HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes•
I. C.UtoOnlu
The rcplar IDCCWl&ofthc E»clewcod City c...aaJ -called ID onlerbyMoycr ilwmM 7:}tp.m.
2. la__._
The iJMICalioa -IMIII by c-:i1 Member Wiuu,s.
The Pledge of Allegiance wu lod by Mayor Bums.
4. Roll Coll
Ccunci1 Mcmbcn Hllhiway, Clapp, Wiggit,s. H.ibalithi,
Vonnittaa, Wauon,r, Bums .
A qoonun was pramt.
S. Millllla
Also preotlll: City Manager Clark
City At10m<y B1111z111a11
Allirual ID the City Manager Grace
Ciey Clalt Ellis
Commwuty Coordinatcr Stitt. Ncighhoibood ud Bus;...,.
Di=or Black, Paib and lucrcation
Golf Managci B11111cncr
Motio'n carried.
Ayos: Ccuncil Members Hathaway, Vonni111g, Wiggins. Habeaicb~
WlggOIICr, Clapp, Bums
Na)~: None
6. Scbtdukd ViJitors
(1) ~'CS rl tllc Clakwai Banc,od Wo n's Sbtltcr and Courthouse Inc. IC0Cp(cd
conlributions from the Mayo, 11 recipient organiutions of Aid to Other Agencies ftmding . Mayoi Bums
DOied that cootribulioos to Meals 011 Wheels and u,. lnler-Faith TIii< Fcm,e will be -to C:em .
(b) Ann Nablrolz. J990 li<Mlt Dda-,, SU., .-i.a OD behalf mlOIDC cooc:anod
citizens rn.,""' aei4'mt.oad, -tbcy ......... ~ d,y .... .......,,_ aienc:ia and, in
partlilulu, ~ ~ad. She noc..1 SWlcl,y ......... .,.li,localed oe theconcrmB11e11nd
Broadway. 1,1.s. Nabholz ,lllmlDt!lted that, U they .......... lbal CGwlcil Member llllhlway is ID
employee mSIMdby l'trlOGIIOI. they will txpecl lbal she Mll lilllain Dom Ill)'• or wee on this tauc
to p,cctudc Ill)' appearoncc m • amflict oC~ Mi. Nallliolz "'1id lbal the EacJcwood police will
testify that SW>Cl>y Pn.soond is I public nuiance. She llalod 1h11 the police caUa <Xlll each taxpayer
roont.y awl divert the ·police rtlOUIQCS from more impo111Dt tllll1cn. Tbc pooplc. Ille llllcd, In the area
around S,~JXl,y bavt been cited for pubic drinking, clnlgillg. urina&in& in public and loitering.
Hl'J'C)Clti•iic ,-llr:r ...._ been found to the alley and llnld IIOUl>I Slandby ~-She oomendcd
\1at SUJ><l,y PtnorlllCI bas mode 110 drort to comet this litualiol.. Ms. Nabbolz cxprcacd hope tha~ IS I
,-it rJ/ M. D. Dr,g 's belrin& before the Liquor l.iccmi!I& Authority last Wcdncsdly ailb~ it will cut
,A1wr.1 011 the pnlli.em with hypodermic needles. Ms. NalJbolz said this oocms COWIICrproductivc to the
City's41Jor1s 10 upgrade this area as the City is lootiagllpomoliag _..., and tmlllizlng CindcrdJa
Cit'!• She maill'<lincd 1h11 Swldby is I malignancy. 1h11 it kills gro"1h and oommunity development.
Ms. Nlobholz p,intcd out 1h11 tbcrc arc n.,, day labor buaincaes in I one block ndtul. She asked Council
w""1 young f,.mily would willingly expose their c:bildrclJ to the type of business cm'UODIIICnt that Standby
Ms. Nabbolz stated that to her knowledge the City bas no dabbasc for tracking busincsocs, u there is oo
"business liocnsc . • She · sbc feds it is time to rovisit the business licensc issue. but with ca,eful
""rding tiglllcr guidelines 111d a minimum fi:e. She llalal this cu also be I plus b busincaes as they
"<>uld ~.a"" aca:ss to each other.
Ms . ~lll,oolz commented thal the time is nght for revitalization oCEnglcwood. but •• must loolt 11
cxis•Jng c::ock:s and onfuwices and updale them . We must ba\'C. sbc IWcd. clear stlDdanls ol codes lDCI
on'.inanv.s 1o guide us through ow rmtalizatioo. SIio IIOled lbal a rtcent poll -..cl that one in five do
D'Jl trust p-.nunc,it She aid,... can continue IO IOII along with I few officials llllking decisions for us.
•Jr WC CIII ',e I suong link o( goymuncn~ business 111d dtizaas ~ng togclbcr for I safer, clCIDCI' and
lfOR pro:pe:rws Englewood. She insiSled that WC must listen to the communily and develop ID
undcrundiD& oC ow problems which will prcpart us for I pacitive change. Ms. Nlbholz ooncludcd by
stating tlle, Englewood n:sidcnlS cxpcct integrity in )IO\'fflUIICII~ drcctivc communication, strong
enforcuuent of lav.• and ordinanoes. as well as taxes kepi low by wise and Clldul spending policies . Ms.
Nab ... ,)f, aslocd \rllat in a code or ordinance constitutes · public nuisance . She added tha1 she appreciated
Council's attention to this matter .
7. Noa-1tbcduled Vbiton
(1) Betty Loa Acker, 3140 Sooth D. ,ware Strtct. SIited she is aware of the problems in the
ara around the day labor buainoaes as she bas , ,end lhll liws in the 2600 block of Sooth Cherokee.
?,Is. J.ctcr..td that men froui tbcsc businesses s,q, in the )Vd It the '°"th corner of West Yale Avenue
and Souih Cbcnil<cc Street and they have the ir ~:;podcnnic nccdlcs all over the place. She stated she is
aga.r.;: .'1al kind oftusincss right there on B,oadway, that they shoold be loc:ated in an industrial ma.
Ms. Acke • aid thal when you go by the men arc banging out then: and it rally loolts like I olum . She
feels Iha!. is ,,e1rimcntal to the City .
(b) Shirley Esser. 2982 Sou~., Dclaw1n: Strtct. stated she bash :d problems with tnnsicnlS
coming i.lOWD through her alley, dumping IIISh 0111 of her garbage sacks and taking the sacks . Ms . Esser
achilC<i that when "1c asked him wbcrc be came from be said Standby and 1h11 Ibey did not have wort 110
be was coUc:t1J1g cans . She said be became foul mouthed. rude and obnoxioos. She expressed concern
......... ai,c.-a
,1--,15,1"' ... ,
that tbere lR _..,. 1111 Md-tbe alley M UICR Ill-lialcboys DD lier block. Ml. Ear
lla10d 11111 *did•..,. la 11111-to baw 11111 ldad o1........-for tbe lddl.
,peak. but cliaoc • .._ Eadl. lpOlidq boa Uio audicace. o&nd lllcir suppon to J.a Nabllolz.J
(c) Suda 0s1cma, 2143 Soulk Gnat SIRel, iDlnldl-i lier 14 ymr old ........ Jcaica
Alsop. Sbc llllal 11111 lier dauplcr rade Uio • to Sinclair Middle Scllool lul ,w. Al Ille.,_ 11Dp ii by
Slandby Pmoud, die asbd that lier dau&hier be all owod to spook to CouoclJ rqardina bs c,ipaieDr-e
II that bus slllp.
Jessica A1mp said 11111 O\'OI)' ........ a~ IIIDd II thal bus stop and lbcre ~ be a few 111)'1 and
also an older mu •illl a luadl pail 1'bich sbe l<lt held cllup. beer ud illepl U.U.,.. Sbc aid GU«
people C11DC up to tbe older man wilb lillle adu ud ~take.,... liolll llim. W,1, A1mp llOIOd ,be
was IIJPlllod by it ud HS vtry pad 1h11 Ibey did DOI ask her ii slle MMcd to Uy IIIIJ .
(cl) Cami,: T......,, 2991 Soutla llamaocl< SI-, llallld she -tat willl 11,t Ncipbo11,ooc1
Action c.omm;-, wJ.aidl -ror-1 duriua a Neiahbofl,ood Wlldl Modi-, two )'Om$.., aftCF 11,ey
&S<Cnained lllen: --problau MIia Slaodby. no c-i.iaee wwked 1rilh Council Member Rita
Hathaway"" tbe illla. Ms. T--, ~ lbal sbcdid -,-rd, Md r.hocbdout lh:ccli<r
Standby Pa--1 ....,_. and lbal e.uy si-,Jc-olllam IS wilbia a black ola liquor-, a bar
and I c:IM:dt casloia& ..-,cy. Sbcl&llai she WU borrifial II llaaoe businels dllicl. Sbc--'S
ageoci<a to -il-.. c:wld be doae about 111is and wu told llaal 'MIil ~ are doiag ii• illepl.
MJ. T......, ...--S llall sllefcds M. 11 poopl&. DCOd to.,.-this kind olllailla Iha Mppiq
to oeighborboods and also to lhe people 1'ho wont II Slaodby. She said a -II SlaDdby,.,.,....
told her that -sbe bnlugbt lhe property she did 110( know lhore WU • liquor ..... there. Ml. T.......,
said that •-.s a flat out lie, becallle sbe coolKll'd lhe liquor llGR Md Ibey said bdOR llae-bougM
the propcny sbe -.,.... ad talml to U-. Sbc mainlaiDcd 11111"" are elr.lli-, wilb poaple-are
DOI Idling lhe truth, people that are UDdhical and people who subject neighborboods like hers to poleDtial
damage . Ms. Tomasso stalDd she spent a lot ol lime ~ oa Ibis Cmunillloe and Ibero ,.... a number
of people wbo said Sw>IIJy MS oot a problem. She octal Council Member Hathaway .. .., ODC of tbem
and tbeo she -to wont for them before she finisbed the wont willa Ille Neipbomood WIICh IIDd did
oot fulfill her port ol llae duly el pulliog tog<lber a sroup of, oot just a blodt caplaia. but Ibey aood a
groop for 1h11 wbole uea i.ct there where they could get together and support each other la ~ 'Mlh
Standby. Ms. Tomasso CXJIIIIIIODled that right DOW,... are dealin, Mth I bomb that bu DO( gone olrya.
She stalDd that a tbirta:o year old prl ru a•ny with one of the SlaDdby Puooonel employa, by
Standby'• KaJUDI, ud Ibey said .-,clly that Ibey lrld<ed the py dowa aad bnJught bun back. Ms.
Tomasso stalDd she is up,d it happened in the lint place. ~ is the problem with bypoclenn;c noodles
and she added tha1 she: c:alls the police on two out of tJm,e occasions when lhcrc are people sittioa in her
alley . She added that one lime her bwbaod was DO( home and she was afrai~. She did DO( call, but just
sat and listeoed and waited uoliJ Ibey~ •WIil'• Ms. Tomasso llllcd lbal she roca IDIDdhiJI& needs to
be done and we oced to Ilk, a posilioo of controlling what biw.111 to ocighborboods. She staled she secs
whst she calls lbc Colfax-alion of Broadway and of Englewood. She said that when she first moved hen:
people thn:w bonesboes in the alley 11 10 :00 p.m. and she 'MlDders 1'1iat is going to bappco now.
(e) Tom Nabbulz, 2990 Sooth Dela~ St-. lila10d ii is like aomobody opened a flood
gate on Camell A, ... uc and Broadway at all oours oflbc day . He oomplaincd of the mnsicnts ..-.!king
by, and some cannot C\'OD "'lilt, and banging over bis gate . He said Ibey want to talk. bul be docs not
want to talk to lbcm and be docs DO( want his family to talk to lbcm. Mr. Nabbolz Slated tha1 this is a nc"
problem and oot one be ,.,..15 to 110C in Englewood. He said be is hopeful somclhing can be done about
this probl, ·m.
(0 Jo),:c C.-. 11962 Eaa Maple A-A--.1111-lted 1h11 d,e broupl lier car lnlo
Bear Frame and Axle for rq,air. When lbc sa,dcmu wu writb>& up bor tic:lu:t loo lllado oome my, my
dil!IUIP'&-Ho ...Slier llow .... """1d lib Ill Iii 111d loot It 11111 ....y day 0111 lbc window.
Ms. C.-allllll-.llhal ... F,-llallaatliereliaotllxllll 1957. Wllcad,ellbdlbcaentlcmu
It 8<ar Fruie lfhe had Ill)' """"'10 he-OD to-lbc pn,blems they ba\'C there and whal they
-eacll day. Ms. Clvea -11111 she fods ii -.Id~ the City olEnglewood IO take into
ICCOOllll lbc 1ot:1allbllshed~""° ba\'C~ lonc llld hard tokeepl!Jll)ewl,od in lbc
f~ She aid that tllis ii I dcfillile minus.
(I) Julie Griller, 219j South Bannock SuTJd. advised lhal she is rip DO lbc comer o(Batcs
A-. 'Mlich ii dinclly...., bkJcb -olSland,y ~ M. D. Drug SIDre and lbc other
~ OD lhal c:oner. Slle said she 1111 lived lhcre for llwleeu years and bas_.., boon more a:ar<d
in ber lift. Ms. Griller IIUOIOd she lboupl ii WU I aiccr. older E,oglewood aroa ~ MS mainly residential
with jldt I ccuple o( basi,_ Oii lbc -· She c:ommentcd tblll she 1111 ......, had IO call the police ID
many 1UDC1 in bor mlire lifc and ii ii boclllle olthe busiDCSICS up DO the aimer. She said she ii Sl)'Ull
11111 ii Isa aJIDbinallon ollllem -ae does 1101 penoaallJ _.....,,, tbacpoople ba\'C come from
wbl:a moy walk by ber house. SIie lias a ftncod yanl and said • is -nod 11111 ono ol these derdict>
miglll Uy to reach 0\'CI' iDlo bor yald and eilhcr ll')' IO gnb-ofller kids or endanger her ovm life. M.~
Grias .....i she l'WIS I daycare from bor bomc . S.-days she-rla people~ by Iha! she bas
,_..., ill her life, they an: °"'l)'ing bad< and follh alcag Ille sidewalk and end up DUI in the stnel.
She aid sbe WIIChes them aad hopes they get hil Sbe llid lbal tbal comor is also my bad aimer for
accidmts. Ms. Gritttt lltMed tllll ii Dlldlling is 1101 done.,..._ betwoen lbc City of Engle,wod. Police
~ Code Enf'onxmeal or wboeYcr DClOds lO be i1MlMd, lllCII she is going IO IDCJYt and she
...-1M lhcre Ill)' looger. •
'raeR _,,.., fwthcr IIOIHChodwed \1111D11. Mayor BwM dabd emyone for tbtir comments He
advillod -Council will take them andor ----and will bop in touch.
8. Caamauc.a-s, Proclamatio;;o ... Appolalaeau
Cooncil Membcr Halha"~Y expressed regrel II Ms. Lay's resignation from the Waler and Sewer lloanl IS
she stn'ed a311)' years on lhal Board, but she said she ii lbriJlod 11111 she is gettin& a bette,· position 11
Mocioo camcd.
Ayes : Council Manben Hathaway , Vormittag, Wiggi.,s, HabcnichL
Waggoner, Clapp, Bums
Nays : Nooe
Mayor Bums sated Council thanlced Jo Lay for her long years ol oervice on th: Water and Sewer Board
and coagnitulated hct DD htr new position ,.;11, lhe ~ County Clerk and Recorder 's Offi ce .
9. hblie Beari111
Ayes: Coudl l\tmbon HalllaWI)•, Vormltll&, W'iaim, Haliaoiclll. w....-. Clopp, Bllrlll
Nays : ~
Mallon carried and the public bcariaa apmal.
All teotimony WU pven UDdor oalh.
Community Coon:lina1ar Stitt lilal<d lhal the propoel Planned Oevelopmc:ot for Burt on 8,-lway-
CIOOlidffld by the Planning and ZoaiDa Commiaioa OG h><> "'l)llale ocxasions, October 17, 199S and
NoYcmbcr 7, 199S. At the NOYallbcr 7, 199S .-o.oa, the Plannina Comiaion ____.,,. .....,..t
-..ith llOYCDi c:ondilions. Tbc conditions wen: thal the landa:apina be lllllllllod Ill rdllcl I°"' of Ille ealiro
sile am, minus the u.odt:vdopoblc portion II iDdicalCd in the lile pit-. l'llln is a ponioa ID Ille -.II
and -..at of the li1e t11a1 is ill the 100 ya, llood plu of Big Dry Crook al is 11111 dcvdapll,lt. AJaa. Ille
tapOPPby is mcla thal ii would DIii be Ible Ill be devdaped. 1lo PIUllld Dc,dgpmeac ...... -
dilfCRDt ~ one ol Mlicb is the illCluliOG of a body shop, a plilll boalla and a ...,,,..._re.....,
for u..i vduclcs. He DOied thal the ismc of body sbap& w comc up and• aplaillod lllll ii 1111 boal the
City's Ion& lldd policy Illa! body 1lq,I. wbco allililled with car dealcnhipo. an: pennillo4. A IRc
standin&, or indqlCDdcat body shop is oat a pcrmillal -ill the B-2 Z-DillM. Mr. Slill ,.._i..,.
lhal tbcrc aR ......i body &bop& akJrc Saulla ~. whidl arc ~Q&--. ._._llley
an: gnndfalhaod in. He added tha lll<R ue lOYCDI acw car tlcaler5bipc aloe& BroadMy lllal __, bod
bod) &bop& and IIUIO lqllir facilities as u aw1ia,y service Ill their new and IIIOd car sale&. Mr. Still
Slated tha( tbcrc is abo I pnl\isilm ill the PluDod D<YdopmoDI for the dcallition ol _,. llnlCQlrc:I ill
that property that Bun COIIIJol& on the -lido of Saulla Broadway, Tbo ori&illaJ prapoal -lbr 1
pbucd ~ and be uplained thal thll bas beca reviJod Ill rdllcl Ille Q.'llCIII i-& 11111 IR
iDvo1va1 with thosc pania111r pn,penics and dovelopmont 1111)' not ocxw in I lillcu fasluOG. It dq,cnds
on the coodition of thosc lcuc& and the~ of the Bun dcaknllip1 Ill q,tillC coechaiaa IO ._ of
those lcuc:s. He aid thal the~ abo includes a 4,000 sq,we foot addition on a existiJ>&
strueturt tha1 will be for their pr.-1 flcCI and aiaamettial Ind sales. Mr. Stitt explaiaoil tllol B11rt is
intc:n:stcd ;. ooosalidatinc lhal op:ntion on the -..at side of Broadway . lie added lhal Ille body shop and
paint 1-11 is dcaignod and i.lllClldod ror all the But doolenbipl on llnlld,o-.y. Tbo priamy fimaiaa will
be for the c:&1S tltal arc bmuglll ill ror CYCDIUll placaDcnl as lllOd cars at their cloalenltipL It is 11111
intended to be IVlillblc for ..,..al public-. Mr. Stitt adviood tltal the lj>plicul is p,amt ad if
Council has aay ,pocific qucaiam alJout asp:<U of the dc,,dopnleDt be ... al be will defer IO ti-. lie
reita.icd tha1 the Plannin& Commission r<l0IJIUlCDdcd to City Council approyal o(this pn,poa,d Plannod
Ma)'or Bums r t cd aboot the conditions oo the RQl'lllDCoc!.'3tion. Mr. Stitt SIIICd thal the Pluncd
DC\'<lopmcnt was recommended for approval with the following conditions :
I) the applicant shall comply -..ith ""!uirod minilDWD landocapillg r<q~ for I.Gts
A. B aud C, specifically that 10% ol the dMlopable lol arca 5hall be laadap,d. wilh at
least SO% ol'the ludscaping to be live material, and 80%nfthe r<quirod IIDdscaping
5hall be in front ol the front building lino; and
2) the auto bod)• shop and paint boot.'1 IIR rocognizcd U IICOCliOly W10S to Ille...., sales
dcalawp. Tbo aulll body ibo~ and paint booth shall not be slJowcd u fi'lle.tludwg
Mr. Stitt explained that, as the body shop and paint booth won, in the lint pi,asc or the dcYelopmcnt. the
Pl>.nning Commission was conccmcd that in the C\-cnt tha t the P:.W...-ed Dc\-clopmcnt '"" oot carried out
lhey mlplad"P will, lbeailllns-llld I body aop. TIiey-iii-that lbebody shop
~•lie lllol,ed 10 ,_.,, ~ lllllea It ii allllialod ..tdl the Bun clealcmipl _, dial II could DO!
cban&e llllldl IO IDIIIC priVIIC orpAizaliou Of individual .
Council Member Halbaway oolal lhat lC0Dfdin1 IO die Plualng ..S 1.oaing ""NDIDl'lldalioa "° one
m,m die am>~ odg)lborbood c:ame in and ICllili<d. Mr . Slitt ooocumd. Ms. H.uham y oolal it is
pn,dominaldy 00iDJnCl'c:ial in lhat Itta.
Mayor Bums ubd bow doa: die deveiopm<DI is IO uylhina ....-Jal. Mr. Stitt IIIICd lhat lhe clOIOSl
raidcDlial is Saud> Slope condominiums oa Lebow, wblc:lt be wu s-iJ11 is Mil ia ...-ol 500 feet
Council Mmbcr Clapp ubd if Mr. Stitt kaw liaw-, ~ dley plan Ill llaYo ~ 11 this
puua,1ar dN:lopcnonL Mr. Stitt lllltd lhat be does aa. me a lpllCillc Dlllllber o1~. 11111 the
plan si-sa ■-lier ol cq,loyec pamng spaces. He DOied 11111 Ban doalcnh.'ps llaYo I aa,cnl
empk-,ec pniaa lot .-1 in the vicinity ollhe old Tlfl'( ll0R. He aJIIIIIIClllod that It is lllll"s
lllldmludilla dial tllc ftl¥)rity oldie employees in 1h11 fllcility wlJI pR tllcre 111d walk 11018 lhe SlrOCI.
Mr. Stia ~ 11111 die pn,poood fllcility is being desipod IO 11111 UYO I pal deal olpublic
intaaclioa. He tllougbt 1lley uow just a few puting spaca thal -,lo -1ly be used for t1,c employees
and 1h11 tbe ...;ority old,c a,plo)-oe spaca woald be oa t1,c other side of &.iffy. Ms. Clapp asked if
lherc , .... -, way Ill• I plaa 1'11tllal putiDg .... IO CDSlft dial lherc woald be~ employoe
paml',& for dlil pn,jec:I. Mr. Slia ""'uod lhal she c:■D n,qaclt tllal die applJc:ant -.,ply I plan showing
spocillcalfy · ....... that puting is lac:alal all'-site. He added tbal lhtte is I pnMlioa in the City ordinance
that r.4',ate parting is pemuuod pnwidod 11111 it is 1111t uscd lbr some other me 111d It -be ,.;thin a
specdl: .-ollhe site. c...:;J Member Clapp asbd If tbe employees an, acJi"I III go 11om the •
pa,ting lot ""'=rt Tarw,:t uscd 10 be and ams Bnlllhway and then walk lo this dtwlapmenl Mr. Stitt
lilllcd tbal lllat ii llis undonluding.
CoaDcil Member Halhaway asked if lhal is wllal dley are auTallly doing. Mr. Stitt ,. ... DOI swt.
Council -Wiggins...,...._ lhat since K-Man 1».,, been parcbual by Bun it appears lhal mon:
of their......,__ ia the lllt tbrtc ~ an, inundating tilat........, ltClion afd,c K-Man IRl and
walking ICl1IOS the SlrOCI. 'k ~ them Miking from lhe T■rg,:1 localion IO this propaa,d ma and
be wondered lftbal is ID I .:lull fact. Mr. Wiggins aid 11111 IS be undmlands ll Council Is being asked~>
approve Ille finl pbuc OI <he ~ wblc:lt will allow Burt IO UIC lt..c old Home Lwnber building,
which they -own, IO do body-'< and Iba: •bey will DOI change the exterior old,c building. only the
inlcrior. Mr. Still swed that is a>m<:t. Mr. Wiggins asked lftbal mcam lhat all afthcir dcalenhips.
Toyola. Nissan, de., will all oome in and worlt that localioo. Mr. Stitt sWal lhal as be UDdcntands ii ii
v,ill be primarily for usal ..ruclcs. Mr . Wiggins asked lfthc public will c:onlinuc lo go IO the old Bun
body shop 1h11 is oo the cu side ol their lot. Mr. Stiu stated 1h11 is ooma.
Mayor Bums lllled he is c:oncemal about the cmplO)"" pa,ting also bcause ofl10•· far they have to
walk. He ......,led thal be woald like 10 have that clarified.
Council Member Habenicht asked, IS the Planning Commission had conccm in terms ol the diff=nt
phases ol the development and the dclacbod body -" shop, If ooasidcntion 1'U given to Uy to
aa:ommodal~ that within the cwmtl Burt campus and pcrllaps bop that activity fanhcr away from the
water shed and lhings like that. Mr . Stitt rapondcd that. from an cnvuoruocotal standpoinl be did not
believe the)· did. He stated it is his undcrslanding that the paint booth to be installed would mce1 all
CWTCnl EPA and Health Dq,altment regulations. lie oommcnled that. IS far IS lucating that function on •
......... OIJc-11
... 7
dleexlllias L JIGIIC'IY, Ill ...... ..., .. llllor lodle llllPlicaaL ifolow, • ...i 11111 ii 111111
.......... lllll ..... docaaollllawforellplllliaa0111111llilc.
Council Member Clapp asbd how mucli ol lbc fluids 11111 will be aimiaa Olt oldie \'dliclol, i.e.
tnmmimoa fluid, will be IIOred OIi die lilc, how Ibey IIC going to IIOre it ud ia willl localiOII. Mr. Stitt
lllled 11111 be will qala dmr 10 die~ liawoYer, it ii hi• Ulldcnlandias tllll ii~ be ladled
jult like 111111'1 ICfViccfacility 1111 Ille_ aide <118-o!wlyoruy odler lqllir ... TllaaDlida ~
be capClnd. pn,dominantly for rec:ydiaa. 111d if aol ~ then Ibey would --lmanlom leJIIOYll
Council Member Halha,,ay ubd iflbey could cba:k wilh Jim 'llumenthal to tlnd aal WMI Bwt ii
c:umntly doing. She CIOllllDODled lhal Ibey must be in compliance or Council would 111w: laid abcut it
bocaise ol all oltbe City ud EPA~
Council Membcr WilP"< fdl lhal tbc Cily -...._ piddina for..,..__.• lllill;w:r, wllicll
limill llaw alCll CAD be llllrOd OIi-. lad for how loq. before it baa IO be ........S. Mr. Slill 91111111 lhll
it also pn,bobly bu to do will, Ille l)pC olbuiJdiaa. SloriqOOllain ............. • callia ~
would roquiR clilrcrut ODllllnN:lioL lie _..ia,..I Lllal Ibey have a contrld witla I llnD IO_,, lllolc
fluids ud n:cycle or dispolo d 111cm.
Council Member Hatba-...y Slllal 1h11 pu Ille lict 11111 Ibey IIC going to be cm IO Ille ~ II
Big Dly Cn,ek she fdt ii -.Id be_. lO dioc:t wilh Ulllilics Diroctor SIio Fonda ID mlb lUR
thOle.,. ao ooaccms. Si.. c "IIIIIIICMal 11111 thOle did ao1 appear to be any -addre..s 1o Ille
l'lalllliDg CommisoiOG, ,:,c WOllllom,i if ID l0Cmll wen: to occur OD 11111 pr.,paty wonld thOle bc &II)'
a,ncam similar to Cedar Moualllia. Mr. Still~ lhll tlaal -a ..,,S poial a.I ii ii pn,bobly
in lhcir -inlaat to rouow....., OD lllaL Ho 1111a1 lbcir facilitia 1111 Ille ... edo a1 en.twoy .,. rigbl
OIi Big Dly Cn,ek ud be DOI.Cd lhll to bis lmowledp thOle 1111 DOI been a pn,blan wilh -, spilll or
sulmanccs lcaching into tbc aedt ibdf:
Cau;M-;1 Member Wigim ncQlllllltlldod 11111 Bult COIISidcrClllatgiDg tbc plc tbll Homo '--11111
im1a1Jci: !Ill Lehow OD Ille IIOl1ll aide. lie IIIIOd it ii IOI large tlDlp to allow uy sin Ira IO ...... in
and out ol ,llcR. He DOI.Cd ...bca llraer Inds -in thOle for Homo l..wDber Ibey blocbd tnffic: 1'bich
<&UICI probm for our police officm to <XMr l0CidcJlls and IIICh. Mr. Wiggim asked if Ban illlaldod to
remove !he utility line bcllind Kailucky Fried Chiem, ud the 0.U-~l
Mayor 111:.rm Slated Iha& the appliclDII would be comiag up to -qucsli0111 from Council . lie mod
Iha!~...,, ranin from ....-ing Wllil Ibey ..... up to Ille podium.
~~•yor Burm .aid i.., had IDOlber qucslioo lhal pcrbapo should be addttaod to lhe applicant. He notic,d
in lhc information thal lhe lljlplicul docs DOI have oompletc a>atrol <Ml lhe laiglh dlhe leucs OD IOOIC
ol~oc plates Iha! migbt be dcmolisllod Illa OD. He asked if that WU bccame llley have mfon:alJle
optioo1 or IOO!Clhing like 1h11. Mr. Still allal Iha! be ii net familiar wilh Ille dolails d tbc lcaRs, tba1
the applic;aat would haw IO addRSS 11111 ialuo.
Council Member WaggODCr DOI.Cd llaae ns lOIIIC discuslion in the informatioll Cooocil ,o,ch'Od
c:ooccming the clOIUfC ol cart, <>Ill aloa& BIOlldway and maybe combini:.g thor. inlo oroc cwt, QJI. He
r.ommcotod that be saw oolhing in tho informalioll that SMWod wbicb aub aw; wen: going to be clooc<I. lt
lool<c<J like all of lhcm wen: still going to rmllin open . Mr. Stitt Slated thal rutrmli)' Ibey will rcm,.in
o:a simply bcc:all5C those busincuca cxiJt lhae. He lldvilCd that II lhc poiD11h11 lhe doalcnhip likes
O\'Cf COOU01 oftbc calin: propct1y, and the buildingsar, demolished and the Illes lots an: dc\-cloprld, lhc
City ,rill work wilh lhc appliCIDt to ddmnine which rurb cuu SIIOUld be cloocd ud then follow llirough
with appllcadoOI wi11111& S... 08 ....._ Mr. Wau-Mked ifll w.idbt paalllletD......,_ Ill ol
those curb QIU cxcep1 Ille.,_ M Lebow . Mr. Slill aid it is polll,le. ....._, it ii 1111 .......... dial
the appliCIDI -.Id DOI fiall that a YOf'Y worbblc c.'1111Joa bn their llalldpail,I. Couacil MaDllcr
Waggoner DIJ!IDd lloa'C •-aauds oll.dlow.
In -to Council Mmbcr llalllatway, Mr. StiJ Mled then ii a aut, .... oa Calaullal. Counctl
Member Waaoncr IIMIOd tllal II Cealcaaial there ii lipal Ugl,l llld a T inCa1oc:tioe 08-aide 1.11d a
curb C\11 on the Olhcr. Mr. Wqgoner liked ifthal c:wb C\II could bewidalod. Mr. Stitt llaled thal is ID
option, boweY<r, the applicant is interesled in having adoqulle Oo, lluoup the pn,perty. He said it is bis
underllallding 1h11 ii is Ille applicant 's pooitioo that II least two aub cus 11e aecessary along B~
in order ID facili-that.
Mayor Bwns asked bow 11ie IIIDdanl ro, lands:apiog 1m~, -dolinllRod. Mr. Still ad¥uod
that the landllcaping re,quimnenll 11e Iha! 10% ollbe 111111 lot uea be landocaped, balf citllal 10% be li\-c
planl ..-ill and IO% al tloe 10% be in front ol tbe building. la Ibis i-1iailar caae the total lol sin, .,...
n,ducod b)o the tmaW11 lllal ii :IOI dcYelopoble, wbic:11 is the po,iad 11111 is in tlr· 100 year lload plain ano
on the 11oep blnb citloc Bia Dry Cleek. Mr. Slill added tbal 11111 ndoic:&d Ille total lol uea by
approxiir-')' ,1(),000 ...,. feet and the landll:aping mown oe Ille plan doea aaply with 111111
landscaping require.-.
Council -Habenidlt ukod why we lie doing a Planned~ siDa: this is a pennillod USC
and will be pllad iD °''"' a long r,eriod a{ time with YOI)' unclear plmes OS to when they will bt and whal
they will be-· Mr. Slill adviaod a Planned Dadopmeol is req,,ired oe any perc:I a{ pn,pa1y in tbe
B•2 1.one District wbell tbat pucel is ...., oae aae. Ms . Habeaiclol anal if ii is becmao it is -pucel
and they an: ll)Ul! IO lllbdividc it. Mr. Still adYiaod ii is not beiag subdivided. It is -puael o(
property, be explained. ad doe internal lot Im 08 the plan, nwbd A, Band C, MrC drawn ID sbow
bow doe ~-..'OUld bt plwod ia-olaroa.
Council Member Habenicht -,dcred if lloa'C is any reason why ':ouncil is even discussing th". r,tan-1
development if indood the body shop is an acapllbk use in thll aroa. She aid tllal is ber qoon'Jon, is tbe
body sbop locatiDg lloa'C a poial of conoem nr aat. Mr Stilt rapaadod that the Plaruug o.mislioa
_, a.c:erncd tbat ba,.ing goac through this pn,cess, Ove or ten years down the rood, 1h11 Ml8I the Ci ty
might cad up .vith is a body sbop and nothing DIOR. He llllled thal is a legitimaic concern because there
is oo guarmta: that this clcw:lopmcnt will happen u tbey have indic:llal Ofl the plan . But tbat goes for
any devclopmem. be said, os lloa'C arc a number of cirturnSlalla:S 1h11 a>uld come up 1h11 would fon:e
Burt 10 make a c:bangc in their plans. Hotoover, lie DOied, we feel cmlldenl that they intend to carry
through this plan. He w."linllincd this is a sublWllial iavestmcnl in tbe propeny and, baod oa Burt 's pa.-t
performance, thoy have m;ldc a sulnanlial investment in the oommunity with their existing ~pc.
Council Manber Waggcaer ukod, siDa: part of this propcny is in tbe 100 year Oood plain, ifUrtJan
Orainaac had a cllaaoeto alllllllCDI un this development. He ubd iftbal is oota n:,quircmml of any
developlDOIII within tbe flood plain. Mr. Stiu llllled lbat it is requind if the~ is within !be
Ooc4 plain . & explained that the dcvclopmcot tbal they arc pl"Dpllling is permitted under our llood plain
o:dinana: and -.Id DCl( alrcc:1 the flood plain beyood the typical issues of dmnage and silC retention.
Mr . Stitt did DCl( believe thal tbey have 'l'Ocifically looked II this-• but be gjd ""can bavc lhcm
rr-.. ., • it and -if they have any commcnll about the ~ deYdopnr .at Council Member
Waggoner llllled that be certainly felt we shoold, as part of ii is ia the Oood plain .
Council Member Habenichl said she is stiU DCl( cl<-.'\r as ID wbelher sloe has bad an answer lo her queotion .
She asked, if there,...,. not a Planacd Development, -,Id thr,e be a problem with putting a body shop
there . Mr . Stilt said there -.Id not be a problem if ii is affiliated ,.;th a dcalcnhip
......... OIJc-dl
J-,IS,1''6 .. ,
Couacii Mia' -,Clapp ..... 1111 ·--................... ID be• tllil ........... ...
body dqlia ...... lOllllldud......,11_..bellllllliMMwillllllf ......., ......... ~.
Mr. Saa...i1111111111..,.....-,..111o .......... c-ialol,. -..-111opn,l,lemislllll
the Cilyuooo DOI baYe 1111 dow~ .... 111 die J1111U1 ......... 11111 ,poclllel ......,_....., la I
minimum« IIIIXUIIODl ~~-..lid1 •-r--be ....... 6am the-1a-. Mr. Slilt
aaled 11111 Burt'■ loll&-pl IIIDM.., !WI Ille• llllir........i.J INd< do■lenliip. He .....
if &rt_.. to dMlop thi1 whole lilc 11-Umc 1111s -.Id DOI be u '-, 11111 bccaule lllcy are pllllling
ii tboto bu llecll llllDC CODCCm ...,-S 111■1 tboto 1111)' be I liplllcut-al time .,t,a, Ille oaly
thing ooticoable 00 Ille lito would be Ille npair lllcillty tlit -body ..... Ml. Clapp ■--dat ..
really docl na1 ICC how the pbaliq pal1ioo al 1111s project cu be lw:D UIIO CIODSidcnlioa 11 1111s lime as
tbetc are DO clcartime 6-dlol •11e-"iaaoo. Ml.~ tllled 11111. ..... * is really
conru-. lbc ooly thing Cow,ciJ ii kdia& Ill IOlliaJ,1 is wlodber to allow I body .... "' di=. Mr. Slilt
cxplaiDod 1h11 lhe pluUlod ~ is for Ille ultl.-build out oflho lite, wbidl will illclude wbat i.<
.-,, .... plu. doe painl ........... -recmditlaalng and ul~-...... He
~ lllat pbasin, la I diJllaill -10 addrea ii is lied up witlt 10111t lcpl '-ill
-oldie loues, and porh■p■ Ille~ cu bctlcr addiess the pbuina. Bur ul~y. be ll■od,
what Council is bcin& asked IO loot II -...... I docisioe on is what the property will be lite II llllialle
ck:Yd~ Council Mcmbct VClnllitlag said lhlll ,. .. do 1101 know when lhlll will be. Mr. Stitt said 1U1
is righ~ ft do DOI have I ,pocl8': dlle.
eo-:iJ Member Waggoner 111d tbat .. Ille plu M_i-■ .... I llaldlod p111 dilljusl Sl)'I body sloop. H,
asked if dill is Ibo pan 11111 II llcillc 111111 « nlwllisllod -· Mr. Sdl! aid !Ml is Ille pan cf the buildiD~
dill will be 1-S Cot Ille body .... Md 1M ,..,.11oa111a. Mr. W■a-r atbd if!¥ Is 1M oaJy bui1mg
that is piing tobe 1.-..d ill....,..___,. willl llledealcnbip• ii Is-· Mr. Sdtt 111d as • .......,, ... 11
that is lnlC. He said \be!' -..ill ... 4.000 ..... to die float althal bulktina, fer sales afflccs fur lnld<
Illes. Tliae is die poaibility dlll ,.,. .......,_ -buildin&. which is CllmllCly ■-, will be "'11:d
lilr allk:es for die Bun apallim. -~ lllat baildiag-1d be deSDolisbed 1111d dlll area tuned
into I vdliclc di>play ue■.
Council Member Wagg.-er-dial. iftbll is Ibo C111C, Iha, it loab like until die rest oflhe 1i1c is
dc\'dapcd tbc employee puking will be -than 1,0 fed away l'IOm the actual cle\-.lormcm •bat is
taking place. IJI lhlll caR, Mr. w...,_. llllcd. it looks ID him like Ibero sbould be a tcmpon,._ llQ
ddincd for employee pa,tiag dill ii within 150 feel Mr. Waggoucr said that as that phut changes tllm
that pRJpCl1y changes Crom p■rking lot to dt-,eiopllJlc area and you 'Mlllld mc,ye your cmploycc parting
Canhcr out Mr. Stitt qn,od lhlll tMI is ID optioa that cu be cxplon,d. CGallcil Member Waggoner
IIIICd that WOU: I get the Cllljllo)-.c ..,tin& withia dlO required 150 r.ct or whaleYcr the n,quiremc,1 is.
Mr. Slin l1lltd that be beJi<Na the roquilmaent is 400 feet_
Council Member llathaw■y -1h11 in Ille original stalf report fo r Cue 9-95 fn>m •be public bearing on
Oc:IGl-f 17, 1995 there w■1 • -ernd■lion that die Planned Development be ar,,n,ycd and ror..wdod
to Cow,ciJ for final action. widl CXIDdilioos. Sbe advised lllal .,.,. or the condioons is that, in the "-cnt
lllal Pllllc IV is 1101 IICl'Mplillwd --ithill five yean 6-111c dale al final approv■l of this Planned
DeYdopmml, that all remaillulg laadlcaping mmt be inslaUcd by die close al the following planting
-. SIie IIIICd that COPlditioa did DOI end up in the final raolution that Cauncil bas. She aslcod if
tbcr< MS some reason for lhlll II lhlll would somewhat lddm.i the phasing portion of this. Mr. Sdtt
advisal that the reason lhlll '"' raDCMld wu bccaus< the ■pplican1 pointod out that some or the lca,es
that tiloy bne for the property cxta,d bc)olld fiYC :,an. He DOied in that c:vcllt ..-. would be requiring
that tlloy complete all laDdscapillg ffiJc "'1mll lallllts m still occupying the ~-which would be
_. ala problem .
c..mc11 Member }lllllawly Mlu,d wby the .....t eondilion r--...ded • 1NI lime, ,pa:illcllUy 11111
DOdi--'wlllclaaoy'llo-.SCllllidocuoplalMl-idmlillodll ........ .......
pnwidod lllll dlis "foaolol car --,e" ..,_ 11 ecnaed 6-public..._•by a IOlld li>t fllat ...... bee,
w DOI illdlldod ia Ille 111111 ncommcodlllion "< -'C!JD ciUler. Mr. SCill llid 111111 !Ml w a laailioe
oa Ibo oriaiul pllll oa Ille •WIil lid&ollbcbllildlat i..c illdicllod ......,...,_.,e. • Ho -.lour
~-ID p,o,,idolCl'NDiqUOUDdlllll,llowewa.t •dcddod ..,., tolllln:wllicla; in
lhal ..... bul ID 1111D it illto pukin1-My wludos-.14 bo IIOled • dlo ,_ of ta, buildiJll ad~
DOI be villole floe the public ript-d-y.
Mayor llurM Mlu,d if time WCIC all)' atJ,u.....,.,. far Mr. Still.
Mr. Stitt pn,vidod pmot otNolil:ic of Nliic ikoriq. ••ilicb ..... ~ ii, the En tlewood Haul
Dca:mbcr 14, 1995.
As• ro11aw...., 10 CGUDCiJ Member HatilaWl)l'1, qualioa rcpnting Ille """"1 car-.. Couaci1
Member Halmiclil -1c,od i!they ... ~.,.,,.,,ill be~ can. Couacil Mombcrlillbaway
said thal nil Mr. S&ill aid wa1 lhal they -.Id be• the back otttc poq,mty _,. they Mmld a be in
public view, .. u...cforc they do OOI roquiie the six Coot (cooc ICl'CClL
Mayor 8wns ulaxl af thc applicant wished ID step fon>vd and make a~
Hank Hdd, VIOO Presidcal of the plamliq pwp ilr Bull AIIIGIDcllM Nd..t. 11-.1 lie,..._ a take
the opportwlity ID pl...., tbcir plOjoct. He llalOd they.,. lllki11& .. pulling a body lbop. a
nallldiliooiJJI apentioD and a COIIUDCltial tnlClt apaalion withia die CJIUlin& llnmrc. Tloll llnlC:tW'e
11U b<m leased ID Home Ullllbcr for the last Ii .. )all. Going bad; a liCllc bil, Mr. lldd explaiDal tbat in •
die 1970 'und 1910'• Bwt bad a body lllap a< Bwt To,u&a 11111 a.t Suben,. But la die l'..'IIO 's, 11 a
result of Ir talliaioas and UDCCrtainly associalod willl EPA and OSHA lllcy did_. kmw q,,ilo wbal
they a>uld , , and wbcdlcr a body shop could coatiae III lianClioa II put of Ille deu:nbip. Mr. Hdd u,d
that "ith that dtccntralizal they closed up Ille two body shops and C0D00DIJlltd oa tho facility • Burt
Chevrolet. He ackoowlcdpd tbat what they bad done is they "sbot tbanselvcs in die foot .• 0.., the last
few )'Cln the El' A and OSHA rqu1.1ioru have become incrasin&IJ c:ltar. A..'ldilioaally, the -
products, priocipally tbe water-based products and -ottbe athet cllomicals, 1h11 ... --...
oot nearly u l0xic and IIDOCl1lin u they .ae in Ibo put. He IUlai lllat Bwt ii; lookin& al doial .....-al
million dollan in aibld busioca, whicll is businen they .,. IClldia& ID the 1m11ll body shop; :al
mc.:banical shops in Uttletoo and Auro<a. Mr . Held said this is aa oppol1llllil)• far them IIO bring 1D1DC of
this busincu bad; into Ibo Burt opcralioo. He~ thal Ibis is going (O be .. ID:aaDI)' ... to
all of the Bun dcalelllbips. He advual tllal they lllw. ~ 42 aaa otlaDd °" Anpal,4c Raid a.111
thJ<cwcdu agotheyc:loocdoo 30 aaaotlaDd oa W~lhal they .,.clevolopingintodoaloni:ips.
He stated that -..ith Council 's suppon tonight Bun would like ID 00llliDuc to make the cem..r in
Englewood oa Bloadway the center for all ol thcx ancillary oponlioas. lie IIOl<d this is beatmiDg a
spccialimd functioa for Ibo iat cf the llw1 opcraliom as it is like the bub otlbc wbcd. Mr. Hdcl Slated
thcycaonol tdl Council what this 1'ill meaa ia..,_oloddnioaal t&tt,._ ID Ibo City, ascacntially
thi s is won< lbal is all lllltlcl and built up inlo the liDal product. iloMffl, he did say U,at Ibey caa bring a
substAnlia1 .amouat, thJec or row million dollars, -0. ol this._ bide into Englewood. lie Dkl!
the)· believe the commercial center ,.;II bring in about twelve additional ._ empl~ and fowtcen new
employees for the ieconclitiooi.og center.
Mr . Helcl said Ibo compaoy"s timetable hinges oa lbcoutstanding _,..t lcua. El RaDcbilD's lease
bas a renewal option which talr.cs them to Ibo year 200 I. Aho, the fi.e ycar lcuc Cll'tioa ol K.cutucky
Fricd Chicken. "'hich bas as a sublet the China K.itchco. expires lo 1998. He mtcd he feels the Kentucky
Fried Chicken lease option is the key to this development as they woulcl like to get lbcm out of then, •
......... Qye-8
... II
bcfiR dill. 'lllill& I drnilll ofll:.I: Ille. Mr. Held IJOIMed aut. ID Cewldl, Bun'a plus b lbc
~ He,....WIDCGucil'1,...._repnllqthept..,...i. Couadl McmberW...,.,..
atbd how tbey p,opaeo IO.,._ 111<-inarian ud bolnllns """'-tiom lllo pubd can. lh. Held
"11 it -... Fins ID be I pulicular pral,km ........ ii it .. far down below, tbcrc it I drop-<Jlr al
apl)<OXi.malc':• ICD IO tweM: feet.
Cla,y Han11aa. al Concq,ls w .. AdllllclW\; IDc., lllled be it the ~tect/pwu,er rclaiaod by Burt for
the plllllling Wot\. He provided Catillcalion alJloltin&. Rererriq IO drawlnp in Cauncll's i-id, Mr.
HanilDa rmewod the plans. He DOied Iba! a .,..S ponion al the doYdopment 11 in the floocl plain al Big
Dry CndL Dim:tly to the -it Ille animal bolpllll and to Ille llOrlll ii the K•Mart putb,g lot. He
com-..d 1h11 there is DO taidenlilJ arm in tbc immodialc vicinity of this dc:vdcpmeat. A.I it is llriclJy
CIOIDcadal amund the site, be aid they do DOI fed dial this~ bu 111Y impoc1 u far u
RSidelllial quali\y of life. He 111.....S the predominam tllfflc flow that would occur in die llnl p1-,
which it the -..obilc niaiaditiolllaa--He IIIIOd tbcrc Isa.,_,_,,. lipal II CClllaulial ud
Broadway wtlic:b allows left lllnls illto the lite fro~ DOl1hbow,d Broodway. He advi,ed lllal tilo car lrallic
leaving the l"IIXJDdillonin& --blclt out cllbcr to B~ or ODIO Lchow. He aid die car and
truclr. trllllc would all be tuming ript IS they exit the deYeiopa,cal OIIIO Lchi,w _, tbcrc-"' be DD
reason fol' aay or the uulic IO drive into the n:sidcnlial .,.. IO the WOii. He p1inted out 1h11 the
c:ommcn:ial trlllic would flow blclt ,_ B~. He dia:uaod the landlcapina plan. nicb ,. ...
miscd II Ille Plllwin& Commlssion't nqucst. Ill "'8111111)', be llllcd, they revitod the plu _, that IIS
each pam k doYdopod they will -the minimum criteria of 10% landlcaped arm with 5"' 11 l
minimum lleing live plull. Pan:cl A. be cxplaiDed. rq,,tSCSlll the NCDOdltloaing caller nicb includes
the truck shop, the auto nx:onditioDiDg and the body shop. He IIIIOd tbcrc Is quite a bit oC pn,pcaty that
Bun OW11S Iha! Is Ulldcvelopablc and it bas DOI been includod in the landscaping c:alculawls. lie DIiied
1h11...., llloqll tbcrc Is 1101 a lot alna..a,. alOllg West Lebow, they will be upgrading the laDda:aping
by adding IOIIIC additional U-.. in thal Itta. He -Oii lO explain that, clqJcaldina OIi the
Issue oClelles, the Kentucky Fried Oliclcal rcslaWUII (Pan:cl B) will be demolished and a 4,000 ~
fool office addition for the UUdt ales will be added OIi IO the cxitllng buildin&-Tbco they will aalc a
1en fool minimum landscape oll'cr aJoag South Broon-ay with additional islands and a-to acatc the
10% landscaping ICIIWRIIICnL The finl phase o(Par0cl C might be cbuigc o( occupancy from a
-to au office use, for use by the Burt organmlioa. Tbc-. pbuc of Par0cl C -.Id be the
demolition al that buildlq and it could bccomc auto and Ind diiplay. He rcitcraled thal wbcai the
demolition oa:un Burt will install the landscaping as ;hown oo the drawings. He staled be -,Jd be glad
to ans,,cr any questions.
Gonion Martovich, Service Director of Bun Chevrolot. llaled be wanted IO stan oot by addressing the
issue of the body shop . He staled be islftR that when poople think of body shops they envision a place
with 10m up can, fnmcs, parts and ltUlr IICallCrcd all over. He emphasized that this body shop is not
designed for that type ofma)ortqllir. Mr. Martovich explained that to rttail a used car they k<q, no
used car that requires any major type of body rq,air. Then: is DO frame or really heavy equipmcllt going
into the bod)' shop. Basically, be li1ll<d. they will be repairing dcalll and dings in order IO keep their used
can flowing . He commented it will be a thftOC IO five pmon apcralion for the bod)' shop portion . He
DOied that air in the paint booth will be cleaner than _,. spraying patio fumitun: with a 1p111y e111 as
the new equipment has come that far. And also tbcrc will be DO major paint repairs In this lllcility .
Regarding lwardous waste coming out of the body shop, Mr . Markovich olTcrcd a guess that they will
haul, oll'-site out of that one facility, approximately ooc 55 galloa drum a )'Cll. He pointed out that the
rest will be rccirtUlated right on site. He said that the oils that they use come in bulk . They arc Slorcd in
either a double Slccl tank or a single Sltd tad that has a curb poorcd ODIO the floor, lO that if they ... ..,
have a spill it will captured and 00lllaincd in one place. The transmission fluid Is alao collerud in a
double Slccl tank . He advised that they have a firm that hauls their waste oil off', it is manifested and
insured. Oil filters m crushed, captured and held in drums . Mr . Marltovich DOied that Burt pays a vet)'
lllp price to.,.._ dlea .w.,_9 _,.i pn,paly all'-.11&. fie made -oldie lilcl lhll lllc:rc wu a
pn,vioul COIIIIIICIII ... bi& lnlCb, u lhcy ,....S to be. IIYUII to Fl inlo lhis ponic:ular lbcilily. Ho
ad\ilOd thal Burt_,.. i. eotnnce ror bi& lnlCb aad it will be localed oo die_.......,_, Mlicb
lakOI die big lnlCU ............
Council Member llalJeoiclll lllbd bov,• IDIIIY aulOfflObilts Ibey envision pll& lbrough die body shop in I
wox:k. Mr . J.tarkcJyd ~ 50 IO 75 but Ibey sboukl all be Wider n,a( Ms. Habcaicbl asked wbal be
IDCIDI by aDder n,a( He clarilled 1h11 1h11 mcanl WOU&h lhc whale facilily, Ge whole building. lie llid
lhll mmc will ., dinlqll far IIO DIOR tbu. I aftly iDlpc,cdon 111d aa oil ...... aad after • MSh aad
ddaiJ 1111d Ibey .., bod< to lllc: lol
Council Member lubeaidll lllbd bow 1D111Y cmployca Ibey blvc ill Ilic wbole Bun 001111J1cx. Mr. Held
responded 11111 lllc:rc are 7 ! 9 employca. Council Member Halhlway asked IC 11111 iadudca Bun Ford.
Mr. Held llal<d 11111 il de, ~ He aid 1h11 lllc: employee pukiJ,a will c:uily be addn:lal. ~ Bums
DOied 11111 some ol c-il rods lllc: employoe parking 10enario just docs • -pncticaL Mr. Hdd
staled 11111 lhcy blvc die -wWc lioau,c oo lhc mulhcasl and Ibey cu put all ol lhc employ= in 1h11
buildill& aad Ibey will ,.._ leave lhc lot, Ibey can park and Wlllt rip! inlo lhc buildillg.
Council Member CIIR) lllbd wbal fifty lO ...allY-liYC can a wox:k lJaDSlala Ill per day. Mr. Hold
.,,._..j aboot cigllaoeD to r,,-cnty I day. Ms. Clljlp asked IClhll is for all lbrcc .... Mr. Held ldv'.ood
1h11 1h11 'MJulcl • iacloodc lhc UUd< shop, ii -1d include buically lllCld cars. Ms. Claw .. od IC lie bad
Ill)' ic1oa ol lhc lOla1 ....... which would include lhc uuclt shop. Mr. Held lblal .,._ nr.aty to dlir1y a
day . Mr. Mmovicll addod lhll be made lhc amuncnl about "andor roof' M lhclc vdlicles aro DOI like
where )Vil baYc I mail...,.... where you wowd park aad IIIIR lhis car lllllil -picks ii up.
Because, be D0(Cd, 11111 ..,. dltsc can u. c:ocnpldA,d Ibey IP ri&hl bod< to die lat., lllc:rc is DOI a lol of
outside 11,ngc where tbesc cars will be oo display. Council Member Clljlp ....S slio lllldcnlaads 11111
they IDOYC lbrough OODS1alllfy, llowewr lhcy SlilJ """" & place lO pm lbem. Mr_ Mai\ovidl staled lllc:rc
is a very small ma, that is all that is "'!uilCd became they uc ia aad out. Bcauoe ..,. they u. dooc
tbcy Wini lbcm oul, be DOied.
Mayor Bums asked about lhc puking in lhc hack, lhll lhcy lllkod about bcfOR, that ~ mo! to be
shielded. Mr. Hdd. using !lw: dnw'.ng. pointed oul lhc uca Mayor Burns wu rcfeniDg to aad DOied 1h11
lhcro is a forty foot drop-•lft•.ta lbc CRd< and lhc lnlCS come way up abo>-c it Council Member
llabeoichl asked "'ha! .,;n be 1a:lt lhen:. Mr. Hold swcd lhal oo lhc rare occasion lhll lhc-y do ba,-c a
\'Chicle where lhcy ~ .. to IIIIR ii waiting for rq,air lhis is wbcro they wowd Slon: lhcm. Council
Member Hathaway med if be is lallting about dismantled cm. Mr. Held said yes oo rarc occasions. for
as Mr. Markovich poinlal OU1. those typically in lhal oondilion they just IIJCl rid of aad send lO lhc Bwt
wbolealcr aad get rid of lhem. Council Member Habcnichl askod bow much _., lhen: is for lhal. Mr.
Held said lllc:rc is IClllllly quite I bil of room . Mr. Markovich poinlcd oul lhal that is DOI n:ally goillg lo
be an mu,: wilh lhis building IS they ba\'C a complete wholesale lol lhal opcnla OUl of wbcre lht old
Target bwlding used io be. So, be rci1era1cd, lhal ir somcthina ..,.. utny in lhis bwlding aad lhcy do DOI
wanl lhc car, ii will go 1:traigbl lO wholesale, il will not be Slon:d 00 lhis kJt. ffc -.cl lhal be is DOI going
to say lhal ii would no< sit lhcrc for a day until they can get ii lol>'l:d or lllOYell, bul it will DOI sit Ibero •ilh
weeds growing lhrouga lht doc,n.
Council Member llalha1'I)' said lbcn Iha! means lhal maximum cirt:Ulation is oa:wring righl acroos
Broadway 1,cr,,-ocn lhc sales lols and lhc wholesale lot.
Council Member Clapp UDdenlood lhal lhcy intended to do only minor body "MIi\. Hm,"C\-cr. she a.skcd,
if lhc)• inlcnd lo lake aa' lJlact beds, bumpc"-Cle . and replace lhcm wilh ocw pans. wbero do they inlCDd
10 store lhosc pans tba1 they •ill be basically lhrown aMOy. Mr . Markovi ch staled lhcy do lhal lypC of
-'t II IM~ adlily, Nt U.. aldTIIJll buildllia lswllere lhey-all cCU-pa,u. Ho
oxplllned tbcy 11b ..,_ lllcre 11,r --tbcy aood ID be CIIIIIIOlled., 111ey know ""81 tbcy luM:
ud tbcy aood lo be ..-.,I bl<'_ If left oaulde the \'llac .. wry qulddy,
Council Memllar Vanoillls ubd .... tbcy do wtlh thejuat plllL Mr. MmoYlcb ,illed U-an,
picked up IWlco, ...._ Oouncl1 Manber}IIIMwly ubd •'heft lhey 111 UDIII picbd up twice a wock.
Mr . Markovich amwaed tbcy will probably lit ript behind the buiJdiDa. lie poinled oul tlM: arc:a, to
Council , on lhc dmring. lie aid they lit in a -..I bin and the lJUh UIICb back riJht up to il Caurx:il
Member HatbaMy pai-.1 GUI that there is llill _,. llnan,lc value to them in rocycllna. Mr. Martovich
llalod 1h11 liloyluM:llall -.1 ...u.....,. n,cydillallins ..... thellrect.
Council Member Habcniclll llllked illhcn: 1111-any indlcldoll afthe U1lllc impact lhcn: miJht be
with tratlic going back IDd forth ...,_ tlM:-. Council Member Hathaway 1'0bdcrcd ii it "ill be any
-thin"""' there is -Mr.~ did""' fed ii Is going ID be l pRJblem. lie aid thal prior V '
t1M: people with the lumber yard beiq;. diere ii wu Burt's facllity h par11 atonagc. lie advisod that they
have ono al tlle largat ports...,_ 111 dlo Uaited Slats and _, tbt llll0Wlt al llllllc thal it crcar,,d
dlcn prttty mucll IDld U-..v. dley.,. !<lclo-.
Council Member Halbr.•-..y llltod ilthe cirallato,·Ulfflc alnx:oodltionod cm goin&liom the B-c-.,
properties .., the ... 11idt i1IIO this facility lDd bodt -1rill be Yinually the wne u ii is --Si>. -.id
tl:ty m conditioning o,igbtceft IO lftllly am l day llOW, it Is Dal r,aia& to increue lipillcantly IO U\'C •
tntlic impact. forwmplc ll the tratlic lip( ll Centeonia :IDd!INJadway. Mr. Mar\ovicb aped.
Coonc:il Member Hiibalidll nolal thll..,. al tbo thinp ti at die ..,. ftom people In the CIOIIUDWlity is
that"" have., -'l' car loCs in Ellglewood 11111 '111111 M rca1Jy aood Is tatauranU. And bctc apin, &be
commented, we arc 1r:cin& the replacr:menl af-u MIii CIR. She wooderM ilBwt has gi\'CD any
thought to .ncluding • restawanl within their tlovelopmm' fbrllldr CUllomcrs and cmploycc& or ladpia&
to cocouragc that. M:. Mukovich Silted tbcy ... &ivinc ii c:casidcratioo .
A. J . Guinella, V,oe Prelidenl IDd Gcnenl ManagerofF"'1 CbcYrolet, MIited Council 10 bow thal they
arc DOI the bad guys and they have-supporting a>mmunity activities in the City alEoglC'MIOd sina,
1939 . He said Ibey U\C sponsored foolball pcoglllllS. IUIJP(X1td the Driver 's Education progJ'UJ sina,
1950, fumislling cm aod u lalc u last )Uf tbcy took ,m ......aJ basdJoll lWDIDCI' tams. Mr. Guinclla
advisod tl\11 Bml Cbevr,llcl SWted in 1~~9 In a little t,Jildi.og at 3300 South Broadway with a II"' car
&boMoom 8oor and l ,,..ru and service dcpanmcnt. Tney added IOIDC offices 00 the DJth end of the
building u tbcy g..~ :.lolerto tbc •~•,_ Dwincthe 1947-1941 time period they built a ocrvicc
department on the""""" alUncoln and~ with a body shop in the back . In 1946 Burt Cbcvrolc:I
donated a 1946 Cbcvrold 10 be ralll,d olfby the City ofEoglC'MIOd to pay for an ambulance. llesta1cd
that by the early 1960's thcy Jmcw they~ have to grow. ID 1963 Bun starUd 10 rDOYC to the parcel of
land II Ccntconial and Broad,,'I)', but they realiztd that they....,. DOI in the City alEll&)cwood. lie
pointed out thal 1111111 time Englewood oaly wcol to Belleview. lie explained that Mr. Burt~ DOI
build unless ii wu in Ellglewood and ., be wco1 to the En«JC'MIOII Council and asked that that ma be
IJUICXod to Englewood. Mr. GuiDclla aid be ...,.._ that some of the people did DOI like i~ wt the
rcveriucs have bcco pm!)' good that have came from Brookrid&<, Target when it was there and the Burt
Entcrpriocs. He said thll Burt is a Commercial Core DivisioG, whi ch is a new division of GcocraJ Molars
dcsi• 'lCC! for the company's that have less lllan ltD unlu. lie explained tl\11 part of the structwc in front
will be commcscial core and medium duty trucb. He nou,d tl\11 at E-470 and 1-25 Gcoctal MolO<. llas a
ninctecn am complex whcrt lh.cy an, going to build Chevrolet Buick, Oldsmobile Pontiac and GM C
dcalenhips. Mr. Guioclla Aatcd that for Bun to stay a,mpctitivc they have lo have room to grow and they
do DOI want to sublet the rcpain lo other body shops in Unlcton and Aurora. The current bod)' shop has
peaked and because of the Littleton r:sidcnu in back of their shop they do not '"'"' their bod} shop after
J-.yl5,lt'6 ....
lliaollllipl. Aaually,llellidlhcy-':lllobody .. 1111111ullaipludhaulOaiDoiajllll
Qlbiq cw ddall ~ Sodlcy 111' 11111 Ible lo-': lbcbody ...... ~ ...... like-body
sllapl in commercial locllims do. lie ICil<nled dill llmt aeodl -IO pv,, ud Illy oompcliliw. Mr.
Guindla ldvitod thal a.rt came bdore tbc variance amunilloe lO dlu&e lbt lips ud fllCldo 111d dlcy
llave p11 -li&hU"" ud llley llave olbcr-'< 10 do illlallllly. He llllal tbc r.:ility ia mucll lloacr
1ookioa-lie said they.,."'° proud oCtbcir dealenbip 10 lol ii look bod, lhll 'boy.,. CUllmlCr focuaod
and MDI it be comfortable b tbcir CUIIOIDCrt.
Council Member Vormi111& asked 1'1111 Ibo bows will be b Ibo pnlllOIOd body..,_ Mr. GuiDc11a aid
tbc bows will be from 7:00 Lm. to 6:00 p.m. lie DOied lhll Illa-bows they may MIil can, bul U.-will
be DO pounding. cw c:rukioa, de. lie said they °'"" dwl their PA 5)'11.Cm ol! in tbc OYClling and lhcy -
thlcc eocurity cars that ci....a.ic Ibo IIU in tbc C\'C1Wlgl.
Council Member Habeniclll DOied 11111 Mr. Guindla 111d acationod Ibo palitiw ,.,,,,.,... impoct wilhia Ibo
City and talbd about IJriDP& in IUIOmobiles 6om tbc dcalcrsllipo CIUllide oCEl,pwood for the body
shop ~ She llbd if dlis Plannod i)c\,dopmeat will in 1111)' way impoct, incn-or dcaoue lbe
m'CIIUC 111am thll ....id be a,miog from the salcoCpons for ... mplc. Mr. Clwodla swod 11111 lbe City
o( Englewood bas I great audit S)'SlCIII and thc:y pay ales tax OD c:verythin& IM)' purchase. lie poinl<III oot
that the CUllomcr that lnu ill EagJe,,ood. and pun:lma a car, will~ Englewood ll>t. Council Member
Hat,enitht a,lccd if ail oC Ille sale of parts to wstomors llkts place wi!UI Ibo City ol Eql<'MIOd. Mr.
Guindla said 1h11 all ol the onos II EQ&Jcwood OD Broodway do, thal lhcy have n:w1 sales C0UD1CB, but
that the Fool dealer..:hip ii ill the Cow,ty.
Council Member Wiggilla amd ifEinslan Ba&els bcloap 10 Bun. Mr. Guiaclla aid it is 110t theirs, tbll
it is part of the Brookridge ~ Center. Mr. Wiggins Sllled lie IIDliccd ill ODe ol doc plus 11111 tbcrc •
""' Burt truct chasm pamd llcbind Eimlcin's. lie asked if thll is Bwt's pn,pa1y cw if lhcy RIii it Mr.
GaiDtUa advisl:d lhat, bocame oCthe gro..th Md cum:at ill..-.ntory, llley reat pn)l)tfly 6om Bndridge
ud lhcy have bad DO a,mplaints.
In response to Council McmlJcr HathaMy, Mr. Guillclla stalod that Bwt docs IIOt OWll 111)' property II
Broakridge cum:Dtly.
Responding to Council Member Wiggin5, Mr. Guindla advisl:d that Bull does OW11 K-Man proreny and
employees can park th=. Mr. Wiggins asked if Burt 1115 plaos in the flltwe to buy the property u-hcrc
Enterprise sits. Mr . Guincila sta1cd they do . Mr. Guindla Sllled Ibo new demopmcnt will be as prcuy u
the dealership is DOW . He said this EQ&lcwood dealenbip alone spends about $100,000 a month in
advertising to bring people to Englewood and be was swc they IIOp olher placeo besides Burt Chevrolet.
Council Member Hathaway Slated thll ooe of the things the City committed to when Trolley Square was
having problems was to have the Community Dcvdopmeat Ilepanmcnl (which is now the Ncighborllood
and Business and Devc1opmcot Division) try to belp rdocllt busincsaes thll wen: being put out 11010
speak. Sbe said she would like lo see the City make IOlDC ell"on lo belp Keotucky Fried Chicken, China
Ki lchen and El Ranchi to if II ail possible, because of the (X)ll(%!'O 1h11 we do DOI have enough l'CSlallrlDls
in Englewood. Ms. Hllbn'")' commented that it is 110t that the Cit/ can buy the land for them, but belp
any way we can to facilillle the move1DC11t ol those ._ boo: into Englewood. She added 1h11 the
City sbould do that with 1111)' business 1h11 is befog forad out by devclopmenL
Mr. Guinell a said that Mr. Held is working on that right oow, ll)i D& to find placeo for them to DlO\-C in
Englewood and ,-..y close to wben: they 1111' oow. Mr. GuinelJa suggested they wort together with the
City on it. Mayor Bums said that is a good suggestion. the City would appnciate that and the City would
work with Burt •
Saak .... OtJc-11
.... 5
Council Member Clipp ubd wbcre Bmt pi11111 IO _..addlllaul "'-Y for lllo. lnic:k ..a. lal. M,.
Guinclla cxplaiDod 11111 -oltbc 1.-y ii --.I,_• Ille old Tlrpl ~ 1111d lloOR will
bo lnleb in li<lal oltbe buUdill&, nw, ,qillar llOCt. will be bodt -tbe -OIi tbe ---ol
Broadway. He aid Ibey IR QO( aoiJII lo dolo tbal facilil)' U I.bit ii Illar bread ud butler.
Cc,incil Member Clapp 11111d Ibo foci, 11111 a IGI of Ilic aJDll&sioa widl tbe pn,poa plan is bccaa&e Ibey
IR usin& it U LDCillary Ille, basically, lo tbe Giber doaJcnbil)' lbal Ibey CUll'CIIIJy lla\;c. Sbc Slllctl W ii
DOI 111R cxaclly bow Ibey IR ICt up. lfthil ii pn& IO be iJICOrl)Ol1llal with the-ol8wt'1--
lhe said. tbcn C<JwK:il ,-Is to see wbae all oltbe ....,,_ an pna to be, wbcre all olllle llllllge ii
going to be and wbae it all is goin& lo dowlail . Mr. Guiadla !laud it ii nally a cycle, Ilia& ii DOl au:b
-. He aid 1hal wbon Ibey take a car or lnll:lt ia tndo Ibey tty to ltlld It lo tbc abcp widiia flll1;y-
ci&ht boun to bavc an cmmioo& tat, a ddail, a polialajob ud aay-'< it -is ud it aoes ~ IO tbc
lot. Everything will be c:in:ulllcd OUI ol tbc T&IICl _.. wbcre CYa)'lbiDa is llllled, IO I! tbey DOOd I
fender it will a,me up 1h11"""""" and bt put on. Ma. Clapp ullod l!tbc additional lnd< ~ ii
going to be across the ..-. Mr. Guioelia aid )'CS. He !laud this will only be 1 &bowcue, dilplay only
and then: will be tweo\y to thirty units in tbe di&play or u many u lhey can ,ct in ud Ibey_,,.....,. ro,
customcn to park. He rcitcntod 1hal this~ is for repair and small dcoll, but yo,i baw 1o ~
tbc paint facility in order lo do that . He aid tbe information oa tbe paint facility is in Council', packer of
Mr. Guinc1la ullod if there were any other qucstiom. He thanked Council, oa bcbalf or all ol tbe Bwt
entities, for tbc oppomwity to &peak IO Cowicil.
Then: -..v DO ooc dsc pRS<DI lo speak IO tbe islUc.
Ayes : Council M.,,,b,n Hathaway, Vormit113, Wiggins, HaLenicht,
Wqgooer, Clapp, Bums
Nays: None
Motion carried and tbe public bearing cbed.
Ayes : Council Members Hathaway. Vormiuag, Wi&&ins, Habcaidit,
Wa&&oncr, Clapp, Bum5
Nays : None
Motion carried and the publi c bearing opened.
All testimony was given under oath .
Community Coordinator Stitt advi&cd that tbe propo,cd amc~ to the Comprcbcmi,,. 1.ooiDg
Ordinance apccifically addresses the B-1 Business Distrid. The proposed changes to the ddinitions
would allow animal hospitals as a permitted use ill the B-1 District. Thi& ilSUC came bcfon, the Planning
and Zonin& Commission on Dca:mbcr 5, 1995. He SUICd the g,:ncsis or this amcodmcDI .,,.. from Dr.
TanltmlC)' wbo owns and opc~tcs the llampdc.o Family Ptt Hospita: at 1220 East Hampden A,,..uc.
Mr. Stitt advised 1hal Dr. Tanltcrslcy's business is expanding to the poiJlt thal be ,-Is to rdocatc. Dr .
Tankersley located a site ill the 8-1 Zone District and bas requested 1hal the B-1 7..onc District be
amended to allow veterinary hospitals or clinics ror treatment of small animals as a permitted principal
uoc. Mr. Slitt 11111,od 11111 Illa lltiJI& a look II his~ slllU• lktcnaiaed tlnup ualysis 11111 lha
Is I luitalllc -llr Ille B-1 Bullaess Dlslrict, ..,eciftcllly ia E...,..i. Ho DOlal dlal M do ■llow for
mcdic■lly rdllod-, c:lilllca and bospllall, aod pd sbopl In the B-1 Z-Dlllrict. Mr. SIii! com"Dallod
lllff spoc■l■la llll! lllc ,_ -types mUIOl~ DOI pamklod ill Ille B-1 Z-Dillricl, durin, Ille
1950'1 IDd 1960'■, .. 11ocaa 111ere -no dilli..:tion bet..-typ:s mYdainuy mcdiclJ pnclic:cs.
ThC) c:oaJd havc mixed llrJC ad IIDIII animal ptKlicos lOF(bcr. He poilUd ... tllat 11rJC ■nim■1
pncticos _,.. -.ny _. dimimll:d ia Enpewood. ~""' vay h loc:■liollS 111a1 lliU m■inllin
■ny lhaloc:t dill ....id be IXIIIAdcn:d larF ■nimll In Ille YdaiDuy-. But there arc quit, 1 few
oper■llaos dlll pnwide-for IIDIII anlm■ls . Havlna loobcl II Ille ordinuce, 111d bow this
putia,llr-......W Ill ill, sllll" 1,11 It -■pprcpri■t= to mike this RIIXlllllllalda to Ille Pl■nning and
1.onlng c......... Ho•-1h11 the Commlaioo revicMd It and aincum:d. Mr. Slin providod
proof olNotice mNllic ffe■riDC. which wu published In the E.-,.1 Hemld December 21, 1995 . &
stated that be ... to Dr. Tlllb:rsley this ■ftemoon and b:amc ol prior~ llo wu unable to
11tend tolligl11'1 aiming. Howew:r. Mr. Stin Slated be wculd ■--Ill)' quosliom Coancil may have
rcganll.oa this issue.
Council Member Vorainag asbd for Mr. Stitt to identify the B-1 Z-Dislrict on the wall map, which
be did. Tllo area -In tbe B-2 Zone District 1'U also di"""'"'1.
In rcspomo to M,yor Bums. Mr. Stitt stated that ootdoor NDS or kennels have bocn spocifically
pn,hibitod. Mr. Slitt Slid thal Dr. T■nl<mley docs DOI havc outdoor IUDS.
Councll -H■lhn-ry aimmcntod that the proposed wording "'the definition ldci= -
oonocms. ■sit '")' that "a ka>ncl is limited to short~erm boarding and only for modicaUy related
purposes and where all uses arc cnclOS<d \\ilhin I sound-prno(lluiJdm& aod no~ odor is
emitted. ..
Councll Mcmbcr H■beaic[,t ded if there arc ■ny limitations, in any existing onlinanccs, limiting the
number ol lllimlls !Ml can be bpi \\ithin • wtcrinaJy hospital or clinic II any gi\'CII lime. Mr. Stitt said
WC do not. Council Mmlbcr Hllha1"-ay said tbat she docs DOI think M have any rcgullliam, bowe\-cr, she
trunks the Slate docs. Mr. Stin IIOl<ld that be beli..., the Health Dcp■nmcnl and SWe licalsing ■gcncics
for these facilities have rcsuictioas. Also, be said that the Amcric:an Velerina,y Medical Association
probably has Slandards oa minimum space per animal based on the typcS ol ■nimals.
Council Mcmbcs H■tba'n)' pointed out that Dr. T■nkcrsley's CWTCDt facility, C\'CII though ii is in I B-2
Zone District. is ■djaccol to a residential area and a restaurant She felt that if his operation wa,;
generating any objoctiomble odors :,, noise Council would have beard ■bout it by 001''. Ms. Hathaway
commented that she dots DOI feel thls operation is com:-ary to what they ..-.n1 10 do 00..1110"11 and it may
in fact gcocnle some traffic oo.."Dl0\\11 that wc sorely need.
There being no ooc else present to speak lo the issue, Mayor Bums 1,kod for I motion to close the public
Ayes : Council Members Hatha,.-ay, Vormittag, Wiggins, H■bcnicb~
Waggoner, Clapp, Bums
N■Y" None
Motion carried Ind the public bearing clOS<d .
10. C'.--111 ......
(1) ApproYe. f'mt RadiJtc
Molioo curiod.
Ayes: Council Mcmben Hathaway, Vormiaog. Wiuins, Habcnith~
Waaa-, Capp. Bums
~ys: None
(b) Appn,Yeca Sa:oad Reodiq
Tbcre weie DO ilems submiaod for appnMI on IOCDOd rading.
(1) Approve ca Finl Railing
(i) c:-:ii c:onsidt.t'!ld I -tioa Dom ibe Dcpanmcnt ol'Utilities to
IJ1P'O''C. by motion, the bid al New Design Comtn,ct;oa Campany in ibe _,,. ol$82,000 .00 for the
...aniction olfour CilyDilellllnldurCS.
Council Member Vormittag questioned wby the bids wen, IO far apart. City Anomey Brotzmln said tba1
be ClDDO( teU him why they arc so far apan. however be said that the Utility 5laJr did go through and
cbod< references to make sure that they could do the job for $82,000 .00 . City Manager Clark lllttc tbal
we also r<quirc performance bonds .
:-Aotioo carried.
Ayes : Council Members Hathaway, Vonninag. Wiggins, Habcnich~
Waggooc1, Clapp, Burns
Nays : Nooe
(ii) Dilcctor Black p,acntcd a rocommcndation from tbc Department of Pam and
Ra:reatioa to adopt a rcsolulioa 111Provillg a coDtr11Cl 1>ith JOQ Corp. for the op=tion of the l'Clllumit
coaassioo at ibe Englewood Golf Cowtc. Bob Burga,cr, Golf Manager, was also prcr.nt. Mr . Black
iatroduced Carolyn Annstroog. Englt\>OOd Pub and R<aatioo Commission member, to speak to
Council as she Sffl'<d on the interview panel .
, .. 11
Ms. Armstrong said die,_ ""'Y, ""'Y impr--1 with the oclcdioD pnau. Sbe DOIDd tbal ii -1 very
~----S--, Ms. "'-g said Ille _ _. upri.t II die ...... ol
people in Ille -• ii wu a lot more pooplc tlau tbey-ID~ tbc COIICOllicm II Ille 9111c. Sbe
said she rmeM coacasiou fairly fnqlloDlly fiJr the Stale. Sbe Sll&Cd tbe inleMew panel inchldod poople
with DO a>nnectioo ID Ill)' olthe people biddiD&, I ratawaDI -• M well M ..all poople 11,a the
Cily rop=atlng a'a)1hil\l from finance ID In, enforcement Sbe i,lt 1h11 mix pvo the 01)' 1 -,,
thorough and fair ewlualion. Ms. Armstroog aid the panel came up with pretty much the llblC lilt evou
though they C.-6om ""'Y differeal bacqrwnds, Ms. Armanla& aid it WU I plcalure ID be I put of
that and ooted that Council CID be ""'Y oonlidcnl in the ,.._....,.,.,ic'm "om the cocnmitteo.
Diffl:lor Bladt !IIMled Council that dcmeals ol the cunt111 ~ MR dwi..,S. They lllidod 1 90 day
tenninatioo clault, the a,ntrac:t is far 111\'C year leue (witb 1111 opliom lill' Ulalliou). 111d....,.. beaer
financial rq,oning oa the put olthe c:oacessioaaiJo. From the I.UIIDmer 1erlk:e llllldpoinl tbey lllve
extended the bows of the ralalnlll opcrtlioo and. they will have beaer IOf\'ice out on the -tbrough
the use of Cll1S or obeds. He -there will be better coopenlioa bdween the ~nain, ud the
local golf clubs, the mea', ud women', -and also the UJWMaeGI groups. /u it bu bcea III an,a
of coocem 0>-.r the years then, will be • commitment from the ,_ CODceaionain, ID lddneG -issues.
Mr. 'Jlack lllled the commiltele rocommendod 'OQ Corp . He advised that J0Q Corp. officers an JIiiie
~..iolivan, the PresiclcDt and T""'5W'Ct and Jack Quiolivan, the SecRWy. He DOied they c:unmly
manage the a>DCCSSioD opentioo II Raa:oon Cn,ek, they hive bea CIIII there for about IC\'Cll _. ud
they OWD and openlC Q'• Pllb II Chllfield ud Kipling. Prior ID opening Q', Pllb in 1994 , Julie-the
rostawanl manager far both the Foothill', GolfCoune ud Meadows GolfCounc rer.l.lllllDIS. He a .vill>i
that Julie and Jack bn-e about thirty-fi\-e ycars of experience in the rallWIDI indusuy . They also bn-e
over fift<en )-ear. c:xperienc, running I ratauranl tba1 eaten ID the p,lfiDg public. He said tbey ...... a •
very established stall; their sulrbu been ,.;th them anywbcn, liom "'" ID fift<en ycars. Mr. Blad:
advised 1h11 their nefereoca MR cbeded ud they received glowing nmmmendlCiou from tbrtt
diffen,ot people. He poiDled out 1h11 they wen: the orJy biddr.t that bu extensive experience pm>iding
rostawanl opcrlliom ID tbe p,lfiDg public. Mr. Black advised that sllff diocusscd the 1elettioo process,
and the commi-•• ckcisioa, with tbe Parb ud Rcc:rcalioa Commission last ......t. The Commission
voled WW1imously ID agn,e with the interview panel lo ra:olDJIICl'.ld J0Q Corp. u the new c:oncessionain,.
Mr. Black stated be would be happy ID answer any questions Council may have .
Mayor Burns said 1h11 the U>minal says 1h11 Julie will devote all of her time and experti,, to this
operation . He asked if tbal is tnic. Mr . Bladt Slaled tba1 is a>ITTCI. He explained that aJlcr the committee
made the selection. be and the golf coune stiff, Bob Burgener and D»-. L<C met with Julie and she
brought in six members of bcr swr Uld they discussed that Mr. Bladt said tba1 they made l commitment
that this would be a pric;rity.
Council Member Wiggins lllled be ootieed on the marketing promotional, on page nine. that ii iadicaled
that word of moo th Nlvenising ,.;11 be the key to their SUCO.'SS and they will lake lll=ltage of printing
their availability on u much printed material u possible, m:h u our menus and brnchurcs. He asked if
that was going 10 be the limitation of the advertising lo get Iha Slarled or if they will be dcpcndio, on
word of mooth. Mr . Bladt said there an, a number of thinJ!$ lhal they have started as .. -.11 . lkginning
Jai,uary first, stiff started taking townamcnl reservations . With the tournament reservations Bob
Burgener and bis stiff made ii clear ID the people who called in to schedule the tournament that we have a
new concessionaine and that we would be mting up a ptogram that could combine, DOI only the golfing
experience, but also a meal afterwards . Mr. Blr..k advised that they hive n,eeiv«! a number of pooitive
comments. He ooted they "ill also ad\'Utise thmugh the Puts and R«nation brnchure . As far u any
other outrw:h, l.'c stated they "'lluld have ID ask Julio about that as they have not sat down and WO<lted oot
the particular.;. Mr . Black staled JOQ Corp. has oommillcd to meeting with the local ~olf groups u "~II . •
...... DtyC.-11
,-YIS,IM .... ,
Caar'J Member Wigial llllod i.:-lbc Cily to loot 111 -way to Id lbc ,._.. raidcnls in lbc
un UMIMd, DOI just ,olfen. lo bl\'O this .,._.s MI flmily rellllnlll
c-.:11 Mmbcr Wipim llk..s CII)' Aaoniey Bnlttman II; wllen we bave a 90 day tcnnioatioo cla115e,
we cu ,_,,,. the conce. <ionalR If lbc Cil)' II DOI llllilfied witlt IOMCOI rendered. Mr. BroUIIIID
advilod tbal they CID be retnovod 1~tboid CIUIC.
Cow,cll Member Wll&()DCI" llloDd if tllo ~ -be oxtmdod uader mutllll qroement if both portico
1R lilllsticct II the end of lh-. yearw or If they bave to nbid it Cil)' AltorDey Brotzman llalCd thiJ ii a
OCMCC -"t and you can So forMrd without nlllddia& 11. lMt lie did aot llmw lfbe -.Id
ftlCOIDIDCDd tl:.st He said it will be up lo llaft" 11 tbll poillt IDd they will brin& it lo <:ouncil . Mr .
Wauc--aked if that should be built-ill to 111e .,.-illd!that upDD mtlull agrtallall we may
cxteDd lbc coalmCt. Mr. Bllll%mln 1...-i,,d DCpliw:ly, lllling that this CODIIICI""" .XIClly lbc same
ball the bidden and we did DOI giw tbll pnMliaa lo CWl)'ODO ellc. He C0IIIIIICllltd tbll that is
IOIIJCthin& Counal can do in fiw years but they .., aot -to build It into the CXllllntt. c..taciJ Member w_, asls ai, if an OUUide pcnoo WIDICd lo Fl ill, if they oould fora, Ibo City lo rebid it in fiw y,:an.
City A-..y Blllm'llll ..........S thal lbc City-be fora,d to rebid u it is a p,:nollll ocrvia,
la rap,n,c to Council Member Wi&gim. Cil)' Allor1ley Bn,czmu oxplaiocd lbat ADdcnoa/MalJoy, Inc .
......... -..1 their liqoor -with the undenllndiJlg that lbc Cil)' will giw them DOlice of termination or
the laR afttr ttansfcr of the liquor lic:eme to the aow aiaceaionam. Mr. Wipim asked ifJOQ Co,p.
will gel their ,wn liquor li0eme. Mr. Bllll%mlD said yes. Mayor Bums oommcoted lbat the liquor license
is issuai by tLc Cil)' of Sbtr~. Cil)' Anorney B-., llllod the City does DOI aca:pl liabilil)' for the
liquor licaue, it is lllway, the con<USiooaite's liabilil)'.
The re,olution was assigned I D'1.ml,cr IDd read by title :
AGENDA ITEMS NO. II (1) flf) • llESOLUTION NO. 4, SERIES O"!' 1996.
Couml Member Wipim pointed OIII I typOplpblcal mar on pop two of the agroement Section 4 .
TERM Of AGREEMENT should indk.ie thl' ~ will be ending in 2001 . (The copy indicates
1996.) Cil)' Attorney Broczman advilCCl II will be c:om,cl<d.
Ayes : Cowx:il Members Hllhaway, Vonni11ag. Wiggins, Habenicht ,
Wqgoner, Clapp, Bums
Nays: Nooe
Motioo carried .
(b) Approve oo Sea>nd R<ading
Tber< ~ oo Items submitted for approval Oil o,cond reading .
12 Geoeral Dlsaual011
(1) Mayon Cbaic,e
1. Mayor Bwns did DOt have any mattm lO mm, bcfcn Council .
(i) Council Member Halliaway pi .:ocnted I raolution codoning AJfR,tl F.
Vomliuag Ir. for I paoilion OD lbc Cokndo Mllllir.:ipel lAque Exoc:utive Boord.
The reoolutiOII MS usipod I aumbu 111d tad by lille :
Motion carried.
Ayes : Cow,cil Members l-lall>IMy, Vormittag. Wiggins, Hal,a,ich~
Nays: None
(ii) Council Member Vormillag tbanked Council for lhcir 1Upport.
13. Chy Mual:""'1 Rq,ort
City Manager Clar'< did 1101 have any maltCrs to bring before Council .
14 . City Attoney'1 Rq,ort
(a) City Attorney BIOIZIDIO llaled tbal it i£ normal pmcedurc to bring the rtsOlatioas
addrosscd during the public bearings badt to Council It the next meeting . He asked if that •"2< Council's
consensus . Discussion cnsuod.
Council Member HabcDichl cxprosscd cooocrn tbll the proposed Burt Planned OC\-clopmcn1 bas DO( been
micwcd by the Utility Dcpanmoot IDd Council bas DOt received 11C00111111C1ld1on bued °" tbc flood
plain, drainage etc. She -she would like ID-. sure that Council ru:cives a rq,on oe lllolc mucs.
Council Member Hathaway focls that Council sbould be able to receive tbll infonnllion prior ID Kling oo
the resolution and. if not. the resolution can be tabled. City Manager Clark questioned Council Mcrubcr
Habenicht IS to the spocific information she i£ loolcing for. Ms . Habenicht explained tbll she -.uts
information on the flood plain and infonnllion rcprding the rccirtulated hazardous matcrills. Council
Member Hllhaway said she would also like infonnllion IS to whit they do CW1'Clllly oo tbc Boat Cb<,,,-rolet
side ol the propcny that i£ also adjacent to the creel< 111d if the City bas bad any problems •;di tbcm,
utilities-wise. bcfor,:. Council Member Habenicht felt it i£ appropriat< as ii is so close to our water intake .
Council Member Hatha"~Y advised tbll Council bas also asked for a Fire Dcpanmcnl review.
Council Member Clapp SlllCd that Council bas also asked for parking information . She commented that
Council asked about the parking a cooplc or times in a couple of dilfcrcnl WI}'$ and ii .-10 be
......... CIIJC-..
... 21
~ Sbo feeb tbcy do DOI MW ...... parldaa ...._ )'OU -odoer locatJou, wlucla Council
Ml DOI been pn,ylded informalloe ca Mllyor Bum, lllled 1bll part ol h ii lbe nwnbet ol ~ 111d part
o( it is their citatlation pollem.
Council Member Hatha1'1)' llalal 1h11 ... u part ol the drainage --. is the CODCCnl with
hazardous IDllcriau. That. she aid, lllouJd be llddRaod with Jim Bhuncalbal u to wbctbcr th= have
been Ill)' problems with Burt. wbctLcr w,: antkipotc Ill)' problems, ""'"1 the It"! l<lions IR and whether they-them.
Council Member Habenicht lillla1 1h11 she ~ like to have llllDO ..n of indi<.-' , ·, of wbal the m"CDue
impoc:l ol thil Planned Dcvelopmcn1 will be cm the City ol Englewood.
COUNCll. MEMB!R HATHAWAY MOVED TO ADJOURN . Themeeling lid)V>.1oeda1 9:!SO p.m.