sbc ii not quitn in ayac with wbcn: we are going with this. He noted wc apprcciatn ha imaat, bul ho thought t.bal wu pmbllbl)· a good suggcaion. Council Member Habcnichl said WC would CCl1ainly inviLC ha to participate in the Englewood Hiltorical Society. Mayor Bwnsand Coubc:iJ Member Bradsaaw suu,,led that could be pall olthe lcucr. City Manag<r Scars advised WC wiU proceed undtr thOle guidelines and then send a !ell.Ct off to ha with !hat dira:lion. J:aatewood City Coucll Auplll,1999 Fap14 , , t booll'f u I ~•~ii. l 1 (c) Chy Maaogc. Sclln advircd ibae 'Wlla leaor-llmdedOUI ID RTD, n,pnli.a1 the >i1cilily, io Alunld Fual, aad bejult WIIIU!d IO know ilthal-111D aa,eplllblo fna •- virwpoinl fnlm the Council 11111-p,ocoed. Council Member Bllldlblw said* dalnb Iba! ii 1IDe, bul * lbiDb Daa ~ allo t'llll.lld lOadd IDIDdhillg IO thll leaer. City Attorney BmlZJDID advised that.,. need IO nm 1h11 by our ouuido COWIIOl OD IOIIIO OIIW1IIIDmllll wues, so we should do 1h11 prior IO l<llding it Council Member Bradsllaw ulred ii ii bu been 1<111. She wu advised Iba! it bu. Then, Ms. Bndlhaw said, we necd IO IIDd lllGlbcr t·,_,11 taJldD& about eavuoa-1 iauca. Cily AUomcy Bmlzmla llaled il may DOI be I problem. City Manager Scan said, as be uodentands the issue from lalldog 10 Mart Gnha.111, tllal ii may have beeD given IO Mr. Fud, but be iDdicllod lhal be WU DOI going IO pus that Oil lO the board or tbe ~i,i,e, ups. IIDlil be, Mr. San, bad wrillm a leaer and 11pm olf OD il Mr. Sean advised thll what be will pn,bal,ly do is combine it aad ... will IP> abmd wilb Coaacil'I aulborizalloa, sip i~ based 11p011 lbc change. Ho will send ii 10 bolb Ahmad Fad and CII Man:clla .II the ame limo. Council Member Bndshaw aid* lhougbl that would be ...ily belpful . Mayor Bums aid absollddy. City Manager Sears advised lbal that is bow they will prcam. Mayor Bums Staled .,. UDI him IO be ~ thal .,. ""'fully in support of this leat:r. Council Member Biadlbaw a.led we abould carbon copy Cal Marcdla oa ~ City Manager Scan • said lhat -ID c:xcellaat idea. (d) City Managcr Scan aid tbeR-some infonnalioa liom Cliria Oboa about the Oxfonl Recycling ia the Couacil iam"'-He ubd ilCaaacil bad any ........ He said thllO---Oboa indialUd this aftaDooo tllal be WU going IO mc wilb Fnacil Kail and ICblllly walk the lile over there. Council Member Biadlbaw said lhat wu good. Mr. Scan advised they will do I li,llow-11p rq,o,t 10 Council 011 lhil ilaie al the -moctiag. He ubd ii tbere were issue& nisod lhat Council Wlllled him 10 do some mon, follow-11p 011. Council Member Bmdsbaw said bet c:onc:em is lhat if we have the IIDOUIII of tila out th= and, looking at the fire that occurred up by Gndey ill 1987, ab, docs DOI know lhat"" necd lO inw.c ..-bing like th&I IO happen. She asked what safety mcasurea they arc laking IO make ~ that docs DOI happen. Council Member Habcnichl said she dalnb that is so wlid. Council Member Bradshaw poinr,d out thal they arc right by that car sbraldcr and Ibero are things that fly off of that IOO . So it is a ra1 ...iatilc .... aod ii is a big a>DCOID IO bet, she said. because if those would over Clldl 011 fire, we would have IO encuale. Mayor Bums agreed it would be an awful fire, that yo,. can not put them out Council Member Bmdsbaw U:<ed ilwc wouldn\ have IO evacuate pan of Englewood. City Manag,, Scan said be thought we would. And Sberidan, Ma. Bradshaw added City Manager Scars Slalcd tbeR is I toxic a,mponelll tbeR . lie advis,d lhal Dir<ctor Oboo did IIIClllion, in their review, lhal they ue ~ in 111th a manner that they do meet Fire Cede r<quiremcnlL Mr. Scars said WC know, from what.,. can ldl, lhal WC are going IO be the lint OIICI OD silc. • • • lll&lewoodCltJC...U Aap,t l, 199t PqelS 1 1 J i,uur nl Jctr.: u> l JJ.i. Council Member Bndlbaw med ifwc .-a fee, bccauae wc bave ID be lit tho n:ady for 1hollo folb, or IOllldhlq like that. She 111gesk:d tbal maybe slal? cou1d look II lhaL ' Council Member Habalicht ai<I he wuild like ID punue tbal lllrthcr and sbe really tbanbd them for brillsin& lllil up. Sbe aid sbe bwwa we bad aome really aerious pn,blcml wilh wata when '1111 had tho cedar chip problem. And, sbe said, maybe WC cou1d look 1111D tbal ... bow I Ore, ot S01DO JOit of lhin&--· WIJllld be foupl and llow lhal wuild all"cct tho waler ,upply. Becallse that could all"ect evaybody dowma-cam ol 11&. Ci1y Manqer Sean aid vay much so. Mayor Bwm aid aboollddy. Cily Managcr Scan said be WIJllld come bad: ID Council OD this issue. Council Member Bndsbaw ubd what we bave ID do, legislatively, ID gel Anpohoc County to ply auendon. llccautc, she aid. • docs 1101 know ,.;..i to do, that she ii moro than willing to 1111< ID people. but what do wc bave to do? Becauoo, she IIOlcd, it ii lbcir job to patrol that. Ciry Managcr Scan said he kllows tbal in lalking wilh Randy Youna from Sheridan, about 1llil issue. over tho lut IIIOllllt, he indicllal thal tho Sheridan Council alJo llbarca tho conccm tbal our Couocil bu about !hose ilia 1111d palClllial damqo. Council Member Blldsbaw COIIIIIICllled that WC ..... I lake, WC bave pcq,lc 1h11 ... over II a •ar.,• ,..t and things liu that. Mayor DWUI Slaltd that we have amazing challenges in prolecting our open space and pa,!< in lbal ...a. He said ii S0CIIII like it ii CDC thing after anothor . Council Member Habeaidll tbanbd swr for tho response ID tho queslioll about tho crosswalka and ligbting aad 1Ja11ic OD Odanl. Sbe opined tbat tho llllutinn tbat lilall"bu l<COIIIIIICIIII IOUDds really, really viable and lhe lhool!III ii WIJllld be Dice ID have I couple of aeigbl,orilood IIICCllnp thoro and -that l!lpecially in I couple oltbe aeigbl,orilood 11<11 tbal 11< collCClllcd about that. Ml. Habenicht aid lhejust thought it WU a lllllMloui compn,miae. Cily Manager Sean tbankal Ms. Habenicht and said he wuild pass that 001D Ken Ross, who roally ht ~1 -I that up. Cily Mao.l,.cr Sean said he wuild liu ID piggyback o· tbal. He advised thal be !mows Dirolctor Ro.,s and hil swfhaVI, bc<D working""')' bard 00 Union and talw>ga lc:ik II the full analy;il nfuuekllld ballic. He said he does DCC think ii ii quile n:ady ID come bad: ID tho Ccuncil, but WC ... getting vay close to Iha! and we will J)nlbably have tbat OD an agenda, along. pcrhapl, wilh what tho Oxford imlCI are. Cily Manager Sean said be WIJllld pass Ml. Habcnicht's COIIIDICDIS along ID Director Roll and the Public Worb staff. He Slaltd they did a good job. Mayor P.ams COll1lllnllCd 1h11 it was a lot ol material in a short period of ti.no . 14. City Anon1ey'1 llepor1 (a) Cily Attorney Brotzman requested a motion 10 appoinr Professor Mark Vogel as Special Counsel for tucation issues. Mayor Bums asked about the roason far that. I■...,._ CII)' C-U A11p11:Z, "" ,0 boow l~n3 0 1..t U:lJ:lUI , ., , .. 1, Cily Allamoy Bllllzmlll cxplainal dial we bnc bid a complaint to the IRS and ""an, rapciDdllJI to 'llie complliP.trepnling wbctb<rthe Aaoc:iale MOJllicipal Court Judgaan,indcpendml~arwlldli,r Ibey Ir', employees for IUalion purp0ICI. COUNCIL MEMllll BRADSHAW MOVID, AND rrwAS SICONDED, TO APPOINT PROFESSOR MARX VOGEL AS SPECIAL COUNSIL IIOR TAXATION' JSSUIS. Aya: CGunci1 Mcmbcn Blldsllaw, Habcnich~ Wagoacr, Onzuli1, Burm Naya: None Ablenl: CGunci1 Mtmbcn Nabbolz, GamU Motion carried. (b) City AIIDrney Bllllzmlll requesl<d a motion IO appoint Otten, Jolmloo, RdJiosoo, Neff tl RagollClli u Spcc:ial Counsel for land use issues relat<d to ligJ,I rail. He advised that this wauld be looting II various Opliou. but prinwily an opli01110 look II an overlay zone all afong the ligJ,I rail for the consequena,s from dial comillg in. COUNCIL MIMBD BRADSHAW MOVID,AND rrwAS SICONDID, TO APPOINT OTnN, JOHNSON, ROBINSON, NUT A RAGONETTI AS SPZC:JA:. COUNSIL IIOR LAND 1lSI JSSU.ES RELATED TO UGBT RAIL. Ai-c1: CGunci1 Membfn Bn•lsMw, Habelllcbt, Waggo..,, Giu.U., Bumi Nays: None Ablcnt: C<IWlCil Mcr-•.as Nabbolz, GamU Motion carried. (c) City Allnrn<y Bllllzmlll reqllC:sl<d a-. io dd"clld the lawsuit filed by tbe Fildlghlm' uniOD concerning their r<jcded inililli>e peliliam. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVID, AND rr WAS SICONDED, TO DDEN'D TIii LAWSurr FILED BY THI PIIID'IGBTIR'S llN'ION CONCERNING TIIEIR IIIJECTID INITIATIVE PETITIONS. Aya: Nays: Abscilt : Motion carried. IS . AdjounuDeal CGunci1 Membm Blldsllaw, Habcni~ Waggoner, Grazulil, Burm Nooe CGunci1 Mcmben Nabholz, GamU MIER BRADSHAW MOVED TO ADJOURN. The m..iing adjoum<d 111:37 p.m.