HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09-07 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • I. Call to Order INGUWOOD aTY COUNCIL INGUWOOD, AIIAPABOI COUNTY, COLORADO llqllluS-- Tho nplar 1DOC1inJ aClbe Enpcwood City Council,.. Cllled to onlw by Ma;w Bunut 7:40 p.m. 2. ~ Tho illwc:llioa -gi>cn by Cow,ciJ Member Nabbolz. 3. PleqeolADealuu Tho Pled,o aC Allcgian<..l wu led by Mayor llumL 4. ..Cal l'laclll: . CouncilM<mbcnNallllolz, Gnmlil,llladlllaw,HabeDic:bl, w_...., Bwm Ablalt: Council Mcml>u Olma A qaorua wu p,amt. Alllliu-: Clty~Sem Aai.-Cil)'AuomcyRllid City Clc,t Ellil Dinlctor5mii-,Ncigllbollloodllld8--Dc..ios-,,t l!agi--,MaalllrKahm Dilector G,yaJewicz. Ploacill 5'nica Dilector Rool, Public Wons Dim:tor Poado, Ulililica Dil=lor Bliek, Parks aad a.a.alion (a) COUNCIL MDllllll BllADSBAW MOVID, AND IT WAS SICONDID, TO APPllOVI THI M'N1lTIS or THI IIEGIILAll MUTING or AUGUST 1,, 1"9. Council Maabcr Bndshaw DOlal ,be , ound a error cm pqe 9, ill the buap:. IOIJII i-tlJIPh, about two- lhirds aClbe 1'1)1 down. It IWIS wiili U,owonl aid ... ·aid. aad I have to work will> you IO t.bol,.. do co~yaur plans." Ms. llradabu aid it just docm'I lllllte ICIIIC. She suggcsled usiDg lbe won! what illllCld aC tbal or "lhal what" we du. COUNCIL MDIBIR BllADSHAW OPFEREll 1P.E CORlllCl'JON AS AN AMENDMENT TO BIR MOTION. Votenalll: Ayes : Nays : Council Mcmbcn Nabbolz. Bnmbaw, Habaw:111, w.,,,,,,.,, Gazu1il, Bun,a None Aboent: r ounciJ Member r-.,-.a Moliou carried llllU tho rninUICI _. •'~ M COffllC!ed. 6. Scbeduled ViJlton Then: were no scbcdul..S visiton. 7. Noo-tdlclllllcd Vhlton Mayor Bumi DOied that .. -.-i people bfte signed up lo ,peak liJcMII poop llomes. lie ldYlad 11111 this is a maw,rthat Council will lake up ina a,uple of weeks and Ibey thought it might be helpful lllllac:owtlly 1o have a llalf member advise the IOlidcall u to where wc arc in thia ;:.oa:ss. So, Mayor Bllma aid, be WIS going lo call OD Bob Simpson, our Diroctor of Neighborhood and Business o..dopmcn~ lo just IIY I few wonk about where Council is in the process of reviewing our ordbwx:a on this subject. (a) Diroclor SimplOG DOied wc beard from this neighborhood this 1111 w<d< and M were aware Ibey might be in allaidance toaigbt. lie said be wanted lo provide COWICil with some llld<grnuad OD this group home nnlinan0c. Al thcy 1111)' be......., be 111d, -bcpn m,ew of the exilliag ~ ordinance lllrting in Jamwy of this year with the Planning and 1.oning Commiaion. In Man:h M met with City Council II I Study Session. They continued lo receive illput 11111 bepa lo pu1..,... ID onliDanoe that, ially, WU I balanoo betwecll a,mmunity objectives for I more llringcnt """"'onliDanoe 11111 the Fcdenl Fair Housing laws. 1'lle goal,• be nails,_ ,o imiDlaiD a vr:,y good neighborhood cbaraclcr, pnJl«:t inlqrity and pro4c<:I the neigbl,orl,ood qualities thal WC value m highly here in Englewood. And again, be said, "" I-sod lo make ...., that"" were bolancing 1h11 against the Fodaal Fair Hoosing laws. Whal WC did, be advi,ed, W11 prq,arc ID onliDanoe that be believe, bqilll ID dn - of that and it wu ill lront of the Plam!iDg 111111.oning Commission early ill JUDC and it was continued appoximatdy lhrcc timcl lo respond lo a loc of the input Ibey hlYe beard from l'llnnillg and Zonillg and the community and lo ,-araully rcooardl the lcpl illucs that .-.-,jlled with this kind of ordinance. Mr. Simpson pointed ou, that it is a vr:,y difficult ordinmce ID pa ill ID place. Bocaulo, be advised, one of the thinp they llnd that is c."'1emdy 1mpo.-with this 1. thal we dn DOI want lo bm: this kind of ordiDanco ovcnumed an legal u.:lulicalitiea. lie rcilaaled that they feel it ii ~ lo make sure that WC protccl the ncigbborbood'I inlqrily and uphold lbc SIIDdanll tJf all cilium acrosl the boud. Ultimately, ill Au~ that ordinance WIS~ by Planning and Zonillg and is scheduled for considcralioo before Council as a Study Scssi011 item and a lint reading of the ordinanc:c on September 20•, which ii ill two weeu. So Coum.'il will i..e the opportunity to ..., whal bas developed over thcsc many months and provide commeut and further dircc:1ion. The public bearings for these ordiDanccs arc llill scheduled and the public e111 come and comm<DL So, be ootal, tberc will be plenty of opportunity for public commcal. It ii our goal to bm: lhis onliDancc in place by the end of the year. We beli..e, be said, that the-, existing ZDDiDg ordinaace docs DOI adoquatdy pr.-the c:banda-and quality of our neighborhoods and that ii exactly wlly M bcpn this proc:aa. WIid ... also_,., ii that WC belicw tberc needs lo be further im'Clligation of this por1icuJar problem area, which be thought the rcsidcnu were here lo talk lo CounciJ -toniglll. DirT "Simpmcl-Ibey bcllevc it ii actually, pcrbapc, -than simply I ZOllillg ordinallcc rclatal islUe and IIClllllly ocedl lo be looked II ftom I public nui......, standpoinl He said be believes that the City 51111" and the organi.,ation arc moving ill Iha! dittdion and arc lool<iug iDto that. He advise,! be would be available for qucsti001. (b) Dawn Davis said lbc bad mmc infonnation padr.cts to pw out to C,iuncil . She tlalCd she lives in the 3500 block of South Corona Slrccl. First. she said. she 1rould like to thank all of the COWICil members, City offirials and City employees she has talked lo. Ms. Davis stated they have all been very helpful lo her in gathering information. She, as pan of a group of neighbors calling thcJnscM:s Cilium Cmcemcd Ahou1. Group Living Faci.litiea. is here to'.igbt lo make Council aware of very serious ?rnblcms Ibey arc baVing in the 3500 block of South Corona Strecl IDd the 3500 block of South Ogden • Stn:et Ml. Davis IWed that bctwccn May of 1996 and August al 1999 there have becn 333 calll for • • la&kwlCldCltyCoudl Septeaber7,19" ... , , Jbo :,q nda: ij"'Z ~ ·~•i eaviceforlllcl!npwoodPolicoDcputmmt to Ille live addlaNI on Soulh Coroaa Slreetcalliaa themlclvea Community C:-. She empbuiud tbat lbe did ay 333 calls for scrvlc:c. Commualty C..11 I puup liwtC flcility for hlJubled )'Olllh. 1bo$C: calls ... flom IIIDIWIYI and mllliq ~ lo amub, ..._,jlmaile wilh a llnil'e, dimat,o,xa, fipl&, load aoilc,juvenile out alCOIIIIOI, crimhill mlll:blef, IDelllpl II IUldde ud-al the ..... IIIOD. Al, you can imqine. she said. WC illve IIWlli -Daily theso youdll are coqiqatiaa OD our-. OD our alley and in f'root of our homm. Uader .,. IIDOkiq is I huge poblcm llae. On cauntlcu oa:asiOIII Ibis hu led to arguma,11 llld llpa in lllo lln'Ct llld alley. She <XJIIIIIICllled thal it is her understanding Iha! these youths an: DOI pamiaed to 1111111b 011 the prcmisel. We arc rally fed up 1'ilh lhe vile languqi, used by lhcse youths when lhey ,pi!I out into our 5IRCII smoking, she said. It ljlpOlll lhll these youths an: allowed to do an)tbing they want wllaicver lhey want and proper supervision is DOIi cxislont. She .wed wc an: fed up wilh these youths congrepting, lllloldng, lin,ring, using foul lanpagc, DOI moving outoflho SIIOCI to allow cars to pus, figblillgand in (ICDCia1 aaling a public nuisance. Parking is another cona:m Several times I have seen people who have busiDca at Ibis group living fltility, drive by at least throe open parking spaces in f'root of i~ tumll\."1Ddin my driveway and iotootiooally putt away ftom lhe facility OD lhe opposite side of lho stn,et. Wby don't lhclC people want to putt in froat of Community Can:s, she asked. On many occ:asioo •• visiton to 11111 facility have pultcd in froat of our driveways bloc:ldog III iii or oul Ms. Davis Stalal it...,... lhll Ibis group liWll facility, u a wbolo, bu no n,spocl or coosidenlioo for our ocigbborbood, papa1y or raidenll. She 1101111d Iha! 10111C ol theso youlba are physically large and inlimidaling. Some lR cldlMt and IIIOII appear to have an IUlllxlc lbal lhey own the neighbolbood. 'Ibis bas led some olour neipbon to be fcarfill or rctalillioa by shoddias ligbl 011 these problems. It bas 11km a lot al a,urqe for each or .. to come forward llld pnllClll lhcoc poblcms to you. 1'bcldole, sbc said. I ult all of you to take theso iaa very acriously. ID tlOliDg, sbc lllid, we, the "Citm:as Coaccrncd Ahoul Group Living Facililiel," bave adootcd a zao tolcnnte policy c:ooccming lhclC problems 011 Soulh Corona and Soulh Ocl,m Slreeta. Ml. Dl , advised that WC have uk,d lhe Englewood police to adopt I Z1C10 tolClllllCC policy and 1111" yo,&, U City officials and .,,.,ioyocs. to join ,. and adopt a zao tolerance policy for the City oll!aglcwood. Well dooc, Council Member Bradshaw said. (t) William Fuchs llid be lives at 3539 Soulh CorOlla Street, which is ~ly to the aoulh ol the Community Cares Facility 011 Corona. lie .wed tbat be pcnonally kepi a log wbco it siartal, when lhey lint moved in lherc, bul be ...i1 at 35 phone call s to lhe police. lie bas been in contact 1'ilh lhe Community Cares pccplc and be bas lbcir phone number ocxt IO bis ~hone. Mr. Fuchs Stalal that be c:ontacts !hem two times, or be bics to depending on lhe severity of what is going on, be calls them .., r1'ico before be even contacts lhe police. So be docs tty IO deal 1'ilh them neighbor IO ocigbbor, be said, and lhal bas golttn him no sua:css whatsoever. There are can speeding up and down lhc street and liltcring. He DOied be scooped up two shovels filll of cigarcllC bulls in front bis house just lhe olhcr day. Swearing at be and bis Mfe. lie stated be coosidm Iha! uoaa:cptal,le, cspocially at bis 1'ifc, 1h11 be can put up 1'ilh a little bit of it Ms. Fuchs advised 1h11 be bu penooally been uaullal and bis glasses broken. Thcrc are lhffats and when be does call lhc poliClc, !hero is R:laliatioo. His c:ar bas been keyed, bis windows have been broken. lie said be can 'l (1111\'C exactly who did i~ bul be bas a lilirly good idea. He bas two clop and be bas caught kids throwing rocb and wu:racl<a111 bis dogs. poking them lhrough the rcoce 1'ilh llicb,just tcasiog lbcm. Mr. Fuchs DOied be bas bad complaiau, the police coming by because bis dogs aro balking. Well, be staled, tbat is wb~ lhey are barking. because they an: being teased constantly. The prior people wto lived in Iha! building. be said, before lhe Community Cares Facility moved in. loved bis dogs. lhey were great watcbdogs ID have lrolllld the oci~rhood and be never bad a problem. Mr. FucbJ DOied the graffiti stancd j .. after lhey IDOVed in and ii is always after lhe police have come. on bis instigalioo, and be is the ooly ponoo who gell graffiti in lhe whole ocigbbo,bood. He said be has painted bis shed three times . And lheo the vandalirm. which be said be bas already mentioned. Mr. Fuchs .wed it is 8dtiD& out of control, it is dcvaluatiog bi,1 property. The kids arc out in lhc street, bis friends are afraid ID come over ID bis bousc, be said, and be C,lll't silout and cojoy a barbotuc. It i• becoming inlOlcrablc, be said. ad be just waotr ., .o bring it ID Council's allelltion. laate,,eNCltyCoadl Sepkallct 7, lttf .... (dJ Jamee Colcmln, mo Soutll PennsylYlllia street. said thal. lroaic:ally, 1h11 tlad of 1e1 tbe Ill&< for Ilia !Opie IOlllat,t lllher well. Toclaa,. be Aid, be wu app,,,acbiq Chy Council 'tridi- qucsliolll llld COIICCllll in hope oloeetina-jusliftcaliCII of the Council'I ICIICIII. Tbe IClloloi :if DOI lp!IIOYing or .... caWna a llOCIIIDd on Ille qe roduclloa to t1111 for City Council . He ...i dlllaae qua1ion be bu lolliaJil ii why would tbe City Cow,cll ofEo&lewood shoo( dawn mcb a bill dlll woald help Englewood reach out to it'I Gm X c:idzem aad mab tbem feel I part al the poli1ical Clllll..tly'I Doing IUdl, be lllled, can help clolC Ille brae pcnlioD pp that ii very apparent berc inl!Dpwood. Sa:ond, wbcu "" Ille Ila time a Council __, approacbcd or talked to a group al :,ow,., people 111d dilCUIIOd tbe impollaDCC of gelling iDYolwd ill tbe commuaity or Mm voling? Mr. ~ ._. dlll be bu, lincc hi: lul vllit berc aad tbe aaly rapoue be l'll0CMd back "" "why ... look what~ to you when you a,ipn,ocbod City Council, Ibey obviOlllly doa't care llbout our ga,onlion orwba we bave to ,ay." He said all be cndd do ""qroe 111d....,. 111cm that bi1 experience ill Colonldo SIIM ....,.,_ aad national govommont ill Wubinglon, O.C. shows that DOI all levels of our govcmmenuredlllway. He CX')laiacd that lowcriug the r;ge llmit to serve on City Council was an ancmpt to help mab tbe l!llllowDod City Council, DOI only a Uale more divene, but more dllcicnt in IOIVing all al tbe CXJIIIJIIUOity. Slldl a clcci5ion should bave aad llill should be left to the citmns, be opined. But now tbe da:ilion dill is left up to tbe commuaity this November, ii wbo is going to remain in office. Mr. Cole."11111 aid be baa &itll tbal tbe rcside!U c/Eoglewnod will WIii! ..-no is going to respect tbelr Judaa-1111 na1 .,_ iL It is tbe people of Englewood wbo have the rigbl to dlClllc tbe age llmiL be said. He !.lid be would really love mmc fccdbldt if II all possible. Council Member Clllzulil said she bad a COllllllem 111d lhll ii just what sbe bad kind of dilaluod previously. Sbe adviled thal she docl na1 hlYe aay 1-with die 21, except lhll Ibo dtillb perl,lpl he lbould serve CII mme of our cnmmitleel, .,.,. cl our advisory commtu,,cs 10 that he am get., undenlloding al the Oty. Sbc COIIIIIIClllcd lhll lbe realba be -away for ICllool, 10 he-.... oat oftbe 111111: b awbilc aad sbc lhougbl !hit ifbe wu goin8 ID be \'Oling on IUCh 1-!bat have lml • lllacbcd to tbem thal pcrU!'I he lhould be aware al; or have bad relll or mortgage ..-taxa, lhinp thal a 21 year old ... ...,.. lib yo,, have bad all tbeoc expericncea, bowever, she tbiDb lhllhe,-la to lclrnalllllc more and part or tNI 11 by SCIVing witllin tbe City on the advisoiy commitll>cS aad ..., alway1 have openings, twice a ytar for those commia.cs. Mr. Coleman IIIWI t wu ironic that she says that bcc:alllC be i, 20 yan old aad be is a penonal baker. He said be bandlel people ·, finallccs, mortppl every day. So, he ,aid, you don't have to be 25 to bandle ti-things. Ms. Gmulil noted thal i11111e, llldsbe also ... wcll , she said, she won't ga tberc now, bat lbe would speak to him aftenwds regarding something regarding thaL Mayor Bums advised that normally Council docl DOI comment during this period of ,;ur agenda. People come up and ,ay what they want for the live minllll • and then if Council bas a topic they want to punue Ibey do it -..;th llalf or II a Study Session. 11111 10 people understand lhal, he Aid, thal oonnally Ibey do DOI have a dlaloguc II this poinL bcc:alllC it is na1 port or their agenda to do so . Mayor Bwns asked if ID)'Dnc on Council bad a commeot now, as Ms. Gnzuiis bas made one. Council M<mber Bradshaw slakd sbe IIIOYOd IL Mr. eo,, ...... acknowledged thal be knows she did and he appreciates thal. Mayor Bums advised Mr. Coleman !hit Council :apprecillel him coming and niising this issue Jpia and be -sure It -.ld be coming up befo,e Council apin. He said he thinks it ii an intaaling iauc 111d m imporWII issue and Ibey should probll>l y rcaddrca ii sometime in the future. Council M<mber Grazu1is said she wanted to rcila'lle that she thinks that volWJtcering for them advilory commia..., tberc arc many and..., alwayl have openings, that would be a sure fire way of puttitlg his foot in the door. She slalal Ibey arc also imponant with their decisions. • • • la...,_. City Coudl lleplmller7,1999 .. 5 Mr. ColemH lhlnkocl Couoci1 for their lime. (e) Sue PaalOll lhlaud Couoci1 • ~ Sbo advilOd lhal she lives OD lhc 3500 blac:k of Soulll Colom in Eapwood aad Ibo bu lived in bcr homo a du-cc yan. She sw..l Ibo ii bae lallipl IO voice bcr coaoen,a aad p,obleml lbol Ibo bu bad for lhc put llne ycan in liwia OD lhc ame block u Comaaily Cua. ML.....,_ aed 11111 ber pimary job ii 111 llmDd aad moy day abc .-w,y hlUllal, bec:allle 99% ollhc clop lhal irbe c:aaa in COlllaCI wilb.., Ullllly out ol COlllnll. Alld lhca me nallzce lier 1D1Ct lhouJd DOI be dinlcled II Ille dop, bul II 1111 OWIICl'I wllo hlYc liiled IO diacipliDe Imm. Sbo u1411be llllds, lloaically, tba1 Ibo ii in lhc CXICI 1111111 polilioD ia ber bomc life, Uvin& ia die - black U Comaulil)' Cua. A ..... ol leCal wllo -IO lack ay fOlm al aupervilloa, diaclplillc or nilel 10 liw by. Ma. 1'IClr-. :::11111 tbal Ibo hclim:o mo}' citizm ii emillod IO camc boaJc after I bani daya Mn, .,_t ia froal ol their '"'11 i.-, ,pcDd time ill their '"'11 yud, DIil faria& IO hlYc their lllimala outside and pl I good, l'Cld'ul niaJu sleep. BUI, ,be said, livin& in tbia neipborbood. these pleum'es aad IIOCCllilioll llaYe become impossible. Sbo said Ibo can 't !di Couoci1 how illlimidatiac it ii bciJl11 lliqlc Mlllllll aad alna thc follllwin& ICIMlia goilla oa. A poop of-1y lDCII boys, loilCriaa oa die sidewalk and llrOel, 1111old111 cipn,ae after cipRt1c, NIIIWII up 111d dawa Ille llrOel, FlliDc into llat,u. lllilla pn,fanilics. llickina dawa lhc r-. pomcllillc the mil box, bnalwl& ...... boala, tllnlupou . die day, tile cwaiag aad inlo the bedlime lloun, day after day, IIIOlllballor ~ ■-1,,_ after year. I ,!a, PctalOll aid irbe doca aac appncilll bcrdmcway bciDa blocbd aidou may ocx:uiou aac llavin ,1 a pi-to .,_tin ftoal olmy OWD bome. And, abc aid, Ibo doelll'I uadenlud how lbiDp -to .«iato bip pr over lbere 11 9:00 p.m. a nipl, !lie time • ..... IO bod, *-die bu IO awakca 115:00 LIii. Sbo ul4 obc ii rally lin,d ol-wllo, by all~ -to be wapcrvilod, any t.lmol obviCIUlly out of c:oalJOI, ddenniniD& her lifalylc, Ille quality of bcr lifc ... i-much sleep • pll, how much liucr is in bcr yard, wbal irbe can enjoy a day or an cvcaing oullidc with bcr clop and fed ute. Ms. "-- llid lhc bu lived Ibis way for lhnlo ycan and Ibo docs DIil illlCDd IO liw like tbil Ill)' looacr. She sw..l w -lO get bcr life back. Sbo lhaakod Council for their aa..ioa. (f) Darla Jlcilb said Ibo lives in the 3500 block ol South Corona. She advised tbal when Ibey fiJSt looked II their bome iD October ol 1995 tbcre ,w DO \adicaioo tbal lhc towoholDCI fiJ1ure ll(C would be any difl'creot tbao whllil -II tbal time . fluriDaa lal<rclrivdly ofthcirlulurc bomo, Ibey noticod I mniDg lip in Ille yard ol the _...., Ibo said, and wbca Ibey -back I wool; later ID pt Ille bearing informaliao the lip -gone. Ms. Rash 11!-.isod lllcy lllOYOd ia, ill Door:mbcr of 1995, and approximldy six mootbl lal<r Ibey aoliced •-iDaale al._ oa lhc pl)pCII)'. In lhc fall of 1996 Ibey rec:eivcd a lcucr invilin1 lbem io a Nd~ Watch moctina and wbco Ibey anivcd II lhc moctina they lcamod 11111 lhc rQJ puri--ID di.._ prablcms residmU. both oo Colllaa and Ogden, wore ~ with lhcsc lmll. In lhal mt al. period of time the polioo had alRady ...... c:allcd IOYClal t.lmol ad raidcols _., bocamioc iocreaaDalY QIIICClDCd aad l'nllln&od. Ma. Jlcilb aid tbal allboup Ibey 11111 aaJy cxpcrieDcod auiaDao pn,blcml of iXRUOd liaer ia lhcir yard aad inaaaod pom11 -.,aioa, -•pbon ,--.re dcali.oB with 1111 MJIIC '1Jblam. Dr. Louil Bnmo ,poke IO them tryiq "'dlffil1C llpld raideall, expl■inilll lhc pulJICIC al Community ear.. aod IISllrUII lbcm 1h11 Ibey-,, actu.. _, lhc ooca in colllnll al lhc facilil)'. Al explained by Dr. Bnmo, his lilcilil)' 10M1 lhc piri-of a balrway point betwecll tbolc troubled aod IIIClllally ill i..ns bciag rdcuod from an iDslilulioa IINl lhca bciD1 n:lraed beck lo their familia and oocic(y. SIie aid 1h111C1COnW11 ID Or. BlllllO, Communil)' Caros would teach lhcse t<eos bow lo Iii in and fuuctioo in a communil)', Ibey would involve lbcm aod laCb lbcm bow IO trcll olhcn. Dr. BIIIDO CXllllplcd -ol lhc rulCI lhc ICCnS mwt function wider. Sbo said Ibey :.ad ID earn privilcacs. lhc privilc1c to 1 .... lhc grounds w1sur:ivilcd, a group could not leave the facility ot lhc pouads IIIISUpcrvilod. Ms. Rcish advised tbal be fwthcr llaled that tbolc pn,pcl1ia wore ,., wdJ maialaiocd tbal Ibey ICIUllly iDcraaod lhc value of SllfflJIIDdin' propaliol. She SIB1Cd she bu ..,., noac alibis ID be IIUC. SIie ootcd 11111 u Dr. BlllllO explained lhcse l<eDI ' problems aod mall.al illocuCI Ibey Ml1' initially panicked, because she is I llnllll advocdc 1h11 our chiJdn:n need and dClolvc all lhc bclplhcy can pt lioauocicty, when lhc par-. aim't in coatnJI . And, lhc Slid, Ibey we~ williDB ID be open miJ>dod aod ,upportivc. Ml. Rcilb llalCd tbll time has -lhal oothio& praclll.od by Dr. BlllllO came IO be. Sbo maiolaillod lbol problems with lhc facilil)' have DOI oaly COllliDued, but WOIICncd. From lallcw ... City Coudl Scpteaber ,. 1"9 .... , •1 > • )01lt l1nl ,iq,a ha•q whll she bu wilnCIIOd, tbc ooly people in con1n>l ano the !00111 . Par!dng, llaering, ~ llnamlt, fighting and congrqatioo in tho SIRCI, noise and IIIIOldng have boon lhelr blgea complaiall, Ille 111d. Oil ODO OC<llioa, after comin& home fOr IOYOfll dayo and finding a largo Subwtlon pnad In fnlllt ol'lhelr homo in IUdl a way tllll no room wu loft for them IO pork, Ibo tri«: to ,-ii Dr. Bnmn . lier oall - returned by Paul SdunilZ, tbc prognm director. He mot bcr oulsldo her home to dlJCUD lhlt and oClw pn,blomt. Sbo advilled that, u she told Mr. SchmilZ, Dr. Bruno put a busi11CS1, a busl,_ that ..,.. ploaly or puking, in a ltlidonlial neighborhood with limited puking. So his businoaot it Ullag lho froel oft!,c_;•homr:1 u hit parting lot, she said. Yes, she noted, It is I public 11n>ot. but lhe resldont11bo111dhM tbc rig.d and ability to put in flml or lhoir own home when they come home from work, u Mil • aoc have to wonder, OYCry day, about some strange vehicle and where it came from. l!spocially, dte poiDted OUI, when you loot dowo 1111 tbc facility and no can an putod in f'ronl or il She said that Mr. ScllmllZ ,apoue iobcrwu 11111 IDlll)' of the counsolon doo 't want to put down there, becau,c they uoallaid their vehlclos are going to be targeted by tbc kids. Ms . Reisb stated she asked him to think aboul wllat be just said to bcr and wbll that says to her as a rosidoo~ that no matter what bappcns. don 't say anything to 1hcso -became they will l<llliale. SIio feels 1h11 WI)' oow, tho said, llpOWIIII in fnlal ol'c-:11, 1h11 tho and bcr family, bcr homo and bcr propor1y uo 1111 risk, should Ibo say or do a,ylhlng apinll Iha - Since Dr. Bnm bu not 1allcn _,. llcpl to ensun: tho conlliamcat ol'thoao teall inlido the flldlity or ill grounds day or nigk. her home II II their mon:y , she said. Ms. Rellb adviaod tltll tl,o hu wi__. Kary Golden waiting• out of COIIIIIII 1000 down the block, which IIIOIIDS they get to hoar diem yell, ICIIIIII Mid am their....,.,.. Oil 90verll occuioos, whilo ~g in tilOir yard, 1eetll have Wllkod down the SIRCI, ~ sbe Mid her &miJy to a very colorftil COltVelllUOI, with every other -,I bciq the (Mid. She said she Im hem llpplOICbod by them uldllg ror ciprcaa and oa ...,,.,... occulou bavo bad them llllld in the middle of die SIRCl, lllrely moving. wlllle they loot ll them with tiadaill, wbm ayilll to <kM dowo the -. Sbo said she WllCbod awn load or them come down the 11111eet and u It~ tho facility, bcfOIII it came to a IIOp, the doon bunl open and ......i oldie IOOOljampod ha the 11lllYing vehicles. Ma. Reisb stated she did not wi-Ml)' l'OlpOlllO from die driver. Sbo said t1,o bu •llldlod IOOOI smoking oa tbc sidewalk, then tw: off up tbc -. appara,lly oooding .., 0DC1 pormislioo to do 10. We have bad to lislat to loud music, ydling, CUiiing. fighting and having conlillual pullce pcsoncc. Ibo said. She sea no real supervision, cootJol or dilciplino. In bcr view, tho said, lbcte kids hove .., cllora or raponst'bilitics, except to hang out on fences . -.sand oU.,, people's propor1y smoking. Ma. Reish said w bu oven wilDCSlod swr, standing on tbc ti1owalk. anolcing with the 100n1. She 1111a11h11 thoao bappcninp have gone beyond nuisances to prol loms, problems that occur ooatinually and every day, problems that inllict on her rights and alfect her quality of living &Ld feeling of security within her homo. (g) Anita J. llltod thal sbo lives in tho 3500 block of South O,den and her OYOlhoad prap is diffl:lly behind tbc Connunity Cara licility. She aid it is like they have tumod her backyard. dri>eway, the llOlaround her car and poll ofberblckyard into a smoking hangout room . Rq,oalod n,qucstJ fi>rtbcm to Slay olf bcr property and out of ber driveway .,. mot with being called ..-llbe would not tepellll to Council and laving rocb hw1ed 1111 bcr. Sbo advised that tbc youths m .. any Slalld behind herveblclo in her driveway and will not lot bcr bad< OUl When she comes homo alooo 1111 night they uo lWlding tbe,o, Ono Diab~ coming homo, a poup oflbem, literally IUll'OUlldod her car and she could not go forward or backward. SIio said she niody rolled down her window and asked that they ploaso move 10 tbc could go in. They then ID picked up • handful or rocks and hurled them ll her car. Evory time she lriot to lpplOICh lbem, she said, llbe is inlimidllllod, lhey do scan: her. At a ru:ent neighborhood meetio1 with the police officer llbc: lllkcd about 10mo or ber safety problems and be advised ber to be vory carofid oven calling the police. He said "you might want to think twice, I01aliation is I real concem for you.• She advi.,ed 1h11 be told ber "we cannot be IIIIUlld, we cannot prolOCI you all the time, think twice before you call 111. • So, Ibo rai.:I, tbc docs and Uiat allO mak01 ber feel unsafe . Ono time tho bad her garage door open. she Wll sweeping out tbc pngo Door. She said tbc had the garage open bocaUIO or tho dust k aealOI. Ono young man from the ticilirv came into her gange and comcrod her against a wall . She said tho tried to lllly in cootrol ortbc litullllioo, asked him repoalodly to leave, ordett,I him•• ltaVO and be didn't budge. l"lllllly one ortbc ncigbbon going down tbc alloy, 11w what wu happening .,ic! stoppod andoll'orod bcr assiJlance. Sbo said as toon a ho saw tbe,o wore witn= ho retrellod. She emphasized she is ,-ay • • laalcnod City Coadl ..... ,,,1,,, ... , 1JtlllH"Jt!IIJJ 1:,tfn•Hq lot!'l~i;'I alnid Ml)' time she takes bcr Dull out, Ml)' time she laYCI bcr house, OYel)' time she -Ila,, ... or 11ip1, It doelll't -· They are baltlJe, they are rude. One of the men ltllldiq ill the drMwtly 1111111 bcr "I am bcre beawle I beat my gi,llliend in lhe face, keep that ill mind." So, Ilic aid, she IMY' ..... likc she la being inllmidaled. Wilhill one week rour anlmala 011 bcr side of Ogden....., paiJoa,r'_ w q '1i11 one of them. Afta IIIIICll lbenp'J 111d intcnsiw -t he did IWViYe, 1lllle of Ibo olbor .... of Oilier people did 1101. She aid she would like IO • Ibo 00Wllelon llllp smoting with the lddl OU1 ill cu yanla and our driwwlyl 111d alleys. h ....,..10 give them n 0pClling 10 fed lll'e 10 do IO. SIio 111d * would lib IO aoe the kids -l0IDC type of ldcntillcalion, • badac, IO they don't r.el that they .. .iu-I aamelela pD1 ballsain& Ill. If privacy la lll iauo, Ille "'geui they pidl: a Dmy-...-. .,_ IOllldhinl that they know 111d they CID report IO the polio., or the 00Wllelon, "hey MJb jual tllnatmal • apin." She aid die would alJO lillclO • a ban or them an.:.klnganda110 IOlerann, issue . Tllepolicolllall that apoko with them aid that itJmlicular police offlccn would adopt a no 10IOJ1111CO issue on their--, that they could be callod in by a superior 111d ukod why Ibey ue hassling those kids. But llC laid if the Council -.Id bclp develop a 110 IOlennce silllllion for lhe City, 1b<n every police officer would haw IO do that, that any imWM:c oftrespassin& amoktng. cussing ... any law brokcn ... any police officer would lben haw IO write up l lWIUIIOIIS, lieut them 111d follow up on thal without our nama being involved. witboal us having rear of relaliation r.ad lhen ID make them fed IOlpo!ISible that they nood IO stop. She conune,ad that she iJ. taxplyer, die lu,eps. nkc home 111d Ille -.Id lib ID feel safe. She would lib IO -lier yard and be able IO take OU1 :he 1111h, go ID 7-l!leYcB without fear of llwlts and just enjoy ber home. She thankod Council . (h) Cheryl Hilker adviml tht,t die alJu llvea ill the 3!00 block of South C:0.>111 llld Ille ii wifommatcODOUghlO liYe dilecdyacroa from n= they smote. She said abeopcm brtllootldoor, dim Ibey are, she looks out bcr door ll 10:00 al nigl,I, tben: they are, 6:30 ill the morning 'MIU! Ilic walta-, 111d wtwcver time she oome home, tben, they are. SIie c:ommadal tllll it 1111m 110 dllfaenco w.,_ Ibo weather It, that she bu aoen them out Ibero 11111 bact.eu of nln an, c:oming don 111d they n lllllOlciDg under lhe tree. She aid abe bas ... them oat tben, in bllz?aJds, freezing cold wwiDI 111an1, thal they n out tben, conllnually all day loag. Sbe gct111p in the middle of the nigbt. IOIIIClllilswllkea llerap. 11:00, 111d she loob out 111d they are GUI then, mding. h iJ a lXIIIWIUII problem. Ml. Hllker llllod lile i. caUod Community Cates befOR, fo?.1 l fticnd COIT.C over ... she iJ fonunate ODOUgb that ahe c:■11 plll< In lier alley ... llld she went out tben, llld tben, were cigarelte butts all <Mr. She said she blldy I'll GUI to Fl lier mail, that she doesn 't want ID apend time inbcrliollt yard, she doesn 't want !ado yard work. Why, she asked. BccallSI, sbe baa four ta six teem out then, just sitting tben, smoking 111d llaring. dira:tly in fnNII of bcr. Sbe adviJcd ,be liYed tben, 1'beD they llnt mowd in, tbat ,be wu lhen, wben .., firat bad these discussions about it Ms. Hilker mainlainod tbat everything that baa been aid iJ true. She said she is a Fodera! employee and if she beard ti.. thinp at ,..,rt it -.Id be a matter or sexual ...._, Ml. Hilker statod she doea DOI put up with that atull" in ber pasonal life, but wllen ,be comes home, she p IO bear it, 10 aoe ii. .. abe baa bad tollCll 6uit thrown in bcr mailbox . She laid ahe doeo DOI Wini to liYe likc this, but she llvea dira:tly acroa from them llld these issues haw only gotten wone in the yean they - been there. She poinlod out you don't know who the counselon arc, versus who lhe people that arc tben, !Jyi.n& 10 get help. Ms. Hilker said she was out working in her yard and these kids just Jet Joos: a Sb'in& or blue words, .... rigbl after another. You by DOI ID n:aa IO that and at some point she laid Ilic went lille this llld she turned 10 the kid and said "cool the language." But, Ms. Hilker asked, bow much do they haw ID take . She said she can never parlt in m>nt of her house, that these people think they haw trooble, Ille 1111 a big tree in front or her house llld ewryone wants 10 plll< in the shade in lhe summertime. She laid sbe bas partiD& in lhe back llld her friends can 't park, Ibey pm in the back behind bcr. It 11 a continual problem, nothing seems IO work. She said she baa only called once or lwia, and you call and it is like "yeah." She said that iJ about ii llld that iJ all die bas ID aay . (I) Katy Golden, lhe Clinical Dira:tor of lhe raidential treatment comer• m I Souda Corona Str= llld Paul Schmitz, lhe Program Director for Comm ·ty Cara Residential TralDleltl c-r, introducod lhemsdves . Mr. Golden advised Coo aicil that they are very, ve,y i-.stcd in having dialnpe such II this and having our neigbbon cume in ' o talk witl1 us . He statod they arc working with kids tlllt laalewood City c ..... u !Mptember 7, 1999 Papi , •t: l,r.•hr1• ''• • JC1 >1q,.: I"~ .. , baw: sc.ae emotioniJ pcoblcms. A lot of lhcm have been in jail. a lot of them have been in oth:r piooomcalJ .. Mil and in IOIIIC ways, when""' loot at their behavion""' haw: ID undcntand tbat thcsc..., Ibo lddsofUXlay and lhc ,encratiomoflDmonow. That wo RattemptinglD do oomcthina tbalis vay, wry difficull We arc allCDljlliDg ID provide. warm. :iu.111rin& cuvironmcol for kids thal. in Ibo put, haw: 1101 bad a warm. aurtwing IIIMIOIIIIICllt powing up. Tbcy arc very, very angry, be aclmowledpd, 111d Ibey do ha·..., chronic 111d pcnillCDI IDClllai illocacs and many of lbcm are on mcdicatiom. Tbcsc..., ldds dial, prior to programs like Community C....., have low,! many, many moalbs and ycan in Stale bolpillla and other vmous facilities and imtillllioos. By 00 lllCODI, Mr. Golden advised, do ft think 1h11 ft haw: I baDdlc OIi everything that ii going ... and tbcrc.,. iacidculs that happen that ""' .,. DCw:r infonned about. lie said be feels a liUlc bit disappoiDtcd tbal people have fell Ibey had ID come ID this forum here ID addlal u-, coaccn,s. Because, be aid, be bc1icvcs Ibey bavc always said and haw: bawd 1h11 up, by 11yinc Ibey are very iDtcralcd in living in lhc community, -ldna in lhc collllllllllity and these are lhc kinds ol Jcuons and lhc kinds or OIIVUOIIIJICIII tbat lhcse kids i-i ID lcam ID grow up in. Tbesc are oonnaliml living situatioos . lie SlalCd Ibey 11111gglc with a lot of lhc ,amc lhinp that our COIIIIDIIDily sllllgiCI with. :.fr. Goldm opilled that ooc of lhc Wl)'I ft CID addlCII this and bdp lhc c:hiklrcu, bdp the kids, mainlaiD I OD111111WUty, ii for aU ofus ID WIidt togclhcr. We have illviled community mcmbcn many times ID come ID our community moctinp. l>e said, and""' have people from lbo community come in aad lit in 111 ODIIIIIIIIDity mectiDp and • · · · -:a thcsc kinda of things aad act ID know lbo kids 001 penooal basis. Mr. Goldcu llid be lllldcntands :.= is a lot of fear and a lot of Uqlidatioa and be ·NOUid like ID be able ID address that and stop lhosc kiDdo of lhinp. lie pointed out lhcse kids arc kids lbat, in many way, have bJCD wronacd by anciely or by just powing up and wo an: atlClllpting 11.1 hdp lhcm dcvclop a life that ii 1111111111. Lkc moot of us haw: grown up wilh. Andatlelllpting ID bclp lban lcam ID be propercilizcm in IIOCiely . 11c Doted tbal ii a very difficult Wk. He sw.d that be Wllllt:d ID coma some of !he things that have been said. We do bavc a professional llalrtbcrc 2A boun a day, our stalling llllio is about four kids ID ooc S1ai1", which ii ,.,,U wilhia Ibo limill lhat thc rosidallisl llalmCDI CCDICII of Colorado have asked lhcm ID do, be said. They haw: p1ycbiatmU lherc, lhcy bavc a p1ychiatrilt that is tbcre four daya a ~ mcdi<alioos..., 1JlOnitDn>d OD I daily buil and Ibey bavc I rcgi,ten,d DUIIC tbcre five da)'I I week. He emphalmd 1h11 lhcse are very, very difficult lillllliom and very difficult cllildn:D ID deal wilh. And apiD. be said, our iolCDlion ii 1101 ID Cl'Clllc a bad IIIIIIC fer the COIIIIDIIDily or I black eye for lbc community, ii ii ID lach lbc kids that are tbcrc bow ID liw: within lbc community. And, be llid, be believes lh,t cw:rybody here IDnigbt can be hdpfUI with tbal lcssoo and in bavI:11 a dialogue with thcsc kids. Mr. Schmitz said be apprecialcd this opportunity and as program director be 3POlo&iz,eJ for the isaa lbc rosida!ll i>rougbt up. The way this aU came about, be said, was that Friday morning. ab.'llt 11:30, be r=iw:d a call from lbc Dcnw:r Pool. with oo pior conlaCI from lhc community. He sait! he bas just tata, ooc and &baifpagcs of notes oflistofima and be bas ooae oflhesc picccs of inlbrmationacocssiblc ID him. He lllaled Ibey haw: bcea iDlcnl:ting wmly with thc l.,..,.:t Team since lbo propm opcucd. It ii iDlaatina lo blm, be ,aid, that about four llllllllha ago. lbc lllljlllCI Team dropped bad< ID maybe twice I month. He wa1 COll""1DCII about 1h11 am be talkcd ID afficcn Doug and Shcni. be said be -.Id ao by that because lhat ii the MIY lie kooM them. Mr. Schmitz advised that Ibey bad said tbcre WU a pending. poi;sible buildup of olwljJca in zoning ima here and be ii bearing that hen: IDnighL January I WII D>OIIUOll<d. Mr. Schmitz cxprcacd bis coaccm that ""' arc in this kiod of W:DUC ID do tbcsc kiod of Issues, which arc rtally r--twoen human beings aad polilical sysa.ms. We do haw: ki ds that are severely, emotionally disablv, ~ul he knows from lalking ID communil}' lcadt.rs lhroughoul this community ... somcbo.ly bmugbl up lbc issue of animal poisoning and, he said, be knows then: an: a number of ncighbo11 bouscboids wen, animal poisoning has oc:currcd, but Ibey ba,e not oa:urnd in lbcir fac;jlily. In fact, Ji, said, son.c oflbo police dcpartmcnlfolks have talked 10 him about that. Mr. Schmitz said be lllinks ii i$ a risL-y silWllion for lhcm ID annt lv...e wilhout legal counsel , since they aypcared inside • major new,.,apcr here in lbc area. that Ibey did that frcm a place of lruSI, that is wba1 is imponant ID us here Hr, «-.ad Ibey talkcd «>Dr.Bruno UXlay ar..l be advised Iha! Ibey go ID lbc meeting and offer an open door ID COIDIDUDioatc with cvaybody, with lbc community at large, with the neighbor>. Mr. Schmitz said , 11 Program Dirtaor, be did .-with lbc woman in lbc blue sport coat once aod Iha! is we last phone rail he bad from lbc communil}' as an issue. He said be also r=ives a list cvc,y week or every month, • • • • • ia...,_. City Coudl .......... , .. ,,, .... , dopeDdillg oa che UIICDlily olthc npolll lillm thc pollca, Ibo lllljllCI T-. He IIMJOII be micwed llao ~ ml ia 1M ... four IIIOlllba tbae OW boOD DO puillk QOlllpiaull ,..U, So, ba llid, be dliab 1111 .,_ IO at alf thc iam 1h11 -blouabt up bn, willa cmaliaa, llld iDcideall tbal F ICIGll llne yars. to the Im year. He aid it ia biJ cxpericncc •bat they jull pused lhcir llllnidc audit, witll the dlild wdlirc people, wilh the hisf,cst review tile-• have ever n,ccived, Mr. Schmitt admowlcdpd they bad a very IICriaul, crilical iDc:idcnt bCR in 0111: ol 'their other 1J1011111111 and 1h11 WU alldiled and they wen, v.-.pldely exoaented ol any ~ in tbal litulti011. He aid be -.Jd like to praent SOIIIClhing to cver,t,ody to lbilllt aboul ... thc bus compaoy 11 payiD1 Sll.56 a hour for their starting bus drive, 11111 we pay S9.00 a bour far our BA llllltina pa10II, who usually bas ao honors in biao,y for lhcir p,ycbolol)' _..., Ho cmpllllized Iba! wc nood to work u a aJIIIJIUlllitJ• aod, be poillted OUI, your kids an, comiq towanll _ ...,..,._ .. they may not oomc from your pal1icular boua, but maoy of !lie kids come Ina ED&Jcwood. So, be llnoad, somebow, u a commwllty,"' !lave to wort toacu,cr to balaoc:c ii-;.. out. He empb&<izcd they can't be bid kids, they anonotbld kids. The kids al Columbine-Llld, kids in other situaliolll bave beea bid.,, tbae ia some bigger pictwc WO have to look II toacu,cr. So, be 1111111d, WC ano bore, availallle aod rady to do tbal ... rar the COWICil and far tbo City. He aid if they a= bil...., lllllllbcr or lclepbooc number, they can beve 1h11 apin. Tbcno was some dialogue bet...... Mr. Schmitt aod mcmbon ol the audience. Mt. Schmitt askcd Council if lbal...., ~-Mayor Burm aid not really. Usually, be llid, 11 be mcnlioaed bofono, Y'"' make a Slall:IDClt and 1111: will be incorponl&,d inlO Whal cu llllf ia doin&, invesliplia, U fir U MIii M 1R doing IIIO llais will ,..,.. bod: ID COlalCil cm Ibo 2fl'. Mayor SWIii llid be dliab they be,oe a lat ol coacaDS fflllll what 11,ey have bcanl toaiabt-Why IO allb~ UIOI theirs iJ riglll llOXl to Ibo boaa of t1,c...,... ciliml. Mayor Bums poidal out lbal they dcKribod lbomlelves, lbcir c:licmle .. .11 ia nay !oa«h lilllllioa, .ay ch11icult people to work with. llappcan. ba IIOled, that it ia spilling out inlO Ibo oeigliborboodllldCoulll.il huto look II llaia 1111d IUCIOIIIO kindolrapo1111'bility to help cu cilizcu too • He opined it ia I qucstioa < OOIIIIIIIIIUCIW aod what our 11111' bu told ,. an, Ibo lepl Ima inYolvod aod wbll WC CID do to protect .Ab' OWII citiJJem. Mt. Schmitt aid be uadalUds lhll and be ,•.sked, just U I aJWta)' to both sides aod ii -,Id be bdplid, if they aiuJd bear !tom ODO of the City's Alf!' aod DOI Ibo praa, if tbeno ia an issue. Mayor Bums IIOlod Ibey CIIIDOC CIHIIIOI the....,.. Mr. Schmitt 111ggalod !be uty migt,t call them lint if they have an iilue, because be is opca to that. He asked that they plcue do that. Council Member Nabholz IIOlod it WU bcr undcrstaoding that they triod lo call him. Council Member Bradshaw advised that sbo spol<c with !be pn,a also aod explained that Ibo feels it ia (JIit or bcr job u ID declcd official to be f"'"l10llliVC . She poinlod out .... WU tbo ooe OD Council 1h11 rlilcd tlr: ~ of group bomca in Ea,Icwood. Not lbal sbo doclll't WIDI IIS to do ow-wr sbaro, she said, but sbo tbinb wc an, doiJlg way inon, 1111D our fair slim ill Ibo meuo..,. aod 1h11 ia why,.. an, RIIUliac llaia dllllugb Pllmlia, aod 1.cGiag. Council Member Nabbolz collllllOlllod Iba! sbo bas bad problems the tut few ycan •,itb p-oup bolms aod evaytbing dll:. So, she said. sbo would n,ally cncoun,o !be rest of Council to gc, OD boon! witb llaia aod move fOl"Mld IDd do the bCII we can. Mayor Bums commentcd that be is also concemod, that Ibis .,.,. is in bia District, aod be has lalkod to Dawn Davis, they ba>e exchanged pbooe calls and messages several tlrues and it is a real issue or concern. He opi-1 a>llllllUIIU2li is I key bu~ u be said, WC have to look II whll our responsibilities ..... u Council members, to our citizens, also . So, be ltalod, Council n,ally appRciatcs Mr. Scllmitt and Mr. Goldm c:omia, tonight to give lhcir side: or the story and being u caadid u be tbinb they hive beat He IIOlal. • be said. our smlf ..uJ follow up aod wc will accumulate mono information before wc address Ibis -.r funba' II the Sllldy Session 011 the ul' . laakwood City Caucll S.,-ber7,1999 , .. 10 > ~ ,,,,bn ~ J •q,~ {' 21o"i Mr. Cloldm aid Ibey _.Jd rcqUOII, if pcmible, IO be available to Cowx:il IO comull with tbcm ,eprdlaa wllal.,.. on Ill tbc facility 1111d whit kinda of clllldrea .. there and bow IO -lacll tbcm ID U.. la. community, IIICb II tbc cmo lhll we hive. And. Ma. Bllldlbaw noted, that is II>.~·· 'clb. Mr. Golden llid :,a ii is and Ibey WU, 1h11 job very ,eriowJy, (j) .Jolln Laa advised be is with Miller Weingarttn and, as Ibey know Miller Welapnm bas I deadline of September JO'" to come to tbc City IIOdring approval ol a plan for CilyCad,or &,lewDad. In that regard, one oCtbc primary objectives at lhi1 point is IO find a replacemeot residelllll1 dovelaperfo: Forcll City. lie llllcd lhcy blve been mcctlng wilb a number of residclltill dcl clor,en and Ibey 11e very excited u there is a large degree of lnlCrell. Spccillcally in that regard, ho sa1;, Ibey hne invlicd fDllr difl"Cl'CIII residcalill clnelopcn ID come IO tonight's •,--ting and speak . csscr,tially, IO their'Cllplbllities. their cxpericnce with projccU limlllrto Ibis 1111d very impo,to sUy, ,o dcsci1be tbclr exdtanent ml 1maat in Ibis projcc:t Mr. Laa Slated tbclr overall goal is to make sure City Cooncil is aware ofthls encounging bit of information rellled IO tbc l...t of lnlercst and then to wort clos,ly wilb lbc City staff In lbc D<Xt wock to get IO • 1eooiilUICllded ,..sidcntial clneloper that Ibey can u:am up with 1111d meet lbc ScptomlJcr Jo• deadline. He advised lhll lbc four groups lhat """1d like IO speak 10 Cowx:il lolllpt. in lbc order Ibey will speak. are Fairfield Residential, Legacy, Black Creek and Trammel Crow Residential. (k) Craig Carlson, rq,rcscnting Fairfield Rcsidcnlial, advillCd Ibey are beadquartcred in San • Diego, California 111d their nllioe here in Dcn'YOr bas been in cxistmoe and operation linoe 1992. 'lbeir address here in Demer ii 5670 Greenwood Pllm Boulcwnl, Suile 400, EogJcwood, Colorado. lie lllled, IS oflbc end ol 1998, Fairlield is lbc oecond larges! luxwy residcnlial .,imeat dc'YOloper in lbc Uniled States. In 1998 tbcycomplc:t<d 10,256 unita. Moot ofU-ap,lllllallbomes were localed in00111111U11itlc such as Englewood, a lot ol suburban oeighborhoods and I lot ol omoe pub. Mr. Carllon noted Ibey are primarily in lbc lwcury range and Ibey ba'YO con,plcled cigbl pr · ,---u ln tbc 1>aft,er MctropolillD ...._ Cunenlly, 'bey blve two projects under collllnlcdon and lbrcc o, :'llll' otllCI' projccU about to break ground. • He said one oflbc C1IITCIII projccU Ibey WM under conslnlelion i•J localed ICIIIII from Polo Rescm: OD Mineral just of! of Platle Canyon 1111d lbc otbcr project is locaUld. in lbc Highlands Ranch Towne Center. He noted lbc other projoct Ibey may ba'YO-, 1h11 Fllrflcld lr.11 CIIIIIIIUClal i:illCC Ibey beclmo invoMd in lbc Demer metropolitan ..... is lbc Deer Creek Apartmcnb II l-2:i ..:,d 225 in lbc OTC-...._ Mr. Carlson lllllcd Ibey are cxciled about lbc proopoct and poaibility olbciq lnwlwd with Mi1Jer Woinprlell and lbc City, with lbc residential component for lbc Cindcn:lla City rehab 1111d IIIIJa rmowal project. Council Member Bradshaw advis,d it is DOI wban rcncwal. Mayor Burns explained that it is not wbau renewal in the ttaditiollll SCDIC. Mr. Carlson said be was sony, be should not ba'YO ullCd that phrase. Mayor Burns said it is a redevelopment Mr. Carlson explained they have been iffl'olved in other similar pro)<cb in lcnlll of revitalizing communities and neighborhoods . He said Ibey are working wilb lbc City of Anada right now on I similar project . And again, he noted. they are involved in the Highlands Ranch Town Center. Their firm bu bod extensive histo,y in dcvelopiog similar projects in wban infill areu lllld revitalizing 11-areas. In addition IO -construction, new dcveloplDCDI, Fairfield r=ntly, in lbc laa several years, bas acquired approximately 8,000 unib and repositioned lbos, unib and brought them back up IO 1990's project standards and utbittaural fcatw-,.. Mr. Carlson stated they are excited to be involved 1111d lbclr company, 11 well u being one of the largest privat.ely held rcsidcmial clnelopmcnt corapanics, bas a minority par1Der, Morgan Stanley . Tbcy dclinilely have lbc linancill capability 1111d wbcrcwitbal to be ,nrolved in this project and, be said, they look forward to doing so . He ootal be left one oftboir corporale overview brochures, which goes into moro detail . Mr. Carlson stated they look forward to working with City Council. City staff and, potemially, Miller Weingancn. Mayor Burns noted one of lbc Council mcmbe11 wed a question . He said, as Mr. Carlson may know, that under lbc original design IOIIIO rctaiJ wu also planned along wilb the residential , indeed, under lbc rosidctial. Mayor Burns asked if Ibey do any retail or if that is part of lbclr plan. Mr. Carllon advillCd Ibey have done rdlil, 1h11 Ibey ba'YO bad experience in incorporating retail componcnll in lbclr residential projecU. It is something Ibey would dcfinilely entertain, he said, and wolk with lbc City IO ICbiC'YO your • goals and ours. • la&lcwaod City Coacll Sep_be, 7, 1999 .... 11 "'cr!l xl11tUq~ I c'I Council Member Bndlbaw uked It Ibey build "Cor Ille" projecU. Mr. Carlloa advised Ibey build "for , .... lllo, thal their predomlnlnt lnlclal right bcrc la (or a IOlllll community, lwall)' boualn1 ___ ,,. He llid they build "Cor Ille" OOIIIIIIUllitiel. allO. 1111d liacle family, 11)1( COW10 dowlopmcm, alllce COIIIIIIICliGn, a little bit ol ewrythillg. So, be pointed GUI, Ibey 111111 very diwno orpaizatio& Mr. Carllon opined they 11111 fairly lllontcd 1111d cn:ative wbal It oomca to ,pecial projecll 1111d lllliqoo piqjecla, such U Englcwood'I. lie DOied Ibey haw hind ID arclliteclulll finn to uliat thcm with thia poject. MOil t<CCDdy, be said. they ba.e been involved in the dai1111 ardlilCCIUIII pn,ductioa for the Palace Lofta in lower downtown, the lofta abo\'c the Chop lfouso in lower downtown, MXt to Coo11 F'icld, and tbe Jllawcr Mill rmovation. right oil 1°2' and 20• Stn,et So, be emphasized. they have a .cry crative, ~ team 1111d they look forward to womog wilb the City. (I) Mike 1.oelba advised be waa wilb Lcpcy Panncn bcrc III DaM:r ud, u C.....:il may remcmlJer, they wa-e inve!.cd in the initial sdcctioa pn,ocu 1111d they wa-e ill the llna1 two wbea ~ City waa odecled. He llid they have hem ilMllvcd in this project Cor .,... lime 111d they 11111 atill 11 cxcitcd about it today u Ibey have over boon. He llid be did not thin!< be bad to ID inlo a lei olllleir c;apobilities, but be Wllllcd to point out, ..,,_.,, thal Ibey have hem ,. Dmver, buildin& 111d lllallilll sua:essfill rcsideatial COIIIIIIUllilic aiDcc 1971. Mr. 1.oclJncr D0lcd be ii a fowdl a-alioa ~ ~ and he baa been wilb the COlllplllY lifteeo yean 1111d bas pon,oaally developed about 5,000 llllits in lifteeo projctta. He pointalout that they have about$125 millioa wonhoCresidclltial dcvelopmcnt under , ""1111UC1ioo in the Deaver mclropOlitaD 111111 IDday. He opined thol will usi51 the priciog Ibey can deliver OD thia project 111d gives them I bue a( quality people Ibey can ~ inlo the problem aolvinc 1111d ctOllive <>=Is oCthis pn,joct. Mr. :ZOCU-DOled they have builta light nil TOD type project in Sao Jc., through a similar sckclioa pnx:aa ilMllvinc the City or Sao Jose. He llltcd they .i their lillaDciag pu1D<" IS part of this project, inilially piqaed to ,peak. 111d they 11111 II.ill very iataested in the pn,joct. He explowcd they have I backup l0W'CC If. for whatever-. there~ be -lido DIOY-bere. Ratber lbaD focusing OD -Clplbiliticl, .. aid, be ~ like Ill just touch 011 I couple ol...,.. 1h11 be thought wen, importaDt in ICfllll oltheir cxcilaDalt Cor the ate. He said be tboupt thal the outdoor pavilion, axm imporllDtly, wbal that CID become, is somc:lhiDg they an, very m:itiod about. Mr. :ZOCU- cmpbaaizcd Ibey 11111 not just ID out ol -pn,po,ty developer or-.,, 1h11 collecll Ibo l'OIII 111d poys the billa and waill Cor Ibo-. to ID up. lie said be lbinb tbey WIDI to be very......._. in Ibo community, .cry involved in creating cubunl activities, art Caill ... tkiDp thal n.,.. to cnhlllce Ibo lltestyle Cor our taidooll and Cor this cDtile dislrict. He said Ibo design and collllN:lioa is just a piece oC what they do. He aid be thinb thal is ID 1R8 Ibey an, .cry excited about. He opiaod that Ille lllliquc rdatioorhip that this project will mjoy wilb Ibo City, creata mme bendill and some podiCUlbility wilb r.spcct to the entidcment pnx:a1 and that working tluougb iauoa and problem ,olvin1, They bave cajoyed a good rclaJioll!hip with the 111.'f, be said. and be thougbt thal mn of collabontive problem aolvinc ii going to be very impolllDI to make thia project the sua:as thal evc,yoae bcrc bopcs it can be. Wilb that, be aid, be~ be happy to......., any qllCSliooa. Council Member Bradshaw colillllClltcd that it was vczy nice to sec him again. Coor.cil Member Habenicht askcl ltbe wwld addross lbe rotail issue . Mayor Bums asked iChe ""uld answer the rotail question Iha! was asked previously. Mr. 2'>ellna stated the rotail is something they do, they ha,~ several projects and Ibey sham! some slides and picturai in their original proposal . He notcd thal many of the projects they have done around the country , including incoljlOrating n:tail in the design. They have some ideas about how t.hal can wort e,,cn moro sua:cssfully lblD perhaps it wu origjDally displayed. Mr. 2'>ellner said It they will n:member be was the oae with Ibo llidel Crom Mimer Park originally, in tenm ofwbal t.hal pedtcanlook like . He DOied thau lcloC- ideu. and 11111 that Ile r ,catcd -idea&, but they ba.e slwal that visioa Cor n:tail for sometime 111d lllill believe it to be a good 10lutioa IDday. Wilb rapea to the "for sale" compoma oltllc project. Ibey lhillk tbcrc 11111 ccnain portiOD1 oflbe lite that IClld thettllelves to ·eo.-111c· mo,e lbaoOlberL He nor.ed Ibey have laatcwood Clly C-U ~ller7,199t Pqe12 J boo,,,1.,t 1 dm ... t II ,:i,'I llwed .,me or tholC ldeu with some people and u long u the SUUClule or the contract is aa:q,Clblc ro the Cily and IO them, they -id be willing IO ClllalliD building IOIIIC "for ale" housing bae. (m) MllthewBloombcrJ ldvia bc 111 ponncrwith Bladt Creek capilal and withbim diia cvcnin1 ii bil pm1Dcr ud bralher John Bloomberg. u well u Mall Jama, who r=dy joined 1111m. Ho SIited 1h11 Bladt Creek is I Denwr lllled company l1llnlpd by rour principal partncn with owr 50 yous or collcdlvc real -cxpcricncc. Within their group, be aid, they have significant colllllUCliaa 111d development cxpcrtiae, u well u ftnancing 111d uaruaction expertise. In raa. he said, prior to lbeir lffil le!lorJ with Bladt Creek, the panncr, have had illvolvcmenl with bwidrodJ ofproja:11, IOlllly mm- or dollan . Mr. Bloomberg llid 1h11 bcfo,e be ,pakl apecifically regarding lh<ir cxpcrtilc, Ila .......i 10 briclly menlioo IOIIIC or the umdalod upoclJ of their group. M rar u DOD real cstalc IClivitics ... they own and openlC Dawcr's Yellow Cab Taxi Company 111d the Super Sbutlle. They own a c:onlroillllg inlaal ill 1 ....U dllllp Clllcld Jalco Slop 111d they hive 1 $60 million SPIC, which is I SIIIIII ~ lnvellmcal Compmiy. He O!O!ted they arc alJo-nlthe lltFII U.S. indwlril1 dcvdopaw in Mcxlcn, with 17 projoca cum:ally 1111\ICIWly. Howovcr, be ldvilOd, their primary focua is here in the DaMr -..._ Until ..-.dy, be Iii~. they_,, one or the ilrlCII Llndowncn in the IOUlh IIICUO ll'CI, with CMr 3300 acres aC devdop,r..0 11. Mr. BloocrXI) llid lhll dlc ...... be menlloocd this ii becluac porl,apo k -.id be orin1aa110 Council thllthey j ... -t lOld-aftheirllllllcrplumod COIIIIDUDilicl lel'arat Cly. they have dovdopr.d aa4'Gr l'CIIOVllcd 12 lplni-l projoca IOCaling 2,000 WW in Denver. They own their own co...,,JClioD oompllly, be nolOd, which Midc liom pnwidiag COIi avinp. ii bclp1 them llllhuin control f1V''1 the lime it 1Kel to build I proja:t. la lams af I "for Ille" projccl, Ila aid, they do IIOl illlvo any projccu under way III the mo-. boMvcr they pieviously coovated rour dllfcrcnt ..-projoca in Denver to condominiums, two wbicla _,, hip rue. Mr. Bloomberg IIIIOd they alJo hive ldail cxpcrialce •"'1 developed llllCI aanendy owa sevcnl retail OClllen bae. Ill f'acl, be noted, bil brotb<r John Bloombclg wa., pevioully pc ...ideal or one of lhc largest 00IIIIDUDi1y sbopping ocata compmics in the nalion. He emph.'5illlll 1h11 mon, importanl, Ila dlcir ,_ af pcojccU, is their aurcot focus and pbilolophy. Thra ,an ago, lie cxpllincd, Ibey _,, like .., other multi &mily developer, in 1h11 they raised invcllOr equity, built I pvjoct and thea IOld it for a quick l'Clllm. Ill f'acl, • lhlll time, they conlrollcd a large publicly tndod -it llllCI they IOld 11111 mtily and it is DOW a blJ1lon dollar compony. Three years ago, be lllled, they mac:, 111r11egic docisioD lllaut our multi.family and miX<d usc pn,jcc:U. llWad or taking the pith olbaildiag mon, and more pn,patiea, "" cboe IO like tbc path of building f.- propcnics, buildillg them .,,th their""'° money and tbcn owning tholC pn,jcru lhcmlclv<s for the long tam. He lllliJulncd that ii ~"1porlll1t, boc:ausc if you know you arc going to own 1projoct for 10 or lift= ycan, you arc going IO like DM>n: ti mo, dlOIIC)' and dfort to build I bctlcr and more albaclivc project. He said be would like to inlnxluc:c Mall Jama, bis bd:gnr.nd;, that be was with GMAC Commc:n:ill Mortgage and Silver 5111c F'wance. wbcrc lie amagcd dcbl and equity financing for over 150 million multi-family projcc:U. Mr. J1111<&' ,pcc:i•lizarion ;, with reprd IO r1'11cvclopment pn,jocts, lie wu involvod in lbroc bistaric rebel, pn,joctl dowatown, M well u a mixc-J MIC and miX<d income housing project Mr. Bloomberg said, DOI IO be n:dundant wilh the ocber people bac, bul they arc al5o very, very cxdlcd about this pn,joct. They lhinl< it ii a sbcnvcue for mix.od USC rode-,dopment and for them. tbc r<Sidcnlial component combines arcu oftheircxpcrtilc ... reatal, "for ale" and rctail ... tbal they arc very cxciled abou~ be said. He IIIIOd they arc ...U poisod ro like OD this pn,joct. in fact bis brother only lives about a mile away from here llllCI they would love to be iavolval ill lhc rodcvclopmcnt and foci they could contribute something tbal we would all be proud of. He asked i1' he could answer any qucstlons. Mayor Bwns noled be covered all or their issues. (n) Scott McFadden advised be is tbc division partner for the Mow,tain States Division of TrsmmcU Crow Residential here in Denver. He said tbal, being passed out ro Council right now ii a small prcscmlion packet. which will explain llllCI have some details about their company's capabiUtic:s, which be would go ov.z real briclly hero. TCRis one oftbc largest multi.family developers in tbccount,y. They • • have dcvdopod over 1 140,000 multi-laduly Ulli11 aver the post 25 ycan. They arc a fully integn,led. • multi-family and real csw. developer opcralOr. They have their own construction company. lie said, and la"""OM Clly COlllldl Scpleaber7,1999 .. lJ toow I n! Kio: I oZ H' q tbcir own property llllllqOIDOIII company. Mr. McFllddca noted in tbe .-,tap Ibey will• a briol corpon1e bislory, u well u a lilt of some recent projec:11 Ibey have done. One ii tbc Rmr Plaoe Pnljla la Portland. Wbich, be noted, ii I good CJ<1111PC of ID wban tnfill project Also, tbc Mimer CJr<en Pnljla in Boca Raton. Florida, wludl ii pert of tbe 1111:m« Pn Commuaity, wbicll, be aplaed, ii a good madll Car whit Enpwood ii bying IO aa:omplilb bon wllb l!agleM>od CltyCcoler. And die pn,ject la All-. be aid, ii a good example of I very dellle wt,an tn111J projecl, which be 1hiab, ii wilae we 1111 i..ded OD die dclip of some of tbc land II Englewood CityCalor. He llid Ibey haw also illcludod a &n.:ial lblfaDelll. wblc:11 Ibey can ""' i1 a wry subowldal finlllcial llalellleDl TCR ii llill a privalc 00111pay, baa Ibey opcra1e u a partncr>hip. They do invest their own capilal in their projects, u well u bring in lnstitulioaal ,quity partnen and debt partncn for tbcir projects. Mr. McFadden explain«! lhat tbc CIOlllplllY'I operlling IIIOIIO, in lhat sense, is nadoaal in l00pO and local in prac:lice. They bavc ollia:I in all ortbc major ral estato martds in tbc United SLMes and Ibey have, over tbc put Ii,,. ar six yan, mnod so COCUI tbcirconccnlralion <11 mono wtlan infill projocls. He noted lhat ilcmpbuizol in tbc twoanidel be included in tbc packd, from Urban Land Mapzjne. wbich an: about projocls in PortJand and SoaaJc. wbicb be lodJ exemplifies tbcir ability IO do both balllit-orieuted dclign. u well u-wt.D, ,_ tnldillolllll design. Bolh lhooc projocls won awards and be thouabt Ibey wen: prime examples of those type1 or developments in tbc United Slala. Like everybody else, be stated, Ibey are very exatod about l!apwood CltyCenter. lie said be pcnonally thinks it ii probably tbc most exciting residential commanity lhat we an: looking al in Denver right DOW. He noted a we have grown U I community in Denver, it lal boaa boll, I blesling and a cune and in some.._ !be fllct tbal,... have IO have liaJ,I rail ii a cune. But be opined lbat tbe fact Iha! tbc City of Englewood bas a propmive dliallinl plan for whll Ibey are bying IO accomplish ror the light rail c:ai1<r, ii very admirable. lie Cdt tbcir experimce, tbcir nalional preoonoe, can ..,.. u a good benefit 10 what Englewood ii bying 10 aa:omplisb and Ibey look forward 10 ~ with tbc City in bying 10 aa:ompUsb tbcir goal. Mr. McFadden aid be would be happy ID -any questions. Regarding tbc "for sale" qucstioa, be aid be fedl tbcn: ii certainly a mrbt for a limited 11DOW11 of "for ale" produc:t in thil IOCllion. It ii a unique loc:atioa, tbcn: Is really IIOdling die lie it 1111d tbal ii something Ibey can incorpolllc taro dleir plan. As. lllr • tbe rellil is coacened, be thouabt iltbey woald D01ice in tbe articles, Ibey have done rellil and reoideatial in lnlllit oriail.od ~ in Pol1laad and that is certainly something Ibey C111 iDcorpanfc in their plan for thil project Mayor Bwns awd iftbcy do their own financing or bow do Ibey nonally do thal Mr. McFadden stated Ibey invest their own capital and usually ~ with Institutional eqaily parUICl'I. (o) John Loss said he jllll l\'IDl<d lO briefly rciluatc their =i-alloul what Ibey lhink an: some very capable and thinking ahead type people . They an: n:al excited. He stated their pllll and objective would be to work closely with the City SlatT over the next several days, with the goal being IO end up with a n:commended n:sidcnlial developer IO bri118 bac:lt to the City in conncctioo with their Scplcmbcr 3o"' dcadlinc. City Manago, '!cars noted Ibey would talk, from tbe llall'levcl IOrnorrow, on bow that is going IO come topthc:r. lie asked Mr. to,, ilhe wu planning IO come back to tbc Council with a""idcntial dcvcloperor ilbe wu thinking lbat tbl : reli lemial dcvcloper would then work with him or we would oclect, colJectivdy from tbc Slalf, IO come w:•~ ID overall mul<r plan or lite plu back IO tbc Council on the 20•. Mr. Sean noted Ibey bad talked abt,ui Mr. Loss coming to tbe Council oo tbc n•, but he wasn't sure Ibey undcrlland, from the stall" lc,-.1, bow he wms IO proceed. Mr. Loss advised Ibey an: ccrlainly flexible and WIDI IO work with Ille City in tlic best way. lie said their plan was that oa tbc 13• Ibey would provide a Cull n:tail update, which has been requested and is much needed. So that was tbcir goal for tbe 13•, Al IO tbc specifics of the rcsidclldal developer, their bclicf and understanding is Iha! the City Council ccrlainly bu tbc ultimale say in the deal. he aid. Any ullimale cor•IJaet or involvement by a residcotial devoloper would be between the City and them, but their notion and idea was IO immediately ... Wednesday, lburtday, Friday, ofthil wcu, IO start bringing residential developers in for some mono specific detailed • analysi s and IIUdy with tbe llalf. And, out of this process, come IO a feding about a n:colDIDCllded la ....... City Coudl S.,-bcl' 7. '"' Pqel4 dcvdaper 111d lllca, a,~ by lhil group, 1hcy wauld Willi ID come forward bofon: Ibo JO*, 1(11111 ........... Cil)' Mmqlr Sein ubd if be ooea Ille poalbilily of comiD& bid! -MoadllY aipl wllll a ~ lllidealial dcvdaperaldlldle-limolle cabrial llleCICy COIIIICil ID .-oadle retail~ or idmliJI' Ibo uy poillll of Ibo aile plan. Mr. Lou 11111d be dlima 1h11 la ....... all IIICsc c:ami-ie1 are wry ida'ellal and 1hcy lllink ii ii in Ibo belt inlel'at allho p,ojocl lo maka a decilioll and pl cnakiq on IL So, lie aid, lhcy-.Jd lab 11111 c:hallcngc and -141 lib lo -OD Ibo JJ*, Couoci1 Maalla' llabonicllt ukcd if Ibey would ba bcariq aboul bow Ibo retail -id inlelralale ""'- the retail podiolll ..i lho bouliq porliOGI and Ibo ""'PO of Ibo l)'pC of Rllil 11111 -14 ba UMIMld. ... Lou aid be ca1aillly tbinb it ii. pa,, 6om lheir l1IDdpoim. lbal lhcy and Ibo Cily aad ~ wbo Im boeD worms oa ii, ..... vllioDa ala TOD wilh Ibo haaic demmll we line boca lookin& alb_ time. So. lie llid, lheir-~ ba aolutely, 1hcy would andcipale Ibo ddlllile Died lo-aD al lhooc qucotioas and bm: lhil puup • exaclly what our tbou&f,11 were, DOI DIiiy OD Ille retail ~ol the rosidenlial put, but aiao whll lbcy -.Id fflCOIIIIIIClld for lhcir part of Ibo p,ojocl. Council Member Bnldaw ubd ifbe would ba road)' by M, '1y. Mr. Lou aid ya. Mayor Bwu lhaabd Mr. Lou aad IIGl<d Ibey will look fo , ,S<CiqbimMooday. (p) Skip Milltt, alMilkr WeiDprlca. said lh<:l'e 'MIi one piece be Wlll1Cd ID mw: sure everybody undentood. He advised 1h11 Ibey have looked at Ibis selection u a lbree llq, pn,cas. Ono ii ID uodctmnd Ille qualiftcaliOIII al lllCsc people, IWo iJ ID Ulldcnlaodioa al what 1hcy plan IO do ,peciJk:ally Md 111r= ii Ille fillalml ~ and bow 11111 ~ wilh lhc C111R pacbgc. So, he cxplailled, 1hcy • will ba briDgmc lho olhor IWo back to Couoci1 1111W lhal Ibey IIIYC lliown lhcir quali6callo111 'l'boy will ba showing Ille mlile plan. lheir vilioa ..i wllll ii means in Ibo WI'/ of rellil, wllolllcr Ibey are IIUI to IIIYC a "for sale" uni~ what lheir ,.__ look lib and what Ibo ecoaomicl al all dae are. Tbll. Mr. Miller SlaUd is what Ibey will be bringing lo Council oex1 week. 8. co-■llicatiaaa, Pnclaaallau ud Appoiammll (1) A poclamaliOD dcclariog Ille wedt of Seplember 17 lhrough 23, 1999 u Comlitutioo Wed< WU 00lllidered. COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDID, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLARING THI WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 17 THROUGH 23, 1"9 AS CONSTITUTION WEEK. Ayes : Nays: Absent: Motion carried. Council Memben Nabboiz, Bradshaw, llabenichl. Wagoou, Gnzulis, Bwm Noae Cooocil Member Garrett (b) oomidercd . A proclamllioo declaring the month of Seplember as National Litency Moorh was COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION DECLARING THI MONm OF SEPTEMBER AS NATIONAL LITERACY MONTH. Ayes : Couocil Members Nabholz, Bradshaw. llabenichl. Waggoaa, Gnzlllil, Bwns • • • • .......... CltyC-8 ........ ,.1,,, .... 5 Mallaaconled. Noao Council Memba' Olma I t11 )bOO#l '~I 1'}~11 •:;,e a1, ,, bro hL, ·11, l (c) A loa.rlhllll Slevo Matkwood mdlcaliD&hilllllpaliGa from tt•~Pllbud Rec:nodollCmnmiloiml. COUNCll. MDIIU WAGGONER MOVED, AND rr WAS SICONDl!D, TO ACCl!Pl'WITB UGUT A l&Tl'U DOM mvs MARKWOOD INDICATING BIS USIGNATION DOIi TIU INGl&WOOD PAIIKS AND UCUA110N COMMISSION. Malioll carried. Ayes: Council Mcmilal NalJholz, Blldlbaw, Habcoicbl, w.,......, r, uulil, Bumi Nays: N<>ae Ai-ii: Council Member Olma Mayor Bumi OXlclldod Camcil'■ ._ willa ad dab ID Slew Marnood. He IIGICd they thlaklll lbe peoplelCMJIIClll ... ..i■ad_,._..•■p,cial. 9. PllllllcS,... (a) APubllc llariaa-bcldlo .......... CID Couacil BW No. 52, ,epnlillc- for Paving Di■aict No. 38. COUNCll.MDIIIUBllADSIIAW 1m;-,r.■:o,AND rrWASSl!CONDJ:D, TO OPl!II TBI! PUBIJC BLUING. A,a: c:ow..J Meabal NalJholz, Bllll■baw, Habcnicbl, Wqgoacr, Gnzulil, Bums Nays: Noao Ab■all: Council Member Gonal Molioa c■nia1 and Ille Public llariDa opemd. All wi-....,.. ~- Rick Kahm advilcd 1h11 be i■ Eaginocrin& Maaqc,-and Capilal Projects Maaqc,-for Ille City. He p..-..1 Proof of Publicalloa ofNotico oflllc Public Hoarm&, wbidl,... publl■bed ia the l!a&lcwood Haul cm Alljplll 20, 1999. He 811Cm lbae W11 a ll)'er made available 10 OYOl)'OIIO lbi■ CYaliag mlided Paving Di■lrict No. 31. He aid that before be FU illo lh■I be WIIIIOd 10 back up for a ---do a brief CMIView of thi■ projocl. Mr. ICabm llaled it Im adllally bccu IWO aad a half ycan ~ dli■ pn,jocl W11 illilmal. Thi■ prajocl bepD wi1b Couacil i--s • lmllliCIII of ialml 10 form the Di■aict ia Mardi of 1997. A public '-ing,... bold ia April of 1997..a Coomci1 clec:lcd 10 go forward with the projocl. , He cxplaiacd that. with the TABOR Amcodmcol bclixe ... lbae i■ ID cxua IICp ia paving di■Uicll tbal WC haw IIGl bad before. la NcM:mbcr of 1997 lho pn,paty-ia thi■ di■lrict _,, ~ ia palliq a ballOI qUCSliaa wbich alloM the City 10 Id! boadl ID 6-lbi■ prajocl ■o thcy cauld baw Im ycan for payments. We had a OOlllpClitM bid JUDC 18. 1991 udallbaugb wc bad a very c:ompctitwe bid and wc wae doaliag with dnc ooatneton. 1hal,.. bad a lat of caalldalcc III and bad had a good ""'mll rclalimship with, c,u the low bid -bigbor lllaa the CllimMt! "° bad publilbed a year ud a llalf ago wbcu It,, DisUiCI wa■ formed. Pan of tbal wu U 10 the CCOJIOmiC climate WC wae living ill. A■ a .....it ofthal,.. came back IO Couacil ia July of 1998 ..i r<erelled ud recstablishcd the Dillricl, wbicb CIIIICd Ill IO haw a second public '-ing AugUII 17, 1991. Mr. Kahm poillled out lha1 DO ODe atlCDdod thal. ■oil appcarod tbal the folks ia thi■ Di■lrict were ■awfial lha1 lbae ....,.. additional <OSI■ and they were wWiag lO pay them. COllllnlCtion bcpD 5cplcmbcr I, 1991 and Ibo project WU actually bn>kcu illlO IWO phuc■. RTD ~ the City ud a■kcd m 10 delay the COllllnlaioa oa South WiadameR a4jaccat 10 Ibo ligbl l ■alewood CII)' COIIIICU Sejlea■ber 7, 1'99 Pqe1' l °"" Ill ",SC'-u tq ~· •3•9 rail in the aroa bclwccn Quincy and Tufts Avenue. Bccausc of some groat dilf...._ lhat lllJo cm..i m ID delay the conllnldion or Stanfonl Avenue, between NIYajo and Windermere. We lllfted COIIIUUCliCII cm the project and we worked until weather calllld us to abut down for the year. In May or 1999,.. ca■li■■ed consuuction or Phase I 111d Phase I is substantially complete. Mr. Kahm advised lhat whal II remallliq II the sectlon of Windermere, lhat be rderTe<I to previously, 111d Stanford belween Windermere 111d Naw,jo. He advilOd thal our conlnlctor II scbedulocl :o come badt in 111d begin constNclion on lhat llnlldl willliD the next week or ten days. We expect that work will be completed over a four to six week period. Mr. Kalun referred everyone to the handoul He said on the backside or the lint page there II I paving district schedule for completion of Paving District 38 . The bold print in the middle of the pap rdl:n IO Tuesday, Seplanber 7", which is this bearing this evening. He said our hope would be that Council would consider the ordinance on assessments on final reading oo September 20". that we would have the onllnance in full fora: and effect by October 25'", that the last day for payi ng assessmcnll a."i receiving a 5% discount oo the amount paid would be November 11"', and tha1 we would certify the assessmenc roll to Alllpahoo Cow,ty for roUectlon on November 15•. He advised that our Finaua: Depannal is p-iy in the process of marketing bonds for this project. He n:ferred everyone to the map in the handout of Plvinl Dillric:l 38. He advised thal the 1300 block of West Radclifr Avenue was built this year. Repnliqtlle 1300-1500 West Stanfonl Avenue, be noted thal tho 1300 bloct baulroady1-COlllbuClodllldlbo 1400 and 1500 blocks wiU be built yet this fall . The 1400-1500 blocks of West Thomas Avenue, the 4600bloct or South Beverly Drive and the 4600 block or So,d , Ganlcn Sti=t were aU comploled 1M ia,. The 3400 block or South Emerson Stn:et ,.,. completed this year. 4300-4500 blocks or South Wlndenncno Sti=t is the group orstree11 thal will be coasbuclod aver tbe next l:w weeb. The 1000-1500 blocb of West Prootice Avenue and the 300 block or west Jetrason Avenuc were completed in 1998. Theftlllliniag sectJ005 or the handout show typical paving sections thal we expcriencod in this project. AJ you look through tbo9e, be advised, in each inslance the top line will lell you wllal the -nm,e 'Mlllld have been compared with what wu CSlimaled in the formatioo on1iDance, wbea the District -RIClllblilbed • last year. He llalOd we are undes lboeo estimaled prioea, wilh the exception or aUey paving and .Uey paving came up II about 63 cents a foot higber than whal we had IIMlliscd, which is about 2%, which is weU within the 6% guideline that is .Uowed. With that. be said. be woold be happy ID answer any questio05 Council might have. Council Member Waggoner seated that the bond issue before Council conigbt is• different figure than the assessment figure that is on the back or the page. He pointed out that the assessment figure is $735,5 34.43 and the bond figun: was less than lhal Mr. Kahm llalOd that inltially when we Slarted this project we anticipated L .,.dir.g co sell about a million dollan in bonds. AJ Council may recall. be said. • portion or Radcliff was shonencd and that lcsa,nal the cost 111d • portioo orRadclill"was eliminatal and thal lclsened the COSl. DiRclor Gryglewicz advised that becaUle I lol of propcnics prq,aid, the pepaymcnt of the bond iauc amount is less. It is dowo to $612,000, be aid. thal is what we plan on issuing. Mr. Kahm said he -.Id also like to point out thal we received live letters or procest on this project and those~ boon submitted to the City Clerk and sbe will enter those into lhe rea>nl II this tiJne. Letten from Vance R. and c.herine Fender, Virginia R. Hunt, Wayne J. Knowles IIDd James A. Dindo. Rooetta Angle and Milfied G. Harr were entered into the reconl. Don Noyes, orNoyes-Lamb LLC, 4590 South Windermere Street. said be has I piccc of property on which be has r=ivcd a notice ofUleSSmellll for Paving District No . 38. This was in the mail or Augustll, 1999 and was addressed to 4590 ~outh Windermere Street, F.oglowood, be said, wllicb is our actual addreu for this U.C. lt is oot the property that is being paved or sidewalked or gulla'ed. he said . The actual • i,roperty that is in the paving district belongs to the City ofEnglowood, 111d was dccdcd to them in 1974, he • • • la..,_,.. City c ....... , Sepleabu 7, .,,, .... , ,.,,r;in:t 111fm,1q:;'a, 81 !Ill•, _. oo a bulldlq pll'Dlil dood f'or 1be prapeny II dial lime. I bmd 11111 lbll 1be cudla, .-,. sidcnlb • oo ~ pn,perty, 11111 OD die U.C propaty, be 111d. Mr. Noya llid be Wlllld lillll 111 be ldeued 11am 1be Ilea 00 dle-i. and it Ihm becmms a liability oflbe City otea...,_. Ill paJ OD tbi!!:' ~ property. Mayor BIIIDI .. \eel lfbc bad communicllcd lhil lo IWf. Mr. Noyes aid be did ii wilb lbc Puhlic WOlb l~..: lhcy 111-ollt, and Mr. Kabm ilnvooliL Mayorllwlll llbd lfn-.._.ol tbi< ,r..mmuaicllloa. ~ Mllllgw Kabm aid be badjull lamod of it in Ibo laa few dayL M11Jor Bur• asked lfwe III cMClr:ial lbil GUI, to wblda Mr. Kabm n,opoadod alllrr.llliwly. Mayor..,_ llid lbat ii wbll Caw,cil would do, ii IO din:ct llllf lO check lbiJ 11111 IO M if il ii....-. Mr. No,-aed 1M>w long Ibo procea would !Ike. Mayor BW111 said t.e did 11111 think it would like wecu. Mr. Kabm aid, in lbal illlllD0e, we will -i the lid ollbc City All0111cy, -wt,o ii out ollOM lbiJ .,__ He llid ii WGlid be II lcul next Md< befOR M can rally deal wilb it Mayor BIIIDI diroctal lbat Mr. Kalun CIIIIIIIIUDical wilb Ibis gentleman and get him an answer to this II fast II p<.ilible. bccaule ii does DOI seem to him 1h11 it ii rocket ICience lO llpre lbil out Couacil Member w...,,_ ubd Ibo lllhlre ol lbc deed 10 lbe City. Mr. Noya said ii W11 met in 1974, when lbe Santa Fe/Uniaa-. toot place. We bad a building OD lbc propaty tmt-noody to be CfflCled, be aid, Ibo fouadalloos -poured and ....,,ihing. Tbe City am,oml all lbc propeny in that -. TbeJ' (GUIid 11111 we....., pog lO erect 1be building and Ibey cbqed III City IIX, I .. ta Mr. Noyes nulled lbal Mr. Bcnnlinl -Ibo City AIIOnlcy II dial tiae, and .. advilod tllal Mr. Noya could 11111 have I buildiac pamit .-1 be daliclled propaty IO 1be City. Mr. Wagoner ubd what Ille propaty was lO be ckdicaled for. Mr. Noyes aid ii WIS IO get I building permit. Mayor Burm llid I dedicllloo ii dlll"erelll lblll • transfer. Mr. Noyes aid It ..... quit claim dood, ._, prolelt from ... IO lbc City of Englewood II no COii lO 1be City. Nodling-said, n,ad wiae or....._,-· Tbe land tbll - dcdicaled 10 lbc City ii 11111 Mill being aaed f'or lbc llnlet, jllll lbc llllllide line ollbe propeny, be Ilic!, and ii was lhail twenty feet lbll tbey toot f'rom III lbal ii wbcn lbe buildiq lile-. Mayor B111111 llid it ii obvioally going 10 be cllccked out am! lbc papa-..,._ examined. Mr. Noya aid Ibey wen, told, loo, dial Ibey could DOI pn in Dool ol tboir building, bocauoe It ii City pn,paty. Council Member Bradlllaw asked wbea be Ml told 1h11. Mr. Noyes aid It -jllll lbc other day. Couacil Member Bradsllaw aid we om IO loot inlll two things. Mayor Bums askal lfMr. Kahm bad all lbc information be needed. Mr. Kabm said ..,lllldy, and lbiJ will be foUowed up. Barry Shields, 4450 Sooth Windermen: S1reet. said be has one cooccm. and lhal is ~ow loag RTD ii going 10 be. We are rigllt in die middle ol Soutll Windermele 1h11 ii ICbeduled next He 11."d lheR ii Iota al boa"}' duty eanh moving equipmmt 1h11 be fell was wortiag for llglll rail rigllt oow .. He said his concero ii wbeo Ibis project stu1s OD Soulb W~. wbco all Ibis equipment will be llling U.e oew -. wilb all that heavy "!uiPment. going up and down the curbs and Slulf. He asked how the City woru with 1h11. Mayor Bums asked lfbe -c:onoeroed lhat all the cons.ruction p-ojectl will break down the curbs and ruin the co-lhal WIS just pul in. Mr. Shields respooded alf"irmativdy. Mayor Bums asked Engineering Manager Kahm about the lime wilb RTD. Mr. Kahm said RTD appoached lbe Cily wt )'till' and asked lhal we postpone lhat stteet collSbuCtioo until lbiJ year. TbeY are fully awan: of our schedule, as we are of tbein, be said, 111d Field Openlions AdmioistrMor Kapaun bas been c:oonlioaliag with them. ID fact, he c:oolioncd, Ibey will be wortiag wilb us on the inslallalioo of some or the 11onn ,._. and llllllC of the g,ading behind the aub oo the west side. so Ibey are aware that we an, pulling in the new stJeel and will wort with III IO prutm it Mr. Shields said he ~ we have been postponed quite a bit going dcwn the road here. and when our stn:et gets done it may be close IO November. He asked. if his part gets postpooed anymore and it ii past laate,no,11 CltJ c-11 Sepleaber7, lffl ..... lt,oo-,n nl I" ,1 lQ:).)'4') • ~•'I 1h11 NowmlJer dale, wbolbor be •ill IIIU hive to pay hcfore tho-. cwbl and pa,,rs are COlllplellll. Couac:il Mtmbcr Bmdsbaw said, tho way it ii 1111 up, )'Cl. Mr. Shields aid be would -mall ol ii would be doao by 1h11 time. Mayor Bums aid Habt rail ii Soinl to open in July of next year, 111d tbcy llM a billory ofbutldin1 on time IIJd on budget Mr. Kahm said lbe inlcnt ii to hive aU the work COllpllled thil fall . Mayor Bwm ukcd if Mr. Kahm IOCI any daopr olthc cwbl beins broken dol>1l by RTD volliclel. Mr. Kahm aid be 11 not COll00l1IOd wilb tllal, tbc oaly llling we are alWl)'I worryiq about this time ol year, ii what the weather does to ua. Paviag planU will only nm until about the middle of o-mbor, but lie 111d lie fed1 wc are oo a lChodule w~,rc we -fiDilb it lip. Mr. Slliddl commealed tbal tbc City pmple be bu worud with bavc been very l')Od alJaut -.g qucstiou, and be cxpmal appn,c:ialioa for tbal. Jack Ncm,,. ... aid be OW111 a small business 11467 5 Sooth Windcnncn: SUecl. rigl,l aa... lioaa Pal1lr Auto Body, on the -aide of the -. lie said 1>, Wll out of town and would bave wriuen a leacr ol protat. lie apoloftiml for DOI doUII .,, Mr. Ndlipn said be bu a problem with tbc allllllUClioll tllll occumd OIi Wind&-a 1997. TIie -ma the job -with a C01111J111Y c:alled llalldall lllll Blab. When they came 111, oftllC WIIC:r-plaat. llld thco twned nr:111 oa Wiadamae, Ibey-lip IO the nonh aide of oar baildiDg wbae they thcll llnod ,... and booked up with RTD, lie cxplaiMI. Al Ibey WCIII Jllll ...-balldia&, be aid, they forpit III lmok up tbc acwcr linc. We are oaly a ...U......,. ol thiJUa people. 1111d 1IC hive DO -USO la our buainca Ill aU, _, WC did DOI dilcoYOr lllil Ulllil Ibo llliddle of 1997. Al tbal lime, WC tboupl tblt wejust bod~ bad....., line,_, WC hinll a.......,. c:alled Jtato- ROOler, and 1pC111 $4,700.00 for them ID fix up the liDe, "" thoughl. Theo about tluee or four mm1lhl '-• WC discovaal we llill bod the same problem, and ... hired Ill Eaglcwood oampuy c:alled RCDald Coasuuction and ape,11 $20.500.00 before they diJl:ovCRd 1h11 our acwcr Uuc bad not been boobd up to • the brand new_., pipe tbal-don w~ We an, right II Ille $25,000.00 lisure ript now, be said. The City of l!nglcwood was calkd. and the Slate of Colorado Wll called, and they came out and tool piclura. We WCDI to Rudall and Blallc for rdid, be said, but Ibey bavc llllUlllined aU alaag that tbc reasou they did not book up our sewer line -oa duect onlcn from the City of~ Mr. Ncllipa said this bu been•......,.~ wi~ RaMlal1 and Blal<&. lie said be lllbd tot acalcmlD hm the City ofEnglcwoad about two IIIODllll ago who Wll ll the COllllnlC:lloa lite duriag that-time. He said be was going to meet with him, but be could not think of bis nan...,. We spent almolt $25,000.00 bcfon,, and I bclieYO wc an: DOW boabd up to the ocw aewcr line. We llill oave anatber S,,500.00 in paving COIIS to fix the alley way when, lbe consauction oc:cuned. so thll bringl it up to $30,000.00, be said. Wben you go to Randall and Blake, or any of these companies, the very lint thing Ibey IIY ii 111111 am completdy pilllal ia this, lDd I knew I -piltlell because I stood above tho; hole and 1-our scwcr pipe and it endod about tvodvc inda fmm the brand""" aewcr line thll waa NIIIIUII down tbe ,,uddle of !be -. be raid. llaq c:omplelely pilll,sl do,., not mean you ue not l')ing to pay a lot of money bat·. lo ocdcr to p:t Rlndall 111>'.l Blake'• -tiOli, ~•-:!•-in mind Ibey bave maiataiacd all alaag this ii the Oty ofEagla,ood'1 wli~ l _,. to Bob Re&ud and aa.\ed him to sue me, be said, to act tbe ball rolling. so be sued me, and I have paid him oft I am now suing Rlllldall and Blake, and, with the legal feel so far, wc are up to around $33,000.00. RandaU ud Blake has ofcred. u a scalcmcn~ $15,000.00 to resolve this iauc. Mr. Ndlipn ukcd 1h11 somd>ody from the City ofEnglcwoad meet with him ud Rlndall and Blake to lilld out who really said thll the line should not be booked up. Mayor Burm ukcd ifbe baa communicated thil to the Utility Department before. Mr. Ndlipn said be !ried to call Mr. Kahm lllday. lie said be baa lplUII to Mr. Kahm in the past, and be has been IIUCb a gcnti....._ over thinp ~ of him. The anr,,e,, be said, is that he has written to everybody, and actually wrclC to this gmtlcman at the City of Englewood who was very, very nice, and it is just kilting me thll I can Dot think of bis name . • • • • laalewoodCl1yCaudl S.,...bcr7,1'99 Pqelt Mayor SWIii utocl ifhc-la thc UlilidcsorPublic Worb Dcpanmcm. EnpnecringMmprlCallm llid ii would have '-1 Ulilida, becalS thc pojccl we me talking about -IClllllly Paviag D111rict No. 35, whicb -a pn,joc:t built by thc Slate, and it ia a sewer illue, 10 thc Ulilidcs folb wen: aclllll1y piam all the ny tJuou,i, lhc constnx:tioa. Mr. Kahm aid be would follow up and find out who be dloald tall< to •lid ay to get to lhc boaom oCiL Mayor Bums llid it would a:nainly DOI be Mr. Kahm's docisioo whether to hook up to l lCWCt lincornot. Mr. Kahm said ii IClllllly -DOI even our projea, it ns a SWc projccl, but then: wen, a lot oC lllililics involved. He said be knows lhc Ulilidcs folks were out then: coolinuously, and if there wu a break don in coir...,u:ik:aliuu, that is probably whert it would have been. Mr .. tlcl!ipn aid, wbcrc you have some moacy involved, and people an: pointing llngcn, be feels it ii cula to j.>.?int it al a m,micipolity than aoyonc else. He said what be is asking for is some help to lie.\ out ifit n, !)Ol.siblc that somebody from tile City of Englewood actually said not to book up our sewer line. Mr. Kahm said we cao sun, try. Mayor BUIIII said be thinks we , '" assisl. lie cxprcssod apprecialioo for Mr. Ndlipn •• ~ tonnl Dlllllicipolidcs, bccausc we do DOI normally &Cl lholc. Mayor SWIii said be appra:iMm Mr. Ndlipll'I clilcmml and~ coolldcacc that Mr. Kabm would be able to get to the botlom o( il Mr. Ndlipll said hr cao give some of the caocdlcd c:bccb to Mr. Kabm that shaw IOIDC of thc IIIODC)' that bu bcca lpCIII. Couacil Member Wqgoncr ubd ifbt "" protatiag thc .....-oo Paving Dillricl No. 31. Mr. Ndligao said let's just assume that tt. .. -. ii Ibo po111'bility Iha!.,,._,. from the City of l!qlcwood llid do DOI book up that line. We Ille oo thc ._... lido o(tbe iUCCI, 111d then, ii a t.mous buiJdlaa riJbl bclliDd m called Thomas Plaliag. There ia I lllect alleyway just to thc IOUth side o( our builda& 1111d it ii. - .... wbcrc trucb would nm bodt a.ld forth to Thomas Plaliag. 1bc only......, that IOllld>ndy would possibly ay thal, be opiacd, aod I do DOI tllillk aaybody from the City ofl!ailcwood ever Wlllll. '" - Thomas Plating come back, aod ocrtah:ly I, U I Dcilhbor to thcm, would DOI WIOI to ICC tbc,-.J COIIIIO l._;,; either, but then: ii the possibility that _-body took a look al that line from the City ofF::.glcwood 111d said that is Thomas Plating 's liac, and we do DOI ever WIOI that to be booked up, IO do DOI book it up. Council Member Waggoner asked if be is in Paving uistrict No. 38. Mr. Nelligao sait vcs . But you an, DOluking for rclidfrom 38 , Mr. Waggoner aid. Mr. Nelligan said yes. he isaskins fon.Ud(or the $33,000.00. Mr. W1&10ncr said that bappcacd io Pavia& District No. 35. Mr. Kahm said be tlClllally owas a vacam lot aaoss 1hr. stroet from bis bu.sincss, aod that vacant lot is what wu uscacd in Paving Dislrict No. 38 for the work o , Thomu Pilling. Mr. Wqgoner said it bu nothing to do with the sewer line or rclidfrom 35. Mr. Kabm said that is llllC, it ia oo thc oppooitc side ofthcstroet and isa dill'Clctll pn,jcc:t. Mr. Nclligao1sk.cd if one side ofthc lllect ia 38 aod the other ii 35 . Couocil Member Bradshaw said that is rigbL Mr. Nellipn apologized. Ms. Bradshaw said that is okay, bccaUIC we an: still going to check it out for him . Mr. Kalua aid ablo!a.c1y. Mr. Nelligan thanked Council for their time. Vance Fcudcr, 3612 South Olcrokte Street. said be R>Octllly received the ISIClo>IDcnl lctlCr forthc paving distriCL The problem, be said, WIS that they did DOI purchase the home W1lil February of 1998. All oCthe real Cllatc coDlnctl that they ba, c iound .ay that thc ti;Je company is JlOI rcspoo.sibie for p1yioj aoythiag under a special paving distriCL lie ,aid be is DOI sure why that oa:un, because be cbccud with the County 111d with thc City wheo be did the real cstalC conln<:t ID find aay liens, bills and moocy owed aoywbcrc, 111d this DCVCS came "F· Also, be aid be rcalizcl that the problem that occwrcd for him is thc 300 block oC West Jc6crlOII, which the City calls I IIJ'CCI. It is actually ao alley that goes to the Bannock/a.crobc alley in the 3600 block of South Cbcrokce Street. be said. He said this was paved bccaUIC of ao ooaoin& problem with the City bctwcco thc dcvdopcn of thc ap,.'\meots on the so,,.b .side of Jcff'cnon aod aaotbcr gcntlcmao oo the north side of JcJl"cnon . Mr. ~coder said he should ooi I.ave to pay for what that geatlcmaa waot= dooc ID bis property. He said bis docs JlOI have alley access ID bis property , has llCYCI 11',sk""°" City Coudl 11e,_,,,1,,, .. JO oo 11 ) t,ou,.....,l!Jnl ~• ,r 1?dr11:t11pl "' •a•~ 1YC11 driYCD on 1h11 part o(the IIICCI, odlcr 1111D u a City employee. He llid 1111 problem with dlll'mln -ii ·.1111...., bu,~ no relidto gel any o(tbe -r bad: lh>m die people wbo 1111)' hffl oriplllllly voted for Ibis proJoct. They '1o not live there any loap, but I do, and I bave no -=a to lllat a1ieJ and DO ......, to ... i~ be aid. Mayor llwlll thallked Mr. Fcuder M<I llid bi, litualioo -,Id be cbcctcd OUI tJJo. (Cletk's -: Council Ma:!ber Nabbob ,ell !he mcetln~ 11 9:22 p.m. just as Mr. Fender made biJ closing remaib.) Wayne KDowla, ownor oCPoncr Auto Body, 4610 Soulb Windamc:R S-. aid be also r=ved a noClc:c for Pavia& Dillricl No. 31. Heald, after looklq II the map, be ii not CYeD ill lbal dislrict . Ourtaad bu been done abady, be Did. He ukcd why be would bave golttll a notice. Mr. Kahm said the road lbalMr. Knowles had rcfemd to as being done ii the road ill fronloflhe prapcrty, which ii WiD~ 111d wu buill in Paving Dillrict No. 35 . Wbal you arc bcin& llseued for ii a side 111ee1 .....,mcnl for lhe work 1h11 wu done oa Thoma. Mr. KDOwlel said be docs not°"" on 'lbomu. Mr. Kahm tald Ille City's policy ii to._ propcr1ia for the ftoalagc wllCll...., do the 111eet ill float of the property, 111d when...., do side llleetl, M usas half a blodt each dlrectlon, 111d die cost oflllll work ii rpr<ad out to a.l oCdlOIO lllljaccnt prope,1lcs. Mr. Kahm llid 1h11 ii die procca die Chy bu IIIOd linc:e they 11a."1ed diltrictl ill 19'6, the lbooly being dial cvayoae poys a die c:onsb11Ction 1h11 Ilka place ill lrnut of their papcny, 111d for a share o( all die aveaue pavillg. Mayor llwlll said be ii .,.. Ibey can dilam 11111 ftlldler with Mr. Kaowles, but 11111 ii die City's policy, and it bu 1-dial way linc:e 19'6. He rqlOlled dial Mr. JCabm-W be wllHDa to talk to him ftlllber • about It COUNCIL MIMBU 8RADSBAW MOVD, AND ff WAS SECONDO, TO Cl.OSI: TBJ: PUSUC BLUJNG. Ayes: Cowx:il Mcmben Badsbaw, Habealdd, Waggoner, Gnzulil, Buns Nays: Noae Alllcnl: Cowx:il Members Nat..,lz, Gamltt M:Otion e;uricd 111d die Public Hearing dmcd. Mayor Burns said Ibis maa.r will come up on Monday, Scplcmber 20, 1999 for considerallcn olthe onlinanco on llaal reading. 10. C-A ... da (a) Approval o( On1i11ancos on 1'"1111 Reading COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND lTWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSll'IT AGENDA ITEM 10 (a) (I) ON FIIIST IILUIING. (I) COUNCU.. BILL NO. S4 , INl1lODUCl!u BY COUNCU.. MEMBER W>.GOONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCI! APPROVING SUPPLEMENI' NO. 14-4 TO 1llE SOUTHGAff" SANITATION DIS11UCT CONNNl!CTOR'S AGREEMENT FOR nm INO.USION OP LANI! WITIIDI nm DIS11UCT BOUNDARIES . Vote raulll: Ayes : Cowx:il M:.mben Bradshaw, Habenicht. Waggoacr, Orm:ulil, Buma • • • • la ......... Cltyc-11 S.,..ller 7, lffl Pa,e21 Nay■: None Ablcnt: Council Membat Nal,bolz, Gamllt Molioa Cllricd. (b) Approval of Onlinances OD Second Radial l ! 1 n•lz•l •~• r t~dm'llQ' Z t:,:i,~ COUJIICll, MDIIIER WAGGONER MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, 10 AIPROVE CONSl:JIIT AGENDA mMS 10 (II) (I), (II), (Ill), (h,) ud (•) ON SECOND ll&ADING. (i) ORDINANCE NO. 46, Sl!RIES OP 1999 (COUNCil. Bll.L NO. 41, INTMlDUCl!D BY COUNCR. MEMBER WAOOONBR) AN ORDINANCI! AUW.ORIZlNG 1lll! ADOPTION OP AN AMl!NDED CITY OP l!NOLIIWOOD PIREFIGKl1!RS' hll''.SION PLAN OOCUMEIIT, WHICH PROVIDES A DEl'ERRl!D RBTIREMENl' OPTION PLAN (DltOP) BENEFIT FOR 11IE PARTICIPANTS OFTIUS PLAN. (U) ORDINANCE NO. 47, Sl!Rll!S OP 1999 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 49, 001!.ODUCED BY COUNCR. MEMBER WAOOONBR) AN ORDINANCI! AUl'IIORIZINO 1lll! ADOPTION OP AN AM1!NDED CITY OP l!NQU!WOOD POI.JC!! OFFICERS' PENSION PLAN DOCUMENT, WHICH PllOVD>BS A Dl!l'ERRl!D Rl!TIREMEITT omoN PLAN (DROP) BENEFIT FOR 1lll! PARTICIPANTS OPTIUS PLAN. (iii) ORDINANCE NO. 48, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCil. Bll.L NO. 50, 001!.QDUCl!D BY COUNCR. Ml!Mlll!R WAGGONER) AN ORDINANCE AM!!NDING 'ITIU! 3, CHAPTER 7, Sl!Cl'IONS 3, 4 AND S, OP TIii! ENGU!WOOO MUNICIPAL CXlDI! 1915. (iv) ORDINANCE NO. 49, SERIBS OP 1999 (COUNCIL BILL NO. '1, INl'JIODUCl!D BY COUNCU. Ml!MBl!R WAGGONER) AN ORDINANCI! AMENDING 'J'ITLI! 3, CHAPTER 8, SECTION I, SUBSECTIONS 3, 4 ANDS, OP 1lll! ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODI! 198'. (v) ORDINANCE NO. 50, Sl!Rll!S OF 1999 (COUNCil. Bll.L NO. SJ, INTROOUCl!D BY COUNCil. Ml!MBl!R BRADSHAW) AN ORDINANCI! SUBMITTING TO A \/0'11! OP 1lll! REOISTl!RED l!Ll!Cl'ORS OF Th11! CITY OF ENGU!WOOD AT 1111! NEXT SCHEDULl!D MUNICIPAL l!Ll!CTION A PROPOSED AMl!NDMl!NT TO ARTICLI! XV, SECTIONS 137:2 (i) AND 138:3 (a) OF 1lll! Hmffi RULi! CHARTER OF 1lll! CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Voleraults: Ayes: Council Members Bradshaw, llabenicb~ Waggoner, Gnzulia, Bumi Nays : Nore Absent Couocil Members Nabbolz, Garrell Motion carried. (c) Raolulioas 11111 Mow,m Tbae ,wn:"" addilional raaluliom or motion, submiacd tor appoval. (See A,eada Itaa 11 • Rqullr Agenda.) laslnood City Caadl Sepleaber 7, I"' PqeU 11 . lleplar A .. da (n) Approval of Ordinana:s on Finl Readin& ) •I'.) blM nf ," J ,2 1r,, ,, (i) DiRclor Gryglewicz prescnaed I n:commcndation from the ~ al Financial SCMCOI IO odopl I bill for ID onlinana: llllborizinl tho ilNIIICC of Special "-llaadl ia the IDIOWII of$6l2,000.00 lJr l'mnl DiJlrict 38. Mr. Oryglewicz Slid I blllot question, vOllld ,_ by Ille lll'ected vows. was approved by a \'Ole ofl lO 6 on November 4, 1997. Mayor Bum, ukcd bow tbll coonlinlla wilh the on1in111a, we just bid the Public: Hcariaa oa. Mr. Gryglcwicz 1aid lhis is I acpora1e ordinance f'JOm lhal. We will issue the bonds. and iClhcre is a,y adj1IIUDCDtl, ,llao UDOU11111h11 ue 11111 ..,..i in the disaic:t, will just be bcld iD the boad ICCOUl ilrftibn poymal of1"iacipll .id ..... bcaid. Mayor BIIIDI ,aid be just waDl<d IO mike mn, publicly Iha! U,is d.a not addl'S individull p,vpalia, !his is ID .,..,.n fbndlns IIICCblllism. Mr. GrygJewicz aid ii ICl\llllly IIICIWI individual propcrty owmn lO finance Ibis 0"'1 lal y<an, olhcrwisc the Clty-.ki r.ot have I· lncchanism IO do 1h11. Council Manbc,r Bradsbaw aid lhll -llll10d iD the clgbli•.1, wllcn sbe WIS on Coaacil bd-. Maya, Bllfflli said Uiis 1111 bocll doDc scvcnl tlmcs bel'ore. The City Clt:rlc •iu ukcd lo rad the council bill by title: COUNCIL lllLL NO. 55, INl1lODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE OF nm crrY OF ENOLEWOCD, <XlLORADO, AUTHOIIIZING nm ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS IN nm AOGIIEGATE PRINCIPAL AMOONI' OF $612,000.00; PIU!SCIUBING nm FORM OF 1llE BONDS; PROVIDING FOil 1llE PAYMl!Nr OF TIii! BONDS FROM SPECIAL ASSESSMl!!n'S IMPOSED UPON PROPl!llTY WITHIN PA VINO DISTRICT NO. 38 AND MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS IN CONNl!CTION lllERBWIIH; PROVIDING O'lllER DETAILS AND APPROVING DOCIJMENJ'S IN CONNECTION WITll 1l!E BONDS. COUNCIL MEMB.ER BRADSHAW MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO Al'PI.OVE AGENDA !TIM 11 (1) (I)· COUNCll. BW. NO. 55. A)'C": Council Mcmben Bndlblw, Habcnich~ Wagoner, Gnzulis, Burm Nays: Noac Ar.:nt: Council Members Nahbolz, Garrett Motion carried. (b) Appr<MI ofOrdinana:s on Scamd Readin1 lbcrt we,,: oo additional items submillcd for approval on second rcadini (Sec Agtndl Item 10 • CoDICDI Agenda.) (<=) Resolur.ions and Motiom (i) DiRclor R.oss prcscnl.Cd a recommendation ftom the Dcpartmau of Publk: • Woru and Financial Services IO odopl a resolution approvu,1 lhc pwdwc of a acw 1111111c llpal l)'llem. He advi5cxl tbll Council ~poYII was beiDg sought IO negotiate and award a contract for a acw 111111c .nanagt1111!111 syll.Cm. 1bis raolulion, iC appraycd. would allow the City of &alc-,,ood lo....., iDlo a IDie soura: .:onllllet wilh Ecooolitc Control Products, Incorporated in the amount of S363,400.00, be aid. We • • • • laalcwood City c....u Sepleaber 7, l'99 Pqe2J l ,, ' , l>oo•·•lla!f 11'1 , ,,dm,)q>~ H,pq arr 111D uldllg Council lo Clllblltb a maximum budpl for thc acw l)'IIClll lo 0IIYCI' paaible Ml p he that-beiaaS3I0,000.00,llel&id. Ourexllliqllllllc_..,..dnniaattlla_.41flll Uldul lile, IDdthcll,pplierot--ay-.•Waaddllll,~cmlaand•dacilWID- ..,eir ~ away fiom 111111c COIIIIIII 111d 1110\'0 illlO .Uum IIXnbaanll, be advi..t. W•-1111 .... pt thc a,pport wo DOOd, be llid, which ii aillc:II • wo ..,.._. December 31, 1999. 8-., .. ddlcienciel in our exi&liag l)'llclll, be aid, it is -,y lo~ this l)'llall with-dlot will pnwlde thc importam 1uDcllom wo feel we DCOd. We paid u indepadml ~ Ill pafbn, a lnlllc lllllllgCIIICDI l)'slcml analysiJ lo ddcnnine what l)'llem ii cunmdy out tbac that will IDCICI the aeedl ot thc Cily or Englewood. Our colllWl&DI, PBS&J, IOCllllllllelld IUI WC .. willl &oaollCe '-s,... lie uld. Mr. Roa aid thc Ea>noli~ rcpraealali ... havc .....i ua lhal Ibey cu have thc DOW~ liP ... Nllllillg by year md II wc give lbcm aodcc lo pmoeed in thc MX1 _,, days. that is why lhe ac:lioa Council Ilka lonig!,t is ., impor1IIII. Council Member Habenlchl asked II our rnfllc: conll'Di l)'llall would be compalibic with our nagbl,ara. Mr. Roa aid our neighbor lo :be south is LiaJCIOn, 111d Ibey have thc same l)'IICIII thal we are IJIGlng rid ol,., WIili Ibey got rid otthis l)'lllm, the answer is an, Ibey won't be. Mr. Roa said Ibey 1111 loaldlaat this, havc talked lo TJdlc l!ag;,.riag Alllllyll V-,Y, ..t ubd for all tile inlormatim ..t reaudl WC bavc done,., all..,.,..._..., tbll Ibey aro looklq at 9DU11 ia tile ame direclica a-. ~. be aid, with RTD, is looking at the same l)'Slelll 111d inanponling that iDlo a oumbcr otthelr ~ ., we feel like, once Ibey pt on boon!, Ibey are go;,,, ID Ill IO their 1111ft l)'llall with tile l)'IICIII we an, IOCOmmeoding lo pwdluc. The rcoolutioa WU llligncol l number 111d ,ad bj, tille: RESOLtmON NO. IS, SERIES OP 1999 A RESOLtmON AWARDING A Nl!OOl1ATED CONlllACTFORIINGLl!WOOD'S 11tAPPIC MANAOl!Ml!NT SYSTEM INS1t!AD OF'nll! COMPl!1Tl1VI! BID PROCl!SS tlNDl!R Sl!Cl10N 116 (b) OP nil! HOMB RULi! OfAR11!ll AND SEC'ItON 4-1-3 OF'nll! l!NGlBWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985. COIJNCR. MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM II (c) (l) • RESOLUTION NO. 15, 51:RIIS OP lffl, Ayes: Comlc:il Mcmbcn Bllldobaw, HabcDicbt, Waao-, Gn.zulis, Burm Nays: Noac Absent Council Mcmben Nabllolz, Garnu Motion carried. (il) Dira:IOr Foadll pacnled a flQ)lllmeadltion from Linlelon/l!nglcwood Wutewatcr rr.a-1'11111 Supcrvilnry Commiaec to adopl a nsollllioa apporing thc purdlue of Maintalancc Mallagcmcnt Software. He llalcd at! IOCOIIIIIIODds purdwing thc IOftware liom 0- Systeml, Inc. Company, in Ibo -oU50,600.00. He aid this is IOftware for a maialcoance and 11111111gement l)'stem for the Bi-Oty w-~ Planl, which ii becoming vay 1arJe ..i complicated. It wu ~ out womng with the Oly'1 IT IJIIUP. It ii uaiquc, be aid, ad di,( ii wlly wo an, IOCking the sole ....,.., Ibey found fCllllll<I in dlis l)'llcm that -1< bell, DOt oaly for Bi-City, but it can also be utilized by. number of other -of the Cty whea lbcy 1'1111 to come OIL " bu • ...._ that cu be IICCC-1 by other""""' la the City, 111d aiso bu aocwity feabnl thal allow them ....... independently olfthe dalamR. Bi-City could IIOt-..,. other are1 otthe City that wllllld., ca tllil pn,gram, be aid, ., k _.w 1101 oaly 10M: Bi-City, bat -.Id alto be IVlilable for UIO by otber clcp,u1malll. Anotbcr lqc felluR ii tbal you pt -daallue, lib OD tile llllcmcl, _, you do IIOl llm: 111 load ii into every linglc llldliao dill is IOiaa to be aaod bj, WOJr/ .,._ Ill havc l 11111-... IIIIIIIIFfflCllt l)'llem. Witb tbll, M an, nx:ommcadillg, 111d the Bl-City Comm!-Ii 1e fl & ,t,e pun:lmc in the IIIIIOWII of $50,600.00. 111...,_,.CIIJC-11 .,_.., 7, lffl Paa,e:14 I) l,w...,f:illl 11dm",1ltpi': (! •~1:'I Couacil Mmbc:r lilbcllicbl ullod if we an, maldq 11n 11111111 or our dcpllllllCIIII an, OOlllplllble wilb all 1Mdilfaat8Dftwlre. Mr. Fonda aid the City'1 rr--i wilh 111, ID lhllbu becadoac. Council Mmbc:r Gnzulil llid lbc tn:111 lhil it Y2K. complila Mr. Fonda aid ii ii. The raolulioa-aaip,od I Dumber and ,ad by tide: RESOLIJllON NO. 86, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLIJllON AWARDING A NEGOTIATED COlmlACT FOR MAl!m!NANCE MANAGl!MEl,rJ' SOFTWARE FOR 1llE LITlU!TON/l!NGLl!WOOD WAS'IEWATEll TIU!ATMl!NI' PLAN!' INS'raAD OF 1llE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS UNDER SECTION 116 (b) OF 1llE HOME RULE OIARTEll AND SECTION 4-1-3 OF 1llE ENGLl!WOD MUNICIPAL CODI! 1915. COIJNCU. MJ:MBU WAGGONER MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA rrEM 11 (c) (H) • USOLIJTION NO.116, SHIES OF 1999. Aya: Cowlcil Membcn Badlhaw, Habenich~ w.....,.., Onzulis, Burm Noya: Nooe Ablent: Council Memben Nabbolz. Gama Molioa carried. (iii) Director Fonda prescnecd a RIIXICIIIIIClldoa from the Lillldca/El\glewood WISICwaler Trcalmenl Plant Supervisory Commillce to IIJIIIOYC, by molion, a oolllrael (or Dclip and Coaslluclioa AdmioiJtralioo or Scrvico/Support Facility Expansion and Modilicllionl. He adviacd tbol SWf ftlCIOIIIIDelld awanlilll lhc bid to lhc ~ bidder, Flldlcr 11111 Allodllcl, la the llllOWII of • $67,360.00. Mr. Fonda aid 1h11 it tor., e:xpllllioll 10 the alllce...,... We have been CIIIICCllblliDg (or lhe loll Im )'OIII or ID, be aid,,_ n:buildias lbe plaol. WI -lhe offlce,..., is UO ........ The Bi-OtyCommit111cls,-wwtin1~theofflce,...,IOUlilallheaurm1alllce,...,. He adYiaed 11111 bids"""' recciwd from udlila:IS. aod 1h11 -the low bid. We tbecbd their~ be aid, Mid r=mmcod 1h11 lhc bid be awanlea to FISCha-11111 Alsocialcl in Iha IIIIOUlll oC$67,360.00. COUNCU. MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A CONTRACT JOR DISIGN AND CONSTRUCTION .ADMINISTRATION OF SIIIVICE/SUPPORT FACILITY EXPANSION AND MODIFlCATIONS WITH FISCHER AND ASSOCIATES IN THE AMOUNT OF $67,31.0.00. Ayes: Council M,;mbcrs Bradshaw, Habcnicb~ Waggoner, Gnzulil, llurm Nays: None Alaalt: Cowlcil Membcn Nabbolz, Gama Molioacarried. (iv) Director Black praclllcd a """"1111C11oo from Iha Dcpallmml or Parb 111d Rccloatioa to lll'P"M', by motion, a oolllrael tor Sallla Fe 111d Hampden Avenue landscape mainlenaaoc. lie adYiaed tbal IWf rccollllllCllds awarding lhc bid to lhc lowest 1eehllically aa:epcablc bidder, ScllUllz lidlllrics, lllc. in lhc 1D10W11 of $64,650 .00. Schultz n,;!,t the CIODtnlCI for lhc mainlalaocc oC lhe laodscapc U11p11M111C111S oo Soulh SaDla Fe, be said, 111d lhc Hampdor. iDCdians for lhc last year. Mr. Black advucd 1h11. • i-t oC this, there wu an imaJovemmmtal qrecmcnt wilh lhc City or Sheridan aloo& Sula Fe, ..i.ae lhln wu I llllled -there. The City or Sbcridao -.Id pick up lhc cost or 11-pn,pcnicl load<d widlin lhc city limits oCSberidan, and lhc City otEuglcwood would pick up lhe-. Rlalal to lhc pn,pcdica in En,lcwood. Thal agrccaal cxpiRd August 4, 1999, be said, and it WU our bope, Oil llJ inrormal balil, to 00lllinuc wilh lhc laodapillg lllllil WO ...... able to achieve I l'onDal asn-cmeat wilh the Cily u, 5bcridaD cm lhc abared costs. However, we bave aa1 been overly succcalid in llllinllinillg lhe • medians there, so we (di it wu impor1alll to go ahead and initialc lhc COllllact ror lhc IIIUIIICIIIIKZ, 111d • • la&lewON City Coudl Soptmber 7, l99t I w,I 11] , ... is • :i,tq,?. : .1 that cmliaull dilClllliom wilb the City of Sbcridon to......., thalqraomcal. bo llid. Mr. Bia aldlle -101d • Ibo ml al ... wedt 11111 the City of Sllaidm'1 Mayor Bpn wauJd bo IClldia& a.._ to City Council and City Manager Scars about changing IODIC ICnm in lhc agn,eme,11. the pcltlCIIIIF dleq. Ho 111d bo wu not sun, about the pllliculan of thal, but oocc we get the lcaer we will Iii down and go lhruup lhal. He Slid be knoWl lhcJ IR moviag forward, bul to whit-~ be 'WI 1101 IUl'e. Mayor Buma aid we bad cii.o,,-d ..,,. c:banps in ratios, and he and Mr. Scars discussed ii aft.er Ibo 1111 Anpahoe County Mayon and Managers meeting. They were going to suggest 10mc other.,.._.., he aid. Mr. Bladt aid be lhoughl 1h11 WU wbal Ibo leUer WU abouL Council Member Habenidil aid Ibo knows thal, particularly this inlcncction, 1h11 we bave lhroup ycan of working with Ibo Tri-Olia group, indiCIUld tbal lhil was Ibo pleway for Ibo City ofBopcwood. She asked if lbcn: was any dilcwlioa, and she just raised lhe issue just as a though~ tbal maybe ii would be to Sbcridaa'• OCDdil and ourbcadillO 1h11 lhildocl not become I pn,blem, • least with thal inlcncclioa, lb,/ ::.Oy ~ WIOl to de-llUICX 1h11 to Bnglcwood. Dila:lor Bladt aid be lhoughl lbcn: bad bocn IODIC discussion lhcrc, but IIOlhing formal, just in a,ovenalioa. City Mampr Scan. .aid M bave DOI lalkcd to them since Ibo IDCClin& and since Ibo Tri-City moetiq. He 111d Ibey iDlimated durias lhal diJCuaioa lbal,, illllad of a lixl)' forty ,plit, I forty lixl)' spli~ juol to let Council be....,. a(lbat. He aid bo did not !mow Ibo.......,. far lhal. but Ibo iauo al dHmlealiao 11111 IHIIIICXllian could come up and lbcn, may be a number of Olbor lhinp 11111 City CGUaciJ could aybe 111k abaul • lhc point in time Iha! we IIClllllly get a lcllcr fiom them. He said bo docs 1101 lmow, in lams ol bow lhcJ an, going to j1.lify whll lhcJ a,mc up wit.b, but that -what wu considcrod. We fell ii was c:rilic:al fardlcvilibilily, •wo IIIOVefcnanl willllbil pn,joct, llllljo,lldo IIOllct lhc Sada Fe Corridor or Hampden fall -', 11111 lbal II why MIR ....... this• tbiJ poiJII ill lime. Mayor llaml llld lbole ba 1-11 IODIC illloraal discusioD from Sllcridall aboul bow, II Ibey could 1101 colllribulc lboir portion, lllcy wauld jUII as 111011 pove it avu. 1bal.,. DOI whal we were going to acap1. be aid, IDdM docomidcrlhil to bclbc eaay IDlbc Cily ofl!qlcwood. Huaidbo, pasoaally, bas fora long time loobd fotwlld to fillally gcaing-lamllcaping in lhil arca. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONEII MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO M.•PllOVE A CONTIIACT ,oa SANTA n: AND HAMPDEN A VENUE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCI WJ11I SCHULTZ INDUSTRIES, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF 564,650.00. Ayes: Council Maobcrs Bradshaw, Habcnich~ Waggoner, Grazulis, Burm Nays: None Aboeul: Council Mcmbcn Nabbolz, Garrett Malioa cmicd. 12 . c-aID'-- (a) Mayor's Cboia: (i) Mayor llwm l<Cllled Iha! ii was dilCWilCd briefly 81 Ibo dinner, lhc Rail· Vohllion Confcrcoa: budget llsuc. The Rail• Volutioo Confcrcna: ;, being held in llallas in a couple or wed<£, be said. Next year ii will be in Denver and we arc helping 10 fund lhc Rail•Volutioo Confcrcoa: in Deaver, so we were urged by our stalfaod others 10 have some of us attend this conference. Council Member Habcnic:bl asked if lhcse could be considered all at one time, sina: Couocil Member Nabbolz bad 10 leave. lllpewood City Coudl September 7, 1999 .... u Couaci.l Member Bradaw asked wby Mayor Bums' COIi DIOR. She asked If it wu for..,_ ...,_ Bwu llid ho did DOt lmow, liDce he did 1101 mike Ibo......-, Council Member llllbealmljalllllll 1h11 Ibey an, only briJllull DIIO of III bock. COUNCU. MEMBU, IRAJISBAW MOVID, AND IT WAS SICONDID, TO LIT MAYOa IUllNS, COUNCU. llllllllER BABINICBT AND COUNCIL MIMBER NABBOLZ ATnND THI RAJL.VOLUTlllN CONRRINCI AND ASK THAT TBIY BOLD THEIR IXnNSIS TO AMINIMUM. Ayes: Council Memben Bradshaw, Habcnich~ Waggoner, Gnzu1is. Burm Nays : None Ablenl: Council Membcn Nabholz, Garren Motion c:anied. (ii) Mayor Bums said thal lhc 285 median west of Broadway has bccn woalod ud loou a great doal bcacr. (ill) Mayor Bwullid he lllaidcd the second IUIIIUl1 'l'nwpcr1alim S--Ibis afternoon down II the old SUJRIIIC Court Chambers. which was boacd by the Denver Cbambcr ol Commerce. II was vcry inlcrosling. he aid. Tbey have the congr<ssional delegation lhclt. aloog with Ibo Govcmor ml Mayor Wdlb mil all lbc DIDlpDrlllion iaucl. Tbey pvc _,. becqroomd ... lladillc oflbcm. llld ~ wbo is idaakd in .._wioa-in lhelllldicllcc. lt&iva yoga vcry"""' overview of the wbole pic:uR, lie llid, llllling II die fedaaJ levcI OIi down. We luM: I lcw ...... ol our delcgadoa who ... 1101 cucdy in our comer oa Upt tail Caogremnan Helfer from Douglll <:may suppo111 die transpor111ion-for lhc Govcmor, but doM 1101 support UsJ>t rail, which mllla poapc in lbc Southcalt Conidor pl just I lilde bil uplipl. Mayor Bums Aid Tom Tllll:ftdo is ........ and ii bdpiag III pl $45 miJlloa for die ~ Corridor lllil yes for Rll>, but lli1l docs 1101 ,ally bclie¥e ill Ugl,I rail. He t.lliev« ii is too c,q,caiw ad -to -bow die South.-Corridor pe,for-. •be• said bd'or,:. A •"C c{ critics ol Upt rail say it docs DD1 moct the ridcnbip projccliolll lhat _,, oripaIJy csti-.d, and Lio 11/j'I even ifyoa pl all lllo ridlll i&1 die wmld, lbc only ny be ii aom& ID D!' ii wmb is If it dimlnimc:I thc !rlllic -OIi Soutb Saa Fe. Mayor Burm aid he docs aat know If it will -do Iha!. ,'ho dleme is multi-mocllll ~llmOII, all dill'crmt Didi ol._ workiac lllFlbcr-Ma,or Bums op!n«l that Mr. T.......io lhinb Upt rail 1111 to aolve all olyour problems. and if ii docs 11111, it is a fail~. He said •hal Mart Udall is in lilvor olthe concepts, but docs not think that lbc north-..at an,a is gcttins cnoush oot oc!hc tnmporlllioa ~ .,you can really ace whcr,: all oftllem ... CIJllliDg from. Ben CarnpbcU :, very ...U par.:tioaod oo the appn,prialions committee in the Senalc, aad has bcca very helpful to about everybody in lhat pooition. he said. Mayor Bwns added that Salllor Allanl wu 1101 tbcre 111d Governor Owens gave I pilcb u to wby he thinks the tnnsponation and lhc lishl rail should pass. and ve,y much inlcg,altd lbooe two together, u did Mayor WdJIJ, who alJo save a pilcll for the Easl 111d the Wes1 Corridan. So, there was a varicly of cxprcaion down there, but an awful IOI of people wbo suppon transi~ be said, aIIowiDg 1h11 he bad to leave before all of the remarks from the delegation. Mayor Bums said it is an intaestins confcrcnc:e, wbich docs 1101 lalt ve,y Ions. but thcre was a IOI of information given in a ve,y sbon period of time. The Dia: thin& he said, iJ that everyone is there who is working OIi this . y OU start from !he White House OD down for new stans OD lnl!Sit fundin& he said, rocaliiq lhat Tom Tana.do said bow difficult ii is to get in line for the full funding grant agrccmcnt u we did ocvcral years ago . Even if the mcasur,: J:BSSCS on !he ballot, you still have to set the approval through the ~ process, which iJ 1101 easy . This wu a good overview of cverythins 1h11 is happening down lhclt. he said. He passal around to Counc::il I slosay depiction of all the dill'cr,:nt kinds of transponation projcc:U 1h11 ar,: being assisted by federal fwlding. Council Member Bradshaw said it wu (lfCU)' clasoy. Mayor Bwns •B"'Cd· He said ii was the Dcllvcr Chamber and IOIIIO of lbooe folks . He said Joe Blake was Uic modcntlor 111d is the new director of the Denver Chamber of Commerce. • • • • la&tewood Oty C-U Sepkabcr 7, lffl PqeJ7 (b) Cowlcil Manba'1 Choice (i) Cowlcil Member Bnadlbaw: I. Sbc said sbc bad a rcqUCSI liom a cili=, who sbc thought gradual,d liom Englewood Hip Scbool iJI 1937 and rally kaou tbc bistmy. Sbc said be wu c:ooa:rn<d that our HillOric:al Sociccy ii IOI! ol limpillg ~ 'Ibey did nat get lbcir pui, and yet wo bave tbc money to ouboidizc MOA and Dmd Taylor OaD<c, 10 bis 0IIDQCl1I HI 1h11 .. ybc ,.. IICICld 10 put that to a -of tbc pocple of Ea,Jcwood. sbc said. Sbc told him that she would bring that up Wider Council Mcmbe11' Choice on subsidlzina the 1111. 2. Sbc aid tbcrc wu a new uac for tbc c:burtb oa University and Dartmouth. Sbc sald it ii a IColaa Cburda. and tbc pn,pcrty ii rally lookiD& good and it reinfon:cs the w:t thal she knows she made tbc ripd dc:cilioa oo thal. Sbc aid lbc feels really coafidcnl. Mayor BUl1II aid Council all felt Lbcy made tbc ri&ht decision oo that ooc. 3. Sbc aid lbere WOR a couple of things OD Code Enfon:cmcal She said she does nat know what CID be done, and lllo WU nat Soial to IIIClllioa lbc address publicly, but this bas been I cbronic pn,blcm for eight years. She aid she gcts 111C11101 back 1ayU1g that wc have talked to this person, bu! Ms. Bnadlbaw said she feds wc .,. beyond tbc talking SIIF, Tbc whole lioat yanl ii full of wccdl, and she aid sbc would just give thal to Cly MaalF Sean. Sbc said she bas nat bad 111y trouble with Code Enfoo:cmcnt poople, lbc Im 11"11)'1 bad exccllent c:oopcralioD, but bcr CODCCrD with tbcm ii that this is a cbnmic problem. It ii tbc only bad pn,pcrty iJI that block and it Slicks out liltc a son: thumb. Sbc asserted that Code Enforcement is impollalll, and when you bave a aicc ocigbborbood, an R-1-A neighborhood, it ii imponalll that wc maialaiD bip standards. Ldlin& lbcac guys slide by for eight ycan ii nat mainlaiJlu,g hip IIIDdardl. sbc llid. Sbc aid sbc knowl Code Enforcemeat Officer Panoas ii womnc witb _.... acipl,ar iJl-. block, and 111n bnc ...... wmdafid raullL Tbc people IIO lrimmin& IRcl. lllo llid, and wbcn WC Ill for walks wc ldl tbcm 1h11 loob p:11, and that ii part of being ia I commuaity, 100. This 0llC lddim ii clRllic, it bal bccn cliraalc 1w I looi time, Lbcy uacd to point Clll tbcrc becauac you could ...U tbc poial. sbc nallod, and it bu dallic:I vebiclcs and is jUII a mesa. Code cnllm:cmcnt Is to bclp all of III bave a good qualily of life, she lllid. I do DOI drcun lbcac up, people call mo becaUlc Lbcy aid Lbcy bave ... bad good R:SpOIIIC, .... said. 4. Sbc said tbc RTD ._;,,g WU prcay iJltcrcsting OD Wednesday, but she bu I c:onccm lbal Lbcy .,. just appcasiag • Ibis poiJIL Sbc said sbc hopes not, but bcr guts arc ldliJlg bcr that facility ii lllUl8 to end up in Englewood. and she does nat 'Wllll 10 ICC that. (il) Council Member Gnzulis R:lllindod everyone that tbc Depot sale ii September 11", ts• and I~ liom 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. She said lbc aotiad that she badayanl full oflhingsoo Monday with business cards because she WU DOI there 10 take lbcir calls 10 pick it up, SO Lbcy just dropped it off. Sbc said sbc bopcs Code Enforccmont does not get after her for having things all over bcr yanl again. Sbc szid sbc ii willing to take all things down to tbc Depot and Lbcy will be having a sale to raiJc money to R:furbisb tbc inside. Council Member W-ncr ulLcd if lbcn: ii IIOIIIC way lbal WC can speed up tbc process without having 10 wait for sales. Can't we 10111 lhcm some moocy and nx:oup liom sales or something, he l.lkcd. Couacil Member Habenicht said she knows then: bavc been some meetings •.cld between lbc City in terms of lbc Friends of lbc Library and tbc Library Board, and tbc Cullur.ll AIU Commission and Parks and Ra:n:alion. 1bcsc groups that have appoacbcd tbc City and want to be a part of tbc historic depot and tbc Hislorical Society and also pull in Public Works and Parks and Recreation. These meetings bave been moving oo in terms ol sceiDg lbc kinds al in, JUI that ... outd work best for everybody. Ms. Habenicht ,aid she wondcn:d if it would be possible for lbc 1;i1y to provide some sort of funding, al least in tbc beginning. 111 ..... ood City C•lldl Sepleabcl'7,1Ht ,.,.21 10 do 10111C son of appnial of that building and what It would CCIII to brin1 It ,.i lO bein1 UIOd. '!bore could be a sbarod IIIC between the City and the Hlatorlcal Society and other poups that could Ullllzo Ibo ..,..., the said, so they could start rcaJJy having somcthinJ aoin& on tbcrc, pn,pam wi1e, so that tbcrc would be more fundnising c:apobilides. Council Member Bewlshaw aid Ille Is worricu about vandalism. Ms. Habenichl aid that ~ pmllbl be abou1 $3,000,0:, 10 $4,000.00 lfwc could IUlborize that that C101lld be-_ Couacll Member w...,.. said it takes more than that 10 rcftubisb ll Ms. Habenicht said no ... Ms. Bnid,baw 111d 10 aet tbe eleclricll going. City Mampr Sean said one o(the concerns Is that tbcrc rcaJJy Is DOI ID lldlilcdlnl l'MIW afwbal ,-II 10 happen IO that building, 111d whll typel of"°"' nccdl to ID ii, apociaUy IO the..._ ordle llllrl. He said be uked Dircclor Roa IO look al some issues there, 111d wc may have some dnlnap ....,._ also. We have dooc a grcatjol, with the parks aver tbcrc, but it .. y actually colllribule, be aid. Whal,,. arc milling rlsJ>t now is some type ofarchiu:dwal review of what 1ype1 oftblap-ao Ill~ bod, llj) above and down below. He aid they relied upon voluntccn IO p them some esllmata, but wc ocod IO have prnfcssloaal review of whit CID ID on there. Council Mcmllcr Bradshaw llbd if that is 1111 whit the Colorado Historical Sociely CID do. Mr. Sean aid they did DOI Fl the.,.._ Ms. Bndllaw 111d a knows, but asked if they CID DOI be adYito1I. Council Member llabcnlcht said one of the dliDp Ibey arc !lying IO do is perl,opl how some-of ponncnblp &Din& so tbcrc CID actually be some pnlllllllllllng ClplbilltiCl dlM could be udllzed wltb the City tbcrc. • Council Member Waggoocr said you CID nol do anything In tbcrc .,,, ·1 it Is fixed. He said Ilia puab woald be 10 gel it ftxed. Council Member Bradshaw aid wc ocod IO doh now. Council Member Habenlcht said • she ii suggcsdng tbal, wben she lat spake IO City Manager Scan, be IIICOIIIIOCllde that M the lint llq>. Mr. Sean said be dld not lmowwbol ii would a>11. but~ that $4,000.00 woald allow Ill 1D • lcast pt some an:hllccturaJ review, and IO come bid: IO Council -.itll a popoal and -,,be cwo help us witb a pant for DCld :,ear. Council Member Waggoocr said this bu been silling tbcrc for tbrcc or four ycan; 111d nothing is happening. Mayor Bun-.s said various thinp have l!appened. but Ille bi1 thing-t:.. .,.._ He asked Cauacil Member Habenicht if tbcy bad said tbcy lcamcd c,-gb In lhil :,ear 1h11 Ibey MUld have a boaa-clllncc ol gelling ii OClll :,ear. Ms. Habenicht said tbcy wcrc hoping. if DOI this year, al least within two or tbrcc yan. Coaacil Member Gruulls said yes. -or tbrcc ycan, 111d It would be nice IO get IOmcthing OIi the t,oanl IO WC would lmow wbat dlrcctioa WC WCl'C 1-lcd. Council McmlJer Habenicht said tbcrc bas been adYia: gMII 1h11 if WC IIIOYC this idea o(the dilfercnt groupo pu1lina togctbcr In lhll Ii~, it could actually CMIDc:e Ille prognmming funding. whidl would be rcaJJyla!IWlic. COUNCIL 'IIEMBIR WAGGONIR MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, 'tO AUTHOi<:zl: 11R CITY MANAGER TO Billi AN AJICIIJTECJ1JRAL FIRM TO DO SOME INVESTIGATIVJ: sm PLANNING ON 11R DEPOT. A)'es: Council Members Bradshaw, Habenicht Wagoner, G1:mJli1, Bums Nr11: Nooe Absct.1: Council Member> Nabholz, Gamtt Motion canied. • • • • laatc,nN City c..edl ..,.__7,1!19t Pqel!I (iii) Cow,cil Member Wagoner llddrcaod Ille_.. aCMr. No,-. wllo .. .16 Ille Cily o9'Md Ille propaty aad wo Corcocl him to p,,o dlo propaty to Ille Cily, bc(on, M "914 p,,o i... a buildln1 pamil Mr. Wagoner llltlllised 1h111h11 wu bocaulc or Ille Mulcr Slleel Plan, 111111 lbe CL1 • wu doiq Iba! yean qo. You could not bllild a buildiq ualca ii WII oa a dedicalod ript-o{-way, Wo ....., fon:iaa propaty ..,._., and a lat ollhem -ID...--&pwood. ID daale 1M ,ftllWIY Car Ille -beCan WO would iale I buildinl pamil Mr. W......., fell -Ille properly be wac lalldq lboul ii for -ripl.<Jf-uy, and IIIY1hln& oa 1h11 -risbl-ol'-way ii -..blo to Ille .-.,_iu.-.oi propelly, which would be him. Allistanl Cily Aaomcy Reid said 1h11 ii beiDa loobd into, bocaUJe we MW• lout .,me~"""' our olllco, 111111 &om Ille Public Works omce. but wo a,c tryia1 to nail ii down 10 exaclly what be did. Mr. wqgo ... said it ii not essentially a dodication, because it is not by plat. it would be a quit claim dood for lhal property. Ms. Reid said wc have just bmly touched on iL but ber undcntandin1 was be did ii and for 10111C l'CUDII they did not ... Ille SIIOCI in. Cow,cil Member Wqaoacr aid tbcn: ii no rasoa, lbea, why wc could not vacatc it Ms. Reid said be ubd for it bock, and Ille City Attol'IIO)' 11 lhat llmo aid no, ., wc have lilllc pi,,cca, but not Ille wbolo Sloly. Mr. w......., said 1bc lll'OCU ID 1h11 IRIIIII aaw ID place and wc ought to be Ible ID c1c1aminc wbelbcr or 11111 wo •• l')in& Ill need 11111 ripl-Gl-uy. U .,.. do 11111 need 1bc risJ>t-ol'-way, tbcn: ii no n:ason why wo can't dood it back to him, be said. Mayar Burna said WO will just await funber iafanmlim Oil il. (iv) Cow,cil Member llabenicbl: I. She lhamed CVCl)'OIIC for Ille opporlUllity to 111111d 1bc Jwl. Vobtliou C4afaalce. SIie aid sbe ii really looting forwanl to il. One a( lbc lhiDp Iba! will be 1 ..,i a( 1h11, aad will lie vcry pcrti-ID -, la lbal tbcn: will be lldd tripl to ""11in lalllil ~ dovcJCV-li1cs lbalarc bGCll lllldcr way 111d dial ilavc takcD place aad arc wmtias in lcrml olmmd DSC dewlap.a She lllid ii will be very bclpftal ID .,. whll type or n:llilas arc going into Ibex, with 1bc housing and Ill or that. She llid sbe will be Ible to come back by the 2~ with some real information about what bas bccD doac and wllll CID be done, ., wbea we arc lalking about what ii poaiblc II our site, ii will be very belpflll. Mayor Bums said tbcy So a&r lhc 2~. Ms. Habenicht said lhal is rishl wc ·wl be back by the 10•. 2. Sbe said tbcn: was a n,quesl from Galen Smith of the Lions Oub. w\10 docs the lnin, and he is conccmed about some buckling upbalt iD Ille ...., or Ille park. He ii COO<Ctoed lboul lriJJPUII bazanls. J. Sbe said sbe spoke with a rosidcnt from the Mcridiaa who woo conccmed because she likes to lib: 1bc buses up to Central Cily, which wed to stop iD 1bc Pbar Mor IOL Sbe was told the City said Iba! coald not happen anymore. Ms. Habenicht asked who maJu:s tbe dclcnniDaliou on wberc the busa can go. Maybe if there ii a real iDtaost among the senior population, maybe wc should look ata stop, if not by Phar Mor, maybe over by the Malley Ceotcr, she su11cstcd. 4. Sbe said sbe bas beard nimo11 iD the community lhal there is a conccm lhal some o(lbe propams coming in, such as [)avid Taylor and MOA. in tenos of those competing ~th, or banning, or iD anyway doing away with currc.11 propams wc have iD Parks and Rocreation. Mayor Burna said this ....,. bas been raised sc,cra1 times. Ms. Bradshaw said ii bas bccD answcted no. Ms. Habenicht said sbe wanlcd to be sure that wc ..-. real clear about that. 13 . City M1111mer'1 Report lalltwood City Couridl Sop-lier 1, 1999 ... 30 l 1 , l ) h<'nw1~n. I ,f11dm~•1.1x f1 ,1 , (a) Cliy Mana,er Scanubd Ml. Habeoic:bl lftbal wu a priwle bus .....-,y 1h11 •1•"'""" talld.aa about CouncH Member Bnldlbaw 111d ii-Ukc Peoples' Cloice, or~ liulbat (b) Ci!y Mana,er Scan 111d lbaewu lOIIIC good DCM In the .-1111, •a....ii.J!tbo dllCUlliaa we had with RTD and willl Cm,rOldl. He said be did DOI have the dclaill, II they all' ..a bcillg di..-1, but lbae have boea cxteuve diaculaloas witb both Cal Mandia aad RTD and llil C111iford111bout IOIIII ao,to(joint -0811111 llta. Applrcnlly !hoy bavcbeau,orldllgtbniugb ~.~ i-ilJililY or making 1h11 happen. It 10W101 like they ue wortln1 very cloody at lhil poinl In ta.e. b., aid, altbougb be bad nothing formal to p:oacnt to Council . It loob like Ibey bavc bolh 11km to at t ,i. dllectlon liom the City, aad Cily Coacil, IO NIiiy pull tbil !DgCtber aad the Qawl'onll aa,ed ""Y oplimlllic about somctblag bappcniagdlcn. Mr. Scan llld bejwl wanled ID report tbal dlelllpllillloa ii on-goinl. We llill ue planning to put 1Dgcthcr1 lcltcr OIi the l\i3 to come bad< to Council fortbo ~. be ald. (c) Ciiy Manager Scan aid be wanted to reitmte lhal we are going to have a UCllaiaa cm IIIIE; ocxt Mooday 1dghl. mainly to focus on Union, Quincy and Kenyon. Rlgbl now, just to let the ......,..,.. know that that diJCUSlioa is going to bappcll. we are DOI going to do my Olbcr fl:,en or diJamion, be said. He llid 11111 Dinlc:lor Roa is pn,paied ID lalk about some altal!IIMI far ti.-strecu. (d) Ciiy Manager Scan aid Engineering Manager Kalun had let him know 1h11 afternoon that the project acroa the 1uoct is going ou. He aid be.,., 1101 tbaDk the llalf c:nouv, ~ Sllllplllll In ponicular for all the wo,t that be 1111 been doing. and Mr. Kalun is just doing a fabulOIII Job or makifll that project happen over there, and beplng our COIIIIICIOl1 In shape. He aid be wanted to ay thanb ID Mr. Kalun and ID the rest al the staff' tbat allO'WI him and Mr. Simpson to do the wort. Appua,tly we are going ID have a .....-ion onto l!lati. Suect, and we ue going to haYe E~ ob.-don over Ibo course of the IIC>l1 wect, ho 111d. i-. t1ae arovcry dccp lCWCII. TIie DOlk:c that ,w: got wa I lilllll bi& aarl"T • than ... woald haYe all lllml. bo aid, but ... pr.;oct.-imlCI OIi 111d ... will"' ..... type o(natlllcai,;,)n to the DCMp1PCf and to everybody ill Chy Hall • ID c:xacdy bow long it is !'(liag to be all down. 14. CII)' AttorDey'1 llepo,t Assistant City Attorney Reid did DOI bavc any maum to bring bcfaro Council. 15. Adjoanuaail S MOVED TO ADJOURN. The meeting adjourned 11 10:07 p.m.