HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-02-05 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• ENGLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL 11:NGUWOOD,ALVAIIOII: COUNTY, COLOllADO .......... I. Call to ONkr Toe rquJar moeun, of lhe En&Jc-1 City Counc:iJ,... called 1o ocder by~ e.u...111:10 F..._ 2. 111....UO. The invoc:alion ,... liVCII by Council Member W-JIIW. 3. Pledae If Allecluu The Pied&< of Allegiance,_ led by Ma)Or Bums. 4. R.ollCall Praent: Ab<cnt : A quorum WIS pracnl Council Memb<n Halhlway, Clapp, Wiajns, Habalicbt, Vormittag. Wagooer, Bums None Abo...-: City Ma-.. Can: 5. Minuttt CityA---,,llnlamall Assislanl lo la City Manager GnlCC City Cieri< Ellis Direelor Grygle,licz, Financial Services Dir<Clor Blad. Parks and Recreation Community Coordinator Slitt, Neigbborbood and Businm Development Dira:lor ~·. Safety Services (a) COUNCIL MEMBERHATHAWAYMOVED,AND ITWASS&CONDUI, TO APPROVE TUE MINUTES OF THE REGUUR MEETING OF JANUARY 15, 1996. Motion carried. Ayes : Council Meml>cn Hathaway. Vonninag, Wisgins. Habcnich~ Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None 6. Sclled4iled Visiton (a) Maror Burns noted that Council bas the special pleuwc of welcoming the nominees of the Metropolitan Maynrs and Commissioners Youth Awards . He adviaed that Council will intmduoe a motion to IDO\'C forward resolutions concerning boanl and commission appointments, Agenda hem No. 8 . Mayor Bums explained that this •ill allow lhe Metropolitan Mayors and Commissioners Youlll Anni nomiooes and newly appointed boanl and oornmissi011 membm to be recognized II lhe same: lime aud lhen thctt will be a brief ruq,tion. COUNCIL MEMBER 11.UltNICBT MOVUI, AND rr WAS HCONDltD, TO MOVE FORWARD AGENDA rrltM NO. I, COMMUNICATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND APPOINTMI.NTS, TO H CONSIDUI.D PRIOR TO 1111 llCU110N. MoliOII carri oi Ayes: Coullcil Memben Halhawly, Vonnillq. Wiuins, Habcnlch~ Wauo-, Clapp, Bumi Nays : Noac Mayor Burns lldYilod that Nale Vallalds -prelCIII to provide .,me blcqn)und otlhe yruth lwuds program . Nate Valtlkis oClbc Anpahoc Cowlly lob Training Partncnhip Act (ITTA) explained lbc blcqn,w,d of lbc youth awank progru,. He relal,d thal die awank distinguish young people who provide diroct service 10 self; community and family . He thanked those who wen: p<CSCDI to suppon die recipients. (i) A taalutioo supporting lhe nominatioo aCFdicia Bcuvidcz for the 1996 Meuopolilall Mayors and Commiaioacn Youth Award ..u consldend. Tbc resolutioo was assigned a number and rad in full : RESOUJllON NO. 6, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLtmON SUPPORTING 11iE NOMINATION OF FELICIA BENAVIDEZ FOR 11iE 1996 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YO\l111 AWARD . COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA rrEM 6 (a) (i) • RESOLUTION NO. 6, SI:RIES OF 1"6. Motion carried. Ayes : Coullcil Members HathawrJ, Vnrmiuag. Wiggins, Habcnicb~ Waggoner, Clapp, Burns Nays: Nooe Mayor Burns congrahllatcd Ms. Benavidez and presented her with a backpaa and other ilcms . (ii) A r=lution supponiag the nomination of Lora Cochren for the 1996 Mctrop0li1a1> Mayors and Commissionen Youth Av.'lnl was considcn:d. The resolution ..u assigned a number and n-ad in full : RESOLtmON NO . 7, SERIES OF '.996 A RESOLIJilON SUPPORTING 11iE NOMINATION OF LORA COCHRE1' fOR 11iE I S96 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YO\llll AW ARO . COUNCll, MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 6 (a) (ii)-RESOLUTION NO. 7, SERIES OF 1996. Motion carried. Ayes : Council Mcmbm Hathaway, Vonnilllg. Wiggins, Habcnicb~ Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None Mayo r Burns coagratulatcd Ms. Cochren and proscnllld her with a backpack and other i1cms . • • (iii) A ....... .......-ua& die -1ulloa al,.__ S. DoMr b Ibo 1996 MclropoliWIMa)UI .... C ' I ,Y .... Awdw--'dend. The ....i..ioo wu lllipoda ...., ... nad la ruu : RESOLtmON NO. I, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE NOMINATION OF AMBERS . fiOWER FOR THE 1996 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YOlmi AWAlIJ. COUNCll. Ml:MJIIR lL\111.NICBT NOVUI, AND IT WAS SICONl>~D, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM' (a) (W)-u:.soumON NO .•• SIRIES OF '"" Ayr;,: Coaacil Mmberl Halhawly, Vormittq, Wigins. ilabc:niclil. w...-.. Clapp, Bums Nays : Nao Mayor Bums aJl!IJ•tulalal Ms. l>oMr 111d pracnled her wilh a bockpack 111d Giber items. (iv) A remlulioa lllpllOlliJI& Ibo DOmination of Ervin McDowell for Ibo 1996 Metn,politan Mayon and c-· · ,. Youdl Award-..-.. aiosid<n,d. The raollllion ...... llligncd ........ and read in full: RESOLUTION NO . 9, SERIES Of 1996 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE NOMINATION OF ERVIN McDOWELL FOR 1llE. 1996 METROl'OLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YO\llll AWAPJJ. COUNCil. MEMBER IIAIIENICBT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM , (a) (ly)-RESOLUTION NO, 9, SERIES OF 1'". Motion carried. Ayr;,: Council Manbcn Halhawly, Vonninag, Wiggins. Habenichl, w...,...., Capp, Bums Nays : Nao Mayor Buras coogratulated Mr. McDo,,dJ 111d p<CSeAled him wilh a baclcpack and other ilems. M A rcsolulioa lllppOlting lhc nomination of Allie Pickett for lhc 1996 Metrol)Olitan Mayon and Corn.miss-. YOU\h Awud WU oonsiderod. The resolution WIS assigned. nwnba 111d rad in full : RESOLUTION NO. 10, SERIES Of 1996 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE NOMINATION OF AUIE PICKETT FOR TI!E 1996 METROPOLITAN MAYORS AND COMMISSIONERS YO\llll AWAJlD . COUNCil. MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 6 (a) (v) -RESOLUTION NO. 10, SERIES OF 1996. Motion carried. Ayes : Council Membcn Hathaway, Vorminag, Wiggins. Habcnich~ Waggoaor, Clapp , Bwns Nays: None Tbc rmUlioa "".....,._ oa Ml. Plcbll'1 bellllfby lier ...iur«, ROIi Clwlan. (vi) A -,llllioa ,upponi,,c tllo -1nadoa ol'Rdlocca N. Wood for Ibo 1996 Mdrop(!lilall Mayon ..... OwmillMJIICft Voulh A-nnl Ml cauiderod. Tbc raolulioa,... u&ipcd a DWDbcr and read In l'ull : RESOl..lITION NO. 11, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLtrrlON SUPPORTING 11IE NOMINATION OF REBECCA N. WOOD FOR TIIE 1996 ME11lOPOLITANMAYORS AND COMMI SSIONERS Yotmf AWARD . COUNCIL MEMBER ILUENICP.'f MOVED, AND IT WAS StCOMDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM, (1) (ri)-RESOLUTION NO. 11, SERIF.5 OF 1"'- Motioa c:amcd. Ayes: CCIWICil McmlJcn lfalba-qy, Vonni"-&, Wiggins, Habcnicb~ w~-. Clapp, Bwm Nays: Nonc Mayor Bums oongmulalal Ms. Wood and p,aonred lier with I t.ctpact and Dlhcr Items . &. C-....itatiau, Pndaaatioe1 ud Appolataeall (a) COUNCILMEMBERHATBAWAY MOvtD,ANDITWASSECONDED, TO ACCEPT WITH REGRET CLAUDIA DELUDE'S LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM THE CLEA!f, GREEN, AND PROUD COJIIIMJSSJON. Motion carried. Ayes: C:O.Jlcil Maabm lfalba•'IIY, Vonnitlal, Wiggins, Habcnich~ Waa,ooer, Claw, llw1II Nays: None (b) COUNCIL MEMBER HA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ACCEP T WITH REGRET BErrY WU.SON'S L£Tll:R OF RESIGNATION FROM THE ELECTION COMMISSION . ~yes : Council Mcmbm Halha•,y. Vonninag, Wiggins , Habcnicb~ Waggoner, Clapp, Burns Nays : None Motion canicd. (c) A proclamation drclaring Fcbnwy as Amcricao Hiaory Moatb In lhc Cicy of Englewood Ml IX>OSidcnxl. COUNCIL MEMBER HA TBA WAY l,(O\' .D, AND rr WAS SECOPrnED, TO rROCLAIM mE MONm OF FEBRUARY 1996 AS AJ,,i:f,'CAN BISTOR\' MONm Ili THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. Motion carried. A.> :s : Council Membcn 1-latJia-qy, Vorminag, Wiggins , Habcni ch~ "sggoncr, Clap;, Bwns Nays : None (d) A proclamation declaring February 4, 1996 through .-cbnwy 10, 1996 as Nati onal Burn • Awareness Weck in the City of Englewood • COUNCU. MD1KR IIATIL\WAY -,VU.ARD rr WAS UCOMDD, TO PllOa.ADI Tim WJ:IK HGINNlNG RIRIJilY .. 1'M TBJlOIJGB PDaUARY JI, l"' AS NATIONAL atJRN AWAUNUS WJ:11( IN Tim OTY or ENGLEWOOD. Motion carried. Aya: ~ .... Ill llallinly, Vanollll&, Wigim. Habmidll. w....,..,l)app,Bwm Nays : Nolle EMS Coordillllor Ulrich.~ ~Sall:ly Savka. lCCllplld Ille~- (c) Mayor Bums pr...-! raolllliom appointing and rappou,ling citizens to wrious -and commiJSionl. COIJNCIL MEMaER HATHAWAY MOVU,AND rrWAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEMS I(•) (I) TIIROIJCB (DY)• RESOLUTION NOS. 12 TIIROIJCH 3', SERIES OF 19'6. Motion catritd. Ayos : c-:il Members Halhaway, Vormittag. Wiggins. Hataic11t. w._., Capp, Bums Nl<)-s : Naat The RSOlutioos -.at assigned numbcn and CKll appoinltt and board MS identified. (i) RESOLlITlON NO. 12. SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPP0DmNG CAROLYN ARMSTRONG TO TifE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR TifE CllY OF ENGlllWOOO, COLORADO. (u) RESOLlTTION NO. 13, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING MARK BARBER TO 11lE BOARD OF ADnJSThffiNT AND APPEALS FOR 11lE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. (iu) RESOLUTION NO . 14, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINl1NG GARY BOWMAN TO 11lE RE11REMEITT BOARD FOR 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. Mayor Bums prcscntcd tbc RSOlutiooa. • a:rtificl1e and City pin to Olly Bowman. (iv) RESO:..lmON NO. IS , SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING LE:ROY DA VAULT TO 1llE RETIREME NT BOARD FOR 11lE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO. Mayor Bums pr=nt,d the r<SOlution. 1 octtifica1t and Ci ty pin to LcRo:1 Da Vault (v) RESOLUTION NO. 16. SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOn-mNG DARRYL DUMMER TO 1llE PLANNING AND ZO NING COMMISSION FOR TIIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO . (vi) RESOLUTION NO. 17, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOUmON APPOOfflNO Jl!IIJ'REY DYKES TO nm URBAN RENEWAL AUTHOUJ'Y l'Oll THE Cf1Y OF F.HGU!WOCD, <XIII OR -.00. Mayorllans ......... lhc ......... a =tfflcllcud CilypiA IO Council MembcrHalhn11)' oo bcbalf ofldrleyl)yka. (vii) RESOLUTION NO. 11, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLimON APPOINTING Hl!NRY OAlUHl!ll TO TilE OJ!AN, GREEN AND PROUD COMMISSION FOR Tlffl CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . Mayor Buns praeotod the raol.-ioo, a ca1ific:ale aod City pin IO Henry Gallebcr. /viii) RESOUmON NO. 19, SERIES OP 1996 A RESOLtmON APPOlNTING RUTH GREINER TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD FOR THE CITY Of ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. Mayor Burns Pf<'l'Dlal the raiolutioo. a c:cJtificale and City pin IO Rulh Greiner. (uc) RESOLUTION NO. 20, SERIES OF IS% A RESOLUTION APl'OlNTING ROOER HAGAR TO THE ELEcnON COMMISSION FOR TilE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. Ma)u Bins pn:90DICd the.-, a a,nificalc and City pin IO Roser Hagar . (x) RESOLUTION NO. 21 , SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING CHRIS HA \'ENS TO TilE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY FOR 1llE CITY OF ENGU:WOOD. COLORADO. (xi) RESOLUTION NO. 22, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION APPOll'mNG SELWYN HEwrIT TO 1llE MALLEY CENTER TRUST FUND BOARD FOR 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO . (xii) RESOLUTION NO . 23, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION APPOINI1NG JIM HIGDA Y TO 1llE WATER AND SEWER BOARD FOR TilE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORAOO. (xiii) RESOLUTION NO . 24, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING AMEMAIUE LEONARD TO TilE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOAP.D FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, CCi.ORAOO. (xiv) RESOLUTION : Kl. 25, SERIES OF I 996 A RESOLlITION APPOINllNG DENISE LOMBARDI TO TilE FlREFIGH1llllS' PENSION BOARD FOR TilE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COLORADO. Mayor Bums presented the resolution. a a,rtificale and City pin to Denise Lombardi . • • .......... OlJC-9 ~5,1"6 ,., (IV) IIBS(U1l1(lN NO. 26, SEall!S 011996 A RESOLUTION REAPl'OIHTINO STEVEN MARKWOOD T01llE PARKS AND RECREATION C"' 1MJSSION POR 1llE CITY OF ENOLEWOOI>, COLORADO. (xvi) JtBSOLUt10N NO. 27, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINl1NG ROBERT MASON TO 1llE Pl.Am,'ING AND WNIJ<IG OOMMISSION FOR nm CITY OF ENGU!WOOO, C0LORADO. (xvii) RESOLUTION NO. 21, Sl!RJBS OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING JAMES PHELPS TO 1llE POLICE OF1'1CERS ' PENSION BOARD FOR 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. (xviii) R,ESOLUTlON NO. 29, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLtmON Al'l'OINTTh'G JEAN REYNOLDS TO THE ELECl1ON COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF ENGI.EW\')()O, CO ..oRADO. Mayor Bums pROCllltd I!>. iaolution. I c:enilicll< and Cily pill 10 lean Reynolds. (xix) RESOLUTION NO . 30, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLtmON APPOINTINO SHAWN SAMUELSON AS A YOUlll MEMBER OF 11IE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR lllE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO . (xx) RESOLIJllON NO. JI, SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLtmON APPOINTING MARJORIE SOfWINDT TO THE PUBUC LIBRARY BOARD FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. (xxi) RESOLUTION NO . 32 . SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING JOHN SMITII TO TIIE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS FOR TIIE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO . Mayor Burns prucnlcd the resolution, a cerlificalt and Cily pin 10 John Smith. (xxii) RESOLIJllON NO. 33 , SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING GEi' ALD ST ANXORB TO TIIE CLEAN. GREEN AND PROUD COMMISSIO!J FOR TIIE CITY OF ENGi.EV; '.Jo, COLORADO. Mayor Burns prucntcd the n,solution, a 'lttllfate and Cily pin to Gcrlld Stankotl>. (xxiii) RESOLUTlON NO. 34. SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING WILLIAM VOBEJDA TO TIIE WATER AND SEWER BOARD FOR 1l!E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . COUJRAOO . (-<iv) RESOLUTI ON NO . 3S, SERIES OF 1996 A IU!Sf.lLtmON REAPPOINTINO DA V1D WIIBl!ll 1\) TIii! l'I.ANNINO AND mNINO COMMISSION POil mE OTY OF BNOU!WOOD, C(ILORADO. <.av> RESOL.11110N >oo. J6. SERJl!S OF 1996 A RESOLUTlON APl'OINTINO BERV!m'E WILLIAMS TO raE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD FOR 11iE CJ1Y OF ENOLEWOOD , COLORADO. Aller mlkina lhe pre=lllions, Mayor Bunl allnd, OIi behalf cl c-.dl, thaDb and apprecillion 10 the board ud ~ appoiJllccs. He CIOIIW<lllal 1h11 th= w=.,.... <IO voluntoen fur aooo~ 27 positioos nida lie feds Indicates I lot al~ Ill the Nty. Council ra:aml for I brief r.x:eplic.n at 7:57 p.m. Tbe..-ir.g nair.-.oodat8:18p.m. with all IIOYCIICOl!i!Cil membcnpaenl. Mayor Burm reminded visilon 10 limit their 0lallllODlS 10 five ~ cac1t, adding ·tllat Council Member Wiggins is lhe Scc'gcarll at Arms and lhll lie will time the prcscolllioGs. He said that the normal proa,durc 1rill be followed wbcreby co .. nc:il will ftllZive CllllllllCllls, 1M DOI engage iD dellate with the sucakcr. (1) Sandni Ostcma, 2843 Soudl Grul SIRi:I, IUlld Uill isatcl rcpnliag Sllnd-By P,.nonncl cowd be rcsolval quiclly with the rcsipation alCouncil MmllJcrHathn-ay. Council Member HathP1ry aotod for, and WII 1Mi11, permiaim to a:ldras Ml. Cllloaa ID delcrmiae bcr 10U001 for malcing such a request. Ms. Ostcma Slllcd that, gi,-cn the otbcnria: flllM lltDOlpbm, altonighl'r m=ing. sbc -,Jd bcsitale lo add something so ocgativc and trlj;ic. She aid she -,Jd like 10 gi,:t Cooncil Member Halha,wy an opportunity 10 bow ou• Aiccl y and DOI tum ii into the bornel's nest lhal ii is. Cooncil Member Halha\\1Y said she bas the ri&JII lo k.now who her ICtlllCrl an: and "-bal she is being acc,1,cd of. Ms . Ostema resplDded that Council Meml>er Hathaway is being aa:mcd of uansmission by fax on January 31 , 1996. 10 Stand-By Pcrt0nnd. 1 doauneat creal<>d by City Aflomcy Dan Brotzman. rcfened 10 as Council Bill No. 5. Funhcr, that by trlDSminiog the documcnl 10 Stand-By Pcnooncl, she maled a "pissing --bctwccn Stand-By PcnollDd and Council Member Halllaway's Dclpbo,s in her own rustricl. Ms. 05kma oonlendcd lha1 Stand-By Penoand flx<ld the docamaU 10 cw:ry lelllponUy cmp1oymcal agency in tbe Cily of Englewood and. possibly, the 1Jcuvcr Tcchnologial Ccnlcr, and involval the agencies in ID -that bas Dothing to clo with them. She said thal Ms. Hathaway bas caused ar.orney fees 10 be gcocratcd, and caused a fcclint of betrayal for ba\'ing clooc this 10 the people in her own ch. .id. Council Member Hatha"~Y ultcd for. and •-as gi,_,n, permission 10 n:spond. She said that the council bill was u-ansmittcd to her in answer to 1 ""(UC'1 b)· a lobbying finn. The Colorado Association of Temporary Scrviocs. As of January 3 1, 1996, Council Member Hatha"~l' staled, she ,..... Slill an employee of Stand -By Pcr.;onncl. In order 10 get• ooi,y of the oouncil bill, Sllnd-By was lhe only location where she oould rocci,e the fax . She said that. as of February I, 1996, she is no loogcr an employee of Stand -By Personnel . She said she announced lhat fact in frnnl of Ciiy Counc il . • • • .......... OIJc-cll JP..-J s. "" .. , Ml. o.maald chal, IMI _., c-:ilMcmbs~WYllbd II' 1101 l:avo 1111Y ponicipolioll wba11ocwr bl 11111 bill, or ill uyll,illa M Ill Rilled ID ...,u,,iionl bclwocD tbe raidtllU and tbc City. She aid Council Member Hadlaway did 1101 abjocl • dlat ~ and claimod it -1101 an illuo to her, ad bu always claimod that 111e1e-.., coalliot al~ Cow,dJ Member Hathaway rapoodl:d Olli she baa 1M11Y1 claimed tbte wa I CXlllllicl, and thal tbc requesl lul 111011th was to 1101 plllidpll.e bl thal nip1'1 dilamion. She ul<l she 1111 ID ei&)lt year rcconl wbcrc. any time an ordinance Is lnlrolluccd thal applies 10 any business -., she bu pr,vidod infomoalion to any of her busiDess .....iihall, u well. She said that, since her employmonl dale ol Dcccmbc< 1, 1994, she bu always cloclaRd thal there-a CXlllllic:t with S1aJld.8y Pcnoand and the City. Ms. Ollam IIISCl1l:d that, on the CY<Din& oltbe Lilniy Board 's publi,: fonun for City COWICil c:andidaa, Council Member Hathaway llllcd pllblicly that die -ddtpli.n& th< day labor -.C 10 lbe Neigllborl,ood Watch Committee a:>d 1hal there-ao conllic:t. CouDcil Manbcr Hathaway rapoodl:d 1hal she had ddcpl,,d the day labor matter to Ncl&hl>orbood Watch prior to her employment 'l>ith S1aJld.8y PenoDDCI. Ms.~ offcttd a ddlnilioa oC a,nllicl ol in1aat fn>m Black 's Law Diaioaary, ud citai §31-4-10 2 Colorado R£viscd Slatulcl as al""'1ng tbc Mayor and other City Council Mcmbcn to ranovc a CIOWlcil member from o010t with either ~ ...cc, or 1wlHhinls oC the vole. She rcqucstcci that Council ba\-e !be boclbooc 101lkc car, ollbe -· (b) BaJbara Fout, 41&5 South Huron Stred, aid she is a 1hinl pon,tioa cilima of Englewood. She said her c:oncm, is the quality of life olits n:sidc:ou. She requested that Council 1lkc mon: time in making ckcisiom OIII allm the citi7.wl olEacJewood, spocifk:aUy docisians OIII allow ~ to cnlcr or expand bl10 the City, such as anolber car rdated facility like Bun CboYrolc1. or 1cmporary employment..,,,,...., pnn sllops. de. She felt thal other l)'))CI olfacililics lhould be encowagod. s ,ch .. educadoaal, Rtail and -and 01hcr dollar·aa,cnlia& opcralioas thal • ill cnhana: r .n; .ewood. She CIICXJUrapl the community 10 wmt toactber with Council to Rlllm Engle •-ood to a c:oaur ..mity where iU residenU fccl comfortable anc! afc. She cacourapd funhcr coasidcratioo bcfoR allowing Burt Chevrolet to expand and before allowillg ICIDpora,y agencies to grow ill Englewood. (c) Ann Nabbolz. 2990 South Dela"= SIRICl, IIIICd that, 011 January 24 , 1996, throe council mcml>crs and the Mayor met with some oCthe raideou oCEnglewood who aR ooncemed and who would like to worlt togctbcr "'ith bumlcssos, rcsidcntl and lbe ~I ofEoaJcwood. She said it,..., evident that thole Wnding, Mayor Burm and Council Mcmbcn Habcnicb~ Vonniaag t.od Clapp, an: tbe backbone of our government who care. She said she felt vuy betrayed after lcarDiog ol Lhc faxing of Council Bill No . s. She said ii is ID dhics issue and she felt Ille l'ClidcnU' clrons to work togdhcr ftR undcrminod by Council Member Haahn .. y. Ms. Nabbolz sa•d Englewood l'Clidcnu expect integrity in govcmmcnt, effective communicatioa, and strong cof~t of laws and ordioanccs. She said developing ID understanding of our pn,blen,s will pRpln: U$ for I positive change. She said WC must have clear IIIDdanls to guide us through the revitalmtion. Ms. Nabbolz asked Council to take a clo5<r look at Burt Chevrolet. Directing c:ommcnu to Council Member Hathaway, she rccallod the C\aWI& 11w Ms . Hatllany bandod her a business card and informod her of !:.er employmcot with Stand-By Penooad. Aller months of meetings with Slal>d-By , tile police, Lhc neighbors, and MD. Liquor, Ms. Nabbolz said she told Ms. Hall-.any she thought tho,e was a c:oallict of intcrat. She said Cow,cil Member Hathany rapoodcd at that time that it was net • CXlllllic:t &lid that she could bring bcttu clicntdc into the City . (cl) Tammi Aversano , 3600 South Galapago SUtet, said tbat her bu5iocss, Labor Ready, bas been loalod in Englewood for about I year and bas 1110\'od 1'>i0C because of the oci&)lbors . She said they WCR not given an opponunity to ddcnd themselves 11 11iat time and she cxp,-.ssod appreciation for being Ii.ea Ille apportuaity lllia CYCmA&-Sbo 111d dlal ii C1111101 be OYCrloabd dlal lier bull.-IDd employm make this Dt1.......,..i. lhey 11Ye la ii, -'t ud lpClld lhclr IDODO)' beft. SIie 111d ii ii~• and ~ IO-.cia tlwm flam tbe -'ty OI IO I.._.. tbelll out oldie lleclliooHDlldq procoa. She aid sbe ii lbutftll 11111 Ille &xJua lllCidall lDd< placebec:alaalle ~ aot llaYeotberwllOlmown about Ille .-Joa tlld buliDeacs lUCJI as ba1 would DOI have becD flirty .....-.,t. Sbe askod Council to take Into CX>lllidalliaD wllll part tanporuy ICIVlc:a ploy la the coaunwllty. Ms. Avenano aid ber employees do tbe -'t 11111 olher poaple do DOI MDI to do . She aid many af:'cr employees live llere and an: raidenls wboee feelinp should abo be 11km lato ~Jlllldenlioo. Sb: asked , llll befo,e any dccisiom an: made aa,.insl IClllpOIU)' ICM0CI, that lhey have die righl to bnJI& la P"'flC' a.,wel and ...-.,t 1 defense. (e) Rebert Bidwell , the owner o(~ Oo-line, 333 Wf:Jd. Hampden Avenue, Suice UO, said his busiMG provides a>mpulcr pn,srammcn lO busincaes throu&)>olil tbe Dar,er an:a. He .. ted that his busiMG may be impactod by tbe proix-1 Uoeuing requhtmcDII far lomponry ~ services. Mr. Bldwdl said some oftbe poaple who~ fo, him make SSO to $60 an hour and= professionals. If Council intends to take acliaD oa tbe prl'P'.-1 liceasin&, be lllted thal lhey do so sooa so that be CID take his business oul of E"3)ewood. (I) R.D . Greene. IO attorney r,:praenting Alexander Olla Saviooo, 300 East Hamplcn Avenue, said all emplofees of the a,mpany are pn,{essionah aod.,. paid 'MlOkly by check . He said t1ey have never bad an occasion to call the police IDd have never bad any o(the pn,l>lems 11111.,. recited in the council bill, such .. aeatloa. DCplM iJIIIIKl OIi the neipbortlood thnlu&b in=aiod criminal acuvity. He said if the bill is posa,d. the WR"'1 poaple will be impaded. He rdatod thal Alexander Dall Services has been in En!kwood for 1a1 yean IDd that half of the busin:ss is la the c:mploymer,t l&<DC)' and half is in tbe -entry service. Mr. Greene aid they.,. good a,cporllC atizcns and be would lllle to see the City tale any a:tion where tbe OIIIDplll)' -.Id have to ranove lbemldvcs from En&lcwooci He said he -,Jd like to soc the City ailor the bill 10 OllCllljll I JOOd, solid agency such as Alexandu Data Services. (g) Paulcac McElrath, OW1ICt o(tbe WUU-lt Lounge, 2796 South Broadway, said her business is located in the Wgct 1R1 that pn,rnplod this OIIWICil bill . She staled that she purchased tbe bar a year ago, having bad no JftYious bar experience. She said that many or the pn,blems the neighbors .,. complaining aboul an: similar lo the prublCIDS sbe has encounleml in her 6nt year of business. Ms. McElrath SIited thal she is DOI sure;~ . OIIWICil bill .. ;11 solve the problems, however, ofbomdesmcss aod transients in the DCJghbomood. She suid many o(ber euslomers.,. from Stand-By, Ptaltload and other 1emporary labor agencies. --1 of whom .,. Englewood rcsidcnts wbo .,. just trying to get !bead. She asked if these EngleMJOd residents should be given less consideration because they an: making five dollars an hour, IS oi..-s to someone who mikes $40,000 a yea,'I She feds we .,. all entitled tu the same right, and oonsidmtions. Ms. McElrath said this is a nationwide problem that can'I be solval by a council bill . Sbe feds a lot of the transienu have been pushed oul of lower downto,o-o Denver IS a resull or the mlo\'Clopmenl in thal ma. She said ,.,. can also push them oo~ llul she docsn '1 feel 11111 rqulating day labor services is going to aa:omplisb thal (b) Carole Tomasso, 2998 South Bannock Slteet, swtd 11111 day labor services do DOI need to be built next to liquor 11ores. She said she feds ii is unethical aod lhal ii truhes the neigbborbood lhat is around ii. She said it SdS tbe nelghboB up IS victims and lhe community does 110( bave to put up l>ith ii. She said such businesses need ID be moniloml. She cxpr=cd r,,gret that Alexandu Data Services mighl be affected by this, but feels it is a oommuni!y matter and r:,ust be lonbd at u supporting oommuni~es. She feds the health aod safety o( children and th,; oommunity are wbal is imponant . Addrossing her 00lllD1CIIIS to Council Member Hathaway, she Stud she was at the same candidates meeting as Sandra Ostema . She said thal Council Member Hathaway dicl stale 11111 tbcrc would be no oonflict of interest \\ith Stand-I!)· Personn:I , which Ms . Tomasso said was a lie. She said she knows tha1 day labor • agencies bring DIODC)' inlo the oammunity, bul lhey also COSI the oommunity in lax dollars spool on police time . She said Sland-By Person.,cl chooses ID pul their business near a liquor Slon: aod she said she feels • ......... ai,o..a ,.._,,..," ... II YCtY llnaCIYlllll ..i. .......... ........_ W.. T-llidllll--SwitbRIIIHodiawayonthe Nci.........,,iA<liae c-illlt. Sbellidllle-lllok1llellpadl'aldt, Uyina 111-.lOlldle ~ Sbe 111d Ms. Hllll&wly ............ SculMly ..._. ...... •-.....-s tobe wortw,a wilh the Ncis)lborbaod AcdGII c-illeC III IOI ap a.,...., rq,monlalive of the wllolc ncighborbaod to "'°"' oa the ........ Ma. T-laid 1M1. aJdtau&I,. the mMter -lanlOd CMr IO Ncighborbaod Walch, &he WU_,,, IIOlilied. SIie aid Cowlcil Member Halhawly resipcd flom Stand- By P<,-ad after having rued ....... lo dtca lMI-. • poll of Ma. llalhrny'I COlllll!-,cy, WU not sjVOD. Ms. TomUIO ubd Cow,cil Manbcr Halhawly when she will start -..oma& foe Stand-By again. Cow,cil Member Halhaway aid* will DOC be~ ror ._,,, apill a1111, since lhe m gone into busincafnrllondr. Ms. r....., aakal bow tbey cu be mR Ibo will aat "'°"' a tMID apin. She aid tbll Ms. Hathaway sw,,d at ...,-.n) public meetings tbat there WU not I problem and dtat Stand-By Pa-i -not the problem. Ccwicil Member Halhawly clarifiod that lbe bad__, 1h11 Slaad-lly .,.,_,,.I wu not the only problmL Ms. T__, Slid Ibo rancmbcts dtt ~ 11111 • iDbaal MW)'-. dtat ~-ll leasl 1 My percelll illcrra,o in calls ,p:cfic:alJy--widt Slaad-lly. Sbe c:oocludod by -,illg dtal. unde, 51ands there is a six moolll Wliting period before I recall election, but she said she ~ like to n,qlleSI a r«:all and she ukc,d that IOID00IIC infomi her of dtt proa,clutts. (i) Roe Gold llllod tllal lot 1111 liYlld al 2812 Soull, Bannock~ for ~)'WI, and ba, abo ·, .. ubd lo Eqlewood for tweDty )'WI. lie aid Eaglewood -IO be I quiet, a place 10 live, but.,,.. it is YCt)' eay IO liDd ......... ~ 111d liqaorbollles ia allc)'I and along B...tny. He aid dtat IDIJI)' ofhll ncighbori and friends ha\-e mowd oat oftbe area, for obvious rea,ons. He aid day labor cmploy,es do not hive to put up with this bccluoc tbey do not li\-e in this area, )'Cl the ncigbborbood suffers. lie said ii is ii teiating that SIUd-lly Pasoa-,d 111111 to creel I six fOOI high chain link fence around their OWII vehi,;ica to prOka them from daiuge lnlm pmplc-1dng there . He aid the City has the ript to mac desinl.,., and undcsinble _....,. ., that, for instinct, a junk yard or adull cnta1ainmcnl Clllblisbment CID be mo,d I CIOl'llin disWlce IIWI)' from IChools and residential areas l ;., suggested tbat similar mning be CIIICled so 1h11 the raidmts do DOI have to put up with the tanpO<. .' ea,plo)mcnt apcics. (J) Julie Griller, 289S Soatll llaAncd: SUect, aid die bas owned her house foe tbiraen ycan. Sbc aid she is porlicularly llrcaod by Sland-3y Penonncl, which is locall:d two blocb cast of her -· Sbc said the ncighborbaod bu -down bill YCt)' quietly in u IC last thRIC ycan. Ms. Gnttcr sw,,d that tbcrc is also a liquor~ 1 cbcdt cubing place and ■ Im 1111 the same comer. SIie feels that day labor businesses J1WP05Cly locate near tbcsc types of""5inc:la. She said she finds nccdlcs, bu:r cans, bottles and si-er:. in her yard. Since &he IUDS a day,::m business, Ms. Gritter fears for the safety of tbcsc children and often takes her cbildreo in1o the bala bocault Ille docs DOI know wbal one of"thcsc pooplc" will do . She rdll<d that lbe DOW.,,.... ■notber dog and will !Ike other steps if she docs DOI see any ■ction 011 this. If Ill elJc fails, lbe MIi move out mEqleM,od. (It) Tboaw Nabbolz, 2990 Soutll Ddlwuc StJee1, has been ■ resident ofEng)c,,ood for aboul lliae yan. He said the ncigJ,borbood bas been nshcd in the last hro ycan and that bis problem is not with ICmporll)' lalJor, but with dtt type of day labor that pays cash daily. He feels the council bill is• wute of time because it invites day lalJor IO come into Englewood just by pay;ng I fee . Mr. Nlbholz said he ~ like IO stop any more day labor org■ni,Jnioos li1lm aiming into Englewood. and occ more r<Slrictions placed on tboce dtat already exist. Addrcaing Council Member Hatha"~• be aid tbal he personally feels there ,... 1 ooallict m interest with her -1dng for Stand-By PeROnnel. He does not feel ......... OIJc.-11 M-,S,ttM ••n that abt1 sllould 1111\'e a:i,_ dlaa lll&illlr.-iaa ID qllClliall. He aid lllt .... _.lbiat lM Cauacil Member Halulway CM be lnllled to_..docuioal for Wm ud llo doos DOl-llltrto 1111a, docil'- rcprdilla Ilia collllllUDlty. He ubd ..... lido Ms. Hldlaway ii aa. Ms . Hathaway rapoadc,d tbal alllt ila Ibo lido 1h11 lho loalalw11y1 b,ca OIL Mayor Bums interjoaad that this -.14 aat be turn<d Into a diaque and direcud Mr. Nabbolz to continue. Mr. Nabbolz said be fads It -,y lhll lberc be an lntemaJ lnvestigatioa c:onduclm by tbe Mayor, Council ud City Attonoy. He said it should be clclonniaal whotber lberc is u ediit:r issue and If,_ al conduct ,...,. broken. Ho aid he ii UIISW'C if be should n,qucst an investiplioa ben: or• tho Cowlly lovd or .....,. a privale atlorDCy. Ht said be 1'ill be Investigating his all<malivel and be feds Council Member Halllaway should liq> clowll. Ho said be is tirod. also. of bearing aJUDCil ..-S ay lberc is nothing lbeY can do. (I) Theresa luJocntma, 2890 South Bannoclt Street, llaled that Ct,unci) sbouJd lake I look at the p,._i on11nanoo becaUle she c1oeo ""' fo:I a Sl,500 roe is aoinl to 110p day labor 6-comin& in. She said the complaint she bas is DOI apinst the data businesses and the otber olli0e lr.lSincsses, but rather ogaiost the day labor on her comer. She aid her neighborhood has gone clown bill in the last tlucc years. She is afraid to kt ber soa ride llis bike llla'8li tbe block. bas put up I si>< filcl ftace, llas an alarm in her llouae, and I ...... do&. Slit aid 11111, in Ibo lprlll&, mis lolling her bols hocaoe a{ Staud-8y Persollnd. (m) Doug Ritchie. 2850 South Bannock SU<et, aid day labor bas bnlqbl in a lot of llan5ients at all lime.. al day and lliJlil. Ho said It is DOI all their C.ul~ bal ~ -.Is to be dooe . • He feels some thought should haw.-ia1o it before alJowiD& tbc ~ of a•, a i;q,-IIOR IDll a day labor to all locate oa one cona. Mr. Rilcbie said the police an, llyiaa to kip ud that lllt calls 111cm all the time. (o) Da~ Puchal, 2IOO South Ddawan: Sine~ agr<cs that then: is a aoptive dcment in the neighborhood. but feels that the uu.si...u are coming from Denvct, and 1h11 blame cu DOI be pioced squarely oa the temporary ICIVias. He said bis business is located clown by Killg Saopcn 111111 transients fnqUCDI that area alJO. Mr. Pucbal s..id be is coocerocd about the ........ oe migbl be acoding to flllurc businesses, =iioding Ccuocil of the pending talewlopmcnt of Clndaella City. Ho said ortWIIIICCI must be carefully worded. Ho addod that changes to the ftoots of the storu along Broadway do DOI ...,-get olJ tJ,e ground because the landlords do DOI wai11 :o belp pay for them. Mr. Paschal said be feels that Englewood needs to send a -that it is a lint class community oo that tbe ldmiait element might possibly be turned n-ay. lo clolill&, Mr. Pasdlal said that he uas kDowo Council Manbcr Hathaway for thin= yean. He said they are oa OIIP(lliie lidol cl th: political fence, but l5ICrlOd that Ms. Halha"'IJ' has always dealt with him booestly. He said ii be koows her IS well .. be thinks be does, M L Hathaway '"11 probably call for thc inquiJy to tbe allepliom bcrsell: (o) Carlene Walker, owacr al Slud-8y Pcnoaoel. 2911 South Brnad,,-ay, said lho wroce an open letter to Englewood City Cwncil and tbe raidalts albnglcwood lhll lllnlcd out to be around fony- fh-c minutes long. thcrdon, she said she MJUld be condensing ic for ti.is ._;ng. Radillg from tbe letler, Ms . Walker stated that she has empathy for the ruidcnts, having had to IDCIYC from ha own home rcccnL'y because ha neighborhood bad docliocd. SIie rcla!ed Iha~ in tht: ll>aly«YCD ycan SIAnd -By l'cr>oDDcl bas been in businc5s, thi5 is the ooly olfKlC that bas bad prrl,I"'°' fitting into a neighborhood. She said all six Denver.,.. oflia:a IIC oa ma,jor llrcels with ncighbotbo . tn c:looe psoxinuty . Ms. Walkes 1111ed that the Eoglewood olli0e is a mere IM> blocks inside the city limits, with the demographics • of the surrounding neighborhood bcillg the same u that north of the Yak \venue border. She said it is wmalistic to think thal Denver '• problems end at the Yale street sign. Sbr said lb< bas atttndcd six meetings with the neighborhood residents. At the meetings, she has been verbally uailttd by persons • cbYiaally adordlc uiau.ce allkiollol. Sllcllllllll .._ • 1111 Na crllicladlar mlkJa&apralk 6am lier...,_ adbao.-callod~ ... •-illdle ............. lOu-..lMlwlual 'MIO llila tbe I elpbor!tood with uadolinblla .... ,_ will, Ille pnllla, aad Giber alaillr- She aid Slaad-By ~ ii a Colondo ...,..._ ill pd IIUdiac. apenllna lix olllca ill Ille ~----nc&........,.iomcc-.,... ..... .,.-yllalpOrlly~-uv1na 10 dme or lake a bus lo the Dcawr olllccs M '65 ~ SIied. ML Walker aid the Eapc,,ood office prOYldlljoM 10 people liviQa In lllo Ell..._,. __ IDaapllliellocaled In l!qlcwood. 'lbc llid thlll a,ployu,g theae poople k"'PI them alf ,,os_ ud wellire. nicll M Ill PIO' for . Ma. Walker ..ned thal aver eighty percent of ber """""'"Ii.a within cmo mile al the Eapc,,ood olllcc, ud SOYC11CY parent blYO ~'OOd ~ SIie lllid IUI Ille bar ao toleruccfor dnmb or ........ ud dley.,. DO(,...,_ In Stand-By PawoMd ...._ Worbn wllo docide to dNk after they nceive a job........,,.,. liffil fiom Staad-By. [Clork'a .-: Ma. Walker', time 11111 out bclotc * llaiahed iadiDa ,,_ ber Idler.) (p) AtlotDC)I Lawtoacc Levin. 1700 LiDcola S-. u:od thal he~ 5-1-By l'aDlllcl He aid be ICViewod the propocl onlinancc ud COIIIIDOllled that the~ claum make certaiA-llial day labor aad tempora,y~t aakl IICplM Ulljll<t oa the ncigllborbood with inc:roued criminal activity. He aid theR is llO lllllis for th<:sc -He Did tbet'e may be criminal activity in the ncighborbood. but med what the DCXIIS is lo a temporary s=ewy saviccor day labor. He aid on the face al the b'JI it is josl a n,pbllloe bill. But fwlber requirements, such• c:videDcc alzmillc collljlliaDce aad 01r.,,, 11e-, _,,_, Mr. Lmn aid llial die ntian about denial al' !a!CWil'. -thal thele must be. liadili& alwilaliom al ... n,quitaDeals al"lllil-..... lie aid be is uoswe wlial "this aocuon·-, .-lllacia aadlillsiu die n,qtal.-i. ,..._.., * 1111111R of I tallpotll)I bllsincu. lie said tlle.-alao-lllal Ille liceMe can bodllliod ila liccaNe violalcs --ordinance of the City ........ the IClivitics permilled by the ia-. H,, aid lie clla 11111 uow wllal that U. either. Mr. Lmn Mid dlol a.111 _, "1Ch thinp •--bllildilla code violalioDs ud ,_ loela the requimnent is too apca mded. He oaid the IUJjcdNC apcc11 altllia ClldinaDct mayQIII -the riJl,I tocooduct a lawful baaiaahu 11:tioa 1h11 .wid IOI alra:t-dao'• rip&• coaduct a cli&Rat busiaess . Additi«-Uy, Mr. LeviJl aid the 4ilCUSlion thia ew:nias 1111 indic:alod thal 1empOllly saviccs 11111)' be ex.cludod, loaviq oaly day labor 11:mCOI to be alliotkd. He uid that ......,. people maki111 S50 a day .,. okay in the City of Englewood, lu pe11oa1 doing day labor, mch as comuuctioo or lhoYdina sidewalks, arc not pcnnittcd. Mr. LeviJl -,ta! that ti-arc hanesl people and thal Ms. Walker does OOI biie drug usctS or people under t.'le iDIIUCDCC al alcohol. He Aid Ms. Walker bas ud problems with poople who live ia the aeighborbood pulling palliti nn ber prapcny. He said that the purpose of the ordinance is OSICDSibly to rcgi-. th<:sc busiDCIICS, IIJld gel a large lllllOWII of moocy for the rigbt lo tell the City who their sbaldioldcrs .,., yet it does DO( addrm the RIii pn,blcms. The RIii conccm o(the day labor people is that this is a ck:vioc to have :hem ,egistcr and tbcll looe their right to cooduct bu,;inea for aom<lhing that,...,,... do,m the rood. Mr. Levin aid council sl:ould look at this c:loocly bccauao be feels the,. arc somc clilaimiulioo problems. Ma}u ilw1IS iavital lltorneys and citizens to 0IIIIIIDllllial with the City Aaotnl.y r<ganling the language in the onlinaDcc . He aid City Auorney B1'IIZIIWI .,;n be happy to consider their comments. (q) Vai Steer. 4013 South LiJllon Way, aid she owns 11aDpOnry help service called CK Sllfling. IIJld is the piuid-.11t of I.be Colondo Asanc:iaaioo of Sllfling Servia:s . Ms. Steel raid Ille cav .:c o( the propoood ordinan<:e appcan lo be to rid a imgllborbood o( Ulldesinble individuala allegedly d:awn to the day labor IICplCDI o( the temporary bdp ICIWC aad ...... to be saying that day labor -the ck<:line o( a community. She said tha1 it bas boa, lier cxpcriax:e in twelve ycan in the 1aDp<nly llalling industry that individuals IICdt wori< wilhin their own community . Secondly, she asserted that DO( all day labor employees aie trusic:nts, but nthcr uacmplo)'Od individuals scelti111 1 chance to get back on their feet wilhoul going on W1Cmploymcnt or wcllarc. Ms. Slcer cxpiessod her belid thal it would be difficult 10 ~• temporary help selViccs into types in u ordinanoe . Ciung Manpower as an cumple, Ms. Steer said this company provides DOI only labor, but alsn office clerical, aa:ounti ng. and olher profesoionab. Sbe said that she is w,aq,e o( uy olher city that requires li0C111in~ nf temponry bdp ......... Olyc-d ,-.....,s,1"' ... , ....ic.. ML SlowRld .._..._ __ i..e 1o llelillllllldwlllia 1M city llaiulO awa I city, lllldCIOllda,lily,..Utllci!•-•of l!qle,,oodllybWIDclaUU.... !MMllllll ... w pr.-tllal .. wwldbo ...... lbraallerlllldDrt ... "-'--laclclola&.MI.Sllosllidtbat lempon,y bolpplOYidel l .'11 pc,.-of--,rlc:ultunl ....,..oyam ill the Dea..-.. -wblcb would boa lllllllaMlaJ .....i 111 -6-Bapwood. (r) 1lmad,y A--olullor Rady, 3600 Soulli CllllpqD Sired, aid 11111 If It had not been for sw.t-By l'lrlllluld aolifylag him oldie~ IOal&JII, bis prolmioa-.ld aa1 be rq,.-..1. He aid the ....... todly .-. IOCiety pn,blems . He aid .. is DOI ..-iJI& a prllWan. bul l'llber llyina lO kip 10l-.1llc llfoblca& ... Ill is DOI localed -a Uq.or llaft -did Ill loatllr aee when localina Iii balaca. Mr. A...-lllled 1h11 IDllhla lawl ....uy oaJy allow 1e111panry labor services ill ia......,.. _ of a -..II)'. He rdwlled that Ille pn,blelll ii llOI ~ Iola oavias, but the sociel)' in whicb wo 1M. He aid bis employees do DO< lp01ld tbclr IIIOIIC)' .. pei111 b plllld, but are jUSI tJyina to eat. to survi¥c 1111d to keep their f'amllics together. He said tbat Ill)' ..,. ol as ii juol one step away rn. wllere bis eapic,}._-. aod tbat w, are DOI immune fnlm bciDa nere llley a in a very short IJDOlllll oldmc. Mr. AWRIIIIO -1h11 ~ labor ICl\'ica m part olthc tu IJIYi"I ........uy, also, and ubd dial....,-bop ID-'< togelb:r. He said hil CXllllplD)I tlocc llOI hire people no have been drinluDc u111 .. 11 "Yilo&., do* bell job r.-ible. (1) Holly llaalia, 2711 S.-. Sbaman Stred. said lbe llU ownal llld IMd in Ws home for nine )'NfS. Sbo-dial Rita Hadinay • WllfUd under bor dirocdoll al SlaDd-lly ""'-1 for 1he last year. Sm said abc bas..,.,. -a-. Clhical .,.,_ llld -tbat Coaacil Maai. IIIIIIIMy hu ~ -r lard to Uy ID l'l llleEr •""""" olllce 11p ID MIi Ille c:itiJzm !WM Ibey-. ML Hanlin rocallat tbat this locaoan -faraaly occupiod by a Circle K •ore. wbicb, Ille tilt. -1 - prol>lc:ms ti.a 111111 SlaDd-lly _,.,-=-. Sk said ahe bu v.Abtl tor Oilier...-. w11ere - problems emlOCI. but ahe bas DMr aa pmooal allacb IIICh as <his. She aid lhcn, are~ in any type of busiDcsl. but feds it is all in llow ,._ .ici-ti-. Ms. Han1la said 11111 Slancl-By is trying very hard and bas lillaial lO CM c:itizas ad lriod to coafOflO to their ....is. Sbc aid abe lnu lMI blocb from lhc office and bas ooly ....-llad -pn,blem, but it -OOI with a ~ ~-Ms. Hanlin aid 1h11 CowlciJ Member Halhawly 11111 tried to be objective and belpftaJ amt• ..... IIOlhing unedlical . She nid ahc was presont "-bta the incidcnl in qc~ occurred amt will be a witneas for Ms. Halllaway al any time. Sbc advilcd c-:il tbat ifWDj: -.,~, oorvicts ... elimiJlllod, lht pn,blems will bc worto because the pooplc witlod jabo will i..e DOWber, 10 go. She said bor Dcighborbood is DOI bmng problems mcb as those cbcribod Ibis ...aing. She r,11 people should be -"ing lOgtlher instead or pointing fingas amt assatcd dial Carlalo Walker has bent a>-.r boctwanls ID Uy to allMm lhc problems because abc cares about Englewood. Sbc arJOd businesses and citizalo 10 won ...,,.i,.r. (I) Lisa Klenda. 2711 South Sherman Si-. said Ibo bas lived la EagJ.-for about 1WO ycan and bas ""rked for Stand-By Pmonnd . She stated that ninety pm,e11 of Ille pooplc no come into Stand-By wan110 do an boocsl my's -1< for an honest m y's pay. She said some ol them m -1cing at night juSI to make ends -. SIie said Ibo is mon, afraid of the UICDagen and IDIDC cbiJdrea ill this neighborhood than ahc is oltbe pooplcal Sland-By. Ms. Kltllda rdalcd thal abe docs DOI feel thal a bar and a liquor store being localed next door have an)'lhing to do with the behavior ol lhcir cmployeos and tba1 MIi people do wbea llley I'( clI -1< ii their OMI business. Sbe said lhcir bcllaYior is 1101 the responsibilil)' al Carlene Walker ad MIi Ibey c:hoo<e to do after Ibey have llnisbcd lhcir employment is up to them. She feels it is sca,y to wait DOif !be 7-Eleven store and merted Illa! tbe pooplc who congrople lhcre an: DOI from SlaDd-8y l'erlonnd. She aid to poiDI a finger juSI al Sland-By is ridiculoos ba:iuse it is the eatin: anmmil)'. (u) Lisa Walker. Hwaanlleooun:esManaserfor Sllnd-By Pmonnd, 2911 Soulh Broadway, said tbat locations are 1101 odec:11,d because !be~ 1, a liquor sto~ and I bar next door. She • stated I.hat the aiteria used includes finding a building of 3.000 to 4,000 square r..t, c1-proximil)' to an accessible bus route, in an area when: real <Slat• is affordable. Also. they look for an area wberc a large number of pooplc R:<.ci.e IDCial beneliU.. bigb W>tmployment and a low income ara, bo-iac Iha! is • ,.._,_ ... ....,.._.._.,._ MLW....Wdllltboa1Mrllla6,llyloclllam"-•-' : da)I Mad ........ lilletbocmla....,_._ 111,erellU,I iaddoallol_.......,old -· 11io1r--. sboaliasCIOlt llltlldpl ..... lot Uat,11 ... -illllllltd .... acipbor'1...-.poopilc:llualqoil llld ....... 11 iDlo sc..Mly'1plltiaslal. llld- <:tialJlaldleb:lonaada.puy-ud...iolizllladlesn. Slieiamjomd ... tt-•lllllir- .....,,_ MO ""-lllllliml. • pmiausly..., bll peaplo ""° 11w la Ill,~ S. 11kt a aa,w,orc..,.i001ta_.tnMmlaloalallrir,-ld,>aloloaaS,-,wMledoey-•apc11. Ms. Walter aid tbal Sland-lly has alWI)" c:oopcnlal widl Ille police. 1111d ...... a IMRI .-mp 111ml them ID call if Ibey fed Sland-By people an, causiq prablems. SIie aid the a>11111a11J1 bu -,ecem,d a call . 11,aa&r Ml t.a pcr,onally elllllldod 111 ... ......,.. llld doey aw "°' callOII, cilber, ID op!te of the fact •11au.n ila~r-11our---. ...... She...,.,,. ~daea ... lldJ .-nos or alcollol, -do tboyllllenlc die solo ol""'---• lldr 11.......,. anti will call Ille pollce lllhis oa:w1 Ma. Walka aid tllcft ii a paoral da:liae ia ...ity ~ ud die Cityal'l!..ie-,d Ila -~ tllil u.,L s. llid ... is 110t ,-w1,y SUatl-8y ii ...... ...w-. .. tboy an,jUII ttyi,,g to do !Mir job Ille bat lliey en. SIie said sbe ii al a ... al tllil poiat. m ...... Oiw,ciJ c:u help to raolwtlltilaio. (v) Phil i.-ro, 3 195 South Fox Sired. e,q,rmod his SUWtf1 for Oiw,ciJ Member Had,pay. He appl...iod bcr for disUibutillf, l ~-to Ille public. wllolber It was ID Slan6-By ~ or.,..,,. die. He aid be f-;••J'I ',,,._;., I pobllc: illfomaiola 0-C'auncil , City 11111'. Ille Cily al'Lialdoe m mo Cily of GloDdak . lie aW, ~. !bat lie is 1_-.,al)ocl l,J Sland-By l'tnonnel, ayiac tbal doey elllblisla dlcir busi,-in~ wliere llllft an, ... _. --and -pc,ople wbo _,, Ullllieal He-.pd Ille O'MICII al'mo lallplllly IOIVica ID -into &alnood ao they cu apaicaoo 1'1111 dleaoigbbarbood ii puUiag 1pwidl. He aid Clllme Walker-. hm Gnea Mounw,. ~ tlbcCIDlitl ... -Ille tlodiat la ... Deigllbolbootl, 1111d lie-lllal l!ap,,ood taidelo&ldo ... Wllll tolOlcnle k eilller. He-...,SCouncil IOdo....,__il llkettomake..e llcy _,, ,_ al'IOML He aid day labor tleMCl:I .... advulap of peaplo l,y paylag tllot,i-, llllllll salariel, _,, lhougla 1k dly labor avice i=iva -for Ille-. (w) Roe~. -of Medical Ptr-i """'"'-. 3333 Soulh Bannoct St-. Suite 530, lllid lie -.Id liloo to praa,t a dill' .... .,.......i..111 die laue. He said they an, a.,......- ~ finn, pnMdia& pa1lllllelll employocs ... doclon' offic:a and medical clima He said die a,mpoay us Ian ill i.m-for lill<en yari ud lllll lie.,...,.,_ it ia Jue. He said be is c:omldcring allaiac tllt ICmpOlar)' placement business becaua hit --lll&IUI is shrinking. Mr. Rcbacktr rdalcd lllal be is in hit...-localion becaua -al' his c:llalts an, iD Ille S•'Odisb and !'oner Ho<pilal area. He aid tbal Ille way lie rads the ~ is IMI. if )'OU are ... already in the busi.oess, you wlU ha>-. to pay $2,500 for licauing and if you an, in the...._ already, wlU have to pay $1 ,000 . He said that his business is small enough that they wlU ... be Ible to afford the $2.500 fee every year . He said be will leave the community if this goes into dliocl. (•) Gary Kamdt, 1260 West Oxford A-said four generllions oChis family have lived 11 lhat address in Englewood. He aid lhal. by law, Rill Hal1oaway Is "'IW"'d to proYidc the n,queslCd infOl1Dllioa under the Colorado Public lnfonllllioa Ad.. He mencd lhat 111)1 council manber who idua ID pt a citizm aay iaformallon tbal ""ll0t Clllllidend ill e...,.;,,,e S...... is in violalion of this Ad.. ltcpnling CIOllfticl of Interest, lie said 1M daea DOI l!IPly unlil couacil -, an, ill voting pC11itio11S oa ili:ms they 'MIU1d bcadit froGI . Mr. Kom:d: said it is the responsibtlity of the City Anomey to ,.. 10 it tbal 110 00UIICil lll<lllber affocu the aallicl of intm:11 law whilr JSSin& a law or onlinance . He said lie ~ thot the City oC Eaglewood u,cd an employmelll l(;Oncy to help add OIi to the golf aJW1C. He Ucd the problan Is tba1 there an, nmau in the Deigl,borbood ui question and we have to get rid al' the tnwicllls. He said you do IOI get rid of a business because yoa have a oelgbbor'-1 gripe o< a villdicw,e tlllWC and want to allldt """"°""' bul nlher you should 1tltad: the problem. Mr. Kozacdc stated lhll an ordiiw , : such as the one pn,poscd this 0\-.ning, when, a large fee 'MJU!d be charged for a day labor t,w;oess, will have a domino dfcct. ex1alding to Olhcr busincs,;cs such as day care. He said this •-hol e issue came up because one neighborhood gn,.ip complained about one penonnel setvic:c , ....,.ting ....... CIIJC'-' ,......,.s,.,. '•" ill Coum:11 .... .._. ~ 11111 will .a.« -.I...._ He -1lldod Coaadl ...... wia Ibo lmpeadiq ...... ~,(CiadonllaOly,tboyll,ouldaat ....... buaiwlloaa,_..lalollle ua. He 11W loo ........... eulier OIi llwl OeYroict ud pai.-lOUl lbal Ibey ore 1111 .....,_ employer ia£acleMod, Hellid 1h11 ~ ii ... killd ol-.. ... Cllltela IOlld 1U ...._ He OOIIIIIIOllllod Bwt for llllir._ pra,:cmaad-,uty lllilllllol. He aoked lflhe cldaM _,, aoxt Coin& 10 llladl SiM,dla Holpilll ud Olbcr ea,ploy,n. He IIUd Cawlcil IO be COIIIIClcg .,.._ _ or lhe ordiula bolift lka ud ""° ii alJecll. He aid 1h11 a Pladon'a Box will be optMd if tboy aun placinawscU.--011-lypea1'110lliM& (y) BdlyLou Ad-.rlllledlbala!lo• li¥od 113UO SollllDdaMICSlllldaiaoe l942. Sboaaidlbaloooaeil.....,iai1W11nl>OUl~~apm:ia. lliloalySCllld-ByPtrmand and Olher day labor 1ype ui-11111 ore ol-. She llid al,e dill'cn wilh lhc people-Ill' Iba! 1h11 Ila probk:111 ~ Sbcfoela lMl. abllolp SlaDd,By ii UyiJII IIOI IO WR people'MIO liaw been driDkiD& m 'MIO ore OIi dnlp. lhey ore lllnC:lills olloer pooplc. Slit foola tboy aboald Ir loc..s ill an iDdUSlrial :ioac and aat _, adpborlloods. lllaWl&allo 1h11 pooplc 'MIO._ lhelr .._ -IOljusl mavc OUI like ltllla'S ,:an. Sbo said 1h11 IOIDdhing ,bould be done lhroogh <ODing changes IO......,. lbcm IO go IO Olbcr areas. (z) A.J. GuiDdJa. VICC Ptaidclll and Gcaoral ~ olBun Cbovro!ct, 5200 Sollll • B!Olldway, alknld a n:buaal IO -lbc;oll Ilic doalcnbip. He aaid lllal Bun Cbmolct ._ ._, around since 1939 ud llas awliod flee driver educllicm can IO B.-,.1 Hip School_,. 1950, and p,vvidcs can lO Crai& Halpilal. He allO ,.__ 11111 Dall .._u lCWlal lttivilica II~ High School and iaviaod Ullaellld panicalo-Llnl' NiolJct II lhc dlOol repnlinr Bun's~ wilh lhe ICbolanllip ~ He aid llis wile Im~'"'* CXIIIIIIUllllc and 11,, biJiaopn,pll!II. 'MRiD& Friday, '.ialuNlay and Soil.i.y llipll ill Clldcrto obwn .-ya~ Hip Sc1mo1 schol&llbip&. He aaid 1h11 Bun CboYnllcl ._ 111c lint plaoo 1h11 c-i, l'aUI called wbcll tboy -ied • DCW lipll fur Ilic focil>lll lidll. He ......,....i c:alliag Chic( Slanlcy IO Iara a{Bun'1 ~ ia Ilic Cops and Kids progr.,m. He wtlll.., r;;-. Olbcr...,.. al~ illduding J.C. 's. ad Ilic bomocomi.og and holiday panodcs ill Englc,M)od. Mr. GuiDclla Sllled 1h11 Bun employs 1b011t 620 people, lboul a lhird al'MICJIII 1M ill lhc City a{Eagkwaod. He aid 11c-11R tiley -.Id be sJad"' come down ar.cl ldl CaWlcil wbal a grcaa place ii ii IO wn. He mcned Iba! lhelr p,blic meeciag ,_ aca1S SCYClll)'•IM people ""'1 bas beal olfcred lbr r-.ablic IIIC. Mr. Olliadla cilOd lhe wp 11111111111 oltua hia company pays monthly. He IDailioocd lhe Ja,ic rumbcr alpizDs lbal Burt pwdwca &om Flll!lli:'1 PizD U ID example a{ lhc IDODC)I ,pcnl ill EaaJewoad by bis a,mpany. He aid tlley ore ""')' clcu ad pravidc lhcir 01'D IOCllrity SCIVKZ. Mr. Guindla aid 1h11 C""')' Tuesday Ibey consider lhirty lo forty roqucslS for donlliom from dilJcn:al ...., organiuliou. He aid lhal bis partDcr, Lloyd Chavez, is being ~ by Time Mapzinc for bis i.o\'Olvcmcul ill lhe COIIIIDIIDily . Mayor Bums olfcn:d bis coogratulatiom lo Mr. Chavez. (aa) Gordoa Malkovicb, SctVioo Diiular olBun Cbevrolcl. 5200 Soulh Broadway, swod lhat Ibey ore aat a Ulod car lol lbal ii just maw,g cmto B"'"""'1y and lbcn lcavin1 lhc area. He aid be Slaltod wormc for Ibo Bun orpnizalioo ia M7 and ciled family lies kl f a&Jcwood and ~ wilh Iona Aalldul& employ-. willl the QOIIIP&II)'. a, aid many ollkir cmplO)tCS bave wmbd q Bun sinte high oclloal and many 1M ill Englewood. He said lhal 00 Ilic Dighl lbal Pnsidcol Keancdj-mforcod lhc embargo on Cuba, lie ud A.J. MR OUI ldlina lighl bulbs wilh lhc J.C. 's lo buy a ocw ambula.z for lhc F.uglewood F~ r>cpartmeal R.cfcrrin1 IO Ilic PIIDDod DeYdopmenl. Mr . Marl<oYich aid lilll Mr. Burt purcbasod Ilic oki GEM -and lhcn bcoughl a TUJCI Slorc ill 10 OCQ1J!l' ii. He said Iba! Tugc1 moval, finally, boc:ausc I.baa wu Ibo only ooc .• lbcir •ores lhat lhcy did not own . He &aid 1h11 Bun owocrs and manaacn lned ""'>' bani IO keep Tarp:! ill Englewood. After Ibey movod, Burt usod lhc building for a sales facility for lhcir twelve million dolJan W0l1h al pans. He rcilenlcd lbal lhcyarc • Engl°"ood people and arc hen: for lhc dwalioo. lie Slid hazardous waSIC concerns can be addressed and lakco care of. • (l,b) Gary Koucelc, 1260 Wal Odin A-..-i... dlc CGlolldo Wildclla, a-'· pro foadlall c:hlb, llld thal Bun CICVIOlcl ii a ,pcmb" ol lhclt )'OUIJI filOCllall camp. Ho said 11111 IIJoul 130 kids fffia Eaalcwood wll1 be in_,._ M die-4illY CUip. He llid Bull ii ....... IO ftallll die camp and II 111,yiD& T-ablrtl to brio& RIOQPllioa fof EqJcwood. a. c-.akadou, ProdamatloN aad ~ This agenda ilem was moved forward . See pages 2 and 4 thrnu&)I I . 9. hbllcB ri•S No public bearing was ,ohodulod before Council . 10. C-tAau<b C.OUNCU.. MEMBER HABENICHT REMOVED AGENDA ITEM l ij 0,) (I) FROM mE CONSENT AGENDA. COUNCU.. MEMBER BA TBA WAY MOVED. AND rr WAS s.:(~.,l:JIID, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM JO (a) (I) ON FIRST READING. (a) Approve OD First Reading (i) l OTION to SET A PUBUCHF.A'uf\lO l"'ORMARCH 4, 1996 to OAlllER CJTIZ£N INPUT ON rnE CllY'S POLICY ON f!..ASHINO TRAFFIC UOHTS. Vot.t.-..Jta: Motion carried. Ay,:s : Cowicil Mcmben l!alhaway, Vonnllll&, Wi&gins, lllbcnicb~ w-. Clapp, Bums NI)-.: Nooe (b) Approve oo Saxmd Reading (i) Council Membu Habenicht aoked. lince all the cities ' 1111111111 and automalic aid agreements worlt IDgcther, if there are opportunities 10 cbaDF o, amend Ibis agrccmcot, Jive• that the City ol Sberidaa is making chan& .. in Ibo WI)' that emergency iaviC<I are dclivcnxl. Council Member Wiggins .,;• that there is an opportunity 10 lllllte chanFs and, if Sheridan dropo out, the City will have to revan.~ \:lo: agrecment. City Allomey Br...l.lll8D said that Liaielm 1'-U aware olthe on-png dforu with Sbcridan Ill the time that they drafted this . Director Sluley, Englewood Safety Setvica !)q,artmen~ confirmed that changes can be made ID the agreement The City Clcrli. rad Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1996 by tilk: ORDINAN CE NO . 3, SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCIL BILL NO . I. IN1llODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AGREEMl!m' wnH nm CITY OF LITIUlTON PROVIDING FOP. MtmJAIJAUTOMA nc AID POil l'IJB PRO'IECllON. COUNCIL MIMlllll JLUINJCBT MOYID, AND rr WAS SltCONDID, TO APPROVI AGENDA !TIM 10 (') (I) ORDINANCE NO. J, SlllO:S or I"' ON SECOND 111.ADING. Motiun carriod. Ayes : CowlciJ Mclllbcrs Hatbaway, Vormilll&, Wlagins. Habcaicllt, Waaa-,CIIFP,9"'111 Nays : None II . OnllJluca,.-tiouudMOCioas (a) AppnM oo Fim Rtodina ti) DirectrA Gryglewicz preomltd a rocommcodalion from the~ af Financial Setvia:s 10 adopt • biU for an onli.naDct Cllablishing licensing requi~ments for 1emp0rary cmplO)-mcnt agtDCies in Eaglewood. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND I .. WAS SECONDED, TO TABLE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (I)· COUNCll. •ILL NO. :5. Ayes : CowlciJ Maobcn llallilM)·, Vonnillag. Wiggins, Habenic:hl. Waggoner, Bwns Nays : Clapp Motion carried. Mayor Bums UIUffd the lldioacc that Cauaci1 •ill COlliaue 10 lludy the -er and~ seek fwther advice from the City Allaney .., the ~ ad -af lhc onlinancc. He said 1h11 the bill ~ be revisited as soon as possible because nf the CDEVffllY surround ' .og iL (ii) Diffaor Blatlt ~ a ,..__...,,ion from the Depanmcnt of Parts and Recreation to adopt a bill for ao er Ji.nance esulllislling the Englewood CUitural Alfain Cornmissiau and a,ordinating budgewy issues oflhc CommisDon witli the cthcr rocommcoding boards and commiuions of lhc City . He reminded Council thaL in Jw,o 1995, the Parks and Rcrnation Commissioo rocommendcd lhc crallon of the Clllturu Commissioo . Council gave direc,ir, ro lllO\'C forward in August. 1995. The lint part o( lhc ordinance. be said. estal>lishes the CUIMal Commission. who 's purpose is to provide the ongoing. systematic planning for the developocnt of cultural arts activities and the implemcntatioo af an uu plan. He said lbe ......, membcn would serYO lhrec-Y'Clf terms . Thc """ad part afthe onlioanc:e provides for a joint .-iag afali the-and c:ommiasions within the City, to view lhc priorities of that boon! and the City • a ..-• it rt1ates 10 capital items. He said CWTallly, by Charter. the Planning and l.oning Commission and lhc Parts and Recreatioo C''.lllllDission make recommcndaliom to the City Maaagt.· oo capital items for eacll year'• budget Council Member Waggoner asked why it was being tcnnc:d a Culturu Affairs Commission, wbrn it-.. ... origiDally askod 10 be c:r-i as tile CUitural Arts Conunission. Mr. Blatlt said the -.ling r:Jllld =tainly be changed if~ was a concern . Council Member Wag-allD eXJ)f'CSIOd en_,,.,.... es&ablishing a joint fflffling oiall boanls and commissions . He said lie does DOC ""'a need to ha,,. all the boards and commissions participate in all the capital planning for the City. He said It opc~,tcs quite "..U with City Council setting priorities for de\'Clopmcnt in th,; City , althoogh be would DOC be opposed 10 receiving 1'CC0111111Cn(!tio,,;; !',on, lhc indhidual boards . He said that be would like 10 ""'the section that deals ,.;th the joint meeting lo.· removed from the ordinanc:c . • • • ........ O!Ja.-1 .......,S.ltM Pllltl• °R...,.,..tlnclD M-,w~ City Allaney S-.. llid lllll Clla::ll ilallbllllwla a -cxamlaion 11111 may bo ....... II wry lllp capital llen. Ho 111d lie loels 1k ~ lllaolld t,,, able ID aee 1k Iii& plctwo whoo ..i., n,quaU for lbeoe ~ ud aee Mll lk priorium-. Ht aid a lot ol iaa may be under ,-..adonllae ID tbe _, 11>1...., lldl u a Qlltw111 mll fadlilJ, ■ awllllllMCllbw -• a - library ud a -al)' ball . He llid lllal if Couacil wilbca ID COlll1-willl tbe CWT0.1I l)'llaC. this lOClion can be dddCOI by Couacil molion. Council~ Hllhlwly ~ ..,......,., lllal this bill g;-t1,e Odtural Main Commltlion mon: review poMr 011 budaeluY Bllltm llllll lll)' otberbolnl or c:ammissu ia lbc Cily . She IUQalCd 1h11 Couacil call ar.. iafonnal --. ol ... boordl .u,d 00llllllialcm _. ,.., lo lot tbem bow 'MIii budget IDll1al .,. ·being a>aSiderod. MayorBwns ubd .iftbe bill, uwrium, nqaila all dot boards ud ..-isliOlll to -ll 1· -'.!llllC time. City Aaomcy llrolzlllan llid ii docs make lllal roquircnal ol all 1k DDD-quai•judic:ial bouds. He llid it docs IOI poe Ibo Cldturll Alrlin r='lliaioa a,DlnJI ufthal ~ ............ He llid dot Wlltr ud S.-ao..l dlieo DIii doll ,.;u, dot Gmml l'llnd and 11M IWlld WI 11,ey clo DIii MIii their puticipllioa to be mandlloly. Tbc City Clc,t -•*ed to read Coancil Bill Nv. 4 by till:: COUNCIL Bll.l. NO. 4, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABl!NICHT A Blll. FOR AN ORDINANCE CREATING A CUL 11.JRAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION AND COORDil,ATING Bl'!',GETARY ISSUES~ THE CUL'IURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION \11111l 1llE OTIIER RECXX..MENDING l!OARDS AND COMMISSIONS FOR THE CTIY OF ENGLEWOOD , COlORADO. COUNCil. MEMHR R\BJ:NJCBT MOVED, AND rr WAS SECONDJ:D, TO APPROVJ: AGJ:NDA ITEM 11 (a) (II) -COUNCil. IILL NO 4. COUNCil. Ml:MIER WAGGONER MOVJ:D, AND CT WAS SJ:CONDP.D, TO AMJ:ND THE M0110N 'IY llE!IIOVING TRJ: SIXTH WHEREAS AND ALL OP SJ:rnON two. Molionc:arn.4. Aycs: Couacil Manben Hathaway. Vonnilla~ Wiggins, Rabenich, Waggoner. Clapp. Bums Nays : None COUNCil. MEMBER HABENICHT MOV£D, AND IT WAS S[COND[D, TO AMEND THE M!>110N BY Jl[RIUUNG TO TRJ: COi IMISSION THROUGHOUT TBJ: ORDINANCE AS ffl[ CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION. Motion caJ ied. Ayes : Couacil ~ lembcrs Halhaway, Vonninag, Wiggins. Habcnich, Waggon,.r, Clapp, Bums Nays · None Vou raulll • t11t orip ■al -to ■ppnm Couacll Bill No. 4, u ■-tied : Motion carried. Ayes : Council Members Hatht"11 y, Vonnitlag. Wiggins, Habenicht , Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : None (iii) Community Coonlinator Stitt presented a recommendation from the Ollia: of Neighborhood and Business Development to adopt a resolution 8PP""'llll the Bun l'lanncd Development. ~CIIJC-' ......, .. ,"' .... Mr. Slil'.lllledlblldicPIIUIIIDc..iai--..... 'IClolaPublicHelrial•_.__,,-IS, 1996 and 111at Ci1Y llllrlllld ~olBwt -.Wllo llllp;,y 10-q-.oaotn,m C-CU. Tho reoolullOD Ml Ullpoda IUlabcr lllll ....S by Iida: RESOLtmON NO. 37, SJ!RIES OF 1996 A RESOLtmON Ar-PROVING 1llE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REQUES11:D BY SlOO INVES1MENTS , INC . FOR 1llE RENOVATION OF A FOUJI. (4) ACRE SITE llffl) A CAR Al'<D TRUCK SERVICE CEN11:R AND MEDllJM DUTY lltlJCK SALES LOT. COUNCU. MEMBlR BABENlCBT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED,'% AJ'PROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (W) • 111:SOUTnON NO. ~7, SIJIIES OF 1996. COUNCU. MEMJIJ;R BABENJCBT MOVKD, AND IT W.U Slt;'JNDED, TO AMIND RESOLUTION 37 • STATIMJ:NT l UNDER SIC'llON I TO ADD TBE FOLLOWING CONDmON: TBE SITE AT 5l0l SOUTH BROADWAY SHALL BE DEVELOPED INTO A CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL TRUCK CENTER WIT& SALES AND ADMINISTRATION omas BUILT ON nu: FRONT or no: EXISTING WARIJIOOSE STRUCTOll LOCATED AT 180 WEST LEBOW A VENUE., ACCORDING TO PLANS PREVIOUSLY SUBMJTl'ED, THIS SITE SHALL 8E DEVELOPED WITHIN l \' LARS PROM THE DAn or SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OF THE BODY SHOP. Han1r. Hdd, Vice Praidoal ol Ille p1a11niJ>& poup for Bun A-..oti,-c N<'IWUlk, rrqucslOd pcrmialion 10 addr= Council . He said lbal Bwt dool IIOI conlrol lM laNS olKentucr1 Fried Cbicba and Ille Cbina Kitchen. Tho leases, be said. do DOI cxpir< anlil Sq,ctmbcr 16, 1998. He said that Bwt ~ like for lhcm 10 VlCIIC sooner, but lbc JJfOPO""I amcndmonl nquira a probable impossibility bClcaullc lbcsc businesses arc still wilhill tllllir 1-. He ubd for .. Ol bwO yean Iller lhc cxpinlioa cf 1M .... IO ra::c lhc pn,pcrty and establisb lbc sales and adrniniar1blm offices. Council Member Waggoner said iflhal is allowod, bcfods CwDCil "ill ba\'C OYcrllqlpOd lhcirbowlds by allowing a fn:e Slanding body sbop. He aid 111c City ii beaa: air with lbc two yell" RqUi-thaJ. .JID1'ing it to go four Y"""-He cxptastd coocem tbal lbc same thins may happen 10 otbcr such busincsscs on Broadway. Council Member Vonnittag asked if a a,mpromisc cf lhRic yean would be IC<Cplable. Mr. Held said lhc-J might Jose lhcir ccnili.:atc oCoc:cupancy , but could pnlbably go with lhr= ycan. Council Mcmbct Clapp ubd City Allorocy Brntzmu wlldbcr ,... would be okay legally if Bwt put up a temporary building, sold oul oltbal building, and lhc medium Ind sales would be Ille primary usage. City AIIOmcy Brotzman said 1h11 would be fine. Council Member Waggoner asked if that could be aa:omplishod within lwO years . Mr. Held said ii could. but 1hr City planning code bas otbcr restrictions on tonporuy facilities . Discussion ensued n:ganling lhc possibility oC • ooc year extension after two ycan ond lhc possibility of setting undcsirabh: pn,a:dcnlS. It ns decided lhal placiJlg ID CXICDSion clause on a Plallnod Dwclopmcnt docs DOI consti tute a prcccdcnl COUNCO. M!iMBER HA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO ADD A FRIENDLY AMENDMENT TO COUNCO. MEMBER BABENICBrs MOTION TO AMEND, TO INCUJl>E, AFTER "WITHIN lWO YEARS", THE PHRASE "WITH EXTENSION OF ONE YEAR Ul'ON APPROVAL BY COUNCU." • • • • a,,,lllelllle-•llle ...... -«llalt_,..IIMIMf...-,____, Motion carried. Ayeo: ~ Moallorl llllllaway, v......, Wiui-, Hlbealclll, w.....,,0app,a.. Nays : Nooe Council Member Clapp asked for amnnce lhal ao llawtlous .,.... will be IIOftd oo 1h11 site. Mr. Held aid 1h11 is coma and olrmd to aplaln wbll wuuld be IIOled !here. Ms. Clapp did nc1 r<.qllft him to do 10. Voee raulU • Ibo oripoal-. to opp.-Jlaolonioll No. 37, u _....,, Motioncarricd.. Ayes: CouDcil Mclllil,11 Hl&hawoy, Vonniuaa, Wigjn&, Hlbcaiclil, Wqsoaa, 0,l'P, Bums Nays: Nooc (i v) CommlAilY Coonlillllor Slia ..-,.ted • ..._mcodatioo ri-the Office or Neighborhood ond Business De\-dopment to adopt a bill for on ord inance amonding tl,c ZOlling ordinana: to include animal boopilals. The City Clett < Tl asked to read Council Bill No . 3 by Pitle: COUNCil. Bil.L NO. 3. 001WDUCED BY C0UNCD.. MEMl11'l\ WIGGINS A Bill. FOil AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 11TlE 16, OIAP'IEl 4, SECTION 10, PARAGRAPH C. AND TITLE 16, CllAP1El I , SEC11ON I, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 19&5 TO SPECIFICALLY ALLOW SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITALS OR OJNICS AS A PERMlTlED USlc IN rnE B-1 , BUSINESS DISTIUCT IN rnE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVI AGENDA tn:M II (o) fw) -COUNCll. Bll.L NO. l. Council Member Wigiu aid thal be spoke with Dr. ,·a>kcnley and learood lhal this bill will 1101 apply to the location that be bas now sdected. He raid tbal thc matter UXM:d too slow and Dr. Tankmlcy bad to turn down i..-o good locatiooJ. Council Member Hatha"11y asked if po111ge of this bill will allow aoimal hospitals to locate in any district zoned B-1 in Englewood. Mi. Slin <XJGfumod thal to be true. Motion carr.cd. A"cs : Council MembcrsHalliaqy, Vormillag. Wiuins. Haberucb~ Waggoner. Clapp. &ms f,,ays : None (b) Approve OD Second Reading There M:rc oo additional items soomincd for appn,,-.1 oo second reading. (Sec Agenda Item 10 • Consent Agenda.) 12 . GeKral Di1<11uioa (a) Mayo ~, Cboia: ......,...aa,c-a ~S,ltN ... ll I. Ma)'orBwm ...... 11111 t11e.,._......,.,......111e<lndenllaCityredevelc..-,,i- ....U , clti.-lq lllll lbcul lOO people_ ill """8daco. He....._ AssilWII to the City Manqer Gnoce for her cfforu, u well u Ibo rest of Ibo ..,. wbo ...-la ,ollin& oa the pras a>nfercnce. (b) Council Member's Cboice (I) Council Memller llallla,ny I. She aid that, in keepinJ 111itb lhe tndiliou of her ethical bocqrow,d, &be would like to ffllue&t that, if Council deems ii necessar, l full in...aiptioa be cooductal ofbcr ac:tiom of Jut Wodnclday. Council Member Vonniaq ... oc1 1h11 be -W deem it approprillc. just oo that the iauc can be settled . Council Member Hathaway aid &be is OOI sure it ,..ill settle i~ but 1h11 &be is willing to coopcra1c in any investigation Ibey would like to CXlllduct. Mlyor Bwt11 aid ii 1D1Y be approprim bocaule of the heal 1h11 ... been~ by it. Council Meml,..-r Wiggins sald he would !.ike Ill .... wriacn c:omplaiDl from the people making the accusations before following up on OJl)1hirg. He SlalCd tbal they sbould file: a CXHDplainl formally and lei tbc City Attorney go through lhe proadurt:. Colrncil Member Hatbav.'I}' aid tbal she &iU in tbe c:omt of pwliclnlll, as do the Olher aiw,cil 111'-mbcrs. S!:.: said she would like IO tblnk 1h11 if any Olher membcn of COUIICil _,, hit 111ith this kind of t:iing. Iha! she would be affi>rdod the same c:omtesy to conduct u IIMSliplioo an tbem. She aid tt Ir fair and proper. Council Member Waggoner agieod "ith Coancil Memb:r lViggiftl tbal a n,quest for a fonnal complaint is appropna1,;:. Mayor Burns agreed that Ibo written complaint would be n,quin:d. 2. Ms. Hathaway aloo sWed tbat &>ffiti IOClllS to be incn:uing in her neighborhood. She aid ,. holline woru v,,ry .. ~u. bul &he is c:oocemod ...... tbc roa:nt iocrease. Mayor Burns ffllUCSICd some of the brochures rquding graffiti . 13 . Cit)' Manacer'1 Rq,ort City Manager Clarlt did DOI have any matten to bring before Council . 14 . City Attorn,y'1 Report City Attorney Brotzman did not havt any m l ltCIS lo bri ng before Council. 15. Adjournmeat • •