HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • DN,LEWOOD Cm' COIJNCIL 1 , ENGUW008, ARAPAHOE COIJNTY, COLORADO RqularSaoloa June 16, 1'97 I. Call toOrdtr TI1e regular mooting of the ~City Council was called IO o,,ler by Mayor Bums al 7:42 p.m. 2. ...ocatloa The iovocalioo was given by Coucil;Mcmber Wiggins. 3. Pledge of Alk,pacr The "ledge ol Allcgiance ,... kd ~ May-,r Bums. 4 Roll Call Aba:rit A quorum ns praent. Cooulcil Mem~ Nabolz.. Clapp. Wiggins. Habenich1. Vonniuag W..aggoncr. BunlS lliDnc Also present: City Manager Clan City Aaomcy Brotzman l'Jq,uly City Clerlt Casile Dq,ul)• Diroctur Olson. Safely Services Operations Superintendcnr McC.onnick. ULilities (a) CO UNCIL MECaER WIGGINS MOVF.D, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Of"TIIE RZGULAR MEETING OF JUNE l, 1!197. Ayes : C ooncil Members Nabh<,lz. Vormiuag, Wiggins . Hnbeniclu . 'Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays : None The motion carried. 6. Scbedul,o Visilon a) Skip Miller .al Aoh.o Loss from Miller Ocvelopmcnl were present 10 provide a statw report on the Cinderella. City rail:wclopmcnl project . Mr. Miller reminded Council that thcy ha,·c all been working on this project for qwtc !Cl111C lime. Although he has~ h.1d lime to mec1 with Council Member Nabhol z yet. he said. he is lookm* lforwJrd to working w1 1h her also. He rclarco that. rcccn1l y. he au~ndcd the lntcmntional Couacdl !Of Shop ping Cen ters Conference in Las Vegas . along wit!1 Council Member Vormittag and C11y Mamager C1ark . Bcc:nw: we nrc getting so much closer, with nll the positive reaction we had lhr.n.:. Mr. Milla '58Jd mc:y would like to come in at a minimum of once every 1wo Englewood Cl1y Council June 16, 1997 Page 2 meeting• 10 give Council nn updn1 -olthe 11111w of'lac p111jocl{IHc ..,,.....i lhal lllerc -i loc ofposilivc 1..ctlon ., tile mceling 'Sabeoque,u lo""'' macllng, 'Equitable Clllcitained uoillor off:,. lie sud. and WC wen: nll a liuto fearful of 1ha1. He added lhnl ii look a yeoman 's job by lhe Slalf, City~ Clari< and Bob Simpson, in dc:alins wilh Equiublc , He said he would lillc 10 make Council aMII: alDoir fabulous efTon bccauscEquilllble 's conccpl ofwhal 1hcy were going 1odo 10 bring in a fewc.,tr.1 dallan woulrt have played n:al havoc with everyone 's dcsin:s for lhc lite arid tl1eir intentions would De CIIISCd a IOI of proole,ns. 711c other developer wanted ·, pul 1h is prciccl on hold and leave ii as is for twvor three ycrus, he advised . Equitable is now in agrccmcnl with us 10 move forward on a new deal lhlll m lleca presented 10 Council . Another obsuclc. he said, was the Monl go mcry Ward lca<e. which the)' had~ to 1ennir •te Co• a $,00,000 payment Mr. Miller said lhal, after talking 10 the Wards ~lllllay. they agree~: although nol in wriling, to lower thnl fee 10 so1ncthlng O\'Cr $300.000 He uhual thal there is a federal law where they have 10 give sixty dnys not ice for tcnninnuon of employment bccallllc d me number of employees they h.1\'C. As soon as we have :i signed agreement wi th Equnab&c.. tDC said. we will give Wards notice nnd they arc prepared 10 move . So. he said , we have had a pretty guaddly and it i, nice to be able to rcpon some positi\'e th ings . Also. we hnve co1u inucd to show this 10 ~ merchandisers ns part of our plnn. he s.1 id . We don 't want to get 11110 p11bl1 clr ~ naoes~ but one of 1hc major people thnl hns been look ing .11 it ca me 10 I own and seems fa1rl y positive Ute:! arc goi ng to do a study, he advised . They have other Mores in 1hc Ci1y and they want to sec how it inltlacU those SIOrcs . Wilh the thC!ltcr still intcrcslcd. also, he s.1 id. we arc looking forward 10 seeing things scan to happen . 'I1lc next thing we need to deal \\1 th is the deve lopment ngrccmcnL of wh ich we ha,'C be:::11 gj\a the first dran . and wc need to file the next portion of th e PUD . which is the pre li mi na ry si te pla.m.. he advised. Mr . Miller stated tha1 lu: hascommiued 10 Slatrthat they would be completed wi1Jun ,,.,, wcd<s of the Cit) ·s receiving the agreement wilh Equitable . In order to do that we h..1 ,-c begu" that process iao\.\ and feel very comfortable that we can have 1ha1 done , he s.1id, and suggested that. perhaps. Ci l) ~ Clark can tell us what date !hat \\i ll be don e ,\1th Equitable . They were supposed to present a mcmocadmn of agreement 10 the City, he said. ou1lining 1he new tcnns and we e~l]Cci that an) d.1y ME Miller staled lhat ano1hcr picct lhnt we need 10 deal wi1h is the outd oo r art museum. He advi sed that bispDStUOn remains the same on 1h.11. They arc willing 10 co ntinue to work on it to set: if it '.''Ork.s. undcrst.-undmg the economics nnd understanding 1hcir need to be able to anmct other URrS that '-''OUld fi nd l an acceptable use. He s.1id 1hcy w,,~t 10 be p.1rt oflhosc decisi ons and he feds Council heard him loud and clear on that so he docs not need to rci1cratc his posit ion. Now lh/11 the Equitable dc3.I is in pl 3CC. r... Miller said he wants 10 ge t into those disc us:.i:;:15 and underst and I hose issues. A mcmorn ndum was tSD.ICd ~ st.1ff in regard to some quest io ns that were as ked :u th e 111cc 11 1 ,g we \\Crc :1 1. he s.1id. and those :mi ccrs have come in and we arc prcp.-1 rcd. at 1hc np pro pn:ue tune. lo dhcuss I hose :md \\Ork wi th Coon howeve r th ey sec fi1 on that piece of it He stressed th:11 they co111inue 10 sec this as a fairty major pubt1Q\Wl,-a1e joint effort to redevelop Cinderella City. He said we h:wc co me over some big hurdl es llC>\.\ nnd dull be rctll) secs. for 1hc first time in a long time. a real p.1th 10 gelling I his 1hing 1R0\1111g OO\\ He s:ud-~ are really excited and will conti 11ue 10 bring updat es :is 1hey occur Counci l Member W:1ggoncr s.1i d Ihm .. ,1 one lim e. they were rnlkmg :1bo111 ph as111g thl! ;itOJCCI 11110 two phases with th e wes1crn arc., and 1hc eastern pan . He asked . if the) \\ere to phase th:tr.... if there would be a possibilit y, rn lhcr th an a ge neral me rchand iser, of hav in g ma~-bc s1n.1llcr stores 1hat wcudd essen tiall y eq ual the same squ.,rc foo1n ge . Mr. ~·til ler rcspo ndd that . \\hen we were taJkrn g :1boUC1 phas mg II . the rationale was th.11 we had th e thc.1ter III place and we didn '1 wam 10 lose lhcm We dC:111 't bche\ c tl 1a 1 snutll tcnnnts arc ever goin g 10 lake up 1ha1 kind or spa ce 111 order 10 be cconomte1U y '41Hbk and nlso hme th e masses 11cccss.1ry 10 hn\'c au o,crnll success ful cc u1cr , he s.11d Thu l 110.llOO IO l OOU squ,1re foot gencrn l 111c:rchm1discr C'.111 't be replaced wit h sm:111 users. he op mcd . Thal was a drop-bad pos 111011 , where. 1f \\C got I hat in place, we ho ped so me other IIIIIJOr user ,,ould co 111c aJong Lo mmkc the O\'Crall ..,roject viublc . he s.11d . aud \\e slill foci tha t we need :1 seco nd anchor 10 make 1lus ~ ~k. • • • • &jjlewaad Chy Counr.il lilac 16. 1997 ,.3 Mr-~ Wag:iga.:r said people have 1old him th.ii they know ol'buslncsscs thnl would just · "; \O come 111(0 dc!IP.; ..._ he addocl. he did not gcl any names . They are smaller !Th'rchandis,n who ore not In this ar,a rilfll-bal an, gelling started a.Id _,Id like to come into the Denver meuopol,llln area . Ml:. IMillcrcaid he feels pretty comf0<1able with the p.,,ple U1•t ore markcti111 this ond going to national --.., discussing tltis widt national representatives and the various retail people, that this thing has t,,aoc,qxad. He said he docs not feel there arc any secn:t kinds of people WRndering around that want 10 co,m:u, ~ that we arc not owarc of. but allowed that that doesn't mean they know everybody . He asked Ll>at dleyplcase pass th< names of these bn.1inosscs along if they can find 0111 who they are . u:,umcil Member Vomiinag expressed apprcchuion 10 Mr . Miller rorcoming 10 che meetings nnd keeping Coamcil ""'"3sl ofwha•. is happening. He oslccd abou t the parking over by the RID nrca . Originally . he rccaAm. ..-c were talkiug about keeping that upper deck . He asked where we arc today with that . Mr . Milllarirospoadcd that the 13.51 plan will be bro11gh1 in as pan orthe PUD IIJJl)licntion. but could be brought 1n. if Council desires. in a less fonnal m.,nncr. We have been Mlrking with Equitable to put Into the pn,ja:lt thaa back lot that Is pan of the assemblnge of ground th.11 Krnvco nnd Equitable have In the aortiPwest mrwer. Rcg.1rding the ca:momics of either redoing the deck or building 11 'lCW one. a new one -cost less than redoing it. so we need that extrn ground. Our plan will show thnt. he said. and we ....U !lie~ everything down . Mr. Miller said he Im been dealing with Council fur EquilM!lc ind ic-...i tbey have• tax situ ition that he ncclls to dc:al with, but they are prepared to give that to tltc pn,jottal,jed to tltcir working out their ta.• problem. C,-il Member Vormiuag asked how mnny spots ";11 be dedicated to RID. Mr . Miller responded 1h11 lbal:& a o,...,Jap between RID and the thc.11er . RID 's fit'SI pltnsc required some-w hen: around 500 s:pa,;es.. .aal now may require t>cn,ecn SOO and 600 . TilC thc:ucr's u5;1gc nod the RTD usage hnvc \'Cry Uttk'SIIIIBl12DCOUs p,trking and this is o very good situation. he opined . RID people will come in around 7:00 m, 1:30 in the morning and probably leave 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. The theater hns very llule matinee ume and isalmaa all night time p.1rting so that is pan of the rc.ison the pl:m h.1s the theater at 1hn1 crid . 10 mala: ii aJM<Dicnt with Uic overlap parking with RID . Coalll:il MetmJer lbbenicht s.1id she did not ha\'c the bcncfi1 of nllcnding the shopping ec111cr convention. ~ C01111cil Ml!inbcr Vonninag was so kind as to sh.ire a tape and he showrd her some oflhc vt'rincn mater.tmls She ·said she read through them primarily looking al devdopmcnr of rc1nil c111crt1tinmcn1 and cntcrt:mnm:m rcu.il. From what she could tell . several pl nccs indicnicd. bo1h on thr. tnpc. which was o panel dJscassion about retail cntert:1inmc11 1 nnd enterta inment retail. and in some of the anicles in the maJOrsboppiltg center book. that quite often lh c ki 11d of rc1ailcrs th.it you would need IJ come into a pl ace to maietba:t wcccssful would not be the kind that you wou ld find al :1 sh , ping ce nter co nvcnllon She said sk-wasjust wondcrir:g if the:,• have gone 0111 \'isiting other commm111ics and look111g for 1h:11 d.iJTacm.piece th.it 1hey all seem 10 say is impon :1111 for something like this 10 be successful in today's worldlamd today's marketplace . Mr. MH!lcr' responded that he hates to always dis.1grcc with her. but that prcsc111a1i on wns done nl ICSC and wz..dooe bc:clusc tlmsc arc the rc1ailcrs that arc there. II was an agend.1 item and he s:ud he reel s those i:eople an: there. Th e people thm go in cntcna inm cn l rctnil rclatctl pla ces arc 1herc and 1he kind or USCTS we !ha-.c talked about that go in those uses were very prcscru :rnd we talked to many of them . he a.s:satal. and be feels it is a \'Cry good source for !ho se people . \Ve have go ne out 10 the market place and Id evccy..lbod)' mow. he saij ICSC is not our so le marketing tech nique . The brokerage com munil y ~, large klnnws 3bout this site and the retail c111cnainme111 group k11ows of th e s11e • Ms. H.b::oicht said he is not dis;igrccing wi!l 1 her. but wilh the p~-ople on 1he panel. Mr. Miller said he lisu:ncdl 110 the p:incl. 100. and that is why it was th ere . It wa s presented 10 the people that use it l!nalcwood Chy Council Juno 16 , 1997 ..... ◄ b) Mr. Elmer Waldow, 370 I South Clay SIias. ~ addressed Couacil n:g,u;din~·thc drainage ditch nlona U,c west lido or the Enalcwood Golf C-. lie advised 1ha1 he is a councilman from the Cily or Sheridan and Vice Prc,idcnl of the McB,-Dilcb. He Slalr d Iha! there has been a 101 or Ooodina and water problems on Clay SUOCI since lhc p,lf --in. Mr. Waldow,11a1Cd that be wns bcm and raillCd on the propcll)' when, he bas his bulima ..., . Iii$ loll<s havi111 bough I that property in 1923 . He Slid he ~rough! tha t up only 10 suggcot that be Ila_, iD lbc neighborhood a long time. and there wos never any flooding prior 10 the golf cowsc comia& ia. 1Jllcy sbut dowu the drainage system !hen:, he said. TI,c pmpcny was originally part of lbc Jobs Mcllmma bocncslcad and thco ii broke off in lilllc pieces or farms . L.11er, Colorado Central pun:hnscd lbc pn,pcny 10 pul a power house on . They dug six or &CVCII well, and U,cn Colorado Cen1"'1 and Publi c Scnvacrp:d and U,e PRll'Cl1Y ucver went al,cad and wcnl into a power house. be advised. l.alCr. lbc ury :IEliglcwood pun:hascd ii for Uicir golf courso. n,erc were four drain,""'°" from Clay Strca 10 lbc ~ Rh'Cr all the way through and Uicy were !here for a long lion.., he recalled . 01,c was parilld IO lbc loike path on the nonl1 ,ide or the golf cour,c nnd Hoc second wa10n hisi.,nh fence line al 3700 Soul.Ii, Clay. If )OU s1and on Clay S1rcc1 and look due~, you will sec where lhcy put 1hrcc or four of tbaK. wdJ.5 back in toward Lhai di1ch . When Colorado Central dug 1ho,e wci15, he said, Ill<) had 10 adjucbc:11c Jllld the)• hnd 10 keep them pumpin g occasionally 10 keep Uicir water rigln, up , They pul UICUI imo 111ml ditch in order IO run them 10 w·dSle and sometimes U,ey would c.itch ii and irrigate !heir property willl iL 1'bc tlun1 one wa, approximately 3850 South Clay and 1ha1 is in line wilh the ccntcrofChaw"-"Y o..a·s papcny . That"'-back 10 the Plauc , as well . he advised. and ii was just drain lines. The rounh.,. a Mamfldd 'Ind CJ:.y and is U,c drJ in lhal he would lite 10 have put back in. he ~,id, and it is the drain LbaG "'"" agreed 10 on the last PUD . which is u,e par U1rec golf coune. U1:11 1l,c City would put• 1hiny-su Ill 6am Clay and Mansfield batj( 10 ·• , Plane . TI1is is the roule tlia1 pipe was in before EnglCWCIOd baupll iL He showed them a print that was made in 1965 by Public Se rv ice and offered it as proor1hal ii \tia&dtcre. That is 1bc ooc we would like 10 have pnl back in, he repeated . Englewood took out nil four daims.. be said. and tlicn they put a big ditch along the east side or Clay Street. Clay Street hlld a hun,p ill il ,aid Ibey had 10 go so deep Uicy dug a bt g hole in width 1.0 where you can 't get two motor homes pasa each ca.lier oo tku street. He sa id tbat we arc not asking Englewood to fi x that. Mr . Waldow said he Im l0kl iW!. !!owns that be would help Jilin gel the thin y-six in and pul 1he street back where it was before n wzdug up. Englewood dug the ditch . he ~,id. IO put the water inlo Bear Creek . He called Council's """1ICIDII to a plnn 1ha1 be paid for from Chuck Thistle, a civil engineer who worked for the Colorado st3JC lugb.'lll-10 dcpilrtmcnl who is very well acquai tlled "''h the area . He said Mr. ThiS1lc testifies IO the facll i:hal lbcre was never any flooding on Clay Street until Englewood shut down 1hc dra ins and pw in lb&:. l,10lf course . Mr. Waldow said he is asking fnglcwood to go ahc:id and put tll.'lt thiny--six m. Patts amd Rccrc::uion ['1rcaor Bl ack sai d 11 1s a policy or money, he rcl a1cd , but yo u c.1 11 put the whole tluug biadi. lbcc:w.sc 1hc cul vcns .arc mostl} sull there under the McBroom and under the parking 101 there. A mall! \.\1lb a backhoe could put the whole thing bac k in in 1wo or three days , he opined. so ll \\Ouldn "t C05l S l.000 1f you went back 10 lh c ongmaJ , Most of ii cn n go in ope n dilch and it wouldn 't be that much co puD.Jl i.n if mo ney 1s trul y a factor . Mr . Thistle also addresses 1he fact tha t. since th ey put Bc.1r Crcd.: D-.um 1n. 1hc basin from Bear Creek Dam to Clny Stree t, nnd 1hc who le drain b.1sin in there . has dC\·elopcd c:w..,ugh 10 \\here we have blacktops and streets and parking lot s 10 where we cou ld very c.1sily be floocbi :in Cb) Succt ag..1ut Need less to sa}. \\e don ·1 wanl lhc water frGm Clay St reel and Mansfield cnmmg dow m C~ St ree l. he s.11d, we wa nt ii lo go toward lhc Pl auc like ii origina lly did . He nolcd we have bcal wctr\ang on th is agrccmc m for the past three yea rs, which Co unci l had before them and is Eng.lC\\oocf s n:lDCC 28. Scncs of 199.t . On page two, articl e 1hree, first p.1mgra ph . i i slates 1h.1 11he Ci1y n-dl pu1 .1 t.lun)-s1, 111ch pipe m from Cla~ and Man sfield 10 the Pl:111e River. Basica lly. he sa id. lhat 1s all we an:: aslong you IC do . JUSt pul Ihm 111 . Fou r d.1)S from now II will have bee n three )CJ rs. he s.1id . lhal \\C hr.c!bccn '-'Ork111g 10 gel 1h1s pul 111. Co uncil Me mber Vormiua g asked Ci1y Ma11agcr Cl;1rk ,r suJT m sccu tlus before . Mr Clark rcspanded thal he has seen it and staff has been working wnh th em on 1L Cc1w1QI Membe r Vornuuag asked wha, • • • • • • Enclcwood Ci1y Council June 16. 1997 Page :I Ille City', lide i ■, Mr. Clari< n:spondcd that it II outlined in a memo conl!uned in the newsletter, Buk:nlly, we hive nn engineer that 11 working with us, he srud, nnd wc nn: looking at n couple o( .utemaliwa. Tho nltomatlve that Mr. Waldow suggested involves n land problem, he s,1id . and we oecd 10 ecquirc on C:&Sttncnt but hnvr. run in10 nn uncooperative land owner. If 1l1c Cily or Sheridan wouJd agree to acquln: thal right of way, then wc c.ould do it. A second alternative is running 1hc drainage through the aolf course IISOltbftck 10 the Plane Rlver. Mr. Clnrk said it is his understanding that our drainage: people on: •Ill loal<ina nt that and will be mnklng n recommendation 101Public Works and 1he Parks Oepartmeat. Mr. Vormlnag asked wlwl 11~ nn: looking at ns for as timcwiae. He asked when U,c project will be done if we go through the golf course . Mr. Cl ark said it is his undcr>tanding tlwt we an: supposed to hear back from our mp-r quite shonly and 11,en we would proceed with the project . Mr. Vonnittag asked Mr. Waldow if he 1>oold mind if we went through the golf cour,c . Mr. Waldow respondod thal he woold not mind . and lli.:11 Is what he is asking for. to toke thirty-six inch pipe from Clay and Mansfield 10 the Plane. He added th:JI he docs not feel then: is nn acquisition of propcny problem . Mr. Waldow said Mr Kloppenber111 one ol'the best neighbor> n penon could possibl y nsk for . He said l,c originally set up the 1grcc111COI bct•-ccn Mr. Blnck and Mr. Kloppcnbcrg and Mr . Hank Basl<c for 1ha1 righl of way . We nsked 11 IIIRI 1lrne. he ~,id, for finccn feet of righ1 of way on 1heir nonh fcnco line. which they agr,,cd to. Then. he 1111d, Mr Bl ock cnlled him up and said Mr. Kloppcnbcrg 's anomcys wen: going wild and :ukcd him IO cnll Mr. Kloppcnbcrg because he didn 't know wlc11 his anomcys were doing. Mr. Waldow said he did call , Md Mr, Klopf,enbcrg aid he knew exactly what his 3ltomcys were doing . He said he agreed 10 give nn..,, fNI IO 1n euement and now they waet forty feet for the 500 foot lengtl, of his property, which is O\Tr n half acr,: or commercial property, on which he still bas to pay tllC property laxes . CotnlllCltial prnpcrty is rather expcnsi\'c nnd this: is all for 1cn dollan and he is noc going to do that . He would have •na vcd with 1hc original ngrccmcnt . Mr . Waldow s.1id. and. although the line would not have done him an)· good pcrsonnll y, he wns ready to do II as a neighbor. Thrn. :-ill ofa sudden . rcs1n c1ions ca me 111 :-ind legal problans and he jua w:un 'I going 10 do ii . Cny Manager Clark ask ed if it was c.~pl :uued why 1he add111 on:1l n glu of wa) was needed He as ked ,f 11 was based on modem d.1 y stand.1rds. bcc:lusc 1he amcn1 engineer hi red by Public Works will have to stand by lus calculn1ions and perhaps cond111ons ma y ha\'e ch:rngcd since 1hc mid-mm cs . He s.1 1d he was JUS1 suggcsring 1ha1, if the Cit)' of Sheridan has a hlllc bit be11er inlluena: or bellcr rappon \\llh hun . 11,c n 1f they wanl to tn.kc cnrc of 1he righ1 of way . we can lake a look at that option . subject 10 cnginccnng approvnl. Mr. Waldow asked Mr. Clork 10 look back to 1ha1 prinl of 1965 and where the ra ilroad has thal radius on I.here That ,s al Clny and Mnn.s ficld nnd JUSI bel ow. where 11 i.s underlined. there is a 1.7 foot by lhrcc ram cul\'en comin g under Clay S1rcc 1 and d11111pmg 11110 an open dit ch and then th.it open ditch goes all the way txick down 10 where 1he 111:umenancc shed 1.s He m.1 1111ni11cd th:1t the propcn y 1s s1ill Junk propcny and has nm been USC'd for n11y1h111g There 1s no reason why you can 't go back 11110 thm propcn) and run lhar line righ1 bn ck where II wns , he opmcd Mr. Clark s.11d he is wondering whc1hcr th e cngmccr 1h111 we nrc usin g now would stand by 1hat onginal plan . or whe1hcr there arc any hydrol og ica l C'111d111ons 1hn1 have ch.,ngcd 1111hc arc.,. He said he docs 11 ·1 re.illy kn ow :ind cnn 't help 111111 w11h 11111 110111 gh1 He s:ud the ?uJ IJ c Work.s people and 1hc cngmccr would be in a bcller pos111 on bcc:rnsc he doei11 '1 kn o'" nll the 1cc hm e1 t dc1 1uls. :1lthough he docs koow that there arc l\\O rou1111 g plnns 1hn1 Are bc 111g cn 11s1de rcd , one followm g th e routing on tlus map and the olher where we would cul through th e golf co urse d1rcc ll ) lo 1hc mer and IDI follow !he Cl;1y Street n ght of way . Mr. Waldow smd they nn:: 1nlk111 g sheet no" O\Ct ll u: t;o lf co urse und I hat 1s a shame. beca use 11 1s a beauti fu l course To 1:1kc )Our s101111 ,,,11cr rmd fl ood II O\cr 1h:11 course 1s :111 abso ltu c sh;unc. he s.1 1d Englewood Ci~• ouncil June 16, 1997 Page 6 The superintendent there knows exac:117 ..,,.. •a wotcr he is p111tin1 on and does a, cxa:llentjob on th.it grass . Mr. Clark said we -""1liils» """'Ill responsibility for ow -er if the engineers tell us that is tho best ,olution. TI.e engl....--, cmmtbaclc and tell us th•t is not the best solution and 10 go with Uic •llcmatM pia11 . Mr. WA idow ,aid . .,. have two dwop-. Olle. our engineer's repon says to put II back where it originally belongs and the second -■Onlimnal No . 28 of 1994 where the City 31recd 10 go ahead nnd put a thiny-si., inch pipe in from Clay IIO Mansfield 10 the Plane . All we are asking yo u 10 do. he stressed. is live up to \\hat you agreed to i■ _--onlinance Council Member Clapp •ed when Mir. l#aldow's engineer advised 10 do th.it work . Mr. Waldow responded that it was May I . 1994. Mayor Bunt! said he wns glad Mr Waldowc::unc: because he looked 01 lhJS 1i111clinc and noticed 11-,1 Mr. KJoppcnberg IUld appeared IO agree ra:aa casr:menl and 1hcn the next year he was gelling an attorney IU)d there was no c.-q>lnruuion as &o wbaJ lillllfpcMd in between . TI,c right of wny issue nnd lhc widlh of ii answers some of that queslioll. he 111i1. • ii sowtds like this is n work in progress that may yet be resolved . Mr. Waldow said there arc beUcr waios• 11111 lllan 10 run up on that propeny, and Ute least c.,pcnsivc is 10 run it back where il was originally. flesaid he atn1kl IO\'C to walk it with anyone who wowd like to come down and. he opined. Oll0C Ibey---lie is talking aboo~ it simplifocs itsclf. Tlte propcny Uial you would run that open ditch thtougll is.nil j1lllk propcny from when the course wns originally built , he repeated . Mayor Bums thanked Mr. Waldow !Cl!' .coming and e.~plained thal the ordin.1ncc 1ha 1 he prcscmed 10 Council is a co ndensed vcrsJon ofth&! .agreement 11ta1 was in the Council pn cke1. NoH<htdul<d Villitan Mayor Bums said the first four peopir: i1Slcd on lhc roster appear 10 be from Orchard Pince, wluch 1s a Housing Autltority proJcct . He moali tbal he IS going 10 be c1rcfid about what he says here becansc he ,s the chnir of the Housing Aulhonty BCtard. An)1 hin g th :ll co mes before Council in rcg.1rd to the Hot1S 1ng Authority. he explained . he is corilia:d out 1mmcdia1cly and he will ask Mayor Pro Tern Ha bc nicl n to si t in for him and conduct any pr~ Tius is lhc period. howc,-cr. when we nonn:illy jus1 receive commc nl and that 's it but be said :as lie goes down the list. he will abslai n where necessary Mayor Bums stated tha1 these presentauons v.,U blC tiinu.rcd to five minutes . (a) Ann Buni.s. saad * has been ;1 rc:s idcm of Orchard Place for two and half vears. and las1 yea r was secrcl:H)' of the Orchad Place Re:side111 Co uncil. Her duues included wntin g a 0 propos.1.J for :, $5,000 gran l from Burgner Funds. Dunng the p.1s1 two and n half ~cars we have had h \O differcnl executive directors. three difTerear f?IIOPCl1)' UU11tngers. two di1Terc111 !iClS of building allcndants. and one sci of assista nt building artcndanrs. she said Now you will be nauung a new executive director . We .u Orchard Place "ould like 10 sa: ~1 a nd rationnl lc.1dcrs hip for all of Englewood Housing including Orchard Place. she SIJd. II wtJI be 1wo years ago this September that Stan and Bcny Plullips were named as building ancnd:mls. ).is. Bums sai d 1he uneasi ness and questions began when the residcn1s reali1.ed 1h.111wo n:sidcrus . :Sherrie Dill ion and Ernie Macs . were becoming pcrsonn.1 friends and s111glcd ou t for special trc:iunenL From tlus. they ha"e built ll group of nppro .x11na1cly ten 10 t\\C lve "Stnn Fans" who sit iu 1he lobby da} 10 amd da) 001 and watch :1ll 1he 01her rcsidenls . She s.11d !he Plullips' quickly dc1 erm incd that lhc rcsadenm oounc1I should be nm much d11Tcrcntly They ou s1cd 1hc then officers • • • • • nslcwood City Council June 16, 1997 Pn ge 7 by the c.,pcdlcncc of badgering and h•rnssment and ekctcd • new set of omcus they felt U,,~ c:ould asily manipulate . She wcm on to s.1y that the council was lhcn adminislcrcd out of the lobby instead olda-ough the council meetings. By the end of their one year 1em1, the ufficrrt lc'ld bra>mc wiser and wen, paying that soi.-.. would come along to replace them . No enc wanted to toke on the job. the rcspoosibdil,cs pl111 Ille he.idnchC$ plus Stan who hnd s.iid 11011 he docs 1101 core abuul the council and bylaws and dw he would do what he wnnts . During the interim time from Janu.11)' 10 March or this ycu. when no formal council wns in pince. n notice was suddenly p111 up on the bulletin board for a chili dinner 10 misc l'imds for a pool !able. This was nol discussed or voted on in a cow1til meeting. she s.iid. and. in fact. oo olhcr details such as cost, size. when we would buy ii, where we would put it. who would use it. or ~ilo Mll&ld maintain it were C\'Cr given . Three days aflcr the dinner. she went 0111 the trczurcr of our Bw-gncr fwids IICCOunt was told to write a check for $800 .00 . The pool !able had already been bought by S1a11 Phdlips and Ilic $800 .00 was the difference between what lcid been colledcd and the purchase price . lbc Burgner Fund lflll1l5. she asserted. arc aJlocat~ to non-profit organizations for the cdUCJuonaJ, cnw:nauunc:111 a.ad ::.ocial use as svecificd ir. 1hc projX)531 . Al the lime or writing tlic propos.11 , we we.re tokl by the 8u,gnct fund grnru conunincc 1ha1 capit :11 cxpcndilurcs were not allo\\cd . A 10ml ofSl.100.00 for a pool tabJc certainly soundli like u capi1.il c."pcndi1urc 10 me . she cxcl:u mcd . During the past two }cars. the ~ps' have had several confr0111ations wllh residents resulting in yelling. m.11chcs and c.,1.n:me suess aM bca.llb p:oblcms 10 Ille rosidcms. In fact. 1oost residents fc.1r and wonder if their lease will be icnnioaicd.. Ld me usu,eyou, she said. when a lll.'ln of six feet four inches and JOO pounds confronts an eigbty IOagbty• five year old woman who is barely 100 poonds. Ilic pcoon is very intimidated. We have ooc suca resident, Hcnrieua Smith. who was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, I 941. Ms. Burris assured COllllCil that Henrietta docs not mince words. Three difTcrcul times Stan or Bcuy ha\'C gollr.d LDl0 tir.ldcs •1lb bcr with each one resulting in serious hcal1J1 :1nd he.irt condilions to Henrictt.i .• she rel.lied. As time bal: tpoe on. many ofus have realizod Hcnriella has been in Ille right. especially now as similar sit"3liam ba\i: happened 10 otbcr residents usually with rcsul1n111 hcnllh co ndilions . Ms . Burris asked &{ somcooc Jiu 10 djc before something is done . She also asked if this is uot senior abuse and harassme nt She s::ud. ~ in the past two years. the Phillips ' hotvc conrinually igno red the rcques1 for confidemiali l) when pe:t;5iDml si1uations were discussed with tl'ICm . While in 1hc lobb y. they ha,c rcpea1cdl} discussed Lhe \':l.tlOIIS management problems wlth residents to any one si111ng 1hi:.~. This has scared ilu: cldcrl) rcsu:k.olsso much we now have a satellite police office in our building. The) also ha\'e made derogator) axnmaits aboul and 10 various residents as they go :hrough 1hc lobby. Now most rcsidems Lake the cla-ator., rhr second noor and lhcn walk down the stairs and go out lhe s1~e doors. We arc all IO\\ mco mc rcstdc::ots and need to live at Orclurd Place , she said. and arc 1101 able . physicall} or fin.,nciall y. to mo\-e-so.me place else . For most of us. thi s will be our home for lhe rest of our li\'cs, she said. Ms. Burns told Cow:c..11.h:lt she 1s asking for their help ;md lh.11 they please consider the appoin tment of a new c.~CQJU \'C dircclm wisely. She also as.kcd !hat they consider tllC renewal of the co ntr.t i.:1 for Stan and Bcny PluU1ps ,c:r,, wisely . She asked ir il isn't about time for n chn11gc 1hat cou ld resu lt in bcucr li \ling conditions loc .all the resi dents of Orchard Place . as well as all the resi de nt s or th e Eng le,,ood Housing Authoril). md ~ ~tore publi c confidence . Mayor Pro Tcm Habenicht 100k O\er 1hc mcctmg at tl11s tun e a nd asked CII) AllomC) Bro1zman ro explain Council's roll regardin g the Housing A111hori1y and 111 1cr 111s of lhc lunng and the l."\aluarxm of 1he cxcc u1i,,c director or lhc Hous in g A111l1ori1y and ..)rpcoplc wl10 \\Ork for Orchnr d Place ~Ir B.rown..1n said 1hc Englewood h"ousing A111hori1y. wl11 ch is :t scp.1r.ue govcrnmeillal cnt11y. runs Orchard Pb::::c. II has separate personnel from lhc Ci 1y tlml iakc ca re of that. 8) ch:rnce. he sa id . our M.1)or and tb&:- chainnan of the Enr,lcwood Housing Au thon1y h,1ppcn 10 be one and the s.1111c . He s:ud their couc:rns arc \'Cry valid . and imro11ant to us. :ind when !hey enter the crimin.i l field , cc natnly our police dc:p.uc:oe.nt responds 10 those . fhc only problem is thai Counci l docs not appoin t !he p :rsonncl al 1hc HOUSl.llg Au1hrri1y, t11a1 is the Housing Au1hori1y Board 1ha1 docs 1ha1 . Th ey arc scpar.uc rrom us and Ul&::5le concerns should rc.1 lly be going to them riglu uu\\ lu ...... -t ,cy 0,,,ncll June 16. 19'17 Pnae• An~ ponon n,nn the audience Slated 1hn1 they ha, .. nlrondy been then,. M.,,,... Pnt Tan Habenicht. in response to someone who Biked t0 speak rrom the audience, said w, need to mau...,., --:arc following the rules of order in this meeting . Sheconsuilcd the Cil)I Anomcy Rnd stated dial~ waald go on with the meeting :ind if someone wru111 lo Ask a question 1hcy can do so when their tum CDl1CS ap. (b) Marte Klaess. • n:sidont or Ortl.ird Pince. 3425 South Shennnn Street , said he was elected prcsidcnr al tho n:sidcnt council back in March or 1997. One or the things thnt hM taken pince . he said. is th:11 Mn. Ozbum. who has tried lo come in and lake over our council. has ousted him through her lll'n --He nskcd Mayor Bums ifhc rteei,'Cd a ccni0cd lcllcr. Ma)nr Pm Tan Habenicht 3Skcd Mr . Klacss not 10 direct nny questions lo Mayor Bums al this lime as he has c:xempttd himself from any discussion here been use or a conflict or interest . Mr. KJaess apologil.t:d and continued that 1hcn: were copies or the ccnificd leucr in the rolin he passed oul to them. Tk problem th.it we arc running into. he said. is 1h:11 when he spoke 10 Ci1y Manab-cr Clark somc tin: tm::k. :a 111a:dng with Mn. Ozburn was nmmgcd . bt11 she did not listen to what Wl! had to say . She n,n,od rigltl 3IOlllld ond did c:c>ctly as she wished. There arc pmblcms i,; sc, .. rni ditrcrcnl areas. he advised. SIie im unih:d people in to stand as supposed non-in1cn:s1ed p.mics. which he 5"1d he found out is not true. Mr. Ed Sanborn is an c.xamplc. He was al one lime n council president over a1 Simon Ccnlcr. Mrs. Ozburn Im St1ICd. ond sl,c continually"""· not temporary. bul implies lhal she is the pcnnancnt din:ctor ~ dlerc. She has done many thinp which, as fur as he is concerned. are imtnornl. improper. • etc .• he opin:d. At the M.iy r' council meeting. he ••id he iuld stnncd his co11ncil meeting. and she came in10 the mca:ing with two Englewood officers and 1old him tlmt he oould no longer run 1he mecling. lhnl she was pottmg Mr. Sanborn in charge as temporary president 1111d lhnt Mr . Klacss was ousted Al that lime. they h3d c1 reaif dcction. pre-printed 001101s and nll . bul no word w.is c,•cr given to him . He said he was not totd al'this and was not gh-cn :my waming so he could lul\-c 111 s cons1ih1c11cy 1hcrc . TI1c vote turned out tw.atty--st\-cn to twenty :tgninsr him but the room \Y.lS pocked . he ~id. TI1crc wns n pclilion I.hat was put CL be said . which m,1dc 110 comment ns to why or wh.111hc reason for 1hc rec.ill wns . He said he has n«er !!ccn told tl,c reason. oil hough he lk'IS nsked . Mayor Pro Tcmi Habcnich 1 snid Council !ins his p:1ckc1 ;md his leucr c.xp laining these things She said she is conccmed d:mt the things he is tnlk ing about arc i111emal problem s that l:-: need s to discuss with the Housing Authority Boord wliich has authority C"vcr this . She nskcd agnin that City Auomcy Brot zmnn clarify the inraar:tion between the City Council and the Housing Autt-ority so 1hat Council will understand if there is at1)1hing they h.,,,c some ability lo do something about Ci ty Anoracy Brotzman repealed th.11 thc Housing Autl1ority Bo;ird 1:1kes c:1rc of :111 personnel at Orcl,a,d Place . He sa1d Council "ill 1rans1ni1 :1ll 1hc docu 111cnts 10 1l1e Housi11g Au1l1ont) Bo.:ird . whi ch 1nects Ju ne 2S 'h . AU theCXXKXmsthcy :ire c~prcsslng nrc va lid . he s.1id . but they ;ire for th e Housmg Authori l). 1101 for Ciiy Coancil Mr. Klacss Slld the f"C35'0 n they dm dcd 10 come 10 C11y Co ull':i l is bc::111S1: lli:y h;we ancmplcd 10 go through \':UlOUS processes 10 ge t this m:111cr rcso h-cu . We h:1ve people o,-c r there who reall y don ·1 cnrc about the pcoptc-m there He s.iid he co uld G" c them m;my c: .. amp lcs. The probl r-m is. we t1ave a woman here who is j:m about 10 be n:uncd 10 office :tnd docsn ·1 deserve rhc job . he asscncd Mayor Pro Teta Habcniclu st:ued :tg:1:11 1h:u !h is is 1101 thc propi:r venue for thi s. She said she co11curs ,,,1h our Cn~ Ano~ who is S.1)111g tha t cc n:1111l y th e~ h:wc sincc.-c :md impon:1 ;11 co n-:e rn s :1nt. 1hcy • • • • llny ,cwood Chy Council Jnnc 16, 1997 Pngc 9 need 10 be laken to 1he Housing Aulhoriljl Board. Ir you ha'!e 1ri<d IO.,-. *said. and have bad dlfflcully . she !bel1 Council cnn liclp by passing thil h11'0fflllllon ,-_ Cily Mnnngcr Clnrk said ii WIii his undcrslnnding 1ha1 1hc Housing Aud'°""• brough1 in a n:prcscn1ativc from the U.S. Depor1men1 or Housing and Uman Dewlopmclll lo assisl ID ~ng lhrouah some of lhcse issues . Mr . KJacss said lhat did no1 occur. The genUcman in qUCllio■ c:a111t-ca to eo1mt voles and was there for only one meeting when the nominees were present. he said. 30d ~-bs. 0-t.bum stated d\31 he would count 1hc voles nnd Mr. Snnbom would counl lhc VOICS. The problem" lllal \IOlcs were tampered wilh an~ lhal Mrs . Ozburn Slnlcd lhc ballots \>Ollld be picked up through lbe....tend liul lhey were DOL Mrs. Ozburn also Slnled that she woold number the ballOIS. but this -_ ...._ He said he n:c:i:ivcd • very insulling and demeaning phone call fiom Mrs. Ozburn where,lhe as -• called him a liar and told him lhat two people saw him messing ·.vi1h lhc bal)O( box. Willll .....,. _ the ballot box. be explained , was lhal ii had 001 been cmplicd and was Slulfcd full . He ,aid be:.-tbc: building a11cndan1 made a patch over 1hc lop c,f the box nnd asked people to hold off until T....., wbal it was cmplicd . The building anendant was lold by someone 10 rcmOYe ii and all of a IUddeu ii -mygeriously half empty, Mr. !Clacss Slated . Mayor Pro Tcm Habenicht s.1id she believes this is 1hc discussion that be 3Dd tlhc people with him should be having with the Housing Au1hori1y members. The Housing A111horiry -.S arc "'-'Y much like the council that you arc talking aboul , she said , and lhey have dir<et -~.,..,!be stalf and IWI' decisions. We do nol have thal. she Slresscd. and in tloisvcnuc it is oppn,prille for)'OU 10 shale ycur <-onccrns, It is alw:iys approp~alc to do lhal. al the same time. this is a --aeds 10 be: baw=\ the Hoasing Aulhoriljl and you . Not with the 51311', it sounds like you have clcolll...., the stall'. she said. but your next s1ep is to go to the Housing Atllhority members who have r.ontroi mf dlis. Mayor Bums s.iid a new director of the Englewood Housing Au1 ho ri1y was famed on Friday . It is nol Mrs . Ozburn , she was nc1 a fhmlist for the interviews and this is a new higft.Jy ~ person who is coming in from oulsidc the city . 11 will lake o couple of weeks before !:he wil be oo board. he c.,plaiacd. but Mrs. Ozburn is not rhc new director so we will h.i vc an cnurdy nt\' pet310n who will be reviewing this . Mr . Klncss commented 1h.1t this is not the only person they have prcblans •ah Righi from the very top on do\\11 you have people there who tolally ignore what is being s:i id and ~part of the ~s,nn Fans ." Mayor Bums said the new dircdorwill rc\'iew nil personnel when she corrws 1n. Mr. Klacss snid he is not a hard man lo get along with . He said he hns a h:mp::r like anybody else. he is not violenl. althou gh he has been accu!.Cd ort,c ing violent by these people. Kc ~oded Council that November is comin g. He asked all the people rrom Orchard Place 10 stand ~ 5lD the Mayor could sec how many people ,.~re arc concerned with I his. He s.m d Iha! I his is quite a nu.me.or rL people and we can work for or we c.1n work ag.1inst . We would prcrer 10 work for. he s.11d. beca use-~oo have done so me fine thi ngs in thi s City . Council Member Waggoner asked ir1hey have lried tal<ing this to lhc En gk'WICJOd Housin g Auth onty. Mr. Klnes.s said we ha\'C taken it lo who we know . Mr. Waggoner asked ag.1m df1thcy ha\'C 1akcn ii 10 th e En glewood Housin g Au1hori1y. to which Mr . Klncss responded affin n.11 h.·cl~ Mayor Burn s sa id lhc Board hn s not reviewed th is Mr. Kl :icss s.1id 1101 the Bo.1rd. u~ unti l abo ut lhrce \IIC:ks ago he didn ·r even know about the Board . He said he has tried nmny thin gs and been rrustrat ed m C'\1 0) d.u~uon he has gon e. We hnvc situaiions here that upset me grc.11ly , he said , thi s cxpcndi1urc oruwn~" that had no business being spent by Mr. Phillips. the harass ment or people in the bu ild ing . uglewood Cily Co1111ell lune 16. 1997 11111e JO Mayor l'lo Tom Hlbcnlcllllold,Mr. KlaCls that 11W nrc dignlKing inlo a dilCIIS.jion and u,-u is not lhiJ ,pan ofthc -'••· She told Mr. Kl-lhat bc,-ia to go 10 tl>c Housina Aulhorily ~cl, and, now that be knows they exist. pe rhaps he can get help there. Mr. KJaoa ,aid he c:cnai11ly hopc:l lllC)· can get help somewhere, because whea you have elderly people lhat an: bcina thrcalcncd wilh eviction it is a liulc ridiculous . Cooncil Mcrnhcr Vomu11og said let's 51a1e Jor 1he record when 1hey 111CCI and where lhcy mcc1 and the time they-. City A11omcy Brotzman said Ibey mcc, on June 25~ al S:45 p.\n . al lhe Housing Authority Building. 3460 South Shennan Strccl. Mr. Vormilla g Aid. for him 10 bring lus gang Uicrc Md tha1 is wllcrc you can talk to them. Mr. Klacss said he does not call tltcm a 811118 and h,. rcscnlS 1he use of Ute word png. Mr. Vomliuaa aid he IIICIUlt IIIC group . Coundl Manbcr Nnb~ asked, if Ibey find Ibey llavc 1101 goucn some fonn of rcsolulion after they have approached lbc Englewood Housing Authority ~rd. whether U•.crc is anotlicr avci1uc lhat UIC)· can ta!<c . City AUo~ Bro1 :zm.1n said lhat would ac1ually be a coun acti Jn nflc r 1ha1. Mr. Brotzman suc.s5Cd that Council wool~ like 10 help them . bul they don 't employ the Housi ng Authority personnel . Mr. KlacP said he undc1>1nndi ,haL but i11dircctly ,1~,;y arc still City employees. Mr . Brot zma n said they arc nol. 111d qain stressed that they arc not Cily cmpjoyecs whatsoever. They arc Housing AuU10ri1y employcos. 90 lhal means they wcnl lo lhe BMUplllal doesn 'I employ tlicm . He told Mr. Klacss !hat he as really tryinc ll' (I.et an cmpk)ylncnt action take n care of. and 1ha1 Iv: really needs lo go to who emp loys them. Md Jl31 is the Housing Authority . This Council would lo•·c 10 help yo,. and they arc going to do everything tlicy can to get tJic infonnation lbat was presented by Mr. Klacss 10 1be proper pcoolc. he asscncd. But that 1s ttu: Housing Authority and 1hat is who hires and 1ircs those people . Mr. K.Jacss said he certainly hopes they have a lot of room in that council room because there will be a lot of people there. He said the dilemma they arc fncing now is they worked very hard 10 keep 1lus quiet that they were axning o\'cr here and he would lik e the co11fidc111iality kept .1way from the building. Council Member Waggoner s.1id !hi s is a public mccling :rnd I\C have newspaper people here . Mr . Kl:1css sai d he doesn 't ,:arc if Mrs . Ozburn knows ii bu1 \\e h:l\c worked very hard to get thi s mee1111g togetlu:r. It has just gott.:n oul of hand nnd it 1s nbout lime thal somebody s1nnds up fo r the people over there. he opined . (c) Genmdc Con nors. 3425 Sou1h Shcmum Slrect . sa id she wondc ~s if the re is any use to give any infDnni.11ion at all . Si1e said her problem is th:11 . 011 Thursday a0ernoon. June 5. 191)7 a1 4:00 p.m. sbc lc:ft her apanmcnt to gel her m.1il. bul forgo t her key. She wenl 10 the buildrng atte nd:ml. Stan and Betty Phillips ' apartment, number 105, ID have one of them come and unlock her J oo r, This is part of the duties of lhe building at1e nd.1 nt s. she nddcd . As shC" walked towa rd 1l 1ci r ap.inmcn t. she s.1w Leo Miller. the assistant building attendanl. wa lking 011 1 of the 110:i h cu try door . Afier knocking a number of umes at number I 05 and no answer. she wailed and knocked again. bu 1 gm no response . Tlu s co miuucd wui l 4:50 p.m. App.1rc111 ly 1he Phillips ' were 1101 on duty , she s.1 id There is a11 ass 1s1a 111 butld 111g ancnd.10 1 and 111s wife to help out whe n eme rge ncies arise. but there w;is no coord111a11011 th at d.1). At 4:50 p.m .• Ms. Connof'S said she went to 1he sou1h end of the ha ll 10 !he ma1111 cm111ce room . Jesse aud the CETA yo un g people were there. so he cm nc to lhe thi.-tl noor :rnd unlocked hi.:r np,1nment. ~he sa!d tlus kmd of compllllnt has bccu 1,~ing on . and 1hcrc nrc olh'!r thing s. coo . P~ple l,a vc let tl1 e pl1 011c nng fo r ten minutes and no answer. M.ayor Pro Tern Habcniclll thanked Mrs . Co .•110 ~ for her co ,ii1•1c 111s and again St.l ied th at . "h,le Co un c,I is very concerned. 5he would urge her ID 111.:e:.1 h'll11 the Euglcwood HDusin& Au1horit)' Board and mak e them aware of these proble ms. • • • • • • Englcwooo Chy Council June 16, I 997 Page II (d) Vllda Bishop !old Coacil ... she bis been a raiden1 of Orchard Place for Mccn yeors. She aski!d why Ibey wer,; !Old b)· Ma,y 11)'21>-0!ban, dial lhc btJildlng nttc, .... 1nu can not be lil<il, yel In 1his couA1iy \\'C ca n even nre 1hc Prelldeat ~ illpc:ldunch1. She tmed why the Phillips ' can ~...alt nil Ille rules in lhc book , bu1 Slill no action is 1aa1 apiJISI !hem. Rules such as giving oul master keys 10 1hcir r,;cnds and handing 1na11Cr keys out IO -• ho cla ;ms 10 be from Public Sctvia:. She said ii seems lha lMr, Phillips can piny poker C\,:ry SarunllJ e,-cning for whal could be considered high n1noun1S of money by some of1hc 1enan1S. TIiis. sllc said. ,s :Ibo done while he is on dury . He holds his game in 1he conun lm lty room , nol in his npanmenl. Whem he """ told he could no longer ha,-c hi s game. he 1old 1he Englewood HCNlSiug Au1h-O riry thal iflhis is ta czse. lhcn lhe lad ies could n01 piny bin go 01 len eenlS n card lbr lwo cards an~ a big pol of:iboul fifty 111 IC\'Clll)'•fi \'C cen1S. Ms . Bishop sai d the Englewood Housing AuU1ori1y lold Mr. Bi shop Iha! W:lS aby. Ms. Bishop wen, on ID say lhal ii SC'Cms Mr. Pl1illips has p111 his brand on Uoe building wbccl dwr. He has left ii in shamble:;, unfi1 for ~,re use by olhcrs who may use ii from 1imc lo Ume. She recalk:d th:ll mere was n residcnl down In the lobby 1nlking badly abou1 Mr. Klaess and she was mnking raJse aaasali:lns aboli1 him on top of this. She had her Bible in her hand and Ms . Bishop said sloe told ltcr sh< was a llypoc:ril c. She told scvcrnl people :tiler lhnl 1ha1 5"e had been called a hypocrilc. lhen she lUIDcd around and submincd n gricvnnce saying that Ms . R:s hop had called her an SOB . Ir was rcponed to Jaapai. Pickel:L .u cdtr:-;ucd wom.1 n. t!mt Ms. Bishop I ad called her an SOB , after which Ms. Bish-Op lold Ms: Plcbn N she had nm called her n nnmc. b111 • hypocrite . Mrs . Pickell rospondcd lhnl hypocrilc and SOo' bffcmc same nu1nbcr of syilnbl cs. Ms. Bishop stated thnt. on several occasions. she has heard~ f'hlthps adl others dun if1hcy don 't like ii this way. 1hcn move out. He has staled we no longer go by the ru les. we tui,-c broken them all and the Engle wood Housi ng Aulhorily ""n 't do nnyth ing about it Council Member Wi ggins stated 1ha1 ~--care p:;,l'ttlcss. We symp.11h izc "i th you fo ',ks. he sai d. and understand thai you have a problem. but ""C bzl-e no power. We will gc 1 rhis info rin ;:itio n 10 lhc Authority so they arc awa re of it. but we c.111 '1 help ~·ou. You arcjusl \\nsl ing )Our tune co nunt here and spc.1k in g to us on lhis matter. he s.iid . Mayor Pro Tern ngrced !hat they sincere~• CDCDUrngc them to tnkc th eir co ncerns to the Englewood Housin g Authority meetin g. She tu rr~ I.be az::ting 00,;k O\'Cr to M:i yo r Burns (e) Chnuncy Dunn told CoullCll l>e O\m5 the propcny nt JKO I South Cl ny Stree t. He ~11d he has six acres there :rnd ca n h,'llldlc his own w:m::r. The drnin 1hcrc is a historic:tl drnin th:u goes trnck into the l800's. He s.,id he h,'\S 132 mini-warebaaaE uairs and :1 101al of 4~6 with 1hc mini-war eho use. motor homes. boats. ca mpers and diJJcrcnt things. He sured that. laSI week . Mr. Brotzma n received :t lcncr from his anomcy and lhc place was fiooded ,~· badly TI1 is dra in \\':'IS covered up when lhc go lf co urse was developed . he sai d. :md he pe rsonal~ v.."CII in there :rnd opened it up. allh ough he reali zes he was trespass ing. It has been cove red up since. and he went back nnd l1and du g it. He :ic-t~ !hat he be: gi ven pcnnission to go to Dave Lee. who he 531d bic"•orb \\ith ve ry we ll . and ht:i\'C 1h1s dr.i in opened up to solve his fl ood in g problems . You c:m ·1 get mcaor homes up or down Cl:ty Street L.1S1 Sn 1urday's s1onn was n prct~• good one , he snid . :rnd they n~ b.k!ly He s.1i d he is sin cc rcl ) nsk in g Co un ci l to give him some help to get the drain ope ned up This ttms ~ been three years and he fl.:J il y nec:Js it opened ~p just as soon 35 possi bl e. If not . he s;ml hew· 'h.n'C 10 ope n it up hi1nsc lf bcc:1usc he h:is 10 51:'ly 111 busi ness . (f) Gilbert St:trk . J 161 South Et:mdwa~·. sai d he is jus1 abo ut to clc.1 11 up th e lot ngain at 2840 Sou th Shcnnan S1rcc1. He sai d COUDci! "kmbtr Nabh olz !ms re.i ll y done a bc.11 11 if11l job on ii :md he con gr:u ula1ed her. He s.1id they did go O\a 1~ 3nd 1110'.\' !he weeds do,,n. but 1hey did 1101 clean :my trash up . or the trees or 1hc mess th 11 people ~ dorng thill arc li\'rng rn 1he trees. Th ey :m: buil din g Ii res th ere and us in g th e rcs1room there. and he 3Slcd Coonc1l 10 plc.1sc do so mc1h111g OnaJcwood Ci1y Council June 16, 1997 P11c 12 COllllcil Mombct Clapp ulu!d what U1e status of Uiat propcny is. Cj'y '1f?n.1~r Clan< said it iJ bis undusWldln1 that clwlons l11ye been irJUCd to U1c owner and UiCy will be brou&ht lx:filR the -.i judp, AdditiWlllly, ba sa :a he and Cc>1ncil Member Nllbholz an: aoing to tour the propcrt)' lalcr i"5 week . Mr. Stark said that ii not getting Ibo lu\ cleaned up nnd oll the feces and Ilic urine S""-11 . There is ,. lish tank, he sai/1, 1hat has been down t'.lcrc rulel tllC people come over lllday nnd lhcy piclr.cd the tisb tall& and Ibey pul it on the other people 's 101. He said Utissmclls and he docs no1 know if U..rc is liry H:iJll injustice or if somebody ,yilbin IIIC Cl:y is 11-orking with somebody. He said he went by the Gothic Thcnter and it is au boarded up nnd the weeds arc pulled . He s.1i d lie docsn ·, have much money and c;ao 't build a part . but at least the Gothic is cleaned up . He asked why Ui:u lot can't be cleaned up. Countjl Member Clapp asked. i(pcople an: U5ing 1lia110 rcJievu 1hc1nsclvcs, whct1>cr we arc goin& ti, U1erc on a regular basis 10 ci1c J>C'OPIC . City Ma,iagcr Clark s:iid l1e undc~ there have bcco scveal inspections and Ile is 1101 sure whal the ci1a1101u were for . H: ~id il may be DefCSSI'>' that we clc:aa '8le lot. file a lien ngajnst ii. and then lnkc a zero 1o~rancc policy from hc,-c on out Cou ncil Me11lbcr Clapp asked if 1hcre arc people living then,. Mr . Clark said it is a vacan1 Jo,., nd 1k owner i5 aippc;,scd to bring in some sort of a zoning change. but that is no C."<Cl&SC for lcavin& the lat m!Nd shnpc. Mr. Stark said this has been gning on for five yc.irs. and th a1 is wh y he thinks 1hcrc is som~ ia lllcCity that is working halW i., , .! City MaJJagcr Clark h , ·; ' ~ \,,11 r..y to get 1hc si1 uation correct ed . (g) Beverly C.mnmins, J 188 Soulh Lincoln Strccl. s.1 1d she docs not thtnk there JS aay WfiC in doing this . We arc all human beings and 111csc folks arc luun,111 beings. she s.1i d. They have com= 0111 here to talk to Council .is human beings. not 1~rily tlwt I.hey l1a•,e po\,er . because. she ad..now~ i1 doesn 't sound like 1hey do . It is to let you know what is going on over rhcrc. she said . Ms. CummmtS said sb~ used to iivc there (or a short while and knows wha1 ii used 10 be lik e and she kno,-.,s wtw it 5 1.ikc now. Sbc said she h.,d to t..1ke her mom to Lhe hospital jus1 before Christm.,1s wuh \\ ha1 !hey !hou,ghll •'DS a bean attack.. but ins1cad it was just lhe stress. She nskcd Council if they know wh:u 11 is like 10 have 10 get a ride from romcbody else. to depend on somebody else to ge l over 1111cc or four blocks . TIICSC folk,; arc seniors and tl1ey need yo ur help , she s..1id . They have come ou t here to get Cou ncil 's help and u.q m being turned away. She asked why. ns people. Council can 't sec their side . She Slid her mother. Vcsn Frank. was the very firs1 person 10 move in over at Orchard Place. and they have nc,·cr had a.oy probfans until the Phillips' moved in . The managers have been wonderful up until rhen. she opined . She rdaD::r.d that ,~c:y bavc alrea dy gone to Ma,y Rya n-Ozbum au d she wrote it all down , and we oouldn t ha,-c illllVJC rccordLr, ,he $.ll .1• bul she could wri1e it all down. Ms. Cummins asked where it all went nobod) probably saw it. so whnt.'s the use . Tl 1csc folks arc ge1ting ready to get up and leave because they knma thl.")' have gone to all oflhis for nothin g, she said . Wr. arc all gomg to get old some d.1~ Wh> 113\e a security building over there , she asked. because there is no sccun l) and no pc,cc of mind . There arc people in and out or th ere co ns1antly and we C\'C n ha ve police O\'e r there now because of all the probli:ms. There was a s1udy, she ndviscd. that fo uud th:11 people who arc und er stress like tl11s arc like people wluo have been in a war, and prisoners of war . Afle r a while they lose all of1heir willingness to livc. &o fif:!IL to e\'cn give a darn . and thi s is the wny I hi s bunch is headed. beca use uobody \\'ill help them She $lJd. she is Vesta Frank 's d.1ugh1er, her mother is eighty-five. and this is c.msing h-:r a 101 of stress, The~ docsn 't help them . She repeated lh,11 th ey need help. as people. and being a person means more LbaJll some words written on a pi ece of paper . She ;.1id sl1e hopes she has hit Council 's he.i n because that m; • • • • Bt1&lcwood Cll:rCoonc,I J11nc l6. 1997 l'llac lJ wberesh<-aimina. because somebody needs 10 help lhcsc people. S' 'I 1hcy need lo ~,i rid ofSlan and bis 1rifo.,...., they an: the biggest problem then:. , ' I Council ,..._. Clapp asked if then: Is a way that 1he Ciiy or Council cotlld. not 11ca:ssarily gel In lhe middle af.-...,tlaal Ibey shoDldn 't be in 1hc middle of, bul do oomc1hing to help lhc Housing Autharily. Skald she bows Ibey have gone. long lime wilhoul n din:clor Md perhnps lhal hllsn'I helped thillgs ad ~}'be we should have been oll'cring our help 1sooner. M:l)ot Bwns said lhcrc rc!lly isn\ we hove a new din:c1or and Ibey are going 10 luwc 10 be the ones 10 take this up. 'fir: Boon! has not looked al this yet and i1 just h.1s to be deal! with by 1he Housing Aulhorily. be aid. He said this is terribly difficult for hlin ID listen lo bec:IIISC lhis is 1101 lhc wny' lhe Housing AaaamJ• normally runs and he is very concerned a11d 1vnn1s it cortteted. Mnyor Bums said he wants this .......i by the new dlra:tor and the board. Our new director is an extretnely experienced indhidual. be 5llid. and is ,-.ry highly regarded for her abili1y 10 n:lnie lo 1enants and SlalT. Council Mc::ml:Ja" Vonniu:ig .ukcd if Council can received n copy of the Housing Authority minulcs for the meeting as ..,..:l!S pos.m,le so lhat ,,cy can be abrcaSI ofwhn1's happening. Mayor Bums said 1hc director will -lie on board by lhcn and IMI he \\ill be allending 1he Colorado Municipal Le.,gue Confcrencz tlal day. He SoJid he will get b.1ck to 1hc vice chair oner tonight nnd the other nlcmbcrs . 1nt:rc ·was a mer sent that 311 of'1hc Board has . and he will 1:ilk 10 them some more about this and sec what l\'e aa cl:>:llboln suting up something :111hc nc.~ 111cc1ing. Council Memll<r1!abcnitht asked if 1hc Huusing A111hori1y meet ings an: open 10 lhc public . Mayor Bums said absohlDe:f!; Ms. Habenicht said 1hat "'>uld tv: :-: ;-r:,so111hcn ror :my individual on Council or anyone in the audiem::eu-:myonc who is conccmct: 10 go . Mnyor Burns s;lid 1hc Housing Au1hori1y meets in a small room so It:: will h.n-c to talk to them :ibou l how 10 pursue the nc.,1 meeting if we h.,ve fifteen or twclll)' people. Ms. Habcnichl suggest,d lhal lhe Ci1y could be helpful in providing a space. Council Member Vanmaag suggcslcd 1hc Malle.' Ccmcr . Ms. Habenichl suggcslcd Orchard Place . Council Member Wigii,,s said it "wld sun: mal c ii c.1sicr for lhc people 10 get 1hcn:. City Monag,:r Oart< s;iid he met \\ilh Mr. Klacss IWO or lhn:c limes and olso lalkcd lo Mnry Rynn-Ozburn ~• it He smd he h3s extended the coopern tion of his office where they feel neccss.,ry in trying 10 wortr. through these issues. In addition we h.id th e neighborhood impact 1cnm :md the neighborhood w:ueh people go 0\-ct :md visit \\ilh them :md sec if they could work 1hro11gh so1ne issues . He snid he had thougbl they bt'0aght in a representative from HUD. but app:ucnlly Ihm was juS1 to monitor a tenants ' election. He Silid'bc thought they brought in a lhird p.1rty lo help the tenants work tl1ro11gh some of the conflictS tbc:re. Mr. Clart said his office will make I heir resources nvailnble to either !he 1e11an1s or 1hc Housing Allthonr) to sec ifwe can work lhrough these issues He feels it would be beuer if both the tenants and the-Housmg Authorit y come 1oge1her and ask for that help if they can ·1 work ii out nmongSI themselves. (h ) Thelma Rcdc:11. 4942 Sou lh Galap.1go Street. s.1id she just cmnc 10 show her suppon for her friends at Orchard Place . She said she has ,•isitcd friends at Orchard Pl:1cc for many ye.1rs and it used to be a mcc rd:ncd atmosphere for the rcsidems there . From v;si 1ing !here recently . she 5.lid she know·s there is 1cnsiooi an the air and some of the pt-oi,ilc ;1 ~y shut 1•p in their roo ms bcc.iusc they wan1 to avoid contact nith t.I.uSi person ,,'ho 1s c.iusing so nnch troub:'! t 11crc . He seems 10 hnve no feeling. no regard for thctr feelin gs. She s:ud ~ he works wi lh Vesta Fmnk :11 her store . 1hc Mini Flc.i Man . Ms . Redell said she can jUSl take amt look al her in !he morning and know when sh,: has come in contact with this person on her way out n,,go to work arid he h,,s bo..·n very mdc and cmdc 10 her. or else somc1hing has happened in the e"ening :uid she hasn '1 slep1 oil nighl. She sai d she lold Ms . Frank 1h01. irlhings don·, gel belier there. shew end up in the hospital. and she did . Englewood Cily C01 ,ncll June 16. 1997 Page 14 b (i) CIIITord Mul,er told Council he is a,... olSbaiilM am he has two reaso91 for ,, being hen:. He said he Is a recipient of the wnter that comes down ca Clay. and has gone 001 into his yard up lo his ankles iu WIIICf, He said be liya righl IIC."1 IO Mr, Bolkias • 1he bouoni of the hill. The finocnth green. hcsald. ls nothiaa buJ a lake whe11 lhal ---lllal bill. He said he was asked to be in,-olved ill Uie condilion of On:h:lrd PIia: as an AARP n:presalllirc !tom lbe Slale Legislative Commillcc. This is an issue. he said. Iha! docsn 'I need lo 11'1 as far a lhc Lcgisla1un: bc:causc ii is an issue tlull can be tnkcn can: of hen:. Then: wen: S83 bills before lhc Legislature last year and nobody can lake care ofUia1 many bills . Somcof1hem, he said. can be wen c:,re aClocally. and lhi• is one of lbcm . lie told Council I.hen: is no reason why Uiey can 't gel involved. IJCCalllC ~· an: people 1hat can:. 01hcrwisc Ibey wouldn ·1 be pulling 1hcir lime in"' n:pn,scolalivcs alibc pc,oplc. As long as you arc pulling your lime in, you sl1011ld be n:prcscnling lbosc people. he saud. Mr. Mull er :.,id he was on lhc: housing bo,,rd in Sheridan for eight yca,s and 1hc people wen: very p,1casal wi lh lh . Ol •Md and he docs 001 sec why it can 'I be done that way here. He advised Council to be wldl lbe pcor!o bcc'1•sc Uiat's why Uiey were clcacd. (j) Rou Gold told Council his rcsidcnoc address is :ZSI.:? Sculh Banr.ock Stn:el and 428S SouU, Broadway is w, business address. Aller his Englewood Ha:lU ,Jcucr appear«:. whic;h the news paper entitled "Pawnshops arc Nol Good Ncighbo<s", over• doza, _...,.,. P.':15"oall y v-oiccd suppon, he advised . Today he spoke "ith Bob Simpoou. wl)O said U1c pawo liccmillg qrdinaocc c:ui be amended Slllling lliat no Englewood p,,wnshops should be pcmuned 10 pgwo a ldl band guns . He recalled that Mr. Kaufman of U.S. Pawn sa id at the last City meeting that his SIOl"CS do not sell hand guns because of lbe crime problems. but most ocher Englewood pawnshops do rdl kand guns. Stolen weapons an: a huge crime problem . he stressed . Just one California liand gun factory _,.. n:cc,uly hod fiftocn thoUS3lld stolen . unregistered guns. some ofwlUch l~\'C been irrJOl \'cd 1.n aiaKS u;mona lly . Jus1 as bill fift )-fi vc before you is designed 10 fight gang violence. he said, Cuy l.ouacil c:aa also help prcvem vio len ce by amending Oie pawn bill to !ilop hand gun s.1lcs. (k) Judy Dunlop, 293S South Acom• S1rcc1 . addrc:s5ai ,lbe pass111g oflhc ordinance agaios1 day labor services 10 prohibil 1hcm from lhc B•I and 8·2 zones. ~ onl~ 2rc: lhcsc businesses not resident friendly. she said , bu1 neither an: they n:mil friendly . In the lasa year. sll< Slated , on 1hc retail cud ofiL there have been 1wo busrncsscs within 500 fcct ct Stnnd By Pcr:soa:mcl one day care center that was put out of business, and M.D. Liquor and Dmg ,.,.. alTccted. No"' tllt •dog groomer keeps her door locked and paper over her windows because a large . ominous looking mao. w_ "-as high on alcohol. had c111crC"d her store recently and demanded that she give him a comb . Ms. Dunl'Qf) saJd t.hc:: groom er lcfl her previous location because it was close to a d.1)' labor place and now she 1s t=t:t:rtam whether she can s1.1_\ here. She added U..1 lh< closing and leaving of Stand By Personnel lias riwd< • cWl'cn:ncc in the neigh bo rhood. they all ha\'c a sense of relief. and she urged Counci l to pass th.11 ordinmna:.. (I ) Vicki L.ittimcr. 2815 South Bro.1dwa y. s,1 id she: tr5 the: 0"11cr of P:1wn Bank . She cxplnined that she sells fircann s. but is lice nsed to do so JUSt likc Gan Brot hers or any sponin g goods store . A h.ind gun c.1n not be purchased from us. sh e said. wu.hocn the md iv idu.11 1ha1 is purchasing ii filling oul the paperwork and going throui;h a co 1nplc1e back g.roumd cbttk wllh the Colomdo Bureau of Investigation. so it is very difficult for a cnnun.11 lo purchase a b:uld gun from us. Council Member Haben ic ht asked 1f shr. \\Quid be adverse lo CUJ!!lil1'1ung !he hand guns from her busmcss Ms . L.ittimcr s.1id it is a large enough pan of he r business thru sfic "oul.d obJCC I to II The gun s 1lmt arc ,;old from her store . she expl ai ned. arc guns th.at arc so ld for proncc:.100 Someone who you would nol want 10 own a gun is probably nOI gomg lo purch.1sc 1hc gun fr01111 n bus.mess . She said she docs net feel 11 addresses the problem of crim inals obl ainmg guns bccm1sc tha.1 · s. mot "bcrc they ob1.1Jn Lhcm . • • • • • En3lo1111od Cily Council Jw,c Ill. 1997 Pas• i, Council Member Vonniuog nskcd Ir• pnwncd gun rnuSI hnve n serial number on II. Ms . Lattimer lllld that ls corn,c;:t . Mr. Vonniltag said lhat you would 1hcn know that is wns S1olcn by the serial number . Ms . Lauimu agreed, lidding lhnl nil pawn lickelS nn: n:viewcd by 1he police department Council Member Habcnichl nskcd if she hnd ever experienced u I heft . Ms . Lattimer said st1< hu had""' !hefts, one of which was a gun . (m) Ri cn.,rd Mnnning said he has worked in Englewood for lhe las1 l1>~nl)'•five years . He said he has a very •rong feeling nbout the gun problem . He said he is a lifolime rneinbcr of 1hc NRA and feels we h:m: very good laws prohibhing drugs, bul they an: nol gelling rid of !he dru gs. Responsible people who sell weapons to responsible individuals is 1hc only wny we c.1 11 do ii, bccm1sc outlawing gun s will no1 f"' rid or them or ihc criminals. '! 8. CommunicadOlls., Prodamalions :anti A111mintmcnls (a) A letter from Andrea Mcnin-Gicm indic.11ing her rcsign:11ion from the Englewood Clean . Green and Proud Commission wns considered . COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WITH REGRET A LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM 'l'HE CLEAN, GREEN' AND PROUD COMMISSION FROM ANDREA MENIN•GIEM. Ayes: Council Members Nabhol,, Vonnitlng. Wiggins . Habenicht Waggo ner . Clnpp . Burns Nays · None The motion carried . (b) A letter from Robert Mason indiclling his rcsignnlion from the Englewood Plann ing and 1.oning Commission was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER VORJIIITT AG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED , TO ACCEPT WITH REGRET A LE1TrR OF RESIGNATION FROM THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION P'ROM ROBERT MASON . Ayes : N•ys · Th e mot.ion carried. Cou11cil Members Nnbholz . Vormillag . Wiggins . Habenicht Waggoner . Clapp . Burn s None (c) A lencr from Ann Nabhol z indicat ing her resi gnati on fr om lhe Clc;m. Green :md Proud Commission ·was considered . COUNCIL MEMBER \IORMITTAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT WITH REGRET A LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM THE CLEAN, GREEN AND PROUD COMMlSSION FROM ANN NABHOLZ. Nays : The motion c:1rricd Council Member.; Nnbhol z. Vo rmin ng. Hnbcn ic lu . Wn~oncr. Clnpp , Burns Couucil Member Wi ggi ns Council Member Wiggins rcmnrkcd thnt he would lik e her to s1:1y on !he Co mmi ssio n Englewood City Council June 16, I 997 Page 16 I ) 11'.) I 1111 I I I d 011u\ 'l Mlyor Duma tllankcd Council Member Nabloalz (or her diligcm work on 1hc Commission . , 1 9. l'llbllc Hearin& No public hearin1 was !Cbedulcd bd'orc Council ID . Con1<nl Asend1 COUNCIL MEMBER CLAPP REMOVED II (1) f•) FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER REMOYED 10 (1) (Iii) FROM TIU CONSENT AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBER VO RM ITT AG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (1) (l) ON rDIST RE.ADING. (a) Approval ofOrdinanocs on Fina Reading (i) COUNCIL BILL N0 .. 5-4. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG I II I A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING nn.E 5. CHAPTER JA. SECTI~ 7, WITH THE ADDITION OF A NEW SUBSECTION D. PERTAfNING TO LIQUOR LICEJIISE RENEWAL OF EXPIRED LICENSES : AND TITLE 5, CHAP'la 38. SECTION 5, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 PERTAINING TO AN'lNCREASE IN LIQUOR LICENSE FEES FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. Vole rcsulls : Ayes : Nays : Tiic molion Clrricd . Council Mcnurs Nabbolz, Vonniuag. Wiggins. Habcnich1. Waggoncr.Cbi?P.Burns None (ii) Rcg,'Uding a rccomnadauon from lhc Dcpanmc,11 ol Safely Services to approve a bill for an ordinance ~g fundiJlgl'or • Gang Rcsisaancc Educmion and Training program . Council Member Clapp said she was ,ecry confused.as she went lhrough this whole thing . She said she is ha\'ing 3 hard time understanding c.Qd.ly wlw tAG progr:am is . It loolc.s like it is llcd somehow 10 our D.A.R.E. program nnd cum:nlly that is "ilh the fifth grade~. and this is proposed with the SC\'cnth graders . Somehow I feel lhat we should fla,,c b:ad .1 stud) session with the sc 1001 bo.1rd with thi s. She said she also rc:1d that this would not take enc ct iii! l.hc fw lding and she would like 10 kuow whm other funding for !his program lhc Cuy would be asked ID come up with . She s.11C1 she would like to know where they arc conducting these types of cL'\SSCS amd wha1 1hc children gel from i1 • • Depuly Director Olson. Department of S-fc1y Scnm:s. c."q)laincd lhat l11is is a recommcnd.11ion 1ha1 our folks, especially tl1c D.A.R.E. program. ha\'c hem "'-oridng on rnr nbout tl1c lasl )car now . Tlus is a program that the Dcpanmcnt of Alcoho l. Tobaccc :and Fucarms ac1u.ill)' sponsors . he s..1id. and we may be one of the first in the Slate 1h .. 1t ac1u.1JI~· has 1tu:s.. 1.c :ire proposing tha1 we substitute the present scvcnt11 grade J .A.R .E. program with the G R.E .A.T. propm.. 'o\hich csscnttall) addrcs.scs gang rcs1st:111cc and cduc.11ion trainin g. which we feel is bccommg a prmlem It ha s been addressed several tunes with the school bo.1rrf and they arc always asking for more a:nd more educauon on thi!i. more and more seminars. and so fonh . Mr. Olson said wc feel ibis is a goad progr.im 10 get in on with 1hc kids that arc csscmia.lly being imp nc lcd by 1hi s. We will not be lc.lching O A.R.E al the sc,cnth gr.idc lc\CI, he s:ud . based on • • • • Englewood ily Council June 16, I 997 Page 17 some IW\'eys we did with the kio.; throu~h the Englewood Public School sySle111 . We found that lhc D.A.R.E . program in seventh grade is not as cfTcctivc as we tho,,ght , the kids felt they got cnoogh in the cnrlier programs and 1ha1 lhis wns repetition for them nnd they •,we kind of bored by ii. He said we decided lo uy something clso when: we could still be in the schuol sySICln, still aff<:ct something posillvely, Mill bavo police olfocer pn:scncc then: •nd ttach them somcO,ing of a posJtivc natur::. We 1ppllcd for the smnt, nod originally"~ had IWlcd for signincantly 111on:. but for the 1irs1 year. anyway, 01ey pve us SI0,000, he cxpl:lincd, which is approxi111a1cly what we get fro111 the S1a10 of Colorado for D.A.R.E. training in Englewood. Council Member 1 • .l11pp asked why Oie Burc.111 of Alcohol. Tob.1cco and Fire.inns i, giving us $10,000 for a program . Mr. Olson said they •n: apporcnlly the sponsoring federal agency. Safety Services got close 10 $500,000 over the Inst 1hrcc years in grants. he s.iid. some or which come from the Department of Justice. and in this cn.sc, A TF happens to be tl1c sponsoring agency for this. It is not so much that we sought them oul . but we became aware of ii mid they expressed intcrcsl in having this program here in EngJcwood in the State of Colorado and have essentially es1ablishcd us with the base S 10.00t) grant. The grant IS a Jillie bit different than 50mc of 1hc other ones we hnvc gollen . he said. because there is no U\31.ch 10 ii, the Cicy doesn't have to pul an)1hing c.~trn into it. spccificall)', We can use 1l1c 111oncy for capilal. su~lics and personnel costs ifwe need 10, while the D.A.R .E. program onl y p.1ys for supplies. cquipmcn1 and trainina,.. There nrc several officers :llrc.1dy commincd 10 D.A.R.E., which is f:lirl) C.'itcnsivc . This will 001 provide all the funding, by any me.ins, for the G.R.E .A. T. progranc but we aln:ady have those pmooncl ia plaa: who will begin rrnJning this summer. if this is appro,·cd , so we will be covered alrcndy in our bud&ct and Ibis will supplanl lhat budgcl. he C.'iplnincd . We have alrc.1dy talked to the sc hool system on tlus, he said., and the superintendent has dgncd orr on it :md we arc now working on 1hc cu rri culum ,,ith the school sySIClll . II is about a nine week pro&,am and will prcuy much go along 1hc lines of what tJ.c D.A.R.E. program is doing right now . We arc going 10 gi\'C it a uy. he said. aud sec how n works the jrst year. It is a one year gra11t and if we find ii is 1101 successful, or d1JCS11 ·1 meet our needs . then we 'll look at SOIUC allcmativcs, possibly going back to the D.A.R.E. program . but also possibly cominuing with this i! it works out. Council Member Clapp snid. although she suppons tl.c D.A.R .E. progrnm . she lms trouble voling for something for which the curriculum hasn 't even been worked out yet . Sh e s.11d sl1c would need more information on what exnctly Ibis program i.s and what we arc rc:illy supporting. Mr. Olson s.1id all they arc asking for is Council 's agrccmc111 to acccpl lh c SI0.000 grant Ms Clapp said there arc strings wilh any kind of grnlll money . Mr . Olson said he c.111 provide her wnh th.1 1 lond of infon i.i tion. but right now , lime wise. we need to ge l lius approved. and 11 sull has 10 go 10 second rc.1ding . He said A TF cnllcd him ycs1erday 10 learn wh:11 the s111111s is n0\\, because \\C need lo gel the 1raining s1an. • for our primar)' 1raini11g office r for tlus yc.1r . The cumculum ha s cssc 1111all)' :-ilread) been established. he said . We arc 111cc1i11g \\ ith the school system to 111nkc sure 11 fi1 s in JUSI 111ne wise . and we ,,ill be ,,ork.ing all summer long ge11 i11g II rc;1dy for i111plcme111;111011 in the fall . Council Member Clapp said she sup po ns lhc D.A.R .E. program , bul docs not feel lhc ground work has been done 011 this one at all . Mr. Ol son s.11d he \\Ould h:we 10 di sag ree and he c;111 give her as much infonnalion as she wants. bul we nre re,dy 10 go on it . This is p,1n of the federal process 10 .:1ccept 1he grant. they lm\'c 10 have 1hc co111111i1111c111 of 1he governing body first . Ms Clapp s.1id she is not real clear e n what c.xnctly we arc acccpllng . Council Member Vonmnag ask ed ho\\ 111c.111y police olflcers we arc go111g 10 p111 011101hat 1rain111g Mr Olson responded thal. right now. we :uc going lo st:Ul wi1h ouc officer. Reid McGi.l!h We nrc workmg on a 1min the trainer progr.1111 . He \\ill go ge l 1hc 1111tial tr.iiniu g and th en \\C will be able 10 pro\·1dc Enalcwood Chy Couadl June 16. 1997 Page 18 essential 111Unlng to"' lcasl aoc ol'lhc other ofr,ccn who would norinnlly be wortlng In the seventh snide sy,iem . Conncil Member Hobmichl said = thinks this sounds liken good Iden . She snld she hnd occasion 10 n:ad some oflhc Board o(Educatiaa minutes when they wen: talking ttboul doing surveys wilh the middle school Sludcnu. Ccnaiady ii bears oat what Mr. Olson has told us in 1crins oNhcirbeing n 11111• tired of D.A.R.I! .. she said. bal ~,.,..a good reason for havins a pmsnun conlinue. She said she also ngr<cs with Council Metnbcr Clapp. She rccnlled that when wc talked years ngu about going into the D.A.k .E. pmgram wc wen: able., laal< al the materi als before we entered into the agr,:cmcnt wi1h the school board. Since this is a COWICll 11111 OD flnl n:ading. she asked lo have lite opponunily 10 see lite n,ntcrials before second readin3. She aitaf iflhls WOlild in any way address the graffiti nod togging pmblcm in the community. Mr. Olson said ccnaia pomans ol'lhe curriculum will nddrcss tluu . A 101 ortlus is self esteem nnd nwnreness rypc of issu<:s. C2uscs ol' gang 1ypc pmblems. and gmffili would be one or 1he ponion s or that application. he said. Mr. Olson said lte can have Officer McGr:ith here for 1hc second reading nod pro"idc Council with inforsaricln from A TF . Ms. Hnbcnichl said she would like n wort boo!< or 1cx1 book . Cooncil Mem ber Nabbolz s:aid. oa page two of the~ agrcemcn1 . It '8ys this program would ortly be instihltcd in u,c public 5dlools. howc\-cr, on the recommended ac1ion . ii snys this will be In bolh public and private schools. Mr. Olson responded that wc arc going to try to do it in both . She also asked why it is only the seve nth gr3de tltra is mgctcd. Mr. Olson said wc don 't hnve enough personnel 10 do it at both levels. and seventh gr.w is_,ipria1c bccaus,c of some of the peer problems. He snid nutybc eventually we could. as there fs 3 sbana program set up for that . Ms . Nabholz sai d she personally thinks it needs to be reversed . Mr. Otsoa said doing it with younger aged kids is just not effccti \'c, it is the older kids jus1 gclting rcJdy 10 go i:nm hiOI school wherr.: we !ta,-c our 1nnJor co ncerns . The seventh and eighth graders tend 10 be tJ 1e 1nos1 rcsisiac& to disciplin.1 ,. C)-1 c: things. he 3d ,·iscd . Ms. Nabholz asked~ mbe lltinlcs tir e Sir 000 gm n1 ,.;11 go Mr Ol so n sai d it ,.;11 cover the initial training this summer. mo5I citlt : ~lies and tc~1 books we will need throu gh the year and maybe some oven imc . He said they will be &ffllllt nnotlta' SIO ••rO for the D.A.R.E. progr:im for next yea r nnd. since we wor.'t have i i in SP:\'COlb grade. we will !•a,c a lot of extra money for D.A.R.E. for other things. Council Member Habc:nidm rcc:1.Ucd tli.1t ,he kids who were 1n1ervicwed slill strongly support the D.A.R.E . program and s&cnc:s told~ so me of1hc kids wh o h.,,,e been involved indicate , :u le.1st subject ively, tha t It seems robe maki ng a difference She said she wo uld not wrml to sec a11yt lun g take n away rrom th e D.A.R.E pcogram. Mr. Ol son s.1.i d he "tll dcficitety have 1he infonnalion to them by so:o nd rcndiug COUNCIL BILL NO 55 . INTRODUCE D BY CO UNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS A BILL FOR AN QRD!NA,>;CE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREE ME1'ff BEnVEEN TIIE IP.,TTED ST A TES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BUREAU OF ALCOHOL . TOBACCO AND FTRE.•.RMS . .\.'-1l THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE l!l,1PLEME1'ffATI ON AND CONT INUING OPERATION OF THE GANG PRE VENTION TASK FORCE KNOWN AS GANG RESISTANCE ED UCATION A.'-1l TRAI NING (G R.EAT ) PROGRAM IN BOTH PUBLI C AN D PRIVATE SC HOOLS IN IBE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . CO LORADO • • • • • • Enaluwood Ci1y Council Juno lo , 1997 Page 19 COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPaOVE M.&NDA ITEM 10 (1) (II)· COUNCIL BILL NO. 55 Ayes: Council Mcmbcri Nabholz. Von11ilJl8. Wiggins . ...,._.._ Wnuoner, Clapp. Burns Nays : None The mo1ion carried. Mayor Bums cnco.irngcd all members of Council who arc concerned to get as much informauoa u possible before the next meeting. He said ii looks like a promising program . (iii) Rcprdlna a n,oommcnd.1tion fmm the Dcpanmen1 of Ulilili<slO ~~bill for an ordlnancc approving a Connector's 1grmnc:n1 with Cheny Hills Villoge Sani1atiooe DlnriCl, Cooncil Member Wagzoncr soid he hod some ques1ions on lhc map. He said be could,_..,_ which arcs wuc in and which were out. Opcr.uions M:rn.,gcr MeConnick said it goes Cmm Hampden on the nonh and zigzags around O\'cr by Orchard . It is a disma we have had for about •~~ Jean.. Mr. Waggoner asked if 1herc ,,. 001y oddilions 10 the diS1ric1. Mr. McCom1irlt s.11d tl,crc is aa""" called 1he Buell property. bul he is not awnrc of any other 11rc.1s He s.1id he understands there ",u bt 1arzc homes going io !here 1111Jicr lban a hotel. TI1C)' M\'C onalyzcd 1ho1 drainage bum. he achi""1. ..:I ... .....,r will take 1ho1 area. Council Member Waggoner asked if the pipe si,.cs we ho1'C no1v "ill lnkc all of the area. Mr. Mc<'.onnidt said it will 1akc all of the areas on the map right now and we hmc the right to review .my-builcb-., plMs and do any an.:llytic:al evaluations before we approve any building . Council Member Wiggins lold Mr . Waggoner 111111 Din:ctor Fonda. a11he Woter and Se.-Boan! mccling. assured them 1h.1t ChCO)' Hills or lhc Ruell propcr1 )' dc\'..:lopc r will pa y all c.~pcmes dtbcrc is new piping required 10 hook up 10 our lines . Mr . Waggo,,cr asked if1ha1 will be all the"'")' IO die -~r plant. Mr. McConnick said oor line has been onalyml nnd is solisfllClo'). He feels lhcre• •-ision 1h01. if 1her, needs 10 be upsizing in the future , they will p.1y 11 . Mayor Bum < asked lhe Slalus oflhc Buell propcn y. He ~,id IIC SO\\ SOIIIC public hearing s,gns there. bul he didn 't know ff they "-en: old . Mr. McConnick said he docs no( know the swus Council Member Von niuag asked how many homes lhcy arc planmng 10 pul m Mr. ~tcConmck responded lhnl he beliCl'CS ii will be less tls111 100 . Council Member Wa ggo ner sai d he can remember 1he111 telling us they wou ld ROI panic~ m tbc hnc. they would RC\'Cr \\'an1 to come into 1he Ci ty. and \\illllcd 1101h111g 10 do ,,11h ll! COUNCIL BILL NO . 56. INTRODU CED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGI NS A BILL FOR AN ORD INANCE APPR OVING A CONNECTOR 'S AG RE EMENT BE'J V.'EE CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF ENG LEWOOD . COtOR.-UlO COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPR( \GENOA ITEM 10 (a) (iii) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 56. Ayes : Council Members Nabhol r.. ..,on11111:1g. Wiggins. Habtmlcbl.. Clopp, Bums Nays : Council Member Waggoner 1l1c motion earned En~ Chy Council Jw,e 16. 1997 Page20 II IJ ) II ) 1(ut:il~JIJ I • 1 hul 'I 'I (I,) ( AppnwolofOnliriancaonSccondRaaclins (J-l II I ) I ,, fl,,"', II I I ,II COUl'ICO. MEMlltR WAGGONER MOVED, AND l'F WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE COl'ISDT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (b) (I) THr.OUGH (vtl) ON SECOND READING. (i) ORDINANCE NO. 45. SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL N0 .42 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER/WIGGINS) AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 13. OF THE ENOLEWOOO MUNICIPAL CODE 19U PERTAINING TO TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES AND RE-ENACTING A NEW CHAPTEI. 13 , AND WJDCH REMOVES TEMPORARY l!MPLOYMENT SERVICES FROM ORDINANCE Ml 2'. SElllES OF 1996 WHICH PERTAINS TO THE MORATORIUM ON LICENSES IN lHE crrY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO . (ii) ORDINANCE NO -II,. SERJES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL NO. 4.1. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITT AGIHABENICH1) AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TITLES, CHAPTER 12, SECTION 4, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 PERTAINING TO PAWNBROKERS AND RE-ENACTING A NEW CHAP1ER JS . AND WHICH REMOVES PAWNBROKERS FROM ORDINANCE NO. 25 . SERJES OF 1996 WHIOI PERTAINS TO THE MORATORIUM OF LICENSES IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO. (iii) ORDINANCE NO. 47 . SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 44. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER/WIGGINS) AN ORDINANCE ,;NACTING A NEW TITLE 5. CHAPTER 16. OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 19115 f'ERT}.JNING TO AUTOMOBILE PAWNBROKERS AND WHICH REMOVES AUTO PAWNBROKERS !·ROM ORDINANCE NO . 25 . SERJES OF 19% WHICH PERTAINS TO THE MORATOR:~~,i OF LICENSES IN TliE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO. (iv) ORDINANCE N0 .48 , SERJES OF 1997, (COUNCIL BILL NO 45 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCI L MEMBER WAGGONER/WIGGINS) AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TITL E 5. CHAPTER 10, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNI CIPAL CODE 1915 PERTAINING TO AUTO SALVAGE AND RECYCLED MATERJALS YARL . AND ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 10. AND WHICH REMOVES AUTO SALVAGE Af.0 RECYCLED MATERIALS YARDS FROM ORDINANCE NO . 25. SERJES OF 1996 WHICH PERTAIN> TO THE MORATORIUM OF LICE NSE S IN THE CI TY OF ENGL :WOOD (v) ORDINA ' :ENO 49 . SERIES OF 1997 -.~DUNC IL BILL NO . 46 . INTltOOUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HA.llENICHTIVOR MITTAG) •.·, ORDINANCE AME ND ING TITL E 16, CHAPTER 4, SECT IO NS ltl . ll . AND 13. OF THE EN<JU,WOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 . PllOHIBITING PAWNBROKER S AND AUTO PAWhl!ROKERS IN THE B•I BUSI NES S DIS"iRICT , ALLOWING PAWNBRO KE RS AND AUTOMOBILE PA"NNBROKERS AS PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES IN THE B-2, BUSINE SS DL'iTIU CT wrnl DISTANCIN G REQUIREME NTS : AND ALLOWl>lG PA WNB ROKERS AND • AUTOMOBILE PAWNBROKERS IN TliE 1-1 INDUSTRJAL DISTRICT AS PER.l\l!ITTED PRJNCIPAL • USES WTni NO RESTRJCTIONS . • • • Englewood Ciry Council June 16, 1997 Pngc 21 (vi) ORDll'<ANCE NO. 50, SERIES OF 1997 (COUNOIL Bll.L NO . 47, !NTFODUCED BY COUNCIL MEt,181:,1\ WAGOONP.R/WJGGINS)J )N ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16, CHAPTER 4. SECTIONS JO. 12. 13 AND 14, AND .;,IAJ'TER 8, SECTION I, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1m. 10 SFeCIFICAU, Y PROlilBIT TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SER VICES IN B•l AND B-2 IRJSISESS DISTRICTS AND TO ALLOW TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE 1-1 AND 1•2, INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS, WITH DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS. (vii) ORDINANCE NO . SI. SERIES OF 1997 (COUNC!l. Bll.L NO . SI. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS/ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TWO AGREEMENTS ENTITLED "PIP£ LINE LICENSE" BETWEEN THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANfA FE RAILW AY COMPANY AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO . Vott rtsullJ: Ayes : Noys : Council Members Nabhol1~ Vonniu .. ,g. igp.m.. H:tbcnichl. Woggoncr, Clopp, Bunu None The motion carried . (C) Resolutions :ind Motions DIRECTOR GRYGLEWICZ ASIC.ED THAT 10 (c) (ii) AND (iii) BE IIUIOVl:11 fROM THE CONSENT .,GEND.4 . COUNCIL MEMBER VORMl'ITAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SU:OflDUI. TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (c) (i), (iv), M, (,·i) AND (•·ii). (i) RESOL UTIO N NO 57. SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYMTh, LICENSES UNDER TITLE 5, CHAPTER ll. OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE I (ii) RESOLUTIO N NO . 58, SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION EST A!!LI SHING FEES FOR AUTO SALVA GE AND aECYUED MATERIALS YARDS LICENSES UNDER TITLE 5. CHAPTER 10. OF THE ENGLE'AOOD MUN ICIPAL CODE 1985 . (iii) THE PURC HA SE OF A SANl"i"ARY SEWER ru;SHER TRUCK FROM KOIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF 1;77.00. 1l0 (iv) THE PURCHASE OF A LOADER/BACK.HOE rRO..\I HONNEN EQUIPMENT IN TH E AMOUNT OF SS•J.089 Oil (v) THE PURCHASE OF A TRACTOR FOR 11lE ASlcWATER TREATMENT PL ANT'S BENEF ICIAL USE FARM FROM STRASB URG EQl:IPMEi',T COMPANY IN THE AMO UNT OF SI02,2J7 .92 . Bape,,,'Ood City Co11ncll .l\anel6, 1997 hge22 Ayes : N•11: C011ncil Members Nabholz, Vo:millag, Wiggins , Habenich1 , Woggoner, Clapp, Bums None The morion carried . (ii) ond (iii) Director Gryglewicz. Finoncial Services . 1old Council lha1 , ti,; "awn Broken and Auto Pawn Brokers licenses, the initial rec should be $2 ,500 nnd each annunl rec shollld !;.: S1.000 . Timi is lhc rec Oiat luls been npprovcd in 1hc pos1. hr advised . Council Member Waggoner asked ir1hc in\'cstiga1ivo rec stays tho same . Mr . Gryglcwicz said 1ha1 is included in lhc iailial rec. ·,,,.,.,""'only 1hc s•-o rca associolcd wilh OlCSC licenses. ra1hcr than 1hc 1hn,c liSlcd oo O,c rtSOlalions . The resolutions_,, assigned numbers ond =d by 1i1le. RESOLUTION NO 59. SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR PAWN BROKER LICENSES UNDER TITLE 5. OIAP'TER 15. Ofll!E ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 . RESOLUTION NO. 60, SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR AUTOMOBILE PAWN BROKER LICENSES UNDER T!'l1J! S. CHAl"T'ER 16, Ofll!EBlGLl!WOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 . COUNOL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA mMs 10 (c) (ii) AND (Iii) AS AMENDED. A)cs : Council Members Nabhol1 .. Vonni1tag , Wiggins. H:1bcniclu . Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Nays : No ne 11\e motion earned. 1 1. Regular Agenda (a) Approval of Ordin:rncr.s on First Reading There \\t::re no additional items submitted for approval on firsl n:3ding . (Sec 11cm 10 ~ Conse nt Agenda .) (b) Approva l ofOrdin:rnccs on Seco nd Rc;iding There"~ no addillo rutl i1cms submi llcd for approvnl on second rc:1ding (Sec It em ltl • Conse nt -'.gcnda.) (c) Resolut io ns and Mouons r:hcre "~re no additional Rcsolu1ions :1nd Mo1ions submi 11cd for npp roval. (Sec 11cm IU. Co nse nt Agcuda.) 11 . General Discussion • • • • • r.nai ~11ood City Co ,,. ,uno Io . 1997 Pnno 2l (1) Ma1·0~, Cbolct b, nil fJ, 1 '" l. Mayor Buno: · , .: h• lllr<Nlcd a..,_,.,. ia <il1mdal< on Friday 11 a new park !be) have. which is buill on a landfill. 7'1 • ,remony was nlso a11e11dal II, :aa Uad<r i!ccn:tary rrom HUD. Thc Scc,Claly or HUD Md 1ho Under-.. • !!rlcs """' fanniaa --Ibo ..-ri,, he said, because i1 was Affo!'dnblo Housing Weck around lhc 1111ion and lhe MmDMayon' Caucus sponsored Ibis affordable houtlng"" 1gni ':on . The Meiro Mayors · Caucus is gcnilli& 10ge1hcr nnd publishing . nnd signed an ogroomcnl ai the appc.1rnncc for a ct sonium of munaapaiaaes. tu bring fonh a cook book approach to affordable housing. which is a conrem for all of our IDIUlJlOiJwi1ics. Mayor Bums opined thal this will be a collSlrUClive cffon. Mayor Bums Slllled lhal. 1his a1ternoon. he ......i 111c Fina Dala Corponuion grand opening across rhc stnoel. which wiu quile imp,sivc. The rm:~ buildin& has been renovated and First Data is the 1en.1n1. Tl1cy had their staff. the p,.:sident a(thcir-ny, and several cxecuriv~ ll,cre. as well as lhc Governor. 10 welcome Ibis new business. The bigges, l!Jll)blcm. he believes. will be parlcing . Mayor Burns said lhcy have done a bcauliful job a( retl0nlUIC • llai1"ing. e,c,cc,ally ll,c e11uy wa). City Manager Chuir. also auencicd. as well as Bob SilllplOa """""' Scibdli r,..,, Neighborhood and Business Dcvclopmcnl. and Cooocil Members Nnbhoiz and°""'"-!tile l'c:ds it .. • ve,y significant new stan for a new Eaglcwood business •"d lwbo<s scone good thiags liilr EagJc,. "1. 3. Mayor Bums advised ll1at the Clwnber a( C-bas requesl<d 1hat 1hc City help spoosor a r0W10mc in the golrtournamcnt on July t•~. which --SJOO . MAYOR BURNS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECOfllHa. TO SPONSOR A FOURSOME FOR TB£ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE GEORGE ALU;N INVJTA TIONAL GOLF TOURNAMENT ON JULY 14, 1997. Council Member Habeni cht asked irthc Cham ber pu rdlaslorl a fow,omc for the Cle.in . Giu:o and Proud toumamenl . Mayor Burn s ask ed Jim Recs. who \11 35 siumy: m the audience. and he responded thal he did not know. Counci l Member Waggoner asked what our mcmbcriilup C0llS. Cit y Mana1,!Cr Clark responded tluu ir is arosnd $5 .000 a year. but he is unccnain of the cxaa f,gw%. Mayor Bums said he has t..ccn mcc1ing pcrll ... 1a ~ll y \\i tJ1 tftac Ch.,mbc r and EDDA for brcakfas1 and he said he would pcrson:illy like to help foment 11.,s rclabonsibap nnd fee ls \\C need to work on it Council Member Clapp said she thinks that is a two -.-ay Sired~ Vole results: Ayes : Nays : The motion c.1rricd . Council Members Vurmuttng. Habenicht . Waggoner. Bums Council Members Na l!1h0lz. Wi gg ins. Cla pp (b) Council Member's Choice (i) Council Member Nabholz I. She sa id that she is meet ing wilh Cit) Manager Cla rk and Safety Se rvi ces D1rcctor Stanley on Wednesday at 2840 South Shcnn .. 111 S1n.-c 1. She s.,id she UlulS by 1hcrc this C\'cning and noticed that tltc weeds have been mo•,H. ~. although there are still some thongs th.11 need 10 be done . Som e branches arc klnglewood Cil)• Co1111cil June 16, 1997 Pilgc 24 still panlally oul in the alley . She snid she would like 10 know if the Cily clc.1ncd thi s up and sited the individuals or if the owners clc:rncd it up. She nlso asked for n time rn,mc when it will be totally done. 2. She 111id she would like 10 know If nny lype or a pcnnil has been puUcd for a Fourth or July c:clcbra1ion In 1he 3000 block ofSouU, Delaware. II is a very pral>lemalie block. she 5aid. nn d •he~ had two constitucnls on lhal block call her ond she is very concerned. She said lhcy have nli,gcdly goucn a pcnnil l'rom 1he Ci1y 10 L'locic off 1ha1 s1roc1 10 have I heir own celebration . (ii) Council Me1nber Vonnittag I. Ht asked what the possibility is or having that become a Project BUILD property . Mayor Bums said he undcBtands UL1 t has been nddrcsscd before but the owner wouldn't sell . He felt Ibey would be dclighlcd lo have lilHI be a Project BUILD . Mr, Vonniuag astccd if Cily Manager Clnrtc Cllll look into lhal. Mayor Bums sn id he feels 1hcrc is a long history lhcrc nnd there wns an altcmpt. Council Member Waggoner said he didn '11hink lhe Ci1y could get involved in 1hn1. Dcpuly Director Olson . Safely S<,,viccs. said lhcy nre re.i ll y seriousl y trying 10 addres, lhc issues at Ibis propcny . He said he reali zes there has been n long history. bul 1hcrc hove been scvcml clc:inups Ihm:. Nonnally when we do a cleanup, we don 't have City personnel gu 0111 and do ii. he e.'Cplaincd. we hire a priva1c finn . A priv:uc firm cleaned this up and Mr . Olson said he :lid not have a chance 10 go over and sec whnl they did toda y. lfwc need to do more . he s.1id. we will be ove r there 1omorrow. We will send a bill to 1hc property owner and they will h.ivc a ch.incc to pay ii or it will !,'<> as a lien on 1hcir property if they fail to pay ii. He said we have cited lhcm and summoned them 10 coun . Apparently the property has been owned by an older lady. who has since died . and her dnughlcr now lms the propcny. n,crc is an inrc,u for them to get a rezoning lherc so tl1cy can build 3 lriplex. he snid. so they can live there and make it a decent piece of property . Theo\·. ncrs li,•e in Arvada , so it is 1ough for us 10 deal "ilh thcnt. he said. but we arc going 10 be enforcing very strictl y on thi s. We have some new things going into effect with Municip.11 Cour1 and . if these people do11 ·1 respo nd in the fashion we wa111 . 1hcy will be nppcaring before us . We will go over 1herc 1omorrow and look :u it and. if we have 10 brin g the grounds cleanup company back . WC will . he said . Council Member Nabholz asked. if 1hi s had not been broughl up 1011igh1. wo•Jld there have been a foll ow up on this property 10 mnke sure ii hnd been tolall y clcnncd up . Mr. Ol so n mid yes. he w11s going to do that anywa y. Ms . N:ibholz asked when lhat would have been done . Mr . Olson stud tl11s week . We have been oul there pretty rcgulnrl y on this property. he said . Council Member Wiggins asked if there arc currently any liens ag..1inst ii from the past. Mr. Olson said he doesn't know if there arc any liens 011t sta11di11 g. A0er n period of time. if 1hc cos1s are co,·crcd. -..-c lake our lien off. He snid he would check . Council Member Nabholz s;1id she would be concerned if1hcy were in :1 lnplcx si nce !hey ha ve had so much trouble ma iru ai nin g ., vncant lot. Mr . Olson s.1id he hr,nrd lhcy arc fa irl y good ow ners. bu1 11 1s one of those si tuation s \\here the ow ners arc ou t of town and it is the las t thm g 011 their 111111ds. Council Member Clap p asked . ancr so many c11 a11011 s ha ve bee n 1ss11ed. if 1hcrc 1s nol a po1111 \\here )OU c.1 n s.1y enough . Mr . Olson s.1i d th ere is a11d we arc al the point of ge 11111g them 11110 co un. lu th e fu1urc yo u will sec a lol of ;1cti vi l) in th ese kinds of sues We arc ab le 10 work the problem s out w11h 111nCl) •fi vc pc rcc nl of the peop le in the C11y. he s.1 id • • • • • Englewood Cily Cou n<:il June 16, 1997 Pa ge 25 ) ,11 Mayor Bumi 111d Ille BUILD ....,.... ii llill n City propam and lbc Clly could lake lhesc propcnics. Mr. O1,on aid that 11 really•• IIUILD. ancJ he -aot lhlnk lhe owners arc lool<ing at 1ha1. We have approached 1hem several limes boll dlC)'...,.. 10 be inacros1cd in developing ii 1hemsc!vcs , Mnyor Bunuta.tal iflhon: ila-.tion if you baw: ap,operty lhaljUSI won·1 work wi'.11 you . Mr . Olson said Project BUILD has IIIUII a lolofllw: prupcnics "have wort<-1 on In lhe last year and. financially , he is uncenaln whal positio,, 1lley arc 114. The,, r.11ay 1101 be e110ugh money 10 keep ge11ina into 1hese, Mayor Bums uid he Ii..-.. -al •be ""'"cy is°"' righl now on properties. bul Ibey sell very well nnd the money l')CS back into the Ma ';,son sai-:1 Ill<)• lry ',c, Identify oropcrtics lhcy lhink nre suilable for redevclopmenl. 2. Coancil Member V-Ug~IMI ..... •\I.J:I ~ :iblaincd al lhc rcccnl lnlcmatiooal CoUIICil of Shopping Centers Coafm:ace ur L,,s Vegas. ...... 1h, h . report . He said he hasa IOI of 1na1erial thal be will pu 1 upstajrs by Coancir1 .._ ·-l,...~ He ooirUCtl 01 ·1 n 111cc aniclc in one public.1tio1 1 1hat was written by Cil)' Manager Clutt (iii) C-.1 Member Wiggins I. He aslo:d if die HaaAag AIIIIIDrily has reccn111 nny paymcnll on lhe dcpOl loon. Mayor Bums said they ""1Clldcd die loan. --up in April, for another year. Mr . Wiggins asked if it was in1eros1 free . Mayor B111115 said it is • ..., antORSI loan. He said they an: uying 10 give lhe Historic:il Sociccy ao opponunity to be SIICCll:Gful wid, dleir fuDd J>isiDg pn,gram. Mr . Wi!U!ins asked what tJ,c status of tha1 is . Mayor Bums said Ibey -widi the pn,fcssionals they engaged abou1 lwo monll,s ago and wen: favorably imp"'51cd. He ..;cl bc llliaks lhal Ibey are jmt getting into lhe mc:i1 of 1heir fund raising now, and he feels Ibey should I'!' .,,,, .. a cb:lncc Mayor Bums rcctlled lMt. • 0.: ~ Louncil mccung. there w:1s 3 mo1ion for an appraisnl on the property the Housing Ar-;"laricy OMIS on si1e . He said he spoke wi1h some council members allerward bec:iuse lhat look him '>y mrpri,c. He assencd that d was pulled offll,e lable and ii is no1 for sale al o,e momcnl al all . The Housiag Al:diority would like to""' whether lhe Historic:il Society fund r.lising c:in be sucx:essful . Not only an: we mlCft:SlCd in having 1hcm buy the si1c from us. he commented , bu1 we arc also wanting 10 ha,·e 1hcm ,qiar the ,.., '1(),000 tJw they owe the Housrng A111hori1y. He said he wo uld like lo h:lvc a rcpon :it out aea. Ila' "i as 10 ha\\ they arc do ing. Counci l Member Vonniuag ~ if 1ha1 would be the mcc1i11g of June 2f 11• Mayo r Burn s respo nded that he probably won '1 be !here aad the ,.,,, d1rcc1or MO ·1 be on bo,1rd ycl. 2. Council Member W,ggms recalled l11a1 funds were olloncd for a holel fcasibilil y Sludy . whicl: Clarion wns going to do. He acd "here we arc on that. City Man:1ger Clark said there were some holdups in the daia collcaion from Swcchsh and Cr.u g .1s for as how much 1hc dem and would be . He said he will follow up . 3. He il.Skcd ho" far Yi-'C b:l\•e g011cn on fund s ga thered for 1hc stud) of the ans. \\ h1ch \\11 S to be matched by lhc Cil y. City ~tu:tgcr Cla rk said it 15 so mewhere :,ro und S2 .000 Co11 11cll Member Waggoner s.ii d that 1s not ne:ir enou gh 10 warrant the 01hcr half Counci l Member Habcm du .. z :lo: h:uso n 10 ll u: Cu.J wr.il Ans Co 1111111 ss 1011. rcc:i ll cd tha t. when 1hey altcndcd a Study Session. th3r. quest ion ca me up ag;un and it 1s her und crs t:mding 1hat they were gomg 10 meet wi1l1 City Council aboal Lhal. She said tllC) ha\'c worked up a respo nse to where they arc and arc willing 10 discuss II . Englewood City Council June 16, 1997 Page 26 Council Mnmbcr Wl&lJins said he was jwt lntartstcd in lhc dollar amount and doesn ·t -• -with them . Council Member Habenicht said ther,, is more 10 It th.in just 11111nbcB. tllere is the lapc- 1hough1 behind ii al10. (iv) Council Member Clnpp told Council she ma wid1 I Ori.,_ a, Friday and II was rca :iy enlightening. She said she may mco1 with her again. She stated d,a~ al-lime. we hlld Shcny Gulley and Mayor B"ms on tho Housing Authority ond 11,11 was bccauso Mnyo, Burm was chair and Ms. Gulley was the r.:a·ncil liaison. Ms. Clopp said she has a hard time ~g bow one pcnon c::1n wcor so ma:1y 11at tnd represent Council . and net ns chair and 3CI as Mayor. 5k aid thal musl be very difficull :h 1d wondered if we shouldn ·1 hnvc :11101hcr Council rcprcscntath'C on that boald . Mayor l!ums ~oded tluu. when 1hc Housing A111horil)' wns fonncd . 11 had no Slaff a,o,I .,-~ The fint e,ccutivc dl""1orwas • SUIITmctnbcrln the Pl.1nnin9 Dcp.111mcn1 oftbo Cuy, who -farmed out 10 the Housing Authoril)' half 1h11:. Her a.,mc was Lois Kocion , he said. Oradaally O\'Cf the )'Can. the person who wns in that positi on bcgnn 10 work more and more for ti•: Hous ing Authority. \YDD&ing 10 keep tnbs on wh.11 was go in g on wilh 1hc Housing Aulhority , the City proposed 1hat there be .a Ciry Council member on the board. and there h.,s been ever since ii wns rormcd . Wh:n Sheriy C i•ley was elected, she w.1s 1hc Council rc prcsc111 a1ive. nnd 1hc11 when I got clet1cd 10 Council. he said.. ·•-c had two r,,prescntatlvcs and then M,. Gulley r,,signcd. Mnyor Bums s.1id he has told 1IICIIO:B o(dld~ng Alllhoril)' Board Ihm it 1, IIIQ,C difl"ICUI[ being the chair and the Mayor al the so,oc lime. .__ BU111.l said there have been occ.uioni when he has h.1d to step down from discussions here and be IS scrious,ly considering this. Ocher housing nulhorit ics h.wc had a 1enan1 on lhc board . and. be opined.. we may no1 need a council member any more . MAv or Bums said 1his is the lwauy~finh yc.u of 1he Homing Audlority • and there will be n ccl<bralion in September. After that . be said, he is going to tal<e a good lard look al A ~7 01is and sec whnl he should do. He told Ms . Clnpp ii is a good qllCSlion . cont inu ing that.._. lhc Housing Authority progressed a11d became run her funded. they reached :i point where 1hcy lured lllCU own di r.xtor. At that time . some ofll,c Co1111c1I Meml>ors though, ii would be luting the Housmg Au thoril)' go too much . Th< Housing Authori1y had 1he po~~, 10 do it nnd it hru juSI continued opaati,,c doc way it did, so the dbtctor hru been hil\ed by tl,e Housing Authoril)' ever since. Mayor 6ums sud IE got a legal opinion from Iha Housing Aulhorny's mtomcy on this issue 1:151 week . The allomc)' said it •-as 1101 illegal for him to be in 001h posit ions. but he rnay hnve 10 absl:iin at limes . Differen1 CIIM::S do 1lus.diflercn1 ways. he s.1id . Colorado Stn1u1cs nllow the City Cti1111cil to become tltt Housi 11g Authority Board. and Lakewood has an ordinance 1hn1 doc s not allow a memhcr orcouncil 10 be on the Housm g Aulhon r:t 8loard al aJI. A number of ci ties. he s.1i d. h:n·e a coun ci l member on lhc board . :1 11d a lot of tllC111 do11 ·1. :1nd' tlus ma, be something th.it we should rethink . he s.iid · Counci l Membe r Vorn 1111ag rcc.i llcd th at. when he was named h:> lhc Mnyor posiuon. CounaJ "-as aware of his bein g the chairperson or 1he Housing A111 hon1y and Council accepted tha1 at lhc HUlt: .and aJlo"ed him to continu e 10 be 1he chair. as we ll ns the Mayor. Co unci l Member Clapp asked irthe M;i)or has 10 sit on th e Hou sing A111hon1 y Boo rd. ~L1.!U Burns sai d tha t is not the c.1sc. but he just h:1 ppcn ed 10 be on I here when he was ;i ppoin1ed her e (v) Cou ncil i.1cmbcr Hnbc nicln I. She !hanked Co un ci l Member Vo rn ull ab fo r lu s u~po n from 1hc l111crn:111on;1I Co~! of Shopping Cenlcrs Co nrcrcncc . 2. She s.1id he r henn was !ouched wi 1h 1hc concerns fr om lhc Orch;ird Place rcsuicnli.i She reels there has been :1 re,1 1 lack or co 1111mmic:111011 thal they lwd 110 1de:1 they needed 10 go 10 the. Hous mg Authorit y. Sh e encoura ge d the Housing Au lh orit y to check 1h:11 ou t thoroughl~ • • • • Englcwllad Cil)' Council June lll1, 19117 Pngc Maya, ....., said '1< feds same of ii 11 bccausa o( tho 1111111hion bc1wcon e,ceculivc dirot1ors , but added lhal lw il fr111 !!:ly eml'< ~-.;:,,,,i Iha! these people were here tonight. Thol should never hove gollcn this fDr. hc-.,ud hc lscrnal-~nill be addressed . 3. Ms. Hcl>cn ch\ staled. wi:h n:f~rd 10 ~IC golf 1oumamcn1, she knowsthcre is some conocm there. She said she.,.,." avering a lillle bil, until she realized ii wns lhe George Allen GolfToumnmcnl . She ~ i-"'""Y people have pul 10 much oflhemsclvcs inlo this oonununily. and expressed d<cp sad.ocs., .at the dcat11 of iom1Cr Mayor James Taylor. He was Citi 1.cn of the Yc.ir wilh his wife . Jennie. she said. :md .man~ 'lf the pco1,M thar she has gollcn 10 know since being on Council and joining the Lions Club. liuM: t ,tu.1Ulcd le the City and some have been m.,yors, as was George Allen . When 1hcrr arc uroblau &1PiA..;.st people and institutions wilhin the community. it is importiUU to look back to those time; dual bnng us close together . She said when she s.1w George Allen 's mun:. shcj us1 could not help thinki:Dc (Of aU the fine people who hn\'C come before us and could not say no 10 1ha1 She repealed her deep regret at the passing of fames Taylor. ndding 1hnt he has been a renl peace maker and :t wonderful pcrsom [or tJ t is communicy . ~or Burru; joined in that. sta ting 1h.11 he was un.1blc to go to the Citizen of the Year awards this year. He saidl lbt spoke 10 Jennie Taylor !lull Sund.iy before 1he ceremony. Mr. Taylor did a 101 of wonderful tbu:~b this c:ommunity. he said. and was very instrumental on helping pass the bond issue on the SilDODl Ocntcr, wh.ich was the first project the Housing Au lho ril y ever t.1id . He said Mr. Tayl or was very supporca.i, and he dearly lo,'cd him . Ms. H:Jibcniclu shared that he was also very si:pponive or1hc Rccrc:uion Ccn1er and Cultur:\I Ans at Cindcn,jli n Ciiy Mayor Bums said tbat he received an invilation rrom the President :me. Mrs. Clinton to allcnd a party for the Sumunit of !he Eight The pany is c.illcd SOlurday Nigh! :11 lhc S11111mi1 and will be al 1he National Wcsn:rm .Evcnt Center. He said he docs 1101 know much about this , bul ii is qui1c an honor 10 rece ive an invitultnn. and he wm endea vo r to anend 13 City Manager 's Report City Manager Clark po inted 0111 1hc Cind crclln City S111111s Rcpon in Council's p:tckcl He sa id the good nc,1t-S is ithal Equitable has decided 110110 pursue the unsolicited offer from the Fl ond:t based real cs rnte de,,·dapcr. Last week . in fa ct . th ey in s1ruc1ed thei r Den ver counsel 10 go ahead and make !he adju stments to the: purchase and saJe :i grccm ent embod yi ng so me of the changes he prc \'10 11sly bri efed Co un cil on . TilC 1nforma11 on should be avnilnbl c to th e Cit y All orn ey so mc1imc lhis week . he s:11d . He s;ud 'he is still Hying 10 put logcthcr a meeting wi1h 1hc Museum or Outdoor Ans group and Millcr !K.itchcll . MOA has asked 1h.1t we hold off on ii. he said . u111il th e) h:t vc had an opponunit y 10 ra"lCW !he status si1u.1tion "ilh their board or directors. Council M-:mbc r Wi ggi ns s:ud ii wn.; e11co 11rag111g to hear Mr. Mill er s.1~ 10111 gl11 lh :t t \V ard ·s 1s go111 g down on thc ar :lSkin g pri ce. Cit) Attorney's Rc11ort ll11aJcwood Chy Council June 16, 1997 Page 28 City Anomcy Brotzman told Council that the Liquor Licensiag Alllllaority has added an open forum section to their mocdngs. TI1cre wu ,ornc conccm and CClllfiliadler the M.D. Liquof and Drua hcarina and so they have invited the ncighbo11 and citir.cns in thou"'"•-to a 1nec'.ing so they can cxplaln the rules that they live by and why they made that dcci,ion . Or..,.-ilcm, for that ,natter, he addod . 15. Adjoun1menl COUliCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED TO ADJOURN. JIit .-ling adjoomcd at 10: 17 p.m. •