HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-04-21 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • ENGLEWOOD crrv COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAP ABOE COUNTY, COLORADO April li, 1997 I. Call to Order The regular meeting of the Englewood City Cooacil was c:illcd to order by Mayor Bwns at 7:4' p..111. 2. lavocadoa The invoc:,tion was given by Council Member Wlgias. 3. Pledce of Allegiance The Plcd&c of ~ llcgiance was led by Mayor Bums. 4. Roll Call Present: Absent : Council Members Clapp, Wiggins, HabcnichL Vormiaag. w_,.,,._ llwns None A quorum was present. !Clerk 's note : The District I Council scol is vac:uu due to the rec:ill of Counci! Member llalblw2)' by a majorily of the VOIC •I lhe Janwuy 14, 1997 RccJI Elc:ction .1 5. Minults Also present: City Manager Clorl< Ci1y Altom~· Brotzman Cil)' Clerk EUis Director Esterly, Public Works Engineering Manager Kabm Director Long. Library Services Neighborhood Development Coordinator Graham Business Communil)' Coordinator Scibclli Director Simpson. Neighborhood and Bus iness Oe,-clopmcnt (o) COUNCIL MEMBER VOR.\IITl'AG MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDU. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULl.R MEETING OF APRIL 7, 19'7. Ayes : Council Member.. Vormiltag , Wiggins , HobcnicbL Waggoner. O app. Bums Nays : None Motion carried. 6. Scheduled Vlsiton TI1c rc were no sc heduled visit ors l ■cJe,roN Qy ~ April 21, lffl ,..,.2 Mayor Burm ....-..1 lbal. later oa thc Agenda, Council will COfllidtr a resolution to approvrl the outline of the Saud, Bn,a,nay Plan. He poiated out that there is no ordinance invo lved there that addresses any puucuJar mid aCbusioess. it is just thc broad outlines of the ~Ian. He noted that none of the ordinances that ba,-. llaea td:ft the Planning Commis>ion in the last few weeks will be before Council tonighL 7. N---.1 VWton (a) SleVe Co~ll SlalCd he was representing OutSoun:e International and that they have just re;:cnalJ ,-diased Stand-By PenonncJ. He said he believes, for the most pan. his company has been r=ntly updadai the pn:x:tediags that have been happening bclw«n the City ofEn;Jewood and Sland- By ~ Wt. Cogswell advised that he is here. for the company, 10 propose what he hopes will t,, • win-,.ia -for bolb parties . Beciusc, he advised. they realize from the actions and prnctediny talr.en thal thc Ciirr does not "ant to have temporary help penonncJ loc:>led in the district they would like ID be ia. -~-together and over the next four months they will reloc:>te out of the City and be able ID --JD do so. Mr. Cogswell noted that they think four months is a fair amount of time and they -alft:ldJ lelh-ely Slatted loolcing for a aew site and within four months they hope 10 be relocated. Mayor a.rm -that this is o comment period for the visitors. that it is not reolly a discussion time for the Cowd. 1k alh'lSCd tllal they appreciate very much that he come by and he was sure this was so,octhi.ag _ am be discussed with tl1e City administration. Mr. Co~II oslced if that is who he goes to next. ~ Bums siated that the actual onlinancc that was approved by tl1e Plonmng ond Zoning ColDIIUS5Gl isquasi-judicia.l ,.;th the City Council and Council hasn't gotten it yet and they c:in't even directly addras JI. He said they ha,-. to wait lcg;ill y until it comes. but then: is certainly nothing that ""uld ~ Mr. CogswcJJ from talking 10 staff. Couocil _. Cbpp thought maybe Mr. Cogswtll could 1"'1ve his infonnalion. his phone number and name. .-nit the ~ Clerlc . May<>r Bums said sure. that he could 1"'1ve his infonnauon ,.;th staff. Mr. Cogswell "5ir<tl who he should contact. Council Member Vomli1tag advised Mr . Cogsw·,11 that Director Simpsoc was £l!Ddin g righ1 there and he should give him his card. Terri Olmsted. 470! South Elati Street, advised that she is a homeowner. resident and ta..11."J)il)U 111 the (jty_ She said she was h"rc to address a situation whic .• occurred last week outside of her home. ~ts. OCmstcd sia1ed thal she tried for"'" "-.cits ID get a pona potty picked up that was left behind by the c:cmsm,,:noo company performing the gas lioe ,opairs. She said the \\<lrk was done and 1he crews "-.re gooc. Tlbe pooa polly was oot picked up and on Wednesday, April 16• it was upped over in~'" night c:mng .all of the human waste 10 spill out into the street and guner. This human waste ran dO\rn the guna-Del puddled up 31 the comer of Elau and Union wh.ich. she noted. is the ent ire length of her propcnr 1Di. &> make maners worse. II was dircctJy across from Clayton elementary so the children had to w.illt ~_,,_or through this mess do go to school and they had ID smell u while oul JI rec ess . Ms . Olmstc:l advlscd that she phoocd Waste Mm:lgcmcnt at 7:3 0 a.m. TI1111sd.1y . April 11• 10 repon ~1e ~'<lblcm.. ~ !honked her for c:liling and said lhcy would gel lh< potty picked up and the w3Sle would be dc:med up_ She said she also knows of three other neighbors tha1 CJJlcd 1hroughou1 the da y regarding tlus prublcm .and that notJun g was done Thursday :ind mess..,gcs left on !heir anS\,en ng servi ce were never rc1 umo:i. Oai Fncb~ morning she said she agai n cont.acted Waste Management as well as Le igh Ann al the Ci ~ 1'-bmager 's offi ce. to rc:pon this problem and ("he noufied Dcpu1y Ciry Mana ger Chn s Olson who contae::t!::d v.;me ~unage men r. ~. Olmsled staled thar bo1b or Ihcm gu.1ramecd !1cr th :1 1 the problem \\'OUld be tJt-.cn ci.n: of immediate ly Friday She noted 1hat as or 1hc noo n hour. when her roommate ~"1JC Wmm:rs cmc home fo r lun ch. the mess w;.s still the re. She s:ud she :iga111 o::\i m:i c1cd Leig h Ann. • • • • • !astewood City Council April 11, 1997 PaceJ 11,_'.) rt, ) boow n'.I ,II Ir.qi, ~ 'JJl&1 who con..--1 ~who~ her tbal il -,id I,,: FOil bdln 1k ~ When~,,. arrived home. al 4,:9() lllarc was llill ao c:Jamq, and she commail<d lllll a.rcaa1c1 lmqlac the -U willl such wann weatbcr. SIie nol<d she left a meaage for t..:igh Ana at 4:JO, ._*!lad~-..,,,.. home. Sue returned her call , bul she had left her oll!ce lO get ho me and -,_ 11111s. AIID. slle Olh'Uid. during lhe day she madl phone calll lO W.-~ who gm: her the,_ ..... OD the finl "'1J and they promised 10 have it cleaned up by the end of the day oa dlc _,_ Cllll Sbe said durin! tbe lhinl. aod last call , she asked to speak 10 the mnnager who. she was IOld. -Cllris ad she was pw throilgh lO his voice mail. She called back 10 customer assistaJ1Ce and Ibey bad lO act as ;s rM:SSe11ger b<:,.c:u her and Chris as he would not come lO lhe phone, but could be heard in Ille bactpaoad 1-ghing as !le pn,mised clean up. Leigh A11n, Ibo aid, pad ~)"'1 lier~ after hours uwnber lO call if* IICCdod 10 ~., bold of Code EnforcemcnL She ""!Id Earlyne R'Jed tlii, number al 5:JO and gal bald al a~ rude operato r numbe r 512 who informed her this was the police department and sbe cld IIOll l:now if ,lie ""1ld get bold of anyone. Ms. Olmsl<d advised tbal she promplly drove down lO lhe police mtion and ckm3ndal 10 speak with someone and they sen1 out Sergeant Silby to speak with her. lllll .. IDOk down some information and said be would look into it Shortly alter she arrived home. * lllid, Scon T~ompso n showed up and roviewcd the situation agreeing that it was heolth hazard and a mess. He C:IIJ:d the fin: department, who ogrml lO come 0ush the gutter. They then called him back ad infonned them i1 wns health hazard and couldn't be Dushcd down !be saorm drains. He alJo ~ lbll Waste ~b..!la2emen1 had spoken with Ballalion Chid Ktaia SIOvall and said the mess would be clmm up, guar.u,te:d ~ lli :,O p.m. Friday night bul the pona polly could DOI be picked up until 16aby. He~~ ii it .. .,,. not done by 10:00 10 call Kraig and he would have HazmaJ do the~ ad !mt bill Waste ~~mcnl Al about 9:JO a lnlCk backed up 10 lhe porta polly with it's l:lilgate --n. bit 1k poiu po~ . .::,oc.la.ng it into the lnlCk. pushed it in and sped off leaving all the mess behind. c:JcaniDg m bing up. ~.l!Urday morning. day th1U, sllc said she called lhe fin: dcpanmcnt that SlDVall ,... ol!fb •I they sait :b:, had dri,-en by and noticed the c:Jean up had not taken pl= and wen: ll)ing to a,oma V JSte M.!=.>~::nen1 but they n:olly didn '1 think anything \\Uuld happen nver the weekend. Wb<n -if t •-..,, ,..~ ~oUJ~ 10 send Hazma 1 o perform lhe clean up. she was told that even though It -,. cnmide:'Cd a luard t,a1 I.be:-· couldn 't flush down the storm dnin. they didn 't consider human was1e in ber pnc-• hc:,J!b :ia=d. then:fon: they wen:n't going 10 call Hazmat. Ms . Olmsted SlalCd she again pll<med the after !>ours number and asked 10 ha\'e Sco ll TI1ompson paged and 1vos informed that he was .,, om du!' and th:,• ,.ouJd not page lum without permission from lhe sergeant on duty. Al this point she adm< 1. she tic-=: =lly angry about what she had 10 put up with . She ~,id she told them that Scro w:zs to c:tll her :i::d :I not she was going 10 mlce action into her own hands including c:illi11g and filing a fon:nal com plaint ,1th !he Sute Hc:illh officials against Waste Management. os wcU as the City of Englcv,ux! fu 00( !akin! :::i.'1: of this . She said they called George Jolw;on with Waste Manogement and spoke wnh hi~ ,.,re. M, Olmsted advised tliat George is not even 1<Sponsible for lh:11 depanment but bad bectm.."!Jcd 011 it on i'ncl3y night His wife told lhtm that he would talk 10 the proper people . In the~ :he •;aid.. th, police disp:uched a sergeant to speak 1111h her He m.1de some phone calls after ,.....,.ing her inicn:uuon and aJso a made a personal visi t to the Was1c Management office to ensure th:n. thae dc:m up weWd We place. Finally, al :>bout noon on Saturdoy, t'll'CC d.1ys latcr. one guy, this crew 11-..,,"lnd lO build 10~,-.b::. showed up 10 clean up the mess. Ms. Olm r.cd said her qu esti on 10 the Cil) CoonoJ nf'En gh:woorl :;, • h) this was allowed 10 drag on for 1hn:c do::,. She asked if they would like human '"2SIJ: tanning lhrou~ t"m gullcrs only 15 feel from tl•cir front door and have lo smell it. She asked if mi::,· ,-ouJd like :)lc,r kids or grnnd kids 10 hal'e 10 walk 1hrough lhis type of mess ond put up ,.;th the odaF 1''iule 31 =s. Sbe questioned why Code Enfo rcc mcn 1. who was originall y suppose to be on her side. docm 't k..iO'" DO\\.' if there :ire any ci tati ons to be issued or if t.hey will eve n file a cit:ition agaillSI. ~ Manag!:ne::i t ~ts . Olmsted pointed out tJ1at they art sure johnny on 1hc spot if a weed grows O\"U six inches t:i.il or Jf ~o u don ·1 have o ua~h can that is just perfectl y right with a lid on it but so~ tilcc humru, ·.-.as1: in the gutlcr goes unnoticed . Ms. Olmsted sta led that she believes this to be a scnous situation ar:.:! tba1 she aJs<; believes the cl1anccs of this happening again wou ld be great She said she is fliat: tonight pu.rruing trus issue and that she will co ntinue to pursue ii with the City of Engle-wood. W'115U! Marulgcme~L :.he Tri - CGU111y Haith~ aDd !ho Swo ~th Dl:p:u1ment She advised ·he is preparln1 0~ to aalily lllD ~ olEqlcwood that lhll ,rni,,pra pnJblem can ~ and go WIIIDllced. She lllked .. 1111 t1ie City will do. Ml. Olmaed ldvisod that slic would leave a copy of her lctier with the City C1crk so 1h11 ii can be mie,,ai ud ._..livcn I!' her. Mayor B1111!1 lllulr.al ML Olmllcd for coming tonisftt and said be felt that they, as a Council, ,.;u llllilt dlil be loobd iD1o and they will Ft a rq,on on it I. C••-icolioel, t'roduladoa1 aad Appolatmea!J (a) COUNCll. MEMBER VORMJ1TAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WITH RIGU:T IJNDA FUDGE'S LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM THE CLEAN, GU:EN AND PROUD COMMISSION. Motion canied. Ayes: Council Member, Vonnittag. Wiggins. Habenicht Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Nays: None Mayor Bums coauDCIIICd that Ms. Fudge '"'15 representing Swedish Hospital and it appears she is looking for a rcplscement. lie IIOl<d that the she was very comphmcntaJy lo the Clean . Green and Proud Commiuioa iD her rai.,..iion Idler. Mayor Burns stated they appreciated her service. 9. Public Barias (a) COUNCll. MEMBER VORMl'ITAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HLUUNG TO GA TBER CITIZEN INPUT ON PAVING DISTRICT NO. JI. Ayes : Council Member, Vonnittag, Wiggins, Habenicht. Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Nays: None Motion carried and the public bt:lring opened. All testimony was given under oath . Diroctor Esterly presented Proof of Publication of Notice of Public He:iring which w.,.s published on March 27. 1997, April J . 1?97 and April 10, 1997 in the Englewood Herald. He said they con look at the IChedule 10 g;..., them an idea of where we arc now and where we are headed. Mr. Esterly advised that on March 11" Council considcred the resclution of the intent 10 fonn Paving Dist rict No. 38 and publication a{tonight's pul>lic bearing has Jed us up 10 tonight April 21•. The ne.,t action on this maner. ifwe stick ro the sched ule. would be May 5~. with tl1e introductio n of a bill for an ordinance creating tl1e district . If CYerything goes on schedule it wouldn 't be until A~ri l 20, 1998 that we will be staning the construction on !his project. CoDSIJtJCtion will be comp leted about five months later and the first payment for this worl< will be due Janua,y I, 2000 . Director Esterl y stated that since, bout 1956 the City has be<:n improvi ng the SlJ"CClS 10 meet minimum Cicy standards through paving improv,·mcnt districts. We have completed approximalcly 99 miles of streets during that lime period . He rc:-crrcd everyone to the map that is associated to the ~hmcnt th.it goes with this evening's pack:lge . Mr. Este rl y said there 1s a map that describes lhc are:1 'lf lhis district ilnd. largely, the arc.,s tha t arc not markCf ror this distri ct wen: ac:c:omplished in previous districts . He advised that the cost of these improvements JIC bo rne by both the adjacent propeny owners through special asscssmer.s and the City through moneys tlc1t are budgeted in the PIF (Public Improvement Fund). The streets that arc proposed for incl us ion in Paving Distn<1 No . 38 arc streets tha1 have not been previously consuuc1cd 10 min im um City standards =i.nd from test.in !,; resu lts they require toLa.l reconstruction . Again . he noted. Paving District No . 38 is scheduled for co ns-.ructio n • • • • • • la&lewood City Couatll April 21, 1997 Pases U1~>,,111 tY.,o In· l'lll ,I. h1q/ q durin1 thc,..._IIIClfall of 1991. Fiadias , irfllo!lag,'.1pr.-uii·111cpn,jca, in uicamoun1of $520 ,000 isbadaaed iDLlle 1!197. Ml(! i111,llld11ll•llc~...;.iadle 1991.PIF. The 1olal cost of the P"'jectwillbeSl.470,000. lle111'4bowwldbo ... •-~!IYljllCUJIIL Council Member Habadclll 1111«1 if any Pl'lPl"1J i. ~ ar 1!"1 .._ l>IJ=IIIP' flom bciq iD a pavill1 district . DiRctOr Estcrly aid JII, IUI owrall ii.._.,.....,. 111111 dl4 ba>e road c:onsuuaion, I.bat wu 10 Clly standanls. cilha beco.-ol IUbdivillNI .......... within Ille Ci1y, and I.be City Slalldanls-imposed 011 tliat .-.11C1ioa,., ___ __,.. 111d brought into the Cily, but upon in,esligation wen, fOllad to have beca COllllnEl!lll • ...a.di tllll _, or c.,ceed the City standards. So. be staled. lbcre i1 no street that is ,.. .-.1IClt:d to Cily Slandards when wc are all done here. but thcrc 1111 --blve not done this 111,ap*-pRXIO$S. Council Member Habcnidll askal. after a SIRa •--..aed to Cily A..ndards, will it or c:in ii or would it be in anolhcr paving district e...cr. Dim:lor Eady aplaiDcd tlw Ille commitment tha1 the City has made throupout coch one or the districts up aail lllllay. ud over the last -IO years. has been that once one of lheac bas bcca C0IISUUClal to Ci1y ......_ ... LIie City would assume 311 maiJUcnancc for thalSIRCI. Mayor Burns qaostiooed wllctbcr aomc ol this bao .-..... LIie WiJlclcnnerc Succt unprovcmcn1, down in that an:a. where this will -o( be aJIIIMa<d ad "8plc:lal in LbC5amc = as the Windctmerc Strcel improvement Diroctor Esl,:rly ad-liscd Lllll. •...-Y. a lol of this do\-c 13ils in \\i th !he work !hat is wider construction by !he SI.Ile ripl now. or a,un,:. Ir .-al our SU31cgy has been. if left in an uncompleted SUic. •~ would ha•• better odds llla1 •• Sblc bigbway dcparuncnt lltc Depanmcnt of Transponalion •,i,uJd pick up a larg<r slwe """· dia boaa -.ldll ·1 fall on lhc property owners for assessment He >111d it looks like that was a~ pad.....,,, dial along wi lh doing !he work lhcy are doing on Windermere. Ibey arc 1oin1 a liUle t,it fwt.licr lllck .-a Ille side sirccts I.ban !hey had 1old us lltcy would originall)'. jUSI to make things tie iD. Tut will be a bcndi1 to !he property owners in lltc area. it will reduce their WCSSIDCDl5.. Council Member Vormit1a1 asked how much UlOK rcsidoats ,.111 be saving. ve rsus if we had done ii on our own down thc road or prior 10 when the Swc ,.~ gcmg IO do that Director Esterly explained !hat this is not 3.SSCSSing for the actual im provements oo W-t&il:rmt.rc. I.hat was done under a differen t pa,'l ng district But be said. for llte side Slrccts that coDIICCl -Wuxlamcre. there \\i ll be a savings . He stated that he didn 't bclie\'C -~ had quantified what lhal...,.,.. -be but thal lhcy coul d gCI thal informa1ion for him if he wanled ii. COUDCil ~ Vamia.g questio ned "bclher II woul d be a detcnl amount of savings or partial. Mr. Esterly said it -... p,euy mini ma!. Council Member Vorminag noted wc had nine clillt:n:m !oc:otions bcrc . He asked if 1hcy are al l going 10 be done at the same time or after one is done will anot.bia CMlilC mn. Di1--..1o r Esterl y advised I.ha t they will all be done b)' thc same consuuction contractor and docy. wtll lca,-c up 10 him how he \\ill acrually phase in lhe work. He said ii IS quilC probable he would do alll'"" !us demo lition throughout all of lltc 3rC3S at one ume. dependi ng upon how big a job that is al cacb. lbcauon. TilCn a different crew would be coming in and doing a base pn:par.ltion of lltc paving_ II IS qmnc ~-be n01cd. Iha! a complc1ely different subcomrnctor would be doi ng Lhe concrete work. Dtm:uur W.rly stated 1.ll.lt the real answer to his question is tha t that is no1 something we control tn die a:mtraa doauncnLS an d ll ~ill be :i sequencing problem the contr.ictor will wo rk out. Co uncil MCllli:a onmuag commen1ed that more than likely it probably should be do ne preuy much a1 lhc same u-. ID,rcaor Este rl y responded 1na)be. Co un ci l Member Waggoner asked if th e pco·Jlc in the d:islna ... ,u be \.'0tmg on th sale of bonds . Director Esterly said yes . lhaL nil! be comi ng fc,rwaro as a sep;u:aue ncm la1er , He e."<p lamcd 1hat 1his 1s the district formauon :lnd when \\C gel 10 the financing pan.JOO of III they '1,1,111 be coming bac k to Council looking at L ' laalewood Clly c-11 April 21, 1997 .... , crmting a bond "I""':)' IO cury Iha! bond rorwanl. a special diJuict. Thole eligible IO YOIC in tbe deaioa -.Id only be j,ropeny'owncii who an,,repllfflll YOlerS In die City on;~ Mr. w....,...- qucstloned w1111..., will i1o ll'd101C happen lo l'oil . Mr. llilerly lldrillOd 1h11 irthole hlppoa 10 ~ :Ill diJUicl CIIII continue lo go ahead. The City CID lhen ellher talk aboal -or 11111 Ibey -ID praoidl lhe 1en year 11.oaacing wilh Clly funds. which we have done on some small projects in tlic past. a, :he money would be due and payable when lhe uoewnents came OUI In die :,ar llOOO and ii ,.-ould be lip ID lhe individuals IO ammae their ..... financing If Ibey WIiiied IO ftlllDCI II -• Jona« period. C:itmcil Member Wapooer poimed out tlll1 lhe ""1 point~ is lhal lhe pn,jocl Is going ahead rqardlea. dlll it depends on whelher lhe prope11)1 owner wanlJ 10 sp"3d ii oul over a len year period u 10 wbellllr tllc bonds pass . Mr. Esterly sald lhal is comet. Iha! ii pnwidcs n colMft.'cnl funding meclwllsm. Mayor Bums asked ir lhost voler> :in, lhe ones immedia1ely alrectcd by lhe project or all property .,......_ Director Esterly advised ii is only !host properly owners who are alfected by lhe project and ~ 10 vote in lhe City. so !here could te properiy ownen oul lherc lhal don't have a righ110 ,111e oa !his. Hopefully, !here is lll le:ist one pe110n 10 vote on II. Council Member Habenicht commcnled lha1 she was just looking al lho propooed 1ebedule and s:..e ;at saw lhe d:ue or January I. 2000 when lhe lien paymcnl is due. glDling 31 her. She asked if Ibey =Id change when lhe lien paymeni is due 10 January 2"'. She sald she would ha1e IO lhink IO swt , -. l,oJc lhousand yeors wilh a paymen1 due. ifM could just ct.nge lhat IO lhe 2"' ii might be nicer. Du=ar Eskrly sald lhat doing Ibis lhrough lhe County he wan·1 sure irtllm is a requirement tJw those :ma be. in !here. actually. Somelime before lhat ..., woeJd be requesting that lhe Counl)I go,,emment do t!i£ IICIIIII assessments . Mayor Bums asked .,y lhc Housing Authority is on lhe fron1 ortbc Oyer. Director Esterly stat.a: :liar quile frequently we will have folks who will claim tha1 Ibey arc not fimncially capable or making :!loll" payments and pru J cular folks who would like lo dclcr 1heir payments until such time as the pre~· llllllSferrcd and ,vc have allowed lhaL He explained tha1 the folks over in Housing an, famili ar .. ~ operating and managing programs like lha1 and 1hcy manage 1ha1 program for us and ~-make ::,o determination thaL in fact. :in ind.hidua.J requesting that cntitJcmenr is eligible for that cntitlcmc::i.. h b3s somclhing 10 do 1vi1h a 101 of other circumsianccs also . so Ibey arc equipped 10 deal willl that """""'ma the: engineers le:iming 10 do that 100. Council Member Habenich1 asked how many more paving dist ricts he lhoughl we would ha,·e base:i aa cx,sting pavement Dirce1or Esterly advised lhal they have identified a pl\ing diSLrict progr:,m :;:, yc:n: eigh~ nine. 1en and eleven. going beyond Ibis one . So. he said. ii looks like we have al IC'1St four :oon: years and those an: subject 10 reconstitution . We might rearrange those because of cash flow . v.c :=11~t spread those out diffcn:n lly, but our tcntauvc plan is that there wouJd be four more disuic ts foUC?o:.:ig tlus. distnct and then we would ha\'c CO\'Crcd 1he cntin: City . Council Member Habenicht noted that these have not been consecu livc years . that these just har:pe:J m be a p.wmg district ye:ir, like some ytarS we ha\lcn't had n paving district . Dircc1or Esterly said l..baI :.s correct. that we h.ivcn 't had one this yc:ir. !his paving district we arc prep.iring 1s for ne.'<t ~c:J.t :-=...: commented that he has a memo that Mannger Kahm prepared April 2nd or last yea r. that talks J.CC •;:i ~ we have reconstituted what we ha,·c always called the len yeiir plan . However. we ha\'e incorpo~ imm a plan tJ1a1 is so me period longer. He explained 1ha1 as we get inlo the later stages of the plan. -;,.~ frequently get into projects !hal require a significant amount of right of way acquis1uon and so t!:.::-.:iolbr vaJucs arc st.an.mg 10 get 10 be significant in si1.t . He said Council will be wc 1gl11n g whether or ::,,:( :ha 15 a reasonab le Jn\'CStme111 of our money to be puttrn g those streets m. We m.,y decide 1h:i t paruc-~ IOC1Uo ns mi gh t want to be put off fo r some ~riod of urne and maybe residents or propert;-0\\r.c:;: :=a-c co me fo nv:ird 10 Co uncil and di scuss the fact 1hm m:iybc we could do thi s :u a l:11u date . W( ~:-:bd • '.) • • • • • la&lewood C11y C-,dl April 21, 1997 h&e7 1 , > '(J ) hoo"'t:,n;1 "Pl 1 (!' I 1qA M ,2&Cf tbal"""" otU.. • j,111--.iy to do. bul wt will be looking a1 lho9e hi the l\Jlure. Director Eslcrly rdlmafal 11111 we...,.,_ Ille ca,r o• up 10 now and lhe more rtilllcull and conl!OYel'Sial ones arc aoio11, i,, CID!IIMII., ._,....._ Mayor Bums med illilels-WIJ acbcr .,..._ or coauncnts from Council lbr Director Estcrty . There--. Bany Shields. 4916 Sooa ""'f--. advised Iba! be put Ol','IIU of Angle Tree Company and they have some propcny :11 oMSO Saia W~ He Dal lhat lhc 110nh borderline there is the street of Radctilfbel-,, w_._..a No,,a,jo. Pan o(lhcir properly on the west side is Wlodermcrc SlrCcl so. he said, lhc froa1ap 1Mr --..I about iupproximaldy 855 feet . Mr . Shields staled lhal he read the u-.., 1h11 -.. • :and be -·1 I00 ~ :iboul ooc lhiog. II said ii may be 3dvanL1gcous to get your own -• • II .....W .be dapcr I.ban having the Cily do it He nOICd he would kind of like 10 know about IMI. • ...... 111111 ...U, 1M cities Uy 1D get lhc cheapest price pou,'llle . So. be said. he would likcalialc~ lllllm pono(iL Maoaacr Karun answered lhat In lhls panicular insuncc. .. ~ a ~..,...iy OWDCr cu biro a privau: conlr:ICIOr and c:tn save over lhe dmrict prices. In lhc pooi111 dilail:I. .. aplaiacd we.,. puUina out• competitive bid for a l"'i" project. large contractors :w _,..-is is -=ary ti. Ibey boD<I Ibo project and a lot of times the co1o•ractors have IOpaJ ...,...,.. Fsaiua,dy, budvilCd. ifaa owner ha, C3Sh 1D worlt wilh lhcy e:tn save substanlially, _. lll'I'• .-:ia& ~ He poimed out that the downsido is you have to pay =b wbal lhcy arc_..,. me pmj<ct. Mr. Shields DOted there was no benefit :ibout fflO\ing ii out O\'Cr a time fnuac. Iii: said•-tllal bOlllm Lbem is because their :isscssment is aboul S7l .000 . He commented that he is sun, C....cil 1-to budgetjuA like they budget This year, he nolcd. has alreody been budgeled for. tJw be i..., COIIIIOI over lhat. So lhat basicolly gives him 1wo ycan. oil of 98 ond 99 10 reall y prepare for $75,000 Be JIOll:d be happem 1D be in the tree business, nol 1he compuler business ond lhcy don ·1 have a prof:. """'Ii• liu tliat He said he docs 001 know how mony people e:tn budget for $75 .000 in o IWO year lluag. Br. opu,ed i1 is really putting• hamship on some of 1he people . Mr. Shields staled tha1 Ibey have OWIICli tlalt propcny since 1916. that they bad 10 give up property when Ibey put Navajo lhrough and Ibey ..., .. .dt.<l:cale that land back to the City for lheir improvements. So . he s:iid. Ibey have :ilrcldy given up--• a:rc of lhcir land 1D lhe City , tha1 lhey have paid u.,cs since 1986 30d Ibey have never ra:cived ""!ftllmc per sc from lite Cily e.,ccpt they pay tl1e bills . They llave ne \'cr llad ,ny assistance. other lham they haoc,aid ta«s all tltesc >= :md lhts IS hitung lhe m pn:lly hard. He cr,mmented !NII he C3JI ~ what Rick Kahm said about saving 20%. bul he e:tn'l budget in a t\\'O yc:ll' period to do lhaL ~-be 1101c..'1. the bonds will pass. The 01her lhing , he s:ud , lhat he is sun: lhc Cily is hll wilh, jusl lilw: (M!' arc bi1 ,.,lh al times. is that lhc City made tliem pul in ga, L1nks in 1986. They had gas tanks tbalr .allll they bod to put more gas tanks in for lbeir service 1rucks. They requested thal lhc tanks be pm, im ,abovc ground and. be noled. 1hc Ciiy \\'Ould nol lei tliem do 1hat lhey had 10 pu1 them in below grg,md. Now. be s:iid. they have 10 upda1e 1hosc lanks . Tiiosc L1nks ha 1·c 10 be updaled next year. so lhe Swe <DI Color.ado knows that ii is going 10 be aro und S 15 .000 10 upgr.ide <anks. He :.i.dvised that the 5'ale of Cai::rado tw gi\·cn lhcm four years 10 bu dget in i:i;:, S 15,000. which they have 10 pay for :utd they have aauiak tb.:u is fairly rt.150rtablc . Mr. Sluclds s:at cd the City is rcq ucs ung that they bud get S?S .000 10 twc>_yQJ'S. Mayor Bums commented 1hat it is :,1s understandin g that if1hc bond pilSSCS n is a ten )'Cl! po~ IDfI' foe hi.n. Manager Kahm said 1hat is correct. Mayor Bums sai d he lhougl1t the underground SlOCJF.' ti.Ilk. program is Staie. th.it '-"'C don 't hnvc anything to do with that Manager J<.'.ihm concurred tb.lt .n ts DOC tn our junsdicuon. Ma}Or Bums :i.skcd if the re is an~ relief other than the bond. th:u someone wno has a lot of fron~gc like 1h1s can use, like the deferrals or 1he al.her things we talked about or do th~ ba,-c ro be in :in 1ndi\'idual hards.hip si1 ua11 on. Manager K.ahm ad,,scd 1hat it would li.1vc 10 be :rn 1.Ddi,md\&.'ll twdsh.i p QSC Council Member Von nina g asked when ,s the la1cst he c:tn do lhlS concrete wort. If .a bas 1D be done by lhc fanuary I. 2000 date . Monagcr Kohm SL11 ed lha1 ,f lite concrct< ,s done pn \'ald~. " will bave 10 be cons1ruc1ed in tlie spring of 1998 . Mr. Vonnmag commemcd t h.i t he c:inn c C'\'CO.. .mc1Ch that out 10 1999 . Man.igcr K:ihm no!cd that :ictu.~ll y II should be laale,,ood City Council April 11, 1997 ••i:e" tl'f,l!'lnt1A t" ,~ .. q completed by Mjly I, 1998, bccjlUlc iJ needs lo be complete before our dlllricl CODUXW c:oaa ia to do the pe.vin1 Wl!rk. Council Member Vonnillq said thal 11 so Ir can be included ia die pricelf• l,id. Manaaor Kahm stated Chai i1 com:ct. Mr. Vonniltag advised Mr. Shlcldl he even bu Ila lime -. Mr. Shiddl uJd ya and reiterated that four ycar ago he knew he had lo come up with die_,-•...- those tankl and they have 10 be updated next year. he has no choice. Mayor Bums ma! Mr. S~lds if be wu oompcnal<d for the pn,pcny he said he gave IO tllc City. Mr. Shield said he was. Ho -■cd.,. v have kind of a long sldnny propcny, but the whole RadcliJris in lhaldlslrict :u,d pan o/W-lie commented that they made a district for homcowncn and he is part or that district coo. He said tbey pay into a fund and be dido ·1 know if companies can be alfordcd that lwcuty of paying lib h 111m. over a certain period of time for improvements on that klnd of a deal . Mayor Bums ltdced if i. .. 11111w,, about t11c Coucn:tc Utility Program . Mr. Shield said he was. that he is going 10 be la da ~ tao, with his hoUle which is on Fox Strcc1. Council Member Vonnirtag med if it is coma dllll C111CC lbc concrete is built then he can possibly joio that Mayor Bums asked SllfriflhcConc.-uim,,-mc.er addressed commercial. Mana&cr Kahm advised that the Conc:rctc Utility addrascs all Ille a>KICU 111 tllc City . Council Ml:mber Habenicht questioned. in a sihlaUdn like this where ..,,,_,. Im a -.,e pcttClltagc or a whole district and the vote would no! be passed for the bond. if it ... ...., it be pasiblc 111 cxuac:t a smaller ponion 10 have their own dlSlriet 10 bond. City Attorney Brcl>:llaa ..._. ua •1111 we have done in U,c pasi. when the bonds haven '1 passed. is IDSlcad of cxtr:lCling a smo11a ,....._ -bwe done the fiaancing on smaller distriets than this one. He pointed OUI that tbiJ is a,.._ 1a1wc-..xi ID provide our owp hucrnal financing. Ms. Habenicht noted that that really puu Ille ..--ca a -or lhc citizens. it is better 10 be a bond. Mr. Shield said that tllcir front faces the railmad ind:s. He -..i ii is \'Cf)', very rare lhal anybody ever walks down that >'UCel. as it is an industrial 3l'C8 Den 10 die railroad tracks. He said he !<nows then: arc other areas in Englewood. such as going dcn,11 Plaac Ki= Dm-c. where Ibey could use more sidewalks when: people go mon:. Then: is • lot more truck tmlic. He swed there is hardly anybody down their strcct as tllC)' cul off Tufts and Quincy , there is only ab• of tbcm right along lhc railroad :r.>.d<S right then:. Plus. he said. they p:ulc on that side of the sum ~1 now and Ibey want co cut off the parking on tliat side . Which means they will h3vc 10 mOYe more f00Gl-OUI co have the em ployees park on the inside. Mr . Shields advised that he talked 10 Ride Kahm c:utier about Iha and he said lhal the strcc1 isn't wide enough or something that the)' c::u, do 1h31 on Windermere 'ie :asked Mt. KaJun how wide 1ha1 \\ill be . Manager l<.lhm advised that Wim1crmerc is gcing to be 00ftSUUtUd a 30 foot of paving and we arc only Ct'nstructing curb and gutter on the west side bcc:luse Um IS ;adjacent 10 lhc railroad and there is no business use on 11131 side. They arc proposing curb. guuer and <>dcwJilk 2djacmt 10 the businesses, tliat's been our standard to provide for pedestrian access. Council 1'lmlbcr Habauch1 asked ifU1is is Ille section that at one point lhc City was going lo request wider right ofv.c;i~ and the propcny owners came forward and asked if-.., wouldn't so 1h.1t the street would be nam,,.,,:rothcr than wider . Ma113gcr Kahm stated th.1l on Windcnncrc from Qmncy to Tufts. a rew ycar5 a.,. lbc::'c was a business at Quincy and Windermere tl131 wanted lo expand . For them lo do Iha! the! a"'1d 001 a1ronl ID give up additional right of way and so the City Council, al that lime , agreed 10 I' • JO r-Wide su=. Which allowed Lhat business 10 s1ay there 3nd :all the businesses. including Angle rree.. ~contacted at that time and agreed that 1hr rrowcr street would serve their purpose. Coun o l ~iembe:r \"anru.nag asked City Clerk Ellis if he \\cold be able 10 vote on this as he lives in the City Ms. Ell.ts said if he owns tl1c property and he is• rcgiSlcred electo r. She 3dviscd that we 3fe Slill discussing the cmma for tlut. The way we did the previous one was that they riad to be 3 property 0"11cr lha1 was registe:rtd to \-OtC. but that she believed it was not just in the City . tkn they h.id 10 be registered to vote in the SUu ~ Co lorado. She said she wouJd h:.ivc 10 check on lhat. Council Member Vorm 111:ig co mmented Ul3( If~ gct5 10 vole on it c:iai would help . John Cox, owner o( some of !he propcny on Radcliff. s.1id he would like so me cl arifiCWGll. u. hcthcr or not he can vole. He ~lnted he doesn 't !ive in Englewood . 1ha1 he is regi stered 10 vote 1n CakJrado and he does own the property. City Cle rk Ellis sa id she would tak e his number and give him a CllJ oo lh1s.. She st:i tcd she believes th:it 1s 1hc way we h.1ndl cd rhc last one . 1f th ey were propc ny owners ar.di reg 1.si:crcd. 10 • • • • • • lt>nl'O'l rtl l b ,nf»n1 .. @{'I ,It Jhql. ¥Ole in Coloado, 6eJ ....w· ::.c._ Mayor Buras lllled 1/e jllll ukcd City Auomey BIIIIZIIIIII and be said 1h11 is tbe --61 tllC last one. If Ibey were pn,pcny owners and rqisl<ral In the Slalc of Colorlldo . So, be said. ..._ .. crileril Mr. Cox wmld bealllc IO vote. Mr. Cox ultcd ifhe would be noti.llcd of when lhil ii. Mt. C.. --..i by Miyor 8111111 and Cliy Anomey Bl'Ol%Llln Chat be would be. CDW1CiJ Mamer Veraiaag asked i!tbe calendar add,esses wllca it would go ID tbe VOie. Manaser Kabm advised tbc eitl:liaa will be in November and Ibey will be bringing 1111s back IO CDW1Cll In July on Ille November lllllat ~ Member !llbenicbl aimmentcd 1h11 i!there is a VOie on a bond issue and it goes on tbc ballaL .. tbc City Council acconling to election laws 3nd all of that. can 'I do anylhing to belp sway Iba --way or Ille odrr. Bu~ she asked. i! she understood it righ~ that possibl y these individuals. iftll<y....a aocouJd do .canipai&n ~,lhin tllcirdistrict. City Attorney Bromnan said absolutely, for male aOaada. Couacil Member Rabcnlcht said altllough Ille Council couldn't. City Attorney e.-....i 1h11 Couacil is actually limited by Ille Pair Campaign Practices Act as to how much Ibey caa cb..S loow muc:h Ibey c::in spend. Bu~ he noted. Ille finance bcndlts all of :he propc,ty owncn, so Ibey ..id be sieppin g forward and actually be out a,nvincing lhcir neighbors 10 take lhls issue up and Fl 1k baad issue puscd. Then. Council Member Habenicht said. tllcy could actually get a list ofall oltbe poapal)'OWIICIS that ~"'1ld be voling. tllcy could do up their own flyer and pay for it and distribute it aad ~ -idn 't be doing anything wrong . City Attomcy Brotzman agr<cd that tllcy """1dn't be doillc~'llliag wrong . Ms. Habenicht said tbey wouJd have to register as a political thing. Mr.a,_ ... .._isa1rrcct. There being ., ....,. ~ and. as there was no one else present IO speak to Ille issue. Mayor Buras asked for a .... • dasl: Ille public h<aring. COUNCIL MDO&ll VORMITTAG M0\11:D, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO CLOS£ THE PUBLIC ID:AllllWG TO GATHER CITIZEN INPUT ON PAVING DISTRICT NO. 311. A)'CS: Council Members Vonni1ug. Wiggins. Habc.nic h1 . Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Nays: Nooe Motion c::uricd mil the public hearing closed. 10 . c-Acc-da COUNCIL MEMBER CLAPP REMOVED AGENDA ITEM 10 (a) (iv) FROM TIIE COi\ ~ENT AGENDA. COUNCU. Mll!Oll WAGGONER REMOVED AGENDA ITEM 10 (a) (vi) FROM THE CONSENT A~,1. COUNCIL MllODl VORMIIT AG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGDJIA ITEMS 10 (a) (i), (ii), (i ii) and (v) ON FIRST READING. (a) Appr<,--al of Ordinances on First Reoding Ci) COUNCD. BI LL NO . 30 . INTRODUCED BY COUNC D. MEMBER VORMITTAG A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE ENACTING A NEW TTn.E 5, CHAPTER 21. OF TI-IE E.NG LEWOOD MUNICIPAL COO, 1985, ENTITI.ED BOD Y PIERCING ESTABLISHMEITTS AN D AMENDING TITI.E 7, CHAPTf.R 6E. WITH TI-IE AD DI TI O i OF A NEW SECTION 6. Ei'IT ITI.ED BODY PIERCING . D, 'J L Eacfewood Clry Couacll April 21, 1'97 Pace to ,, nl {>l'l .I JnqA h:r•'i (U) WIGGINS COUNCIL BILL NO, JI, INl'ROCUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER ,, 111 f ... 1, A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCll AMENDING Tm.I,! $, CHAP11!Jl U. SECTION 6, ENOLEWOOO MUNICIPAL CODE )98$, BY REPEALING SECTION 6 AND REENACI'INO A Nl!W CHAP'M!ll 2$, :.tw OF TITLE$, 11!E ENOLl!WOOD Ml'NICIPAL CODE 19U El'll'm.ED SECONDHAND Dl!ALl!RS. (iii) COUNCIL Bll.L NO. Jl, INlllODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMJ'ITAG A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN "Jl!E OTY OF ~N. COLORADO, AND THE 01Y OF ENGLP.WOOD. COLORADO FOR AN EXCHANGE OF 11iE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD'S ROTOMllllNO SERVICES T011iE CITYOFTIIORNTON .IN R.E1lJRN FOR SAND/SALT. HOTMIXED ASPHALT, OR CRUS'"IED AGGREOA TE MATERIALS. (Y) COUNCIL Bill. NO. 26, INTRODUCED SY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMJ'ITAG A Bll.L FOR AN ORDINANCE AJ'PROVING f-"' il'ITERGOVERNMENT AL CONTI\AC1' BETWEF.N TIIE STAT!l OF COLORADO FOR 1llE USE AND BENEFIT OF nE COLORADO OEPARTh!ENT OF TRANSPORTATION, OFFICE OF TRANSPORTATION SAFETY (CDOT IJTSJ TO RECEIVE OCCUPANT PROTEC110N TWIST CAMPAIGN FEDERAL 1-DGiilo'AY SAFETY GRANJ' FUNDING FROM APRIL, 1997 lHROUGH JUNE, 1998, FOR TIIE PROMOTION OF SEATBELT AND CHILO SAFE1Y SEAT !JSE IN COLORADO AND lHE ENFORCl:Ma-'T CF LAW IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLOR.ADO . Vole results: Ayes : Council M<mbcrs Vonninag. Wigsm. Habenich~ Waggoner, Clapp . Bums Nays : None Motion c:uncd. (iv) Mayor Bums nolC<I that this AgC1.d:I 11cm is~ ""1Jmmendalion from the Ocpanmenl of Public Works lo adopt a bi ll for an ordinance as amcndod approving a Concrote Utility . Council Member Oapp a.auxi that her concc ,n with this D3ztJCUW 1a::n is I.hat she still has some reservation.'" in the back of her mind. although she knows we ne::d soc:rc!.hin g of this type for our Ci ty . She said she would like 10 pro pose tha l oerhaos th ey ou t :1 clause •ttt.::D the ordinance itself that would allow us to review ii within say anolhcr 24 mon1hs . To look at IY fcw,ciaJ si tua1ion of the Cicy and perhaps consider taking on additional financiaJ burden. Mayor Bums said he tltou ght that could be done anyway. lha1 you v.cl!!ldn ·1 have 10 have a cla use . Ci 1y Attom,:y Brotzman e.xpla.ined lhal if you have 3 -:lausc ii "ill co me C".ack to ~ou absolutely or we can simply say staff will bring it back 10 you :11 lhat tim e. He said be 'MlMid be \·011r comfon level on lhat. Cou ncil Member C!app stared she would like it wriuc:n in I.be ~ for rc\'ic:w • • • • • halewo,:.d City CouecU Af,rilJl,1"7 .. II c-.cll ~ Vo~ !'ll,/_ tllCll !"°t woiiJd 'li, _It jl dl/1"'1 pus w!U.11~ borlds, becaua, if till boadl r ll ... ,.. woalda 'I -,I to_,,, ~ ,t City Atlcliaey 'IOIZJnan IIOltd this IS Concrete Utility ' Mayor 8aml llalal lllia ii the c-Ulility and II ;, a dlff'erenl subject. I ,, CoWlcil Member Wiqi.as Aid be remembered at ihe bearing 1h11 both Dir<ttor l!stert,. 111d Manapr It'-swcd tbal if they felt Ibey did nol have enou£)1 l'unds in the pot to DIC the ulility tbal they .aald come back to Council requc:slin1 an increase, Mayor Bums acknowledged that was true, but lbal Ibey cm1d have a dame that mandated it anyway. Council Member Clapp poilltcd out that this 'Mlllld not be ror an inc=. this would be to take a look in 24 months to a ifwe could, as a City, take on more or the financial bwden . Not 10 incre:ise it but to uy todccreas,,iL Council Member Habenichl SWcd she would mppon that, as she doesn't think it does anything excep1 help makc swe they are aa:ouotable to it Also. she noted, it recognizes the fact that the people in the public healUllweren 't UIWlimous on this issue lllld rellectsomeotthec:om:m, and to look at it again 311d some of the dliAp that pccplc were talking about She said they are thinking that perhaps when tbe City is in a bclla filllDcill position that maybe it wouldn't be n=ssary for them to c:ootnoute so muc:11. So. she noted. she -.Id supr,art thaL Mayor Bums opined it is a SoOd thing to suppon. as that was a amcem expressed by several of the people about that at tbe time. Some thought the City wasn't requiring enougll and some thooght it was too mucb. ff< said be had no objection. He questioned whctltcr they can jusl incorporate something like that City Attorney B"11ZmAD asked th<t they do it by motion and he will write lhe language . The City Clcrt read the council bill t,y title : COUNCIL Blll. NO. I~. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMIITAG A BILL FOR AN ORl"J'iA.'ICE CREA TING A CONCRETE UTILITY AND CONCRETE IJTILITY Em'ERPRISE FIJNi) FOR lHE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . TI{E PURPOSE OF nns OIIDIIIANCE IS TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC HEAL TH. SAFETY AND WELFARE AND TO COMPLY WITH AL:. APPLICABLE FEDERAi . AND STATE LAWS WHICH REGULATE THE CONCRE'IE lJTlUTY BY CREATING IN TITLE 12, A NEW CHAPTER 8 • CONCRETE UTILITY AND ,:ONCRETE UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND . COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10 (•l (iv)· COUNCIL BILL NO. 14 ON FIRST READING. co•JNCIL MEMBER CLAPP MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO AMEND COUNCIL Bll.L NO . 14 TO RL\Jl THAT WITHIN A 24 MONTH PERIOD WE WILL RE -EVALUAT E TO SEE IF 7BE CITY CAN TAKE OS ADDIT!ONAL LIABILITIES . Council Member Waggoner quostion<{! whether 24 months would give Publi c Works enough time 10 rc:tlly m ricw i4 get u st anr .t. get enough money. and enter inlo projects in order 10 see wha1 the Gffccts will be. He said he seems like it shou ld be a linl e lon3er lhan lhat. Mayor Bums asked if staff had any amuncnu on whclhc! Lhat is a rc:.:-.o ruiblc time 01 .?OI . Director Esterly noted th .. t the longer that period of time is the more opponunily they lv,vc :o 1o it. H:! ~J !hey would h:ivc ccnstruc1ed one project. llfldcr the program. over the nc.'(l l\Y"'I y~ and 1hcy wodd ltz1\'C 1l1c infonnation from that availa'Jlc. Mr. Esterly stated th:u their co mfon level goes up more and more as they asse mbl e a grc:ucr volume of naustics. bu t we Cil/1 eithe r Go it in 24 n:o;uhs or 36 months. Council Member Cla pp sta ted 1ha1 she is !tpcwood Clly Council April 11, 1997 Papll 1, .. n IQ') ~,. l,noW!I n t "'i' •t ! lnql II".~ thinking 1h11 """' OIi Ille vap al I kw lllipp a fir-~-and she: is1""""11 INI our ta., buc goes up. She rplned it 11111 do -' dial quickly c-;; S I I · Vo,riJIIAC coaunebled dlai' he undeniood her point. Director Eaaly IIIICd 11111 lhc lo•Ft ._,, ..., .,_ _ ijlA>rmaalqn U><y wtU have, t>lll lhcy can easily do ,1 in IWO ya,n. Of course. he poialal -. iia lM> yan lhcy may decide !hey jull MIit lU do a cunory ewhwlon:aocl nil IIIGlhcr y,ar. C"1l8Cil Wmllllcr Clapp qr<ed lhcy could. BuL Mr. Esterly ootod, iD llw )'CIR it brillp ii to CVCl)ilady's -ad we an, looking JI ii apln. Mayor Bums asked if everyone wa com!ONblc witla lhal. ,. Vote n-'1111J oa tbe ameadment: Aya: Nays: Motion cruried. Council Mcmbm \'lmmiaag. Wiggins, HabenichL Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Nooe Council Member Habeaicbl claiod 11111 sbe bas bad ,-od,er question. Reprding the input from !he public having, she said. dleR socmed to be -canc:n about whelhcr or not !he opllns out option MS ~Uy :in opting OUI OllliGa. Sbe !Wed 5he ~ l:kc1111 lll>C Illa! clarified by !he Cily Atl!)mey for !he record. beca\lSC lbcn -somc people !hat lllaupl dtm it rally was making it mon, like not :in opllon. !!=use if you U11DSfemd !he prol,'<rty you -.Id ...., "" pay all !he Lime back. wbelher or not !he property came up 10 lhc standard. She said Ibey _,. s,ggarins INI that may not be lepl and she was wonderinl if City Attorney Braamau could addma dim. City Atto""')' Brotzman advised Iha! it is absoluldy legal to uo llllll and prnctically ii makes )'OW miake Illar choice ot lhe begiMing. ralh:r !hon rolling !he dlce. seeing where )'Ollr concn,to p:s m Llic.li,run, and .f ii is chc:,per to go with a utility. you simply do !hat and make your back f'l)'IIICIUS. 1111 ;o llCII p,actic,J formot of having C\'Cl)'Onejoin the utility unless you simply want to take cm o( your coa-.::rete. Council Member Habenicht said the point that was made 1hat was diffcrcnl from thal. not tmt ~· could come rn or go out at ,\ill. but was when the property actually did change hands and tht lDCW property owner. in order lo be in ii. would have that onus . City Anomcy Brottman advised lhal a di;iautp that IS going 10 be an issue all the time . Depending on whether it is the buyer ·s or scllcr "s martket that 's wh o is going to have to pay to bring concn:IC up 10 standard. He opined !bat .-poop!....,. gou,g 10 opt inlo !he concrete dlslricr at the lime !he house is mid . Tha~ he 004od, is going 10 bea ,aue at all those closings. which is who is going 10 take carc of the c:oncrelC at lhal rime. Well Ihm. Ma.. ihbenicht said. her question is ii lsn '1 either/or bringing ii up 10 Sll'ldanl or paying the badt flll)'._ tbal if ii is still up 10 standard !hey still ha\'e 10 pay the back paymt .. lS. City Aunmey Brotzmaa -ilhal if he was the a110mey, rcpr=nung somebody buJing th• property , he would be 1al-Jn ·1 care oftlt:it assue rather tlllltt leoviog it oul lherc . He pointed oul !hat they sti ll have the option. that you .:ould oegoo:mc 10 uay out oflhe concrete district at that time. You could do thaL he noted. but pnctically clo.,a r,i ...,.,., ue going 10 hove that issue lalcen carc of and i·ou m going 10 bring llllt back up 10 spctd. Couocl lWlcmber Habenicht ach,sed 1ha1 a couple of peofle have approached her :ind said !hat they fell that~. IIIDl)· was ultc forcin g them int o ir now , and 1h01 th e opt out Clption was not rc:aJly an opt out op1100. Cit)~ S.Ud what that means is the Concrete Uullty is a r<ally good ideo 10 be in and you sbouldn ·1 O!)I -. He staled be is nor saying 1hot it is nol a good Iden 10 be in the Utility, bui it is stiU an option . Council Member Vormitugsaid he could gin m~ple ofa -'801 ~~lb Grant. which is 3 brand new home, th ey have bmnd new concrete l11en: and If rib:_\ d.id.n 'l vr.rnt to join. beca use they only expect to live there for two years, th:11 would be a good c.um:plc. Then the new homco"1ler lh.1 1 c:omes m and SJ~ s do I want tc get thi s thing c:,ugh t up or I'm only -.oo be herc five years and tl1e co ncrete :s all su ll brand new . that 's whe re he was saying you z;et mlo thos:-:tungs riglu there. But the homeowner today . he commen1cd shouldjust joio and pay !us S25 .tJCU! versus do wn lh e roa..1 for 1hc new homeowner . He S:Ud mos1 of1 hc co ncrete is 20. 30 years old. bw tbi.t5 house is bra nd spa.nJ.:in~ new co ncrete and th ey wo uld be the pe ople who would w.1 111 to ope OUl a{ 1G. • • • • lallNI ad City CNIICII April 11, 1997 , .. u CoudJ Member Habenicht lllled that she YO!ed ■plna 1h11 the first first rmdlftg. 111d 1h11 11 Ille r' ..coed 11n1 radln1 ud Ille kit they bid taken a loc ~ public comment ■nd .... of it sear.ed to be ir.on, ~ lh■n oot llM>nl!>le. She opined 11111 with the addition ~the miew in rMl yems she llloush& Ille could wtc for it 'di. Habenlcllt aid she ltnowl that !hero m • lot of people who m still (edin1 uncomt,nable with I~ but that she t'elt 11111 the ~ of people who Cll!IC '°"'8nl WIIIWld to haw, IL Mayor Bwns asked if !hero wero any other commenll or questions. Voce .-..Ill oa motloa to approve CINlncR BUI l'lo. 14 u am .. ck,I: Motioa carried. Ayes: ::ouncil Members Vorminaa. Wiggins. Ha.. Jcllt. W•!~, Clapp, Burns Nays: None Mayor Bums nolcd that the ordinance passes on fir>t reodina. that thero will be a sccond rading after the IIIIClldmenlchangcalJO. (vi) Mayor Bwns noted lhat this Agenda Item is a ru:ommendation from the Library to adopt a bill for an onlinance approving a contracl for• food and beverage service c:ut for the Library. Co unciJ Member Waggoner advised thal he just nccdcd some additional clarific:ition as to who is going to be rospomible for damage to property or books if coffee or drinks are spilled in the Libr3ry . Director Long advised that the conlr.lct specifics ti1a1 the vendor concessionaire has a sizable insurance policy 10 cover any major damage. He DOied that any damage lo Individual books or items. if they oa:ur, would probably be ,bsorbed by the Library. The same way they absorb them now if someone laltcs them home and rc:ids them in the bathtub or their do g chews them up. Mr. Long sta•ed they do no! for= that being a major ?roblcm. As the: Co-_,cil liaison 10 the Library Boord. Council Member 1,-·cnicht commented that the Boord has discussed this quite a bit. She said she can assun: Council tha! the Library Boord members probabl y care more about what happens 10 the books than almost anyt,c;ly else . Ms . Habenicht noted that she has neva- seen a group that gets into their thing as much as Library Board people. A lot of it was discussed ru .d a sur,-cy was doue of the public and they also did a five year plan of how 10 im prove Uic Library . how 10 bring moro people in and how 10 do belier service. One of the things that kepi coming up was that this was a new and emerging kind of service 10 provide . Ms. Habenicht staled that it : -~ of pulJ us on the cutung edge. but also in competition niU, other groups th.11 arc doing this . She ,.ud she cannot begin 10 tell Council how sincere ,nd conce rned Libra ry Board members ,,.. They h.we IOlll y asked these questions and put Director Long 10 the lest on thi s one and he has rca.lly co me forward with addn:ssing IUI tJ1osc cono:ms. Co,mcil Member Habenicht advised I.hat she believes , having set through a lot of those discussions. tha t those co ncerns a,c met. Director Long co mmonted that one of the hardest sell jobs they had 10 do ,.,., 10 the Libr,ry staff. because librari ans arc trained 10 keep the books away from that type: of1 hmg. So now . he noted, they arc ha\'lng to do a differcnl ki nd of mind set. He said this 1s somethi ng that you sec popping up mother librai,cs . you see it popping up in book stores like the Tancred Cover. ll is ro51C31l y an ambiance , a fncndlincss type of issue. So. he >dvised. tha1 is U1e roason they are going lo try it •nd they talked to the vendo r and S31d we • will try tlus and hope it wi ll wort.. it may not wort . but we hope n \lolll lqlew,....i City Caudt Aprill!, 1"7 , •. , •i,n C01111Ci1 Member Vonaitta& ......... ii will So, Duoclor Loai adYlted that u you walk in the m,ot door ii "'11 i. ~ IO die Id. Mr. v......, ullod ii that is wbcR lhe IIICd, for sale, book, m. Mr. Loos ...i ya, dlcy will dlill ..._ .... a )inJc bil. that ii '!rill be in the fonn of a vcry nice lookins bulcb. ne...........,11111wW11e-.llliJ)lldlhe~•M<Ouire'sforaboutmmonlhs. ' Cowlcil Member Varmillag lllr•lilr e.;, will 5WI lhil an.r lhe Au,ust Gl)Oning. l>i'"l"U' Lona said no, Ibey will ao abcad and 111n ii priOI! ,., UIIL He advise Iha! Ille coacessionairc is well versed on lhe fact 1h11 we ,ue going to be cloa:d for a IIIIDlllh. so be kDows 11111 aoiJ\& in10 iL Mr. Vormina& commented that it IOCfflS like to him t!lal Ibey -id •'1111 IO opca 11:11 up with lhe big pud opcnina. Mr. Long noted Ibey may baYe a pud opening mil a may be a pud ~ olbis coacasion also. Bui that he ""'1ld prefer 11111 Ibey -.Id III a.bali aim il ,._ than w,lilia&. Council Member Habenicht po;.d-dial illhcy do IIDd OUI 111111! l• really going to be lcniblc, that it is a mesa and we c:aa't talu:cucol iL -ii -.Id be bca•rto ftnd that"'" before the grand rcopcnina when cve,ything is fJah and._ apiD. Director Long said tlw ,, a good i'Oint and he ndvised that Ille contr.ld docs aUow for a 30 day CM<dlalioa on eilhcr pa.'t. Mayor Bwns noted they pul this -for bid lasl year and Ibey didn I gd a bid. He asked Mr. Long how be bappcDcd to hook up witll MJH. llllir=or long cxplaiDcd tlw be was conlaeled by MlH. lbal he has a relative that works for Ille City• klad beard about ii tluough Ibis relative and he gave him a call. Mr. I.on& said let 's talk. Ibey ,._ f!lauor&b ii and be gave him a copy of lhc request for bid. He wcnl back and studied ii and laJkcd 10 m nsm:u,cc agenl about iL made • couple of minor modific:1tions and he is =I excited. Mr. Long said lll<calls him abouc every week wanting 10 know when they will sun. COW1cil Member Vormiltag -iii !lie 1flill be bringina in brand new equipment. Dircccor Long explained that ii is basic:Jlly lhe ....., oquipmcnl tlw he bad "' far as lhe coffee maker and lhis cypc of thing. He advised that it is r.a1 ..-SIID be pizza or frcncb fries and they will still have a sign on lhe door that you can 'I briJ,g your own food i&. very similar to wbal Lbealers do, so lbac people aren't bringing in frcnch frica. pizza and that kiDd rs dimJ&. Counci! . !ember Vorminag C0flllDCIDlod that he is looking forward 10 lhe opening . Counc'J Member Wauoncr askai Cil!) Auomcy Brownan ii he bad locked at lhc insurance policy he has and if hr. is satislied chat we arc~ aJ\'Crcd. Mr. Brotzmao St.lied absolucely, 1ha1 lhis aCIWll cooccssionaire agrccmcnt. e:xccp. 6-.a few minor is.sues. is lhe same concessionaire agrecm~nt as the one 31 lhe golf COW1C. COUNCll. BILL NO. J6 , INilU)Ou.'(D) BY COUNCll. MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AtJ'liliORJZIN G A CONTMCT FO R TI-!E ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY FOOD AND BEVER.>.GE SERVICE . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGO N'ER MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10 (v i ) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 36 ON FIRST READING . Mouon carried. Ayes : Co'JDCtl Members Yonnmag. Wiggms. Habenicht, Waggo ner. Clapp , Bwrns Nays : '°-ne Dircct or Lo ng thanked Counctl oa bcnnlf of 1be L1br.iry. tl1e Lib'"')' Board and hopefu ll y tl1e pu bli c. • • • • • • I..,..._. City Coulldl April 21, 1997 Pap,IS COIJNCll. MJ:MBllt WIGGINS MOVED, AND IT WJ.S SECONUID, TO AnaO\'llt CONSENT AGINDA ITIMS 10 (b) (l), (II) ud(lll) ON SICON'D lllADING. (b) Approwl ofOnlinanccs on Second Reading (I) ORDINANCE NO. 26, SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCn. Bll.L NO. 27. llm\ODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NO . 130 TO THE SOtmlGA TE SA."ff'T ATION DISTRICT CONNECTOR'S AGREEMENT WJTII THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLOltADO FOR TIIE INO.USION OF LAND Wl1lIDI THE DIST!llCT BOUNDARIES . (ii) ORDINANCE NO. 27. SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCn. Bll.L NO. :za. llm\ODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS) AN ORDINANCE Al1IHOR!ZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT i'OR AN EASEMENT FOR IMPROVEMEIITS ALONG TIIE SOtml PLATTE RIVER CHANNELIZATION PROJECT B£1'WEEN THE COLORADO WATER CONSERVATION BOARD OF THE STA'IE Of COLORADO AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. (iii) ORDINANCE NO . 28, SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 29 • llm\ODUCl!ll BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS) AN ORDINANCE ENACTING A NEW TI1l.E S. CHAPTER 24, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MtrNICIPAL CODE 1985 ENTJ11.ED TA TIOO ESTABLISHMENTS AND AMENDING TI1l.E 7, CliAYTER 6E. SECTIONS . Vote raulU: Mocioo cinied. Ayes : Council Mctnbc" Vormitug. Wiggins, Habenicht. Wagg,:m,:r. Clapp, Bums Nays : None COUNCIL MEMBER CLAPP REMOVED AGENDA ITEM 10 (c) (w1 FROM THI: COIISE.NT AGENDA. COUNCIL MEMBEI'! WIGGINS MOVED. AND IT WAS SECONDED , TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (c) (i), (ii) and (iv) ON FIRST READING. (c) Rcso hu ions and Mo1ions (i) RESOLlITI ON NO . 48 SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLlITION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR TATTOO ESTABLISHMENTS LICl:f.J "ES UNDER TITLES . CHAPTER 24 . OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 1 ,noo) rtii boow •r1n! '"1'1 1 1 rt 'tt' ,, (ii) 1997/1991 OFFICE SUPPLY CONTRACT WITI! CORPORATE EXPRESS. (iv) CO!ffllACT WJ'ni M,\CDON~D EQYJJ:~NT COt,IPANY IN 1llE AMOUNT a, ffl.077.00 FOR 1111! PIJRqt'5!10F A TRUCK MOO'NTED HYDRAUUC LOADER Al'ID OUM' BODY. I ' ' ' Vooe......., Motioa carria!. A)'cs: Council Members VtJnnittag. Wiggins, Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp , Bums Nay>: None (iii) A recommendation lh>m the Department of Public Works to approve. by Ddioa. die~ ol a Tilt Cab Truck from Bun Chevrolet in the amount ofSJl,739.12 was comidon:d. Ccuacil -Clapp said that in going throu&h the bids they all looked1pretty nonnal. Bu~ she asked. wmldn't die tnad< be a more valuable purcba2 if within the cab itself we oll'e"'1 air. DiRaor Esterly advisd dlqCllllld r:o bade and ewluate that if it needs to be evaluated. but that be was not prepared 10 .,.._. tlllll ~ right now. Ms. Clapp asud ifhe knew how mucb it would-. Mr. Esterly staled be bad 110 idol• all Ms . Clapp commented tha1 she is just curious as it adds value to the truck and for tbe comfon ill<el having that added to this particular truck. Din:ctor Esterly said he docs not have that informatim oniJable. but tha1 he could get that lnfonnatio n and get it back to her. Ms. Clapp stated she would n:ally liik< to see what that would cost. to sec: if we could offer that. Mayor Bunlsallod what the time tilctor is on this pun:hase . Director Esterly advised that "~ a,e already bc)lllld Ille JO &)'S that was stated in the bul. so he would hope that they would hold it for another two weeks. Cowx:il Mmb:r Waggoner asked if they should go ahead and approve it and just have Director Esterly take a lam: a 111 ud if he thinks it is •=· be can just have it added. Mayor Bums said he thought he could. be did!,'! lcnow why not. Director Eslerly stated that he would e.,pect the supplier would not object 10 us adding a fc:muc like that to the vehicle. Council Member Clapp said yes tl1cy would be adding to and she opimd it would really be a benefit for those employees using the truck . She conunemed these summers are \IC?)' bot and this is a work truck ou1 there , Tilis, she noted. is 1hc first one she has ever looked at Vt::! d osc.Jy and she was just kind of mitred that it wasn 't there . Council Member Waggoner ooted it LS prombl~ goi ng to depend on how many 01her trucks he 's got air conditioning in. Director Esterty sud mid tins one. if it had :tir conditioning. might be a prime choice . Council Member Clapp said she 11--ou.ld fie-to se: that added . Mr Esterly advi sed that they can v1si1 the cnlirc issue abo ut \'Chicles that are or arc DOf. :ur conditioned in the fleet . Council Member Clapp staled 1hat would be grtill. Mayor 8umJ aid \\.I.SR ·1 it a question whether we cou ld pass it. Council Member Clapp srud pass it and then re\'lCW .JIU Cou ncil Member Waggon er noted lo give Dircc1or Esterly the authonty to renew air . ~!s.Ciawg:ij)-cs. COUNCil. HDIBER CLAPP MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED , TO APPROVE A CONTllACT WITH BURT CHEVROLET IN THE AMOUNT OF 532,739.12 FOR A 1997 TILT CAB M.EDl'CM DUTY TRUCK. • • • • • 11:aclewoocl City Coalldl April 21, 1997 Papl7 Ayes: ~ '1 ~ Vo ~ WI ... lflbaiid( W.go,ler, Olapp. Bums 1, o l t Nays: None Motion carried. 'I fl 1 l . Replar Apela (a) Appn>val ofOnlinan= on Finl R<ading (i) Neighborhood De.dopment Coordinalnr G,__ prc5<Dlal a ra:ollllll<lldation from lhc Departmcnt of Neighbor hood and Business ljr'dopmcnl 10 ado\,. -bill liar an ordinance approving a lempOIII)' moca10ri11, ' OD permits and llci:na In spccillc illdiallrialJr zoned areu. He said he is repn:scnting 1hc temporary moratorium on pcrmilS and Ucemcs filrdlc an::a identified OD the auachment 10 this Council Communicauon . He SIIMld lhc ma is boaadali lDII the mwth by Yale. the south by Danmoulh. lhc cast by Delaware an,J lhc WCSI by Santa Fe Drive. Mr. Gnmm advised that staff has studied the South Broadway .,.. for the last year and has idcnlilied dae -.i.,,.,, OD the anaclunent • an aroa with some major development implicalions for South Broadway -E.-,cl OYera.11 . He Slal.Cd they arc requesting. with this ordinance, additional time to study tbat -ad briag back to Council _,. rec:onuaeadalio for n:zoaing and rulcvelopmeot of that a,ea. Mr. 0.--llhised that they identillcd Ihm: Council goab from last year. the commuaily dialogue. quaJily otlil: ail ccaaomlc goals. thzt aD relate to this request. The request spccific::!lly is establishing an cighl llll0llllll ._rary SU,Spension or moratorium on issuance of pennits :ind granting of licenses within that aa.. llic Cily Clerk was asked to read Council Bill No . 33 by title : COUNCll. BILL NO. 33. INlRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A TEMPORARY SU5J'ENS10N OR MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND THE GRANTING OF LICENSES FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN YALE ON THE NORTH. DELAWARE ON 'THE EAST. SANTA FE ON THE WEST AND DARTMOUTH ON THE SOUTH. FOR A PERIOD OF ElGHT MONTHS . COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECO['(DED . ,·o APPROVE AGENDA ITEM II (a) (i) • COUNCIL BILL NO. 33 . Council Member Vonninag asked if this is gc ing to interfcn: "ilh the wed: be ing doe> on the Englewood De po~ os far :,s getting pcnnilS. He comrne:ited that titcy are wori:ing on .mt proJCCI O\'Cr lherc ond he w::is sure they would need to get :i pcrmil or somctlung . Unless. he S3Mi.. t.fil:: '-"lJ rk 11 om where that is not affected by this particular counciJ bill . Council Member Waggoner asked' d" ~-weren ·1 alrody issued a pcnnit on that Mr. Vonninag advised that there might be other wort ccmnng alo ng the line . Mayor Bunt'i said he would think funhcr pcrmilS would be required 1( there \1'35 il':lore ~""Orte done on that site. Mr. Graham advised tha1 tJ1c intent of1his bi ll is 10 restrict pcnnits and tic=nscs on industri all y zoned property in the :irca identified . He s.iid he believes that was on mulu ~ zoo:ed property . Cou ncil Member Vonn111ag s1;itcd he would JUSI like 10 make ii dc::1r. for dt:: record. 1ha1 the Depo1 project tJ1at 1s going on aJrc:idy, wou ld no1 be affected by this. Mayor Bums noted thi s 1s defined by ::i gcogr.:iphic:.,J arc.,. not ~· the use. Cny -\nomey Brotzm.in said • yes. so they would need 10 add industrial. s.a,.-.i City c_.,n April 11, 1997 I nuo ') :,1 buo"11 ...... COUJIICIL MDDU ILUINICIIT ~OV,U, AND IT WAS SICONDED, TO AMEND COUNCIL Bll.L NO. JJ TO A.DD THI WORD INDUST1UAlLY ZOrttD PROPERTY. ~ Mcmbor Wagoner askal if that would get you whe~ you need to be . Council Member Vorailllg said ya. 1' J I l,111> I '11•1 Aya: Council Memben Vonnillag. Wiggins. llabenich~ Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays : None Maciall carried. V_ ,....._._ __ IO a,pnM C-U Bill No. 33 u ameaded: Ayes: Council Mcmbcl'I Vonnittag. Wiggins. Habenicht. Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays : None Malioa carried. (b) Approval of Onliaanca OD Second Reading Tbcrc were ao addilioaal itans JUl>mincd for approval on second rcoding . (Sec Agenda Item 10 • CoOSCDt Agenda.) (c) Resolutions and Motions (i) Business Community Coordinator Scibclli prc:scnled a =mmendatioo l'rom Ille Dcpartmco1 of Neighborhood and Business llcvcJop1DCJ1110 adopt n:solutions epproving business deYdopmcut incentives. He DOied they did Jj>CIJSS this mailer during the Sludy Session and Council has the R:SOllllioas bdiN'c them. Mr. Scibelti odviscd that the r=mmendations contained in tl1e n:solutions for Finl Da&a Coq,oratioo and Omni Development di=tly rd1cct the ~cvelopmcn~ ~investment policy m:ommcudations prcscl1lCd during study =• tonight. Mayor B•ltll5 1101cd that they also had a Srudy Session on this on lan1J31)• I J~. (I) A resolution approving the First Da1a Corpor.ition Incentive Agrecmcnl was considc~. The n:solutioa was assigned a number and rcod by title : RESOLIJllON NO. 49, SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLIJllON A1JIHORIZING AN INCENTIVE PAYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN TI!E FIRST DATA CORPORATION ANDTI!E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR FIRST DATA'S NEW BUSINESS FACILITY TO BE LOCATED AT 750 WEST HAMPDEN. IN TI!E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG MOVED , AND !TWAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (c) (i) (I)· RESOLUTION NO. 49 0 SERIES OF 1~7. Councd Manbcr Habenicht asked Utherc is a 1imc limit on tins . Mr. Scibelli s1a1cd that wha t is con1aincd with in Lhc actuaJ agreement 1s J. provision . for wha1 they ell a claw back agreeme nt for the pay back of the proposed catalyst. He a,kcd for City Allomcy Bro!Zman's assistance in oxp laming !his as he • • • • E■&lnood Chy co .. tll AprilJl,1"'7 l1 mo ) (h ) I •-bml T'ePt ,J htqA c'I , •• 19 dld DOI bffl \l'" .....,_ la l'ronf of lllm. Clly Aam!f..._.,111111 lie~ look lbniucb Ille ..,_. .I poialed out dlal It alW171 hll ta ......_,-.ulon. c.-.iJ MmnNrffllloalclll ukcd i!lhll pa willl Ille cwte11t owael-oldle ...,..,. M II...,.,, _.. with Ille ,,_iy, Mr. Scibelll lllled du '11 comcl. Couacil Mcm&cr Waaoaer quellloned wheihor ............ ~ liao Umil • whm be UI IO have Ibis done a!Jo. Mr. Scibelll said be bellcved dlal Ibey_... .. ill dMn. Council Member llabenicbt stated M are not a,:liac • pa llis 111d Ihm 20 ,ars from DOW nOlhing bas been done a.nd somebody will pull up the >sr-_.-,,.. e=npled • 20 )'CIR •Co· Mr. Scibdli s.iid no, that WII 1101 lht latonL Ms . llabeniclll ----....i lllll -not I.be Ullall, bul lhal she just wondered i!we werc protected. City Attorney Brotzman pointed Olli lbal Ibey actaaly -aeal pnMliona. in pa,agnpbs four and five, lalking the taxa that have to be polcl and ...,. -,. .,. • be paid. City Allomcy Brotzman advised that J)llall2Pb nine 111b about what will ..... if,.. fail to .-your capilal inw:olaklDI. Basically, be noted, it requires m~ to 1k ~- Mayor Bums asked if Ihm were any odlor qitOSlica. Vote l'CIUIII: Ayes : Nays : Motioo c:imcd . considered. Council MemMI ~ Wigpm. HabcnichL WagcODCr, Clapp, Barns Nolle (2) A resolulioa""""""" I.be OMNI loa:ntivc Agr=rocnt 1,as The rosolution was assigned a number and read by_, RESOLUTION NO .'°· SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCENTIVE PAYMENT AGREEMENJ" BETWEEN OMNI DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND TIIE ClTY Of ENGLEWOOD FOR OMNI DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 'S NEW BUSINESS F ACIUTY TO BE LOCATED A T750 WEST HAMPDEN, IN TIIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG MOVEII.AHD rTWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (c) (0 (2) • R£SOLU1lON NO. 50. SEJUES OF 1997, Motion carried. Ayes : Council Maam: Vawimg. Wiggins, HabcnichL Waggone r, Clapp, Bums Nays : None (ii) Neighborhood De\'d_,,. Coordina tor Graham presented a recommendation from the Department of Neighborhood and-.. ~110 adop1 a n:soluuon approving tl1e South Broadway Action Plan of 1997. He e.'q)iaul,:d dm. on the mauer of tl1e Soutl1 Broadway Action Plan, they ha\'e attempted to summaritt whal '"21 abta a 25 page document into about three pages, in order to give Council the distilled version of wba lbi:rk::uwd after meeting with bus inesses and rcsidcms for ct,e 1:151 yc:ir. The i.lca of the co ncept is. that dlc!f m: bmlding on the Com pn:hcnsive Plan 1k11 was lllllcweod Cll)' Couacll Aprllll, 1"7 Pqe20 i-1 in 1979. Hu11d they wuacl ID poial DUI which ,.U oC ~ ""' a,e llill buik/1•& OIi. 1be lllalqiesas praell18d1n1r.amlliualiaaolwbllthey ~jll Sllldy ~,~pm,ioufly, to Coancil. He i,:,lllled Oii dlll lllly bcllt OD thcmel al CDqllti,,Wty, COIIW1lllic;lli'!, "l.!umm;ty P,ide. They blYe IUbseqccntly added IIIDSpOrt.lliOD, ecocw:,my and wbon cbip u CIIC~ in ardor 10 hdp Council uadontaDd wblch ltrllCJics cocll ol these things a,e serving. He aid what they hoped they blYe done ii idealilled 111)'110 IIM111i211 Sautb ~-Mt. Cinllllln adviad dw L'icy 1-P,-, tbil 10 Council in lhis outline fonn bec:luse they tbink lbil ~ the flexibility in the plall. He 111111d 11111 IUD)' c/. tllesc items will be rawncd ID bOliJ the Planniu1 C<lllmimon and City Council for ftinbcr dlla:ssion a they III lblMtd wilh ~I tbeln. So, be pointed ou~ this is only the bepming. He "'Plained 11111 the pla is ialadcd ID be a tlum 1n.Jh,e yar work plOllllffl. Each Qf the iteois arc prioritizz:d in ibe aclioe llllle la !he mcl<. be llllllld. sivins Cow,cil :ame idea or which ones they will be llllti.a& will!. wbicb aacs wiU follow and so fonb. He commenlCd ~ u wilh the ICD year p,opam Public Works wu presenting ""1iier, tbc dales are somewhat anillcial. that they o.n, no1 sure they CUI rally aa:amplkb tbil IU in ftw"yean. But b-Jllll)OIG ofbudaetiag and priority scnin& it wu uldul ID cmcb it in those 1em11. Mr. Onbam advised UIII they tbi• lhis is a balance in prncti.::il stntqy. 1k aid ~ wiil be implemenWlon e6'aru ii\ 1.1w fi:na of onlinan= befon, Council iJ> two weeks, if they llnd this aa:q,lllble. and lhey will be seeing tho5c prclty IIIIICh continll2ily for tbc nc.,t sa=l ye:us. Council Member Vonni Wig sw"1 be just wanted ID cle:ir one thin& up, dw this is basicdly giving swr dim:lion by passing this. Mr. Gniham rcs:,ondcd lhat lhat was comet. Mr. Vorrnittag said it is not doing anything, it is just giving swf dirtetion ID m<M: in Ibis way. Mr. Gr.ih.lm answen:d yes. lhal if Coanctl believes tbc items lisu.d represent tbc major conccrm for revitalizing Soutl1 Bro,idway and !I Council MS ro:id through lhe acuon steps. aM ,gr= lhat those arc lhe steps Counci' would talte 10 revitalize Soulh Broadway, 11,,y would like Council's suppon . They will U1en begin worltin& on lh"5c things. be said. and lhey will 'Jc assigning swf time and requesting money in u.,, capital improvemcn1 projects. So. he noted. Council "ill be seeing lbem and lhe:, will be cross rcferenc;ng lhis saiing this was one of the 11CmS prcsenlcd in lhe ConccpU. S11111egies and Actions. CD11Dc:il Member Habenichl said if something comes before C0110c:il and you would say ii filS in wilh !he South Broadway Action Plan under compatibility. 1ransponatino and economy. Bui :ill of a sudden ~ stan IO get some feed back from lhe community lhal 11is is 001 something lha1 Ibey wanL She wanted 10 know if we "ill be held hostage by doing U1is . City Anomcy Bro= said oo. Mr. Gnham cq,laincd that a policy documen1 is io1ended 10 make sun: tll:ll we are on lhe same page, tll:ll st:lll' undcl'Slands what Council is uying 10 accomplish and Council ,ccs Uie rood map stair has laid oul as 10 how swf iDWlds ID achieve lhat He noted lhal staff feels ii will help give Council some bcnc:lunorks nr what the)' c::in expect swflo accomplish if Council provides the resources and swftimc. Council Member Habenicht note1 lha1 !here were three public hc:uings al the Planning and Zoning level and !here were changes addressed 01 each one . She asked Mr. Graham if he 1hoogh1 Ibis was a signiliClllt enough piece lhat i: should 11'1,·e anolher public hcring or If he lhough1 that jllSt abou1 C\'crytitins has come out Ms. Habenich1 stated lhal if ii "~re an ordin= kind of thrng she knows she would ask for a public hc:iring, bur. she 1s nol ~ r..ilat !hey need 10 t11is lime. Mr. Graham opined that there was adequate public hearing at the t.hree public hearings before the Flanmng and Zonmg Commission . Mayor Bums said plus any ordiil:lllces ha\·e 10 be noticed wHh public hc.inn g. lt both Lhc Planning Commission and at the Cicy Council. 10 im pl -:mc:m I.he plan . Council Member W:tggc-ncr asked if1h1s in any way C."(cludes the Downto,\11 Devclopmcn: Au1honcy Oistnct Mr . Gr.2ham said th:lt ac1ually there wns one COrtffl.lon he \\OUld hkc 10 note. Under the fim bullct on Concepts tl1C)· did say crea te fou r new regionally idcnufiab le commercial districts a11!I lhaL he stated. should be lhree new districts. four 10.al. He odnscd 1ha1 llus plan oddrcsses all of tl1e = along Broadway c.,ccp1 for tl1c EDDA DiSlrii:t . He said it 1< lu, understanding tll:lt tl1<y arc sull prcpanng a • • • Eaate-,,1 CltJ C-8 April 21, 19'7 Papll 11 nuo l 11 l IHioR•l2a3 "PPJ ,I!: hiq/ "• '>~CIJ spocillc plan for :heir dlllm. n., Maid ffllllllllly., Lllnll!J!l 1111 F1'i!nin,' Conlinissldn proce$l and A brins lhal forwm! for Condl"s.-ldmdoa. CollllciJ Mcmiie!-W'qaoncr aiked It~ can make this Ill. all iacl111iw: 10 that tbll -••...., ID com< back and approw, 11ep113te one. Mayor Bum, said he 1'13 dlda't tlw>k ... tllattt:. o-i.i-~~'r ~ • ...-nu: C:OIJ)C!nliOD (Joa, the City or Engk•.-oo,I 111d be~ -..__ cmld lncll!de IJidrpfaps ~ ~. They~•~ plan that'tbcy l l are complcuac aad. MayarBlms .-i. dial be tboapl tlfe wtiole ldoa 1all ~iS'ng'was 10 Ibid that into the Tl CompRbellliw: Pl&.o a(d,e (:ily,ioag will> ew,rythlng we we ue doing. 8ut Council Member Wapoaer DOied, this~-.....,_;1y pride, nasponatiao, economy, urban deli.,,_ c:ommuaic:uioo, callplli,ilily. ~ 11111 ~ is DO r<ason that plan can 'I be a pan of our approval of any Sim,gic Sooth BraadnJ Aaioa PIia. Mayor Bums said he thought we could illc:orpcm1e those same c:oncq>IS aad e,......i:j)' .... tbe plan oftbe Dowmown o..dopment Autbori1y. Mr. Graham said ~ lhal ia !la i.a !10111C ca:s die 111-.p,s here ue -.WOIIS of tbe 1919 Plln lbr tbe downiawn 3=, thal they bad idcnti&d -alllese str-=cla • that time, but only lbr the ciamUown .,.._q He commcnled that be thiab .._ -...,,. done Is cxpalldtd that and said so..le or iliese siratcgles worl<cd and we need 10 ... tbem i.a -aricts as wcJI. Council Mch,bcr lfabenichl ma COIUICil Member Waggoner ifhe was suggcstio~ thal Council apprtl\'C the Engl ... 'llOd 1>.,wa1DWD ~ Plan before Ibey know what ii is. Mr. Waggoner wd he was not suucstiog that. Hew .. ~ i:tbm is SOllldhinJ in I.hat plan tha1 !hey don'! like i1 should fall under 11-guidelines aad 'ky sliauH be :,Ille ta conlI'OI iL Ms. Habcnich1 painled oul Council would rto thal anyway . Mr. Waggoner starm if it is c,ccludcd, you don 'L Council Member Habcnlchl asked what Ibey would do ;ftbcn: -a dilla=t need in a particular area. Mayor Bums c:ommcn1cd that he though1 they wen: d<P.ag awles aad...,.. here. • Dirtctor Simpson suggat<d ~ an: a llll of conccpu within the South Broadway Action Plan that do addrtss a lot oi principals that :ar.: focused on down1own. H.......,.r, he pvinled OUL the EDDA has been engaged. probably for a year. md 1bcy coatinue ta wort on that He notC'rl Ibey have• 101 of concepts that Ibey may feel are highly~ for their panlcular District and defined specifically for lhe DistriCL Mr. Simpson staled he ~ tlliai: it 1111! be somewhat inappropriale for us 10 hc odopling these for !hem. He opined it would be foctba,,niq soon. that he has n:ccived a dmll for review finally and that is somcwhal more coc:owaging. SQ. lie said. he does think !hey will be seeing somelhing. but lhat he would not think ii was appropriate ID adept with tl1is . • So. Council Member Wagg.,_-said. lbcy :,ccd 10 chang, this lo lb= new regionally identifiable commercial districts. D~ Si:ipson 5'alcd Ibey c:n say that. but actually he feels this plan really docs contcmp la1e tlial lhcre an: four dl:aracl,r districts all along Soutl1 Broadway, which docs include the do\\11town area. Council Me:nbc: Waggoner asked if they should leave it :is it is . Director Simpson said ye ··. Council Member Vonnitug me! 11 there was anything I.hat was in their proposal versus ours. if he has bc:n able 10 look 31 il that would a,me to a head here or an: !hey really apples and we ore reall y omngcs . Din,cror Simpson Slalcd be C111 °t respond to tl1a1 :tdcqu:itely , bccluse he lwsn '1 ru11y finished the rni ew. He said he would say that ~ b:nc had an ocponunity 10 review our plan :rnd he has not received any feedback on tliaL With t.h3I. be ""'1cd. J.Dd al;o sina, lhey arc nor here reprcsc111ing anything tonighL he 1•,ouJd lllllkc a prcsumpti o:1 thal •~ ~ 3.ll right Council Member Vonni nag nskcd if Oirec1or Simpson saw any major confli cts bcre.. ~tr Simpson stated there arc no 1;onflicts as he has he:ird it. The rcsolut..ion was l.S..~igncd a ntC3bct' and read by litle : RE SO LUTI ON NO 51. SERIES OF I 99 - 1:■ ..... ood Clty Council April 21, 1997 l'n lw•, l~n-~ " 'I II I qi I o.,•'I Papll A RESOLU1101'! Aey~Q~(l Jl!E, •~UTH BJ!.QADWAY!,C'llON PLAN Of 1'97" AS AN AMENDMmf!' TQ TJJE M>,,STERPLAN ro11 tm;_ c ctt'Y dF 01' !l!:ld!.Ewooo. C0LORADO, ENTITLED ,:HE ln9 CO~VE PLAN~ Pl'.AN)". COUNCIL MIMBER CLAPP ~OVU,, AND IT W.(,S)~tOllfD,ID, TO APPIIOVE ACEl'IDA " ' ITEM 11 (c) (II) • USOLUTION NO. ~I , ,1:1!115 Or •m• Motion carried. Ay:s: COWICil Members VonqjJIII. Wi&&ins, Flabcniclll. W■g,aer, Clapp, "' l!W11S Nays : Noac Diroctor Simpson commcnl<d tliat (111111,aally Cl\iOYcd workinc on this plan and Ibey really cla ""P.reciale the oppommity to help the~~ oC~ and this is a really 111n and upificam project He noted Ibey look forwanl to beillg back bdon: Council over the ncxt several years oo this -. 12. Gtneral DIKUaioa (a) Mayo(s Cb.1ice I. Mayor Bums Slated that be bad lhe pleasun: of yiuuag Bist,pp School Ibis aiming during their morning assanbly, which is held about ona: a month . He said he Je:imcd mon: about dieir n::iding program and an an progr.un . There is a large turnover in the school population a.arl illbout 7~'. of Ille students qualify for suppon in their school lunch progr.un. he n01ed. Mayor Bwns said the kids sutrer from a lack ofl'tSOW'CCS in a lot ofrcspcctS, but they 1Lavc so me ",.mdcrful programs a ie .,.;:hool. 1be an program bad 700 collies And that is about twice as many an pieces as then: an: km Ill the school . The Rol'1r)' Club, of which Ma)'(r Bums is an honorary member. has a wonderful n:adiDg program over !hr.re. he said, with about 37¾ pan.'cipation. About 97% now are actually rcoding. he saicl :IDd their goal is 10 have at least 701', rcod at least 20 boob of 25 p:iges or more each by the end of the Y'""-Mayor Bums said one child bad read JOO book;. He said the p'llgram ha> enormous panicip:w01l aal is very competitive and th e kids are r<ally into it He wngratula1cd lhc Rolllf)I Club for this drort. M.ayor Bums spoke 10 Anita Boswonh. the adminiSlralor oflhc prow,un, who is having uouble g,:,:,ing publicity for I.be program and suggested that Community Pu~!,; infonnation Officer Punccn:lli mighl be able 10 assist he,. 2. Mayor Bwns thanked everyone for panicip.1ting ir. the rcU'Clt on Sa1urday 11,1tb st:alf" and Counc1l and the pub!· a. The first balf of the day was al Flood Middle School and the second lulf ""5 here in the Community koom . He said he feels ii was really worthwhile and Council n:a:i\'cd a lo! of mpul from the citizens on it It is hard work doing this kind of thing. he co mmcn1crl. hue it is \Cty bcndia.aJ . 3. Mayor Bums said he 3.1 w something O\'cr tJ1 e weekend regarding the Colorado Humane Society havin g a problem wi tt1 t.hcir loc:uion . He :1.skcd about tlle co ntract we ha\'c \\ 1tJ1 then for animal co ntrol . Council Member Wiggins ~id tJ1cy indicated 1herc was no problem with us a1 all . Council Member Clapp Solid we may want to wa tch lhat. though. bcclusc 1fthc~ ha:,.~ a prob lem with the other one it may be a problem fa r us . M;:;yo r Bu rns ag ri:Cd that it is som ctJ ung 10 'il.:E.:h (b) Council ,'1cmbc(s Choi« (1) Cou ncil Me mber Clap p: • • ~CllyC-U A,nlll,19'7 ... 23 1. st. .,..-s C1J11C1111 tlw Coudl Mombcn ' Choice wu Liken air of the asenda ro, Study Scaica. Ma. a..., lllled tllae may be, 11 times. some tlunp that Council may want 10 dlsrusa al S1Udy ....,. 1a.:bcr IIIID II a n,plir l<SlioA, but Ibey Illa !IOI left with that IJll(ion. She said she would like 10 recoaldorpdlillc tlWoa tllelFflda . Ma,or Bllnlo aid be feels 11111 is a decent question . He feeh Council ha.s been spending quite a bit of lime on items 11 11-.c Sllldy Smion and lhey running out of tlrue a loL with Council commenlJ . Ciiy Muaa,,t Cvk said llllrbal been OYTJualina thal and al lflll week 's City Manager 's meeting they da:idod ID CXjl<l'UllClll with dlis. He said bo undcnlands tbaL in the liiGlory of study sessions. they started OUI as a Ci1J Mlmger's Sludy Saiion and maybe over Ibo yean :11w blended into almost an lnfonnal Caacil -.g. We""" also nollcin1, hc said. tlW ,ome of the lhlnp tlw were ccmL,g up under Sllllly Seaioll """ also coming up on the rogular agt:nda, so U!<)I wen, coming up t\\i ce . Also, he lllriled. _, _ ll)'iq ID CaajllCI mon: ~ illto Ibo Sllldy Session. he soid. aod O.'J>Crimenl with that w a wllilL .If Qiancil -IO p, lu. lhey will 10 bock, be said, but they would like 10 uy this for a "bile ml-.,.,,. it .ub. Por_,,,plc. IOCllgbl.lhey were able to get an E.,ecuti,·e Sess ion out oflhe way, Ille pmlia ~ CIUI cf Ille -.-ay and toGIC ~ on cccaomic dc>dopment incenti\'es, be sald, and...., tbll ,.........,. it IOF' ia ~oa lime. Hoexplainod tlw was the re:,son behind this, that they ~ bopiai IOspccd up Sllxly ScuiODs. Camicil Mmibct Vonnillllg COGUnelltal lbal. at times when they are done aL for instance, ten mmuies al!a' llle bout. and the"' is DOI time 10 go around lo O\'eryone. It.en don't sllln it. If the"' is time 10 have Coaac:il 's choice when they get done early and know U1ey can get pretty much around the taule. then they should do iL he opinec. Oo lhc Olher hand. Mayor Bums said. if you have something that could be raised at the Council meetin g, r.uhcr than Study Session. you wouldn '1 have to take Study Session time. He said he feels Council Member Clapp 1w a poinL sometimes lhea: are tilings tllal you don ·1 want to raise at the gene ral Co uncil mceung. Cowiol ~-Vormitlllg said ii could :ic left as an option , if there is something someone rt •ly wan ts to say tt <Xlllld be added on at lhc end for just that one member. Mai or Bums agreed. su ggesung that the m,mi,era,aJd lcr him kmwabcadoftimcand then hcCU1j11st call on him or her. Council Member Habe nicht said ifit isn 't broke , don 't fvc it. She srud she has been on Council for nine ye:,us and it has always been this way since she has been here. She said she has nC\·cr seen it be a problem. lflhcre is time. she sai d. they do iL iflhcre is nol time they tai,e it over . but the option is there if it 1ssom:1lliag they really have to do , and it doesn 't have to go through all of these fo rmalities. She srud sbe feels n 1w been working "~ii and doesn ·1 have any problell' leaving it there . Council Member Clapp said sbe has seen Council waive it before, when they run out or tim e. Mayor Burns jusl says lhcy m out of time, sorry . CounaJ Member Vonnittag comm ented l}ia 1 i i has only bee n once or twice "here he actU:Ul y wamed 10 5tltC som:::.hJ..ng Lhcrc and he j USI let Mayor Bums know th.i t he w:inled to go fi rn on Co un cil membe rs cboKZ. Ma~'Or limns said if lhcy would let him know, he wouldn ·1 need to go to O\'el)' chw and ask . Couna1 .Member Vonnittag stltcd if a Council mem ber lw sometJung impon ant they ca n just let Mayo r Burns mow and you can be the first one. laaltwOld City Couacll April 'II, 1''7 I "") y ) hP0¥AJ:1~1.~ ••ae z, Ill! ,lt lnq/\ l~ "ll•q Council Maml>or ~nldit <:" 1q, id~\,t,atd.-;COlll4doiljla .... tlmhlllld. II n Clty Muqer Clark sald we wlD )1111 pal it bid: oa, • dla wlD lie• .. a.icr. Mayor Bums agreed I.hey couldjlllt put ii back on and be will 3Sk, ..,, a .-ol bands, who wants to say something. 2. Ms. Clapp said then: were a couple of comments made as ., .....,._ housing. and one was in refmacc to :llfordable housing as to lbe ddlnition rrum die ~s C:.C.S. '!be otllot wu made in n:fertna: to alfordable housing through die Hoosiag Alllhorily. Farm -knowledge 111d lnlonnalion, she requested Mayor Bums to pn,Yide whoever is illlenlllal ~-IO lbe cldlnitioa of allbrdable housing for each of tllose dift'erelll enddes. Mayor Bums said all'ordable housing is moro or a de5criplM, tent oE a whole ,nyriad ol p,ograms tbat you can initiale in order to assist people In purch3sing baalmg. It is -eally • cxacl ddlnition, lllal comes on a program by program basis. be said. because yoa 11117 qaa1if)' llr • ceraill bendiL or a ccnain program. based upon an income guideline. HUD commoa!y mes a p,l'COalap ol median income in the community on their qualific:atloas. Toay Hemandez. die HUD , p • .c, 111,a to Wk about all'ordable housing as the whole coacepc. lbe whole bradlb ol ..._. ad ..,. il can be all'onled ill dilferent income categories. be said. Mayor Bums felt tbal. to Mr. lkrmDdl:z. it is moro or less a conc,pL ii is not a definition lhat has exact ICmlS. The idea is to Ft any fila....., type implications, be opiDCd. :,s far as housing is co.-...1. Council Member Clapp said she noti=I lhat 1be Housing Autboriry l<ept bringing lha1 up at the Town Meeting and she IMJUld like to know whal was me:1111 by lhaL ~yor Bwns said he can ge1 her some moro information on lhal bul ii is more a conccp1 than a progr:,m. J . She said she has a couple of le11ers lhat "-ere g;,..,, to her She said she r=ived more than a couple. bu1 d1ese two specifically :,sked lha1 lhcsc be enim:d inu, c,c rcconl. She said she had nol had a chance 10 copy lhcm and asked lhal lhc City Cieri< gJ\'e her a a,py Council Member Wiggins :,siced what lhe letters min ,qanl to. Ms. Clapp responded tl.a1 one is a ICl!Cr 10 City Council. so Council should get copies oftbem as.ell Mr Wiggins said that iflhcy arc going to be en1ered in10 lhe record. he would like a copy . The other. she Slild. is to lbe City Manager and City Council Membe>S, so she will pr0\'ide !hose for everybody . IC:c'1t 's no1 c. Two lctrer.rn~ro entered into the record. A leaer diaod April 19. 1997 from David Thom.<. 1,)51 Soutl1 Delaware and a l<tter dated April 19. 1997 &am Rulh n,omas. -!065 South Clari<son SLrCCt.i 4. She stated that she was just a little bit confused on the l"m'CII. in the afternoon . She said ii was her understanding lhat lhcy "~'" 10 have dcpanmcn1 heads and Oounal. She said she was curious as to why lhc Housing Aulhority w:,s included. Mayor Bums rospondcd ll1'il for lhe Inst se,·eral years. lhe Hoasi~ Aatl.ority staJf. by contract. adminiSlers tlie BUILD proginm . The Rel.ab Loan program IS tfuc s::,,mc way, he said . When PJul Malinowski was there, City ~.lam gcr Cl:irk "ould talk to him an~ ha\-c him sit in on sessions With the City suJTalmost as if he was a swlf membcr. Mai-or Bums e,,cpl:Jtmcd. II was mainly because of the close working relationship bc1wccn th,; Housmg Authonty and the C~ O'\"Cf the years and because the programs arc administered under contrnct with the Housing Authority Heamnncrued that if you are go ing to talk 1111 • • • lll&leW'IN City C-11 Afril 11, 1'97 Pqel! about thcoeJll'lll'IIIII, ,-,ally haw IO 111.e 1111 llall'lheni , Juet O~ hll been a City........,_ dlrou ........ for illlWICC. and sbe is becomilll a Hau,I .. Audlority amployee. be said. Cow1c11 Mmlber Clapp l&id !Ille bis we lllould lllo llaYe Huold Cdva then reprmendna Bnpcwoad ~ Deveioi-nt Authority for revilalli:o!io• of the Cicy, since he is a bis pan oflhal and the downtown..,..._ Mayor Burns said that is a po:,11. Ms. Clapp continued Iha! the next time we do Iha! we should make SUR 1h11 ~ who II l!')lhl IO 1lt l pan of Ille convtnalion or have I hand in wllal 11 Soins on lbould be allowed to porliclpole. Mayor Burns rolalcd dial. two mectlngs ago, '•• ll1lnded an EDDA .-ins about the draft ol lbc downlown plan. lie fdt ii was pn1:ty exciting IL'd that something coaJd really ewJ\'C frolll 1h11 ud be -.Id like to see 1h11 -icing n:Jaliomhlp develop 1pm between lhc City and lhe EDDA. even though lbcir plan bas lagged behind the City planning. lie aid he feel that Ibey have somdhing there and that it could be pm!)' exciting. (ii) Council Member Waggoner C.'<J)nessed concern about the ponable rest.room that was tipped over and DOI reoctcd 10. He said he would lil<e 10""' Waste Managemen1 cited for that problem and for n')( responding. Council Member Vormioag said he would DOI lllve aid lo cite them if they had cle:incd it up fasw, but feels they should be cited for not cleaning ii up when they first lc:irnccl abou1 iL Mayor Bums said lhere is a r=I concen, aboul being called and promising 10 do something aboul ii and then jUSI not having ii dolle . He said lie feels they deserved• helter responlC 1han thal. Cicy Manager Clark said they knew th is was coming and discussed ii this morning. lie said be asked the Safety Sctvicos Slaff 10 look inlo selling up a meeting wilh Waste Managemenl 10 lalk abou1 ii. More imponantly, he said. he is going lo ask them 10 look in10 1hc possibilicy of pu1ting all of lhc ponable potl)' people on notice lhaL if we do have a spill , lhcre will be a time frune for clean up and what happens afterward. whiel.her our Hazmal people go 0UI. Thal would be very C.'<J)CnSi\'C, he said. if they had ID go out and cleau ii up. In addition 10 lalking wnh Waste Managemen1 abou1 the mcidcnL UIC)' will "1ke a look al "bat happens in lhe fururc . he said . Council Member Habcnid11 said Lhal all ofthose things are impnnant. but we do owe it to our citizens. cspcciaJly t!w: childJ'Cfl. that we never have a situation where a family has to put up with th.Js for three da ys . She said she would like 10 1hink thal if tl,cy don ·, l.lke care of ii ngh1 away WI we would bring 0l', Hazm:11 001 and bill !hem. She said site lhinks we were all Utken ab.ick by that Council Member Wiggins agreed. allowing that he docs not think ii qualifies as hazardous material . but Wa.stc Management should have hnd a badaJ p crew conh! out and clc.1n 11 up. rcaJizing you can 't put it down the drain. They deal wi1lt :I all day lon g. he said , adding 1ha1 we did look a lilllc foolish on tliat one . Council Member Waggoner said it may be haznrdous. rcclling 1hat the cu1es of Englewood and LntJeton pajd qui1e :J bit for dumping hal.3rdous rnaterfa.J at the Lo wry Landfi ll He opined that it was notlung other than what spilled out onto the streets . He said he feels people learn th roug h citations and he feels a ci t:1.tion shouJd be issued on this one. Council Member Habemchl requested that lhc Mnyor, on behalf of 1hc Council. wri1e a letter 10 tltis woman. thanking her for bringing this 10 our attention and tellin g her how much \i.tc appreciate 11 and that we will be doing C\·cl')lhing we l-=tn to be sure 1lus docsn ·1 happen agrun . l■&lcwood City C-11 Apr1121, 1997 Pqel6 l1JnUt, • 'tti ) l,oow:11, rLI '°('t' •1 ' lnqJ.. -~ Cow!ci1 Member Varmiaq .............. ii .i-Jd,be 1JIIW ha Ibo Ci1y Ma,aaaer apolo1P1,U1g far the rw, uound me 1(11. mm tbaup •---•••.,.i, ll libllliaa. ,, 1, Cily Mulafer Clm aid lie Lllinb w-lllf1M11a ... 111111-Is a apalag leller, too, aad ~ will do what we can. Mayor BW111 ltlt ii -...i ~ llllll* bad to CXIIIIC .... and rad Lbil lilaay or haulc that she bad ID go through far lhrcc days. Ciiy M-.,:r Clarie said he will llkc can or it aad will dlaft a lc!lu far Mayor Bums' signature. He said tbcrc -a lal oL companies ia that business and if W!llle Management = 't aime out 111d fC1 it lhal tboy a,Jlld ID l!c]IIII 1111 aatice lMI Ibey hm: X amaw11 of time ID do il or we will get 10mebody 10 do it 11111 c:baF mm.far ii. Mayor Bumi addllll lhat.,.. ,_-,;cdo,dopmelll prqjcca. i. will he I lo1 orlholcarowid. Cily Manager Clark agr<cd. adding 1h11 -like ID tip Lhcm. This bas been unacc,pmble aad WC all looked foolish an this one and we .-1 ID ra.. wbalC\'er Slops ID make sure ii docs nor happen again, he said. (iii) Council Maaba Habenicht I. She Slid we .ae w:ry.........,. --a~ LiaJ,c Rail in the Sowhwcot Corridor primarily because we worxed so bani as a team. willr Ylalf-iting Miil llllr, and COWICil working the politico! piea:. She opined lhat. based aa the.....,. OD Saturday and poople asking far action. there is a lat of cxcilCIIICnt and palClllill far LIii£ ~ ao.dDai-Ans doilla ._ son or pannership willl Ille Ci1y of Englewood. She said she woold like IO_,,• -.kiag in laad<m willl the llall: working from Ille slJllf position and working together willl the patibc:11 angle of it She said she mentioned 10 Ciiy Manager Clarlc 1h11 sbc was going ID briag it ap allll :IIIIJ:d if she is aima that he dacsn '1 have a problem willl that City Manager Clark said he did DOI i..e-a ,.-. willl it but we should. be swsitivc 10 our developer, also . Council Member Vormit!Jlg asked if a mcm.ng aiuld be SCI up with them so we aiuld get ID know each other. He said he feels that the majority of Councl is interested in tlicm coming and it is only right that we SCI down willl Lhcm ID sec what Ibey -....,._ in. lie asl<cd City Manager Clark if something aiuld be set up in the nmr ~ ma,t,c .-er tllc dcction so Ille SC\'enth council person can be involved. Mayor Bums said that is a good idea a.ad tbl we should srudy the best approach. opining that it is a prcny good idea. Council Member Habenicht said she wmJd -,e like to be involved in tliat . Mayor Bums said be is sure she will. 2. She opined that there was some o:otcmcnl generated on the clean it. fi:< it. pn.int it idea . The people lhal were lllcrc. st., said. -..-en:..,. foe .lCIJOn from Council nod she feels it is somclhing we could stan acting on real f.asl She sugg<st:d din:cting the Clean, Grten and Proud Commission to look at possibly putting 1ogcthcr some son of pn,g,.an like this. but not wilh the onus of just dwnping it on tl1cm without ilily otJ1cr resources. but asking tb:a ma)--bc they take 3 lead in pulling in the whole community. Maybe selecting an 3fC3 or doin g J umc lmc: of different areas where we could all get behind them. maybe throw in son,c resources. e,-cn if they occ:I • small budget ofSl ,000 or so 10 get it gomg. She felt we should al least get this one staned bcc:lusi: thal zoning and code issue was so big. • • • • • laaltwaad City Coucll April 21, 1997 ... 17 Mayor Bums qreod that it was a p,d idea and said he would re:llly like IO sec that alto. One Oilier dime about that--., hi~ mi&bt be ilucn:llln1, ia Iha& bt Ulldlnllndl l/lllµuiaoa. aace a~ bns a Study s-lon out ill Ille llllipborhooda. Tbty go out to a ldlool or whalevcr -6-City HaD and be (ell that la an interating idea. Council Member Habenicht agreed. l . Ma . Habenicht thanked stall', the citizens and Council for all their work oa lbc South Broad,o,ay Action Plan, as well as the boards and commissions, capccially our Planning aw.I Zoning Commission. She r<minded Council Iha& it IOI SWICd with the Qualiry of Life subcommilloe that we CSlllblisbal from within Ciry Coancil. She llid ac Mlllld lilt• to 1a that r<-cslabliahcd or r<-illSlilUled, cilhcr with the same mcmllcnllip or new mmllbcmhip, lo swt wodwig oo the ZOIIUI& i.auo. The woman who addlalOd 111 on the pona pony, she Did, 0DtlllllOlll<d that Code Enf.vtCIIICIII will come ia and Ibey will talk abaal how high your pass is, while she hu humaa WUIC in btr gutter. Ms. Habcnicbt IJiauchl maybe 11111 - what Council Member Clapp was addressing. that maybe if~ was a citizens group bdping to determine what codes m of prilllll)' imponance al that umc. maybe we could .start lhal proc:as togctber ,.;lb stall' wor1ting with Council . ~-She <Uiked Council if they would suppon her auending the annual Colorado Municipal Lcap conrcrcnce. AJ the CML r<proseawive 10 the Policy Comminec. ahe said. they also have their annual meeting then:. She said it is an imponant thing 10 continue to be a pan of, lher<for me asked l'or Council 's support for her r<presauing the Ciry 01 lhaL She said abe undcrstu<ls Jw the budget is as high as ii would ever go , and ii probably won 't be that high aull, bastd on diff=nt aspect, or iL COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO AUTHORIZE COUNCIL MII\IBER HABENICHT TO ATTEND THE CML SNOWMASS VILLAGE CONFERENCE JUNE 1997 AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED A SIOUO. Council Member Wiggins commen1cd Llu.1 he will vote agrainst this , With :111 of the conferences Council Member Habenicht has bc<:n to. he said. he has never had her come back and bring anytlung 10 CoW>Cll that has been beneficial that he has derived from it. Evci1 though slie r<pr<SCnts lhc City on CML. he docs no, feel we bave ever benefited from it. He said he mo..1 thai :he said lhc nctwor1ting sJw: bas done willt olhcr people has bc<:n lhe thing. but he doesn't agr<c . Ayc.s : Council Member, Vormittag. Habenich~ Waggoner. Clapp. B1•ms Nays : Counc .l Member Wiggins Motion carried. Mayor Bums commented that he will be bnnging something like this before 01cm a.Isa. as he likes 10 aucnd pan of iL One lhing he has r<ally goucn out of these confer<nccs is lhc attorneys' sectJon, but aim the other scctioru:, on finance and pensions and thing like that. he s::ud , that he drops in on. He rcc:alled dropping in on a session about pwchasing that was helpful. Mayor Bums noted we a.II have our own remmls from these things . (iv) Council Member Wiggins : I. Referring 10 the Museum of Outdoor Ans. he said he has heard 01cm ta.lk about it but he has DOt sttn anything. He said he knows nothing abou t lhese people . He agreed witl1 Council Member Vonruq that they should get together wilh these people. as he would like 10 sec what it ,s 013.1 Ibey waot to pu1 um, ou r cny . 111....-01yc.-;a "'I'll 21, 1"7 .... 21 1:1n:1,c,.J ,1n boo,,,llal '"~t 1: lnq'1. q Council Member Halaicllt said lbal roaka ICIISC. Council Member Wagoner SAid they have some aood i.nformalioll,.,.,.,.... 2. Ho alil..., _ aylq ID palll die clela I~ llx k Md paint I~ and that ii line, bul wa Ii-tel 111 18 example. eoc11 af-.byaur ilwllllle aboda. He Did ICM are goina to rum it over to Oaao, o.-and Proud, dml'tjust ...... i~ bat U.C iL (v) Coaacll Member Vonnittag: 1. Hema! if•mDI a IIIOlion if•aregoins to do something likelllll, for the ll'Jne)', ID &Olll Clean, ORCD and Pra.l. He said be ~ Illa, Ill be able Ill say that Council would """"""'· lbr example, S1,500 lrtbcy CIIS ,.willi a plan and a pllljca. He iald it is only Wt that they c:ome up with apwuad a projcct hebe C""8Cil appnwa the IIIOIIOJ. He alcm Council Member Habenicht If they could U10 her home u the lint c.....,ae aflbe llx up, pal111 up, trim it pmjea. She aid "you bet". Council Member w..-,-said we should take, ror instance, an eight bloclt area and just min those people in that area III do their own clcall up, paint up and fix up, only you make • big dc3l out of iL You get them toplbcrjllll lik neighborhood wllCb or something, he opined. and promote lhc idc:,and. if you have to. lllll)tJe Ille Cly-can provide•~ tndt to baaJ tltings away. He feels !hot is tlte idc:l that should be cxpn:ssoll _. • prosram lllll Clean. On:et1 and Proud should punue. Council Member Vmmilllg ma! if Couacil Member Waggoner is willing to come to one or tltcir meetings 10 -llis......,, Mr. Waggoner l'CSIJ01'dcd allirmalively. 2. He Map6 I ':<lUncil Membe, Clapp on lhc jot, she did on tha>concRlo thlnJ with the two years. He said nro ~ rram ,.,.., with the pos!ibility of Cinderella City going guag-ho aver tbcre, )'OU could say we -ta loa at this in ""' more :,ears . Who knows, he commented. things could cbangc. you can always tbmw -money into that project for concrete that won 't need to be fixed for five or,;, yc.irs yet, bul al lc:lst ii wl start oa:umulating interest . J . The Linle:oa Community Music Association. he said. did not g,1 approved 10 be in our Foonlt of July Celebration. A l<!B in the Cooncil packets e.q,rcsscd U,cir disapp,intnlCDI and Council Member Vonnittag asud Cily Manager Clarlt 10 cbcck into why they were not invited . Council Member Wiggu,s said perhaps Noncy Petcnon oould give a little insight into U1is situation . Mayor Burns said be dDcsn 't know and asked if tltcy "~"' included last year. Council Member Vorminag tltought tltcy we~ Coancil Member Wiggins said. since II was addressed to Englewood. LitUcton and South Subwban. tlt,11 "l'P"'Cntly all tltrcc entities have decided not to use U1is oulfiL maybe he ought to check with them and l'iaDcy Peterson for !Oll1C insight. Co uncil Member V"""""1g asked ir staff could find out. sinc;c we have absolutely no idc.i why lhc:y were n't selected. Council Member V.,.tgJ.m noted ii is j ust one individual person asking, not the band. Council Member Habcmdu SU !k,!'PCSI. that. since Mr. Vom,inag has an interest in the Founh of JuJy Celebration. that be li:mon with lhc Council on tltat and be involved a linle bit on that. Council Membf, Vonnittlg aska1 i!they are appointing him to do tltis . Ms . Habenicht said she thought Umt would be great She said she lalDa'$ witJ1 1hc Pnradc Associ:uion it helps 10 h .. 1vc a liaison there from the school distri<1 and U.. City Coancil. • • • • l ■slcwood City Cou ■cU April 21, l!197 P1p29 If f• Council Mcmbert,ormJttlg llbd Clly ~ Clorlt tbr his opinion OD Mr. ~• wmldaa will, Ci1y .«on I~, . Clarl< said~ ii':"' """i~ Cl1y ,,_n'ls c1o!1'S OD ii._,.. .. Ille Ndpbortmod Wllll:b people. r.aid Mt. Vonninaa is c:enallily ~ lddmJ dlll ...... --... ,... __ attempting IO spread lhe rapolllibilily out lhrough thc Llttieloll ad~ iliec MOIi of 11111 d!'on, he sai_d, i,u bca a,miog liom Ncighborhoorl Watch and our 1111111...., ralc rrom Safety Services. He nailed lbal lad year iw had rq,resi:nlllivcs trom l.ittleuln and ~ HI aid be will get thc infonn;won ID Mr. Vonnittag . 4. Ho asked for Council's suppon in going lo the ln!Cmatiollll Conferenoe o£ Sbopping Cen1en in I.as Vegas wilh Cily Mamcor Clari<. Mt. Clark ,aid he ii looking right 1K1W al.-. Tuesday morning and c,,ming back Wodr!adaY aigh\ and ii not planning on 311mdiqtlle r.l cioare-:., HI lllouglll maybe An Scibelli rrom Noighborhood and Bush:ioss Development Is plllming • .-1 ., Ibo run conference. Cow,cil Member Vonni1Ul£ said Council will get a rcpon from him on the ~- Mlyor Bums asked what he inlends lo aa:omplish frnm tltis. Mr. Vormiaag Slit II: will lilld out about the malls and learn as mucb as he can aboul lhcm. Council M&njj>e; Hahcnicbt said she thinks lhis is a good ide:I in terms of the f'acr .._ Slall'bls to act lite stall"and can't say a lot oflhc tltings that an dklcd offlclal who goes along en say. Wonillg as a i..m that woy can be very bcnclicial. she said. Sbc sald she has seen Mr. Vonninag -ia a silutlon lite this and she feels he will really pay anention ID what ii going on . He bas -...S ., lie a pan of any 1.ino'. of c,,nfen:ncc or anytlting like lhat and she feels his dedication is Lhcn: and tJmt he bas iaken, from dw ·:cry beginning. a strong intcn:sr ir, the mlM:lopmcnt ofCinden:lb City allll !lringiJI! in lhe bu.<incsscs lhal tl1e communil)' has been asking for . She opined lhat he c::m """'115 •weU doing that. COUNC::L MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE TBE ;•:xl'ENDITURE OF NOT TO EXCEED S1400 FOR COUNCll. MEMBER YORMTITAG TO BE A I'. RT OF THE DELEGATION FROM ENGLEWOOD AlTElfDING THE ICSC CONFERENCE. Ayr:s : COW1Cil Members Vonnillag. H.ibcnicht. Wogpmer. Clapp. Bnms Nays : Council Member Wiggins Motion cru,icd. 13 . City Manaitr's R,port (a) Cil)' Manager Clari< pn:scntcd tl1e Ci nderella Ciiy Acti,iiy Rq,on. He said he revised the schedule and scna a copy lo Equitable. in that we arc abour a month behind sdmuJe from what we originally subm itl ed l,st monrh . He said he kepi lhe September 15"' dale inUld """ target date . As far as the lease 1erminalions. he said , he believes Lens Crafters has been 1enninatcd and they an: tn tl1c process of closing lhe store. There is nothing new with regard 10 Wards. he said. and he :idviscd CoWlcil lhat he included in their packets some press clippings rcg.1rding their deteriorating fin.m:::111 situ:1uon . Council Member Wiggins said 1hcrc w:1s an aniclc in ll1c Rocky Mountain News :!bis morning :-tbout how in lhc hole Wards is. City Manager Clark S.Ud there is nothing new with regard 10 the cn\"ironmcnW d:anup or with Mercantile . He advised he had , mee1ing with Miller/Ki1chell last "~k and cxpr=sscd our issues "ith regard 10 lhe PUD submitm l. A lot of1ha1 delay . he said. is n:la1ed to lhe grnding l?lan and lherc an: some ......... ClcyC-U ..... 2,.,,,, ..... ll ,ntru) vt1 hw,,,,t:fn:t r 1,11 lnlJI l''" r.1,fl ...-ia, iaa lbal tbcy 11• sdll in the pnx:e,a of IOllln1 lhrougb. One 11 whether or nol IO hav. an efn:aial ,-tiq-and lllcy !ft aJ5o dcl!linl 1'1JII ~ tllplCCrin. I~ of the rcllinin& wall llw _.,. cllo _,., ,-lliaa claJloal ~ 111d Elai. and wllll klad of implication&~ bu on Ibo 1111. 11e said. Tboy..., _,I.-lbc jloc/< ~ wi!J!oui the waU&'l'aJJing In ID that will "'Wino 11H11e ..._..~and•~U',\C-implic:atioalon~ll1J. JJ t . So-........ , become • ...,... wil!I ea,u,aJ ~~lcr/Kildidl. WC have schedllled Mllcr/Kildiell IO IDCd with Council at the May 12• Study Session. be advised. and wtll give a SWU1 ..,.., on """"° tbcy an: on CYcr)1hiog with rcganl to 1e1w11 rccruitmenL gettlng the sight pll,n approved •mblL w.,or Bwa&--..1 that he -to Ibo Alapahoe Mayors and Manaaen Breakfilst Friday and there -.-bcr ~ l,y RTD . C.al Mani-.lla. Ibo pen! manqcr, said that the lllndln1 for this year a tbc RTD Ughl Rail Pmjed is now in the U. S. Senale. In the Appropriations Commitlec they had abd for $41,500,000, tbc House recommended $21,SOO .OOO . They arc attempting. primarily through Saalol' Campbdl. ID railc thai numl>ct and lllcy an: fairly confident that they will be able to do so . Mayor Bllms said they an: ready and willin1 to assisl the lobbyists and staff ii they need lcttcn for that and so bm, but ii locks lai,ty po&iliYc thai tbcy can keep on traclt for the projed 35 l'1cy move ahead. Their ..-we, be said. is a lialc bit &bead of the liilJ funding grnnt ..,..,_.DL Goonc:il Member Vonainag said OVtrJ time wc look at tbcsc it says RTD Light Rail Station completed Dc=nbcr J 996. He askal Cily Maaagcr Cwt for any activity that may be ncgotivc or positive on this. so 11 j ust doall't Ill)' a,mplete and that's iL lftben: is activity going. money 1oing up or money going down. ~ wtwc.a, be saiJ be wmld like to be kq,I ahrcast of iL Oity Manager Clarl< said, adtlrmina the intergovernmental agrccmcnt. tliat right now we don't really liiavc anythiDa doe p,ing with RTD with n:gard to this specific si1c. As far 35 1~c funding. be st:ned. we •ill continue our dialogue with the lobbyists. Mr. Vormiaag said RlD Light Rail just covers cvel)'lhi11g. If tl1crc is something going on, whether ii is ;x,sitn-c or negati,-., be said be wooJd like IO be informed about iL Mr. Clark said thaL with funding. wc will do it through ,q,arate channels wilh regard 10 keeping Council mdimned on w~ they arc on the funding level . Mayor Burns said another thing they came down and ialkcd about was , nhancing lhat stop. though It may !le ICll early to talk about that now . but to get volunteer supplies and labor and idea,. 10 enhance and design the stop so it isn't just the nonnal concrete and a llltle shelter tl1ing that RTD nonnally would do . Council Mc:tnbu Vormi ttag said lhat is great. and he opined that if we hear lliat we can say swe wc think that is a gn:at idea, we will give you Engl..,ood's suppon as a Council. Mayor Bwns said be "''"Id also like to kLow what has been done on 1ha1 bec.,usc it talccs J couple of =' 10 get people prepared and do some planning. Th./ gave us severa l examples at a meeting several months ago. i,c s:ud. of some rc.,,Jly rcmart:.blc enhancements they have done in Southern C1l ifo rn1:1 and other places to some of these light rail stop~ Council Member Habenicht said we have had a group 1h.1t has been meeting witJ , RID rcprcscntauvcs based on the design of tl\31 stop and tliat money tliat was designated. in 1enns of 1he enl13nccmen1 . And. she noted. when Suzjc Grace was wuh us. she was the one th.it wns sort of worki ng with the RTD staff She said at the dcdic:uion one of tllC board membcts suggcs1cd that "' get 1ogc1hr.r with Cal Marsell• and • • • l ■llwood City c .. ■c11 April 21, 1'97 ••ce J1 '"""° 'ttrJ b,.,,,,i:, ' ~1.11111.,t-. :( 'll'q- make IW'Ol.blllb■.~,doa,f'lplja,l. 51¥"ald ....... J1Ceoed lD..,lllll'IWhawlalfrl'CffOII who isJes!pwed 10wort on lhat, to maybe pull !Mi-,11, ~lt'TD11111'10gesha, 111d P!!fbapoour Rm rq,raenllli-10 make ,un, 1bll we are llill ........ ~--SIie feels tiil!re mat leu! n,o moetlnp with COllllllllllll1 mcmbcn IDd Clly .... am ~ oa W!i., M """f to .,..,.. sure II doesn't tilll lhrouch the c:ndu. ' ' (b) qiy Maoascr Clark~•~£......,_ He road from a memo in U>a1 reganl that he rapecll\llly n,qu<SIS City Council IO Cl>MIICl I Oily MaaFr's Performance Evaluadon at the cartlcst poaible dale, ralllcr than wait until the -c,de. -1licll Mmld be at the end or July or August He aid he bu r.orasonsf'orlhis requcs1. 'Tkilinl ~ tbll ii is imporuuu that he continue 10 enjoy C011ncil's support and conlldcncc u he~ .. 1k....,. ~ facing the community and make ..m that he is working in the dira:tioa tluot Couaci1 -Ilia"'· II ii also essential that we malnlaln a collaborative dlalOIIIC, he said, paniaiJarly when ~ ■f,opiaiaa ari1c. He said he refers 10 some or the CYC111Saflhc laSIJO 1060 days. Sccoadly, bcald. li■......,_...-,a requires that we do this every six months and"~ really haven 't done il.,...,.u-i.s siaa: he has /,ccn here . He stated Iha! commillina C11111Cives 10 a once every six maalhs clialacs_,.. daat polClll al problem"""' are add=aed !DllhriaJUJy, r.uber than. If there is a problem -~ it festers Wider I be swfllce. A stroD! foundation, he said, for a Cowx:il Manager panncrsbip. ii_.,. IDd SIISllincd thro,i~ a moo::.i agn,emcnt on what lhc goals and expeaalions .,. for die Cizy !Mamger. In addition, he ::li.i. he r=ndy came across an article Iha! appeared in Public Mana..-aa dlis issut. which he auached 10 Council's copies of the memo and feels they will find eajayablc rcadi■r, Ho tlwlml Council for their consideration or Ibis rcquesl. Cowlcil Member Vonnittag asked If they cai, put thal .. a~ sessiao agenda or in Executive Session . Mayor Bums agreed. Council Mtmber Waagooer said we all have a tcDdl::acy ioiJrF when things are due and ii 011ght to be scheduled every •ix month$ ai an o6Sludy Scssian aad iCil is,idalulcd lhat way then we don't fo!JCI iL Mayor Bums agn:ed that ii""' a good suggestion . (c) City Manager Clarlc said he wants a liuJc -. di=.iao on the Museum of Outdoor Arts. but prefaced tl,a1 wilh telling Council where we are a. He said"~ have had some meetings with the folks over there and what we arc doing is wortung out tbc fillamaal pro !onna on what the operations and maintelWICC costs would be if Ibey do com.. to the Clry and ,_ also ..tw the pro rata share or the COSI of carving 0111 five 10 ten acres of !he Cinderella Ci ty site i5. He Slid they had a meeting with lhcm lasl week and we are joindy developing these numbers aud lhe) hm<c: -idal us some numbers on lhaL He DOied lhcy indic::lled at 1'151 "~k's mceung lhal Ibey arc lookiag a odier IOC31ions. which we knew. He ,aid he thinks what Cou.1cil i, asking is tlia1 we pul together -typt of a 5lUdy session 10 gel ,1' Juainl<d wilh lhern and maybe"~ c:,n ha,~ some of this homework. Illa -....,, been working with lht,n on. completed at that time and then l\3\'C them come O\'Cf'. He admd U rlw is: w, ..... · t.:ouncil wou.ld like for him 10 do, or do they also want a Council/staff team. He asbr.l.. if lhat as the case, who would ;hey like on thal tc::i.m . Cound Member Vo rmiuag said leas just get to know t.bcm ~ !l>C:lr wtw they have . We may bt: pullmg the horse before ~•• Cir! since Counc,I Member Wiggins ""'l' JIOl be lD favor of thi s a1 all. he said . Lets sec and he:ir what they have to offer and then sec the IWIDbe:r cm wh:u n would cost for them 10 come . Mayor Bums said in lhe mean time we might get tbesc pa<Rl5 d inJonnation on what they arc al>ouL City Manager Clnrk said he ,.;11 do that and then we CUI tP, s:uncthi.og together with them . latle'nod City Couc:11 Aprilll, 19'7 Pqe32 d) C~ Mlnl&et Clark llll4I be '11.-lll i• 'F"Wivdy p~~,to So 10 that CML Colf!:re~ but be needs 10 ""11"""' a~ early°" tbe:ri". 1k said be \loduJd l!Kjj co coordln.tr.e rides"''" membm or Cowldl w11o are ,oili,'u. '8>' '° bold down~,. '''' 14. City Atton,ey I Report (a) City AU"I"")' Brotzman n:mindcd Council that they pmioUSI) dj,.__;sed property next to CCIIICIUlial r.al.,; and the pwchasc of JO feet of shore builllup. He asked fl>r autbori:zallon for S,B,000 rortllllJOfecl Council Member Vormina, mm when: the money will come from . City Manager Clark said It will come from lillld bllaa0e. Counal Member wi,ggoJ,. said be thought we wen: going 10 1,y 10 obtain that whole pmpcny. City Attorney B=nao said be win do a full recommendation to Council. but right now we ctn 't afford the full prlll'Crty. We do need to shore up and lake ctrc of the JO feet. he said. as there is"" olfer out lo Sheridan and there is a n:qucst for annc.ution and those nrc n:al tentative . He commented that we don't know wb.11 the price will be for the 11!!1 piece of pn,pcrty, but right now their asking price is too hlgh. We arc 1101 .. king to condemn a'. llus pain~"~ m just simply asking for authorization 10 purchase i~ he cxplaiacd. Council !',,!ember Waggoner asked if the JO feet is back in the water, bectusc tl1ey e.,ctvated back about that far. Mr. Brotzman said wc'II get JO feet dry . City Attorney Brottman said this will have to come back lo them by ordlnance for authorization 10 go forward. COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO LET fflE CITY ATTORNEY AND STAFF AUTHORIZE fflE PURCHASE OF TRI 30 !'EET FOR THE EAST SHORE BUll..D UP AT CENTENNIAL LAKE, AND EXPLORE ADJACENT PROPERTIES AS WELL Ayes : Council Me,ibers Vonnittag. Wiggms. Haberuchr. Waggoner. Cl.pp. Bums Nays : None Motion ctrried. (b) City Attorney Brotzman asked Council if they want to go forward with tiie Executive Session on April 2s• to discuss a personnel matter. Council Member Vormittag said that is the one he was talking about where they could do City Monager Clorlc at the some time. Council Member Wiggins was nor in favor oftltar. City Atwrney l ,izmru, said they al:;o ha, e Moy s~ which is a regubr Council meetieg night. but at that meeting the Srudy Session is sc: up for co mpc n.s.1lion review for the Municip.11 Court Judge and the City Attom,y . He asked if they wont 10 odd tl,e City Mruuger to that liSl . Mayor Burns noted a compensation review is different from a pcrfonnancc evaluation . City Attorney Brotzman said that is right. Mayor Bums comrnente;! Uiat the hove been discussing that. uy the 20•· they thought they may e,•en have • conlr:lct for Cinderella City . City Attorney Bro1zm,1n explained tliat tliey ore lookmg at tliat schedule wa ltiN m1 • • • laslewte,ICltyC-ii April JI, 1"7 PaseJJ andreallypraoillcforMlyl"adllW ...... ~. Hcllllvillddllllllileyp,tileayl 'l<'dle),,villptitoul IO Cowicll. Council Member Vonnla., llbd ifCilJ......, Carie 's ...-doa iJ YCrt.l orr!b:n. C..."1Cil Member Wigim ldviad tbll il ii• aal ...... mlcw. Council Member Habeaiclll aid Mr. Clad: ii .... ror an ...i.tioa and she does not llliuk ii should be at that meeliu1, but mould -...... ~ She allO feds lilll ror lhc ~ oo lhc 21•, altJiouab ii iJ bct-,, lhc-lix C-.i ,_,_., sbe-.lcl ult lilll lhc Cily AIIOmc)' and tnc Ci1y Manaacr might be lVlillblc iD cae liley ...., ....,...1:,ns _ Somcdlin1 may come up that we mishl want 10 Ilk, she said, and ii -.Id be bdplbl ID ..... ..._ a,'lilablc. Mr. Vonnillq uked llwcare..-.»dodlll~ the 21'", tbcn . Mayor Bums raponded afflmlllivdy, and said be .... wida c--i......,, lllbcaicbl lbal ii shouldjull be the Council . Council Member Habcniclll aid ya. 11111 uoc people Slallding by in c::..<e ..., need information . IS . Adjo.·-remait 1le meeting adjoamed 11 10 :0l p.m.