HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-08-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • lti01JO') ~li'.l 1,oa,_,ii>nJ ~'~I I UA INGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL INGLEWOOD, AIIAPABOI COUNTY, COLOlilk> 101 .t,i;i ........... ml Wl ll Lt. ,Uj. Aqul',1"9 I. Call te Onlcr The rqular 11100WJ1 al lbe Englewood City CGuacil,... called to anlar by Mayor Bwlll II 7:35 p.m. 2. l.nocadoll The inwcalioll,... P\'CII by C,·UDCil Member Nabbolz. 3. PledFal Al!oclua The Pledge al A11qianoe 1'11 led by Mayor Bums. 4 . -Call CGuacilMcmbmNabllolz, Gnrzulil, Gamll.Bladsllaw, Habcaidlt, w.......,,11un11 NoDO A quorum,... pamt 5. Mlula Allll"'-81: CilyMamprSaa City Aaamey ilnllzmlD Dq,ulyCityClnc.&le Dinclor Foada, U1i1iliel AllillaDI City Mampr Fllbcny (a) COUNCIL MIMBll BRADSHAW MOVU,AND IT WAS SICONDID, TO APP.ROVE THI MDl1lTU OF THI UGULAJI MIETJNG OF AUGIIST 2, lffl. A,a: CGuacil Mcmbcn llladlbaw, Bak-.ic:bl, Wqaoaer, Om,iU,, Bun11 Nays: NoDO AbllaiD: CGuacilMombon Nabbolz, Gane The --c:anicd. Mayor Bwu cxplaiDod lbal CGuacil Mcmbcn Nabholz aad Glm:a abllailled because they wae 1101 at lbc 11100WJ1 oC Augu,l 2, 1999. 6, Sckdllle,I Villlen (a) Dlra:lar SIii l'oada addreaed Couacil r<pnlias lbc 1998 RqioD VDI Openlia111111d Mailllalaaao l!xodlcace Aurel to be n,cciw,d by lbe ~ W-n-Plalllliom lbc Eovi....-ll'nllecliaaAlf/lllCY. Mr.Foadailllnldlai:edllalr ....... DmlisSICJM,JoePaync,Pbilllmcl, KA:viJI Hill, Mlly Ganlaer, Cindy GoaclJum, aad a.; .. Hedia. l!qlcwood City CGunciJ AUl\llll6,1999 l'IF2 Mayor Bwu ubd for a llllllld olapplme. Dinldor Foodl aid we .,_ bocn D0liJCld 1h11 Rqiclll VIII bas IMII us tbc first pllcc award Cor their rqiollll propam and lbeir award Car OX<:dknce ill mvinlDmelllll pn,lcclion raullUII Crom -tralmenl ldivitiel u well U to C:11CC1UnF, ill a llOIH'CgUlltoey IDIIUICI", impn,Yemcnll ill --S)'IICml. Thia ii ill tbc calCIOIY or a....., lldvuced publicly owaod 11a1meD1 plaDI, and the award wu buod on the pcdo,mancc o/111 divilions II the -plan~ be adviled. Thia will qualil'y Ill to COlllpele with the ...... advaacod planll (or tbc llllioaal IWIRl and we will bear aboul that~ IIIIIWld Sepccmber or October, be said. Mr. Fonda said, 11 this poiDI, Ibey just 1'lllled to let Council know, and IIJO think Council Cor Ill tbc support given ill putting die plant togctbc: over tbc list ten yoan. C:O.·cil Member Bradshaw 00111JDC11ted 1h11 ii ii nice to bear Crom the EPA under these cuaunstanccs. Mayor s WIII ubd if the plaque bu been presonted yet. Mr. Fonda responded that is has oot, adding 1h11 be Cocl1 we aro waiting to,.. bow we do on the national award. Mayor SWIii and Council offered their conpllUlaliou. 7. N_......llled Vblton (a) Steve Wbcelehan, 4335 Soull, Logan SIRICI, cxpreaed amc:em repnling the COIIIIICl dllt the City oCEnglowood e, :aod iDlo r<pnlillg tbc KUlpt,.:n, pnleu. It ...Uy CCIIICn Wlllld al'ety issua, be aid. M"" Ill know, tbc LillJe T,ry Cxeoc dnlmp ii pimlriJy a Ooodway, lllhoup be bu boa, told -the ... week 1h11 ii ii a park. and a grcc.1bd~ 111d ,oeye'l1 olber lbinp. Ill DOliciq over tbc 1ut year the IIIIOUIII oi Ooodin& we bave bad i ,l • that...., be saiJ, and....,._ or tbe new COIIIINClioo we have bad OYer ill Cherry llills and -Pllbr, and 1h11 • wltole llood pllia being pawd, ....,,_ being pul ill and WIitz being atlla:lcd and rushed dow1l dtal Lilllc D,y Crodt Drainage, ii ii more~ DOW lhlll ....-dtal"" •,ay IIIClllioc to 1h11 IIDIII IOClion ol puud Ila gooo down by what ii DOW Klnko'a, Cormaly Pier One lmporU. Some oCtbe ICulpmrel bave been pllcod diRclly in the flood plaiD, lea than six feel nay Crom tbc bordcn oltbe end<. Mr. Wlllelcllal aid bewu amca,,ed II. ,JUI ii u be walked by OIIC day, 111d 1'1111 illto a ;;roup a( poaplc dow1l there 1'lto wa'e erecliDg them. He aid be WU gelling IOlllCwltll or a bootilc -Crom the lllill, but DOI hat tbe City empl,,yec, Dave Loe, who WU ll<mllly quite COW1eOUS. Mr. WhoclcbaD aid be wu amcemal that tbc primary conccm wu Cor the art, DOI the ptblic al'ety. lie aid be took it upoa binudl'to look into the issues, and Cowtd 01111h11 FEMA wu primorily involved in tbc creation of tbc dninage, a1oag with Urban Dtainage 111d :"' Joel Cootml. lie aid be con!ACd tho<e people and found out that DO FEMA pamil bad boa, pulled, Public Worb bad uev,r been cousultcd ill Englewood, there ii llO approval being given by Public Worb, Ibero bas n....-been approval given by Urban Drainage. Ill my cotM:llllion with tbc pmon 1'lto contmll =mmdation1 i• this..., ,be rccollllllCldcd 100% apinJI the.,.....,,... oC tho<e items w thal dBinage, be aid. Somdtaw, it -Ulmlcl' IIIYWIY, lie said be ftods il tqRIOl!ll a ocrtaill b:mnl to ......-.,,, pMicuJally police ad tin: .,......i. wilo may bave to f;O down there ill tbc futwo ill the case or a l'JO year 1, ,od, and this aelln -II i1 perplexing to me, be said, with the IIUlllber a( parks and open spaa:s WC have ~, z, ;owooc1, wily you do DOI place tbcoe ilcml • lcut bigller up on tbc hill or 1DOR app,,prille placca, ralh<r than di,o;. , tn tbc Oooclway. Mr. Wbocldwt aid be pulled mar.c Crnm Harold Slitt's ollice, and 1h11 office IIJO pc him Ill< FEMA map1. lie aid be is in tbe p,xas DOW or baving clear overlays made to pu1 over tbe aaual plats, wbici1 wu puvidod today Ir/ Pub 111d bcralion. lie said be will p,aent them, bopefully, 11 the DCX1 ~g Car Cuw>:J 's review, botau& tbcn: bave bocn a,mc obvious cmn made in laml or public al'ety, and dtal ii repnling th<.,.:., iauc. There is a ...._"'Gd mu.,, be said. II ii a sc:ulp«= called the Spring lnsoct down tbcre, which, ;(though be finds p,ay -1tclically plcarin& it ii a kinetic sc:ulptuJo moonted on a large spring. It bus I lixly inch swin& llldbal two tineacomingolrthe front lhal arc over cigblCCD incbel long. II ii KUlpcurcd in IUCb a way, be said, 1h11 I small cbild wwid Wlll1 to Iii in tbc 1-ct. IC OllC small child WIS in tbc lion!, 111d anotbcr WU in the back, tbc energy 1h11 woold be genonlal in 1h11 -.tld cuily pien:e I six year old'1 cbelt. U i, jmt woning to bappen, be UIClt.cd. Mr. WbcddtaD raid be loakcd II tbc i.nsmmc:e policy 1h11 WU pacntcd by tbe COllllllillion, 111d found Old ~ bo:amo the City took ii upon tbemsdvel to place tbcoe itcma, aa:ording to the imunncc • ,ompany, Ibey would DOI be 1ia1,1c if tbcoe itcml ....., placal in such I way where tbc bazanl wu bccaulc or • • ea,lcwood City Coullci1 AIIIUIII6,1999 Pop) ~ 1...,. lo you, bo aid. tbat they 1111., clooo to the lidewalk, 111d 1111111 c:hildRD OD 11111 iai1icular ilan, aad the olbor it_.., m dme lO Ille drlilllll, Ille -bmnl, 111d allo the violalioD of IIO FEMA pnii1, tbat .._.., lbiap Iba! bave ID bo loobd at. Council Member B11<iaw aid lo bave llaft'look iato lbal. Cily M&IIIF San aid slalJ needs la pYO a 6111 report. lie aid bo knowl 111111)' of 1h11 Cowicil membon lave bad questiou 111d c:alll OIi lbil --... "" 11M oolla:lively plllYidod tbal iaf..-laa Im IO you. City Altomcy BIOWIIIII did ll>IIIO lill>ility mloniaalioa, lie aid, but ill tams of our relllioa ID FEMA, "" bave DOI doae a follow up, but we will do lhat, bo aid. (b) Jabil Smid,, 3135 South l!1all Stn,ct, e,cpreacd bis CCID0Cl1II alJout l0IDClhing ill the acipbonaod of S30 mil1ioD .wtb olpn,pcrty aoiDg IO Ille~ Raervoir Foundalion. Mayor Bw11111dvi...S lhllbo bad n:fem:d Mr. Smith 's message lo the City Aaomcy. Mr. S111itl11aidllebadcallal but Ibey misJal each other, ,a Mr. Smith lOlll the City Attomey a FAX !Oday. He said bo badaa,py ofit irCouacil would lib lo soc it. Cowx:iJ Member Bll<llbaw aid llbc a1sa n:fcmod that lo the City Atlonlcy. Mr. Smith 11111 bia """'""".., tbat the 111ic1c1 1111 • up IO pn,vldo for lbaolutdy ao COlllrDI by City Counci1 over the POUDdatiaL lie aid it -to bim tbal 1'bal you 1111 doaliD& 'lritll tbat kiDd ol pn,perty, 1h11 coallUI sbould be tbae. lie aid lie i. .......,.i to the City Couaci1 cataiD ---.1o the llliclca, 111d. paatod, they ..., a lilllo stricter, bul they n ~y _,,,, Mr. Smitll aid be -iJ lib 101M a littlo olbis becqrouod ti.I cnablelllim lo 1M tllooesagpiom. Ho lli,J beballiwd ia&p,,ood siacc 1!161, 111d lmpll<licod law llillce 1973. SiDClaboul 1976, tbal bu boon priamily ill the..,. ol lllUDicipll and special dillrict law aad IIIUllicipol linaoe, iadudilll boadlag, .... lcalina 111d all ol 11-kiadl ol iMum. Ho aid bo fcc1I that, altllousb this,... 111nm ..... lo employees oflbe City, wllom be ii an are beyGlld ~ ll>crc is aotJiiag 1o keep them fnlm IUnlUII tlliaialoa for-profit c:orponlioll and ldliDg tbat pn,lit. Ho apillOII tbal Counci1 sbould rmew tbat docilioo, • well ac their l-wlgetl. Ho ldd<d that !heir 1110CW1p sbould be open to Ibo public, although 1h11 does DOI mcaa 111111110CW1p 'lritll polclllia1 dcvelopc,1 or lcaon or i-bave lo be open, aad sbould DOI be, because ncgotialiom.,. DO( open lo Ibo public. Alla, it -that tllil Cowx:iJ sbau1d bave contn,I -any IIIICDdl. ~ oltllooo a."lida, .., any of the bylaws, bo said. Tllooo prurisiaal .., killd o{ aiatainod ill Ibo bylan, but Ibey 1111: o..'. ill the llllic docma:at, Ibo AJ1ic1cl "'hlcorpanllioa. Mr. Smith aid bo aim feels the iavatm,ats sbould be limiled to tbooe tbat.., lcpl for public clllitiel ill Colando. Tllooo --.., _. llricl.,,tllaa t1-tbal.., coalaiDod .......... c:oatinued, oil wells and IIDCU, far~ are alloMd to this oorponlioa, wbich an: DOI alloMd for die Cl.) al Eagleeod. Mr. Smith fdttbat ---Oil dleboardoi-sbouldalm be 00Glrollcd by Couacil. He said lie did DOI believe 11111 IUiDg ~ OIi tllil would nquire doiag aaytllins 1'itll die onliDacc • ii ~ cxisls. Tbe Mayor bu mmc period ol time ill Midi to lip Ibo deeds, and it -lhll this could proca,d irtbCIC tlliap MR lakm -olbefon, the pn,pcrty MS acllla1ly conveyed, be said, allowiq 1h11 bo did DOI know nil Iii<• time ICiledulcsWCR. Mayor Bums asked City Attorney Brotzman to a>mlllClll Mr. Broczruan said all of Ibo Englewood/McLcllan Raavoir FOWldatioll board wu PRmll tllil cvaaiq. Steve Rickla, who is our special 00Wlld tor Ibo McLd1aa Foundation, is also ~ but bo just received a a,py of the sugellioos, ., that would be a liale unfair to ask him lo a>IIIIIICD~ bo said. We will Fl you a a,py of Mr. Rickles' a,mments, bo said ID Mr. Smilh. We are doing a fine balance wilh Ibo IRS OD Ibis, bo said, and witll Council'• a>DIIUI and Ibo indcpendalcc of the boanl, we an: lrying to make all ti-issues balance OJL Mr. Smith said be i1 DOI sun: Ibo way the a,q,oratioa is SIJUClw<d right oow would allow it to iuuc tax fne bonds, which presumably you migbt want lo do ill order to a>nstruct infrastructure . Without those controls ill the aniclcs, Mr. Smith cxprascd doubt that you could do that. Council Member Brodsbaw lhanlu:d Mr. Smitil for bringing that to Council 's atlallioa. (c) Leon Piper, 2929 Wea Unioa Av:nue, said his issue was wilh lJUCks and trallic. lit said bo came homo tooighl 114:20 p.m. making a left turn Ollto Unioa nO'ofFedcral, aad tbcre wore two BFI trucks, oac ill froal of Mary Casscll's and anotltcrill front ol'thal oac. There were throe electrical con111Ctor'1 lJUCks making ldl tums, l!qlewood City Couacil Auplll6,l999 Pqe4 aad two or111em ..... OYaMipt aad OYeJllz.e. Tbere....., 111,c, two pickup, pulling llr co.-or~ limillr, lie said. Somdiow, we bne 10 put a IIOp to ii, lie 111d, 11111 •gelled 1bll CouDcll bop ... •-ud lJO • what Gnltllwood Vllllp did 10 Momcc, bclwoca Bellcvicw aad Clldlard. II le a al ....... be aid,• II ... evaythillg down. Mt. Piper aid be -id at,o W.. IO• ID onlimDcc ID EaaJewood W.. ILe CIII ID l>aMr repnliDg lllade ll'llo IIIOCbaoicl. We llave ooe ID our bloc:lt dlll 111111 IO lie aJOll'Ollcd, lie llill We .... ll ..U lbalilh tbe Code~ •bla llldle City, lie opiDlld, 11111 pvt lhejab lO dlc poUco, bll-Cadl l!abtiemelll will 1JO by llld will do llOllllaa ..,._ a permn c:alla. We Ill Ind alc:alliDS, Ile a ....._ na. llll beta I wllit, car lillinl OUI oe lhe -lbr four IIIOU IMI bal aol lllOYld, llld two .......... _. W.ooe ported about IO\'Cllly•.• t ID froGl Ill It aad ii bu DOI D>:Mld sia<c k wu plll lhcre, lie aid. He llbd II we couk! l"'! ii ,top sip or. ,.oed bump 011 Uaioll. or a lnlllc cirde, lllytllia& IO llow diem ML 'l1lal will at,o 11op lbc oveniu trucb. be said. Mr. Piper lbaaked Counc:iJ for ..aydliq they .... clone llrdle ............ don lhcre, becauoc it ii a lot beacr, bu1 it ii llill bod. He -.• ;d be balel lO be u qjlalor or.,_ wbo calls all lbc lime, bulwebftelOdo-i.lDg. Mayor Bumi said that ii 111,y Couacil WU elecled, ID tnlrc ti-callJ. lie llld dley Mte gOGd iaa. He lll<t4 City Manager Sean wbcre we lie cm llw. Mr. Sean llld ""llave bad a llllllber r,l,lllr....,.. ud • liaw boea working OD thil iae, bit"" bow llld., 111111)1 .... lblmp 11111"" baw D0I _, able ID luM a lall ..,._ olit. We baYo ii IChcduJed llr Sepleml,er 13.ID llll: ... Um A-widlaaumllcro/lllnllhw lhel'llblk: Worb Dq,altmmt bas""' IDFdlcr, lie llid, illcludins .. po11ce.-, wbo will be ... •-ol'illll...._ 11111 Ibey llave. We abo n loaldDc II OdJnl, IC--,. ad Q,-,. dlltllipl npnliqlld: ~ We will be llkiag a loci< II dliDp lire a l'OUIIIHbout, ..._ _ oe u .. A-diot Counc:iJ Im llbd cu ID 111b aloat 11. M: have bind Emle Ullevlg ID loci< 11 lhe lllllllben ID • wll' A ldodl o/lbiap cm llappen din, lie 111d. 11len ii oo perfect l0lutioa, lu l'iat Im been ICbodllled ID 111k ... Ullian 111d lnlllc, apeclally OD dloe , 1---, be said. Mr. Sean llid we ho.., a lull rq,ort lO pvt lO City c...ncn. llld be told Mr. Piper he WU welcome lO aaaJd lbal Sii.."1y Session. Mr. Piper asked why lhe r..olia: will be lillinl lhae. and a lllld< will r, by, llld they will not ,top i! boclusc they lie doing a llllllc caunl. City Maaager Sean said M:IIC lpllldioga lol o/,w -ripl-oo Ualoe A-He liked DiYialooOlid Moore ID....-_ CbiefMoan, aid police~ ...... dlcre aboal ID bourevay day II die nuiiam 1Jr ad'orcemeat aad lnlllc caunl. Mr. Piper aid 111ey....., dlnllraboul dlree bolln alloy f'ortwweeb. 1boJ al\\'l)'I """8IOd lO be dlcle II dlo --lib flam 5:001llllil 6:U .... aad apiD ia -~ lilcy wollld bit lbc ■-nc time, aboal 3:30 ID abaat 5:00 p.m., be llid. If they~ ■paid I balf bour dlae, bul DOI II die - lime, ., they .. tbe ... dlea the pallelD ii IOI. Chief Moon said they do vary the limo■ aad they try to be tbn wbea lhcrc ii poala tnllic Oow, which ii why they lie lhcrc ID the morning aad aftanooa. They lie dlere wo • other llllldom times, be said. Mayor Burm saidall lheedlinpwill be talrcn apoa tepteml,cr 13• 11 lhe moetillgwidl 11111:., Cowll:il would catainly invite bim lo come II lbal time, alollg widl uy of his adgbbors. I . Coam•alcall-Proclam.-ud Appol- TheR wen: oo 1X>J111Duoiellioas. proclamaJioas or appoilllmenls. 9. hblk Barias No Public Hcariog was scheduled before Council. 10. Coutat Aeuda (a) Approval oCOnliaana:s oa Finl Kading • • llapMICld Clay Cowlcll Ml&Wll6,1999 .... , COUNCR. MDIIIH WAGGONU MOVJ:D, AND IT WAS UCONDID, TIJ APPl' . .:>VE CONSENT AGllmA ITUIS 18 (1) (I), (II). (W), (IY) AND (Y) ON 1111ST UADING. (i) COONCU. BD..L NO. 52, INl1tOOUCBD BY COUNCIL MEMllllll WAOOONIIR A BIU. FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING 1111! WHOU! COST OF 1111! IMPROVEMENl'S MADI! wrnin;, PA VINO D15'11UCT NO. 31, IN THI! crrv OF l!NGU!WOOD, t'OLORADO; APPROVING AND CONFJRMINO 1111! APPORTIONMl!NI' OPTHI! COST 10 BAO! LOT OR '11lACJ'OP LAND IN SAID DISllUCT; ASSl!SSINO A SHARI! OF 1111! COST AGAINST l!AOI LOT OR 111ACT OF LAND; AND PRl!SCRIBING 1111! MANNBR POR 1111! COLLl!CTION AND PA YMEln' OP 1111! ASSl!SSMl!Nl'S. (il) COUNCll. Bill. NO. 51, INJ'RODUCED BY COUNCil. MEMBER WAGOONl!R A BII.L FOR AN OPDINANCE AMl!NDINO Tl11.B l , CHAP11!1l I, !.cC'l1ON I, SUBSl!CTIONS 3, 4 AND 5, OFTHI! !!NOLl!WOOD MUNICIPAL CODI! 19l5. (iii) COUNCU. 811.L NO. 41, nmtODUCED BY COUNCil. MEMBl!R WAGGONER A BD..L FOR AN ORDINANCE AlTlllORIZINO 1111! ADOPTION OP AN AMENDF.D CITY OF l!NOLl!WOOD PIRl!l'IOHl1!RS' Pl!NSION PLAN DOCUMl!NT, WIDOI PROVIDl!S A Dl!Pl!RRED Rl!TIRl!Ml!NT <PnONPLAN (DROP) Bl!NEFIT FOJl 1111! PARTIClPAHl'S OF1111S PLAN. (iv) COUNCU. BD..L Nv. Sf,, INlllODUCED BY COUNCil. Ml!MBl!R WAGOONl!R A BD..L FOR AN ORDINANCI! AMl!NDING 'ITIUl 3, OIAPTl!ll 7, SF.cTIONS 3, 4 AND 5, OF 1111! l!NOLl!WOOD MUNICIPAL COOi!. (v) COUNCILBD..L NO. 49, INl1WDUCEDBYCOUNCILMl!MBl!R WAOGONl!R A BILl, "01( AN ORDINANCE AUl1IORJZINO 1111! ADOPTION OP AN J.Ml!NDl!D CITY OP l!NOLl!WOOD POUCI! OFFJCl!RS' Pl!NSION PLAN DOCUMl!NI', WHIOf PROVIDBS A Dl!l'l!RRl!D Rl!11Rl!Ml!N'." OPTION PLAN (DROP) Bl!NEFIT FOR 1111! PARTICIPAHl'S OF1111S PLAN Caallcil Member Bndaw COIIIIIIOllled lhlt AFldt 11am 10 (1) (lil) 111d (1) (v) cootaln DROP pmgnma Cor lhe pollceandfirc. Voce..-It■: Ayes: Nays: The macioa carried. Camx:il Mombcn N■libolz, G■m:U. Bradshaw, llalJenlcbl, WV-, Graull■. Burm N..,. (b) Approval II~ ae SeaJad Rcadlag Tbcre wae DO ■ddilloml ilorm lllllmilled for appoval on SeaJad Radilli (Sec Agmla Item 11 -Regulor Apd■.) (c) Rnolulio1111nd Moooas COUNCR. MIMBEll WAGGONlll MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGIENDA ITIEMS 10 (c) (I), (II). (W) AND (IY). (i) Rl!SOLUTION NO. 84, SERil!S OF 1999 l!qJo,,uod City Cauncll ~16,1999 ... 6 1 A RESOLtmON AtmlORIZING 1111! NOl'IPICATION OF PROl'l!R1Y OWNERS OF ASSl!SSMl!NTS Wl'l1IIN PAVING DIS'l1UCT NO. 31 BSTABLISIIINO A DA111 FOil A PUBUC HBARING ON 1111! ASSl!SSMl!NTS. (ii) MXltl'lllACT wnH AUl'OCRAFl1!IIS, INCOAPOllA'11!1l F,JilREPAJRS T01111! CJ'IY'S MOTORIZED Hu'Vll:CJJl IN 1111! AMOUNT Of SI 1,615.IO. (l.i) A CONlllACT wn:: l!LllCI1UCAL CON'IllACTING Sl!RVICSS FOlll!X'IEltlQ( SITT! UGHl'INO AT n;,; ',"; ,.iJLEWOOD RECREATION CEl'ffl!R IN 1111! AMOUNI' OF $31,010.00. (iv) A CONrRACT wnH CERTil"'-"D ELEV A TOR COMPANY, INCORPOR.',.'11!D FOR INSTALLATION Of A Vl!lmCAL !'LATFORM LIFT ATUII! l!NGLEWOOD Rl!CREA110N O!Nl1!ll IN 1111! AMOUNT OF l57,.-6.00. Volc.-111: Ayes: Nays: Tho malioa canied. II . lleplu~ Cowlcil Mcmbcn Nabbolz, Gom:a, Brodsliaw, illlJcniclu, Wqgaacr, Onmllil, llnl None (a) Appnwal of OnlilmKa on Finl Radiq (i) City AamD<y BIOIZIDa pacaled II n !erk• fl.om tbe Cily Ciak'■ Olllce to adopl1biDfixan~....,..IDIJmiainatn1..,.oltbe...-n,dclcaanolllleCilyol.Enalewood• ba1lal quc■don lllbmiaod by Cllaller illilillivc. Oripally, be al.I, -l'llOOllllllODI 11111 dlla --6,rwud dno toalad<olli..-.. 1a.,.........,tbecue, wcmcfomltbeydot.:a.e-...W~IIICldole. ,.. ............. ,.11..idlia-fcnudtotbebolklt. Mayor Bwlll ubd wbal be .-by "going llllllugb tbe Q&". Mr. BtOlzllllD aid 11111 Cauncll .... ...i.,riz,od dcf._ol1caan111 .. ...,..al..iidli.-.■. n.n .. -ia,,affllllliallll■lca,beaplainod. 'l1lil lint iaSIIC wu wbat tbep, N,y ii oltbe Cily Ciak ml bow llllldl ola micw Ibey are ...,..t 10 dn. He n,minded Council 11111 Ibey haw: Iii■ memo OD tlli■,.,.; Iii■ posidon ii Ibo' tbeir 1\.-.ift' Wll ~ ad - Tho IOCOlld piece ii Ibo p,oper "'°""""" aft<r tbe a..k lllllilled tbe ~ 11111 wbal tbey are IO do-. We bad origillalJJ told tbe 1)t'liliaa--. lllll Ibo)' ■1.,.ld lllea alljoc:lion fnllD. I rqilla-od dc<:lor, but tbey did DOI lo 11111. ID rmcww, di::-■ rdalccl IO Ille dcfC",c oClhe ~•.._ii tumod llUI their IDdhad olfiling I witbdm.al and rcaub■nilling tbe IIIIIICI -the lpjll'Oprialc method to comet Ille mmcs. : Icy bM aubmiaaf CDOUgb DIIIICI jg that c:orroctioD proa:11 IO bm: enough valid lipllllRI for lh.: ballot. Council Member fflbeniclll ubd why it has to be voted oo. City Auamcy Brotman r'Clp)Ddod that it ii required by Stale Stalula. II Im to a.. ID Council, you haw: to be able IO llOC tho billot qucslian, you ICIUally. jg cacnce, have to V<llo for it mlea yo11 baw: a cmllict. be aid, and ii al■o allows you to COIIIIDCIII...,. tho blllot qucolicn. Mayor Bwlll ukec: itlll■l wu II tbe time olvOliq, or lllc■ nn. Mr. Bnltzman aid you would move i~ 111d tben haw, I c:omma,I period. Tho Deputy City Ciak ,ad tbe eo-:il Bill by tillc: COUNCU. BIIL NO. 53, INlllOOUCED BY COUNCU. MEMBER BRADSHAW • • ~Cilyc-il ~16,1999 I WO'} f 1•)G h!i ~ l .~I UA 1'1117 ~ _q A BILL FORAN OllDINANCII SUBMmlNG TO A vot1I OPTIII! RllGlS11!RED l!U!C1UtS OFnll!' CITY OP l!NGL8WOOD ATTIII! Nl!lCI' saD!DUU!D MUNICIPAL BlJ!Cl10N A PROi'OSl!D AMl!NI>MENI' TO AllTICU! XV, SECl10NS 137:2 (i) AND 131:3 (a) OF nm HOME RlJLI! alAJl'I1!R OP nm CITY OP l!NGLl!WOOD. Council Member w.,._..,... wbatui..-lllbia &Ila. Mr.~ aid Ibo madoa-, aat&il, bee-. younwdll&ilrwllolbordllJlllddle _ _..111...,.._cmdlepdillma. u.._,...__ollier iDCon1111iaa, yw allouldbowdll&bdlil. bellid, ilmalllaatt.D. Mr. W,.._.aidda-.Wlll ..... Mr. ~aid,-tol.dleiailialiYl,,_iluCaua:ilaaapparllaily111-apaai1,ad. ....ily,ilallowllbofidlC....:il..-, n.-11111pmpa111adlll.dlepllbllc_ccae.,a1 .....-cmlllillldllJ-111,aditilpublilbld11a~wbidl-it.,,..upiadlelepl-.ol. die aew,paper, • 1llaa ••-plriod. Tllln ii allll a~ ldinulloa. lllllice pruvaiaa dlllall CIIIIIICil ~ bave III F tllloup, •dllJarellYillalllllllllliceprovisioa lllouldAFPIYID laiioliw,._, heaid. YourWlillc oa du daee aat-,au....., widl It, 11111 dmoully you do ao1a11...,, "--Coac11'1 -Wll llllldllJ allouldcallocl........,.ilrdlialll p, inlld. Couacll McmbcrW...-llidnallyall wa~ dlal, illhal dllJ IIIYe eaaupqDMll!alllpatitcm die ballal. Council Member Habonidll llid, 111 filllborclarily, 11111 Cam,ci1'1-ii IIOllD ..,.,_, Mayor Bumi lllid it ii juallo place ii cm die ballal. COUNCIL MDIUJl IIWISIIAW IIOVU,AND rrwAS UCONDlll, ro APPROVJ: AGINDA 11'111 11 (a) (1)-COUNCIL IIILL NO. 51 Ayea: Coia:il Memben Na'1bolz, Gama. Brllblr,iw, Habcuiclll, Wqgoocr, Gazalil, llurlls Naya: NallO Tbe ~ Cllried. (11) AjlpraYal ol.Oldillaa .. Seooad lladlac (i) A bill ilr • anliDalll:c llllhorizlaa die WCllilm af IIN : Lilllc DI)' Clect eucmmt II die CilyCcl11eteie..ioi-,,t W11camida'CIIL ORDINANCE NO. 45, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 47, INl'RODUCED BY COUNCIL Ml!MBEll BkADSHAW) AN ORDINANCE AlJlllORIZINGnm VACATION OFLITIUl DRY CRl!HCEASEMl!NT AT CJTYT'll!R l!NGLl!\'100D. COUNCIL MDIIWl IIIADSIIAW 11O\o'U, AND J:TWAS SICONDID, 'l'O APPIIOVJ: AGENDA lTIM 11 ('l (I) ON SECOND llADJl'(G. Aya: CoimciJ Members Nabbolz, Gama, Bllldsbaw, Habeaiclil, w...,_, Gazliil, Burm Naya: Ncao Tbe ~ Cllried. (c) Raoluuoauad Moliam (i) Aa-.Cily ~Flahaty pra,nl<d I 1,co111111011dalioahol lllo Cily Mlmp's Olllce ro adopt a raoluucm praridilla-cm die l!rnVlllllmml Imi-:t s-fl,,"': llTO Soulboall Corridor. Mr. F1ahaty aid die lmllalioa pn,rides , .. die~ al'lbo lisbl rail sylleP! u.j(..t to -- ..t objccliolll repnliag..,..,;lic elcmcllllrodle ciliJ.msol.l!qlcwood. apecillcally -. .. dlepropoood &tpwood City Couaci1 N1P1116,1999 ..... 1-.uclioa ala Upa nil---. l'llcility II tbe GCDcnl lroa Worb lire in EnaJewood. Mr. Flaba1y nmiadld ('Glllldl allbclr-cxp,wod to ll11> and ill~ duriq CCluDcil -iap bdd la 1-, and .. II I pilalliq ~ bdd by a.m. 'Ibis,.,,.._ is llllaldcd to bmalbJe 11--, be aid. and pllce dall aa '"'ard • port altbe l!lli COIIIIIIOIIII. Mayor Bwm COIIIIIIIIUd 1h111beR bes beeA a fair IIIIGWII of dilcussion about this in the last couple or days. Ho llid be ipou to Cal Mandia, wllo is beR toal&f,I. tbe _..,. alR.m, and allO to Tom Nortaa. wbo is tbe Din,ctorallbo ~ alTraq,onallon fbr tbe s-alColorado. '"--pdemen ... primarily rapollllblc ft,r preaallina tbe bond ma dial are ID be weal OIi Ill Novemberwidl iqard to tbe Soudlml C<mdor. II is imp,.-to cmpbuize tbll this involves men tbe Soudlcast Corridorradler lblll tbe Soalhwesl Cxridor. TbeR ball boee a pn,polll, be 111d, 10 pal a....., and.-l'acil.ity for a.m can in tbe Gmeral lroa Wolb lite ar tbe -viclllity, and tbere has boee ....,. -,, wtdl Council -dill. AllO, be aid, we ..,,.._i dlls ,-ludaa bocade we dloupl tbe QOIIIIIIOlll period for tbe mviroamozal inqlact........,. for tbe SoudlOIII C<mdor wu upoa us, and it llnl,.. dlll It Xlmlly bepm ca l'llday, tbe ZOil rl Aupst and cadlca October ,.-, Mayor 11111111 said we were allO 10 bave -addilioaal moedllp ,pomored by CDOI' wtdl tbe DdabbarbOod, widl iqard to tbe propmall dlll we bave for devdopma,l Tbe City is ~ oae b a tlllllil oriealed dc\'Olopmeal II dlia localioa willl I poGible lip! nil ""P, Tbooc ~ have aat boee bdd yel, be said, and Ibey were ...,..S IO bave boee pacmled will by tbe Colorado i::i.i--ofTlllllpllllMioa and Cllterand Burp. lbclr a,..cs. We bave -extra ti1ilc 011 lhil, be said, e:::~ we bave betD ubd to C011D1110 this -1 ,m -" 10 we <U bavel1--iap and dim we <U pvvide aur :\\ 1IIIIOlll. We ddlaildy WUI IO IIIIYe I -in tbe l!aYinmmallll lmpacl S........ willl reprd 10 !l>.s u :llioa, be IIIOIUd. We bave boee pn,coodina with Rm widl rqanl 10 a c,oopenlM ...,._lilr devd,lplllCIII. Dana Crnfbnl 111d ... -, Ila, btYe bec11 beR widl rqanl to tbe 1n11a1 oriealed dowdapmeal. wllicb we are vay inleresled in, be llid. Mr. Mmdla will com-, lllo, but it ii~ be llid, to emplllla,e lbll tbe City has I ..... , delile to -I dc\'Olopmeal II this .... tat lllo to -" willl Rm, • 'lie bave bad I Ya)' p,od ldatiombip willl tbem. We bow: I coMIICl 011 tbe CltyCcDrer 10 proaelll 1bem wtdl tbelr IIIJll dlao llld tbelr plltin&. but"" WIDI IO be a,,e dlll aJlllidenlioa altbe cilimll all!qleM,od 111d this Council is 1Mm iDlo l0COIIIII, will> iqard ID tbe Gcncnl lroa Warb sire, be llid. c:owi.il Member Olirecl ubd, ifwe 1'1111 ID p.,;cipllc and p:t a SlllelDe' • ID, bow loag ii -.Id rake ID draft wbat ""ncod ID baYe IUbmiaed. ~ City M...,.. Flallaty llid tbe rcaolalioa has been dndlal. We wiD bow: ID prepare I OOYer 111d ii would pn,bal>ly be I IIIIIIOr al days. Mr. Olirecl aid, if we delay ii IDlligbl. )'OU will lliJI baYe plally of lime ID do dill. !lo aid his-,, is dill be does DOC -ID misa il Another a>ocem, be said, is Illa! we IOCDI ID bave mixed ......... Crom Rm. Ho llid be -...... merdllllll OIi South B...tny OIi tbe Denver side bad•~ widl Rm and tbey llid Ibis is when: die mainleaaaa: facility is going ID r,,, rd'erriag ID Geaenl lroa Warb. '1'1111 is • pd>lem ...... dleY come ID our Council 111d ., dleY -ID oegoliale IOllldlling and dim baYe -iap widl Olbcr cilizcm ;-other 00lllllllllliti and-, dlll is when: ii is going. be llid. Mr. Gom,a said be does aat know wbedter 1beR u; a .,...i a.m cm dial imlc, but ii clearly CIIIIOI him ID bave-. wben we bearoae thing wbea tbey come ID~ 11111 -iw,g me is going III in Denver. Mayor Bwu llid lbll is all al CNt COD<enl, beca&ilo Can..-111d Bwgea wen, beR in June and we told them, in no IUl00rllin lenlll, dlll tbey were llOC llllmin& ID Ill. AD Ibey were lllkiag about -tbe rq,airl'acil.ity and we dim inilialod -ftutber disamiou and moctinp througb tbcm, but in~~ with aome altbe Rm swr, and widl Dana Clnfonl, lllen: were CXllllllllllliaiom from Slllflbal were resiwng our desin:I and n:sisling b<n, ., tben, is a mixed _., lheR, be aid. 'lbll is why we bow: ubd ror clarilicalioa cm thil, and Mr. Manclla will llldrCII this lallipl. M 10 CNt desiro ID baYe I ooopenln'C -.ft"OII, but DOI I OOC-fty llreet. Cowlcil Member Blldlbaw ubd if tbey are bein& ubd to pOllpOIIO tbe rcaollllioa al this lime. SIie said ber -,, is if tbey do aat &<I boclt ID i~ dim tbey will DOC get into tt.e Eaviroammlal lmpoct Slllemml. Mayor Bums said ii ii lbaoluttly imperlliYe tbe we get in Ille Enviroommlal lmpoct Stalcmcnl Cowlcil Member Habcnicbl aid die IIOU!d appr<ci11e bearing from Mr. Mandia. • • BltpwoodCityCouDcll ~16,1999 .. ~ <:.i Mlndla, Gmen1 ~ rltbe Dcawr Rqioa11 Tralllponalloa Dlllri<:I, told Council 1h11 tllil COlllnMny _....., _.. _ 11111 boapolopod lbrdla. Wanlc:ame to blm dlrauall Ma. C'lnfbftlaallllaldlllt -ia,11111 Cumcil wu comiderillltllilnmilllionll flllli&bl'• ~ Ho said bowu nat-111111 ..--sy cm.~ bo llid he lboa&ht aood cammuaic:acioa1._ llkiaa place, per bis explicit direcliou to bis swr aad dlrauall Tom Nanoa, to Ibo QOIIIUltlDI, Caner 11111 Burpll. ML Cm,l'onl bad come to bim, lie said, lboul • IUOIIIII t'/r lwo earllcr 11111 aid sbe lmc,\• tllil WU I caadld.,le lilc lbr die IIIUlllallD0C racilily, but .. NI it wu1 ,cry 111""1 lacalioa lbra ll'llllitorimiedjlliatd.....aoi--11111 wwld aeM tbe bal rlboth ~ lllllllle lllbd ifbo wu recq,cive to 1h11. Mr. Mandia s.ud hJ ~ at".llllliYely, it ii ia RT0'1 i-at, it Illa l!apwood'• ~ ia tbe doYclaper'1 i-..., aoe wbal we could cio, 11111, bopc(ully, ia tbe acipborliood'1 -. My dilectloal to my llllr were to do ,....._ Ibey bad to do to iacorponllz dao <Olllidonliaa ..ii. die City aad with Ibo clovcloper to IDlkc sure thll wo cover Ill rltbm pcmibililicl, he said, to end "I' will, dlewiyllelt ~ 1h11 ... CID II Ibis • I( we CID do ID ...,..... joUII c1ovc1.....-pojocl 1w: we I re doilla la CladcRlla City, Illa! ii I fe.lerll cl,jocllve. that ii ID RTO cl,jocllve. 1111111 pd replllll policy IOd I Cllllialy- to p,a,ue tbal, bo aid. I ldl It Ill 11111, 1a1111U11 k wu ..... 1h11 dinlCliaa, he lddod. WIim I bmd Oil lime-1 COIIIJUYa1y, he said, I immcdlltdy Sol oa Ibo pboae aad lllbd IO Cily ~ S.... aad bo explailled 11111 tllcre wu a lat <I diallalaa oa hebalf rltbe Cowlcll, '!be poem 1h11 bu beal ad, aad tbe -11111 bfte beal IDldc by, perllaiJI, COOT~ tbeccmsuI-, aad my~ piamlas dlil ■ a&l!IC0llalpll. wllbOlla ~ c:itima or City Coaaci1 lllput poem to loot II lhlrnllMI aad to llad out wbal tbil wuul ~ look lw:. Mr. Mandia said he told Mr. Sean tllal ii WU DOI bis ......U., 11111 it WU ID ICCCllllplW,ed 1llct 11 Ibis poiDI, we...,. ia Ibo dMlopmeat llll&C, • • were looklq a tllil ■ a CIDdldalle Ille with aa,a., lfe aid bo ..--1 lo Mr. Sean 1h11 he bad COllllllilled to ""·. with Oma Crawronl, who ii iDlaat<d ia die • ilr odlcr dovdopmcals. 11111 will CODliaue lo do_,_ Mr. Mandia aid Mr, Scan tbea cxplaiacd to blm dml Coancil WU IOI lla!10' OY<r tbe pnx:as and felt...,. much OYerlookod, Ima for paatal, IOd aot iDYolwd la a llllbloa lbll dley were cerllialy deleMJI& <I, 11111 bad ..ay rilf,t lo. We baYc bad ID --.lial,y rdationshlp bclweca RTO IOd tbe City ofEqlc,,ood liacc my ani\'al beie, bo llid. We baYc pm1DOral oa I number rlprojocll, we baYc ~ 0G Oadadla City, GUI'~ baw 'MJd<al tag,cdlcr ia I ,cry credll>lc and pooiliYe way, we lme ....,nal Ill <I your dfOIII lo RdeYclap Ibo Ciadcrella City lite, we bolted I visit by the Federal 'l'lllllil AdmiaimMioa IOd made sure 11111 Deputy Admialstmlor FClllllldoz Cll!IC bore. '!be M1)'or ....,..ry agreed to bait bor, lllllhmadca poaimprealoaoa bor ■-rla red~~ he ■aid. A$ caty •- MCb..,, tbe FTA ~came beie, he aid, 11111 oac <Idle tblap he WU !DOIi impread by wu Ibo ~ <ICiaderella Cily, whicb cmbodicl Ill rldlejoUII ~ tramit aricamd~ tbrmca he Im been pnuiagu the FTA Admiaillnla-, ml 11111 ii CXKlly the 111d: we waat lo lil<c wi1b the City of l!apwood 11111 cw,y Olhcr city"" par111erwith. Mr. Mar\lCIJ'. lllid he bu always bocn I llnn bdlcYer tbal, • a replllll tnaspor1llioa [IIIIVidcr, "" are DOI ID CDlily ia IOd or· 0W1tM1. You are our clicDU 11111 Qlllomen, he aid, and I lme lo -it wilh you ., thll wbal we do camplimmu your pllDI. 1 am u very IOllflliYC lo Ibo fact 1h11, ia IDIDY areas, Eqlcwaod in panialllr, your pol<Dlial ror lllture dcYdopmeat is limilod, he aid, ml dial you do DOI UYC a lat <I ptoperl)' IYlillblc. o..eJoping propcnics thll ..,...ie I IIX 1111c, 1h11 lllpl'OII filbft City goals ml~ ii very ~ lo you, and I UDdcnlaad 1h11, he aid, IOd I plodae lo you that we will do cvaytbiag"" CID lo med aur-1 .-la, but also iaoolpaaliagyour-ml your cbiree • well. II -,Id be larilJly anopat if we...,. to come ia here aad siq,ly OYCrlay our-with no coacern lbr die b:'1 area•, ~ both today and tomorrow, he aid. Mr. Manclla llid he~ DOI Id that bappm.. fa•. he coald bandlc it Apia, I do DOt mu.c policy, he llid, the Board doc,, but I cloa 'I really _,. any diap:cmc,I oa the Board. lbis pnx:as 1ot away &om mcpcnoaally, he allowed, 11111 if ID ,pology ii In onlor, I am bcre .o offer that lo you lhil ...,.jng_ 1 am sony it happened. he aid, and Iv.ill 111111 it lll)Ulld. I met wilh Tom Nor<..ia Ibis allaD<Mm, be advilod, 11111 lhil silllllion ia Ea&lcwood -lhc primary IOpi< for diJcusslon. We mutually 00llllllillcd lo -with lhc City through lhc ~ pn,ccss lo incorporlle your COll00f'dl, be aid, but, mon, importamly, I doaot v'llllllodo that lnapcrftux:tory mmncr, I Wlllllo do it-, wbca lwalkrAll ~bcre, ,..,._, arm ia 111D. so we boCh fcd very good abou: the dcYclor,mcnl we came up with. '11111 ii my ,:omn,i_ 10 y011, and apia, this...,.,.. is opca for comment through Oc&obcr 5•, he said. Rest assured that you 11iD be-■, mare -Rm 11111 &om the c:omulllDI and 1h11 ... will~ with you and dilCUII with you and lislcn"' you .... ~ wbal your -is are. I will ul< Ms. Cnwfonl, be said, to -1< with III vay closely so thll wo can iacnrponlc bor pi.. for dcYdopmcnt 1hr. med with the City 's lppO\'al IOd your loag ltfm ot>jccuvcs. Apia, ;r,.. p,c oll':llldt ~ Cily Couacll ~16,1999 PagclO ~ n,"l ~ )Ian~ 1r , 111 aul- ', c" IMn,l ....... 11111--ayl-,bcllid,aadlhllildarlyllOlwbcn:IWlllllop,. lpled,elo y ..q 111'j ...,.n lo -11111 liUdmlllllllld, be llid, Couacil Morber Nabllolz tblnbd Mr. Mandia. SIio acbowledpd lbai we got olf OD the 'WIOIII foot wida Cider aad Boqcol, llld dlll"" baYC bid a woada1III plllmlbip Mlh RTD. You ha.c been vr:ry booclt llld ~ ll'Clllt 'wilh lll, abe llid, aad 11111 ii ny ii look Caullcil by llllpriac. We fell lib tbe 1111 bid hocn pulled out rro.,, "'" w •'i, so ii ii nice to pt bid: oa tbe rip! Ind< aad coaiu. our pulllalbip, abe said. Mr. Mandia said ht-,Ill! olfam lo ....,. out bn lmipl lo 1ly 10 mab ammds, but be said DO, 1h11 la U11pC1111111 CDOUgb dlll the Couacll ncedl: 10 bes Cram me dilecdy, be laid. Mayor 11w111 ulood Mr. Mandia 10 dia:uu lhc ~ <Olllllliucc lbai still bu 1101 been achcdulod. Mr. Marlella said be tpollc wilh Larry Wamcr today 111d wilh Tom Nanon. They both told bim thM ..-inp bid 110( becD ICbodulod • early IS Ibey wadd lill&. Mr. Mandia lokt lhcm lbai lbia 'WU I CODCaD lhlt Mayor BWDI aad Ory ......,., Seal bid lailod. Mr. Mandla.......S lhcm tbal Ibey wadd be IChedulcd vr:ry IOOII, and the follow up will* place. He 111d ii la likdy 11111. the llCXI lime Ibey 111 down 10plbcr 'wilh pluls, be will be bcrc • ...U 10 .,. wllal ii lloppcaiJII. RTD ii IIOI bn lO happcu lo you, be lll'CIIOd, it ii bcrc 10 happen wilh you. The belt way lo C1111R lhc-oflbc lDDIII S)'llall, be aid, ii 10 build it ill ,a,uillc pll1DCnhip wilh our SUfflJUlldlaa lllllllicipolilicl, 111d 11111 ii my ~ ll' )'Oil. Mayor Burm commcmal lhll be Im becD oa Coundl loaa caoup 10 know 1h11, ,when be got oa, lhc pndlp, 'wilh RTD -lhll ii did happcu 10 you, bul liDoc Mr. Mandia came oa boon!, ii bu becD dill'crait. RTD 1111 becll vr:ry c:oapcnliYc, we baYC wmbd loaa llld i.rd ........ ""baYC tmelal lo Wllbiqloa toplhcr, llld we.._ doae I lot alplllmiaa. m we -dlll lO ~ be llid. 1'1111,.. ny we-= 10 make m lhil kind al diac:onaccldidlllll IXlliauc. Mayorllamc,qn:ad ll.ilapincillioa lO Mr, Mnclla for~tcapt. COUNCU. MEMlllll WACCONU MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO CON11NU& TB& MATRR UN1U TB& SIPTDDIR ZO, 1"' CITY COUNCU. MD11NG. A:,a: CouacllMcd,crs Naliolz, Gama, B111!.,!aw, ~ w_,_, CillZlllil, Buras Nays: Noac The -carried. 12. Gaaal Dlsusioa (a) Mayor's Choice (i) Mayor Ballll ranind<d ..-cryooc of the Tent Talk next Monday nigbl, imlcad ol a mcctiDg. • CushiDg PlUk. Tbcrc will be prcscualiou by the Museum of Outdoor Arts and tbe David Taylor Dance Tbcalcr, IS well IS the Siad (ii) Mayor Bums IIIICd 1h11 the Amwll Ciry Empla1ccs ' Picnic is this Friday II CUsbing PIii<. (iii) Mayor Ballll llid Ihm,.....,,. mataial ill the CouDcil padlds oa lbc CDdoncmcDI lhroup the Mdn> Mayors' Cauais, 1SU11 for •-11111 we cu mdanc balh the RTD wte ia lbc &II, lbc boad ialc, and also the......-'•~-orboods. He llid •• wadd lib lo baYC a C01111111111 liml Couacil lhat, IS lhcir ~ iD the t.fcao Mayors' Caucus, ii ii all ript to F ahead 111d cndorlc thclc items. Council Member Bradsbaw ulood if ii ,.. the widening of l.nlcntalC 25. Mayor Bums said part of it ii. 11-.. lhc -items that ..., wilh cadl other lhal iacludc Iba!. • l!qlewood Cil)' Council ~16,1999 Pqe 11 c.iw.c;t Member ffabalidll llid Ille ;ilo lmaidal 10 II..: out, Ulldcr Couaci1 McmlJcn' Cboicc, lbal"" lllw I - 011 a limilar llllllulloa ...,_ a DRCOO 011 Wedaeldly algbt. She 111d Ille bad alao pnwldod ialar-...t maraiall. She opir..S 1h11 It ii~ dial"" eadanc bodl, dr.oy are balh IIIOYing ........ "" are ......_ a lie ol coopcnlioa bd,,eea RTI> and tbe Slate. 'lbil conidor Im illdl.::!~1 dial 11m Is I lllllill-modai ........ llldller have IUplJOl1Cd III In our Southwcsl Colridor, IO it ii~ tbal"" follow lllroap, Ille aid. Council Member llradsbaw said Ille bu no problem aq,poniJlg tigbl nil, but lbe does not-10--, ._ goiq down 1-25. She said lbe-. l.bal ii port olthe trampo1111Jon, but the more we coatlnuelll llllbpoople depcndcnl 011 their can, the more dcpendalt they will be. and now ii the time 10 do DDC changing. Cowlr.il Member Jlabcnidll said lbe lblDb dial ii taDy -■lid. Bill Vidal, wllo ii Ibo -1!-i.e DiNc1or o1 DRCOG. and wllo wu pnviously ill Mr. Nonm'I place11 directarolCDOT, madeap,aealltiaalll dleDRCO.:l lloonl e.plainillg bow the -pn,grma work topdl::r, aad bow 111111)' lallel and llow .... -ii ... clurilll peak periodl ill the Sou~ Corridor, and 1h11, by pnwidlng balh"""" additloaal .... 011 die 111,tn,ay pluathe ligbtraiJ, pmvidel IJOIIIOl\iaglike tbeoquivalcalollhirtoen lallel o(lrlftlc dwiqpeakpcriods, IO they balh do work togelbcr. My undauadlq, all0, lbe aid, ii tbal there ii not a ~ addltlcal ripl-G(-ny -ie.t ill onlcr 10 do the Illa oltnlllc by the WI)' Clll Ibey are Soiq 10 do tbal. If they ""'" ayiDg ID do it all with juat 111111c Janos, it would be ■ lmmuatjlllll -.m, m It taDy Is I muld-modal ....-:ii lbal ... pilled the support ol road people and bllllil people~ !lie mridor. Mayor Bwm said limilarly, Soudl Sama Pe bu been widened ill the 1111 rew yan, and 11111 Is_.. coincidenla1 ID the fact tbal the ligbl rail ii coming thtou,ib, but"" do, iadeed, have I mulli-modal a,pecl 10 all o( ti-~-'lbae ii some real_,, la the Sautbelll Cmidor, be said, lbal if oae ollllme )llllpmlll i-, 111d the ,>lh« ooe does not, wbelllcr eidw oae ollbem -W be built He ...t 111■1,...., tbaap we me great ~I ofliali nil, ii ii IIOl dlc-lO all olyaar problcma, and befolt the add-modal ....-:ii Isbell, ad be repealm !hat be WUjUII lllils liJrtbeir........, 1ml be CID IIJIIP0II lbeae-. Cawioil Member Habcllichl said"" "'811 ii exaclly with Council Member llndsbaw, bul Ille redJ ... need ;., IUjlpC)ft-- Mayor Bwm said you can aat lllM thil plll>km with lanes. You can 1101 annply with fodaal dean air regulado., if you add notbillg but more lnfflc laora. Council Member Bnodmaw aid wbea you menlioa ClcMrnor Owen&. l.bal meam lanes. Mayor Bwm said thrA ii his praerencc. Ma. Bllldsbaw aid 1h11 ii why sbe commemed t'1I Iha. Council Member Habenic:hl llbd, liDce sbe and Mayor Burm will both be voCiJlg 011 1beae thiap_ !! "'° lllw I couemus ID vo1e ill fawr ol U.. eodonemmts. Council MemlJer Glmll ubd for clarillc:llioG wbetber CouDcil would be voCiJlg or Mayor B11n11111d Ml. Habenic:hl would be votillg. Mayor Bwu said we can VCIC for ii II yaar ~.., evea wilhoul ooming back to Council, bul aevenl ol the Mayors, wu they took thil oul ~ appnMI, aid they "'°""' like ID take it ID their OOUDCils and just Ilk them, 11 it will p ii more weight. Lildeloa'1 Mayor, PalCroaeobergcr, said we would I ':e 10 have the whole CIJUDCil n:view it ,1111 Ilk for I CODleaSUI, IO they ubd for I liale more time. Wbea they lint .... , it out, they bad ii 011 I fast tum arowwt. they Wlllled evayoae 10 jUII , ·• ya or no. A aumber ol cities IIUd ID take ii to their 00UDCill for n:view ID ... whether they could olltaill a ex.. ... ., that ii why we.,. doillg this. By the ead o(the week or IO, lbcy hope ID have the rap0IIICI from all If, -itla, be aid, and the Mayo"' Caucus itlelf Vlllel by coasemus, IO 1h11 ii ,.by they did tbot. • Ccx.ncil MemlJer Gamu said his reprae,atives may VOl.e their conscience. Council Member Wacsoo,.-r aid they could VOie for him. Baalewood City Council AU1111116,1999 Pqe 12 (Iv) Mayor 11111111 aid Ille IID&lawood Hcnld bad epic an 111ldc cm, ,eadcma _... be Mediaa wbo, 11 104 yean ol .... -IWll'docl lbe Pl'CIICII LqiollolHooor, and belClullly ii afflidall Ill llapwoad. Mayor 11111111 aid be lllked ID Public laformllloa Officer l'wlcelel1l aboul tliia, aad ,be ii lalldla lo hll family IIJoul lfflDIP'IC a 11..-..e for him ID CIIIIIIC 111d be boaared by lbe City Council for lhiJ lllher uaq,c nan!. Couacil Manber !lllldlbaw aid llley lR I~ family, Ibo bu lllbd 10 Ille cllildrcn and Ille paadc:l,ildna 111d 1lley ... --1afld. (v) Mayor Bwm said be bad a a>IWDII 10 pus cm ID City Manager Scan from lbe DCIM.""f l'oll "--columaill, ltabcrt Sdiwab, about bow be ii lllniq ID lln>ll dowD Broadway from ODO CDd ID lbe <> her and be ii r.cilllled wido llnlldway. l!vay week 11o ii p,ing 1o bavo IDOlbor lOClioa 111d be is CX1111U11 -.i l!qleMlod.., Mayor Bulm loll be ,bould !mow about Ille Soutb Broadway Action Piao. We cculd poail,ly F IOIDO Vety aico publk:ity, lie aid, fDr Ille City wilh ,qanl ID 1h11 plllicular plaa. (b) Council Membm' Cboicc (i) Cowx:il Member Gomll aid be -iD tbe pactcl I few MCkl ago 1here WU p,iDg Ill be dilCUllion cm Oxford and l0IDO oltbe aalllc iJllll:s. 1111d Cily Manager Sean IIICllliooed it earlier. Mr. Game 1111...-,1 DOI only l'l0kiq II Oxfonl, bul aim ICCllylm 111d Quillcy, becaulc you cculd do oometbiDg DD -- th■ is going 10 impact tbe 0lben, m WC bave 10 look II ii a I whole m ii WOIU togclllcr. Couacil Member w...,.. aid Y'"' alJNII bavo lo look II lbe Comprdlmsive Tnlllc 1'1111. City Manager Scan aid we 11e p,iDg ID lake a look II thole 1,.., lilm, lioas wilh Uaiall. We had put oJ doiq tbe full city-wide ._.. pllll. be adaiowlalpd. :.... ..... al'dle Cilldadla City pn,jecl. IJlllil 1-lhis yar. He 111d 11-.14 • be best 10 do it compd,cmlvdy, bul Co<.r.w and aff lie wlllcr a lot of pn,ssun, ID foall iD OD 101DO l!llhole -, m 1h11 is wllat wc 1R Fial IO do l:.t1 oig!L (il) CouacilMemberBndlbaw: I. She aid Mr. Wboeleban bad c:alJcd her also about lbe issua DD LiaJe Dry Cnd<. Sbo said Ibo -down l'lcre aad loom! 111d 1here 11e mme of thole that Ibo -.Id rally queslic,a Ibo locatioD. She said we :ad ID lid n ·,Dy Clldillly 1111-. Reganlin& Ibo cnlSllcaD 1h11 is dowD tbae, ii ii c:utc, but Ibo aid she does DOI !mow bow 10 deal witb 1h11, ualcu ,.., put oometbiDg ml.id wi~c ii ID ""P tbe movemelll. it is pr<tly sharp, Ibo ar=l At. far 11 map, wboa lha1 wa1er r.acbca a cataia poia~ I.xi we.,. dcalia& with a 100 year flood, then: are Safeway bmds down then: aad all kinda o< SIUll; aaytbiag CID become I ,.,.._ Sbo aid wc a= ID just be cardul aad Ilk ml! 10 lid iDIO Iha. She aid sbc fiDds it iDlelaliD&, art bu 10 be a lll8IUr of opiainn, from some ur Ibo lhiags Ibo 1111 ooea dowD then:. 2. Sbo dlallbd Cliril ObOD aad Code l!afFallCIII for being ., respomive ID some of tbe dilfemit addl...,. 1h11 she 1111 IUIDCd iD. Sbo aid Ibo rally apprcciala tbll. l. Sb, aid sbe Jct her cllll go early the aip,l dM.y !.id Natioaal NiJl>I Oul, so m.: got ID lbe place over iD Ibo 4100 blodl 011 South Dclawllc, m Ibo got ID II least ooe poup and also ID ODO group iD her odpbomood. 4. Sbc aid. Ibo .bad• IIIOClia& las week witb Dom Cm,fonl, City Maaapr Sean, Dira:IOr Simj)IDD and Aais1aD1 City Manager Flabaty, ID do_,. braimlormwg OD wbal ID do with Ibo RTD issue, and II= ii ii allOldy tab,, can, of. Sbo said lllfl' did I good job, She aid Ibo will be meeting with Kalhleell MacK.n:ic, Ibo DOW repaoDlllive from Denver. They plan ID bave luadl IIClll v.uk ID talk aboul poa:'bly I joiDt VCIIIUrO down 1here iD tbal...., maybe balf Ille maiDlawlce fadlity iD Eaglcwood and half iD Deaver, or II least take a look II lhll, ~ &be, too, ii vay coaoemcd IIJoul Ille light lllil corric.'or r od bow Ibo c:hancUr bas changed. • • !qlewoodC>yCouacil Allplll6,1999 PaplJ (ill) Council Member Otlzulis: O• J,,JW(;,'l!3'°1j V"i J Ji;u• u'- ~lo;... I. She aid lbc -to ICYall plherillp far Natioaal Nishi Out 111d hu j1III UJII ol tbiap lhll people ,poke to ber about. She aid lbc will po & fffl ll each mcdin&-Sbo aid it WU bnJupt up II ber o,,a block i-ty lhll tbere ia lbc COIICRlc banier tbcre ~ LiacolD 111d Broodway, betwccll lbc bu&IDesa, 111d lbc llllllbolc -ia IUlmlll quite lipiflc:lally. 'Ibe lady wbo IIIClllicDod k aid tbe lul time they tried to ftx it lbere ""'a bis liak bole ... tbere 111d 1bcre WU IIGlmlll boldiq up lhc pipe. ii WU all bare llOUlld ii and they _. jua ijOlag to pour ....:relCOYCr ii, lbcaid. n,, lady ia aiiaid lhllwugou,s to baj,pcaapln. 2. Anolbcr lady brousbl up lbe boom boxes, Ms. Grazulia aid, 111d she told ;..,, if it ia ia & moving car, wbal lbe lqiJlltioa ia OD lllal. WIim lbe car ia pubd, and it ia oaly IIIOd u l radi r she asked if lherc ia &aylhina 1h11 Clll be doDc lbaul lllal. 3. Ml. Graz:ulia aid tbere _. some tbiap btougbt up aboul codes ror home addilioa, espedally clec:tric:al, lbc CG111WDCY oltllc code ollk:al lhll ..-... to look""" Ibo dcclrica1. ClDe palOII will 1,c1 out lhci, ~ llick lllld .-ber 1111 willjUII nlk by ud-, itia liDe, lbc aid. ClDe lady ml it bu COIi ber lclll ol maaey, &lid wbm lbc dlaqbt 1h11 berprojcct wu doac. l0IDCbody ebe come ia and aid no, you bm: to rip it.,._ So, """ aid. tbcre ia a"""""" OYCr consislalcy 1tithia 1h11-. She ia Soils to get back wilh me reprding mmeo ia ::..ara. Ma. Gamlia llaled. City Mamp Scr,n ,~ •~ wo rwly ooly have one dcc:trical impector. Ms. Gnzuli1 said lherc were two pcoplc 1h11 Cll,."10 out. Mr. Scan aid tbere m,;y have beal. IIICdlanioll illllpoctor aad Olbcn. 4. She aid lhc W-.i Wd..-Wcdt l'lnde ia plioa to be Allpll 21• &lid tbcre will be a lot ol Eaglcwood pcoplc ia 1h11 lllo. 5. Tlloy are goiDs to have-.. Dqx,t pqp lllc 11111 Ma. Gnnlil aid lbc II p,ioa to be ill c:llarp ollhlll, _, itll)~V hu aayd,ias far ale, apociaUy old itana. die~ be~ to pick tban up. She aid lbc bu Seplember 10, II &lid 12 u !he -far tbia ia ber daylims, M lbc Ima c:oalllct, _, lbc will have to l,d back :o Couacil wilh lbe dllca. b. R<prdias lbc trallic alignmmt OD Tulis, Couacil Member aid it WU 1101 nocmarily lbc 8""" 11111W ah< wu Joakias 11, but pcrtiai,o-ol• alp wilh a lllli&bl 11111W 111d a 111m. Now with ICllaol llllllqapin, cvceybody goea 1luaup tbere to like !heir cl>ildrcD to SiDcllir, lince tba. is a liabl, they all bead :ana tbc 111ec: lhcrc. She md that •. a place ,.... tbere ia a lat ol delay, juA boCluoc oobody Jaiows, wbell they i.c !heir left, wbicl'. lane they lllouJd be ill. So you br,e pooplc Soils lllalpt ill bolh laacl &lid poaplc llkills & Jell: or a ript ill bolh lanes, 11111 1h31 CID be bazatdoul, lbc aid. It ia 1101 aeccsarily Ibo JrCC11 am,w, lince lbc IIUdy did 1101 Wllllllll lhal. but jUA mmc type or rcolignmcal pcm1111. She lllowod that lbc did 1101 know it it -.Id be poaiblc. (iv) Couacil Member Woac-llkal, 011 lhc me,,.., Co,IIICiJ received 6om City Altonlcy Broaman reprding lhc lloonl "'Adjmlmc,ll lllld Appcall aw>i•IDWIIS it it ia only thal boon! lhll bu • conllict. City Auomoy BRJIZIDID aid ,.., .. it you appoiJlt -to 1h11 board, they can DOI be OD any Olhcr boud. All Olbcr lunll are dear. Mr. Wqgoncr ukcd it...,, lbe Plam>iJJ& ~ 1.ollillg Commission wu clear, lince it says aboul lbe same lhiD&-Mr. Broczm&n aid 1h11 ii a lialc bit dill'cm11, aad !here wu adllally a previous opinioo oo lbc PJanniag &lid 1.oDias Commiaioa that you could be m multiple boards. This must DOI have been ia writing, but !here wu pmoioua opinioa, 111d lbc pcnon 1h11 wu p,Ued oil wu Cari Wclkcr, be wu p:Uod oll' or other boards Mell be ci-lbe llolld ol AlljllllJDCllt &lid Aj,pcats. Mr. W&ll(lDCr said lhcn we are all right exccp1 ror lhc lloud ol Alljllllmelll &lid Appca1I. Cow,ciJ Member Gt&zulia ukcd if lbe lad) Wbo WU appoiDlcd to all ol lhooc bu IJlldc l cho»ce. City Altonlcy Broaman llld, wilh Council'• 000.1<111, they would talk to ber &nd aoc which..,. she wants to be on. l!qJnood Clry Cowlcil o' Mlplll6,1999 l'lpl4 l ;-) Council Member Habcnicbl : I. She llid we g.,ve the Mayor our CODICIII ID ,occ II lhc Mcuo Mayon ' CallCUI. Mayor 8111111 Ilic! c:onaa1 WU given ror Ms. Haben.'cbl ID WIC II DRCOG allO. 2. She diJlribulcd her .:'Ml.. rq,ort. l. She aid she enjoyed N, tioaal Nishi Oul. She ,aid she lllldc ii ID 1M places and she n1 rally lllllprisod lhal the lllaldaacc WU hl,;bcr Iha.• ii bas been beftft. Poople were feeling rally good about the coaunaaity, !lie 111d. Mayor Bums aid be went to live li.•I L;gh~ andooe thing be nn inlo apia w. .iic i,n,blcm ofhouliag. A, families pow in Englewood, and they ; ·• ,e more children in the school disUict, how do they impnM their home. He said be lllkcd ID t.bcm about lhc Rthao Loan Program. Cowicil Member Brsddiaw uked who ii on lie Scbool-<:ity Ioilll Commiu.... SIie uked lftbe Eaaie-,d Scbooll Fc,JDdllioo CID own Jl"'PCIIY . Thll miglll be lh<JthcrMy ID look II supplyinati:mpollry bausiasfur-peaple. she aid. Mayor Bums opiA,d tbll k would be .... to bave ID cducllioall pucca lhnlup lhc sci>:.ola tbclmcl\w ..i to tbe pllCIIII, boc:ause Ila! ii when: you ""this qucslion COIISIIDlly about DOI WUUIII IO :,...,/t., ,ac1 tbc :'lmily "' FIiiai blgcr. He said I , lady be wu lllting to, who WU bolling one o(the partica, aid ~ hi'' Jlbd about redalq the p,agc aad Ihm iamng lhc cir ill Ind, they were tryin& every way ill the world :, ..xpan,! d!eir home ao they c:oald Illy ill Enp:wood, bc:caulc they love tbc school dilttict and the city they ..., ill and the block they ..., on, they know evceybody. It ii I clmic problem. 'Mill ID do about bousillg. be said. Ciry Manager Sears said they an, ~ to be SdlUIII up wil~ the ...,. Supcrilllcldcot or Schools. He said be would llad OUI about it Ml. BOldsbaw aid it would be good tr, o&r ID cducalional program lb, principals. 10 they are ....,.. of the propms lhll we have, bocaulc we ..., doing a lot o( things. bul DO ooe ii Idling the pooplc. Mayor Bums aid be aaended the Safely Sctvices annual awards dinner lul 'lbundlly, hlch wu a lot o(fun. Tbcrc IIO pal people in the Safety Sctvices Dcpanmclll, be aid. The acxt aiglll, be ILd, a lady got c:auglll ill lhc dcvlllor o(his building with bet small aoa 111d wu ringing the alum on the inside. II WU about 10:00 p.m. and t,y lhc time be got out there, the fin: pmDIIIICI were already there and alrcady bod than ou1 o( the elevator. He said be could DOI believe bow wt they n:spoodod to that Cowicil Member llabcnicbl COll11DCllllid 1h11, 11 lhc T<1d Talk 00 1bc 2J", we an: also bononng and U,,Jlldng all of our vol....,.,. ror boanls andcummislioas. Mayor Bums said lhc event would be froll" 6:0010 l:OOp.m. ll. Oty Muqu'1 Report (a) City Manager Sean said Lhcn: will be a Tri-Cities mcctins on tbc 2'16 ill the momin1 . (b) City Manager Sean said we had, also, 11 part or resolution, put 10Bcthtra ldlerlD Ahmad Pml rcpnlins the Regional Tnnsportllion Dwict. In lightof1hi1 cveains's c:ommms, he asked ifi1 would be best 1h11 we bold olJ oendins his lctt<r ID RTD . • • l!qlewood Ck)' Council A!lplll6,1999 l'lpl5 Mayor B111111 llid lit -id .. ia favor ollOadiq tho lcaer llllladvilinl tbll we haw molillued lllil ma.1« • 11111 "'cu-" .......,.-...11_,,aludoa. II mddnmiad lhemapioofall thoia.llll aadplaaaiaa,., 111w doae for this lile. Couucil Member llabcnlcbl llid tbe MRlld l'kc for the lcUcr IO expraa our gralit\Klc for~ 11. i.:.,,..Ua aJ11W11, aad rdlallina IDIIIO oltbo dliap be llid tbll were peniaenl IO Ill. City Mana,cr San albd ii Council or the Mayor sllou1d sip tbo lcucr, 01 ii it should oe under I.J lipalun:. Council Mombcr W■--llid ID jua II)' "CGwlcil bu ukcd ... •. Council Mcmbet: llnldsbaw aid llbe tlaiab 1h11 we have rel-... IO lillal by IOID< people down lhae, ud Ille foela ii ii impollaDI IO II)' ii cwry way we CID. Mayor Bwu aid be 1llkcd IO City Malllp:r Scan about Ibis and be thought II least l'ic Mayor sbould lip, or maybe the whole Council, bul the whole Council may be a liltlc bit much right now su,a: we continued lbil, bul, whalewr you MRlld 1iJu, 10 do. Council Member Bradshaw aid okay, but tbo letter shr uld go down there. Mr. Scan aid -lboul tho Mayor ud Manapr, and ii would p. IO Cal Mandia. Cow, J agreed. (c) City Maapr Scan llid we did haw a -•ng earlier Ibis CYCllial and tbon: aro ccr1aiD dliap 1h11 aro aoiDB OD II the lile ol the CilyCailcr dnclopmcat. Ono ;, ia tbo signed dnc:umcllll tbll we b will, Wal• Mai~ lbal tho doaia& rip!-ii fmllli>ody ""up for Scplcmbcr m•. 'lbal ii the dale we aro all aboaling for aad C\'Cl}'lhln& loab 1iJu, we ahould be able IO -lhll U.. frame, be r.id. Socondly, we have lipod, • ollhll OYeDing, the C01111¥1 (or Su,d,n Cmmuoliaa Coa,paay llll!wit ►. SkipMillerm tbll tho SJ5 mlllioa wwd,o( unpnMIIICIIII wJ aJ14im1o OD a Tbe..,...,,..,. apcllaout i!::!'laundl:n' CODlllll:t c:111 be aaiplblc IO tbeCky ii lhae ii IOGIC dlange ill tho ftmR, be aid, but ■ Ibis point ill time ,be a,nblll:t ii signed 1111d we do pn,a:al will, a guarlDIO<d DOI IO exceed price. Tbe Calcoa c-uaioa..,...-na lipod cm FridllY by EBF and CaJa,n, 1111d work ii IDOYing right 11-1 cm the Foley's nidfMlopmoll', a. •bole '1roe atta1 are IIIOYing, be llid. (d) City Mampr Scan advilcd tbal IOa,gbl lhen: wu propoocd by the City a moisioa IO the Muler Devdopmcm All=l, ii WU a black-liued copy. lluic:ally, 0113 .6, be said, ii exlcadl lhe limo for Miller/Wcinpna, IO pacnl a plan bock ID lhe City, ia conjundioa with Forost City, liam Augual 31• tD Scpccmber Jo" with aDOlher po1a11ia1 CXlmlioa 10 OctDbcr 15, 1999. Allolbcrkcy clement ii ill Section 4.1 , 11:on: ii a dilCuaion about llquidalm damapL Tbe City cum,lllly baa a liquidal<d damages IIDOUDI lbraugb RTD for WM[ IO be complclcd 011 lhe lilO and the City wl be IIIIWDiD&, lbraugb Ibis agrccmcn~ a lbinl ol 111)' payable IIIIOWII IO RTD, be said. It ii the n,commcndalionoltbe allOmey a.-.151111: 10 keep us on scbedulclllld move lhe pn,ject ahead, 1h11 the Council apec IO the propoocd change U given W yw Ulis CVClllllli 00 lbc Maslcr Devdopmcnl .,,.._ COUNCU, MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO DOU:.CT THE ENGLEWOOD ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATIO!'I TO SIGN THE MASTER DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. Ayes : Nays: The molion earned. Council Mcmbcn Nabholz, Garmt, Bradshaw, Waggoocr, Grazulia, Buma Council Member Habenicht Council Mcmber Habcnidll explained her nay voce. She said ii ii based primarily OD lb■ ,.. already apecd IO a "1UICr dcvelopCT lglOCDIClll lllld Ille just W1D11 IO e,au a strong SlalCrnCJ1I lhat we need IO be moving quickly, and sbe just docs DOI"'° why we have ID have IIIOlber delay . 14. City AllorDey'I 11,,port (a) City AIIOmcy BrotzdlaD said be bu cmc item relative IO lbc inilialive petition lhat wu pwod. Tbc aDonk'Y for lhc pclitionas. be advised, lbc plaintiffs ill lbat case, have sent us a <lipulalion IO dismia lbc cue with each sioc paying com . He rcqucslCd a motion 10 sign that stipulation. Bnpwoaci Clty CoullclJ AU&Ulll6, "99 Plpl6 It ,u,({J (; •, U0//1<> n l J bl rw:'JJ.. I r'I COUl'ICILMIMBUIJWISIIAWMO\ID,AHDffWASDCONJID,TODIUC'l''IBS•CffY AffOilUY TO SIGlf A S11PULATIOl'f TO DISlll!lS 11111 JIIDnGll'IDIJlfflATIVJ: CASI, WITH IACHSmlPAYJNGC0STS. 1• Ayes: Cauncil MemlJcn Nallbo1z, Gama, Bndlbaw, Habenic:111, WlgOllllr, Omulil, ... Nays: Nia The molloo canied. (b) City Aaomeyllnllzmmaldbewillbellklag a\<ICldoa, m, at the Sqadl,7, 1999 0acll moellng, Assl511Dl Clty AIIDnley Reid will be IUiDa Ills pllce. . Council Mnllllcr w._ said,~ the ardiaa 1D11ipt that"" bad ca die Hibl nil, beeallced .. place in thae when: CityCcnla' bad l si-in it lie aid WC lhould be ial carcfill wbm 1'0 start writing ontinanceL Cauncil Member Bradshaw aid lbe lllaapt 11-"lw', not "la". Dlreclar Si.mpeoD .... that CityCa,la mdcd wilh "ta". 15. Adjounuoarl MAYOR BURNS MOVID TO ADJOtlJIN, 'IIIO ~· -adjoumod at &:JO p.m. ~-~ Deputy City Cl • • •