HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-02-20 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI.NGLIWOOD CITY CO~'NCIL 1.NG~OOD, ARAPABOlt COU!ffY, COLOJIAD() I. Clll lo Onler The rqpillr -111& the En&Jewood Oty CGuncil..,.. callal ID ordor by~ Burm 117:ll p.m. 2. ...,,..tloa The lin'OCllion wu Ii-by Council Member Wig&im. 3. ..... ..... Alkpuct The Pledge of AlJCplll<C wu lal by ~r Bums. 4. JlolJ Call Amal: A quorum wu praent Council Members Halhaqy, Clapp, Wigins. Habeaich~ Vormilla&, WAggooer, Burm Nooe Also Placal ' Oty Mamacr Clark 5. Muurtts Oty AIIOmcy BllllzDWI AlsislantlotheCltyManapGIICC Oty Cleat Ellis Housing Specialist NcSllcr Dlrcclor Esterly, Public Worts (a) 1'')1JNCILMEMBERH/,TR1,WAYMO~D.AND ITWAS SECONllm, 1'(} APPROVE TI/,, '.fllNUTJ:S OF THE REGUL,,Jl MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, l!lff. Motion carried. i\yes: Council M·,·•xn l!alllaqy, Vormilla&, Wigins. Haht-..ich~ Waggoner, Clapp, Bums Nays : Nooe Mayor Bw-115 natal that 0....C is OllC scheduled visitor&" d IC\'Cnl -bodulcd visitors. He explained that schodulcd visiton an: allowed ID sp,ak for ten ,r;nu1cs and DOD-tchcdulcd visitors an, allowed 10 speak for five minutes. He ad&:,d that Council Mu.obcr Wiggins Mil time the pl<IClllltions. 6. Sdledukd V'uilon .....,...Cllyc.-a ......,,a,ltN ... 1 <•> Dr. lela Clerlnll , 162 Eat Aallerll "-. ...i lie •beea a raidmc oCl!qle-M,od lillcel96l. Heo,q,laiDedbe-preae,,1toad,l,.,.Ccw,cil~dlepn,posalMllchllUlbe i.cting o( -, l!..ic-:; raldcob. Prior IO IIIWIII Ibo ~ lie Qlltod IO iDdicak wbal .... promjJIOd him lu spook IO Council. Havia& -.S """"""""times. 6am Ibo Mayor, Clly Maaaga and Council IIIClllbers, tllll once we hid a real tllllt agrcancn1 we could btgiJI Ibo plans for Ibo redtYtloplDtlll o( Cindtrtlla Cily, be -wty a<:i1ed wllea be heard lbal Ibo Mayor hid callod l pal c:onfcm>cc and announced tllll an agnaDCIII had bcal mdlod. Al a -of the Eflllcwood Chamber oC Commerce Culhlnl Arts Comminoe be Did be wu invilal. aJoag -..ith Mr. Selwyn lbiiu and Mr. Ron Kitlll2, by Robert Simpoon, IO llltlld • ~ oa llllllll)' 31• with Ibo de-.-elopcr o(Cinderdla City, Mr. Skip Miller. Two Coundbntmbtn lDII die City Manqer....., also tbert. Dr. Geranli advised 1h11 the pwpo1t oitbe -1, U llal.od in Mr. Simpootl 's iavitalioa, -lo "dilCUSI adajllM rcme of Ibo Foley's building II Cindtrtlla City for a cal1unl arts cmtcr." lie aJIIUll<Dled that be-CClllbc and ptbcrcd informllioa bur:d 011 moatbs oC ......ii doot by lbe CWlllral Arts Comminoe and -atbd to prq,are 1 ..-,,Wion for Mr. Simpot,o. lie llal.od thll biJ pr...-ioa-similar lo wbll be ril be pn,posing to Council lhis evening. Dr. Gerardi raiw\ed lhal be was annoyed thal Mr. Simi-did not 10C111 to be paying much llttnlion lo whit be wu saying, thal be loaod lbe pn,posal aside and III tbert as if be,. ... IID00IICtm,d. lie said lhal when ii,.... Mr. Simpson's tuna IO speak be was llpl'lllcd lo loam lbe plan for redtYtloping Ciodcmla City was aln:ady in plaa:. Dr. Gerri ....,. Mr. Simpooa opa,od up his plan and proo,e,Jcd to indicalt bow O\'a)1hing had lirtady bcal doot and thal lhert 1"IS DO poml,ilily tor changing Ibo plan Dr. Gt.,anti said that in bis mind be was lhinkin& '•'Iii a minulC, h 1w been JUSt a fc:w da)s si.nct I real tllllt agree.-,.... amninad, bow CID this be.• So be said be asked why tbert Ills lbtre beta ao community inpul la t11is plan. Ht DOtod that Mr. Miller said llltrt had beta aumerous appoctur.ilits tor community inpul and proceodcd lo indicl1e bow l,e 1lad -wilh the Lions Oub. EDDA and Olhtrs -the lasl -months. lie llllled that Mr . Miller aid these had been announc:ed poblicly 1111d atbd bow CXJUld be have DOI known. Dr. Gerardi advised 1h11 lie -offended boc:aUIC be is pn,t1y .,...,... o( ,.-bat is going oa in Englewood and be bad no knowlcdg< oC tbest moetings. He said ht Id\ tbe lmding discouraged. lo say tbe lcaSI. Two days pasxd and Dr. Omni, IIIIDd be was angered when be !ala leamod thll lbtrt llt\'tr wu a sessi011 ,.;lh the Lions Club, the EDDA session was I presenl3tioo not an open ,forum. and that leading citi1Joos lie himstlf. and some mt wbo are pn:senl tonight also, bad no lmov,·lcdgc o( any ..-ings lo discuss dtvtlopment plans. He said lie bccamc considerably angri<r •ilcn be foo.nd out 1h11 some City Cooncil memllas had DOI...,. Rea Miller's plans. Dr. Gerardi 5lalCd 1h11 be is btrt tonight to assun, Council lhal in his opinion be f<ds the plan presented by Mr. MiU cr docs DOI in anyway rdlect Whal lhc citizens lhink .. ~ an, getting based OD the 1994 forums . Dr. Gcnrdi poiDl,d out lhal his plan is qui le common when compor,:J 10 lhc de-malling of America, lh: trend of tbe future to promcce village cenlm as described in last Friday's Wzll Slnel Jownal n d exemplified by lhis plan for PudJlo 's new m.-orfionl shopping area. He poinled oat lhal. !Na o( all, ii is fir IOlD<Md from a pR!jccl "1h11 everybody CID be proud .,.. IS quolCd by the Mayor in the February 11th edition of the Englewood Henld. With that, be aid he wanlDd to make lbt following propoal. He DOied that it is inevillblc lhal wttJun the IICXl len ycan lhcn: will be I fine arts and oonfcre110t ctlllcr buih somcwbtn: in Anpaboc Counry. He s;,,ted lhcn: are currently only 1M cenlers in lhc metropolitan area. namely the Denver Cculcr for lhc Performing Arts and lhc Amida C<:nter. He noted 1h11 bcxh are booked 10 lhc fullest cxtcn~ establ ishi ng a grcal nocd for additional facilities of lhis kind. Dr. Gerardi maintained lhal lhc City is in I posi tion to move in lo lb, IWtnly•fint ocnlU!)· wilh an opponunily ID make our City foremost in lhc maropolilln an:a wilh a lint class, stile of the art. fine arts and c:onfcm>cc c:entcr. lie stalal 1h11 this golden _,nuru:y lies wilhin lhc confma o(lhc ......,.lopmtr>I o(Cindcrella Cily, by adapling the cum:at Bnalway Soulh....vfoley's building. which is fn:estlllding and WU buill considerably laler than the rtSt of Cindcn:111 Cily . Ourcommunily IIU tbe nuckm clan ans and conference c:enlcr already in place. He said lhat many poople pass lhrough Englcwoad. bul few ,top and spend money . Dr . Gerardi olrm:d the opinion lha1 lhc cenler woold bring lhousands of poop le to Er.s)cwood. He -ed that ,.,,,.. million poople attended cullural activities in lhc six-counry Denver mc1ro area las! year . Wilh othcl· 11<--clopmcnl around lhis center. such as rcstaunnlS. movie lhca1ers. ligh 1 mil . etc ., many p..>plc ,.-ould • • mme :o-Cil)' wbo adlawlle would-• rooc la l!aflCWOOd. He pclll)OIOd 11111 CouDcll...,... the CIOGIINCtioaol1 Cilyow■ed llaollllllld-,.,,....,. _oe dleQlffllll Ciadaell■ Cily pr-1)'. He 'ilahly .-.-.-led 1h11 Council pclllpODI uy IIIIIIMr ...,ci■lioal ud plunb,a lbr-aldlo Cindo,dll Clly pn,pa1f 911111 Icily...,._... fllllibllity llUdy for ■-bas beca -.S. Dr. Gcnnli ubd 11111 Caullcll consider 111111111 &,lcwood Fi.Do Artl ud Coal"ae.z C-CIGllld II< lhe ocn1cr aur■cllaoal1 "an,CiadcrdlaCity" wllidl-,ldilldllde l'CIIIUIIIIU. Mvic.._., naa1ioaa1 faci lities, a U&ht nil llllioG, llld IOloc:l n:lail obopi)ina OWCU. He poillllld GUI 111111 IWl il-1)' •- requc-.1 by, llld pratlllld to. 1 larp111111PolEqlewood cilizms M Enpewoodffip Sdlaol OD Man:b 10, 1994. He lilalOd tbal I DCW ficilily would coct eboul 27 mil1ioa dollan 111d -llalr alta - money llhould bo in onlcr before a bllJot isalc takes pl■oc . Ht pointed out tbal -llalf olllle ....S lllOIIC)' ii llraidy lilliD& ot1 Ille Claderelll Cily prc,pa1)'. lllllldy tltc old lllo■dny/Folcy 's bulldillg. He stated tllll 1 1700 ICM llldllOril&ID 111d a lipt nil llllion cnuld be built aex1 to Ille Foley's building. He focls tbal mi■im■I ,ar,odeluta IO Ille Foley's building would immedllldy allow for tbe allia:a, Rb<an:al balls, clasaroom, ..iq ,-, buqult-kitcbcn, .... lplCC 111d am■ll ~-that would..., be IIOlldal. He ......s tbal .....,._ m■taials. such II oeiiiaa tiles. c1oan 111d 'lriiMlows, from other pans o/ CiDllcrcll■ Cily could be wod in the rcmodding. Dr. Gcnnll Slid tltat it bas '-1 r<pOl1ed that the oenlal in Deaver, Arvada, Fort Collins and Pueblo ~ all too unall to ■aamnod■te the numaous IClivillcs. By llliAg tho Foley's buildilll, be lllled,""' would aln:■dy be -to immodi■ldy provide i-so.l COllfaaoc, a.tin&, ruqlUGII, ollioc ud llonlO lplCC, 11 wdl U pn,,ido pllorics for fine arts. d■nce lllldio&, Rlanll -Ille. 1rith miDiaal ,-,dcliQg. He cited Ibo.._. o/llliag the lcitcbctl, which ii aln:■dy ia pl■oc. a .... ud n,ocplions. He~ 11111 lllc piaaocls ia Cln>dcy wen: told thal the Unioe C'.oloay fac:ili\y walld -• u■od. He IIMlld tbal it•• ..S 421 limos in 1995 11111 we...,.-a mucb larp ana lllo■ G..ic,,. He aamcttled tllll tltc Cily-be-to requm SCFD (Scicatific Cultural Facilitios Dillrict) flmds to do I fouiliilily IIUdy . AIID, loo-, 11w involvesnem lithe c:ouoly CDllllllissiono al a tri-<Ollllly uea, Anpol,oc. Soulbcm Jdlomm ud DaaaJu, for pu1ic:ipaliaoa 11111 IIIIIChiD& l\utds, similar to Pueblo, mi&hl be in onlcr ""°"""I I fellibilily Sllldy. Another poaibility, be -.I, miabl be to join with I.be Cil)' o/ Lillldoo II WO -do widl -Waler TrealmCIII Plllll. Dr. Gerardi Rlllllbcl thal Ci1y lpOIIUOd ans propams, iD Ibis facilily, desip<d lor students II allcr-aaol ud Saiwday prapams ia dnwilll, paialiaa. ICWpllR, cnlla, ---, dra-, clancc, de. might wdl docrascjuvcDilc pral>lcms lik.c lbme cla<ribcd ia throe lqllr■IO lllides iD ... issue o/tbe Denver Poot, Deaver and the West, Jamwy 17, 1996. He pointed GUI tllat Ille pouibility o/ including an expanded licilily for the EnglcM,od Cily Library alan exists if the airral Foley's lluilding can be wod for this pn,jcct. NWIICJtlUI nrpnizalions, club,, and individuals, be advitod, ....,. aln:■dy committed an inlat:St ia Ulm& this facilily oaa: ii is in place and the roes from this usage would immediately oOJl:I tbc IIWDICIIID0C-oltbc facility . Dr. Gotvdi contended that by lliDa tltc <:wm11 Foley's buildillg. 1111 iDdoor liaJ,t rail lilllioo cnuld be built ncxt to it 11111 lltachcd to tltc llDldlt levd olthe arts center. He IWCd that all lighl rail inf Cl DIiiion to date bas bocll dinx:ted taward bllilding the light rail to mo,-e subwban people to downtown Dcrl\'er. However, be DOUd tllll with an arts and amfcrcoa: OCDler in place. the -, IIIOdi> can DOW fCIIWt tbc lighl rail U I _,.. to 1110YO Denver people to EugJc\>tlOcl . He stated that tbt facilily be is propooing sbould be thc ocntcr piece afthe aew planfor Cilldr:rclla City. He asked that thooe iD tbc room tonicbt. .....S. if they qi<ecl l'ilh bis mmments. 7. NOIHClle<laled Vlslton" (a) Doo BdJcda, 4920 South Giant Stra:t. Slated be ii a ten year residcot ud lie woru in the community •ith F-aalCM>Od Focus DD Tomorrow (EF(YI). He Slid that be is DOI spealaag cm bebalf of EFOT, OOWIMI, 11 they wen: made IIWOR al oovenl .-ings with the clevdopcr, IIDd they 1R a clti,,cn based group . He said that be thou gh! Dr . c.avcli's vision for a clcvclopment of the Foley 's building sounds pRIIJ' nca1. Mr. Bobcda COIIIIDCllted that the only far be bas ii that any clclay ia tbc 'll'ojoct might screw up the pn,jccl u far II light rail . Ht Slid if we could ~ both thal would be grea&. b. , aid be is hopeful DOC would DOI be sacrificial to the other. (b) Rlcluinl ~ 2139 Ii. Ployd ,._,,...... ... Ille CilyOerlt for the ,-,S, a cop,' al an ullclc lnlm 'Ille Wall SI.-Joanol d..i Nnaly 16, 19911. He adYited lhat the article ..,..... In tloe l'acl lhat the old box ........ tlwts oldie .... He lbubd Cawicil for the time, """'13' aad dblthoy bave b.......S la addraliqtllla.nlclpal pn,blem. He llllcd lbal 1101 many cltielbne faced dlit pn,blcm, thoup....,. will be IW:llla It. ad• Tborllton ..i w.__, • their malll an: puc down Ibo tube,: In 111111)' reopoca. Mr. Oi.-lllliDtallled lbal l!qlel,ood can build a IUliqve pita: with Ibo villqe ~ that people are -1pc h die pul. He aid lhat people want a -al .-munity, lhat then, .... lal ol1-_... (c) Ven,;~ 2925 Soulh Elall Sln,d, .-lhe U-about four bloc:b from CiDderdla City and lbat lhe supporu Dr . Gerlldi 's COIIUll<llts. Sbe ~ lhal sbe beloap 10 IC\'Cnl orpaiD11iaas. Ollc ilM>I"" 2,000 people and lhe llid Ibey Ila\-. conlaalces ew:ryyear and every year Ibey 111¥e lO ID dsewbae 10 bold lloeir alllfercncn. Aaolllcr orpniD1ioe is.,._ '80 people and thoy go 10 the~ Tech Ceni.r. SIie said sbe ~ @.c lO..., -bing llcn: ....... WC can gcneralC IOfflt -·-(d) Linda TOW1IO)I DoDdlocl. 3556 Som an-SUod. said* MS born ln En&Jewood, as_.., ber pan:n11. Ms. Doar:lllm adviad 11111 sbe la a pftll'alioul artill and the ......in& di-or or the --pn,fil aipllizalioe AbenlaliYe Arla Al1iuco. Sbe lOIOd Ibo Alliance ii cenlmd ln Denver. They do adivities lhrouplul llae year aad one al !heir mala aclivilies is ~ one ol lhe lar,CSI art shooa~ iD Colomdo 01100 a year. Laa yoar, sbe &lid, llley lriOII 10 -b IO Eng)cM>Od, lo hGl.i lhc show bae. but Ibey,..,. unable to do., bocaule Ibey lad.,.,.,-. lhll -.Id lC<>OIDlnOdale lhcm. 'Ibey were lookiDC for 10,000 square liootof-.bomc or cmiaercia1 llpl0C. They IIIJl)l<JaCbod people with the Ciadadla Ci~/ complex aad liley rocciwd DO reply. Sbe IWcd lhal many ..aag<s wa'C lel\, 1101 only •~rough poop1,, ollbcir own orplliZllioo bul lhroup Ille brokt11 lllal they,,_ Mftiq wilh. Ms. I.>onel!on ..,ilr.inal that ii is lbeaim ollhc AllcrllalM Alls Alliance lbal lhe cul lllrll 1SpCC1S of oocicty be o~...ded 10 the Iii~..,..._.._ Sbe a,mmcllled 11111 lbls is wbal Ille IOCS ll.'IJl)t1ling here. She nctcd thal as sbe u,:1 .,_.. ~ iD Eaglcwood sb c bu had IO ID OUil 10 aclliewe any caltonl cxpericnM because llia'c: ism vc,y lialc ben,. Sbe feels we an: giving lbe "PP(IIIWlity lien: ID aale -11ing lhal ·"i!J be, net Ollly ID our bcocfj~ but lo llae beDdit of ga,cratioas ID 00IDC. Ms. DooelJon llaled that Mr. Gcranli is corm:t wbca be says thal !hen, an: chiJdrca IWllllng llae ll1'leU, we all blow 1h11. She sald wbal better 'l\'8)' !ban ID lavc. pita: for lbcm ID rediroct !heir cncrgia and learn bow IO be I cooperative part of. community. She advilod 1h11 she is llao working on a~• projocl iD Denver 'Mitre they arc taking ~ l:,uildings, and possibly Dine, ID IUrD than inlo lD arts community. She added that her c:xpaawoe in c:oastruction, ralovelopmeul and plamug is llnlllg and lhe -,Id be 'YCIY willing to worl< wilh anyooc ,mo needs bcr usislana, iD order ID Fl Ibis projocl to completion . (e) Austir, Gomes, 3170 Soulh H~ Slnld. lilllod be bas been a resident ofEogjcwood for 36 yean and is lhc Cbainnan orlhc Eoglewood Parb and Rocrcation C<>mmission . He sald be bas appeared beef ore Council on IOVCl1II oa:asiom and on one oa:asion they rea. 1cd .:i.1 Council lool: inlo lhc mailer or appointing a cultural arts a>mmissioa to gel !his prnjocl oil' 1ll<. ground. Mr. Gomes said lhat lhi, is something that is vitally imponant here iD lhc City or Englewood. 1h11 ii will bring in ..,....,uc and people . He nctcd lhal if wc bne someplace like that we will have cotcnainmcnt and dill'crcol sbl>M and it wiU be a lal better !ban lhc mesa M lhc Clolhlc Tbcaln,, Mr. Gomes advised lhal he :Ughly m,onuncnds and IOCOllds Dr. Gcnnli's rocommcnda1ioo lo Council lhat wc seriousl y look into !hi s ruaner and 1:ry ID gel it off lhc ground. He sald we have lhc building. all "" havt lo do is convert it. (I) Brandon Neyer, 4330 Soulh Ll pan SUod. advised Iha! be is I member oflbc National Eagle Saiul. Astotiation. be 'MJRCd for lhc City last mmmcr In lhc Parb Dcpenmcnt and be 11 currcn~y cm plO)'Cd by Offioe Depot . He sai d he comes to Council tonight as a member of lhc Engl ewood Hi gh • Sdloal SIUdeal~ CIIII. Hcadvlaldoll willlill lbalclulbo looldalbepolitloaoCSlalarCloa Socrewy ud Sllldontllody~ Mr. Ncyernadaldla'oa beballollbeSIUdait~ a., which will be-""'-· llaliltl wllal they-,ld lib to• bappaa ~ Ille Ciadlftlla 0:-1 ~ pl&& A, laden in lbexllool ud IIIRiupoul lbe_.., .. aid IMy-lO -their obllplioa. He .....s lbal they ......... llllllordoar-ill .--ica.-•...,. ...... tbe abilily to.,...,. lllCiclia quilC lib CQm::il. IIISI.Clld, be aid, they blYt i-d IUD)' pnWaDI illvolving the dcYdopmcDI 1111d ralOralioa ollllil area ud it IIOCIDI lbal tbore is a~ complelely ........,. ol wbal the Cily Cowici1 plana to do ud wbal it ICblllly cu IIIXlOlllplia He llaled tbal all lOIII ol IUIDOl1 baYC lloalfd IICIOII Ibo community IOIIFlliaa lbal & relMil anchor, & --. & tipl 1111 parkin& lot. 111CMC dalcn ud an clecUoaics or appllanoc IIOre is ID Ibo -'<L Wale E...-,,1 ,._ ladt some ollllcr ClllblisblDCllts be .......,.S tbore is pnubly a lcgililllllC ,_,. wlly. lle.....S dial ,.i>on ,..-.,11 olan ll)pliAnce 11nn: is beard they sbak.c ud sbuddcr, kmwia& ••-i.i..ical .,__ baYe failed in Enalcwood since 1915, Silo ud Bost Buy. He aid they queo11,.--. lbe inlielli...»ciluriag tlw indusuy IO El1glcwood, tbal wbai CilldcRlla Cily-pcal<ing tlac -lU ......,i. llul -Ille anpl)' hallways an: all lbal is left ol the 1111111 ud an esa lbal bu goac by. He utod 11111, ii wo II)' 10 n:sur,..-t this business WI llourisbod ID Ille 1970', ud early 1980'1, M an: ill 111111 out1i11iac lbe 611= of .. taat Cinderdla Cily is !Oday. Mr. Neyer aid lbal it.....,. lbal a DCCd for a Rilllil-i.orcauld ,...1,1y ~Alli Ibo communill' aod the IWl1IWlding ..__ a1lady eallblisbod, CYa}lhiaa fnlal ".lfflco !)opc>I to PIiar Mor will be ID daJ>&cr. He IWed tbal die idea ola pa,kin& lot b lial>t llil and pan. ud rido ,._ DOI appeal to 1bcm either and they cannot -bow Ibo Cily could l"CIDOldy aimidcr plaaag a pmu11 lol OU the grounds. He qucstioacd why • a,rpaatiau, an iadusUy Of • City Cowici1 ~ -ID ... IIICb I law 1'10SSin1 fixtwo in 1llis area. Mr. 'eyer asbd i!tbore is DOC ..... cocrtbia&, -alborO!lpOflllllily !hat lhc C4unciJ coo:l4 COlllidcr lbal -,Id bolp DOI oaly Ibo people ol~ but all Ibo people ll1 Ille DJltro area. He advised lbal lllldcals UYC ,ugcstcd tbore is I nocd for IDOYic thcalcrs la~ b.'CIUJC when IIIOYic tl>c:alcn wc,c Rpl-s with raaiJ it ICllt Englewood families ud l<als, and their ID0DC)', out olthe confines ol Ibo Cily . He paiDtcd OUI lbal we baYC Ibo IJIIPO'blDily to uado this dn:adful mistake, u it would be an ......... additiaa ID this lilC and IO lhi.< City to baYC....., thcaerl pl-s back in Enalewood. Hc ll&Md tbal, if any kind olbusiness is ,oina tosb&R lbe-kiad ol-tbal Cindcrd1a City did. tho Cily will DCCd IO hft outside n:si4cata within ill bonlcrt. He aid die SCUdcat Govcmmcnt Clm olfcn I lllllllioa tllcy WIIII Cowici1 to comidcr. He said they lllgat .., ialo tho fine arts, a social gn,<,p upbdd annually by ....., million people Yithin Ibo mcuo area aJoac. which is divided two ccolrll areas. ,!c awJ lbal they pn,pose 1h11 Ibo Cily IIYC mi1licm oC dollars by l"CDDVlling the Did Foley's b;ulding DD Ibo old Cinderella Cily plot Thi£ is I projcc:t, be aid, that 1111 ant bocn published in the Englewood HcRld, Ibo Dem-es Po5I or Ibo Rocky Mountain Nc..-s. 'l1lcac wt,• the plans, be stated. that from what they baYC beard wen: jUSI thrown 3Sidc by Ibo dcvclapcr Mr. Miller. He said that the moral value of Cinderella Cily is •taal made it pa~ not Ibo low prica; that it ,_ a,o,e than just • shoppin& mall, ii WU I place where pcc,plc could liYC lilc and c,q,cricnce good times, UJCializc and Slay out of IIOl!blc. lie colllDlClll<d that who knows how many fint kisses, fint dal<S, mamaac ....,._i. and lives actually swtcd at Ci.-.lcrclla Cily. He Sl8ICd !bat if plans go forth IO a Best Buy, I h111Cpllltin& lot. a Walman in then WC .. ,, comm·lllily l1C condemning ourselves IO Ibo amc falc WC did 1'ith Trolley Squa.~ u Lialcton did ,.,lb R"NCrliont and Ibo same dikmma that Sheridan is faciDg since Pace Mcmbcnbip Wuehousc IDOVO() OU~ lbal is IIDlcss )'JU consider offtrlldt gambling wonllwbilc. He Slaled thal with lhe Mure ti , sure iud&~ ol Ollt dc<ds, lei us make cboiocs and dcc:isioas tbat pcvvc 111: learn from our mistsltcs . Thal we can continue tbe struttural values that made Ciadtrclla Cill' and this community this gr<at. lie said be would 1iv. to ad-.-oc:atc the building of a fine aru fac:Uily wilbin the confines of En&Jcwood IO gcncratc what really a,.,,dc CiDdcrclla City great, Ibo values and moms. (g) Pete Vricscoga, 50&4 Tcuyson Stn:ct, ClllTClll President oflbo DcnYCr Musiciam Association, staled be wanled to pr<SCDt an example ol I clcvcJop1uc-01 that is not alway> in the best intcrtSt of the oommunily at large. lie DOlt.d that the Elilc:b Theatre and other historic: lites on the old Eli1ch fairgrounds ha-.-c gone vacant. He is aware, as was rcponcd in all the loc:al papen including the ........ CIIJc.-11 ...., ... "' .. , ~o....Trlllalle, 11111111e-11y-act1Ye1y~ trytaa10 nm.,_dlll ..._, uy1aa 10 ~ 11 M • lmloricll laciJil), 1111d p:I it 1W11UJ1J MI IMell:r. He Did lie._., MI pnmioall ---. .. lllln laa-9 b dlooe ldllllcs. Mr. Vrimmp llld be alllld •liellcYO tllll be ...S -lt.111 llld a,dy-bwwd 10 II)' we cu.,._ Dlllllliaa la tllil ..._, llllbody bas .._ llnull with the eDCrl)' ar die llllAloa 0t tbe -,.. Mr. Vril:aenp adYillid dial the Deaver M~ Aadallon is 100 yean old. bas I IOJ pn,(aliaeal -.iciaa lllld bas aboul I ml1Jloa doUan in -He 11iid be called ap tbc1r ,.-i!vc.....,.... 111111 advlel dlll lhe Deaver M11s1ciw Aauclalloa,... already lalklng aboul lbeir own plans lbr a~ orpnlzadoa. lbc 1111111c: Ill center, 1111d Ulil -W Ile. perfect &cilily,. perfect aiatch. He ....ied 10 bow iflhey could-,. !MIi -kind oe......-,i. bring in collabanliou flam olhcr ans orplliDdmls dial an: dclpaay looldq fo, this t--'--Attllll lime, beadvml, lleMI IDldbythe _. .....-noemo,aeytllll lbeyMrt DOI 11 that paia1 )'1:1 and lhey did DOI bow wllal -golq to .....,a wilb die fllcillty. Mr. VrieleQp llalcd that Ille poiDI is Illa! the fall be lard it is Pl 10 ....,_ I Bualdon Square. IDOlber pm,I ...,_ wtlh 1 pa,tiag ""-He DOied the problem with lhis clMloper is 11111 lhey -1 problem in Illa! Ille t1a1u is In the_. oCthe aarmu -pm Iii,:. Thal is why Ibey •-pr...,...i studies to move ii IO the -• Ille periphay. He llalcd 1h11 In 196, I Roctcfdler ponc'. fedolal commissioned report OIi the l\anft altlalcr, dance, music ill Amorica, problems 111d pn1lpOClS, alcs "tllo panel is mativakld by the ~ 1h11 lbc 1111 ue 1101 far a privilq<d few, ... far die !11111)'. 11111 tbclr place is 1101 on lbe peripllely ofa,cidy, but al ia c:catcr. Tbll Ibey arc DOljmt I bm o(fflmlllion, Ult an: oftelllJII 1--ID our ...tl«ing 111d laappacss." He said if Ibey alllld Im the l!litcb TbealR, ..... lbe ans 111 tllc pa;pl,oly inllmd Ila mall, .....iop tbe mall UOlllld lhc -11111 cultwe, hlM IDGIClhlna o( Ullelrill' .n1 do ,:.n11ar thlnp witb Ciaderdla Ci1y, he r.ds • am 11aa11y brak this trend ori. giant -complexes. wblcls arc jmt killing thamdvcs. and aa1t ~ 11111 is IIN1ly • liw bide Iha! -'<swidl the oommunity . (II) Diane l!elvcr. 713 l!allt Amhmt P\aoe, said sllo W been I c:ilizal oCl!o&Jewood since 1963. De aaid she just wan ted ID II)' 11111 • qna wilh tllil lhc,o,y, this Idea, Ibis -.lol1\iJ plan ot Dr. Ocnrai"'s 1111d all !he poople wllo hlYe 8lldreaod c..mc;J tllis ....uag. She lllid sllo cried every lime oho _ _,, l'lroodway and -ID the anply sbaps 111111...vcr ~ into anything but a pile ot bricb. Sloe asked 1h11 Council 1101 lrl Iha! happen to aDlllhcr sboppillg...,..,. thal goes into Englewood. (i) Bill AmbnJn. 1074 Sculh MadillOII Slnd, admod thal be bas been the drama teacher 11 EnglcY,ood High Sdlool fo, lhc last liftml years . He said it ,s an bonor IO -1< iD lhis c:ommuni1y and to ha,-. dirocted so 111111)' IMWl III Eag)cwood High School . Mr. Ambron said be thinks lhis is a WODderful ~ly that has olW1175 suppom,d Ille arts. He llalcd 111111 Dr. Gmnli's plan makes a greal deal of ,..,.. t.Mng how thi• COIIIIIIIIDily mpporlS Ille 1111. He advised thal if you want IO oce evidence of 1h11 !hey .,.ill be doing My Fair Lady iD two -i<s. lie said lie bas always been iD awe o(bow this JOmmWlily IIJIIPO'IS the 1111. Mr. Ambfoe pniDted OUI that 11-e AJWda C-is porbapl ODO o(lbc only C-'8llllunities 111111 nds ill DIDIO IO I cultural Ju, and be thinks 'hat -form o( I cultural bub ill l!o&Jewood would briq people IO this c:ommunily IO suppo,1 Ille 1111 a. ld DOI just pass througb. He aated Iha! he feels Arlplhoe Coonty is a culturally rich 00Wlly that -. 'd sapport this and Englewood bas Ille npportunily ,.;111 Ille building already there. Mr. Ambron said he docs IIOI think tbe world needs IIIIDlher Walman or another Best Buy , bul be thinks the -1d docs need cuJnm. lie concluded by ll}ing that be came this O\uing to lend his support IO Dr. Gaudi and bis plan. 0) Anne Street. 32~ South Granl Stnoel, sllted she is a fairly new residcnl to Ille Engln>ood community although she bai lived in the Denver an:a for quilc awhile. She llhised she is a member oCthe Englewood Focusing on Tomorrow (EFOT). Ille Owr oftbe Cullul2! Tm Force aaJ she fdl iftbc other -,t,m o(lhe Task Foree were prcseot thisevcoing they would also pledge support to Dr . Gerardi'• plan IS she feels ii sounds good . Mi. St.reel said that she is not really here speaking IS I member ofEFOT, that she i• speaking mon: IS an indi ,idual who is very. very concerned about the furun: • • • atthe-1at1u-. .• ...,..._..,lodiaailthllt11o_il_or ... -..-or ... IOUlol'1....-ily. Ml. llnllaolldMwilll •wml<wlllll!l'OTad-.tllla_Olller__.,.. ia the .-Ille 1111 -11111 -ol'dle Giap dial is., Ylhllblc IO 1M,.... ol'e.,lowood ii 11111 we an, 1CG111111unllyudwellawa...iaftd••ol'lllal. SIi llidtlilllbei1.e.=1t•do11111p1111de.U ill -CIIIIIIIDWlity Mwill io. o l.lalollil Gl0 DI& IIIUI ol'Ule ~-11111 aid Ille .. lallw. lO I lot ol' folks wlloan ilMIMII ill IMUlll, ud dlM ,~ 11ean1 -oru.. lallipl. SIie -..i 111ei-...., 1 lol ol'pooplc llMIMd 11111,e-lD 11,e-llyadlbeft is I ddlalle ...i 10111w ,._,..1odo.._ Ibey mo! to do. She aid she :,,ooald 11111111 • •• ~ 11111. Ml. SU1lllt ...-,I we do 11111 tluow oat the baby wilh the beth WIIU ia tao111:e. SIio acb...-iedpd that Cinderella City ii I bis ua,c la the commua11y..i1 lol ol'pa,plc .. ........,..-m,Couacll tojull -~ ...... ""-, she ,Jidolle-.ldndlCl'.,.•lllre•liale-llac..imueanweanl'lill&i•tlleriptdlndlon. She Ilic! she daa1'::! lee! Wlllaml1 ii Ille-. Sbellid it is UllpCINM lo 1Mw1 -,tt 11111 i..e IOIDCtbinalhll will mab~bowallld ........... 1111d lhli will-b ....... aad olle does DOI lhillt I Walalllt ii .... lo do --So, Ille mgalcid, IUI we 111:e liae if ...i be aad IOI nash illlo mm,:lhlqjull 10 do~ Ml. SollCl •eel she thinks the Ills ii ddlnitely. -,i,y ....... allllidcr. (t) Don~. 47'° Saudi Lipan Stroet, llid be 1111.,_,lleoelliJICO19341111d his 1CC11 the -ol'~ be-, 111d be 1111 -ii be down. He llid """8 lhey IOOI.. 'Wll' the pork 1h11 be grew up 'Crilh 1111d 1111d it 0111 ,.._ 1lllder Ilia be-DOI ral hippy. Mr. Sc,-. aid be wos DOI theze llbi& 10 City QJwiciJ ...... _ ....,._ llowevor, .............. die City did ...... throap wilh CiDdeRIII City 111d the Ol.1:er ,-ts which 1ft Clljoylble ad -p,d tllinp, -,c COllllllUDity dlinp hlppenod ,t Ciadaelll City. lie poinUd 0111 IUI lt -calllnl, aatjull make I buck. He Ilic! be is DCC I big mlllc a ... ,.._ ad be sull'aod lhrnl<p lbe Tftllley Sq,me bi\ oo the Bamd of Alijullmcal 18d Appoala. lhey ....... ,...,...., do lhla 111d alloMd diem lo do 1h11. Mr. Seymour ..... Ibey tried., ... ii fly ... ii -1d IOI, it --,..;i He ldYised 1h11 Ins kids 111\'t been UMlMd 'Mlh 1C1ina...,. since Jadt F'*r and be DCYCr worried llbcllll wllal Ins Dis~ doiJ,g wbcn they ~ out doiq • play or out llllkia& -,c music IOIDCplace IDd Ibey did DCC let him down. Mr. ~poi....s out ID a..,.. e,,,_ _ be llked lhll lie lDd Ilia wife p, down 10 the RID lllCCling and be oo the odlcr side aftlle reno.. He Did Ibey did, it~ and he is ,ay &lad a 'be is looting fonwd to IOtiJlg the tip! nil pl out here. Mr. Seymour llaUd be did DOI lhiDt I little bit of cul.aft would hiDdcr the light rail,•,_ gmlemaD .uricd about He COllllllODIK thll a be ftllt to b,4 and bclpcd the Mayor out be Wllll<d to .,. • little relllrn <I that, • little faidl. Mayor Bums pointed out 10 Mr. Seymour Iha \ be did DCC do WI for him, dial be did it for the communlty. 0) l..cD Riwin, ... ..., of Guys 111d Dolls, 3473 Soulh Broadway, .. 1a1 be moved In t110 Md<.5 before Cinclote:Ua City apenod. He poi-.1 that be is IIJU bctt and Cindadla City is gone. He said Englewood his been good 10 bim 111d 'be 1111 pn,,pen,d. Mr. Rivkin .....i 1h11 Dr. Gewdi'• propoaJ makes 1CD1C. As•~ per10II, Mr. RivtiJI said be would like to kick <111 • l'uad drive. He advised : .. will throw in S1,0001011art and 'be hoped Ill Ibo busi .... poople on Broadway and IIOIUld Englewood will .,_ and join "" in ..... Ibis. (m) R.-U SaJll, 49U Soalh Ddawue Street. be said be 1115 llYetl theze for over thirty yean and 1h11 Council mighl kmw hina bdla-• Blinky the Clown of Cband 2 tdevisioo. He Ilic! be wanted to reminisce for 1 -He aid be misled 11,e good old days when 'be and bis wife ""'11d wall- in Ibo mall and have an orange jullus, caffee 111d good donuts and many times ID the evening they "'Ould have brclkfut and dinner II tl,e .....,.,,. ill the comer . He llaUd Ibey Ibo enjoyed -.:lung the fountain and Ibo anisu. Mr. Sala c:<IIIUIICDlal that one anist named Pete Ml downstain and be COIDIIIOIIICd lo bim 1h11 be did bcautilill ponraits and be should be upsllils. He said Pete told him they would DO( lei him come uplllin, Ibey -trying to get any from tr· much c:amival lllmOSpbere. Mr . Scott ul<od him to be on his show and the e,q,os,ire gave him national ru:ognitioo and be is selling an-'<~. Heaudtbcy..,lllilldle~...: He--.lMlllo ........ tllll ... ~-1a-i,...:,:,S,lll lllo..U. Heald beubdlllellll)l•llle._..,_, tMpoaplo• Onap Jllliua ~ :loey-. loavlq ud llo -!Old tbcy jumped 1h real., hip tbcy ~ a111 mdle ii ud Ille rr. ... ca....,. lblll&, Mr. 6oolt llalld oe dliab lbc-w -,nod. He aid Ibey IIIOd to bavollul II Ciad&nlll Cily, llolllial ....... 1and~ likc1DIOC .......... a&:ipia. llelllled to Cowlc:il, (1leue, pleuc DO ..,._J while eicpllaaU II be NI I~ -'i 11111 be CUD0t l&lDd ucJy people 111d be -~ placm 11111111 eapcy. Mr. S<OII advidlbal lie 111d his wifo IUppOII Dr. Gerardi and be aka! lhal C'Oll'-al,,;.. this a lol ollhoupi l:<:rore lllcy tl, lQ)'llllag. (D) JIIM Ha\Wllf, '-'JO Saudi Pwl &reel, 11111d Ille• liwd lllen, b 43 ,-n. Silo advilod tbll lbac ii I pa,t acnw• dlo -from lier 1h111111 llippiol, ....W., dNg people and -things going on. Sbc COIIIIDClllod lllll bcr cbildrm WCAI to ldlaol III the bo&ildiaa lbctt aud ii Ills .«II U alzheimcr day care....., ror aboul claJ>I _, ud Ibo bas bOl:D a voi.-..., lhcR for a oauple ol y ,ar.,. Ms. HaMial advised lllll tbcy 11ft ll"daa IIDOUI Nlllla& ii o,,t ID IDIIWllhill& _.... Ibo 'MDI Ille b<r.ks. SIio said sbc lllkcd Ii> a lol ol lbe IICipbon and Ibo wa II Ibo moctil!S lall Tuelday an ~ !hey an: L,lkiq about I pracbool which is line. llowever, she swcd 1h11111-e lllldenllnds 11111 Ibo buil!ling is fwJ oi' asbes!o& ., Ibey Wllll lo tear all a( ilill OUL She aslr.ed II wbole -bocaule die mill It\')' wiU p, oblbly 10 up. She said some o( die yq,ma DCiaJ>bon bavo cbildral lhal would ""' Ibo preschool and lhc All Sauls Cllboli<: Chwdl OD Lopa aid they might WIDI IO real ii far I ........,.. But, abc poiDlod OUI, die asbcsl0< will slill IIIIYe lo F-Ms. Hntiaa lllled lllll she and Oilier Dcipbon nrmunoad 11111 Ibey leYd die buildi.a& bocaule ii bu old plUllllim& and wiria& ud ... S700 a IIIOGlb IO boat. SIie poill!ed out .bat if Ibey ua: die buildiq Ibey~ 111-e IO put ia more~ II more taxpayen' co,pt4IC. She said Ibey bavo lllkal aboul pulliJla more c:laas..., lhcPJ, but die claa did not latt Iona lllllil die .W..imcn 'MIii ID aboul •inc yan IID• Sbe aid lbe Dclpbon would like die bo&ildiaa lr.Yclod, ii is Duncan Pm, 11111 put a bl& flower bod i.a llleni and sbc aid .llcy UC willillg IO -,I it if IIOClelllly. Ms. l:la11tiu aid ~:y do DOI ...i a builwDg 11111 is aoiD& IO <HI lbouaDds ol dollan ID ff:IDOdcl ., a few kids CIJl ., 10 p. .... 1001. (o) Sieve Mulhern, 2750 Soulh Emcnoa, 1111,,s lie bJs boon 00 die Plalllli.ag ud Zooing Cornmi5'ion, die Urban Renewal Authority, die Housiaa AUlbority and lie wu auo 00 die IO!a:lioo oommiuco wb= Ibey cbooc ti;,,~-He >lid be Wllltod, for Ibo roconl, ID ma)tle add 1001C perspoclive as to wbcrc \VC an: and wbcrc we bavo come IO dale. He advised lhal MICll die IClcction committee met wi lh Ibo r:itizca'• BJ'll'lll lbctt ~ lwelve clevclopers lhal submillal proposals. T1ac proposals. he said. \VCl'C DOI noccssarily I l'Clj)ODSC IO DD RFP, I requc:sl ror proposal. Ibey were IJUly I response IO an RFQ . whi ch is a rcques1 for qualilioations . He swell Iha. Juring lhe time Ibey iooked at all proposal• ii was apparent lo lben> tllll lbctt wu lhc cream ol t?.e crop, and Ibey lllmlWod that down 10 a IJMUP offour clevclopers. Ml . Mulbera advised lhat ~ f~ be is iD Ibo c:ommtn:ia1 real ..we business, be ii DOI iD U,C re11iJ lidc ol Ibo busirz... The busioesa, bc aciod. is .. vast IS a number of dilfercol iodusuics. He swcd that be docs bavc cxpcnioc and ~II& oltbo development pn,<.s ,. He said 1h11 wbui Ibey did make Ibo IClectioo ud t.anowod it down IO Ibo Millcr-Kilebcll group ii was very obvious IO everyone 11W berc wu a l"JUI), mainly Skip Miller and KilCbcll, 1h11 -EDglewood iD a special way . He commcu1ed that Ibo rcasoa ho wanted IO add.,... pcnpcclivc tonight is because it is \'Cl)' wy IO loot II Ibo dcvclopcr ud ~ ')ou bad guy, loolt II wbll you lit aoioa to do to us ." l'=·er, he poiDlod OU~ 11,,y bavc oevcr ljJplOllod • plan IS Car IS be """"'-la fact. be added. durin& Ibo process when: wt rcspood<d to Ille RFQ we said let's listen IO what tbcir dream and visioo is. He aid bciaa a r.rofcssional i• lbe ioduslry, be can say 11111 we have an impoccable 1e1m iD Miller-Kitchell. t:ic said be wanted to add a wool a( caution lo lhe ccmmunily tonlgh~ 1h11 EDglewood bas a number ol blad< eyu iD lhe devclop=nt c:ommuni1y, i1 bas a IIU'1lbcr of problems. 11, lllliDlainod 1h11 ror us to au 12 very qualified, v,:ry good devclopcn lo rcspood IO an RFQ Wt: roso IO • bighcr notch . Ms. Mulhern stated lhat wt have IO be very cal"'.d'ul at I.t i; point to work very closel) and be bclp(ul wilh Ibo ckvcloper, we have to gel Crom point A to p,int B ~"' we cannot do lhat alone. He DOied that when he pvc lbe pn,oenlllioo 10 .....,..a,,,c-ca ....., ... "' ... , Caad!MllidwemeMlllepoialtlill••llyb,a1DINdld1frlDclmeadMilmplbe....,,Sil1D loaklaa lar a tint IIIWld dnft pkt. Al tlill pollll Miller-KltdleU -clmrly Ille Micllad Jania, Ille Jolla Elway oldie~ ---pr-..s ID a. He said M baYc Ill be careful• we build lbll -lbat we do 1101 paint Ille.....,.,• ... bid PJ, M la aoina to pl• frca pollll A ID poi111 B. He ........... lllllillawry,wy..,._.._,..dollOlllymle,llawdoWllordilcnl.."tdlepocea. He 111d bocailiom ~ IOllipl ID ...aJ)' loot M die ldoc:tioD tut -......... laot a 11111 • I plllillw -· Mr. Mullion adviaed t1i11 llltft wore three lhilla, they loabd a~ crldcally. TIiey -I ID UC IUl'C they._. Ille local rcllll ........ tbal they bow: Ibo 11-i.1 a,pl,illl'/ and I Yilioa b l!qJewood. He 111d tlicy -dils critaia ml they II< notjml liniaa Ila Wlitial ID cmal tboir cbipl. Ho DOied they baYc 1..-1., """"11m uyano d1t In tho,_ w111, Ille IOllllPioa o/ polcDClally Ille llllf 00 what is C.....U. Cil)I ~ viable for 1111d bow can lboy JIIIII ii~ 1'ilh tho communil)I. lie 111d 11c jml WID'...S 10 CIUlioo cvayonc Ullll&JII to be very oomilivc 10 tho process ad uJ!donland I plan bu IIOI booa ~ bat wt blw: I \IOI)' aood, qualified developer. (p) Krllll l>lapcrty. 6953 Sood, Trmtoo Dme, tlltod tba1 die owm property a1 3 m Soalh Lincoln. II Ille llllllt#f t.10.,S 11111 Dolls fumihft and bas booa ia tbt IXIIIIIIIUDil)I since 1949. She ad¥iad tluil Ibo bas 1-011 EURA 11111 die Paru 111d ~ c-miaioD 11111 bas,_, wilal Ille Coaaclk can do and die II•_. wllll loatilll al good dMlopcn dool. SIio ....i :1111 we always II)' 10 g<I I good developer, WI lu.cilsY.....id lie remiss iflboy did IIOI gd I good developer. So Ibo llld 1h11 -Y"".,. aylng is rip!.,_ ifdlis dc\-dopcr is ool looting al usu I wllolo ad IDlalJy p,iAJ to lake 00 Dr. Gaardi'1 ldou Ibo loll !Ml ...id lie IDlalJy romisa. She c:ommtnlilll dla sl!c l'tlllClllbcrs lhe pa,t, Ibo Im llllioo and all Ibo good llliap. SIie aid lbc aho ~ lhe 111111111 ma!~ WO do 00I bow: 111)1'iing mon, in an anillic..,. 1111111 myt,c LaPl>rla's Gallery. She paillled 00I 1h11 we do IIOl blw: uy IIIO¥ie llalm. She llalod * Ids 11111 if Ille dMlopcn m u good u Mr. Mulbon ays lhen he will look a little bit l\utbtr ..i immpola Dr. Cielri'1 lhough1 about an anislic 'lllit willl lhe light rul ... pv. ii all togelhor. Sbe 111d lllc pn,lllcm is .... blw: IOm down l!qlewood. SIie 111d lier father said oner. M llaYe bulll II ond .....-llaill it qaill ad again. She COIIIIDOllled 11111 Iha is lnlO and she 'Wllllod IO know what llappenod lo good old~ !ihe lllled tbal bcr pandfad,or ploMd Broadway and uud lhll Council not change• D7"""" buljusl build III up bdler. (q) R-,y Lll'llrta --.1 lbc 1111 Lal""1a An Cla1lery al 3422 SoUlll Broadway. She said 1h11 ...... bas liltc:nod to poopk ..... about Dr. Gerardi'• plan she .......... ow:,wbclmed by lhc adlWll aspocts o/wllll a,uld IO -.,pcll lO Ei,gle,,ood for many years. Ms. LaPona advised Iba! she lried for a number o/ yean IO gd a C>CJUpic o/ cmamnil)I pn,jecls going and ii did not n:ally gol lhc job done. Bu1 she llld she lhiw we now blw: die opponunil)I, with lhc communil)I llallding behind us, 10 do oomcthing grtal DOI only for our immedialc communil)', bul she felt we llllo ....S IO think I Arapahoe Cow>l)I . She said she lhinks Ullieloo bu been sulfcring for I "CIY long time u lar < ~ lhcir plays and all of lhcir adlunl activities going and keeping poopk mcciYllod. She said .,.. -.o put lhc entire lhing into ponpoctive, we m ltlliag • • poiDI 1h11 could change Ibo history oCEngJewood. She mted 11111 'Whal Ibey uc proposing lhrougb Dr. Gmnli •• plan is not somdhiJlg jusl for our immodiale oommunil)I, bul for all o/Dtavtr. Sbc lllid sbo thinb it is 'Mlllllor1\iJ, thll wo baYc IO blw: a lranondolis vision for lhi&. and she lhlnb it is pmsil,le. She C0IIUIIOIW:ld that Ibey bad Ibo Director o/lhc Denver Ccn1>r oCPtrforming Arts ,peak ad lie said Ibo Cil)I o/Deovcr makes more moaey from Ibo r.aforming an c adhft 11111, lboy blw: from Ibo sports illwlved. Sbo ubd Qmicil lO .iliilt about II>'.' She poialcd OU1 Iba! WO have 11rtrucndous opportwlil)I bcre and lbc hoped WO -.Id not 111111 OW o:r:. · o • il (r) Laun 'Brinkman said Ibo lives in Denver and is Ibo Assislanl PrinciJ>ll off.aglc,,'OOd !ugh School . She oomnenlod 1h11 since she bu been part of Englewood, bccaUlo she is put oflbc school S)'Slem. lhc: one lhing ibat bas imprcaed bcr is Ibis incndible oensc o/ communil)I. Sbc ~ -1,c bas been in lhc school system four yean. She llllal she bu been to Denver Cil)I CGuncil ..-ings and Ibey never bave lhis kind or crowd and lhis kind of suppon . She said she applauds lhc cill=s who are lion:. Ms. ........ ~ .... ...._,.,., . ..... BrinkaMllid1MillllollciecabeUll'ollllol!...-,.sHlpi"dooal ..... IIIIIIIIIIIDr.Omrdl • IP'IU IO '. leldenllipdla SIie oom--.111111"" all ~yo,1111-lle wry ........ IMyCID bo powcd\11 ia a pD1M'C way ud they CID lie powcd\11 iD a m,plive 11111)'. Siio llClllld ... 11M -- lludall l&lllia, ID-IIUdelll ud uatbor IIUdalland anolber llUdall ad•• -IMl ~ llan 10 '""'about, 1o1•, ... involved, lcl'allepnatul. lol'1bcpe,t olwllll .,,_10 CilldalllaC11y. She said 1h11 la a bud.,.._ abc -10jump oa, bocauac if anybody ii powaflll ii la wla a buacb ol youth docido 10 do anelbin& loplbcr ud they-lOdo-uapoailM. Ma. lltulkaa 11111d Ille undenludl lhal ralevdoplDCllt olCindOldla Cily la a bu&c lalk, boll alle ...... IMI c:au..il wllJ IICrioualy CXlllSidtr Or. Gcrwdi 's plan and 1151cD 10 wbal all ~ people ba\le 10111\)'. lllcallc uc IIMI lbc belicveo iD the 11111 ud &be bclJc.a 1h11 thetc an: lludoaU and ,.,..,11 then: 10"""""" ii ad......_,. 11111 communily~iL (1) ~ Cbilden, 3757 SaulbLinc:olll, 1111"1 lie baslivod ial!...-,.sall ollw eightcai yan, -born II SM>dish and WOl1<s al the Coww)• Buffet, Ho aid lillawJ& to the other a>llllDCIIII IM~ bu made him think -tbe fact dial tb1a is a uiqllc..._11i1y ud IUl)'lime or the day lie CID dmc down Blllldwly tod pawn &ll)'lhia& lie -ID, -... a 11UOO ill -plaas, be can 110p II ltboul c:ipl.ccn 7-Elcveu , ud g,:t a slwpy ud if be -aid~ be eould drink ill any n=ber olbul a1oo,a Broadway. He said be is kiddia& ol-. He_,. lie Fl bis..,.,.._ 1cner 10 CX>Ucge _, and be wilJ be &<>in& 10 a liberal -aillqit. He lillid lie •iD .... ill-. U llundnds ol alla pooplc II lhal putlcular aillqe Ille, u well u thousands olpeaple ..-.ywberc: dao. Mr. Childors llalOd the arll and the pcnOrmiD& ans, paillliag, thellcr and music lad CWl}llliata cilo is Rllliy ID ~ pan ol AmcriclD socidy today. He ...-al 1h11 be i-w. ii ilaay to say Ibis ii. rally bi&,-' prqjoct and look II all tloe lilllc tiay tloeMas ill Deaver WI lllrely ... by. BIii. iie said, It is alJo ~ to look al the Arvada Cada lad tbe Dawu Cada b tloe podonailla arts. He DOied 1h11 be n:ally loves to go see plays. but lie does IKII Fl a dlaDcc 10 do ii ado.._ ii is apcmiw and...,. if be tu ooUect aaoup -ii is ...S to ... tictds. Mr. Cllildon _,.11111 thon: NIiiy ii the buo ol pooplc that would Wlllll to go"" thiap II a quali1y pcdormiD& &111 a:ator. lie aid allcr lie ii away a1 • ~ lor lour to six years and 00IIIIS back 10 EDglewood. if you build a Walman lbcre I<..,.,.., it may or may DOI llill be lbcre but lie aid be thinks lie can Jll&rlDlcc WI a pcdonDiQ& arll oompl<x would ,liJJ be thon:. He said be is laking thclter classes oow and be looked II dill"crait places be a,uld do that and the only place..,.. ACC and tbc Alvada Ccoter, but be Slid be C1D1101 drive 1p tbeR. He said tbcrc uc all kinds olpooplc 1h11 .,..Ill 10 UK this. He Slid that if you maa.c a quality""""" 1h11 ,.;n mam:tllrcc ill tbe Dalvtr llldrO area. -DOllh, one CCDlrll and one IOUth which be said be feds only .nakcs ..,.., He said it is easy to come up ,.;th a quick fix, knock stuff' down and build more SlWI: But be said be bopc5 Council ,.ill lorl,; ahead 10 wbeo their children come back to Englewood 1h11 th-ft 'MIi be IOIDdhing thc,c bcsl<lco more empty stores 1h11 they can be proud or. (t) Aun Nabholz, 2990 South Delaware, Slid she 001111S 10 Cowx:il tonight as tbe IDOlb, of 1 fin! grlldcr and a ,'Olunt= II Bishop ElcmeDta,y School . She llllal tllal due IO tbe pandc and IA',; childrco r=ivin& tbc best man:bing youth a,wd, tbc cxcitcmoot II tllal dmalar)o ICbool .... boal OOII· Slop. Sbe said they put out a Oyer throuiJ, the parcol IQm to see if tbe kids ~ be iJlla<l10d iD any kind ol clubs. She lll1td they wen: iDtcrcstcd iD thincco dill"crent clabl lDd ...,., ._ -dlama, oookiDg llld. a,mputcr. Ms. Nabbolz said she took drama which she Im DOI load siDct bigb IICllool. Sb: ldvucd that they an: very excited. She lll1al their fint production will be "WIiy Do Pirates Take a Bllhr, and as ti-kids are II ID aac iD life wbcrc they do DOI like to lake hllhs. it is...,. mon: hilarious. Ms. 1'jabholz CDCOUnlgal Council to please like i look II Dr. Geranli's plans, Sbe said she , 100. played ill that park as a little girl and the,. is ID0lbcr gcnc,atioG olkids coming up 1h11 we""'"'' ,-i 10 put this ,.;th them . (u) Ray Hobnson, 4111 South Linooln, Slid be did oot come tooighl planning IO speak. But as be listcocd he Slid be felt that they nccdcd to pull together IODIC things that wen: bint..s at. He • ......,...ai,c-cu , .. .,,.,, .. .," ...,,11 aid blllu>llycametoB~.....,be-la theMh p,,de. Afll:t padulllq6omE..-,d High School be left fbr rJOllele and Illa llnt,lall and WU .... tllf IIYOlal,..., bul DOW be Illa, back home. He lllled thail l!qlcwood hM IIMyt'l.een a spoclal Cllllllsnily from Ille tlJDc lit wu a lt\d oa bocau1e ll WU a unique COIIIIDIIDlly. Ho aald If you So up lo Ambenl 111d nartb you --. la a Cily, you Slay down bcrc 111d you wcre la a aJIIIIIIWUly. Mr. ~ llllilllalMd 1h11 il -unique bocaur.i il bad lblnp you did DOI llnd anywberc dJc. Ho 11id be lhinb-put olwbat made Cindadla Cily succasrur wbcn il came OUI wu bota.e it -unique, ll -I~ ud allnclod ~-He aid he bu DOI followed Ille pn)lftll IO doeiy SO 1h11 be knows mr:lly where M lie II la lbe flnallzalioe al plans. Ho COIIIIDODlld 11111 you aoo lhlnp in the pope, 1h11 makes you lhiM 1h11 il bu been prdly well -la 00IICttlC or awful clale to IL He 000UIICllled thal be hope, il is DOI thal dollC. He llld be lhinb then: have been .,me COlllllll!llls mode ud iome Idols and fcclinp VCllled bore lalligllt thal Ill', Council pleuc do DOI do eometbln& tbtl evtty acber communlly is doing. do DO( just lake llldjump DD oomebody ehe'a band WIIOn that I«-111 our uniquc11C11 that IDlka "' wlnenble to aoilla do,,n the tubes with the l'CSI of lhcllC places when lilUllioDS change. ffc Cll0llllrqcd Council to do ~I that is going to be unique enough !Ml il will 11111d and help us lo be the kind ol oommwlily that people WIDl to live iD and a plaa: that uya I am glad I live in Englewood, I am glad I don't live In all thelC other places around us buuse Englewood is spt.:ial. (v) Carolya Tile, 2791 South Emenon, s:a1M she is ID English teacber II Eagk.-...iod High School. She aid that she bas been bcre lina: Clndcrdla City apcoed ud ooe ol'the lhlnp silo has al..-.ys appreciated about Englewood is 1h11 lhls ; 'unique communily. It is I IUbwt> but il does DOI lack what acber subwt,s lack. IS it bas I fOQIS ud a ..enter. Ms . TIie aid she lhinb M 1-1 to look II the heart ol' Englewood and say how do 'M: want to like can: of'thal heart. She CIDIIUDCllled that she feds that the pcaibilily ol' having a cullW'al arts CZDltr bcrt is very excitina. la 1994 when then: wu a lol ol discussinn al>oul wbll..., 1oing to happen to Cindeldla City, she llllled that she asked bcr Sllldenls if they 'Milled to 'Write...,, ' She aid that one of lbc things 1h11 they .....,,ed vay much. ,.,.. to have IOmething for the IIUdcnts and DOI mate it eometblng that people jusl use, but find a plaa: for sludeuts to spend time. Ms. Tate SIIICd she feds thal lbc cullW'al arts centcr-,Jd cenainly pn,vidc that and in a very positive way. She OOIIIIDCllled 1h11 she feels il ""'1ld draw people here and add I touch ol class. She oaid she also read the article in The Wall Sln:ct Journal and she aid she thinks that if then: MR somelblng that has lllelllion gelling appearance from Hampdca il will draw people in, inslad a Rgular box ol a stoR . Ms. Tile aid she bad invited a friend of bert from lbc Colorado Mounl2iu Club to come to the meeting tonight but she became ill. Her friend is very active in lbc Colorlllo Mountain Cub, she said, and lbcR.,. thousands of membm in the mdropoli\an .,..._ She DOied 1h11 Ibey frcquenUy Olpl)~ evenings wbeR lhc: members can join logclbcr and be in a cullW'al group. She oaid lhcy drnw from all of the subwban areas and Denver and lhls would be a wonderful an:a for people lo come and really experieoce iomethiog unique in Englewood. (w) Kay Touchette, 3057 South Fox Sltt:cl. oaid that she is ID 18 ioonth old resident and bas owned a house for eight months . She said she knows she bas to get in involved in the community. She oaid she thinks lbc ideas tonight a,c Rally good. Ms. Touchdle commented 1h11 she bas thne children . She stated ll'.31 when she sees lloe graffiti and things il Rally buns. Because she raid she is from a really tiny ;,!oce in upsllle New York and thcR a,c some really DOIi towm back bome and then: is a sense ol oocurir• th....... She OOIIIIDCllled that they do nol need to have ncigbborbood Walch because C\~y knows what CYCrybody is doinglDyv,'I)'. Bul she said wber• she liv.. theR is a pica, of property 1h11 bas a dq>OI OD ii and she hopes 1h11 il looks IS nice IS it does in the h'bruy !Olllcday. She oaid she and lbc neighbors look al il and wonder wbll they IR going lo do with il and she really does not 'tnow what is going lo happen to it She stated theR is an extra piece of property which sbe would 10',: 10 ""' IS a small park and as a pRvious lady said about """'1ing the flowers, she said she would plant lbcm III I take good care of them as long as she is beR M,. Touchet1e said lhal she thinks beautifying the COD\l ,,unity makes w pn,ud of oor ommunity also . Hopcfull y, she commented, Council will think about these ,roposals eeriaally 11111 IIOljull look II m lib 11111 ls,i,&1l IMnlp)' lo Id 11111 olf cu cir.It. SK 111d It Is lmponut 11111 CouDcil 11111 tho cle\leloi-U..... to Ille c:ilimls ud sbe oald sbe llapco lllc cle\leloi-ls bore 11111 ..awi,. Ml. T-,i,,ac m cn1a1itIsllllpONmtou11a11o tho pq,lcbecaa w bowwbal .,..-,i 111d wc bow.,._ we want She aJ111111111a1a1 tho hip school IIUdcDU becaa • aid it Is Rally CO<>I 11111 Id ilM>lvod. (x) . William SlmoalOII, 2911 Saudi Cllawc, advised 11111 be Is(;.>_. old 1111d I• liwd in tho llouoe liDcc be MS born. He said 11111 loaldna around Ille room be .... -.y: eo,--lc be b aws. He 00111111C111a11h11 be .... tho pork lhll -torD down to build Clndcrdla City. Ho llid be p.Tivilcp tho pm:s 11111 lmllllioa lhll Ille Clly bu. He llrellOd 11111bewantsCouncil10111:e a real IIRIII& loci. 11 the -i,1e lilliq bdwld him. He lllled thal this ii a 1111111 part of the W, ol~ ud Counril lllould I-. lo ti-people. He Slid be bu ll)CIII 22 )'Cll1 II the City's holidaly puade M I judge ript aioa¥ with Dr. Gaudi. He advilod thal be MS ID auwialy cop for AX )'Cll1 la~ M I wlunteer. The -... did DOI contlauo be acled, ii becawc be has I handicap ud they docidod IO --., be -IUIOIDllica!ly OU1. He said thal hurt vay, vay much. Mr. s~ paiDMXI 0111 1h11 Iller be left EagJowood he spent 22 )'Cll1 IS I Sheridan wlllDICICr fireman . He Slid be liYcl ia E..-,od_ So.'CS EagJowood 111d his hcatl is in EngJcwood, bat Sberidan pvc him a cballeqo. He said -ts II Goddard Middle Scbool rigllt DOW, 1h11 be bas put 35 )'Cll1 in acbool work. Pan of thal .ult WIS in Englewood ud port ftS in Sbcridan. lie Slid tlitft ii ao bdlCr man than Dr. Gcnnli ud lllerc am no bdlCr people tban they have ri&ht bcrc. He stated be ~ wilh the kids, he is I counselor, a lunch room ud pla)'poulld supcrvbor. He mainllincd 1h11 -ol Council sits on the dc:slt rip! bore ud they do DOI &el GIii of this room. He med Council why they not &el out of tho room 111d loct lnlUDd and -wbll they '111\'C ia EnglcwDOd. Mr. Simootoa Slid be liYcl DCX1 door lo I man wllo Is ia bcaor sllapo than he Is, be has l'M> llands ud two feet. He Slid wbca be came back from \'ICalioa Council bad put a '1lle in that all campon llad 10 be olflhc sired. He stalc:I be would have goctcn,....,.... if his camper bad bccll aone. He aid it toalt him l'M> ....ts lo &el hiJ camper. He Slid be bad lo take I lrOe dowL ffc a>aUIICIIIDI that be has doDeCYCf)'lhing thal the Cily bas asbd. ffc Slid hiJ neighbor bas I IJIICt cm Ille sired 1h11 ii IS big IS his camper which he bas to mp in the back. l'llinlin& II Council, Mr. ~ Slid thal he bas allod ll<r ud she baso 't done anything so be quit. but he said he slill So.'CS EnglcwDOd. He maintained 1h11 tbis cmcr will help Ille kids olEnglcwood. He said he MDIS Ccluncil lo take I \'Cf)', very strong loot. He Slid be will contlauc to W\)lk the pll1ldc, that be Is proud lo work the pa,adc. ffowe\,er, be said be bad to put up a privacy fence clear around his bousc, that he gas along with the man. He says the neighbor says be bas a heart problem and ~ be paints his house up oo top and be docs not think it has been fair to him or his wife. He said they bad to go into debt to put in the fence. He said the center is SOD'Clhing that be will use and nc thanked Dr. Gcran1i for ailliog it to his attcntiOII. He asked again that Council take a very IIRlng look. . . (y) Jack Slicmcrs, owner oCthe Moss Rock Shop 113461 South Broadway, said he bas been 11 that location M nine months, but in the mdropOlitan llf'Cl for 61 years. He said be bas seen a lot of things come and go lll'OUDd the City as be was sure Council bas. He D<ud that Council has beard a lot of people talk tonight from their bean about the soul oCthe communily. He maintained that art and cult= is at the soul of bwnanily. He said ,: ba,,c done a lot to prolCC1 the materialism ol ow lives, we bavc done a lot to take care of the ccoDOm1c and physical side of ourselves, but our 5lllll e CnqucnUy neglect . He Slated that br. Gcrudi and mosl the people spoke to the soul and it dcscrvcs llllelltioo becawc when the soul tics the rest docs oot mean ·mucb . He said that the dcvclopcr may have a visioo and the community bas obviously spo,c about their vision . However, be Slated, the question ism they the same vision and can they come togi.1.bcr and do something that this oommunity will rally be proud of. • Mayorllunlldlllad-,-flrcaaiaa...iaJ,t. HolllUillbll-,--.,._to,_b11io raloltbe.-illl-HcldvilodlllllU.C...il1-pmiodM1M .... o/1M~lbr.-:il memhen. OIi bellalf o{ Council, Mayor Burm, said bf i'liell they lllC all q,ilte thrUlod to -die mtblllium IIDd i.r.. iD 1M ..,._..ty. . I . ,::--■!cadoet, •roclaaadouu• Appole._.11 There were no mmnu,nkalin~ proc1amatiolt&. or appoiDllneaU. 9. Mlle Baria& No public ber · 'I wu lChoduled bcfon: Council . 10. c..-A.,..i. MAYOR BURNS llMOV£D AGENDA rn:111 ~o (1) [II) no~ THE CONSENT AGVal.\. COUNCU.MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED,AND rr WAS SECONDEn, TO Al'V'ROVT. CONSENT AGENDA In:M 10 (a) (I) ON FDIST Rf.ADING. (a) Aj,prlMoofirslRcadin& (i) A MOTION TO APPROVE TI!E 1996 COmllACT Fi.lo\ .UN!J'Ql.\4 CLEANING TO QUINCY Cl.EANERS IN TI!E AMOUNT OF $31.)11>.bO . Vole ,-Jt,: Moliou carried. Ayes: Cowx:iJ Mcmbcn llllhr,,ay, Vonniuag. Wiuiu, Habeai<:111. w...-,, Clapp, Bums Nays: Nono (Ii) Mayor Bums -thal this i,. roconuntDdaliOD from the Housing Aulbority IO adopt • bill for ID 0~ app,uving lhc Ale of lhc following properties dcvdopcd for !be BUU.D project : 2035 Wat Hilwdc Avcnuc, 2073 Wat Baltic Avenue, 2083 Wat Baltic Avawc, and 4801 South Granl Slffl:t.. He said thal Housing Specialist Nc511er is pl<Stlll Mayor Bums explained that be cannot panicipalc in this discussion b<clusc be is Chairman of lhc Housing Aulhority. He adviS<d tba1 be will DOt participate and will al>otain fu m vatuJ&. Ho med that Mr. Ncsllcr explain lhc pn,poa l,ill to Councll . H<lllliq Spocialill Ncsllcr adviaed lllet lie is iD the Housing Division. He said they bavc pwcl,MUI four propcrtie5 for the BUU.D Prog,am and what they arc aslting for is permission IO acll them. Ho Sllled they ,riU sell them 1ri!h a ocw bousc buill on those loU . The houses ,rill be ,old within 7"/4, plu, or IIWlus, of the appraia:d .alllO. The valoc is sci usually air of the buildiag plan, and they u1111lly IOU them by Ille time the house is finisbod. The Ciiy Clcrlt read Council Bill No. 9 by title: COUNCIL BILL NO . 9, INraODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER VORMITTAG A BILL FOa AN ORDINANCE APPMVINO 1111! SALB Ol' l'OUlt PllOPl!ltTD!S, WHICH Wl!RE OEVELOfl!D FOil 111B "Btm..o" PllOJBCf, ON 111B OPEN MARKl!T. COUNCIL MEMBEll VORMJ1TAG MOVED, AND rr WAS SICONDlb, TO APPROW AGENDA !'TIM JO (a) (II) -COUNCIL IILL NO., ON nRST llADING. Council Member Habeoidd ubd if lllcoe 1R dc.clopod propertla. if Ibey IR ll<ma. Mr. Ncsllcr said that -1R almost lini&hcd, one is swtlng 1odly aod OIIC 1llcy IR -· Rady ID IWl lie explained that Ibey m oomina IO Council before 1hc boulet .,. UWUled oa tbc opeo lllllbt. Ho said wbal Ibey UIUllly do is pu1 I gn,up of four IOgdllor a, they do D01 bave lo do ii e,ay -- VOie rtadb: Ay,:s : Nays: Ahltain: Motion c:anicd. Council Membcn ll>thaway. Vonnilll&, Wigins, llabcnic b~ Wauoncr, Clapp None MayorBums (b) Appro,,,: on Second Reading Tllcn: _,, no additiooal items submittal for approval on IIOCOod ....iing. (See Agenda Item 11 (b).) 11 . Onllauas, llt:lalo,1iou ud Mo1ioa1 <•> ApprtlYC oa ,1111 Rc:adina (i) Dircc1or Eslcrly prosented a rccommendalion from 1hc i)qlartmcnl of Public Worts 10 .. a bill ilr u ordiDuce l!IPIOVUIB I CINIUICI with the Colorado I>q,anmo,,1 of Transponalion to slllR the C051 of the Dartmoulh Bil:e Trail pn,;,cts. He said Ibey previously addrosscd these 1hRc issues, one of them is 1hc Dartmouth bil:c lDil II Cushing Parle, B"""""1,y lidc'Mllu and ildcwalks on Belleview II Broadway. He 5llled lhcsc 1hRc projcds bave boea combiDcd illlO one. He 1l0led that ill 1994 Council pas,cd 1hRc scpmte onlilwlces 1h11 authorize c:olllrxlS for 1hc design of lhcsc 1hRc projcc1S . At Ulis time, be cxplaiJlcd, 1hcy have liken bids oa tbc projcc:1s and 1hcy an: re:ommcoding 1h11 CoaaciJ appro,,: this bill for an ordinance 1h11 -,Id """""" a c:ootract with the Color3do Depanmcllt olTraruponation 10 allo w us to participate in 1hc COS1 af oonsuuction and c:oOJlnlCtioo cngin<ering for this ISIClllblcd P' jcct in 1hc amow>1 of$S4,509 . Council Member Hathaway C01111DC11lod th·, :us is 1hc culmination af a lo1 ol)'Cllt of dfon of1Jying to get the bil:e paths through. Sbc explained ;at the Rood plain, urban drainage programs and everything else had IO prt:adc this. Ms. Hathaway r, • ,tainc:d 1h11 with the bcautilicatioa along San1a Fe this is probably ooe of the ,_ \-1 aras aroo.• righl now ID keep pedcstriam and bic,-lc 1nffic Ilk going around Sanra Fe and Darunootb. Council Member Waggoner ubd if t!o ', is a 00110 cx<:eod or if this is on a pen:,cntage basis, 1bcn: bcillg ,,. Uppct limit DinctorEslcrly explained lhal there isn'I I 001 IO cxceod clause ill the c:onlract. He said IL""' ba\'t the bid pri ,,. ill ftool ofus fr om Luna Consuuction who ii the low bidder al $281 ,000 . He .oi .d 1h11 after the Cokndo Dcpartmcnl of Transponalion (CDOT) I added ill $75 ,000 wnnb of contingencies and sr:vcraJ Olhcr things 1hc IOlal pri ce bas gone up lo $442 ,000 ml this is our 20% stare oflbat bul 1bcn: ii aJsady a bdly contiogeoc:y in1ba1. He .Ulod. th ·I although 1hcrc is oo upper limit specified in 1hc c:onlract with COOT .... arc c:omfonab lc that thi s number ii DOI going 10 be cxcccdcd. • • • • ...,...ai,c-11 ,.....,, .. i ~ ... ,, Mayor&n»ubd lldle lidowalk projccl oa die_. lido ollldleYlew ii t\c amc lidonlk prqject lllcy wae lllldq lboul lul ,-r, -ol~,.,.. we._.. lllldq lboul llkiq t'-polol ....,._ Dim:IOI' E,laly aid diere ii I potlioa ... aad -o/Broadway, thc paniaa Mat we wae 1llldDc lboul llklD& polol don ia poople'1 backyudl ii a pa,1ioa 1h11 llal beco oauued from Ibo pRJject. CGw,cil Membet llalbnay llked lllhll ii the-. flam Fedaal to Lowdl . Mr. l!llaly 111d .._ lbal ..,. .,.. over call o/Broadway. Mayor B11n11 llked if-olBroadway llal boat taken OUI aad wllal bappened Ill that. Mr. l!llaly 111d I &bolt ponioa ol ii WU, diere -ilo fuDdiDi in thil projccl for right olway acquisilioll and diere -1.nsufficient ~ Ill have the utilities and the S:dewalb exilt in the 11111e place. Mayor &rm liked if that ii wbeR lllcy llave tbo1o buF double pala DOrth cfillllMlw. Mr. Elt..°'Y sald be WU DOI"'"' be could dacfibc die polol, but diere ii DO,_ for die polol ud die sidewalk 10 l"J<ill II the ame location. He advillld lllal Public Semcc Company Ml IIDWilliaa Ill undergnJwld tbolo faci1iliel out ia thc roadway. Mayor Bumi llked if diere ii aay UDdupoundina th= II all that is ...... 10 bappctt. CounciJ Member Wigim Mlled diere is ia die--projccl lllcy 1R doing oa dlecait lido ollldlevicw and thc -lido o/Broadway. Mr. l!llaly adviled that diere is quilc I bit o/w,derpowldiQ& 1h11 already bas~ Oil tll<n, bul tbae llC die ....... ~oa WIIS. CGw,cil Member Waagoaer said 1h11 Director Eaaty made the oomaM WI Public Service Co,.apaay is unwilling 10 .,....s -,, 10 underpound. He llked Mr. Eaerty ;r..,. llave u..i up all or our .uoi- oa UDdcrp'l,wldiag. Mr. Es1crly answered that lllcy--. unwilling 10 IUldctgrow,d by pulling it out ia thc roadway and thcy ..... 11DW11u11110 rdocalc ii willlout III proYidiD& thcm with the right ohay, and diere was no provision Ill acquire righl olway in die an,jllll lllllmillal 10 Cl>OT for 1h11 pR)ject. Moya, Bums asked if that can be n:visiled Iller or is it jllll plr)-sically impossl"ble. Dueaor Esterly IIISWeffld that ,.. certainly can look II doing it Iller. He sald wllll we would MDII up doing is acquiring addiliollll right of way Oil thc DOrth side olBdleview and PIii lo die DOrth side olllella,iew • are DOW ICJUII UIID people's backyudl. He sald the rcooe Lino is ria)II • die right olway line 11-.cre. it is ""'l' tighl. Direclor Es1crly liii<I WC would be into people'• beckyuds and diere -I desire OIi co .. ncil that .... DOC .. illlo tbolo pcoplc 'sbackyudl whoa wcvisiled 1h11 bldt iD 1994. Mayor B11n11 asked if it is DOI llllC thal ISTI!A projccU are always ovmubscnoed u far IS tl>e IIDOUIII or_,, available anyway. Mr. Eaaty said yes. that funirc pn,jc<ts are. CGw,cil Member Habcaicht asked if anyone bas lakCD the time 10 perhaps visit v,ith ti-neighbors. She suggested that those ncighbon might find this 1111\-antap,us and thcy might invilc us into their bldtyanls. Dirt>ctor Esterly said that thcy have DOI bad lhll discussion with lhlJOC poople. Ms. Habenicht asltcd if that is something wc can do. Mr. Esterly said that it is something that wc coold do but DOI within thc time frame or the project that is before us right now. The City Clerk wu asked 10 read Council Bill No. 6 by title : COUNCil. BIU. NO . 6, INTRODUCED BY COUNOL MEMBER HAlHA WAY A BILI.. FOR AN ORDINANCE A\mlOR!ZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL A<.lREEMENT BFIWEEN 1HE STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND lHE CJTI' OF ENGI..EWOOD, COLORADO FOR n!E COST OF CONSTilUCTION AND CONSTilUCTION ENGINEERING FOR n!E DARTMO\ml BIKE TRAIL PROJECTS . COUNCll. MEMBER BA'I'HA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (11 -COUNCIL BILL NO. 6. Council Member Wiggins asked if thc bike trails "'OUld have any wgnal lighll and if they could bave Dashing signals late at night so they can move throolgh. Dirt>ctor Esterly answered that that bas 1101 been included in the existing sa,pc but they would be glad to talk lhout it later . ModCIII caniod. Ayes: Council Mcmbcn HalllaMy, V"'111111q. W-,gjlla. Habonich~ W,uoncr, Clapp, Bums Nayl: None (b) Approw, .. Sccood Readln& COUNCIL MEMBER BA111AWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITDl!l 11 ~) (I) ud (U) ON SECO, 0 llADING. (i) ORDINANCE NO 4, SE!'.ll:!; OF 1996 (COUNCll. IIIU. NO. J, INTilOOU<E> BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIOOINS) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 1Tll..E 16, OIAPTER 4, SECTION 10, PAP.AGRAPH C, AND TITLE 16, CKAP1ll. I , SEcnON I, OF 1llE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 198' TO SPECIFICALLY ALLOW SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITALS OR CLINlCS AS A PEllMrrTED USE IN nm 8-1 , eusn-ress DISTRICT IN 1llE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . - ("ti) ORDINANCE NO . 5, SERIES OF I 996 (COUNCll. BnJ. NO. 4, INTilOOUCED BY COUNCU.. MEMBER HABENIOIT) AN ORDINANCE CREATING A CUL'IURAL ARTS COMMISSION FOR lllE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . Vou.-ltr. Ayes: Nays : Motion carried. 12. GattalllilculiOII (a) Mayo(s Clioia: Council Mcmbcn llalhlway, Vonninag. Wiagins. Habenicb~ Waggoner, Clapp, Bums None I. Mayor Bums thanked cvcryooc who appear,d this ~ to discuss the Cindcrclla City rcdcvdopmcnl He commented that Council bas said Ill aloog that the rcdcvclopmcnt process of Cindcrclla City first involved getting control of the site. For the last fowuen IDOlllhs, he said. siDcc the developer ""' ,clectcd, this is what the City bas bccn attempting to do. He asscncd that the developer can DOI be active and tenants can not be signed up until cootrol of the site is ollCaincd. Mayor 8w1lS ltalcd that it ""' IDDOUDClXI II the press confcreoa: a couple of weeks ago that the City oow bas an agr=IDCIII for transfer of the title to the real estate to the City and, ullimllcly, to thc tlcYdopcr. 'Ille IIOXI COD1J11C1 the City will be 'Mllting on. he said, is the contraa with thc dcvclopcr. He pointed out that the cootract bas provisions when:b)' thc City docs not have to ICCCpl wha!cvcr the developer gives us. However, be noted that he cannot go into all the details now bcca1,sc Council will be dealing with this in Executive Session. Mayor Bums rc1atcd that the public process tl•ll was discussed at the last public meeting in March of 1994, is just about to begin . He said then: bas not bccn an accepted plan and that hearings have not even been held °" an accepted plan. Mayor Bums assured the audience that the public process that was promised bas not yet taken place, but rather, is now about to begin . He said Iha~ even though the I • • • dewlopcr-oelccledby d>ccommlnco, Ibey are D011"1W>JerCOtllrlel .n1' lllcCitybocaulo we baYal't W..-llllflltllellitle. 8-a lie is a vol...,._ l'or d>c Deaver Caller for d>c Performing Arts, Mayor Bums aid be bu...., ..... t1dw:lllllallbp,evi-iytbllt ......,pn,aledbyl>r. Gmnll lhis ....... Hellidlllia, toblm, d>cper-,e.....a-111e-tbo_.,.........__1D_dlcirownC011udlbo _ _.,_.ilwbllt11eyme10....,.,....-,11e,tkll«by~wcdo1Jan« wllllew:r. Ht aid the lllllCril1s indic:alc that estimaled ..,.,i income is~ IMlll)'-IIIRe per.-and =-riblled '-is lboul lwttlly-paceot fbr Ille 0.,.., Center lbr Ibo Paforming Ans, 'diJe Ibo Arvada Cclllcr lbowl six1y-twO ,._ --and IW!ty-clpt pa0tlll COIIIJillulld illcomc. Uttleton Town Ans Center r=WI thiny.faur percent Cllllld ~ and uty-six pa.-Is a,n-..1, and the Awora Fox Tboaler lbowl fO<ty paccot earned IDcome aod six1y percent contributed. Mayor Buru poin!M out that 0-flcilitia do DOI fund themsclYU, but have to RCCive c:onlribuliaas to _.., He IWlld, • Dr. Gcanli llid. tllil Isl City pn,;ect. Tbo llll 1acilily •ill be built with tuplyer c1o11an, 1ie lllid. u11 will• 11e btiilt by 111e cboclopcr bocaa it .,;u 11011111b a pn,fil. He a..w that if ii Is baiJt by the taxpaya1, lhrouaJ, a bond iuue 0< whatever, then the ans center will have to be maimaiaod ud 00lllimally fudod if it doem't poy lbr illdf. He aid the CIOOIKnics tithe issue mu,t be ~ ...... it-be funded iD .......... way . Mayor Bums aid Ille adhlnl lrtl oenter is • .....i.rful idra. bul the citizms...,. llllllenWMl wllal Ibey are up aplna. He 111d tllere 1111111 be aome means iD plaoe v c:mllllllly raisi.q money far llll-IUCb II lbi&. He 111d tllal he bclieYol Ille An-ada Cultunl Ans Center roceiYOS a millioa dollaB from the City ti Arvada each year. The City of E..........,i bas beea bud pRDOd. aid, with 11,c ffllldlia8 fll CIDdcrella City, ID maintain its budget Ibo last cooplc fllycars. He a.al 1h11 the,._,..., ndM:lopmenl of Ciadetdla City bu beea the a>men1011C to revitalizt Englewood's income. He IOOt .-with Or. Gerardi'• -lhal liJbt rail infonnalkm to dot,, bas beea directed toward buiJdiac lipt rail ID_,, -pc:oplc to doMlto-.'l l>eoYor. He aid WI is .. wbal Ibey IIIYe been doiDg. He IIIICd Ibey have appm,ed many times bdaft Ibo Regioni1 Tnn■pal1llioa Di11rk:t (RID) Baud •ilh regard to liaJ,1 rail. Mayor Bwns rolalod 1h11 be bas made three tripo to Washington D.C. last year to tcslify befon, the lloue Comminee .. ~ ~-and -with Ibo Sc:natocs and lol>bied 1km to gain 1'oir llljlpOlt. He bad a brcall:fasl .-ing lhil maniDg with RTD, Colorado Dqmtma>I of Tramponalion (CDOT) ud Dem..-1tqiona1 Council ti ClcMrmncnU (DRCOG) ID form I POUi> to support funding lb, ligbt rail. He aid he will be going lo WashinglOD D.C. again next wock to testify before the Houoe Appn,prialioaa Subcommittee, ud every time Ibey hi,-. -. they have asserted that the lighl rail will flciliweC00DOIDic ralevdopmenl ofCinderolla Cil)•. Nol oocc. he Iii<!. has he lold lhcm tllal the primary pwpaoe is to movc IUbwba people 10 downtown Denver. Obviously, be Slid. ii 'MJuld be uso! .•m· that also, bul the cornontoo., or their pilCb to all ti ti-comminee■ is f« ecooomic rcdc:wiopmcnt of l'inderolla City . Mayor Bwos aid that RTD stalf his been ddigbted that the de\>eloper sdcc:t«: for 1he siaJ,t his approached them abotJI designing a stop together ilr the Cinderella City mle\'Clopmen~ including buses, car park and light rail. Mayor Bums said be bdiC\-.s that .... e should pre11 lbcad .nth the effort became it is touaJ, to get it fandod and it Is taqh ID get it funded in Wasbia&ton, but it is a well thought out pr1Jject. He Slid be -told todry 11111 Ibo Federal Transil Admiaisln•ion aalJ in Denver ud WllhinstOG think very highly ti this project Mayor B,:m aid we do DOI -to IOIC lhc -)'COIi of 1'<lrl< that his been done OD lhis developmcnl. He said ·oe does 00( Milt to 1-00c the developer bcfa<e public inpul bas beea ,..,.;vec1 « bcforo the design phase bas even happened. Mayor Bums lnvitM the audience's participatioo in the upcoming public mec.;ogs. stating that be would also lilte the ,leveloper ID be very much invoh>od. He again thanked "'U)'OIIC r« coming. (b) Council Maobcrs Choice (I) Cow,c:iJ Member Hadllwly uko I lhal llladl be approyed rm Mll)'Or Barm' lrip to Wullia&loo D.C ... bcl>alfof the RT1> lct,bylsU. COUNCU. MDOIR HATHAWAY MOVED, AND IT WAS DCONDID, AIJTBORWt EXPI.NSIS UP TO AN -'MOUNT NOT TOD CUD S1500.N F\?R MAYOR BURNS TO ATTEND WBATI.VU THE RTD LOHYIS~'S NI.ED HIM TO AlTEND IN WASHINGTON, D.C ND.'T WUX, A DA.Tl. TO Bl DI.TI.IIMINID, Motion carried. A,-: CGwlcil Membcn llalhaway, Vormitlaa, Wigins, Habcaic:iil, w...-. Clapp, Burm Nays: No. Cowx:il Member IIMblny 00IIUDClllod 1h11 lbt knows ~ Bumi will ~ lo do I pd jal, pushina Ibo raa 11111 it;. Eaclewood '• Cladtrelta CilY P"80CI 1h11 is..., 10 -a11 or ... .u. Mayor B111111 CIIIIIII-.I llaat Duo Seymour's llltcmall 1h11 be 1111d .-c1owa ad apote to RT1> on Englewood'• bolialf-c:amcl and be wu told lhat. wllCD RT1> .-i Ir. flnl1i2o tloo plans for U.. lipl rul in Sq,lcalller, EqkM,od bad made Ibo clill'aeoce in 1h11 _......., i1 cbupd a few minds down lhcn:. He said lie really _,,ciaU:d the aupport oflbo people oCEagkwood for 11111 ligbl nil line. Council ~ illlhn11)' ioviled all ialcralod parties to -t"" mccling ICbodlllod for Febnmy 26, 1996, prawubly • 6:00 p.a. wbao Ibo llillDIY oCCiodtrdla City rii bo: ~ ad lplll1MI ollbo Millcr-Kilddl conceplUal plan will be IOUpl Mayor Bwm aid lie ', aat..,. I.hey will be~ Ibo plan. ML lillllaway ""l'ODdod lhll it is worded tbal ,..., .. Ibo _,,.,, but obviously it has a loac way to ao, SIio aid lbt .._ab• Ibo bisloly mipl be al eat, as wdl II the Miller-K.ildlcll COll0eplllll plaa dinctioo. (ii) Cowlcil Member Vonnittag llllod 11111 bc is ia fmw olthe cultur>I UIS racility, bul he raniDdal Ibo raidcDls that Mlllll lbeir input WU IOUpl rqa,ding I new displcb and Dq1U18 the disp31 cb facilily ia En,Jcwood. I.hey overwhebningly Milled to mp ii locR. But ia Ncwanbcr, wbcn lhcy ~ asked if lhcy ....,. lrilliDg lo pay for iL there wu oo sapporl He said be lbinl:s the di..-i, and fire truck are pfflty imporwll loO, bul when it came 10 paying for ii lbc citiz.cos said DO. He aid Iha! he would like Ille issue be put to the voters to ,.. if they really WIDl ao UIS facility and if lhcy are lrilling 10 pay for ii ud maiala· ll iL He Aid all the citiunl lhould bave I wioc ia Ille -• DOI just I couple lhousaod 0UI ol lbc I .wty 111auanJ Englewood n:sidenls becllllc CYCl}IIDC will UOC IO poy for it He said a f,l\cco year old bUlldiaa like Foley'• a11y have lo be n:placcd ia l1lOlbcr fiftcca ,eus. He llid Cowlcil just wants to be clear aad fair for evcl)t>ody. (iii) Council Member Clapp said she waotcd IO_.,.. everyooo wbo came out lonighl Iha! Council is llkillg approprialr. steps make sure 1h11 M Ft IOIDCthing .. tbc Cindc,dla City Sile thaL overall. people 1'ill be plcucd with . She said they are goiq IO bave a lol Clfp,blic iapal OIi Ws and lhat Cooncil is ccrllialy oo lrying 10 p,ooccd with ii behind closed doors or anything like that. She said she appn,cilst.l ---•• inpul and llalcd hopefully Council will CQIIWlUC 10 na:iYc their mppo,t on this proja:t. (iv) Council Member Waggoner agnicd Iha! a ballot issue should be pul togtlhcr for the November dectioo 10 learn whether there is support for a mill IC\)' to hel p pay for a ailtunl UIS facility . He said now is tbc lime lo gel sw,cd on ii. Also. he said thal if anybody is going to do a fcasibilil y study ii is another opportunity for the people that "~re here this evening to stand up and be I • • • t • ...,...a,c-ca ......, .. "" ... ., .....S. liclllllfllod 1h11, ifwe do I foaol,llfty lbldy, llleCity _. dollubdollar......._ _ CM be niledllytlle ClOIIUDUIUly to_.. I llad,iJily lbldy. (v) Council Mmber Rabeaicllt ..,..s willl CA,aaciJ Member w...-,. Sbc llid 1featilitylbldy6irallnc1111C0111crud....,.__•lhislilo,D111C0111Cftnl.julluDr. Gcnrdi bad n,qllCIICd li!IJ Mllina-Sbe said the City aould ,apGDd to that n,quaa 111d F fcnud with lhat wida aaamitment Crom tile~-n. .........,.S tbal lllo-Cliltwal Alls c-illioa ml&ht be lllle to help facilitlle for the 1--s ciliz-. She 111d -.,. need ID be taken quiddy and called cm D/lto tnronn them, ID tile Dal -ID two....._ olwllat ii ..W talu: ill 10nD1 olfuadin& to do a feasilbWty lt!ldy. She maiDtalnod lhat M 'M _.. forwud WO need to be thinkiaa olthe MIii and IOul al this ~ly and doing oomcthin& ...,, UDiquc ba-c. She aid lbe bad boped to make I IIIOlioD to do I kasibility ltlldy, but lllted that .... docsa 't bow wllal ii~ Cllllil. She said lime Is al the ...,.,., U this is ID be pen ol the Clnde,dla City me and if iDdoed the !'olcy'1 builJiq ii to be .....S, tla we -to be~ forurd COOCWTCl1dy wlllle ... -"""'11 willl evorythina cllC. Sbc atlled obc bop,s that 11111' CID provide Council aad the citizen1 with what I falilrility lludy ..W Ollllil 10 that IDlldwl& t'urdl CID be niad. She c,cprmod coofidence that the a,mmunity can niJe the -,y IDlldwl& funds, .wing that !hr :.eart and IOul cl this community is bein& tcllcd to the mcalc riaJ,t DOW. Sbe aid that Ille 0011111Hmity ccnainly came forward ID ,_, the ~ parade, pcrlllp& t1'cy can come f<nwd to -I uniqueDea that U ~ alone. She aid 'IIC CIWO it to tboeo wl,o lie~ to follow througJI wida tbat. Mayor Bw,,o aid that if .... are goiq to do I feasibilily IIUdy, WO IIOOII to 11,id out ...., aD it 1'iJl COit aod who CID do it He aid be lmllS ID Cllllsidc party to do the IIUdy, becalllO ilan' may be -,IOI! of beins biuod if they do I~ -'Iii)' or 111c odocr DO ..-'Miil tlle -.It is. He aid be foch very ltJODSll' that the City sbould press ahead with the allltratls, espocially willl the land contJacl on the oonter itself. He aid Equitable is pustu ,g very bani ID I"' that doDt becauoc they .,. cban,u,g the Praidclt and CEO allhc COlllplll)'. He .,,1 J,o docs not Wllll to lose foancca -i. .ulh of work that the City bas done 00 the -to finally gd cvaycmc in place to lrlNfcs the ral -and gd that COAIJICI done. That am111et is COlllingen~ al.,, upon bavin& a cloYclopcr for lbc project. be said. Mayor Burm aid the deYdopcs is ODder abliptioo to do "'->lllldy nothin1 if lbc City docs not bave bim wider CODtJacl. He aid lbc feasibi lity ltlldy could be done • the amc time as lbc planning aad public .-inp. ett. that ...,. diS0JS9ld. He ..i1:ra1ed that bis chid' ama:m is that, an... all the e!l"on that bas beta put in10 the pn>JCCI. that ii not be lost He said that, if the deal is lost, the cen1e> could sit tllerc in the SUi c that "'-.ryonc bas described it tonight for yean ID come, and DO one will ..-anl to IOUCb il He said be thinks "" have lhc opponunity now ID move ahead and he focls .... should do IO. Council Member Habenicht concuned that ..,. should 111CM: ahead. She said that -thing she recognized this MlliDa from people in the audicnce, "• that these are the people who are lbc suons .....,ners or the CXIIIIIIIUllil)'. She said they v.uc there with the City ID support light rail and now they 1R asking tbc City ID lllppOlt them. She aid .... owe tbal ID them. She bled her ~ that lbc !WO )'<Ill wonh or effort ill the proju:t should not be wasted. but said also that the niody years that bave dcYdoped this '-,mmunity sllould not be put uide, but tnasured. She said both issues are wluable 111d impanant and s',e docs not want 10 lose sight of the ooe. for the Dlhu. She said they both must anow. forward. Council Member Waggoocr said the allcr al ooc thousand dollars from Guys and DoUs is a good start -.rds I malching kitty . Mayor Burns said that"" lint need to learn ho..-much the SIUdy will cost Council Member Waggoner said staff sbould be able ID find thal out fairl y qui dtly. Couacil Memllc:rHadolwly aid 1h11, ••--ialolloe foulbllily ..... llllida -IObelllc COIIICIIIUS, • 1h11 we doll'tj,la pndude Clllderella City• beiaa tltc oaly Ille for tWa. sa,, felt we.,... aat put all -egp ia me bMkd ud .-, k bu to be Ille Folc)"1 bulldiaa, It baa ID bo Cllldcrdla City,• lllae in Oilier plMCI 11111 UYe opporlllDity for~ oljllll 1h11 kiDd ol-11111 can be Ill.-• pd if DOI bcnor. . . Couacll Member Habc:lllc:l,t Ilia lhll, ...... Dr. Gaudi -maid ... p, MbOI to tho Oillunl Ans Commlttoe afthe Chamber, wblch ii wbcn: a lot oltheoe ldeu pn,, tbc opiaioe wu lllal then, ii ID UICI in Foley'• baildio&, IIOiDdJwl& to build ... Sbe ald·u they -ID llie COlllDIIUI)', r..o, tlu-oc and fouryan ago the lcloa olariJI& doMI tbt bulllliJI& 11111 alrady exlm did aat ...,.i III diem. Sbe qn,cd with Coancil Member HacbaMy tllll oth,/ u--i.to be looked II, bul aid abc docs aat tliiak we should looe sig!II oltlle faa 11111 tbeR ii a real lboa& UMSlmcftl lbeR ud u -thal CXIUld be capitalizrld on for....,_., bcodl~ tltc deYClcipcn, tltc future ...iJcn, tltc community and the flae uu con:mwiity. . Ml. Halhawly said tbeR ii aho one right ICIQ51. lhc Md. . 13 . CllyM ........ ,ac,ort (a) Oty MaDaF Clari< ro<:oilllllODlk Cooncll ao into Exa:utiv< Session immodialdy following the regular City C'.ouDcil ..-i.og lO dimm a pending ral -_.,_ COUNCIL MDOD. IIAlll:NICRT MOVl.1), ANII rr WAS SECONDED, ,OR COllNCJt ro GO INTO l:DCIJ1'IVE S1:S!'ION JMMl:?:"Tl:LY FOLLOWING TIIE REGUIAJlCTrY COUNCU. MJ:l:TING TO DISCUSS A Pl:ND.>;G REAL I.STATE MAlTEll Motion carried. Ay,s. CoullcilMembmllatha..,.y, Vormi111g. Wla,ins.Habcaic:hl, Wagp,cr, Capp, Bums NJYS: None 14 . City A.-,ey•1 R,port City Attorney B\Ott11w1 did not have any mal1els to bring befor,, Council 15 . Adjooaru,.t COUNCU. MEM,lER HATHAWAY MOVED TCI ADJOURN. The .-ing adjownod 11 9:2.S p.m. ~t!Ol City erlt I