HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-30 (Regular) Meeting Minutes•
June 30, 1997
111 I ~Of ,1
10 II ,I 'I If.
I. Call to Ordtr
The special meeting of the Englewood Ci1y Council 11115 coiled 10 order by Mayor Bums al 5:32 p.m. He
stated that the special meeting was noticed on June 23"' by rour Counc;J members • Council Members
Lauri Clapp, Alex HabcnicbL Ann Nabhol z and Al Vormillllg and then he , as Mayor. noticed ii
2. Roll Call
Present: Council Members Nabhol z, Clapp, Wiggins, HnbenlchL Vorminag.
Waggoner, Bums
A quorum was present
Also present: City Manager Clark
City Allomcy Brol zmnn
City Clerk Ellis
3. Motioe to eo into Executive Session
Mayor Bums stated they have notice for an Exccu1ivc Session. starting at S:30 in Conference Room A, for
three personnel matters and 1wo real estaic matters. He asked ror a motion to go inlo Evr-i:u tivc Session .
Motion carried .
Ayes : Council Members NabhCll z. Vonninag. Habenich t W,1ggo ncr. Clapp,
t urns
Nays : Cou ncil Member Wiggins
Mayor Bums nolcd 1h.1 1 Council is scheduled 10 be in Exccu1i vc Session from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in
Conference Room A. He advised •.hn11h c Speci al Session will rccon\'cnc 01 7:30 p.111 . in Council
Chambers .
111c meeting was recessed at 5:3-t p.m. and Co uucil went inlo E~ccum·e Sessio n.
The mc.:ting reconvened at 7:37 p.m. wilh all seven members prese nt.
Eapewood City Council, Special S.....
Juae JO, 1997
MA.NAGERDOUGCL.tJlK~OJN;r]lflL , >I ' 1 1 1 ,, ·, ·1
Ayes : Council lllcmbers Nabho z. Vonnhi\:g. Wiggi11S, Habcnich1 ,
w._-. Claw, Bums
Nays : None
Motion carried.
Mayor Bums explained 11111 Council is -..in& wilb the special meeting. He staled they have ju.st had
an Executive Scssio 11 rcgnrding pcrwnnd aai n:al estate matters, and they arc rcconvr.ning pn the dais as
IJ11s is a Special Mccling, ra1her lhan jUSI a Slwd)• Session
4, Rt'tl,lh.r Senion " I
(a) Orchard Place
Mayor Bums note that this is really 10 get :1111 upd.11c. because 111 the last regular Coundl meeting they had
a Jot of ~pie rrom Orchard Place come aaJcxr,,css their concerns about the artministrn1ion of l.h~t
building by the Englewood Housing Autbonr_>. Ht advised that Mary Ryan.()zt,um , who lru been !he
Acung Director. is hen: 10nigJ11 ,.,lh tbc nca Director or the Englewood Housing Authoritv Cheryl St
Clair. Mayor Bums stated that today is Ms. SL Clair's fi"1 day on the job . He Slaled there was a Housing
Authority meeting Wednesday and Coum:il ICCCivcd a memo as a result of that and ii wns also given to the
tenants , He asked Ms . St . Clair 10 come Uf"ID the microphone and introduce herself to Council. Mayor
Bums pointed out lhal Mc; St Cla.Jr ".IS ace at the meeting la!.: Wco.ncsday as she was not on the job yet .
He stiled thal Ms . St Cl aar comes to us wUI a vasl amown of 1.:.xpcricncc from the Denver Housing
AulhC'rity and the Denver Urban ~ A:uthoriry and they arc very happ~ 10 have her. I-le welcomed •
Ms . Si . Clair.
r.<.s. SI. Clair introduced hcr>elfand Slaleds'bc is looking forward lo bcin! hen: and working wilh Ilic City
of Englewood and lhc Housing Aulllonty . She nolcd th.11 . as Mayor Bums said . 1h15 is her firs, d.1y so she
is really not up 10 speed on lhc issucs. So. "'11<: said , she would lil<e 10 IUm i, 01<er 10 Ms . Ryan-Ozburn and
IC! her gi1<e Council the upd.11c on Ordlatd IPlacc .
Ms . Ryan-Ozburn stated IJ\31 she bas bc:n. 1Lh: Acting Exc:cuti,·e Director for 1he Englewood Housin g
Au1hority . She noted 1ha1, as Mayor Bw:ns~tcd. Ibey had a Board Meeting Wednesday nigh!. June 25••
She advised that at the Board Meeting I.ht.."' comcned al the Malley Ccn1cr 10 talk wi th residents about
thcii conccrr.s and to listen to lbeir cooccn:ui.. Ms . Ryan-Ozburn staled they hn vc set up a commincc Ms
St. Clair. two Commissioners -Debbie ~tedlock and Mall Innes. and some stnfT from the Housmg
Authority are on 1hc comminec . So. she mmcd.. lhC) ca n mee1 wuh 1hc rcs1dc111s on :111 mdividual ba sis or
on a group basis and hear their amca'DS Jmd address 1lu:ir co ncern s She advised lhey arc also discuss 111g
the idc.1 of submilling a questionnaire or ai sur\'cy le 1hc ~iJcn1s of Orchard Place to ask them what their
concerns arc . so they c.111 gel more ofa fi:d :fo r wh;u the b.1sic iss ues arc at I his point wuh 1he d1rTcrc11t
groups .
Council Member Habenicht noted she wM out of 10,, n al llic umc so she did 1101 have an OpjJOnunity 10
ancnd thal meeting . But. she saicl she hi.::11rd there ,,.1s som e co ncern on 1hc pnrt of people who did 1ry 10
auend . that Lhcy were sent awa~ bcc:3usc Elbe: room was 100 small and 1herc was an a11cmp1 10 cnangc to a
diffcrcn1 room at 1hr. Malley Ccn1cr and I wa s not :1ll0\'.cJ Ms. Habc niclll wondered 1f Ms Ryan•
Ozburn would comment on that and l'by lha1 was. if th :11 w:1s or 1f she is wroug in what she heard Ms
R)•an-Ozbum said she would be ha~ tui oomme111 on that. She ad,•iscd th,11 th e room was posted III their
lcg.1I public notice as Room I al the Marl") Ccnler and they had also asked lh e rcsi1e111s to let them know •
if they were going 10 allend ('II' wanted ID ,:pc.,k . She noted they had a number of ca lls nnd a list of persons
l■lllt ,.l'c-d Cliy C011ncll, S11ccl1I Scuion
Juat.lO, l?97
Poat J
indialllng 1heir desire 10 be 1l1crc or 10 sp<:lk . She sni<I they I.Hc~v lha1 aboul 1hirty people ..-.-11>
auend nnd 11,ey were planning 011 nbou1 1h:11 numbo,.· Bu• she staled. when 1hcy mi,'Od for lilt--.
al the Mftlley Cen1er lhcy di1C01'Crcd how 01:iny people l,n,/, .,,ne 10 ancnd lhc mcctina. 'She -~ •
were reluctan1 1a1 lhnt point 10 0hm1gc 1hc venue. to move J; ,#; ,nother rJOm, because of lhe lepl_....
surrounding that She nolcd lhcy wan1cd lo m>l<c sure 1l wo,. " lcgal IIICdillg so they 1old ,i. ,..._
lhal wore !here lhal lhcy would znecl wilh the spol-c;,.~rso,u ,.;· the various~ and limn hi tt..rm.. Ms.
Ryan-Ozburn pointed out that they allowed as ,nany people '"'• lhc room as possible and lMl sb.: --
aware lhat anyone was sent away . She said she w-d aware r.ruu there were so,nc people out in tllc ~
and their \t.gal coun"'I. Lee Applegale. was there and t :10 also"•°' oul in the hallway and lalbd Mil,
U,csc peoji! ~ul, she Slalcd , lho door was kepi op.,J, "' c,.,-;ure 1ha1 it was an open meeting and • far•
she knows nn one was scnl 11\\-:ly, Ms. Rynn-Ozhum c:<plnincd lhac they were concerned about Ule fi~
codes .
Council Men ~ · Hnbc nichl said 1hcn your lcgnl counsel ad\'ised that you could nol change lbc r11011L Ms.
Ryan-Ozburn srn 1cd 1h:u wns right
Council Member Habenicht said there was ano1hcr commcn l she heard. 1ha1 she -"'OUkl like ID check OUL
She staled that somebody was 1old llll'l thcy would have• cenain amount ofli,.. to pmcnt thar _,,
and they .ie CUI b■ck more than hair. They fdl !hey were ROI given • fai bearing. Ms . R~
said she undcntands whe"' Iha! confusion may have arisen . She noted Iha whco she was Wllmll ., _
of the rcoidcnlS 1hcy oskcd how long they be allo"'Cd lo speak. Al that poia~ she said, the Cw+ .
h,,d 1101 indicanxl to her a set lime or amoun1 of lime per rcsidcn1 or per group. She Slllled what tllcy
indicated was lhal OlCrc would be aboul an hour avoilable during !he Boord M=ng ID liSICD ID -
concerns . She sa id tha1 when she tnlkcd with one rcsidcn1 she explained that 1bcy were OOl SUR of Ult
parameters nnd tin,c g:1ide lincs. But whal would possible happen would be if 1hcrc were &en pcGflk Utc:rc
wanting to SJ>'-}. :h,:y would ha"c aboul five mi111.:tcs a person . If there wen: fh•e people there -IO
speak they woulc! 1111\'C about ten minu tes per person . Bui. she said. as far as she kno"s there -..-as DC\CI" a
set time per person . There were three distinct groups there. she advised. and since there was aa 111..r
alloncd they broke it down inlo about twcnly minulcs per group . Each group had a•~ acq,t
one gn:,up had severa l. but it w:1s twenty minutes per group .
Council Member Vonnittag asked how many g01 to SJ)C3k . Ms. qyan-Ozbum said lhat she was -_,,
c.'<llcdy the number. Mr . Vorr.1i 11 ng asked iflhey had n sign up sheet lha1 lhcy IIScd . Ms. Rya-Oz:lium
advised 1hey had a shccl of resi dcn lS 1ha1 hnd cnlled before hand 10 advise 1ha1 they "~re intac!la1 ..
(lltcnding the mcetiug and/o r sµcaking at the meeti ng. She noted she has 1ha1 al 1he office . She ldennficd
some residents who spoke .
Council Member Vormitt:.ig ques1 ioncd whether 1hc mi11u1es h:ive been I) pcd up . •,ts. Ryan-Od,u.rn
advi s,.,t that they have not Mr. Vonnittag asked I hat after 1hey ore printed ir she would make sure UII::'
get them over at City Hall as soon as possible . He noted he would like 10 sec a co p) to sec ,, ha1 1he
comme nts were . Ms . Ryan-Ozb urn agreed to provid e the minutes .
Counc il Member Wiggins noted that in their memo to th e re sidents on June 27th• in the second paragxaph.
tbcy indicated the rcsidcn1s co uld pl ace I heir wnttcn comments in a designated comment box aa Orda.rd
Place . Ms . Ryan-Ozburn s.1i d th nl is nghl. Mr. Wiggins :1skccl who has access tn 1he lx,x and bow SECDrC
it is . In other word s, he asked . ir so mebody cm , gc1 into n ;md gc 1 rid or some or those conuncnu or :IK
they nil then~ where th ey could be nccoun1cd fo r. He s.11 d th:11 is wh:u he .s wonde ring nboc.L Beaus: 1s
they have in essence a suggeslion box and they can suck 11111 nnd ~ou do11 ·1 like the suggestion aad JOU
deep six it . who kno"s ir11 wns pul ii in !here Council Member Wi gg ms s.11d 111 lus op1mon. sux::c ~
have so much co1111ovcrsy Ihm they ge l a posl office box 1111<1 reg1 .~1cr II some wn} So 1hat each mmmcru
th.it comes in is documented . Unless. he s.1i d. thi s is some kmd or secure" box and 1hcy have some
bg1ewooc1 CII)' c-:1, s,.dal Scllloa
n , lri.1 ''I l11nu•i l (Ii > }11!1,H t
l'\11 (j 1n••~
l ,
guuanle<! illll •-Fl 10 !here. Ml. R)'1UI-Ozbum Sllid she fell lhal Wll5 nn c.,ccllcnl idea. She
adv\llld dill die""" ii kdal Council -r WiJ!llns oaed who locu lbe bo•. Ms . Ryan-Or.bwr,
advised 11ia1 ·locb-aal al-o 'and Ibo police ha.ea key ID ii. She SllCSICd 1ha111 lhis point 11,cy
ha\-. noc bea ial..-111 clllcp lix. •8 onythins. lhal Ibey have been inle'"51cd in Jcomina what t!' 1hc
conocml an,. Mr. Wigias aid lie reali>.i:o lhal, bul as Ibey liJlcn 10 lho u-people Ibey arc clalnting
lhal Ibey are aoc b<illg,-.i am lhcir commenis an, net aottin& lhcrc. Ms. Rynn-07.lium ,aid •h•
undenllAdl 11m, sbe ... laid that. Mr. Wigl111 llalcd lhal he jUSI wanls ID know if Ibey have
something Iba!.,..-i:il ps in 1hc bo• lhal ii is docu1ncn1cd and kepi over lhcrc . Aclually. Ms.
Rynn-Ozbun, ........ die!' -• pruccdurc in place. She IIAICd lhal , OS she IDld lhe residcnlS or
On:hard Pl-....,. dcy fiU oul a grievance fonn ii will be seen by 1he mrumger of Ilic program and
herself. They will -C>Omm.:111 on the form and ini1i1I olf on ii in original hand. Thal original will be
returned 10 the residal ,.;chin lhrcc days . If it is not, she advised. then our phones numbers arc on th31
form and they can caD and find out what is r,iJing on with it. So. Council Member Wiggins s.'Ud, they do
get the original back illdicaing you have seen ii. Ms. Ryan-Ozburn Slalcd 1hlt1 is right Okay, Mr.
Wiggins~ you do u,,c a procedure in place .
Council ~ -..a.sncn1ed lhal she WIii in Orchard Place today 10 drop olI some nowen for an
irul.'vidw:l ..i lbae _,, alanns going olT. She noted tJ,cre was a 1enlle1nan lhere and he 1.:11 s1 nnding
in lhc lcllby -.. a apn:ac. Ms. Nobholz s1a1ed she was concerned llwl 1111 UIC doon were open and
she asked ifthac-aliRalarmorwhat. He said ii doesn '1 m.,Jieaoy difference , ifshc needallO use
the elevator.,. Jilliapligllt .-and if )'OU see a fire jUSI blow Oft ii. Ms. Nabholz Slaled she was really
concerned.-Ibis-wbcl she go< 10 the ,..;c1cn1 she was visiting sJ1e said ii happened quil.C
frcqucnlly thal tbm:.., ially no fire drills. Council Member Nabholz advised 1ha1 she would like 10 fllld
ou1 when "-as llac lasl -..., had a fire ins;,cction or On:hard Place. She said she was vc,y concerned.
thal she had sbe: IOD wilJI. ba' and yes she got on the devntor. Bui it was a joke, she said, and she was •
very concemcd -die safcl)• or lhc rcsidcnls
Ms. Nabtlolzaslmd-.: t11osuggcstion box is loc:ucd and noted 1ha1 she has seen a suggestion box . Ms.
Ryan-Ozburn ..i.i!al --is localed on 1hc first floor by U1c mail boxes . Ms . Nabholz asked if ii i•
tl1e liule mail box w1lll lhc big slot in ii. Ms. Rya n-Ozbum said 1lu11 is right Ms . Nabholz questioned
whether it tS possible 10 physically stick your hand in it . Ms. Rya n-Ozburn s.1id 1h;11 she would guess )OU
could if 1hat ""25 yot , ...,,,_ Ms. Nabholz asked if ii was locked. Ms. Ryan-01bu rn advised ii is locked.
Bui .• she nolcd. tf so aconc was intent on getting in th.it suggcs1ion box thnl she wns sure they could . JUSI
as if th y are inlcn .. m geniog inlo any vault th~• cx>Uld also do that.
Coun<.:I Member Nabholz .ukcd if any of the reside nts were considered to be on 1h1 s 11dvisory comnuucc
to probably hcJp cahn down some of the 01l1cr people 1l 1crc Ms. Rya n-Ozburn advised 1ha1 thal question
was discussed 1ocb.y :and they h:1vc no 1 come 10 any re.so luti on on that She stated Lhcy arc also talk ing
abo ut gcrung an 0U.£Slde n::dtalor aud she has tnlkcd to a couple of other people ;:ilo,out that issue . TIIC) arc
now. she aoted. 1001bng ror someone that tJIC)' would consider a disin1crcstcd ou .idc 1lurd party ,
somebody objective.
Council Mcrwr ~t said she was not sure she understood . She noccd that Ms . Rynn-Ol.bum
indicalCJ there w.a.-.-a sign--up sheet forC\·crybody who aucndcd the meeting . Sh e asked if it was for
everybody '°"ilO attl:lnpled 10 altcnd the mec1ing or onl y for those who were nllowcd to aucnd the meeting.
Ms . Ryan-Ozbumah"zsed th.1 11hc sign•up sheet was compiled at I hei r office during the days right be fo re
the meeting ~bea.dle rt:9dcn ts were informed that l11cre was go 111g 10 be a meeting. The)' asked th:n ti ~
call and ad,isc tlm ,hey "'ould be n11c nd1n g the mcct111 g. She noted 1h:1t 1s wh•II th e hs1 is So . Counc il
Me mber H:abcrucbc SDJd. an}o ne who showed up for that meeti ng. but h.1dn ·1 sig ned up fur i i, was not
pcnnillcd to au.ad. Ms. Ryan• Ozbum said nbso l111 cly 1101. 111 foct, she advi se d. th e 11s1 wns II0l even
taken to the DlttlJll'g. So . Ms . Habc111ch1 s.iid. yo u d1d11 ·1 hll\ en li st of peo pl e who au ended 1he mcc ung •
En1l.,.ood City Council, S11ecl•I Session
J•,ne JO, 1997
Ms. R)'III-UZ."um stnlCd 11111 lhcy do nol have o lisl of people who allelldod !ho_,.._ tba1.sbc is ~ware
of. Ms . Habcr.ichl asked ifll1cy hove sian-11p sheets for people who allaad. 11-L 1tJ:a-Ozbum oolcd Iha!
a11ha1 poinl 1her renllv lmdn'1 even 1hougl11 nboul doing 11ml. She said Ibey were j,,11 i-cd l n
hcnring ·hnl I hey hnd lo .:iy and I hey were quilc surprised a11he nwnbcr of pcopll: •t.<> did s.how up, She
commcalel! lhaL lhcy were all quite Wea aback .
::cuncll Member Clapp advised 1ha1 she did nnend 1ha1 ma:ti111 aad Tom M,_ -tboR and she ""uld
gue., 1hcrc were 97 r,coplc in al1C1,dancc . ii was a grcal crowd 11121 night and a lal .-:em. She
con11nen1ed lhat em0Jo115 did run high . She ll1ough1 lhat a 101 pf people-,,: clisafpoinl,d thal only an
hour had been aliollcd for I hen~ Iha! they werc never piing lo even begin 10 ,aa;ls oc swfacc. She
advised 1hnt one of the concerns she heard about a one on one wit!1 a comminee oc 1:2 Iba& naaurc. coming
door to door, is that people would feel somewhat in1imidatcd. They .-cany wam t.b.m 1donc more ir. a group
lypC selling. Ms . Clapp said she knows lliat we have moved mcelings in t.bc .-,. Sac aslit:d if lhal was
no11rue and. if you legally c:::n poll 1he notice on 1he door. CIJ1 you not ..-ca naaaing · ,o., the hall. al
1he same address. in 1he some building , City Auomcy Brotzman advised lll3I c:-ci1 can. So. Ms. Clapp
snid. then a govcn1mcntnl body can . Mr. Brotzman said be \l'aS ,:ol go1n1 U> try W!dtspuac what the
anomcy said. 8111 . Ms . Clopp said. we can Cily Allomcy Brauman said his.,,...... is 1hal yes you can
move a meeting. Council Member Clapr s.1id she was a little disappoinlCd 1h11 pa:ple won: not allowed
in lite room and !Ital there wnsn ·11nort of a11 effort. Ms . Ryan-Ozburn poin&cd -illlal they were also
disappointed . th.11 wha1 they were rclying 011 al 11•11 poinl was their legal coumcJ 'sa<hiO'. She stalc:I they
·;,,,re ve ry concerned :tl>Out keeping the meeting a legal mccting and 1101 violating ~• la"s. She ag"-.d
that ii was very disappoinling UIDI everyone did not gel to come in . Ms. Ryao-Omam SlalCd she
u11dc!llands <lie ;csidcnl.5 concerns and ll1Cir disappoinllTIClll in not bc,ng heard. Sloe said they did 1ell t!Je
rcsidcnl.5 th 11 nighl that they arc going 10 have a series of lllCClings. 11\.11 tJ,cy will lla\•e a couple of lite
commissioI ,ers on that committee and they consider lhcir concerns very imponaal!.. She advised 1hat if
they ilidn'• speak !Ital night. or gel a cha11cc 10 speak. 1ha1 they were given 5x7 UldCX cuds and pens for
them 10 write down rhcir concerns . She slated thr-:• have. aJI of 1hosc and t>-.c, are bong copied and out
into p;.acts for each individwl member of the committcc thal is being pu.t &ogal'.a ~is R)'oln-0-tbum
s.1id 111'1 she could eenninly 1•J1ders1nnd 11•11 lhey were disappoi111ed 1la1t t.bcy dicim'I get 1he&r cltancc 10
speak bcforc lhe Board. She emphasii:cd 1hcy will g•J 10 speak before the Boalll. mjust dJdli '1 ltappcn th.lt
night She >lated thal the Board and sL11T ltave atr..01t ,1dy no in1en1ion at all oi ~g lhem or not
addressing their concern ·
Council Member Clapp advi.;'!d that she has been infonncd that !here ha""c bc:m. ~ made 10 ccrta:..1
tenants . She said what she is 1~•ing 10 c.xprcss here is 1h.1 t she continues to re::zivrcommcnts and she
feels ii is nol a Cou11 cil issue . Ms . Clapp noted ii would be a real blessing if thts ng could be addressed
sooner rather than lalcr for everyone 's sake . She opined 1h.11 things COIU:in uc to c:s.:::alatc. ~·ts. R)a n-
Ozbum agreed . Ms. Cli 1pp sa id 1h:11 speaking as a concerned c111 zc n. not 3 CounOW person . she 1s \'Cl')'
concerned abo ul. Ms R)an-Ozburn :1grccd lhltl they arc all concerned. She sald1 ma ll~ \\ ish thi s
could have been solved scvcr:11 mont hs ago. She 11otcd there have been 3 number cl sz q1;. · ~ke n to tr) 10
~-solve it. there ha\'c bt.>e n mccuugs with 1hc rcsi c.lcut s. She stntcd tt..11 \!!hen sbe.i.aas \,11 ..b.: Actrng
Dircclor posilion !here were meetings in her office of single rcsidcnls , two rcsideD1ts and Ylt1ps of 12 10
15 residents. When they wa nted a meeting. she :-~,:d. a meeting was held and she Slcoc.. 10 a ll of1hc1r
concerns. Ms. Ryan-Ozburn advised 1hat she has all of 1hc no1cs on those DICCUJll?S All of lhc issues that
were taken before the Cilv Man ace r \\Cl"C addressed and they hnvc worked ,~ , 'Cl U:.f )rt unatcly. she
nolcd, not all of the concerns have been solved or resolved to everyone ·s sau.sbcmno. She s1aied II~ arc
aware of m:my threats on OC'th sides. She s.1id she has 1101 wi111csscd any of lhcmi person. Ms. Ryan
Ozburn slated , as she has cxpl:uncd 10 the rcsi dcm s of Orchnrd Place . and st.c w cxpl :un 10 anybod~.
that she will not vio la1c anyone 's civil riglus. she will not evict anybod) on h.·.::u:s»!-. she "-1 11 1101 fire an)
staff person on hearsay . She cmpl ms1 zcd she will wan ! cv1 dcncc and she \UU w.ian to make sure 1h.:11 due
...,.... c11,, Council, Special Seulun .-31,1,,, ..... ,
I H 1,1 h;fJ I 1111111 l ur.> Lo<Ht·,1 1,,i:-t'
lll)' ,rtt,,,-p1,L . ,
,..,.. if followed . So . she Slated. they nrc cnsurin1 everyone 's civil rights al Orohard Plaao. no1 ror Jus1
,_ or..o people . TI1cy want 10 malce'surc tlllll everyone Is 1..a1ed rulrly .
Qamcif Member Vonniltag wanted 10 know npproxinwely how Ions II wi ll mkc ror M1. St Clnir 10 get
IP ID ..,...son this particular issue. Ms . Ryan-0-,.bum odvisod thnl Ms. St. Clnlr is geulng up to speed
qaac: qaktly. This has been her number one priority omd. she 1101cd, she mc:1 quite a bit today wilh her on
tliis ,..,._ Ms. Ryan-Ozllum Sllled 1ba1 she has \'Of)I complet e riles on the Issue and Ms. S1. Clair is 11
gn::n lmencr ond a very disccming qccstloncr and she Is gelling up 10 s1)eed ,apidly. Council Member
V"'111ittag asked ir she has an open door policy . Ms. Ryan-Ozburn said she did no1 know. 1ha1 she
cauinlytoems 10, nnd she c!efened the qilcstiou 10 Ms . SI Clair. Ms. SI. Clair lndlaued from 1hc
........, ~II she docs.
C.-.cil Member Habenicht Slated ibal she ccrlAinly npprcciaies due process. d1a1 ii is always e.tn:mciy
;--. She asked. since there have been so ,nany concerns cs pressed about feelings of 1hn:.11, or
...,, 0< what have you . if there is any additional sccuriry IIICAsurcs taking pince in 1he building 10 mak e
~ tllat something just doesn't erupt inappropriately . Ms . Ryan-Ozburn said yes . Ihm they hove had
.,,.,. dthe impact letlm at !C\·ernl meetings . She staled they have emph.1sat.ed 1h11 any resident may
~ 911 • any time. They have installed a sa1eUi1c or.lee on the seventh floor , it is in a vacan, room at
poiM. ii was a room ·-.1111 was not developed and is a s11111II linle cubby hole , She advised they puu
,._. in there with voice mail for lite impnct team lo use. with a locked suggestion box outsidl, of 1ha1
_ __. yes if someone was bound and delenr ined lo get in10 that suggestion box they could . Ms . Ryan•
Ozbllm SlatCd lt,ey did what they lhou~III was appropriate al lhe lime . 1rs1ronger mea.sure.s Ill"...<! lo be
r:am. she said . they ,.;u most certainly lake them if they sec 11'11 th•t is nppropri>1e. Bui . she noted. she
:ad acmbcn of the impat.1 team stop by 1hc building unannounced m various 1imesjusl 10 sec how 1hings
arc going.. She added 1ha1 she. along with the impact lcmn . the building manager, 1hc Housing team
l!IICIDba' aDd two maintcMnc:c workers. g fhrot;gh lhc hallways .
C".owlcil Member Habenicht asked how ncccss is g.1incd to the building. Ms. Ryan-Ozbum smd II is by
~ ff you arc rcsidcru r,f 1ha1 building and you hnvc a visi1or or n gucsi. you may buzz them in 1hrough
t3be intercom system . Ms . Habenicht nskcd if she shO\'-'Cd up at the building how would she get in. Ms .
liyan-Ozburn ndviscd ,he would have 10 buzz the manager. annoono: herself and stale her purpose. Ms .
Ebibcnicbt asked wh.11 would happen if she buzzed the manager . Ms. Ryan-Oz burn advised he would ask
•M it •u. Ms . Habenicht asked irlhcrc :ire hours of access . Ms. Ryan-Ozburn s.iid no , the managers
arr znilablc al all times. the buzzer is in 1hcir apartment nnd 11 . .: office is right off of their apanmcnt.
Ooancil Member Nnbholz asked. reg,uding the packet Council ,.'CCivcd a couple or \\<Cks ago . If there
.-ou1d be a response 10 :hose lcuers of concerns. She asked if th e new director would be responding to the
people .. m wrote those letters. Ms . Ryan-01.bum advised 1ha1 all of those issues will be addressed . Ms .
• <al>bolz said. if at nil possible. she would appreciate a copy or those responses .
GounaJ Member Habenicht staled she would also npprccinlc it if Council could be co pied a list of all
imecting.s concerning this issue . n sc hedule of meetings .
Ma,--or Bums asked how much the Co1111.:il wanted 10 gel involved in lhis . Council Member Wiggins
swed thal ht does not wam 10 g~t involved in it. Council Member Nabholz said she 1h111ks II is ;1 Housin g
~""-uthori~ issue. Mr Wiggins agreed . Ms Nabho lz S11 id lhat unless some rcsolullon stn.ns takmg place
Councl will conlinue lo be invol\'cd , She pointed oul 1hn1 she contim1es 10 receive -:alls She no1cd she
mm!)· believes it is a Housing issue . Council Member Vonninng pointed om rhal 1h ·:, me oonsti1uc111s
Mayor Bums 0011.-d he is not con11nc111ing 011 any of1his bccnusc. for the aud1cncc ·s cd1fic:111on. he 1s the
Oiainnan of the Housin g Aulhorily Board . Bui. he advised. that lhcsc arc public meetings and 1hc no11cc5,
.an: public . Council Member Haben ic ht s.1id that 1s all she was du111 g was asking for a 11 s1. a sc hedul e
Enal cwood Chy Council, 811«111 S......
June 30, 1997 '"') ,u l lll'Mm·1lon~I
"et! .flt ,r,ul
~ :1 11'f , ... 7
Ms . Ryan.Ozburn advised that they an: p0IICd at the Ciiy HallJlluilletin board in the rcr:,plion area and
they an, also ~ in lhc 1,1"/b)' of lhc Englc,yood Housiag ~ly. ~ncil Mca,l,er Hab<nicht asked
ifCollqcjl could be copied witlj any notific:11ion of1ncetinp. IWIL llyao-<'zl:,.rri 'llid sbc would be glod to
copy M,. Habcolclu and if anyone ebc on Council would bloc Dlbe copic.l she osked 1Jm 1 they let her
know Jnd 5hc would be glqd 10 sec that tl,cy iCI it.
Council M=bcr Clopp said .i,e wanted 10 mention 10 COWICll.lbocausc she did no1 lmow how many wen,
awan, of i~ but tl1ey had a senior citiu:n. Gcruudc ConDOB. Clllllt IO deliver a letter and an unfonunate
accident happened and she broke her wrist . Ms. Clopp said sllo:Just thought Council should be aware of
that , that ii is over this issue and so it is suaning 10 come ialo cwr Ciry Hall .
Council Member Clapp advised that she has some cards dill ""°"' gi,'Cll to her from concerned raidents
at Orchard Place and tl1ey asked that Ibey go i•llo lhc ra:ord. SIie said ratl1er than rading them she was
going IO give lhcm to City Clerk Ellis and have her copy lbcao and gfre them lo Council and to Ma)'t'r
Burns. Because. she noted. tl1ey rcally belong to Mayor Bums The following comments wen: entered
into the record .
"Mr. Mayor.
I fc:el lhc: Phillips should be rttnovcd from then: lsicJ Jjol, as building auendants at On:hard
Place . How much mon: hate and animosiiy mllSI wc:salfc:r through????
Nina Dcshasierr'
You could do somc:tl1ing about Stan & Betty Pbillill&'IID One Day •• Why don 't you?
Ann Burris•
"Mr. Mayor,
We want Stan & Betty Phillips ou1 of 1i1c build.mg --We wanl Pince ! I Jsic .l How much abuse &
foul language do we have lo Lake '!
.. 6-29-97
Get rid of Stan & Belly Phillips . these People Play &ad Games . Gossip. Divide
friendships ... Help us befon, 11 explodes. rm mad.:,s hc:U and rm not going 10 take it
'"6 -28-97
Lcucr to Mayor Bums
Joe & Carol Coad!M1
Orcls1rd Place .
Does someone ha \'e lo die before an)1hing 1s d,ml!' People hnve hnd thrc:us . One went to 1hc
hospi1al with a hcan auact 1s1c.1 after a big argu..inl!!IU "uh Sum Plulhps on Frid.,~ 27th•
Orchard P1ac:
Virginfa B ~uor-
.. M1. Mayor
Please help us! We Need New People here 10 bc:Jfl> us. All New Mg {sic. I
Orchard Piao:-·
Enat,wood City Council, Sp«lol Sculon
June Jil, 19,7
P11e 8
'111< Boonl of Englewood Housing Authoril)' of 3460 So. Shennan Suite 1b I benor hear us all
it 's liJm . We an, not taking this kind oftrcAllnent anymoro . The Board moved III to a smaller
room becolllO we had about 100 people suppon . They wcro se:ucd ond "~ wero moved to a
room to hear only o few . Supponed By Sirnou Center. They wasted time while moving as. We
hod enought jsic.Jspacc . They could have listened to us . In the lost 2 yrs . we have had so ltllln)
rcsidcnlS 30 lo the hospital with Stross nnd bean nttncts {sic . I thcu nny other lime. I have lived
hear {sic.) over 14 yrs . and we hadr.'t had this kind oftroaunent aud trouble .
"Mr. Mayor
Orchard Pince
Virginia Saylor''
I have been a resident of Ort hard Place for twelve years . I have seen a pince that was a
wonderftil freindly {sic.{ place Where soniors could live for the rest oFtltier {sic .I lives . that is
untill {sic.) the pres.i nt !sic.I mnungrneut lsic I 111oved in nud stnned being abusive to the soniors .
and doing every thing his way al :my cost.
Adeline Fitzp,11ric~"
Council Member Waggoner s.1i d he noticed that the Hous ing Authority meetings a, ~ Jisccd on our IJ SI of
meetings. Mayor Bums ngreed th<t it is just like nny ot~cr bo.ird orcommisslou .
Council Member Vonnittag said he thinks whnt she was asking was for those meetings that arc going 10
be over then: conccming these probltmsc. thnt she was not meaning the Hou si ng Aulhoriry meetings .
Council Member Habenicht tlc,nked Mr. Vonnlttng aud said tlcit wns exactly what she mea111 . Ms . Ryan-•
Ozburn advised that she unders1ood tl,ot .
Council Member Vonnillag advised that whe re he is go in g \\ ith this is he would like 10 sec all of the
written infonnt.t.o n without ge tting involved . He 110:cd he can look ill it. re.id through it a11d try ro stay up
to speed of what is happening, wh al's goi,g 0 11. wh;i1 has been rcsoh·ed . He s.i id it is just so he can sec
the whole thing dying back down ag.1i n, ho.,cfull y. th:'11 is ,,hnl yo ur goal is . Absolutely . Ms . Ryan-
Ozburn said . Council Member Vonnill si.g said he would ju st like to siay up to speed with it without
getting involved.
M.1yor Bums asked if there were any funhr.r questions or comments TI1erc were none
(b) Administrative Organiz.ition (Po lice F':c)
Ma yo r Bums asked 1f anyone wished 10 speak 10 tlu s issue
Co uncil Member Habenicht advised th.it aw lul c ba ck Council had a stu dy sess ion where they were
di sc ussing an admimslmtivc org.1nii.ation ordin auce 1ha1 was passed . she bcl1cvcd . in 1990. !:'he noted
there had been ~ di sc ussion . She sai d shL rc1 !mhcrcd pan of the di sc uss ion ,, here Cou ncil Member
Clapp asked Ci;.,• Attorney Brotzman if ii wa r 1.1 faL1 co ns1S1cn1 w1tl 1 lhc Chancr and he s.1 1d no ii wasn 't.
Council Member Habcni chl stated that ii rea ll y 1'Klk her by surp ri se .11 the ti111c and she has never rcall~
fell comfortable \\i1h 1h:11 o~dinance . She s.1id die w:1s s11gges1ing tlu s be brought up for discussion nhen
she was so n of tlunking more thal thi s \\as a SIL dy session . Bui sin ce ii 1s on here. she really thought
Council should sc .1•J usly consider revisiling a11d r.:,c:i ling thal ordinance and laking us back 10 the way 11
was un de r City M:t'l.1gcr Pelc Varg:1s, Ci1y Manager A11d) McCo wn and Cit y Manager Sum Dial. She
said she ju st wanted to 111.ike sure thal we were wor!t1;1g on that. At the 11111c Snfc 1y Services was created.
she s.1id . but there have been all sons of ch;mges and ~he felt tins is a good 11111c 10 revisit that ordinance
and possibly repeal ii and go ba ck to where we were . She opined that ii wa s much bcncr. •
Eopewclfld Clly C1N111<II, Spttl■I S......
June JO, l~Y7
Council Melllber Vonni1111 q,.-KIIIIIII ... ii -· Council ,Meonbcr ~ic~• advi'iC(I Iha! whenever
thcn: 1110Uld be !Ill orpnizalional dlMlo, 6ot is di Ille nwnblr ot ~oll "" have aud )l'hal
departrncnll we have di Ille Ciry, llaal "...-"""" 10 Council as a n:coaunc:nda1 ion from~ City
Manager. The Council -W then eitller--c o, disnpprow such change . Which , she said. she
believes is consisk:nt wilh lhe Charter,
Council Membei · Wisgins aid. n:ganlinc:,,z>1 lhe issue or police and fire. lhal he \Vlllllcd to C9mmcnt on
the cncmo Ibey nx:eived from Cily ~Ollk clMed the 26• of his appoin1men1 o! Chris Oli<lo as the
Din:c .nr of Safety Services clfa:livc Jai,, l Mr. Wiggins congr.lhllllini: him on appointing Mr. Olson .
He opined he is well qualified nnd thal be •ill do a fine job.
Council Member Vonniuag llllal City -.. Cir.rk if he was still going to look for another director.
City MnnlFr Clark said no. Tbea. Mr. v..illag aoled. it ia I pc~ thin g not an acting thing.
Council Member Wiggins Slid the mes, -be was appointed director clfc,;tivc July I. ii docsn 't say
anytliiDg abouucling.
Council Member Nabholz id she wanlC! ,o say for the record 1ha1 she has worked with Chris Olson in
c!ilfcn:nt capacities and she also feds Ila lie ii very qualified from the parade 10 the Police
Commun ica tion Task Force. •·hich she sen'ed ,,,,h him on .
Mayor Burns Slated Council congrataia150lris Olson on his appointment.
Council Member Habenicht said she -like 10 ask if Council agrees or 1is;1grc,:,; witl1 her io terms o, .
moving forward on tl1i■-ordinance. Aatifthat is the case. she said. she would like ID know wila~ the
appropriate next step would be . She said. 111c wouJd like to sec it come as soon as pos,iblc on &.'I age.lda
and that we move back l\.'I making ii "·hen i1 was al 1h.1t tim e so "c arc in c.omp liance with our Charte1 .
Mayor Bums commentod lbac he u.-l<ld Cron, the Charter provisions ll1'11 if tlicy changed a
department that it n:quirr:s an ordilUJI 11: 1m,i-way. City Alt0m<'J Brotzman s.iid tha1 is comx:t. Mayor
Bums noted we already killd of Wlder"'.Ald thaL So. he s:fr.i, what lie was concerned aboul is how much
Slaff time it will take and what wil! LIiey_ mood ID gi:t into this. City Attorney llrolZJi.m advised that it is
how much they won1 ID tall.c of chis. Tltol nglu now tl,cy have a ve ry large administrative ordinanc, tlia1
was going tot,., staffed aad then broughu11Cou ncil ac1er August. after the Dircclor 's n:lreat when !hey
were going 10 go 1hrough this. He notai liuil where we are inconsistent wilh tbc Cl1.1ncr is two
departments. nol being Safety Servicr:s ., _ of the dcpa ,-unenls. Parl<s and Recreation and Neighborhood
and Business DcvcloprncrJ: we are:~• no1 consistcm, our Code is not up to dale as to what our
actual pra ct ice is. Whid1 means. be ad.. ihaJ: \\·e arc in violiltion . Ci1y Atlomcy Brotzman advis..--.J
Council they can take all of 1lus in one bJ!lgt lump S\Jlll . which is its current fonn . or they can break 1hc1~
in10 pieces and 1a.kc a small piece a1 a UJme.. He ad\•1scd 1ha1 Randie Banhlomc started thi s process ant! we
did a large proj ect and the fim real dr.lft:afthat is done . He s.11d Council c.1 11 lake i i in smaller
incrcmcnlS if they would like. 11 .. , 11 LIii mi Cou ncil
Mayor Bums s ugges1cd 1ha1 Council tak,;:, 11 m one large lump bccl usc Cotuml 1s awrr rc or what they h.ive
to do if yo u chang1: 3 d-:pan.mc:01. He pocn&al out they will no< be changin g a departm ent w1tl1ou1 a proper
ordinance . He noted that with C'\'Cl)thmg lhcy ha\-c on tJ1cir pla1c nght no,\, with G~neral Iron .
Cinderell a City and cede cnforccmen.1 am.:! ev~1hing else, if Council takes thL'SC one at a time they will
just be tying 51.Itff up scmething 1cm bk:. He saKI Ulat 1s the ,vay n scc1ns 10 h1111 . Ma~or Bums ask ~'li..
since they arc so awn re of what lhc a.ssuo. arc. "'b~ they couldn ·1 do ii all al once .
E■alewood City Council, S11cclal Smiun
June JO, 1997
Pace 10
Council Member Wnggoner lllkcd if Council could smn oul by c:,,mparing whal is required or ...,. is ill
the Chancr'wiih whal is In 1he ordinance'. dcpo1men1 by dcpanmen1 and soc when: 1oe 111\'e lie
dift'en:ncca between departments. Mayor Bllms asked 1rtha1 Is not whit Ibey arc doing , City~
Brotzman advised lhat is whal we have done and thal is whcro we an: al with a first dndl. COIIIICil Clily
Auomey Brotzman said 11141 where we •re ndmini11m1ively, Is tha1 he and Adlllia Services baw ---
ii. Cily Mnn..ger Clark now has ii he advised, and ii has nol gone 10 the inilividuaJ dopanmenc din:aas
as or yet. Council Member Wnggoncr commented 1hn1 we just ought to be able to list them. on oae 5111c of
the paper wh:it is required under 1he Code or under the Chnncr . City Allomcy Brotzman advisi:d dm..,
been done, that is where they nre nt now. Mr. Waggoner said 1hcy ought 10 be able to lake• look at.,.
and decide when: they wonl 10 go. Mayor Bums agreed 111,1 thal was probably a good sugscstjo,,.
Council Member Habenicht pointed out that they passed no ordinance that was inconsis1cn1 with CW
Chancr and it might have been done iMdvcncn1ly, accidentally. whal have you. Bu~ sllc said. • ._..
that it needs to be repealed . UnfonuMlely, she no1ed, even though Mayor Bwm has 1ndic:altd 1M.
Council will not be creating any more depanmcnlS we nre already recognizing the fact 11111 ---
1wo, bllck and fonh twice. So, she Slalcd, ii has alrc.,dy happened and she 1hinks ii is sarncthi• C-=iJ
should address as soon as possible .
Council Member Clnpp snid lhnl she agrees wilh Counci l Member Habcruchl.
Mayor Bl,mS asked how th r. l1rdin.1ncc Ms . Habcniclu is talking about firs in with the mix that C\uydung
else . He commcnled 1ha1 he is• lilllc confused . City Altorncy Brotzman advised thar it is• !WI a(.-
the Cily Mnrulger's ponion It.is been n:ctificd 10 resolve thal issue. Ma)or Bums asked what be -by
roctified . Mr. Brotzman capl•incd 1ha1 righl now rhey ore not entirely consiSICIJI. lhar our cunar C-
and Chancr arc not entirely consistent. Toni is part oflhc correction 10 lhc Cit)· Manager 's~ -is
in that large ordinnncc.
Council Member Habenicht s1a1cd th:u her concern is 1hn1 we arc not being fair 10 oursc l\'cs. our Lll}
Manager, to our C'O nstitucnts . She poin1cd ou1 1h111 she ,v.-is here and 1ha1 nobody else on this Cmmcil--.as
here when that iru tial ordinnncc was passed . She said she feels perso nalty responsible for alknrillg • to
happen, for not !>-pcnking out :11 the 111nc. even though she fell uncomfonablc about it at the time. Sile
nolcd she has fell unco1nfonablc nbou1 ii c:,-cr since TI1cn when she lcamod 1ha1 in fact. iadced.. .....
inconsistent witJ1 the Chancr. she hos felt t~rribly burdened and rcspo11s1bk for it. She opined~ skMld
undo it and start from dny one where they were ttt 1ha1 point nod st:ut fresh doing it right CouacUl
Member Hobcnicht snid she WOt!ld rcpcnl ii , go back 10 where 1hey were , go rhrough 1he way --
have done it. Try 10 IIIAke right whal has been done wrong for lhc last e1gh1 or nine )'C31$. She-•
just very. very C01i:-cmcd nbout that She opined they have done a disservice 10 theu city man:agcn..110 our
councils . to our com r.itmity nnd the staff. She snid ii is b.1d , that lhc wrong should be fixed.
Council Member Clapp asked ifth111 was II molion .
City Allomcy Bro1zmnn nsktd 1fhe cou:d pl c.1.c 111:,ke :i rcco111mcncl.111011 He suggcsll':d tbat ~ u:cd 10
see thi s one at n study session as this ordin ance in ils current fonn is huge . Council Member l-bb:1111tiu
said she know ii is . Mr . Bro11.mn11 mniulnined lhlll Council will reall y need cu look at thi.s ox ar...a..ilUd)
this one . He encouraged Council 10 pul chi s on 1hc 11cx1 s1udy session so 11\C~' can sec it . rC\'IC"l,l ll 3IId
make any changt.-s they would like to it before yo u simp :y just pu1 it on nn aci:nda . He reucr.ued dma. •t 1s
that voluminous . Council Member Habeni cht s1:1 1cd she would :1ccc p1 I hat. b111 a! !b! s;, •r. umc W
would wa nt to h:t\'C put b::forc Council c.x:1ct ly wha1 it addrcs!;CS th a1 was there in pl :,cc: when II wCl!II m
E•ll@wood City C-... Spodal Sen ion
J••t JO, 1997
PIii! II
I 1111 I ~II L )Off 11:,11 ii
1\11 .Dt liUI.
"I ,~1.11
So lhat Council,,_ .....,e 11111 and ICC huw easily ii .-llcl be 19 go bljck 10 wtt,,a was w;1tiou1 a
proolem. Shi aid ifllla ia ........ lhen ya. She llllted Iba WQul4 ,ccrUIJnly never wan1 ,Coyncil to \110)"'
on anything thal Cowlal daa DOI full y understand or hav,: nn opponunlty to review.
Mayor Burao allal -,_. tilaff Umo thil will take right now , He pointed oul tha1 he i1 coni:crncd ,lhal 1
we luM ,o -adlor diap 1hat we a,c doina . He ukcd if Council c;in have this in some son of form ,
,o that Ibey cu aa• .,..S laait a ii. without gains tbnlu&h the volwnino111 paperwork . Cl!y Manqier
Clnrk explained ....... onliaaDcc City Allomcy Browua is llllking abouljUSI aunc OUI 1honly, Uuu It
was one ol Randit BIRNamt lasl iacms ~iat site ccmplclcd. He nclcd 11101 ns he rccrulcd ii Is 70 some odd
pages in text . He aid be 1111d iadicatcd 10 Mr. Brouman 11ta1 he would look al ii before U1e end of lhis
week nnd lhcn Ibey _,, ~ iO route ii out 10 lite directors . He staled ii dow; Ute compa rison 11tcy wcrc
1alkin1 about. As lilr • ... Cllllcr ordina~ Mr. Clatl< staled. he is still nol clear wh111 site is Ullking
about. Council Manbr:r Hal>alichl cxpaincd lhal she is talk in& about the ordi= lliat changed lite way
roorpnJ,.ation is dolle ill the Cily . She rci1eraled 11ta1 r.lte would like 10 sec Council repeal lhat ordinance
and inuncdilldy Jo t.:a 10 •i>l:n: we werc before lhal ordinance was pa.scd . Which , site maintai ned,
would not r,qi,in: 70 ~ olanytlting. Site s.1id ifll,ey wanted to look al 70 paj!CS. 20 ycm, 20 days. 20
montns. 20 wcdul .... lhc: pike. wheo 1hcy have more 1imc. U111 is fine . But. site said, nglu now she
thinks Ibey should reaily wbal was done that was wroo& in Ute past .
Council Meabcr Cl:w said $be mighl be able 10 help here. She said she thinks Council Member
Habenicht is lllllwic..,. uc ordinance lhat overrode thc Charter illeaally. Thal is the exact one. She
asked Ms. llabeaiclil ' ·,_ -ri11t 1. Ms. Habenicht said she was. Ms, Clnpp reitenued it is the one that
illepllyOYCfflldcOar . Saopinod lliat you can 't produce an ordinance 11101 is directly opposed 10
your Cbana'. Ccasil........, Clapp said 1h01 your Chaner is your guide._your rule book and you can 't.
wilhoul a vote of the people. dtange that.
Ma yo r Bums sai:I be adculands 1ha1. He cc111mc n1ed that m,,ybc they should just pul ii on tl1e study
session so they caa p:c a desaip1ion of wh.ar they are looking al here .
Ci ty A1tc1mey Bratzman cq,lai ncd that they arc asking for lwo different pieces. He said he can have rhc
shon pi ece ready fo r lbc nai st udy session. Coun ci l M,!rnbcr Haben icht stnicd that is whm she 1s askin g
for . lite sho n piece.
Mnyor Bums DOied be is DOI in the draftin g business. 1ha1 he is Ill the law busjncss , but th.ill he ca n sec
where thi s thi ng Clll JUSI be so fa r out of han d thal they co uld not coh,.1oivcl y look at it in one study
sess ion . He said if~· can scp.1ra tc out so meth ing that is or impo rt ance and idcnl ifiablc they co uld
address that But. be commen red . as he sai d he is \.'Once med th at Coun cil has a 101 of things on the plmc
here and se nding ~tr Broaman an d s1aff peo ple off 10 do an awfull y lot of work on so mc1l11ng like 1l11 s
Council Member Habcruchl opi ned thai tJus d()l.!S nol need to be a 101 of work . 1hat lhi s is ve ry s11 11plc.
Take what we di d wroag. pu1 11 back h.) whal was ;,ghl and th en go on from there . M:l)'Or Bums ad\'l scd
Co uncil Mem ber Haber:nch t th.1 1 he h.n no idea \\ h.11 1h;11 is
Council Member W:1ggoncr said n seems like 10 him 1h,11 th e way to proceed is to j us t get lh c ordinance
th:11 supposedl y c:h;ugcs the Ci ty Ch.1 r1 cr and highl ighl III I hat ordi n:rncc lhe pl aces where 11 1s
inconsistent M-i th tbe Charter. He opi nr.d 1h.1 1 th ill shou ld 11 \JI be 100 diffi cult or lak e 100 long He s:atcd
the other one woufd be lo.man organi1:uion.1l ch.1n or somc 1l11 11g lik e 1h:11 . show lhc d1fferencc:s bc t,1 ccn
the City Charter and the organization that we have 1oday, City Anorncy Brollman exp la 1:1cd 1h.11 1hosc
arc two difTcn:nl pteCCS and the second one is not a problem . He said 1hcy ca n have both of th ose . Mr.
Waggoner mainlamed lha1 the first one he should be able 10 gel 100. He commented 11tn1 he sho,ld be
able to take: th.11 ordinance and show whe re ii is inconsistent Cil y All orncy Brot zman :ig rccd that tlml
one is not diffiadt w, do Cou nci l Member Waggo ner s1:i 1cd th:11 as for as th e 70 page one. he could c:1 re
Enslewood City C.Klncll, Spccl•I Smlun
June 3-0, 1997
P ■&• 12
,,t J (1+"'11 If'. 1• n~
~C'I 8 ,,o,l
less . Mr, Brotzman explalrit!d lh:n trnlcss lhey do lhe longer ....ion lhoy 11e---co111iaon1; Mr.
Waggoner advited lhal he wan11 io know where 1ho,e inconsis,eacies\lle,-•-he ii looltlng for.
Mayor Bums asked If Council could have lhis explained 11 thc Sludy JCSlion........, he still docs nae
lhlrtll lhc)I have thc grc:IIOSI fbc:us in lite world now II IO"""' they -c1o1-.. a~ Anonlc)"Bl'OIZlnln
said 1hat would be flnc . Council Member Clapp ll5lt them to Hit a IIIIMC. SK..,. Ille tltiakl lhoy do,
thal Council Member Habenicht Is IISking for that ordinance to go any..,._..,.. on the regular
ascnda repealing ii . Ms. Clapp opin<d 1hat is real clar. She said she does.,.'-' what Utere iii 1h11 Is
so hard 10 gel here . Mnyor Bums asked lfCi1y Allomey Brotzman is he"--they :an, talking
about hcrt . Mr. BrolZltl:ln said he knows whnl 1hey are wat1ting on . He.,......_ thal if I.hey wanlal 10
look at 1hc nc.t study session ngcndn lhcy inn) 1101 wanl 10 pick tha. J,...ia as tliq, ba,-. a 101 oa their
plate Iha! night He suggOSlcd lhcy might want to ,et It for a dibmnt Right MIJa Bums no1ed it has , ...
been on there for cighl or nine years. He <fUOS(imted w!lclher they w.ld '-a-.rutional criais If
they don't do lhis for a couple of wceb. Council t.;sn·:,C, Haber,,.;!:! SIM<d -■-c,f 1hinp ""1:
been done inapproprin1ely and she would hale 10 sec '"= ,hings being dom:-■.,.IIPrii tdy because al iL
Mayor Bums opined thnl lhey art in veiy little danguofUaat, lhnl they arc>aJ arch awareofUus. Cily
Atlorney Rrol2mln said he was just noting 1h01 Council 1w picked scvet1II -li>r 11m evening IUCh u
code enforcement . and lhc developer is coming tluu evening and ftrc peaucNI • 111111 evening. which Is a
ballot question they will studying lf1hcy do 1his one as well they "i ll reduce tbc ume that they h.ivc for
any of these . He noled i1 hns been anolhcr Council conccm 1ha1 they doa'I liawcmough 1imc on ;an issue.
He said all he is saying is if they are going lo pie~ • meeting. do so au ti-,..., <l,ey have enough lime
to tuok at this . Council Member Vomrinag said why don 't they ju51 53) t~ -!IO ha,-.: it handled by
lhe end of July. Let the sutfTworl< on it and try to gel a ,.-ing on it_,_ a 41oc mooth of July toga
ii taken car.: of. Ma)'Or Bums asked iftt,., would work . Ciry Allorne)' BrottJR:la .. ,d )'CS. Mayor Burns •
said he is m favor of thnt.
Council Member Nabholz said thnt ns n new council member she woukl like tosr:ietbc 70 pages.
background. if possible . She said she waJld appreciate thnl. Ciry Allorney -.. gjd RJrc .
Council Member Vonninag s.,id that hopefully in lhc st udy session thll ,..;u all ClllllC to a bearl.
Mayor Bums asked 1fthnt is Council's consensu s. 10 ha\'C lhis done at lc:lSI somi:nme 111 July . Council
Member Habcnichl said i1 was okay wi1h her. j11 s1 so long as we arc r~ opcr.M:1Dg u1appropna1ely in any
way and don ·1 move forward from thal poinl. Mayor Bums s:-ud he thoughl Cir! Attorney Brotzman
would let Council know if I hey nre .
Mayor Bums asked if there was nuyching else on those su bjects .
Council Member Cl:tpp asked Cily M:mngcr Clark if "e :m: going 10 continue to 11.a"'e an Assis1an1 Safety
Services Director. Mr. Clark advised !hat ri ght now the plan 15 10 ehmmalc tball !?()SfUon ,r Mr. Olson
meet s his prob.111on.1ry pc1iod .
Mayor Bums asked if there wn s :111)"'.hing else on rhcsc issues 7hcrc ~-ere n . .JQI!.
(c) Ci1y Council Choi ce
(i) Council Member Clapp congr.uulntcd Mr Olson OG: b:z promo1I011 . She said
she tl-,mk s ht: is n fine officer and very c:Jp:tblc She staled she would just !i.\t 11.l look ill S1ructnre
wl rene\'er possible . Ms . Clapp s:,;d she would s1ill likc to sec lhcm go fof"\l'.31'\! w. 1 1lia1 man.1gemcn1
auC:it that they have talked about .. few months now. •
Z&.,_..~ll City CClllncll, Spcclal Seulun
Jaoll, 1~7 ,..,.n
(Ii) Council Member Vonnitlag ,med th.it he still has., concern with the Eagle',
propa1y again. He said he noticed that 01e boords an: still over then: covering up the manholes and they
ba-ve kind of been moved and panially the hole is open . He stated we need to h.i'.lc somebody go over
there again and take a look at iL At least . he said, put some kind of., rope up or something BCross 1hen:
so ao one can accidentally fall in the holes, a fence or something across the Eagles µropcny . He said he
doesD'I know what they arc doing over there, but something is going on .
(iii) Council Member Wiggins :
1. He advised lhat he attended Al Stanley's rctirc:ncnt coffee th is morning . He s.qid he hates 10 sec
him go and he wished him "eU. Mr. Wiggins said that Mr. Stanley was significantly known as Homer .
that lie use 10 give out Ho1ncr awards 10 those who made signific.1nt goofs or what have you wnh the
2. He asked. when Council members who allcndcd the CML meetings submit their reports. that they
plealc noc waste paper or their lime talking 11bou1 who they mcl or the cntcnaining spc3,kcrs yo u talked to
or tbc faod they ate . He said just tell the ciuzcns or Englewood exactly what Englewood gained by
anmd.ing the conference, how can Englewood use the k.,owlcd ge you got from this conference and what.
if anything.:" useful for 1hc City ofEngk·wood and how c.1n vc use 111c infonnation you got.
(d) Mayor's Choice
(i) Mayor Bum s suucd tb:11 he and Council Member Haben icht ancndcd lhc
coafercna: in Snowmass this weekend rmd !here were a 11umbcr of beneficial scssio us they will rcpo n on .
He said there really were some good sessions. !hey enjoyed it and he fell th ey got a lot out of ii .
(c) City Manager's Choice
City Manager Clark did not have any mailers 10 bring before Cou ncil.
(0 City Attorney's Choice
City Attorney Brotzman did nor have any matters 10 bring before Council.
Ayes : Council Members Nab hol 1., Vonn 111:1g. Habc111ch1. Wa ggo ner . Clapp .
Nays : Council Member Wiggins
Motion carried .
MEMBER VORMITT AG MOVED TO ADJOURN The 111cc1111g adJonmed :n 8 24 p 111 .