HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-04 (Regular) Meeting Minutes•
I. C.1tOrdu
August 4, 1!197
Tbe,.,...... _,,g cf the Englewood Ciry Council was c:allc:d to order by Mayor Bums 117:37 p.m.
2 ...........
Tbe ~ hi gi\'en by Council Member Wiggins.
J . .......elAJ~
Tbe Plcdirc of Allegiance was led by Mayor Burm.
A qaor.u•-pr<sent.
Council Members Nabholz, Clapp. Wiggins. Habenich~ Vormittag, w""°""'· Burns None
Also proscnt: Acting City Manager E.,terly
City Auorney Bn,,zman
City Cieri< Ellis
S ......
Division Chief Moore. Safety Services
lnlerim AssiSlllnl City Man.1ger Blade
t a.unc;1 Mt.11hcr Yormittag said he had a question about the minutes. He noted on page
I I wta c...,... M=b..r Clapp -speaking, she ·sa,d she just wanted to share a piece lha1 she lhougbt
C3JllC rro.., a...c;1man Doug Clark in LittJMnn ." Council advised tlv,: there is• Council Member Doug
Clark ID uia..... Mr. Yonnittag COntlllCIUaJ that he just waotcd to make sure .
Ayes : Council Members NabhoJz, Vom,j11ag 'Niggins, Habenicht.
Mo<iou cartir:I
Waggoner, Clapp, 3urns
N.tj-s: None
6. ~ Y-uitors
There were lRD .JCbedu.Jc,t visitors .
7. ~led Vi11tors
lopewood Clly Council
Auput ◄, 1997
'""' 2
(•I am Recs, 925 Wcsc Kenyon lwrnue. said be ii a.,.._ owner ill~-He
commenled 1hal be nocical Council BIii No. 74 -png IO be "-11 IODigbl ud be jult wan\ed 10
give Council his thouahis . Mr. R ,.. ll<u:d he ...,.,ed IO thaalt C--Manbcr Vonninag ror bringing
this up. He Aid he was here whe,1 Council dls,;,IISod lhe Olhet pri<r ...,.. and limilS. He noted. as a
business person in Englewood. be would like 10 su: a COUDcil ....-make ,i least S 1.000. mayor pro
1cm make Sl ,250 and the ma)'Or make $1 ,500. Englewood is a filll mvicc commuaity, he pointed oul.
and lhe ilems 1Ju:1 come before lhis body arc gelling n,orc and -anplex. more and more time
consuming . He opined lhc)I should be compensated for lhe ell'on ~IPIII (onb , Mr. Recs noted tbcy have
subjccls like Cinderella Cily coming before lhcm. which ICICIDS to br a never ending bottle, but shonly
should be . He said he knows situations like this ca11<c a IOI orbraia llmnage and he thought compensation
was one way 10 handle thal. He mled lhal is hi• r=mmeodllian.
In n:sponsc to Co11Rcil Member Habeni ch1. Mayor Bum s amoscd lhlll Council Bill No, 74 proposes $600
for a council me mber, S6S0 for m.1yor pro lc:n and $700 for 1he ffla!OII".
(b) B.,rbam Fou!. 418S Sou1h H11ron S1rcct Uc1 nked 1k Mayor and Council for1hc infonnal
Council session they 1,,.1,1 last v eek SJ., said she waotcd 10 e.,prcs., Council Uiat she U1 inks it is a gn:al
stan ir. com1,:unic:H.ing 1o~lh 1:11.: communily In an open. relaxed way Ms. Foul opined 1ha1 a Jot of good
came aboul bcc:msc of Counci l appro.,ching lhe community. Sbo rllwlited lhcm for lhal. Al5'1. she Slalcd.
she supports Mr. Recs previous sta1 emen1 supporting pay raises for C""""'il. She noted thal the mailer..
tlial con :< before Council arc very si:rious :mJ complex and she agre:d .,,;th Mr. R=s. She commcntrd
thal in order 10 gel business-like. lype people. interested in their ps"""1S. she (cit they have to support
that. She said she thinks that financiall y ii is a 51Jlrt .
(c) Ja .. .:1 Spangenberg. 3268 Soulh Downing St =. 5CllOd U,al she also agrees wilh Jim
Recs . She said she thinks lh:11 lhc fi gmcs he 111en1ionod arc n:spcct;Jbk and lhc figures. Council Member
Vonniung hrouglu up a couple weeks ago, arc oot. She opined that S l.000 . $1 .250 and S 1.500 arc
n:spectnble wages for 1hc job 11,11 is ex peeled of Council. Ms Spang=bcrg said she also agreed wiU. Ms .
Foul 1ha1 lasl Mond.iy was grcal.
8. Cummunic:lti ons. Procl:1m aci ons .a nd Ap 1.ai1t tmmts
There were no communi c:i.lions or ap po mtmcnts . Mayor Bums noted lliat Council would ronsidcr a
proclamalion la1cr under Mayor's Choice. (Cletlt 's note : Sec page ~-1
9. Public Hearing
No public hearing was schoduled before Counci l.
10. Consent A~nda
(a) Approv;i l of Ordin ances on First Rea ding
The re were no addili onnl ordinauccs on :ip proval for lirst readin g. (Clerk's nore : Sec 1 ·•,d.1 Item 12 {b)
(ii) (2),(
(b) Approva l of Ordinances on Second Readin g
laaiew,,..I Clly Council
Pa .. l
Vr.te .--Its:
Motion carried.
Aye,:: Council Members Nabholz. Vonniuag. Wiggins. Haber.; ,h~
Waggoner. Clapp. Burns
Nays : None
(c) Resolu:ions and Motion s
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS IO (c) (I), (Ii) and(lli).
(ii) RESOLUllON NO . 81 . SERIES OF 1997
Vole rcsulu:
Ayes : Council Members Nabhol z. Vonniuag. Wiggms;. Habcnichl.
Waggoner, Clapp. Bums
Nays : None
Motion carried.
11. Regular A~cnda
(a) Approval or Ordinances on First Reading
There were no addilional iIcm s submin cd for approval on first rc.1ding . )Clerk 's 110Ic· Sec Agenda 11cm
12 (b) (ii) (2).J
(b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Rc.1ding
'There were oo additio nal items sub111ittcd for approv:ll on st.cond reading . !Clerk's note : Sec Age nda
11cm 10 (b) -Consent Agenda .I
c) Resolutions and Molions
hJ!ewood Chy C:•lldl
A~ .. 114, 19'7 ,.~ ...
There were no lddilional ,......._ or 11101iont submiued for approval . (Clerk's nole : See Agenda llem
!'i (c) • Co.....,l A .. nda.l
(a) Mayors Choiet
I. Mayor Burns praemah qprocbmation declaring Council's s,•ppon for the RTD ··Guide The
Ride" Initiative. He expbinal llmG 'this Sk"ltls from the Trnnsit 97 Commiucc . The general suppon for
the "Gulde The Ride" Program. i.sllrasially found ;n Senate B,11 55 lllis year in the legislature, which we
t.cslificd on to lncrcosc the RID sak:s tax by Ao/, 10 • full ccn~ 10 fund the "Guide The Ride"
improvements . He said, as lie 1lllllcnlands. they are having a major kick off and press conference nc"t
wctlt on this. Mayor Burm DOl<dlihis is being broughl up in the fom, ofa p<0clamalion. instead ofa
,:solution which would ha,,. to ....., been on the dockd. He commented llla1 Council Member Haben ic ht
has an addition 10 th is pnx:1-lir.tn.
Mayor Bums nolcd that that rcall,-Jaccs hand in glO\-e wilh the kind of understanding we h:tvc 1ricd to
have with O(hcr cormnUJlities in tk metro area as the southwe.u corridor light rail c.,mc on for voting , not
onl y at RTD bu t cspccially • the DRCOG Board where it had 10 be approved in order for us 10 gel a full
funding granl agrccmcnl "itb the f cde:r:11 Go,1cm:ncal for this line. He s.1i d the,, hnd tolc.i the 01hcr cities.
especi ally in the nonhem ucr of orucs. thal if they would su ppon us in th is line. wh;.ch w:-is 1he first one.
thal we would sec what m: couJd do 10 suppo n them when other lin es come on bo.1r11. Mayor Bums
advised 1h:11 the ·Guide Th< Ru:to--iPTO",ram has the propo~ll 10 do seveml or these liues, especiall y the
soulhcast corridor. 1he wCSI comdo" and tbc air lrain 10 !he airpon . all al once instc.1d of progrcsswcl)
h.iving 10 con lest over which one igocs oc.,L which \\OUld lake an awful 101 of years So ii is very much in
tune ~i lh ~·h.11 we h,,ve been dean~ l'1th 1hcsc other cities ror the past several years and he told Cou nci l
Member Habenicht th.11 he 3PPrccnntod the ch,1ngc. tha.1 it thou ght it was a good one ,
Mayor Bums oskcd if ll1ere-= any Olbcr requC!lcd additions to the proclamation . Being none, he soiJ
he would entcnain a motioo to appl'D\-c this proclamatio n.
Ayes: Couool Members . abho lz. Vormill:-ig , Wiggins . Hnbc mc hl.
Waggoner. Clapp. Bums
Nays : "° ,e
Motion carried .
Mayor Bums commcnicd that Eng!L""'"OOd wi ll be 00\'T:ftiscd as n Ci ty supponing 1hc "Guide The Ride"
Program .
Enale,,1,od City Cooncll
Au1111111 I, 1997 .... s
2. Mayor Bums said, as they know, we had• tragio accidcnl al Bellcvlew Part..._ a a,uplc of
boys croaed Belleview at that location ,aJ were hit by a car. He noud there -a..,..__• lhe pop:r
i;nd he thou&ht the police rospondod, a.. I? whether they could II.ave p>ne -• ... liao or
whether that was blocked or how ii wu 1la,,ed. Mayor Bums sl8led he is nol""" -*.....,. is
there while tlial is under repair, and while we•"' pulling a bike trail through, wbdllcr -kids
ur.dclSIOOd lhat they could go UMCmcoth tliat road or not. Mayor Bums stated 1h11 lie tllir.b it is
incumbent upon llS to make sure people do know or don't know, that Ir ii is blocked or ..... or whatever,
whether they can go under there or not So, he opin,d , we n=J 10 take a look at tllal ad_.. sure there
is a clear untlcntanding of what ft..ilitics can be used .
Council Member Clnpp fell Iha. was• rcolly good point he brought up. She suggtSltd dal llll)iJe we
could put a linlc something in our Citi zc .,, kind of laying out a map as to how to use that.
Mayor Bums nskcd if it hns evor been act,mlly blocked . He soid he did not think it bad. C.-:il Member
Wiggins odviscd lliat it is open right now Acting City MaMgcr Es1crty advised 1h11 postioadlhc project
has been conmuctcd. bul the project itself is not fully constructed. Tlial project is being c:am<d 001 by the
City or Liulcton \\ith the ass;stnncc or the City or EnglewO()(I. He cxploincd that die City oftittlcton.
after the min stonns an d nooding and debris thnt were in the tox culvcn ordered tJae a,au::aaor to close it
until it was cl coned up. So. he n<hiscd, ii was clcsed off \\ilh barricades at either end • Ille llll1C of lbc
accident. M1yor Bums st.ucd th.it it was a tragic event.
3. Mayor Bums staled that he thought. when Council 3ppl'O\'ed 1he use or their new amsultants on
tbe Cindcrclln City project last week. 1hcy said ii would 1.i ke alx>ul ten dnys 10 ge1 their proja:ii groups
1ogclhcr. He asked Acting Cit)' Manager Esterly how they arc coming along \\ith lh.it. M!. &,rty
advised that he will be rcponing on 1ha1 during the Manager"s report.
4. Mayor Bums noted 1ha1 tomorrow nig ht is National Nishi Out and that panicipllJng Council
members arc set up with severa l places l.'.l go. 10 th e various Llock pa11ics . He encouraged r.,,q:ryonc to
participate and 1lc1nked all or the people in 1J,e community wl,o •greed 10 host the blodt part>o<. Mayor
Bums said he knows 1h:11 Nancy Peterson and her group have rc;11ly put a lot of time into ma, t.oo. and it
is always a grc.1t C\'ent. He commented 1hat Englewood probab1 y has more pa,t !dpauon m sm:nclhi'.1g lik e
this than most any city in Colorado . So. he said. he wished to 1han.lt C'\'cryonc paruapatiag im I.hat :ind
urged the Council members to m,,ke al l of their nppoinuncnls during the evening
(b) Council Member's Cho ice
(i) Council Mcr.,bcr Nabhol z:
I. She said she has a qacstion in regard to scmi•truck trafTtc. She 1101cd she realizes Dda""ruc is
the tn1ck route. that 11 is the wider of th e strccls . But. she advised. she has se mis going dow11Comcll
now. as well as Bates . In facl. she said. a se mi turned the comer or. Comell t('I Dcla-..rue aadaackcd the
comer of her concrete as it wen t by . It ·.vas a 11orthwcs11ranspor1 tmck at aporo'l:imarcl~· 1 t. this
mornin g. Ms . Nabhol z cm phnsizcd th.11 there is 111crc.1sed sr.mi traffic on Comcl1 and she db..'»n'1 know
what can be done, wh ether it can be a police cnforccmenl issue . She pointed ?ut we arc Uiocbng on this
Concrete Utility and now. :tll ofa sudden, we have semi's coming 1hrough Ute nci ghhorhoodi She s.1id
she would like 10 find out ir anything can be done . Aeling City Man.1gcr Este rl y :Mtvi scd t.bal! th~ will
gi\'c her a rcpon back on that
2. She noted the next ilem she has she rt ;s.::ussc d briefl y in Study Scssio:-i. Ms. Nabbo l!L mtcd that
she received• leuer from a lady who had test ified on L.:halr of the property ano its oondition.,, at 320 I
South Grant. She advised tl c1 1 she spoke to Diredor 01;,n and he is gelling that informauom ,ogcthcr.
...,._.Cl1yC-.II ...... ~'-"' .... ,
J _ 51,c Slated lhal she was SW1'0WNlcd bricOy by appn,ximalely 20 jll\'cniles Friday nighl at a
...,.,. ,. eight 11 Dartmoulll and Delaware . There are acvcml duplexes on DdaWlle and !hey are 3078,
JOfC , 3090 ud 3096. Council M<mber Nabho,z advitod thal !here is a lot or police conlaCI at these
..,..._ SIie said she spoke to Sc,pnl WnlSOn lllis morning and he said he would be pulling together a
llillory of calls, thal ii is her undcrsaanding lhnl i• rook! possibly be one owner. But, she advised, lllis is
Cllliag a real problem wilhin thal neighborhood ffl:C again .
4 SIio said she reccivod • C:111 fn,m a Gary AU,cy on Sunday evening and his concern was Ille pavCI!
~ in Ille J 100 block or Sou1h Bannock. He s.1 id lhe City has been pn,mising 10 fix lhal and repair lhal
aaire1< ud be wants to know :, in tha1 Concre 1e Ulilil)' he is nlso paying for 1ha1 alley 10 be repaired
... Q>:ICIClc. She said she lol~ him she would ch k and ge1 back "i lh him .
,. 5"" advised that she lw changed her plans. that she will be visi 1ing block panics 1ornorn,w
,qlla. lh.11 ~ have poslponcd their b!ock pany unlil Scplen,bcr.
(ii) Council Member Vonni1u,g :
1-He 1-aid rcganimg lhc Sman Trailer. he saw that Divi!;ion Chief Moore is in lhc nudicncc and
-to Id h;m knvw tha1 he appm:i.>1cs Slill gelling lhcm . Mr. Vonninag Slnlcd 1ha1 he nolictd one or
two b dlae where the speeds wen: c."1n:n.cl)' high fo r the lime . One car was doing 58 miles nn hour
bctt',a:a ciglM anJ nine o'clock in the C\'Cning He s.1id he though! it was over near Cornell on thal
pxtlCU.Jar one. Council Member Vonmllag poin ted our that he also not iced :molhcr one on the 41 l
~ of Odawarc at two o'clock in the morning between 66 and 70 miles an hour . 1l1erc was anothe r
oa:-lfhnl r.ooccmcd him. he said. doing 50 10 55 miles :-111 hour :11 12 in tl1e aftcmoon . He said he was Just
woadcring if we C\·cr lia,·c any p.11rolsou1 !here. -.,en though we have the Smart Trailer there. he didn 't
imo,. how they c.,:1 get ""~Y \\i lh doing 11,11 kind or speeding like llial in rhz middle or rhe da y.
Acmlg City Manager Esterly Slalcd Ibey can lalk aboul 1his a linle bil and ge1 back 10 Counctl . Bui , he
s:ud.. • Council Member Vonniuag 1l0Ccd the s,~mn Tra :: r was si tting out there typically for a one week
penod \Wtimc and 1hcrc was one or two viol11tors th,11 c.~1rc mc dunng th:u time period . He commc"rcd
dial ao catch th.it person you would h.:a\·e had 10 have posted an orficcr there for 2-l hours a d.ly for a "eek
to amt up with the one \'K>lator. So. he no1cd. that 1s probably not a practical solu1jc,n 10 ,.::11 c:.hi11g th,11
pc:13iDD. Council Member Vonnitu1g Slated lhal he h,'lrl a guy going d0\\11 his street and he 1r.us1 ll.1\'C been
daia& 75 or so . he was buming rubber for four block! Mr. Esterl y advised lh.11 ifwc were doing a camera
tecmm)' rypc activity. that type of person would h,1ve been nt.itcd. He said he did not know if D1v1sion
Chsd" Moore might ha,~ some comments aboul th: opponunitics for in.1ccuracics in 1hc Sm:i n Trailer or
If we m comfonnblc that the dam th.11 comes oul of ,he Sm.,n Trailer is 100% accu rn1c or not.
Drrmon Chief Moore coinmenled thlll it Sl'C:111S to be pretty accurn1e and 1:m1 lhe comment abou1 one car
oom of JOO O\'CI a long period of 1i1nc , tJ1..11 it wculd be very difficult to c:uch . II is possible. but it is
a:nW..:cl~ I.bat that person would be caught. Noting the comment that Council Membi.:r Vo nr,inag made.
mall d you truly saw one individual, that aclually a c:i1i zen . .ci ng the speeder could actu.11Jy be of service
., police. By pcrhaps joni ng down 1hc li ce nse pl a,c or ma)b-' 1naking a rv:1 :11 1011 as to what the driver
looi:d like. be advised. they could issue a summons 'fo noted lh cy nou ld have to nill111 g 10 testify .
Orrmou Chae( Moore c.q,la1ncd 1h,11 lhi:) arc ac1 1.nll ) more likel y to be able 10 c11 c 5'l mebod ~ under rhosc
ccad:Jcns than 10 comc 1dcn1 all ) be al the loc:111011 "hen somebody 1s spccdmg Espccia ll ) on a si de s1rec1
m c:sadenua.l street. No1. he smd. th.al 11 would ne,cr h,1ppc11. that II docs ir th~ get luck). 111.11 there just
~.,. enough of them tc go :1round .
laate,,O<.d Clly Council
Au1,11114, 1997 , ... ,
Council Member Habenicht noted !hat she has DOI bee■ foaooria& this too closely 111d asked if there was
111y result In the legMa1ure about the phoco radar. Ciay ~ Brotzman adviled Iha! they 1te moving
Into the aiwt system . Ms. Habenicht uked whal thal -Mr. Broizman explained ii means they will
be AJing Fon Collins and Commera: City.,..,. thcit-.
2. He said lhe other item he hid was the eou.:iJ ~ mises. Council Member VormillJlg staled he
apprecialod the clli1.ens oul !here who a,~ concened lllal -""' IOI getting paid enough. He ask<d if this
Is something Council wanlS lo do, lo change iL Ccuncil -Wiggins noted Mr. Vormiti..g
introduced ii . Mr. Vonnillag said he und<nlaads Illa. bol ibe suQCsted Council dis..-uss ii now. He noted
Mr. Rees ' nwnbers ~reSl,500. Sl.250 andSl.000.
Council Member Habet,icht said she 1hough1 ii had bcca pd,IJctmd. bu1 that she hasn 't bean! a lot of
negativity or anything with the amounlS 11 .. 1 lhcy wkcd """"4. She commenlcd that she is not so sure
that the general public \rollld be as positive about ii as Ille llbrce people who spoke here 1onigh1.
Especially, she said. as it would be cl.ingcd without bcadil of a having gone into 1he press. She staled
that is her 'Onccm. Mayor Burns opined that if you .......i ID increase it any more you could ask 10 have
ii reod on first reading ag.,in . In response 10 Council Mmller Habenicht Ciry Auomcy Brottnmn ad\ised
that this is an ordinance . Mayor Burns DOied they c:ouldc:qrase thar 10 lh c public and sec what 1hcy lhink
abool 1ha1. Ms . Habenicht said rhat is good, Iha! she droooglr it .,.., a rcso lur io n.
So, Council Member Vonnillag med. an: you saying y..a -like 10 go with those numbers and cross
out the $700. $650 and $600 and :Ide! in the new numbea.. 1-k asked City Allomcy Brotzman if they could
do thal Mr. Brorzman advised Ibey could do that if they
Council Member Vormiuag asked Council Member Nablnolz •bar she though 1. Ms . Na bhol z said she
wouJd go along wi1h thnt.
Mayor Bums asked ,r rhcy can do this on first rcadiag. Cil)· Anomcy Brorzman ad\ised lhat Ibey could.
Council Member Nabholz said she \\'allied 10 make -6illg dear, as rhere \l~rc a couple of pcor' · ,.
the audience last time thal they discwscd it thal ~ upsa tbal Council would even toy with the ~C'? r
pay raise. She s1mcd she needed to r.aa.~c this dear dlarr obis is ror lhe new people coming in or t1,u £C that
would be rcclcc1cd . Because. she nctcd.. those lh3c arr: CllltmllJ~• on Council would not sec this. It "ould.
she said. be only for the newer council ,nemuers. like Mot-or Bums if reelected.
Counci l Member Vonninag asked th.11 rhe Clerlt rad CCIUDCil Bill No . 74 by title :
Council Mc1nbcr Wiggins noted that from the CUJTCDt fip'CS i i is 150% increase and he opined that 11 is a
ridiculous increase . He said he thinks 1hey scn-c as cirr.L'::ms.. DOl so much as business peopl e. He nolcd
lat,lewood t:lty Council
"" .... ,, 1!197 .....
they all work for I livin& and tliey serve the City and get into this job because they WMt to do what is bat
for the City an<! our fellow citiuns. Mr. Wl111ins stated he 11 comfortable with the cunent pay u it ls,
even the one p1cviously proposed, but this one, he said, i1 ludicrous. He advised he will vote against iL
that he feel, it is not fair to UIC citizens. He said tl,ey are here to serve the people:, that they do it u •
aervicc to the citiuns. not to get I"> .. And he stated. in his opinion. they sure don"t need that kind or
money .
Mayor Burns noted this is considerably higher obviously. He commented that Littleton has a proposed
schedule that iJ even higher than that and they have a vari ety of them with the material tonis),L He said
there area variety of different levels of different cities and this would be one of the highest if this were
passed . Mayor Bums said he didn't know whether the citi1.ens would approve this or not . but that they
could expose this on first rcoding and sec . He no1cd it is one of 1he higher ones proposed and he
Wlderstands "hy Jim Recs from the Chamber might propose th is. bu1 whether it is too high is the only
qucsaion .
Council Member Habenicht suggcslcd thnt Council move forw;ud with the numbers that Council Mt .nbcr
Vormi .tag stancd with. on first rcoding. and if then: seems lo be some positive fccdb:lr.k from the rest of
the community to follow the recommendation or some of citizens and t~ Chamber lli.al came up this
c\'cning. that then we could on second rc:1ding m:1kc 3n amendment to go to those higher figures . She
opined thnt this would pass tonight on first rc.1din g wilh the original figures . She said it sounds like
Council Member Wiggins would \'DIC for il al 1ha1 rate . Council Member Wiggins ndviscd that he will not
vocc ror any increase. period .
Cobncil Member Waggoner stated ii has b:en moved and seconded and he "11llcd for the question .
Council Member Chipp sl:lled she was confused . She asked which one 1hcy arc votin g on . Ma)'or Burns
c.~laincd 1ha1 they "ill be voting on the higher figures. Council Member Wiggins noted they arc oting
on the $ 1.500. $ I ,2SO and S 1,000. So. Ms. Clapp ~,id . tl s11 this is the amcndmc11t. Mayor Bur,, ;aid
that is righl. Council Member Hnbcnicht said 1ha1 this is :u the hi ghest figures. Mayor Bums said yes.
\'otc results:
Ayes : Council Members Vormilla g, Bums
Nays : Council Members Nabhol z. Wiggius. Habenicht, Waggoner. Clapp
Motion dcfoated .
Mayor Bums said he wanlcd 10 explain th at lhe only rc.1so11 he \'Died in favor of ii was just to e.xp11SC it to
the public . He stated he was not sure at all that this is where they should end up . He noted ii is pret ty
high and he lhoughl ii was probably wise not 10 go quile that lu gh.
So now. Council Member Vonnillag s.1id. we arc rigl!t b.1ck lo the original numbers. Mayor Bums sa id
)'CS. we arc back to 1hc numt ers we sla rtcd will1.
Council Member Vormittag asked that the Clerk rcod Co uncil Bill No. '/4 by title :
Council Member Waggoner noted 1h is is with the $600. S650 and S700 figures .
lllllnfW City C.-11 """"''· .,,, ,., .
A)a: Council Members Nabhol1. Vorrrluag. Habenicht . Waggoner , Clapp.
Nays: Council Member Wiggins
Mot.ion c:arriC:..:
(iii) Council Member Wiggins :
I. He asked. 11t •du!"" lla.,-c the Conc:rtte Utili ty in affect. if he MS some people in his Dl 1trict
that badly neal cooc: ,c -ifbe should have those people contact Public Works or how do,.,. go about
gelling them on it. Aaa!s City Manag.:, Esterl y s.iid that is a good question . He explain«! that he can
call :hem in or provide tllc wormMion througl, the City Manager's Office or dirmly to Public Wonu and
Iha~ on an an.-1 lmili. Ille)· ,rill be out reviewi ng properties. He advised they can m.i ke sure that those
properties uc look<d .-•-if dlcy qualify as some of the wor11 in the City to get taken c.,rc offi r.;t.
Council Member Wiggias !DOlal be did make h•s p.iymcnt on his Concrete Util ity . Council Member
Vormi111g ukcd ._. ad it •-as. Mr. Wiggins said ii was $8 .25 .
2. He said be -C1>111C:il p.,MCd an impltl\'C111Cnt for the Brook ri dge Shopping Center.
that public S!Orag< r.ciilla weR piing to be !ult back there. And y,.t. Council Member Wi ggins noted.
nothing has oa:urrcd andlbt jast-.deml what the stat us was on tlru t. He asked if anyon e hns heard
anything on thal. AcungCity Manager Est erly com-ncntcd that act,i.1lly. incidcmnll y. he docs know a
liulc bit about that bec::luR the CX'\'Clopcr was in cc mact wit h his offi ce 10 1alk about discussions that he
hnd with some previous c::q,&oyec:s in the building divisi on who arc nol lhcrr now . He w:ts trying to make
sure that some previous cmauni uncnts. thal h..: had only ve rbally. \\'0'1ld o.m linuc to be honored . And if
the City was "i Uing 10 bcmor tbosc previous commitments he was prep.ired 10 be submitting his plans very
shortl y. So. Mr. Esta1y :113' 1,ed. he has the plans i11 hi s hands.
How , Council Member~ med. do ynu honor a "etbal co mmitment if it was n't part of the PlJD .
He said he docs nee""'-· Ibey can . Acting City Manager Esterly c.,plaincd tha t it actually has to do
with how th: plans 11e going to be reviewed . He stated th.11 the discuss ion he had wi th staff wm. whether
or not the pl ans "'Ollld t.:, ~ in house or scm outs ide to an indepcndcnr fi ~m.
(i •) Cow,oJ Membe r Cbpp:
1. She advised lU sbc wlll be p,1n1 ci pa ting in National Nigh I C:, 11 and that she h.is her own list.
Ms . Cl app staled t.baf she am: some 1ha1 she \\'CUI to last )c.1 r th,1 1 s!ic: h; s 'ccn .iskcd b.1 ck 10. So. she
noted. she will ·~-orl.ing ca-of tlt3!.
2. She asked Council Member Haben ich t 10 co rrcct her 1s she was , tTo ng. but when Counci l
Member Nabholz bn:Nlgll !Up lhc 1.SSUe of the truck dnmag in~ her co ncrc1 :. she rcra llcd a similar issue
with a truck route. Ami cliten. sh..: noted . she had an inciden t perso nall y Ai lh a big cig luee n whee ler 1ha1
thou ght he coul d go dow:111l1Cr alley and plowed one of her lrtt.S o, rr. : nc opin ed Ihm may be it was
something they could · at. I.Ml it seems to be comm g up in diffe rcn1 sce nari os. bul 1ha1 1ru cks see m 10
be an issu e out there. She said she j us1 \\-:J nlcd to mcntic n th.al.
3. SilC advised ttw. 'She: rcta\'Cd ., call from one of her cons1i111cn1s in rcg;uc!s 10 the Bui ld ing
Dcp.irtmcnl not so nra lihc ,m;,ccting pan of tl but tl,c pcnni t process in g pa n of it. So . she sai d, as a
Council rcqucsa she ,HJUG:I ask •h.1t our process is :md if 11 is si mil ar 10 other cities .
l•alewlld Cll7 C••dl
A•lllll4, 19'7
4. She stated lhal she thinks ii ;, 111110 Iha! perhaps they do aaalhtr pt-~ Clll ~la .::ily .
Cow>:il Member Clapp advised that she h.u been hearing from some o(her ~ that they fed that
Council is 11allln1, !hat U1is is another study, when In fact wc do not ha\'C •~Milt Equitable , this
11 not a stall . She said it 11 her undentouding that U,cy an: ,Imply critiquin& ae llClall plaa 111d that they
an: malting good use or their time. Ms. Clnpp opined 1ha1 11,cy need 10 --olthcsc key
poinlS IO lhc public so 11111 they have a gn:aler undemanding. Ccrllinly, she-. c-il
undcntands but Iha! she cnn see when: 11,cy on: comin1 from and why they migl,I bl die WI)' they do .
5. She advised 11ta1 she has o new computer, 1ha1 she 11 having fun wilh il IM dlll she ii; DOI on E-
mail. So, she soi d. ,r they need 10 communicnle somcthin1 rlcasc call her. Couaal Meml>er Vonnilllg
asked if ii is a c. .. y computer or a personal one. Council Member Clapp advised dial II isa pa ,onaJ
(v) Council Member Waggoner s.ii d he woold like to add• link to Council
Member Clapp's co111111en1s. He noted lhc press n:lease 11011 went 001 on Cindetdla Ciry didn 't really
have any dale. 1imcs or dateline 011 ii or anything. He noted ii seems 10 him thal WOllld be one ol'thc
things that would be imponanl to our citizens, is that by October 31" wc an: suppcad to ha>ie this n:view
done . 11011 that n:ally fils within 1he overall plan, or project limclinc, 1ha1"" had esablisbcd early on .
Mr. Wa11oncr opined 1ha1 1h.11 """Id be imponant for !hem lo koow. Iha! lhcn: n:ally isn't a delay or
anything like lhal, lhal it fils righl in wilh the pn:,ioosly proposed time schcdulc. !l,la)'Or Bums noted lhal
the las1 paragraph in the middle said ·make final rocommcndalions for site de\'dopmcnt by the end or
October." Mr. Waggoner s.1id he must have missed th:11 .
(vi) Council Member Habenicht :
I. She s.1i d she agreed that it is lime 10 do another rc lc.1sc She commen1ed lml 1f ~,·.:oplc J rc oul
th ere . qu b tioning ;rnd 1101 quite sure whni ii is lhC) :ire doing , ii is clear thal 1113}bc a-c need 10 ge 1 more
nev .. ·s 0111 there abo ut it. She opined 1h.11 it re.illy is exciling and lluu we :m: rcaJIJ k>otJng at transit
onenlcd dc:vcl opmcnt options ror lhat si te and re.illy looking at the assets our C01111DU121.ty has and reall y
doing some1hing 10 look toward tlt.11. She said it is C.'<citing and she is really~ about it c.ouncil
Member Habenicht sL11ed she re.illy "~nted 10 thank the stafT for bringing ii f""'21d and bringing these
pcop ' 10 ou r anention. that contactc:d the City She opined tJt.11 it is something lilal •t= can a1J be very.
very proud or and pa.rticip.1tc in .
2. She stated she wanted 10 Uc1 nk Council Member Clapp for piggybacking 011 •tial Council
Member Nab hol z s.ii d about truck traffic . Council Member Habenicht advised Iha she bas been dealing
with staff. and talked 10 SC\'cr.tl Council members O\'Cr the p.1s1 SC'\·craJ months. rcptdmg a situation on
Union bcl\,i,cn Federal and the Plane or truck tram c in an R• l •A Zone thal has becn JUSI so troublesome
10 p!eple for so \'Cry long She opined lh:11 Council re.illy needs to look at the \,bole aJ'CI of truck trn.ffic
and m.1 ybc 1h.11 piece toe She ,1dviscd she would like to do :i study on tit.ii. 3 Slud) sc:ssaoo Lhat would
discuss that and m.1ybc bnng up lhis issue as well.
3. She a<hiscd tlc11 she 100 will be a11endi11g Nation.ii N1gh1 Out She said she "5l<cd somebody this
evening if they an: going 10 ei•ht pot lucks if they need to bring eight pol lucks dish<s and ,., don ·1. Ms .
Habenicht said she just thought she would share 1h.11 because she reels uncomfortable coming empty
h,1ndcd . SIie n~cd she miglu slop in ill a few more ir she has lhc clt.1ncc. 1h31 II IS a ,..ondcrfuJ . wonderful
event. Shr commented th.it it It.is become almost :is special in Engl~ood as our f.aun..b of Ju.I~. our
p.1rade and cvel')1h 111g else . She s.1id she tlnnks we really all get out and t.alk to each cxhc r and that is
........ CllyCou11tll
~ .. ,,,,
I. lie 110mmcnt,d that. also in Ille pr,.. "'"""· wher, ii refers 10 the final , •. -.,mmcndations by !he
ad m~r by CRNA and Cnmpal,S, ii s,ys also "during Iha! lime Englewood offi<ials and Equilable
ra1 e1111e-~ the current owner of the m.1JI, an icipatc completion t>f their negoliations v. bich will tnnsfcr ow--. to the City ." So. Mayor B11ms e") lnintd, !hey ar, hoping !lull during che time they are doin1
dlc-t,,w work wilh CRNA U1a1 lh<.-y cin 111il down !he EquiLiblc agn,cme,,t. lie noted it taltcs about
60 • far u ordinance Ill become .ulcctivc ani !lsit ,, the vehicle we have lo U5C for that. So, he &aid, it
will l,o 60 so ?O days before thac is CX!fflplcle any" ,y and by tlcat time "~ should have the rcpon back from
CRNAIDdComp,css .
2. Mayor Bums said lhurc wen, a couple or 01>1cr tllings he forgot he was going to bring up at S1udy
SaliaD but they didn 't !cave lime. He a..i...t who docs !he mainlel\Jlncc on lice panels at Oxfonl on Soulh
Saau Fe. He noted tJier, ate a lo: Ci ~fflls growinr_, 1lcett now and they arc beginning to look a little bit
UMipt.ly. He snid t-c was wondc!.ing ~ rl!spo1,,ibility it i\ to mninlain thnt. Acting City Manager
E-9y noted Iha! loc,tion is in che C,ty or Sheridan . Ac1>,nlly, Mr. Es1erly said, he and Jerrell Black
VISiled that \'Cr)' sit: at lunch lime today. He ad"iscd that Interim Assis1.1n1 City Manager Black is going
to be m axuad with the City of Sheridan 10 sec if th!y would like for us 10 do that maintenance for them
and a1k about how we mi ght be compensated for doi,,g that.
3. Ma)'Or Bums asked what is the completion dale for the Windcnnerc project. Acting City
i.~ E5tcriy advised llca1 he docs not know whni !he complelion dale is. but !hat !hey aloo dlll\'C over
the bndgc this afternoon . So, he noccd. the bridge is now open but there is a lot of the improvements to
tiw and ti.rushing up that arc 001 c:omplae . And or course, he said. they :trc just starting to get into the S
cur,-e awgnm<n l right now and ii looks like ti.ii is b'C lling ready 10 br pa ,~ very shonly 100. Mr . Esierly
swed dw ii is his cxpec1at.ion 1h.1 1 by the end or the summer or the beginning of the fall that 1ha1 is going
to be CIJCDC(1 up . He noted that has really improved the :1ppc.1rnncc or 1hat :irc.1 qui1e a bil Mayor Bums
agr,,d that i1 has .
He Si1k!. he noticed that right al Belleview too they arc doing curb and guttering around those trnffi c
coouoil lights. He asked if there will be some landscaping between the comer and lhe fencing for the
ballpodts and also the miniature golf. He asked if 11,11 is going to be finished off. Acting City Manager
~-staled Ibey would have to pull 0111 tile PUD and sec wlml is planned in llccre. He said Ile finds ii
hard m belie\-c tJ1erc will be areas left untoJchr.d . There arc a vilricty of comers in there , but on the
nortbCl.sl corner tl1cre is a meandering sidewalk th:it is relativel y anractive . Mr. Esterl y said rhat it is his
prcsw:mptiou tha1 the space bcrwccn the P.teandering sid ew:1 lk thal we allowed in that locat io n and the curb
line is '11\ii.ng to be landscaped in sonw-manner . He noted he docs not have the. details on 1hat. but that
they 01u go and review the PUD and ~ wlml those details arc .
Cowx:i:il f'.1embcr Habcm chl adv ised rhat she has had severa l com111e111s. peop le commenung that the)
were 5CIT)' to sec 1he loss of trees llC:lf ti~ n.iture arc.1 th ere . the p.i rk ing area there . She said she w:uued
10 \rcrit,y that her unders1anding is I.hat Parks and Rec will be replantin g !hat area. that there w1II be soml!
1rccs added there . Jn1crim Assis1an1 City Mnna ger Black advised that is p.1r1 or the project.
R.cgan!ing the bi.kc pall1 project through Belleview Park. Mayor Burns commented that he had ,1 oticed
they h.r\-e taken a fairly good swath on either side of the concrete path as they go along and he said he
woodcmd iflhat would be rcmcdialcd somehow when thai 's finished . Mr . Black advised that it should be .
He ~ lha1 tllC)' will ha\·e to review bolh the brid ge project and 1he bike p.11h project and sec wh ere th.11
fits . l:lun. he staled, it is his underst3Jlding that trees will be pl anted in 1h.11 arc..1 and they will cc naml y
addnss. ,the othe r areas next to the bridge and adjacen1 10 the path . Mayo r Bum s sai d he thinks this is
rcaUy g,omg 10 be quile a project before it is lhrough . He 1101cd lu-was sure it will take a couple of years.
but tf South Suburban Park Foundation :ind our ci ti es c.1 11 ge t lh.11 bike p.11h O\'e r to the Sou th Platte R.J\·cr
E ■...,._ CII)' Cou■cll
P■RO 12
and !hen COIUICCI ii up OD Ibo CUI side wilh lhe Hi ...... Callll dial will be quilC I bike path by lhe lime ii
Is 1htough. Mr. Black Slated wt an, mOYing rorw.ud willli .. p,,,joct.
Also, Council Membcr Hlbcnichl said, she lhinb ii is lia!itolW'l lalking seriously ■boul seoin1 lhal bike
palh connec:tlon rrom lhc creek 11111 goes 1hrough c...-Cily aad ocross Danmoulh. She opined we
really,_.,., get a bike palh lhere ror lhose people-li,e it,'""' section o(lbe Cily loo, access IO lhe
Arapahoe Groenway. Ms. Habenicht commcnled tllal a!lllilb..., need to remind ourselves tha l lhat Is
an lmponant lhing to do.
(viii) Council Member Habenidil saiiil ac •'lllted to share that her daughler just
came home, lhal she hasn ·1 been here since Chrisuim ..,. 1lloy brought her back from lhe airpon along
Sanla Fe . She said her daughter commented ·wow. diil saally boautiful ." Ms. Habenicht said she just
wanled 10 lhank lhc City for lhe beautiful landscaping tk!' _.. done. lhe beautiful yellow tiger lily 's and
1he pink rooes and all or 1h.1t. She said ii is very aun1e1mc.-d it was son or neat to have somebody not
sec ii for awhile and sec 1he ch.1nge and just be wid<eyc:d.-IL She s.1id she wanted 10 compliment
st.1ff on that.
Mayor Bums commcnrcd tha1 he wanlcd 10 thank Mc. Esacrty ro, the idea of switchinc rhosc funds with
Ibo South Windermere projcc1 and the landscaping. m -we-,: in control or the landscaping. He said
it m.1kcs him feel good. with all of the Tri-Cities nlO<liap dlal-.., have had to make sure 1ha1 "~ push 1he
landscaping on the South Santa Fe projcc1 . When it is lillialiod it •ill make all or the difference in the
world wilh the way 1h.11 loou.
Council Member Habenicht said she thinks lhcy r"'1ly -giYc the credit 10 Council Member
Vonnittag,. because she tl1ought it was initiall} his 1dcl .und staff •-ho picked up on it and made it rc.11.
She noted lhcy ntade it happen . bu1 Mr Vonnittag ta1111<'1" witll it.
(ix) Council Member Waggorw::r 31:h,scd ll\al there was some concern about tl1c
parking lot off of Windermere and how raising rile gr.uti:: on Windcm1erc will affect lh.it He asked
Acting City Man:1gcr Esterly wh.11 is happening on tball. Mr. Esacrty slated 1ha1 judging by what is going
on oul there today .1hc p.1rking loc is gone and is in the·l,tllfDCCSSofbcing replaced . He noted lac is 1101 quite
sure wl1cre the rcsponsibililics play out between lhc [)rqan.mall afTransportalion dealing wi1h the access,
which was moved run her 10 1hc soulh . And so IMJW nnd of tllal is going 10 be done as p.in or ~IC
Windermere Projcc1 and then 11,c remainder oflhc prop:! being done as pon oflhc bike trail project down
below. Sc '--: advised. there arc two pieces of actn~ lll l\bal an:a and he is not quite sure what 1hc
overlap is. Bui they were very clearl y gr.tcfir.& a. new acc:::ss road down into the parkin~ 101 right now and
were rc-i mding lhc entire p.1rking lot.
Council Member Waggoner n01cd \\C were lalk.ing abcua usmg some Allen sludge for fill on 1hm al one
time . Mr. Esterly said yes. at one time we were But. ~ Waggoner said . we arc not anymore . Mr.
Esterly advised thm cum::ntl) we h.wcn ·1 been .
(x) Mayor Bums s.1i d he l\as b.1dl a fC'ol comments from people askin_g whelhcr
there is sufficient access by the businesses along \\rtndl!rmcrc and tJ1e S cuJ'\·c when we finish . He
commented that he knows that h.is been an issue for souuc: time and he thought a lot or 1hosc issues ha\'c
been resolved . Acting City Manager Esterl y advisod llual maay of those issues have been resolved . The
bigger issue about access h.1s been om adhering 10 soa:n: rcqui~nts regarding silc distance and
driveway access and how much land the Dcp:irtmax afTr.msponation has to acquire . In some cases they
have taken enough of 1he land 1ha1 in combination wttfii lihc site dis1ancc rcquircmerus around lhc cuJ'\•c. 10
prov ide a safe driVC\\~y. th.1 1 one i111crprcl :ll ion coukl~ th.I.I the S1a1c needs to be buying more land 1han
they arc OCying. He advised I ha t 1s :\Ctuall y m d1scmsn.-:m rig.hi now , bet\\CCO our Department , the
111 ......... Chy CCNlaell
Dcputmcnl ,,CTnnspor1ation. the Attorney General's office and their right of way acquisition people.
Mayor Burns asked Mr. Esterly to keep Council up to date on that .
13 . City lll1n111<r'1 Report
(1) Ae1 :,1g City Manager ES1crly soid 11,11 Council Member Waggoner had asked that wc
make sun: to contact the City of Fon Collins 10 sec ifthen: was anything we could do to help out with
their flood issues. Mayor Burns commented that he was glad he brought that up. that he was going to ask
that also. Mr. Esterly noted that in fact, ini tially. it was difflQJlt to make any son of a phone cont.act. He
said Safety Services. through our emergency coordinator. made cont.act through police communia.lions
systems that they had available to them . Mr. Esterly advised that we made the offer of help to their
emergency management agency and •t this poin• in time they ha\'e not gotten back 10 us with any son of
requests. We have re-initiated the offer on al lcist two oa:asions. 10 make sun: that they know wc are
availabl e. if we can hcl1> them out . typically in the area or public works. with the equipment , staffing or
anything \\'C can do 10 help nod 1hey haven't asked us 10 w:lp at this point in lime . He stated we arc
prepared 10 help . Mayo r Bums ~,id he was glad the olTcr was open . He soid he was thinking or the area
or public works and he was glad Council Member Waggoner brought that up . But. he noted. they seem to
be getting a lot or help ·•p then:. tliat he thought thC:r cliallcngc was 10 nianagc all or the help they arc
gelling. Mr. ESfcrly s.1id he was sure thnt is a big pan or their problem right now. is just mana ging what
they M\'C,
(b) Acting City M.1nager Esterl y stated the Olher issue he wanted 10 talk on was the status or
the Compass. the CRNA project . that the Mayor and SC\'Cml Olher folks ha\'c mentioned this evening. He
advised that Slaff has been working with the group and h.wing some initial discussion s. They arc
anticipating that the kick-off mecling for tc.1m oricnlali on is going lo be on August 25 11i. He no1ed Ihm a
time and .s place for such a meeting has yet 10 be de1ennincd. The group is looking toward a IC:lm of
approximate~· thirty members 10 be included . He said 1hcy ha"e been talking with Englewood about a
representation 1hat mighl consis1 of about ten folks . The Cily go,,emm cut would be con1nbutmg about
thn:c 10 fi\'C people. they arc looking for panicipation by perhaps 11\0 Council members . Mr. Esterly
ooced 1ha1 Council should keep in mind th:u 1his is all subject to negocia1ion with them. but 1ha1 these arc
their suggcsuons. He s.1id 1hcy arc looking for p1tnicip.11ion by two Council Members. two staff members.
He said he "ould. al th is poinl in time. recommend Neighborhood Busmcss Dc\'clopmcnt and Public
Works in that an:a. The other staff member. he said. would be the Englewood Housing Authority. because
wc think wc have some reall y good c.~pcnisc there in Chery l St. Clair to get her right inlo another project
already. They would be looking for two people from the community ti.it. he said . he would expect
Council would want 10 nominate who those people an: anJ appoint them to it Additionall y. he advised.
one representative from the Englewood Downtown Development Authorit), one from perhaps either the
Cultural Commi ss ,un or the Library . that type of acti\'ily. and one from the Chamber of Commerce . He
srud he would suppose Couu .:tl cou ld talk abou t whether they ,v.111110 ha\'C someo ne from lhe Chamber of
Commerce ,.ho is on their bo.1rd or so meo ne from their staff or leave II up 10 the Chamber of Commerce
to decide how they would like 10 be rcprcscnlcd on tl\31 group . In addit ion 10 th.it . Mr. Es1crl y noted .
there will be 1en ofus and twcnl y of them and 1he Miller/Kit chell group "ould be in their also.
Cou ncil Member Waggoner said it seems like we left out one imponam group . EDD A Mayo r Bums and
Counc il Member Nabholz noted he mentioned EDDA . Acting Ci~· Manager Esterly advised 1hat EDDA
was mentioned in there and th:u is preny imponanl because this is in the area co,·ercd by EDDA and they
arc in the District and whatever this future development is 1hcy will be payi ng ta.'(CS in10 that District too .
Council Member Waggoner noted 1h:\l 1hcy h.,ve tha1 middle segment of the Broadway Pl an 100. Mr
Esterl y s.1id yes .
E•-ood City Council
A■lllll 4, 1997
Paae 14
Mayor Burns med Mt.' Estet1y irllicy oould ,-ibly have a memo on !his. Mr. Esterly said yes. Mayor
Burns noted that he fdl ii would be...,-lldplill lO ha"" a memo. Mr. Esterty wud he would guaranlec I
memo, because they will prcllably be loalans for a Caun..il affinnatinn by motion . First of all. he advised.
IO participate in lhis activily we uve jlld ill pac:ral diliCUISl:d lhis at Sludy Scssibn and have lalcen no
formal action IO actually aulhoriz lbcK folks IO proceed ahead. And , he said, lhey will probably want lo
lake some official action 10 llpllOi.-tam .,...,... anti dcsignale people from 1he public. So. he said, in
looking forward 10 lhe eighl...,.. lll<y •1ll be gelling 1his memo oul 10 Council and between now and
lhen Ibey will ha"" 10 be coming up widt tbe candidate lists.
Mayor Bums asked if Ibey could get some icla abou1 what lhe lime commi1men1 is going 10 be, how many
meclings Ibey anticipal<. Mr. Eslerly said yes. lie advised tha1 he and Mr. Simpson discussed lhal 1oday
and Ibey wen,n'I p,q,aml lo -lllal .qacsaian. Mr. Eslerly explained lhal lhc Olhe: thing lhal seems
lo be importanl loO is when lhe lime c:ommi-. need 10 be made. if ii will be during lhe workday or
after lhe workday or that lype m aclivily. Coaacil Member Vorminag said they would wont 10 know how
long 1hey would be. Mr. Esterly agrocd b<:c:iusc. he noted . some folks in one scenario might wan! 10 be
involved and in anOlher Ibey couldn'1 paru,:ipae
(C) Aciing City Manager E:Qcrly said he wanted 10 remind C'\'Cl)'Onc th.it the market demand
for n downtown holcl in Engla.'OOd repon shoald h:wc been in cvcrybody·s packet. And. he commented,
at some future time. if there is an inlCR:51. lbcJ' can schedule it for funhcr discussion at study session . Bui.
he noted. he would ilWail Council's reqnal for that. Mayor Bums said he thought there wns an interest
Council Member Habenichl asked if Ibey could possibly refer 1ha1 10 be pan of the information that goes
to that CRNA group. Mr. Esterty said 1%nalnfy Ms . Habenicl11 suggested that m.,ybe aner that might be
a wucr tune 10 discuss ii. Mayor Bums cptned tb.1t th.it wou.Jd apropos to do that . Cl\uncil Member
Vonnilfag said also to tar what their n:oommeod:uion is.
Mayor Bums advised th.ii he talked 10 Cher) I S1 Clair and she had go11c11 her he.id 1ogc1hcr with Mark
Graham on the :-ipplic:ition 10 EPA to ha,ie 1hc Cn~ designated as a ShO\\C.1sc City and one other
ingredient was 1hey wanted 1hrcc rcdcraJ ~ocs 10 be 1nvol,cd ,n p.1nicipa1i11g in 1h.1t if that were
achic\'cd . He noted th.11 one of them the, 'I\UC lhmkmg abou t was HUD. and they were ha\'ing a little
trouble figuring out how HUD would partiapacie in tJ1is . He staled that Ms. St. Clair has advised him that
Ibey got together and figured ii out and ~ b:r.e proposed HUD as the tltird agency. He advised 11,11
EPA would be""" and he though! !he Olla oae "'-ould be lhc Dcp.,nmenl of Labor . Mayor Bums staled
that it completed the application and they~ able to work on tJull 10gc1hcr and get that application in in
a full fonn . Cou n:il Member Habenicht med •hich application th.it was . M.1)'0r Bums asked if she
remembered the Brow nfie ld Gran t. Ms Habe:rudu said yes. Mayo,. Bums c.xplained tha1 1hcrc is anolher
designation for onJy ten ci ties in the counu,, Utlf we were invited 10 submit He s.1id he 1.hough1 the initial
submiual \•tent in earlier in the spnng by EPA robe declared a Showc.isc City and whru 1ha1 111~1ns is you
get cx1m help tn revimlizing industrial sites~ mworking with housing clements. job lminins and that
son of thing. So . he advised. 1his compl etes th:as a pplic11ion . He 11otcd I hat 1hc local EP A admini strmion
rcqucs1cd thnt Engh."'l\ood sub,11111h1s bcc:msc ... uh all of 1hc Lh111 gs that are go111g on in th e Ci1y .
economic redevelopment . transpon:uion and c:\U),1111ng else . they thoughc 1hcrc were so many
components of the change and ad\':lncemelll in Englewood th.11 it would make a good candid:ne for a
Showcase City . He said he is not sure \\'hc:a t.hi:s '4111 be decided. but !It?' it would be quite a coup for the
City ifwc were only one oflcn in the cou~ designated by the Nation.11 ..:P A. But . he commented. they
told us locall y th,11 we l1a,·c a chance at this. Coanci l Member Vonnittag asked if it would be lhis yc.1r .
Mayor Bums said he ·· ght it was prob:INc. bul 1ha1 they troy be able to find out from Mr. Gmh.im . He
pointed 01111h.11 th.11 is .1 nice. initial coon:finanoa bcl"ccn the Housing Authonly and 1he Ci1y .
&11"'""41 City Council
AIIM ◄,1"7
Cooncil Member Wagoner said Ibey should probably send Ille Chamber and EDDA a fiaol ,...,. al that
boccl report, lfwo haven'! alr<ady. Acting Ciiy Manager Eslcrly asn,ed lo do !hat.
14. City Atton,ey'a Report
Cily Allomcy Brolzman did OOI have any maucrs 10 bring bcfon: Council.
IS . Adjouramenl
COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED TO ADJOURN . The mooting adjoumc:d • 11:JIO p.m .