HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-11-22 (Special) Meeting MinutesKN'GLIWOOD cnr t.'OIJJIICIL
s,..111 ....
N ........ 22,1"'
I . CalllOrw
Tbe apeclal ,-dog oldie BuaJewood City Council -called IO Older by Mlyl,r Ban1111 7:13 p.m.
2. ----
Tbo.-ioi:-pvm by MayorBurns.
3 ..... .,~
Tbe Pledp a(~-led by Mayor Burm.
4. ...Call ......
5. PullcC-
Council Manben Gmmlil, Gama, Badlbow, Wolalyn.
Yun:hick, Bum<
City Mampr San
(a) Mayor Bums advised 1h11 the purpooe oltoaipl's IIIOOdna-for the 1«-1 iadini
and public:.....-oa Coomcll BW No. 70, an..-llldllbleuc trilh 1M ~olOuldoor Ans
for...., 11 Ille f!ll&lcwood Cmc Caller. 1bcn: line llca a llllllllercE.........,,,lod \'ililOn wbo haw
siped ID ,peat. .. llid. Tiu la IIOI ID ollidal Pllblic Heoria& .... il-llOlaalic:ed llplly U would
DGnmll)' ... llecll done lbronlimnca, becauto it ---_,, wilh du type a(anli-,c wllere ft
clodded ID me a public: c:amalld period. .. ldviaed. we wWa 6-.......,. olllle pablic w11o will!
to CDDC lbr...s .... apOIII: OIi tbia '-, 111d WO all< tbll )'I'll caafiDc your r....im to liYe =--, IPO aid.
He IIOlld tbll b1o penom wlPo llipcd-. ""!I-' to apou: Ila.
Council,.,_. Bndtl!n lllll>d lllel Cooncil recelwd lm='I llld-llvm Mr. al Mn. Rlymoad
CouliD, Mlloola Taylor, May Lynn llainl, wlPo la tlPe Tacbsolllle Y•, 11111 Cyatllil Seoar, u well u a.,._ Ina Dll¥id Owa Ti,ba Arcbita:ts. She pMml Ille.,.___.. a,. Malallm Taylor, lllliDjj IIIPt
lbelcal:r-ieoelved~20,1999. SeYerllCoa:il....,._llidtl!OyllldllOI-DDOtllllle .....
Alli.-Cily MlmF'Plabeltr advilod tlPII be -tbae to..-_ forC...:i1'1coalidenlloa, ..
OlllialaCII ilr..,..,..i olalllllleao.......,...iwilhlbe Ma-.olo.idoar Alls. l'NvlMly, hellid.
C<Wil cleqlaoll 1,pj.iCPJClWely 15,000 oq,are foct ol~ on Ille --S lloar t/llM ~ Civic
Cenl<rfbrlilm,:cahunl a-. The pl tlltbeCoaacil-lD acthae al-,pz,o CllyCealer
BnaJcwood City Cowlc\J
BnaJcwood 111d p,oyido a ........ dianll:tor ID die~ 0.W Ille put •-■I montha, dlacualiau
111d oegoliallolll hive oc:camd betwe:a MOA 111d City Iliff, lie advilOd, ml :".c propoeod ~ II
the ISllt of U-joillt drOIU. ID ge,.ICIII, die -1111 • f; 11owa, he said. Tbc .-C ID be 1eued !<om
the City II appoximaldy 7,000 ,quare leot on the ,econd lloo r of the Civic Center building. Tbc tan.11
twc1lly ycan, Mlich ii split up IJllo IA initial tam ofllw y-■ Oi.d three fi.e-year opliou, be said. Tbc
City will provide to the Muaeum or Outdoor Anl, w...-ler the 1"""' of this agreement. ror the imlaUalioa of
the thwen penmnmt pieces« art and live roClliDg pin:a or III in the lint year, a llllllimum expeadibn
or $100,000 . MOA would poy the bl1aDoc or any amount O\'U the $100,000 roqui,ed llnr lhll ..uadoa,
he Iii<'. The City would Clllllribulc to MOA, thn,qb allllllll lpplllllriation, $96,000 . ID addition, atilldel
and IIIIUKIIIIICe for die Ovic C.S spoce occupied by MOA ii emmalOd to be about $30,000, 'lillldl die
City would contn'butc u an In-kind COIi, be added. Another illuc lhll the City and m1I' strva1al with
regarding this apemeat II 1h11 the TABOR~ ralricls the City from "111""P'i11i liDII
oullide its general annual appoprillioal. MOA II p1annina to invest approximatdy S500,000 in the build·
out or the .-c lhll Ibey would be uti1iziq. Mr. F1aba1y advim. ID order lbr them to ......, their 1o1n1
neccmry for this WOik 111d to protect them in the Iona term, they hive um! Iha! the City SCI uidc
r'CICMd dollan OYCr a Im year tall!. 1'llidl II the ooly way that WO can do thls under T AB0R.. Their tolll
COIi would be IJIIOllized .... I ten year period in I dccrasing IIIIIOIIII~ which would be deaeued not ooly
by die aDIIIIII IIIIIOllizlllon but llao by the $12,000 that II..,._ tlie IDidaJly raplllllDd $14,000, be lllid.
Mr. F1abcrty said be fdt that all of Ccundl bad .,.. the propoeod amonization ocbedulc ror that 1111 year
period. MOA would provide the follcnring to the City, under the tams orthugreemeDI, bcaJlllinuod.
They woold provide ror artwork OD site thal i., valued in cxcaa of S1,IX'U,000, with a commacial rental
value for one year in cxcaa oUI00,000, and capital UMllment of lPP,-oximltely $500,000 for die spoce
build-ou~ including $72.000 for impomncnts to the common...., which includes a lobby and public
restrooms. This i., spoco ~ ii the City was building ii out, be advilOd, we woold be building it out al a
COIi that would be similar ID wbll MOA i., propoling. MOA a1ID hu agroed to provide annual exlu'bits 111d •
events that would direcdy benefit the City a1 CityCenter ml will documem a minimum or S50,000
lDDUllly. MOA c:wrcnlly bu an -1 openw,c budpt ill -of Sl,000,000, and the ooatnct
guandccs that MOA will not F below a S50Cl,OOO openllillg budpt in any giva, year. MOA wou1d llao
provide special plll8IIDllin& ml diacoaDt r-10 cilbcna ofl!apwood. which wou1d be Cllllblilbod
lhrougb cooperatlon and -,otiadoa with die CU1anl Al1I CoaaaialiorL MOA bu a m1I' of fifty ftill and
part time employees. Ibey baw: an -of 4,000 lllldeall -uy, and OYCr 5,000 annual villton to the
site will be bnJusht ID CityCcnter by pec,plc lllalding MOA for cxlubits, claacs, events llld die lib, be
said. Representatives from the M-.m of Outdoor Arts will give a brief p.CSClllllion tonipl, lie said,
after which Director Simpoon would like to follow up with c:ommenls prior to the public coouncm IOC:lion.
Cynthia Maddell Leitner, l'relideal and FOUllding Director of the ~ of Outdoor Ans, advised that
MOA bepn its millio n ..., eigblem year, ago, Originally, the million WU ID place monummtal
sculptma themalicaDy illto arthi-. llld 1andlcape ill the IOllbeul Dea.er area known u Greenwood
Pla:,a, ibe ldvi,od, Four years after ..., bepn 11111 miasion, Ibo llid, wo created an award-winllillg
educllicJn propan, with the Den.a -public lcbooll. Since lben, we..,.;.,, 4,000 studalll ....Uy,
which the oducldon diNctor will speak _,, OD ...... An ou1door MIIICUID, ibe said, does not U.C I
simple definition, and aU « them are very dilfercnt. Tbcre 1111 oa1y a bandfts1 around the world, sbe
advim MOA bu the perfarming arts involved, and "hen ... come to Englewood, sbc said, ... wiU have
Up Ckloe and MUlical, 1'llidl will camme ID co1labonle 111d dn p111111111 with 111, u ...U • Da\¥1
Taylor Dance 'l'lleller. We a1ID ml1abonte with the Deaver All M-.m and aU of the lcbooll in the
Dea.er metro ara, • woU • 101111 of the mountaiG scbooll. Ml. Leitner llid MOA bu sncra1 p1111111115,
and the two maill foa.-are OD die My-live piece monWIIClllll III coUecuon and OD edllCllioG.
Evctything we do involves U-two ponions, sbc added. O,.•. education prognm is dilfcren, because we
use arts u a process ID teach criti--al lhinldng skills. We also uae the arts in a thematic appo,dl, sbc said,
so, for iDltance, ii• child l11n1Jylng -,ethinglD do with world 1-,tory, we would uae the ;,roceuorthe
1111, along with tbcir tadlcr, ID de\iae I pro ..... llld a1ao baw: ~ ·:r around the c:ol1eclion or Olll1lin
mMeria1s, ID give tbt child a ftill lllmllic: exporicnce, Thal i., jur , example of what WO do, lbe aid. •
Ms. Leitner lhowed a lM minUIC film« some of the ...-ulplwe p , . ...,. around the COWlby, olwl icbMOA
i., a .-n. She said that all ol the acu1plure pnlem wen: very dive.·... There are probably only five
BnaJcwuad City CoulldJ
Naw:mbcr 12, 1999
ICWjllln prdcm in lddilioa to the Ola 11111 MR OD the film, lbc adviJed, and all Im llffOlled by the
citlea and C0Ullllcs ...... , people .... the 'll1S arpai::aliou ...... they reside. Tbal is impcndYc lbr die
IUf>ivll of the Illa in,......i, 111c opiDod, DDtjllltCIUldoor n. She said she would lib to exprw, oa
behalf of tbe Mulcum of Outdoor AIU, 1h11 they ""'wry excilod about comiDa to Eqlewood. W: will
bm, our beldqlllllcl1 bae, 111c said. and will br4 poople bae by virtue ofbavill& the Ill and the
penlJt1IWII IN u poll of the ityCcnter, We look forwud to lbc pa1111Cnbi~ with Eqlcwood, 111c
Jennifer Poller, DiroctorofEd.oic:ation. llid the education pn,gram bas grown from allllctiq-'J 150
ltudcnls to aver 4,00011111 actively partlciiai,: in c:lala and pn11131111 during the year. The cducaliml
program is hued OD our public sculpDR collcclioa. she aid, 111d consists of many difl'crcnl calitics. We
offer clua from IOll lhroqb adulll, tbcmalic e,q,loraliom to public scboob from througbout the Deaver mctn>....., and we offer public toun. she advilod. 'Ibc aua,.111 ol the pn,gram, and wbal mua it uaiquc
in the eyes or a.nills and the genaaI public. she said. ii Illar, illllad or 1DCRly teaching poinlin&, dnwing,
sculpture and bukct weaving. WC look II cullurcs, lbcmCI, lilenley, lcicnce, malb and ilr:=prc lbc
mativc pr00CII, thcrd,y cn:w,. artwork and lcamina all cliffiRnt kinds of disciplines. hWad ol
!CKhiog. saaigbl 0111, I ta:IUliquc. cbildra, and adults an: 91U11 their imaginatioos to p""1cm IOh-.. This
CIOIICI ~ more dynamic l>Ork fola: in the ml. aod thM ii wllal"" arc bringing to Englcwood. me aid, aad
inlpuiD& a DCW ga,c,alioa. Ml. Porter llid me would be sbowiD& a short \'idto OD MOA'1 Daip 111d
Build Program, which is in its niDlh year. Many or our~ and school programs""' hued oo...,. of
the IUalgths or the Daip and Build Prog,a, 111c added. It is cm the level of a prafi,ssioaal pobllc 111
c:ompclllion for bigb a:hool1 from all aver Colorado. We bm: gone from Colorado Spr inp, lllc aid, to
Loveland and into the IIIOWllaim. Sbcridall Hip School , lu! year, was our funhcst away to auuaUy win n
llilC. 11-bigh ICboois an: invited to pn,pooc a crcalM ICUlpbua1 dcmcnt 011 OllC of seven sites, a couple
,,t' which ""' in dowlllown Deaver, 101111: .. in Grcarwood P1aD, wbcrc w. arc now, and in 200 I ""
would rcaUy love IO i..e EnaJcwood u a lbinl site, 111c said. Las! year, for ins1ance, over forty diffcraa
groupo ot-.idenlJ llbd to be Ilka, acrioasly IO award them a $500 stipend to cmlU: I public mcnumc:at
on one olt1-seven lila. 'l1IClc modcb and P1J1101U1 ao iDlo u mac~ detail as wbtrc •••"" going to
buy the wood, bow IIIIICb is it aoiDI to COIi, ....S wbal .. the mocb::~'" illvol,-.d in crccdn,c IOIIIOlhing
tha1 is going to be mobile. 11-""' thea prolcuionally judpd by po,1,aps a landscape lldlilC<:I, a
sculptor, or MOA'1 prcsidclll, and wllll ii-dowa to is groupo or :.:i gh school studcnll1,rc c:liooa,to
put up• public ICWJIIUl'I' for six woeb. Ml. Porter llid 1bal, wllll co. , "9 happening. is 80IIICthmg 11111
only the arts process can bring out. 'l1IClc kids arc lamina madi skills, c:oD11Dunicatioo mils, they have to
get along an:! they bm, to problem IOM very ~uickly. If IOIIIClhing does DOI go right. they immalilldy
i..e to think or IOIIIClhi!IJ new. We will bClr from -who bas been immcdiatdy involved in
watching tbc lllldcnU over tbc years. 111c Slid. She opiDod dial the bcSI thing they get out of it may 11111 be
the very Clld product thll poo:·\c ooc, but the cxpaicllcc thol ii took over the weeks and months and 1M
nighla of pulling IOIIIClbing together throup tamwork. 1bole interdisciplinary, inicgratcd lypCS of
cxperimca m rally whll our oducalioo program is all about. 'I'lc vi&, st,o,v, the process in actioa, 111c
said. uking Council to DDtc 11111 they arc illdc:paldaldy wmting. while collaboratively working. Council,
she oboclvcd, works the same way, this iljmt a Utile mon: ('UIOlllll and is very empowering to them. It is
grcal to bave them cxprea a silC ,pccific. pablps a silc in Englewood, what they think of i~ and then bm,
a dialogue after lhal. At this point. Ml. Poller showed the video.
Rodney Lontinc, of the Museum or Ouuloor Alls, said this pa1111Cnbip has b'.;co worked on since 1996.
Thal is over thRe years of working on this rclaliomhip and gelling to a poin~ because of a lot of bani work
from Council mcmbcrs, E.nglcwood cilium and the•"' COUDCil, and we have it 10 a point where we bm,
created aomelbing special . It will be a very 1!JOOd. inlcgral part oftbc City fabric on:! of the success oflbc
CityCcnlcr, and we arc in I position where ii is a wia-9!in situation. He thank<d C\Ct)'Onc for all the bani
work and said we arc II a poinl aow where be feclJ good about going forwanl.
Mayor Bwns said Council bas asked the museum 10 provide classes for Englewood SludcnU . There bas
been aome c:onc:eni as to wbcthcr tl:e llllldalls could affnnl them. he said. and whether they would be
available for Englewood kids and if they would r=iYC tbe bcadit of them. He asked Mr. Lontinc to
l!qlewood City Couacil
NoYanbcr 22, 1999 .... )boo, _l
, 4rn-,
addrea 1h11. Mr. LoatlDe aid Ibey bave loobd II a lat ol dllfcrem things. 111111 whit Ibey '1>1111 to llai,pla la
puticipodoa. We 111111 I.be cillzcr.a 111d cllllrlrm to pariciparc, and it ii really about I.be educallon. We
bave not bad Ille bendlt ol liaing down witb die at CXlUlldl yet to l!usb ~ dnnp oat, he aid.' We do
1101 wad to j .. do. dlsaJunt propam. orcoupom. It ll's to be l0IIIClhlng dlllt ll puticipllmy ande■17 for
tbcm to portldp,te in. We bave 1oobd at ~Jung l!om afttt IChool ew1e1, that W0llld be eitlllr tn,e or
I \'Cl)' small stip:nd, a:aybejust tbc aJll oftbe ...,.,UCS. I.bat any citizen ofEngl.......i coaJdlip up for,
citbcr after ocbool or ou Saturday . It ...iJy has to be samething that is all'ordablc, beneficial, enpging 111d
CU)' to llkr. advantage of.
Suzot1el!mcrson, ofDa"i~ Tl)ba's office, said sbe was present this evening lo speak for Mr. Tryba, who
was umbic !Al aacnd. He sends bis rq,iu, sbe said, cq,laining I.bat be bad gone to Miclligan for
'lballbgiving. She llid she would like to read Mr. 'liyba's lella'•Joud. adding I.bat sh.'! bas a plan showing
I.be placallent of the .:II tbal sbe aDll Ms. Leitner hove lwked at. This Is 1101 saying this i1 where lt nam be,
but we fed VCf'J otrongly about ,..,., of lll::se Jc,c:;,t.ions, sbe said, and we feel this will be a llibulous
addition. SL read Mr. Tryba's lella'dated NCMIDber 19, 1999: "C<IUncil Members, Unfortunalcly, d·
to family 'lbanksgiving vacation plans out of slllc, I am 1101 able to attend I.be Engl.......i City CouclJ
mcetiq oo Mooday, November 22" to pcnonally n:late 111)' strong support towanls I.be incorporation oldie
MOA iltlo CityCenter. Tbcld'orc, I would lib to communlce to you, in writing, I.be vital il1lpOlllbcc of
I.be inclusion of I.be Museum ofOUldoor AIU in th, CttyCcnterl!nglewood. The MOA's integnlloo into
I.be CityCenter goes well '>cyond tbcir COOlrlbutiam of the pllysic:al sculpture. 1bey will bring 10
Engl"""°" a Jcdlcalioo to cducalion, 10 ll1, aud to dlvenlty in I.be landscape . 1bey will )IIOIDOle and
aa:enblal:c I.be aclivity I.bat will bdp 10 define Cil}C,;ater Englewood. The thoughlful)y looalod outdoor
sculpture. will provide plaocs for people 10 ptDIIC for a conv=atioo or sack lunch togotbcr, u ...U 11
adding intatst to I.be doy-to-<I,-, .,..iestrianlcommlUr cxperic,r..c. 1 fed I.bat I.be inclusion ol I.be MOA Into
I.be CityCt.nter Is ooe that should not be taken UalJtly. P'.casc du not p111 up this fit:Ualtic opportumty.
Sincerely, David Tryba," Ms. Emcnoa said what ,..,,,, really fa:I lill'Dngly about i1 that the sculptures m
going 10 aa:eJIIUlte the an:hitecture 111d I.be cnvimnmcnL They do not just become piccea on tbcir...., out
there for people 10 look at. 1bey actually bt:come part of i~ Ibey bclp form I.be spaces, lllld I.be exterior
spaces, because of I.bes pieces ofut, will become more active lllld will give JX'Ol)lcl placel0 go. Ms.
Emcnoa said I.be sculpbftS will aid in aeating ll)'lletl)', wi>ich we ncod aloog with l!Uil 111111
entertainment. Some oltbe sculpture will be moving, l'C\'Olving. not only physically, but .. Ibey bring IICW
pieces in 11111 out If you look at the two sets of picc,1 we have II each end ofEngJ.......i Parnay, we
bave a pair of dogs and a plir ofli0115, till.I I.bey become an:bitectmal gateway clements, sbc said. We have
motlon aud activity created through I.be Wlndsong. which woold be located at I.be eoll}' to I.be drop off for
the Ida "'11 ride . We aro looling at placing I.be two tnpe,oids near I.be sage, she :iaid, in I.be center of the
amphi-. The little pieces, I.be bear, for 1-, we ._.. !<ding at placing in some lai.'<lsc,pc near a
!rte, more of an unexpected pleasure, she said. One of the more positive things is it docs encourage
pcdcstri:m inltnction. We have I.be Pon:cllioo, she advisod, ,,i,icb is a little pig, famous in Flo= for
people lO drop a coin o.ll'ofits oosc for good luck. We luve a few odlerpicc:es, like The Fence, for
instana, wi>ich would be located in the """betwcu I.be drop al! and the bridge. and that Is a highly
nttracthoe pica:. II becomes almost • playground, and that Is something that we m dcspcral<ly wanting
bcrc, Is a pla::c or entatainmcnt for lids. 11v , pica: Is multiple 110ne colWDDS that are like people that you
can walk iu and out of, she said . M5 Eu=n said she R8lly just W8JJICtl to voia, t!ocir -.xcitement. She
said she met witb Ms. Leitner about a year and a half ago, anti was just in awe of 1hr: opportwtity she wJS
presenting. Ms. Emerson llltSScd ti JII she hoped Council woold ,'Ole yes.
Mayor Bums ultcd -the Rat Cirooms pica:. Ms. Emcnoo aid I.bey arc looking at placing that near
:be bridge. It will be very illCraCtnoe and kind of plays off I.be bridge, she cxplainol. II is called Brooklyn
Bridge and..-. aro lookiJlg • plac.ing I.bat up on a pedestal so you can get views from it in all dill'Cfflll
directions. It bas a IOf bapp::ninf, tM is a very exciting pica:, she ssid. Mayor Bums ask<d if it is right
next 10 I.be light rail stop, to whio.:h Ms. Emmoa responded allirmatively.
Dim:tor Simp,on, Ncigllborbood r.nd llusiness Devdopmen~ said be would like to spcalc regarding I.be •
Mu.,cum of Outdoor AJU ,.,:,,,on,Dip to I.be City of Englewood. He said it..,.,, an imporlllll Issue for him,
l!qlewoad City Couucll
NtMmber 22, 1999
Pqe5 < I
.... rdt ii WU an lmpo,tant ~ ror Engle,wod. The City bepn dilcuaiom wilh the M-,,, oCOuldoor
Arts about three yo111 :,go, be Did. Wbere lhil ctlbverlllica bepa ..i where it Is now elldiaS-., hi NIiiy
a8Qlllc:aat ror Cll)O:lller ~ Mr. Simpa,n aid a~-been premiled 011-~
imponalll puNlc objecl!YCS. One oClbolc 1h11 be Celt,... filllllled ID pat by blviDg MOA •pat oCdlil
project, 1s thM oCcrwing a lllliqao 111d spocial place. Some oe-c.-:il membel1 ml&ht 1am II a pmipie
dn,p, ml thal ii whit lhil .--begins to this project. II Is about l!nglewood. am ClaliDg that 1llllqae
,eme o(place. \Ybll we do with the projocl really begins ID~ mu a community, lie aid, and 1111
the image and IOIIO ror wbo we ... ID the ....... llldr.>..... CiDdoreUa City WU I vr:,y adtlag
beglm,lag, and, be opined. where we go with 1h11 project will really sct die rune ror our fillure, ... we havc
to consider all lbolc e1emcutL Commuaitlcs.,. often idmlilled by lhcir cullulll lml~ l!yoa dllnk
locally, when yoa lhiak oC Arvada, Y'"' ddnk of the Anada Cenler, and wbeD you dllllk oCUllldm, you
may dliDI: oCthe Lildclon Town llall Art, r I , be aid. l!yoa tbink oCDenvor, the ,_electioa
passed the c:qlllllion or the Deaver A ..m, be added. Our ""'°''Clopmenl ell"orts on CityCenlcr.,.
also aboutcrallng ldcnllty, image an .place. W•bl\'Cbeen talldagrorthelasl.....,.. ye:11111boat
creating a place ror Clmilics to ptbc:r, a place to get corr.. 1111d I book al !be hbrlty, a plaoc tor pmdcl
ant' c:onceru to take place, a place to call home. 1111d a place to bay I new shirt or a dress. Today, we can
say t,ith our Civic Centa building wdl under CODSlluclion, 1111d we me movillg tonnls a new c:mc:
praei.'OC ID 111.: pn,jc<I, thal this Is a really positive thing. We .,. going to hive a new hl!nay, we .., M
to be c:loli,,g on the Wal-Mart this Friday, and that Is exciting llecame it will be a new place to mop ID
EngJewood. be said. We havc a Joi or politivca, but 10D1C nice new n:llil ls going to be good ror 111, too.
Mr. Slmpmn apiDOd that an exciting port ofthi• l',tDjcct Is tt.e Civic Cenll:r Plaza. It Is pretty rme that ddes
step rorwant 1111d croE a new pork or .,.t,l;c ," ace, 1111d dlis new pica will become a real 00llllllllllity
plhcriDg place. Whal ibe MOA docs rr. 05, is ,. gives IJOCk IO ,lie Cily 1111d the co1111nunity by praviduJi
oculptwe to help flullisb thil new publi , ·_,,, • ., ,.,. said, llld it mliYem our a,mmuni' J b)· pn,vidiDg .a
education, ahibits and pafbrnmas for bo'b .,...,. c:bi1dren and our adulU. Flllllly, no said, it bet.-aellll 1
pal1Dlnbip with Englewood to strengthen our image and identity within the grcaJcr mctnJpolltan are& City
Council bu, ror the 1111 ......i yean, 1aken rome pn:ay OUlllllldiag. ligaiflcant stq11, many or which have
been COlllnlYasial, be said. All oCthem have been Coc:uscd 0111 betlcr quality or life bore ID Englewood ror
its citimis. Mr. Sir.,pson said, to name a few orthem, regulating day hlbor llld pn,t1 oboplwu reallya
big time llgbl, bui wllen we me done, we look II our ndaJ,bo,lloadl and we.,. stnJager ror it We recently
bad this group home 1-, and Iba! mould be a rcally good llql tonnll improving oar ndgbbomoodl.
We worbd on the Zlpn propeny, and said no to somcthillg 1h11,.. going to be nfl'mliw to this
community, and da:idcd to expml '""puts. Tbcac are all em:llent cwnples of di.lllcult but impollant
advancements to our quality or lire . l!acb or these efforts bu Rally contributed to l!oglcwood in tangible
way, and 1Dtang,1'1e waya, things 1h11 we c:, not ncccssarily ci-ify but bl\'C brougbl a Joi bock to the
community. Mr. Simpson aid be Celt the MOA is one oCthoae dcmcnts th.'11 will give bock to the
community, both tang,l>ly and :ntang,'bly, and, as it relates to this CltyCenter project, it is an important
clement to c:omldcr Ls an advana:mcnt to the quaiity or lire and economic vi'tality or this COllllllllllity.
Turning to the list or lhoa: who signed up tc speak, Mayor Borns asked 1h11 Ibey confine tbcil mmrb to
five minii,s or less.
Pam SWtk, an III tcacbcrll SCNth High School, said she is vr:,y aware or Council's commitmL,t to
anotb<r proj.ict in which students build a l,omc. She saia she is gJIICfuJ to the Museum or Outdc,,r Arts for
their stn11g lcadcnhip role in the aru. The Museum or Outdoor Arts sleppOd up to the plate with
CNtstanding exlu'bits. f."OgrllllS for yoong people year round, and Is the home for the scholastic Ill ex •test
for the State or Colorado . According to national ..........,.. oC ltUdems in 1997, she said, thos, wh. have
art programs and attend exlu'bits and museums do better in ,cboo~ have higher gnde averages and ma,,:
higher test scores. Ml. Starck said, ror the past six yean, ber IIUdcnts bl\'C been involved in the Design
and Build Competi~on, spoason,d by the museum. Tbi1 is I ral world oWOf1unity in which IIIUdenll get
the cblmce to write I proposal .... build • model ror public: UI. The IIIUIOUlll provides extnonlinaly
protcssion.d sculptors to help wilh this process. Seven propooals are sdeclCd. The mUIOUIII lben gives
$500 10 build the an, which, she said. is ODO third or her budga. This Is OXlremely exciting to be involved
in, and she said she is sure 1h11 is true or toachcn in Englewood. Students then build a oculpture, mctt
deldliacl, bop a budael, aadbaYc enbanccdUIIMl:lioDand IAl'tWOlk. llfollal aoaliYe andiDdepcndcnl
thiaking, Iba llid, !lard -'c aad loag bowl. '111= CXllllal ii tbe Ol~Y aae or ill lliDd in Ibo Ulloa. aad
SIUdods 1111 a lol al.problem eolviq llli1lL Sbo lhoM,d a model of her IIUlleml' pn,ja:t. Allalhey built
Ibis, It wtiped a.cr 500 pow,dl, lbc llid, and WC had to 111DYC il So Ibey bad to fipre OUI bow to balld
~ lab it apon, aad rebuild it in two days. So this ii prat,lcln 10lving at ill bell, lbc said, adding
thal she 11M had IIUdlllll wbo are now IOllion Ill C.U. in their an:biiectwe prog11111. Sbo aid a credill
the Dcsip 111d Build Competition ror their lint tNc prqjec:t. The Museum or Outdoor Arts leacbes
cbiJdlal and all al III that not all pd,lema hr.-. • ;ir,,tc 10lution, and the imponaDcc ol. imacimlioD and
thiDkina-They are a model to push lludcd• to lx:cor.ie Klive leamcn, she said. They pmh ror b1p levels
of acbicvcmont and, in ,n Ibey do in the a1111111llllil) . !hey baYc the cowagc al their aiavictioas. They are a
winnins leam and the l!llglcwood COIIIIIWllC)' and iii Cl;~n will bend!~ she coacludod.
Mala>lm Taylor said be is the oldesl Eqlcwr idilc in die room. lie said be has Wllcbod the City or
Englewood, 111d ii prood al the City. He sai be CIA remember the tent houses 111d the bolemenl bouos.
Art is sreat, be said, and be has sccn Indian aiaoglyphics, Mesa Verde, the Gooscnccl<s of the Sall Juan,
and be and IIIOlher fdlow found I tool IIIIOd by p,dlistoric people, idenlical to the aae pic:lural in tbe
diclioaary. At one time, wc bad Tuilc:ries Part, and that is why the uamway came to &glcwood. What I
am tr)'ins to ay is this is all pal, but bow are wc &Oill8 to finance all or this, be llbd. Bein& a pnllpCClor
II one lime, pllbltakin&, if I want IOIIIIOlbiq. I will do without it unlit I get the moacy to pun:hue i~ be
aid. He said be dismvercd be allo bu an. He """"'1 the audleua: a white pi= al paper, which be said
WIS bis depic:lion al lWIIII ealiDg manbmalloM in I SIIOWIIOrm.
Bill Cayton, 958 E Cornell Avenue, said MOA bas daae a fine joh tonigbt with the two video& llllring
about sculpc= pnlml, and hip ocbool pn,jects. He aid be likes sculpture, and has seen it 1 ~ over the
world. 11 is impmive, 111d ror a-, be at..-tboughl we bad a 9,000 aao ocu1p1urc garden here,
but wc do not. How CID anyone OfflOII' art 11111 beauly and the opportunity to teach our cbiJdrcn aitical
thinking, be asked. Maybe one of thooc critical thinking skills is to ask owseMS the question why do we
want to !pOIIIOr this organization. lie Ilic! be CIA not make the comiection between sculptwo ganlen and
the Foley 's building IOCODll floor. He said be bu not seen a clear disclosure or the allll, the mainlalance
and the wtilies, the janitorial IIOIVica or the folly porltiDg spaoes. lie said be does not know bow much
porltiDg ~-, be guessal Ibey are about $4,000 to $10,000 a space, ·.-bich comes out to about half a
miJlioa dollan. In • !wally year qreemem. is this two million or five million, be asked. How much does
this COIi 111? Is this not one al thooe aitical skills we ougbt to use to deta,nine the COIi so then wc can
look at the benefill? He said be 1isteocd carefully toaishl, and does DOI ..,, a clearly <bcribed list al what
the benefill are. Tbae wen: vague promises al whlll we are goins to set back, and what people are eoins
to 'IJCad. One orocbure even sa)'i bold revenue, but we don 't have a bold . II sa)'i we are soins to get
back a lot al maiue, and ljlut do not see bow we are goiDs to do that, be said. Mr. Clayton said be has
not seen any swvcy or poll that ays EngleMod raideuu want or need these savices. He said be likes
sculptwo and thinb sculpc= beloap Ill CilyCenler, but it docs DOI seem like this is the way to do il lie
said be bas lallced ID friends and bu not found anyone woo docs DOI question why that mucb money is
beins spent for this purpoge. lie said the City sbould concenttalc on setting CilyCG,ler open with storos to
senenie sales tax maiues to pay for this expensive City Hall, and adopt the word frupl as a model lllllil
CityCentor is IClllally producins maiue. Evay time I bear Bob Simpson speak, be sives me another date
tbal Wal-Man is 10mg to sign a colllrael, be said. We baYc been listenins to dales for a year, be said,
assenins that be bopes they sign. bccau,e be would really like to see Wal-Man set open. lie said ne would
also like ID see some stora, so we are not doing our Cliristmas sboppins at Soutbwest Plaza apin.
Frankly, be said, the City ougbt to -on the services WC need and want in Ensiewood that are
lraditional City ,ervioes unlit we get oome -to embark oo this type of project. If we have ton mucb
money after ..... y the noccssary ICMCCI, I -.Id like. tax cu~ be said, IO I could lake my money and
:;pend it on the cultural activities that I cboooc, not lhe aaes that tbe City decides I need. and uses tax
money to pay for iL
Selwyn Hewitt, said be has :..idedat 4915 Soulli Pearl Stteet siiu:c 1953. lie said be bas been a taxpayin1,
participating citi= of this community for fony-six yean. A number of years 110, the Gfealer Englewood
llqlewood City Council
NoYembcr 22, 1999
l'lge 7
Chamber of Commcrc:o bad a cullunl lrtl committee tbat wu formed lo explore what we could do relallve
lo cal1lal w ID the City of l!apowoocl. Some of the people wbo carnally In llCMJll on lho Cu1lual
AIU Commillim _.. mcmlJen allllll llCIIIIIDinoe. AJ. .-lane )'WI qo, be aid, be 111d r.,_
Council member Habeaic111. Mayor Bwm. Dr. ,_ Ginrdl. an:blloct Doll Manhall, Bob Slmpma 111111 All
Scibc1ll Ihm the Cily llllf. 1111d -adlon, 11111 lo explcn the poaibility of incorpc;lllinJ pcrfiniq 1111
or_,,, Olbercultunl fici1ida ID die~ pu,,aiaab Ciadcnl1a City nidcYelopmcal, 1111d the
pn:oe,WliaD of the Foley'• buildiDJ. Tbe ~ roai:lioa rbal we IOI &om memben al Council ud
llalr at 1h11 time, be recalhl, wu that IUdl fal:ililiCI WQlld DOC q,part lhemaelva. We all lmow tbll, u
cullUlal ans facilitiCI seldom llllpp0II lhemaeha. BUI the lllilUde by 1booe people at that rime wu lhat
Ullidy by the City wu lOlllly oat dtbe q--. Ho aid, la lip! al what we are lookina at lollipl, my
bow tbiap hive changed. Sec:oadly, be reminded Courrci1 rbal be ii a put or Ibo ta,gest perfonnlDa ans
orpnizalion founded 111d openlL. l ID En&tewood wilb I bly-lix year JJRICIIC" ID lhil commuaity, IO be is
DOC wil.bout inlcrCII ID the 1111. He llid be mould hlvc pn,e-1 all his raDllb by sayln~ that be comCI
bero 1'ith a mixed 111C1S1F toaiglll. He llid be bu~ with a IIUlllbcr of the people illin& ID lhil
room. and bas enjoyed wl>al be bopel ii a COlllinuiD& liicndship after this cveninJ He • J be ii palified
that Couocil 111d memben of City llllr ha YI: fiaally emlnccd aome rca,gnition of the arts for our
community. He said he fedl lbcre .. some prcblcml with what bu been prapolcd. bUI now coc.s a
million doU.. pvcaway. Tbe MOA pr-1 U. wu Rllllailled in May 1999 wu dilc:usaod ID Collllcil
Sllldy ScaiOD OIi 1uly 6, 1999. Tlrae Im boa, DO public dialogue OIi this isauo except with a limilcd
audieocc at 1111 IUllllllcr'I -talk a-.eeliag. Tbe Council IIIOlllbcr in my dillricl, he said, hal DOC CIOIMllcd
1111)' commaity fOJ111D lo dill:ua or pn,rDOII> Ibo MOA pnipmal or lo lean altbe l<lidmls' IIIICllon,
prdcrencel or appnlYl1 dlcrclo. II may be appq,riac • dlil time lo ranilld the members of Council 1h11
Ibey haYI: a 6ducwy ~bility lo the cilium they wen, declcd lo represcul, he said. 1 hive read cvay
won! of this thing. be sai.:, and 1 wu familiar with 111011 al Ibo poyiliom that wen, proposed by MOA
through Marilee Utter and 1h11 orplUl.llion. At one poiDI ID 1996, it WU ..,,ommeodcd by Ibo Culturo1
Aru Commilliou 111d ..,...,. . .xi by Council, but Ihm Mr. Lomiae c:l>ooe ID \'ithdraw ii for some lw1bcr
SIUdy 111d IClllbmitted it in .' 999. Some altbe poYiliom that Mr. lleMtt fe l, """1cd attention, 1111d these
.. just things lo ponder, ... lo respond ID now, be said, butfint, itlOCIIIS that Ibo City is DOI adequaldy
iDdemnifiedapinsl Iola C eated lllloqbfaiJURofMOA to perform theroquirem,.:allofthe COllllaClor
ltSIDnlion of the demilcd f ICililir:I in tho eYall al •;q,.u-.. Second, there ii no ,.;Jear illdicwoa, be aid,
lhal MOA 1'i11 vacate Har' ,quill PlaD and IOCIIC all al ill p10g1a1111, exhibits ID'J educational olJaiDp at
CityCenter. Maybe it wa .....-iDlmdcd thS Ibey llbould, ·,. said, but rbal ought to be a condition al what
we an, offerinJ Aho, the mucb berllded beadits !ilr Eaglcwood citizcna an: DOC specifically identified
and~ by tbe langullO al the contract or ll!ISIIICDL Tbe Culhnl Arts Commission, be fd~ should
devdop tbe dClircd beadits ID detail and include tbem in die cootract beforo it is IOJbminal for~
rather than aliowing negotilliool ID Like place aftu MOA hal tho agreement in hand 1111d Ibey cau pnay
much do what they wish. Fourth, lhc: coadiliom for rmowa1 al tbe colllnlCI an, DOC lpOClfied. In the City
contnbutiom Jislal in the agrecmem II it 11111111, the 111111111 ,... ii listed u one doliar for an Cllimated
$30,000 value, or a Ille oCfourdollvs per square foal. Whit ii the mar1<ct value of 7,500 square feet in
prin,c si-ce, he asked. Commacial real C5111c paleuiona1I lliggCII that ii should be between tcn dollan
and fifty dollan a lq1W"C foot Ulin& die leut oCthelc "81-. tm dol1an, the value of tbe spoa: bciJl8
giYl:D lo MOA is at leut $75,000, not $30,000, be aaatcd. Tbe 11111111 operating costs haYI: inaeaacd
6om $84,000 lo $96,000 1U100 the last pr-1 wu illlde. If you add up these chanses, Ibey bring the
value oflhisagrccmc:nt lo $201,000 pa-year, orSl,500,000 for the fiYI: ycortenn oflhc apeemeat, be
Solid. Doesn 'I lhla scare you a little bi~ be asked. ID answer lo die question where 1'ill the mo,,cy come
from to fund tbesc COits, •oae point. wben it wu bciJl800lllidacd at the July, 1999 meeting. Coaocil or
llalr said the City plans lo fund its sharo al tho cuJtunl mu preoeoc:e through sales tax 1e11erated from
CityCenttr Englewood baaed on aim:nt ......,. projeclioos. No oew taxes arc planned lo hdp pay for
CityCenv.r 's cullUlal arts amenities. Do we hive a surplus in die hudget, he asked. Ille we COU1W1J1
chickens that have not batched when we say that we will pay for these amer.i,ies &om funds to be dcriYl:d
from sales tax revenue1 llllicipalCd from Wal-Marl ad OChcr ftlail outlets y<I ID come, he asked. In
cooclusioo, Mr. Hewitt said it ii his posilioo thS tbe liD: 111d ICopC of this r...,.,.a1 is ,o vatt, that it
desetvCI, requires. maybe even demands appova1 by tbe residmt taxpl)'en, the people Council allcgcdly
repr,,sc:n~ he said .
l!qlewood City Couacll
Kendra Clrl2laUI, 4419 Soadl Lincolns-, lllcl ae • Uwd Ill Eqlewaod Ill olllllt 11111, wllla 11 ....
1111een ,..,._ >..• I!.-,,! IIUdmll.•111c1111111 ...,....i ._ die c111111 ...........
ollffld. Sbellid .. lil<el lOc:ballenp benelt, Mid ........ .,_ ...... lbl _ _..,...,. ..
conquerdllt wlll linllllllll•...,.OD lil'e. n..11-11111roa1 Iba, ae llid, tla)llll wllll•lla
known_, &r. 'l'belO ICUlplllla will 1M I ualqae-old■-I0-1'0lldelftal city, 11111111d, .......
Ille bops dial IOIIIOday obe can ralle her cllllcna In 11111 city lllroucb tbe ICllool ~ and llaplllilly
tbrnup 1bc wondafal cu11an11111111111 w111 be OOIDUII 1a1o 111o city.
Cbuct HalJeniclll, 515 W• 1'dll A-aiii die Sc:icalillc Mid CUhunl Facilltia Dtllric:t, wllicll pdlen
taxes m,mall orm dlnJa&hoattbe...., noc oalyl!npewood, auppo111 wrioua paupa. Amoqlllaaan
lhe Mpaboe PbiDm-.ic. wllicb will Ft aboal $40,000 wmlh olSCl'D Tier'Ibroe lllllda. ~ all ol
!heir pn,grammlng ii moving 111111h at here, be ...i. Tbe ~ or Oaldoor Anl p11 S70,ooo, ad tbcir
progrmnming will be llcre. Their IIIINII propamming t,adpt al <Ml S.500,000 will brlqjol,o and dally
activity to our lite, be aid. They have energy aad clilaeliollsf dollan to ipeud • --111d
-They ...... palip, they line WOii &le ..S llllioaal ........ they Clla'to c:bildRD .. llaYc
adult claaes, be llid. Mr. lfabcniclll llid be tlliab die Anpaboe l'llilllnmlc la working to dMlt
propwmmingfilllbcr and l'llr1bcr hm Eqlewood. Thcy wae • able to IIIYolYe tbemlehw ill Ibo Fole)'
builcliDg, a cultural ceallrdlal they Wlllled. Now, be aid, they areayillg lo bloct tbe.,._olOutdoor
Ml from coming to l!agkwood. by their eff0111 lo do I big, pie ill Ibo lky coacert ball awta 2,000
people, and tJke oar lax dollan. 1bc MOA moacy, with lbcm. We bave a ,-a, pa11DCt willil& to 11riDa
very valuable -ialo our IXJIIIIIIUllity. Let's be Jm1M1, be urpd, aid wort widl them, DOI apinll
Ray Tomme, 2991 Soulh Bannock SIR<I, aid be lal .... bullel poiDls. We wcrc lalldag about
grubsllbs earllcr, and MIii we bave ~ l1 a publlalle iD cm ftdure. In Ibo Nalioa'1 Cilia Waly, be
said, which came OUI October 5, 1998, page 9, k ays "Ibo 11111 IIC lib lllCdl pll1Ud ill our COllllllllllity.
Widl minimal.---. lbc IIOOdl will grow, but wilb IIUllllrillg, they will grow 111d bear fruit fllf Ibo whole
community.• This,... l q,.-by Micbacl Hi...,_, fins praidmt ollbc Natioaal Aaociatioa ol
Counlics, be adviled. 111c article ooatimlCI, be ....i, ........ and lr1I pn,gnml bave pn,vid,d local
govcrmnmts wilb llllutiora to IOCial, OCOIIOllllc and edDcalioa problems. In a lllldy coaducUd by 1bc
Amcricam for die Al1I, ........,. found 11111 die all am.:t l'Clidcatl and tourisll, who allO 111pp01t
adjacent bulincucs, u:h IS_...., lodging, R!lail and paldng. Anl pacnoc ala, cnballcel propaty
values, die profillbility of IWIVIDliag bulimacs 111d die 1ax baa ol Ibo rogion. 111c ans -a well-
educated wort fon::e, I key inc:ellliYc lo new and rdoc:atiDg buliooaol." Mr. TOIIIISIO dlo read liom die
impact-C.-Cclcbnle Colorado Allilll, pqe 2, "Ibo ecb:atioaal impacl aa:anling lo Ibo
Princaoa l!ducalioa Testing Scrvi<a, lludcnts of art outperform lbcir IIOIHlt peen OD odlolaslic
IISICSIIIICllt lesls, IICOring lllty-11inc or more pointl blp OD die vemil Blion, and rony-four or more
points Wgbcr OD -11. Sludellll Involved ill lclrning lo read lllroucb die lr1I pmgnm ill New York City
impnMIII ao avaage or one to two monw ill Rllding for each~ they ponicipotcd ill Ibo project. At
risk•-mowed similar pn,grcas and bad iDcft:ued lltClllion lfFllll and mon, iDtcrm in school ill
gencnd. Elementary ICbool llUdcnll ill die Spoctra An l'rogrlm in Obio IICORd bcttcr ill reading,
vocablllaly, reading a,mprehmlioa and math than DOD«! IIUdcnts. Total crativc mcuuremeuts were ala,
four Iii,.. higher. A Rhode Wand Sindy ahowod die lira and oaxmd graders involved in music and visual
art pro,1llllll dcmoastnlal improved attitudes toward leaming and oulla>rai DOD•art SllJdcnll in rading
and math.• Mr. TOIDIIIO opined lhll wc arc invclling ill die future ofaglewood, lhe citw:ns and die
makcupollhe a>t 'lllllllity, 1101,lust wb,J you aro loolringll on lhetablc. It is tbat f."Jbst.ab In lhefimn, it
is that white piece ofpopcr. It is a mmimalist ._ riglll now, bu~ if you iJMst ill it, there will bo
somcthing on 1h11 paper.
Michael Heberling aid be -.Id like to pr,sclll lhe pcnpoclM of I youth member oC the Culbnl Anl
Commission. He llid be bad the oppor,11Dity 1o allelld •"e Mmeum or Outdoor Arts when be m younpr •
.. • student, which is I penpoclM 1h11 DO ... else L •h• l room bal bad. He said be could pcnollllly-
~ \,woc,d City CoullciJ
Nc,,;·111ber 22, 1999
Pai.-e 9
tD ..,,.,. of the bendllS be c.-cpericncod wbco be went tluoush that prognm . He aid it is pricclca 111d you
131> "1t iu a price oo tbcbcncllll o(tbc educational pn>ll'IIIII they pn,Yidc .
R...-JIIIY LaPorll, 3422 Soulh Broodway, aid she bu been in buaiJica in Englewood for twcaty-dlr<c
ycar1, llld loYca Engle,rood. Her i--. bl\'C oolcly been in the bcaennmt of this c:ommunity, llhc aid,
""".tic rqRSCllS the Cultunl AIU Commission. she Is I member oltbc Boud o(the Bnpcw,-AJCI
DoWIIIOWD Dcvclopmcnt Authority, and 11CMS on the Enalcwood Historical Society Board. There OR
sc=a1 orpnmliom, she 111d, 'MIO a,e mdoning the MIIICWD of Outdoor A111, lncludiJlg 11-jtlll
mmioaed. u wdl u Ille l!nglewood Chamber oCCommon:,o, We, u a~ IXlllllllllllity, 1R ,my
intaatcd in the fidure and ""'Y plcllCd with what City Council bu doao tbul far with Otyeaw, •
said. We aro looldnl forwanl tD anmc grell things in the futun,, Do not think for a minute that we. in Ille
bminca COIIIIIIIIDity, a,e not Mldling with boUd brad,, sbc cautioned,• ID who! the City Couac:il ii
going tD do in all asr-,ctJ o(the future olthe City. She llid she bu friends who bovc rosily loabd ......
upon this community, andllid, became ofthedcmographico, wccan'IIO~ 1bcreftagreat
many things that WC U I c:ommunity CID do, sbc aid, adding Iha! sbc bcpcs and pn)'S that this City
Council CID sec the very pn,lltalJlc llpOCII of havillg tbc M_.,. al Outdoor ArU di our a>llllllllllity.
Bccauac she bas been in tbc arlS field for the last twcnty-dlr<c ycan, she aid sbc CID really ll'Pf=IIC the
Museum of Outdoor AIU and wbal they haw done. She aid she bu WIICbed ...,, Ind bu been
IWCllrickcll by their abilitica and knawledF, 1bcy will be bringing us an much pndgc aad an llllldl
vw1,ility. jull bmng them bore and haviJJg the ICU!pturc1 bcrc. It is goiDg ID cbange our city ma:h lllller
~'wl wc as a commission could poalbly do. It woold 1lke us the next twenty ycara tc do wbll they ba.e
done, she said, and they 1R bringing it ID m. Rtprdlng wlllt Mr. Clayton llid about being fnlpl. ii rally
docs DO( IIIClll being c:bcap, it IIICIIIS usicg all of the ...uable raowta WC bm:. Ml. LaPorta llid b
feels that, U a commnnlty, we bm: I grell many l'C9DUJceS . Bringing in tbc Ml-,, oCOuldoor ArU ii
Fin& far beyond our commnnity and ..,,. city llmilS. She aid sbc bates lulming ID alllUllalll aboal oar
dcmognphicl. becauac dial can c:hange, look what bappcncd ID Larimer Square. We haw some
tmncndous opportmt1t1cs here. sbc aid. 11ecauoc or their profcaioaalism. Ibey ""' gomg w briD1 a
po~ forte tD our community, and. by providing a home for MOA, we arc going tD -bcnclllS of
other arts orpnizaliOOI through coopcnlM: clroru. For instance, Up Oooc and Musical, Colondo
Symphony, Dcm,er Art Museum, and many, many mon:. M far as wbcthcr our chilcna woold be able ID
afford what they bring tD our community, there aro now special funds provided to us by the SCFD, and
-scbolanbips ... available for MOA c1asacs, .... adviJOd. Whal they arc bringing Ill .. m
beyond money, llhc aid, and cntrealed Cooncil tD wtc for MOA being a pan of our orpnmlioa. Tbc
citizens IXJIISistmly bm: asked for a pccple dtaw, and what a tn:mcndous people dJlw MOA would be.
1bcy wanted a town ocnu,-, Ibey .,. p,alng a tDwn center, she said. They wanted llboppin& they arc going
tD get sboppin& and they WIDI cultUlal facilities . 'Ibis can be ovcrwbclming for us, she concludod. Pleuc
VOie in favor of it
Eric Bcrtoluzzi, 4860 South Golapago Sim:!, llid cve,y suocaslid orpnizatioo is driven by a dynamic
visioaa,y. In the MUICWII o(Ouldoor Ans, that pcnoo is Cynthia Madden Lcitnoz, be ald, and tho blah
cst=n cnjoyal by M0A throughout the nation CID be directly attnouted to her lmowlcdp, love of an, and
her passion for enriching lives through an. When inquiring about the beocfiu available tD l!agJc,,ood by
having MOA located in OtyCcntcr, wc need not loot further than the muacum 's rich history of
accomplishment.<. In so doin& be said, what I sec is the tn:mcndous pOICntial that Ms. Leitner, Mr.
Lontinc and the museum will bring tD Englewood. They have the ability lo enligll1cn. inspin: and cncrgizc
the a,mmunity. and that is the ultimate tn:asurc the City 's investment will produce. Mr. BcrtDluzzi ald be
was looking forward with great anllcipstion tD enjoying and participating in t>ie cteative endc:lvora of M0A
as it a>ntnoutcs cnmnously tD our city's renaissance.
6. llqlalarApda
(a) Apyroval of Onlinanccs on Second Reading
1!aaJewood City Council
NcMmber 2:1, 1999
In ,l,I
(I) ORDINANCE NO. 61, SERIES Of 1999 (COUNCll. Bill. NO. 70,
Council Mcmbcr Bradllllw llid-'-11 • declal allicial , it is Rally dillicull when you know what
you nm! IO do IO nilO Ille bar "',..., CGIIIIIUlity, 111d yet you Ibo know that you were eled<d IO
rq,resn1 your ciwx:111. SIie llid pmiaully, sbe volAld for or qaimt lhillp because thal is MIit the
citizms wanl<d bor IO do. ID lhis c:ue. .. aid, ii is O\'CIWbelmiaa and lbc DCCds IO VOie for this because
she feds thil is ID opportunity lhol 1!aaJewood will _,ldy mill if WC do DOI pus it
Council Member Garrctt llid be 1ried IO look II lhis iaue Crom ICYCl'll dill'emll aagles, and one is the
cultunl apc,ct. He llid be feell Ille City 1111 mde a commilmeal to cullllnl arta when the ordinance ""'
pa-1 wberc cmc pon,ealol-capllal ~ ,o toa.1. Mr. Garrcttali..-1 thal the (l(l-c:•11•
for a lot ollDOIIO)', but ill lbe 111,.euc:beme al~ It is ta. !11111 a balf al a pen:cnl or our .ipenling
budga, wbic:b is I~ WC C111 1D1U ID lbe 1111. Ho llid b,; 'IUd wllat be is gelling for tbal
money, and, after loolwlg II ii, be feell we ue plliaa a talrly lqo .... for the buck, c:vcn on a dollar for
dollar basis. With Ille exblbillom dlal we .. pJiq lo blve. plua Ille art, wbic:11 will lend a lot or aesthetic:
value IO the Civic: ea..r. bejull foll we wwld Fl a lot ollDOIIO)', plus tbcaclmty, wbic:hisimportanl
because we are c:raling a c:lvic: -, 11 oppc.d to a dty ball, wbic:11,... have ~ We will have 4,000
people going througb there amially, who will bopcllally Ill)', ell and mop. lie rcc:allcd that wbal his
parcDIS druppcd biln elf II dilTcrall ICIMlicl, llley wcnt and did lbooc lhiD&S, so that 5houJd also bring
economic: value for our IIIODC)'. Mr. Garrett 111d, in taking all lbooc lhillp inlO (l(losidcrati011, be will be
voting for this mcasurc.
Council Member Gnzlllia (l(IIDIIIClllcd that me will Ibo be VOiing for lhis. Sbe said bor heart is near and
dear IO the 1111, a>midcrillg bor bockgrouad. Sbe aid .... allo lislencd IO a lot of people who called bor,
and feh there were mon, who did MDI ii lhlD who did DOI. One thing lhal came IO mind, she said, WIS
wben someone called bor and 111d if wc are IIJOUlg lo have a Wal-Mart here, and lhal is a big box, wc do not
oecd sc:ulptwa also, becausc that is DDl a good mix. Sbe said that just broltc bor heart and she would Just
like IO have this prove IO be a wonderful mix.
Counc:il Member Wolooyn lllid, wbm me wu campaipiog. sbe alway, "5kcd about this from people she
ran iDIO, and she wu amazed that sbe never beard onythiDg ocgalivc. Sbe said lhat speaks ID our
dcmogJlpbic:. maybe,... are DOI what wc like IO believe wc are. Sbe said she also feds that the prcscnc:c of
art, 111d just lbooc sculplun:s. will aft'cc:t people in a difrel'CIII way. Kids wbo do not have the opportunity to
go down and wallt around DPL and sec lbooc oculpturcl. llley will sec lhcsc alY.I plant a seed iJJ lhdr lives .
Mayor Burns said be bis supported the arts. Wben we Wkcd about the Foley 's building a few years ago ,
the propooal wu to have the eutin, building dcdicalcd ID the pcrfonning arts . We examined the bud3ds of
the Alvada arts c:cn1a and the Cnclcy arts CCIIICr at thal time, and Arvada was then c:clcbrating their
twentieth year annivawy, and llley c:ov,:n,d sixty pcn:cnt ol their COIU with their own budget The City of
Alvada, in in-kind sclVic:cs and cash, a,otn'llul<d a millioo dollan a year IO the cultural arts center, and
Gn,clcy similarly . Then, an: thousands of communities around this country whose city counc:ils and county
boards of c:omntlssioncrs (l(lntn'llute ID 1b, arts. so this is DOlhiDg new, be aid. Mayor Bums smd he felt we
will get a good bang for the bu ;Jr. in lhi> projCCI. He said lbe iDlamix bdwccn tlic dance thcaU:r, MOA, the
Colorado Sympbooy, which wi Ube playing berc for the lint time in l!nglcwood's history, and th,; clasacs, •
will return a benefit that is both monetary and inlangiblc in benefits to the oommunity. We ba,~ lccn
talking with MOA for thr<e years, be roc:allcd, and have had a number of sessions with them. parlr. meetings
l!qlnood City CoaDdl
Nowimber 22, 1999
PIie 11
witb tllem, aaddley .,_.,._..,uclmlialbepoperoa_..oeeallmiL HoAidbehll.__=
litde neplm-CII ... WO lleabaut to Cllllln Ja lln. 'Ibil ia illdeod MIi ... tlu
,pecill. w,llldDd0111wilbaWabolrlllllwilbbollly1~---lbebl1boalld ~
a:!J. Wediqed II, we wmlled ID uve _...,apeclllilrl!aalcwaod dill bmllved die~. IIOI
jail a lat olbla lill witb ..U .... IIX dDlllrl 11111 IIOI bowiq bow lClla tlleN pnijecu waiild ·llfil~
11ow-.dlelllOIIO)'-W,aaajultn:llilalaal. we-.1D.,,-lf0Cial '~~•t1ii.•
11111 illdeod we blw. Mlyar Bwm aid be aaeaded tbc ltall-Voludoo Caal'crmce illDallali h-61
.... wllich ..-rail llld 11111111 crica1Dd deYCI..-_ We bid I lllllllber olprelClllllica dlelw, be
llld. Direc:for Simpma ix-med C11 tlriJ pujecl, nlMlyar Bumi Aid be did IIOI IIIO IIIYlla.lllm tlu ill
die COUDII)'. 1bu u a lllliquo pujecl, lllld next yartbe ltall-VoludCII Coafemice will bo ill~-we
will bo co-tp011m11g il The main reccplioa b 11111 c:aafaence wil1 be ill die Piazza that we '!ill build
from now unlit Ihm, or ill die Civic C-, dopmdillg OIi tbc --.. We wil1 got a lot ol nallanaJ
attmlion Cll diil pnijec:t, and the art porliaD wil1 l(II --aloa& witb Ibo ... ol il lie aid tbil la I
unlquo pn,jecl CorEaaJe,,ocd. and be Cell we bm tbc lwldl to llll'POl'l 11. MOA la lllkillg111 enormous
risk, be ,aid, ill briagillg all ol their operalioD o.er here. Their budgd la $500,000 lo one miUlCII dallm I
yar, aod dley ano pualq a half millim dollln ill tbe buiJdm&. Jldley lcavo volllDllrily, dley do DOI gd
any of 1h11 bock, al lldley .,._.. dloirCDlllnct, aad"" alk tball lo lcalYC, dley do IIOl l(llany oflllll
bock. Also, lldley lclve, dley a,e IIIIIIICiaa Illa impo-, and dley bm to 0Cllliaue fl! P!Y tbe
lllllllCiDg, tben Ibey baw lo &O out ml pc _...,place ID &O, Thal c,.,mbimlioa -,Id prmbly bnak
1beir CIJIIIFaD!', a, lbelr rill: la IIIIIIIIIIOUlly paW 111111 tbc City olllnJ ewood's, be llld. w. baYO lo
oomply witb Aacmmmt 011c. The TABOR ~doa aotalk•w III to 1111b biDdiag. mulli-,ar
"1'a:men11, be advllOd, we have lo elocl ID llmd 11111 eacllal eYCI)' JCl''• and Iba la ny Ibey bm lllbd
Car tbt raone. Wen 1101 free lo commit tbe community for 1we111J yet. '1 from Ibis poinl out, ""bow ID
make lbole illdcpaldeatdec:isialll under tbe TABOR "-'dmcnl. He Cd 1 tbere wu a pd boJaace tbere
of rill: 111d ieward III lho City's port 111d MOA '1, llld tbal. be aid, la ny :ie 'liUUld bo VOiing ill &var ol
Ayes :
The moliCII carried.
(b) Resolutions
Council Members Gama, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick,
OIUulis, Burm
(i) Direclor Simpson pn,senle!l a recommendalion from 1be Englewood
Environmcnlal FOUlldalion lo awr iD1D nqp,lialicraa witb Trammell en,,. for ,-,.~dmlial dcvelopnent 11
CilyCcaler EaaJe,rood. We baYO boen, for !IOIIIC time, wmillc lo~ I r<sidemial dcvdoper lo build
II Ibis site, be llld. for lbe pul IIC\'CIII weeks, .... baYe been wuting •.nth Lep:y Par1Den OD tbia
proper!)'. Council aulborizcd lhe Englewood Enviromnclllll Fouodalion lo....., into negolialinas witb
Legacy Parmen lo conclude ID agr,,cmmt 111 price ol $4. 75 million. We have negolialed iD p,d wtb
witb Legacy Pannen, he '-lid, and II lhis poinl have DOI been able lo come lo a conclusion OD 1h11
agi<ement on lhn,e m,jor deal points. Primarily, Ibale deal poiia were Iba! Legacy could net meet lhe
c1osinf dale Iba! lb< City wu requiring, and we believe ii is vay imporlanl lhal we come lo a clOling dlle
wilh lhe residential dcYdoper by mid-February. We beliew 1h11 lher< were some iaues Slill oulllanding
on lhe disposition ol retail SJ18CC. The dispolilion of lhc rellil q,ooc iD lhe Piazm aroa bad a ~
impact on lhe Cil)' or approximalely $400,000, he said. Flllllly, lher< wu some concern that Lepe)'
Par1Den wu fac1oring ill their decision lhat we wculd ma! lo .,.._ a n:llil developer as port of lbe closing
oflhe due diligence period witb lhem. Tbll wu ....,.....,,e lo l!EF ind lo lhc City, he aid, bccauJc
11-a,IISidenlical needal lo bo coosideRd indq,cndallly. Based on lbal, Council pve some
autboriillion lo Cl'IIClllffllfy discwa olbcr deal lams witb Trammell Crow, iD lhe last few wecb. During
lbal li.nc,. '-' came lo ID aa:epUbie lgRCIIIOIII iD lams ol liming, pieing 111d lhe ability lo close
indcpendmlly of any other developer OD w wilb Tnma,.:JJ en,,. Residential . Further, he aid, this
l!qlcwood City Caaacil
..,-1a a11q 11, hipcr campetidve ....... TnmmdJ Crow la wllllqto doe 011 tbepn,paty with
El!Pby milM'mnlll)', 11lere lie no n,qui,emalll l,r _,., Oilier clMlaper to clae, a, din Ila
illdepeDdallpnwilloo din dial die)' wOI p, hWll'd, lie explliDod. PlnallJ, dlclr ... plce 11111~ are
williag to pmdlllo die plJIICIIY la II ftve million dollln. Tbe Impact of this la a lClml i.i-of nearly
$650,000 Mr the dell dlat-praenled by Lcpcy Pl-. Baled DD llllldbecdaa, l!l!F .. ii
recommcadlD& to Caomcll 11111 ,oc bqln negDllaliaul with Tnmmell Crow Rlllidentlal lo amclade 11111
residential doYOlopnent agn:,cmm~ be aid.
The resoludoa -uslpal a number 111d ,ad by tide:
RESOl.tTnON NO. 100, SERIES OF 1999
AGENDA ITEM, (b) (1)-USOLUTIOl'I 1'10. 100, SJ:RIIS (Ip tffl.
Mayor Bm111 COIIIIDCllled 1h11 Council bad ad a p,mDlllioa Crom Todd Bloom of Lcpcy dmlog the
Study Scalaa wbldl oudlmd the billoly oftbe ,qodllloas. 1111d • lcaer-praenled 1111d modc p,bllc
toolglll, daled today Crom Lcpcy to Olly Sean, die City Mamg,:r. Lcpcy .... prapoood that dloy -
a t,oclrnp polition on the pll!jocl. 'lbll will be ...,iillal. and t!Tnmmell Crow CID DOI meet dim
dcadmes, Lcpcy 1'0Uld lliD like to have the oppo,tDllily to partlciplle In the pn,jecl, wblch, be api J<d, is
a win-win silllllioa fill' the Cily and we arc going to go ahead with that 'l'lammcll Crow baa a more
aggiessm ICbcdulc and bas a bcacrdcal, limDcially, for the City. We were very anxious to..,.. ahead
with this because, again, the light rail opens in July of next~ 111d ,oc want to slllt the residemial portion •
as quickly u ,oc can with a !IIOOg dcvelopcr like Touomell Crow.
Vote ...... U:
Nays :
Absent :
The motioa carried.
Council Membcn Garnu, Bradshaw, Wolosyn, Yurchick,
Grv.ulis, Bums
Mayor Bums said, bccallS' ,r the coulincd nature or this special meeting. that was the last item to be
MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN. The meeting was &djoumod at 8:55 p.m.
Deputy City C~