HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-01-20 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL VICLSWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORAJII) llepbrSeaioll Jaaary 10, 1997 I. Call to Order The n:gular meeting of Ille Eaglcwood Ciiy Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tcm Habenicht at 7:37 p.l!l. The iovocatioo -givca bJ o-il Member Wuim- 3. Pltdlt ti A1icpaR The Plalfc ol AllqiaDcc-ltd by M-i•or Pro Tcm lllbcnichl. 4. RalCall Praclll: Ablr:m: c-il McmbcB Clapp, Wiggins, Habcnich~ Vormittag. Waggoner ...,.,, Burns A quorum wu pn:ooat. IClcrlt 's note : The DiaXl I Cauacil seal is \'Xalll due ID the recall of Council Member Hathaway by a majoriiy of the VOie at the .r...y 14, 1997 Rccall Election .) Also pr...-: City Manager Clari< City Attorney Brotzman City Cieri< Ellis Manager oflofonnation Sctvica Moviclt Mayor Pro Tcm Habcnidll cq,laiDcd ID the audicna: Uiat Mayor Bums is in Washington D.C. attending the Inauguration of l'laill<m Oiatoo. She added that Mayor Bums is also in Wasltington on behalf of the Ciiy, getting to know people aad lolll>)'ing for thc Regional Transponation District, for Ute Light Rail , which is very imponant ID -aimnmniiy. She said she is sun: he rcgretS not being pn:scnt for the pn:scotation to the Engln;ow Hip School fOOlball team. 5. Miallla (a) COUNCJL MJ:MBER VORMITTAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECOND >' 1 1 0 APPROV£ THE MINU'Jl:S or THE REGULAJI MEETING or JANUARY 6, 1997. Ayes: Council Members Vormittag. Wiggins. Habcnich~ Waggoner, Clapp Nays: None Absent: Mayor Bums En&l""ON City Cou1<II January 10, 1997 Paae2 Motion carried. 6. Scbeduled Viliton ' •~ •I l l)OOOH l..l~f 1l '{f'l:'J IJ 0111,MII C()O'l/l I l'J (a) The Englewood High School Football learn was n,cagnized by City C-=iJ iD honor or the Piralcs' Championship season. Mayor Pro Tem Habenlcbl rQd aloud Ibo l'loclamlliim ol January 6, 1997 and offered her congrallllatio111 lo Coach Randy PcM and Ibo lam. Each IClm ....., • ,11S given a City of Englewood lapel pin . Team Captain Trevor Hammen thanked Ibo City ror its~ aad 1old lhc audicne<: thal the large crowds al the games made ii a lot of fun . (b) Aid 10 Olllcr Agency rccipien!S wen: pn;senl to accept lhcir annual limding. Council Member Vormiuag pn:scnted a check 10 Meals On Wheels Din:ctor Jan Andl1I<. Ms. Andrus advised Council thal they sc,vc about 67 people in Englewood every day. She .-.I tbcir o,cnlJ c:ounl is 170. Ms . Andrus thanked Council, she said she needs and appn:da1cslhc help . Council Member Wiggins pn:scntcd a check 10 lnrcr-Faith Task Force ExOClllM: Dinaar s-t,, Broder. Mr. Broder said he wanted lo thank .::ouncil on behalf of the thousa:Jds of Englc,,oad ......,. •ilo come to tl1eir door all year long and on behalf of th< single par.nl moms willl lhc chilan:a....,...,. • bis door and say !hat they have no food 10 feed lh<ir family and no housing to house lbeir Wlily. Bo lbar.\r.d Council for the opportunity 10 continue serving Englewood and doing lhcir mission. Council Member Clapp pn:sentcd a chock to Court House, lncorponllcd. Volllllleer ~ Mary Wenrich. Ms . Wenrich noted lhal she started in 1969 . She advised lhat lheil' EXOClllin: Dlnao,. Ann Robinson would have loved to be here lon ighL but th.al lhi:; is their annual meeting aigk Ms. Wenrich • thanked Council for whal they do for 111cm. bccousc, she said, they do have childra, t'om Englewood with • 01cm . She advised thal since they opened in 1970 they have s,cn l I ,SOO abused kids. A check 10 Gateway Baucrcd Women 's Shelre"'ill be forwarded to lhal agency . 7. N01-1theduled Vioiton (a) Rardy Kreft, 8632 East Nichols Avenue. lold Council 1ha1 Chad Kreft. ,.t,, ..... also pn:sen~ is a Boy Seoul in Willow Cn:ck . He said they wen: pn:scnl to meet a mcri1 bal.g,: rcquirancnl and 10 s,c how City Council operates. Mayor Pro Tern Habenichl welc:omcd them . 8. Coramunicationt, Proclam1don1 and Appointments (a) considered . A proclamation dccl:iring tltc mcnt~ orFcbruary, 1997 as American l<ismry ~lonlll was COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED.AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO PltOCLAJM THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1997 AS AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH IN THE err, or ENGLF.WOOD. Ayes : Nays : Absent Motion carried . Council Memben \'ormiuag, Wiggins. Habenicht. ~~ntt. Cli1pp None Mayor Burm • • .......... OIJCoudl ~--1"7 h)Nuo l 1h) botu,,I a '°fl(!a ,tl_t tDtU I. ,~ 'I .... J 9. PIIMlrllariaa No plljic lariag wu llCbaluled bd'on: Council. 10. C:-A...,ia ,,., (11 '/()) I I) COCll'IICIL M&MBEa WIGGINS MOVED, AND rt w:u SECONDED, TO APPROVE COl'll5IJff AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (I) THROUGH (v) ON FIRST READING. (a) Appm-c on First Rading (i) COUNCll. BILL NO. 3, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS A Btu.l'OR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ermuD "OTY OF ENGLEWOOD PROJECT AGREEMENT WITH RTO FOR CITY DITCH PIPING' BE1WEEN THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT (RTO) AND 11lE CITY OF ENGl.EWOOO, COLORADO. (li) CONTRACT WITH LIQUID WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC . IN 11iE AMOIJNTOFS70,129.00 FOR CLEANING dF1llE Ll111.eyO"!JENGLEWOOD WASTEWATER TRE.AD,IEl'fT PLANT ANAEROBIC OIGESTERS . (iii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 6, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS A Blll.RJR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZlNG AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ENTTT1£D "INTERGOVERNMENTAL NONBINDING LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING FOR SERVICE FEE PAYMENT," BETWEEN THE CITIES OF LITI1.ETON AND ENGLEWOOD , AJL.\PAEOE COUNTY AND ADAMS COUNTY , COLORADO. (iv) COUNCIL BILL NO . 7, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS A Bill. !FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORJZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT P!oRT li!NIN G TO)~ MEDIAN OF STATE lllGHW AY 285, BETWEEN TiiE COLORADO DEPADMENr OF TRANSPORTATION (COOl) AND 11lE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO . (v) COUNCIL BILL NO. 8, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS A BJLL RlR AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 5, AND ENACTING A NEW TITLE ~ OiAPTER 5: AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 60 , BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 14: AMENDING TITLE 7. CHAPTER 6E, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 9; AND REMOVING MASSMJE TIIERAPY FRCM ORDINANCE NO . 25 , SERIES OF 1996 WHICH PERT AINS TO THE MOIIAiORIUM OF LICEI-'SES IN 11lE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO . Ayes : Nays : Absent Moooa,carricd. Council Members Vonnirtag, Wiggins . Habenicht. Waggoner, Clapp None Mayor Bums Easlewood Clly Couacll Juuary JO, 1997 Pace ◄ Mayor Pro Tem Habenicht told the audlencc that the C-~ is a list of Items lllat arc ceoeraUy hould<c:eplng Issues and that a Council Member 1111)', itlle or • ......_ remove an ilrm fJOm the Consent Agenda. Otherwise, 10 speed the procas, Ibey arc ,.._..., ol all at once . COUNCIL MJ:MBt:R WIGGINS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE COIISENT AGEN~A ffi!Mr" IP (/1) l'I THROUGH (h-) ON SECOND ~ING. (b) Approve J1n' s.co;,.dl~ading (i) ORDINAN'rf NO. 4, SERIES OF 1991 (COUNCIL BILL NO. I, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY) AN ORDINANCE Alm!ORIZING AN INlcRGOVEllmdENlrAl.. AGREEMEl'IT ENTlTLED "INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR EMERGENCY .MANAGEMENT" BETWEEN VARIO US JURISDICTIONS il!ROUGHOUT 1llE ST A 'TE OF COLORADO AND 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO. (ii) ORDINANCE NO. 5. SERIES OF I (COUNCIL BJLL NO. 2, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY) Ill l 01 AN ORDINANCE AIJ1l!ORIZING AN INreRGOVERNMENTAL AGIIEEMENT BETWEEN 11ffi BROOKRIDGE SHOPPING CEN'IBR, 1llE ELLE N L Cl.ARIDA MADDEN TRUST. 11ffi BROOKRIDGE HEIGIITS WATER & SANITATION DISIJUCT AND 1llE CITY OF -ENGLEWOOD , CO LORADO. (iii) ORDINANCE NO. 6. SERIES OF J.9'J7 (COUNCIL BJLL NO. ~. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY) AN ORDINANCE AIJ1l!ORIZING 11ffi EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TO HIGIIl.A.'ID S RANCH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NO . J, PERTAINING TO DR. CH.SON AND 1llE C470 INTERCHANGE . (iv) ORDINANCE NO. 7. SERIES OF I 9117 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 5. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY) AN ORDINANCE AIJ1l!ORIZING A GRANT OF WATIR W.E EASEMENT AND A TEMPORARY CON STRUCTION EASEMEITT BETWEEN 11-IE CITY OF E!-;,GLF,WOOD , COLORADO AND THE A•Z COMPANY (lllOMAS PLATING). Vole reJUlts : Ayes : Council Members Vormitug. Wiggins. Habcni chl Waggoner. Clapp Nays : None Absent Mayor Bums Motion carried . 11 . Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions (n) Approve on First Rc.1ding • • • • • • la.,,_... City c-u J-■-aey 20, 1'97 Pqe$ h t1t11'1vtill1•>01 1:;i,1 " I 0!. (1&u111.l, .. 1 (I) Manager Movick prescnled a ICCllCIIIIICIMM from LIie ~nl ff. Adminisbalive Scrvic<s lo approve, by motion, lhc 1wanl of bid for phone swi1ch cqwpment, w,11, options lo be added lo lhc rwileh, lo lhc low bidder, Lucc,11 Toc:bnolosia, in lllo llllOUIII of $450,273 .22. Mr. Movick oald ii is IICIUllly I plcuwe IO bring 1h1111cm lo Cooncil, a, IWf hu been working on ii for quilc some lime. Tbe inlCDt i1 ID LIU PDO o( lhe dilfcrcnl types of IJbol'" equipment Lbal y,e have tlwughJUI lhe City, be said, and imlall a syllCIII that i1 similar in nalure o( the location and can be accascd in lhe same -~t lhe City. Tweaty bids wen, ... , lllll, be advilcd. wilh lcD vendors attendin g I mandalo,y pre-pn,poal c:onfenDce, after wbicb five vendors bid,oo lhe prqject. Rcspollding 10 Council Member Waggoner, Mr. Movic:lt explained lhlt, in spile of lhe delailed nalWC of lhe prupoal tllat -,ent out, which ""'aimed al gcttlog bidl bac!< lhlt can be compattd side by ,ide, lhe VCDdors a&a pn:pan, lbeir bidl dilli:n,nUy . Each bid was lom<cd al and reduced IO lhe minimwn apccifk:atlolll of Iha NI. Ti.,,e wen, a number of ilems in lhe Luc:col bid. approacllina S90,000.00, which included lhlngs sucb u softwan, Iha! wasn 'I n:quircd lo meel lhe minimum specs. They had over- designed ,ome oflhc IICIWOrk facililies. he explained, wilh one proposed swi1ch 1ha1 was aciually 100 big. What Council is_,., is lhe City's a11cmp1 10 1e1 all or lhe bids to Ille same minimwn level. COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE AWARD or BID fOjl PBONI SWITCH EQUIPMENT TO LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES IN mt AMOUNT or 54511, 27J.1~ Ay01,: Council Members Vonnilla&, Wluins, Habenichl, Wagoner, Clapp Nays: Nooe Absen1· Mayor Burns Motion canicd. (ii) iClcrl<'s nolc : Thi, agenda i1cm was a m,ommendation from lhe Office of Neighborhood and Busi..,. Ocvclopment IO adopl a resolution approving Hampden Cen1cr Rcde\'el~ 111d economic dcvdopmcnt incentives. I Mayor Pro Tem Habenicht staled ii was her understanding lhal staff ha, r<queslcd lhal lhis ilem be pulled from lhc ageuda. City Attomey BrolZman and City Manager Clark said Uial is correct . This item was pulled from lhe agenda . (b) Approve on Second Reading There wen: no additional ilcms submined for approval on second rcaGin1 . (Sec Agenda 11cm IO • Consent Ageoda.) 12. GeKnl Di11<1Wion (a) Mayofs Choice 1. l\'fayor Pro Tern Habenicht invited everyone to come to the RTD groundbreaking tomorrow. She said Ibey an: very exciled. lhal lhi• is lhe beginning of a whole new way of life for !hose of us along lhe SOUlhwcst corridor ,.;lh lhc coming or light rail . She said lhe groundbn..'1king is al I :00 p.m. at Evans Avenue and Sanll Fe Drive . Mi. Habcnichl commented lhal parking will be probably be al a premiwu, but thal it should be fun 10 be !here anyway, lo be a pan oflhat hisloric moment She said Mnyor Burns is very disappoinlcd al 001 being able 10 be !here, bu11ha1 he is lhen: in spirit and 1hcy will certainly carry lhe banner for him . ltw ......... Clly Coaldl JUHry 20, 1997 I )hUO ) • I b0<r,nl~11·1 ••~r .llt ,, •• I ,. 3,, .... , Cound!Mcmba'sCIIDiao (I) COIIIICII,...,., Vonnlftlg: 1. He said he wtll be man,n••,_ 111 mi,pa,1 llghl nil lbr our a,mmunity . 2. He asked If Council woidd be ~ in having a big llll!Cling with all or Slaff'. as wu done provill'.llly II the Buell Mansion. ll: said dlis 1111 DIil been doat in quite IOffle lime, and suggested ii would be a good lime to lalk aboul "-t.dgel itans. Cindmlla Cil)' and other mauers. Cil)' Manage, Clart said. a,incic1cat,.Jt1, dlis-cluclmed • lhe dln,ctors' mcetlng lhis momlng and they haw made it an agenda ilmtfar-Maadly. lie /ocon,nadr,d lhal lhis talce place, poslibly, in March prior to when we do lhe live,-Clpilal pllB in lhe badp,t pn,c:css. He said they will Ir)' 10 do lhis on an annual basi, just prior to lhe budjpol ....,..._ (ii) Council MoaJor Clapp llbd Ir a dal,c has been set for a meeting Oller at Duncan Park . Cil)' Manager Clark ai;I be is 8111 "'"' ir the date bas been set, but ii is in the process. He explained tlult there Is a 1.onlng Hem pmliilg la Planning and Zoal•· which is a proposal for All Souls School to a,nvcrt the old Doncaa Sdool ;., a dl)'care center. We 1iave cncauntercd some questions rrom the ccighborhood, he said. am ii is bis admunding that City stall' wifl be rca,mmcnding 10 Planning and Zoning tomurTVW ai&lll lllal _,. continue with the public hearing that they have scheduled and that we hold a pubUc ~ ...,..;,,g in the ncighborllllod. with representatives or Ali Souls School, City staff, the: school disuic:t and the acigbborhood. He Slid be was not sure ir they have a date, but that he will find out in the rnonliDc and e-mail and notify a,:ryonc. (iii) Council~~ recalled tbal previously there was some discussion about employees :;crua1Jy rating their -,.m,ms. City Mlnag,:r Clart said he docs nol recall any discussion but I.• will discuss with the diRaOni whaher to ina,rpome thal into the performance evaluation system. Mr. Waggoner said lbCle is al•.ys a lot orrcallack going down, but not a lot go111g back up to lell whether someone is doing a g,:,c,d job oC supervising. Mr. Clark said that some other organizations do peer ra,ew for supemtDB. He said he will get back lo Council after discussing it \\ith the directors, and added that he does DIIC penoaally or philosophic:ally have a problem with in corpora tin g some l)'pe of peer or subordinate input IDIO the p,.rformancc evaluation prnccss. I J. City Manager', Reporl (a) Cil)' Manager Clarlc said he •ill be taking Mayol' Pro Tern Habcnichl with him to lhe Light Rail groundbreaking ceremony toma,,,,.. and olfen:d a ride to others who care 10 join them. (b) City Manager Clark rcponal. re~ng tl1e Cinderella City n:dcvclopment, that he has not received official word from Equitable with regard 10 our latest proposal. He said he faxed them last week asking what they cou ld do lo expedite th3l. Addilionally. he said. he had a 1eleph c'IC conversation with them Lhc week before and they indicated the)• ,u .. 1'C still seeking some cl:trificalion as to wha1 Miller/Kitchell bciia'Cd with n:ganl to malting the building demolitio n ready . Miller/Kitchell sent them a letter last week providing clarilicatioo and Mr. Clark said he will uy first thing in the mornin g to contact Eq1titabic Additionally, Millcr/Kitc:hdl filed tllcir di51rict plan. which is pan of lhc:ir PUD, last Tuesday. Mr. Clark advised that they md with MillaJIGtcl,dl last Thursday afternoon and asked them irwe need to revise t.hc original calendar as the district plan came in about JO days later lhan they indica1ed . He said they don 't bcli"'< ii will be necessary to modi!} the calendar 100 much, bul Milier/Kilchcll promi sed they will go back and take• look al it. • • • • • • 11 ....... City Cou1dl J-•ry 28, IS97 .... , 14. City Attoniey'1 11,pon Cily Altorncy Brotzman did noc haw any manen 10 brina before Council. Cuuncil Member Wiggins asked ifwc are al lhc poinl where"" have lo SCI III el ion for lhc v«an1 CouncU ICII . Mr. BrolZman responded lhal a recommendalio11 l>ill be presenled a1 lhe ebrua,y 3, 1997 Council .-ing. Cil)' Manager Clark Slalcd lhal !here will also be resolulions ,II llull meeting for Council 10 adopl. 15 . Adjourameal COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED TO ADJOURN . The meeting adjourned a, 8:02 p.m. ~tlfll Ci1y C erk