HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-11-03 (Regular) Meeting Minutesh\m h , hoo4't,IJll·I 1 dm,,uY! ',:i .. 'l ll\lGLIWOOG an COUNCIL ENGL&WOOJ), AUPMIO& aNl!ITY, COL0""1l:;) .....,_s..- I. Call to Onler Th e regular me,lif1d of tbe En11le"ood City COWICi ' -c6od IO order by Mayor BWlll 11 7:40 p,m . 2. hl,'OCatloa , , I tut 11, The invc'.:ation was Riven by C;,uncil McmLcr Wlg;cias, 3, Pledp ol AllqiHU The Pledge of AUqiaDcc was led by Mayor Bumo. 4. Roll Cali Present Absent: Council~ Nolllooilz, Clapp, Wiggins, Habcaicbl, Vonni113g, Waggoner, &ms None • A quorum was present. • 5. Minules Also present: City Manager Scars Cily Altomcy BrolZJllalll City Clcrlt Elli,; Planaillg CallllllWlily c.n;.....,. Stiu (a) COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG NOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THY. REGIIIAJl ll0Et1NG Of OCTOBER 20, 19'7. Motion carried. Ayes : Council Memben NabWz. Vonniuag. Wiggins, llabenicb1, Waggoner. Clapp. Bllna Nays: None 6. Scheduled Visiton (a) Linda Baggus staled 1ha1 BellC\-icw Pan i,;.a wo nderful parl< and she has played 1herc wilb her son on tlic !rain, in lhe petting ,.oo and oo lhc ""1llieduJ playground cquipmenL BuL slic said, this summer she discovered a new corner of the park. Hiddim in lbc northwest co mer is a narurol area and at Susan Van Dyu's roquCSI , she said. she looltcd ;.a aablislung a G""" Ci ty Dara Project 1ca m !here. Ms . Baggus explained that lhc Green City Dala Pn,j,:a is a SOCl Non•Prolil Iha! is involved in cnvtro nrnental education for middl e and high school SIUdcm. SIie staled Ibey arc very enthusiastic abou1 wo rking wilh aboul a dozca SIUdents from Englewood Hip School al tha1 si ic. Tbcsc particular studcnls arc acn demically d1scnfranchiscd , bul in lhc noolllldi tiooal smu,g al Belleview Park Ibey plan 10 rekind le !heir cn1husiasm . They will vis it lhc nalural area cry few ..a,ks this scmcstcr and exp lore lhc lllatewood City CIMladl N-ber 3, 19'7 P1pl ectll)'SICIII . They will learn about the riltlve plitn111an\l ammall' do """''control and habi1a1 improvement and they will co1moct lo ~ldlig lhlieir oom\/,iul;ry: 1 !Ille ldvtled Ullll lhl,t, IMCk,r is Joe Campbell from Englewood HJgh School , that for the fint semester there will be a group of stuclcnll called DIICCMJY Studcnll and the second semester will be a di IT mt set of' lllllde,111 from one of his biology classes. MJ. B•liUI stated they arc hoping 10 have the acadcmic:tlly at risk Discovery SludcnlJ help in linking the new group of studcntJ 10 the pm to fllrthcr improve the 9011' Image or lllosc students . She advucd tbal Green Cil)I has nearly all the funding for the team. which is around $6,000 to do !he project for the year. But , she said, they need an additional SS 70 for transponation and for building bird and oat boxes. Englewood Clean. Green and Proud is providing half that amount and she r<qucstcd that Englewood Cil)I Council provide 1he remaining S28S. MJ. Boggus said she hopes it will help Orem Cil)I 10 get lhcso Englewood High School students to !he si1e and commiued 10 somelhing posi1ive in our communil)I . 7. Non-,cbcdulcd Visitors (a) Victor Candelaria. JO Yarrow S1rec1. Lakewood. staled that he has property al Adriatic and Vallejo in Englewood. He said the only reason 1hey came this evening is becuule they undemood that there was going to be a lopic discussed Iha! they were inlerested in . At 1his poinl , he no1ed . he would li](e 10 forego speaking on the lopic unlil further on inlo the discussion . He said he was no! sure what was going 10 be discussed. bu! Iha! he knows ii enlails something Iha! alTccts their propcrl)I on Vallejo . Council Member Nabholz explained that lhcse are some oflhc individuals that are from up on Wam:n. Vallejo and Zuni, In regar,ls lo !he Evans project up there that Mr. Emison has been involved "ith. These neighbors were concerned and they want to go on record to stale what their position is with his rcdcvelopmenl project and how they feel . Mayor Burns stated this is the time for Mr. Candelaria 10 speak . that there really isn ·1 another place on the agenda. Mr. Canddaria said that is fine . He stated it is his understand ing thnt Mr. Emison is in the process of requesting a street to be opened that is presently not opened. which is West Adriatic on 1hrough to Zuni . He advised that in !he pltst . the neighborhood . including himself. Mr . Kenner. the Kelley family and some other individuals who own propcny in 1he area . ha\·e been pretty much vehemently opposed to the opening or the street simply. he opined . txx::msc or 1he cost 1ha1 would be imposed on the owne rs of lhc propcny . M r,andclaria commented thot he undr..,!ands !here would be. basically, a $ I 5,000 or so cost per lot that would have to be paid as a rcsuit of openin g lhe street. for lhc oost of impro\'-cments He staled that r:1eir polilion. as they discussed in tJJeir meetings, is basically lhe homcownen arc noc in a position to pay that kind of financing . He said he undcr>tands Mr. Emison wants to build something he can sell and make money wiLh . Mr. Candelaria sta ted it is their position that th ey don 't wani to subsidize his entrepreneurial position . He noted. from his perspective as a propcny owner, he and his "'ife. that they are concerned in that they do nol w.int 10 pay SIS .000 per lo! for !he strcc110 go througl,. He advised they own lhn:e lots . Speaking for himself and hi s wife. he staled 1hot !heir position is that they do not want that street to go through . (b) Mari< Apodaca. 2JS I Wes! Warren Avenue . asked if Coun cil was familiar wi th what is happening in that area . He oommcnled thnt he would fill lhcm in some . He explained that a gentleman by !he name of Art Emison bough! some propcny for back ta.,es. propcny !hat backs hi s propeny and lhc neighbors 10 the west and cast of him . Currently , he advised. Mr. Emison is demandin g access to that property in order to build houses . Mr . Emison wnnts to build dupl exes, triple:<cs and fourplexcs . Mr. Apodaca noled it was a spcculalivc thing. Iha! Mr . Emission bough! it in back taxes and he wanlS to make a profil and there is nothing wrong with tha1. However. Mr . Apodaca stated . !hey have been subject 10 a bit of harass mcnl from him . He said he understood he has talk ed to Ann Nabholz nnd referred 10 their • • • • • • lalJlewaad City C-il N-ber J, 19'7 ••aeJ nut ) tll l b11U_.,I a "l'\11 ,( ,,d, to'f. l !.jt11 nc i~u•tiasbJ ·4; '°""-Houkal,...,NlbbolilCbowu~ ~Meatbor Nabholz aid yes. Mr. Apaaa--llill he Ul/7.'l'I Mr. Emiam bu pul)cd -,ilh Ibo Cily IO 11U1 l)lm acccu lo lbc laad. OYCII I._... .... ii m> -lllnlllp 11, • ¥ c:111 build OIi IL Ila ii clcllllndl11& lhal, A IOI o(llwip an, s,oia(, • ..... Mr, Apodaca aid, Iba& diautio bim. Ho ulcl bo Wllllod l!I briua up a coupk' ,,t lhinps fie~ thal lie kMwl Mr. Eai11011 hu mcqlioood 10 IC!'l!C of Ibo Cily Council n,cmbcrs, is 11111 • fllk ~ il)'ar iJ!i1. Mr. Apqdlca llid he c:aa ldl Council, ror a roe,. lha1 )bcy a,w not and 111 ....s 11111 he caa -NIIIICl and llriqg ~ in. ~me of lhcm. be DOied, am in lbc IUdicnce--Bo Slllcd be docsa'1 lbink 11111 is rigbl for somcllody IO come in and specuiaic Oil land and uy ID_... lbc Cily and ncipborbood IO do somd.billa lhal be wan1a done. Mr. Apodaca asked lbal C-9 plelK investigate, willl lheir Cily plaaacr ud lind OUI Whal ii goinK Oil wilh him and lhc islucs Illa laclla:a lailcd U,,.rc. !it Aid Mr. Emksion has lwnal lhcm all in ror various asundry i1ems. as far as dcu-up. Mr. Apodaca ackmwlodpd Iha! he has been guilly, lhal he cleaned ii up and ii has 'b<m llllim can: o(111d all lhc neighbors hfte, wilh Ibo exccplion or Mr. Emison . Mr. Apodaca said he~ lilo Cily is sllU bavina 111 on-going problem wilh Mr. Emison bcaiuse he is laking Ille poaitica. iO" •-.llisllkal. 1h11 lbc Cily is responsible forclcaAin& up his land. Mr. Apodaca quc:stion,:ci IC Ill cmld a Alln Nobbolz ,.,_ exactly Mr. Emission IOid hu aboul Ulcir neighborhood u rar as <iilc lnlllJ-Mayor Bums advised lhal oonnally lhis is no1 l.bc place ror a dialogue . Mr. Apodaca said• -jull a,rious and bc woul d drop lhal. Mr. Apodaca ,aid he would really urge :he Council 10 a.-r ii dlal lhis was lrial before. when lhe land was owned by !.,,Raza, and Ibey let ii go for back --ii -worthlca. Tlac people II LIRaza. Mr. Apodaca advised. hdve lold him Ibey would be YC1Y ..-aa11oo1< 11 a la1nllil IC Cowlcil does lei something like Ibis happen. where UIC)' were DOI -ID .;w .... 1111,y CIIIIC up IO Ci!Y Cowacil and lhis genllcmaD would be allo..ul 10 build. Mr. ApodKa ..-,d Ibis is SOIIICllwt& llo: Cily llllily needs 10 look al, 10 save some money in lawsuill and...,_,,._ cm &bis. He aid be would 1111" CooiaciJ IO inveslipic lhis IIIOR , Mr. Apodaca &aid lhal be_...., me imprmion lllal Mr. EmiDI would be bcrc loniglu. so he could address iomc oftllc i-111...,.. up. BIii. Mr. Apodlcacpincd. ii wu time Council was awarc or Whal is goi11& on in Iha! ·a:11 ._ ~ He lllled 1111,y do DOI med -,cbody coming in 10 leil us how 10 run Englewood. how 10 dial•-uasb)' neigl,borl,oodo and bow IO live lhis way. He n01ed lhey are my happy in lha1 nci~ 611 crime i1 no1 a prd,lem, pecplc arcn'I a pn,blc:m lherc, lha1 lhey wanl 10 keep ii 1h11 way. He ...... c.ncil, if lhey QA, IO please invcstigaU:, lalk 10 Ann Nabholz. lalk lo u,e Cily plannu and lalk IO dlc..l.aaiDa pooplc and sec Whal is going on wilh lhis geallcmcn , Ml , Apodaca opined lhal ii is a lialdll distwbing and SOIIIC!hing lh:u ail of Council should be aware or. (c) Batt T-. 2:315 South Irving. Denver. ad\iscd Iha! he works for Young 's Au10 Body, and said be wldcrslood Iha! tlN: palkmaD lhal was ,upposcd 10 be building behind lhcm was supposed 10 be here 10 address some: isaa. E>-idcntly. Mr. Tomoo llOICd. he is nOI here. Mr. Tomon advised lh.111hy filed complairus apina tbem _, Ibo people who own lhc business nexl door 10 clean up U,cir propenics, which U,ey have done . ""1w. • ,aid. lo have lo co me do .. 11 here and him not being here lo address 101nc issues is another mailer oo Ibo ..-,..:S. He noled lhal aboul lhe only lhing he can really say is 1ha1 ii seems like 1hey. as businesses. i... .. done lheir pall. lo clean up their bu•inesscs. (d) Susan Van Dyk 3390 Soulh Emerson S1rcct. said she had 1wo brief issues. The firs, one w.is regarding lhe Grua Cil) Daia Projocl 1ha1 was prcscnled earlier U1is eve ning. Ms . Van Dyke nolr d thal Ibey all know lherc is~ =-clous nalure a:olet at 1bc back end of Beilcvoew Parlt . Personally , she noted , she W3S just~ iv.·bcn she went there th is aunmcr and s.1w how that new bike p;llh just 1orc that nature center in half a:fishc realized , from her own e.~pcricncc of being on Ci ty Co uncil. Lhal !here w.is certainly an~ for the Cily lo gel money from CDOT 10 help build lhal bike p.1111. So. she pcuntcd out . she is noc in~ •'3) tn di53grccmcn1 \\ith bike pa1hs. She commented that she is an old, ardenl bike rider from years agDL Bui. she sa id. she fell ii prelly "'CIJ dcvaslaled 1ha1 na1urc area . Ms . Van Dyke stiled lhal she feels -lla\-c a 1rcmendous opponunily ·•ilh lhe Green Ci1y Dal.1 Project She advised 1ha1 lhey ha\'e rcccn-al abnal SS .000 in fonrling from f,laccs like Norwcst Bank , and lhe Col orado l•atewoad Clly Cou■cll No-lier J, 1997 ••ae• Department of~ to come into lhe Cily 071!"4'-1 and crcarea ___,.....,._ for these kids, who are In soine1Clltl ipectal challcnpd lilcll II the hip .diool. 'SIie adNed .,,,.,. png to idcntl~ the I\IIUnl habilal, lhcv m golna to difll:mn sj,octes, both tnimal and ,.,.._ _ caltgom,c • OVCl}'lllln& and make n:commcnilatlons t'C>r lhinp to help p,aene lhls --flr:,em 10 come. Ml . Vu~ pointed out that llicre wu a time when the City ofEnglcwoad ,-_... S'9,000 to balld a naw"' center"" tliat piece or land and that money has since been ill"'111ed ID adlor d'l!MU. She llld she would just lite to encoungc City COUIICII to ~ly 11ep up to the plale, 11111 _, IIIDCII to SM ~ thal $285 , bccotl50 she was confident Council would do that, but what Is lnore ;..,._ is ao help preserve that an:a for lhc future of Englewood. l!cca111C, she emphasin:d, sl\e truly belie,,,.. it is !be i..t natuml habilal in the enllrc City of Englewood, ii is the last place where there are -.r.oJ .,,...,._ natural animals and lhlnp of that SOfl . She asked lhat Council please look into this seriomly and bdpd>em preserve ir for yean lo come. Ml . V111 Dylte said, for her second llem, that she is jult ve,y, ve,y pleased •-itll die f:icl that C'll)• Council 1w hired Mr. Gary Sears as lhe Clly Mana.... She staled she has koown Mr. Scan liw )-ears. that he has a tremendous reputation state-wide and she is jwl thrilled for the City ofEagle,,oad dial be is on board. She offered Mr. Sears her congrahllatlonr and thanlced him for laking the job. City Mana:;er Scan thanked Ms. Van Dylte. (c) Jc:ny Wcst, 2890 South Ogden Street, sWed he was down hac somcdling lib, 12 or 13 yean ago and listened to the City Council come up with ·a one time assessment for sams and sidewalks. He advised they came down South Ogden Street and they replacod the si-'llt. or~ ofiL Iha! was broke, plus they repaved the stre<t . Mr. Wcst stated they assured them at 11m ..-iDC t1at nigbt th: ,1 it was a one Umc ..........m. He c:onuncnled that he lhoaglll the Council ~ -Dlllricl I • do, time was Neil ,u,d Neil lived right behind RAy Lndwig. Mr! West advillCd he liwll IIC:'d -ID 11.wf Lad, rig ot • the time, and they were 001 in the bac:ky.ud and Neil said there was ·one goad thing abaatit. rou""' don 't have lo pay again.• Now, he poinled oul , they are coming up with an......,_ on this concrete. Mr . West aw.scd he called Mr. Llmcastcr and asked him abo111 it and he told llim be-"" paid for concrelC. Mr. WCSI said Mr. Lancaster argued with him aboul it unlit he limlly ..__he clid pay for concn,te and then he came back and said "well , you only paid for five foot al IL• Wbidt. Mr. West mainlained. docs 1101 make any sense . Mr Wcst slated he wants to koow ..tw Council is going to do oboul it. He asked if he has lo pay for lhe concrete or will Council refund bis money pim interest or whaL to gel inlo Ibis new concrete district. He advised he told Mr . Lancaster lhat the only sm:c, he knew about at the time th•I was fixed was Ogden Street . He said Mr. Lancaster told them "oh. ..,, there arc a bunch of them ·n your neighborllood. Mr. West advised he 's never seen them. ~-or Bums :111\iscd that Ilic Public Worts staff can communicote with him about that tnd find out aboul the histo~ of Mr. West's lot and talk to him further about this . Mr. West i111isted that he docs IIOI think Mr. l.anc:!s!er w:mts to play the game right, that he talked lo him . 8. Communications, Proclamations and Appoinlment1 (o) COUNCIL MEMBER VORMJTTAG MOVED, Al'ID IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEPT THE LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM THE ENGLEWOOD DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM GORDON CLOf'I'.. Ayes : Council Members Nab hol z, ✓o nnittag. Wiggins. Habenicht . Waggoner. Clapp . Bum s Nays : None Mo1ion ca rri ed . • • • • ...,_.OtyC-.11 ~3,1997 11 nu l, ho&H'Jl:i l•lf .... 5 t l l 110¥. ,} !:1,q (b) COUN<;IL JIIEMBER yoRMmAG MO~D, AND IT w AS SECONDED, TO MlCll'l'Wl'TU UCUT 1'I LETl'IR OF},llSJCNATidNYROM THE ENGLEWOOD • ~. ~Pf Al'ID.noun COMJll1S~1dN noM ~NK GOL9MBEK. Cimullc:il Membci' VonnitfN uld he and i;tr, Golornbcl'bccamc mcmbcn on lhe s'amc day, four ycan ago, -tbll lie bu n:ally co_;i,yqj woiting w\lh him ud he will rcafly be missed by U,c Clean, Orccn and ,_.. Cmamission . W.,,0.-Burm commcn1cd that he has also really enjoyed working with Mr. Golombek and he has been vev dcdic:alcd 10 Clean, Green and Proud. Mayor Bums ootcd he is guile a character and a fol or fun to bi<,;.,.,,,..i and he will be missed. He said Mr. Golombek is moving clut of the Slate and he is sorry to sec -~ ~ Aho. Mayor Bums IIIICd. Gordon Close has been serving for a long time on the Downtown Developmcn( Authori' He said that anyone who spends as mnch lime, as these gentlemen have for the City, deserves lbc doaakcd. MalioD carried. (C) - Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Vormiuag. Wiggins. Habenicht. Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays: None A pn,clamalion honoring the Early Childhood Program at EnsJcwood Schools was COUNCIL MEMBER CLAPP MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PIIOCLAMATION RECOGNIZJNG THE ENGLEWOOD PU~LIC SCHOOL'S EARLY CBJLDBOOD PROGRAM FOR TI1E OUTSTANDING PROGRAM AND TO CONGRATllLATE 111EM FOR TIU:IR SELECTION AS THE WINNERS OF THE TITLE I DISTINGUISHED PROGRAM AWARD GIVEN BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Ayes : Council Members Nabholz. Vormiuag. Wiggins. Habeni cht. Waggoner. Clapp , Bums Nays : None Motion carried . Mayor Burns offered his con gra1ula1 !ons and prcscnicd 1hc proclamation to Joan Diedri ch. !he Administrator who oversees thc program . (d) A proclam.1tion declaring November 15, 199 7 as America Recycles Day wa s considered . COUNCIL MEMBER SABHOLZ MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO PROCLAIM SATUllDAY, NOVEMBEK 15. 1997 AS AMERICA RECYCLES OAY. Ayes : Coun ci l Members Nabhol z. Vonniu ag. Wiggin s. Haben ic ht . Wa ggoner. Clapp . Bum s Na ys : None Motion carried . .Ma,1>r Bums prcscnltd the procl:unalion 10 Stan L1ngc. Chair of the Clc.111 . Green and Proud Commission . Enalewood City Coundl N ... m'ller J, 1997 P ■a• 6 :Nt:, )(ltlb u.llflt l t\1111,,L ·1 1hw1f11V. l. 1',ll.11 Ma 13 •• • ~o(~il .11w·u;:, ,, d i •1•~ p "" Co~ai~~_:~~•1 ' '"!iio 0 111i.s 1 ' 4Pf-AI+-= ~a~ 'II , 1 memberoftheCommlaion.x'w:....ihi:,;tn~ w. illse dthcy~llE l n lhi1 and thcy '1"11 Wl)rk hard •.o make lhil recycUoa day --,,Me ~ Ille Clly of Eaglcwood. He adyised they have some plans for the ! 5" ofNO\'Clllbcr and they loal. ..,_,s ID imple"f.""'1 this proclamation'."' ' Mayor Bums asked that everyone siw him a'lou,,a of applaat ilr all tbelr gool! """'· ·" " (e) Mayor Bums said that as Susan Vu Dyv -.,,,cd lhc,ncw City Manager Gary Scan was sittin& right IICj<t lo him. He nolcd this is bis lint day• lkjal, 111d he has hem thrown into everything . Mayor Bums commented Iha~ as M's. Van o,tr& -..Mr. Sears is very •di known around the State. He was the City Manager in Glendale for I I yeas. a,_ pcaident of the Colorado Municipal League and known to a lot of our staff members . Mayor --2 lhal he has seldom seen a public servant held in bi&fler roganl by the people who have worl:al .., ~ bim. He said he has talked to people who have known Gal)' since he was in high school and the linl 6mg they talk about is his In tegrity as a perwon and what a One fellow he is and ,o he comes very higlilif rocommcnded . Ma) or Bums stated that in bis honor wc wcro going to have a r=ption. that lhcrc --,cake and rofreshmeot: in the back . He noted wc would be taking a brcalc in the agenda and he UMl<deveryooe to join them lor some cake and to say hello to Mr. Scar>. City Manager Scar> introduced his wife Dianne and Slaal .._ illey are really lookiD& forward to being in Englewood. He offered bis thanks for the r=i,1ion and -..I that everyone has been very kind to them . Mr. Scan said they are ro,,ily looking forward ta bmi& ..,,._ Thero are many challe nges. he noted, but they an: looking forward to tile glass always l>eing _ _, balffull. Mayor Bums welcomed Mr. Scars and his family . Council roccsscd the mectioa at 8: JO p.m. for a brief~ The meeting roconvcncd at 8:49 p.m. with all Coupcil m<allas .,......L Public Hearin& )I I , < II I l (a) Mayor E .1ms noted that this is a public~ to gather ci ri zcn input on an amendment to tl1e Cornerstone Park Planned Devclop,nent. He advizl il! is Council's policy that when Council lms a public hearing on an item like this the, 1on ·1 vote on tbo: saaoe rught as they ha-,e the public hearing . Mayor Bums noted they take the mancr up at rhc next COUD'.:it meeting so they have a chance to di~csl the what they have heard at the public hearing. reflect on it ;m:: 6&:uss n at lhc ne\;l meeting . COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITIAG MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO RE-OPEN THE PUBLIC: HEARING TO GATHER CITIZEN INP UT ON AN AMENDMENT TO THE CORNERSTONE PARK PLANNED DEVELOPME~T. Ayes : Co,ncil "1embers Nabhc ilz. Vormittag . Wiggins. Habenicht, Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays : None Motion c:.rricd and the public hearing rc-opcnc1 . All lcslimony was given under oa1h . Planning Communil)• Coordinatcr Stitt advised !hat toni_gh;·,. pubhc hc.1ring is a continuance of a pub lic hearing that was originally scheduled for October 6. I 9'17 ID wnsider an amendment 10 the Planned Development fo r the South Suburnan Parks ana Rccre:11JOn. l>1Slrict . n,c ~-c..,osaJ amendment to the Planned Development includes some additional venues at tk par «;_ two in-line hoclcy rinks. a skat · ark. • • • • 111-.... Cil)' C..ncll N•~lter 3, 1"7 ,., rour l~m&lloal kiosk$. four shelters withoul n:strooms Ind III adgjlioaal 107 pa,tinf spac:,;&. l}c IWCll!dlls Pi&lllllld Dev,f1oj:t"':"l wu origltially by cliy Cound1 iH'l m as ~IUtio ri'~-9'.11'1'M locaJ >I silC Involved 11,r Commtone Pm.,•11 is r\bw called. is 66 •~'ac~'. oi'llla!!'h<i no1.!d,~xl•1 !!o acra II pan arde poklon 1~ 11 under cod.ideratlon ror lhc ,mcrldmen{ lol\ight The ng ' '1 eomlnia/C.lt beld a public li<arins 'on 11111 particular manor and ai~ res\llt of tllat public e were .......i augesdon. Uw were made, u wcll u aome -~ ~ :ou,I.I up by Ille ~ublic wllh to lhis park . Mr. Sliu om.red. for lhe roco:d, proof of posting from lhe orialnal public hearing in Oc{ober. Mr. Stilt Slllled Wt !he Planning Commission. In their dellbemllon of this M amendment. added one conditlon and lhlec recommendations . They add..: the condition that 1he skllte park be suiroundcd by 1 minimum sl·, foac high fence with loctins gale . He explained lhe reason for that conditlon W!" to provide IOlile pn)ICClioa frnm parlt users who might be In the area or that skate p:ul< at nlgh1 and u11 l>c a,arc ol lhllt facillly and mipi be subject to aomc injury . In addltlon 10 lhat he said. there were rccommchdalions thal were added for a,nsidemti;,o by the Cily Council . The first rocom,nendatlon was lo impro.e Ind p<'l'ide !l(lditioaal pcdr.strian aa,css from the soulhcast comer of the park lo the inlemal path system with clc6ncd a-DSIWlllb ar.d si.:cwalks . He advised thal lhe second rocommcndation was lhat the impacts of vehicle headlights un suJTOWlding residenlial uses shall be mlligatod by the use of grilding, berms and other means to prew,11 inuusion oC lhe headlighlJ on residential uses . The thin! recommendation was that III In dep6 \:iamidemion oC lighting speciflcallona fortJ,c peildnJ lots and skating areas be unden:ikcn, addn:ain& issues ,mch M heigh I of sta~nls, delleciion or llgh1 mys dOM1ward , candle power ~ng of the bulbs. Mr. Stilt noled this lighting plan! alwl chcompassing informa1ion . was 10 be pn:pe,cd and p,am\ed 10 City Council for their consideration at the public hearing on the amended Planned o..elopmeni . He staled the a~plic,;nis have this infonnailon a,•allablc and they will be mal<ing a full pr-'5efllat>on wit11 respccl 10 the proposed amcndmenl and the condltion and 1ccommendntions that tlic Planning Commission made Mr. Stin said 1hm al 1his time he would answer any questions Council may have ooaccming the Slllff' rccommcndalion and 1he sl aff analysis of this Planned Dcvelopmenl amcnd!11cnt. COWICil Member Wagoner asked if there are addilional parking places. Mr. Still advised 1hat lhcn: an: a UJlal of 107 additior:al 'parking places thal arc being proposed for the park . Whal lhey have done, h'! not,d. is reorganize the parking areas to accommodalc lhe changes in the land uses on the park silc il5Ci!: Mr. Waggoner asked if the addition.11 parking spaces arc 10 cover lhc in-line hockey rinks and additional .kate park . Mr. Still said yes. Counci! ,!ember Waggoner asked if then: was any review or lhe 1raffic analysis. Mr. llin advised there was,:, review or1he 1raffic analysis beyond what was prcscnled back in 1~93. Even thou gh. Mr. Waggoner noted. he assumed we have increased lrallic us.,gc . Mr Sain staled ii was his understanding lhal lhc lrallic study prepared in I 993 usumed lhe park al full dcvclopmcnl. He noted. M far as the addilional venues added 101hc park. Iha! lhey did nol add signific.inlly rrom 1ha1 original study. Bui. he suggested , Council mighl ask 1hc ap plicams 1ha1 question specifically. Mr. Waggona commr:nacd lhal "~ have added abou1 20 % more parking places . Mr. S11111101cd lhal was rorrcc:I. Mr. Waggoner said he would assu me tli.11 would inc~1sc traffic . Mr . Stitt sai d it would poten tia lly . Mr. Stitt ad\'ised that Mr . tlill Woodcock of 1hc Sou 1h Suburban Parks and Recreation District \\Ould be making the 111i1ial prcsr.nt.1tion for the applic.1n1. Bill Woodcock acl\iscd 11 .. 11 his business address is 663 I Soull, Univcrs i1y, Linle1011 . He Slate~ 1lia1 he holds 1:.c position of Manager of Planning and Cons1 ruc1ion at South Suburban . He int rodu ced the members of the staff th.al were present lo answe r CounC'il's nucs1ions : Oa\'id Lorenz. Execu ti ve Director. • Breu Collins. 5cn1or Plrk Pian11cr and David Stipe. thc:r; ark Planner who has been working on the lnsl<wood Clly C041ncll NOVClllber J, 1997 P1gt8 U hHlo ) 1t1 l t H-:.l;n { t'! .£ 1,dm,10~ f t!lf.l} 11 .L: r11 u 1 ~i tcclu)/~ ~. ·1, and. p~~lcd '}-~~~ ~lfi~a ~ "".!~~ ¥;.,WO\Jd~rto,cd ,~"/\ Mr. ,Seit\ did ~ very &oqd joli or oaoriuiag ~ ameodaoeoL t lfc ,■dyil¢ .-lhcy ~y,e Qlll,11' a n~r 0 people who ~d IU., to laJk io favor oClllis.....,.ed ,mcodmenL Mr. o/ooclalfl\ ~ ~I that they have mc1 ~ condition, and Ille " 1 m pul qn ~ plan by tbc PlaJ>ning Conuniwo,o and thcn: Is cv\dencc 10 the fact 1n CrOIII ol Coud. He llid if COWICII had ll/1Y tc:chn1cal questions, David Stipe would be happy to answer thoa:. as be io die dosigncr of both facilities . At tbe S1utly Session oo October 11•, Maya<a.ms ootcd, IIJC)'wcot OVCl some ofU1is , bul !le asked lhat Mr. Woodcock go over the lighting and ... cudlc power they changed or roduccd and how lhal affects , especially tbc ,ll;Ci&bborhoods. and bow .....i. • lhal ~&bt4\& 4005 otr siic . Mr. w~ advised lhat this parliClllar p~ addn:ascs the fool CMllo _, prodjl<,cd \>Y . not only the io-linc skating facility and the skate board ¥li!Y, bul all olllle lipis .._.an: propom4 lhroughoul thc park. Mr, Y{oodcock n:fcrrcd 10 thc cllapam oCthe park~ lliop,:Klllllion . Hc Slllcd that lhc fool candlc=ion a n:cn:ational baseball park is about 30 or 3, lil<t c:andlc5. willl Cqors Field being much greater, maybe 70 or 80. He noted the ccnler oflhc pnll!CIIIOd alCIJvity aia:i have 30 foot CUldJcs and as you movp away from the center of the actlviiy an:a, where you c_,i the highest foot candles for safety and vision. it gcu lighter and cooler. Jo fact, he a.lviocd. oa 1111: alF oC the park, Ibey arc down to I/ 10• of a foot candle and as tJicy spill over oul into tbc adioinias-it is less tban a l(!O"' of a foot candle. I I Mayor Bums asked if lhcn: is alfQ .-....,_. dmt along tbc cdci!ig , Mr. W~ said that is corn:cL lhal lhc Plannin& Commisuou ,w ,,.,..,. w,:rc actuaUy cxccilcnt «x>mmcndalions and in ortler 10 provide graphic cvideacc IO thc faa all Ibey can n:solve any of the spill;;ge oli tbc car lighting. Ibey did two cnl5HCCllons. One bctwcca Hidary Stn:ct and the Comcrru,nc faciliiy and )he sr.cond is a Pn:ntice Street aoss-section. UsiJI& thc diapam Mr. Woodcock idcl!lified berms and the. !WO cross- sc..tions . He explained Illa! there i's quilc, a O-scparalion on lbc Hickory cross -section. In fact. he noted. lhcre is IS feel of dill'erer.:,: bet"= E6d.of)' and lhe parking an:a. On 1hc Prentice cross-section. he advised , the homes south on Pn:o1i<c = b&bcr as U1c terrain falls off. He commented u1cy have done the same landscaping tcchniq111, tho ~ o( lbc berms and screening or lhc vehicle lights . So. Mayor Bum.< noted. tln:y an: IIDl wailias for thc trees to ma1un:, that they have U1c bcrming and other tbinBJ in place in order 10 mitiga&c tl>c lfghf. Mr. Woodcock commented that is a good poinl. tba1 tl1e berms will immediately mitigaic, all010-i,,g di,c tn:cs 10 grow in and visually scn:cn ou1 other lighting io the park . Council Member Wiggins noted it is ooi rd:n:occd in lhis current change , but he noticed in the plans Cowv:il was given tonight , on access of~ a scconda,_.· entry at Wes,. Belleview Avenue . He asked if the Slate Highw,y Dcpartmcot "PP"!'-cd'• entry into lhcrc Mr . Woodcock odviscd they have, lhat in conccpl U1cy did at the time of initial application 10 the Highway Dtpartmen1. He noted tliat would be the designated entry and exit when Lhcy C\'cao1,X:JJ connect lo Belleview. Also . he said, Uiat would be U1e localion of a potential traffic lighl. that -,lid be a slave lighl to the inicrscction or Windcnncn: and Belleview . Council Member Wiggins asked if the medimn the)' put in "'Ould run across !h at driveway or ir that is clear to go across . (n other words. he cxplai.oc:cL :a ~r C.\;iting makes a left hand tum . goes west Mr . Woodcock staled that he undersunds lbc ~-al or Belleview was a righ1-in. right-ou1 only. So . Mr. Wiggins noted , what they arc saJi.ng tS t.h:lt ,-ctucl cs. westbound on Bcllc\'icw. could not 1urn south i1110 that cnlrancc and vehicles coming out c:ouJ'dl only tum eastbound. but could not turn westbound . Mr. Woodcock said ,~at is corrcc1 . Council Member Vonniuag asked i"tbcrc i:u median in then:. No , Mr. Woodcock advised , it is striped. painted median . • • • • • Eaate,,ood City Cou1<II No-btr 3, 1997 Pase 9 Council Member Vormiu•. 'd he lmoM Council ~ • rew,.... •o. lht land • ..,, ..... all lhc brokal caacn,co and ew,ythlng, He uud Mr. Woodcock iftbat bulleea ad!tRaed. Pih. 'llacl0Dct staled ii hu aa1 "'°'1 lddread, but dlat h will be addre-1 la tN-1 developlMN af--lk'o. He noled 1h11 over Iha yi,111 II wu a concrete dum p and !here ii quhe a bil al~ concnle • die hilllidc. They would propoa ID I01l10VC enough COIICl'ClC _, lhal thcy could pl• leall -rc.r af ~ over 11111 COIICl<I.C ID cscablilh BJ111C1 on lhal hillside. He adviocd lhey walked ii and looted• ii Md !here is 10111C they could leavo aad slill achieve lllat pl. There is• Joi or i~ he DOied. tbat lrill 1r.e 1o be mowd and probably OYCt 10 Oxford lu,cyclc . Mr. Woodcock adYiacd lhey will cm care al Iha! a dloy get inlll lllal comer or lhc pork . Council Member Vormittag commenced dial bMiNly he jUII -m heat thal for lhc public rca,rd, Mayor Bwm asked ifU.a1 is pan ofUuspn,poul, iftbat Isa requ ircmen1 o:-is 1U1110nr.ll1U11 _,......id in1end 10 do or like lo do, bul ii is not binding al u'tis pn ir.t. Mr. Woodcock Sl31ed ii is n 11 cumadJ• budgeted. He advised whal is budgeled for 1998, cor.tingenl upon approval u,nighl and II lhc ll0ll reading. is lhc con..uuctioo or lhc in-line ll<ale boud park. IClCOII olJ Hicllory, a porklng an:a, tbe pcrilDCl<r wallcway lhroogh the pork. paving-curb and guuer or Prclllice. lidcwallc alons Pn:alicc along Englewood 's ed!C, lhc nonh edge orPrcn1icc. Also oome paving. paving oftbc eauy circle and ala parlciag IOI and lhc infonnal parl<lng area lo the nonh. Mr. Woodcock advised lbal at lhal li-111,cy could possibly look ·~ if there is any addltional M or covering _,. a( that e._.i CO,CrelC. He -lb..~ 100 wanl b dress that up, bcc:wsc ii needs Ill be fixed. Council Member Wa880ftCr asked whal w.is in lhc localion before. where lhe skalc park ud ~ rinks arc goaag. Mr. Woodcodt advised lhat he though I ii was lhc thin!,' ·, or the race uack. And. a......., out on the diagram. ,-iicre Ibo old Ice rink WIS. Mr. Waggoner said , hal he ..,.Ill ...s whal -ia tbe original PUD at thal location. Originally, Mr. Woodcock adviied, Ulis r-..rticular arc....,.. t1e5.-.,i111 a senior activily ma and in lhc revision of Uus tDlller plan thal senior's .1Clivily area has been tn,.111 more inlo lhis location on lhc south ccnU'al core orlhc park . He noled lh,,rc aro sull slk!tcrs IGcad on lhc castcra edge II in Ibo original scenario . Mr. Woodcock explaiacd 1ha1 blC5C '"" pa,ticular XIMlies were dlscuaed during the initial planning oC L'>e pork and in l'lct originally it was lhc En~ !'alts and Rocrcalioa Dcpanmeal lhat suggested in-line and skalcboanl park rncmtics. He said they 61 IIDI sec the activily al thal time and did llOI po:1 ii in10 lhc master plan . He llOled ii has been four,_._ the aelivily has just exploded in lhcsc IWO spons and so they wanl Ill acconunodau: whal lhcy lhia is -not· a lrcnd . bul a spon, a valid spon. They also lhink. he said. U111 !here i, a need and a bcncfil 10 .. al the communi1ics thal surround the port: Englewood , Liulcton. Arapahoe County. Sheridan. He ..-111a1 as they provide these lypCS of facililics, Uial people who panicipale in lhesc Cacililies have a place a> FtO practice thrir spon . He commtntcrl they are not being welcomed al business centers as we ha,-e • read. so lhey wan1 to provide thi ·, as a benefit to our communities. Council Member Waggoner noted 11 15 not as though lhcy ,w:rc replacing something. 1ha1 they arc adding to all of lhe !luff tltal was originalfy anticipalcd. Mr . Woodcock stated 1ha1 is correct Council Member Waggoner no led lherc were a couple of other conditions , placed upon lhc Pbmcd Dcvclopmcn~ thal were imposed by Council. He aslcd if they have addressed chose al Ibis p:utlCllbr lime . Mr. Wootlcocic asked wital lh cy were , spccific>lly. Mr. Waggoner advised chat one WIS a ~mcnl in lieu of taxes and the other was the residents of E11.!. .wocxl get resident mies at Cornerstone Park Mr . Woodcock stated that one of the reasons David Lon:riL. the E.'<ecuti,·c Director. came this a'ffliag. v.,as to address those two qucslions . He s.1id he would li!:c 10 tum the mike O\'C r to Mr . Lorenz. Davi d Lorenz. Excctt1ivc Director of South Suburban Parts and Recreation District advised 11111 llis home address is 6412 Soulh Birch Circle in unincorpornlcd Arapahoe County . He commenced thal be,.... hop ing Council wouldn't ask 11,11 question tonight . He advised 1ha1 1hr ', Boud did enjoy lhc oppar,unily lt•~O..c-1 N-911erJ.1"'1 P■acl'I , I ) 'fH) lCK f') 11 f ud1••·, in\-1 o,,.-i .. 'I 10 ,,_ willl ,.-:ii -woekl qo wb<re Ibey discussed some of these i11UC1 . What he would suggest, he said, -ci.. .. a.nt is,.,,... to COlllidorinc 1,l'in1 B~&kwood 1t1ldenll lOIIIO typo of district rcsld• -• ~ Jaumey a ad CM llllliaa c:aps, If Ea&lcMod Mlllld reciproca&c and consider glvi~1 Lllllir( ........... lite e.....-fflideal ,._ 11 the Englewood Golf COW!C, whicli is localed_....,_, Padrs ud Reen. liaa Dillrict. So. lie nated. he lhoughlthat -.Id be open for d!IC1JIII-. Mr..'--advilod tllll diarboanl imailllsaid they wwldcolllidcrthewbin lieu of taxes fol' City ....,._ Ho llid lie did ...,_ a loner 10 the Ci1y Man■pr ■nd Jem,11 Black suggesting Iha& IIK,--• • 'Jla • ...., wllal thme Cily ICIViaol arc, wbaullc 00IIS.,. and how the cosu have been caJcullled. ML.1-•Id 1h11 bis a,aalion 10 CCN&ncil would be to allow the stall's to lit down and uy 10 decido ._ ._ •d dlocma llan. lie aid be bu ukcd 1h11 Council consider the land use Issues involved in this .._.. IOnight and 11.eep those other issues. which arc or more or a polilical nature. to IUIOlher .,.. cw-far dlscussioa. Mr. Lorenz advised that !heir board is commillcd to going ahead on 1h11 p,<Jjeot _...,-.Id really lilra IO ■-for Council's IIIA")II ■nd conc:um:nce on Ille land use issues . Mayor Buna....,. dloy llaaded 0111 a kacr tonight 10 Jenell Bla:k rmm Mr. Lorenz. dated IOday, addrC11U11 ti.-_.,_ paymcm far En&kwood services al Corom&one Park . Her,oinledoul lhal the idea or liar .....,. ia their diaric& getting special rate■ at !be Golf Course or whatever. is no1 in lhil leaa. Hu•lc-wonderill ny ii isll 'l iflhaliswhal be meant 10 ay. Mr. Lorenz explained that he juS loA .. ..., a l'lla apoa • tl1crc. wilb lhc illleOtion lhal be thought Slaflil could sil down and disam tk pll2iclllan involved. He Slated that his 1"md bu DOI caic 10 a conclusion on cilher one o(thcsc two-. !baa he does ROI want lo mislead Council al all. But he said, they.,. willing to disam .-_ .__ Bini -■led lbll be app,a:illc■ lhc facl Iha& he is willing IO address these issues . He op;....,. • -.g. Ibey 111d a couple o( weeks ago. wu I good one, that Ibey had a good level o( conunwlicalimJ _ Ho ..,.-out that tllcse ""' ~• iaucs IO our citizens and he tl10ughl Mr. Lorenz's 11:Dcr -aorin& IOWard. im-aibly. bcguP.nlng • solution to that problem. But he said, he thought oar c:iliza ~ like to have 1ome :ICCOlnmodati,,as made hcu. Pal Su11MD. ~ County SbcriO: ba.'!ded s icllcr to each Council member, advised that he WIS appcariac bd.r c-:il in support or the South Srwrban pn,;,os,11 . Of particular interest , he said. is the skalC boud ....,_. .-skalina park . He advised he has 100 deputies Ulll respond on calls regularly on nuulina-..-llmnlcl> out ofbminess areas in office parks and they don 't have a place 10110. He opined it is a..,... lpOII. lhal it raprcs a grcal deal of skill and practice. Sheriff Sullivan said he thinks wo """'111,llllic 11q111O provide lbem some places besides lhe business community in office buildins an:as., dlo:w:lap lllose skills and 10 do their competitions. He Slated he thinks South Suburban has done a grc11 j111>d plawng for that. not only here at Comcrs10nc . bu1 al Olhcr parks 1hrougl10U1 their system . But. lie ....a. the most imp>-iant one would be hen: at Cornerstone . He commented that it involves a lo( o(-pc,opJe and be though! ii was a very healthy activity, Its grca1 skill building. Bui. he noted. it docs ca:a friction between these sponsmcn and women and the local businesses and us. Whether ii is CllrisOlsoo's people lhat arc called 10 run them Olli of some of the Engle1vood business area-; or lhc Littlc:a:m aff"JCCrS, he opined th.it Littleton and Englewood would benefit the mo st Sheriff Sullivan DOlcd dlisp■rucular location won 't benefit his people immedinlel y. bul it is 1icd 10 a sci ofabou1 half a d.Jzcn ska8:llooud locations Iha! South Suburban is planning 10 develop . The hub and lhc key one is here at Coe--. He said tl1e in-lioe skaters arc developing fast. as was stated by Mr. Woodcoc k. Therefore. he_._ .., behalf or his 100 dcp ntics and himself. he \\Ould like 10 urge Council 's appro,.al of the changes sulnmilaed llcn: loday , particularly Uic ska1eboard and lhe in-line ska1ing . Council Member Ebhcmch1 a..~kcd ho"' m.1ny ska.re board focili1ics there arc right now in the syste m. Sheriff Sulm"" 5QIIOII lhcrc arc nooe nght now. 1ha1 U1ey arc in lhc planning stages . Bui tl1is would he the hub . lhcrc ~ be mo,e of a facility here . He said he though! it would be grca1 for Lilllcton and Englcwcol thal ba:.aiw:d two blocks from there for a long lime on Huron Way . • • • • • • Eqlawoad Clly Cooncll N"'••btr J, 1997 Page II Council Member Habenicht ulu,d how people wouJd ... IO I nd rrom Ille fxilil!r-Sllai6" Sulli- cxplaincd 11-would be serving regions, lilllc an:u or the ~oulh S-aa. He apincd thi1 would be aa imporlanl 11111 OD L-.nina IDUII OD it and plus~ wo,.Jd .,.......,, lie -c compclilioaa bold 11 lhil locatiQllqt lhoy WOWljbcll!WlcrCac:ilitleaatO(lacr ,-ks.111 be ........... Couaoi! Member Habtnicbl aid Ulll her q-i(Jn wouJd be. if this is IOiu,J IO be SOIi ah ......... baudin& bub, bow do people get 10 the area. Sbe asked if llicy would be IUldJoanlioa. rollrt I fi a« driving to the .,.._ Sherlfr Sullivan opined lhal 1hc major usen will be lbose within skatdmnliJl&aa:is_ fool accas to Uic an:a . ThU is why, he notod, Llal he thought Cowicil Member Waagoacr's.,... ma Ille numbct or vehicles is probably going lo bl• lcu than Olbcr parts or111c 1¥'· Bccausi:. bu1iid. ii is pg to be significantly scrvin1 the youU, or E11&!cwood and LilUelop and ii will pobllily k ma Saturdays and Sundays where people J!ili be driving ia ror corapcliliom. Bul be said. be dia 11 lllink i1 would be a regular daily tiling lhal you would be havi11& lhal many motor vchiclc&. He-..! Iha! !hoy will be coming under the Belleview tube aa:cs.< between Englewood and Progress Palc.-1 Iba! up into the skateboard area. COUIICil Member llabcnicbtsaid ,he was guessing she had not hearchl.., tllc,-iblc activity or competition and the like. Thal, llbc DOied, would lake it beyond jusa the local qion. Sbcriff Sullivan swal it could but they wouldn't be regular. He advised the rogubr use,..... .. by &clcwood's kids and the kids rrom Littleton, that 1hcy would be 1hc major uscn or iL Bul be Slid. then: might be some other compclitions when: Olbcr kid& mighl come in . He Slaled he did not dlial; ii •-...Id be cvc,y weekend competition evenl. Council Member Habcoichl AOICll 1hal ail or a sudden as Sberilr SullivaD -1111w11 ac bad Ibis sare1y issue in her mind. Knowing, olic said, lhal we have already had a bicycle aa:alonl on llcUovicw, .;lb kids, rspceially young kids wanting IO access that area. going baclt and re.a. SbcrilfSullivan opined that lhero is a very safe aa:css then:, under Belleview for the kids coming frOIII Eapcl>-ond and BcllC\icw Park in U,al aroa . He said he thought it would be minimal . Again, Sheriff Sullivaa said. be would like lo encourage Council 10 "'ppo,t 11. Mayor Bum•. commenled 1ha1 Sheriff Sullivan's lellcr addressed a r.ndi.llg--. He a5kcd whal lhe limclinc was for tlus and noted lhal it appear, the funds aro DOI available at,_ poinL Sheriff Sullivan advised that that was pan or an application and be ll5kcd Mr. Woodcodt to-lhal. Mr. Woodcock stated that the funding ror Phase 1 orlhc skald>oard parl< is in place. He -Ibey lave Sl00,000 from the 1997 budgcl and &hould the 1998 budget be approved lhcrc is IDOlher ~, He added that ll1ey have S 150.000 granl to the CDBG, which is block grant money to Alapabareau.y, .. they aro ,·cry inlen:stcd in this projccl. because it addresses a lol of their criteria for Bloclt Gant Projects. Mr. Woodcock explained Illa! they have the po1en1ial or having over S-I00.000. ~ is cum:ntly a GOCO Grant submirtcd and, he advisod, they have made lhe finaliSI of Dine ~otllal an, being oonsiderod . Mr . Woodcock staled lhal lhcy have almost the potential or a half million <loOars for this projccl and it coSls $400,000 10 build Uic 20 ,000 squnro fool skale board park. So, he sai<i, ilhe funding is in plate for Phase 1 and it looks real good for Phase 2 for Ute entire facility . Council Member Habcnichl asked what kind of use lhcy expect for this factlmy . ~-tr. Woodcock noted that he has never built one of these , and to answer her honestly . he did not k.-llw anyone in this room could tell her. unless she talked to some of tbc skaters tJ1at arc in lhc audil:s:tu. And. be advised. tJ1cy do wanl 10 lalk . Mr. Woodcock staled tl'11 rrom 1heir experience or lalking to,poopie who operate and mainlain 1hese 1ypcs or faciii1ics 1ha1 you get daily use and a rcw people then: most or the lime and during the after school hours ii will increase . He advised 11"11 yes Uicrc will be IOUlmamC.Dts.. U>ero will be compclilion. 11011 1lia1 is Ilic naluro or parks anrl rccrcalion . Franl<l y. he said. tbc) cndonc Ullt, lha1 1hcy .......... CltyCOllacll llffla'llcrl,1997 .... ll 61nt tlllt II healthy, good and I bcncllt to our communities . But , he said. he knows there an, 10mc poaplc who Wlllt lO tall< to that. CiOlladl Member'Wagoncr tlld be hli heard moll of the coacems in here addrcued except that numbet' --He ma,,sled Mr. Woodald< miahl want lo : lll< about that, that the dllllrict shall lppNM: and ,..,.... lddltloaal pedestrian ..,.. from the ooulheut comer of the port, 10 the lnla'llal path system . ..;th tined croa walks and sidewalb. Mr. W~ lmroduced Mr. Stipe lo address that. Mr. David Stlpe advised that bis business address is 6631 South Univmity Boulevard. Littleton . He advised that the pedestrian ■=:s1 iaue, which was recommendation number one. Is addressed by povidi111 ■n attached sidewalk OIi the west side of Hickory from the comer of Hickory and Prentice and a walk that crosoes the interior drive with I cross walk and then l"M> walks that come oft' the parking lot and ..._,. to the imcrior trlll. He commental that it doesn 'I show OIi this plan, but that It does show on the p1am that he swmitted earlier. Council Member Vormittag asked about the houn or oper:1Uon . Mr. Stipe ndviscd that their parks arc q,c, IUllil 11 :00. Mr. VormitUg asltcd irthere ,.;11 be somebody that will tome 001 and lock the gates 11 !l:00. Mr. Stipe said yes,• park ningcr . th•t they hove park ningcrs thatare based 001 or South Platte Part. jail down by Santa Fe ond Mincrll . l!ahlm Hind. SOS6 South Perry Street, Littleton. said he just wanted to say that hopefully this will be a ...,.i park and hopefully it will go through for all the sltateboarden and in-line kids. He advised that he ...ts at a skaleboard and sncnotJoard shop and the)• constantly have parents asking where is n good locatm b their child to go skaldloard. ~ ii is legal and where there is an obstacle to use. He <mllllOlllcd 1h11, if this goes thMagh. he was sure the kids would appreciate it as ii Is needed . 1"'1 driving ........i, be noted. he sees a lot or the skateboanlen and in-line kids in businesses and h-.-,ld rathCf see _, 11 a Facility that is for their spon. to practice , to hang out with friends and hopefully to have mmpdilions. which he relt would better their lives. Chad Pcoewcll said his business address is 8170 South University Boulevard in Littleton . He advised Utat !be worts at Rocky Mountain SDO\Oix>.1rds . which is a snowboard and skateboard shop. and he panici pates in-line skating. skateboarding and in-line hockey. He said he just "~ntcd to come •nd voice kind or 1>al Mr. Hirad just said, that he docs not think there :s anyplace right now IMI is a good pl ace for kids to -. Mr. Pencwcli =phasizcd that they don 't want to skate where it is illegal , that they want to ska1e •~ 1hcy can go and their equipment won 't be confiscl1ed and they won't be told to leave and they crn lid INI they can just go and skate. Rigl11 now , he Mlcd. there Is not e good place 10 do th81 . He noted dlat he would be glad to 31151''<r any questions Council might ha\'c, 1ha1 he could answer from 1he ,ic,o-point or someone who will be using this f:icilily . He noted lhal David cnme into their shop not too llaag ago and presented them with the plnn of whnt the park might lcok like . He said he knows there is -1\ing in stone yet. btll that it really showed him that they arc concerned . not juSI nbout having OOIIIClhing. but that it be a place Utat kids will want to go. tha1 it will be SCI up inn pos itive manner and mot just lhmwn together. that kids will nc1ually want to go there. Mr . Penewcll opined thnt ii is n very ..-ell thought out project wi1h not just a r:1ndom ska1e park in mind . but ac1ually with the interest or the ll:Jds in mind . Council Member Habenicht asked ir 1his is a spon 1ha1 is only engaged in by children . Mr. Pcnewell soid m>. but that you arc probabl y noc going 10 stan ir you arc in mid th inics or something. He stated that 1l0mc of the professional sk:neboardcrs nnd even just a 101 of local people thnl come into their shop lmvc been skating since the I 970 's. mid 1980's and especial!:, on the profossion.11 level when: they ha ve gotten that good. th:11 there arc a lot of ska1crs in the mid th irlics as n mnucr of fact. He noted they mny or may DOI be familiar with this. but thal Tony Hawk . who recentl y won the X Games in lhc r::unp skruing , which • • • • • E ■slfwood City CoHcU NOffllller J, I 997 PaplJ 11 nul)) a:> tioo•nttn ◄ PPi t •,dm:,,u~ •'" Is an obllac'41h111y11uld be I il\.lhi11l<11c part, is ia lliulid lllinicuod he is married ·11, dlildn;n . 1, He DOied he beat 'ou1 all ol 'lj young kids bccaUIO he is die.... So, he said, ii is dcf'an/ic);' a lj)Ort lhat older people portlelpole in. He ll0ICd he Is 21 and he finl -sbld>oarding ia 1984 or 1985 and he has bcco In-line lkltlna for about ll>e or six >yan ,_, Ht ...S lhat all ap peni'ji~ in this sport, bul that lhc maJOrily will probably be ; 'OUllgcr people. , . Cowicil Member Habeniehl said lhat p¢,tp5 be could_. a question she bad asked earlier. She aJllcd how a skalcl)oardu, OI' in-lillc skMcr, F('1odiisfacilily • .Mr. Pcnewcll ad\iscd lhal iflhcy a,c in lhc local an:a Ibey would probably just IUIC or lake lbcir ........_ 111d lake lbc cross walks or lhc Belleview bridge IO get Ihm If DOI, most of lhem WUllld ...... .., parelllS take them, or be DOied, if Ibey an: capable Ibey would drive U... -~. On in-line, lie ...S. .,.,. a,uld probalol)' skate a prcUy good distance ma)1)c a ~ miles lo get U.... ~ The skaldanl Ill: said. is more of a aon rlll§C 1ypc of 1ransportatioo for most kids. He said lhal pn,bably a lnl d lllaa -.-ould have Illar parent: lake lhcm lhe1t and then pick lhem up. Council Member Vonniuag said Iha! he was sure 111<)' bad apaiDal IO him wbal Ibey wen: lll>ing 10 build 1herc. He uktd him how many people could be in ~ at aae lime and, using die example of an eii;b1 year old lcaming venus somebody like bimself, who is 21.,..... old and really kaows how IO do lltis llling, and no1 kill lhal kid. Mr. Pcncw\:JI advucd lhal in a II<& pal dlae an: scvcral ~. a. pil or bull lypC obstacle being one of lhcm, bu1 1h11 you are also sc-& • lave IUlps lhrougl,out lhc whole llting and stairs for them and all kinds of banks and walls. He ,.,... ...,. is a a:nain -o(~ ctiqucuc, when a person is really good. and gets CNI the ramp. be -'\ l<a:p png and &i>ill&-He said be j\'ill maybe go for a couple of minutes if he is n:ally good aad dim lllle """1 person iD lille will have his IUm . Tha~ be DOied, will be lhc caso on c.ay obllacle .. He ,_._,.rilll several o!Jmcics. lhc eight ya~ old kid that docsn 'I know whal ht· is doing. when ii is lcu '-Ir will still get bis llll'1l on lhc bigger obstacles and when ii is very t,usy he will be able 10 511a -of lhc smaller obslaclcs llmt a 101 or the very good skaiers an, nOI going 10 be o:,. Council Member Vomtiuag asked him, in his opinion. bow 1111311)' accidcnlS he lbougb1 lltis would cause . He said he was not saying lltis lo be against it bul be ..-a<> know. rcalistically. if he was saying 1ha1 lherc would never be an accident Mr. PeneweU said 110. LbaG ;,cople an: going IO fall down and when you arc on your bike, skalcboard or rollerbladc:s you arc going 10 lbill -n. Fonllllaldy. be advised, be has scon lhc 111:nd of a IOI of parcnlS providing prolcctive f12. Elc.ask<d Mr. Vormiuag ifhc was n:fcrring 10 lhc older kids just running over 1hc li1~e ones . Mr. Vormimc:said accidenlally. Mr. Pencwcll stated a 101 of 1he older kids arc lhc ones lhal arc going 10 be in a lot 1110tC rnauol of lhcir boan!s. In lhat case. he said he would say ii would be a case of lhc younger kids losinc . •lllrol of lhcir skaldloards and lhcn Ilic belier sl<alcrs an: really going IO be able lo avoid lhosc ao:cid<ai. He noted he really hasn 'I seen tha1 a lot lhal somclinlCS a skalcboard will go flying off. usually hatmlal;ly,jv.st roll away and hopefully if 1herc is lhe fluke of a sl<alcboard flying up lllOSI o! lhc kids will be waring prolcclive gear and lhcy \\ill be able 10 just watch oul for it Because, he said . in Ibis si1ua1ion yoa hille also gol a 101 of kids walclting Ilic oilier kids . When one kid is doing a trick. everyone else is waidang!iim and 1hey an, going 10 sec if be goes flying off and his sl<alcboard goes flying and be able to ;n'llid c&.l. So. Council Member Vonniuag sa id, not C\'cryonc is moving continuously . Mr. Pcncwcll sa jd no.. mi :!aa a }ot of it is jusl standing around aud sayi ng "wow, look whal ll1a1 guy just did ." Council Member \-::irnu uag Sla1'd ii is kind of like a pool , when you get so many people in the po.)I and all you arc domg K just gett ing Wt:f. Mr. Pcncwcll said that's righL Mr. Vonnitt ag said he w:.sjust curious appnmmuacl) bow many people he tlaought could ac1u.1lly get into this thing before it is useless. Mr. Pcnt:'AdJ 5l:ZllCd the area 1J1cy ha\'c is a prcuy big space, lhal lhcy could 141ve a 101 or kids ska1ing around. Mr. \',mm111ag asked if II could be more 1k111 100. Mr. PenC\•~11 said lie wouldn'I say lhal many , noc 1h31 m:any an: going 10 be sl:aling all at once . He no1ed you could have a 100 kids lhen:, each gelling in a goochm10111>1 of time of skating, al least 20 or JO E•ate-M Clly Council N-'tt J, 1997 Pase 14 oflhcm IIIOll!na around \vlih the varinw obstacles and nOI having a problem with each other. Mr. Vormillag lild that Is a aood rado. Co,mcll Member Habenicht noted that milCI more ques1ion1 In her mind. She aid she was c:urlous, that .. aen there arc Injuries what klnd of Injuries arc they, knee problems, ankles. broken b.>ncs. Mr. Penewoll said just a lot of bumps and bruises, kids falling down, scrapes and scratches . Som, mes, be noted, if a kld takes a :,artlcularly nasty tall you may have a spraintil wriSI, sprained ankle or S< .IIClhlng tlke that. A lot of the kids. be said, aic wearing hclmct5 , but you will ICC a concussion fiom lime lo lime. He stated be t<ally docsn 'l sec a IOI of serious injuries, that from time 10 lime a kid will come in with a broken wrist. but that be really d"'51I 't Have a IOI of people come in and say they rracturcd their skull. You just don '1 ICC a IOI olthat. He nOlcd when they arc doing lhc bigger obstacles, even lbc ve ry good skaters, "i ll generally wear prolCClive gear because of the bigger obstacles the morc danger of injwy and klds don 'l want to get lnjurcd . Becaaic, be said, cvc,y day you arc Injured is a day you can't skate . So. be said. they arc really watching oul for L-..msclvcs . Council Member Vormiltag asked if he thought this was kind of like a baskciball court. Mr. Penc..-cll said yes, that skating is a legitimate sport , that there arc paid professionals. Mr. VormiUag said that what be meant was that like around 9:30 al nlghl there will be more older kids lhcrc, more of :har kind of ,:iuff, ro get together and play a late game, late at night. Mr. Pen.,.-cll said lhcre will be some klds th.11 ,.;11 get olfwon II 7:00 or 1 :00 and say lers go skate al the skate parlt and they will show up and lbcy will skate. BUL be DOied, il is unlilce a basketball game wbcrc there is just one area that is c.,cl•JSively for this team that is playing a pmc, that this is not the case al with a skate part<, anyone con ju>; skate wbcn:vcr. If there is one group that is logdber on a basketball court, they need to h.ive a half court so they can shoo! at a basket. Thal is not the case at a skate park, he said, anyone can just skate and kids arc pretty aood about taking turns, I'll skate, you'll skate, ii Is pretty cooperative . Lori Shcny, owner, with her husband, of Rocky Mountain Snowboards , 8170 South Uni versity Boulevard. Littleton. said her store opened in September of 1993 . Al that lime . !Irey only sold s"°"t>oards, bringing in in-line skating in the Spring, she explained . Their intention was not 10 carry skateboards because lbcy were not sure there w-JS enough demand and because there was some public con ce rn about skateboarding and kids that skateboard. Within about six months, she said, they made 1hr. decision 10 bring skateboards into their product line and ii has been a fabulous part oflhe business . She said they have had Cust omers and their parents ask that they cony skateboards, both for lhe children and the parents . Ms. Sbeny s.1id lbcy really thought the mauc, t~rough , where the sport is going and what ii will mean 10 lhc busi ness. and whether ii would create any bad will in thei r shopping center, which is the Festi val Shoppin g Center al University Boulevard am; Cou nty Linc Ro.id . For about the last three years. she said. they have been se lling skateboards and their gro"1h in sales of skateboards has been about 30¾ per year. Ri ghi now the business is about 30-/4 snowboards and rcl nlcd eq uipment 40-/4 skateboards and rclalcd equ ipment and lW, for in-line skates and relarcd equ ipm ent. She said she docs nor ska1cbo.1rd, bul docs SRO\\ooarding and in-line skating , and she has seen in her bu si ness some really good . well-intentioned kids and older fol ks who skatcbo.irdcd when they "~re youn ger and they arc now gelling back into ii. She noted il has just been a 1rcmcndous group of people 10 wo rk with in the store . Ms. Sh erry advised that she ge ts 5'."\'Cral calls a month from parents who arc concerned beca use their children arc good s1udcn1 s and arc not troubl c•makcrs. yet when they try to skatcbo.1rd with friends . they arc !old lo ge t out of th e way or that they arc not suoposcd 10 be there nnd gcncmlly made 10 feel they were doii1g so met hing wro ng and th~ a:c in tears . Whethe r th e skatcbo.1rd p.1rk is here or not , she s.1id. the kids arc go ing to skatebo.1rd. ff they don 't have a n fc pla~ to go. 1hcy will skateboa rd where th ey arc now, whi ch is at busi nesses. park ing lots and any concret e surface. which is fo r more cfan gc rou s, in bc1wcc n cars !hat arc movi ng. perhaps no, paying anention 10 the traffi c in general . She said Hull co ncerns her. She stressed 1ha1 the skateboard park wouM provi de a very ~,re pla ce for skateboa rders and would be extremely benefic ial 10 Littlet on and Englewood . :is well :is fo lks fro m lhc surroundin g :i rC."li . About h.1 lf of the peo ple wh o come • • • • • Enate,,oa,I City C -it N .. eabtr J, 199'1 ••cc•~ h I ) I ) )IKlfnl~I I ~1 1I, llliflt!ffflV'. ,., in 10 buy !i!atcboanl ~ -., kmw wt,cn: ID find I lkltcboatli "'-111 ~ cap lake lhc;ir c~i~d to. She said ii l1 very l'naltnliag ID.._ to tell iJ.em that the clOIClt place is la c;;o1a.;n or Boulder. 'The paienu arc buly, 1he aid.•""'•-. and lhcy uu,'t gel lheirchildttn up 10 Golden or Boulder as often u they Wlllild like, lhcrcloR lbc ~ cad up lbllng in die lltCCl or in the business 111:U. Ms. Sherry n:l1eratcd tha' a park 1111& !bis ii• excdlent idea and SIIC ii very excited about ii. When she first heard 1.,.n: "':I a park planned. Ille told..., eus1omcn. allhou&~,she ~ ~ aWF lhr.n of the ti~ frame . She said if she took a poll ol'hcr-. lhcy-.ld be ,,:ry enlhusaasuc about the park , Addiuonally, she said, then: has been I ll'Cllltlldoft eq,losioo of in-line hockey, which t,he and some of her employees play at lhc Parlee, Recreation C<Dt.:r ia • adult in-line hockey lc.guc and si'.c said it is a blast. ii is fun . A:, an aduli, she noted. there ami't 100 -.y Ol)POltWlitics 10 play In a croup spon . The addition ofllio in-line skate facilities in the parlt -.Id be ""I)' wdconic by 111111y childttn and adullS . llaJTcU ¥illct, 3976 South.~ Slrccl, said he baf skaldxlafdal for lhe last ten year. ,and ii is a anaj9r thing for him. When the Cmlag sbtcboard parlt opened. he recalled. he was,abo~t ten or,ejcveo and he has spcnl a lol of time then:. W. die Belleview parlt was opened. he also spent 'a lot of time lhcrc, and was forced 10 seek Olhcr places ,o sl::a&c when i! closed. He said lherc is nol much in the area now, o1he1 than Cushing. On the wockcndl. •llcn be sl<alcboards. be drives lo Golden, An'3da and othe, places outside of Denver. Ee said he ......W really love to""' something Eke this in Englewood, and th.ii it would build community spirit alld pride, He opined that if you feel pride. you will tnlte care of the park and build friendships and ,..,..a. fie said be has sutcboardcd for IC\'Cral years with a BUY who is about J 5 years old. This man bas b.:ca -.rding sina: be was 12, be said. Pco~le often look down on th< spon bcco:.sc they don't~ it. Mr. Miller SlalCd. Often. kids who arc not very academic and "ho do not fr, in to other spo<1S. find Illar niche in skateboarding. He said it builds char.ictcr and you have :i grc.11 tin.c doing it.just as ia.., Olkr span. There arc a lot of unwritten~ about sk.itcboarding thst panieipan,, adl>on: lo, be advised. Cauncil's coqccm about gralliti and trashing the park, he believe ,, will be taken can: ofby the skaldNanlcrs. Although he will be going olTto college soon and will not be able to use the parlt much. Mr. Miller said he has a lillle brother who skateboards. There will be some clashes between the older and youagcr kids. he said. t,,,1 most of the tir.ie the older kids arc glad to sec I.hat the younger kids an: taking an u.lCrcst in ii. Brian Gaschler worlts at 8170 Soucll Unimsity Boulevard. Rocky Mountain Snowboards . He said he agrees with his co-worltcrs :.nd the ahcrs. He sa id he has been skateboarding since fifth grade and is 21 now. and has rcally ~ a skaliepark for a long time. Mr. Gaschlcr 5.',id he thinks it is really hcaltl1y 2nd he is very excited about it and alfercd his full suppon . Marcie Miller, 3976 South BaflllCd: Street. said that her son grew op v.11cboarding . She stated lhat she likes the sense of oommunit)· ~idl. dais and the fact that the kids can pc1 there by their own mc.-111s of transponation, eilhcr by bicycle. sblcboard or in-line skates. She lik,,s the fact thal they can go under Belleview or cross at the light aad that it is not too close to Santa Fe 01 Gu>,odway. She agreed thal tl1erc is a suppon among lhc sk.aLcrs aad' dacrc is a nice sense al politeness. When her son was you ng, Ms. Miller said she "ould slay and watdt him while he was uying to learn . TI1e older kids "ould help him and give him instruction. She feds it helps to instill a SCflsc of community with lite yonngcr kids and tc.,chcs them to be proud of their area. She urged Council's suppon Matthew Mcncns. 740 5 So.uh Elm Coun. L11tlc1on. Slated th:u he feels this is a great idea . H~ s.1id he has been skatcbo.1rding since he was about 12 yc.1rs old and was always gelling in !rouble t..hcn for skateboarding in the "rong pixes. 'S:Ueh as business areas . He said he still skaleboards at age 2 1 and has always wanted a place to go "here will not get into trouble . Skate boarding ha s become a spo n. he said. just like basketball or bascmil. The other sporu have couns and field s built for that purpose and he said he feels sk.i teboarding nccd5 tlac same th ing . £■&1,.,.ood CUy Couacll 11:..-ber J, 1997 P■ce 16 The,c beln~~.~ qutsl\0111 ~ 1as !here was 110 pho ~lsc jlfescnl I') spe■k IO !be luac, ~--- awe! rar d moi!on lo C\?!i~ public hef.r"B• , Council Member Waggoner S&ld he would like to propose conllnul,11 the putillc hcari111, He ......,. there ■.re still a lat or issues t1u11 need to be addtalcd. He noted 1hcy !lave talked about lbe adltiliomil lllfflc ge11Cration ~! would be coiacd by thc additional parltlng places tbt MJUld be e1111ld "r tkbo in-line hockey rinb and the ,kite pllk. 1 Mr. Waggoner ·aid he feels the traffic iss.acs need to be addressed and ll1l)'bc ar. update bn the 'tnlllc impsr.t l'C))Ort 1ha1 was done. There were a lot ol~ citizens who volcccl concerns tluli wanted some type or resldcl11 mies al Comcrstuoc Park. We do ....,..... services 10 lhat area, he said. and frcls thc m:itler has to be resolved as far as the payment ill lieu oluxcs. M,. Waggoner said he has had coils ftom cltizcru; wilh reprd 10 llicsc: conc:cms . CO'VNCIL Ml!:Mfll!R WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO CON'IllfUTIIE PUBLIC HEARING TO JANI' ARV 19, 19911. Council Member Waggoner staled II.at al !hal lime Council can discuss !his again and see wllae -an: on some of these issues. Ayes : Council Member, Nabholz, Vonnillaa, Wiuu,s. H::.baudlt. Waggoner, Oapp, Bums ' Nays: None Motion carried and !he public hearing will be continued . Mayor Burns staled, In lighl ofl~al, he would like lo encourage stalTto get together on thes:: isms• illustrated by the letter recci\'ed 1oday from David Lorenz. He said he thhks ii is a positive ld:le:-ad dial we have had positive meetings an.l Iha! wo can hopefully resolve these issues bec:luse , obviously. tibc park is somct~i ng a lot or people wont and seems to be very useful. I 1. Conient Aecn~• (a) Approval 0,1 Ordinances on Fir,1 Reading COUNCIL MEMBERVORMIITA<; MOVED, AND ITWA:; SECONDED. TO APPROV\: CONSENT AC.l!NDA ITEM 10 (a) (i) ON ••1RST READING. (i) COUNCIL B1.i.L NO . 95, INlllODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE Alf: HORIZING AN INTER GOVERNMENT AL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. UNITED STATES ;JEPARTMENT OFlllE INTERIOR AND TilE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO ENTITI.ED "U .S. DEP~"I' OF THE INTERIOR U.S . GEOLOGI CAL SURVEY JOINT FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR WATEI?. RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS ... Vote results: Ayes: Council Members Nabhol 1 .. Vormittag , Wiggins. Habenicht. Waggone r, Clapp. Bums Nays: None • • • 1 • .--iar,c-u NO\Wler l, l'97 , .. ,, lwuo) t1Jhoo111I n'f \1(1I ,t udm 11,Y ~. 'q COUNCIL IIDMUll VOIIMIJTAG MOVl!D, AND !l1W.U1~ECONDED .,TO APPROVi.iJ CONSUT AG&NDA ITlll 10 (a) (II) ON,FIJIST UADJNG, AND ,S,1:!1' A PUBLIC IIBARll'IG FOR DICDDER I, 1'97 AT 7:30 P.!11. (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 97 , INTRODUCIID BY COUNCIL MBMBijR VORMJTTAG A Ba..L FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AYJNDING 11:IE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR 1l:IE BROOKRJDGE SHOPPING CENTER TO Al.LOW A CHANGE IN ROOFING MAT61UALS ~OM ST ANDING SEAM METAL TO DIMENSIONAL ASPHALT SHINGLES A},11) TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SIX FOOT SINGLE-SIDED FENCE ON 1l:IE EASTERN PEIUMEla OF 1llE SHOPPING CENTER Mo<imc:ani,,j, Ayes: Cquncil Members Nal,bo;z. Vonniltag. Wiggins. Habcnich~ Waggoner, Clapp, Bums ~'S: Nooe (b) Approval ofOnlinanccs on Second Reading Then: ,.oe,e m ileDlS subrrillcd for appmval on v.cond reading . (c) Resolutions and Molions TIKR \,\'Cf'C 1»0 resolutions or motions submitted for approvaJ . 11. lkp,lar Agada (a) ApprOlllll ol Ordinances oi: Finl Rcat.lbg There o;a.c,e mo addilional items submitted for approval on firs t reading . (Sec Agcnd.1 Item LO• Consent Agenda.) (b) Approval of Ordin.1ncc., on Second Reading Then:-,: 110 iU'nns submitted for approval on sccond reading . (c) Resolutions and Motions There were 00 reso luti ons er mot.ions submitl'XI for l ppro vaJ . 12 Galen! DjscusSMNI (a) Mayo r's C.hoi a: I. M")or Bums wcloomcd Gary Scars as lhe new Ci1y Manager. He n:cogni1.ed 1ha1 Ibis is the last ful l lD<Ctlllg fo r r.ouncil Members Wiggins and Vonniun g. He recalled 1hn1 Council Me,nbcr Vonnillag and he c:amc on the City Council the sa me day. He commended Mr. Vonniuag for his loyal service to the Councd foe the last fou r years. adding that i1e was ex tremely acti ve on the Clean. Green and Proud Con l1N.SSIOIL He added tha t Mr. Vonn illa g is the kind of gu y who gives 120% .1l1 the time . and never l■alewood Clly Cau ■cll N_be,3, 1997 ...... kmo1 docs anythinthilll'Mly. 14y(,r "'1nl aid he Ital~~ bif lOffllllld1"41111eratltl Ml ,~ I constitue11111ind !ill Misllbcirhooll.'ahll lie williddpo,tJ111C1r1aMI. v....._ .. lliiwlre. MayorBami '> 11a1ed ii bu been a pleuurc scmng with him for the past rout yea,s. ,. 1 ' '· T l Mayor Bums lilted 111111 Council Membe:' Wighis is I former Mayor af 6il<ill', and is ICIVing on the Waler and Sewer Boanl and has liven eight yean or service to this ~ry. He said Mr. Wiglin1 llu n:preaenled District 4 very well during lhal pcn od or time. He wished llill 1111d bis wife, Ruth. all the best. adding lhal ii has been a pleuure mving 11ilh him. 2. Mayor Burn1 Aid he allOtlded a Colorado Municip■I I.Mpo, Dillricr 3. dinner last Thursday , as did Council Members Clapp and Hahenlchl. He Slllled he llieadod a ..... bd'on: lhal on pouible legislative i&."UCS for the year. Then: are not a lot or hot~ dlit-. i,e said. Some of the IBklngs legislation and some of the Olher items might not be submitted this,-. lllausc Gover,.or Romer has ,·e1oed those in lhc past, and. since he is going out of ol!lce, lhcy migt,t __, lllllil next year. Mayor Bums said CML keeps ill linger on the pullc or legislation and wtn ...., 111 IIMled on these items. 3. Mayor Bums wished the best 10 all or us on the Guide the Ra ... tomorrow. This Council has unanimously approved a resolution supponing ii . and. though it will be tipt. he said, he is hopiflg It will pass. (b) Council M<mbe~s Choia, (i) Council M:mber Nabholz: I. She submitted a lcllcr from John Loozc resigning from the ac..., Green and Proud Commission. with a letter from his doctor stating lhc rc.uons for his resignation . 2. She said sic has had three calls this wa,k regarding Skip Milla'"s 11titudr. at the end oflhc meeting a few ,.,,clu ago when we did our breakout session . They-.: "'"1 coocemcd over his aggressive behavior again. She .sid she was gr:ucrul 10 hcarlhat Mr. Miller would.lit oat in the audience wh<n this comes back to a Study S.:.<Sion. 3. She thanked Council for 1hc nowcrs she n:ccivcd ri~<r her acodiont a few weeks ago 4. She welcomed Gary Scars as Ci1y Manager . 5. She said lhal she and Council Member Vormittag have SlCfVCO•Ck:an. Green at,d Proud for scvcra · years together and she will miss him . She wished him the besl. S1ic also wished Council Member Wiggins good luck in all his endeavors . (ii) Council Member Vonniuag : I. He thanked Mayor Bums and Council Member Nab holz for lheri comments 2. He wclcom ~d Gal)' Sc..1rs . J . Concerning Clean. Green. and Pro ud. he asked tlmt Council ccll!Sldcr the Green Cny Dala Project for 1he $285 . He said that Clean , Green nnd Proud has also pul in S2 8.S :and. for whnt the City will get out or ii. they feel it is w:11 "-onh ii. • • ~!Mid City Council ~k~rJ,1'97 Pap" IJ I COUNCIL MEMBER VORMITTAG MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO GIVE SW TO THE GREEN CITY DATA PROJtCT OP COLORADO. Ayes : Council Membcn Nabholz, Vonnillll&-Wiagins. Habenicht. Waggoner, Clapp, Bum, Nays: None Motion cinicd. ~-He said be really has enjoyed tcin1 on this C1111ncil and it has been one of the highlights of his life. He said he has learned a k>I and do<'S not feel he aiuld outdo what he has done in the last four ycaB ia tbe next four years. He not,d lhllt Council has some major decisions to make . He exp......i his suJll)Ol1. iflhcn: is any way possible. for the Foley 's buildinc becoming a city hall, adding that it ,.;11 really benefit the citizens of Englewood. S. He said he has worked n:ally hard on this trash ordinance and hopes Council will con1inue """ing on it and o,ake it a reali~· and eventually go to contract hauling. He said he bopes it won ·1 die. bc<:ausc it is a project lhlll they have worked n:Jtlly hard on and the n:tum <;ards lndicalA: that 66% of the people want ii Iha! way . (iii) COUDCil Member Wiggias : I. He rcqu,sted approval of his lnlvel to Bcli,~. Guatemala, on how to unwind from Council busmcss and case away from contact with fellow ~mcil members . Council Member Waggoner said he """M mO\'C lhlll we approve another Sl.9S. • fCk."1<'> note : This was tongue-in,cbcd<,f • 2. He thanked the employees of the City of Englewood. Without U,cm, be said. his job would not ha,-. been as easy as it was . Stalling with Sue Bradshaw and Leigh Ann Hoffi,incs. he said. they arc two fine ladies. Al50, every dcpartmcDI bead tbal 1/C l")rltcd with, anp the an:at Slaff, all of them have been cxa:llcn~ he said. as well as City Clerk Ellis. WilJioul lhcr;l. he s,id, we would not have 51ICh a smooth runaing city. "' then: is when: the "allaboys" ought to go for anything he accomplished with this council. He said he has appn:ciated working with them and added that they arc the top of the line . (iv) Council Member Clapp llishcd all the candidates good luck tomorrow and thanked Council Members Vonnillag and Wiggins for their service to the Ci1y . She wished them well . M Council Member Waggoner welcomed Gary Scars aboard. and tlianked Council McmbcB Wiggi1L, and Vonnittag for their indulgence in City Council. He said it has been a plcasun: working with both oi them . (vi) Council Member Habenicht : l. She welcomed Gary Scars on bo.ird . She said as far as she is concerned. this is no1 Mr. Wiggins' and Mr. Vonnittag 's last meeting, ~incc they ha\'e another Study Session a11d she expcc1s them 10 be here on the 17th. She said she will save her good-byes until then . 2. She thanked everyone who panicipalcd in the parade . She said it was a "o• derful occasion and she has ~card some re.illy wonderful 1hings. She said Council Member Nabholz lu,., Yone a 101 of work on that. as well as so many other people . She !hanked Au~tin Gomes and the Parade Association. as well as S"' Bra ds haw. Leigh Ann Hoffi1incs. Paulclla Punccrclli. Chuck Esterly, Chris Olson and everyone else . 1:■clewood City Couacll N_.be, 3, 1!197 Pase 20 > tl ) bt,o# I n \1'\'lf l, m,,o~ e 'I She said a lot of worlt wen1 ialo ii 111d lbc: .... ~ apptteiMa iL Ms. HalJcnicht commented that she bu been gelling a lot Mpolill.e billodc. /, 1 •~ t r 1; Mayor Bums llddcd that the cm, wllo 111ft: llwlp .... ad pul them ■,ny also did a lot of worlt on the parade , u wcl I u Mr. Gomes and Ms. Nabholz _, aay otllen. Mayor Bums said he has a few C. ·mcil lnlbnnldaa ~ Corms which he will jUSI give to City Manoger Sears rather than mention them. 13 . City Muaaer'• Report (a) City Manager Sears said be is rally lcmilla forwanl to worting hm. He sald be will miss waiting with Mr. Wiggins and Mr. V~ adding mat they ba\'C really helped the City out a lot. He said he is looking forward to worltmg witb die .._ (b) He mentioned thatoncoltbc.,._lads, ~Movick, bas given his resignation . He said he wiU be looking at Ibis key ..... and ""ricing closely with staff. Council Member Vonninag said it wt11 be tough to fill llil ...._ 14 . City Attorney'• Rq,ort (a) Cily Atlomcy Brotzman told c.-.1 lllat Kevin Ne1>10n had an aa:idcnt with one or our pol ice can, which we turned over to CIRSA ... tl!q· lave paid us. He said this is a n,quest for CIRSA 10 use the City ofEnglewoocfs name in pa11m1 dial claim . COUNl'.:IL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVO,Al'f9 IT WAS SECONDED, TO ALLOW CCRSA TO USZ THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD'S NA!II: IN PURSUING THIS Cl.AIM. Motion carried . Ayes : Council Mmllcn Mat,balz. Vonnitta g, Wiggins. Habcnich1 , Waggouer. Cl:lpp. !lams Nays : None IS . Adjournment MEMBER WIGGINS MOVED TO ADJOURN . The meeting adjrumcd ,i 10 :05 p.m. • • •