HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-18 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • ENGLEWOOD CTJ'V COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD; AJIAPABOII: COUNTY, CGLO..ao 11,plarS..... Febru1r, 11, 19'7 I. Call to Order The rogulor meeting of the Englewood City Cooncil was called to onla by Maya,-Bums 11 7:36 p.m. The invoe:uion was given by Council Member Wiggins. 3. Pledge of Allegiance ·n.e Pledge of Allegiance wns led by Mayor Bums. 4 , Roll Call Pn:sent: Absent: A quorum was present Cooncil Members Clapp, Wiggins, Habalick. Vormittag Waggoner, Bums None Also proscnt: City Manager Clarlr. City Allomcy Bllllzman Deputy City Clert Castle Aeling E:cccutivc Dir<etor Grimmett. i-.. A.-hority Director Fonda. Utilities !Clerk ·, note: The District I Council scat is vacant due to the recall o( CouaciE Mcmi,cr Halhaway by a majority of tho vote al the Janu.,ry 14. 1997 Recall Elee1 ion .l 5. Minufcs (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROV£ THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF FIBllUAIIY l, 19'7. Ayes : Council Members Vonnitt.ag. Wiggins. ~chl Waggoner. Clnpp. Bums Nays : None The motion carried. 6. Scheduled Vlsilon a) Counci l recognized Englewood nominees for the Mctn,polil:lm Ma),,,. and Commissioners Youth Awards . (i) A raoluliol ..;,,onlng 1k nomillltlon of Merci Loveday for Oic 1997 MeDq,olilaa Mayon a <1oanllilioden Yaulll A..-. was oonsidllrod. TIie ...::lulion -assian,d a number and read in full. RESOLUilON NO. 35 , SERIES OP 1997 'I A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING TI!E NOMINATION OF MERCI LOVEDAY FOR TI!E 1997 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOUTH AW ARDS . COl!INCU. MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDEU, TO APPROVE ACVfDA rn:M 6 (1) (1)-RESOLUTION NO. 35, SERl£S OP 1997. Ayes: Council Members Vonalllog, Wiggins, Hobcnichl , Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Nays: None Th, motion carried . M:a:-or Bums amgra1ula1ed Ms. Lo\'cday and prcscn1cd her wi1h a framed rosolulion , a bac:kJ,ack. and oclaitcms. (ii) A raolu1ion "'Pl ,g the oomination oCBn,n1 Redden for the 1997 Mcm,poliwi Mayors and Commissioners Youth Awards was considered . Tbc resolulion was assigned 3 number and read from the third whereas. RESOLUTION NO. 36, SERIES OF 1997 A RESOUITION SUPPORTING TI!E NOMINATION OF BRENT REDDEN FOR TJiE 1997 METROPOLITAN MA YOru. AND COMMISSIONERS YOUTH AWARD S. COIJNCD. MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDE t · TO APPROVE AGE"'11A ITEM 6 (a) (ii) -RESOLUTION NO. 3', SERIFS OF 1997. Ayes : Council Members Vonninag, Wiggins. Habenicht, Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays: None The mocion carried . Mnyor Bums congrntufatcd Mr. Redden and prcscnlcd him with a frav,cd resoluti on. a ba ckpack . :-nd othcritans. (iii) A resolution supporting the nom ination or Je nnifer M. Thompson for the J 997 Metropol itan Mayors and Commissioners Youth Awards was considered . The n::solut.ion was assigned 3 number and read from the third where.i s. RESOLUTION NO. 37, SERIES OF 1997 • • • • W.:•alcwood Clly CIMlntll F<bMIII")' 18, 1997 Pace J A R.ESOLIITION S\Jl'PORTINµ nm NOMINATION Of rat,111111g M. TiiOMPS1N FO ~ 1l!E 1997 METROPOLfrAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOlJ'Jlf AWARDS, COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICF.1T MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 6 (1) OU) 0 IIES'lLU'flON NO. J7, SUIIS OF 1"7. Ayes : Council Mcmbcn Vormillag. Wjgim. Habcnich1 , WaggOIIU. Clapp. llul1ls Nays: None TI1c motion carried . Mayor Bums congra1ula1ed Ms. Thompson and pracnlal her w6 a fiamcd resolution, a backpack. and other items . (b) Scheduled visilor Margaret HayC5 was 1101 p,acaL 7. Noe-tcheduled Vi1i1<>n There were no non-scheduled visitors. 8. Communication&, Procl1m11ion1 ud AppeiataeetJ (a) COUNCIL MEM'!IER VORMITfAG MOVD,AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO TABLE AGENDA ITEM 8 (a)-A UTTER FROM B.ENJlY GAULHER INDICATING HIS RESIGNATION FROM THE ENGLEWOOD CLEAN, GREEN AND PROUD COMMISSION . Ayes : Nays : The motion carried . 9. Public Hearing Council Members Vonnillag. Wi'ggins. Halicnich~ Waggoner. Clapp, Burns None No public hearing was scheduled before Council . 10. Con,c •I Acc,nda COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SU:ONDEI,, T'O ~PPROVE CONSEl"T AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (i) THRO UGH (ii) ON f1IIST READING. (a) Approve on Firs! Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 11. INTR.1 DUCED •BY COUNCIL MEMBER NAGGONER A B!LL FOR AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING TIIE TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OR MORATORIUM L)N CERTAIN MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS L "CENSES FOR A.'I ADDmONAL PERlJD OF FOUR MONTHS . Eqlewood Chy Coallcil Fdlnwy II, 1997 Pqr4 (II) PURC)fASE'oF IVATl!ll METERS AND Rl!l.;ATED EQUIPMENT FROM MOUNT A1N ST ATES IN TIii! AM6UNT 'OP S25,169.80. 1 1 Voce t'Nllts: II II II -,.10) Council Membc11 Vdnninag! Wiggins. Habenicht, r In t 1;,i~ Nays: Wag ;oner, Clapp. Bums None The m01ion carried. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDE D, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 10 (b) (l) ON SECOND READING . (b) A(llll'IM on Second Reading (i) ORDINANCE NO. 12, SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 9, INTRODL'CED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS) AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OR MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR 11iE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWERS IN 11iE CITY OF llNGLEWOOD . COLORADO. FOR A PERIOD OF EIGHT MONTIIS . Nays : The motion carried. Council Members Vonnit l\'!. Wiggins, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp, llum.s None I 1. Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions (a) Approve on First Reading (i } Aciing E.xccuti\'C Director Grimmcll pruscnlc. · a rcco1111nc11dmion fr .Hn the Englewood P.ousing Aull1ority to adopt a bill for an ordin.,ncc aut hori zing the execution of IntcrgO\'Cmrncntal Subgranicc Agreements for the 1997 Arapahoe County Community Development Block Gran1 Program. Ms. Grimmen reminded Council that last fall. lllcy approved submission ol an application to Arapahoe County !or lhc 1997 funding . Tlie funding. she said. has now been approved in the :,mowll o.' around $214,000 .00. broken down as specified in the Council Communica1ion. Funds arc estimated to be rccch·cd in late April. she advised. with distribution by May 1•. She asked for approv..1! of the intcrgovcm1ncntal agreement \\ith Ar.ipa hoc Counly so that we cnn receive ll1e funds and put W~ffl out inlo the commun ity. M1yor Bums st:ttcd tli:u . as Chair or the Eng lewood Housing Au1horiry. he has a con nict wuh this agenda i1cm and asked Mayor Pro•Tcm Habenicht lo le.id this di scn.;s 1on , The Cleric wns asked 10 read Council Bill No. 12 by tillc : COUN CIL BILL NO . 12. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTIIORJZING THE EXF.ClJTION OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL SUBGRANTEE AGREEMENTS FOR THE 1997 ARAPA:lOE COUNTY • • • • • l" .. ewoad City Council Frhru1ry 18, 1997 .... , COMMUNITY DEVELOPMElorT BLOCK GRAHr l'IIO(;RAM BE'IWEl!N nm ARAPAHOE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND nm CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COUN(JL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED, Amt II' WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA mM 1'! (1) (lJ • COUNCR. BILL NO. 12. Ayes : Nays: Abstaln : The motion carried. Council Mcmllas Vonaiaa&, Wigpns, llabcnichl Waggoner. Clapp None Mayor Bums ' Tl I (ii) Dir=or Fond■ pr,aat,d a ...-.lltloo Crom the LiuJdon/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant Supctvia>ry Commincc ID--. by molioa. the purchase or !ridding filter media for the plant from Brcotwood lllduslrics in lbe-alS490.000.00 . He swed thal, with the collapse or the trickling filter mcdi._ we have 10 get ii repbad ve,y qulcltJy so 1h11 we will be able 10 stay in compliance . He advised that Jina: we have r;egolial<,d • ,-cry good price already, they are willing 10 give us 1\ie same price on this. He added that lhey :IR Ole ~· supplier or media now in the United S111... Mr. Fonda staled that he will probably be ...,.ing foraard quickly on Thursday with a n,commcndalion on getting the conlnttor to go .-.llld rq,lacc the mcdiL Council Member Habenicht asked if this is the s;amc canpall)' that pul in the initial lricltling filter system . Mr. Fonda responded that ii is not. Ms . Habenicht 3lbd. siDcc lhi• is the only business of this type. if ii is possible lo have some sort of guarantee. Mr. Foada aid ao. Responding 10 Mayor Bums, Mr. Fonda conllnncd dla ~ is already a co ntra::tor on the Pha,c 1B project . None or their fil1cn have ever collapsed. he Slid. He cxp......t his belief lla,t their fillen have been built lo this spccillcatioo. but added t.'!al they ....., DOI law bidder the last lime. Mr. Fonda responded 3ffinnalivdy when Council Mml>cr tt.bcnichl asked if the original filler was from the low bidder the last lime. Mr. Fonda said that a,mplll)' has now gone bankrupt. COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED. AJ.'lD IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF TRICKLING FU, TER MEDIA fllOM BRENTWOOD INDUSTRIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $490,000.00. Clarifying for Mayor Bums. Mr. Fonda said that linam:ial impact 1\11.ds are available for the purchase, even though it is no! a budgeted item. because of the liid and because we ha,,. an adequate fund reserve . Ayes : Nays: The molion carried . Council Members 'orrninag. Wiggins. Habenicht . Waggoner. aafll'. Bums None (iii) Dir.x1or Fonda presented ~ recommendation from the Liuleton/Englcwood Wastcw-dlcr Trc:itment Plan !. Supervisory Commincc llO ark'!"• bill for an ordinance adding language that defines 1cnns used in the wastewa ter ulility ordinanc-.=.. He explained 1h.1 l this is a housekeeping item and that we ,vere inspected b-J the Environmental Protcctim Agency (EPA) and did very "di. They listed a num ber of things Ilia! must be done lo be in complia,.= This bill insc ns lhrcc definitions, he said , that arc required by federal code 10 be included in our -....aer ordi nance, n:unc ly Best Managc•ncnl Practice. Best Professional Judgment and Pass Throapi. l•ll.,,ood City Coundl re,noary II, 1997 rage 6 'Jbc Clcrlt -asked to read Council BIii No. 13 by tiUe : A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 12, CHAPTER 2. ,SECl10N I, SUBSECTION D, OF 1llE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 . COUNCIL MEMBER VORMmAG MOVED, AND IT '\\/AS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (1) (111)-COUNCIL BILL NO. 13. Ayes : Nays: The motioo carried. Council Members Vonniuag. Wiggins, Habenicht. Waggoner. Clapp. Bums None (b) Approve on Second Reading Then: n~n: no addilioMI items submiucd for approval on second reading. (Sec Agenda Item 10 -eo- Ageuda.) 12. General DIICUuion (a) Mayo(s Choice I. Mayor Bums told Council he nllendcd the Me1ro Mayor;' Caucus annual spring rttnal on Saturd.1y at lhc Denver An Museum. He said he received a lot of infonnatioa on 1J2nsponation issues and felt it helped a lot to listen to ;cvcral or these ~uuions. He said that Cal Mancila fnHn RID pr=ntrd his entin: Guide the Ride proy.un . He said they arc aucrnpting to go to the ball01 thls fall to r,lsc their sales lllX rate. The Colorado Dcpartmcn1 orTransportation (CDOl) made a prcscn1a1ion Iha! incluf'"'<f .;uuewidc issues on trnnsportalion im prove ments . Also discussed were various ways of fundi.og U1csc hams . Mayor Bums added th.it the General Assembly is looking at • bill 1h31 "'Ii incrc:isc fundinc this year from l11c ge neral fund surplus for highways and they arc trying to fle.-c some of that money for transit. Further, he said, there were presentations from environmental groups and tbcrc was a IOl of material on transport.11ion and gro\\1b is.sues . He wcnl on to say Lhat Mclro Vision \\'ai di5CUSSCCI and -.,u be voted on tomorrow night at the DRCOG meeting. which he will be attending for the finl time as Lbc Cil)' rcpr=ntativc. He said 1ha1 in the past several year.;, DRCOG has n:qucsted 1h31 more ,,uyor.; bca>me the designated rcp,.scn~11ivcs to the boon!. Sa turday, most or 1hosc in a11endancc were mayors, compan:d 10 just a hnndrul • rcw years ogo. Moyor Bums spoke or th e northern cit ies' concern over the DRCOG plan. odvising tliat 1he Denver Business Journal lmd a lead article on it last week . He said there has been a lot of negotiati on between cities like Thornton and Brighton about lhc DRCOG plan and they arc satisfied '"ith some language changes tha1 arc goi ng 10 be presented 1omorrow night. ' Mayor Bums said that one interesting aspect of I his is that the re were a lot of people there who worked for 3 101 of years on commiuccs al DR COG concerning metropolit:111-\\id c planning. There were Denver Chamber of Commerce transportnlion comm iu cc people , the Blue Rilhon Transportation Commiucc. aod what U,cy •greed wiU~ and whot some of the strong business people said was lh;i~ after :ill the years or contention in this area. these citi~ and entities have really come together in the last few )'C.1J'S. Some of them thought lhnl 1997 was the pi ·,otoi year for trnnsportation planning ad, _,uon. and 1h31 ifa major adoption or transportolion and growtl1 measures did not occur tl1is year. it mil be ten or fifteen years before we will C\'Cr be ba ck in 1his posi lion again . ti is a watershed year, he said. in a lot of their minds • • • • lll&lewN,I City 0-. , .. niaryll,l"7 Pace7 II nu ) th ) L :-r, 11 ~ ·, .~, 0 u, for filhlle pa...,.. ia 1k ~_,.,....,~fr on fR'ljt a,a~on. lie opinpl, lhat it i1 a very iDtaalhia ~ID .. ill llli 1-,on' .....,udJo be ,cnoini ~• the DRCOG ,~ Council Member v...,.. ...... ..,...Bwns,IO dclcribc .,.,. of the ho\~ iD \Cl'llll oflrlffic problema iD Ilic -._, dill they wut to lake Cll1I oi'. Mayor Bums raponded tl,;,t there arc AiU people l'CI the DllCOG 1laaal dlal tried lO undennine the Southwell Corridor project. Some of that is idcolopcal , .. alJoMd. 1lul dlil pn,jocl took eight ycan lO hnvc an Fr A IX'ntracl. Naw they have a major Investment lllldy oa tine odia Uncs.111111hcut, Lakewood and the alrpon. iliat arc alfbeing completed and they arc-"""' lded a prcfcrcna: of U105C and it looks like maybe the southeast corridor will be !he prcfcmx,c. IC RTD's ID iDaasc paslCI. they can build all of those at once, instead of laking eight or ten yean each . n.c ~ hen, is to have a friendly mcchaniam when, you can do something significant far the ...... DaMr ara. Mayor Bums said be has beard lhal Denver is becoming somewhat of a model ia the DllCOG pla The c!ill'cn:ncc is In pla0cs like Orqon they have Slate lcgi~lation that has mandated ~ piallllias that can only be done in certain Wl)'I. Colorado has not passed that kind of tegislatioa aad -a 't tllUIJr. it will, but the DRCOG ~ is voluntarr, t.lwcen the cilies. Thcno is a sense, he said, tllal die Olia ,ally do wan I to work on this: IC we an, noaily going to do growth control m,uncl here, and do it .......urily, Darvcr iJ going to be a unique model . It was even suggested that some of Ui., nr.tioaa l ~ liu l>alelinc and 2ono mi&ht even be calling the mayon to talk about Ulis, he ~ .,,...ey sec ii• a n:al ClflPOffWUI)' ID do something significant in Denver that 0U1er cities have not been ai>lc lO u:lli<YC. Council Member v..-g ad<cd Mayor Bums to be sun: to sl1ow Englewood's suppon for those lhn:c other lines. Mayor Buras Slid we an: doing that because it Slops the other communities from fighti•g over who gets the na1 lioa. 'I1lae II a lot of cnthllliasm and anticipaoioa, he said, over what may happen this year, (I,) Council llbibt(s Choice (i) Coaacil Member Vonninag commented that he would like to sec a plaque made for the sho>-d hc""'3incd from the RTD groundbn:aking. He asked the City Manager to be very liberal in including na-s of '"'.l' on the plaque of persons who helped 1\i1h the project , along witl1 Ute City Council and City Mam,ic,"s names. Mayor Bums added. ':Widt rqi,rd to ligbo rail, that he had an opponunity to speak witll Senator Allard at the opening of his offic, iio Gnco•t>Od Village. Scna1or Allard had a meeting with RTD staff wi1hin tl1e wt week or so and iJ ap 10 spml on a IOI of the transponation issues and seems to be supponive. Sena1or Allard wanted a memo cm RTD '• n:qucst for funding this year from IT A. Mayor Bums adv ised. TI1cy requested fony,onc and ;a half million dollars, and Fr A nocommcnded twcrly-onc and a half, but the IT A cont.met amou.ot is twcaly-fn-c. So RTD 's planning is more aggressive lh an the IT A contract . They arc concerned , he said, -g,:ning mon: and doing some 1na1ching and n:scrve funding , and so fonh. and they would lilc.i: to keep cm :rx:k as n1uc b ilS possible. Mayor Bums s.1id he also spoke !o Scn.11or Campbell at the same rca:pooo and opined that th ese were good contacts to make . (ul CoanctJ Member Wiggins : I. He stated that lit ruu.'Cd in U,c mail a CML Nowslcncr dated February 14~ when, U1cy were talkinc about the federal p-crumcnt sorting we,,pons n:1trictions on domestic \iolcncc offenders. The cities arc advised in the anidc to dctcnninc if any of tlv:ir officcn or employees arc effected by the new Enpcwood City Cnuncll Fdu111ry II, 1997 Pap,8 law. He advllCd lhal lhc bill wu siped lnlo eft'CCI in Scplcn>ber of lul yar. lfc ....... die Cil)' Manager and lhc Admlolltrltive Semca Din>e1or loolc ln10 lhc moller. 2. Council Member Wiggin, exp,aocd bis displeuun with Mr. Gold, lhe ..... no distributed materials to Council duri~& the presentation lO lhc candidates for Ille MdaMai,ml and Commisslone11 Y!)Uth Awards . Ho asked that stalTeilher '!'rite a lellcr to Mr . Gold. o,; ..._ malty wh~ him. the ~rotocol Iha! ~hould be rollow:d In Council mcctlnp . He said lhal Mr. Gold"s.11111erial makes~ good poin~ bul his rr,nnner ofhandllng ii is innpprupriale. MllJ'Or Bums said, for U,e r=rd. once the mee ting has struted, people should not be '-ding OUI material . He said be mcntlon.< al C1Ch meeting ill.ii then: an, times 01:11 cilium can get up and lpOll, ac witboul signing in. and material can be handccl OUl al lhal lime, bul not at limes when it disnlllsdhe Council mccting. (iii) Council Member Clapp : I. She stiled tl1a1 ii is now February and EDDA w.,s supposed to have their p1aa-.. Sbc aslccd if anyoac knows anything aboul that Council Member Waggoner said tbcy had a ....,..1u1 •m and Ron Sinka made a presentation and lhcy'n, aboul "'3dy to wrap that up . They still claim Acy an, waiting for some material from the Ci~/. he said , but when he asked Harold Cdva lO ldl him ,p,ullcaJly -whal ii was, he couldn't na,,,c anything. Mayor Bums sald U,c last n,qucst they made \l~s like a n,qucst for the world . Council Member Waggoner said that is tli.l wne n,qncst he was tnlking about Mayor Dums added 1ha1 it was so lllllicfirtd that you could toke weeks just trying to fill thnt n,qucst . Mr. Waggoner said he thinks they met •!ilh tbe Cil)' and • Ihm is some pn:11)' clear definition or rcsponsibililics now nnd he 's ready to go. Ma)wlBuru< allowed • that ii docs seem like they arc not st.inding still now. Council Member Waggoocr said ii ,.. n=ally a pn:11)' good pn:scntalion and he hopes "ithin the nc.,t thiny 10 sixty days tbcy will bavcsnmcdling. Council Member Clapp poinlcd oul thal Council ah1~ys rccci\'CS mim,·..:s from lbc Hoasimg Authoril)' but not nlways rrnm EDDA. She asked why . Mayor Bums said he lhoughl they were~ suppo,,d to submit 1heir minulcs . Council Member Waggoner agreed. Mayor Bums added tbal EOOA bas also been asked to submil copies of correspondence 10 Coun cil. Co:mcil Member Habenicht said she can nol n:c:,11 c,·er receiving EDDA minutes. Sbeswd thal is a good thing to bring up . She asked if Council gets Urban Renewal Aulhoril)' minu1c:s. ~~°" Bums rc,ponded 11t.ir he has gonen tl1osc, bu11hcy do nol mcct my often . 2. Council Member Clapp asked Cily Manager Clar!< if1herc is a mission Slal<mc:mt for lbc police dcp,inment. If so, she said she would like a copy. Also . she s.ii d she would like 10 t.ao,a if lbcrc is a difference between Ilic mission statement for the police depa rtment and th.it of the Cooumuniry Task Force ""'' that of the Neighborhood Watch Progmm . She said she "'""d also like 10 sec• mission ,wcmcn1 for the Code Enforcement Division . J . She asked Ci1y A Homey Bro llmn n ir a lencr was scn110 Cherry Creek Used c:.ms m regard 10 their naps Mr. Brotunan responded thnt he is gc:nin& rogrthcr "i lh the Code Enforccmcnl 01\ision now on lhc Dag pnlCCd urc, so a lcllcr has nol been issued yet Council Member Clapp md .,., cu, follow up on Frid.iy, and added 1ha~ because Cherry Creek is Diing 1he Dag all over for COOUllaci:al uses on their propcny, so is Emich Chrysler Ply uouth and J.D . BiiiJcr and it seems 10 be gcUing-. She invi1ed anyone on Council who has th e lime to ancnd the me<ling on Friday llsit we ha\,: pal "Fiber for code enforccmen l bc,::,usc she reel s it is very imponnnt She reminded Council lliat she basl!ieco bringing up • • • • ~ ..,.._pR)blcms liDcc Ncwembc: 10'" aad \IC have yet IO com.; to SO']"' "'/,IC!U5ions oa how to adda:a_, ___ .P. ukl* kllowl they ""'.,d?l\!l lllll!" Pl"fiOMCI Ctiai/&Cl l M fef!• tJii• ii .;II poal&,'-"'••-llkin& Friday. A')Y flullw ~•t fli>m other me;• v,ould ~lly J>c a1JPR'0111111.*aaid. Elabaablc•Caacil Member Habcnlcl]t, Ms. Clapp aid the mccU1.g J;riday, Fcbnwy 21•. is being set up ba::ac ._. o Fill& to be a new din:dor for lhc Code Enfon:cment Division. Cily Manager Clark acldoda11 dliisilalbom an iS111Co(intercst to Ms. Clapp and they have ident ified~ number of code enf-w10laliml on South Broadway and a lot of thc.sc have been allow<XI IO continue for yca,s. Hr. said Ml. Qwu .-:or:>Cd .._ the lad< of cnfarc:cmeot and has asked lhc City 10 swt enforc~ about lhc -lime• -..I doing Ilic South Broadway Corridor Plan . He advised that many of lhc 115<5 down mm:-aim cooa,mcd about some or the a>c!c cnforccmeot, and so the choice wa., do we £0 alicad and ----. tbe cudc or do 'M just wait a lillle bit longer and by to put together a unilicd plan . McuawWo.. _, .e;-,,lhal bu iaircd and we )lava a new scntlcman by the name of Dave N'uss who took CMr • o( aboul two W<Cks 1D>. Mr. Clarlt said he had suggested to Ms. Clapp that perhaps we sJIOUld bnd'la oa all of these issues and sec if they can be tied togetl1cr into SOIM son of strategy, ~ • li&lit of SD111e of the -rcc:cnt work that we have been doing. Staff has been meeting with um! .ar dl:ak:rs, pawnsbopl aad others. !le said, and somcufthc groups have come up with some of their o,............,_ OIi ~IO~• the loab of the ma~ some posllble legislation. The intent of the ~ lie said. is to briog ML Capp up to dale JD when: \IC arc on all of these issues . 4. c-:iJ Member Clapp told Council she would like to discuss a personnel matter in an Executive 5''$SIOII .... ., ,cpdar SCS5ioa. COUNCIL illlEMBER CLAPP MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, FOR COUNCIL TO MEET IN EXJ:CUTWE SESSION IMM£DIA TELY AITER THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TO DISCllSS A PEIISONNEL MATTER. Ayes: Council Mcmbcn Vormittag, Wiggins. Habcnich~ Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Na)s: None The ~cmric:L (iv) Council Member Waggoner: I. Be :z:ti:ed, ,.1,cn ""'had the meeting witb the legislators, if Senator Blickcnsdcrfcr was going to get ......,. from lbe Alto111C)' Gcncml 's otlicc on Ute enforcement of group homes. and whether we ha,-e be:aal atl'!'lliiag from him. City Attorney Brotzman responded lhnt \\'O have not and that he will touch tmc willt bim again . 2. C..-:il Member Waggoner said Iha~ ia the packet that Council n:ccivcd, Ui:n: was an answer to his q1llSJOa oa recyclable pidru p by Waste Management. They recentl y sent out iufo nnalior. that they an: not So"'! ""pod: up any more junk mail or magazines or catalogs or cereal boxes , etc . 111c onl y p.ipcr they a« pug to pid. up is newspapers and corrugo11ed cardboard . He ~,i d that see ms like onl y 35% or 40% ol all FPO' tha1 is disposed o( He opinr• tl13 t tllis cc nnin ly docsn 't help our landfills . Mr. Wa&IJl'IC' sad be is 01rious as 10 what Dr.n vcr docs about pi cking up all paper and all plaslirs . and wll3t other c::icsamdo:,mpanics do. as well. Aiso. hes.aid. he would like to know what the state docs. and wh.:u is I~ Dllioo"ide as far as picking up other recyclables. It seems like there has got to be somepl:acc tfla tbooc arc useful , he said. opining U13l U1cy arc a good energy or 11ca1 soWtc. He requested that we lka-q, an ordinance requiring anyone who pi cks up trnsh in the City ofEnglc"ood to pick up all pl astics ;and paper . En&kwood City Couftdl Febn11ry II, 1!197 Pap, 10 lurh1u Council Mem~ llal>enlcht said it Is her undcrundllll that Clea. a-. ad Proud Ii .,inc robe coming up wllh a ~prdlellkive recommealaa!loa iepribg liasll-'-:. She siigaled ihat 1h11 might fall undc!f Iha~ aJld, ratller than do a ~ tllld al lblag. iH,is .,_,. very IDOi!, Mir andJ this happens because II would prubably be I put "'1h11 .,.__ COUJ1Cil Member W11&<>ner said he ihlnks Ibey should llarl pictlag it _. vey mon . Mayor Bums asked if this Is I matter of ccooomlcs and wfleihei Mime of the marltet Is mr . ID fall away. Mr. Waggoner said wc should create a marht. Council Member Vomuuag comme nted that Susan Van Dyke of Wasa: Muagcmenl told him that the pince that buys II ls just swamped with it ilnd then: is only one place illl"fl:Ds. l,lr, Waggon,r responded that it is because they don't ship it out soon coo gh. Mr. Vonnitr:,g Slid Ibis is supposed ro be just a temporary halt. He fell that when wc do the conlrnct hauling. that willlllc discuacd , and they will oft'tr n,cycllng 10 every resident who wants 10 partlcip3tc . lfwc want to-. be 111la. !h.11 the rcsidcn11 hll\'C to pul It OU!, !hat's a difl'cn:nl Slory. Council Member Waggoner said he is Just talking llbout any paper aray pbslics II.al a nsldcnr pull out has 10 be picked up by a company. He said he is not forcing the ..,__ to do 111)1hing other lh'lll what they arc doing right oow. Mr. Vonnlltag responded tlw they will pick it ap In your alley and just Utrow ii away. To fora, them to n,cyclc it. they will never do it if-is., marlcct for it. Mr. Waggoner sai d we slto11ld get busy and make a market for ii then or g,ct some lcpialion going that addresses the problem . He recalled that they wen: sining there bcfor: ~lcring -1be l'lle al which landfills wen: filling up . We can 't site new landfills so oow we arc creating man: or .a pn,blem by l10I n,cycling materials, he said . Council Member Vonnitt1g commented that he goes into offices all dla,y long and thcyhll recycle. He said the City n,cyclcs its while paper. Mr. Waggoner said they will not pidc ap 1'tlitc paper II homes. He asked why they will pick ii up from a business but not a home. Mayor B!.lms suggested an in\·cstig.11ion or1hc issue ralhcr th.111 d:ilcaaiog it at 1ength rhis C'\'cn ing. He said if Council Member Waggoner would like 10 direct suff 10 look iaD this and see if'"' can pass S011"- legislalion 11-,1 would be fine . Mr. Waggoner said he would like to lioM an ordinance 1ha1 rcqu in:s all trash companies that pidt up in the Ci ty of Englewood to pidt up alll llh:2ics and all :,,,,,,., City Allomcy Brotzman said the ordinance will be drafted and-iil'Mr. Waggoner o"'11d like ii 10 go through Clean . Grten and Proud for a recommendation before ii CXl!ID:S1ladt to Counci ~lr. Waggoner said no . Co uncil Member Habcni chl. asked how soon it is an1icip:11cd 1hat Clean. Green and Proud will issue a rc:commcndmion . Council Member Vonnittag n:spondcd that it wcttlil be by the end of the year. but more like the middle of !he summer. (v) Council Member Habenicht thanked COlllm:il for rccogni,ing the can r_:..,otcs for the Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioners Yo uth Awards. She saiid sh< and Council Mcrr.bcr Clapp wcrc lloth then: this morning doing pan of the selection process foli 1k county recognition. She optncd Utll it is a signific:u,1 progra'" that gives kids a boost in the right d::::ction , and for !hose alrcndy heading in the right direction. this gives them an inccnth'C to co ntinue. GiiRm some of the tJ-.ings these kids ha\'c de.ill with. she s.ii d. it is an inspirntion lo everyone the w3y they an:ltm'ning their Ii\'~ ;uound. 13. Cily Mona~cr•, Report • • • • • • lbale,,ood Clly CCN1n<il Fe11rury II, 1997 Pip, II (■) Council rc:ccivcd the Cinderella Cily Activily report . !Clerk's nole : agenda itom IJ (a) wa5 1101 dilcuucd.J (b) Cily Manager Clark followed up on the Mayor's commcnii concerning 1he Mein, Visions projea. He aid he has reccn0y been dpl")inled lo the Melro Vi,ions commiltcc that is supposed t~ come up with ""°""""ndations for lhc implemen11tion or the plan 10 plCICnl 10 o,. board laler in 1he year. He said he read with inlerest tl>e series or anl;les about melropolilan grt'Wlh that wen: prcsenled in the Denvu Post in the lasl couple or wi:eks. Mr. Clark said they talked about the whole issue or how much regional .r.-ersighl there should be vorsus volunlllry ini1iative in lhe cities. One or the key issues in the Metro Visions plan, he said, is thal 1hey b,ve established guidelints for urban growth and development over the Metro Visions period. Eruorcemenl or the 700 acres isvolvcd in the p!an iJ a major issue, he said. The Metro Visions commincc, be rcu, is dominaled very heavily by the northern suburbs and he wcndercd if Council would like lo lrok rurther into tho si1ua1ion 10 give him guidance ns 10 whether 1hey 1hink we should be on this whole issue. Englewood is unique, he said , because we aro nol directly impacted by some or the growth issues lltal many or tllC other cllies arc and we arc nol involved in some or the subwbon rivalry He suggested 11011 Council meet in S1ucly Session and fom1nla1e a policy thal he and Mayor Bums can !like 10 the labl ,. Council Member Habenicht sai~ tru . would be an cxoellent idea bN:ausc Ibis is probably one of the most irnponant and sensitive issues tlial is going 10 face all ofus. She said she feels ii is extreme!)' impo:tant that we have a voice and tbat we rcco~nizc the sensitivity or the whole issue of regional governance :1 11d rc~i ona.lisru. She assencd th.it it is imponant 10 1alk about what our position is and how far we go. Mayor Bums said he was pleased 10 sec Ci1y Manager Clark's name on the list. He said lhrn: arc few City Managers involved .ind lhcy arc being encouraged to gel involved in this planning process. He al so thanked Council Member Wiggills. who graciously vohl!llccrcd to aucnd meetings th at Mayor Bums will not be able to altcnd. Council Member Habcnichl commented lhat sh e lhinks "~ have cxhibi1et1 a let of leadership in showing that you can h .. 1vc aqi,c:rntion without rcgionalization . She s.1id she reel:. that should be a part of what our policy is aboul and lltat is why we hove had as much support as we ltave in Arnpahoc Coumy. Mayor Bums felt 1ha1 was a good poinl and said he poinled oul 10 lhcm lhe eocpcrnlion ,.,. have had between the tltrcc ci1ies involved in the soulhwcst corridor. 14 . City A1tomcy'1 Rc1mrt City Anomey Brotzman did not ha\'c any mnHc rs 10 brin g before Co1111c1I. 1 'i . Adjournment COUNCIi . MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED TO ADJOURN . TI1e rn ec •ing adjourned al 8:30 p.111. 1,Mftit~~ ~ty Ci1y Cieri<