HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-12-20 (Regular) Meeting MinutesSa I C" l) J b J 't I . Call .. 0,-., IHGL&WOOD CITY COUNCIL IHGLIWOOD,.U.VAIIO& COIJIIITY, COLOIIADO ........... .,,,..... 211, 1,,, ' I '• q Tho regular .-mg oltbo E.......,..s City Cawx:il -called lo anlerby Mayor B111111117 :30 p.m. Mayarllamlaid, •-ol,.. _, bow, Blllla-...-,,lftll)' 11111....S. Heuldbe waald liblo .................. o(l!llie. "l!lcaa zia-.. -blredby lllel!apwoodl'ollcc o.n-on May'· 1965 a•-, ie.d c:lert--.,.pla •• lllltiq lalaly of $333.00 a Dab. Iadt Cllllby-dle Qiof af Pollcc IDII SlaDill -tlieCity ....... Ower tbo -34 ½~ Ellie ....bl! ror-Chio& a!Pollce,-... Qiof ad -Sdlly Semce& D1roc1oa. Sbe-W 'l'IIY lard aad -pllllD04llld 10 Socfflaly, 111111 .......,.10 die paliliaa at1>•11•-Speciallll, tbo Clllel'1 ExecalM Socfflaly. SIie-...W fllr40 ,-1011cr..i-i1.any aad lilly r...i -10111, Midacl aadl'aal. l!llleaadberballladlMolill....,_......,. .. ...ia,e. 1!11:e-'l'II)' kllowledgeable aad biply lldlJed •lier--. •-alaa a lllelllod atilt. Plll1bermorc llbc wu a help lo cilizcm aad fdlow empoyeea alib aad a p,ad friad ID 111111)'. SIie will be greatly misled." Mayor Bums ukal for a_,. ollilalce for EDle ~ 2. r.......... Tho invoc:alion wu giwD by Cawx:il Member Nabllalz. 3. -•"Alle&faMe Tho Pledge o( Allcgianc:e -led by Boy Scoal Tmap 92. ,. Rall Call Prcseut: Coaacil Mmllen Nabbalz, Gm:ulia, Gama, lndlbaw, Walolya, Ymdllc:k, a.. AJ.nt: None Aquorumwuprem,t. 5. - AIJG prelOIII: City Muo&<r San CilyAIIOlay~ City Clatl!llil Dinlctllr Clryp:,ricz, l",-ial Saviccl ~City~Fllbaty (a) COUNCIL MDIIIU lllADSIIAW MOVID, AND rrwAS SICONDID, TO APPIIOVI TIU: MINUTIS or TIU: IIIGIJLAJI crrv COUNCIL MllmG OJI' DICIMIIIR ,. lffl. Ayes: C,-:il ........ Gama, Blldlbaw, Walalyu, Yun:llick, Gmulis, Bums lll&iewMd City c-11 .,....,..,1,,, .... 2 Nays: Abola1n: MOlioa carricd. 6. ~Vblton None HJ CoancilMemberNlllllalz (a) Bill Rademacbcr, Scout Maller al Boy Scout Traop 9'l, aid be U-at 3771 South Huron Sm:d. He llllled the ....,. be ii bore ii tbat in the i-t they i..e used Cenlt:nnial Pn Lake for their c:anoc lllining. 'Ibey do a hip advealuno trip ..ay year 1111d they lnin their,_ -at lbe lat.e. In n:1u1D, be advilOd, they pick up the 1111b IIIOlllhly. Ibey bop it .:loan lllld i,:cbd up, be llid. Mayor Bwna ubcl, if they an: going to coatinue to be allowed to use lbe lab, if they need a mnlion. u 1_t Auomey B,_ advilOd that If Coancil., delirel tbey will bring Ibo~ bock III Caaacil at Ibo next mooting. Council indicaled 1ml -.Id be c,by. Mayor Bumi adviled Mr. Rademacberdlat Cc,ancll -W be lllF!,y lo -11111 ...-111111 be tbaabd hlm tar bis avice. Mr. Radcmacbcr thanbd Cawicil and DOlal It ii 1111d 10 bd a place dlat caa't clap diem 111 -Ibo Wll.er. He llaled a lot of Ilk.es will not allow lbem 011 the -anlea tlley poy a fte, ., it wns Olll FOd fortbem. Mayor Bwns llatod we an: happy lo i..e Ibo 800UII lbere. 7. N ........ lllalVlllton Thero wae no l'.ICCHCbeduled visito11. 8. (a) A Jcucr from Todd Allen iadiclling his raigaation from Ibo l!nglcwnod Code Enfon::emcnt Advisory Commiaee WU comidored. COUNCil. MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO ACCIPT wrrH REGRET Tiil llSIGNATION or TODD ALLIN rROM THE INGUWOOD CODI INJORCIMINT ADVISORY COMMITIU. Ayes: Cawicil MomlJen Nll,holz, Gama, Bnldlbaw, Wo!Ol)'II. Y1•n:llick, Giazulil, Bums Nays: None MOlioa carried. MayorBwnr, en behalf of Council, thanbd Todd ADmnd DOIOdbedid yeoman's work aed was on tbat commiaee for quilC some time. (b) Mayor Buros noted that the rcmlls altbe ICoep l!nglcwnod Bcautifua Holiday Lighting Event wae going to be announced. I. L. Barnes, of thc Keep Englewooc! BcautilW Commillion. &lked Mayor Buros to assist with the pl'CSClllllions. Mayor Bums stated that we ha\'C I yearly Hollday Lightina ~"II llpOi ......S by the ICoep Englewood Bcauti!W Commission and this ii the 12"' A-1 Hallday Uglllia.1 Eva,t tar Englewood. He noted we • • • • b1Yc10111ewoadcr6dlipliagduplayl illtbeCl1Yofl!qlcwoodandltlaamyaioup~mwe baYc I ll1IIDbor al dillonal-.,.. 1 ' Mayor 11w111 p--.lribllom 111d ccr1l1lcllel 10 Ill altbe wimlcn who_.. praeat. He aallld 1h11 ad MJUld -thot Ibey ""their prize if Ibey lie no1..-. Hananblc Mmlan Denoia and LUy Free111111 Mark Gieiller Dem,la and KalhJeen em- Laurie and Gllbcrt Man Dem Uld Olly Wallen Dan and Bev Caroy Steve McMonine and sieve Jr. Mayor Bwm DDIOd tho! be would be IIIIIOUDCUII lbe lap tm DeXI. lie ldvilOII Ibey would also be pm a sip 10 poll ill lbeiryanl IIIIIOIIDCiq lbeir nlld. WilllaO.......Awad Aqcla Amoo11 Us Anni Hlgbl.ipuAnnl Norlbem UJl,ls Anni Upllll Ligblll Ligblll Award Beotllmi-.Awad Grand Exlmlpma AwMd The Miller Family Chuck 111d Ra.ma,y Groer Darlene l'llmole Roa and Mela Klaewu Charley, Carol, Bill ad~ Van Amam Sldllll:r'a BG Kcaacla Richlld ad Alico Klaewu Mayor Burm aid lbcle _.. llficlea ill both lbe DeaYer POii and lbellocty Mouallln News rqanliqlbe wondcr1bl display by Ric.bani 111d Alico Klocwcr. He aid be -k m:endy and you ba>e 10 get oa1 cl your car and wait anmd dlis ano becauoe it Ilka a long time 10 -ii all, it la just amazlug. Old Fllllioa am-Aw,ud Art Blom Life Time~ Anni Dwight P. Latbam Mayor BUIIII adviaod 11111 lbe last r .. nl II lbe Mayor's Cboi<:e Aun!, wbich ii pm 10 lbe, Jdicipllll who best expr<SSOS lbe true IIICIIIUl!i al'lbe bolidaya and lbe bollday liablina evcnl Tbia year's IWlld n,cipicnlS displayed a peacdill holWay scene wilh reindccr grazing and Santa delivering presenlS. Their ligbla and doconlioaa delipt 111 Ill and bring joy 10 the seasoa, Maid. Mayor's O>Oioe Award Patricia A Lobb Mayor BU1111 thlabd llJ the p,nicipmta III lbe event and uJDgra'Uiatcd everyone. 9. hbllc Baria& No public bearing-Ehoduled befor,: Council . 10. C_A.,.. (a) Al'l'f'MI al Onlinana:s OD Finl Reading TIier,: wer,: DO items ,ubm,iacd far ll'P"'Yli CII lint lading. (b) Approval alOnlinana:s OD Second Reading lqlewood City COUldl Deceaber 20, lffl Pqe4 COUNCll. MEMBER GAUl1TMOVKD, Al'!D rrwAS SICONDID, TO APn.OW CONSENT AGINDA tnMS 10 (') (I), (II). (Ill), (h,). (v) ud (vi) ON SICOND UADIJlfG. (I) ORDINANCl! NO. 7', S1!R1ES OF 1999 (COUNCR. BILL 'NO. Tl, INTRODUCED BY COUNCR. Ml!MBEll NABIIOU) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 1TIU! 16, CHAP11!R •• WTlll nm ADDmON OP A NBW SEcnON 24, l!NTTIU!D HISTORIC PRl!SERVAnm,, TO nm ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODI! 1985. (ill ORDINANCE NO. 76, SERll!S OF 1999 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 78, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRl!TT) AN ORDINANCI! AIJll!ORJZING AN INTERGOVERNUl!NT AL AGRl!EMENT l!N1Tll.ED "FIRST AMENDED INTERGO'VERNMl!NTAL AGRl!l!Ml!HTF(lll 1lll! l!STABUSHMl!NT OF AH l!Ml!RGENCY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE AU1l!OltlTY" Bl!1Wl!l!N~PIRB PROTEcnON DISl1UCT, TOWN OF BOW MAR. BYERS FJRl! PROTl!cnON DIS11UCT, SOUlll MEraO FIRI! RESCUE, CITY OF CHERRY HIIJ.S vn.l.AGI!, COLUMBINE I/ ALLEY, CUNNINGHAM FJRl! PROTl!CTION DIS11UCT, TOWN OF DEER TRAIL, DEER 11WL FlRE PROTEcnON DISl1UCT, CITY OF FOXFll!LD, crrv OF GLl!NDALI!, CITY GP GRBl!NWOOD VILLAGE, CITY OP LITI1EJ'ON, LITllZl'ON PIRI! PROTl!(."11ON DIS11UCT, PARJCl!R PlRE PROTEmON DISl1UCT, RA TJ'LESNAKE PIRE PROTl!CTION DIS'I\UCT, SABLE-AL TIJRA FIRE PROTEcnON DISl1UCT, CITY OF SHERIDAN, SKYLINI! FIRE PROTECTION DIS11UCT, S'TRASBURG FIRE PROTl!CTIONDIS11UCT, UNTI1!D FIRE DISPATCH AIJll!ORr.Y AND TIIE CTI'Y OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO PERTAINING ron!E ARAPAHOE COUNTY 1!-911 • EMERGl!NCY'I1!Ll!PIIONE SER.VICI! AUll!OIUTY. (iii) ORDINANCE NO. 77, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCR. BILL NO. 79, INTRODUCED BY COUNCR. MEMBER GARRl!TT) AN ORDINANCE AIJll!ORIZING AN INTEROOVl!RNMl!NT AL AGREl!Ml!NT BlrTWl!l!N TIIE CITYOFENGLEWOODANDnmCOLORADODEPAR'IMENTOFTRANSPORTATION(CDO'I) FOR TIIE ABANDONMl!Nl' OP SOUlll BROADWAY BY 1lll! S'T A Tl! PROM U.S. HIGHWAY 285 SOU'Tll TO nm CITY OF ENGLEWOOD'S SOUI1f CITY LIMIT. (iv) ORDINANCE NO. 71, SERIES OP 1999 (COUNCR. BILL NO. 80, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRET!) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING TIIE COllrJ'RACT BETWEEN TIii! CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AND ENGLEWOOD LIONS CLUB FOR MAINTl!NANCI! OF TIii! ENGLEWOOD LIONS CLUB MINIATURE TRAIN. (v) ORDINANCE NO. 79 , SERIES OF 1999 (.COUNCIL BILL NO. 81, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT) AN ORDINANCE AIJll!ORIZING 1llE ACCEPTANCE OF A V ALI! GRANT FROM TIii! VICTIM ASSIST ANCI! LAW ENFORCEMENT IIOARD OF TIIE 18 m JUDICIAL DIS'TRICT . (vi) ORDINANCE i'iO. 80, SERIES OF 1999 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 82, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBEI< GARR1!1T) • • • ~OCyc-:11 Deaaller20,lffl ,.., AN ORDINANCE MODIPYINO Tl1U! 3, CIAP'l1IRS IN, Sl!CTIONS I AND 10; CHAPTl!R 2, 01AP11!RS 3, 4, AND 5, OF nm l!NOLl!WOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 198', RELATED TO CHARTER MODIFICATIONS CONCl!RNINO nm CAREER SEllVICE BOARD. Vlle.-111: Motion carried . Ayes: Council Mcmbcn Nebolz, Oamll, Bradshaw, WolOIYII, Ywduck, Oruulia, Burm Nl)ls: None (CJ Resolutions and Motions MAYOR BURNS RDIOVID AGIENDA l1DI 10 (<) (I) PROM THIE CONSIENT AGIENDA. Mayor Bums expJailled 1h11 be wanted IO pall I~ jull bridly, to hlYe a lillle c,q,1.-ioa, for tbe publlc 111d - and our new memben of Council, OIi wllal lllFIJlcmmral appropiadons ue all about (i) A Rl00llllllellda Crom tbe ~ olFlaancial Scrvm to adapt a raolution .....,.tng a supplemcnlal app,,priallan for yar-cad 1999 to comply with City of l!qlewood CIIWrroquiremalll-CXllllidered. DiJeCIOr Gryglewicz advilOII 1h11 DO City fundl CID be expended wilhout Council approval and wbal will happen often times during the yar, for cme......, or another, something out of the onllmry will come up. Lib in the CUC of the IIIIOmcy fees for I.be EURA lawsui~ thal -DOI budFlocl, Then II the cad of the yar if the City bu IP"'II mon: we will do a aapplcmenlll IO clear all tlao up. Mr. Oryglewicz DOied thal we do them pcriodically tbrougb tbe yw • well. These are the l'undl thal were over, for one reuoa or _._, ortbere were ftmdl budplod ia aae yarand Ihm thoy weR DOI budll=I in tbe foUawlg year, bec:aue !hoy .....,,,1 lmwa II lbe lime Ibo...._ docaad Ml ... topd,er. Tiu jull allows Ill to comply with tbe City Cllanl:r. Director Gryglewicz uked if there werc aay questions rcprding specific itcmS in the rcsolution. Mayor Bwns COIIIIIIOllled 1h11 tbe Cllancr reqalra 11111 we do DOI cx.-t leplly adopled lpplllplUUIIIII without the supplcmcmal . Director Orypowicz aid 1h11 is bile and all fanda 1h11 are c:xpcadod are done by Council Klion, they can'I be c:xpcadod widlaul Councilappuval. Eilberby onliaanoc, orby resoluliooia the cue or a supp1-ral. Council Member Bradshaw um! I( ...., wilb Ibis llff1emadal ~ our City is in anod lllcal shape. Mr. Oryglewicz llid we are IOMIII. We .. in px,d sbape. Council Member Bradshaw 111d lbejull dub it ii c:oaftlliaa whm people a thll all ol a sudden we are ~ clooc to I million dollan. Director G,yglcv,ic:: alllal if ibe ns talking about I.be COP. Ms. Bradshaw said ya. Mr. Gryglewicz advilOII dill Iba! wu DOI known at the time lhe badsct wu pul IOgelber, but ii Ml DOI a lUlprile. Tbe resolution wu assigned a num!ler and ..ad by lido: RESOL!JTION NO . 105, SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLtmON FOR A SIJPIIIJ!Ml!l'([AL APPROPRIATION FOR 1llB 1999 BUDG!!TOF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPRO VZ AGENDA mM 10 (<)(I)· RESOLUTION NO. 105. l bol>w•f:•3 .o: 't1(1flt11-,(1 > o:i•~ A,-: Council Membcn Nllilolz, Oimlt, lladllllw, Wolalya. Yo,/UllQ, <hZIIIII. BmM Nays: Nooe Modon carried. II. lleplar Aaieua (1) Appronl of Onliallxa DO Finl Reldinl Tbcrc wore no items submiued ror ll)plOYII 011 llnl roadina. (b) Appronl ofOnliaanca DO Sccood Radinl Tbcrc wore no lddltioml ilenll IUbmiaod ror approval on --...u,,._ (See Agenda Itan 10. Commt Apela.) (c) Resolulioal 111111 McAiam Tbcrc wore no r.dditioaal raoluliou or molioos submiued ror ll)pn)YII . (See Agenda ltan 10. Comllll Apela.) (1) Mayor's Cbaicc (i) Mayor.,_ DIiied dllt we 111111 wry emlJellt toaraCtbe Folcy'I buiJdlq 1111 • Thunday lllldyou a1n rally bepn to-die buildq cam toplber, Ill aCdle ~ pll1I. Ha opined 1h11 when we move in thiJ 111111111<r die public is aomg to see a lllhcr specllaliar DOW Cily Hill IDd we are very excilod about what we .. seeing a.er~ (li) Mayor Burm IIIIOd tbal lut woclt RTD lldopled I !,re llrUCIUre ror die Soudlwoll Corridor Upt Rail, wWcb illCladld m exp-m lire. He aid beard Council MmlJer WolOl)'ll ltlmdod the DllCOO Baud MeeliDg on Wedaesday nipt. Mayor Bmm DOlfd thal there are aovaal cilies aroaad tbe Clllllllly, iDdDdillg D11111, Blllimore 111d St Loail, tbal do DOI bave a problem with ID exp.a fare, that do DOI bave I Tide 6 problem with discriminalion. Mayor Bums said be llked one <of die RTD .wren irtbe n:uoa ror tbal ,... 1h11 Ibey do DOI have express ma on their bus lines 111d her......., wa.< yea. So, be llid, RTD i.cted tllomlelw:I into a comer by 1awJa m expoa"""" on die bus liMI, wbicb Ibey then 11111 to duplic:lle on the lipt nil or be mbjccl to cbarpl ol clllcrimimlioa. llowewr, be ,... asmrcd tbat Ibey are aoinl tbrouab • complete rmew oltheir 111e 1UUC1Ure 11 Rm and be suggcllCd that the pabllc mlpt be willillg to accepl tbe &cl tbal Ibey may nilc the Ille a lialo bit, but ,.,. it unirorm ., you don't me thiJ pra111em. So Ibey..,..,,. to a:-llidortt11. Bat illdecd, be aid. the ..... w1iy Ibey wen: IOlt a( boil1od OD tbeif OWII pcllld -becluL: Ibey IOI up tbil lilllllion with their diffelall llnX:lllro OD their bus line. Thal is • by Ibey.,. -. a liltle testy about all or tbal durillg the process . (iii\ Mayor Bums said he ltlended the W-md Sr.wer Boord and the Keep I:.,gl......S Beauliful Oristmal dinnl:n 1ut woclt, which wore very enjoyable. (iv) Mayor Bums IIIMtOd Ibey met with the Littleton Ci1y Council Friday at the W_,,_TlallDeDI Plant md Ibey recoa,,izllld wbat I ciOIO wortm, rolatiansbip""' blYt with Littlc1on. He IIOled lhll, olcoune, we have 1joinl vellllft OD thatlicilily, bal there are nay Olbertlm,p. especially lhe lipt ,ail procm. where we rally wortcd vcry well with Littlelon md conlillue to do.,_ • • • lqlnN4ICltyCoudl O....W:J0,1"' .. , (Y) MayorBw0111idbl 1•~to-aplaaalbeJllllillloll!llle Zi..,__ He..,.., _ _;,..., exemplll)-lllljlloyeeoltbil City lbr alcllla, loq 11111.1111 .. wanled to live our caadDlmca to bcr limUy 111111 to Ibo Safely Savlcel Dq,arlmcal. lO Clldl Olaa. He aid be,.. sure thl, -quite a lbodr u t"" ,,.._to..., -ollhll laal ..... lllldealy lc:e¥e • Sbo-anal ciedil to lh1 l'....,ic<.«d iCall: be aald, aad bo ........... our 1)'111111111111 (b) C'1u:II Member'• Qolco (I) Council Member Clorrell aid be waed to CGllllllOIII aa the sillste M Be D0l<d 1h11 by bavillg it the way they ue llnlCllnd DOW, the pnmg ialc II Ox1bnl is-. mlllpted. He__,,. 1h11 llil _,, hual,.. '-lbll, llpoople-pom111 aiuual the Recnalim Ce!ller, in 1h11 nciaJ,borlload, we may baw to F to -permilliqprocaa, Uk, Mile Hip. So lrllley C111 tdy driw don tbo-alilllc bit and ave a lialc bltolmoaey, it r..')' H p ••-:-·.,:ngc peopl.:"'.', !" smlt tbac. Mayor Bania llid irollically 1h11 may be tlllC, liDce they do illlket !WI·.,,-no parking. (il) Council Member Bmdllllw: I. She COlll-.d 1h11 it waa-...... watdlln& 1h11 llllfold II ll'ID. 2. She aid a aQ,ld likc to publicly llmlk Iobn Loa Car gcaing the letter of iDlcnt lh.Ji F11110111 F..--. SIie uid, 10a1UO in cboct, lbal Ibo,.. IOII}' be,.. DOI here toni&bt, bocaule Ibis may be Ibo only limo ill llil Ille be.,._ dlia 11t,m bcl. Ml. Bndabaw llllal dill was IOIDClbias Ibo specllk:a1ly ubd for and Ibo~ 11111 VCI)' IIIIICb. 3. She wilbed Ml}ODII vay llappy ad lloalll,y boUdayL ML Bradabaw aid ""° is n,aJJy looldq forward IO ID cx.c:itinc:,ar 2000 in~ (iii) Council Mcmllcr Clnzulis: L Sbc wlsbcd ~ a llappy bolidly. Be llfe 1111d well. ,be said. 2. Sbc aid r.ee 1111 a YOIIIII COllllibal ia bcr Dillricl, to whom ""° iJ rc1at<d, but lbc did aat ooi: ,; • thl, lisl, it iJ lier ChrilltJm list to Ibo City CoaDcil. she aid. ML Clnzulis llid ""° -.Id rad it ..a .... , , lll'IIIIDII beer.JO she felt ii Ml lincc.-.11111 flam the bca.'1. Tbcn: an: two tbiap OD Ibo list, D llil One is •• four-way IIOp sip a my ICbool 11111 poaibly auilolthe acbooll. Number two, to capcmeaD or111e prairie clop dill llll)' bm, IO be mowd flam~ CCIIIIIIUCIJa, pn,jecU. n-things will make I bcllllly di1ramcc ia ouraJIIIIIIUllity. Swady, Kirllin Clramlis, 1-. II. P.S. Picas 11y 10 make ID)' dlallll came 1n1e. • 13 . Cily M ........ , llepNt (I) City MalllF Sean adviam 11111 die COIIIIIUClioD Ml p,iag RII and things IICCID IO be 0G aack. EqiDocrias },..,... Kalllll 1111 pllYidod iaformllioD IO Council, and <Mr Ibo next couple of wecb you lbooald be IOdag Ibo clod, OD doe pnmg llnlCIIR .. into place_ Tbe ~ llO done, and alto the caiaons f .. the bridge <Mr to Ibo U,t,t 11111 .,. done. be sald. 111d 1h11 MIik lltould 11a11 in Ibo next week or 10. ~ you look at Ibo project, you cu• 1h11 they IR reiDforcinJ tbe Mil behind Ou:t I!. Cbcae's. Tbe c:aa1111:1or bad a liale bit or_,, llloul the wall 1h11 Rm.,..~ but, ofta a ...u.. througb lall weok, dloy fell ii .... o1 a llnlClllnl qua1ily to wbcrc it CXJUld 11ay lhc!i~ Tomorrow, 11 tbe sta1f meeliJlg, M mil be lool<iDg II tbe pla flam Tnlmmdl C:ow II a pnlimilluy lcvd, be advised. They 11m, put tltoM tAlplbc-, ,ltd they ... robe 1111MD1 abcad aa tbaL IL: advi-s L!lll Council mould look forwanl to a lliddle ol I-,, lcaclliY aipt where we will be baviag ail thll We are allO wwting 1apWON City Condi Deceallcr 211, lffl Pqe8 with kl'D on the mainlcnanCc center and !t•s :::avirlmtLCIIIII analylil lhlt nuy be comln1 u early u ]1111111)' J". llo there ill lot ofwoilc OIi cU orlbooo co.nlnglbrtb and it willbe I verybuly coo,ple"' moatbl after the lint of the year, be said. (b) City Manager S<an advir<I •.'II A<.<iJtant Oty Manager Flaba1y put IOFlllet • __, on the Civic Cau ... poject. He Aid be bad a.!"a' H,. Flaberty to 111k about this, and that be -.Id also like ID ,et up the Sllldy Session of llDUII)' lo" u ID opportunity ID talk about the addltional sprc that ... hive oo the Civic Center site. He rocosniz,,d that Council ~-:mber WoiOl)'II would be out of town on the J". :!e ubd Mr. F1aberty to explain the memo. AailW11 City Manager Flaba1y llllod that le bad met twice in the last .... ra1 days with ~ of the Mi.sewn olOutdoor Arts. He IDOi, IDltial!y, I week qowith CynthiaMaddcn Lei_ and lbo:m:bil<CI fiom the 1111110Um, u well u Rick Kabm, !me Hendcnon and Ron Miller, and two lld:.!-ft'Om David Tryba's offla:. He advilOd 1h11 MOA ii very iDICRSltd in moving forward u quickly u poail,!e. Mr. Flahaty explained 1h11 they '.11lald ID be open when we open our buildins in early June. became u..-y WllDI to begin their summer class schedule II Ille regular time, which is blsically the ftnl foll woet ol 1-, ., they lie WIiiing ID 11XM forMnl They bad ID initial design •bat we bad ""'O. but •101 fully mieM>d, be coatinuod, lhataccommodaled thdrUICi in about 7,500 -in-:,a olsp10e. ThP.::lhlllp have challg<d since then. The lint, be said, i, 1h11 David Taylor will DOI be oc,:upying the other half of that cullmal spaa, on Jic lOCOlld Door. As pan oClhll, they bad inilillly plannod to~ one llludio ,pooe witb David Toylor, be said. Without David Taylor, they an, now saying that they still need that Sllldio spaa, and they would very much like ID loolc al expanding their spaa, ID aa:ommodale that usage. The secom lhin81h11 bas clwJ&ed or become ""'"' lalown to MOA, be said. ii 1h11 our Public Worb Slafr, u well u our contraclCr, need ID <Sllblisb ve,y ftrmly, rigbl now, 1'bcR th , nlumbing fixtures will be pllCCII for the additiaml rcstroom1 noc:asary for the dcYelopment or !be cu1iunJ side of the li.cility. Right now, the -1h11 • an: pllnnod and uncle, constructioo ,'ICIXlllllllOda one half of that second Ooor that ii the Council Cbamben and cowu, be said. For Ille additional side to be built ou~ for whalcYer 111e, wo haw 101De code issues tbal we ,....i to addlm with aumber ol resuooms based on !be usage. as well a bandiclppod accessibility Mr. Flahaty said 1h11, in !be initial plan tbal MOA bad drawn, their resuooms would DOI accollllllOdate handicapped individuals and they bad hoped 1h11 the handicappod resllOOml that we were building would accollllDOdate 1h11. bat, per code, that would DOI work. Each of our resuooms bas to be handicapped accessible. The other~ with !be restrooms. be continued, ii 1h11 David Taylor, with bis studio u,e, bad plann<d 10 have a d,c:ssing n,om and resuoom combination in his portion of the building that would serve bis dance students aaly. Bcc:mle David Taylor ii DOI becoming I part of tbia project. lbooo ratroom noeds will haw ID be aa:ommodllrd Public Worb bu awd 1h11 MOA accommodate lbooo needs in the cor,: of the building, baically ID minimizo cunstruction issues and delays. Mr. Fllbcrty said the tbinl lhin8 that came ID Ugbl 1h11 MOA WU DOI aware of, appin,ndy, is 1h11 the City AlllxDoy bu ID~ from the stain that go 1iOtn tbe tbinl Door IJ the IOCOnd Ooor ID ..,.... the COUt1I. For .... reason, and Mr. Flaherty l>-U DOI mn: wby, MOA does DOI want the City Aaomey In i.ir IIISC· They brd DOI planned OD tbal accesa in their original design, and tbat, basically, costs them about 600 oq,m< feet of space that ii no lclDB"' UAble ID them. The overall request tbal MOA bu rieht oow, be said, ii lo increase their spaa, allocation fn>m l!)llnlximately 7,500 squar,: feet ID approximalcly 9,400 oq,me feet. The largest pollion of 1h11 expomion is the additional studio ,pooe that they wish to build ou~ be said. They an: prepared to move 1.,rwan1 with a plan tbll lbe City will have final approval of, and they an, ~rq,md to :·•1y ftlnd the full space that they wonld be bnildini They an: DOI asking for additional a:,propialims or any additional rent bencftll from !be Oty, bul they believe tbal they CID fully utilize tbll ,pooe and baild it OUI II their sole expense. That would ..... I -remaining. be explained, for potential UIICI or_, of about 4,000 squar,: feet, SO ii is I~ si7.e spaa, that remains available, but ii is DOI the 7,500 square feet David Taylor Initially bad planned for bis use. Rodney Lontinc asked th.a Mr, Flabaty P"'"'"'l tlois information ID City Council. be said. They an: intelated in moving forward with their design and Mr. Lonlinc basically wanted ID tlke the temperaturo of City Council this evening ID sec what their roaction would be. Oearly, this ii sometbinglhll we will see final pllDS OD, be said, and thebellclll of this • oppottunity, be fcl~ wu that MOA would build out the SJ""' and do ii without addilional coot ID !be City. • • laatenodCllyC....U ........ 20, 19ff .. , I OO• I., , au:n(l •II &'I MayorllurmllidMI. Lei-bod taldlllm Ila .... 11111 Ibey lladpllmllld lo oban: IIOIDC lj)lllOwillaDsvid Ta)'lor aayway,., lboy wen, IClllllly .,,_,.... -uablc tpP dial 7,300 aqua•• &iel. Mr. l')lbeity llidya, dlal i,.,...,._ lbecombimdallol...._ lbeltilioml .-,.ror _.,..., Ibo 11110elllll !hey could DOI DIC bocaule ollbe Cily Alllney'a-111d lbe lj)lllO tbll lhcy bl,,! pllllllOd lo ..ilize with David Taylor, roolly ii abol!t 1,900 oquare feel dill'erace from Ille original plan, but th.11 did DOI lab Into comidcnliaD wbll !boy WIie p,iq to Me witll llaid Taylor. Mr. Laaline allO sold !Oday 11111 lhcy 1'0Uld be amenable lo lbarinl ol calllln fllcWlla ia tlleir ip10e wilb oilier U1011 on lbal Door, be jldviled. For example. 111d cleorly we arc DOI ,aiaa to baw I daDcc 111C, bul if tbCR ii an opponunity ror ~ DIC OD 1h11 no,-, 11111 could ulilizio tbal IIUdio tbal Ibey_,, pliDg to me willl David Ta)'lor, Ibey 'Mlllld be lllllllable to lbal, u well u polllllill lllllrina ol a c:on8ral0e RJOm. 1bcy want to work willl 111111d are willing to ,pead Ille d(,IJan to bllild out Ille ...,., be aid. ud ... wiU llill have • rcuoubla -of spm,c left. YOD wooldn'I -to pt mucb a.lJerlba tbat for at)' oilier me, be opined. bul 11111 doe-• aa:ommodale I rmmber of potmlial -for dial ....,C OD Ille oeoond floor. r.auncil Member Wolosyn said, if !hey wen, bavillg 7,500 and Ik lid Taylor was having 7,5 00, 1h11 is U ,000, but 9,400 and 4,000 is 13,400. Mr. Flabl:ny llid Ibo 1m1U11U11 ipl0e ii the C01111D011 riace , includiaa rall'OOIIII and Ille conidor tl,a goea fnlm lbe atmlll ID Ibo pa nil OD Ille side ol the buildiq. 'Ibo lnll:n~ lllhaup Ibey will be ..crmcbiag cm lllal conidor, will be ID ta a dalp thal 11111 allowl Upt lo pus duoup hm Ibo OUllido ail Ibo ny u.oa,b Ille corridor. Caoacil Member Woloaya a,bd if Ibale numben wae always faclorcd Imo Ibo plma. Mr. Flabaly llid lbey wae, 111d eaentially, lbc iplce dlll David Taylor bod ml thll MOA bad, c:aaaiclfflll 11111 Clldl oldlmi woald be l&ldaa bat! ol 11111 c:onidor spm,c for their 'lilitiag-lbr ..... ml paa,11 llld Ille like. MOA plw lo uac 11111 splOC u apllay spm,c u well, be adllod. ML Waloayn &lbd ifMOA'1 7,500 doa DOI p, into the corridor. Mr. Flabaty aid DO, it doa DOI. Council Member Bndsbaw ,aid Ibo oaly COIIIIIIClll &bc bod wu 11111 abe rully did DOI likc upriacl like Ibis. She said 1h11 she undenlmll tbll time la .. issue ml """1lllllonlaadl design and thinp like 1h11, but R doa DOI like jmt ,ellillg dae -u lbey walk ia aod lben bawls to 1111b a deciaioa. Mr. Flabaty said be WU DOI aure lhcy wen, uking Council lo make a docisioa. lie said 1h11 Mr. Laoliae llid today lhal, if Council doe& DOI fed comfOl1lble wilb lllia, Ibey wiU pull it bodt u far u !hey CID. Mr. l.oadDc is cooocmcd about Ille ,:i-z lhcy wae plamillg lo &hale wilh David Taylor, Mr. l'llbaty advilod, buliflbe~olCaomcilwullldltbllitwuDOl.....-.oriflllcy,-lodmorei""'1mlioa OD it, ml clcady, Ill minimum, Council woald aeed a fOCllprial olwbatt lllis looka like Oll paper, be llid. Council Member Brad&baw aid she ,... DOI goill.', lo kill Ibo meucagcr, but her cooccr,1 wu that this was tho 8nt time &be bad 1-d thal DOI III lbc U,000 ...... foci -Pllble, 10 tbat was a IUl)lriso lo her. II wu allo lbc finl time &be bad 1-d allout lbe lllinny, ., then: is a lot ol DOW information wnipped amaad lbe ~ otOatdoor Ans..-:JD• llid a ... llyiaj: not to rQCI to 111c M-,a m Outdoor AJ1I, batjlllt react to 1be r.c:t lblll 1bo1e is a lot ol~• lhal bu appllOIIIJy been dlacaaod Illa: Ibo di<I DOI kmw about. '11-&be aid, -wbere &be -comiog from. She aid lllal &ho 1'11 IOII)' David Taylor ii DOI going lo be ...,_ bocauc &be l'dt lhal ~ ba\'c been a good use. Ml. Brad&baw said &be 11:11 that adding anoth<r 1,900 --WU a lot, ad 111M WU her JIii rac:lioa. II is I~ again ofwbat lllcY already lmc. Mr. Plahaty said iarly. Ml. Bl'ldlllaw commcotod lhlll lhal wua lot of spac,:. Mayor Bum& ubd bow much ....,e lhcy were plaaaiq to me wit11 David Taylor. Mr. F1abaty aid about 1,200 sqmre feet. Mayor B,.,,.said lbal is-ollhaladdilioaal spocc .ayway. He aid begot Ille im prcoaloa Imm both otu-..... 11111 lllcy WIDIOdmore than 7,500 aqurn: r,.ct. Clearly, DIIYicl Taylor, at lbc la&I Study Scaioa, 1'11 ddjpl<d ID baw a,oppon,mily ID-,rbt i..c twe thal much, 1-llc be socmcd lo really need mon, sia:e, and !hey ....., plaaning oo a joint DIC lu make up some of that. Mayor Buma raid be did DOI lhiak MOA mew about lbc "3ilwcll anyway. Mr. Flaborty aid !hey iD:llcalcd 111M !hey were not aware or i~ 111d be l'dt we, pcrt,ap&. did DOI provide lbcm with that lnformatioo, all~Jgb It wu oo tbc'flyta plan, and"" wae depending oo Tryba 's office to roakc sure lllcy Jot lbe com,ct 1q1........i City Coudl .,......,..,.'" , ... ,o illConmlloa. Tbe ocher thiDc about MOA, Mr. F1aba1y llld, is 1h11 Mayor Burm' IIIIICmelll tblt Ibey_.. both loolliqtbr _,,~ii, lnlllcl, 1No. MOAIIM1bout l0,00011pme r.et ill lbcir CUlrelll--. llld 11111, be I'd~ -dole to wllal lbelrodplll reqma -&am COllll:iJ. Wbcll Ibey bid die~ towm wlthDavidTl)'lor, Ibey MletMawilllqto llaalfoflhlr 10,0001q111r11 liei, patially.,_ Ibey -,oing to be Uling --lplCC jolnlly willl Dffil Taylor, be mq,lalned. Mayor Burm 111d be fel l · 1---SM ad* bore. He 111d be-DOI ICllly OIIP"led to .... this poilll, but thoR 1'ffl a 1ft lhlnp 1h11 Cou11cH clld DOI !mow, 111d be lllldasoad tbal. Cawlcll Member Bradshaw llbd ifdle Cily aid peJ' for die IIDilb on Ibo -ma. Mr. FIMeny llid we would palicipole with MOA. They would pay for ODO thin! al die aJ1111111111 ara lluisb. Ms. llndaaw llid 1bea we will be plcting ap two lhlnll. Mr. Flaberly llid 1llllca thoR was a IIOClOlld 1Cm111. Ms. Bndsbaw lllbd iftbcn-a llOClOlld ,-1111 lllere. Mr. Flaberly aid be bad DOI ideatiliod one, allia ..--tblt thoR 1'ffl thole...., -illlllar<d. iDcludillg City dcponmeull thl.l n·ay baYO 1111 iDl.- in lhalara. Cawlcll Member Garrdl ...:allal tho! Mr. Plabaty aid Ibey would lake 1bo addilional 11J1CO 1rithout-, additiomJ-IO Ibo City. By llldllgadllillollllapece, dlelllioaCUIF, IO by ddlDition ~lllonld pick up more 111111 a tllird allbe aiot allbe bldlnJoma. He llbd if lhlr -bcillg c:ootml)laled. Mr. F1aberty llid we baYO DOI dlacuad 1h11 widl d,.om. s-ially, 11 dlil paiat ill lime, lbcir coatr.::t 1111a tb1t Ibey will PIY for ODO lhild, IIOI to exceed one ~ aldlll..,., but we do ueo4 to IDlb I ----if we allow them addlliollal uoe. 11111 is .-...,tllal we Clllld 00r1liDly negotlalo. Mr. Gama said we have to ra1lze 1h11 our tublldy for die CAM chuges will allo go up pn,portiomlly. Dcpmdu,c cm bow this comes out. and bow it is coalpnd, we ..S to 111,,e 4,000 aqaan, &et that is uablc for some ocher ta11111, be llid. Alla, Mr. Gama llld, Ibo IIOIHXdllliw: right to that lllldio 111d lhat cod,nace n,am would be vay ~ to bim, IO dlat they IR IIOI Jiving nay space and, otter thaD tboee kinds al • procec:tlolll, bc cauJd .,. bow Ibey could ., furward. Mayor Bwm ..,..._ !!die r11io 1111 c:lapd, dleo 1boir cw.ribulioll augbl to c:lm,gc, be llid. Mr. Flaberty llid yes, it will. Cawlcll Member Yutdlick llid Ibey bod -RCOYa}' r....iu for if Ibey did DOI nm Ibo tam altbcir ~ He llked iflbcy wen: goillg to iDcl1ldo tbcae buikkJul COIIS ill 1h11 formula. Mr. Flabaty said Ibey bod 1101 roquosled lhat a this p,int, al we baYO DOI olfaed. Mayor llwlll llbd if they jull wlllled ■-this CYeOi11J IQ proceed with tbi& City~ Sean said be-llOI ICllly ir.la\-.1 in I ----We would lille"' negotiae so me of Ibo poiDls, be llld, 111d then brilll dlil bock to lht C.ouncil IO Ibey ...id IIClallly tab a look a it. Tbe only rral bind, be fd~ - lbe pluml,in& wbic:b is 11-bcre..., are• la Ille poJec:t right ...... WIiia we would really like, be said, is a fediDg 1h11 at -Coullcll l, inl.aaled uador c:a1liD -IL'C maybe we could """" ■bead, 11111 if 1h11 is lbe best we CUI SM to lbcru 111d tho! is Ille --. we will lab 1h11 bock 111d 111e if we CUI -1c 1hnlagb Ibo 1CnD1 with tbcm. Mr. Sean 111d be ICllly .....,.;■lod Ibo m:dboclt flam Cawlcll 11111 both be 11111 aff appreciate wortillg widl tbcm. We n bod a lot al 11110CC11<S this year 111d we an: really lookiag forward to next year, too, be said, adding that be felt it would be a good year. (c) City Mana.,.-Sean llid die llllr-~ saddeDed with Ellie Zimmcnmul 's plSling, and flags will be II balf-111111 this-. M-, of lbe emplo)<CI will be alleOdiDg bcr fuDenl 11111 we will let CouDci1 !mow about tbll. It is IIOI I good WI)' to CDd die year, 111d yet on lbe otbcr baud we are all excited about lbe poteDlial of willl is PJUII IO bappm IICXI year. ffc wisbod """1)'0lle I happy holiday . 14. City Ana...,.•, ~n • • • .......,.a.,Clllall ........... .... 11 Clly~lio..-didlllllllMay-lllillDlblftnc-:11. llellilllldeM,-1., lllllldt11, 15. MJ■u,---~ ....... -,., _ _. ...... ~d.{/L City