HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-10-18 (Regular) Meeting MinutesIIJIGLIWOOD C'l'Y C01JNCll. ENGLEWOOD, Aa.U'ABOI COUlffY, COLOIADO JleplarS... Odaerll,1"' ) (,, boufl 11_:ih f ~VI ,RI 1,cl 1,0 : ,,., Mayw 8mm DDIOI 11111 two Council mcmben wae W dlil eYe1W11. but we hid a quorum. I. Cal to 0..,- '.lbe rqularmedingaldlcl!qlcwood Oty Cour•. l cslled to onlcrby Mayor 8111,ual 7:43 p.m. 2 ......... Tbe ilMll.iaG -gMD by Mayw Burm. 3 ....... .,~ Tbe Plodp a( Allqla)e-led by Mayor Bumi. 4. a.DCall ,. Mlata CGuacil Mcmbcn Gnrzalis, Gama, llabenicbt, Wau,,,,«, Bwm CGuacil Mcmbcn Nabbolz. Btadlbaw Allo .,.-: City Maaapr Scan City Allalmy 8ruCzmaD (:ityClatilllll 5"':lar ."--Slltt. Nclpbarllood aad llull.aDeYelopmeat e.m-, Dc>'Ciapaent Coanlillllor Sc:ibclll Sclliarl'w:,;oiGnbam, Nciai,borboadml illllinaaDewlopmml Dlream Glyglewlc:z, l'"....:ial Snvica Capilal Projocls Mana..-,1)in,c: Kahm, EnaJewood l!mroamallal Fomidllion (a) COUN('JI, ~IQDILUIIQCBT MOVID, AND rr WAS SICONDID, 10 APPROVE TBI MIN1lTIS or Tlli: UGtJLAJl MDTING or OCN>Bll 4, I,,,, Ayes : c...r.aJ Ma>lben Gama, lllbellidll, Wqp,cr, Onzulil, BWDI Nays: Noa, Ablall: CouoaJMcmbcnNabbolz,Bndshaw MolioD carried. 6. Sc.....i Villlon 'Jborc wae DO scheduled vilifOn. 7. 11e«Weie1!Vlllton ...,._.CllyCoudl Octokrll,lffl l'lle2 (a) Paul SdlmilZ advilod lhat be is thc 1'n,pam Direclor ol c-mity Cara Raidealiol Tualmcnl Caller. Mayor BUIIIS ubd ilbe wu bae for thc public laril!g.., tbe graup living lilcillaes. Mr. ScluailZ llid 1101 thal be -aware~ thal be wujust bae to ,peal: for a few mimics. Mr. SdunilZ aid be just wamed to n,port to tbe City Counci1 thal °""' tbe Jul five wec:kl tllcy bave eappl in °""' 2, boun ol Kllvity fllll time, punumg tbe 00ll0CIIII ol a COIIIIIIUllily ..,._,, group beaded up by DawD Davis. He advilod b: Im been in COlllael wilh cerllin mombal orthc ~ Wellm GoYanor's SpociaJ Tuk Force <11 this iauo aad that Community C-Raidelltial ~ C-and Adult Progdm -,Jd llkc to cxleDd • invillllon to the City CouDcll to meet wilh them at their coavenience. Mr. Scbmitzllatal tllcy uecum,,dy c:oamltingwilh ~ andolber~.......,,. in the .......... informal bail and they ""' in • >a)' c:oopcratil'e -widl the City a,.i the local police dqmtmm. lie llid be -plcucd to p,-,,t to Council 1h11 tboy -widl Dnn Davis 1111d two police ollkcn ol tbe l!llglcwood Qamunity Polk:e fon:,e and lad a >ay palilM mee1iJ1a hio ~ •· We ue oomew!lat coocemed, be aid. u mcmbcn or a forty progrmn _,idc a,mcy, orlhe recea1 dovdcpmcnls occwring in Lilllcloa, bcre in l!llglcwood, and in Aunn. Mr. Sc:bmilz lllhiltld 1h11 tboy an, a,nmtJy tl)'iDg to reacan:11 ti-. lhat tboy ue >ay wllliDg, >ay able to bear my or Coundl'1 ..,._,,. about their prognm, be aid. Al this point, he aid, be bas aped a aumber ol raeaith pooplc to lhc number ol police n:polll tboy wen: told about lie aid be cu n:mcmbcr tboy dld pnmdc a copy of a ten page analysis ol tbe number or police n,po111 1h11 wen: cilcd bcre in this meeting a few wec:kl qn. or those numbcn, 87% wen: repo,ts n:qum,d by stare law. Mayor Bums DOied be was also siped up to ,peal: at the Ni1ic Hearing . , th, Group Home Onlinmcc. Mt. SchmilZ said be 1'U IOffl', lhat he might ba\'C milundcntood. Mayor Bwm advilod be cu ,peal: tonight, but ilbe..., ae,e to llpClk oa graup homes, be should ,peal: a1 lhc Public Hco, mg. lie DOied Council will nfflcia1ly open tbc l'llblic Heming wilh a molion. May,,r 8U111S c:xplaincd 1h11 Jiis ls the ,--scbcduled visitor portwa where people cu come aad ,peak ll>out anything. Mr. SchmilZ aid 1h11 wu ouy, tba1 he just wanted to~ an informal report abo. 8. co-Nicatiou,Pndutatlouud ~ (a) c:on!.ldc.-ed. A proc1ama1ioo declaring the moolh orNovcmbcr 1999 u Nalional Hospice Mo!lth was COIJ[(Cll. MDIKJl WACGONIRMOVED, AND rr WAS SICONDII.II, ro APPJlOVI! A PllOCIAMATION DIECLAJUNG 1111 MONTH OP NOVDIIIIR lffl AS NATIONAL HOSPICE MONTH. Ayes : Nays: Abocnt: MotiCII canied. 9. hbUc Barill& Council Mcmbcn Gama, HalJCllicbl, Waggoner, Gnmili5, !!um, NCIIC Council McmbCB Nabholz, Bradshaw (1) COUNCll. MEMBER HABENICHT MOVl:D, AND IT WAS SJ:CONDJ:D, to OPEN A PIIBU!' la.AllING TO GATIIER cmzEN INPUT ON COUNCll. ■ILL NO. 5', PERTAINING to GROUP LIVING PACILlfflS. Ayes : Council Membcn Gamn, Habcnicbl, Waggoner, Gt1zulil, Bums Nays: None • • ........... Cllyc.adl OdNerll,lffl Pqol Abletll : COUIICiJ MenlNn Nallllolz, Blldlbaw Mllioll Cllriod lllll lhe l'llbllc 11e1riJ1a .,..t All wi-.ae duly lWOl'II. Senlor Plam-Slia adviled lhel tonlpl, Won Couacl~ la ID anllolnce that will CRIIC I poup livina ~ ol oar ZOIIUII ~-The 0..,.. Llvlna Clnlim.-petlllu lo wbal we aadidoaalJy call llt'1III .._, bu1 it la amucb broedcr -..,y 11111 lhll. Tllllprop!IIOd onlilllDcc bu._. bdonthe ~ Commiaion lot micw oa _.. occulou 11111 Won, City Cowlcil 111 Sllldy Seaim. Thon u.cl-, .,... .....,.. made IO du onllnallcc, Ill 1114, u 1,..,i, rt lhaole IIIOldnp, with bolh lhe l'ballDI Commillioll ud City Cowlcil. He IIClllld 1h11 wllol la t..i,,;1 Cowlcil 10all111 II aa ordimnce lhll"" bcliew Cljllllla the~ rqulaliou lO co,,cr 111< .. -;0UI lypOI of 11J011P livinl facilitia that do cxill wilhlll tho Cily o(Eapewood. For the aakc ollhc 1a1<li<•, ·;. Mr. Sdu llld he -id bridJy point out"""" of the lmponaal OOlllidenlloaa within tho onlinanc c :~tJ. He lllled 1h11 h prvyida ddinlliaa for, --1)', lhRc 1ype1 olfacililia. Then la the 11oup U,1J11 facility In .....,.i lllll wilbln 1hel then: an, thnc typa. A 11111111 groap livina facility, which ii ddliud u 1 1-.aideDce for up IO 0,:.., uan:lllod iDdMduaia, IIODC olwbic:b IR recawll OIHU ~ or PIYClio-'o,al llellmml. but ..... or all ol ...._ may he recciviq CIIHite pllyaic:al ..-wldl day-to-day livina ICIMllol. He lllled lhll cxampla ol 1111111 puup 1ivi1'1 facililiea Include 111Y ol lhc, rouc,.-i,,I 11111 meet Ille ddln!:lca. l'or illillDce, I """1l'Ollt poup bome (or the ..... orlJWIICr oocupied ll""P bome (or 1hc apd. A lllile Uc:aiaod, pcrlOAII care boudiag bomc, •-liceaaod COllllllllaity rai4onlial bome, I booae providiag lndepcDdcm raidcnlial suppon acmca for tho dcvelapmcatally dlaabled, a ....., licenaed reaidomlal c:lild can: facility, I family CIR bome, and• ruomia& or boanliac boulc. Mr. Sdu adviled 1h11 the --typo: "'facility ia I 1111111-c:cutcr and 1h11 ii a rcaidmce for up IO clpl IIIIICl...i lndlvlduala. a,me or ~ ol wllam an, ROCmllll 01Hi1e medical or paycbalop:al--. lie explalnld 1h11 ii any iDll\oldual nsilb . ola poup livina facility, with up lo clgllt ....,_. iDdividuab, r=va OHita medal or poydlr,qical 0-. the allile facility allaU he c:luailled u • 11111111-lllcillly, lllllar 111111 •-JI puup livina facility . l!xamplcl ol lllllll -facilidcs allalJ Include, by way ol example. I..., bome, ....... bomc facilily, or• IIIIIIUII facility u dd!aed ia the Colorado Rmllll SW... 26-4-103 (11), u lalilmlao providiag Wi: CIR, I pbyaical or 111111111 rdaabilllalioa bome, •-llcllllud 111111P boail fordlo dcYclcpmallally diabled or•-llceaaod poup bome for pa.-wllh _.. uia.. He lllled lllll the 111111 type of poup livina facilil)' ii called I larp « spocial poup livina licillty. The ddallioll aflhll la any residalce for_,, lhall clpl. Mr. Sill pojll!Od out 1h11 it la imponaal IO aaca IW dladnClioa 11m. Small poup livill facililiea and 11111111 ..._ facilitia an, llmlled IO elibl-A lqa puup lllcWly or spocial poup facility ii aay residalce for more lhaa ciibt uarelatad iodlvidulla lllll any """-' for up ID cigbt uarelatad individaala 1h11 docs DOt meet the ddlnilioo at 1111111 --fac:IUty or aall 11111P u.iaa facility . lfaay iadividuel residontollhe poup liviq facility docs IIOl meet the dlftailloa af-11 -facility raidalt« Dill poup Uviq facility reelden~ the eD1ilw lllcilll)' alllll bl clallUlod U a lqc apocial poup livina facility , nllher lhaa a •awl J111UP livto1 facility or a ,..u -llrllly. By way of example, be aid, dlia ~ Include a°'"""' residcnllal u.mall OOIIICr, a ....., ftir bomelm pc,10111, I dormitory, I boudlas or n,omiq ba,,.., .• hlcralty or IOnlnly bol!N. WI.Ji liloll \1PU al facilitia being regulal.ed, Ibo otdimDcc povidea for dillricU In wbicb they ,u; be localld aad 11111111 a lllllrix o, a cilall io 11.c ordimncc 1h11 apeci1lel In 'MIIII ZODO dillricU each ol dloN 1ype1 of a.dlllla may be localal Mr. St ~ advised lhll llae 1111111 group llviq flc:illly, wblcb ii fo, elp& o, htr iadMMu, 111d apia, be aid, tbll ii I lype ol facility Where then: ii DO modical 01 pcycbolopcal -...... P-, I, pamiaal In all raidmlial """'dillricU aml --busiDm dislricU, B-1 and 8-2, U I pennillld- lbe IIDIII tlalDlall cmt<r, wtaic:11 ia a flciUty for cigllt 01 fewer lndividuala wbo n recaw11 lllldlCII or ~~is pamill<ill u a UIC by rigllt In the B•l and B-2 ,:one dillricu and~ QDlldidoaal me In the R-3 and R◄ """'dillrieU. The ooaditioaal ll8C proceu requires I public 1-ial babe the Plaonlng Ccmmiaion, where the P1aaa1n1 Commiaaioll review• the pn,poeod applicllloo 111d ha lnlpKt on the Dcip,borllood, takes public oo.nment and rendal I dcciai01t The lqc 01 apocial poup llvln1 lllclll tlca are aimilar IO tho 1111111...._ CIClller, In 1h11 they are pcrmiUod In both tho B-1 t.1111 B-2 a111e dlllric:la and they ""'I CXJGditioaal IIIO in the R-3 and R◄ zone distric:11 . The PlaDnin& Commlaaioo, 111 revltwilll .....,_. City Caucll Octoller II, lffl ..... Ill)' group liviq facility, 1D1111 comider the rouowtna: the aroup llvilll facilJty ahall not be localal c:loler lb-a 750fcetfrom Ill)' 1111cliccmed childcare racility forchll,nn or any elementary, middleorldp ICbool and 1250 foot m,m ~ IIOIIP living ticlllty, strucllln:a conlainina group llviq ... ahaU not be 1111er lhlll the......., beip al the throe l'"JIIIIY IUUC:luffl 011 lbe same block, IOClled clolOII to die ll'IIIIP llviq IIIUCIW'c; 24 bow ,upervision 5hall be povidod by qualified llalJ; all racilitles shall be loClled m u 10 pn,vide COIMllient ICCal lO g,oc:cry 111d Cllber rdall IIOl'el, 111d Olher c:ommen:111 101Vic:e1, plllllc tl'llllpOltlllon, ..,._ pau,11. and public ftlClalioa flcllltles . He llllcd lhlll Illy poup llviq t.;. Jty wllen, raldenll include u,y ln&:ivldual who bu been c:oaviclcd by Ill)' COWi of more than one ~ ar feloay iDYolvina property dmqe or per10IIII injury, tbal -oommiacd while be or Ibo -a.....,. al lbe group llviq facility, lholJ be do:med IO be a pablic nuiuD:,e and llhall be IUbjecl IO lhoae ...._ action, 111d pmahi<: applicable to ~ !her pablic nuiances within die City. Prior to inldatiq aperllilllll and prior to 111CMJ11 opcnlions to a dill'erent facility 111d OD or before Decelbber 31" al each calendlr ,-r, die open,tor of each group living facility sball lllbmit IO lbe City a pl,alocopy of a Vl1ld and cunent mrdllca1e or lice ... laucd by the Siau, al Colorado, if Ill)' such 00flillc:ale or llceme la required lbr the opendan al lbe facility . If ICll\'e and c:oalinaoal openliolll are not carried OD for l period oltbn,e ~ .-.S in a group livinl facility appvwd U I conditional .... die ll"IJP living racility ahall be considered to be lblndoncd. the IIIC may be reiallMI only Iller ablalnmc a -coadl1IOIIII IIIC appnml . And llmly, be said, u authoriml by 42 USC 360A(l)(9) al die U.S. Code, •~ gn,up livlna facility ahaU pn,vide bonlill& to Ill)' individual wbooo tendency wwld COllllilDte a direct lhrmt lO die health or Sll'ety of other inclYidmll or whooe tendency would ,-Jt in Mllllodal pllyli.'al danger io the property or Olben. Mr. Stitt adYiaed 11111 tho5e ..., the conditkm under whicb lbe Planning Commillion review, these group living coadillonal ,_ applications. The final proviJion in this, be aaid, ia a vay UDplll1D one, it la c:alled reasonable aa:ommodllioo. lie llllllll thll the Fcdenl Fair Homin1 Act. u amended, requires Iba! COlllllllllliti pt ....,.,.,..,le aa:ommodation. if aligl,I VlriaDcea in regalatioDa woold permit these types orfacililiea to be localtd in their communitiea. Wbat we baYe in oor onlilllnc:e, be 111d, ..., woe types or condilm dial die Cit)' Muqcr or bia or her dclipee 1111)' modify to allow Ima types al facilities. The flnl la to ~ Ill)' facility ,.....1, buildins ldbact, beiglll. lot CIOYall&" or llndapiDg requiremm~ by not mmelMD 10"/o. The aocond is to reduce any oll'-..,ting......,_ by no more than one ....,e. Alld, be 1IOCcd. die final condition is dial tllft City Mampr or dl:lignee 1111)' appruw: a type or raa,mi,le aa,illllDOdalion dill'crent from thll ri,q,-i by die llJPlic:aal ifbe or alle concludes that a dill'CION bm al IICCOIIIDIOdall woold aadlfy lb: reqairemmll olthe Fair llouaing Act with fewer impocla OD ldjloelll areu. The do:lsion oldie City Ma.pr or dl:lignee ahall be accompanied by wrillal findings orfict u to lbe applicability ofdle Fair Housing Act. the need for reuotllble accommodation and the authority for any reasolllbl, _,..,,..,.., appnMOd. He ldviJIMI that roqueata for types of accommodations tbal 1111 not listed above may only be apprvv..S through a Z1J1U111 variance or a re:zoning process. So, be said, in doling. lbe ordinance pn:,videa for three· types of facilitles within die City Eogl.......S, specifies where ii-,_ may be penniacd, either u • ~'Glincd ... or a condilionll ..., apecilles die conditions under wllidl Ibey may be approved by die Planning Commialion and granlJ 11111.bority to provide reuouable acc:ommodollon for tho5e uaes. if necasary IO inlegnle them Imo the community. lie asked if there were Ill)' qu,olionl. Council Member Habenicht ubcl wllll the dill'erencc ia between a group home and a halfway boUle. Mr. Stitt explained that tho!e distmclim1 get blumd hcauae ddlnitiona have cbngcd over lbe yan. But, be said, traditionally a group bome ; • facility wbere can, ia prvYided eilher for psychological or medical reasona for individuals who are Ullffllled or not rdaled to tbc opmtor. lie said that a halfway hoUlo ia traditiODally ddincd u a facility wbeR individuoh who have been incatceratcd are released to, prior IO complq their ... taxzs. So Ibey may have been convk:led of I crime, seMd '"11 I ccrt&in lelllmee, and placed in I halfway hoUlo IO get them reacclimMlld IO IOCiety before being full y released . So, Council Member Habenicht said, we are DOI, with this ordinance, _.,ving halfway houses . Mr. Stitt said oo we an, not Ms . l!llbenicN said she just wallled IO clarify that. Cowl.ii Member Habenicht asked if thia onlinmico docs take away rrom die neighbo,bood u,y rigbts to • objoct to aomething coming in dill'eremly . Sbe .aid it sounds u ifthia one pn:,vialon docs Indeed Pl~ that • .......... CllyC..U OclNerll,lffi PqeS docilloa iD Ibo baadl aCt!'.c Cily ~or Ibo City Maaa&cr's dcsipoc. She aid she Wllllecl to qarily if Mr. Stitt wa saying t!'.11 lu•quiffdby Fedcnl law or ifil iljull lO-i.ia&,.. a,e pulliua ,iD tb&nfMr. Stitt explaiDed that be wu DOI sure if it wa nquirod by Fcdenl law, but it ii iD Ibo Fedcnl Fair HausiDa A.ct Ameadmmt. Ma. HllileDidstasked wbat lhll-. Mr. SliltadvilOd thal tbal -tbal 001111111111itiellR expocUd to IIIUC ........... ICXMlawla!ICHII For i-. be aid, illbconly-• poup liviDa l'acilily would DOI qaliCy to be IOClllld iD Eqlcwood ii boc:aallo Ibey.,. oae PlffllW spocc lhorl, tboFodall Flirlloulillg A.ct would ay you bm, -~ ollliptioo to 1111b ID =eplioo to allow !Im facility iD. So whit we bave done, CIICllially, ii IIU Ille WIIIIIF, from tbe Fedenll Fair Housing Act 111111 iDcorporml it iDto our ordinmce. Ms. llllleak:ht um! iI thole were die exampla 1h11 Ibey P>'O-Mr. Stitt llhised !bit Ibo exampla 1R DOI iD tbe Fcdenl Fair lloulina NA, but !bit is ID ' example aC tbe type ot ICCOlllmodllioo 1be Fedcnl Falt Hauslq Act ii expcctina local pcr......as to mike. And, Mr. Stitt said, quite flankly, Ibey 11t minor c:mdllion.s, such as r<duciDa tbe distlD<:e requircmCIII by ten feet, so for instlDoe a facility tbal must be loc:ated 750 feet from a a:hool ... Ibo City Manapr 1111 the authority to r..tuce 1h11 by 75 feet iI it would -!bit !bit facility could Ihm locale iD tbe c:ommuaily. Of oouno, be poioledout, it has to-allaClbc Olhercondiliom. Alld tbe J111kiD1, Ms. Habcaidll aald. Sbe asked what Ibo 0lher one 'lill. Mr. Still noted this ooe l0Wlds fairly comp1ica1D1. 'I'hll'• Ibo oae, Ms. llabeoicht aid, 10% aCtbe laadlcapu,a or lll)'lbiac like thaL Mr. Slitt aid;es, for iDllanc:e It Ibey bave to comply with tbe lalocapDg ordiDancc and bec:auae of Ibo way Ibo facility is IJCt ~ CHI tbe prcpeny ... we 11t mumiDg aC counae !bit it is an exi11irJc facility .•. Ibey IR 10%'"" aC compllaace with our landscapiDa onllnance, tbe City Manapr would bave tbe authority to CIIClllially 1J1D1 aa exceplion, to say that lacking that 10% is no reuon DOI to allow this facility within tbe comnnmity. CGuacil Member Habcuicht stated she is c:oncaned about what kiDd of impict that 10'/o would have, say, in a nsidential neipbolllood. wbere 10% oC • front lawn, for example, might be taken away, which miJbl be prcay lipilleall. Mr. Stitt advised !ml we IR DOI suueotiDI !bit Ibey take away, but ordinarily tbeae would came iDto play in , si~ wbae • group liviDI l'acilily is applyin&for, lei's say, acoaditloaal 111C approval in Ill exilliD!I IIU\ICIIR, PlaylicalJy lbcre may DOI be Ibo nquirod landscapiDa lbcre boc:auae tbe llocility wu built 20 years ago, before we bad r. llDdscapillg onlinaoce. Mayor Bums advised be wen11broup Ibo ordimncc and it appean lhll all the cbal ... Ibey Sl,ualCd lalt tlme arc in 111n, tbal be did DOI ICC anythiD& !bit~ to be missiDa lbcre II all Mr. Slit! sai1 that was COITCICI, that be believes all the changcl Iha; _,, .......,. were iDco,ponled iDto this wrsioo. COUlldl Member Waggoner um! what pbysically bappms if somebody in a small gn,up living facility IWU roceiving CH1-sil< medical lllallion. He noted tbal £acility thco becomcl a small Ina-facility, which is DOI allowed in some of tbe zone districts. Mr. Slit! adviaed thal, bucd CHI this ordinaoc:e, Ibey would bave to c:cue operation, because Ibey bave cbanpd the CllegOI)' Crum a permitted uae, to oae that is DOI permitted. Mr. Waggoner asked if Ibey could jllll get rid o( Ibo pe,soa. Mr. Slit! said yes, that thal wa I pollibility, COUlldl Member Habenicht asked if this ordinlDcr: pro,,rdcs notification to a neighborhood tbal lbcre ls a facility, •cbaase bappening in one oflbc resideDoes in tbcirneigbbolbood or iD lbeirzoae. Mr. Stitt aid with the conditional IIIC proviliom, :,cs, but liY the IIIDall 111111P living facility, that is a perniitted UIC, lbcre ii no DOlificatiCH1 proi:ea. Ms. Habenichl 111'.odiftbll is Ibo way it is now or if this isa cbanse. Mr. Stitt asked if she meaut oow II IIICllliDg ill the rqulalioos we bave iD our .ZOniDa OrdiDaDc:c. COUlldl Momber Habeaicbl ail. she bu bad quellioal from people and she is tJyina to clarify tbal pi=, of wbethcr or DOI we arc actually chaqing thinas and IIIWIIII it 10 that, say, if a pen;on living in a par1icular neigbborbood right oow would bave mon: Ol'PIJrtunity to ~ what is p,iDg on with propatia in 1beir neipl,orbood or lea, because of this onlinaocc. She aid she """1d like that clarified. Mr. Stitt advi.!al for tbe types of facilities that are permitted in all the zone dillricls, lbcre is no change in tht ootilicatioo, we do DOI ,oquin: notillcllioo under our curn:Dt ordlmoccs, nor does 1bc Stale, for instance, when Ibey are lic:aisiog a pcr--1 an boonwt& bome. So this oniu.... docs DOI cballj(C thal, be said, it is only when you get to Ibo conditional uae lc\>cl, when: lbcre is notificerion via a polling of the propeny of a lcgal notia: and !hell allO ~CltyC-'l Odokrll,1999 .... , a lepl DOllce in the DeMplpCI' COIICCllllna the public bearing. But, Mayor Bums DOied, dlat Is die lnilill aa:epW10C, that is the inldal rai-ror appn,val . ' Mayor Bums asbd, aimz be said if tbere was I change of Ille to I IJalmalt faclllly they woalil ba.e 10 111.-down. if 11 -.Jdn't be reasonable to have a nouce povilioa in tbere, if Ibey make tbal cblage. He DOied • is a m,Jor ci.at lbr o....,, to do that. Mr. Stia lllled you could include a provilioa 11111 there be -.:.ine typo or aotlllcali011. Cllle of lbc dlinp tbc anomcys haw told 111, be llid, is tbal we ba.e lo be can:ftil tbal we doll't n,,quwnotlllcation, orwc doo't impose roquircmems CII tbectypcs or facilities, dlat we don 't impolo.., otberftAlenlial wes permitted in the zone dblrict. So, be aid, you are waUcmc IOIIICwbal of a tisbt line there, but then: may be a proYision that we cat idd tbal """' , allow for that typo of notlllcalion. Mayor Bums lllled be would like Mr. Stitt to look into tbar. because it -to blm that Ir then: Is a chaage of uoe they would have to sllut down, thal is a major change for lbem to do tbat. Mayor Bums said be felt it would be reasonable to n,,quw some aort of notice. Council M<mbc,• Clamtt llllbd if it Is i-t of initialing opontioo tbal Ibey bavc to pve us a copy of the liccme thal they operating under. Mr. Stla said !1 a liccmc Is required by die SC.. So, Mr. Clamtt ■aid, if I Uccasc is roqulred by the State Ibey bm: to pve US I copy of the liccaR before dley CID ...., 11111 opcralioas. Mayor Bums explained tbal wbal be -ssying -if they change their opcrm""" ... in mid-511am Ibey become nnqualifled and they would have to llhut down, 11111 Ibey wonld have to pve a aolicc ofthal cllangc, whic:11 is beyond the lnillal lppOV■l. Ccuocil Member Habenicht uked if this means if she Ml a resid "II Wlllted to make a Ill% chaage in her landlC3pin;; r<quin:meDI, or aomctbing like that, that she could L ,o to the City Manager and gel !hat dispcnati011. She said lffll't we bending over bo<:lrMuda? Ml. Habcnic:111 DOied we are ssyiDg"" may gel I reasonable request, but dlen it seems to be unfair to residcnlS, fJOm thal ~,int of view, Sbc said die is baviDg a lilllc 00IICa1I 'l'itb tbal. Mr. Stitt lllll!d die reasonabl e accommodation poylsion wu added bccaue wbca Conpcss emctcd this lqislalion Ibey found tbat then: wu a blstory of comnnmltlcl pnlling l'OIIIJlocb in the way of incorporating tbesc types of racililics into the nclpborlloodo. It was the Fair Homing Act's purpoac to, in I ICIIIC, level the playing fidd. They tllougbt it wu approprialc, to the cxtcnl 11111 you could have these lllcllitics in your 00111111anlty, 11111 what Ibey call 10IIOllllllc lC<OIDlllOdlliCIII sbould be propoood or lhoald be made. So, be cxpwncd, we have a,ped lbc ......,., CIIClllially, fJOm the Federal Rcgulaliom oo thal we doll't run afoul c(lhc Fair Housiq Act Amcodmcnt. Mayor Bums said be lllinb be undcnllllds what Mr. Stin Is driving 11, why the law was changed. lie SWed be does DOI tbim it all'ccts the average ci1izaL Council Medler Habcoicb! said me thinks she undontands i~ but• the same time it oecms lib: it Is changing the level of the fidd and it is Mrting against residents in a ncigbborllood. She said Ibo is wondering bow 11111 ii coosidcrod leveling the playing field, it .,.... to be tipping the playing field tbc otbcrdi.roctioa. Mr. Stla advised that in the federal acnac what Ibey from! WIS thal then: communilics that would coact mlling regulations, for iostancc. that would prohibit all of tbesc type■ or facilities, just blanket pn,l,ibition. The Federal Fair Housing Act Amendment was an atte.mpt to level the playing fidd for pn,tccted clmcs of individuals, because Ibey bad determined tbal then: had been discrimination against tbcsc pn,tccted clasacs. la a lot of ways. he DOied, ii was likened to a1lirmalive action. That tbcrc bad to be spcciaJ coosickndm pveo to a clus of indMdnab wbo bod hia«ically DOI bl-en aj\'ell ~ opportunity that the rat of US miglll enjoy. Mr. Still explained that upon that buis the Federal Fair Housing Act said you should allow these facilities in your community, you will allow these facilities in your community and. to the C>dCDI that you have to bend the rules a lilllc bit to allow them, you should do that Council Medler Grazulu said she would like to like a step backwanls, that maybe she is confusod, but allowing one pcraoa medicllion ... wouldn't 11111 be a good thing if you are going to control an action or hpwoo,!CltyCoucll Odallerll,1't9 ... 7 llmlClbiDg. rlllw lhlll ba,iag It be a ocplive? Tbe llalaDellt WU :node, she aid, tbal ii -.Id chup die whole opmlloa. Mr. SliU DDled the bienrdly of the pamillod .-, the IIDlll poup liviac facililr and die ....U llalmml flcility, ad llid 1h11 there wu C0D00111 expra.ed at the PJoaains Commlaioa ambr& tba1,.. mlpi baw-6lcililicl aai,piDi up iaall oldie ncipbo,boo.11111d IIMII --- tbal it might be better to naric:t t1101e 1ypca otues GIiiy to c:awn ..-. Thalia wby Ibo n:plaliou '!lft crealed die way tbey w,n. Aleo, be aid, to imare lllll you didn't have a mixing oltypoa ollicilllics, otbenria you -.Id cad up Cl'CIWI& • ....u puup livu,g facility that might iacludc. --.,...,..,.. at iDdmdalll who._ nmviDg modical ot pcychalogical ll'elllDClll You cad up blcadln1 the varioua catquriea &lid the appRIKb tbll 1'11 llkca by the_,,.,. 1h11 dnfted tbia onliDaace WU 10 make very c:Jeor dialiDctiaal between iDdlvidulll liviag together u a paup who do 1101 require any type of poycbolop:al or medical -other tban like Tylenol for a beadacbc, which ia 1101 COlllidcRd modital ,....,,__ So, be said, tbere lR _,. aJ11U11011...,.. pvviaioos in thae. But, be noted, ii someone'a .,....1 c:ai,ocity or pbylical abilities clelaior.: e to the poillt 1h11 tbey nm! ""lior :oedical or paycbolop:al ttom11C1!1. which cllaqa die D11Un: of tbal facility . Couacil Member Gnzulis IIOUd be said clclaionle. She um! bow about lf ii ia a coadilioll auch u a dcpalion 111d tbey are beiq 1111111d for 111al. Ma. Gnzlllia aaid abe -.Id thim< tbal would boa pxl thin&-Mr. Slitt said ye<, it is ODO oftboae lhiags lat ii would be very bani for m 10 lmaw about in die flnl place 111d be would IU!;jlCCI ii,.. get paup liviag faciliti._. tbal that may DOI be 00lllidcrod ... medical-. Council Meml,a-GnzuJis said oby, lhal sbe would lllber ,oe .,_ medicated for IOIIIClbing like lbal. tban not. CouaciJ Mcml,cr Habeniclll said abe bad anoths quesdoa.juat for funhcr clarific:,\liaa OD tbia little pi."llC tbal ia giving her some pn,bl,:ms. about the U...C coadi tions that Mr. Stitt talbd allOUl that could bo alleviated by the Cily Manap ot his dcsipee. She ubd if thol "!!SSIII all of tbcl4 could be applied 10 , mo prapeny ot oaJy .... can be opplied to -popelly u,d also abe ubd if Ibey lR additives, IO 1h11 ii al '.ily ',{-,.ror biadelipoe would allow for a 10% Jaia in the ladacapiag ~ llld 1ben maybe,, ii again 111d again ad again ad apin 1\,1,-, SliU llid DO, it would be a ODC time only for Ila ponicular-, so then: could bo a n,duclioa of a aldl u 10% ia lalldacapiJlg or in buildiag aediack 111d Ila would baically be recopizing cxiating .._ •-cuea. And, be aid, nue off-pmting by me .-,kiltc ~-So, Ma. Habcaichl aaid, all llD<e of tboae could be applied 10 one. Mr. Stitt aid tbey COllld be, yea. For the ra:ord, Mr. Slitlprvvidod Proofof Publicalion ofNotia: of the Public Heuiag, publisbod in tlio Englewood llcnld oa Sq,laDber 24, 1999. :>awn Davis, 3~ South Corona SIJOCI, advised that sbe bad prepared some rq>OIU for Couacil th&'. she wanted to pus out She aid what she pmcd out arc some findings that their group bas aimc up ..,;u, when Ibey did some ,-di. Ms. Dmt said abe wanted to aay that abo is very pleuod that the Cily of Englewood ia addRaing die iaauc al group llomoa. Council Bill No. 56 ia a much ncodod onlinaa<e, however abe feell it nmla some cllaqos llld _,. ~ We i..c adchaood these chaapa ill die rq,orl abe pve to ea:b Council manber toaigbl. she aid, and abe would ask 1h11 the iaformmoa pl1M4.od in the report be comidered in their deciaioa llllking pnx:aa for appoval o( Cowicil Bill No. 56. Ml. !mil advilCd lhll ooe of the -~ chanps she feell nmla to be made ia in Scctioa 14 Clllitled Exia1iag Uaa. She said abo aska c-x:il to dmy the palfalberiDg 8AJ10Ya1 for exiatiDg pwp bomm. lftbia ia 1101 ck-.. some exiaiDc pwp bcaa will become a noocoaforming uae aod the purpooe or tbia ~ as Slated in Sectiw 14, ia 10 ~ noacoaforming uaa. ODO<lober 9, 1999, she aid, Ibey bad a modiag with managing llalr of Community Cara and memben of the Englewood Police Department Ms. Davia aaid it wu llaled to them lhll somc al die bonditJ or bavin& tbia gn,up bome oa our blod< wu tbal it ia. bull-. pn,Yidiagjolll. booali,,g die =-Y &lid iaying busiDCII taxes aod property taxes. Tbereforc, she aid, she CXllllalda that tb<-J haw a 20 bed raidmtial trat_,. ....,... operaliag u a ~ 14 boun a day,__,, days a week in aa R•2 raidallial block . Ma. Oma ubd tbal any and all group bcaa in l!aglcwood be n,quin,d to a-ialo a,mpli&Doc with tbia pn,poood anlinaa0e a SOOD• requesled ci...,.. arc,,,.. &lid Council ha pen lillal appoval of tbia onliaaace 111d it bec:omu law. She tbaabd Coullcil fortbeir ~ to tbia-.... lqlewood City Coudl October II, lffl ,..,., Paul Schmitz, Propw Dlffl:lor at 3j3 I South Corona, said be apologized to Council for hil mitundonllDding o(tbe proadurc. lie said be did DOI haw I prepand--but, U die nrpoml,le adminl-· for lbe raidentill t,allDelll c:enll:r be war.led to IIMIC Council o( I number ol lllljar fodenl ICllom aod local ICliou in lbe Slale or CGlondo that be boo DOI belnl lbem ,._ ol. J.n ,-tialllr, llo aid. tbe Gabll lnsui~ wblcb Ibey might cile and relClffll in DmMr goin1 bocll: lboal 14,..... .... A ntabcr of'tbeir ICllior ldministnlOrS-. expert wi-In 1h11 cue 111d 1h11 cue -dellnnlned in favor of the IIIClllllly ill and cllerU in the open public COIIUIIDllily. Flll1hermoro, be aid. be-,ldadvlle 11111 lhcy are currently ...-.ching the Fedaal Supren,c C4out Docilioll. Olmllald vs. GeorlPI, wllicb- dccidod, throe months qo, in favnr of the ,_1111y ill. Mr. Scilmitz advilCd that Ibey are........, • 1 1111111 agency, to act from a point offai1b 1rd coopention with the City and it's memben and Vlriaat constituents, but be jg concerned about the ,,...,r 11111 tone or certain dcvelopmoat& receicly. He llllol lhcy have bad very succaaiW .-lngs with the public. Ibey bave done very extmsive ~ but be -DOI provided with• copy orthe book Council -llM"• He said Ibey haw plOYidod -.II, openly, 111 Vllioos parties. Mr. Sebmitt lllted be thaqbt .-oftbe najortbillp Ibey shauJd ~or ..... 1 poinl to the Ci1y at large, jg that then: are cunaidy 47 llc:emod racilitia in tbe Stale or Colondo 1111d Ibey ue an tial together in• Vlliely or ICllvitics . One or the primary IClivitia is tbe Colorado Auociation or Family aod Children's Agencies, 1'llo at one poinl or IIIOlbcr will be imolved in the pn,cea ben, in the Cily ... be was qwte sure. He said, fwtbermore, lie is c:oiamed that in a upper miJdle cllll COllllllllllily, .ay similar to the one be grow up in on the -coast, tblt there is ID allem~ possibly, to limit these lypCS or £aciUtics or these lypcs or children. Since Ibey serw: a wide wril:ly or pam1IS aod l'amilics here in die meuo ma, including the upper middle claaand ""'1tby populaL;,,,,, be-sun, Ibis could be a dlflicult oet of' decisions. lie said u be bean talimony today, one suboection, 16-4-23·2 (E) -.Id immedlab:ly apply to 20 ldcl& in bi& l'acility. Mr. Schmitz llllecl that be i1 cumnlly ,oeking legal counsel with tbeir ~ corporale momey 1111d he is in ....,uniCllion with the ownen ol Shiloh lloulC and l!xcdllor. He aid be and Bill Grqooy haw been OD tbe phone ball'. dozen -· lie emphuiml tblll be -,Id prefer our approacb lo eacll otbr!-W be amicable. raaJdl 1-' 11111 from ID open communicadon standpoinl Mr. Sdunitz said be is c:oacerned !bat bis prognm did take IUbaatial bulinm and pal,Ucily damage as a rault olthe lllicles 1h11 MIC ~ up by Ml. Davis. lie IIIIOd be does DOI want them to be ocen f'rom that pcnpective as Ibey do lave point or ract rescan:h Ibey bave put together for Mr. Sean and Cily Council for everyone to read. Mr. Schmi1z advised that Ibey ranain available at any point in time to work with Council, to sit dowa lDd 111k, Ibey also wiU make adjultmeo!s u 1-scd u these Cily onlinances are cbangod. Bu~ be stated, if any Cily ordinance -.Id touch them in their g,andf'llber 1111111 at either or their programs be is sure then: -.Id be some complications . He said be was open to any questions f'rom City CounciJ o, the ulicna:. William Fuchl, 3539 Soulh Cornaa Stnct, noted be spoke to the City Council a c:oople of weeks ago and be just wanted to ratr'!IIC a couple ofthinp. lie said l>e bas to admit the situation bu i;oaai bctl<r, Ibey did med ,,ith Community Carel and the Englewood Police and Ibey were told Ibey -.Id be given a guideline of'tbeir rules a;Jd regulationl • tblll time, wbic:b Ibey....,. received. So, be said, be still doesn 't know what i1 going on aver there, but be -.Id m that Ibis Council Bill S6 not allow these facilities lo be grandl'atheml in. lie said be -.Id ask that Ibey be looked II OD a individual basi, becaulC be doesn 't lblnk that we wen: given due pnxas the lint time around. Mr. Fuchs noted that bid be known be -.Id be living next to a 20 bed poop home, be callinly would DOI t.ve boogbt his bowie at the time, wbidt was about the public bearing time, orifinally. lie said be just hopes we get the right thing done ben,. CMO)I Stockwell , 3919 South Wubingtoo StJoet, said be wanted to addresa a couple of questiom that appeaml to be unclear with Council 1110 the Ullenl. The th:ng about medication, be llid WU directed specifically at medicalion tbll -.Id .-S ~ in receiving or anything given by a doctor 1h11 you like home aod take ODyourown ... iflbat clarifies at all . He said ·, to notlllcatlon for changes, if they i,ave ..,.Ibey bave read lhil. lflhey change wllal dley do within ti" .:y already know. He said pal,apl tb11 will help. And regarding the 10"-' landlcapinc changes, be ,· !<"led Council think lboal "1der lidewalks £or wbeelcbain. Son.: communities have .aid, "oh.,. ,n't have a wider liclewalk bocaule it • J ,:>bo<••1'1l&•'.1 eel'!, ,I 1,001,0 0 ,...., brab cmcodc," 11111-""81 tblt-llllmdod 10 lddlal. Illa notialellded fortlle ...... 111belble toay"• Ml' :cuCUlll l~ofmyexladas ........... .-tbcy ue." lllalll,!\llp .. Pll!lfl!l84 ~illlpae lllDIIOlmal-ofliviaa, wllk:bMaidiacludelllllllPI, tllilellibll\ll.,..pct llndlcapng. bul-.14 be I,_.... ICllXelllOdedar llapnlillgadlcr,___ "!'q' :t! .. ,-lailit-dowa10 .. pamna...-... tbe-11-~ciled ... ,.. , bavblc tolaruppal! oflawu in onlorto iuin dial_.....,. ..-... lblli1not-.y .... Stockwdl aid tbat WU all be bad. ' 1bcre WU DO cmo c!tt ~ 10 speak. COUNCU. MDDltJl WAGGO!llll \IIOVKD, AND IT WIIS SICONDD, TO Cl.OSI TBI PUBUC IILUUNG TO GATBU Cl1U&N INPUT ON COUNCU. IIILL JIIO. 56,PUTAIJIIIJIIG TO GROUP LIVIJIIG JACJLITIIS. Aya: Coullci1 Mcmbcn Gama, llabenichl, Waggoner, Grazulla, 11mm Nays: Noae Abocnt: Coullci1 Mcmbcn Nallbolz, Bndlhaw Motioa canied 111d the Public lkuillg cloel. Mayor Bwu explained tllal nonmlly Coullci1 -not vote 011 the onlimnce after the p,mlic bclrillg, but Ibey wait ualil the ac,ct rqular Council 111111U11C, wbidl la NoYcmber I, 1999. 10. c-A&,aada (a) Approyal ofOrdimDce, 011 Finl !lading COUNCO. MDDFJl WAGGONU MOVD, AND n · wAS SICOJIIDII>, TO APnOV& CON'SINT AGIJIID.\ ITIM 10 (1) (I) ON rJRST UA'IIIJIIG. (i) COUNCll. BILL NO. 61, INlllfl~"'CED BY COUNCll. MEMBl!R WAGOONEI, A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE OF rnE CilY Of ENGLEV..OCJ), COLORADO, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 53, SERIES OF 1999, REGARDING PAVING DISTRICT NO. 38, SPECIAL ASSl!SSMENI" BONDS. Vote.-111: Ayct Coullci1 Mcmbcn Gama, Habcaiclll, W■--, Gramlla, 11mm Nays: Noac Ablcat: Coullci1 Mcmbcn Nallbolz, B...W..H Motion carried. (b) Approyal al OnliDaacos 011 Socaad Raflina 1bcre _. DO items submitted for approval 011 --1 readiog. (c) Rct:oiutiom and Molioas MAYORBIIRJIIS UMOVJ:I> AGIJIIDA ITIM It (c) (ly) ROM TIU CON'SINT AGIN'DA. COUNCU. MIMIU WAGGONll MOVED, AND IT WAS SICONDID, TO APPIIOVI CON'SINT AGINDA ITIMS 10 (c) (I), (II) UII (Ill). (i) RESOLl!l1ON NO. 91, SERIES Of 1999 A RESOLtmON AWARDING A NEOOTIA'll!D CONnACTFOR 111P. PURCHASE OP AN ADnJSrABLE PREQUENCY DRIVE AND MC7l'OO P0R A RAW SEWAOI! PUMP FOR '11m l.lTIU!TON/!NGLl!WOOD WAS'll!WATl!R TtU!A'IMl!m'PLANT IN5Tl!AD OP1111! COMPl!TfflVI! BID PROCESS UNDl!ll Sl!Cl'ION 116 (b) OF nm lfOMI! RULE CHARTER AND SECl'ION4-1-30P1lll!BNGLEWOOOMUNICIPALCODE 198'. (ii) CONnACT WITii DOUGLASS ROOFING COMPANY IN nm AMOUNT OF $178,800.00 FOR TilE PURCHASE OF A ROOF FOR 11!P. DIGESTl!R COMPLEX. (iii) t'ON'IllACTWITii AV ACOM, INC. IN nm AMOUNTOFS75,!61.00FOR AN ELEC'IllONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND IMAGING SYS11!M. Ayes : Council Mtmbezs Gvnn, Habcnicbl, Wagoner, Grazulis, Bums Nays: None Ahlent: Council Members Nabbolz, Bradshaw Motion carried. (iv) A transit bus sheller CODll'ICI with Outdoor Promo'doas WU COi demi. Mayor Bwns asked that Business Devc1opment Coonlinat« Scibelli come forwanl, u he bad some quc,tio:JS. Mayor Bums said t1Jat be was plcalcd to see this before Cauocil ml it oocms that wc liavc a good COlllraCI • here. He nocal there seems to be I ten year tam 011 this ml I development OYcr that period oftimo lbr thclC sbcltcn oocms awfully long to him. He .:.al ifbe w• misreading this. Mr. SclbeDi adviJed that is correct, thal the tam of :he conlnlcl is for ID initial period al ten years with the oplion to renew for ID additional fi>e yell' period. Tbc finl plJue oftbe ~OD al the ll3DSit bus sheltcn will be iD the Tufls to Mamfidd an,a cocing early iD 2000. There are eight sita proposed for installalinn during rho year 2000 ml with the COlllln.WOII iD the downtown ml pteway area, anticipat<d for the Pmuncr ml fall, WC ... not lookiJls until me year 2001 to begin ar.y sbeltas iD the downtown area. He noted, with that said, be 1Dticipms tbol the four per year iD yea'! two thnrugb eight. that be thinks wc will aa:dcratc that schedule. He explained that wu pu1 iD there, coJUCMlivcly, to let the contractor know that that ii the minimum oxpectatio-.r for shelt<r installation. Council Member Habellicht said she wam't clc:a.. She ukcd if this cootract means that they CID put one or two of them iD ml then quit or do they have to have a certain number uf them installed aloog Broadway. In olhcrwords, sbeubd, are wc goi,Jgto getu many sbeltcn u wc want or arc wc going to c,:d up, moybe getting oac ml then nobody else CID pu · •hem in or anything Jiu that. She asked ifwc are protecled that WJJY with thil Mr. Sci'bclli <aid yes wc are ml the mt way to respond to that quc,ti011 is to say that the objective of this CODllllCI ii IC IIR!Yido exclmivity to QUllloor Promoti0111 ml the pro''WOD of transit bus shelters to the City of Engl::wovd. We are purpoocly phasing the imtaJlation of the transit bus sbcltcn, be said, bocauac it ii a pn,ocss that requires us to coordinate with individual b111loessos to obtain pocut CIICIIICIIII for the placement al thclC lllnlit bus shelters once they arc coDSIIUClcd. And. be IIIUd, we want todo that iDID ordaly fashion. We don 't want tojus, give the conlracUJrtbelbility to put iDaJI Ja of the transit bus sbelt<rS that could be put in, thnrugbout Englewood, all II once. Mr. Scibelli IJlaled that ..,. are pt.,lJOIOly phasing I~ ..,. are doing it in the ...a for which "~ have consuuction clm.inp prepared, TuftA to Mansfield, and we will phaac that over the next several years so that we CID get it accompllsbed througbout the entire City. Tbc cxisllng benches, that are provided by another annpuy, will be remoYcd with uJ< placement al each transit bus sbellcr. • I! l to00"'1 a •1•1 I ,><1mo I i11-1 Cily AllalDe)' ~ ndiernd CGWICil to Sr<:tion 5.4 olthe coDIIICtaad DOied ii RQUila 1i,t--. o1 fell lnDait bu, obellal ..... the ftnl year. Council Member Onzulls llbd Mr. Sc:ibd1i if Ibey hflc llbd die......._. owncn, 1~.,.. .. 11JU11 to be placed infronl oltbcirbuliral, ifil is aoinli 10 impede any of their viewing llomllnllllway, lib .....U car doolcnbi .. cs lbiDp ollhll 111111rc. Mr. Sc:ibdll aid yos. Ma. Onzulis llbd ildleJ .... cb111P oome olthe lila beca111e olthal Mr. ScibeW llid yes, 1C1u111y they have. l'Grlllllllplc, be aid, if you--. to ioat II dio car doalcnbip, li>r ~ II dlo comcrolOxford 111d SaOlllia......,, Bell Car Buys ra:cn11y,.,.. in lbae a lbot ii a 111111111 Mjull put in.-'< ia lllil ...._ Ma. CllSlalil aid ,11e wanlCld to ~ llim oa lhal and DOied it is n:aUy Dk:e. Mr. Scibc11i IICllld ._..._ii rigbt 111111:k dab in fronl al 1h11 car clcalcnbip rigbt -· II la going to be mowd to Ibo nanll, m 11111 is ,pocifitally ......... bcr ........ ii ii 11111 b1ocuc tbc cm, it will be to the cad, a lille ,_. b 1118 buses IO get in aad out olalan. Ms. Grazulia aid Dam,r Matan, OD Ibo corner of Slaabd-aad Bmod,,ay, bu aim e,q,rmad CDlal1L Mr. Sc:ibd1i adviad 11111 ia----. whr ,re ii 11111..leq,. ,pace, it will be coml>iDllion al• kiook aad a benc:11. So, Ms. Grazulia aid, yr Ad ol view thraltp. Mr. Scibelli DOied ii is a lllllller openliaa 1'bcre tbcre, pltyllc:aUy, ii DOI It >I""-"-So, Ma. Grazu1ia aid, you bm, addRaod that, that's good. COUNCll, DMKll WAGGONH MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, 10 APPROVE A TRANSrr BUS S111:LUB CON'J'l:ACl'wml OUTDOOR PROMOTIONS. Aya: Collac:ilMlmbenGama,lflllenic:llt, w.....,.,Gnmilia,Ilwm Nays: Nolle Ahsent: Council Mcmben Nsbbolz, Bmdsbaw Motion Cl'.Tiod. • II. llcplar ,.._ • (a) AJ1P1VY11 ca<>rdiaancea OD F'tnt Reading (i) Satiorl'llanorGralllmp,-.cl. _._._,.,,, llom tbc~of Ncigbborhood and Busima Devd.-to adapt. ',ill ... • onlinaaa: ...iing Enclcwood'• Comprdlclllive Pim IO ICXX)lllmodlle tl,e rqiaaal IJf,.. Growth lloundaly described in Mdlo Vuion 2020. 11e adYilOII 11u 1a a~ reqa1 rn.m a remlution CouDcil i-i in April cadlil year. TIie l'CSolulion wu ~ Mdlo Vuion 2020 Ulbon Growth Bottndu)·. Mr. Graham explaiacd 11111 that is the: p:ncnl prilldpll 1h11 the: Dm.u mellll area mould be limilal to a 7001QU1R mile 111111n ... and 1h11 ..,.. c1ew1.-tbould be m:ounpd to loc:allo in c:xilllng urllelliDd ..... 111c romlulioD .. l!nglewood ten mon: poillll in a scaring l)'lltm lhll is UIOd to ...tua1e 111111p· 1llicm impnMmalt projocll. He advilOll lbal M _.. coatac:IDd by Ibo Rqiou1 .:oaitcil olGon.DIDOIIII lbM ~ tbe pn,joctl and ukal if .... ftre Ulla'Clled in mping -appicallaas competitive, becallle ..... ol the: decisiaas _.. clc,-udifM<,ua, dlmMwwld 1/l alirailmladaptan ardinaltoe....iiag- Comprd,msive Pim IO iacludo the: amo lanpage by onlinaDoe and they MUld awud die addiliaaal ten poillll for a total o(~ additiOllal poi1111 for 1Upp011iq die Urt.i Growth Boundaly. So, Mr. Graham aid, .. .., lad<...., daiag -.Jy tbe -lllia&, 1-doiq It by ordinance .... .._ by remlulioa. TIie IOCXIIIIIDClldc acliOll tonipt is l!lllf'Ml!Cjull this.,..... that includes YOIWUI)' llaille ...... and ....iiaUy to tab.....,... catbc iltccnli>m they an oll'eriac, lnllllpoflllli"" impvYanent project IIIOIIC)'. He llaud the: ftlCal impact Ibis year wu about S 1.4 millioa of app!ir,dions that "" bm, submiu.d, and we hope IO bcp lhoe c:oatpClilM wi1h Ibis clloate-He IIIIOd tll.tt lul yrar MO llllmiW:d approximatdy a S3 million application for Broadway impn,Ymneall, whi,~ wu awardod, m tbc IDIOUDI of trllDlpOrlltiOD dollan II Slake is quite subllanlial . Mr. Gallam aidbe .-111 liR to...Sjultdle pn,poa,1......-fcsdle ru:Gld. 11-11111..., "support the: rqiaaaJ llnlqjc poMh plaa for die lix.......ay DaMr mellll ara, Mdlo VuiOII 2020, includilll the Uit,on Gmwtll Boundaty , whlch cncounges in-till dewlopmenl 11111 dJ:ocoun8e, llllllliDllaa beyond I delip,.Jled 700 IQllll'O mile ,..,.._• 1bc City Clen: rad the caanctJ blD by lide: COIJNCll. Bill. NO. 63, JNlltCDUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER HABENll.tfl' A BILL FOR AN ORDINANC'l AMENDING 1llE CTl'Y OF ENGLEWOOD COMPREHBNSIVB PLAN TO SUPPORT 1llE RfiGl\)NAL URBAN GROWlll BOUNDARY DESCRIBl'l> IN nil! METitO VISION 2020 Pl.Al'/. COUKcn. MIMIWl BAIINICBT MOVlD, AND rrwAS SICONJIID, 10 APPROVE AGENDA rrEM 1t (1) (I) -COUNCR. •ILL NO. U Ayes : CoanciJ Member> Garna. lfabenlclll, Wagoner, Gl'IZIIIII, ew.. Nays: ~ Ablcnt: Council Memben Nallliolz, Bradm.,w Molioo canied. Mayor Bun1s COIIIIDOIIUd 1h11 !be Uitu Growth Boundory lad IIIOCiate... topics o '.'!fflWlb and s...t Gro,,tb, 1R being taken ap Pridly • die Metro Mayor's Caucus meeting and the ( ~• ,,_ ii going 111 aJIIIO for !be flnl time and irut widl 111 and 111k lboal dlCli: 1-. So, be DOied, I . .ieo in ,nib wbol M 1Rdoing. (ii) Dinlclor Gtyglcwic:z pra,ual 1 1 oc:oounendalioa from the~ of Finlacial Scrvi<cs ID adopt I bill for Cl onlillaate lpptMDJ the City ofEagle,,ood'1 Budget for the year 2000. He adviJed lhll I Pabllc Haring-held OD the y.ar 2000 Budge! 1111 5eploaber 20, 19'9 ad City llllf lad Council had I budge( -OD Ocld>er I. '.:199 lad dilCUIICd the budgcl in depth. 1bil lJmact, in )Wlicullrthe Gcnenl Fund, propooes a $4.3 millioa ftmdbolaa 1111 J..-.y 1•. Tocal _,_ ofllmdl lit $32.3 million, local spcndingol$31.7 millioa form ending local fund balance of$1,9 millioa in the CleDelal Fmid, wlllch ii the,,_ lipificant ftmd for !be City, which i1 when: IDOi! of our opcnlicm ~ fuadod. Coaac:il Member WlgOD<I' ul<al ifthe n,quesll made II the budgcll'Cll'ell ~ ina,rponlOdilllllthe budge( figures . Dinx:IDr Gtyglewicz Slid yes. 1bc City Clerlt read the coaacil biD by lilJe: COUNCll. BILL NO. 59 , ImRODUCED BY MAYOR BURNS A Bill. FOR AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING 1llE BUDGET OF 1llE CITY OF ENGLl!WOOD, COLORADO, FOR 1llE FISCAL YEAR 2000. MAYOR •IJJIJlls MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, to APPROVE AGIND., mM 11 (a) (i)- COUNCIL BILL NO. 9 . Ayes : Nays : Absent: Motion carried . Oluncil M<mher1 Gama. Habenicht, Waggoner, Grmalil, Bums Nooe CouaciJ Memben Nahbolz, Bradshaw (iii) DiRclor Gryglewicz prosented a recommendation from the Deputmmt of FiDlncial Services ID adopt a biD for• onliDancc ~ fillllll for Filcal Year 2000. lie aplaiDcd 1h11 this coaacil biD alloM the City ID leplly spend !be IIIODO)' liom the 2000 Budga. • • ~CllyC-U OcloNl-11,lffl Pqcl3 J '~r .. o:,r31!4 p1 1 ,YI 1,d-o?.iO , "" Tbc City Ciak read thc council bill by tltlc : COUNCll. BIU. NO . 60, INT1lODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBEll WAOOONllR A Bill. FOR AN ORDINANCB APPROPRIATING MONIES POR ALL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES IN 1llE CJTY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, IN 1llE FISCAL YP.All BEOJNNING JANUARY I, 2000, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2000, CONS'ITIUTING WHAT IS 'l1!RMl!D TIii! ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BIU. FOR 1llE FISCAL YEAR 2000. COUNCIL MJ:MBER WAGGONIJl MOVED, AND rr WAS SICONDID, TO APPROVE AGINDA !TIM II (1) (Iii)· COUNCll. BllJ, NO, '41. Ayes : Council Mcaibers Gamtt, Habcaichl, Waggoner, Grazulil, Bwm Nl)'I: Nooe Absent: Council Membcn Nabl.JOlz, Bradshaw Malioa carried. (iv) .1ilec:tor Gryglcwicz pracDll,d I ~OD from the ~ of F..-:ial Scmc:a lo llk,pt a bill for., ordiuacc ClllbliJbia& the 1999 MiD Levy lo be collecled in the ycor 2000. He slllcd this iJ the mill levy for llliJ year, 1999, 11111 c:ollcdod in the year 2000. Far the GcDaal Clpcrlling Fund fer the City itiJ 5.81 mi1II, thc Debi Scmcc Fund ;, I. m mi1II, the mJI levy ;, 1C1 for the l!nglewood Oowlllowu OcvclopmcDI Authority 114.397 mills. He DOied there iJ ID cxamplo OD the back of the Council Cmummicalioa tllowiq wblla """""""--,Id pey far• $100,000 booa It sboM thal 11111 bomcowncr -1d pay $68 .71 lo the City. Council Member Wqgoocr ulcd bow this a>mpua to list :,et.r'L Din:clor Gryglcwicz lldvuod 11111 the GcDaal mill ICY)' ii lbe same and thc mill ICY)' for Debi Service 1111 doaaled. Alao, be DOied, thc !!ODA '• mill levy i, thc amc. So, Mr. W1C1,'0IICI' aid, cmc of tbcm did doc:rels, the Commum1J Caller lloDd Fund. Mr. Gryglcwicz said yes. Tbc City Ciak road the COUDcil bill by title : COUNCll.. BIU. NO. 58, INTRODUCED BY ( OUNCll. MEMBER WA~NER A BIU. FOR AN ORDINANCE FIXING TIIF TAX LEVY IN MILW UPON EAOI DOLLAR OF 1llE ASSESSED VALUATION OF ALL TAXAB ..E PROPERTY W1'JlllN 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AND l!STABUSHING A MJ'..L LEVY FOR 11il! ENOLEWC.OD DOWNTOWN Dl!Vl!LOPMENf AUTIIORJTY. COUNCll. MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO APPllOVI AGINDA 11'1:M 11 (1) (iv) -COUNCll. BILL NO. 51. lo rapc>DIC lo Mayor Bums, Director Gryglcwicz IIW<d thal this ii DOI a tax inaoasc. Ayes: Council Mcmbcn Gamtt. llabcnichl, Wauoocr, Gnzulis, ilwlll Nays: None Absent: Council Mcmbcn Nabholz, Bradshaw Motion carried. (v) 8UIUICSI Dcvdopmcnt CoordiDator Sc:ibdli pracDlCd a ru:ornlllClldMkm from the Dcponment ofNeighborbocxl and Business Development to adopt a bill for ID onlinlDc:e IIPP"\'UJI ID lolagoYcmmcntal Agrccmc,I with Flood Middle School for the in,pnMmenl of the scbool's IIOllb playground U pall of the South Broadway Action Pim He cxplaiDod 1h11 thil is ID initiative thal WU and ii aa,opcnlive with the l!oglc:wood Schools. Tbilpujcct iDvnlves improvcmcnl ofthcDOlth lol ofthc &a...,._.c11yc-u OdaNrll,I"' ... 14 Flood Middle School, he 111d, by replacing lhc deteriorating six fOOl chaia link fence, die plu,llna aftrccs along the Broodway Conidor and lhc ilq,rvvcmcnt oCthe dclcriol'lliq CODCl<le wall . Thil bu beCII let out for bids by the .choal , He odviaed tbat they expect to have the bids beck within the DCXI !al days llild CouDcil can IOC within tbdr pocket thcre is ID inragovernmcnll agrccmcnt wilh the EnsJcwood Scbools for which they have lllocaled $20,000 toward this poject Mr. Scibclli said if there an, IIIJ)I additkml quclliom on lhis project be -.Id be happy to ......., them. Mayor Bwlll said be WU jult looking II lhe drawing and poiDlal out Broadway wbcrc the trccs an, and DOUd they 10rt or 111111 lhc comer. He asked about lhe area tbat goes !wtbcr east on lhc appn,och to 215 off or Broadway tbcre. Mr. Scibclli Ital.Cd 1h11 lhc chaln link ft:na: on 1h11 stretch or the 215 clown nanp 1s 1n good shape. m tbat is png to ranain. He said he WU advislCd by lhc ,..,.,;ntendent of bond 0011111Uedon for lhc IChools, lhis v.uk, 1h11 lhc ICbool is going to have ID add allcmll< to the bid tbat they will pay for, 10 improve the collCfClc 1h11 goes along 1h11 nmp. So it will be a nkc clean finish all the way down lhc ramp and it will wrap amund. Mayor BWDI colllDICIIICd he is always under lhc impression thll chain link fences at schools make them look like dclclltlon -He said he WU wondering if there is anything 1h11 COllld be done wilh lhc fence itself aJc,ng tbat length II well, ""° thougb k may be in good condition. Mayor Bwlll noled he thought it waa going to Wl1lp around and go along lhc nonh part then: I lillle !wtbcr 1111n it appears to, Mr. Sclbclll said it only takes moocy, Mayor BWIII said be,... pl,uod thll they have dlis, Iha! he bas bocD pusblng for this bimsdl, that he made a coDlact with the school to get du llat1ed, because be really wants to do mmdhlng with that ~n. But, pc:rbaps Iha,: will be mme man: l'unds down the road to do a little bit -IS WC go east bound there. Mayor B"'"8 said be dliMS this is a comidenble implUYCDICIII. He congmtullll,d Mr. ScibcUi for helping put this together and ~ wilh the schools on it Mr. Sa'bclli thallk<II Mayor Burns. Mr. ScibclJl said 11111 pc:rbaps a boclcr ..,._ to bis previous question is tbat he docs believe that the positm: visual impact from Broadway and llamplcn will be accomplubcd by jult doing Iha! wrap 3IIIUDd that one area that 111111 papcndicular. As a pnctical matter, be said, when you take iDlo 1CCOW1t the inigatioo improYcmentJ, which always an, kind or like big doUan, but yOl! don 't sec it until you s11rt watering the lnlcs. And that, be poinlcd out, cnnsuma a lot or the budget He said be thinks wc an, at the top of the limit in wortlng with the schools, but it is going to be a good proj<ct. Council Member Habcnicbt asbd if 1h11 little piece or property ever used for ar,ything. Mr. Sa'bclli Iii~ DOI in recent years, that pmiously it,... I bollpart and it is unoccupied CWl'C'Jtly , He said II the very minimum the ICbool will put wr.cd killer iDlo Che cncks in lhe asphalt there and impovc the -i.ctic appearaa or it and then put an oil COIi cmr it The City Ocrl< rtad the aJUDCi1 bill by title : COUNCIL BILL NO . 62 , L'll'RODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMEtrr AL AGREEMEtrr BETWEEN nf.l CITY OI' F.NGLEWOOC,, COLORAOO AND TI!E ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTIUCT, PERTAINING ''() TI!E COOPERATIVE BEAlTllPICATION PROJECT ON TI!E NORTII PLAYGROUND AREA ALONG SOU'lll BROADWAY ON 1llE FLOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL PROPERTY . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVJ:D, AND IT WAS SJ:CONDJ:D, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM II (1) (v) • COUNcn BILL NO. '1 Ayes : Cow>.J Mcmbcn Gamlt, llabcnichl, w~. Grazulis, llurns Ntys: None Abocnt: Council MemhciJ Nabbolz, !lndl!:aw • • • • • ~ CII)• Ceudl OdNa-11,l"-' ... 15 Motion curled. (vi) Cipital ProJocU Manager Kahlil~ ar,..,;n I 1 Le,..,_ .. [)q.vJUWnl ,O(Puhlic WJrb to adnpt a bill ft>r 111..U-appovlngthc v.-ion of a _aid -- tacftlaltll Cily('.t':::o·. EaaleM,oci. Mayor --J de! $ii is whll Mr. Kalllll 111km allaul earlier, at Ibo Sbldy s..lall. Mr. Kalm saidyeo it ia. Mr. Kahm adYiJod 1h11 ""arc radling a point,•"" aaeq,t to clooe Ibo Wal-Mart pnlpll1J, wlleft die pnllpCCliYepuldlaaer Ills-... usto claaupthc ride llld, iadiilcuc, ...,_aall_._, eucmcms thllarc no loqcraeedod 011 thclite. Mr. Kalm-i""..., Radied a,alat,illaa• cxiswll--............. all._, r--i. llllimy liDm mebOCII Oow-lllledudllle-lllle on Wal-Mart let allO boaillow.ftllod, ,o it is lime form to go alad ..S _thole_ He explainod tbat new.....,,.,,.. for Ibo new 1llillCiea ,rill be added lo Ibo plat prior lo ill beiq nooordod. The Cily Clcrlt rad Ibo aJUDCil bill by title: COUNCll. BllJ.NO. 64, INlllOOUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBl!ll WAOGONEll A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE Atm!ORIZING nm VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN l!ASEMEHT ANDllll! ACCEPTANCEOFNBW UllUIYEASEMENI"S LOCA11!1> AT CITYCEm!R ENGLEWOOD . COUNCll. IIIUDIII WAGGONU MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDU, TO APPaOW AGINDA Jl'IM 11 (a) (.t) • COUNCll.111.L NO. 6'. Aya: Couacil Mcmbcn Gama, HallCllichl, w.,,,_,, Gnz,ilil, Bum Nays; Ncs Alllalt: Couacil Members Nal>m>lz, Bnidsbaw Motion carried. (b) Appvval al Onlinanccl OIi SClcond Reading There were no ilam submia<d for llfllllOl'al oa socond reading. (c) Raolulioas ml Motioas (i) Senior Planner Graham pRKIIIOll a flQIIIIWNlatire .._ 111o o.i--o1 NcisJ,bod,ood and Bwil> ... l>eYdopment to adnpta raolutioa ammdingE.nglcwood', Coapcbezain: Plan by i-tiag i...,....,,..__..1u ~llliua ..tS..Fc Curidor.-lltald Ibo pn,poeed Cw!pic:lloaaiM Plan IIIIClldmml, nidl CID be adopted by-,lutioa, .-ltll aatlillDc roqui...aby DllCOG, wauld pn)plll 10 rocopiD:, in our Co~ Pi.., 1111.....-oltlle ilMIUnell la mm lrllllit, die lip! rail 1dllli~ ..S bow Ibo City aNdl lo ..U. a benolltfraa Ila trlDljJOl1llioa UlljJIIIYOIDCII 111d rw,gni,.e tbat Ibo i...l .... aloagdle lralllit liaes 1111)1 -1 ID be a4j,lllcd to realize tbat benefi t We bavo met with tbc Planning Commiuioa, he said, bcp,niDg la Augu,I, 111d they arc bcainaial 10 llbnut the 1111ap ,-1DDsit may C111ai1, capoaally near 11a1ioa...., 111d 1111c lbout 1be 1111d _. ud polalial raaaiag actioal thll ~ be comiag foiwanl. We fed, be llaled, Ila dais illlgulge -.Id support die deciliou tbnt lbe Planaing Commiaioa is going 10 have to make la the ,_ fubue afta Ibo llallat liDe is opOII. Eamally, be aid, Ibo policy bu boca befOR c-:11...,_, M:. 11...,.ai bclpad cnft die..,._ oldlia l!llllpOl1alioa policy aDd M hc.-d ii II Sbldy s-ic.. ~a-ii 1111, witla blm. Mayor Burm said he-• IOUII to 1111: if Mr. 11...,.ai led womd 011 diil 111d be ..--,d be bad. ~CllyC-.11 OdNerll,I"' hltl6 The Rll!llllion wu Ulipod a nwnbcr and raid by title : RESOLtmON NO. 92, Sl!Rll!S OF 1999 I I hoer"' ! I WI 1,do ( ll >ll•~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO nm TRANSPORTATION Sl!Cl'ION OFTHB ENGLEWOOD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, TO ACKNOWLEDGE IMPACT QP IMPROVl!Ml!Nl'S TO 1111! SANT A PE DR.J'VEISOtm{ PLATTE RM!R CORRIDOR AND nm DEVl!LOPMl!NI' OF THB LIGHI' RAIL SYSTI!M ON nm LAND USES AND nm TRANSPORTATION IN ll!IS SANl'A PE CORRIDOR. COUNCIL MEMHR RABINICBT MOVID, AND rr WAS SICONDED, TO -""'-OVI AGINDA lftM II (c) (I)• RISOLUTION NO. 92, 5111115 OP I,,,, Ayes: Coancil Members Clarffl1, Habeaicr., Wqgoacr, Onimlls, Barns Nays: None Abecnt: Coancil Members Nobholz, Bradmaw Motion carried. (il) Busillcsl Dcvclopmenl Coordinalor Scibelli prcscnled • ~ from the Dq,onmcnl of Neigbbo,boad and Busma DM,lapment to llplll'OYC, by motion. a design contracl 1br en11y port moDWD<lllllioa, district lignagc. and pub lianag,: u part or the South Broadway Aotioa Plan. Mayor Bwns DOied .wr rca,llllllellds .-ding the CODIIKl to Tacito Deslgn. Mr. Scibclli stated dial the objective or tbis pn,pmaJ is ID enhance Englewood'• comm.:...;ty image and ideillity wi!llin themelrapoUlal .... Rally, be 11kt. ii 11io haptlYe the ldmtlty or~ to iDdividulla tmding to nl dlloup the Oty oo oar m.,.a.--=ial contdon, to-a linbge.., eabancod linbge. o(the C0111D1011 design.._. dial we 111M been lookin, II in our-'< Oil South Broadway, OD Hampdm Avenue and OtyCeatcr l!aglewood, and brillging togelhcr COIIIIIIOII demenll such as color, ironwork and the historical idallity o( the community, u ,.. have seen in the ldcnlilk:alioa or the Cbcmlyn district, and rocendy the Broobidge district OD the aoulb end or Broadway, wilb idontilying clements. Specifically Clllly po!IS, be llid, II the oollh and aoulb poltals or South Broadway, II the CUI and W<St ponaJa olllampdcn Avenue and taking Ibis common tbcmc and applyiag it to district lipagc in our four districu wilbin Broadway. And then finally bringing ii oul inlO the oommunity, inlO our neighborhoods. in the porb, the part facililics ..r looking at oaving commonality in the idmiflcatioo o( all public fllCilitics in Englewood. Mayor Bwns said be socs Iba. be bu the fiscal year 200 I and 2002 capital budgeU for the entry ports. lie ukod if dlat WU riglll. Mr. ScibdlJ aid dill WU COIRCI. Council Member Habeniclt aid she just Wllllod to clarify lbll this bu been Mrm1 011 with aB of the other dcpo.-, our PR depatmelll nl Ill o(llill. 10 ..a}1,ody ii....,. o( evaytbing lbll ii~ doao, that everything ii being ~ Mr. Scibdli aid obtolutdy, dull be ....., , aurc ii they Wlllllod to 1- from the Pam ...t Rlclallloa Depa1mcnl. but they 111M worltod vay cloocly wi1lt Dave Lee. the Din:aor olOpcn Si-a: ond .Jendl Black. coonlimting Ibis effort. Mayor Bwns opined thll lhis is vay impoltad and be is rally happy 10 see Ibis coming before Council He aid it wu more goad work and be olJeml bis appr<ciation to Mr. Scibelli. Mr. Scibclli lbm'lked him. Council Member Wqgoacr askod whal lbc final figure OD the conll'IICI WU. if ii .... I DOI to excocd. Mr. Sc,1,dli aid ya. the llnal figure for cadl componenl is S38,000 for the miry port, S9,000 li-1 the district lipagc and DOI to cx.c:eod alao, oo the .-,b signagc, $14 ,m . So , Mr. w....., llid, we bne a IOIII o( $61,m. ........ CkyC-U ~ ::r II, lffl '•" Cauacil Mmar Hlbclllcbl ..... if tbi! iocludeo the~ Mr. Sc:ibdli 111d DO ltdoel -dill die boaml bavo alrcody been cbignod and tbc desip COIICl"ICI -Jlffl'lously approved by c-lJ. COUNCU. MDIBIR WAGGONIII MOVID, AND IT WAS SICONDID, 10 APPIIOVI A DESIGN CONTllACT, IN nu: AMOUNT or $61,508, wnB TACITO DESIGN ,oa INTRY PORT MONUMINTATION, DISTRICT SIGNAGI, AND PARKS SIGNAGI AS PART or nu SOllTB aaOADWAY ACTION PLAN, Ayea: Council Mcmbcn Gama, lllbcnichl, Wagoner, OnizuliJ, Bwlll Nays: None Ablcal: Council Members Nabbolz, Bndlhaw 12 . 6.-.IDbamloa (a) Mayofs Oioice (i) Mayor Bums said, u be IIIClllioDod bcfcn • Sllldy Session, wc did...,._ 11 a Tramlt Orimted Devdopment Scmils. It was M die Colorado Boulevard and 1-15 loc:ldoa for die lipt llil llap. He IIOICd be, Julie Gmu1iJ, Bob Simpn, IDd Gory Sain...,. there for-olthc morniq and it WU YCI)' Ullaaling. Mayor Burm aid tbal WC IR aln:ady incolpocating I lot oltbc clcmcnll ..., our clovelopmall (ii) Mayor Bums staled be~ die ICbool bolld dilCUllioa and ddJllc 1111 1bunday aigbl at~ Higb Scbool ml they did .. the candidalcs about die City pcognllll with die 11:bool dillrict IDd wbcthcr they mould be C,qlllldod or diaD,ed or wbatever. ClCDcnlly, be DOied, they got vay good feedbld< frum tbcm, vay p0litM feedback. He IIIYiled dlcy arc vay plcued 11ith tho rdllimsbip between die City IDd die ICbools ml dlcy aid, if aaythiDg. dlcy would lib to expand tllGle propm,s. Mayor Bums commmted tbal dlcy ...,. vay plcued tbal be allcDded, so be lhillb wc got some goodwill out of that. He said be wilhcd there...,. more c:itimlsM tbe ~ howm:r, u there-'! tbal 111111)'. (iii) Mayor Bwlll DOied tbal 1bunday die Olambcr of Commcre is having a luno;boon au! dlcy will have a prescmalion by tbc City Council c:andidalcs. (iv) Mayor Bums COIDlllallal thal Council received is their packets a ff:IOlutioa po-1 by tbe City or LiUlcton supponillg tbe boad iaucs 011 tbe soutbcut corridor, bolh tbc RID propoal for lipl rail and lbe CDOT popo,,a1 for mare llllcs. He prapoocd thal WC have ID onlinanoe in tbe IIIIIC form tblll WC would gener,le and .... this e,-ening 511d uk tbe City Attorney to put it in the samc form. Mayor Bums not<d this is tbc 1ut .-iag. excq,C for tbc aigbl befcn tbc clec:lioo, tbal wc can do this, "° be "'3111d like to do have Council pq this ifbe could and be able to get sr.mc publicity. Council Member HalJalicht said she wanted to clarify 1h11 be was ulting for a iaolulion. May"' Bums said 1bll was right, a n:IOlution. Mayor Bums said be thcugbt they bad indicatc&l • 00IIICIISUI II Council's Study Session to go ahead and appwclhis. City Allooncy Brouman advised Council uould appwc a motioa toaigbt. but they can 't do a ff:IOlutioa toaigbl. He aid if they would lib to do a motion thal says tbe same thing tbal "'3llld be all ripl MAYORaURNS MOVID, AND ITWAS SICONDID, THAT TIIJ: CITY COllNCU. or ml CITY or ENGLEWOOD SUPPOllT STATI lllPlllNDUM A AND RTD aALLOT QllESTION 4A IN ORDIR 10 IMPLDIINT THI SOUTBIAST CODIDOR MULTIMODAL ~OtyCaudl Oclllia-11,1"9 ..... h '"1) tll'l l,oolnl:iD~ t.."'tl" ,, , i'Jdr,-tJ rt~•' TRANSl'O&TATIONP&OJICTANDTORAVKAM0110ND&AWNON111&SAMl:JORM AS Till Ul"l1.ITON USOLUTION. Ayes: Council Membcn Cllma, II:.' Qich:, w....,.., Gmu1ia, 11mm Nays: Nolle Ahlent: Council Membcn Nabbolz, Bnidlbaw Motion carried. (v) Mayor Bums said be would lib to extend tunber a,agnll1lalioll to lbe WISle w_,,._ Plant 011 lbe EPA IWlldl that~ llloMt to Council earlier ..i be bopod a awnbcr al Council aanber1 could appear II Ibo awants ceremony. 1booe are excc1lcnl awudl, be 1111,d, u,d Ibey arc to be coagratullled. (b) Council Mcml>er's Choice (i) Council Member Cianell: I. He said, bocaulc two cilizml ial...i Ibo ~ or llldng away lbc pllldfadi,rins pn,vilion ill lbc ~ on puup home facilities uid allo lbe -at IUbdc dual or Utiplicm tom lbe pcnoa, If we w= to lake it out, 11111 be would lib lbc Oly AUomcy to get Council somcthlna on Ill II and put It ill lbelr pad<cl. 1ml to get m, idea of wbll is going CID !bore. 2. He ubd wbcll Ncigbborbood ..i 8--Devclopmont 'MIUld be chanJUII lbelr name to Community Dcvdopmclll, wbco 'MIUld we do 11111. Oty AUomcy BIUIZIIIID adviaod dlcy bad I mectin1 dus aftanoon ..a Ibey are pooably looking II lbe beginning allbe year bringilla IOYClll modlflcalions to Council to ~ up lbc r.odc. Council will probably rorma11y approve 111c c11a11ge ill I-,, 11e aid. (u) Council Member Gnzlilis: I. She said lhc C:Olllncto11 did I grcatjob 61ling ill aomc ol lbc c:oDCfflC back ill !he aUcy WI)' jlllt back !here between Broadway and Lillc:olll. Ml. Orazulis advi5cd that DOI oati-did they do a good job or imllll1ing i~ but Ibey did I good job of cle-nillc up and she jlllt Wllllal to 00ql1llllaec 1bem 011 11111. 2. She said !hat down CD South Brwlny when, Ibey put in lbc new fcncillg, that lhll loob rally pal. 3. Sbe advi5cd she recclvod a call rrum JB's Moton. an auto rq,eir shop ill lbc 4-400 block or South Broodway. He wonned ber lbll about two or IMC yean ago be WII promlxd some low ligbll in lbe alley to assist with tbc vandalism problem they w= bavillg and they hive never been installed and nobody ever COIIIICUd !hem. 4. She aid, gctliag back to lbc scmhm 1"Clay, that !here was one notable quote "a little chaoo in a TOD pmjoct is good, ii adds ftavor, like salt a. )ICl'per." Ml. Gnzulis said she was going to be pusing out salt and pq,pcr to evayonc to r,mind !hem that a lilllc chaoo is good, that it adds a little llavot. 5. Sbe said this lalt Thursday, 11 the CML pnlllaD1. she and Gary Scll1 lllCDdcd, in lbc m:ning, the iw-ioa by Tim who W11 tho project dim:tor ollbc Pq,si Caller. He said that delays w= good, bcca111c Ibey bad their !:<.., year delay u,d it gives you a chance to stq, back u,d !UC a look, to rasacss what is going 011 and review it to make man, grc:11 impmvcmcr,IS and falJUlous additions. Beaa•IIC, she noccd, lbc Pq,si Cenlcr is world renowned right DOW, CYct, with the 011C111111 will be opening D<Xt ycar, it will stillriJcllbovc all oltbem. lie thought that the delays wm a pooitivc, 10 be looked at itpc11itivcly, she aid. (iii) Council Member Wagoner: • • ....... Cllye-9 OdaMl'll,I"' .... , n 10::> ,1 IH,u,,,t,i;in K'O ,Ml 1 lol.>0 Q ., 1'1 J I I. Ho DOIOd CouaGII 111d _,. .-IUliool la dlair ,.._ fgr allb~ af ....... , ,, ., CauacilMcmbcr w...-llbddllldlo...illlim~dloGalll~~ ... Qlr,.,..._be llliped a lllllllber and n,ad by dde. ,1 'lbc iaollllioa,... ............ and read by lillc: no ., RESOLtmON NO. 93, SBRmS OF 1999 A RESOLtlnON l!Sl'ABLISHING n1E ANNUAL SALAAYFOR nlE CITY MANAGEll COUNCIL MJ:MBU. WAGGONU MOVID, AND fl' WAS SECONDED, TO .uPIIOVJ: 111:SOLUTION NO. tJ, SIJIDS or 1,,,, Ayes: COUDCilMalberaGama.Hlbeaidll. w._.,Graulil,~ Nays : None Ablenl: Council Members Nllllholz, Bradshaw Molion Clllried. Council Manbcr Wagoner acd that the rcaolutloa clllblilbiDg Ibo 111111111 lllaly far 1hc City Allanll:y be assigacd a lllllllbcr and read by lillc. 'Jbc rcaoluli<,n WU .....,i I aumber 111d n,ad by lillc: RESOLtlnON NO. 94, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLtlnON l!Sl'AIILISHING nlE ANNUAL SALARY POR nlE CITY A'ITORNEY. COUNCILMIMKI WAGGONIRMOVID,AND ff WAS SICONDJ:D, TO AffllOVJ: IIJ:SOLU11ON NO. N, suw or 1,,,, Ayes: Couacil Malbera Gamll, Hallcnlc:III, w...--, OmMlit, Bumi Nay,: None Alllent: Council Members Nllllholz, Bradshaw Molioo caniO'i Coullcil Member Wagoner IIUd ~ Ille raolUliaa elllblillliag 1hc -i ~ for 111c Mllaicipal Jaqc be llliped I IIUlllbcr and read by tide. 'Jbc rcaolulion WII amped I ..... 111d read by dlle: RESOLtlnON NO. 95, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLtlnON ESTABLISHING nm ANNUAL SALARY FOil nm MUNICIPAL JUDGE. COUNCIL MJ:MKll WAGGONER MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APl'llOVJ: 111:SOLUTJON NO. "· SE1lll:S or 1,,,, Ayes : Couacil Mcmben Gama, Habcnicbl, Wagoner, Gnizu1i1. llw1ls Nays : Nooe Abocat: CouncilMembalNabllolz,Bradshaw 2. CouncilMllabtt w.,,,_,adviled. ....,..a11ey Upu. tbalay uaca lllw•alJey liptor baYc an 1Uey lip! adhorizcd, 11111 all they UYC _, do ii cmlll:I Nilic Service C....,. and baYc 111cm ,11'.)l,oo ~ 1.81 ,...,. ., &'I imllll It. Council Member Wagoacr poinled OUI 1h11 il-1Jy goos on lhdr own dccak:11 bill. It ii aat paid 1br by the City. Al-, lie 111d, tbat llabeml di, p111 pdClice. Council Member <mall! aid·• 11111 be aid be -promiled It by IDIIICbody ill the Cl•, 11111 ii bun't been imlllled. Mr. w....-aid be ..... .,, CGIIIICt Publlc Son1ce Compoay cm !Iii°"" 11111 tlley will ..U lbe Hpts lbrblm la tbe..., IDII be will pay far die imlallalioll. He noted t11en, ii.,.,. tilld oHormala Ibey-,...,. 111 Ille...,. or years it takea 1o pay bock die ligbl cm die 1111111111 r-. Ms. Gnzulil lllled be wu ildbrmed dill lliDce be ,... ill one ~lhoae llllUblod -• it would be inllllJed bcclllle it would belptlleolllcen. So. lho ..,,......i. mayt,o IOllldlody could look bodt cm that City Manager Sein IIIJed rwI can doable cboct lhal. but be DOied, Mr. w.....,..11 rip!. tbal lillce it is DOI a Clty ligbl. elpOCially If It iljml alf 1111 buildin& 11111 be may end up paying for die imlal111ion, ... tlley pay for die bill ..., die life. But, be a:.;!, be will have Pl,blic Y'Jlb or Balo Simpaon do..,,. ftolJow..up cm 11111. (iv) Coanci1 Member lhilenlclt: I. She llid sllc undcnlall 11111 tbae ls ID opening OD the youth a>JJICil and lbc ukal if lhoae appointments ... made by Council . Council Momller Gnzulil asked iftbil-ror Pam and Ra:roaticm . M>. Habenicht said ya. The iDdicalloD WU tbal Council makcs lhoae appointmcnu. CGuncil Member ffabalichl aid lbc would lie to nomiDolc Kendla Gnmllll fiJr 1h11 opening. Council Member Gamll COllllllmtd thll Council~ does tbooe ill JL'IIIIY and be asbd iftlley do intaiml. Council Member Onzulis 11111111 thlll Ibis bas been opea 111d Jerrell BJack bad rjleCilically illdialod tllal be would lie to bave it 11111 • llld IUbmitled lie' applicalioa .....,,.-.iy six ·ro eipt 'MlCb ago. Mayor Bumi aid be dloapt CouDcil aJU! 1 do it aa,tlmo tlley WIid. City Atlomey lhutzna adYiled Council can do 1h11. but be asbd if Councu would like lo bring It aext time u a formal n:oahllioa, 1111n It is documented. Qoancil Manloel' Habemc:111 said 11111 i1 be. City Allomoy BllllZIDID """'1 i!tbal \VIO the eomensus of Council . Council indicMod tbal wu •. 2. She said lbc 111.CDdod the Hi51orical Society moctillg and one or die things tllal came up-that lhe does 1101 think the llmMcaJ Society has any way or 1DOYU1g die arthival things tbal tlley have ido the new Jocatloa, II the new CityCeater. She ubd If the Cty eould include tbal IDOYC with evaytldng elae tlley 1R moving, becaule tlley .. moving CYCf)'lhing eJc anyway. Ms. Habenicht ubd iftbcY mal I motion forthll. City Manager Sean llked if tlley could eomo back to Council. He advised tllal Mike Flaberty bas volWll<enod lo lead up our efforts ill tenm ~the rdocatioa. In fact, be DOied, t11en, Is a meeting tomorrow momillg where we will go throup and dollil die plan& 11111 bow the 1DOYC will bappcn. Mr. Sein opined 11111 the thmn1 ii perfoc:t lbr tbal. We will .-1 ID have a Clllllact with the Hi51orical Society, ... be DDll:d, we will stay in touch with Ma. llabeDicbl. He said be didn 't see any n:aaon why wr couldn't and we did 1<1 aside $250,000 for the ,,.,.., ., be tboupt we could aceoai-iat. tbal along with e.erything else we are doing. l . She .-.oid lhe undenlandl there wlll be I leaa forthcoming roquating the City to follow through on the llldlag the HiSIOrical Society ""'1 with rwI and tlley wtll Mldng for support with a facilitaror to do their Joog tam pJannillg. SIie raid lhe tbougb1 that would bt coming mon. City MaJllj<: I'-. aid lie tboaght we bad bead about 11111. that tbcre wu rally DOthil!g we .-I lo say ' on that tmlgM, lllllll ,_. )IOI the letl« 11111 dila we wlll briq it bad: lo Coancil .......... CltyC:-U OdlNr II, I"' .. ,. City Mamaa Scanopinod 11111 ""'"....._to .. lbll uador cGlllrol, 11111 tbe lllllllrical Society II bepllm&. with your ladcnllip, la 11b tbil illl dnclioa. 1bll M CID beliD to lll00ll11 hlll 11111 M CID ...,..dlillalhc-lMI. Hclllledlldlll-•~ Ml.l1Mllliclllllid,-. 13. City MMIF'• a.,ort (1) Clty Mompr Sean aid llejlllt wueed _, 11Y llllatl to die CGaacll, lbll it Im been 1 llnlgie forlhc 1111~ alyan, batbo lbillb...,lftl .... p!11119 nllle~ C-,;J•1 amfidcDce. lie Aid be -,Id 11111 Hu to 11Y dlab to die ..-Dinaan 'MIO OR bid< lhcn, tuing I bftak, I mucb DOOdod bftu, MM UWI I lot aldllqt ... OIL Mr. Sean lllllidl'rllllt Giypcwicz his done I ~jab OD die ..... al Rick lea ii doiq I lffllljab OD tbe CIOIIIIIUCllaa lllllllplllOIII He aid it ii IIIIIIIDIII wbll ii ... OD CMt lhcn, wilh III lhe illdMlasl --lie 111111d Bob SiDqJIOII ii doiq 1 .,-jab 1111d IIOlld Ill altbe lhillp OD Ille A,-11 tomipl 11111 Mle Ill die prajoc:11 bo ii woddna OIL llapdlally "" cu briaa 1h11 Ill toptbor. Ripl-, bo IIOllld, wlul Mike Flabcrly, WC bm: I.,.. 1111111. Mr. Scan CIIIIIIDCllllld that M ll'C puliiq lapdacr I whole buncb al dill'erenl lftlll. 5<>, bo 1111d, lhlakl lO .ii' 1111d lhlakl for die coafidm,Je al Council. Mayor Bums aidCoullciljoilll City Mllllpr S... in lbantilll .ii'. He 111111d lldi.a tally dano ycam111-" I• Ille lltt lMIII-. Oll-prajocll. lie aid it ii.,-la see. 14. Cl1yA..ol'IIOJ'tJl<po,t Clty Atlomcy Brotzmlll did not bnc "'1 -en to briaa beflln Council . • 15. AdJoou,..,e,t URNS MOVJ:D TO ADJOURN. Tbe ~ lllljoumai 11 9:10 p.m.