HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-12-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• • • ) I I ENGLEWOOD CITY COUl'ICJJ, , ENGLEWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO 1, o I I "' I December 15, 1997 It HI I , '1 ·Ill I. Call 1111 Order ll1e n:gular ax:=in1 of lhc Englewood City Council was called to order by Mayor Bums 01 7:30 p.m. 2. ~ The invoc:iliom""85 given by Council Member Nabholz . 3. l'lellF"' Allegiaace 'llte Pl~ aC Jllllcgiance W1S led by Mayor Burns . 4 . -Oill P=t: Absent A quorum was 11""5'nl Council Members Nabhol z. Clapp . Garrell. Bradslmw. Habenicht, ·.vaggoner . Bums None Also pr=nt: City Manager Scars S. M-. City Auomcy Brotzman Depu~, City Clerk Castle Neighborhood and Environmental Technician Langon Director Fonda. Utililit'S Director Grygle,,vicz. Financial Services Neighborhood Community Coordinator Gr.ih,un Director Black. Parks and Rccrcmion Manager of Open Spaces Lee Parks Administrator Korba aJ COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED. TO APPROVE TB!: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 1997. Nays: Abslain : The moooa curried. Counc:I Members Nabholz. Rr.1dshaw. Hrtbc11i cl 11 . Waggoner, Clapp. Bums None Council Member Garrett b) Mayor Bums explained that. because five members of Counc.:il arc required for a quorum. tba:e""-ere noc. suh:cicnt members prese nt al 1hc December I. 1997 meeting . The mnncrs on thal 'I Englewood Ci1y Council December 15 , i997 Pn~• 2 agendn wen: continued ovcr,~qJ9nighl's ll)CC)ip& l'f, said: so lhcn: is 1IOC a l,rmal Rt of minules. allhough tl1cn: is a n:cord of tl1c procwlll\gs or December isl. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECOl'IIIED , TO APPROVE mE RECORD OF THE DEC.1:MBER I, 1997 PROCEEDINGS. Ayes : Nays : Abstain : The motion cmied. 6. Scheduled Vl1i1ors Council Member> Garn:tL arnds luw. Habeni;hL Waggoner None Council Member> Nabholz. Claw. Burm a) TI1c Department of Parks and Recreation recognized the ,oufu ntecrs who maint:uncd the City 's flower gardens. Director Black stated Lhat. withoul lhc voluntecn. ii •'OU.id be impo1Siblc to continue lhis progrnm at the curn:nt level. Director Black . Manager of Ope:, S~ Lee . and Parl<s Ad.ministr.uor Korba presented plaques and p.,sscs to the Bo1anic ~ &o Baker Park Belleview Park Ci tv Hall South Beds Ci~· Hall Front Bed Cushin g Park Jason Park Rccrca1 io n Ccn1 cr Romans Park Wcs1 W:,I~ ~hrough 285/Logan Cheri Brandt Linda Mu tz Susan Clan. Mike Campbell Englewood Littleton 1A'astC\.'-'31Cr Trc.,uncnt Plant Staff Ru 1h Hanson the Clayburg Farrul~ Clc.1n . Green and Proud Commission Kimberly Village Vo!antt<:" Dcvclopment:11 PadnaaJs Srncey Gross Su1.annc Poll:m1 Bl )1 he Pollard Randy Penn b) Holidny Li ghting Contest Awards wen: prcse.,ted ~-Kruun Gillmon . Chainn:111 of the Clean. Grcr.n an d Proud Commission Holida y Ligluing Event. She tha.nl.ed Council for the opponuniry to present the Tenth Annual Holiday Light ing Evcnl Awards . She asked~~ Bums to ass ist with th e foll owing prcscn1ation s Hon ora ble Mcnli cn: An Blom . 4560 South Shcnna.n St~t Michael G Evan s. Jns Soutb Cl arkson Strcct M:uk G~incr . 2!<7~ Somh Oet.:s\\ ... ~ St reel Ron and Mc !:uuc KIOC\\Cf~ S • J Sou th Elau Street Tim Leif.ind Famil y. 350 E."lS Bc!IC\1cw Avenue Gnry Moss . 31 35 Sou1h Gal p:tll SLree t Willi:1111 Simo111011 . 298 1 5out b Cherokee Street Vallana Famil y. 411 0 Sonth bson Stred V:rn Ammn Family . ,4..l )5 Sooth Grant Strcc l Debbie :rnd G.11) Wnllc~-:;-Sourit Sherman Stree t • • • • • Englcwql(l Ca l)• Council Occemhilr 1', 1997 Pagel Siar Bright A,.-ard : Angel A 1ynnl; Besa Us,:of R,cyclcd Materials Award : Bes, "Dog Oone" Holiday Award : Tw,nlclln& LlglalS Award : LlghLSI p&Jats l Li ghts! Award : Winier Wonderland Award : Best Artistic lmpn:ssion Award : Llfe ume Holic!:ly Spiril Award : Dennis and KDU1y Brewer, 4045 Soulh Elali Sl!cel Sieve Of,d Leslie Ward , 4225 SouU1 Shermnn 31rcet Mr. nnH Mn. Dwlghl l..,,iha,n. 2971 Souoh Emerson St,cet Skinner's BG Kennels, 1101 Wcsl Quincy Avenue RJeh nnd Pegb'Y Cole. jot7 Souoh Pcnnsylvanin Street Ken Swaim, 3905 Soulh Logan Strcc1 Richard anli Alice Kloewer. 4990 Sou1h Elnli S1rcc1 The Bargas Family, 4104 South Shermnn S1rcc1 Randahl and Tammi Heodlcy, 43 IS ·South Lip.,n S1rcc1 Mnyor Bums read a description ofohe Mayor's Choice Award . He saicl 1he award is given 10 tl1e p;uticipanl who bcsl C.'<J)resscs U1e true meaning oflhc holiday and lhe holid.1y lighting event The holidays arc cc.nainly about bright lights, ho\'i'Cvcr. they arc also about sharing joy and fell ows hip wiL11 our furuly, friends and neighbors. This year's award Is prese ·11w to s.unconc who hns brouglujoy and deli ght to all of us by dccor.lling •itb holiday liglus . Ma yo r Bums s.ud lhis yc.,rs Mayor's Cho ice Aw·ard goes 10 Danny Lee Carey , 4190 Sou1h Logan Street ~yor Burns th.lnkcd Ms. Gillman for coming :md thanked the Clc.10 , Green ,rn d Proud Commission for lhe C\'CDI. Ms. Gillman thanked C'\'Cn·one who entered this ye.ir . Sl1t: said ii WilS a lot of fun j udging and this rea.Jly shows how well our city c;:;_n show holiday spirit.· c) Douglas Massey , owner of 1he Mini Food Store. 4696 Sou1h Federal Boul evard. was 10 tia,·c tx.-c n present to discuss the traffic si tuat ion on West Union Ave nue . Mayor Bums ad\·iscd th.it Mr. Massey is iU and will not be present this evening . a) Doris Baker. 4800 South Jason Street said she is a . .tier citi ze n who li ves alone . She S31 d she has ve ry linle trash io be picked up bec.1usc !-!i~ recycles all of her papers . aluminum C3J1S. tin cans. glass and practical !} C'\'Crything else . She s.1id her garbage is used in her compost pile . which makes for a wonderful g.,rdcn . Ms . Baker explained th.11 her son picks up 1hc linlc bit of trash 1ha1 she has . and she sa.id she would not feel very comfort.1blc having to pay for something that she docs not. and can not . use. She added that the water bill has gone up. and now !here is n charge for the co ncrete . When you ~ on a limiled income. she said. ii makes it hard . Ms. Baker poi111ed out tluu Mayor Pro Tern Haben icht ment ioned i11 her article in the Englewood Herald that slic hoped the Council wil l co nsider makin g so me k.md of adjusuncnt for scnfors with a small am ou nt of lr.ish . b) l-.cn H.iraldscn. JO I~ South Wa shingt on Street. co mmended members of the Cle.in. Gree n and Pro1J d Comm 1SS1on for th e ve ry difficult tas k of working on thi s proj ect that the Ci t)· Council bas asked thew 10 do . Having served on 1hc co mmi ss ion so me years ago. he s.1id he knows how hnrd 11 1s to co me up wi th something !hat is pl c.1sing 10 1he citi zen s ofEn glc,\ood . He s.1id he has had trash pickup at his home fo r the p.1.Sl thi rty-nine yc.1rs , b111 fe els there is mcril in wha1 !he pre\'1ous speake r had to sa~' He held up two differen t pl:is1ic ba gs. one a small grocery bilg and the 01hcr a large r trash bar. He sa id his mother-in-law filled one oflhe smaller ones a week with tra sh. and he just put i i in to be r,1cked up ~,th hi s Lra.S h. He said his neighbors have quire a few children and fill several of the large r trash ba gs to be pi cked up each week.. He s.1id having everyone pny the s.1 1:1c amount for tr:i sh pick-up would nOl be fau. He co mmended Ms . Habenicht and sa id 1h.i1 . if yo u arc a sc mor citizen . you shou ld be allowed to ha ve children or rclal i\'cs pick up that 1rash bcc:n1sc 11 ;s such a small amount He s.1 id he ha s 1101icc d that Englewood Cily Council December IS , 1997 Page 4 Ill II .,J~n'j \' I "•'l')tln~o ,q a lot of people who have their ll"'}> pick~ 1111 c.ay ....,,,._ have p1,rashy back yard, so ii docsn'f ,n;,.., any dilfercncc if their tJ:aSh is picked uf or no~ bcc:auK tlhc)-still liayc a 101 of trash laying around . He sa!d '' tl1erc arc City cmployocs who, ~un•& lhc IUIIIJlla'. ~ up and down the :illcy~ and sirpds 10 sec if people have their grus al)d weeds ,:ut down. WIiy c:ia 1uhcsc same people look around to sec ,Jherc people have a lot of 1ra,h in tbcir iard and give UICIDJ:l~ that they need 10 cl'\"" up. He asked if Council would like to ao to the grocery ston: and~ 1h: same amoant whether you lci d a large or small bog of groceries , or pay the sam.> amount for a small..amount of aasoline as someone else did for a t'u!I l.!.ek . He said ii is tl1e same thing as requiring pa:,piin•ith a small amount of trash to pay the same amo unt as people with :i lot of lraSh . Mr. Haraldscn1 said he did not recci\-e one of the opinion cards sent out abo ut trash . Mayor Bums said t.ooe-!: w .. re Slelll oualby :he Clean. Green and Proud Comm issio n. Mr. Haraldscn said if he had gouca one, be~ b;avc !'ml! ·, b;aci<. c) Roger R. N,:un.ann. 5090 South El:uti !;'-, , . .,._ spoke 10 Council about the Allen Woter Tn:a1men1 Plant improvc,ncnts <hat wen: bid badl aml!'lw ,,ocr 26"' on add endum thn:c . He said his expcnise is in the meta.ls division. which is spec:ificuian 5:,-00. He said he can ,;cc a problem ~tJ, t11e high cost of motcri:ils down there that an: specified. 1111 ,panicular specifyi ng or a stainless steel J 16 type matcriaJ in IOC1Lloos where other typCS of maacrials duut arc less cost ly co uld be used . He said this is a complete flee ci ng of th~ publi c here in Englewood .. He prcscnled copies of three C.'<a mples to Coun ci l. which he invited them IV look O\'er. He said lh.31 exfb(CUfflple 1s overpriced by a1 lcast 190¾. He called Councirs attention to lhc first item that is qrJotcd at. .116.620.00 for a \,a1 cr imakc a1 Platte Ri ve r and Union for stainl ess stee l 3 16. He feels it couJd be tnm:le frcm g.1lv:rnizcd stee l fo r a pri ce of $2 ,250 .00 . which is a s.1vings of $4 ,3 70 .00 . Mr. Nc1.:.mann S3id!tdt.1t saarn lcss stee l is u• .. illy used in hig hl y co rrosive environment s, so i.f the Platte River has highly corrusrve "'at.er, we may w:im 10 use something else by putting signs up and telling people ID keep 0111 m then. This, he s.iid, is one or the reasons th is is kind or • a \\'3Sle of money and materi als. Conlinuing. be poimted ou1 that the second item is a s1ainlcss steel Weir trough in the water treatment plan t 11,c quoted pm::: is S1 .7.'!tl .OO. but you could make that out of A3 6 steel, galvanized. for SJ ,855 .0C. he s.,id . The third incm.. he sa.i ,. is that all the bolts on the whoicjob are s1a inlcss steel 3 16, which arc ge nerall y used in hi~ corrosive arc:..s . and hopefull y none of this 'potable water down there is used in highl y corrosive areas. In is co ming to fl)' house. he said. a nd i.f it is highl~ corrosive , we need to do something about it and act i;1ut sta.inless steel in th:re. Also . he continued. th e J 16 is less strength and very pricy . If yo u ,.:n1 ID am AJ2S bolt , galvanized. you could S.1\'e S3,074.00. he assc ned. He reiterated that this is a complc1c goug,.ll}g of the ta'<payers. adding Ihm his water bill pri ces j ust went up thirty percent and he docs not fed lh.--u. th:: needs to pay for these costly items down there when tl1crc arc better alt ern atives . 1l1i s. be s.1.Jd. is~· one section th.11 he is comp!elcly famil iar with down there . He wondered how m,1ny other dnu.on5, on the spec ifi ca ti ons on the Allen Filt er Plant arc lhe ci tizens being gouged \\ith. He recommended lh.lt :liD quotatio ns received on November 26 1h l>c rejected. th.11 the remodeling be reviewed using prod ucts and] in.ems tha t arc top qu.11ity , but cost etTecti\'C . He asse rted th.11 the tl1ree altema uvcs he quoted an· cos.i effective a nd higher quality 1h;it thc st:i inl css stee l. He co n1inucd th,1 1 tl1 c remodeling should be n:bt.1 usmg value enginee ri ng as cri 1cria . There \11,:1s no1hin g in any of the specifications on thi s job, he said. fo r a.111 uc engi neeri ng so !here was no plac e for an~boJ~ 10 make rcco 111111cn~1 1ions. Lastly. he sai d. an O\"Cf'Slg?1n commi ll cc should be :1ppointd 10 rev iC\\ the changes for 1his .ost imp.lei. Mr. Neu mann S,.'1Jd !115 twcnr; yc.1rs experience in tl 11s bur.mess I ndi c;itcs that these i1ems arc W;J) out ofl ini.! and \\C c1o n·1 ;id them dow n there Th e impro\emcms ;ire ;i \\;ISie of my money. he dccl:1 red . bec:,usc 1l us is no1 an unpr.cl,,\,cmcnt Ma yo r Bum s s1.:11ed 1his will co me up lal cr m lhc :i~nda. as f.1 r :is app.oval or 1hc cos t is concerned . Mr . Neumann s.1 id he did no, sec 1h.11. but n:1 1c:r.uc:::! th.1 1 the re is a \\'aSIC of money fo r wh;it is bein g built down the re. M:iyor Burn s s.1 id \\e nill ask s1affto co mmc-111 on r'J us -.,hen ii co me s up • • • • E!nr/011•lOII Chy l,.JUIICil Dco ember 15, I 997 Page 5 Mr. Neumann said he undcimnds 1herc Is going o boa chnngo order willtin Ilic lint row wcdll after lllis job is let llm1 ls going bo over a , .. illlon dollars. e sold he 1w a problem wi1h 1hc engineers on lhisjob saying n. ,s was • complete job and ready 10 go 10 bid . 8. Commu.nlutlon,, Proc:l1m1tlon1 ,nd /\pp<Mnlmtnls a) A Prncla1Mlion honoring Selden and l.~nc Turner on the occsion of the ir Fif\ieih Wedding Annlvers.,ry 1vos considered . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A PROCLAMATION HONORING StLDEN AND IRENI: TURNER ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR FlFTll'.TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Ayes : Council Membcn Nabholz. Garren. Brndsh.1w, Habenicht Wnggoner, Clnpp. Bums Na}'s: None The motion carrieL . Mayor Bumr commented 11ml Council Member Gnrrcll attended a specinl pnrty in the Turners ' honor. Mr. Gamn said ii was lost Sunday nt the Malley Center and lherc was quite • crowd. Mayor Bums said he appreci:ued Council Member Garrcn 's nucnding. nnd again congmtul n1eti. Mr. and Mrs. Tumer on lhe occasion of their fiftieth annivcr. .. ,ry . b) Council recciv.:d 11 lcucr from Dnvl d Wnmcr indicming 111s rcsign,mon from the Englewood Liquor Licensing Authority. COU NCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECOND El>, TO ACC!PT THE RESIGNATION OF DAVID WARNER FROM THE ENGLEWOOD LIQUOR LICENSING A UfflORITY. Ayes : Council Membm Nnbholz. Garr·II . Bradshaw. Habcnic hl Waggoner. Clopp . Bums N:iys : None T11c motio n c:i rried . 9. Public Rearing (a) COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVE!l , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO OPEN A PUBLIC HEARING TO GATHER INPUT ON T'.1!: BROOKRIDGE SH OPPING CENTER PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDll'ENT. Ayes : Counci l Mem bers Nnt,::-o l:.•. Garrell. Brad shaw . Habcmch1 . Waggo,1er. Clapp. Bum s K 11 • None The mor ion c.uri crt :1! .! th e publi c hea ring opened . All persons givin g ,, llmo ny were du ly sworn . Tricia Langon . Nci~l 1':vJ rh ood and Em·ironmenlnl Tec hni cian fo r the Dcpanmcnt of Neig hborhood and Business Dc\clopm•::~,. submi tt ed. fur th i.: reco rd . Proo f of Public:'lllon in the Englewood Herald on Novem ber 7, 1997 tl,c not ice of th e Public Hc:uing uigin:1lly scheduled for Decembe r I. 1997 and . aJso . publ ic:.tion 111 rh c E11 glcwood on December :'i . 1~97 of th e revised public he.1nng d.11 c . She a lso submitted EnglewooJ Cil)' ouncll December 15 , 1907 Pngc 6 the nolllrizcd certinco1es of po,liaa bt· (be ..,,,ilcanl for the original and revised puLlic hc:iring d41cs . Ms . Laugon stlted 111111 the IUbja:l ......., 11 lacaled in Ille area bou!'dcd by South Broa,hi:ay ~n Ilic "~st. Enst Ccntellllill Avawe .. 111o...._ ao Easkwood ci1y limllS oa the ea&I , ~ Ea5I Bollcyiew Avenue on the nonh . The surrounding311:11 • Englc,o'OOd ; zoned 8·2 buai .... district and Ilic oqjaccn\ woa 10 the cnsL she aid. is ia uninc:a<pllnllOII Arapahoe County. and lwclvc homes directly nbul the shopping center. Those 1wc1,~ homes. sbc sad. u,: 20CICd sinllle Calllily rcsidcntiol , T,hc wbjcc1 propcr,y is part of the Brookridgc Hcigh1s Subdivision n wasune.xcd into the City in l96~. The site is Cllrrcnlly developed as an opproximaldy 60.00lll .lqllWC fool shoppiaa ccnlcr :uid ,fficc comp le.,. she explained. Rezon;ng of the Brookridge Shoppiq CCllla to a Planned Unit Development was approved by ordinance in 1997 and 1h31 pcnnined the uses 1'IDder the 8-2 business districl "i th the addition of self-storage and on si1e nwiap dwelling. Tbe.......,.l Michael Spricgs h;is subnti11cd an application for l)''O modifications to 11111 PUO. sbo .....,_ W5l lO ro:>fing material5'1nd ICC1)~d 10 fencing alqng U1e eastern perimeter of tbc shopping CCDICr. ,u; pan of the PllD process., nciaJ!l!orhood mce1in& 10 fORsidcr the modifica1ions was heidoa Scplcaba-30. 1997 . There r.u no opposition to the modificntions :111hm mc:ting . 1lie case was he:ud by the Plamung nnd Zoning Commiwon on Oc1obcr 7. 1997. where tl\c Commission recommended approval d the rv.·o mod1ficati ons. she said. Ms . Langon went over the two modific::itions. stating that the finl is il0 the roofiag malcrials. which is a change in material only and does nol affect the roof s:ylc. Thie PUO spcafied that buildings one. two 311d eight were to have standing scam metal roofs. All the odtcr buildiap-alja:cm 10 the raideolial neighborhood. buildings nine. ten illld twelve. and all the interior• buildiiap were 10 have asphalt shingles. 1l1e amendment , she C.'<J)lained. would replace the standing.,_ imoal nxifiDg ma1eri2l 011 buildings one , two :u,d eight. and replace the asphalt shinllles on all the odla buadings llith dimensional asphal1 shingles. She explained Ilia! dimensional asplialt shingles on: """"IJOSl!C asphalt shingles wi1h the oppc,,r3ncc of dep1h , Staff finds Uia1 ti.is modific:uion is acccJ:Clblc. she SIWi. and the adjoc:cnt residential roof~ arc prcdominnpdy composite asphalt shingle ma1crial . Tbcdime:M.ioual shingles confonn with and preserve the residential scale of the :idjacent neighborhood. and the rcsident!i .suppon 1he use or roofing m.iterial s th:11 would co mpliment th e ndjaccnl neighborhood and a,mpliaoelt tbcr own houses. she said. Tiie use of the Sllllle na11crial on ,111 the roars tics the de\·elopmco: to_ger:l,er,!'.J r~ 1hc roofing materials arc or n consis1 ent appe.,rnnce tltroughout the south storage portiom of tbc site. she continued. and this also nddrcsses a construction issue of the point where the mew aad aspialt "'1nglcs on building eight and nine would adjoin , SlalT. therefore. feels 1hat the roofing maac:naJ change is a ma1crial only modification. and docs 1101 change the roofsrylc. making it a posiu,-e acstfud.ic ccru:1 dc~1ion . and docs no1 ncgathely impac1 the development or the surrounding propc~. she wd :md staJrrecommends :1ppro\:1l of1hc roofi ng mmcri:11 modific:11ion . Ms . Langon s.1id 1he second lllOdifii::auoni IS for fenc ing As co nd1 11011ed b~ Ci 1~ Council at a publi c hearing a year ago, December. 19 · a doublc-s1dcd. \\ood. ciglu roo1 h:gh fence shi'lll be creeled along the propcny :1r.c on the east sided t.belZ\'..dopment from Belleview to Cc ntenninl. she said . Thi s co ndition places ~ doubl: sided fence. or a bee fimsi1cd on both sides, along tJ1e common property line :i.n d .,1accs it against r.xisting private residena:al fenc:s;a.nd mature landscaping. The amendment is a request for change lo the height and IO lhc: C0MlnJCtJOll imposed by U1e PUD. 11 would rep la ce 1he double-sided nood eight fool high fence, With a Stngli:-sldcd. wood si., foot high fence ,.;,11 u1c fini sh ed surface of the fence facing the shopping center. she c.~ Upon physic.11 inspect ion and addi11on:1I cons iderations and an:1lysis. the following imp.1ClS 06 d\C dacble-sidcd fenc e and eight foot hei gh t rcqutrcmcnt arc nolcd . First is c.,scment. she s.ud. 1llc uc:lJ ~ C2SC:mc nt di ctn lcs 1hnt s1ruct urcs 1101 be placed wi1l1i11 11ml casement arc.1 . Con s1ruction of o &Jubl,"'-Sldcd fence would req uire space to ph~ s1c.1lly build 1he fenc e. To build 1hc 01hcr side. you "ould ni.=d spru::: 10 :1c1Uall y hammer an d 011s1ruc1 . she C.\:plaincd . It m;1y be possible to cons1ruct panels and s1,ujc tbosc panels in to lhc fence ~lions. ho\\C\'cr this also would require fence pla cement within the C3KllllCJ.L sbc said. Ms. L;ingon ad\'iscd that another consu:.a.11011 1s m.,uucnancc The double-sid ed rence cons1mc11 011 does nol nllow for maintenance oft"-: cast side oft he fence wi1ho111 c n1cn 11g pri\'illC yards or rcmo"al of • • • • • EnglewQl)(J Cily r.o uncil Dcccmbo r 15. 1997 Page 7 existing structures, residential fenc-:s or removal of existing landscaping. she snid , Considering landscaping, the double-sided fenc , construr.don on the common propcny line Is lmpomblc - removal of c..isting residcn~al fences and most of the existing malure landscnping alona thar pn,p,:ny line. AnoU1cr cons idemtion, she snid, is acslhctics. Two of Jhe twelve adjmt rropcrtics woallhec the unfinished side of the single-sided fence . One property has a chain link fence only and no ~ng, and U1e other has a chain link fen,;c wilh approximalely half of lhe propcny covered \\iU1 l~g. TI1e remaining ten properties, she said. already have fencing or landscaping or a combination th:d \WOuld scrc-:n them from the shopping center. she suucd. Anol11cr consi :lcration '-''Ould be security . If a singlc •s idcd fence is nltowcd. but constructed so th:111. "the finished portion is against the prope ny line, the same considcr:u ions of construction arc the.re. frol :also there is a consideration of security . The singlc•sldcd fence wi 1h 1hc unfinished side to the shoippimg ce nter could possibl y jeopardize 1he residential propc:ny by providing a climbing opponunity for un..uica entry to 1he residenlial propeny Finall y, 1he eigl11 foo1 ltigh fe nce is higher li mn lh e adjacenl propc:n) fen ces and no1 in keeping-. .di1he neighborhood =le. she said . RcsidenlS who allended bo1h 1he October. 1996 original ncighborbcod PUD meeting. and U1e Sep1embcr. 1997 neighborhood meeling regardin g lhe modifications. found Iha! c!le six foot high fen ce ,-..·as in keeping wit h their neighborhood and acccp1nblc to 1hcm . Conside ri ng il.11 tl1osc points. 1he in1en1 or the foncc co ndition s wns 10 provi de no ise ab:ncmenL ilt:pro\'e acsthuic ap pc.3rnncc and increase security for adjnccnt resi dent in I propen,cs. sh e rcc:illed. Staff fi::nds that the renc e hei ght and con struction modifi rr · allowing a si.\: foot high fence nnd single-sided fccce construc ti on nlo:ig the c.1stcm pe rimeter c. .;hoppin g center. would scree n the silc from adjac:eml resi dential propcn ies. would provide a uniform nppc.1r.tncc for the sue . wou ld allo,, fo r the consr.rmc:u on requirements and all ow for mai ntenan ce needs. she said . and wi ll not disrupt or nega1i , cl~ impaa existi ng resi dential lan dscaping. structures or fen ces. S1affbclic"es th e malerial and fencing amcndments;;arc positive modificntions 1h,11 do not nega ti vel y affccl the de\'elopment or surroundin g neighborhocd :amd recommends approva l of 1he amendment to the Brook rid gc Shopping Center Plann.~d Umt OC'\-cl~cnt. Council Member Wnggoner asked how many of 1he twel\'C adjncent propcnics comincntcd on che-s;rx foot fence \'crsus the eight foot fen ce at any time sin ce th e pub lic he:1ring . Ms . L'""~on replied that thi!--:t have been none. either for or against . Mayor Bums s.:iid she had commemed th.it there hnrl bcC'n ne ig hborhood meeting s. He :isked how many of the nei ghbors came to th.it. At the orig in.i i PUD . she rec:i ll ed. there were si:( or seven pcoprc present and at the September. 1997 meeting there was one . Mr. Waggoner :isked if they all li\'cd ad~ Tvts . L.,ngon s;iid that the one in September wns not one or the ;-idjacent pro perty owners Mr Wa ggorn:r said th.i t we don 't know. then. how m:1ny of the 1wcl\'e :tdj:1 ce nt propen y 0\\ners \\Ould sup pon J SL~ ftxll hi gh, single-si ded fence , Ms. L.1ngon s.1i d she does 1101 kllO\\, directly . Michael Spriggs. 1505 Co ttonwood Lane. Li11lc 10 11 . s.1id sra ff h.1s done :tn cxce ll eut JOb of fr.1.m..1ng l!bc iss ue so he would like to keep this brief He s.1id he \\i ll JUSI fill in a couple of the :1re:1s that rru~ ai ecd to be addressed . First, he sa id . since Council did 1101 get il co lor dr;i\, ing. he wanted to be sure thett v.-as no co nfusion :ibout the buildings in question . in tenns of th e roof. We arc la lki ng. h: said. Jbout ck buildin gs up front on Ce nt ennial and ne xl to 1he shopping ce nt er TI1c res! of th e roofs in !he sclf~ragc are., ha\'C alrc:idy been approved for :isphah shi ngle s. he s:1i d. He sa id II w:1s hi s 0\\ n fault l.h.11 he ::oded up i111hi s pos1t1011 . Tl1e 11eigl1bors who sl1owcd up wnn 1ed resi dential -look in g roofs . he said. and:'1&1U1tcd as phalt sh ingles. He ~,id he was under 1he no1io11 1h01 he wallled lo wrnp 1he ou1 si de of tlus pmj,:,:I! along Ce ntcnni:il with th e s.,mc co lor roo fing m.i1cri al 1hnt he has in 1he fron: of 1hc shoppin g cenrcr '-llen he got int o thi s and staned thinking abou t how to take a 111e1a l roof :!.nd then s1;i n an asphalt roof fromi 'tlt.1 1 Btt#l•"wd Cily Couml o«-.mbcr 15, 1997 P11c 8 ,, I point on. he fowid tllal &bcn: is ao woy lo do ii so ii looks &ood , II is dlfficull. also, to get a scol I here so lt won 't lc:lk. be added., Mr. Spnw Sllld he linnlly saw the ligiu In tenns ortl,c n11ghbors and decided to go with dimtmiollll lltiilllcs-which arc the hlahcst end jl(flhnlt shingles you con get. He !l35Scd out pictures or ospball ~.shingles for Counc il to review. commenting thnt they arc rca!ly tl1e shingle or choice for .....,-cad houses . Regarding the neighborhood meetings, Mr. Spriggs said he had about seven people al the first meeting and tl,osc peopl e w..nac:! aspbalt shingles . 11,c only person who showed up at the second neigl1borhood meeting was Babcue San&szcr, who is a planner for Linlcton . He reminded Council 1lm, siie showed up at the prcvioll5 PlaDniug Commmion meeting and spoke against tl1e project She later showed up and spoke in favor or tbcsc c:baaCC', so be bad the ncighbcrhood acuvist who really le d the clmrgc .g;iinst him . he said. speak in favor ol dlcsc r-o changes . In terms of the rcnc:e. Mr. Spriggs said he personall y \1s1 1cd C\'C1)'onc 1h11t li,·cs along lh c property line before be came in the 6ra lime. and no one requested an eight foo t fence. He s.1 id he had a co mment from oac ol'the cider!} residents tlmt she doesn't core what he docs . as long as he doesn't cut down her lilacs. The lilacs arc CllJ'Clnd)• tlucl<. he advised, and ifhc lms to do a two-s ided fence. the lilacs arc going to be history. bccausc lbcrc: is no other way 10 do iL Mr. Sp:iggs said he lc,s driven around t11e neighborhood and be Im IIOl _,, any other eight fOOI or double-si ded f<nccs . There doesn 't seem to be n clear prcfcraia: repniDc at.abctics . he said, and It is his understanding 1hn1 eight foot fen ces arc not allowed in an Eaglcwaad neiprhood witl1out a special pcnnlt. He said there is no requirement in Englrnwd that they ruvc to put up a double-sided £enc,:, nnd that is ce rtainly e"idcnced in thi s nei ghbo rhood. C\'CR !haugb it is not in Englewoed . Mr. Spriggs rci1cr:ucd: a.Jun su..·.-has done a good job of fra ming the issu e in arc.is suc h as nest hctlcs. m:1i11tenancc aod describi ng lbe: site conditions . Council Member Waggooc:r said tJ,erc was a co ncern ex pressed at the publ ic hearing over noise :ind the eigh t foo t. double-sided fence ll'<lS 10 try 10 red uce the noise fac1or i!n d provide sccuri~· for l11e pe ople in the rcsidcnua! areas so peop le wo n't co me over the fence . An eig!ll foo t fence is cc nainl ~ more difficult to climb than a six foot 6coa:. be assc ncd . He s.1 id he has no t yet been co nvinced 1hni !he twelve pro pcny 0\mcrs tJ1at ;£1"C adj."1C:l!Ct arc all in fa,or of c,Jlling the fence 10 a six foot fence and pull ing the fini shed si de toward tl1e dL"'dcpmcnt Mr. Spri ggs 52.id he cz:i ·1 be entirely cenai n what any of those people arc th inking since nobody that is agJ inst the six foot fmcc bas bothered to sho w up at two meetings th:ll lhcy were gi\'e n \\ ri ll cn invita tions 10. He said he sent 01:a 1 U lcncrs twice. and hi s site '''35 po<ii lCd wit h eight signs and lhis time it w;:s posted an arld.i tio nal r,t.'0 we::k.s. and lhe only person 1hm ha s s:10wn up has been somCi'Jne who was in favor of it Council Member Waggoner asked if he was talking about bui ld ing a six IOi'.l l icnc e on th e co mmon property line. Mr. Sp:riggs sai d tJL1t is correct. Mr . W:1ggone r :l!.ked how you c.111 build a si.x fool fen ce on the co mmon pro pcrcy c but nol an eigh t foot fen ce . Mr. Spriggs s.1id there arc two issues here One is I.hat it as a t\.o'O--Slded bee. and abouc lh rcc founhs of th.1 1 pr\lpcn y lin e already has six foo 1 fenci ng on it. so it is difficuh 10 the Olbcr side of 1ha1 fence . Mr Waggoner :..11 d th en It'! would not build :1 fen ce \here . Mr . Spriggs .md he would build a fence theri, .. bcc:iusc he ca n build hi s si de ofit. injusl slig ht!~• fr om tlic propc rt) luu:: .. on the c:isc111e111. Most of the fences arc gen era lly in six inche s so 11,ere is so me room in th ere to do 1t.. TI1c Olhc r issue is 1he cig hl foot fence , he s.1id. opini ng 1h:u ii 1s o,erk 1II . Anyon e who alrc:1dy has a Sli.'-foot fence will :1 b111 his cig hl foo l fence, :1nd also. he s.1 1d , i1 is mu of sca le and is not acs th cuca.11~ pleas ing. As f.lr as acs1hc1 ics. 1he c1111n:: sc lf-s1or:1 gc :1rea 1s co mplel cl~ ,'cn ccd, he s.1id. or • • • • • Englewood r 11y Council Dccetnb@f ll, 1997 Page 9 surrounded by buildings . Cum:ntly, the arca behind the center, he said. is -ltlllc:ed alld docs noc bavr a s curity fence . Anyone can drive in there anytime they want Mr. Waggoner ukcd if there wasn'I some concern about noise at the public--., Mr, Spri181 said there wns none , He snld the people arc in a si!U:llion righl no,v where he has • Ille dwapsters and all the loading for 1he back or the shopping center. When lhe garbag,: lrueks pull up• r.30 i1I the morning. and Jill those dumpsters up, therc is noU1ing 10 shield the sound . TI1erc will be a ~• foot wide building and a ten fool dead space arca and , six foot fenc, lo deaden any sound . and , he SINl. lie is not going 10 generate any trash . Mayor Bums snid he docs 001 sec nny probl em with this. opining that it is prcny'"'2ight forwam . COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW MOVED, AND ITWAS SECOND£D. TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Ayes : Council Mcmben Nabholz. Gam:11. Br.ldsh:a•. Habenicht Waggoner. Clapp , Bums Nays: None T111 : me.li on carried and the public hearing closed . Mayor Burns said It is Council's custom thru they do not vote on the ordinuce tll~ion at the time of the public hc.1ring. but wait until the nc.,1 lime Council meets . JO , Consent Agenda COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER REMOVED rn ( 1) (iii) FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBER CLAPP REMOVED 10 (a)(,) t 'lOM THE CONS'ENT AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, Al ff· ,-WAS SECOSDED. TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (a) (i), (ii), (iv), Ce,, 1 v.J. (,ii), (,iii),.-..,-» fa l ON FIRST READ1NG. (:1) Approval ofOrdin:rnccs on First Rc.i~ing (i) COUNCIL BILL NO . 103, INTROD U, 'ED BY COC,'1CJL 's(EMBER '.VAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVER.NME~AL A{iREEMENT FOR A TEMPORARY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOO D ·""';D CENTENNIAL WATER ",ND SANITATION DI STRICT TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL WATS-TO CENTF; !NIAL UNTI L A PERMANENT AGREEMENT JS APPROVED . (ii) COUNCIL BILL NO 102 , INTROD UC ED BY CO L:,-;CJL ~!EMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A LICENSE AGREE~IE:S'T BE.WEE N THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , AND THE REGIONAL TRAN ,PORT A TIO :-.' DlSTRICT (RTO) TO ENCLOSE CITY DITC H AT THE MINERAL AVENUE PARK-N-RIDE WES, OF SANTA FE DRIVE . Eaglcwood Cil) ouncil Dea:mbcr 15 , 19'.!7 Pogc 10 (iv) COUNCIL BILL NO . 111 , INTRODUCED BY COU CIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NO . m TO THE SOUTHGATE SANITATION DISTR!Cl' CONNEcr~·s AGREEMENT Willi THE CITY 01' ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO FOR THE INCLUSION OF LAND WITHIN THE DISTRJCT BOUNDARIES . (v) COUNCU, BILL NO. 112, INTRODUCED BY COL 'NCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SUPPLFMENT NO. I 35 TO THE SOUTH GA TE SANITATION DISTRJCT CONNECTOR'S AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLO RADO FOR THE INCLUSION OF LAND W\THIN THE DISTRJCT BO:JNOAJUES . (vi) COUNCIL BILL NO. 108, INTROD UC ED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZI NG AN EXTENSION FOR 1998-1999 OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES DE PARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BUREAU OF ALCOliOL , TOBACCO AND FIREARMS AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE L'l,IPLEMENTATIO N AND CONTINUING OPERATION OF TIIE GANG PREVENTION TASK FORCF. KNOWN AS GANG RESISTANCE EDUCATION AND TRAIN!NG (G.R.E .A. T.J PROGRAM IN BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORAllO . (vii) COUNCIL BILL NO. 109. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINA NCE AUTHORIZI NG THE ACCE PTANCE OF COPS MORE 96 GRA NT FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF NSTICE. OFFICE OF COMMUNITY ()RJEr-ITEO POLICING SER VICES . (,iii) COUNCIL BILL NO . I ill, INTRODUCED BY COUN CIL MEMBER WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORD INANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPT MJ CE OF LOCAL LA W ENFORCEMENT BLOC K GRANT (LLEBG) FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE . OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS . BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASS ISTANCE . (ix) COUNC IL BILL NO 11-1. INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBE R WAGGONER A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTA NCE OF A VALE GP.•.NT FROM THE VICTIM ASS ISTANCE I.AW ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF THE 18 "' JUDICI A~ OISTRJ CT Vote results: A)CS NJ~S The mouon ca rried . rouncil Members Nabho lz. G;mcll . Bradshaw. H:ibcnid1t . Waggoner. Cl:-ipp. Bums No ne • • • • • EnglcwO(Jd Cily Council Dccembcr 15. 1997 Page II (iii) Dim:lor Fonda prcscnled a ........aadauon from lbc U1ilitics Depattmcnl 10 adopl a bill for an ordinnnce lr:rnsferring Ci1y Di1ch wara rights to Soulh Suburban Park :ind Rcc;~1Jon Di,;uict. Council Member Waggoner uked if ii is absolutely noc:a,;a,y 10 uansfer lhc WIier rigJ1ts to Sou1h Suburban. or c:ui we keep !hem in the Hudson Foundawm. Mr. Fonda replied llia1 lhc Hudson Foundation has be<n purchased . Mr. Waggoner said Lbal lhe properly has be<n purchased . Mr . Fonda said lhal is correct and 1ha1 Denver owns lhc w:tler rights and they go with the land. Denver owns the overall rigbts nnd there is n COllllaCI 10 511pply water to 1111: Hudson Foundation, lhal's wba1 all the waler users on Cily Dilch have. In this case. be continued. it raiuiru at leo51 Dco\'c. ·, consent and tl1ey are asking fo r our conse nt When they bought tlic land. be odviscd. they bou&Ju the waler contr.tct and as long as they pay their dues. they have ii. Dco,"Cr has ao pol,lc:n with conscoting 10 the transfer, be said. anding that he docs not know if they a,uld stop it if wcy 4111. Council Membc, Hobcnicht asked if there is any pmblc ,.,,h kcey1ug it wilh llic Hudson Foundation. or is it something we hnvc to do . Mr . Fonda replied that the Hudson Foundation ,,.,;11 not own tJ1e land or lhc ,,,a1cr rights . Mayor Bums said tltis is really a leg3I iSSllC. Mr. Food:> sa,d the Hudsoa is selling all of tltis to South Suburban Park and Rccrc.ition along with 1he water riglti. ""arc sim ply sayi1•g it is okay. adding tltal be doubts that it would make any diffcn:ncc if we said oo . Council Member Waggontr asked if rhcre is cnou&b ptoltlC1.ion lO keep them from using tha1 water S('t mcwhcn! else. Mr . Fond.l replied 1hn.1 . to ITIO\'C it. ~ wouJd ti.ave to come lo us and to Dcn\'e r. but they arc not proposing to do 1hat . Mayor Bums rcc:1Jl ed that Li11Je1on ·s fonnc r mayor. De s RC)nol ds. saying the City was lrying to broker a so lution 10 the Hudson Gardens problem bec:au.sc,olthear lack of cash flo\\,. The sol uu on 10 lliat proble m is for SoUlh Suburban to purchase their pr~ and run i1 as a busi ness e111erprisc as much as au anracuon . Mr. Fond.1 agreed. addin g :hat the wn 1er rigfms for usmg 1hat m:my inches at tha t ditch go with lite land . COUNCli. BILL NO . I IJ. !Nll\ODUCED BY COUNCil ME.'-iBER WAGGONER A llll.L FOR AN ORDI NAN CE AUTilORIZING AN ~,ERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WHICH ACCEPTS AN ASSIGNMENT FROM THE Hl..1)S0N FOUNDATIO N TO SOUTH SUBURBAN PA.°K AND RECREATION DI STRJ CT. HJCH 11':CLUDES A CONSENT TO ASS IGNMENT AGREEMENT BY TiiE CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER. BOARD OF WATER COMMISS IONERS AND THE CITY OF ENGLE\1 '000. COLORADO PERTAINING TO err( DITCH WATER RJGHTS COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, A ND IT \\AS SECONDED. TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 10 (•) (iii}--COUNCIL BILL NO. I U . Ayes : Council Members 1'.abholz. Garrell . Bradsh.iw. Hnbc mcht. Waggone r. Clapp. 81:!rns Na)s : None Th e 11101i on ca rried . Enalewood Cil)• Council Doccmbcr 15. 1997 Page 12 (x) Dircc1or Gryglcwicz pr-.se111cd II rcco1111nendn1ion from lhe Depa11men1 of Financial Services 10 adOp! a bill for an ordlnnncc amending tho clly code pcnni ning 10 n:qulromcnts for Trnsh Hauling Liccnsr,, Council Member Clapp s:iid tl1crc arc some cit izens who nrc concerned a bo111 senior citizens . She asked lf II is legally possible 10 rcquiro nil unsh hnullng companies. who oblain a li cense in 1he City or Englewood. to give spccinl senior citizen mtcs . She said she thinks most of them do. but based on :1 pcrccncagc of their income . Council Member Garren said tl1a1 some of them give discounis based on how much 1rnsh you put out. He said he gets a discounl bcalusc he Is a one bag guy . Ms . Clapp asked lflhero is a way to make thal a rcquircmcnl. Cily Auomey Broizman said you can make that a rcquircmcnl in v,uious ways. You can do ii b.1.scd on tht :imoun1 oftrn.sh ~ou have or give senior rates . At the infonnal meeting , he recalled. :ill 1hc trash haulers said tJ1cy lia,e scmor r.ue.s . lfwc wan1 tt' make senior rates a rr.quircmcnl . he said , you cnn. )'Ou just have 10 decide what method to use . M2.yor Bums asked if this is the ordinance we would do that under . Cit),· Anomcy Brot zman said if C~nc:il wiu1a 'o have senior rates. they would have to add that lo l.llis ordinance . Mnyor Bums said we ha,-: talk.:d about this previously, because there nrc a number or seniors who eithe r don 't have much trash or tJ,eir chil!lrefl take !heir trash. an<. biey an, fixed inco me pcorle . Council Member Bradshaw asked if thi s lypc of leg islation would just make people hoa rd trash . Director Gryglewicz replied that the license ilselrhas alwnys been in cffcc l City Auomey Brot zmnn said tlun issue is related to the mandalory trnsh removal ordin nncc . :,:,uncil Member Clapp asked ifwc co uld le.1\'C the di sco unt up lo the trash hauler lo enhcr do It on \Olu mc or income . She wrmted 10 know irwe cou ld build something in there that is going to protect 1bem and mandate th:lt if they arc go:ng to do busin ess in Eng lewood they hnvc to treat our senior ci ti i.cns fai rly. City Attorney Bro1 z1mm s.1i d we currently ha\'C somclhing like lh :11 in efTcc1 on tl1e a111 bulnncc issue Council Member Wa ggo ner said it seems like he heard somewhere that e\'en OUJ I haul ers now ha\.-C a one bag rule . lf yo u onl y have one bag. yo u pay a lot smaller fee . Mr . Garren ag reed. ad ding that Lhey giv~ you a Christmas e:r<ception . Mayo r Bums asked. if we al ready ha ve 111:11 . then we nre talkin g about the se nio rs. Council Mcrr';,er Habenic ht said she doesn't think we rcnll y hnvc thni . lfwc hnvc ii now . how do we guam111 ec that it will co ntinue . she asked . II is a volunial)' thin g now. and we don't want to sec II cha nge . Counci l Member Garrell said we arc n01 requiring a sing le h:1Ulcr. ,,c arc 110 1 con1racti11g with somebod~ to take all the trash awny. We hn vc n competit iv e process here , he snid, and one of !he compctiti\•e advan ta ges is 1.hat . if you offer senior cit ize n discounts . people will use the SC!'\'ice 1l1a1 offers the best deal. He s.1id he pcrsonnll y chose hi s trn sh lmuler becau se lh e~ offered n cheape r rn1e . s111cc he recycles a 101 he doesn't proc!.Jcc much lrash . He s.1 id he wou ld r:uh cr le i the mark llacc do that for now . lfwe go to a single lmul cr. he all owed. then we would ha ve 10 address 1hc issue:. Council Member Cl.1pp s.1:d th at. if Mr. Ga rrell is co m·i11ccd th at the marketp lace will lake c.1 rc of 11. then she will agree . Counci l Member Ga rren s.1i d 1fi1 doesn't we \\t ll sllll be here • • • • • • Englcwo, ti City Council Dcccmbo ' IS . 1997 Pogc 13 COUNC!i. BILL NO. 98 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER CLAPP A BILL FOi\ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TJl1.E 15. CHAPTER 2. SUBSECTION 3. AND ENACTING ,A NEW TJTI.E 5, CHAP'JER 26. OF TI!E ENGLEWOOD MUNlCIPAL CODE WHICH PERTAINS 1\1 TRASH. HAULING LICENSES CDUl'ICIL l\fE~BER CJ..Al'P MOVED, A.Nil IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 10 (a) (1)--COUNCU. BILL l'N>. ,a. Ayes : Coaacil Members Nabhol z. Garrett. Bradshaw, Habenicht. w..,.,.... Capp, Bums Nays : Noc The motion c:uricd. (b) Approval of Ordinana:s on Second Rc.iding COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONl:R MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED , TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 10 (b) (i) ON SEC~D READING . (i) ORDINANCE NO SS , SERJES OF I 997 (COUNCIL BILL NO . IO I, INTRODUCED BY C )UNCIL MEMBER B.llADSHA WJ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLES . CHAPIBR JB , SECTIONS . ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE I 98~. TO PROVIDE FOR co~ REVIEW BY THE ENGLEWOOD LIQUOR LICENSING AUrHORJTY AND TI{E ST A TE OF OLORADO LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISIO N OF NEW LICENSE APPLICATI'lNS IN ACCO RDANCE WITl-l THE STATE OF COLORADO LJ.?UOR CODE REGULATIO N. Vote results: A~·cs. Nays : Council ~!embers Nabhol z. Garre11, Bnldshnw. H•benicht . Waggooer . Cl app . Burns !'icac The motion c:lnicd . (cl Resolutions and M<lD0D5 COUNCI.., MEMBER WAC:GONOI MOVED , AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 10 (c) (i) THROUGH (viii). (i) RESOLUTION NO. I 10 . SERJES OF 1997 A RE SOL ITT IO N Al/THORJZr.,I G 1HE COLLECTIVE BARGAI NING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE EN GLEWOOD FIREF IGHTERS LOCAL . '0 1736 AND THE CITY OF ENG LE WOO D FOR THE PERJOD OF JA NU AR Y I. 1998 l'l'!l!OUGH DECEMBER J I. 19'18 (ii ) RESOLL'TIOl'-'10 11 1. SERJES OF 1997 A RESOL ITT ION CO RRECTI NG rriE Pl 'R CHASE AMOUNT FOR THE HOME LUMBER PROPERTY. PREVI OUSLY APPRO\'ED BY ORDINANCE NO 72 . SERJES OF 1997. FROM $~50 ,1)(,() TO 1HE CORRECT PUROV.SE PRICE OF S~60.000 (iii ) RE SOLL-nos NO 11 2. SERJES OF 1997 Englewood Cl1y Council December 15, 1997 Pogc I~ ,\ RESOLUTION FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE YEAR-ENO 1997 Bm>GET roR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . (iv) CONTRACT Willi INTERMOUNT AIN COLOR. IN THE AMC>Um' OF $28 ,036 .00, FOR ACTIVITY GUIDE PRINTING . I (v) SEWER TAP AGREEMENT Willi AMERISUITES J;IOTEL. (vi) PURCHASE OF TIIREE RAW SEWAf.E PUMPS . IN THE AMOUNT OF Sl34 ,9 16.00, FROM GOBLE SAMPSON ASSOCIATES, INCORKlRATED. (vii) CONTRACT Willi TUXALL UNIFORM ANO EQUIPMENT, INCORPORATED FOR NON-EMERGENCY , POLICE. AND FIRE UNIFORMS IN THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $60,000.00. (viii) CONTRACT Willi QUINCY CLEANERS FOR CLEA NING SERVICES FOR NON,EMERGENCY, POL ICE . AND FIRE UNIFORMS IN 1llE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF S~S .000.00 . Vote~ltJ: N3ys: Cor-icil Members Nabhc lz. Gnrrcu. Bradsl'1w. Habc:nichL Wnggoncr. <.:lapp, Bums None The motion carried. I I. ~lar Agenda (a) Approval of Ordinances on First Reading (i) Ne ighborhood :111 d Environmcnlal Technician Langon presen ted a recommendation from the Clean. Green and Proud Commission to adopt a bill for an ord inance amcu:5:ng th e City Code rclath·c 10 trash collection . She n.dvised that staff panicip.ition in this project h.u been of a supportive and clerical role . She said the :ictual work has been pcrfonncd by tl1e Clean . Green a.no ?roud Commission Munidpal Solid Waste Subcommittee . Don Ro1h . the chair of 1h.1t subcommnlCI:... lli here tltis e\'cmng. she advised. lo help answer que!tions and concerns . M:iyor Bums said Council has been O\'Cr this extensive!} in Study Sessions in lhc past. Council Member Nabholz recommended hold ing a public he.iring on 1l11s 1n.111er. acknowlctlging llw. Cle.in. Green and Proud has done yc.1rs wonh of work in this . Council Member Brads ~.,:.\\' agreed. COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JANUARY 19, 1998 TO GATHER PUBLIC INPUT CONCERNING MANDATORY TRASH REMOVAL Ayes : Council Membe rs Nab holz. G;irreu , Br:idsh :m . H;1bcn1 ch1 . \\-.i ggonc r. Clapp . Bums Nays : No ne The motion c.1rricd . • • • • • • Englcwoog Uy C-=ui December l , 1991 Pnge 15 Tiie Dep111y City aer11. ... asked to read Councilllill No . 99 by title ; COUNCIL Bl!.L NO. !l'Jl. ,-'mWOUCED,.BY COUN/:IL MEMBER Y{ AGGONER ' "'I A BILL FOR AN ORD ANCE AMENilING TITLE I 5, CHAPTER 2, ENTITLED TRASH , JUNK AND SALVAGE. Of TI3E ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE I 985 . COUNCIL ML'\IBU Yl'AGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 ( (0,---COUNCIL BILL NO. 99. Council Member Ganm :asked wh...thcr we want 10 have some kind of waiver mcchnnism added . sinr.c we haven lot of citizens wlio don ·1 -1 mandatory uash pickup. Also . he said he is no1 clear how 10 prove he has trash pickup. sna:,o there is nothing in the bill lhal specifics how Ihm is done . Lastly , he would Ukc to make sure l.bal this fs,4}01 curbside picYup. that if they pick up in the alleys 1od:1y, 1h,ey can co ntinue 10 pick up thert. Mayor Bums said it is -curbside picktl!l , Cou ncil Member~ added her co:1ccm that lhis w®ld encourage people tc. hoard trash in Lhcir houses. She recalled than they just deall \\i lh an issue on Grant Slrcct two weeks ago 1Js11 """' unbelievable. lftbcy WC1Dl pay for Ute tr.1sh picku p, ii mighl nol be visi ble because lhcy an: keeping ii in 1hci r house. st, c,q,laimd. Mr. Waggoner said tmli n whal Clc:in , Green and Proud was concerned abo ut. If you s1an granting exceptions. people don ·,sign up for trash pickup and then yo u stan gcnin g people who keep 1he tras h somewhere. Ms. B~ added llut the) might pu1 i i in tl1c bus iness co mmunity's du!?:ps lcrs . She asked if this "ou.Jd ~c:nt that Mr. Waggo ner said thi:y hoped it would because everyone was to su bscribe to the tra5h caOcctions. Ms. Bradshaw asked if tl1at wou ld in clude people like Mrs . Bak er. Mr. Waggoner said yes. Mayor Bums said the ~on is whc1.hcr she would ha\'c a ~r-cci:il rat e nnC: he reca ll ed fmm their public di sc ussions that this was... mdccd. the ir co ncern . If )Ou don 't require it or cvef)o nc 1hcn )'OU co uld have this trash accwnu.l.auc~.and the mood of the comm unit)· seems 10 be fo r code crJorcc mcnt and to '.1a,c it without any C."<ccpuoo.s, Council Member H3bcnn.."1tt said she would be willing to vole for this on fi r!';t rc.10, i;. since \\C arc go in g 10 be havin g 3 public bcmng on it. She said she really wants 10 listen to ,,hat lJC'.i •f~ have 10 say. since there mi ght be some idi::I!:s forthcoming that mi ght address those issu es that were LH:J;;ht up . She said I.he Cle.in. Green and Proud!C ommlSSlo n has done a yeoman ·sjob on tl11s diffi cult task . Yet. she allo \\cd. she has probably had more ::nils on Llus th,111 :rny otl 1cr issue si nce she has iJccn on Counci l. cspcciall~ 111 the last two or thr= weeks. She said that was pri or 10 her mak mg :, co mment thal Mr. Munds quoted in tJ1c pape r. She s.11d her cormmcnls were prcc 1p11 a1cd on the :11nouru of co m111c111s she has had on 1!11 s She s.1 1d we need to be opc:m 10 ,, hat we ca n do ,, .. 1ddre~s l!1c co nce rn s aboul h::rd sl11p Cou nci l Me mber 8r:Jdsht»,\ s.1id sh i.: h:is a problem\\ ith p.issing more rule s that arc diffic1 111 .u enforce . Th.ii is in ge neral w1th.a:n~ rules tJ1.1t we pass. she s.-u d. We sho uld ask ho·\· much 1hc cnforcc menl co sts us and if it is cffe::t.1,-c. she added. bcc.iusc we ha\e many thin gs on our books tha t :u cn't ,·er) cnfo rcenble . Mayor Burns said II is u:qponam to hea r from members or th e Clc;i n, Green and Proud Co mn uss1on at the publ ic he.iri ng. also. bc:::Dusc the _, ha,c h,1d s1udy sess ions \\i lh Council and have gone 10 so me length 10 cxp lni n their SUf\~ r:s1.uhs and why they fr ~I the ord111nncc should be \\flll cn tin s ,,ay Enalewood C11y Couucil December 15 , 1997 PUKC 16 l Loi,, I nil ,,, 'ltJ m a q Council Mem,..,, Bmdslmw said under geneml ~guladons on p:,ge 2. Item (e). •no occupant lessee or owner or n:t.1 propeny slwll sweep in10 or llcposll in my su11<r, Slt<Ct. alley or public place. grass clippings. leaves. bmuchcs or 1:ash." She asked how th.1t is enfor=blc. ......,le do dml . she saill. w,d she hus :old I er neighbo11 lhey can't do 1"81 but 1hcy do it anyway. Council Member Was.,Jner said he complained aboul one once and they g01 a ticket. Mayor Bums said ii is one orn10sc things tlmt is enforced by a phone coll . CoLncil Member Br.ldsh:lw said she has" concern nboul us going In bct"lccn neighoois talking to neigi,t,,11 about issues and us ending up bcin~ the policing agent She said, however. that she wiil vo1c for this ,1n first reading just to gt'! it on the table . Vote results: Ayes : Nays : The motion carried . Council Membc11 Nabhol,:. Garrett 8.-.W. Habenicht. Waggoner. Clopp, Bums None (ii) Nci1 ,hborhood Commani1y Coordinator Gr:aham p,=nted a recommendation from the Dcpanmc II of Neighborhood nnd Business Devclopmcn1 10 adopt :1 bill for au ordinance C.'-tending the mo1-n!orium in the Nonh Englewood Small Ar= Pl;in 3rc;i until July 13. 1998. This is in order to complctr. 1wo rhings th,11 nrc on•goinp,. he s..1id. One it c:niron.ment:11 MSCSSment . and the other is n zoning propc,sal. Ma•ping ou1 the length or time it 1akcs 10 get zoning thn>ugll I.be Planning Commission and ti:c City Council. Mr. Grnli."m s.1id it takes bct\\CCll fi\'C and s.uc momhs Ifwc stan on Janu.ary !th wi1..h lhe comp plan nrncndmcnt and we lake I.J1.1t throu gh the Plan.cing Commission in :i timely ;'\rder. he s:iid. !hen s1an in February Inking implcmcnration through. 11hidl is a zoning ordinance change, we could no! get ii through and efTcc li\'c until Jul y 131 b . The rea:imnx:nd:ltion is 10 do somc lh ing other tlmn whnl lhe bill for an ordinance ~1ys, he ad,iscd. and cilled Council ·• :mention lo a change that he has discussed wilh City Anomcy Brolzm:m . We arc :isking. he continued. that Council c."'<:tcnd the r1or.11orium. but without the one week gnp. h1s1ead providing two specific 0-:q,tions. One for 1 project. wlu ch has Planning C"mmissbn :ipproval. for a condi1ion.1I us: pcnnit. Tbc 01..her one tus the fl-:dcral gn \'c mmcnt requiring some mod1fic.11 io ns to a fuel s1oragc S)stem . In ornc.r to cnmply with thoSc: fcdcnl regu lalions. it t.~cs approxim:11ely eight mo111hs to ger the p.1~nrork through to n:mm-c the underground 1ank ·rnd rcpl:lcc It wi1h :t!l above ground tank The specific c~i.,ngc in the b1U fo r JJ1 ordin.1ncc. tha t woulrt have this effcc1, is under section three . he Slid . lnste;id of the inor.ucnvm acned bv this ordinance running from Febru.1ry 16. 1998. this one should run from Fcbru.11') 5th through: Jul~ 13• ·Mr Graham said it might also be desirable to :,dd a scc 1io11 for noting the speci fic cxccpuoos Council Member Habenicht s.iid she would be curio us 10 .-:.now when this c.,:o:pDon for the co nditional use w:,s grnnted or reviewed by the Co1111ni ss ion :ind if it '.,Id an)1hing 10 do \\ith the p01cnda.l l'UICOmc of this study Mr. Graham rcspona •d 1hat the condirional use pcnnit wns granted on Jul~ 8. 1997. The applir:-n t in this CJSC has been w:ii1ing approx im:ucl y sb: monrhs already to move for."ard on a Ou1 ld ing pcrmil. he s"id . Ms . Habenicht asked" hen 1hc mor.uorium bcg:rn Mr Gr.ih am s..11d he doe:; noc h.1,·e rhc answer to thal right here . Mayo r Burn s s.1 1d it is in the firs1 Whereas cl;111sc 1111hc ordma· "C, \\h1 :h 1s iux 11 . 1997 L .... uncil Member f labcnichl s.1id her co ncern abo t1 I grn n11 n~ 1l1c c.xcept1or.s woc1~ t.: 1f 1he excep tion s would somehow be co.Hrnry to what mi gh1 de,·clop a.1c' \\C \,111 h:1, e done :be commum ~ i ,1 sort1chow. in 1c1111s of what kind of zon ing ,,e ~,re looki ng a1. • • • • • • En1l111110d City Conncil Decombor 1,. 1997 l'llao i, Mr. Graham sald this is =tninly a consldcmtion . We arc genemlly advising covers two risks th:11 you lllC laking. One lJ by tcmpomrily btuslng this person b 1dclay hls project there llllly be some costs HSOCiated with that and there moy be some expcctltion in the future that the City rclmbunc this properiy owner for those COIII. The proposal to grant the C.'<ccptions is one way to eliminate thnt risk. Council Member HabcnicHI asked if this conditional ,sc came to Council. Mr. Gr:lham said ii did not , u condition,] uses lllC decided by lhc Planning Commission . Ms. Habenicht oskcd if there wos public comment on that and if there were people opposed to the conditional use . Mr. Gr:lhrun soid he docs 001 read) the testimony tliat night. Ref~rrtng to Coundl Member Garrett . he soid there is a Counc il Member who was sitting on the Planning Commission 1h01 night who might recall. Mr. Gorrctt said he did not recall. Ccuncil Member Nabholz said she wos there for both or those meetings and. 10 the best of her recollect.loo.. there was no one who spoke against ihis . She s.iid her concern is thnt we dons staffhns recommended . She reels that ifwc have a one ,,.·eek window ofopponunity, we will absolutely open the lloO<lgotcs as 10 what could come in . She stated 1h01 we lcwe worked very long and lcird 10 modify what is acccvtable in Englewood at this point in lime. Council Member Waggoner asked ir we do the same thing by granting an exception . Will we be opening the floodgates for more requests for C.'<ccptions bccDusc we granted one? Mayor Bums s.1id he docs no1 feel lhcrc is a precedent set legally. City Attorney Brotzman sai d you will probably get more requests for conditiNW uses and you may jeop.,rdizc whether this is n wihd mor:uorium or not by not g.:ippine it. The suggestion would be. he said. that. ir you arc going 10 go that way. you si mply do it through the Planning and Zoning process. cncour.i.ging more cxcep1 ions. but making all issues that were appro"ed as conditional uses by Planning and Zoning, which both of these arc. exempt from the moratorium. He ngrccd that Planning and Zoning may get more requests for co ndi1ional uses . Mayor Burm said those would be taken up individunlly and would have 10 stand on its 0\\11 merit. City Attorney Brotzman sa,d the cl:lngcr of this \\ith a gap is that you may get a use durin g th:it gi,n pt:riod tint you rcaJly don 't want. Mr. '..;rah.-un said it is his unacrstanding that th'.: applicant was actuall y in the process and had applied for his condfrional use pcnnit before lhc moratoriL 1n beg.in . In that case. he wasn·1 grnndfml1crcd in the originaJ moratorium and has been wailing throug:, !he rirst cighl months . He ma.ininined thal. if you granted the condition narrowly enough to consi der things like lhat. then you arc finding a solution 1h .. 1l considers the health . safety and welfare of co mmunity and nol granting something arbitrarily. It is a question of whether ii weakens the over.ill momt oriu m. Council ~ember: fat>c:nicht asked if Ille mom1orium . from this point fom.trd. for 1hc ne::, small dumli on of lime. also c.'<cm pts con dition.1I use for 1his. because of 1hc kinds of lh ings we arc doing Maybe 1hat would be a way of doing th:\I. she opined. not lo pcn:ilize somcoue who was in there nhead of time . but keep more condi ti ona l uses from corui ng in . She opined 1h.n 1ha1 \\Ou ldju sl burden srnffand Pl:inning and Zoning and rmybc put us in a si1ua11011 where "e arc bci11g co11111erproduct1 vc Council Member Garren cl:mficd 1h31 . if th ey \\ere m 1hc (1Ue11c line before rhe mom1onum st:i ncd on June 2~"'. in the co nd itional use µroce ss . we should le1 1hem con1 inul'! that process Coun cil Member Habcmclu agreed and asked ifth:ll could be included . Mr. Graham said that would nol adJt.!SS 1hc rc(lucst for 1hc fuel tank by the Winslow Co nstruc 11011 Comp.1ny . City Attorney Brotzman s.1id he bclic\'CS it h:is alrc:1dy been appr'l\'Cd . Mr . Gralmm s.1id h: Englewood Clly Council December 15, 1997 Pnso 18 I I ) !":'I l U !·11 ll 1:.s ":fl".( •1 r,q spoke IO Fire Marshall GreeJIC and Wldoalaadl 111w 11icy did nor ha"" ~"I qctioa p~ 1ha1 rcnu .. 1, , howe11er U,cy would be hard prcucd to.-llalcdcral rcquiremcnlS if Uu:y have 10 wail unlil July 13" 10 begin . 11 , Co uncil Member Habenichl uid !hat wbal sllc,. ming is whcllicr there is something we can do Uiat will ~,y okny on Ui<SC two, bur.., don 't waal toilaRIO dc3J wiU1 conditional uses or ani1hin& else coming up in the moratorium period. Mr. Graham said tbc.-.ly time we plan 10 ask ror the C.\'.lcnsion is now. and so this is the one opponunily Uuu busincss,s ,o1lo lut\•c applied for pcnnits have U1c PPJ!OMU!lilY 10 come ro us and say we a.re rceliog lhc pressure. we ha,'C becm wa.aung through ll1c first morntoriwn to &Cl pcnnits or licenses and we feel ii is unfair 10 c.~1cnd iL We ..-ere onJy U)·ing address those two concerns that h.t\'C been brou;ht to our aucntion. he said. Council Member Habenicht askal ifhe was say~ tbCll. lhat it is nor a problem . Mr. Graham said he docs nor 1hink ii will be . Council Member Waggoner asked if Mr. BRIIZIU:ml could recommend so1,;e lenninology . City Auomey Bro1zman responded that one is 10 change Fcbru:my 16• 10 Fcbru.1ry 5th and. secondly. that co ndilional uses :ipprovcd by the Planning ;md Zorun, Commu.5'.ion shall be c.xempt from the moratorium. Council Member Garrc1 · asked if lhis should be pnor to this date or ju~t any conditional use . Mr. Brotzmnn SWdyou ~ d\, it either wa •. Mt. Ciun?:Il s.-:iid if you s.,y pnor 10 tod.1y 's d.11e. it cuts them off so we won 't sec a lot ofcol•ditional uses in Jamar,. February and March. Whal we can do . he sa id. is treat tJ1e Win slow Construction Compan)' as baq .w the process. let them fin is h out their conduional use process for the tanks. if it hasn 't :i.lrc:ldy been co.mplctcd.. because they have s1ancd their proc:css already . Mr. Graham said it is his understanding that fflC? .arc no1 required 10 oblain a condi1ional use. only the building pcnnir for the lank. Mr. Brotzmaa aid Ilic understood ~,11 . if you were doing above ground storage l3nks in tl1c zone diSlrict that you would &:ave lo have a conditional use . Mr. Graham said when he checked on that he could not find tl1e rcqu:ircmc:nt for a conditional use . He asked how thnt should be handl :d. Mr Brotzman sai d we "i ll take it tbroll@J Planning and Zonrng anyway. M.iyor Bums asked if we arc cle:u 35 to what the .mw:ndmcm is. The Dcpury Cui Clerk was asked 10 read CIIUIICll Bill No . I 0-1 by rule. COUNCIL BILL NO , 10-1, INTRODUCED B\' COl.,'1'CIL MEMBER WAGGnNER A BIL L FOR AN ORDINANCE EXTENDIN G 1"HE TE~IPO RAR Y SUSPENS ION OR MORA TORJUM PERT AINING TO lHE ISSUANCE OF PE~IITS .A,',1) TIIE GRA NT ING OF LICE NSE S FOR THE PROPERTY LOC ATED BETWEEN YAI.EO. -11,E !'-IORTI-1 , DELAWARE ON TIIE EAST. SANT A FE ON T,,E WEST AND DARThlOIJ'Tll ON TEE SO L."Tll FOR A PERI OD OF FIVE MONTHS AFTER A TIME LAPSE OF A WEEK . ME MBER W.~GGONER MOVED, AND IT ~AS SEC ONDED, TO APPROVE,' GEN DA ITEM 11 (a) (ii)--COUNCIL BILL NO. JOJ . COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOn:.o. A:0,D IT WAS SECONDED, TO A,\JEN D COUl'ICIL BILL NO. JOJ BY REMOVING F'IIOM THE TITLE THE STATE:\1E:',T "FORA PERIOD OF FIVE MONTHS AFTlll A TD![. LAPSE OF A WEEK", REMOVE THE LAST •VHEREAS, AND AMEND SECTION THRf.I. BY CHANGING THE DATE GF FEBRUARY 16 , 1998 TO FEBR UA RY~. 1998 AND TO ISCL t:D[ WITHIN THAT SECTIO N TH AT ANY • • • • • • EnaJOlluod City Council Deco111 r 15. 1997 Page I~ CONDITIONAL USE THAT WAS IN THE PROCESS PRIOR TO DECEMBER 15, 1'97 W1U. CONTIMU1: ALONG TIIATPROCISS F'OR nNAL APPROVAL, AND 11IOSE SHALL R EXEMPT PltOM THE MO~\ TORIUM. Ayer. Council Members N•bh61z. Oairett. Bradshaw, Habalich1. Waggoner, Clapp. Bums Nays: None The mo1lon carried . Vole r,sul11 on the original motion •• amended: Ayes : Council Mcmbcr.i Nobholz. Oam:tt. Bradshaw. Habenicht . Wnggoncr. Clapp, Bums Nays: None The molion carried . (b) Approval ofOrdi1c1nces 011 Second Re.1ding Then: wen: no addi1ional items for approval 011 second n:.1ding . (Sec Agenda llem 10 (b) • Consen1 Agenda .) (c) Rcsolulions<and Motions (i) Director Gryglcwi cz presented a rccommend.1tion from the 0cpa.-mcnt of Financial Services 10 adopt a rcsolulion acccptmg cha nges 10 the City 's investment policy. He noted Council should have received. in their packet. u black lined copy of the investment policy with the additions in bold and the deletions stnick out. He C.'(plaincd that the policy was originally instituted UI 1990 and this is lhc lhird amcndmcnl lo that. Nonnnlly they would have a S1udy session. be said. bur as 1hc study session agendas have been so full they wenl fonv:ud with the black lined copies . C.:~incil Member Habenicht said th3t one thing 1h.1t she has nt\·er really seen in our investment poll....!'. whi ·:h !t~"! brings up every time it comes up . is 1h,1 t from time to time Council passes n:solutior.s. proclamations. ordinances or what ha\'e you. thal have a particular point of ,icw on certain things. Things such as pro cnviroumen1 or nol pro environ men 1. or pro child or nol pro child. the kinds or tbmgs Council will actually t..'lke a stand on . Ms Habenicht said she is wondt-ring if 1hcy ar • .. indeed. with our investment policy supponing those thin gs wl11ch migh1 be comr.t l') 10 other policies th u Council m.1ghl pass. She questioned whe1hcr there is any way 10 trnck that. Ms Habenicht advised Lhll ihc a.lwa~s raises the issue bectusc she feel s ii is :m impo n.1n1 rhing . bcc.111sc we arc 1:1ci1 ly supporting so ~· ,c thmgs tf VJC MC' investing in I lCm . She asked ifwe arc at limes going 10 be c:rngh1 or is so mebody going to find U5 supporti ng something financially thm we h:wc polilic.1II~· oppose d or vice versa . Director Gryglcwicz explained th.it in looki ng m lhe investment policy, the cash invCS' mc.nlS . what we invest in. arc ge nerally notes ;md bonds of the Uni1cd Simes go"cmment and we gene, Jlly don·r ha•e any opposition to their policies. He :id,iscd 1herc arc no equity 1m·estm ents in this policy . 11 1s all liqwd investments . Cou ncil Member Bradshaw asked wh:, we hilve lhc custodial ba nk in Ari zo nn . Director G~·glcwicz exp lained th:11 it is actually Wells F:ugo . So . Ms . Br.id sh:m: s.1id . th :1t is 1hcir corpo r.uc lle:ldqu:inc:s. bw: it is 1he \Veil s Fargo in Englewood . Mr. Gryglewicz s.1 id 1h:11 is CO TTC CI, \\C work w11h the b.lnk here. but fo r s.1fekcep ing . we work out of An1 .. ,na . 1hcy jus1 don ·1 han dl e rh:11 here ilnymorc . M:lyor Bums commcn1cd 1hat :t lot of their pr0l.-css i1 .~ is do1,c in Arizo na nO\\. C\'Cn their check processing Enilcwood C,cy Caumml Dcl:ornbcr 15. 1997 no ') 1111 bJO•.-ol•r.l (l{l! lt-1 'l)dffi~ Pnac 20 ' ,llJl'l ll ! II I I I' ,( Council Mamba' .Hlamlidll ,..od if tliei-are bfulJ&s 1h11 iJl\'c their corpotl!II hllljlq!'lnqn ip ~~'Jldll , that would be abk ..,,__.., us as well . M;,yor Bum., noted there nre not A Ip! any,more and~ !"illhl be 100 smnll to baBdlc dlc-U. Diree1a< Oryglcwia sold p"11>abl y noL at lcnst not one thnt would be os compctidvc. Mllyor Bums ma! ilil1hal is why we ha\<C achie\<Cd the highest rating on our investments , because U1ey ore so safe. DirecsorGryglewic sai d 11w ii right . we don't have a lot of risk in our ponfolio. ii is mainly United St:itcs T~ In response to Council Member Bradshaw. Director Qryglcwicz advised !hat we don '1 have any fOftipi ,iavcsUncnl5 right aow and be will let Council know if we do . The resolution was 31111rigncd a number and read by title : RESOL!JTION NO . D lJ, SERJES OF 1997 A RESOL!JTIO:,J AIQCEPTJNG CHANOES OF l1fE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD 'S INVESTMENT POLICY PER OR.DCS!ANCE 45. SERIES Of 1995. ADOPTED ON FINAL READING SEPTEMB ER 5. 199S . COUNCIL ll!£l'JJEII WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECON DED , TO APPROVE AGENDA ITDI I ? •le) (i) -RESOLUTION NO . 113, £ERIES OF 1997. Ayer Council Members Na bholz. Oarrcu. Bradslc1w , Hnbcn1ch1 . Wa~ncr. Clap p. Bums Na,_;s: None The motioa canicd. Council Member Br JI.haw told Dircc1 or Gryglcwicz he did an C.\,;Cc llcn1job . (i)J Dircc1or Fonda prcscm cd a rccommcnd.11ion from Lhc Ut1lltics Department 10 approve . by motioa., ai bKi 10 Centric-Jones for the Allen Wa1cr Trcauncn t Plant Improvements in tJ1e amoun t ofSIO.-IIO..Zlll0.00. Council ~tcmbc:r Bt:.ldsha." asked tf tl115 was 1he one Mr. Neumann was talking nbout. M:1yor Bums said yes. Director Fonda opuu=d that they rccc t\'cd c.xceptionally good bids. they ,•,ere substanunll y under l11c cnginccr ·s csti.mam..nnd they arc all clustered in the same area . He s.iid he would hnvc the engineer review Mr Ncu.m:uun 's comments and provide him wilh answers . If he is correct . Director Fonda ad vised they c.,., issue chanm: orde rs 1f they can gc1 an acceplablc ch ange order ncgot1 :11ed . Ma yo r Burns S.lid that was one of bis qucSDJoas.. Direct or Fonda stated you can. although I ho se arc in the thou s.ind dollar range when )'OU add them J Iii up. He advised Council sho uld pass L111s tonight bcc.,usc nc have received :111 in credibl~• good loam nt an incredibl~ good 1111crcs1 r.i tc. He comm ent ed that they do 1101 ,,:111110 delay tJ1c: project bccusc llJU$1 keeps puttin g off the co 111plc11 011. Dircclor Fonda ad vised 1hat. typicall y, th e:, would h:wc about a So/. to J O,,. contingen ~ fo r change orders :mywa) He not ed th ey co uld be 111 th e r.1 ngc ofup 10 bet ween a b..lif .i: m11llK1:n and i1 1mll1 on do ll ars on somclhmg li ke thi s. He .1 1.lvt scd they m.i y get 1111 0 that range bec:wsc of 11Di.Cb'ground condmon.s or th ey may gc:1 11110 1ha 1 range bc c.1 usc they were puslun g 1hc enginee r VCJ) hat11 tlO get this done so we could move fo rward wuh the lonn . He opined they have :1 lot of flexi b1 h~ beause w,:c got such a good bid . Mr . Fond., comm enlcd 1hnt he was qu11 c worri ed th:tt \\C would go o\"cr thc:.i!!n.g.mo:.r ·s csti1na1e of S 12. 700.000.'HJ g1,e11 tlu s bidding cond !UOn . He no1ed lie \\a.5 pl c:ts.1nt l~ su rpnsc~ thm \\C got as m.,n~ bidd ers ,1s \\e did. He :-id vise d lh:11 in th e nuddle of Ili c process. \\he n n looked l.oo!:-v.-c \\Cre only goin g 10 get two or lhrce bids . we C.'<tcnd cd th e lim e as SC\'c ral of 1hc111 • • • • • • Englewood City Council December I 5, 1997 Page 21 said they would like to rllllke a go at It. However, Din:ot<Jr Fon ti stated. the alndiuocu «JUld chan1,, vc,y quickl y In this bidding clima,-,. Council Member Bnldsbaw ,•011uncn1oct lha1 sbc Ullder1tood Mr, . ,,..._..., 10 S"f dw:n: wwld P'TbalJly be a million dolw ohan&• order eotninc lhrougb right B\\'DY· She ait. "!I•~· DirccMW I'~ f>l"'l'C cha:/< all of the concerns. Dircetor F~ said he docs no, know the INlsl< fo, llaal. He llalCd 11:e change order tbcy are anticlpnting right now i1onc thq, collldn 't get desipcd, fl IS SI ·o,000,00 fau:mcdung chat was found during the building dcponmcl( review. wltere we have to pul 111 a plWldiDg loop. He a,~Jiscd that as Urey do the line cleaning they tend tr coat Uic lines and thi• is SOIDI thing they= C\':>luating as tbcy are goi ng . lf they clean lhc distribution system lines dO'.vn wi1<1 'Mlr bnri ni: ma(.n:nc aka, that takes ii down lo bare meta.J a.nd ·we get rust ror quite sornc time . H: suncd t.hcrc arc s,.me new~ oo the marlcct where you put a polyphosp!latc out an:I ·,, will co;,t toe Jine5 and so .._.., can eliiu i'1alC tb.u problem and get much more elfective line cleaning. He noted we dn ha.: a lot oi• dcpt1its lllll on !be lines so Uw's one of the nc."(t things we arc going after. A'$ pnn of that , he noted . the two C'AlDC together. but it was too late to get it into Ute plans and specs, so we will probably be issuing I cba ■re order al!cr ,.,. ga lhe design done . Co uncil Member Bmdslmw asked whnt his es1ima1e .wld be on tlial, Direc1or Foada ad\'lsed ir will be a ut S 150.000 .00 on 1:.e polyphosphate feed sysicms, but he thought •~-c arc probably :inuci patu,g abou t., $200 ,000 .00 at this point Council Member Habenicht sL11cd we do have tl1c Water and Sewer 8oani serving some uvcrsight on this. as well il5 the Co uncii. Bui. she :is.kcd. on a project such as this. have we C'\"Cr appointed an outside group to serve as an ovcrsighl commillcc to son of provide checks an d b.11anccs and aco::untablliry . Director Fonda advised that has been tl1c Water and Sc\\cr Board's function . Mayor Buras wd lMI was what he was go ing to say, th,1 1 we h:wc n commillcc . Council Member dradshaw agreed t we ha\'C a commi nee . So. Council Member Habcn ic l11 smd . tha t is 1hc O\·crsight comm11tcc.. She. co,nmcn1cd Lhat is what she \\dlllcd to know. Counci l Mem ber Brnds.hnw sta led that as long as Di rcc1or Fonda "1II address Mr Nam.ann·s concerns that she has no probJcm moving this at th is lime. Mayor Bums noted it sccrns tbcrc was some prclty close cr,mpctition between C'!liltnC.•Joncs and Western Summit on this. He asked Director Fond a if that was onr reason he rccommc ndie:d Ccn1nc•Joncs. bcc:iusc we arc alrea dy working \\ilh them . Mr. Fonda sa id no. :hal lh~ recommended them because th~ were thr. low bid . He coin1 ~ .led thm they did subs1an 1ia! 111vestig:11ion.s and lh~ arc both vet) good companies. so they wcnl with the l'lw bid . Cou ncil Member Clapp asked if 1hcrc was any \\ay they co u.Jd request a follo\\.up through a study sessio n in lh c next few weeks. lo sec ir we ha\'C considered 01 her m.1 1cnals and 1f there IS going 10 be a big ch:mgc in this . Director Fonda slalcd he will provide the rcpon to Council. 1hat thC) gel. from the engineer. COUNCIL MEMBl!R BRADSHAW MOVED, AND IT WAS SECON DED. TO A \lo ARD TILE ALLEN FILTER PLANT IMPROVEMENT BID TO CENTRIC-JONES 1.c, THE AMOUNT Ayes: Nays : The mo1i on c.1 rricd . Council Members Nnbholz.. Garre tt Brads ~. Habcnic h1 . Wagg oner. Clapp. Bums None (iii) D1rcc1o r Fonda presc1 11 cd n rcco1 1unendn1 1011 from the .U uhucs Dcpa nmcnt 10 appro\'c. by 11101ion. the pur ch:isc :rnd cons 1ru c110 n of a metal h J mg S)S lcm 31 the Beneficial Use. Fann H~ld(luaners sile from Hallmark Builders in the ;1111011111 of $12 1.953 03. He illlh'IScd Lhat 1111 •. ·y scm tlu s Enalcwood Ci!) Council December 15 , 1997 Poac 22 00110 scvellll bidden and only n:cclvcd one bid . It 11as over our estimate, but , he noted, 1h11 was a stall' cstunatc, that they were jUJI making a stnb at whnt a building out nl thnt locnt ion would cost , He said they -.Jd rocommmd aoing ahead with Ii , beclusc Bi-City needs that building construe1cd so they can kocp lhcir equipment oat tllcn: and be able lo Nnctlon better through the winier month.'!. Director Fonda llaed lhcre an, adeq.-,...,_ in the ,ewer I\Jnd nnd !hey will not go over budget ir wc go ahead and purch:ue this. lie cxplohicd that,.~ ha~ • 7,000 acre rann ~uu "~ apply oor sludge 10, which we n:ccntly purchased. So"'"" we an, building nn opcralions arco out there. Right nov.· ir you ao out there, he noted, then: is no sheller or any son . So this will be n mct•I butler building that we cnn use 10 store equ ipmrnl and operate out or. Coonci l Member Waggoner questioned whether h•lf oftl1is cost will be Assessed lo the City of Littleton Director Fonda said ya. COUNCIL l\tllltltR WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WA S SECONDED, TO APPROVE TH[ PURCHASE OP A METAL BUILDING SYSTEM THAT WA S BUDGETED IN THE 1!197 BUDGET, JWOl\t HALLMARK BUILDERS IN THE AMOUNT OF S121,953.0J. A)'CS ' Counci l Mc111bcrs Nabl:ol z. Garrett. Bradshaw . Habemcl11 , Waggoner. Clnpp , Bums Nays : None The modon earned 12 G-nl Discussion (n) Mayon Choice Mayor Burns advised th:11 he and Coundl Member Nnbho lz aucndcd 1hc Na tional League of ,ucs Con rerencc in Ph iln de lphin. from Dc'CCmbcr z"' through the 7'', He noted ii is the nm NLC ;onfcrt ncc he has eve r been to He though! ii was the f:rst one for Ms . Nnb ho lz :llso M:ayor Bums commc111cd that he \\:tS unpressed by the agenda . He opined 11 \\aS :l long tune 10 be there , but they att.:""'"'Cd sc1 n1nan for 1he first two dn ys and rhcn rcgulnr sessions nficr that. He said he cnn sec why some cou.n ... lls send a loc of people. tis I here nrc so mnny sessions and so mnny workshops Counc il Mcmbtr Br:1dshaw ns kcd whnt scmi nnrs he ntt cnd::,.i Mnyor Bums advised 1hcy had scnunars on cO"ec11,·c mcc u ngs. he a1tc1 kd the tail end of the one on hum or :1nd one on making friends of enemies. Those he no1cd were the prc•scss1011 one s He stated 1hey had n lot of inle r.icu ,e tec hn ology for ci ti es to use . lnosks tlt:lt )OU c:tn use in public places . ln1cmc1 uses for c111cs and th ey had a Htcch " city St..1. up . TI1q• 11lso IU\d progrnrns of II hnlf hour cnch whe re they gm c :inlc v1gne11cs on how you ca n use the 1cchnolog) th.11 Is cinc rg1ng. esp<..-cin ll r thro ugh the lnrcrnet He sai d the~ was n 101 of th:11 krnd of thin g and sess ions on C'\'C:)111111~ from bu)II\~ cri 111pmcn11 ·1 p;:rks :md n:crc:111 011 He 1101 cd 1hcrc \,as a 101 of things on kids."°" euics e:m lnt cmcl \,1111 schools and rccrcn tic.in dc pnrtmcnis 10 assist children and teenagers Mn)-Of Bums ~Id th ere \\Crt sculons on !CO no1n ic dC\c lopmcnl and Counc il :v1 ernbc r Nnbholz took a lnp on one of lhOK and k1ml of go 1 her c~cs opc 11cd 011 one,: pan of Pl11 1:\dc lph 1:1 . He reiterated there were n lot of5CS ion ,; nnd so me co11 11c1ls from Col orndo had l'he nnd s1 .-.. pe ople rhcrc . He :1dv 1scd 1ha1 L111d.1 ~t onon. ~1:1\0I of Lak c\,ood \\:lS r lcttcd :o 1hc NLC Boa rd of Direct ors nnd Marg:-irct Carpc11 1cr , M:nor of fhorr11011 IS c-1 the Ad , ISO') Co m111111 cc He s.11d . ns lie undcrs1:1 11ds ii. you c.111 scf'\e one tc1111 on 1hc oo.,,d of d1m.1ors. 1hc11 ,011 go 10 1hc Ad, ISOr) Co n1111111cc . nnd yo u can s1ny on there :is Ion& :H )OU .ire nu clccrcd uni c.:1;11 Ms C:1rpc111 cr . he no 1t d. \\:lS :il so n mcmor for 11i:,, ;ia cndecs :ind there were nb(:)11 1 41H) new 1111cndce110 lh c co 11fcrc11cc He 11dv1scd 11 \\:I S :1 lnrgc co11fc rc11cc . General Co lin Po,,e ll spoke r1bou1 h1 i )01111• 11111111:1\C S :,nd 11 \\a s n ,·er)' 11nprcss 1ve fo i:1111) 111 Plul a.1clpl11;1. They ha,c co nverted 1111 old rnih,n,• S1111u111 lfl n co m-c n11 011 cc 111 cr . 11 1s a bc:muful place nnd only a couple of • • • • • Englewua,J City Council December 15, 1997 Page 23 years old. He opined ii will really a11roct scae ...,_ion tl3dc 10 Philadelphia . Mayor Burns commen1cd 1hat both bc:and Council Mawber ...,.frll •tbough Ibey. anc!,Council. 101 01~ir money 's worth , Ke advised ho ha& aa outlioc of a ,,_. IN ac,, llalll have a IOI of malcri"I IO submil IO various dcpartmenlJ. which Ibey will pn,blbly <lo.__, Cic, ~r ScalS. He commcnled lhal tJ,e infonnalion can be vay wdw. Mayor Buns...,. IUI be allO boupl a book on what Ille aulllor calls 01e "N" gcnemtJon or lbc s-nlion of kids IJiM .,_,. wi&b Ille In-and how lhc:y lhink, how !hey n:la1e and how !his socicly is aoing 10 be a&cled by diem. Hc: said ii is a very jqicrc:sting book and lhe author was the speaker al Ille general session on Ille lasl day oClhc confcn:n::c . 2. Mayor Burns congralulalcd lhc: Cil)' far being "'Capilal for a day" OD Dcccmbcr 200 , He oolCd thal the Neighborhoo.1 Waldl Program WM R00piad by lbc Govcmo, 's olliq: for superior achicvcmenL J. Mayor Bums comme.ncd Iha! Malley c-cr 11;,d lbcir 20 year anniversary ccld>ration while lllcy wen: gone. He said he was sorry abou1 Ille lllinp U..,' mi5"'1 wltilc they"'"" gone, Council Member Bradshaw noled 1ls11 Council Member Habcnic:IK did a t<JOdjob . · 4. Mayor Buros said he IUc:lldcd 1h: Soulb BnDlta-ay Focus Group .-ing last wc:c:k for a few minutes and he c01wnended lhe Iliff for conunwn:g U> work \ioi ll1 1hc South Broad\.\.iy arc., business people about improvcmen1s on Bmodway. S. Mayor Bums !iotcd be wanted 10 again thank lhc ouzcns "'ho too~ lime to M'ork on tJ1c flower beds for 01c Cil)I. 6, Mnyor Burns congralulatcd Cil)I Au~ BrolZlaan for being awarded the Metro Ci1y Auoroey's Associatiou "Attorn~· oflhc Year."' lb) Council Member's Choice (i) Council Member N.i.l,ojz: I. She congra1uk1cd Cicy Allomey B ro17.DWl, 2. She said she wanted to r 1ggy4>.1C.k on ~.ayor Bu.ms' comments and noted she has nc\'er attended so many lllings in her life . In fact. she So'lid. ~· ~ had to m.'lke places where I hey could meel to make sure they wercn ·t doubling up on things. ~-ts.. Nabhotz saatcd she \\'U very impressed and very overwhelmed and she teamed so much . Sht-op1oed tb3l one of Lhe most impress ive things w:is !hat n:tircd General Colin Po,.~11 gave the opcrur-g KSS1011 spccca She admed th:11 she has s,gncd up and wi ll work ni th Gary Scars . and possibl~ Chns OlsoG.. oa .,.iw Amcnca 's promise is for children. Ms . N.1 bholz stated it is the most impressive thing. and tus theme 1s the little red wago n. for when the load gc1s too heavy, that is why there is !he long black lwxilc.. so the adult can come along and help carry that load . She thanked Council for tJ1eir suppon ill sending her to Philadelphia . She said she has a suucase full, that she came home with unbelievable 51.uif 111.:H. she feels will benefit a lot of us . She nmed she has :i couple of code cnfora::mrnt concerns I hat she can give to City Manager Sca rs lat er. ~-She th,mked Council and our police dcparur.a,l cspcetally Gary Scars, Sue Bradshaw aud Chri s Olson for their conce rn . Ms . Nabholz stated che pole:: dcpanmcm \\as wonderful. '.tS "ell as Susa n Mc Donnell nnd Tom Vnndenncc . She s.11d she 1twacd them all. (ii) Coun cil Member Garren Bn1lowood Chy Council ~111bcr 15, 1997 PQaij 24 I. He advised he attended ihc South Brondway mcellna on Wtt,nosday nighL He n01cd it..,.. actwllly a very good meeting for ihc merchants •nd how the,• are coming togClltcr Olld going to do tlw!gs that will son or set Englewood hpnn. Because, Ito COuilncntcd. ono or the probtonu we bave in Englewood Is when you 1"'1ve Denver and get to Littleton you don 11 know you have been through Englewood. He o~incd !Ital some or the things they were lalklng ubout were qtiirc cxcHing, Mr, Oanett said Ihm the ones that were there liked the ld"'1 of having ditrcren1 dlstricls which lite Brondway action plan has. 2. He commented that the Planning and Zoning Commission always \'Oles on something the day ihcy have !he public hearing, because Ute people nre there and ihcy always thought It wu their obligation 10 r,ive !hem their answer if !hey had one . He said the comment was made that ii is Council's history tha1 we don't vole on the day we have the public hearing. Mr. Garrett said he is coming from the backgrowtd U"II the people nre here and they have given oommcot and !hey dcscM lo hear wbai we have to~--good or bad . He questioned where the history came in for '.:ouncil . where we don 'r vote on lhe d:ly \vc have a public hearing . Mayor Burns stated genemlly. lhst his memo,:v of ii Is. that !hey lhouglu if there was a lo,. of cmorion or a lot of concern expressed :u rhc public hc.mn g. 1hcy would like to sleep on ii before th~ actually vote on lhc ordinance. M:1yor Bums 1101cd they 1ell people 1h.11 . He said he is n01 sure how old tltat process is. Council Member Bradshaw stntcd ii is 1101 \'~ry old . When she wns: on Council pmi.ously. they would vote on the issue . And somerimes, she s.1id. they were here in public bc:J.rings until l :30 in the morning 11nd they would still vole at that time, just to scnlc ii. Council Member Waggoner commented ihcy must have been o 101 better thon "~ on:, because"~ can't moke up our mind lhal soon . Council Member Bradshaw said. if they have done their homework . with the public input from tJ,e he:uing. that ~IC)' can do thot. She stared she docs not sec that as a problem . Council Member Clopp noted that ar firsi she fell tho! way , bur after sitting through sever.ii public hearings . she really reels ii is kind of helpfW to take all oflhc infonnntion tha1 they hc;1rd rh :11 evening nud really digest it. think about it and uy to address all the concerns. Ms Cl:1pp s1:11cd she hns found that more times rhnn not pcrsonall~ spcakjng. th.it h.,s helped her. because she h:is lhc opponu11i1y then 10 call I he City A1ton1cy or the Ci~ Manager. after she 1:as 1hought lhrough so methin g. and say .. wh:11 if' or ··Jiow could we ." Personally . she re itera ted.. she has found it very helpful. Council Member Brad~hnw s.1id she would like Council 10 co nsider that She opined you can 1hink things 10 dc:nh and that was one of lhc reaso ns she ran for Coun c1 l. because that was son of the reputation of th is group . She no1cd th e~ nre good people. it wasn't acgauvc. but 11 is just tJ131 they think :rnd think and think. Ms . Bradshaw stated there is a time to 1hink and a time 10 consider and there is nlso :i time tn take action . She snid tha1 is why she \\/Ould suppon Counctl voting a1 tJia1 urn.e (iii) Council Member Bradshaw : I . Regarding the So uth Suburbnn issue. she said she would like lo propose a co mprise . She asked why they couldn't mnk e up n co 111mi11 ec or Jerrell Bl nck. Dave Loren z nnd Gary Sc..1rs. who is 1otall y net\ to 1he issue. docsn ·1 undcrstn11d 1hc hi s1ory nnd c.1n maybe look at it with d1trcrcnt eyes . She suggested they could sit do\\11 and rcnlly hammer ou 1 nn ngrcc ment so wc-cnn ge1 moving on Comcrs1onc P:uk Mayor Bums asked City Mnnn ger Sears ifthal was kind ofwh:u he was doin g. Council Member Br.1dsh.1w commenlcd tli.11 i1 is getting co nfu sing . Mr Sc:i rs advised lhnt lhey mc1 \\.ilh Dave Lorenz :ind tJ1cy put 1ogcther the letter in respo nse 10 \\hal bo 1h he :rn d the anorney h.1 d prcsen1cd . He opined 1ha1 he and Jerrell Blnck tried lo si t down lo taken look at the bro.1 dcr issue . b111 1hcn f'>Cus on so methin g !ha t would be do.1blc . Co u11 c1I Member Bradshaw slated \\.C arc dc:ilmg \\.il h 1wo c.. ·crc nl issues. th:11 \\C arc dc.1ling with land use ;md 1h r11 we nrc nlso dealing \\1th a sep:iralc iss ue . She noted Planmng and Zomng has dc.1!1 wirh 1he 1:ind use I uc nnd she felt th ey could scn lc 1ha1. She opined 1h:11 the fees and a.JI that ot her st ulf do not rcln1e to land use . Mnyor Bums s:ud 1h.111s 1hc1 r po1m . 1hm is So111h Suburban ·s argument and in awn) it is 1nic. He opi11cd 1hc co nccm of Cou nci l is 1r 1hcy don·1 resolve ii all at once 1hc others would go away. if th ey appro ve 1he land use issue • • • • • • Engle,11ll,d Ciry Council Dcccml>l!r 15, i997 P:lg: 2, Council Member Bradshaw..,ilbc:jllll Lbinks then: is• good middle 1mund lhUI can be hod, irwe can just sil down lUjd DOI ~ --,,a ,o a each oLbet like 1hey do. Mayol Bums commenlcd Iha! he lhouaht,.. had Slaned on km rL ~ new .-111 will! diem when we bad qulie a good study sessi on wilh u,cm acoupleofmontlil an,. 1kD. he IIOICd, this matter come up lll1d kind ofgol jn lhe middle . C,uncll Member Bradshaw saJd sbc -.M bet you could poll ev<rybody 11101 was 01 11101 study session 10 sec whal lhcy lhouglll crunc OUI r,/ tlm -~ -Id hllv,: rn-c answers from I heir board and seven answers rrpm ours. bec:11, ... apparcnlly, .___,.so many 1hings being lhmwn oui nl lhe same 1imc. She advised her concern is µ,a, !hey arc williD& •lluild a facili1y 1hat will help kids and 11101 is a facilily we need dcsper.uely in 11101 soulh cad. sr.c said she jUSI hales to sec us hang up on "pamchialism ", for lack of a belier word. for lwo diffcm11 _, lhar arc n:ally tbcrc 10 support kids . She commenlcd that she secs us going otr on UU1gen1S that"" dm't need to . She said !hat is why she lhoughl ir lhcy could ask Gary Scars . who ~he oonsidef1 ID be a eoa1f tmedi31or. to sil dowa will, Jerrell Black and Dave Lorenz and hammer lhis OUI , that she lhinks ii couJd Ul!ll"'D· Council Member Habcnicb< saidlshe lhinks lhnt is 11hat they arc all t~·ing to do and she docsn·1 sec why we can ·1 h.1vc th.11. She opiaedM. 1.'\'t"e come a long "'ii)' toward 1hat pa~,ncnt in lieu of 1a.~cs piece and also tJ1c rcsidcnl's r.uc:s for car 01t121:ns. She said she th mk!-1ha1 is jus1 Ll 1c \'Cr:, same thin g Um1 ,,c as a community hnvc done for as qbboring co mmu mry. b.1scd on our neighboring golf course situ.11ion with another city . She~ lha1 she docs not tbink we arc nccess.,rily being "paroch ial" on tJtis. th:ll she think5 we arc just loafl:ila to get a resolution where we arc making sure our citi zens arc getting a good deal for !his. as we -pai to anocher com mu nily . She stated she docs nol 1hink it needs to be conlcntious. th.it it SOUllld5 lite die)• are willing work on those two things. u sounds like they arc rc::illy willing to look at 1ha1. Council MJ:mbcr Bradlllaa akcd City Manager Sc:m what his sense or th is is . City Manager Scars advised lhal !hey follOW<d,. &om lhat meeting :md !hey did sil down \\i th Jerrell Blnck. Dan Brotzman. the :m omc)' and D,we Lormz. Be opined it did Sia.rt off a lilllc con1cn1ious from their anomcy·s viewpoint Bui . he noted. Mr tiorcnz sacppcd in :md asked what they cou ld do 10 If)' to n:solvc this issue ou L'i ide of leg.ally . Mr, Sc:m: acned thal 1s when we ~ud leis clo som e fact fin ding . lei s go ba ck an d sec whal kinds of costs they car. ac:unll) identify wuh thal. He :idviscd 1hm Mr , Lorenz seemed jus t fine w1tJt th.it City Man.1ger Sc:in mro!t h~ ended up puu1ng together th.i t le11cr so the~ co uld kind of keep the issue mo,·ing, so they sent dsat cul In response 10 Counci l Member Garren. Mr. Sc.1rs :idviscd 1IL11 was the December I I~ leuu and ltJl!!SI went ou110 llicm a couple or da)'s ago . He po in1cd ou t they probab ly should have set up a mec:uac illlld gone through the issues with Mr . Lorenz . But. he n01cd, timejus1 got away from them ~ ~· aazed to respond. Ci ry Man.,ger Sc.,~ said \\ ha1 he would ask is lhJt th ey go ahead and do a follow up wir.ti .l!)nvc Lorenz on tJ1c lette r. Mr . Sc.irs stated he. :ind P:irks and Recrcmio n S:rvi ccs Director Black.. "amdl si1 down wilh him and go through 1hc lcncr. sec what he comes back wi lh and !hen report b.ick 10 the COWIICI. Council Member Bradslc1w said she l11ought thot would be good , bcCJusc when you fire lcna:5 blld. and forth you arm ·1 sure wh.11 fr.imc of mind the pcrso i is in while 1hcy arc read ing ii. Cicy M:a:mg:cr Sc::ars advised r~ tried 10 lone II so 1ha1 it wasn·1 :i go ati cr !hem type of thing and 1hat he docsn ·t tiLum. :.c "ill inlcrprct 11 th:it w;1y. On ll1e 01!1cr hand . he s.1 id . \\ hat !hey need 10 do is set a follow-up :ind tdenraf) some co ncems .. or detcrnunc if the~ arc :igrccmcnt w11h what we IHl\'C come up with and ih!n ~ it.back ro Council. Counc il \llcmbcr Bradshaw s.1i d, origin:ill~. she :ind Bill Woodcock t:ilkcd aud she saJ£t .d"thC) would just give lhcm Englc,\ood ra 1c.:s :ind he s.1id no probl em She s.1 id tbar is where she left 11. a.n»yor Bums s.1id }CS.. Lha1 he fell II h:i s son of gon en out of proportion . Now . Ms . Bradsh.1w poimaiOtUL it IS bC)ond !hat .llld sl1e docs 11 ·1 kn O\\ 1f \\e c;111 ever go back lo 1h:11 . bcc:l.Usc she thou gh ! that '1125 J.!Jgood .solulion . She commented thnt the~ \\Cre so c.xci 1ed about the display and ever:,.thing they :.a-.. carlil!l"' .and yet if you look at 1ht11 sou1h end \\'C ha\'e th e s.1mc opponun uy 11 :111 Belleview Park. Progress Pan.. Cornerstone Park and all tlcit stut:'. to build a recreation facil ll )' that would be J. showpiece for the 50UlA :u%Jl She opined that 1f we JUSI do a liu le coopcra ung we ca n do thai She said she knows II It.is to go bcdb wa~s an d she is not S.1}111G 1hc~ .ire ngl11 3n d \\C :ire \\ra ng or ,,c arc Enslewood City Council 0..ccmber 15 . 1997 Pnge 26 right and the;• are wrnng . Bu~ she cxrlnined. wha1 she is saying/, she thlnks we need to coc,,,awe instead orsayin~ no, you <fidn '1 give me wlw I wont so I am aolng home. Counc il MemberBndmlw told City Manager Seo,-u1al she oppn:ciated him rollowing up on this. She opL,ed It goc way• ot'hand amJ we lost a 101 b=usc of that. Council Member Waggoner staled he felt we IOSI • lol a loag6-ago. Ms . Brndshaw said that goo back to old stulf. Mayor Bunu agreed u,crc Is• lot or old histo,ybcn:. Council Member Brodshaw suggested that maybe we need to Just sit down with UICIII and say aby this is why I am ongry with you ond get It oil out on the lablc so we d<>s't have all these hidden agcndlls when our groups get 10ge1hcr. She srid 1ha1 migltt not be:: bad idc:i either. Mayor Burns noted th:111"c agn,cd wiu, a lot or wha1 Ms. Bmdshn w ~,i d. Ms. Bradshaw !hanked hin,. ' 2. Ms . Bradshaw questioned what was be ,ng done about the group or citizens on Union. Council Member Garntt advised ii is on a S1udy Session ror the 19• and they arc supposed to ha\•e a ndghl,orbood meeting before then . Council Member Nabholz nolcd thal she hod requested we conl>cl S & H Concmc as well as Waste Manngcmcn1 and those neighbors 10 come in on thnt . bcc.iusc ii is Ion); .J\'Ct'd:lt (iv) Council Member Clapp : l. She said. after looking through Councirs ngcnd.1 ton igln. she isjusl curious~ tl ho\a much federal money we as a City gel in the way or Safcry Sen u.:cs. She :isk1..-d if 1li.'lt is 3 line item ilt lfthat is over and above their budget. 2. She stated she is just curious if Burt is in co1r,1iancc with I heir truck lot on Broa.dw3Y 3. She I.hanked Council for sending her. Dan 3ro:7,.;ru.n, Hnnk Long and Marprct Gu::fiD110 the D.C. meeting . She opined ;, was very. l'el)' bcn r 'icial and !hey all ca me to consensus She 31!,iscd there is some soft.\\'ill'e out there 1hey would like to c.,plorc. that 1hcy tli 1nk meets all of 1hc collC:m> -..-e have heard in regnrd 10 the Internet . One thing. she noted. that came acr"ss very oud and clc:ir. is that M need to find 3 way Ihm f;u:1 rlies can feel comfonnble wi 1h the In1 cn,e1. 10 allo\\ them 1,, use the Internet safely. Ifwe do not accomplisl1 this . sl1e s.1i .! ... lie is afraid 1hat our children really will suffer She said it w:r Vtl)' interesting w hl!ii one gentlem:111 asked 1hc entire room if th ere wns anybody thc,-e thll "'OU1d feel comfortable \\ith anyo ne else making !his decis io n for you as 10 how f.1r you should go or wl1.11 Y'X,l r limi1a1i 1;i1S ~hould be on the l1 11emc 1. No1 a single • .so litary hand w:1s raised. whiclL she sa _cf.. m,d her a gri • ...t deal . Ti1i s is something thal people iU'C going ro think differentl y aboul. no tnauer ho-"" ::na.ny umcs we go over tl1e Internet subject . as. she s.1id. her values ma y be ditrercnt from somebody e~se·s i.1.lues and so on. We :ill have our own set oi standards . Ms . Clapp said if i.i1t softw~re compan) on ~'Cf ~hat tltcy say the-• c:in delive r. and she sai d she lhinh they c.111 . then you woul d h.ivc :m indhidual card you would plug 11110 the eompuler and pnrcnts wol!ld be able lo decide how far their children sbccld go and the ir co mfon level with 1he lntcm~t She opir:ed th:11 is rc.:1ll y where it needs to be. Ihm we m=d to allow famihcs an d parenls to be involved in th is decis ion nmk ing and maybe they will get :i fe w mctt parents in there . She s.iid ii re.i ll y see ms 10 be somelliing we si1ould e,;pl orc Ms. Clapp thanked Ci~ A.n:omey Brotzman because orig inally it re.ill y wns l11 s thoug ht Tlr~y kind of ,,cnt throu gh 1nd looked :n :ill the software and Mr . Bro1zman iden tifi ed 1his softwa re a· so methin g 1ha1 could reall) do lhc job M.s Clapp said tl1ey 111 hope the price isn ·1 so au 11gcous 1ha1 we just c.1 11 ·1 rc.1c h it. But . she s..,1d, she 1:houyn the mcss.ige was clea r. th ;u it wa s empo\\ermcn : of parcms. 111cl11sion cf p.1rcn1s in cduc:11 1on .W de:irly . she s1a1ed . one thing will 1101 wo rk \~i1l :01.: tl1e 01hcr :md thr re is 11 01 oue simple Jf\S\\er Hco'C'\Cf. she opined. if \\e ca n pu1 so mcrh ing like thir; in place :ind cd uc.11 i: r:i 1111 lies and p.1n:n1 · th:it we en bn ng all th is 1ogc1her 10 re.i lly be nefit ou r communi1y 4. Sh e asked Mayo r Bums if she undaslood th e newspaper aniclc righ1. where Mr C.lld:i, w:mts Rm 10 do :ino1her meeting. She questioned whether he is s1ill fightin g lhc nm Bo.1 rd ~~or 9ums ad\·iscd that th ey ju st l1ad a 111ccting l:i st week on small buses. bu1 the 1ncc1 1ng he asked to ell. he • • • • • EngJCWOO\I I) o..c.J December I I Page 27 publicized 10 call. m by to lall rhc !OUlbwal corridor light mil line, has never happened . He said he was told lhc ,.._ -i>ec:wsc Chairman Klein ca1•1C out against it. When lhal happened he didn 't hove lhe votes 10 ..-~ :u,d !hey weren 't about to Clll 1ho1 meetin g. Mnyor Bums said, in hit op inion, 1J,.a1 meeting is no1 .,..10 lllppcn. They have moved ahe:ld with the smnll buses he hns talked abuur , hut those on, ror ..,cdic places like Boulder and he lc'lS llllkcd about Sooth Colonldo Boul avnrd nnd he docsn '1 know wliaz they ""uld deploy lhc rest or them . Mayor Bums op ined tha t could t.c successful on tlie right mads.-~ doesn 't sec ii l:Ubslituling for lugh volume drive ti me ori 1-25 . He advised lhere wns a mccti111 lml -.eek, and he knC\\ !his had 10 happen , lhar ar rho lnsr Ma yor's Caucus rhcy had RTD , DRCOO and COOT II tl-c: same meeting and Bill Vidal mc:1 with lhc RTD Board and !here were ccru in sparks flying bacl: and forth because sorn.: or lhc Rm Board member.; reel 1ha1 lhc C,o,..,mor shooJd have gonen in oa bis ...,iicalion for tl1e SOUlhcasl corridor. Mayor Burns opined Iha! these meeungs a;,: a natUllll progn:ssiaa rlO\'OrllS and he docsn 'I sec COOT opcmllng a light mil line , llcsald,he reels COOT and Rm ~ to gc1 tog,cthcr on !his and sort or soothe !heir ruffled rcathers here and lhcrc and lhOYC ahead with llus ~ Bec,r;...,, he Slalcd. he reels lh is is rhc wny you arc go ing 10 gel a soutltcast corridor line at dm pomL So. he said. he docs n ·1 SC-.! 311y jeopardy 10 the southwest corridor. He 3d\•1scd l..i1tlcton bas becm: ~ing to arr.mgc mc:ctin gs wi1h ou r congress people durin g 1hc break here and 1herc 1s one set tcntab\c!y for ThursdDy momini with Sc na1 or Allard . 1ha1 he \v.JS asked to aucnd . Linl eton ·s new m.1yor and tflclr pm ious mayor Dcnms Reynolds. who he knO\\S, arc going 10 <lll cnd. JUSt 10 kee p in touch with these fDik3 on the continuous need. year~ ycnr. to fund 1hc: sou1hwcst conidor ligtu rad line. He 3dviscd they .lft going 10 try to 3fT'aJ1!C a mccung wilh Rcprcscnr ntive Schaefer and :i lso wi1h Senator Campbell, jus, to i;c,ep in touch .,;lh these rolks. that we need their help every year. Senator Ca mpbell 1s still on the Sc:mllt A pproprfa1ions Commiucc which is very impon :1111. He advised th¢)' arc Ju st touching bases and k<cping ;. touch ,.;lh pa,ple about doing this. Ile opined we arc S1i ll in very good slc1pc and he has asked Gary Senrs 10 conrncr RTD He s.iid he t.ilked 10 the ir s1.11T n couple or wcclcs ago . when rhe ) had a special ceremo ny honoring ~nn is Reynolds in Lill lcton . He SP1id he wn s amn1.ed at how fast th ey a.re mov,ng c,n tbe south\\$ corridor and st:ued we would like ro have them come down to tnlk to us and they s.,i d fi ne.. tl~ \\oold lo\'e to co me down . Just to lei lhcm know and they would cornc down and let us know v.hcre they .arc. Counci l :igre!d t.h:J t would be grc:it, Ma~or Bum s advised lhcy are goin g to be workin g on all faar brid ges :i t once in a co uple of 111on1hs He sai d us he und er5'nnds II there a c fo ur st:igcs in lhrJ 311C 'the)· :ire goi ng to wo rk on all of them a1 once and they nrc going to S1 an the 0)' o,·cr dO\m here 31 Unnan. There 1s going to be .m cnonnous amount of co 11s1ructi on on lhc southwcs1 corridor in 1998 . so be sm:. lhe)· ha ve , \01 they c.1 n re ll us Moyor Bums snid he ree ls the concern s about traffic and tl 131 son or t!Dng ha,-.1 0 be atldrcsscd He nd\i scd he undcr.;ionds fo r the contracts rhcy nllo\\cd, S62 million to be fer. ci August. arc alrcdy let and ,igned . They :i re moving 1h.1 t fast on lhc lin e. He commenred that !be •--as a little \:iken bade on thei r di scussio n tonig:u on Cinderca a City whe,, they 1alk cd abo ut opening U: ~I. t:iccusc RTD is movi ng fas 1cr thnn 1hat C~mc il Member Bmd~h:m s.1,d she ·.1.ou ld h'-e to Ste: llS open in 2000. T\~'Or Bums said he would ,"D. if po ssible . M11~·or Bum s rc•1c,.atcd that th-~ h..~-e a lo!: they could tell us. 'iO h~ would like tc, get 1hem down here and have a li1tlc do g .. rvi po ny show And. be sud. they 3re \"CT )' :t :-i.xious to do t'•:tt for us . Ms ClhgJp CQf'".gr.uul :ucd Cu~ All am~ Bro 1z:nnn on bd 11g named Anomc~ of the Yc.1r 6 :;1,c r · ·ed Cir~ Ma 11Jgcr Sc:lrs ,Ind 51:,fT fo r nil the ir \\ Jrk 011 C111derc ll :1 Ch~ ~he s.11d she \\aS rc:ill~ unpr.:sscd 10 11i gh1 ,11 1d it rc::illy helps ;,.!r to visua li ze: th e con cc p1 (\) Co un cil Membe r Waggo ucr 1. He nocd th.1 1 t11 e li11 lc r.u sc :i.Jo ng 1herc b~ the lig ln r.u l s1n1io n. thm \\Clll \cn 1c.1I. \,as 16 fcc1 He s.1id lhai Jl"l:5 tl,cm ;. lill lc pcrspecl ive . A ~o-· specif~m g Aid 10 Ol hcr Age nci es fo r 1991\ w:i s co ns1dcrcd Englewood City Council December 15, 1997 Pn ue 28 " ) bo " • VI >l10dl11 !Cletit's note: This was lilled as ilelP 12 (b) (i) on lhc Agaida.l The res,uution was mlgncd a number and read by title: RESOLl!TlON NO. 114. SEitlES or 1997 A RESOLlJTION SPECIFYING AID TC' OTHER AGENCIES FOR f ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . BY THE CITY OF COUNCIL MEMBER WAGG ONEIi MOVED, AND IT WAS S[COl'iDE D, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 114, SERJES OF 1'97, Ayes : Cooucil Mc111bcrs Nobholz, Gam:lt. Bradshaw. Habcnich L Waggoner, Clapp, Burm Nn)~: None 111c motion ~rricd. tvi .,-or Burns thanked Council fo r work.mg on tlus m their absence. (vi) Council Mt!mbcr Habenicht. I. Si,c congratulalcd City Attorney Brot zman on being named A-, of tJ,c Year. I I • 2. She said the Cultural Ans Commission. .ner mcainc "i tb 0., Council, had talltcd about • recommending that Counc il look at a resolution or "<>inc sort of ordi= thaJ "'0Uld require artistic pieces being involved in redevelopment projec1S . file Slated 5bc is bop,mg that ,.;11 ,novc forward . She said she knows the Commission really wanted 10 m\kc sure lbc CoUDQ!l ia:as address ing th.it tn a tim ely fa,hion . She comn,cnt«: tliat she thought it was something Mayor ~ brought up . a lon g time ago . 1h:11 it is being done in 01hcr co mmunilics. So. she s:ud. she wamcd lC mmkc sure ii just docsn ·, get lost in the shuffle or that we address it 100 larc. Couoc1l Member Bradsha" ~ checking ,, 1th Love land to sec wh:11 th ey do. Commcnls were m.1de .1bou1 1% ordmnnccs . Ms H:la:ruch1 rcuer.ucd 1ha11..hey really need to mo,·c ahead on this as quick!) as possible. She advised 1.hai tb.:ln •,is the reconuncncboon. that Council scri()ljsly consider doing 1ha1. She noted u son of keeps gerung,l:151 111 tbc shuffic Council Member Waggoner suggc.c-led she have one brou ght fornard . CounaJ Mc:nbc.r & labcnicht .ss.:ll ed she has been 1rying. Ci1y Anomcy Brotz.man advised that two arc in draft form ft&hl DOW Council ~fcmbcr Bradshaw asked if tl>ey could get 111cm undraftcd aJJd up here. Mr. Brocmwi sia1cd that u,e problem ,s fin ding space on Co uncil 's study sessio n schedu le . that it is not the ClSl\:s1I.lung101..he worl d to do. Council Member Habenicht s.1id she lhought maybe it was sometlu ng th:u: could co me forn':\Id and they would not have to have a \\hole lot of stu dy abou t She commenrcd that m seems to h;tve son of emerged independent ly from every Council member al one umc or another . tlw 1' rS JUSl gcumg II done . 3. Ms . Habeni cht s.1 1d in conj11n c11 on to \\h,11 Mr Ncu m.1nn s.a..J.. X!1d b.a\1t1g SC r\c:d on the Water and Sewer Board for a long lune. th.11 one of 1hc funClio ns lhC) do 1s t.tat ovcrs.igl11 fun ction But. she sm1 . maybe lh ey don·1 have II formalized ma.\\:\:, :h :11 &1\CS a comfon ll!"\'Cl 1-'J lllze ns Ill the co mmunuy She s1a 1C'1 sh..: W<·ul d lik e 10 suggest that Council sugges: to the \\':ucr Jnd X"'cr Bo.1 rd th:11 maybe we look a little bit a1 formali zi ng that over ·ight sccuon Maybe rvcn on~ ~ndl.s or somct lun g so I hey knJw when they arc de.1lmg with th.11 a,,d lhc pubb. c.111 ~ it on the .J.g!!Odas She opi ned It ts done . that thc 1c 1s a 101 of co ncern :ind if people aucndcd 1hc W.11er . 11d Sewer Scad. ~1111g.s 1hc~ \\Ould recog n12e that .1 lot of the quesuons I hat arc bcmg asked b~ c111zcns arc being asl-.C. t>J membe rs of the Wa 1cr and • Sc,,cr Boa rd . Sh e s.11d she thinks pr.rh aps they don·1 fonnallzc enough. Sb tb.l.l II 1s so mc tlung people ca n ge l 1hcir h;rnd s on. • • • En~ewnqu Clly Council Dec:cmbt1 15. 1997 Page 29 Council Member Wagoner poinlcd oul lha1 on ovcriiglll commillcc would not have btoughl up quesilon.c likt. Mr. NeumaM raised . Council Member Brndshow said she ,vos going 10 soy lhar , as who would have lhal knowledge. I Council W.:mbcr Habenlclil snid lllat she knows 1ha1 on some bond projects •• other communities lllerc will be on ovcrsighl commlucc of knowlcdgc.1blc people who will be rherc to do rhnt. M.1ybc . she said. they need 10 took oi 1ha1 issue . Council Member Waggoner pointed oul tl~t :i lot or the projects. tli.11 even Engl ewood enters into, tJ1cy have value engineering done on . Thot . he no1cd . usuolly takes core of questions such 31 die ones 11111 Mr. Neumann had as far as ma1crial usage or the type of cons1ruction or that son of thing. He said he d~,1 ·1 remember rfthcy hod value engineering on Ille waler plnnt , bu1 that he ten,¼ tle:y did have nl the SNcr ucumcnt pl3nl nt one lime Mayor Bums opined lh:11 th:u is lhc best pince IC. bring II up . rnthcr than dy a review comininec. trying to pick :,wny :u ii and we don 't even know how 13. City Man:agcr's Rc11ort (a) City Manager Se.1rs said. going back 10 one of the issues Council raised about the agcnc1cs and :w:iS1ance. that there was a topic 1hm invol\cd Spec1.1 I Olympics and giving them a r.11e . He advised Lh.,t he knows Jerrell Black lw worked wi1h them to provide that 10 them . to provide the facility a.t no cost to them. He asked if Mr. Black would like to add anything to 1hat. DirectJr 81:lclc: advised that they cenainly support all the effort s of the Spec ia l Olympics and ,hey think this is a very minim.ii p.in we c:111 do for 1h.11 group . He 1101ed they wi ll be \\Orking closely wi1h Lhem in the future . (b) C1ry Manager Sc.,rs advised th:u he met \\llh En~Jc,,ood School Supcrin1endl·n1 Roscoe Davidson and tb~ talked about lhe Jami City Comm11tee . He s.1 id he 1s hop111g to get 1hat movt11 ,?-a~n the first pan of nc.1Ct year with the Counci l. Tiiat he wnnls 10 make sure that we sl:ly in touch with them and their duccuon . He nolcd he will pur 1hm kind of on the (1igh pan or l11s :igencfa . (cl Ci~· Manager Clark advised 1herc 1s a hnlid:1.y p:tn ) for Co uncil. s1arr :1.nd bo:trds an d commissions if they c.:111 come by Wednesday from 1:00 pm to ~.00 pm :ti the Gair Course . C.>unc1l Member Nabholz nolcd !h ere arc SC\er:tl 0ycrs circul.uing :ts to what will be lak mg JJlacc ,llh the rcdeve lopmcn 1 or General Iron Works So. she said. fr om 6· J0 p m 10 8.00 p m 10111orro,, C\'enmg , here rn 1he Commun 11y Room . Ne ighbor hood :111d Busi ness Devclop111e 111 and Council. as well ns 1hosc neig hbors . arc 111vi 1cd She co mm c111cd she Jm,t wanted 10 remind everyone . Cou ncil Member H.1bcni::l;1 s.11d she w:1111cd 10 thank Council Member Na li!1 ol1.. Ma~or Bums . Counc il Member Clapp. City Attorney Bro1zma11 and c,·cl"}bo<h \\ho allendcd ::,e conferences She com ment ed tha t she knows from time 10 time it has been an issue or con1e1111on. but people give a lot or II me 10 learn a lot or thin gs tu help do the jobs belier ns Cou nci l members She lhnnkcd them for 1:1k111g 1hc lime near 1hc holiday sc:ison lo grapp le ,,i1h so me or lhcsc laug h iss ues and lc.1m so me 1l11ngs :111d brmg 1hc111 back She pointed out that \\C ;ire iso l:11ed here and other ci 1ies do 1l1111gs differently :rnd ,,c ca n lc:1· •·, so much En&lcwood Chy Council December t,, 11 '97 Page JO from them . So, she said. she rcaJJy apprecialed lllc aao lllal pr.ople give. Thole alleuding tt.e a,nf-thanked Ma. lfll:t.sj,.:hl, 14. City Attorney's Report (a) Ciiy Anomey Brotza,=11 lllaaal c-:il. aying thal while he did receive an award, he has a wocw1cn1,1 utr he worts wilh...., widl Ille --.:r·s catirc Sl;il[ He stntcd they :uc n terrific group ofp,,;ple to"""' "ilh, u well as -1iiag wiG COWlcil and their innovative projects . So . he said, a large amount or that awards goes 10 COWICil and till< <:ity. 15 . Adjoura111ent MAYOR BURNS MOVED TO ADJOIJJIN. The-.., adjoumed at 9:50 p.m. • •