HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-10-20 (Regular) Meeting Minutes1 n110 > (II > boo, a f .,., .11: 1 ,0 ENGLEWOOI) qTY COUNCIL ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO ReplarSeuloa October 10, 1997 I. Call to Onler The regular meeting of the Englewood Ci1y Council was called 10 order by Mayor Bums at 7:40 PJIL 2 . .._ ...... The invo:ation was given by Council Member Wiggins . 3. Pledp, of Alleijance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cub Seo•· Paci. #347 4. Jloll Call Ablloot: Council Members Nabholz. Cl npp, Wigins, Habcnich~ VOllllilllg. Waggoner, Bums None I • A quorum was present. • 5. Minutes Also pn:scnt Acting Ci1y Manager Esterly Ci1y Allomcy BIOIZman Ci1y Clerk Ellis lnlerim Assistanl Cily Manager Black Dinctor Long, Ubrary Public Information Officer Punccrclli (a) COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED, AND IT 'WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1997. Ayes : Council Mcml'Crs Nabholz. Vormilla~. Wiggins, Habcnichl. Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays: None Motion carried . Mayor Burr.s advised that Co uncil woul d :11,,c to advance a couple of items on the docket that arc at the end under Coundl Member 's Choice . One bciug the resolution appointing Gary Sears as City Manager of the City of Englewood and th en a reception honoring Chuck Eslcrly and Jerrell Bla ck for tl,cir i.crvicc as Acting City Manager and Acting Assistant Cily ~.tanage r. COUNCIL MEMBER VORJIIITT AG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO MOVE AGENDA ITEMS 11 (b) (iv) FORWARD . Ayes : Co 1111C1I Members Nabholz. Vormiuag . Wiggins . Habenicht 11 ...... oodCllyC---' Ottollcr 18, J"7 PqeJ Motion carried. W1gg011et, Clapp, Bamr Nc,nc{ 1 'J I The ruolulion was allipad a mimbcr and read by title : I RESOLlfllON NO. 103. SERIES OF 1997 ,)-'f UOOl/l I 1, I A RESOLlfllON APPOIYI1NG GARY SEARS AS CITY MANAGER FOR rnE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COL<aADO. COUNCIL MDl ■D ._,ACCONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPIIOVll llESOLUTION NO. IU,liEJIIES OF 1997, Aya: Council Mcmbcr1 Nlbholz, Vonninag. Wiggins, Habcniol~. Wal!llOOCr. Clapp, Bums Nays: None Motion carricc Mayor Bums noccd 11111 aracbcd ., the resolution is an employment agru:mcnl He advi sed J,at G' · · Scars has bc:ca City~ iD Glendale for 11 years and has been in the business l o ye "M<. ~ i.,•r r Bums commcllled be is a -llley all think very highly of and that quiie a few or the c;,,. ... , ,r<.,,a-s have known him la._,_.....,_ ofhinork with the Colomdo Municipal League (CML), ··• w~;._;, he isa pasl prosidcnL Am.-ofsUIThas worked with him on CML. and Denver Regional Council of Government. ~ He 11a1cd we welcome Gary Scars . Mayor Bums inlroducod Mr. Scars as he was in lhc audience. • 031)1 Scar.. co mmented di1at be is look ing fon,ard lo the opponunity. He opined that it :, an exc itin g community and he a.ad Im family want 10 fit into the community . Mr. Sc.lrs stated he is looking fom-ard to worki ng wi th Council.saffand the communit y. Mayor Bums commcnlel!!Ow during 1hi ; interim period we haye had Chuck Esterl y se rving as th e Ac ting City Manager and Jcrmll Blad: :is Ille Ael ing Assistant City Manager. Mayo r Bums opined that th ey have done yeoman 's wori. fo r us in th e in lcri m and they h.i vc lakcn on a large responsibility for several months while we 118\,: g,,mc through the process or selecting a City Manager. Rccogni ,.i ng that. he said , we arc goin g ID have a lim:f oa:,q,600 honoring them . Mayor Bums asked . before lldjouming far ~,e r=ption . that every...,. pe Mr. Ellerly &lid Mr. Black a big round of applause far their service to the City . Co unci l recessed at 7 -"6 :1J ~ ... for 3 brief reception . Th e meetin g rccon\·cncdi .ut 8 2.3 p m. wi lh all Council members present. Mayor Bums offered ~tr Esterly a nd Mr Black the opponuni1 y to int rod uce the ir fa mili c!i . 6. Scheduled Vmo,,n There were no sc hed uled! ,unocs 7. Non«lledul,J v,_n • • • • l:1lllewood Clly Council October 20, 1997 PapJ Mayor 8111111 no1od tbal th<n , _ a papof 1111n-scbodulC'd 1vililon ud-,, _ .,._ bauipcd up to dllCUII tho~~ M tho Llb<ary. He advised then: is a pn,pa,od ....,_ .. c-il Memilor Clapp hu placed on tho docket tonight wilh regard IO tbat Mayor Burns ~ .. lie ud Ml. Clapp bllYo Wk• a couple oC lilncl in tho 1111 two days and tho Lib1111)' Board -• T..i., oC lut week after tho COUIICII bod eacou,qcd lhcm 10 come up wilh a policy Oil, tbla. if .-...w. ~- He aid thoR was DOI a dclinitlvc policy at lhM meetln1, that II he remcmbond 1beJ ...i -mon: Ir.put from tho Ll'brary Dlroctor and 5taJT. So. llo said, be lhou&hl Council Member a.pp Mmld be plOIJOlina 1h11 COWll',il extend tho mailer for anolhef (I() days. tJuoup tho ncxa .,.... al Ille Lib1111)' Board and possibly, ifwc can, have tome public mcctir.p oCthe Libnry Board IO-~ 6-lhc cilizals about whal lhcy lhink about tl1i1 proposed policy and where lhcy tbillk ,.. ..,.. • _. this. He staled lhat this Is a very hot !Opie all over 1he country and lots oC libraria and ..._.. _ tlill:aliq this. So, he said, lhcy w•lll• IO get some more public input (a) Phil Gillium, 3821 Soulh Huron Sln:cl said he wanled lo do I lilllc 6'claimcr. He staled lhaL ..... lhou&h be is here wilh UIO cub ICOUU 10nigh1, he in n l way ..,._.., Boy Smuts of America. He llOl«I that tl10 views they will bear arc his and his alone. Last iar. lie Slid. bis SOll5 •= doing rcawdl on ,be Internet al lhc Lib111ry . He advised he bu a SOil who goe,; IO a.da Hay and one is a freshman at Enal•\WOOd High School. Just before Ibey were goina 10 lake a .-llip"' Missouri, be advised lhal he -.1 in IO see what lhclc wns on the Currenl river. Mr. Gilliam -Slbat be pulled up more illfonnalioa tlu be kaew a p,y could get. He noted he is DOI cnmputcr lilera.• lllc llloaght be was doin&quitu,dlc He said be thought "lctssccwbat lhcre is in tho wayon,.i..-_.,....,.,.. bear aboul bad llulf on the lnlcmel. Wilh a few key •U'Cl<cs. be advilicd. he-ioolwll• .. lllcclidn't know e,<istcd. He said he was looking al sexually graphic. explicil material . He pointed out 611 it wasn't what was on lhe Wm silc, it was just whal lhcy use 10 advertise what is on tho Web site. Mr:. Gillwn commcolod lhal if this is wbal tho advertising is. whal is in lhi, link box right bclc. fit :aid hc stewai on ii fora few monlhs thinking is1bis an is511eort10<. am I being over reactive. Finally, IIE-=. ODCday he called his Council person. Laurie Clapp and osked if ,he knew what was on I.he 1-. Slit said no and a liltle wbile later she got back 10 him . He 11oted ii kind of blew her socks olf. Mr. Gilaa __, he has lalked lo a lot of pan:nu and scouts and p( :pie doo 'I know whal is on lhc lntcmct. ..,_ al-. lie said. arc just IICl1ing compulers now because our kids are farting us 10. He noted we arc 1"11111 CGICalcd, IJ'ying 10 stay up wilh lhcm . He advised he hod a long meeting wilh Hank Long in bis diat -this subject. Mr. Gilliam aid he is amazed al lhc amounl of resistance lhcre is and he .....-i ID:rc is a duel standanl that BOCS on. There is a Slandard lha1 ha., been in place for years •itllia tkl..iln,y colleclion aboUI pomog,aphic m.11erial on the prinlel\ l"SC, he said. It docsn 'l exist ia r Libnry, ii is nonexistent Somehow, he noted. you gel on ~ .. electronic page and you are olf in a clillon:Dt realm. which docsn 'I make sense 10 him . He snid one oflhe lh\, '!She lhought aboul ,.as a -,ail)' standard, how do we arrive at who we arc ns a community. One ol 1.hc ways you do il he said. is bJ,• mdi.na..ra You guys pass ordinances all the time about how it is that we arc going to live in this c:omaamy caUcd Englewood. If you go in10 1he adult c111enainmen1 SCC1ion of Englewood ordinances ii "pmty 1<dl explained. Exccpl, he nolcd. for the day he wen1 in 10 sec Mrs . Ellis 10 find out what tllis •'IS and whal a minor was, lherc was a bit or a discrepancy because in lhc Colorado Revised Si,uutc -itan at 21. as enforced in Englewood it is 18 . He said it seemed. at that time. there was no supportmg.ard.im.aa-for thal if he was not mistnkcn . City Clerk Ellis noled ii has been rcscarchcd. Mr. Gil liam :i6ised thal. in the Library, what is adult scents to be defined by the size or the ch.,ir. He noted there ate.b¥0 computers 1im1 have blocking sonwarc on i1. down in ll>Cju\'enile section of lhe Library , and lhey bac Slll3!1 school type chairs and tables. He said once you arc 100 big for that you go up to the other six. •iii.ch arc tcnncd adult Thal is when you have full llCCCss 10 everything on lhc lmcmct . He advised Ihm uy af dealing with it is to say "we ll if we see some boys over there snickering we go and tell th .m ..-ID do iL -Now, Mr. Gilliam said, he knows you ca11't siand in an adull cntenainmcnt facility in the City ad be this big or lhis big and wail for a cop 10 come up and lap you on 1he shoulder and 1cll you you 've gOII ac go. He staled he thinks we have established by ordinance what we think we want 10 do in this town. ii:.apned it is an ~ ........ IOII)' die Ubn,yilexeapl ft-om lllll Rlptl MW, he noted, :flila..ran 5%a;your bu.-il ~ .-la! yO\I i-10 have It out oilhe view o(the ....,..i pm,lic. Bick where ...,... ... _. lllve 10 .... ii. Heald he-llklnl iupmbtcm with 15, 16 ,,.,old boys with .--, .. , Fina ID p, 10 whole 1111 ... ii. 1'1111 ill die way the world oec1111 lo WO<k. Mr. GIiiiam .... .,,_ ..,,. lhll 11 is the place for his Ubrlry IO ftnther 1h11 ...... He commented lhal It ii ................ a ldddlaodayl willloul hlvi■I IO~ Ill ofU-dift'enlftl'thiap. He said he lalts .,._...s they 1n1 Dahberp11Cd 1h11 II is eve11 la Ille Library, when he tolls llleln lllerc is hard °'"' -• all :,ou bave 10 do Is dial ii up. He IIOled he 1111 chedted. and riaht now lllerc are 9 or 10 busim:aa ,._ IDie pwpDllO ii to pnwidc schools and libraries with fillcring aollwm. He said they doa't .,......, tbal the polllically aimct way lo II)' ii ii fill•ri.~g. There .... COltlp,'!!UII right aow, he D0111t. --, lky Cll lfM :,ou 100% Cllllomlzable ooftware. Mr. GIiiiam said he woulo' Ilk• Oiuncil lo lb.row 6is bxt to the Library Board lo come up with I better policy, oomelhlng that will 1.dlccl what the .,_jfyis. 1(11)· Sandi Oslana. 2843 South Grant Strcc1 . said that she is not hen as,. member ofllle U.-. -.i oras I candidalc. but lhat she is hen as a n1Sidcnt of this oonnnunlty . Sl>c noted that slic .. ~ • ldl Caancil ll>al she knows 1h11 there arc very in1elligcn1, "~II educated people on our Libruy Board•iD will oo,nc up with a policy. She st.11cd she app reciates the 30 days and know, that this is 1 badf'-IIDII it .,;u be appropriately lakcn caro or. She said knows that this Council ems Rboul the .,....__.. * Libruy Board ClnlS abool protccting cliil<lrai IOOJ MJ. Ostcma commented lhal she dmb-ae _,._.out then: and they~• app,cciale the 30 days . Ma nlSidcnl , she said. she ,.ill lie;-._• ii hcnclf and she RJJilrccialcs the c."'11 time so she can look into mon: of this 100. (c) Anne BWTis. 3425 South Sherman Strccl , said she lives al Orchard Place and wanted to ..., -lbc aoocss IO the Internet by the children and adults of Englowood. She advioed she called lhe • Ullr:Jo!"..tay lO qucstioa aa:cssibility 10 the on-line computers for rcsidcnll ofEnskwood. She said she c:aWiill rdamcc 10 an ans and crafts savicescvcral of the ladies al Orchard Place arc interested in . Ms. Brlllis ■!Mled she was told 1hnt 1imc during the morning hours was lhe best, because J:30 p.m. the kids -ia flom school. n,en she,., .. told 1ha1 the only cost IO her wns ten cenll a paac after the first tbrcc 1?1FS-Site said sbc thought ·wnw. this is great" II would COS1 her about $40 10 $50 a month lo hffc • .--liae service oo her O\vn compulcr at home . However. she said, isn't this surely ta.'CJ)IYcr """"'!'-Sile ao4ed she lbcn thought. if it costs me onl v lcn cents a paac for her arts and crafts. it also CO<lr a~ ten cats a page for sex educ:nion . Or it only costs ten cents a page on how 10 build a liomb or it DIily ClDllS a cents a J>110 on how 10 terrorize the neighbor down the street or ii only costs 1en cents a JIIF o:m -IO kill your classmates or your parents. Of course. she noted. IN.I is only iflhc d!-cctions arc --thnlc pages long. Grnnlcd, she soid . the lnlemcl has many interesting and infnnna,, ,e subjects tar•..,._ Bat. Ms. Burris asked . isn't ii our responsibility as ci1i1,:ns. parents and grnndparmts 10 guick.aad ase that iafomwion wisel y. She noted, wt.en a famil y has computer on-line sc"icc in their a,n a.om.. the family pays for the sc"ice and Ibey n:gulalc the service time and the subjoc:1. Also , when a bal!' .bas cable TV al home . they pay fort he service and Ibey regulate the service time and subject. s..lda 't tltc City of Englewood be• linle bit responsible ror the ln1eme1 subjects nl the locnl Library, she ased.. Shoaldn'I the parents a1 le.1st be aw:uc wha1 their child is reading, whether ii is on lhc Internet or m mteboots. Ms . Bum5 rn,1 i111,1 incd 1hat this is not something we c.,n Mick our head in the sand about allfsay '"'ab. I.bat is discn1111 1 111 n ... She s.1id she rc.11izcs that the fcdcrnl govemmcnl makes the City jampilhrougb ccnain hoops in u1 der 10 get these computers in our Library and in our schools. But. she a:sk:zd.. •mt uc these rcgul:uions. wh.1l is ii costing the ta:<payc r. is it accessible to all residents or just our c:hifdn:n. And. she quc:saioncd. why nOI. n cost for comp,ucr use. Ms . Burris suggested a study group that ani imwsrigale this prob lem of children in the Internet After all . she said. if the Federal Government c.,n imp:IIC a SU0 tax on cigarcnes so ch ildren will not smoke . why not a $1 .50 per page o!ld COSI of aJll!p,ICl limc. She SUlcd. that whether ii is children or whether ii is adults son,ethin g should be done • ~ a:,c thr0c or four ~·cars from now. • • • EeaJewood City c ... c11 Octolll!r 20, 1997 •... ~ I /, 111 lfl lJ (d) ,u ld■May Nicholl, ~740 Sooul.ipu SI-..._ ..... _ .. ldidcia tho Denver Polt coaceniina the lnlcmcl in our~ Ciiy l.ilaiJ. a. llid Ibo is....,, - about the lack of I policy addtasins U1is ilsul. Slit IIMIII, ■he ....... !Ml people do can, lftd are I ~-' Blpocilllyifp■,e111Jially knowMlltlllirdlildna_ ... ••die 1-andrUoCtllo infofflllllon that tlioy have acceu to. Sloe m■l■lliaed WI -,, af --• 1101 know lbia. Ms. ~ "<:boll acknowloqed that then:.,. many hclprul ud educaliaMI Ojljlili · ·· .;ill 8IUCh knowledp. Bu~ .. ~ not,-I, there.,., nw,y deslrucli1-c and unhcaltl,y ■-that are_.,~~-~ inlenlion ana .amctiJr.es qui111 by ■ccident as tbc other aa,llemln mentiallOII. ja 'r 1111a'iQa a cataia --«I. She 11ott1! children. and anyone else for that maucr. CUI -oa die i-11,ow IO build baalll and blow up buildings, bow to kill people, how to buy 1111bell 111)1hiq -..._ _......_ childlai 111d adult pomoSJ'IPhY aad thinp some or III haven't ema lleard of. SIie .,.,... ... ~ poople-.ld be shocked to learn all that ia accessible In tllem and celllialy .....,. • .., ii is or ii.cu be .. easily available to our children. Ms. Nicholl lll8led she was~• pica .... illr die older~ to step upto tbc plate and make aslalld forthisconuovenial ~ t■aa-iJarcurcWdlat. She pointed QIII . for those of you wlM> haYCchildia, who are8JOM1Mll-• herun:, tb■l tlloy didn't have to deal ,,,;,~, ..... iuucs. tllc issues tho! are so worldly and L"1haklly.•illlic PRDISo(tac!ay do, She said lets be rcspc nsible to help our younaer genc,ation that is i:omiag .._.;ad to ..,r gradcl,ildren. She asked how they would red ir their p:u,dcbikl, who you loved darlJ, • ....., Ibey liw: hen: and ot anywhere elJe can so c■sily be exposed to iSlucs way ...,.,._ tllcit • _..,. dcslnicliYC ii coolld be ID thCIII and In perhaps socicly down u .. !Old. SIie Slatod tie 1JI lllale --... COIL Aad ,-. .... DOied, even tbouah they have been 1aught what U1Cy can and cannol do. IMI -;all ~ that cbildra will bo children and instinctively U1Cy wall to learn more. which is wb■I __ .....,, to do, bod. only witla guidelines. Ms. Nicholl staled lhat as a rc,pon5ible Cily Coucil. ...... believed Ibey all an,, she asked lhat they please address I his importut issue, set 00111< gui4cliMsfs our YDUn8 .-le 10 follow -1 set an example. let them know 11111 we really do CR. (C) Carol Belt. m I Sou1h Lipu Street, advi!al th■l shelm had the opportllllity to,spe■k witl1 some or her neiahbors aboul Ibis issue and many oC them red ..,. _ way she docs. Thi! wc need some 1ype or policy for this Internet plOblcm. Sbc ..aid she is ... -=•-cons&ituliaal rights, as she has hcanl that is happening on tl,c Library Bo■nl . Constilut~ r,ps or a pan,IC or a child. She noted thal even at the higher oourt lcvcl they an: havias hard time eaiag 1bal But, 111,e anmcructl, what she is doing is appealing 10 Council members and In the adults oe Ille libnry Board. Sile said she knows tha1 U1Cy reel a ... ponsibility and 1hat it i• her imprrssion that they -dccled to safeguard our com111wii1y and that includes all or Uic citiunry. Ms. Belt said she -.-Jing tn Council this evening 10 please adopt some kind or policy Uiat would protect 0011 whole ...,....ty_ She stated she doesn 't want 10 be natiooal news, 11111 we already have been for a baby being Sll>lllpai ilD death, we already M\'C been for an adult being killed by a mmor child under L2 . She commcnlal*ctlid not think any or Co1111Cil or the Libr.L-y Board wanl to sec lhis kind or issue at a •ational lc\'d. Soi.* said. lets protccl our citizatry and lets get a policy for this lnlcmet (0 Mnrjoric Hargndinc. 4195 Sooth Elati Sutt~ sa,d !belbelievcs the lntcmct in the Lib rary should be monitored for cenain :igc groups. (g) Dr. Margarc1 Giffin. 4660 South Inca SL1'Cl. said '""'"'211ted lo give Council a little bit or her background. She advised 1hnt sl,c is a member or the Library&-. but she is really speaking as an individual tonight and 1hc hi slorical nxord or solllC of the things tl\ctl'.ba\'C done on the Library Board. but not in a official capaci1y for 1hc Library Boani. She stated she lloliili .1 doctorate degree from Baylor University in Educational Administralion. she bolds a mastcr ~ pm another 12 hows in Library media. most of that is school rclaicd. howc,.., there were SOIIIC thiag, aibood the public libraries . And then or course. she said. a bachelors dcgrc,: that you have 10 h.1vc bcfor,, yw, ll!C 011 10 higher education , Dr. latlewood City COllnc:11 OctNer 20, l!197 ..... , ll~~J111JO f.·,:,1.'I Oiffin noced she 1w boon with Sheridan School Dlllrict for 2, years andjUII rctin.-d I, May, but that she Is bock la 'llle dlslncl MnHII I IIUle bil 1h11 .-U . So. she llid, Ibo ha I liadtpound i ■'llbrary and D10S1 al c.ncll will ft!COIIII• 1h11 u 1he llllkl becaue libraries ~ Vtfl'f important lo berr She ldvitcd 1h11. In ,cbool Ubnria. lelChffl • in loco para,tis. In public libruies WI i111111 the-case, the public 1ibruy __ ....., 1111 IOI in '-panntit , She llaled pa,enll have IO work in COONCtioft l>ith ltbe IChool lillrarics Ill ,,.11 M !!ic public lilonria. Dr. <limn ■dviled that before the c:omru1cn wae ever placed ihlO the Lilnly in the open ma. tl , Enalowood Public Libra,y 8olrd. our lllvilory boon! dilCUSIOd at icDa1ll whll they -.Id do. Wllether they would put 1111 filll!rl tM whether thcy-.ld nol. The fim \'Ole I.bat wu llkea wu jUlc ID put all cisht compulm in the open area without any kind ot filters . Tncn, she llid. they docidod lky ~ to lllte I look al 90ille al the thlnp they 'Mluld find In the Internet So they did hlw a snady IOllioe and thooe 1h11 c:ould coma that nl9h1 came and they found out I lot or thinp that a,e on the Internet. But, she poinied out , they also found nll the pomogn,phy and u 100t1 as it came on. allll 111tc saw whll ii-. die c"-l her eyes. beclulc • doesn't want lo IOC il Dr. Giffin en,phllized 1h11 Ilic is tolllly tJIIPOIOd ID hlnl ~ pomog,.phy. But, ,he noted . that she also knows lha1 our p,j,iic library ha -IO III lhe po0lllc In the community . She ldvisod •hot after that study session where they loolied ID -....,l)'lllltig 111111 -~. then a1 the next Jlo.1rd meeting they voted 10 pul two computers In the ~•• ua with liherund 1hey arc there. Tiicn they voted 10 put the six in the open area . She advilcd 1h11 tlac ~ ia r,.,.,. al the reference dal< and the 1<ference librarians and any Olher librarians tbat arc dlere aep an~ OIi wllll 'is going on. If they sec anythins on the computer 11111 oven loolts like ii is pf11 -poraopaplly Ibey quietly get up and ask tho pcrsoa lhat la lllinB it 10 go to a dill'csent Web silC on Ille compa1Ct-.l 10 not continue in that Wdo lite. There have only been about ten or twelve iDStaJIOCI thal tbcy haw had to do this since January. So this would only average about once a month and she DOied, they Ila"" said that tl1ey have always complied with that . So, sbc explained. this Is an open monitoriag r,f all the oix _,pu1cn that arc dil<Clly in tho middle of the Libra,y whcre anybody can ""' .-. SIii: staled Iha ,oauld like them 10 lllko that into consideration bccawc there is a monitorins system • that we arc using at this time . Dr. Giffin commcnled lhat they arc doing the same thing in the Sheridan High School. which is aloo a branch library with Arapahoe Library District . TIiey arc monitoring them and they hlYC diem in the open so they can ""'them. She said sho substituted for the high school librarian aboul a weak ago and there were some boys on then: that were beginning 10 go into something that she thoagbt •u 1101 appropriate nnd she walked over and asked them 10 stop and go 10 a dilfemll Web silC and they did. So, she noted. those arc the kind oflhings "~ have in pince now in which we arc rnoeitoring wbat is.going on . Then: is discussion about policy, there will be a wrincn policy . She said she is not sure just when. 001 there 1'i ll be bcc:lusc they wan1cd 10 study tho issue and talk about it and discuss it. Dr. Giffin said that those arc 1he things she wanted 10 make sure Council had, from SOll1COIIC who is a Libnry Board member and has b..'Cn at 1he meetings and has been a pan or this decision making part of this process . She said she wanted 10 go back and say 1lia1 personally she la11cs hard con: pornography . Dr . Giffin staled that if it "~re in her home. and she had small children. she wouli have a ftltcr in ber home . But she pointed out. when you ha,•c public access 10 lhe who le community you have to loolt at ii a lillle bi1 dilfen:ntly. She ~,id she apprccia1ed Council 's lime and the JO da ys that they have to work on that. (h) Carole Tomasso , 2998 South Bannock S1r«:1. stnted she comes 10 Council 1onight as a amccmcd parent She commented 1ha1 she docsn ·1 know how mnny of Council have young. innocent and impressionable children. bul they pro bab ly know it is \'Ci)' difficuh nowadays r:1ising children . She opined it is very scary and that the scariest thing on TV when she growing up was PC}10n Place . She said she thought il was boring but it was not nc.1rl y as grnph;c as whal is going on on TV now . Ms . Tomas.so said she \\'OU.Id like to shart some pcrsoru.1 c~pcricnccs . She S1atcd 1hat as a 1c.1chc r she was sexually ass:Jullcd by a first grader. there was a severe incident. Granlcd , she snid, he was psychotic , but at the same time. how did he gd. this knowled ge to approach her lhnt way . He accessed it somewhere . She advised she has also had a situation when: an alleged rapist broke into her house and came back a week later. Both lirecs . she said. she wasn 't violated . But how do they get that way . She told Council that a case in point is 11 1.11 a • • • t•pcwood Cily Couocll Oclallcr 20, 1997 , • ., 7 IAJIIOUI conviCICd '1''F°'F' f.'Pill conCcued 11111 lie ----,I wl!1' pori,opaphy ud ll'&t lluibuled ..,.,. ofhisbchlvlor lo pomogn,phy. Ms. y..___. .. ~ ID CqunclJ 11111 ~ /• 1 vk:tlm ol his comlltullonal right to have access to pornocn,pllf-ticlims always coale IOCOlld. She \aid It is bet undcnt1Ddin1 that the fflCJII n:p:,n1,cx_,i viclim _....,. Jasmine and 11111 still lean her apart Ml . TollllllO retl18rked ihat ,rben you ... inlO poniilplfllJ' • dic lnlerncl you~ think it Is vap:ly tied in. BuL she opined1 as a ,oc/,,ty we ha>e ~ ...... ill ..-.df"f oat chiJdien. She notcd'lhal at her ' middle school las! year. ;,nefids .,._11Jcadcd _......,. cxplicn piclura 11am •)le public libnuy . TI1cy brouglit lhcm !O icbool and sold racb oae filr SUII a pidllrc. You might appla,,d l!ian as that is the American \WY, go for ~t and no oae told U-1ay .....,·t do iL It is then: ror lbcm lo access and make Pll'fll She sl.lle:l ~ti :l'bcr daughk:r -dos piclaa she Wllltld be irate, but morc importantly she wiiuJd mourn ~ ~. She said she uyir.c ..,_.iy to prol<CI it now and to iuWe' her exposed to thaL ~ would bcco..J a viclim. Ms. Tommo....., _ shc would be helpless and nc,j orobt.d by socicly. And, she DOied, lhc piclun:s wen: only......., c:,q,tici~ that they an: DOI talking •.1 child pofflOl"lphy orbcllialilY or any olthc other Sbdl'lflol * io,urc ;s available on the ln&cmcl, tliat she knows IIOlhiog aboul TiiF is probably llulf oa I"-. sk aoicd. that she knows nothing~/ and she pn:fers it~ way. She pointed out 1hat childral c:a"I-..,. pornography with money. but they can downloiod it ror 'f'rcc. She cmphasiztd it doesn't..,.-. what is happenin g in our world today . She opined that u childrcll can 't buy X-raied videm, _,.. -mould put some X-rated videos in the Library !or them to chcdc ~ pn,vidcd 10 them !or rrcc. Sic ...i ~ has bcco a proposal !or cards !or mooitorin& and rcgulatiog and she thought thal -,....,.. illoa. She said that she pcroonally suppons requiring adult supervision or children whoo thcy ai::as dlc llllcmct. She Slated she knows that is very conservative and shc docs no1 know if that is going II>._,._ But , she opiocd, "" occd tc t.avc guidelines someplace, our world is getting IOO GUI cxaaral alOd we as a society have to get it back in our grasp and make it safe for our children . (i) Debbie Perry-Smith. J 162 South ~lanf Slrcct, said shc is parcnt ~r children in the Englewood school syllem as "~I as a business owner ad aritizcn in this community. She stated she is very apprccialiY" tonight 10 heor of the JO days to foal• die policy for access to tbe In1cmcL l\{5. Perry-Smith advised that she 1,,s grave concerns and* •Ollid hate for Council to ha,-e, on their own co nscience. something that co me as a result or a chifd:acca<ing the lntcmcl through the Englewood Library . Something that would have agra,'C n:sulL rqardkss; olwhal that ,-ooJd be. 'IVbcther ilis a child being subjCCI to a pedophile , she said, or bc,DI .-ol,;a! in something that we "wld all hate to think could happen 10 a kid . Much less an innocent lour DI' 6"" !Cl' old walking pasl the Internet and seeing something c.,q,licit on the screen. which , she opioal, pcq,ie 1110nitoring with mirrors and stuff can't control people walking past the screens and just oc,ioc SDmClhing that might affCCI them in the long run . She said she thinks that as adults we arc called ID sct ~ c!iildrcn occd boundaries from the time they arc two until the time they arc cight-.co. You ba,,cm ~ for the,n, you have different monetary things that you put on them as fur as boundaries aod lb. sbc said, is what we arc called to do, 10 put bou ndaries. They can '1 access alcohol , or they arc noc ·,uppa,r,d to until they arc or a,c. much less tobacco or pornography . She opined tl ,11 what we an: looking .. is a situation where again ,., 1-1 to set some boundaries . It is new tcrritOI)' ror :>II of us. we didn't pow-11P "ith this. as many of the other indi•,idual s have already spoken about She suggcs1cd w,: be on (le~ edge of this as a community, that we should take a step out and be a lead er in the metro arc:&. m tbe S1a1c . i:l the nation and do something 10 protect our children in thi s way Sh .: s.1 1d she knows dnat.. br bcr children to access the lnrcrnct , she h.1d to sign a pcm1ission slip and she knows th:11 tllC) mo DUIDr wka.t they access on the ln1.~m c1. Especiall y for one class in panicular and if it is unao:cpia blc you are aa.. So, she commented, that she thinks we should look at even what the policy of 1hc sc l,ool is as well~•• tllC)' arc doing to protect our kids . Which, she noted . she docs applaud. Ms. Perry-S mith said silt ,. ""' sure about the policy !or the Library at the schoo l. but thal she docs know abou t 1hc communicancms dasscs and their limited access to the Internet there . So . she stated. she would jusi again thank Cou::dl b taking the time and the extra JO days to look Cll!lleweed City CCM1acll Oclolltt JO, 1!197 P1 .-1 II n at it UMI p; ,loJClber "!\ enlbta:jiblc policy . SomcthinJ that we can all be rll!lld of and lland ¥1"4 MI co,olllllllity bcr'e ill EnsJc-,d. 0) Marjorie FllzJCrald, 4824 South 1111\"' SIIOCI, said she wanted 10 polnl out that an ldallJ ,,., aid lie 19PP.Dliblc for !heir ebildten. She ;<lllcd she mcam pan,nll. grudpaml11, ncl~ l'rieads, cil • 'ftll o(Eii~ and ~yen of E'l3lcwood. We all sl)ould be rapacwl>tc far the )OIUIICt gc})Jradoa. 1She "fl'P•4 that {licy need b oe guided and they need lo be lralned -.d they shouldn't be gr.'cn aa:ess, bi!caiise they arc so curious and they want lo learn and do everything and we have 10 co,wol ~ .. L She staled lhal dc<sn't mean WC arc laking away their rights, that they have a right 10 be proleacd. She said she wanted I0 j)Oint out !hat last Fridny afternoon she wcni over lo the Libra,y, it was about 4:00 .or 4:30. She advised the four cofflllU!cn an: ir, a drcle ,.;th iheir backs together and of counc that Is for the wins to be hidden mon, or less.' The other two an: over at the side. She slatal she wmt to the rdeteDCe ~t and there was one librarian and she was standing over back or,anc ot I..,. compu1en and her back was la the door. She stood there a long time; and Ms . Fit,pd saii she docsn 'I know if' she was hclping'lha~~• or what. She said she was looking and then, ,,as a book that she couldn't find so she had to ask, bcr,'but ~just wailC11 because she could see that she was busy . Bu~ she commented, what ,he rcali,Jd was that sl)c could only look al two computers al the same lime and maybe look over here at one. Ms. Fitzgerald suggested 1ha1 iflhosc "~re in a semi-circle with her in the middle she could sc,e .JI ofthooc screen,• at once. But this way she can't "itboul walking around and she was the only one. Finally she can.! over, she 11id, and that""" ,di right because she knew that she had to watch them on tbe other band white she was tal~ing lo her, because there were no other librarians and that MS the bmy time of day. She opined if they had more librarians they should have had one morc for sun:. She said she wanted to point out that we have laws to protect children a,ld it isn't bad to ha,~ laws for chilcircn that arc dill'crenl from adu'u:. If a parent gives a chit~ liquor there is a law against that and, she asked, why shouldn 't there be laws to protect children from pornography . She said, to her. lhc: Library shouldn 't ha>,: it open , , anybody. She staled she docs not fc:cl •·e, as taxpayers, and herself i• -.articular. should pay for some man or young man over 18 to go into Ilic Libra,y lo look at pornography . he has to look at Iha~ she said. he had better have one of his own or he had better go si1mcplacc where he can rent one. She maintained that the taxpayers shoul dn't be paying for that type of thing. (k) Barbara Burget , 658 West Valleyview Avenue , Littleton , said she is a Conner "Englcwoodile" and she has had 1hrcc sons go through the scl,ool syste m here . She commented that her heart belon gs he,e, but that her husband says she lives in Liulcton now . Ms. Burget commented that she loves Englewood, thal she always has. ti.it it was her first home from l,1diana . She stated that fttcdom of speech. whether by the printed p.1gc or mouth. lntemcl or othcmisc , carries with ii the responsibility for whal is said or done in our co1111nuni1y. Sllc opined th.it definite lines have to be drawn , not only for adults in this world. but aJ so for our you lh as \\-'CII , Otherwise . she said . we ha-.·c chaos, amor:\I will be rampant in our City. in our nation . Ms . fJurgct advised thal she favors lhc rcsolu1ion she read on the lntcrncl Policy of the · '.ii)' of Englewood . She stated that she has worked do"11 al the State legislat ure for a number of years and cve,y day they pa,~ bills that become laws of :ho Slate or Colorado . We arc drawing lines everyday that we ha ve the lcgislatu,c in sess ion r,nd therefore . she said , she feels that our children must be protected for they arc our leaders or tomorrow . (I) Virginia Smil h. j 16~ South Shcnnan Street advised she wns talking this over \\-i lh htr teenage gra ndson and he tl1ink s it wodd be a good idea. ror paren ts to sign for children under 18 to be on the Internet at the Library . He s.1id so me paren1s hdve com pul crs at home. bu1 they arc not on the Intcrnct so they have no idea what thei r kid s c.,n ge l into on lh e Jn1e mc 1. She s:ud she bcl !cvcs. because parental righls arc often left out of issue-.; s1:c h as !his. th at our young peo ple h.1vc suffered . The evidence of th is. she noted . is shown in the lack o: respect for other people in the way of graffi 1i. then. vio lence and vio lence 10 others and the lan guage she hc.1rs so me of these you ng people using these days . She sai d she docs 001 think thi s is only a qucsli on of po rnography. but it is also a qu cslion of 01 her thin gs thal arc on • • • • • Elal,11111dCICyCentll Ochlllt!, JO, 1997 P•I'~ ll 1ntNI ) tli"l b1M1 "'11!111 ·~ t l'\' I 1t ll<iobO ur ... ,tt lho •-•'Mil. ,111,e _.. ,;hal ibe Mi .... ublwwls do u.etr very best io moo,itor lho •-• or ffll! comp\,ten ll .. U.,, ... ...., ... ~ .... -an, nal IO mily seen IS ""'110ll'IP'Y,·IUOII uti-~oa.....,.buall,orilhoollllaf"Ollleo,......__ She11ldlhe'doerllCJC._kllow all the thiap that 1R on --ML S,nith llalCd that ....... .,_. die ii lrlnd ofwtth Bob Dole. The si-11 that he mad,: and -~ Iha, he knows how things used to be and that we need to return a little bit to Ole way tlllup _,. .., W. She sald 1whle she was in llil!h ICllool they dldli'I have the violence and all ofllleledlillaf illld ... .....,.. thal I lolbtdle .WC-and the rhlnp thal an going on today with kids, tloeft and 1111 ,_._ lt:Mled ll'ota CIUllide -illcluding the lnlenlOt•. So therefore. she adviled. slle is -.,orting Ille ,....loft IS ii is wrillen and • thoul!ht it was n very good rm11ion . She said• is 11111 apiml..,.. die Cily Council and lhl> ·srs,y Board working toaecJ,er on this resolulioll ud ma,t,e then --diagreemcnt! they ca • "" out tog«her: But, sho reiteratedl she thinks this ii ■-,, good........_ II• (m) Mary~--S Soelh l!lali St-. ad¥iled thal me is the Chairperson of the Englewood Library Boud ..i tille wanted to dwe IOllle thlnp. She noted Mnrgaret Gillin. who spoke earlier thi1 CYelli1lg is die V--a.alr. and she shaled llline dlinp with Council . First of all. Ms. Dounay emphasiu:d. the Library E-,1 docs not suppon pomogn,phy and that was some or the stuff that the Library Board spent hours ca1king about. Because. she noted. when City Council decided 10 provide tl1e lnremct computers for the library in Dcceml,ei•llteYsaJd !his ii glOI!. BuL·•hi said. they olso •11clc aware tliat this is a political ho( pouso :u,d that they .ltedcd to really take a good look . Because. she advised, in Gcmw,y tbele are pn,l,laa-a-ci'ywh,lc°in'the-world this iva big~dcal . She -'ircll Uris is not like brir,ging ■ ,et of encyclcJpali,o or book's inlo lhe Library. So tJ,ey hid a lor of di1011!i!ion and ihey decided they needed a dcmollSUll&i■a ohta is on the lnlen\el ! So,.,,.,ofthe stair. ,he adviled, set upa demonstration outside ofllllir ~ng rime and they visil!d the Metropoiiran Museum of Art in New York City. Ms. Oouna:y 5al it •--as wonderful . tllal they saw some: impressionist painlings and these arc some of the things that are a-aibblc:. She noted they can also plan• trip to Tahili and that was exciting . She Slated that then Ibey famd Cllll how easy it is 10 access pornography and she said it is very tllSY and so they were concerned. Tbe Bead then considered what would be the best way lo deal wirh rhis because. she noted. she has lived ia 6ilCDa111Unity for 20 some years and they knew Iha communi1y nnd Council was going to be conceraal ...._ this . They laiked about this and they decided thnl even lhoogh we wc,e 1he only Library in the Sea oft >lorado "~ "~re going to put Cybcrparrol. which is the fillering system. on two computers in lhc cllildrc:l "s area and rhcy hnve been very plensed wilh that. She said lhey also find teenagers using those and ea;a some adults and the six computers have been centrally loc:u cd. In the beginning the printer ---~ localed. But . as she would guess they would all know. then: arc some advcnruroos entrq,m,e,in,. • tJ,c one Indy mcnrioned . who prinred off some niarerinls that rhey didn ·1 feel ,-,,s appropriale for "1XP"}aS to pay for and so th,•y moved the printer behind lhe dn:uiarion desk . Since then !hey can supervise .... is bong printed off. She IIOled. as kids like 10 push lhe envelope. 1ha1 in lhe beginning they were doiag !hat. In the last six moo:ths they have had no problems wi tl 1 studenrs. with older men and wom..-n aca:ssing the pornography on the Internet. Not a one 1ha1 they have seen . All 1he , do in the beginning is ask diem and she no1ed that once rhcy learn the rules lhey ic,vc b.-cn very accommodating. I .s. Doumy said !1011 whal !hey would do is welcome City Council. rhe people hen: 10 sir down and talk about il e. also. she stated . they woold l!k them to go over lo lhe Library and observe and sec how conscicntious ai.c ~ng people arc in using these lnlcmct compulcrs . She cmphasil.Cd it is the gateway 10 1he future 3:Dd vie need lo be careful 111.11 we don ·1 close lhc doors . (n) Bcuy Ad..cr. 3 1.JO Sout h Delaware Street. said she has li ved there si nce 19-15 :ind she is absolurely for o policy to rqubl< whoeve r and what they sec on the lnlernet 011he Library . Since 1he 1wo ladies from the Libra')' .,.ac up he re speaking. she said ii occurred to her that since they have 1l1~ fillers on these two that there IS as>lutcly no reason. and especially as it was the Ciry Council"s responsibilily because they are the ones that approved the Internet 10 be in the Library. liml I hey couldn '1 also in !his policy tell them thal they Im\-.: 10 pul fillers on all of 1h=. Ms . Acker op , ,cd 1hn1 I here is no reaso n for l ■sleWood 1:ltf t,iuoc,11 October 20, lff7 Pa,e 10 ~ In a Ubfa,y 10 havo acccu IO pon,op1plly , She, :1alal lhal II 1111 llllaiullly • ....... yaluo, , all ~doclloca,-~maanclwedo,,'lnoodll!Y-~ Sllcllidllla..,..O.al-'4 lake Ibis Wide, ,,,.tnmo1y cloK adv!-ud pau 1 , ud Rllllzc llrll,.,.........,,...,... dclliincnlll to~. apeclally aur fOlll'I poople. (o) 81111ar,t Foul 418Houlh Hwoll Simi, tbanllod Couacil far .uo.ia&..,_ aiow " minUICI to...,._ their oonooms ..,.rdiag the LilrtalY poliey tlwl at tllil paint in tial .... adoRac persons 10 IIC(:CII the lntcm.. She said tlhe feels ar a~ dtizeo of Ibis~-ii is ,up 10 rhe Council ud the oomnwnity to pul ..rcgua,dl in place 1h11 are Wlll'lllled willl tllis-Slie llatlld we need to do IIOIIIClbing that 11op1 Ulldcracc childlcn from accasilla .......Uy uplicil ........ I.bat is so readily available II aay point io lime II tbc Lib,ary . Ms. FOUi poialed GUI lhlt ---....,a undcnlgc privileges such 35 drinking. drvi ng. e1c . She opined lhat we r-s to do tll& -tllilll llero. Sh< stated lhal the Library does not ol!ow pornographic ma1crial1, bul the Internet doa. AIIII. sbc noled, it oO'cn iostcad a wide varicly of explicit IIIIICriail. She, 111gg1111!'11 tbal,... work IOplMJa a -•unily 35 we have done in !he pasl nr~ she kno,.. we will do in tbc future, IO put_,......,..,,._..., 11w pmnlS and guardians wi1 .... , UIC right IO decide the l)'IICI of lllllaials they want dloirdiikbm 10 access. 8. Comllllllllutiaas, Proclarution1 aad Appoint••II (aj COUNCIIJ MEMBER NAIHOLZ MOVED, Afl!D IT WAS SECQl!!iN:II, TO ACCEPT WITH REGRET THE u:·n ER OF RiSIGNATION ROM THE i:l'IGliWOOD CLEAN , GRUN AND PROUD COl,litll'iSION FROM ARLEEN RILURL Motion canicd. A)CS: Council Mcmbcn Na 'holz, Vonnin., Wiggiu. ~Ill, Waggoner, Clapp , Bums Nays; None (b) A proclamarion honoring 1hc Parks and Rccreatioa Dcpar\111Cn1 for -;,,g 1be Columbine Award was consi denxl. The Clod< was asi<td to read lhc proc L1 nu11 ion in its cmimy. COUNCIL ,llEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO -OVE A PROCL/t.MATION HONORING TH£ PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTICD1T FOR RECEIVING THE COLUMBINE AWARD. Mo tio n ca rri ed . Ayes : Council Mcmbcn Nabholz. Vonn in,g. Wiggim.-_ Waggoner, Clapp , Bums Nays; None Mavor Bums offered his c.01 . 1,uu la ti ons and prcscnlcd the proclam:.a.ioa 10 Bob l..a::Jlantl,. Ra:Ration Pro8,ram Facility Super 1 )1 , •. :.nd Tara Michel i. Rec reation Prognan Administrator. (c) A proc lmnat io11 dec larin g the momh of No \.·cmbc r as Hospi ce Momh W.1tS consi dered . COUNCIL ME MB ER ii; l!ENI CIIT MO VED , AND IT WAS SECO NDED, TO PIIOClAIM THE MONTH OF NO VEMBER AS NATIONAL HO SPICE \IONTH. Ayes ; Co uncil Mcmbc" Nabhol z. Vorm iuag, Wi ggi ns. Eia:aic:hl Waggo i:er, Cb pp , Bums • Nays : No ne • • • • ~OlyC'wac:11 Oe ..... .,,, Paatll I II) Oi) ........ , ... 1 111 tC!I ,oI 11dot 0 u, ., Mdiaa...._ J. JJ l\,I: Ji.1 l ~fl 1'•1v1) 11 1 dt✓. 11.' , 1 'fH er > ,c •ITT 9. ..... ........ ,, 4 I I Y 1 0 I. No~~-ocbodulcd before C-,cil. JO. C-Apda (a) Approval on Ordinnnc:cs on First Reading 1bcre -m items submiucd for approval co fit51 rcadioa. (II) Approval of Ordinonc:cs on Second Reading 'H JI ) 1,, COUl'ICD. UMaER VORMITIAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSE!ff AGENDA ITEMS 10 (b) (I), fu"), (iii), (Iv), (v) ud (vi) ON SECOND READING. (i) ORD~ANCJ; NO. 81, SERIES ,OF 1997 (COUNCD.. BILL NO. 88. INTllOOIJJCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITT AG) AN ORI>INANCE AMENDING ORDll'IANCE NO . SO, SERIES OF 1997 PERTAINING TO lcMPOIIAilY EMPLOYMENT SERVJ,CES. (ti) ORDINANCE NO. Bl . SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL )'!0. 90, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORM!TTAG) AN ORDOIANCE A!ITHORJZING A LEASE OF TiiE SELBE PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF ENG".E,\UOO, COLORADO . (iii) ORDINANCE NO. Bl, SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 91, INTilCOUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMJTT AG) AN Olilll:NANCE AUOlORJZING AN INIERGOVERNMENT AL AGREEMENT ENTITI..ED "INJElGJVER1''MENT AL AGREEMENT FOR CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT' FOR THE OXFORD lJGHT RAIL STATION BElWEEN THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT (RTDJ A."10 THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO . (iv) ORDINANCE NO. 84 , SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 92 . JNraODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITT AG) AN OIIDlNANCE FIXING THE TAX LEVY IN MILLS UPON EACH DOLLAR OF THE ASSESSED VALUATION Of ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN TiiE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. AND EST.ABUSHING A MILL LEVY FOR THE ENGLEWOOD DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AunDUTY. (v) O,IJINANCE NO . 85. SERIES OF 1997 (COUNCIL BILL NO . 93. INll\OOUCED BY COUNCIi MEMBER HABENICHTINABHOLZ) AN ORll)INANCE ADOPTI NG THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, FOR THE FlSCAL YEAR 1998 . 1:■JlewOOII City Council October JO, 1997 P1r:en (vi) OP.DINANCE "10.16, SERIES OF 1997 (CCXJNCD.. BILL NO. '4, IN"TltODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIOOINS) AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR ALL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES IN 1lll! CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, IN 1lll! FISCAL YEAR BEGlNNING JAMOARY I. 1991, AND ENDING DECEMBER JI , 1998, CONSTITIITING WHAT IS TERMED THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL FOR 11lE FISCAL YEAR 1998. Vole re,ulll: Motion carri..a. Aycs : Council Members Nabholz. Vonniuag. ~ns. Habcnieh~ Waggoner, Clapp, Burns Nays: None (e) Resolutions and Motions COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG I, lD, AND IT WAS SECONJt£11, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS JO (c) (i), (II), (ffl), fn), (¥), (>'i), (>ii), (rii)-fa). (i) RESOLUTION NO. 104, SERIES OP 1997 A RESOLUTION BY 11lE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AIJTHORmNG TllE ROUSING AtmfORITY OF TliE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO TO FILE AN APPLICATION WITH ARAPAHOE COUNTY FOR A 1998 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRA!ffTO FUND THE HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM . TI-IE BROADWAY CORRIDOR PROJECT AND TO ASSIST WITH TliE FUNDING FOR 11lE FAMILY SELF SUFFICIENCY PROGRA."1. (ii) RESOLITTION NO . I05 , SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION EST ABLISHJNG FEES FOR HOBRY BREWERS LICENSES UNDER TITL E 5. CHAPTER 25, OF 11lE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985 (iii) RESOLUTION NO. 106, SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLtrfION FOR A SUPPLEMENT AL APPROPRIATION OF TilE 19'17 BUDGET FOR IBE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO . (Iv) RESOLITTION NO . !07 . SERIES OF 1!197 A RESOLUTION FOR 11lE TRANSFER AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNlS OF THE 1997 BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO . (Y) CONTRACT Will-I LOGISTIC SYSTEMS . [NC_ i!N TIIE AMOUNT OF $1 .177,~34 FOR LEASE/PURCHASE OF TI-IE COMPITTER AIDED DISPATCH/RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS EQUIPME NT FOR TilE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER . (,i ) CONTRACT WITH MODULAR COMMUrllCATIONS SY STEM,~. INC . IN TI-IE AMOUNT OF S9U6~ FOR TI-IE PURCHASE OF RADIO CON"Tltou.ER CONSOLES FOR TI-IE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER. • • • • • • lalln .. CityCOIIIICII October 20, "" ••ce u I lnUO ) (h) lioo ,qt,nl f't(lf ,tt"''t'td11: ,o ~, .... (vii) OOtmlACT wrrn MODULAR COMMUNIOATIONS SYSTI!M!i, INC.. IN THE AMOUNTQf 53j,IJ6EOR THEPURCHASB OF 911 DISPATCl!Ell C01'!SOI.ES1AND EQUIPMENT RAOJCS RlR '!HE,COMMUNICA TlONS CBN'lllll (viii) " SE1'11.EMllNT AGREEMENT wrm 111BCn;Y or UIC>Rtrl'ON fOR ATIORNEY 'SPBESFOROASE#99CW22l. (I•) CONTRAC'Jl WITH AMERICAN OARAC',E DOOR. SEllVICE AND REPAIR. INC. IN THE AMOUNT OP $28,942 FOR THE PURCHASE OF GARAGJ DOORS FOR THE SER VICl!Hl'ER. Vole raalu: Ayes : Nays : Molioa curial. 11. Rq,,llr Ageaola Council Membcn Nabhol z. Vormiuag. Wiggins , Habcnich~ Wa88oncr, Clapp , Bums None (a) Approval of Ordinances on First Reading There wen: no items submitted for approval on first reading . (b) Approval of Ordinances on Second Reading Tun were no addtional i .. ms rub1nilt"1 for approval on second rtading. (See AjlOllda ll•m 10 • Conscnl Agenda.) (c) Resolutions and Motions Tht'rc wm: no additional rosoluti ons or motions submilled for approval. (Sec Agenda Item IO • Consent A~enda .) 12. ~nenl Discussion (1) Mayo~s Choice I. Mayor Bums advised \hat on Frid.1y he , Council t ,fcmbcr Habenicht and Council Member Vonninag. at .. nded a ve,y inlercsling conference on Transit Oriented Design sponsored by I.be Fcdcral Tran<it Adminisuation. He noled thal our Cinderella l;ity project was vory prominently displayed, about half the morning was w:cn willl lhal, willl spcaltcn from our "P"Cial leam. from CRNA, lllnt arc working willl us 10 brains10rm this project and also Be.~ Simpson from our staff. He commented that the aucndecs were from all O\'Cr the country al'd one of the senior officials in the Federal Transit Administr.u.ic.n was also there. So. he Slated. we n:a:ived o lot of e,posurc for the Cindcrclla Cuy project to people who arc planncn and finance people and tl1osc who work in the transit oriented dc\•elopmenl field lhroughou1 L~c c:ounlly. Mayor Bums opined that llal was a considerable coup to be display«: so prominently at this conference. He thanked Council Members Habenicht and Vorminag was aucnding. 2. Mayor Bums Slated tliat I.be Guide Ille Ride program goes on and lie has been cut on many occa>ions aad to zrvicc clu bs in tltc lasl coupl e of weeks. He advised he will allenci. press oonfercncc. next to I.be RTD board olflCCS. tomorrow al 5:00 p.m .. He added 1ha1 former Mayors Gc,e Otis and l■slewood Clly CCNl■dl October 20, 1'97 P1pU •'I Gcorp Alie11 wlll bo tllere wllll hilw kl ..,..i ~-IWt, • this Coudl dnes. He IIOlod the VClle 11 coming up sllorily and -have 11....iy 1"iid., alil. Hr: lllid if u,me,wauld lillc ■ ,-d lip or lileraturc on this to just let him know u Ibey 11e ~-llc'hlt )'1111 light with hill t6nlpu , 3, M1yo, 8-ldYilcd 1ha1 at the DRCOG -■-d ~ I .. -it, the Sout.k Broadway widenlna poued, 1hc Boanl approvtd thal as a subllilille for Ille 215 and Bftlldwly '-ion. On the tip plan at DRCOO, he poinled 011~ that ,.. ...,_llml u-1 for• subwban commwul)' 10 clTOC11111e lluu klnd ol lwllch. But. he aid, Sla1f sugi,slod _. Cou■cil •greed that it would be -~ constructive wilh the South Broadway actioft plan llld t&!Mlp---daiag with Cilldc~lla City. ID work on Broadway at lhls poinl rether than pulling Sil ■lilla inlo the in1eBCCtion. So, he noled. the DRCOO Transponallon AdviSOI)' Commillte ra:ommcndod ., .. .,,,31 and lhe Boanl did approve. So, he Of)incd, Iha! thal II a fcalher in our cap. (b) Coundl Membc(s Choi,c (i) Mayor Bums advised th.I& llhis is a rcsolulion supponing "Ballol Qucslion IA" in 1hc November 1997 Eltelion . He Sl.aled this is thepoposal 1oadd '"" pods lo the Arapahoe Coun l)' Jail , which is nol a llllC increase, bul a use of funds dla1 r,qums a public vole. He .-.iu tbcy may n:call . !he Sheriff and Coun l) Commissioner Steoe anl •en: al our last mteting. and this is a resolution suppon lng thal ballot question. The rcsol Il io n was assigned a number and =cl by :tollr. RESOLUTION NO. 108. SERIES OF 1997 A RESOLUTION SUPl'ORTING "BALLOTQ".!i::,L-,,!JN IK IN TI-IE NOVEMBER 1997 ELECTION . COIJi'ICIL MEMBER VORMITTAG MOVi'D,J!.N D IT WAS SECONDED, l'O APPROVE Rf.SOLUTION NO. I08, SERIES OF 1997. Ayes : Counal Mcml><n Nabbo'.1. Vormillag. Wiggir.s. Habeaichl. Wazs-r.°""'Blllu Nays: No ne Motion carried . (ii) A resoluucn adopling.,. blernct Policy for children in the Library of the Ci1y of Englewood was considered . Mayor Bums DOll:d a.is b"5 been the subject of consider.hie .ommcnl lonighl. He asked if Council Member Clapp "-aol<d 10 proa:cd wilh I his. Ms. Clapp opined the~ is a lot of public c:onca,o Sb: askal when 1hey will have thc next Library Boanl meeting. C<AIJICil Member HabenJChl advlad dlao iii wiD be tbc second Tuesday io November. Ms. Clapp questioned whclllc:r ~ WIS 1ny po<Slbili,y of..,... a pablic: forum for input al that particular meeting or anytime within lhe 1,cxt 30 day._ She noccx! a lol al people came 1onigh1 cxprcsaug inle=t and she would like to scmchow commun icue 10 !hem"""'.,, codd guide Ibis. Council Member Habcnich1 advised thal the Library Board meetings arc 1hn1sopea and 1hcy lcive signed aoo unsigned visi lors. If !hero ""' a desiro on the pan of 1bt Library Botu:<i so -a hearing. which she understood was one of the suggestions , Iba! she -.Id think 1hal 1bc)• woaid •" IO schedule. She opined ii would be hard for thcm to schedule that between now and 1hc next baud amri·ag because time c:onnicts and things that they would ha\'c , Ms. Habcmcht s.11d that she k~ 0.1UDt'11 done that in the past. rc;ornmcnding that t11c • Clean , G~n and Proud Commission have a palllotihc::ulog on lresh rcmov.l and curb side pick-up and the like. So. she said. she would suppose Coum>I ,aouJd. nx:o,runcnd !hat th,y consulcr doing , ~,1. She commcnlcd tllal she did not ,cc th.-., lhey cotM, di> it bcfin the next m,ctiug. tha1 she would U1ink tl,cy • • • • EaflewllM City Couacil October H, 1'97 Page I~ ti n:,, > ,1. > hon'ff?l u! (IPI ,IIS.1 c t,0 ~I ·•~•'i -,Jd haw to make Ibo decision al. lbc mcctillg IO do il She said she ~ !IO!,!iUR i"'Jla& J!lc ~ wen: for Iha!, µbnuy Boonl PircC!O< Hau 4'-. .,i lhat iCiL wu pkay ,,;JII Colu!flil ~1\'<!Uk! .,,..i. wilh.....,. llqua!I)' 111!1 ... if,it ;a ~ib~ 101!'1,~ public hcarina in before~~ ,cl,jllluJc\l,~1 IO give people 'l"Jopportuaity,1 }lc,aqviscd lljcy w,11,annouac,; that and .make Ill"' it ,is on a..a,,cJ 1.1"!'1 CVCl)'WMR ..... Council Member Clapp~ sb,c called Ciry Hall a liUlc cul ju IO~ wh<a lhe oext C.:ITIZl!N blob. Sbo ~ Public lnfonnajio~ OOicc, PaulCII:. ~ 10 correct her if she w:,s wrong. but she lhougbl it was going out November 2"". Ms . Puncerclli ~ that ii is 5Chcdulcd IO go out In NOYClllber, bul ii will not probably go oul lhal soon. Council Member Clapp noled lhal thal will proo,bly aot be a vehicle Ibey can use. Mayor Bums asked if Mo. PIIIICQlclli meant by lbc 11"' or by lhc 2". Ml. Puncudli 5lalCld it ,.;11 DOI be Olli by ,the 2" of November. Mayor Bums asked if it will be oul by the 11•. Ms. Puaccldli advised that is questionable because of printing and mailing ncals and thi!!gs like that it is DOI ~lad that ii will be out in time for that. Council Mcnil>cr Habcnichl advilal ,lbal • the last Llbnuy llc!ud mccliog the Board indicaled UIC)' wanted to discuu putting 1ogclhcr a propcad policy and usually 1-"lhcre is a public hearing ii is on a policy 1ha1 is being prcscntcd . Perhaps.~ said. ii might be belier 10 suggest that instead of asking U1c Library Board 10 have a public hearing before they have a discussioa on their policy. it wJthl bc di!ficull if they don '1 have a policy lo present And, she poinled oul , it migl,1 be difficult to have !hem go through that process which she lhougbl would lake a whole mcctiDg. a couple of hours or al lr.ast Ill hour and a half or discussion and working 1hrough and then have the public •'Iii for two hours 10 go U1rough a public bearing. Perhaps, she coauncnlcd. what they could su,gcslil lbal the Liblacy Bo.1rd ""'_. U,e opponunily to discuss their policy and whether or DOC they want 10 make aoy amcndmcnlS to !heir proposed policy and propose !hat. lake U..ir vole as fhey would and at thal time scbcdulc a public hearing and 1hen after the public hcaring have lhe opponunity to amend 1ha1 policy 3Dd seod it to Council . Ms. Habenicht s.1id sl,e lhct•ghl that was the way :hey had worud in the past with othcn . Council Member Clapp asked wls11 would be a reasonable time frame in order 10 accomplish the public input Council Member Habenicht said she would Urink al the ffll'5l trying to hear the emergency the community and Council has. ii would seem 1ha1 it would be appro~riale 10 have one mccling 10 pass U,e policy, one meeting 10 have a hearing oo 11,e policy and eilher 1ha1 mcc1ing or the next meeting 10 amend the policy or forward il Now. she noted. whclher or no11ha1 would be a problem wiU1 U,e holiday season comint up she didn 't know. Bui. sl,e said , she ""uld 1hink 1ha1 ccnainly lhe discussion on the policy could happen in November and lhen they could schedule U.. policy for a December mt'tting . She ,aid she thought thc,Board was one th.1l continually nlCCU in December, that shr. docsn ·1 think it is one oi the boards that haso'l met in December. Ms. Hobenichl poinlcd oul Us11 she isjusl speaking as U1c liaison who a11Cnds lho5c mcctiJtgs and ll)ing 10 n:,ncmbcr how we have done ii in other groups. Council Member Waggoner suucd that lhcsc people arc a lot of conscientious people anyway. He asked why Council is trying to put a deadline on 11,em . He suggcstcd Council le1 1hcm lake 1hcir rfo,c and do whal Ul0)' ocal 10 do and gel Council back a policy Iha! is "•nh looking at Council Member Vonniuag wnntcd to kno" why th e Library Board couldn ·1 just have a round table discu..;~ion on that panicu.iar policy on an off night, where you don 't h.1vc to conduct business. Just let cvel)body come in the room andju51 hold an open discussion and then have 1~,ir regular meetings . So. Council Member Hlbcnicht said . he was discu ss ing a public ronun rather than a public hearing. Mr. Vonni nag ,;aid yes, that maybe I hcsc peep le can come up with ideas , I here arc a 101 of people here and he opined that word of mouth is going 10 s,1read like wildfire and lhcy will have a 101 of people there and jus1 make il thal night 10 discuss this p;1rt1cuiar topic and let the Library and the public mingle together and uy 10 work out this situation . He noted lh.ey mieht not c,cn need a pu blic hearing, it may be solved that night and everybody may be happy and U1cy could ju;i adopl it Eo&leWood City Couacll Octobtr 20, 19'7 Pace 16 hJnm,) JI) h 1111l~n tf~I ,ll! i>doJ>ll Pl• '"'I Council Member Nabllolz llid lhe lllapl dilf WIS an excelleni idea and that next Monday Council hai !heir open forum and*......,_ il'lr ..... be ..,.,ltile that there be• .,.,wnr,1p betW tlie<Libraly Bollrd and Clty C<N>ncil iatllal _ lll_c:ltimd kmw that thls'-id"" a time to !Wckrlm iitld clltb,u 1 it and -1< together nn dlis. Slit_., tllal * notlad in lgolng bad< lhlOUglt her mlnuta that they have been bantering blct ml IDnh O!I • ._, policy, ii then: IIOl 'a policy. She aid she -told then, was a policy. SIie said let'•-" togedler• tllb ml she thought !hey could get ii done within the next JO days with ~ puticip,n,,g m lllis. ' Mayor Bums said that .. dloughl aq,..ae dianglng what they said they would do. '1'hcy had mod the Boan! lo refer a policy II Cauncil if~ a,alll dem-e one. But having ajoilll mccrir.g with the Library Boan! and the Coancll ii...,,_ -tlllL Mayor Bums statod tllat he thought Council had utod the Library Boenl to~• t11is _._bad< to Cooncil with a su~od policy . He said he favors them dOing 111111, • he 'Mlllld l.ioc • my-the integrity of the Library lloord as an advi,ory board and let them do thcirthi111 _.,.,.._,.a policy to Council . Council Member N■llhok med -if ihal policy would be m:ommcnded back 10 C011ncil in JO day,. MJyor Bums said he clidll't ~-they can do it in JO dnys. He nslced City Attorney Brotzman , since Uic Library Bomd is adrilary ....... kiad of public hearing can they have . Mr. Brotzman advised that any hearing they line is ~•"'1ilk forum . Ma)'Or Bums said that wa. what he was thlnl<lng, thlll roally what yoa 11edoillgiu-_,...,., that that is rally sort of the natural son of mccring that they ""1Jld h!vc bcc■uR it is.,.._,_ it is 1101 a stalutory board . Council Member Clapp •od Iha la mjar concern is that ii be add......:! and it be addressed in a time ly fashion . She poim,d out tbaa they i..c a lot of very concerned citizens 001 there and we don't have forever . She rKMl:d she simply ems up with a suggestion to throw out for everybody's review. She s,jd it i< juS! one of hopdally a few ·ad 1111)1lc we can come up wilh <Omcthing a whole 101 better and she wns hopeful they can . Ms. Cbpp<aid wtliinlu that the idea here was t0<im,1y try tn addrcs, the immedialc needs of the mm.umai~. • can aw11inue to look 31 this. find a better way . She noted it doesn 't haw, to be so-ng ~ ie lier opinion . But. she insisted. Council rn:cds to address these concerns and we need to do it -dlan later. Council Member Waggoocr maUols. Clapp ifsllC didn't thil,k these people know that and will do it. He asked ifshe didn '1 :!lint dicy -■ aimcicntious board. Council Member Clap~ said she thinks they are a conscientious board. but 1h11 sx dlinks they ncod 10 know that there is still a concern out then,, Counci l Member Wot,t;r,et:r emplDsizcd that he thinks th ey know that , that there are several of them in the audience tonight and~ bc;,r.l citittns speak and they lcwe probabl y received calls from the citizens . He suggested Council let lh<m Jc> their job. Council Mamber Clapp said she th inks Council is allowing them to do their job. but that she tlanlts Council also needs 10 be aware of what they arc doing becmsc Council is certainly accountable ID ibcircons1itucnts . Council Member Waggoner noted that Council can :lllcnd their meetings C:>uncil Member Vormitbg said dal personally he d0t.-s nol think this is going to die, that lhc paper i~ going to take this from here on oa ud that the ci1izcns arc going tc. communic.,te . He stated he really docsn 't think this is going to faci!-n-ay and be forgotten . He opined th.11 it is going to come 10 :t head and something is going to ha\-c to be done a..:I th.It he would r11hcr sec it done as big community project to fix ii than 10 be forgotten about. H:-said he thinks it should just come together. Mayor Bums said that be c1oesn , llullk th:re is a chance ii will be fori:onen about obviously. Bui he thought Director Long and staJI ill run-c to advise Couoci l wh,u they can meet. if they haw, th<ir public forum and then ha"• a meeting •ilere they ,.;11 review the poli0· He asked Director Long if he had any furthe r idCM about how much tiae it "'ill take or whe ther he wanted to ad vise Council further after he • • • • l11ate,,oo,1 City C1111ocll October 20, 1997 Pap Ii c:oafmwitb llil.wl'llld lhe ,(!l,~"1 Dill"'IOrLontadl'ia<I lhal I.bey planaedon ..,,.1111dadlpaliq,• Iha ~-... for, l!io Bollll IO dllCllu IUld hajJClully ~ """""""'OIi iD~ ........ the Council, Mayor Bums asked if they could then have the public folUIII, I.bey """' dl....in1, ia baweeo , Director Long lll!viscd they could ccr1alnly look at that and sec if I.bey could axne up __. a date, 'tho bluest plllbim riaJ>t ,_, ho said. ii tllal tho next moctiJI& falja.., .,, holid.l), ao dleJ aaall llyiag ;., llnd an all~ dau for lhal lllal evayoDO CIA al"nd, llilt, be IIIMIOI\'. lbcy will c:cnailllJ' ..it lo that end. Ma):n{ &ms i:talOd ""' ho Lhinks they should be aiJoWW lo do Llaeir ,liiD&, bul tal if c-:il IUI_, a response from a boa,d or eoutmiSlion i1, has to be done , within some n:aa.-lllc liall ud ._ has hoon discussed lor quite a bit already by the Boan!, And so, he said, Council 1'ill look forward, if lhc:l• could possibly. have thcirdcci&ioo made by Llaeirocxt meeung i!tlleycan do iL Heaacd i!IIIII i& possible, Director Long ad\iscd thal they will give ii a heck or a allot. Well , I.be Mayor said, wt,y dall 't WC look IO lhal and iflhal ii a problem or I.bey arc havi•I difficulty with ii I.bey can let CO\<IICil "-'· Mi iyor Bums osl<od iflhal ii .alisfactory. Council Member Clapp said ya. Council Mem ber Wiggins pointed out lhal Ibey still have the n:solution . Councii •;.cmt,,,r Cli;pp .aid she \\'111ldjust )iu., )MU ii aad soc whal they cm all come up .,jdl ..,._, I I COUNCIL MEMB.ER CLAPP MOVED, AND l'f WAS SECONDED, TO PULL THE RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN INTERNET POUCY FOR CHILDREN IN mE JBRAllY Cl/ THI: CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Vormillag. Wiggins, Habenicb&. Waggoner, Clapp. Burns Nays: None Motion carried. (iii) A motion to approve funding for Englewood Schools IO purchase a H;-Raiger was considcrro . Council Member Vormi!la g explained thal Ibey don 'I know what the price l'ill be.. but whatever ii l'ill be, we arc going to dooale to lhe schools and Ibey arc going to pay for the Hi..Jw,g,::r bad: to us with the '301e money wc just gave lhcm , by Charter. City Allorney Browr.an noted that by Oianer all machinc,y and cquipmcnl n=is lo ao 10 bid, lhal wc can'I simply give this picc r cquiplDCIU 1111 00 schools in this case. He explained it has lo go 10 bid , so what we arc doing is appn,,, he ._ ID allow the schools to bid basically our money . Mayor Bums asked that he explain whal a Hi-Ranger ii. Council Member Vonnillaj: advilCd it is 1k lruck wilh lbc buckel lhal pulS lhe Christmas lighlS oo the tall 111'0< and paillls the poles . And. be IICUII, during its life wc have loaned ii 10 tl,e schools many times for miscellaneous kinds of things like ciiiagin1 the lights on the football fields. He said bis opinion is that the taxpayers haJ pa id for this and i!llloe schools cao still use ii he would basically like to donate it ba ck to lhe schools wilh the idea lhal the Ca) can still borrow it from ll1cm if we need 10 use it once in awhile and it will be in the system and belong to the taxpayers until its lire is dead . Co uncil Member Waggoner noted that it is st ill an old piece of eq uipment and it !-UH cosls more to maintain lhan it should . Council Member Wiggins asked if we don 't loan this 10 Littleton at Christmas time for their li ghcs. Acting City Manager Esterly s.iid that we ha\'C for the last two or three years. Council Member Wiggin5-opined that we should keep it in our fleet rather than give it to the schoo Jet the sc hool borrow ii from us. lon11,1 > 1Ji l bo.1.,;l:103 re1_1, .nt •.ufohO I ,• f,11 Camci1 Mias VOlllliltq •kl1l llecoinel dleir l'OIJXlfliltillily 111d ii:IUllly tliey hi,,. !he moncy 1that they ...... i-IIU It li,dng h llp. He noted they hMi s1 ,ooo 10 plil Info 1h11 ihlng 'IO ftx II up and bring ii ,1, ~. ~ ' Mayor BIIM ...... they want to DI0 11 ro,. Council Member Vormlltlg said just tor ill kinds or ~ jllbl .....i lhe school! that Ibey lla\'e used ii ror. Actir.g Cl•,. M111ager l!sttrly llld for lhe lighl poles. J111b1 i.-, on Ille loolboll field. tllal tlla! wtll be Ille principal use. Council Member Wiggia llill il'M Is illat case let II go with lhc 11:hooh, let lhem milntaln and pay for ii. Council ~ VOftllillag r,;i1m,ted 1h11 lhe tupayen paid for ii, let them keep ii. Mayor Blns-..d.....,. IIJ ,-atue. Council Member Wiggins said !he memo says It is M>nh between $7 ,500 and ~i0.000. Council Member Vomilnag noted It depends on whal it m>illd go for 111 lhe auction, ii would go to111c hi~ bidder, so wc would give them lhe money and lhen lhcy would lum around and purchase it ma us. COIDICIL MDIHII VORMITIAG MOVED, AND rF WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE FUNllS FOK PGLEWOOD SCHOOLS TO PURCHASE A 111-RAN.;ER. Moliancamal. A~ 'I Co6nclJlMembm'Nabho~,. VormirtJg. Wiggins. Habenicht Waggoner. OllJ)l1.IBuins l I > I N-.ys: None (iv) Council Member Nabholz : I . She said she •ouldjust like to say lh.11 last weekend . Friday and Sa1urd.1y, was the first in lhe series ofl.A:ado!mip Eagl,cwood lDd ii wenl very •~II . 2. She mmmenu:d that she m:eived quitr, a few calls and she wrote down exactly how many because it got la be ,,, loc. She staled she had six calls in regard lo the proposed resolution on the lntemel Policy that said it "251101 strong CR001gh , four calls stated they though! wc had 2 policy similar to the one at the lligl> sdlool . tJ,o,e were fM:c:alls In support of the aocess card and one library board member fell this was «=.<omu p and when: would we stop. She said she needed some clarification as September J"' Ms. Clapp a,,;r.od lhat we set up a study session witlt the Library Board and we had September 29• free. She said. siDc: she has n:ceived 0-kind of calls, she needs to b" able lo tell her constituency th.ii yes, hopdully witbitt 30 da)-s we 1>111 ila\-c something thal we an: all very comfonable with . ,.ncl. she told City AIIOnleyBromrw,. she \>OOkl also like to,.., if possible, what the Staie Statute says in regards to children md po:nogr.,phy . She said she would be interested in seeing lhat Ms . Nabholz said she would also like ro bow wtrat Council's position is on this because she thinks this Is a very impor1nn1 issue. that she docs not fed tllis is OOll50lShip. She stated she feels lhis is a safeguard . M Council Member Vonni ttag : I. He said he -.-.anted to say that he really c1tjoycd last Fricfay with Ma yo r Bums and Council Member Habcmcht He stated it was a really good experience 10 lc.1rn a lot about the Transit OrientcJ Design. He DDlCd ii is really something good lhat our community c,n be involved in this . Mr. Vonninag opined tlw ifthal thing can build the way they arc showing it would be somethin g and our City woul d rea ll y look good for i-.an to come. 2. He sui he "-anted to thank Council for approving th.11 motion on the Hi•R.1nger. He thanked lhcm for their mppon. • • • • It■ ....... Clly Cou■<II October JO, 199' Pap 19 f:ntl ) t ) bou tt,t n e('J ,Oi n •l oht' o: ~•'I 3. 'He olJe~ his tbankli'° Chuck Esler\Y IIOdJ~U Blad< for .... ~~y JOQC) job. ,, 4. He wclcol!'"'I Guy Sc4n. (vi) Council McmlJcr Wi!l&in.: I. He reminded Council lhal he has, for all the years he ,:as bca ca.cawx:il, complained about the ventilation system in this place. He said he hoped that the new City~. some how, some way, can get this ventilation li)'stem working during Council mcctinp. He soid tllrair is IIOI moving and he wished Mr. Scars good luclc with this challenge . 2 . He commented on the meoling lase Monday with South ~ Pari,s and Ra:reation. He n:cn:phasizcd that he hopes Planning and Zoning and the City Coaacil .__ dcYialc from our pas1 policy of keeping South Subwban's fc:ct to the fire on parking spaces. I•llccausc that lot to the north has been paved, he said, iuli~bclon.gs IO us. Tiw:y might use ii. but ilrkly ean ·1 put in a ball field witl!out having adequate parking. Mr. Wigins said. he hoped they will -■ them down on their request. He said he da.s not waot South Suburban IO plan en using our_.__ park area for pa,king. which he feels they will, but al lcaSl not thcff: iu their plan wb<n tl,ey su6■ni1 iL He commented that Counc,; .,!ember Habenicht came up with a few ideas and some r,f the riaallous comments they gave to her, he fcl~ WCIII ill>llltiog. 3. Mr. Wiggins said be would lilu: to aucnd two ~nars oo -11o1rCGuncils can Work To~r as a Team", and ··5even Tlwwng l'..11IS (How to Mm Elrcclive Decisiaaf". ncse seminars, he said,= loc:>tcd in Anchorage, AlaskaandSeaulc. Washington, rcspcctil'C!y • ..S•:iltld)' lntcmet,programs , he added . MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED THAT HIS TRAVEL REQUESTS 11£ APPJIOVED. Mayor Bums asked bow much this little sojourn will cost. Mr. Wiggiauaid about $6.300 . He said two member> of Council will be spcndiag about SS ,000 for the two of them. a■ tbcir trip. He commented. for the beJlclit of the City Clerk, that this i5 all tonguc-in-chcr.k . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, THAT COUNCIL APPROVE Sl,50 AND LET IIIM GO ON HIS TRIP. Motion ca rried . Ayes : Council Me mber> NabllC>lz. Von:,111:11&, Wiggins, ltibcnich~ Waggoner, Clapp, Burns Nays : None All member> of Council g;ivt Mr. Wiggins S.25 . Council Meml>cr Vomiiuag commented that this will buy IUm 4 ligh: rail ticket. (vii) Council Member Cl:tpp : I. She "~lcomcrl GO!)' Scars aboa rd as City Manager. addmg Ul:lll she " n:.1lly looking forward 10 working with him and fer.ls he will be a real asse t to lhc community. 2. She ,:.id she agrees with Co·mcil Member Wiggins 1cgardi.Dg.Soulh Suburban. She said she is veiy alarmed thal lh<y aro not giving on inch where our citiuus arc aa:cmcd regarding the rates and • things like that. She f~ls they were left "ith lhc impression t!w t.hcy iior1 ·1 ha\.-C lo give us anything and l■aie-o,1 acy c .... u Octalla'Z0,1997 ,-.21 n1M1) (II) huoN IJ 11i1 "ffl I .ttt 1'J1t1 :,O ~I ~1 tlw Ibey don 'I want to . Ma. Clapp said shc hopes. before wc go forwatd with anyJting on that plan, that WC would have ll>rile wrill~ ;greemenli, IJedusc' they tl!rnt 10 roneal, on their .win!. J . Ms. Clapp said she sent all of Council a lcncr regarding the Internet . For rderencc, she said she would lilu: it lnll'Oduccd Into lbc minutes . She staled she thinks this lcller really expresses her views on lhia. u a Council pcnon, and lhooc of many or her constihJCnts. She said she feels that is very impon nn t. "October 15 , 1997 To : From : Subject : Englewood City Co uncil Lauri Clapp intcrncs Library Poli cy Dear-Pellow Council Member>, On Sepccmbcr 7, 19~1 I proposed the cs1abllsllmen1 or a policy forthc En glewood library regarding the access of the Internet by minor>. As ofih,s dale lbcn: is still no wrinen poli cy. now propose 10 you thal .,,. as a n:sponS1ble govemmenlal body implement a policy conce rnin g th is subjed. The pwposc of this policy is 10 insun: 1h:11 pan:nts can make educa1cd decisi ons aboul the reading u,d viewing materials lhcir minor children ca n access at lhc library . Recogn izi ng thal q;JJ ~•ts have• duty and an obligation lo protect lhcir children Oom harmful mal crials, ii is illcumbent upon the Council to ;nrorm the parents of Che minor> who have acccs.s 10 1he lnlernct • oldie jr.rphic and explicit natute of some matcrinls the minors may c,.a:i un1 cr. • Th is poli cy is not an alt.empt to engage in censo rship. rather it is designed 10 cncourngc the parcnl or gua'/clian 10 dctcnotlne ,.1,a, is and is nor appropriale tor lhe 'll inor under lbcir C110 10 vi°" or n:ad. Nor is this policy an anempt 10 impose an arbi1rary stan.1ard of mornlicy upon members of this community, rather this po li cy 1efeis 10 the judgrnenl of1hc individual parenl or guardian .,;th rcspcc1 10 the minor under their charge . Couocil should n:spcct lhe judgmcms parents ma.kc concerning the materials th:ir children \\i ll co nsume at the librar , and undr.rstand that 1J1c.: parent is in thr best pos ition to dctcm1inc wha t is appn •o l":atc for the ir children . As a City we have seen fit 10 ban po rn og raphy or scxu.1l1 y C'(J)li ci! mat cria ts from onr convenience stores, further we have strict laws dctcnninin g wh t'·~ .. peep shows .. and adult book saores can and cannot operate and who should ha\'c access to thw, Wi th thi s in mind. I fee l the Council woul d be ncgligc,ll to not :ll the very least inform parent s that thi s s.1rn c 1ypc of ma tcri aJ is ;wailablc on the Internet and could be \'icwcd at the library . By not W.in g th e respo nsible step of informing th e parents abou t th e avni lability of thi s material. "'C as a gove rnmental bo ,jy arc cffc c1ivcl y denying !he p.1rcnt th e abili ty 10 parent accordin g to their own ind ivi dual standa.n::s . Thi s put s the loe.1 1 go\'emm cnt in the uns-.vo ry posi1ion of im~ing an arb itraf)' slandard of moral it y upon the community wilh :-CSpcl'.I 10 lhe materi als their mino r chi ldren will have access to. This City Co unc il ca nn ot beco me an unwillin g acco mpli ce 10 the effons of a po mogr.i.phcr to subven unsuspecting youth . No r ca n we allow ourscl\'cs to be rcpons1blc for a cha nce encounter by a minor with a sexual predator over the ln1emc1 at our librnry . To not at least ta ke the pmdcnt steps I am req uest ing wr-,\Jld be t:ml amounl to co ndoning such bch ;wior an d aband oning our childn:n . • • • • l1111t.wood C'ly Cou■c:11 Octoller %0, 1997 Plaell INhlir IG no1 enol,p. .._....._,._ 1 alnor --lly loak<up nclp11 lbr Nldng "Improvised" high ex.,_;-S..... a minor IUallpl 10 follow lhesc dangerous recipes o..calnoil _ ,he liblary .. _ widl disulrous ~-lllen I ulc yo,, Mlow council memben "who's llanda .,_..,llllad be oro? How about a Neo Nazi ba ~~aCmany) 1h11 is lnleal upoo rocruiting )'OUIII lo further it's goals . Will you oa:opl ,..,,,...,. when one aC oor Englewood youths makts con1ae1 wilh one of theae h.11e mougers-~ ...,. ln,emcc ud lltcmplJ IO cany 001 the !Wisted agenda or such a group and hamlS a Lll!:IBi>er aC our comnaity7 These an: not far fetched ICCIIIDOS. ralber Ibey an: troubling issues we mUSI deal wilh . I say 10 you tnal we c:a111101 allotll-•emlsl die wi-of .-y pamu In the communiiy 10 elfec:tivcl) deal with U-. I thank yoo for yoar tlnsglllf.lC ~c!oBllon conc:eming this issue. Ple:u,: m ·iew the anachcd policy proposal , Sincerely , Law, Clapp Council Member Dillrictlfr (viii) Council~ Wagon,r: I. He wolcomcd Gary Scar.: atx.r;t; 'IS the new Cily Manager . 2. Mr. Waggoner asked Ciry ~ lln:nlnan if we r.ve not already passed 1'1e onliMncc on the PUD for South Subwban. Mr. 8-~ lhal it,.. .. p1551'11 on first read ing. ~'r. Waggo;,cr said lha1 ii will be comin~ up, then. b s""""1II "-• ling. He asked if ii conlains lhe twc olltcr n:.ruictions lhal ..,, pul on it. Mr. Brotzman said -ii< a,m,ct_ (I,) Council _.Hal>enitht: I. She said she just wanled tn rt.rif:! h ..., llave contiffllCd the publ ic hearing on tho South Subutban PUD r.~erfirst reading. SIii:-if the public heviag is in two weeks . Mr. Brot2man said that is correct . t'hcn we will not be Wltll% on it oeti l two weeks after tha.L sM conlinucd , ~o 1ha1, if other 1hings come up atlcr 1hc public bcarutg. we mighl amend it. and it migh1 be a while . Actually, she added, she felt Soulh Suburban was starting lb...., a linle bil on some of lhosc issues . Council Member Waggoner asked i-ae.....W pursue lhe idea or maybe laking control of1be area north or Belleview and de-annexing doe"""" Dl1h of Belleview. Ms , Habcnichl sood she thinks that is n negotiation lhing . Council M~:nbcr Vonnittag asked if Mr. ~II&.~ is stating ~I for the record , Council Member Waggoner said sure . why not. Mayor Burns said he docs nol remember Im• aDDCXat ion law exactly, bul he 1hough1 1J1ey had 10 vol e approval . Cily Allorney said he thougk we'llo Council Member Waggon:r said lhe;-e "'mid ha\C 10 be a vole on de-annexation . He said he uodas'.ands they mighl be kind or in fa\'or of somelhing like 1ha1. lnalewoocl City Council Octollu 20, 1997 P•aell Council Member Vomittq said be got tlUII, irnprcaion 1110, and i.t io OORlllbif\l dull caa t. disuacd. Ir 11 Mr. Wqpncr opined 11\11 it would bo • bcneftt to our City , Council Meaibar Wigi111 al4 by 111- Bccausc, Council Member Waggoner noted. we had a ball lield, a four plcx or wbal...w )'OIi -IO call i~ in thc "'8Stcr plan at one tim< located in the an:a of the golf course . That may not materialiu. so diis .-ould lldftll thal. he said. Mr. Vomitta& said thcn the parldna c:ould become our pn,blem. ~ 8aml and Mr. Wqaoocr concum,t Mayor Bumo adding that then we have co~trol ol thc parkia& issue. Mr. Wagoou taid be fed• it i1 "'uncthing that we ougl" to punuc , al least in our ncgotialiono, ~ Bums agreed, adding that they wen: ·,,alf seriow •bout it and ,o we,e ,-e. Mayor Bums IIOIOd it "'15 ll aood suggestion . Council Member Habenicht n:ileratcd 11111 we actually 11ancd to make ,omc headway and she feds Ibey know we arc serious. being concerned about 1hc issues 1ha1 affect our citiu:111. 2. She n:tllllcd 0111 we 1alked a while bock about !ruck 1raJJjc on strccl5 wbcre ~ a,e midcuces in some of our n:,idemial an:as and especially 1hc an:a of Union. between Federal and South San1a Fe. She oaid she still has received some calls from ci1izens rn 1ha1 area who ha1•c expressed a peat deal al apprccia1ion to lhc Chy for addressing those needs and al,o they have expn:sscd !hanks fo, wbal Ill<)' sec as scmc of the measun:s that Waste Management has taken . However. 1hat is just a piece al the whole problem. she said, and 01e problem continues •o be then:. She said ii has been a lon g time and IJiey arc very, v,:ry fJUstrated . and she was hoping we could mc"'e forward. at least a calendar of "hat ii would lake to change either the zo ning or the dcsignalion in that area . Ms . Habenicht said she is not asking that we auuall) go th rough th e procc<lurc at this point in time , but that we would have a clear idea of whal i1 would take 10 change thal for these cilizens ond whal the options might be. She oaid !l>e problem is rr:ally serious and needs 10 be addn:ssed. She soid she just wants 10 keep it bcfon: us. J . She said she also really enjoyed lhc Transit Oriented Dt\'clopmcnt Wo,1<sb<Jr -"'Y· She fell we really wore showcased and that felt good to know that then: wen: a lot of pcopio wi , are really lool<ing 10 us as being leaders in transit oricn1ed development in the nation. Council Membc.r Habtniclil aaoed !hat was exciting . 4. She shared that, as a part of transit oriented development . lhcy also taJkcd ,·cry often about civic and r·dtural aspects of it. which. she said. is :111 imponant asJ)C(t for her and ~•tv-hoped \\C con;:nue to look at that. Ms . Habcnkht s.iid she had a wonderful opportunity to attend a forum "'i th · , , •.' Fulbright. who is the Exca1Li\'e Director of tJw: President's Committee on the Aru. A I• ,, ·1, ..c,rk that's bfiog clone 10day, in tcnns uf looking at lhe imponana, of the aru and aru educ..,,,,., and CWhll'C and all of lhcs: things n111I ii n:ally lied into what we """' doing at Cinderella Cily . she =i sm. 5. Also. she said she serves on one of the CML subcomminccs on municipal issues ,,rhich ta.lb about a number of mun ici pal issues that will be corn ing forward to the policy commiucc . The chair is a counc il member from Greeley. she advised. Ms . Habeniclu said she asked her if she finds 1h ,t the cultural ccnlcr. t.hat is in her community , is draining the municipal co ffers or i, a drain on lht con1m 'lily. She said her response was absolutely not . that they had a hard fought fig!:: in their commum~• to ,9:1 it~ And thal they just recent!~• h.1d a poll where bc1wccn 85% to 90% said ii was the best dcctsion for the ci~·. Ms . Habenicht asked if she would be ,i,•illing 10 share lh;tt infonnarion with our mayor and she said ,'OU bet ." She gave Mayo r Burns the co un ci l member's card and sugges1cd 111,11 he call her to find out about the positive impac1s . Mayor Bums soid Gr«lcy really did make a positive vole for this, but they also rai""1 thtir bonding cap.1ci1y considerably in the ci1y in order to c1Tec1u.11c this . • • • • • • b .... •CII:,~ Oct..,.Jt.,1"1 h n • ,11) t1fi',,..,t:1n (•I '1' 1'HIOl10 Pawe 2J .. ~ 111 • ..... Council Mcn.tlorV..itlls asbd If the mcrting oa Wcdncoday, October 22"", will be like whal we did on Friday or is dlil',-C011Cffl11•1Jusi our city . Mayor Bums aid, as he undemands it, the morning portion o(dlle aaill& Is apoa and Includes all thta: oftiil! projects they arc worting on, Including the one In Awura ud dlt-.. in Alvada, with some cross discussions and suggestions abou1 all thta: of the-,. Cinderella Cily ismach lludlcr along than lhe olher two. he nolcd, she said that in fact !hey really d,pcnd on lhe Guide tbe-votc approval . In the afternoon, we'll splil olT into individual ci1ics and lhal Is when , ... wiU _.eon just Cinderella City, he advised . Council Member Halicaic:bl sald, bet-, Mr. Vonnin.g and herself, 1hey collected a lot or cards &t 1hc Federal Transi1 ~ Wortshop. Most or lllCsc were U,c iast cards or c.1ch pcn,on, she said, so slu: suggested that tllcyllo a,pic:d fo r Council and staff. She asked 1hal lhe cards be returned lo her if possible . Mr. Vorminag saicl those will be some good connections for when we start !his, as 1hey lswc a 101 or informalioa. Mr. Wagoner aslral if they will not ha\'C so ,nc recommendations for us on llu: 12_, also. Mayor Bums said yes, ud be -.CS it •ill be similar to the last meeting "" had wilh 1hcm whcrc'thcy had altcnwnu ~ ill 1<QL1ile some decision mak,og from us aboul how to fund or how to suppon the different kinds al docisions, depending upon whal we would like to do . Mr. Wal&<JGC' slillillcy aho bad not had time to look al the residential componenl of the plan ttey had ,,roposcd. He said lie tho9gbl they were going to do some markel ana'ysis on 1ha1. Mayor Burns said 1ha1 h right dw they kllPe clone mme rnon: technical meetings since then and they were going 10 have some mere . They= WOOlting al this pn:tly diligentl y and he expressed hope 1ha1 they have some fairly dcfiniti,-e answo,n far us oa the alicrnathcs 11ml 1hcy mighl suggest . There will be di!fercnl · 1ernatives, some of them= -mon: costly for lhc City . he said. He opined 11ml lhe Transil Devel• 1,menl conference they -to Friday WM helpful because !hey were talking aboul a 101 of dilTetcnl sources of fund:: lhal be did IIOI....., know were around for 1ransi1 orien1ed dcvclopmenlS . Some WM EPA and some was tTA money. ad so forth, bul , he said. he docs DOI know how long it lakes 10 process lit.ii . He wond<tcd irNeigM,a'hood and Business Dcvelopmenl Director Simpson got a copy of some oflhcir ove rheads. They Ila:! a klt of suggestions from people who had pul projects 1ogc1hcr in Chicago and other places. a.ad who a:htiCd that we need to know that there arc funds available in aJI these different areas. In other words. ;r..,..., going 10 do a lot of infrastructure hetc Iha! mighl fall on lhc Ci1y of Englewood for funding.• may~ out there arc other sources of funds out lhcrc that we were not aware of. he s.1id . Council M<mba Vanni nag said a lady he spoke 10 said demolition would be pan of gelling money from !hem. He so id thcy"b-c a ton of money and wanl 10 spend ii. For lite City 10 ask them 101c.1r 111.11 mall down. 10 lake it ID d!:n. would be one of the justifications because we arc alrc.1dy building cvcl)1hing they wa111 10 ha\-e done tD get lil31 money. 11 is just a mancr of asking for it and applying one of those fomts to ii and wr.: v.'OUld a:in than bkcly get it Bccm1sc we ilfC so far ahead . we alrc.1dy have the light rail coming. we v.1UJl tlJ build a station. ""-c 'rc going to put in 1hc RTD parking. and it mccls cvcry,hing. he stated . He said be t!nnks it "'oold be great. and the City would have contro l over the din . who it goes 10 and what v.ill be there. we don't ha\'C 10 get it from a dc,•clopcr . 6. Council Mmlibcr Haben ic '1t said she read a phenomenal anicle on the ln1cmc1 in the October I 3lh issue ofNc..-si>-cdc ~ arc actually lwo articles !It.ii addn:ss some oflhc concerns and complcxilics of the issue . she sa,c!. • lcnns of both censorship , conlrol . boundaries and also the kinds of olhcr lhings we l•alewood Clti Council Octobe1 20, 1997 P11t24 need 10 be dealing with In tenns of how the Internet is going 10 atrcct our U-She aid ii is an cxcdlent article and rccom~ncndcd it to everyone. 7. She said 1h11 Council deci\kd some lime back tl)al Ibey waiiud IO,_ M1ll Ille Ubra,y Board ip a Study ~esslon lo woit. lhtou&h some or U-iJsues. She said sbc lhinb -,tic wo -1mca say 1hinp 1111d ~ wo sort or all go away from a ,-tjag with some of m lllillkill&-iiu. lllld some of us lhlnkln& IIIIOlho:t ~•\18· !1 is just one of those points that wo Just all ami lO be _,, SUUDgly aware or and Slron&Jy lis:cnina lo each other, she said, so that wo aren't mis&in& CQIIIDMIDicalicw and piing air with some misunderstandings. Council Member Vor 'nag said and statT, 100. They have 10 know what ii was om, was said and undemand lba1 Cwr.:11 is in favor or not in favor or somclhins. Mayor Bums said he would like lo make one mon: comment aboul lhe Transit Oriail.ed Developmen1 confen:nce . David Cohen w.u lhen:, who signed 1he con1ract 10 help us dc\-dop GooeraJ Iron. Mr. Cohen did not know 1hc RID Slaff hardly al all , and we made some very good contacts •illl Ille J&alr, he said. and U1cy have had some very good mcclinp between RID and him and the ml! n;prdiac 1hc General Iron site. We arc getting some very positive fccdback from RTD about tbal sito. lie aar,d. So. he noted, ii was very valuable. 13 . City Muapr'■ Rcpon (a) Acti'.!f City Manager Esterly asked Council lo amsidor eslat'isliiag aa Executive Session on Oc1obcr 22 , immedia1el y after Uic Compass meeting al Chcny CRdt Jun oa South Colorado Boulevard 10 discuss some n:al est.lie mauers and talking aboul what we ha>'C ju5l licard and providing some direct.ion on where we want to go . Council Member Vonniuag asked if ii is a published mccling 1ha1 we arc goiJlfl robe al Ulis U,ing . Mr. Es1erly said if mon: lhan 1hn:c or you an: auending, ii is going 10 be a Swdy Scaica. Mr. Brottman concurred. He clarified 1ha1 whal he is asking for is an Executive Session al the cad ollhe public portion or 1hc meeting . Hopefully lhcn: will be some things 10 discuss . Council Member Vonnillag asked who all is going. Council Member Clapp said sbc can 001 do lhal as she has 10 leave early 10 pick up liulc kids from school and she will be ia\ing lhcaback borne . She noted she just can ·1 do Lh.11. Mayor 8W11S said we might decide we need more input from staff or finant. .:. or •~lC\n. to even make decisioos aboul whal we migh1 do . He asked if Uicrc is anyone else who .,;1, be wuble ID stay. addin1; 1ha1 1c hates 10 have C\'cn one member not be there. Co uncil Member Habenicht Wd in lhc past. when she missed an Exccuti\'t Scs:slCa. for exam ple , they iot a feel for the issue. and then met again . She felt this might be possible hct: sinc:c dlcy don 't make :iny decisions in Executive Session anyway . She said she appreciated the ract U\31 we o.1eodcd an Executive Sess ion when she could not make it th:11 one panicular time . She asked Counol r-.bnbcr Clapp if she woul d feel the s.1 me way . Council Member Clapp s:,id she might be able to come b.1ck lalcr. but she sa1d she ms to lca\'C at 2:3 0 p.111 . and go 10 1wo scp.m1e schools and ii is kind or shon notice 10 n:arrangc her pbus for chi ld care . She sai d if she can. she will attend . bu! wi1h two days n01icc it is doubtful. • • • • • • Mafarl!arm 111d he thinu Ms . Habcnich1'1poin111 well taken. Jrwe would mee~ lhcn we would wani 1a -again and Include Ms. n.pp in all the dlsawion tha1 we have had. Cooacil Member Wigglas said he will be out or town , so he will not be able to go . That , he said. is why Joc is-gc;ing 10 the mayors ' meeting . Mayor Bums said we could still call an Executive Session. bu ~ wilh lwo members 1101 available, "~ an, c1o,o,-. to lh'C so that may DOI be somcthi,g we can do . CouaciJ Member Cl,. p wed ifwc could possibly do ii the following evening. Council Member Wi ggins said lit will not be back. Council Member Clapp said they need to go forward with it. Mayor Bums said if-red ,.,. need IO go forward wc can have a meeting. bul ccnain!. · before we make any decisions we slmd include anyone whi; couldn't anend . 14. City Attorney'• Report (a) Ciiy Anomey BrolzmaD recommended tl1c appoinlment or Ken Fellman as counsel for the lldocommunication towers policy . This is the zoning issue regarding the cell towers . he advised, and this is a bigbly complex issue with all the FCC regulations on whal wc arc allowed and nol allowed to do . Tir lint dnft was not very well taken. appan,nlly. at the Planning and Zoning Commission, he said . Tbi:y bad some questions. he commen ted. thal our staff really doesn't have lhc knowledge based answer . Mr. R"•lman docs. he said. in that he is both the lown anomcy for Empire and also rcprcsenlS a number or u,was on formuJating Lhcse polid~. He sits on a board appointed by lhc Governor on this very issue. he laai6es in Washington on this issue and is also an Arvada council member, so he can participate in the pnb6c process as well and has a knowledge base of how that side actually impacts our citizcr1 1. Mr. Brotzman advised . M:~w Bums said he has known Ken Fellman for several years, as a council member. and lhrough the Maro City Anomcys' Assoc:i11ion , adding that he is a very competent guy . If you want to engage sou:ame \\'ho is an C."q>Cn in ~~is area, Ken certainly is. he said . Coc:ncil Member Waggoner asked ii we arc hiring him . Mr . Brot zman ~,id yes . Mr. Waggoner said he assaw:s they don 't have the same restrictions that we do in our ordinances then. Mr. Brotzman s.1id that is com:ct. Mr. Waggoner continued that . if yo u arc a council member here, you can't work for another pe:rnmcntal agency . COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE ,,P'l'OINTMENT OF KEN FELLMAN AS COUNSEL FOR TELECOMMUNICATION TOWERS POUCY TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Ayes Council Members Nabhol z. Vormittag. Wiggins. H.1bcnich1. Waggoner. Clapp, Bums Nays : None ML"t!lon carried. 15 Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10 :05 p.m .