HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-04 (Regular) Meeting Minutes• ENGU:WOOD CITY COUNCU. ENGU:WOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO ...... .:,Saololl I. Call to Onler The regular ..-ing oflhc EnaJ• od Cily Cauncil,... callod 10 onler by Mayor Bwus at 7:38 p.m. 2. 111..atloe The invocation MS gi,-en by Council -Wigii,a. 3. :oted,:t al Allqiuce The Pledge of Allqianoe was led by Girl Scout Troop 1908. Mayor Bu.-us, oo behalf of C'.ouncil, thanbd the Girl Scouts. •. Roll Call Proscnt: Absent: Council Mcmben Halhaway, Clapp, Wiagins. Habonich~ Vormiuaa. w._, 8111111 None A QIIClnlDl ,.. .. pracnt. ;Jso prercnt: Cl1y Manaacr Clari< Ci 1y Attorney Brottman Assistan1101he Chy Mlna,cr G,w:c Ci1yClcrltEUis DiJOCtor Esterly. Niue Worts Dindor Fonda. Utililia Manager of Adminis1ntioo Bock. Utilities Dinaor G,yglcwicz. Financial Services (a) COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY MOVED,ANDITWASSECONDED, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE '.U:GULAR MEETING OF nBRUARY 10, 1996. Mo...ion carried. 6 . Ayes : C'.ounci l Membcn Halllawoy, Vormittag. Wiggins. Habenich~ Waggoner, Clipp. &ms Nays: Nont Visiton (a) Prescb<duled visitor Dal ene South. Mn. Engl""rod, was DOI presen t. 7. Noo-tcboduled Visi1or1 There-. ao IIOll-tlCbcdllod ¥iliton. n.ere were .., a,mmunicalions, proclamatiom, ar appoi.aane,,ts . (a) COUNCU. MEMIIJ:R RA 111Aw .. v MOVED, AND l ! WAS SECONDED, TO OPEN THE PU.UC IIEAJUNG TO RECEIVE Cl11ZEN INPUT ON FLASHING TRAFFIC UGBT CllrTERIA. Ayes : Na}-s : Motion carried and the pt Council Membcn l':Jllbaway, Vormittag. Wiggins. Habellicbt, Wauoner, Clapp, Bums None , •. hearing c,,cned. Dittdor Eslaly, duly sworn. provided proof rlNotioe aCPublic Hearing. whic:11 was publi5hod in the Engl.,.-ond Herald oo Febnwy 8, 1996. He advisod that Council had requested adoplion of criteria concerning Dashing lights and the City Charter prcMdes far ax:h a cbange. but ii requires an onlinance of the City Council and leading up to that we ba,-e the public hearing this IMlli.n&-He DOied that infonnation bandouts, ·Ailic:h --in Council's pactds. are available for anyooe in the aodieDce •-ho is interesled. Mr. Eslaly explained tbal CGwv:il has requested changes in two dilrcra,t areas. Thal Council is ,....,ting io ~ a min.,. bi-diieclioeal 111111c wlume arm than 360 wlliclcs an hour, which is dilrcnnt from wbal stair fflX>IIUDCDded al 200 ..i.icla per hour OYtr a lhree hour period. And on the minor ltR<( lhal ·lhe lhrcc hour bl-diroctiooal ualf,c have an a.eragc tnllic...,... ar 90 vehicles per hour. as opposod 10 the 50 ,'Chicles per hour Iha!-. ... nx:ommcndcd by Slal[ He aMIOd that !hat is the wbslaar:c rl:the cban&a Iha! are being considered !his m:nin~. He said he .,.,.. 80! sure if tbcrc is a:,y need for any further discussioo on !his matter. bul he woold bt glad lo answer Ill)' questions. Council Member Wauoner questioned .. 11y Pan A. VOLUME CRITI:JUA . ·1. Main ltff<( bi-diru:tional traffi c \'tllumc less than 100 VPH for at least lhrcc consocutiwe how> from 9:00 p.m. 10 8:00 a.m.", on !he application. bzs noc been taltcn oul Discussion ensued and. after rovicwing the propos,d ordi and attachments, Di=tor Esterly advised Iha! would be ll10lhcr change !hat !he onlinancc itself would implemcnl. He noced the example is iDCOrrtCt. but tbc onlinancc will change that. lo response 10 CGwv:il Member Wa,.,goner. Dir<aor Eslcrly confirmed lh"1. 111111a Part A. VOLUME CRfIBRlA. ii will citbcr be one or two and three . There being 110 further questions and. as !hen, """ oo one present to ..pcalc to !he issue. Mayor Burns asked f0t a -to clooe the p,blic bearing. COUNCil, MEMBER WIGGINS MQVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC BEARING REGARDING THE FUSHING TRAFFIC UGBT CRITERIA. Ayes : Council Members Hathaway, Vormiuag. Wiggin<. Habeni cht, Waggoner, Clapp, Burns Nai-s : None Motion c:irried and the poblic hearing closed. 10 . Comon t Apela (a) Apprm·e on fim reading . • • • • • COUNCU. l'AEMBIR WAGGONER ii:IMOVID ALL AGINDA mMS ON '111ST U.ADING PllOM THI CONSINT AGENDA. (i) Dinctor FOllda .,.....i a RlllOIIIIIIClld ha the l1tilltla ~ lo lldopl a -.lutioD apprDW11 a $75.00 Coo fOr llcariap Wore the~ WIier and Sc,r,u Board. He advised 1h11 the Water and Sc,r,u Board RICOIDIDCIICls WI• c i.alpmc a $75 .00 adlllinillrltivc review and appeal foe. He explained that if be made a decision and I0'1ICOGC diasr'ccs with it Ibey WOllkl ha,,. the right to appeal to the Waler and Sewor Board. He aid -the W..,, and Sc,r,u Board is IIYiDC in the proposcd resolution is thal, if they hold a bearing and the applicui docs DOt pmall. then they would charge a $75 .00 foe. lithe applicant prevails, or ifllc poevailt oo ai,peal, then be would DOt be clwged a ,cc. Council Member Habonidlt asked how often. <MS ti.IC pas1 five yen, there Ila,~ been appals? Mr. Fonda stated ma)1>c oae a )Ur. Mayor Burns asked if Ibey arc IUjuating the foe lo aM.t cosu . Diroaor Fonda Nlod that it is lo ..,_ 0051 and DOtod that, in the last cighteca )Uri, two applic:.1815 baw ~ He llid the Board foll Ibis would be a ddatcnt lo loa, and windy appeals. He coma'""t<d WI it also taka up a lot ol llllrti,nc. Council Member Habonidlt llalcd she is DOt swc tbal obe recalls ta dllC8llioo II the W-ud Sewer Board lllCCIUli bock ia Oaabor. She notod thal fJom time IOU-obe kaows there bas"-a citizr:D U.. has a COnctnl and they -cnccwagod to come bc:flft tJ,o Board ID joal come 111d viii. wi .. tllem. Di=tor Fonda llalcd it doa DOt ..,_ tbal. He explaiaed this -i.s bc aa ;_,,.., wm be Aid they ba,-c to inslall a -or dlcir payment is this much cw tloey baw beell ~ this long and baw DOt paid, and they 1'UI to cballaigc bis Nli.ag. CGUDCi1 Member Halaidll aid tllo only roaoa she brought this up is she bas felt it bas always been a very pCllitivc tbiaa 111111 every ..:e in a wblJe _,. COlliCI bdon: the W-and S.-Board and they ...iJy wall< nay liding pr<11y pd, bul iftbcy bad to pay $75 ,00 to come bc:foR the Board they~ DOt bo feeling FOd any-. Din,ctor Fonda confirmed thal this is only wm be has ruled apiDSt tbcm and they -■111 to go -bis bead to the Water and Sewer Board and if they lose they can still appeal to Dutria Coun. lltbcy lose in District Cour1 it is over, if they "in they would pay DO fee . Also, if the Board rules in fa>Or of the applicant then they would pay DO foe. Council Member Waggoner sslccd if, an~ in the rules and rqulatioos, there is a ddinitioa of incligcn~ as it says th: fee will be waived if the Boan! rules in ra-al the applicant or if the applicant is proven to be indigent. Dinod.or Fonda respoadcd thal tloey blve ..,...uy gone to Olber agencies in the City and used their definitions. He adviacd thal it -,Id be .,._ wbo ii truly uuble to pay because they arc on some Olber fonu of relief and"" would ra:opizeany olthcm. Mr. Waggoner ultcd ;r.,.,. should inoorporate that into the proposed resolution . City Aw>mey BnlUman adviacd that wc do DOt -i to because the court staodanl is DOt set out in our code either, but it ii 1K ame accopted standard. Council Member Waggoner pointed out that Finance bas some definitions they..., for incligcut as far as refund oo some thing.,. Mr. B.-n ""1Cd that paramcdic:s do on ....alaacc bills. He said thal is going to be a decision for tK Board il.!df. Mr. Waggoocr qucstioacd 'MIClber wc arc ooosistcnt throughout the City OD that cldinition . City AttDnley Brotzman said the City is wry a>nsiSICD~ and ..... usually bond ovcr bach-ards for people oo indigcncy. The resolution was wigncd a number and read by title : RES0Lln1ON NO . 38 , SERIES OF 1996 A RES0Wl10N ES'l A.BUSHING FEl!S FOR Hl!ARJNGS BEFORE t1ill WATER AND Sl!Wl!R BOA.JU> l'()ll nil! CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SICONIJID, TO APPROVE AGENDA rrEM 10 (1) (1)-USOUJTION NO, •• SHIES or'"'· ON FIIIST UADING. Mallon carriod. A.ya: Couacil Mcmllcr1 HalbaMy, Vormitlq. Wiglm, Habenich~ Wagpcr, a.c,p , Bums Nays: Nc.c (li) Direclor FOlllla ~ I """""""8d llom lhc UliJilies Deportment to adopt I bill for an ordin.lDCC lfll)fOYi.ng an lntcrgovaumcntal Agrca,at for porli;:ipltioD ill the South Platte "Wild and Scenic River Review Project" He lllvi..i that the Forest Service l,a •-1 proposal that l•rge IOCtiom of the SoUIII Pline Riffl be declared "Wild ...t Sask:." He noted ., : do 1101 lmow what uus means, although folknwlg what they do, through all ol their bearings and so bib, would be incredibly limo consuming. Mr. Fonda Slated that they do not feel it means much to ~ but they want 10 follow ii 10 fiad 11111 if it docs. He Slid there are I poup ct WIier entities, who hive Yer)' similar concerns, thal are fir more .._... tun we are. He noted they hive formed a a,alition. 11> that one attorney -1d repraenl the entin: P""P ...i thee we wwld gel fcc<hclt throup that group. I>il<clor Fonda advisrd that our share wouJd be aboul $3 ,000, and that we wouJd be splittillg one oltheir partlciput ....... with Centennial Waaer ...i Sanitllion Dillri<t. For that ... Clll go II) any oltheir .-iQp, we can Raive all althlir --1 and as they 10 through what will pn,bobly 111111 OU1 to be a very long 1111 laborious proa,dwe. Mr. Foa stated that bis penoall oplnloo, llllu ff:ldiq a aumber of the write-up oo i~ is that most ol that is 1101 Jesitimalely "Wild ...t Scenje", ii has all been dammed up already IDd that already contradic1s Ille spirit al the thing. whic:11 was meant for m'erl Im the Salmon Ri\'CI ill !duo. He said that has boal painled out alnady by a number ol the agencies IDd II this point they are ;.r ...,g 10 go through lhc pro,.,ess. Dinictor Fonda lldvisod that this ano,.,. us, in a very inexpe1IIM: "'11)', to hive input or jml moaitor IL ~ Bums aid then we are not dosipaling anything. we are just monitoring this Sllldy, this process. Mr. Fonda responded allirmali\'Cly 111d advised that we could ba\,can input ifM form an opinion oo anything they do, but we will ha,,. to wait and see what they come up with. Council Member Waggoner Wied that if any pan of the South Plane Ri\'CI' is designalal "Wild and Scenic" it is going 10 stop any kind of watcrintake structur<s, dams or any dc\'clopmcnt of 111)1 pan ofthal ri ver . He Slid OYCD if Din,ctor Fonda..,,.. intcraled in providing a divcmon SINChlrc on a put of the river that woald be designated "Wild and Scenic". he would not be able lo do 9011 all . Mr. Waggoner pointed out that that IClually fn:tzes that IIOClioo of the river, there is no devclopmc:n1 'MIIISOeYer, other than the "Wild and Scenic" portion ol iL I>il<clor Fonda concumd. Mayor Bums commented that that is why it is imponaot lo pallicipate in monitoring this. Mr. Fonda agncd, SIiting that in looking out 10 the futun: we do DO( ..., that we need to be there, but on the other hand ii could be a handicap SOIIIOllay if"~ ever wanted to and ii was designated without good reason . Council Member Vormittag aacd whcrt this would be on I map, and if ii wwld be the whole Sooth Plane River. Dilutor Fonda stated it is not the whole South Platte Ri\'tr. Mr. Vonnit13g ISk<d 1vberc it would star1 111d where ii would end. Mr. Food& 111Yi..i that if you go up to Twin FOlb ii would be a large pan of the North Fork of the South Platte River u ii ~ocs from 'J'v,o Forks 10 approximately Railey . There arc also a whole bunch of intermittent sections between Two Forks up to Antcro Reservoir in South Park . He stated it isjU51 a huge portion of that river and picca woul d be designated "\\'ild and Scenic ." Council Member Waggoner noted that includes that pan where Two Forks is going to be cor.structed. Director Fonda stated yes, that that has caught the attention of a number of entities. • • • • • TIie Clcrlt -IIUd to nad Ibo CIIWl ii bill by tide: COUNCIL i •llJ.. NO. 7, llffllODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENIOIT A BJLl.. ,or, AN ORDINANCE A\TTHORIZJNO AN INJaOOVERNMENl'AL l,OIU!llWl!NI' EHJ11UlD "SOl1J11 PLAtTE Wll.D AND SCENIC RlVEll REVIEW PROJECf PAR"nCIPATION AGREEMENT." COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDO, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 10 (1) (II) -COUNCIL BILL NO. 7 ON Jl'IRST R&AJIJNG. Couci1 Manbcr W.,,,,,-a SIIICd be wu ffUIII Cily Allonley Brownaa's ..,.._.,. lhis and be ukcd DiRctor Foada if ours is I maxi.m11111 $3,000 coalribulion, .-tllaoop M ..,...,i to a...-.,. in the apaDCDL DiRclor Foada llid yes and they ..iia lllaL City Allllney Br-. adviad 111111 Aunn bas qn:,cd IO cbuF lhis ape:meat to -all tluec ollbole ~ Mr. 8llJtzman DOied tlw Ibo apec..-t tlw CA,w,ciJ bas before 1bcm docs IIGl baYc Iha!, 11111 Aalwa is~ dial right DOW . Council Manlicr WIIQ0IIU SIited tlw be docs DOI la\'C. problem nil Man:ia }i'.uahcs beia& DIIDOd in tbcre, bccausc sbc bas dollc I lol of the bocqrouDd lllllysis oa _, "Wild and Sceaic" river b the mcuopolilln ,..., providl'n. City Auomcy Brntzmu aid tlw is pnlllbly llac, bu1 be does not bow Marcia Hll&hcl 1111d SO be CIIIA0I roconunend her IO Council . MolJ.,:a curil:d. Ayes: Council Members IIIIIIIMy, Vormillll, Wiginl, ~ Waggoner, Clapp, Burm Nai~: None (iii) Direclor Fonda presented I recommcndatioo rn.. the Utilities Depanmcot to adopC • bill for an ordinance authorizing two euemcn1 ..,_11 for Ibo City Dildl 11 3000 and 3012 South Grant Stn:<t. He cxpllincd that thi s is I CUC wbcrc .... have takcn ..... tbc dildl-" olHarvanl Guieb fJOm Denver a o:unbcr of y<ars ago . He achised we have caleRd I major contracl with Denver 11111 ur,'Olv<s the Ditch and the Ranch Cred< System 1111d part oC that conllw:t A)"S Denver will put in capital facilities if they wish to in=uc their capacity in that ll<Clion ol tho Ditch. Dim:uir Foada odviJed that ,... aoed io put those capital facilities in • little earlier than lhey antlcipated. Bccausc, be cxplalned. in this case thert was no cascmcnt granted way baclt in the 1870 's. and then while Dcn\'cr owned the Ditch the lbca property OMICf put snm< conugaled IDClll pipe ia wbcrc lbc ditch .,.. llld built 1 ~ virtually OYCr it He said that conugatcd metal pipe lends IO dissolve <Nez time and Ibis is causing all 101U of disrup(ioo 10 her bascmcDL Mr. Fonda stated that lhey "4Dl to JI<( in and 8'l it llxcd and they 'MIii to do this ODC !mt because ii is ODO ol the worst p,oblcms OD the Ditch . He poim,d DUI tlw in invmtipting the Ci ty's right to go in, lbcy found thal no casement exists so,... have one by p,acriptiaa. He ldvilcd that in this case they offered IO help the owners with the rtplin and rtllOnlioa ol lbc foundllioa, wbicb is DOI significant and they will grant us an casement He said they v.i ll be W<>rl<ing v.ith the other 0\'11Cr on his sunken step. Dirtetor Fonda staled that later. after this is all <Nez, they will ao back lbrough the cntm Ditch and do I tiUe search. and for those properties for which we do not have a reconlcd cascmcn~ they will llldt a quiet tiUe and rt00nl one. He pointed out that tbcsc two bav.1 to be doeo this y= or the Ditch will simply DOI run . Couocil Member Waggoner commented that under the Grant of Ease men~ each one, in the tillc, rtfcrs to City oCEnglcwood ("City") 1111d dov.n in the body oltl,c Eucroenl ii rtfcrs to "Olutce." He asked City Attorney Brotzman if "Ciry" shoold be changed 10 "Grantee ." City Attorney Brotur.an agreed that ii shou ld be changed . Council Member Waggoner IIOlal that Wldor •wamnty alTiUe" ""racr to a dacriplion. He paillled out that thero arc two-. one ror _. po,ty, but there ii a combined dacriplion. He llllod 11111 u .... is no way that one pony cup yau u -.it over IOIOObody doc's. Oty AtUncy BRIIZIIIIII lllvised that tbe llllldi-. 11111 IIO .... lo-that will be llllcbed to this, will CIOIIIC allor die pipe is ICIUllly ill and tbe..,..,... ... back CIC. C,oanciJ Member Wauoncr said tben 1h11 ~ be llled with the cucmc:nt ltoclf and then tberc will be iDdividall dacriptions. Oty Attomcy lln>tzmaD aid that is comet. Diroclor Fonda advised that Ibey will -the current pipe, that they will DOI put the DOW pipe anywhere nearthc ""'-, alll,aup tberc isoely IIAccn feet bclw,,cn them . Council Member Wll&IOMf lllled then tberc is oo indemnification during 00NINclion or aftcr. City Atton,cy Brol2mlll advillDd 1h11"" actally llavc a 00llllnlClioa agn,emcot 'With diem Qlffllllly, due ID the necessity for speed. Council Member Waggoner aid okay, but what about after, what aboal uy prcl,lans that might be .,._ afterwards? He mod if they will give 111 an lndcamlflalioo far uy damqa cauod after alllllNClioo. City Attomcy Brou:man asked if be ,... racrring to damqcs to tbc pipe. c..mcil Member Waggoner clarifiod be is rd"crriag ID uy damages caused l~ their pn,pcny, IClllcmcal, wllaaeYcr. City Attorney Brauman advitod that 11111 is ......, five, Subjaa:ot and Lalcrll Suppon. Couocil Member Waggoner poioted out 11111 tbll is dlring -.uction. City Attorney Broaman adrual that it is pcnnancnt. DiJoctor Fonda IIMIIII 11111 they toot their pmpcny <Ubject to the Ditch. Cuwicil Member Waggoner said he understands that, but what be is talking about is illdcmnificalloa for the City al Englewood. Diroclor Fonda cited number five, "Subjaccct and Lateral Suppon. • Council Member Waggoner said that is during colUIJUClioo, what about any problems that oc:cur after. Diroclar Fcnda asked the City AtUncy iftbis is tllc Gnni alEMeacol City Attorney Brotmlln coolinnod that this is the Grant of Euemco~ this is DOI the Constructioe Grant Council Member Waggoner advised that, in the Grant of Easement for Carol JIC<lbs, w>dcr aumbcr l\\'0 "Consideration", thero should be a comma Iller "Grant." Council Member Waggener pointed DUI that Ille legal description illClfshould include infonoatioa identifying the pn,pcny IS being in the City al Englewood. such u County of Arapahoe. City of Englewood, Colonldo. City Attomcy Brotzman agreed. Council Member Waggoner lllled that, wbc.o these arc submitted subocqucnUy, be "-ould like a map with all of these that come forward. Council Member Varmittag said that is what he wu goi_ng to uk for also. Council Member Waggoner asked that IIOIIIOOl1C cbcdt the description . Bccausc, be advised, they refer to the north twcnty-two feet ofl.ol 4, but then whon they leave the comer they go.up twcnty-6'-c feet ralhcr than twenty-two feet . He aid ii may be rigb~ be just docs DOI know . Mr. Waggoner said they racr to Lot 3 and north twenty-two feet of lot 4, Block S and then they begin at a point II the southwest comer and go northeasterly for approximately twcoly.fivc foct, to the north approximately twenty-two &:ct. So he said he is not sure wb:thcr those arc rew:rsed or whether you actually get to that property lioc. The Clerk "WIS ukod ID read the couociJ bill by tiUe: COUNCIL BILL NO. 12, INTROOUC'.ID BY f.OUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER A Bill FOR AN ORDINANCE AlllllORIZING AN EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR 30'.JO SOt.rrn GRANT AND AN EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR 3012 SOUTH GRANT FOR THE en V RIGHT- OF-WAY ON THE CITY DITO! TIIROUGH eorn OF TI!ESE PROPERTIES . • • • • • ..,....a.,c.-a .......... ... , COUNCD.. \UJIDUt WAGGONUl MOVED, AND rr WAS SICOJIIDI.D, TO APPllOVE AGENDA l1UI II C•) (W) • COUNC:-&L •w. NO. 12, wrrB TIU CJWIIGIS THAT KAVE HEN UQUISnJI, ON PDST ll'.:ADING. Motloncani<~ Ayes: Co.,IICIJ Manben llalhaQ)', Vcmnlaq, Wlglu, Habenicht. w...,..__ Clapp. 11wm Nays; Nooe MAYOR BURNS REMOVED AGENDA ITEM 10 (b) (ll) FROM TIU CONSENT AGINDA. (b) AppfoYe oa Sea>nd Railing (l) ORDINANCE NO. 6, SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCll. BilL NO. 6, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATiiA WAY) ANORDINANCEAIJ1HORIZINGANINTERGOVERNMENTALAGREEMENT11£IWEENlllE STATE OF OOl.ORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND lllE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO FOR lllE COST OF CONSlllUCTION AND CONSlllUCTION ENGINEERING FOR 1llE DARTMOIJlH BIKE TRAll. PROJECTS. COUNCD.. MUUIER HATHAWAY MOVED, ANI, IT WAS SE CONDED, TO APPRO VE CONSENT AGl:NDA ITEM 10 (b) (I)• ORDINANCE NO. 6, SERIES OF 1996, ON SECOND READING • Motion carried. Ayes : Council Mcmhcrs llalhaQ)', Vorminag, Wiggins, Habcnicb~ Wauoncr. Clapp. Bums Nays : None (ti) Mayor Bums stated that this item involves lhc BUil.D Projccl. He advited that he Mil abst3in from voting, as he did last time, because he is Chairman oflhc Housing Authority . ORDINANCE NO . 7, SERIES OF 1996 (COUNCll. BilL NO . 9, JNlltODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER VORMITTAG) AN ORDINANCE APPROV!Nu TilE SALE OF FOUR PROPERTIES. WHICH WERE DEVELOPED FOR lllE "BUil.D" PROJECT. ON 1llE OPEN MARKE.T. COUNCU. MEMBER VORMITTAG MOVED, AliD IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 10 (b) (ii)· ORDINANCE NO. 7, SERIES OF 1996, ON SECOND READING, Motion carried. Ayes : Council Mcmbc" llatha1Wy, Vorminag, Wiggins. Habenicht, Waggoner, Clapp Nays : None Abstain : Mayor Bwns 11 . Ordiuaca, Reoollruotl1 and Motioas (a) ApplO\'C on Fi"1 Reading (I) Din>cllW PoDda _.... a lll0llllUll<lld Ila die IJdlllicl ~ 10 ado!M a bill for an onlil>aDco approylaa cun,es IO Ille Eqlewood Mualc:ipal Code relali\-e IO DlioccU.-_......,. ...._ He ICaled lheae _ .....,..oepiDa itcm1 dial cbanp.., aldle fca ol the Cily and change IDIIIC po1ic1e1. He llld the flnl -is a clwge, oqaal IO !be City'1 • A10 and materiall, a.re due if an abudonod 1JCMCC II DOI dilooaDec1ed from the llllill. He coaunentod dial oddly enough this was probably written a Ion& tlme IIO, 111d they could either do it 1'ith a bonded or liconsod plumber, or they would bffl lhc City do II for m .oo. He sald they just did an abandoned one la Broadway and they imlllodiatdy requested CIIJJ crew ID do i~ becaulo it •owd ..... COIi many 1iDlcl tllal amounl They fd~ be said. that they could either w a pluml,cr, nr the ,_mendalio• w dial die City _,Id keep Ind: of"the time and llllleriah 1111d bill them llt1UII COIi if they WIided 10 USO the City ID make the discollllCIClion. Director Fonda stated dial die next major item i, if pa-,,d are reqaired ID clean out a stop bM, tor whal"'-er-. the City would charge $30.00 . He advilcd tnat u.l. !, the pn,pcny owner's responsibility. He DOied that in 011C case it took al...,. a hair day to clean -out. Mr. Fooda oared 1h11 this ~y ties up our people and their time. It far exm:ds. in many c:aoes, th.• $30.00, but they thinlt this may be an incentive for the pn,pcny owners to mailuio their Slop boxes or al I u keep them cleMcd OU1 so that we can tum them oo and o/f when we hlYc ID. Council Member Wigins IUgealcd 1h11. the next lime dtc MIier t.!:s are ICDI OU~ l'CSidents be 111\isod oC thi s. He said be feels that the number al lt$ldcms. tbll are .,...,., 1h11 the Slop boxes hive IO be kepi clean , arc very 1ew. Diff:dnr Fonda agn,cd and said thal they r ,ill get the information, with all die particulars, OOI lo the ...-. Director Fonda said they would like 10 mess a 10% Ille fee on all de:inqueol water bills. He advised 11111 11 the c:unent time lbcle ii DO pcaalty, and last year we bad OYCr 6,000 that carried it all the "11)' 10 tbe 45 day limit. He pointed ... thal this causes the City an lacn:dible IIIIIIWII .:,f ollia: time getting out all al the delinquent nouces. He Slated Iha~ addin1 the 10% fee, they are hoping will reduce the numbo al deli nquetol notices. Rigid DOW , be pointed out. there is 110 incentive MIIISoe\-er to cause people to pay the bill . He ;;.id the City 1'ill llOI do ID)1hing dsc dilrerait. RSidcttts will still be able to go up 10 75 days bofore the City red tags the property. Cooncil Member Waggoner asked when the 10% lale fee will be applied, if it ,-ill be after 30 days. Director Fonda responded that it would pnlttic:ally ~ after 45 days, h.,.,.....,. they c:oull leplly after 30 days . He said it is usually 45 days before we would actually send it out. Manager or Administration Bock advised that the fee 'll-ould not be applied until"" IICIUally run the computer prosn,n 11 45 days to geocrate the noua:s. Council Member C!..•~ atl:.= ~-w they arrived ac JO%. Director Fonda said ii is usually not a lot. that 1 typical water bill is IDl)i>c $40 .00 st. there would be 1 $4 .00 charge. He DOied it is !IOI tnearll to be 1 bcavy penalty. just a delcrreo~ because many people would not like getting it. Council Member Waggoner asked if that is onl y n one time charge 1111d after another 45 days wba1 would they do then . Director Fooda staled that then they ba,-. roccived a red tag and their wat er bas been shut off. So yes, be said . this would be one time un ti l the cycle would repeal itself. Council Member Waggoner asked if ii is until they get AOOther bill . Director Fonda said yes. He said charges for turning water on and off. which is when they would have 10 go and tum olf rot noopaymcn" we would charge $15 .00 instead of $5 .00 . Also . be advised, they "-ould be authoriud to charge S5 .00 when they ba,-e to show up 10 deli ve r the tum off notia:. He staled that all of these are meant 10 be small penalties. but the actual n.m off takes more time and effort and they are just reall y not getting responses . • • Cow,cll M<al,erW ....... d ,ol llli,odl I 111111 ODhe, iflllae is I 111111 OD foe. ~Jl'oad■ 111d DO, ._,....ijoallp,llln>itOII. Cow1ci1 Mrml)er Hlllt'.nlcbl ■dim iflllis \:'!U 111'1)'1 be klcbd In or is lllae..,. cmoidenlioa If :,o-is. ~ with lhc _ ....,.IUDCIII, lflhere is....,. iadlp pn,blem or -iw.a. Dlreclor Fond■ IIIMlll 1h11 If thcy ■re-'bc wltll m It does DOI b■ppcn. He 111d 11-c:■lls ap 111d ays "I ■m b■vilt& ......... thcy will ,preod Oil lbelr p■ymcnU In Ill)' awnbcr ol Ulf'lliom nys."" ~ DCYCr bid to do dalt Mth uycme wbo ii ..ity wortiJI& with us. Din>clor Fonda ubd M-,er of AclminiJll■lloe l!lod< lfwe ~...., bad ■n iDsWlco whert we tvmcd -ollwllo lllS """'1 Wl>li<ing with us. Mr. Back uid no. Oinlclor Fonda aid !his happened to JIOOl)le wbo .....,. c■llod. Council Member Habenicht q,moned wbetbcr the delinquent fee -.!d still ■pply .-11 thcy ■re ilaving ....-■nd ""rung with us. Din,c:tor Fonda said ya. Dim:IOr foc,da llltcd lhal the linal item is WIier cooled equipment We jull -.Id DOI ■Dow ■ny mo,o of ii ■nd if the equipmcnl needs to n,plaad it -.Id DOI be rq,l■ced with WIier cooled equipmonl Mayor !!Imm ■ska! 11thc reuoa is boc■usc it iJ wutdlil. DiRdor Fond■ SIiia! 1h11 * ro■so11 is because it goos mo die..,...,. ■nd lh■I is WI)' -...sldul. Ho said it is MS1dul oltho WIier ad it sbould DOI eo Into the storm ......... Council Mcmber W■ggoncr asked lfbe mc■nt SIOIDI ....... or anill,y ........ DlreclorF<mda said Slonn liO\\'<n. Council Member Vormitllg ubd DiRdor Fonda to give him ■n uamplo ol what be CIOIISidon Mter cooled c:qaipmcnL Din,c:tor FDDda said ■ rwamp cooler, or a •-ater ~ air CODdilioDer. Mr. Vormia■g DDCed Mier is ••cycled iD ■ 11<-..-np cooler. Dira:tor Fonda said tbcr< ■re -wbcr< it wowd not be or WIier cooled equipment wbcr< the Mier jull runs ■U tho lime. Mr. Vormia■g med ii bt meant like equipment al ■n ice cream pl■cc, wb= thcy throw tho ice cream 1100C1p1 in tr.road 11,o thing just runs for aeniily. Ho said he mum,.s 11111 is what Mr. Fonda is lllking about, --.llwtc like that. Council Member H■thaMy felt ta,J ~ DOI be Mier cooled equipment Dinldor Foad■ -be is DOI real f■miliar with most of them • thcy ■re prdly much outlawed. Manag<r ol Admiaistnlilln Bod; advised lh■I this proposal ..,.. oripn■Uy n,qucsted by a Plwnbing lnspcclor iD tho Building I>cpanma,L He said the inspocior..,.. looking ■t some Mier cooled IX>mpl<SIOII at a business OD Soudl Kabmath Street. Ho said they were old fashioned COlllpla.)II. lh■I the wata goos through the compasor once ■nd then down the drain. Mr. Bock said be also .laid that they do DOI manufacture this oqaipment anymore that they manufacture air cooled equipmcnL Tbo inspocto r, Mr. Bock advioed, said it -.:.S bdp them to put this in our IX>do., rhat ii a business MDts to repair or ,q,laco their existing once through walOt cooled equipment with more oqui.-nt lilto that, then he can say DO . Mr. Bock said the inspoc:tor was looking at compraoors lh■I uoo once through M'.cr. Council Member Waggoner aid it llOOlllS like there art busillOSICS out~. that ■re in tho busuJoss of cutting blocks, bricks or steel , that sometimes do need "~ter that runs through DO tho saw blade or somcthin& like that. He said that mait>c there ncods to be a little more inwstiptioa iDlo this and maybe tl,ey sbould withdraw that number one item ■nd go with the rest of IL He said be .... DO problem with lhc rest of iL Director Fonda noted that if the equipment is lhcrc it can still remain . Council Member Waggoner said he understands thaL but thcrt art SlllJ some lh■I he tlunks still need IIDIDC water to do the job . He said that is not rocirculaled Mier, because some ofthal ends up dlny enough thal it actually should go inlo the sani tary sower . Oira:lor Foada adYilod lbll tbey :an, DOI -olnac i. ..-11.11111 it.•-up ha tiae 10 lime. He aid if it Ml lo 10111M "I)' thcn -.e ~jull CGIIWIUC 10 allow diem, boll ,we la 1101 MCII ol 11 anymore. Council Mambcr Wagoocr aid lbll 11 1": nada it this llricdy prol,il,ill o uywberc. Council Member HlbeDldlt aid it probibilS Ill)' --. Diroclor Fonda ..........t. Council Member Habenicbl 111d .... does DOI on l IWllllp cooler, however a~ a lot ol poaplo wbo lltc 10 wc tbcm . She llbd ifbc is ayu,a lbll tbey could DOI ba.c IWllllp aialoll llllpllGR. Dira:tor Fonda stated he Ml rderriJla 10 old WllCr WUlilla air llODditloocn. enponliw: a>olerl ol lOIIIC IOfl lhll '"""'1 the-. He said be bu.,._..., oac, but be b DOI 11\YiDa ""will -lllld-. Mayor Bums said he does • know Iba! lhis is lhal bi1 ol a problem. He aid is eeems 10 him that rmly ·,,m you find this kind ol c,quipftM any more, ud if it ii la cxlacnce, then 11 -......, ill ..... >..I, be said, ifit is repain:d. n,p1-:I or IDIMIII. it -be rq,laad. Dinclor Fonda said be wwld ...... they could c:oosidcr l banlship case if.,......,. WUlld 10 claim a lwdship. He said we rmly find it, lhll the Building Dcputment i1 the one that fouDd this one. Council Member Habcnicbl Slllcd lhal Council Mcmber Wauor,er brouahl up IOIDC inlcratiaa COIICa1IS. She said when thew~ ud S.:-Boanl dilCUSIIOd this they wcrc really lllkiac about lDbqlllled equipment lhat somdJody might be brinpng la llSIIICI and -.e really ......id be probibiling. But lbal, IIM: said. some of the ideas that Council Member Wa,goocr bnJucbt fonwd lbc did DOI lhiDI< is wllal -.e are lr)ing 10 address in this. Sbe said llll)tJe wbal ,.,. IICIOd is jmi a liale bit ._,. c:larilication ill this pan. Perhaps it could be brooa)ll back 10 Council. sbc lllled, jail to clarify 1U1 u ,he fdt 10111C p,od -. have been raisod. She Llld Council Mcmber Waggoner ifbc were Fina 10 amend ii, * wwld ....i it. DinclorFooda said be •>Ulld DOI know bow to amaid it ll this point. lie said if-.e do ''°' WlDl to do it then .,.. lhould DCC do ii . Council Member Habalicl,t said it is DOI that ,he does !IOI thiJlk wo i11ou1c1 do it, but IDl)tic we are maki11g it too broad aod IDl)tic then, are some things U11t we are pn,llibilill& dial .. do not need to. Dil'CClor Fonda said we would DOI know ,.1111 that is because we only -rllClc once ill a "'>luc moon ." He said,.,do oot...a knowwbal is out tbcr'C in rcpnls10thisboalus~.-olit isgooc. UlUIICil Member Hathnay asked, if that is the case, do we l'Cllly need 10 haw: ii in tbr.rc II all . Sbc said if they do DOI knc,w wlut is out tbe,c, thal ,. .. .,. actually grandfathering in. ud we do DOI anticipaac l lot of new ones why do we bother 10 hive the section in there II all. Diroc:tor Fonda aated thal thal -the Building Department's point, they found one and without it they cannot make him cblllgc i~ but tbcr'C is equipment l\'lilable. Council Member Hatlln-ay pointed out that they <lDDOI lllllt« him change it anyway, because it Is grandfathered in ifhc has bad it on tbcr'C for awhile . Dil<Cl~r ~·Ollda advilcd Iha! that is why they ,..,., for it in the repair, bccaux in this case it would make sense tbca 10 pit in the ...,.. ayle of equipment as oi,poscd to maintaining the old aod CXJUtinually discbarging. Mayor Bums stated. it ,eems to him, that this givcs them a badt-up in case there is a repair or rcplacerncn l. He said b: does not have a problem ,.;th thal. Council Member Wiggins said they only thing be can think of, aod ma)bc Council Member Waggoner w.u also thinking about, is a business that ailS tile or aonc where they run a blade wbc,e they c:annnc use anything but water to cool it. He asked if,.~ ba\'C any businesses like that operating bcrc. He noted that if WC bad I business license in clfcct .... would know what businesses ,.~ bad. Diroc:tor Foada responded that they do not belie,~ there arc, but this is an oddball that sho"'Cd up. Council Member Wiggms said he feels the same as the Mayor , he docs not have a problem with this. • • • • Ml)Ullunl.WU111irlltla1101n,alriqcwllploclqitlltil__.,_,_lt. ~ Aid yes. Mayor au,., polaal <!U1 dlat 11 dool DOI IIJ WI )1111 canaol • a -oooled blade. DiNICla Fooda aid unlell II violated or pollutcr' ill -fonn . Council Mmlbor HadlaMy 111d IUI hi qjcl, cueyw blve ada-to,.. lhe!n. Dlroctor Fonda aid In wblch cue lhcy~.,..,... adler onllnances. Council Member w....,., aid lbal u far u lie~ then: 1, -......-. lhal type otequipmenl. lhat ii DOI dcvdi,p:d wilh air ooollna. Council Member Wlglns Aid 11111 ii INC, 11111 lilc or CGDC:n:11: cuttina ...,. a _., oooled blade and you find 11 when Ibey do .,.. OIIII. Ha aid die blade ill -QIU ii all Wiler oooled. Mayo, Bums aid Ibey have lbom out CN1 Suna Fe rip!-· Couacil Member Wigim aid Ibey tho baYO lllem ll Bl'Cllll!My and Belleview. Mayor Bwal IIOled lbat Is .. a job, DOI I fixed location. Council Member Vonninag said tbal wbal be thlnb Dim:lor Fonda ii talkiltc lllaul ii lllll ollike a ndialor in dfea. Tba1 ,...,., just goes through, just to keep the head cool, and when it comes out probobly perfix:tly dean, II.,.. right down the dnln. He .. od Dim:lor Fonda lflhal ii whit be is saying. Diroctor Fonda aici l!>ey would rather it would continue 10 cin:ulltc. Council Member Vonninag wd lbal iJ rialoL Dinl:tal· Fouda aid lbal is whll almoll eve,y'lllt Is doln&-He DOI!:<! lbal Muy Gerdoer from Bi-City lnlpccts-ollhele people, and all otlhem u far u the....., ii c:oncemed. so the)-are not going lheR. He aid to ID down the storm sewer, be did no1 think lhey ~ WlDI to do that UIY"'IY, Bcc:ause If Ibey dump into lbe storm sewer, you -.Id not want ii going Into lbe storm_. l)'llaD and getting out Into lbe riYer. Mr. Foclda said then: is vay liltle oflt and Ibey do DOI ICC a big problem. He said be~ S-d • ,.._ wbo...,.. doing Ibis, lhcy just did DOI WlDI IO put the orw oq,,ipmelll in. He askol Mr . Bed< iCIMl ---Mr. Boclt aid Ibey l1lll0d lheold _, cooled equipnat. Council Membcr w......, aid, lbe My the exialng ordlnaDce ..... is II• the only way )'OU CID CYCll ... cooling water iMo spa:ifically designated llorm .....,. is by permissior I CW OOIIIOIII of the Din,ctar ol Ulilitiea. lie ut.cd Cily ADoney Bnllzman if lhal ii aJfflCI. Mr. Bllllmrm aid WI is-. Mr. w..,.,.. Aid.._ 11111-,; lbal m:n oow to allow ooollng Wlltr to I" illlo a_,. .._.you i..e 10 have th: consent al the Dirmor of Utilities. Din:ctor Fonda said oor wonling come out ol thc Building Code. The City Clerk wr. Mkod to read Council Bill No. I by tiOe: COUNCil. BILL NO. 8, Iml!.ODUCED BY COUNCil. MEMBER WAGOONElt A Bill. FOR AN C>ruJINANCE AMENDING TITLE 12, CHAPll:R 18, SECTIONS 2 AND 6, AS WElL AS CHAPTER ID , SECTIONS 4 AND .S , AN.> CHAPll:R 2, SECTION 2, PARACJR,\F.f ll , NUMBER 4, 01' 11iE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 198~ REGARDING MlSCEU.ANEOUS WATER SERVICE FEES. COUNCIL MEMBER WAGGONER MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) (I) • COUNCil, BILL NO. I ON FIRST READING. COUNCIL MEMBE.ll WAGGONER MOVID, AND IT WAS SECONDED, 1-0 AMEND COUNCIL BILL NO. I BY DELETING SECTION 5. A)':s: Council Mcmbcn HathaMy, Habenicht. Waggoner, a.pp Nay,: Council Mcmbcn Vormilllg. Wiggi01, Bums Motion carried. Vote ruults on the appronl ot Council Bill No. I u untadcd: ......... ae,c-a ........ .," ... u A)'OI: Nays : Ca,alilJ Members~, Vonnhlq. Wiaim, IWJaiclll, w.....,., Clapp. llllrN Nau (ii) Council consldtftld a """"""""41111 from the l>epanmeat oCPubUc Worts to adopl a bill ror an ordinance ~ critena for i111 r ins "1uhlns TTllllc Sipals. The Cit)' Ciak Wl'I ubd to rud Coucil Bill No. 10 by title: COUNCll. BDJ.. NO. 10, INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WAOOONER A Bil.L FOR All ' ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW CIUTERIA FOR Fl.ASHING TRAFHC SIGNAL Ol'EIU,TIONS DI lHB CllY OF ENGI..EWOOD, COLORADO. C0111'iCiL JID"MIU. WAGGONl:Jl MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE A!;'tNDA IT.:M 11 (a) fol)-CO\..~Cll. BILL NO. IL Motion c:amcd. Aye•: CGancil Members llallinlly, Vormitllg. Wigins, Hlbalicht, w-. Clapp. Bums Na,..: NIIIIC [Iii) Din:clllrGl)'pe'MCZ prcs::Jllalc .........iatioo fiam the Dq,onmcnt of Financial Servica to adopt a bill for .. ordinucc CSllblislliaa I Capital Pnijecla Fad In track the JJ-'OIJUS and funding of capital projcclsc He lil>ted 1llal this bill, if adopted, -.Id czaec a DOW fund called the Capilal Pnijecla Fund. II -.Id bave ta 1,asic duliel • --.nlinJ for pn,jc,cls ...iilled ill die Five Year Capilal Plan. Mr. Gl)'sJewicz cxpPaiJlod om .... .., put tbc Five Year Captal Plu ........ in 1995 IK)' n::aliml tllal...,. do DOI ffally llave I Capia,1 !'and 1llal lllcked 0-pn,jocls. lie said IWf put together tbc pn,pooodonlinance with tbc City Allon,ey and submitted for Couacil'a.......,.. • this time. Mayor Bums asked if this will be a sul>-fund of the PIF FUDd. Din:ctor Gryglewicz said it is basically a sub-fund olthe PIF FUDd. boa<wc the PIF, per the Oancr. is allowod to carry fimcls <Mryar to year. He said none of the Olbcr funds have that. He explained that. if under the Capital Plan a p,ojot1 -.Id spah more than one year, Council 'Mlllld DOI have to reappropriale thooc ononics each )'lal'. lie poinled out 1ba1 it basically safeguard.; a~ integrity, that ii will go forward year 10 year wilhoot funhcr Council approval , Council Member Habcnichl asked if tbia ...-ill in anyway all'u:I any kinds of cbaogcs in the Capital Budg<I or the expenditure or being able 10 have liOIIIC sort of 0\-asisht in terms of if something c:llugcs. Din:ctor Gryglcwicz said no, 1ba1 bosically what wl happen is when projects are identified and appn,vcd by Cooncil in the Budget. those monies will go to this fund to be med only for thal projocl. lie said Iha! what ii allows is that those funds = approprialed and ~ to be 1llcd over 1'>11 or tw years if )'OIi have a very large capilal pmjccl . Basically, be advised, it alloM us to Ind the PIOBJCSS of the p,ojot1 and SCI one amount aad allow that to span over years. Dil'Cdllr Gl)'gJ.,.;cz advised that Couac:il woald get a periodic updatt on any pmjccl that we 'Mlllld have. Council Member Waggoner asked. if additional monies are nocdod to be appropriated, that would come back to Council. Director Grygl.,.icz Slated yes they would have to come back for a supplemental appropriation. • • • • • ~ae,c-a ....... " . ... 13 Council MoalsHlllmil:M.._.111111 _... ..,lfdlrln1a..., ............. ailal'IO.,._ we did a ...,,...,...,u........,~fardll City~--llueeorftlur,-.. oomdhlaa -"' ..,._ _,... .io.. 111c u..""" teclulolocY .....,i. •..,. lfdleft wald be -wllemritMI ol..tilll tllal 11111111-,, ... would dlisl'IIII ...... ill -Dlnclor Oryglewiez ........... lUI du Mmld DOI be -•-Heald .,...alylllc ..,.._.will be la Ille PIF Fwld ud c-:il will •lllal M Budpt U.. mch yar. Hceaq,lalal lllat lhis ,-Id pn,llllllybe used. 1or ;-. ;r,,_ ~ 10-aaddilion10111c a.c...o..r11111, -noo,ooo. lie aaid CouDci1 would tk:11 appn,priale lhoto ~ ii woolcl be ID Ibis aew lund l u l ~11 ...,.iilllnl would be madt from llicre. He 1111111 tllal If the pn,joct Died la Ol:labs ol 1995, !r, ~ e ~ not ""81 ID be llnlshod until lllc ..s ,-r, then lllae IIIOl1ia -W Dy ill tllo l'lllld ill 1996 m>til . ~·"!)lc:llc,o. He said the way lhc a.-.t F..t is Id up you_... eomplctc pan <lk Iba !hey -.td hi ,, 10 come OICk in 1996 to a,mplcle 111c pn,joct.., Council -.Id.....,.. it twice. Council Member HalaitM aaid tlloa ii wiU only be ill this Pund """" ii is llallOd, not ~4 <I tia,c like we uc aota& to do tbc pn,joct ill wee yars.,,.. CIICW!lbcr lhc money farllueo :ymrs. Or,* abd, docs it go in !here ...... 1k pn,joct IWU _, tllll it CUI be complded'I ~ Glyalewic:z said 11111 wbat will bappca is Ill)' tballiwlk 1997 Budpl we idmlify projcc.U, tk:11 c-il will appropri11c 111ae monies at that time. 1lc --.s would tbcll be lnml'cntd 11> this PllDd -die Genenl l'llnd and they .,'Ollld be used wllcD ----' 1111 !he pnjocl. He llid they gcnenllJ would DOI be pu1 in in advlocc. lie said tbcy ~ Clllly be J!!l! l.t tl•is flmd wbcll.,... v,uc gclills ID amt I pn,joct. Council Mcmoa llabcaiclll lllaod if 11111 is lllled mm,onore. Director Orygl,wicz 111111111 1, IIOl 11111111,ere. but that 'IIIOUld be put ailbc ...i badgct proc,,,~ Mayor Bwns liked iflMfe isao Amondlr,:111 One issue hen:. Dinaor Oryglnlic:z said no. The City Clerk WIS IISUd ID read Council Bill No. 2 by title : COUNCll. Bill. NO. 2. INnODUCED BY COUNCll. MEMBER HATHAWAY A Bll.L FOR AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND . COUNCIL MEMBER HA TBA WAY MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM JI (1) ('Iii) -COUNCIL BllJ.. NO. 2. Motion carried. Aye,;: Council Members Hathaway, Vormillag. Wiggins, Habcnicb~ Waggoner. Clapp , Bums Nays: None (b) Appm-. on Second Reading TbeJe wuc no additional items submitted for approwl on second reading. (See Agenda Item 10. Consent Agenda.) 12 . GcatralDi ...... (a} Mayor's Cboiet I. MP.yor Burns ooud thal be "~nt to Washinston earlier this -it. .,;th RID GcooraJ Manager Cal Marsella, Board Diroctor Edie Bryan and Littleton Mayor Dennis Reynolds. and !boy IOStilied before the House: Subcommittee on Appropriations for Transponation for funding for the light rut line. He said they asked for$& milLion ,.'hich was for righl-of-way purobase . He said the righl-of-way is essentially pwdl-'ucepl b 1couplolll-UaaobU.Mrelloliiad IMClllelRullber Compuy .......... So Ihm are a ooaple Ill ppl ill the ri&),I....,. He llid du-dea:ribod IO the Coauai1a • • ..,,......,, becalllc the un1oa ..s Saadienl PICilic ..iin.isan -siaa 1111d 111ere-_........, that lhc price b lhil-,14 rananal,ly iac,-a wt,a dlll _,.. occwa. Mayor 8unll apllllaed 1ba1 they are uylq IO"' die Illa Ftdcnl ludo .. lhil pn,jett i.e..."' -bad ....... ..s tllo DRCOO ....iuaioll requita thal this projcd be .......iJy fedmlly luidod. He llid lllcy liad a good >isil and -orilll all o(lhc mcmbcnllltlie Canc,miaaal dekplicm 11am Colorado 1h11 dlef wm,ted to, w:cpt for ScaalO< Bnlw!I who wu llllffliJlblc. lie llid they -widl ~ Sdlll:fer. Shroeder andSkqp. ~UveSclnedorUIIIOdlocedthemtodleeo-ia. ........ R.-;ve Schader bad a-oict as be wu c:llairln& uatbcr ...,.;-~ at the thnt. He ....i lllcy bad a very good .-laa widl Seaalor Caq,bell MIO i-.ncadod 10 his anior aid thal"' dnw _...,. - o( support for this from him . Mayor B111111.....,,.... that lllcy wpd their ~ to bocamc active 10 suppon us and to lobby the Committee. The Comminee, he advised, is chainod by ~ Frank Wolf from Wc,at Virpnia 1111d be docida if-lWI projcda like this-will be l\mded tllia)'Olr. He said they thiak be wiU lilnd them. He DOtod there -$6'0 ailllon dollan last year for -IWt projectl. Thal blJdg<I will be reduced. bowem they belic:ve 1'C -a doceat C:wice. He poiau,d ... 11111 the e,wironmenlal i.mi-ct 11&1ement is complClc. tllo full llmdillg put .,,........,1 bas Ian ........i ad they believe thal both of 11-will be aa:q,lod ill the DCXI 30 to 60 ~ He llid 1'C haw IIIIMII up the ladder, ao 10 ipcak, in priorily widl the Fcdc:ral Tlusil Administntion 1111d thia Commi-. He said WI nothing is ccnain. the Fodcral Budad bas to be~ or a CXJatiauod reaolution to l'IIDd U.... projcds for •his year, and thal !here is a lot o( oompditico for thes projcds bul this oac sboM .ay ...a and u "'IY .... 11 lhought ofby the stall'. Mayor Bwns cx,mmcnlal lbat they are bopd\11 that per-.,. llis u the year lhl' we will m:civc lbe initial designalioa for fodcnl funding. He DOtod they are c:allliously optimisuc, but the)' ha"' to awail Olhcr poaplc 's docisioa. He appncillod Council .,ndiDg a. He said ii ..... 1 much more smoothly lhan lasl year and they just hope for the best. l. Ma)'or Bums olfmd coograrulalions 10 Director Gryglewic:z and the Dq,ortmcat off"inaoce for the GFOA •, Cenilkale o( Achicvemenl for Excellence in FIDIDCial llq,oning and Cbiel' ,...._.,.t Sieve Dazzio for the ,pecial award be m:ci~ for FiMDCial llq,orting Achievement (b) Cooncil Member', Choice (i) Council Member Clapp thanltod Mayor Bums for the time and~ be has pul inlo his recent uavcl on the Cil)''s behalf. (ii) Council Member Waggoner said lhal he appreciated"" cooling affect we had lonight in lbe Council Chamber>. 13 . City M1.uager'1 Report (a) ,c;iy Managu Clark recommended tha1 Council go iolo Executive Sellioa immediately following lbe regular meeting 10 discuss a pmonncl maner. COUNCll. MEMBER HABENICHT MOVED, AND IT WAS SECONDED, FOR COUNCIL TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION JMMEDIA TELY FOLLOWING THE REGULAR MEETING TO DIS CUSS A PERSONNEL MATTER. A)'OS : Council Member> Hathaway , Vorminag. Wiggins, Habenich~ . Waggoner, Clapp. Burns Nays : None Motion carried . • • • • ....... Cllyc.-11 ......... "' ... , 14. City AU-,'1 ....-i City Attorney Btolzman did DOI bave any mattm lo bria, bd'on, CGuacil . 15. A•Jooo.-.- CO~Cll. MEMBER BA TBA WAY MOVED TO ADJOURN . The moetiQg adjourned 111 :43 p.m.