HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-03-17 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • INGLIWOOD CITY COUNCIL ENGLIWOOi,, A&UABO&rCOIIJll'n', ClOLOIIADO I. Call te Orda- ............. II I March 17, 1997 Tbo ,....im--. g of the Eaglcwood Cit)' Cowlc:il wa called IO onier by Mayor Bumi 117:39 p.& Tho iJMJCallan""" pen by Couacll Manber Wiggins, 3 ....... .,~ The Pledfcol AU..-,e wa lod by MlymBums. 4. Rall Call Praent: Absent: A quorum wu present. Council Mcmben Clapp. Wiggins, llabcnichl. Vormillag Waggoner, Bums None jClcrtr:'1 note : The Dillrict I Colmcil seal is YIC:Ull due IO lbc r<eall olCOUDCil Member Hlla,ny by a majority oCthe vote at the January 14 . 1997 Recall Elaltion.j Also present: Cit)' Manager Clarie 5. Minutes Cit)' Attorney Brown,.,, Deputy Cit)' Clerk Castle Director Fonda, Utilities Dirtctor Gryglcwicz. Financial Services (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE Tin: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH J, 1997. Ayes: Counci l Mcmbcn Vonnillng. Wiggins. Habenicht . Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Nays : None The motion carried . 6. Scheduled Vlslton There were no scheduled visitors . 7 . Non-tchedulcd Viliton &p,,,,oodCitya..iil Man:b 17. 1997 Pagel ID ~JOl ,m l//' I.) I (a) Va:aMaaitz: 19l5lSbulli!lall Slnlll/llkl M-l)IUll!nlllilolalc a(lhc article la Ille Englcwaad Hcnld • 6-llle dipping. She aprellld her support for Council Member Clapp and bcr IIIIOIIICIIU in die ..... SIie (eels this ICU I p ........ u ... DIiien iD mire and ~n SCI aDOlbcr job with die City and callocl -l'ClaaDCllt checks. Ml. MoDlez aid this i1 not apc1idlng our money the right Wily . •et I , t• (b) Rar-n->. 2991 South llannack Slrcct. agreed ti-at doubl e dippinl,il MNI-He "110 opined that die Din:mw a( Sofcly Services is I fi1ll time job, should concentratc an Safety Services and oat be dividld -..... jab, 'This ii 11104llplWdl a( diMalldiotiaa, he llid,lwith U,o ocipbors in Ille aanbcrn part m Eagk,waad """r Ille coaditions at Bales Ind Broad,.,ay and the fasatisfactian with the City's response ID thaund caotinucd concerns with thal area. '" , (c) 5fl:o,cn Schreiner, 4935 South G'""' SIJed. aid he is the ,Dq,,,ly Chairman aft~:, Firearms Coalilioa afCoknda. He assctted that the bill before Cll'JDCil this =ning concemiag Weapons Dca1cn 6ama is YOry poa11y wrilkn and is preempted by federal l1w11 Ha,ald10111 itom wotdd scvcrcly affect lirearas fodonl license holders tlw bm: shops in Englewood where they could not display their wares for sale. 'Dae arc M diJl"rmtl. be (eds, than dalmng IDllllllacll&nn wbo pul their goads in a glass display CD<. IIIL ScbrciJM.< al!"1• Slllcd that this piece of legislation is very poorly drafted and straagly ~ -it be witbdmo'D. II (d) O.:~Ohllon, 1754 WestCow,ty Linc Road, Ullletan. discuucd Cooncil Bi!I Na. 19 regarding the C intetcbangc. He aid he m:cntly wait ID the lllle highway dr.partmeat ta get a highway= pcnm11 01110 County Line Road so that be could COIIWIUC ta have a safe ud private access from his home. He ,aid be was informed that Douglas County passed the permit an ta the Slate dcpartmcat afhighw-who then got a letter from Highlands Ranch Metrapolitrut Diatricta indicating that they di d l10I ·.,,. be should make this application . Or. Ohlson opined that there is a conflict that might be difficuk ID -m U.-1 Hlglllando lwx:b Mello Districts might be presenting ta CoUDCil items which arc Dot true. 5llldJ as elevation problems. Ho alral that Coacil ca asid<r l'urthcr additioa lo the changes ta include a,smaJJ right-of-way far(!:;. roadway ta continue the grant and casement that the City gave him in 1965. In ncsponsc ta Counc:I Me.m bcr Varmina g. Dr. Ohlson clarifiod what was depicted an the map of the area in qucstiaa thal he pt'l>\ide1 to Council. (e) Dumnc Ammennan. 3898 South Cherokee S!Mt, discussed the pror,ascd Weapons Deal ers license. He said that. just because Vi'C arc taJIOn g weapons. everyone wan1s to over regulate it . He feels it should ll0I be 'apprl>\'Cd because he can not sec any goad coming from it. (!) 8.-a Fau~ 41SS South Huron Street, C.'<J)rcsscd her concerns regarding Council and City gavemmcr.1 isswcs. She 5'1id for the past several months Council seems tu be very focused an personal agendas radier rhan co mmunity issues. Our commun ity, she stated. remains concerned aboul very serious 1SSJCS di1ll1 ~· elected Counci l 10 deal wi th . n ,csc issues continue ta be health and safet y, quality aflifc. and C'indereJ I• City a, a tax base. There has been lots of time and money gcacratcd an Cindcn:lla City. bull JlS of tonight there hos been little pro gress made regarding an y aftl,csc issues . Ms . Fout said her sca:Jtu!! a ll'Xm is the appointment of Mr. Stanl ey . She questioned whether this lS i.n the best interc.<t of this City. She asked if he is goin g ta be serving in both capacitie;, and if so . bow arc we going ta fu nd thi5. 'Ullus is a srnall city. she said. and mast of the people who work here have dual incomes because the)· Im-. rm She sai d sh e seriousl y hopes we stop and question thi s ITIO\'C . Ms. Fout said she would like ta pcrsamally thank Lauri Clapp for Slandi ug up ta sa me of th ese issues . It takes a lat of co ura ge, she sud. tci 'tak.e a stand on issues that arc not po r,ul ar. ~~1c opin ed that that is what Co uncil's • • • • • E.....-,.i 1;11y Council Mln:h 17, 1997 J>aaeJ posilioL 11, to lake an w,popular stand. Her third coam, sbe rebl:d, is tbe o-il's polallilJ for polJcltia tildl llCllcr1 Slle .. lhll :ates-, £na die~ lllllil---W.,,,, Council andlXJ)Nll'III--. Ms.PautllidCaunall-11'10,JilllbeCll),pido--1D-itlOplhor witb ... anilllnll)'ul\ltplt/illelnllltbcj, .. h . (J) Slndi Ollema, lUJ Soadl Cln,a Strmll'tild Ibo-,.._ .. _ ill a the i_. pan of the Stu:ly Session to hear tbst Council is-..: tbll tllft __ .,......__,.•Chey 111: .- going to try to laCklc them. She said she was lhriJlcd to hear that and feds an.--CIDlllpUI)' that performs audics wowd be appropriate. In 11111111)', Ille aid, lllo rerieMd a Ille IIIIIIIIJ die Cily euitled "Standby". This file. she aid, was kept by Chuck Reid ad ends abruptly at NcMallcr, 1995 . When she asked Mt. Clatt why Ibis maner was not plc:kcd up~ Mr. Rlld1s ,.__ IIS....,S iD a laucr dated April 8, 1996 that Reid's rcplaccmcnl was DOI appointed until six or SC\'eD IDmDS..,. be armed. Reading Mr. Clarlt's response, Ms. OAema said "the Neighborhood Watch ..,,,.,_altbe Deponment al Safel)' Somoes'ilsamod rosponsitilllly for tlls<isu'la eidy'lffl. s~.6oflia,iilldd -..J I neighborhood meetings and Slin<l,y was OM'iiflllo flni .,..........,. lit illsjillilll~•, impoll • team early thiJ year. TJln is no DOid fat Suzle Q,-IO lie ilNlalwd ID this -..... tbc polia, division ', cumnt dTons." Ms. Ostr.ma told Coaaail 1h11. whm lllcCIJIIIXlcd Al Smley by phone to find oul what the police division•, cffons w.:re going to be to this end, sbe -told --ao directive in writing and he had no idea that Neighborhood WIidt was rapomible for aMrias .. llni/BJca..._ issue. He indicated that the impact 1c:un was formed and they -,Jd handle the -· At a meeting held at ~Chlrcll le Octobero~l996, Ml. O.anasaicl*ast.-lC.~ wiry they practiced sel:ctivc code enforcemen1 and lhe response was tbs! ii was the Cauk r6-· w, ,....iy Doug Clart. that they could DO( effectively do their jobs. She said ii has oome 10 la -.Ilion that Mr. Clark has laid alnio •k,ound \.,JIit IO get 1'lr. Sllluley in10 the p6dlion of Alsiaa Oi!f ......... LSlle voiced her suon~ olljecllom to thatbocause Mr, Stanley buebllush on bisplac .. ._dllllcull)' CDOU8I dealing .,;th tbst wilhotll taking on a second position . Then, is ......, ..-.. ~ .. .....,. and Ille pension benefits and having two pieces of ealre inslead oftbc-lbal we all ga. Sle foos i1 is improper Iha! this position was nol open to the public like all af the prior Cicy anpl~ positions have been . mainly OP ".:hannel 8. Ms. Ostema said she may want 10 apply for tllis position, addiilc WI she is sun, tl1ey w,uJd love to ha,·c her up ihen, wilh !hem. She questioned Mr. Clarlc 's choice. ~g thal he d ... hal'c a lol on his plate and that he probably does need some help, but opining that '5llr is 001 suro Mt. Stanley 11 approprinle . She said Mr. Clllltc just fin,d Suzie Gncc, whereas lbal migla 1ia, .. ~ WI opponunity to I.rain her into this position . She questioned the msubordination of ML Clarlt an<! M, Stanley evcu conting fc.nrard wi•h this kind of a deal. Sllling that tbae is oomediillc ftlllly stinky ahou• iL She advised Iha• !hey sl1ould nil be aware Iha! the ciliuns aren 'I going lo pul up wi Ibis std, Slating l'lal she \\aDled 10 end her commcncs on a good note, she said she was very ihrilled J> bc3r !bat Cruncil has finally decided that !hen, is someone out !hen, they can lislen IO ud hear 1>1'acclte people '""e to say. Addressing Council Member Wi,urns. Ms . Ostema said pemaps he would like IO -off on a good no1e with her and apologiu f9r calli11g her a witch hunler. (h) Vit:C,, Lo.timer, 231S South Broadway, said she hales to ialte Ccum::il 's time to :isk pro.cdun: bul 1his i, the first m•,iin g she has aucnded . She sa id she is concerned amd illtmsted in ihe propoY.:d ordinance n,garding firearms and weapon sales. She asked how this will -t. if Cow,cil will disabic; it and then we hav~ n chance to talk about it. 11,<ayor Bums advised Iha! the City Manager has rcquesled. and ~ !aye , Bums said he «lllCU1S. thal lhe ordinance be pulled from lhe agenda for funlier n,view. He invilte Ms. Latimer io mn: her opinions if she would like to . Ms. L.ltimer said i• seems Iha• people who have fireanns licenses are already compl!t.D& "iih just at.a u, C\'C rytJ'.i ng that is in there and she feels it is confusing . e..,_. Ci1J Caundl Mllcltl7,1997 f'llt4 , I fl 111 0 II I 111 ,, I I (l) Mary,-lndllcld. MO ii 111111 l'llilllal,of Erclewaod. 111d a)I the NIUO!l!II 11i11o -'----lol,byill for Ille 11.-t/lColorado llldjllll bappelled IO Ile ill IOWD , Sb.> IIIYiMll lbal 1111 - .....illy a lot olba IIIOlnbul repnlina the onllnance !Ml CaliOll ~ be ,-1111&, Sbo ollnl lier ~ ....., lllll servica and any Wormatlon that she mlgbt have available u Council looks apin at tbe ___,, Sbo 111=1 MIii Mr. Sdlreincr lhat I.ho onlilllnce ii extn:mcly poorly wrirten and. ~ ....._ .. .-madoil• ~mrcn.10owa1Dlfsi-. I. C-•elc ...... '°' I 111 1 ad Appoia._11 (a) A pn)daaatiaa .._.,, Cbrlstiu lliombelJ oe the occasioll ol her 99• binhday - a,midcrcd. 01, "' l.'i I • cm COUJ«:IL IINANIMOUliLl' MOVID TO APPRO~ A PROCLAI\IATION HONOIUN~ C11111S111U ILOMBIIIG ON JIU ?CCASION OF BL, 99ru BIMTHDAY. Ayes; C.OW ,ciJ Mcmbcn Vonsitll11, Wlgin,. llal,eoich~ Wagioocr, Clapp, Bums Nays: Noec nc .... canied. ~) A pndlmllioadll:llrial the woe&olMlll:h 16 tMlllp 22, 1997 u lalOnlllioaal Ddlaiay w.ll-~ COUJKILMDOIU BAJIENICBT MO~D, AND IT WAS SE-."ONDED, TO APPROVI A PIIOClAIIADON DECLARING THE WEEK OF MARCH 16 TH .lOUGH ll, 1'97 AS INTUMYIONAL DEMOLA Y WEEK. Ayes: Cowacil Members Vonnillag, Wigins, Habenich~ Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Nays: Ne. no-. carried. Br:mdon o-.n, Maslcr C<iumdor ol the Englewood C/'"!'tcr, wu present to accept Oie proclamation. (c) A proaalllllioa declaring the wed< of April 6 through ll, 1997 as Building Safely Wed< _,.,.......i, COllNCll. MEMBER IIABENICH'!' MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PIIOCIAMATION DECLAillNG THE V'EEK OF APRIL 6 THROUGH 12, 1'97 AS BUILDING SAJl:TYWEEK. Ayes · Nays : The motion carried. Council Mcn,bcrs Vo, mittag. Wi ggi ns. Haben ic ht , Waggoner, Clapp, Bums None d) A proclamati on declari ng April , 1997 as the Month of the Youn g Child was considcr<d. COUNCll. MEMBER CLAPP MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A P'IIOCIA~TION DECLARING APRIL, 1997 AS THE MONTH OF THE YOUNG CHILD. Ayes : Coun ci l Members Vo nnit tag. Wigg ins. Habc ni ch1, Waggo ner. Cla pp, Burns • • • • • EnaJewood City Cowlcil ~hl7, 1997 Page$ Nays: None The motion carried. It (e) A i..r llom Join MiW. illdldiliaa lier .......,.6alll .. En~ Calm:~ Anl, > Commlalofl -COlllideled. fl COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS ....,.._D, ro ACCIPT WITH REGRET A LETIER ROM JOAN MJLETTO INDICATING m llESIGNA TION FROM THE ENGLEWOOD CULTU1tAL AJITS COMMISSION. Council Member Habenicht commented I.hat Ms. Mildto did a YaJ1 mo jab m helping 10 pull the commiuiotl together. She said she is sony 11111 Ms. Mileao ir ill_...,.... gdi .._, ..,._ Ayes : Council Mallbon Vomialg. ""-"" Habenicht, W""°""'. Clapp, Burm Nays: None The motion canied. t , Council Member Clapp advised I.hat Vera Mollla was pn--"DI _, aa:q,t the pruciamatioo declaring April , J 997 the Month or the Young Child. Mayor Bwns pn:selllal die pndamaooo 10 Ms. Moala. Council Member Habemcht recalled 1hal 11 t1,e beginning m 1990. Oauacil pusod a resollalioo iudlcaling LhLI this is the Deade orw. Child in Engle-,d. ' 9. Public Dunne No public hearing was scheduled before Council. MAYOR BURNS REMOVED AGENDA ITtM 10 (a) (iv) FllOM 7111: CONSENT AGENDA JOR FURTHER STUD":. COUNCIL MEMBER VORMl7T AG REMOVED AGENDA IT'"<!:M 10 (a) (i1) FROM Tin: CONSENT AGENDA. Council Member Habenicht asked when Agenda Hem 10 (a ) (iv) come back for con, ·.cration . Ciry Allomcy Brotzman responded tiiat Council had a Study Session 011 dm and had no input. Now. he said, at least we have some input from the industry and we will want 10 U\-it discus.sions with the industry rcprcscntali\'CS before it is brought back to Council . He said be tlDa ,not h.-ve a time right now because no notice was received prior to tonight that there was a problem "itb tl6.. COUNCIL MEMBER CLAPP REMOVED AGENDA ITEM I I (a) (1) FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. l!.-,d Clcy Council Mild! 17, 1997 Plac6 n I II. 10. II !,,IT COIJNCIL MDISU WIGGINS MOV&D, AND IT WAS SICONllED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA mMS 10 (a) (I), (II), (Ill), (Y), (ri), (vii), aad (viii) ON i'IJIST R&ADING. (a) Appn,,e oa ·l!illl Kading ~ I (I II I" ' 'I I I ,,, J(I (i) COUNCIL BILL NO. 21, INillODOOED BY C0lJNCll.,¥EMl!ER WIGGINS A BILL FOil AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TITLE 5, CHAl'TER 6, OF 11IE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985, AND ENACTING A NEW lTILE 5, CHAPTER 6, ENTITLED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTAIIIJSHMENl'S WHICH UPDATES . CLARIFIES AND BRINGS 11IE LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FOR ADULT ENl'ERTAINMF.NT EST Al!LiSHMENTS INTO COMPLIANCE Wl1ll RECENT CASE LAW AND Wl-llCH REMOY.ES AMUSE~il;N;l'S FROM ORDINANCE NO. 25, SERIES OF 1996 Wl-llCH PERTAINS TO 11IE MORA TORiUM OF LICENSES IN 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. (U) COUNCIL BILL NO. 22, INTRODUCED BY CuuNCIL MEMBER WIGOINS A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING lTrLE 5, BY ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 23 , EHTl1l.ED PURCHASER OF VALUABLE ARTICLBS AND AMENDl)jG TITLE 7, CHAPTER 6E, SECTION 4, BY 111E ENACTMENT OF A NEW PARAGRAPH E, OF 11IE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985. (iii) COUNCIL BILL NO . 23 , INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 6E. Willi 11IE ENACTMENT OF A NEW SECTION 9, OF TliE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 AND ENACTING A NEW TITLE 5, C1W , ER 26. ENTITUID TOBACCO PRODUCTS VENDOR. (v) COUNCIL BILL NO . 20, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS A BILL FOR AN ORDINANC E AMENDING TITLE 5, BY ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 20, OF 111E ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985, ENTITLED SPECIAL EVENTS . (vi) RESOLUTION NO . 39. SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE APPROVED 1997 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR TilE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO (vii) RESOLUTION NO . ,IO , SERIES OF 199 7 A RESOLUTION DECLARING 11IE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ENGL EWOOD , COLORADO. TO CREATE PAVING DISTIUCT NO . 38, ADOPTING DET AJ LS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED DISTRICT. AND DIRECTI NG PUBLICATI ON AND • • • • • • Bnaie-,.t City Council March 17, 1997 Par-.1 h n, l '(11 l hoa11 l.,11 QI ti d t M g MAIUNG,~ TIIE~CEOF HIIAIIING ro 1llli OWN£RS OF nm REAL P~I/ERlY IN 1:J,!E DISTRICT. L t; (vlll) COUNCIL 81U. NO. ll. INTRODUCED BY COl.,'Nl'.JL M1!MBER WIGGINS A Blll. FOR AN ORDlNANCE AIJtllORIZING AN lN'IERGOVERNMENT AL AGREEMENT P AINING,TO TIIE EN'IERPRISE ZOE MAIWmNu CO]mlA,CT, ~N TIIE COLORADO DEPARTh.lENI' OF LOCALAR'AIRS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ("E .D.C.") AND THE Clli' OF ENGIEMXI). Voce.-lis: Ayes: Nays : o..il.....,... Vonniuag, Wiggina. Habcllicht. w........, a.,,, &ms ~ The motion carried. 11 1H ) lJ ..fl lJ 'HJ (ix) Ccwlcil Mtmb<r ",__. llkod DI~ Foodaol)lio ~ or ,. Utilities if the map pl'CKllted c:arlia by Dr. Otimo comctly depicts lite an,a in question and what the intent i1 with bit rood, whetlla' it ii__...• F iDlo the fuNR Highlands Ranch Boulevard. Mr. Fonda responded affinnath'Cly to both..,......._ Mr. Vonniuag then asked if be wa,; ,,;:orncdy remembering that it is about '"~nty or thiny lieet back up in there. Mr. Fonda said where the int=tion comes iD, bisaalCIS-woold .-ilao,bis bauoe from thaldilec:tiooand then later, if ii became a road. Ihm ~ be public ...,... to t.llal poi,la or .., 'MJUid continue whalcvcr private accc,., be ocedcd 10 get into bis subdivisioo. Mr. Vonoinag asked if there would be a probicm with letting him build his road where he wants right on to where this r<Nld is ancl still leave tbc old iaal lilae. Mr. Fonda said be doe< DOI know, lhcre may very well be, a, the bigbway dep,:>ttllltllt hast.a-, difficult in pennitting acrc= that clooe to what l"i]I become m,vo, inlen:baoges. 1 le said loe ....W -know at this point, since it is the fin;i time he has looked at iL Mayor Bums aokcd if this ii an enti,eJy ,... ""1CCI& o, aa expansion oi the one thal is already Uicrc. Mr. Fonda responded that the one Dr. Ohlson ii ~.og is a new aa:es., do"n 10 County Line Road . Council Member Waggoner asked if therc wcdd be a aossing of tbe Highiinc Canal wiU1 the oew proposal . Mr. Fonda said therc would not. Oarifymg further . Mr . Waggoner said that what Dr. Ohlson is proposing is to leave tbe crossing in aad swmcb back around and come in at County Line. Mr. Fonda said that is co= He said be does DOI~-a the lugbway department will object to the proposal . Council Member Waggoner asked what JS wrcmg wub tbe Hi ghlands Ra!,,h Boulevanl e.xit. Dr. Ohlson answered from Ll,e audience Iha~ during the period of co nstruction. there will probably be another year in which Highlands Ranch BoulC\-ard will ha\-.: no acc<s< ail of tbe construction equipment from County Line Road. since he believes they ,.ill not aJJo,o· dlaD ao CD1DC down C-170 . The coOSlmCtion ofU,e highway "ill present a great deal oi bca,')' llaffic dllrillg Illa period. He said tbere arc thn,e elementary school children wbo have 10 get on tbe bus in that -=a Md th-..re are oo provisions 10 allow that. It seems much safer, he said. 10 move 500 feet east. then. in tk year that they finally gel Higblands Ranch Boulevard done and Engl ewood decides perhaps what ~ waru 10 do wiU, the ground up there , we can put the so u1herl y intersection with Highlands Randi &ulc,.ud in. II should be in anyway. ~c sa ,u. hc<:a use you Ena)ewood Clly Council ~17,1997 P:,ge 8 bavc lo"-~ to year gmu,d. Dr. Oblioit sald l t ii 111 llllllk c:ondillon ror 11,c ..,._ lillD ... la 1 the 11Ubdlvi1ion and be ,aid be would prd'er IO keep the private drive for u loag II be ca. Council Mcmbet\vqgoacr ..t.ll1itlliil isjtlst 111 lnlerim mellWe !Ilea.' Dr. Obl,on mW.be bdieMs that about a year 11 all the highway department will allow IO bave a scparntc aa:csa into a claa lllnle ...i. which is what County Linc was, but oow isn\ because it is shut off on the west end at S-Fe. Mr. Fonda opined that they are ••quhod to pn,Yidc acccs, anyway, u port ola C01lllndic,-pllljecl. They can not 1 .... you without 1CCCSS. tcmpomy orothbwi,c. He said he does not knaw wllal .._.,,_is for that bccau,c they have been negotiating with Dr. Ohlson . Council Member Vonniuag asked, iflhis l111d will come back to the City, and be opened ap a --mad. can wc live with that? He alto aslte4. if the highway deportmcr,1 doesn't approve iL iflle.., do aylhing with iL Mr. Fonda said be can noL Mr. Vonnilllg said dlat 'all Dr. Ohlsoo is saying is -we ..U gi,-. him that land and we will just take that land back. He asked, again, """· as a City, lnw a problaD with that. Mr. Fonda said be docs not know. COUNCU.. MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED THAT WE TABLE TBJS ITEM UNTD.. ADDmONAL INFORMATION IS OBTAINED. ' ' Mr. Fonda ,aid this is a very late pn,po,al anil wc may be holding soniclhlng up. He ..,.....i _,, over the situation it 1113)' came. Mayor Bums asked how macll of this proper!}' the City owns. Mr. Ponda .__ Illa! --me triangle from the Highlinc Canal to County Linc Road. He said we may be putting RI~ bstl-at a • disadvantageous bargaining position at this point. He feels that we could always go back-· ifdley pass iLand modify . Mr. Vormittag said he would be ,.;mng 10 do that if we can at least hear him out and if be.can build bis road if it is suitable to the City. We eotdd pass it 1onighL then. and it wouldn 't ncassarily be a mac <l<al . He said ii looks lo him like the road goes right along the Highllrie Canal and am!OI OU1 oa C-, Lille and he docs not feel ii is a big deal. if Dr. Ohlson is willing 10 pick up the expense of building the RBI. Mr. Fonda said you ar< losing the use of that land and he docs not knowiflhc highway deponmenc ..ill allow it. He said !her< is a substantial chance that a delay could be costly . City Attorney Brotzman said there are two lhillt, going on . One is the highway proj<,:t is under construction and on going, and the second is Centennial Water District has begun oondemnalioo proceedings on this piece of property against Dr . Ohlson to get the ea,cmcnis. He reminded Council that tonight they are only passing a very small portion of one or the,c cascmcnis. having already posaed ,- ordinances on this issue , one allowing the casement transfer and tl1c other aJl owi ng Centennial to pcform condemnation . Mr. Fonda said that Dr. Ohl so n can negoti ate with Highlands Ranch r<ganling the condem nation. Highlands Ranch os negotiating with the State regarding what tl,cy will and will not allow. He feds that if Highlands Ranch and Dr. Ohlson come 10 the conclusion that that is the bes! way to prococd. !MIi we probably would 1101 object . For the City 10 jump into th is may throw a major ,.,.ncb into ii and.,. .apln stressed that thi s is being p1<5Cnlcd at a very late date. • • • • h v'.lth'.'l bw,,.f.\ l!aai-,odCii)'c-:il Maida 17. 1991 ..... , I Id I~ 'I ~ .... ~oir,,.d!lial, lia»ru II~ 111,ll,.i lllldiaa, IC.-cJll~-up tut ....,,,_ca..-•llllinecc:: • ladiaa, ii coul!I bNJ1!C111 wi~latarferial.wilh whalis hlppollillc .... ' I COUNCIL IIDD&II WAGGOl'IU W[l'IIDUW 11JS MQTlON TO TAB.IL I] Dr. 0111aa •._is just a Sllllil lrilllpc IIIIIHighluda ~b Mcffopolitan Diruicu needs for Higbluds ~a...anl, lbc-ol ii btloep !O .~ and its use bas~• graaled 10 him for Ille ... tlliny-6,,e ~---For Ibo ... "'llilty, privacy, l!Oill ~ alld IO (onh, pr. Ohlson ~ that be -.lei -llavc his caltlllCC, which be is swo the highway dq)anmeat will approve if the owner of tbc ..,...t ..... wmch ... -o!ain-.. .,..,, Ol,bu Ulla lhol. be mainlainocl, Ihm, is QO problem. H ./ I/ 'I ,i Dir<dor r.-.i.a1 for clarification that Ille pn,blem is 1101 lhc pem!OIICQI solution, but rather the tmparUy ......,_ i)r. Ohlton aid be ._ for up IO about I )'!:al', tylr._ FOllda said be could get with }!jpjaads ~ baa,-they 1-10 haw a plaa to provide him ·lllle aa:as. Dr, Ohlson said be ha.; a leuer from .._ illdic:aliac they will k.cq, ii opca u long u they wi and it is a Slcp by sacp procalwo , N-iDC tbc lea. -, .._ 't throw inio thal formula tbc fact that it is going to be a very high use constnictioo toad alld C...-y Lille Road is p,iDg to have 110 tnflic on it exa:pl big trucks, concrete trucks, cranes and trucb bau1iJ1s-. 11p IO.cbo ...,,,_ fna tbc nunh 1idco. , Council -Vonaittag med Mr. Fonda. if the bill is passed tonigb~ whether he can wcri< that out ,.;lb him bcbEllle m:ood reading. Mr. Fonda responded tliat he will contact Highlands Ranch to sec what their plu K. Dr. Ohlson -Illar they arc asking him for lhc entiro right-of-way , the entiro casement. Mayor Burns askod .......... -oeli,casancal is. City AIIOrncy Bl't"7JlWt responded that be aClually has a reconbl -:md Ibero is some dispute over whcro that...._, ·,n1 aonially is . He actually has a dri,-n-ay that doc,; DOt sit in the rocordcd casement , he said. and they have started condemnation proc:ocdi.qs o■ Oil .... ,cat, whida damimtes ow,r any casc111C11t tbat we bavc. Mayor Bums opined llut be docsa ·, 11::Dow. lhcn. what "" can do at tbis point. The Deputy Oil)• Clcri< ""' asked lo r1"3d Council Bill No. 19 by title: COUNCIL BD.J.. NO. 19. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER \'0RMITfAG A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE REGARDING C-170 McLELLAN INTERC1W,r.1: AlJfHORIZING NEW DEEI'S i'O., TillS PROJECT WHICH REFLECT l1iE FINAL DESIGN CHANGES. COUNCil. MEMBER VORMl'ITAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM It (1) (Ix)· COUNCll. BILL NO . 19. Ayes: Council Members Vo nn ittag. Wiggins. Habc ni ch1 , Waggoner, Clapp , Burns N2)~: None The motioa c:mne:I. (x) Dir,aor Fonda presented a n:u,mmendatiou from the Littleton/Englewood Wa.siewatcr Ta:anncnt Plant Supcnisory Commiucc 10 approve by motion a constmcli on co ntra ct for trickling filter _,-al lhc Plant. l!qlewood Cily Council Mardi 17, 1997 Page 10 110'.) VII) boo,r.,~Jt] tet/1 •1 rl,t M e s'I Council Mallba ClaJIP1'iml 1h11 w 1lllderl'linds 11111 the ,.i;, ..... _ -,.liile ~ $200,000 J nnd $400,000. Di\eclorPonda ml !Jw tsoilt..ia-llpl .... .,....._ __ lbillallll repair \s goiaglObe in the range ofa l'llilllon and a baltclollan. Ml. Clapp...,. ifllleSl00,000 !0$400,000 ii going 10 be ,pill with the City ofl..:tllelon. Mr. Fonda~ IM il .. be split ftlly-flfty with Lilllelon. Ml. C1Appsaldihealsl,D1ciet'itaadltllitltbaota ....... ._.Clfflildy.l ~-POlldasaJ41 tha1 is IIUC, altbouah th= ii I wry 1iJbllantial liand balucc that will_. any oltbcsc repain. In addltion, dll, bidl to die plant came In 2 '½ mi111oe dollan IIJlder tlm. ~•""will not dweed, ...., with this repair, 1'flat"" """'origiNlly tiudeetinc lot the-•----. We uw Ir, IIOI • a desipatcd Item , but"" have -dlaa adoqule !land....,... to..,_ ill, Ille aid. COIJPICIL MEMBER VORMJTTAG MOVED, AJm IT WAS RICll!IQIID, TO AWARD TIii: CONTRACT FOR TRICKLING rn..nR REPAIR AT THE WASIEWAnR TREATMENT PLANT TO CENTRIC JONES. Coundl Member lfabenkht asked If the City oiLiUletoa llu lllee ...,.., !Id, yet Mr. Fonda said that Littleton does not like action oa this. Their Connci1 w llleeri apprilllfllJI' 6elr City Mallage, 111d then the Supervi,ory Commiuee recommends to ns and, by Qllltnct. we -•...,. """entet into the amtraeb. Ayes : Council Membffl Vor111ittll&, Widiaa, llillenicht, Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None The motion carried. COUNCIL MEMBER CLAPl' RE!l'JOVED AGENDA ITEM It (IJ ) PROM THE CONSENT AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED, AND rr WAS 51:COl'IHD, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEMS 10 (b) (I) THROUGH (Iv) ON SECOND READING. (1,) Approve on Second Reading (i) ORDINANCE N0.16. SERIES OF 1997 (COllNCll BILL N0.10. IITTROOUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING 1llE PURCHASE OF A PARCEL OF LAND. A PERMANENT EASEMENT AND TWO TEMPORARY EASEMENTS LOCATED ALON G WEST OXFORD A VENUE BY rnE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIO N FOR 1llE CONSTRUCTION OF STA TE HIGHWA Y 85 (N ATCHES COUllT FRONT AGE ROAD ). (ii) ORDINANCE NO. 17. SERIES OF 1997 (CO CIL BILL NO . IS. IITTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG) AN ORDlNANCE AUlllORJZING AN EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TilE CITY RJGITT-OF-WAY ON TilE CITY DITCH TIIROUGH 1llE PROPERTY AT 835 WEST QUINCY A VENUE . (iii) ORDINANCE NO . 18 . SERI ES OF 1997 (C Cil. BILL NO . 16. ll'ITRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG) • • • • • • ~ City Council Muc.bl7,1997 Pqe II I 1l l vii> br,o, l~u"; r ~ <I l:nrJA I l•'I AN OllDINANCBAMl!M>INO !fflt.E 5, OfTIIB IINOU!WOOD MUNICIPAL,COOE 198' WITH ,< 111E ADDITTON OF A NEW CHAl'l1!R 19, l!lffl1U!D DIRECT SELLING UCENSl!S ~ ITINERANT VENDORS LICENSES AND WJIIOf REMOVES DIRECT SELLERS AND ITINERANT VENDORS FROM OIIDINANCII NO. 25, &BRIES 01! 1'96 AND OOUNCIL BILL•NO. I h Sl!klBS OF• 1997, WHICJI PERTAINS TO TI!BMORA'lOIIRM OP UCENSl!S IN 1llBiC11Y OE ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. (iv) ORDINANCE NO. 19, SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 17, ll'ffilODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER VORMfITAG) ·' AN ORDINANCE AtmK>RIZING AN Oll. AND GAS I.BASE BETWBEN 11lE LITTl.ETON/l!NOLEY/000 WASTllWATER TREATMENT PLANT AND I. MIOfAEL McGHEE. Voce .....its: Ayes : Council Members Vonnittag, Wiggi ns, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp. Bums ;, ,1, Nays : None The motion carried. (v) Council aJDSidcrcd oa Kl:Olld radin& Council Bill)lo. 18 which would n,quin: ID aflldovit al lnlalt far write-in candldatcs and l1low Council 10 CIO<d ID electioo Wider WWII cin:umstanc:s. Council..._ Clapp sb.lnd mmo citi1.cn iaput that the roceived repnliag Ibis bil~ Slating Iha~ for example, if for some reason then: is only one candidate for one sea~ and two or lhn,e days prior to the election. they do something that is criminally wrona or jU5I IOfflClhing poople diJagree with, this would not allow the people the rig,~t to say no, C\'Cn up to tlte final day befon:. Appointing the candidate docs not neassarily protect the votcrt and allow them to say yes or no . Even if it is just the ooc candidale. she said, they may decide to \'Ole that one candidate down . CnunciJ Member Vorminag asked who they would vote for then . Ms . Clapp l'l'~'J)Oaded "nobody". Council MeaJcr Wiggins ai~ die candidate woold \'Ille for himaelf aod that· is all they WOllld need . He said if they are a criminal then the City Auomcy can aihise us whelher they wco!rl be eligible to hold offi r.c if IIIC)' wen: charged and convicted. Mai·or Bums agn:ed tha1 if yo u wen: onl y charged. but not co nvie1cd. there could Ir. some n:al constitutional issues in pulling them off the ballot. Council Member Clapp said you would not pull them off the ballot. She said it is her understanding that there would be a yes or a no . City Auomcy Brotzman said there would just be one person · s name to vote for . Council Member Vormittag added that the candidate would just have 10 punch out the little circle on the ballot and he or she would be in . CounciJ Member Waggoner asked if you h,we to file to t:-c a write-in ca ndidmc . City Auomcy .Bro l.7..man said yes.. you do h;vc to file to be a write-in candidate . Council Member Habenicht said th is is suc h a sticky ,.;ckct and that she understands that yo u uy to be n:asonable and rational and planned an d you don 't want any upstan candidates c,,ming in ~·ho upset apple cans at the last minute. Bu~ that seems to be the American way, she said, and she ,.;11 probably vo te against II . Engle,MJOd City Couacil Man:h 17, 1997 Page 12 ORDINANCB NO. 20, liERll!S 0, 1'97 (GJUNICIL lllllJ NO. II, DffllOOllal> BY CXXJN(Ut,jQ A MEMBER viJRMl'l'l'AO) J ""' , ,1 'L I J 11·1, l() 11 rna I! C l 1 • 11 I". f , \ 11 ANORDINANCl!AMBNDING'fflU! I. aarn!lll, BY'l'IIECRBA'DONOII/J'WONBW. • > Sl!Cl'IOMS 7 AND I, OF THB ENOU1IIIOIJD MUNICIPAL COOi! 1915, JtBCi1ll)RINO APIIIDA Y.l'r 01' IN'IENI' l'OR WRlll!·IN CANDIDATES AND ALLOWING CITY COUNCIL, BY RESOWilON, TO CANCEL AN ELECllON II' 1lfERE ,,._ NOT MORE CANDIDATES 1lfAN OFFICES TO BE FILLED AT SUCH ELeal'ION. ' < COUNCIL ME!\IJIER VORMITTAG JIIO\IED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 10 (II) (Y) • ODINAIICS JIO. ll. Ayea: ~....., Vo,miaag. Wlgins. w...,.,..., Bums Nays : COWK:il Nombm Habcnich~ Clapp 1bc motion carried. 1 1 , II. Ordl•-Raalatlaa_ ....._ n 't (a) AJ!!>mve on FiJII lludiac (I) Diia:lor ~..-1 ,.. 1 tiea fnlm Ille Dtpanmcn1 of Financial Services 10"""". ,............_ .... for Dilm Sellen aad lliner:mt Vmdm licma. M r. Gryglewicz said• appticmoll foe ii waSIO.UO aad will 11111 cbuge rmm 1ut yar. The "'"°lution was asaigued 1.....,.. al-"'° title: RESOUJTION NO. 41 . SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLlfTJON ESTABLISHING FEES RJlll DIRECT SELLERS AND ITINERANT VENDORS LICENSES l'NDER 1Til.E 5, OiAP11!1l 5'.tOF 1HE ENGLE\11000 MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 . COUNCIL MEMBDt VORMJ1TAG a,l'ED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM II (IJ (l)-RESOUl110IIUI0.41. Ayes : Council lU::ml>m; Vorminag. Wiggins. Habenich1 , w.-. Clapp. Bu= ~·avs : Noac TI1e motion carried . (b) Approve on Second~ Then, were no additional ilcmJ submia..1 br .appnMI OL 51:COnd 11:ading. (S<e Agenda 11cm to (b) • Conscnl Agenda. l I l . f'-eneral Di1e1111ion (a) Mayor's Choice I. Mayor Bums advi,ed thal the °"'"""' Regi onal Co uncil of Go \'cmma,ts (DRCOO) meetin g will be Wcdnescby nighl t\ which Ibey ,.iJJ be .. OCWLD g >gain lhc 2020 plnn for lhc Denver melro arc:,, He s.1id thi s is an c:<trc mc ly important pica: JI. wort that they ha \'e been wo rid:1g on for years • • • • • • l!qlmlod Ctly Cowicll March 17, 1997 P..,13 2. Ml.,w Bumllid Ill loab ~ IO ful1hor jap,11 ,on 1llo $outbJl/oldn)' lllldy. 1111 aid ii 1:1 wry imporWII lbll "'worlt wltb 1111 ciw.s 111d 1111 ~ !)II an.d,ny. He fodl ..,,_lama lat liom 1llo bulimaol and llllluslrica thal ...... allallplina IO ~IC or lmpn,ye, lbal M CID lean, l'rolll -,II atbot, aad tbll It 1111 way Ji19 wil1 lmpl•~•II a .......cul ~.di a-s,,.,, lllldy. (b) Council Members Choice (i) Council Membor Wipiu I. lie Ilic! h WM ,eadiaa thc minulel oCthc HOUSU1g Autbori1,y IIIOlting or la.nua,y 29, 1997 wbcm Le; .lelllw1Hf llll HJIIOricai Sod<I)' II quoi.l .. ll)'in. lhal they bavc cnaaacd lllo ICMC:CI of aa OUl!il IO raise $750,000 llrtbo .-onli011111d naaYllion oflllo SanlalfpllcP.oL Mr. Wigiunskedfilr conftnnalioe that Ille promiuory IIOIC 11 due to Englewood HouaiJla Authority in April. 1997. Mayor aw..-. allinnllMly, ll)'in9 tbat tbo Hlslorical Socicly .-a coosidcnblc -ol-r IO Ur; Housillg Authority. That IIOIC, be aid, will be coming up for review, and one tbiug they are pn.,,asu,g is, if they aclllally raise 11w amount of money, they could pay th>; IIOIC olf. MayorBwns said they bavc llltcd Lbcm for "''"" iofanuliaa about UlCIC 11111d raising activitios aDd what lbeir plall is 111d they ""' now waiting for thal information. Council Mclllber Wigins asked wbot happens if lhcy do IIOI """' the April dcadliDc. Ma)'O( Bllllll said they ~ probobly jlllt live them Ill -ion, Cc.wicil Mcr.ibcr Vonnitlag said. fo r the n:conl, he arid two others will be doing lhat fund railing. He opined tbat"" sho\Jd 1111111,we tbat much problem rai&ing the money within six lllOlllbs or so. He saiJ his goal ii to pay tbo llto&siDg Authority debt rr.c by the end or the yoar. 2. Cow1cil Member Wtains said be wu OOIICCrncd lhat at lul Monday ', Study Scssioa, COUDcil Member Clapp wanled to have a meeting with City Manager Clarlt and City Altom..y Brotzman. He said he was lksignated at Lhc meeting 10 meet with her and Mr. Clari< and Mr. Brolzman and the meeting DCYCr came abol!L Now, be said. he bean thal Ms. Clapp did DOI want him to be then:, but ..... tcd Council Member P.al>eaicht in lieu of him. He said he oow wonders wb:u he has done to get Ms. Claw up,et at him. Council Member Clapp stawd that he has done nothing personally wrong. She feels she has dc\'Cloped a rrlationship over the 13'1 y,-.ar with Cowlcil Member Habenicht and feels more comfortable with her. As of Thursday , she said , 511c had not llCIIJ'd ::nythiog from anyone so 5bc ficu,crl no one would llavc any proble."11 with postponing tliaL Furthermore, she •'lid. she had undc151ood that City Maaagcr Clarlt was soing to be out of 10""11 this last week . She sa id Counc il Member Wiggins w:is welcome to sit in if he "rokl like. (ii) Council Member Clapp !jhc said. in light of some current issu~ and some public input. she would like to dirca the City llllomcy 10 draft an ordinance prohibiting double dipping and move forward al our nc.'11 n:gular SCSS10n . 2. Ms. Clapp said she thought ii would be a good idea if we drafted 311 ordinance that would require: all orlinanccs coming from staff 10 be sponson:d by a Council person. J. She sai d she has been asked by ·1 consti1Uen1 10 review why "~ have no-parking in some a=s. In that she has not been invo lved in a:,y nerp.irki 11g areas in her service on Co uncil. she said she is not Enpewood Cily Collllcil MIich 17, 1997 Pqc 14 I "' l '(Ii') boo 1r.,fjn.l rp 'I 'l ,lniJ~ I n'I why y),, hffl lhtm 111d ...,....,'I _tlllspnlldmsi'1..,-I0111. 1uspondiflstliCoundl Member Vormlllag. Ml. 0..,ald tllil fl primlrily tnlihll lM M&fi 1ochcloti1t "' ;I• ' "I' 1 OJ fJ 111 rf 11 Cily Managcr Cluk Did tlleRlt ....... bit a(hl8,y on tlllt. lie dlltlod to lllcllllale I meetlng'with Ms ! CIIIIP and the citi=. Ms. OW aid lh< -.Id like a letter with the bullet points as to why this came about. ri l I Council Member w.....,. Slid there are dill'crcnt n:asons for dftmtl ueas. Council Member HallOllldlladtlill eaell onc of'lhaoe came•• M.Jl l ofpelltlonsfrom cltlzens within the area. SIie sald 11,cy_.,._ Caancil and dlcn! -llliigbborhood meetinp and they came up with ,olutiom for Ille,,....._, l!ICII-di!'...,. and,.. illililll•l'l>r ialdoftlS of the ffll. f, 1,n I Council Mcmllor Vonnitlll _, tlley wae fro,n Sllldent Jmldng daring the day and anolller ;vu sportlftl! events. Thc:ywaeaOoclli.,,....._ ,I ,, Ci1y Manager C.'lm 111d ther<llllld pmblbly pul IDFlhcr !IO!lle land of cnncise repon and send ii out 10 everybody OD the biClory OVC i!laiff. 4. SIie said lhe wa aslmd to ◄ somctJ,ing that came oat In a Plaruting Wrzonlng meotlns . Carlene Wall.er mlCS lhal lht< City bas some kind al a labor Cdlllllld with her ~. Slandby. She said she is ~Uy curious lo fiad -iflhal is lruc. She said she highly doublS iL 5. COWJCil Mcmbe•"CliliPP aid she~ lilu: to addn:ss some letters lil:tt hlM came from st.all'. The first one was from Cn, Muagcr Clark dated March 13, 1997. Reading from arpreperec1 l<tter, she said •1 do not agree witb 0...-Brotzmao's opinion concerning Article VII , Scclion 52 (g) and (b). I believe it l\'OWd be prudeal ID 1t.'<t lllllllher legal opiftion on this matter lo protect the City of Englewood agai1151 possil:le f'utmt lcpr lillbilily for violation ar the City Cllaner. • Addressing Mr. Clari_ st,, czmtinaed -You na.. made ii quite clear that you endorse the concept or double dipping pensioos II the City's"""""'""' I take c:,.11'Cme i...,. with your position. Englewood should pay out only one pension per cil'.' cmpk!),:,c . Our city government was not designed to make iL< employees ri ch. Concerning Al Stanley'• -daecd March 12•. 1997 to you concerning the subject or' A!sistult City Manager Position '. Sim:,.,. clme 10 send tllis memo to me along with your memo, I can only conclude that you arc in o".!11 agr,anenl with its contents and tone . In one instance AJ Stanley stl1CS 'I am nol interested in retirement and lh<"n being hired as 1hc Assis l:u 1! City Manager '. In the very IIICXt scntcncc Mr. Stanl ey stalCS 'I might have been under dilfcn:nt circumstanccS '. I ta.kc tt~ t0 oe:in that he would have enjoyed the opportunity lo take retirem en t and a ci ty pay chcdt if oo one ...,-"4:! have object ed. Sounds a little like sour grapes to me . Mr. Sbnic)' ,cems to objec,, -vehemently 10 my having the audacity to dare nsk any questions tliat c\'c n to!.lch upon the issue at•'hat compensation would be paid to him in the cvcn l he is hired as the A!sistant City !\.ianagcr. Ht: Slllles that it is 'mrot_ hypolhctiC!l ·.lnd a waste or time to answer'. Funher, Mr. Stanley stales that my ccma:ms arc 'i ntcmal admi nistrative issues nnd then:fon: outsi de the scape or counc il'. • • • • • &&lewood City Council March 17, 1997 Page 15 Any d•yau or lll'f Olher.,._ bead r,rapcao to-·•pooillaa iacilJ, .,_ ._..,._ well cwcr S100,000 a year to I IICW cmplo)'a. I am Filla ID• ci-ionuad plailr ae ..... MY Council Member who objec:U IO ,uch queltiona la Jcrdlct In their duty IO the people wllo elecalld lbea. Mr. SIIDlcy swcs in the memo 'lflhelc iaues continue IO be a concm, and inlaferc in die daily operaliowl :,(Ille city, llleyCIIII euily be remodial 1. I rail IOam • mkiac~ ........... a poalble IIW'f In lhe,1111p or lilt..,_.. for a pi'opllcd ,_ poaitba will 'inwfn la .. _., operallom of the City'. l'lulmr, wmld Mr. SWdoy am, to eL'lbolllC oa Ille wi1a1 lhral • 'ca lie mi!y remedied'? Doug. you no,· Mr. Slanley oor a,ry Olher ~lad~ for Ille cilizas of~ MIi ldl me nor any other member of the duly electc,\ Council wbal i1 or ii DOI-..,_,, ,...... Cilr busi-. COUIICil IIIIMl'I IO the cilizcnl of BncJOMJOd. DOI IO Ibo City Maaaecr-the S.-,0 Sen,ica Manager. II is your job to comply with all lawful requests for information from Council Monollas oa •Y and all matten concerning City government. Doug. tho tone of Mr. Stanley'• memo WM imolenl and bordcringupoo ~ Not,..._ with simply delivering IIICb a foolish ud ill adYisod IWemen~ Mr. Slallley chmo lO ..__ Iii contempt ror Council by copying tho endre ar.ty ,cmca lllff u wdl u all~....._ Bia iaat by this action is clear, Mr. Stanley wants to encourage insubonlinatioo and c:ontempl by Olllc:r ml' members. t am astonished that you lacked the good judgment nca:ssary to c:oonsel Mr. Slallley agaiaa ---. a,ci, a diatribe. What's e>-cn more utonishing Is that you endoned it. Doug. have you forgonea •lo,.,., 1'UI< for? You were not hired to tell the Council what to do or what to think. Your actions insult die citizms or Englewood and bring disgrace 10 your ollia:. Doug , I want lhil reply included in your peno-i file and Al Sllllllcy 's pcrsoad file alcai 1'illl -,.r and Al Slallley'1 original memos. See to it that this memo is distribural ID the s,me people .... oca:iwd Mr. SWlley's original memo, all City Cooncil ,ncmbcrs. dopartrocnt directors and Smy Sa-nas ..a:.· Ms . Clapp said she would like all of the documentation to be entered into public n:c:onl. (Clerk 's note : Documcntatioo includes Response to Doug Clark from Council Mcmda Cbpv.•tad March 16. 1997; Memorandum to Mayor Bums and Members oft},, City Council from Doo,gOadi. dad M..n:h 14, 1997 ; Memorandum lo Council Member Lauri Clapp from Doug Clark. dated Mvdio 13. 1997; Memorandum to Doug CL'lrk from A.F. SWlley. dated March 12. 1997; E-Mail Message ID Gt,> Anomcy, City Council, and Ci ty Manager from Lauri Clapp, dated March 11 . 1997.( (iii) Council Member Waggoner said to lca\'e him out of the loop. Council Member Wi~'lns said "that makes two ." Mayor Bums said he would like to comment on one thing. Regnrding Council Member a.w·s rcqacs1 that ordinances be sponsored by Council Membcls. he sai he has oo idea how far that ,.;n IP-lt s,cms there are an awful lot of ordinances that come from staff that are administrnti\'e anc ; .,..,sckceprng Ho expressed con::cm about the volume of meetings and phone cills that would have ls I,,: dcac ID F'Cf'le that kind of a request . He said it seems mind boggling . ~01)-o-cil Mardi 17. 1"7 liJnt,o:, ·tu'J .t:..orn:,Jijo 1 ~ P, • 11.M Pagol6 I 11'1 Coalll ...,.. ..... aid ii ....,bonal -,pie, wsclmipaone, wsllkehlml, -wcdtyou;ve ,,., pll,-..n-w .. 11. lo'-llll,lleald,,lliaal.dlis-ilricil<ulaa I 13. a,,....,.,.,.. J' I( .J/10 (1) C-,.._,..O■di Rpo,llld• lll■-""Cindcrdll Oil)'.• Ooewlhe tiplficu~ cb■ngcs Ina• .... be 111d. ii 111■1 be -•willl the ..iopcr lut wcdt and. giwn lbol be ;.babilld odle6ole..., rs,·a11 llad .and llaliaaDevelopmcnl swh,ill 1,o,_;ag wilh bbn lhis,m ud will be rovisiag ,_ st,edulc. As IOOft u ii ii available ii will be senl oul In lhc Council packcls. Additioa■lly. ~ devdapcr pRIClllal a pro rorma in about early 1995 and. be said. wc have r,qUCSlcd lha1 lhc pm .............. '11111>~ will lab pi--w. next wed<. Furlhctlllore, be aid, al lhe last ...-.gwillt l!qaillllit, dler l,-i ID.., up lhoir ldivillcll wilh rqlld lO 101110 of lho 1-,• .....,._.__ l'llanlN _ ....._ Moollgome,y Wards. LcaoCnfta11ad101DO iype oromc. upllllle. ' Cow!cil Mm1bcr Wagoacr asked when lhc revised agn,emcnl wilh Equitable will come forwanl . Chy Mlmpra.lt oapaa,lod 111■1 Mib Miller 111d llleir locol lltDmC)' an: llill wonting on itand be haa not beard aa,111i■atillol i. -it. lie llid lhef bad a llOSlion and Ibey were wonting oa eome mision of luplp ad ---titM bat..., ,nn&cd 10 got Iha! done by mid-April. He said Council will ga a filU revid-., 11111 a Scudy S..... will be scbedulcd. Mayor a... aid ii is very iJIIIIOfllDt lo move Ibis along now as \\'C an, 31 lhe poin1 now where we can mate,.-,_,......._ Council M<at,er Habcnichl said. wilh regard 10 our discussion wilh lhc people rrom Soulh Subwban about bia p■llls, Ille -1d lib ID llave samellling ollicial oa lhe record io rouow lhrough oa lhal ~ • --Oanmaulh ClllllMdiaa be lbc very DCXI one. She said \\'C have been pulliag a lol of money -... Ir.Iii ud so -.. our people really dN 't h3vc aa:css ID it Tuey seem ID be williag to tu<: that Oil ad IDl)tJc we need lO sciu lhc moment and whatever needs 10 be done officially . she said, she MXlld lik to ba,-c on lhc wnoen rcainl lha1,,... an: Jll)ing to go ahead wilh lhat. Council...,..,._ Waggoner asked iflhat is in Ibo Consclvation TRIS! Fund budget or whcthor wc h3vc 10 ba>'C. -OIi lhal. Cily MaaprC!ait said he would cbcclt OD lhal. he though! ii was goiog lO be brou ghl forward DUI orlhc Co........_ Tn.st Fund. Mayo,· Bunr-. aimmcatcd lhat be thinks it is VCl)' exciting lhal Ibey arc wonting on lhis and lhe 0U1cr ?rDjcct .,,.., be is very pleased lhey arc moving ahcod on bringing 1ha1 bike palh down 10 U1e Soulh Plane Rh-er and aaoos lO lhc bike trail. Council Member Vormiuag asltcd. regarding lbc Study Scssio, agenda. if lhe Soulh Broadway Action P1aR al baen suliicienUy co,-crcd or ,.-bclhcr ii should be covered again. City MDog,cr Clarl< said he wllnltd 10 wk 10 lhcm a lilUe bil more nbou1 enfora:mcnl posture and lhcy OC\'Cr ~ &Ol lo lhal. allhou1ih t'1cy provided Ille process . There has been discussion between staff and • • • • Bftllcwood Cily Council Man:b 17, 1997 ...... 17 IOIIIO "'tbc Cowlcil Mcmben, be ald, and fed, ii rally .a'ordo 1'1111 c-;J -n U ID what type of enl'DRlODICIII pollllre lhey lhould 1W with the South Broodwly Pia Council Member Vnnninag said he -.Id Ul!e ID Fl 11111 oa aontbcr Seody SmicJa agenda u soon u poaible. Mayor Bums asked, since it is coming ID III tl11ouflh the public hcarilla ,...,... uyway, if we .,. ge1ting ahead or the game. City Attorney Brownan ,·:pil.al tbat it came ID dlaa dlnlugll Planning and Zoning and !heir next action will be ID support the 1eooh1tion or~ iL nae is no p,blic hearing roquircd on Iha! resolution, ii is • first step in the pnxea DI 1.oing a variety of adla ordimDccs thal will be coming forward. he advised. Planning and Zoning hll'. :.bout thr<,e public bcarinp oa tbal issue. Ma)'or Bums fell thaL before we get inlD cnfo1,cmcnL ..,. have ID laKJw wlw -are lrying 10 enfon:c. He allowed Iha! City Manager Ciarlt bad been concerned in that m«ting tbal --. "' much on !heir plale Iha! wc couldn 'I really finish it all , and Indeed WC didn 't have IUK ID pn,perly address lhal. 14. City Atlornty's Report (a) City Anomcy Brounw, said be has bad a....,-6-Couacil Member Waggoner 10 updale lhc recycling ID place more of the bun!cn on lhc 1'Ulc hauler. ,_ than the citizen. He said he will be doing a r.:dr2ft or tbal ordinance. On COW>cil dirccud ordinaDas. lie said. which would include lbc two new ones, !hose have to go to a Study Session and have a disamila II! Council before Ibey are pul onlo lhc agenda. He said lhcy will be drafted. bul they will be oa the Sludy Session agenda. {b) He asked for aboul fifteen minulcs in Executive Scssioa afta tbc regular meeting to discuss negotiations with Home Lumber. COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOLLOWING THE REGULAR MEETING TO DISCUSS HOME LUMBER NEGOTIATIONS. Ayes : Nays: The motio!l can icd. 15 . ~djoumment Council Members Vonninag. Wigg,m, HabcnichL Waggoner, Clapp. Bums None MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOURN . TI1c meeting adjourned a 8J5 p.m.